Hidden Identity: Episode 1
by LollyPip
Hidden Identity is slick, well-produced, impeccably acted, and delivers lots of action and angst in its premiere episode. Our hero is your typical disillusioned cop who’s lost someone he cares about, but there’s enough mystery in his backstory to make me wonder if I’ve got him pegged all wrong. The setup is compelling, and I’m serious to see where this is all going to take us.
“The Archangel Michael, and the Devil Lucifer, are said to look like brothers. People think a demon is stronger than an angel. But isn’t it possible for the angel to appear like the demon to fight”
We see a series of city scenes, with people bustling about their day, as a voice tells us: “We hide our identities just like criminals, in order to catch them. We don’t exist in the police records, nor in any other records. We are the criminal investigation team.”
A man on a subway, CHOI TAE-PYUNG (Lee Won-Jong) checks his phone for a photo, and sees his target, a nerdy young man, sitting nearby. He follows him off the train as another man, JANG MOO-WON (Park Sung-woong) monitors events from a control room filled with computers.
At a nearby hotel, a bellboy alerts the team to the arrival of another man, known simply as TEACHER JUNG (Kim Min-joon) and his assistant, MIN TAE-IN (Kim Tae-hoon) and the team swings into action. A woman dressed as a hotel employee, JANG MIN-JOO (Yoon So-yi) checks Teacher Jung into the hotel and deftly swaps his credit card with a decoy.
Tae-pyung follows the nerdy man, who is the seller in this scenario though we don’t yet know what he’s selling, to the same hotel and is slipped Teacher Jung’s real card. He settles into the lobby near where a final team member, JIN DUK-HOO (Im Hyun-Sung), is set up with his laptop. Whew, that’s a lot of people. Duk-hoo uses the credit card to confirm the seller’s identity as IM JAE-MYUNG, a college dropout who sells gaming items.
We cut away to see a young man walking alone to his rooftop apartment: this is our hero CHA GUN-WOO (Kim Bum), a detective. He ignores a call from someone named Chang-min, who turns out to be his partner, and who fusses at him during a stakeout the next morning for missing his daughter’s birthday. Ha, Gun-woo is still ignoring him.
They’re watching for a suspect who’s guilty of pretty much everything you can think of — drug dealing, sexual assault, serving to minors in his nightclub, you name it. Chang-min seems to be the optimistic white-knight sort, out to make the world a better place for his children.
Gun-woo reluctantly gives Chang-min a sweet little pair of pink shoes for his daughter, making Chang-min’s day since Gun-woo is known for being such a grouch. Gun-woo steps out of the car to get coffee, and while he’s at the vending machine, the suspect, PARK SUNG-MO, and his minion show up.
Chang-min tries to call Gun-woo back, but he left his phone in the car, so Chang-min gets out and approaches the two men alone. Nooooo, this is a bad idea. Sung-mo idly swings a golf club like there’s nothing going on, and his bodyguard tells Chang-min he’s got the wrong guy. He gets a bit pushy so Chang-min throws him to the ground, and looks up just as Sung-mo swings the gold club and cracks his head wide open.
Chang-min goes down hard, which is when Gun-woo finally realizes something’s happening. He chases the car as Sung-mo drives away, but Gun-woo lets them go and stops to check on his partner. Oh damn, there’s blood everywhere, and Gun-woo cradles Chang-min’s head and screams for an ambulance.
The doctors tell Chang-min’s wife that he won’t make it through the night, and Gun-woo drives away from the hospital in a daze. Not only has his partner been killed, but word from above is that all of the charges against Sung-mo will be dropped. Someone high-up has been corrupted.
Gun-woo goes to Sung-mo’s nightclub, and when he finds the guy, Sung-mo actually smirks at him. He sends an army of his goons at Gun-woo, who calmly and methodically kicks their asses one by one. He’s an exceptional fighter, though he takes his share of the beatings, but he’s got one goal in mind — get to Sung-mo.
It’s kind of awesome how, by the time Gun-woo makes it though all of Sung-mo’s lackeys, Sung-mo himself looks terrified. Not so confident when you don’t have a goon army around you, are ya? He runs in fear to the roof of the building, with Gun-woo right on his tail.
Sung-mo actually has no idea who Gun-woo is, not having seen him that morning, but he freaks out when Gun-woo says he’s a cop. Wow, Sung-mo is a total coward, begging to be allowed to turn himself in and swearing Chang-min’s death was an accident. He even offers condolence money to the family, but Gun-woo is in no mood.
Sung-mo’s attitude comes back when Gun-woo’s superiors arrive to stop him, and he holds out his hands to be arrested. But Gun-woo isn’t about to let him go this easily, and I don’t think I like that look in his eyes. Gun-woo leaps at Sung-mo, throwing them both off the building, and they land on a car several stories below with Sung-mo cushioning Gun-woo’s fall. Whoa.
Gun-woo lives, and watches Chang-min’s family cry at his funeral. Aww, his daughter is even wearing the pink birthday shoes from Gun-woo. Gun-woo stays behind after everyone leaves, regretting that he wasn’t friendlier with his partner while he had the chance.
Gun-woo is suspended for six months, and deliberately walks past Team Leader Jang on his way out of the station. Jang calls after him not to blame himself for his partner’s death, but Gun-woo doesn’t stop to talk. Clearly, there’s some history between these two.
Tae-in helps Teacher Jung pick a tie for the day, and they discuss how he’s worked for Teacher Jung for three years now. Interestingly, Teacher Jung calls him Woo-shik, and offers to arrange for him to finally meet someone he refers to as the Elder if their next deal goes well. Before they leave, Tae-in makes sure Teacher Jung has his inhaler for his asthma.
Team Leader Jang sets up a plan to discover what it is that Teacher Jung is buying from Im Jae-myung, which should give them an idea what he’s planning. They watch on the hacked hotel CCTV cameras as Tae-in leads Jae-myung to Jung’s room, and yep, it becomes clear that Tae-in is on the team when he surreptitiously turns on the bugs they planted in the room.
They catch Teacher Jung on the phone with a black market dealer, then Jae-myung presents his invention. Techer Jung tells him to do a test with it as if it’s the real thing, but Tae-in’s moment of hesitation (to allow the police scanner to warm up completely) causes Teacher to look at him suspiciously.
Luckily, he chalks it up to Tae-in just being detail-oriented, and allows the delay. Another stall tactic comes in the form of Tae-pyung dressed as a bellhop delivering VIP wine service, and he manages to waste enough time for the police to scan the item Jae-myung brought.
It turns out to be a nifty little device that can scramble CCTV cameras, which would come in pretty handy if you had some illicit activities you were planning. Sure enough, Teacher Jung turns it on and all the hotel cameras go dead. In his control room, Team Leader Jang muses that now they know how, they just need to find out when and where.
The seller Jae-myung scurries out of the hotel with his money, with several of the team on his tail, and manages to get outside — only to find Team Leader Jang himself waiting for him. HA, Jang’s bland expression kills me, as he sweeps the leg and Jae-myung does down. He’s taken in for questioning, but he claims not to know who Teacher Jung was planning to use his device against.
Team Leader Jang follows Tae-in on the train, and the two men get out at the same station to sit on different benches and talk. Tae-in doesn’t know what Teacher Jung’s plan is either, but promises to try to find out, suspecting the device is meant to use in some trade they’re making with China.
Tae-in declines backup, saying that if this deal goes well he’ll be allowed to meet the man in charge, so he doesn’t want to cause any suspicion. Jang tells him to do things however he thinks best. Before they go, Jang brings up Gun-woo, but Tae-in cuts him off and says to stop mentioning him.
Some time later, Tae-in and Teacher Jung meet some shady characters at a wharf, and several boxes of fish are carried into a warehouse. The fish are just a cover (literally) for a shipment of black market guns, but Teacher Jung gets angry when the leader of the sellers sasses that he only ordered guns, not bullets.
Things get tense when Teacher Jung accuses them of being thieves, but when the seller opens a briefcase to find a bomb stashed in among his payment and Teacher Jung holding the trigger, he agrees to cough up the bullets.
Tae- in is sent out to warm up the car, and finds a cop taking down their license number. The cop says the car was reported as stolen, and when Tae-in hands over his ID, he whispers to the cop to please just leave because it’s dangerous here.
Tae-in sees his men coming, and slings the cop against the building to growl that he’s a cop too, instructing the man to just act natural and go quietly. When Teacher Jung arrives, Tae-in smiles and says the cop is leaving, but Jung isn’t so willing to just let the man go.
Suddenly the cop steps up, and totally rats Tae-in out to Teacher Jung — oh no, it was a setup. One of Jung’s henchman stabs Tae-in in the gut, and Tae-in barely has time to alert his team to trouble with his phone before he does down. The team swings into frantic action, tracing Tae-in’s phone and sending someone out to retrieve him.
Gun-woo suits up to visit the resting place of Yeon-hwa, who we see in flashback was a woman that he loved. The two lie in bed in soft morning light, smiling at each other, very much in love. Another flashback shows us Gun-woo and Tae-in both at her memorial soon after her death, and Tae-in had told Gun-woo to let her go. Yeon-woo had told him that both men were making her tired.
Confused and grieving, Gun-woo had asked Tae-in why he was acting like this, but Tae-in had only cryptically instructed him to find a way to survive. Today it’s Team Leader Jang who finds Gun-woo here, and takes him to the station.
He tells Gun-woo that Tae-in is working with him these days, but something went wrong. He introduces Gun-woo to the group (who nearly all come off like quirky weirdos, which is awesome) as his Team Investigation Five. They are a secret exclusive team meant to deal with specific types of crime.
Everyone freezes when Gun-woo asks where Tae-in is, and Team Leader Jang leads him to speak in private. Tae-pyung notes that Gun-woo seems cold, and Min-joo says that people who are hurt, usually become like that and hurt others. She should know, she speaks from experience on both sides.
Gun-woo is shown Tae-in’s file, marveling reluctantly that he was undercover for three whole years. Team Leader Jang plays a video of Teacher Jung’s voice requesting a sniper, which is why Gun-woo is here. They want to plant him on Teacher Jung’s team, to discover what happened to Tae-in.
Gun-woo doesn’t seem happy to be asked to work with Tae-in, but Jang admits that Tae-in was exposed, and they’ve lost contact with him. Though there’s obviously bad blood between them, Gun-woo seems nervous to ask if Tae-in is still alive, and Team Leader Jang says that’s what they need to find out.
Gun-woo rolls his eyes angrily to hear that he’s the most qualified person for the job, since he blames himself for his partner’s death. Jang reminds Gun-woo that he owes Tae-in for something Tae-in did for him once, and this is Gun-woo’s chance to pay him back.
Gun-woo doesn’t care and says he’ll pretend he never heard this, but Jang says that if Tae-in was exposed, the whole team may have been, too. Gun-woo insists that Tae-in would never give up his partners, but Team Leader Jang isn’t willing to take that chance and wants to minimize the number of people who could die. But this plays right into Gun-woo’s fear that he could make another mistake and cause another death, and he leaves.
Later he sits alone at a pojangmacha, recalling how Team Leader Jang had tried to pique his curiosity about what Tae-in has been doing. He reminds Gun-woo that it’s been eight years since they had their falling-out, and says that he should at least try to find out how Tae-in has been living. Even if nobody else cares, Gun-woo should. Gun-woo takes one last shot of soju, and makes a call.
Soon he’s in a car with Min-joo, staking out the black market dealer that Teacher Jung asked for a sniper. Gun-woo steals the guy’s taxi, forcing him to grab the next one which happens to be driven by Tae-pyung, and Min-joo follows behind so that they’ve got the guy fenced in.
They drive the man to a remote area and stop in a tunnel, faking an accident, but the dealer figures out pretty quickly that he’s been isolated by the cops. He smirks that he’s the best fighter from his army division, but yet they only sent four people to subdue him. Tae-pyung asks to see his moves then, if he’s that good, and Gun-woo comes out to fight him.
The guy is pretty amazing, and gets in a few good licks to Gun-woo, but suddenly Gun-woo picks up the pace and manages to win the fight easily. Tae-pyung is impressed, and Min-joo seems surprised at Gun-woo’s fighting ability.
Tae-in is alive, and hangs bleeding and handcuffed in a warehouse somewhere. Teacher Jung comes to cluck at him, since he checked but the police don’t seem to know who Tae-in is. If he’s not the police as he claimed, then who is he?Tae-in asks what made Teacher Jung suspicious after three years of working together so closely, and Jung admits that before this big project, he tested everyone on his team.
Everyone had different results, but Tae-in was the only one that passed his test cleanly. No matter what he tried, Jung couldn’t find anything at all on him, and that in itself caused his suspicion. He gives Tae-in three days to do… something, but it’s not clear what Teacher Jung wants.
Min-joo gives Gun-woo his fake identity and documentation, and the black market dealer is coached to call Teacher Jung and recommend Gun-woo (or his alter-ego, more precisely) to be his sniper. He’s supposedly a designated driver, so Teacher Jung calls him to check him out.
Teacher Jung has brought his two best men along, and Gun-woo has already been briefed on them: Lee Kwang-shik, the bodyguard, and Ahn Kyung-soo, an expert hacker. Gun-woo’s fake ID is scanned and declared legitimate, and he’s taken to a building in the middle of nowhere.
Teacher Jung offers him a job, which Gun-woo accepts as long as the pay is good. He asks what the job entails, and Jung signals a couple more of his men to enter. One of them sneers when he sees Gun-woo and introduces himself as “100 Percent,” but when Gun-woo reaches to shake his hand, he slings him roughly into the wall.
100 Percent pulls a knife on Gun-woo, snarling, “You know me, right?” and says that he saw Gun-woo at Yongsan station. He announces to Teacher Jung that this guy is police, and all the other men pick up weapons. Teacher Jung comes closer, and asks if Gun-woo is really a cop.
Hidden Identity gave us a strong opening episode in most aspects, and while I’ll admit that this is a genre I don’t usually find myself watching, I’m interested in the characters enough to be curious to see where this all goes. I’ve made no secret that my interest in a show depends almost entirely on the characters and whether I care about them, and there’s enough information given here that I do want to know more, particularly in regards to Gun-woo and Tae-in.
It seems as though long ago, the two men shared a close bond, most probably a sunbae/hoobae relationship where Gun-woo looked up to Tae-in, but it that went sour along the way. I’m sure it has something to do with Yeon-hwa, Gun-woo’s love, and her death. But Tae-in’s comment that she’d shared with him that both men were making her tired, hints at a deeper conflict than just her dying. And it must be something serious if both men are still unwilling to even discuss the other, eight years later. Team Leader Jang’s statement to Gun-woo was also interesting, that even if nobody else cares, he of all people should know what Tae-in has been doing. Whatever happened between Gun-woo and Tae-in, it’s clearly affected both men in profound and lasting ways. More even than the dead girlfriend, I’m itching to know what happened between these two, and look forward to some possible bromance as they risk their lives for each other.
I do hope that Gun-woo opens up a bit more soon, because as a hero I find him a bit initially one-dimensional. I know many may disagree with me, and it’s no reflection on Kim Bum’s acting abilities (he’s always great), but when your lead is this tight-lipped about his feelings with the people around him, we need to at least see some of his personality in other ways. Whether you use flashbacks, voice-overs, or other writing tricks, the audience has to be able to connect with your character in some way if you’re going to start him out this severely closed-off emotionally. But as he’s shown in this first episode, the most emotion we’ve seen of Gun-woo was his shock and upset at his partner’s death. Other than that, I have no sense of him as a person other than that he’s pretty grouchy — I don’t know if he’s angry, or sad, or what. I do hope that we get some more insight into Gun-woo and how he ticks soon, so that we can bond with him as an audience and care what happens to him.
Other than that, and maybe it’s because as I said, this is a genre I don’t normally follow, but I’m a bit murky on what-all is happening. Teacher Jung is obviously pretty high on the Bad Guy ladder, though there’s someone above him, the Elder, who calls the shots. Teacher Jung is planning some sort of major operation and is still working on getting his team and his plans together, but at this point I don’t think we know anything about the operation other than that it requires scrambling of CCTV cameras. I know the show is keeping us in the dark on purpose, since even Team Leader Jang doesn’t know what Teacher Jung is planning, but I’ll admit that I would be more compelled to watch if I knew a bit about what was in the works. That may just be a personality quirk of mine, rather than a weakness of the show, so I’m willing to hang in there and see what happens next.
But though I’m confused about some things, I’m willing to accept that it may be more my problem than a problem of the show. And I’m interested enough to stick around and give the show a chance to grab my attention. It has all the right ingredients to do that – good characters, hints at interesting personal conflict, quirky sidekicks, great casting, and a Big Bad who seems capable of surprising me – so I’m here to see if it puts those things together in the right ways. If it can, I think we’re in for an exciting time.
- Kim Ji-won cameos as Kim Bum’s girlfriend for Hidden Identity
- Double lives and disguises for tvN’s Hidden Identity
- Flying fists and disguises for action thriller Hidden Identity
- Hidden Identity’s undercover squad gathers for script read
- Oh Snap! Hidden Identity’s hidden message teaser
- Casting complete for undercover cop drama Hidden Identity
- Kim Bum becomes an elite detective for tvN crime drama
Tags: featured, first episodes, Hidden Identity, Kim Bum, Lee Won-jong, Park Sung-woong, Yoon So-yi
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1 Lulubell
June 18, 2015 at 2:51 PM
Thanks for the recap LollyPip! I'm intrigued about this show now. I'll definitely check it out.
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June 18, 2015 at 8:28 PM
Looks like Lollypip has maximum time on her hands....she does most of the recaps on Dramabeans now...and a great number of them too...haha ;)
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2 girlfriday
June 18, 2015 at 2:54 PM
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June 18, 2015 at 3:06 PM
And offcourse one more reason to check this out ?
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June 18, 2015 at 3:13 PM
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June 18, 2015 at 3:44 PM
I hate him! Or maybe I'm just jealous because he dated Moon Geun Young. Lucky bastard! lol
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June 18, 2015 at 4:50 PM
I briefly debated whether to just refer to him as "Hottiepants."
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June 18, 2015 at 5:00 PM
He is smoldering HOT.
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June 18, 2015 at 5:33 PM
I thought my screen was overheating but it was just Kim Bum's smolder raising the temperature. What a hottie! ???
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June 18, 2015 at 5:58 PM
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June 18, 2015 at 6:20 PM
I'll second that...
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June 19, 2015 at 12:57 AM
Ikr, hot damn!! It's the best he's ever looked, imo.
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June 19, 2015 at 6:59 AM
I actually feel like he's a little gaunt. I keep thinking, "30 pounds! ARGH!" and worrying he strained his system with this massive weight loss that changed his face shape. If he could put say 5# back on I would be happy.
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June 19, 2015 at 7:02 AM
I love him to bits, but I gotta agree. He looked fine during the poster shooting, but he just had to lose more weight. :(
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June 19, 2015 at 7:07 AM
I still find him hot though. <3
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June 20, 2015 at 8:35 PM
I agree. Plus according to wikipedia "In February 2012 Kim's agency announced that he was suffering from degenerative arthritis due to the dramatic weight-loss he experienced after training for his role in the JTBC cable drama Padam Padam: The Sound of His and Her Heartbeats." Oy vey.
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June 19, 2015 at 8:14 AM
I knew I was right when my instincts told me, back then, that this cute kiddo named "KIM BUM" can transform into a hot beast-bastard – by choice – and look at him more than this popular female-choice Lee Min-ho in a drama named Boys Over Flowers. Kim Bum is hot.
But of course I am now watching this for Park Sung-woong, who is a hot stuff for my eyes only now until forever baby. Too much hot stuff. Kim Bum and Park Sung-woong. Is "cute" something that exists? It's a thing of the past, man. Hot Bum is the new "in."
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3 sumee
June 18, 2015 at 3:05 PM
I was longing for some thriller..this will serve up just about well done ...
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4 Franbergh II
June 18, 2015 at 3:07 PM
am i the only one who cant tell the difference between kim bum and im joo hwan?
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June 18, 2015 at 6:36 PM
If Im Joo Hwan is a cuddle bunny then Kim Bum is Rex from Toy Story!
Hope this helps ( ^∇^)
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July 19, 2015 at 7:17 PM
don't look alike to me..but Im joo hwan looks like a korean king joffrey.
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5 Adal
June 18, 2015 at 3:13 PM
It's recapped! Yay! Thanks, LollyPip.
This drama has the same feels as an OCN drama, say, Bad Guys for instance, though it is produced by a different network.
Kim Bum sure is intense. I was a little confused if he was the lead actor in this drama. Episode 1 was interesting and very slickly produced. I love all 4 members of the team.
I am looking forward to the other episodes of this drama. I read that Hidden Identity had the highest ratings for an opening episode of a tvN drama. That ought to make the network happy.
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6 maddragonqueen
June 18, 2015 at 3:18 PM
LollyPip is like a recapping machine!!! I don't know how you do it all, but major applause to you! Standing ovation.
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June 18, 2015 at 4:39 PM
Joining you in major applause for the team at dramabeans!!
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June 18, 2015 at 4:51 PM
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June 19, 2015 at 8:17 AM
You are a true treasure, Pip.
You are a machine.
You are a recap factory.
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7 yayabean
June 18, 2015 at 3:57 PM
Kim Bum looks so grown up -niice! Where can i watch this?
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8 dongsaeng killer
June 18, 2015 at 5:19 PM
Thx for the recap Lollypip! Looks like this will be a fun ride!
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9 yumii
June 18, 2015 at 5:35 PM
Thanks for the recap.
I've never been caught this early by any kdrama series before.
In truth, I usually skip the first one or two set-up/expositon episodes, prefering instead to read the re-caps to see if a series is worth my time. Once I start watching I may go back and watch episodes 1 & 2 or not.
I watch the first episode because there was nothing else to watch and WOW
I have to pause and take an hour break from the show because I couldn't take the tension when this happened:
"Suddenly the cop steps up, and totally rats Tae-in out to Teacher Jung — oh no, it was a setup."
The cast is superb. But KIM BUM. Wow. Charisma and chemistry just oozes out from him towards the camera. When he is walking towards the camera, when he is watching, when his body double/I hope it is his body double/is fighting. Kim Bum just slay me.
I hope he survives to the next episode. haha
I hope I survive the next episode. lol
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10 Ella
June 18, 2015 at 5:45 PM
i love you Kim Bum.. a must see TV series.. I love it..
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11 Mrs.Song Joong Ki
June 18, 2015 at 7:02 PM
I think I have to watch this again I was so distracted by Bumime ..... I mean he was just an adorable little kid like 6 years ago wat.... I .wat ...... he ...... made me speechless... hes gorgeous . The storyline is intriguing and I like the Characters so far. I do believe Tae in going to die unless this actor is going to juggle 2 shows at once if so bravo for him
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12 museofmanymasks
June 18, 2015 at 7:24 PM
Had it been anyone else but this cast and director I wouldn't have felt moved to go past this ep because it felt too straightforward. But by the end of the 2nd, if they take it there...Whooooohoooo!
Also, while I'm a little put out by Kim Bum right now (I thought Park Sung-Woong would be the LEAD lead this time dammit), he has an extra "oomph" this time around. You done growed well, man. You done growed well. His character does need more dimension, but I think we'll get there. Hopefully, with all of them.
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June 19, 2015 at 1:07 PM
I feel the same. I was hoping for a fight scene like Healer's, but the motion is kinda .--.
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13 susan
June 18, 2015 at 7:37 PM
Okay - since Lollypip is over the moon, I'll watch an episode. Normally you couldn't drag me to a Kim Bum drama - he really really can't act - but maybe he's turned a corner. He certainly is pretty. It would be nice if he grew into his craft.
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June 18, 2015 at 8:29 PM
Nope, he still can't act.
That said, there was much to like about this drama.
What's good:
The cinematography and writing are off the hook! Wow! Really good! The mood is superb and the lines are fantastic. Even the exposition is skillfully crafted.
What's bad:
Music. The music is actually interfering with the performances and keeping the audience from immediately bonding with the characters. It's just way too overwrought and trying too hard.
What's mixed:
Editing and casting. Some of the editing is out and out genius - beautiful cuts - every bit as good as a top end film. On the other hand, the pacing is a disaster. Lines are rushed and the audience is bored at times (see other people's comments about skipping parts). The question is - is this the editor or the director?
Casting is also mixed. There are some very good character actors here. There are also some very overused character actors here. No one wants to see the same theatre troupe in every drama - it brings the audience out of the moment - you can't suspend disbelief when you're thinking - "oh yeah, I just saw that actor in xxxx and he's also in yyyy and zzzz right now."
I'm not interested enough to keep watching. Maybe if I run out of things I'd like to see one day. And if I can fast forward whenever I like.
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June 19, 2015 at 12:56 AM
I think Kim Bum has improved here - he's definitely not posing around and smirking as much as usual (or even much at all, tbh), which is his usual schtick.
I do find him believable as Gun Woo.
I kind of agree with everything else you said though. I think the editing is at fault for the laboured pacing.
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June 19, 2015 at 5:25 AM
Yeah, but he's still too intense. Like he's trying too hard to be walking dead and apathetic. Hope he feels more natural as the drama goes along. I like this genre too much to quit this drama at this point. I'll give it a chance to see if it grows on me. The other actors are seasoned and quite good.
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June 19, 2015 at 5:51 AM
He certainly has improved. He's much less awkward than he used to be. But he still isn't good - and he's what - 26 or 27 by now?
You nailed the problem - it's the smirking and posing. I saw it several times here - the weird facial expressions that make no sense. It's like he can't get into character - or can only do it briefly - the 'I'm conscious I'm trying to act' becomes apparent. It's something you see in first time actors - the panic you feel your first time on set is no joke - but Bummie has seemingly never gotten over it. Not sure why he's so self-conscious.
Ah, well. Did I mention he's pretty? :-) Let's all enjoy that!
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June 19, 2015 at 6:01 AM
"really really can't act" is a little bit over exaggerated don't you think?. I thought he was decent and definitely a better actor than LMH ever since that flower drama which I didn't get to finish.
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June 19, 2015 at 8:25 AM
If anything, it's understated. Bummie's less awkward than he used to be, but he's a particularly poor actor. He's very pretty with a large fan base from BOF, which is why he still has a career.
Lee Min Ho is an actor I have mixed feelings about. He's not an extraordinary actor in the sense of craft, but he has a kind of charm and mesmerizing stage presence that is very rare - he's like Cary Grant or Gary Cooper - he's a star. As long as he plays a certain type of role - a bit of a charming, damaged rogue - he will always have an audience. Which is why he's so huge now - he's crafted a lasting persona.
That said - I wish he wasn't so bloated and running around wearing grandpa pants.
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June 19, 2015 at 5:26 AM
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June 19, 2015 at 5:55 AM
Wait! Who?
You're absolutely right, there have been a lot of pretties who can't act - but usually they improve. It's actually fun to go back an look at their early dramas and then see how much better they are later.
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June 19, 2015 at 6:19 PM
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June 19, 2015 at 7:54 PM
He was in Diary of a Night Watchman. He might have been the least bad thing about that drama. "Bar on ground." :-)
14 4D
June 18, 2015 at 7:47 PM
Only one episode in but I'm definitely intrigued. I know stuff happened with the girl but it seemed those two weren't really on bad terms at her death so more had to happen afterwards (which I suppose just could be truths about her coming out).
I also don't mind our hero being so tight-lipped, I'm sure this will slowly change. I haven't seen episode 2 yet but there's a scene in the trailer that hasn't happened yet and I'm actually dreading, but this is just too good not to watch. I'm also happy with the semi-Bad Guy vibes (although that's generally this genre).
I look forward to more team interactions.
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15 pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
June 18, 2015 at 8:04 PM
It's certainly interesting, though I admit to skipping over the initial dead-partner stuff and the subsequent punchup at the nightclub. I hope this turns out to be a wee bit more interesting than your standard procedural, but I'm willing to give it the chance (not seen ep 2 yet - there wasn't enough Kim Ji-won in episode 1!)
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16 SD
June 18, 2015 at 8:30 PM
As a Kim Bum fan, it makes me extremely proud to see how much he has evolved from a cutie pie to a grown man. Appearances aside, he has shown impressive acting with depth this time around. He may not have displayed much intensity yet, but I think it's only fitting for a character who's going through some internal struggles. His eyes alone are enough to convey any emotion that cannot be expressed through actions. Bummie slays!
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17 eunchans
June 18, 2015 at 9:35 PM
I am definitely gonna stick with this show for sure, but I didn't think the first episode was very impressive. I liked the mood and atmosphere, but things did feel very slow at times. It's also pretty predictable - the dead gf angst is pretty cliched, I saw his partner dying from a mile off and the subsequent fallout was again, very predictable.
I also did find it pretty ridiculous how easily Tae-in was outed, I've no idea how he lasted undercover so long if he gave up his real identity that easily. Surely there were better ways of dealing with that cop? Idk.
I am intrigued about the real relationship between Tae-in and Gun-Woo too and I like the team in general (Yoon so-Yi's character seems pretty cool, and I do like Park Sung Woong). Let's see where episode 2 takes us. I really want this show to be good.
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18 meowingme
June 18, 2015 at 9:36 PM
Was reading the recap up to the part of "TEACHER JUNG", saw the image of the actor from Angry Mom and thought, again?? And realised several paragraph later he is actually the good guy, haha. Who apparently is going to die soonish ._.
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June 18, 2015 at 11:36 PM
I thought the same! I may have to watch this if he's really playing a good guy lol.
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June 19, 2015 at 2:12 AM
Same. All my memories of the actor (Kim Tae Hoon) were him playing evil scheming characters in Nice Guy, Bad Guys and Angry Mom. I was expecting him to once again an evil guy (and backstab the other evil guy with the asthma inhaler LOL) but he's finally a good guy here haha.
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June 19, 2015 at 4:57 AM
Yeah I think I would watch this for the Kim Tae-hoon factor.
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19 Cocoboo
June 18, 2015 at 10:06 PM
Happy to see this recap!
Just finished the first episode and I liked it. Full of action and intensity. Mysterious and nerve-wracking!
I thought Hidden Identity was an OCN show for a moment there.
Kim Tae Hoon is so good at acting shady, villainous roles that he totally fooled me in the beginning.
I love this genre so I'm sticking with this drama. I like the team members with their different personas. Interested to see more of their interactions.
I think Tae In may have been Yeon Hwa's brother or relative. And I think Gun Woo and Tae In shared a sunbae/hoobae relationship too. There was a picture of all 3 of them.
This episode's cliffhanger is crazy. I can't wait to see what happens next!
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June 19, 2015 at 5:49 AM
Maybe I misheard since my Korean sucks but in the flashback didn't he actually refer to him as 'sunbae'? So I think that's a definite, but I could be wrong.
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20 redfox
June 18, 2015 at 10:52 PM
interesting. Going to watch this later tonight maybe.
butwho is tired of seeing the evil teacher everywhere lately?
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bbstl 🧹
June 19, 2015 at 8:33 AM
Me. I am. Every time I see him I get mad again from Angry Mom :(
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21 poliwag
June 19, 2015 at 1:12 AM
Sounds like a great premise, and oh look, evil teacher from Angry Mom is back on our screens again. I love thrillers so I'll be fastening my seatbelts :o
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22 rockyroad
June 19, 2015 at 1:58 AM
Thank you for the recap!
The show has a lot going on, but there wasn't a time when it surprised me.. Especially when I've seen Cruel City.
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June 24, 2015 at 9:28 PM
I found it a tad predictable, but good nonetheless
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23 wunny
June 19, 2015 at 3:38 AM
Thank for recap it I feel am going to die because I can't see the english sub of this drama
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June 19, 2015 at 5:28 AM
If you are in the US, Dramafever has the exclusive on this drama. Viki hasn't yet picked up the license for it.
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June 19, 2015 at 8:27 AM
myasiantv.com has it
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24 Prettysup
June 19, 2015 at 5:47 AM
I love action dramas! Have been waiting long for it.
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25 sweetgirl17
June 19, 2015 at 6:06 AM
Not a fan of any actors here but 2nd episode is really good.
looking forward to the next!
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