The Producers: Episode 3
by girlfriday
The Producers continues to be one giant meta joke on showbiz, with more cameos that can be counted and mile-a-minute jokes about everything from casting to executives to getting a show off the ground by pure dumb luck.
The mockumentary framing device remains but is scaled back a bit (there’s been talk in the press from producers about making the show less experimental, grumble grumble), but thankfully the sense of humor remains. I really hope Producers sticks to its guns with its initial concept, because the deadpan humor and mockumentary style is what makes it fresh and interesting, and I’d hate to see it lose that flavor.
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EPISODE 3: “Pheasant instead of chicken, unintentionally”
Just in case there wasn’t enough meta around here, today’s episode begins in a show within a show: KBS’s morning talk show Hello, hosted by Shin Dong-yup, Lee Young-ja, and Cultwo. Only the guest for their “National Problem Contest” segment (a play on “National Singing Contest”) is our rookie PD Baek Seung-chan.
He awkwardly joins the hosts who introduce him as a variety PD at this very network, and they share his problem: that he doesn’t want to go to work. He tells them about the noona he followed here, and how he discovered that she’s already dating someone in the variety department.
Shin Dong-yup cringes and wonders why he’d want to date a female variety PD at all, and then all their mouths drop when Seung-chan tells them about the other man cheating on his noona with another variety PD.
Seung-chan says that he saw them going into the same apartment after work one night, and Shin Dong-yup says he sent his story to the wrong show (meaning that it belongs on his 19+ cable talk show Witch Hunt). The whole thing is edited like a real segment with a real guest, and it’s cracking me up.
Shin Dong-yup tells Seung-chan that they’ve brought the PDs in question to their studio, and Seung-chan does this hilarious slow double-take as the MCs explain that this is the concept of their show—they bring everyone into the studio to talk out the problem. LOL.
The camera cuts over to Joon-mo and Ye-jin sitting side-by-side in the audience and looking pissed. Joon-mo growls into his microphone: “I told you not to be seen around me, didn’t I?” Ye-jin: “I said let’s kill him.” Seung-chan darts awake in terror—it’s a dream, of course, fueled by the episode of Hello that’s playing on his laptop right now.
His little sister runs in with a gift box and asks him to give it to her (idol) oppa because it’s his birthday tomorrow, and Seung-chan counters humorlessly, “I’m your oppa.” But his reluctance is really about not wanting to step foot inside KBS tomorrow, and he cries in defeat, “I don’t wanna go to work!”
In the morning, Ye-jin comes out to the hallway to collect her milk delivery and finds it empty. She looks around wondering if there’s a milk thief in the building, and two seconds after she goes inside, Seung-chan peers out from around the corner, holding two bottles of milk.
He mutters to himself that this doesn’t seem like just a one-night kind of a thing, and then realizes that he’s on camera with the documentary crew. He mentions cautiously that he said some things that were probably too private, and asks if some of the earlier footage of him could be edited.
Suddenly the documentary PD behind the camera asks what entry class he’s from, pulling rank as a sunbae. He asks Seung-chan if broadcast is a joke, and tells him to shoot and edit the whole thing himself then. Properly chastised, Seung-chan drops it.
Of course, the following interview with him as he’s heading out for work is over-edited for no apparent reason, cut-cut-cut-cut-cut, just to be snarky about his request. See, here, I edited you.
They ask about his day ahead, and Seung-chan talks about having to recast 1 Night 2 Days, and how the writer in charge of casting told him that with their terrible ratings and a week left before broadcast, they can’t waste their time chasing after pheasant—they have to settle for chickens. “I’ll be going to catch chickens now.”
Joon-mo and Ye-jin sit down to breakfast without their milk, and without thinking, Joon-mo hands Ye-jin the jar of jam when he can’t open it. She pops the lid in one go, and he wonders why she isn’t like other girls who can’t open jars or change their own light bulbs and run to oppa to do it for them. Says the guy who couldn’t open the jar just now?
She scowls and says that his girlfriend must snare quite a lot of men with that act, naming the various PDs she’s dated in every department. Joon-mo gets defensive and says that it’s better than not being able to date like Ye-jin, and we get a quick flashback montage of all the times Ye-jin came crying to Joon-mo every time she got her heart broken.
He drank with her, answered his phone in the middle of the night, and carried her home on piggyback with assurances that she’s not someone you get sick of easily, otherwise he wouldn’t have known her for 25 years.
Ye-jin tells him to enjoy his life with the girl who can’t open jars or change light bulbs then, and says that he’s dumb enough to avoid the breakup for so long that he’ll end up at the altar with her. Instead of just telling her that he already broke up with her last night, he yells at Ye-jin to focus on her own problems like how she’s homeless and squatting here.
He tells her not to stick her nose into other people’s private lives, and she balks at his word choice, making her feel like a stranger.
Joon-mo is accosted on the front steps of KBS by that reporter who seems to know everything before he does. Speculation is already running wild about the new cast of 1N2D, and it’s pretty funny to watch how the typical casting storm is brewed.
The reporter guesses that he’s going after Shin Dong-yup and Yoo Hee-yeol, fishing for confirmation. When Joon-mo challenges him to go ahead and write it, the reporter decides that they must’ve rejected the offer, and threatens to go with that headline unless Joon-mo gives him the exclusive.
Even funnier is the fact that the reporter was right, and the docu team goes around interviewing all the potential cast members. Yoo Hee-yeol doesn’t want to be with Yoon Jong-shin; Shin Dong-yup wants to do it if they can get Jeon Hyun-moo; Jeon Hyun-moo has too many shows but will do it if they can pay enough; Shin Dong-yup hears that they can’t match his base salary and says no immediately; Yoo Hee-yeol hears that and quits too, and so on and so forth.
Joon-mo sighs in his staff meeting to hear the results and insists that you have to approach casting like dating, with a little push and pull. They tell Joon-mo to do it himself then, since he’s so good at dating, and Seung-chan fires a death glare at him.
That catches Joon-mo’s attention so he tells the newbie to throw out his genius ideas, and Seung-chan is oblivious to the fact that they’re teasing him. He tells them about how he’s been mapping out the history of KBS variety shows, and busts out a graph to explain his 7-year popularity cycle theory that goes back decades.
It’s an explosion of geekery, and he ends with the conclusion that if they did a matchmaking show concept, it would be popular… in 2016. After a long beat, Joon-mo only says one thing: “Did you go to Seoul University?” Seung-chan: “Yes…” Hahaha, how does Joon-mo turn Seoul U into the butt of a joke?
Outside the apartment complex, Ye-jin gets stopped at the trash bin by Seung-chan’s mom, who refuses to let her throw eggshells away in the food trash. She actually stands there and holds the lid closed, and tsk-tsks that a woman should really be able to run a household properly.
Ye-jin takes offense and asks why men don’t have to do the same, and when Dad shows up she dumps the trash and makes a break for it. Ye-jin’s words seem to have an effect on Mom though, and she argues with Dad about having to give up her career just to take care of him when he never amounted to much and she’s smarter, demonstrating by pray-yelling in Hebrew.
Ye-jin grouses at all the couples crowding the streets of Yeouido, here to see the cherry blossoms and making her commute longer. She decides that they should all be uprooted, but then her thoughts drift back to all the times she had wanted to see the cherry blossoms with Joon-mo, and how he always said, “Next year! Next year! They’re there every year! Did we not go last year?” while slumped over his desk working on something.
At the office, Ye-jin finds Seung-chan hard at work erasing old tape labels with a whiteout pen, and asks if he needs some help. He says he’s on it and doesn’t need help, but Ye-jin insists that he does, and picks up a tape and slides it in the tape eraser.
Realization dawns on his face as she explains that he was probably tasked with erasing the content on the tapes, not their labels, but adds a patronizing, “You did a good job with that though.” Is there a hole he can crawl into somewhere?
He asks her not to tell Joon-mo about this, and she says that’s probably going to be difficult because it’s too funny. He begs, so she offers a deal—she’ll pay the car repairs back in installments, and hands him 30,000 won (out of 830,000 total). Somehow he ends up thanking her, and she tells him to go buy snacks if he’s grateful, making sure to call it part of his training.
CP Kim tells Joon-mo not to ever have kids, complaining about how much it costs to pay for all of his daughter’s tutors and lessons. Joon-mo jokes that he ought to make her an idol trainee because they pay for all that, and CP Kim seems to actually consider that as an option.
They head up to meet with the director, scoffing at Seung-chan’s stupid matchmaking idea, only to have the director pick that one excitedly. CP Kim offers to take the lead on casting idols for the show, using that as an excuse to talk to all the agents about taking his daughter as a trainee.
Ye-jin finds Joon-mo’s ex-girlfriend crying in the bathroom, and annoyance turns to glee when she finds out about last night’s breakup. She gives her a hug and a pep talk, and Seung-chan freezes in his tracks when he sees them come out of the bathroom together looking super chummy.
He’s more confused than ever about Joon-mo’s love triangle, and he interviews that this isn’t Hollywood and he can’t seem to get used to this kind of liberal attitude, but stops mid-sentence as women walk down the hall dressed for a runway.
Seung-chan presents Ye-jin with her bag of snacks, and she takes him to task for failing to get sausages. He says that she told him to get chips, and she can’t believe he didn’t read between the lines to include sausage.
She tells him that a PD needs to be more sanmai not nimai, and Seung-chan has to go ask a floor director what those words mean. FD Joon-bae tells him that they’re Japanese words, and that nimai means sincere, earnest, unfunny, and sanmai is its opposite—funny, and a little dirty.
CP Kim tells Joon-mo that he got all the idols they need, unaware that all the talent agents are avoiding him like the plague. Joon-mo jumps the gun and calls the reporter to tell him that they got Hani of EXID.
Ye-jin gets squarely ignored by her maknae writer, and it’s becoming increasingly clear that she doesn’t have much authority on her own team. She takes offense at the writer getting packages from Cindy’s fans when she’s the head PD, but the writer points out that Ye-jin is on the outs with Cindy’s fans since her last Music Bank appearance.
Ye-jin pulls out her phone to argue that Cindy’s the one on the outs with the public, pulling up all the negative comments made about her by netizens. Cindy is well aware of the comments herself, and makes her manager oppa read them aloud.
She asks why they aren’t reporting these people, and the manager says these are nothing compared to the stuff in her anti café, and Cindy glares, “Oppa, are you a member of my anti café?” Busted.
Ye-jin finds her car blocked in the parking lot, and after a few attempts to push them out of the way herself, she calls Joon-mo (who doesn’t answer), and soon Seung-chan is pushing cars. He hems and haws before asking where she lives, and Ye-jin names her old neighborhood and her future one, leaving out her current stay in Yeouido.
He follows it up with: “Do you have a boyfriend?” I can’t believe he just asked her that. She asks if he’s trying to set her up with someone, and he says no, he was just wondering if she liked anyone. This is going to get so misconstrued.
Ye-jin thinks for a long moment, and just then cherry blossoms start to shower down on them. They both look up, mesmerized for a spell, and Ye-jin muses that other people come to Yeouido in the spring but she always wants to leave because of the traffic. “But if I had a man I guess I wouldn’t? Because we’d walk together looking at the cherry blossoms.” She whirls around and asks why he wants to know anyway, and he quickly reminds her that she told him to ask her anything. She shoos him away, calling his questions useless.
The 1N2D staff burns the midnight oil, and the team looks on curiously as Joon-mo presents his new cast of six idols, three boys and three girls. They point out that he’s basically doing Seung-chan’s idea after he said it was dumb, and Joon-mo insists he did nothing of the sort.
Joon-mo: “What did I say?” Seung-chan: “You said, ‘Did you go to Seoul U?'” Joon-mo: “See, I was so impressed that I was asking if he went to Seoul U!” Lulz. He manages to say the exact same words with the total opposite intonation.
Ye-jin waits and waits at home, disappointed when her brother walks in instead of Joon-mo. Little bro Ye-joon can tell noona has been sitting by her phone all night, and guesses that she called Joon-mo repeatedly because he didn’t pick up.
He sits her down and tries to say as gingerly as possible that she’s the type of woman that men get sick of easily, and gives her the advice to cool off a little and make men wait, instead of answering texts right away and always being available. She scoffs and calls that game-playing, but Ye-joon says it’s just about giving the other person space, and time to think about you.
Cindy sits alone in her giant apartment and against her better judgment, tries to join one of her anti-fan clubs. Yikes, don’t do that.
Her first attempt at a comment—”Cindy is annoying because she’s too perfect”—gets rejected with an automated message asking if she’s Cindy, so she settles for an actual insult just to gain access.
She gets a text from Seung-chan and smirks knowingly, having expected a come-on of some sort, but is rendered speechless when he actually only texts to remind her to return the umbrella.
The 1N2D team takes another hit when their star cast member Hani gets caught in a drunk altercation and has to spend a night in jail. (And puts on a show for the entire police station from her cell.) She has to be pulled from the program before they even start, and now the other members are ready to pull out if they don’t find a replacement.
Joon-mo asks if they don’t have any celebrities in their back pockets to call on, and one PD suggests (Cha Tae-hyun’s real-life friend) Hong Kyung-min, hur. Joon-mo asks what they’re supposed to do with a married man and a bunch of idols.
Seung-chan pipes up and asks what about Cindy, and everyone humors him by saying she’d be perfect, obviously thinking that she’d never do it in a million years. Joon-mo tells him to go ahead and call her up, and promises to do whatever he wants if he can get Cindy on the cast. Seung-chan nods in excitement, completely missing the sarcasm in the room.
Ye-jin spends all night wondering where Joon-mo is and checking his empty room, and when she gets to work in the morning, she calls Seung-chan over to ask him instead. Hearing that he was at work all night with a crisis lifts her spirits.
Joon-mo meets with the director, who conveys the KBS president’s message that he’d like it if they got someone like Suzy or Cindy instead. Joon-mo just gapes. CP Kim and the director take turns telling Joon-mo about the good ol’ days and their exaggerated casting gets back in their prime, and CP Kim reminds Joon-mo that he was close with JYP once—didn’t he help tape up his see-through pants once?
They encourage him to go try, and then as soon as he leaves, they admit to each other that their stories ended with rejections from Kang Ho-dong and Yoo Jae-suk.
Seung-chan’s dad shoots the breeze with a food stand ajusshi and brags about his PD son, calling it very important work. Two seconds later, Seung-chan shows up at that very stand to buy snacks as ordered by Ye-jin, deflating Dad’s fragile ego. Food stand ajusshi: “So that’s your Seoul University grad prosecutor-turned-PD son?” Wah waah.
Seung-chan gets Cindy on the phone and she’s amazed that he’s this persistent about the damn umbrella. He sighs that she was supposed to return it today, and she tells him that she’ll pay the stupid late fees. Seeing his chance, he says he’ll come get it right now then, and goes running to meet her.
Meanwhile, Joon-mo heads to JYP, where he gets the runaround by an assistant and taken on a tour of the building. He gets put on a conference call with JYP, who’s in Japan, but first he’s subjected to an excruciating promotional video.
Cindy sits down with Seung-chan and agrees to listen to what he has to say, and learns from her manager that it was Joon-mo who bought her the food the other night, not Seung-chan.
She sees the pancakes in Seung-chan’s hand and says she’ll accept them, and he moronically tells her that these belong to someone else, embarrassing her and sticking his foot in his mouth, as usual.
He finally gets around to telling her about 1N2D, and she asks why she should do it when it only benefits them. Seung-chan tells her that he did some studying, and found that many top stars revived images and launched second careers through variety shows, and it seems to work in getting Cindy’s attention.
It’s too bad that they’re interrupted by her agent CEO Byun, who storms in and demands to know who he is and what he’s got in his hands. Seung-chan just blurts, “They’re pancakes and you can’t have any!” He’s like a dog with a bone.
Joon-mo naps through the JYP video and finally gets him on video call. JYP is super eager to pitch his new idols and get them on KBS shows, but then the minute that Joon-mo mentions Suzy, the connection stalls.
JYP’s face freezes while the connection is buffering, and Joon-mo gets distracted when CEO Byun calls to say that his maknae PD is with her. He runs out and asks the assistant to request Suzy for his show, and the second he leaves, JYP stops pretending that his video froze. LOL.
CEO Byun takes Seung-chan to task for suggesting that Cindy lose out on gazillions in concert revenue just to join a variety show, and he admits that he didn’t know the vast money at stake. He starts in on this super sincere speech about how money isn’t everything, and somehow ends up insulting CEO Byun twice over, calling her sanmai and money-hungry. Cindy smirks.
Joon-mo busts in and drags Seung-chan out, and CEO Byun asks if Joon-mo is trying to get revenge or something. He scoffs that he’d have to want to deal with her to get revenge, and yells at Seung-chan for associating with these weirdos.
Cindy is suddenly verrry interested in Joon-mo, and confirms with her manager that he was the one who bought her dinner.
Joon-mo asks Seung-chan what he wants for dinner, yells at him when he says whatever, then shoots down every single choice he makes. But at dinner, Joon-mo pours him a drink (ignoring the fact that he said he can’t drink), and seems to soften a little.
CP Kim and PD Hong-soon come by to join them, and Joon-mo tells them about his call with JYP, complete with hilarious demonstration. Hong-soon mentions the PD swap just in case 1N2D is in the toilet, and CP Kim feeds Seung-chan drinks until he can’t see straight.
Ye-jin walks home alone under the falling cherry blossoms, Joon-mo and Seung-chan get rip-roaring drunk, Hong Kyung-min begs to join 1N2D, and JYP has an actual bad connection when he tries to have a real meeting.
Chapter 3 of CP Kim’s book is on casting, with the sub-header “It’s the beginning of a relationship.”
Seung-chan sneaks away from the dinner table teetering on his feet, and walks home still clutching the bag of pancakes.
Cindy sits at home that night asking people on the internet what it means when a guy uses an umbrella as an excuse to contact you but only seems interested in the umbrella.
And Ye-jin decides to hell with space, and texts Joon-mo to call her back. She lights up when the doorbell rings, thinking it’s him. But when she opens the door, a very drunk Seung-chan is standing there red-faced, holding her pancakes out.
He puts them in her hand and doesn’t let go for a long beat, then collapses on her shoulder and passes out.
We get two more cameos from Jang Hyuk and Lee Chun-hee as Ye-jin’s ex-boyfriends, who interview that she constantly ditched them for Joon-mo.
She’d be too busy with Joon-mo on the weekends to go out on dates. She wouldn’t go see the cherry blossoms because she promised she’d do it with Joon-mo. Whenever she was drunk, Joon-mo would come to get her.
Chun-hee (as ex Min-chul): “It felt like I was dating a married woman.” Jang Hyuk (as ex Hyun-sung): “I can take one look and see that Tak Ye-jin likes Ra Joon-mo. They seem to be the only two who don’t know.”
I’m partial to this writer’s tendency to pack all her romantic punch into the epilogue—it always feels more bittersweet when delivered that way, usually because it involves one party being kept in the dark about how the other person feels. Or in this instance, that Ye-jin and Joon-mo are the only ones who don’t know that their friendship is more than a friendship, which is all the funnier when it comes from her ex-boyfriends. It seems so obvious when they say it, not that Ye-jin would ever admit it. She does seem more aware of her feelings than Joon-mo, but worse at expressing them. But that’s kind of her constant problem with everything, and I like Ye-jin no matter how prickly she acts, because we always get to see the B-sides where she fails at everything and actually doesn’t wield as much influence as she’d like. She’s all talk and quite bumbling underneath her prideful outer shell, and the more weakness we see, the more I find her lovable and endearing.
She’s actually at her funniest with Seung-chan because he gets to witness more of her false bravado than anyone, and I’m liking their strange bully/mentor/lackey relationship because she confuses him so. I can’t wait to see how this misunderstanding is going to complicate things, if Ye-jin reads his interest as romantic, or if he starts developing real feelings for her. For me the romance is all about the two best friends figuring out that they’re meant to be, but there’s a whole lot of comedy to be mined until we get there.
I really wish that IU were playing Cindy with more oomph, because it’s hard to engage with her scenes in the same way as the others when she seems sleepy and bored, which I’m sure is her take on bitchy starlet—it’s just not coming across as genuine. For her sake (and the drama’s), I hope the character gets to warm up and find a softer side, if for no other reason than to make her more believable as a character. I did like seeing more of her vulnerability when she was looking up her own anti-fans online, so maybe what we need is just more time spent developing her character. I’m sure that when she joins the 1N2D cast—’cause she has to be the accidental pheasant here—it’ll work to make Cindy more likable to us in the way that Seung-chan described variety shows making stars likable in real life. It could be a clever layering of meta, that is if it works.
The biggest laughs still come from Kim Soo-hyun’s awesome deadpan face and the way he does those mockumentary interviews like he’s actually missing an entire set of social cues. The geekiness works so well with his lack of social graces, and I love that he has like a negative ability to read sarcasm, as if over-earnestness can create a sarcasm blind spot. I’ll never tire of him and Joon-mo having entire conversations where they don’t understand each other, because Joon-mo is being snarky and Seung-chan can’t read it, leaving Joon-mo frustrated and Seung-chan perpetually in a pit of single-entendre. Plus, Seung-chan’s petty hate just makes it even better because he’s constantly at war with himself for seeking Joon-mo’s approval while hating his guts, and Joon-mo wants to keep hating him even though the kid keeps doing everything right. In this drama, they just might be the couple to beat. Hell, I’ll forgo all romance as long as they can stay together forever.
- The Producers: Episode 2
- The Producers: Episode 1
- Smiles and scowls at press conference for The Producers
- Producer’s playful partner-go-round posters
- Hidden camera teasers: Producer meta, or Meta Producer?
- Petty jealousy revs up on Producer’s morning commute
- Oh Snap! Cozy Producer, Hidden Ex-Girlfriend
- Cha Tae-hyun goes behind the 1N2D camera for Producer
- Script reads for new KBS spring dramas Producer and School 2015
- Kim Jong-kook joins Producer as Cha Tae-hyun’s sunbae
- Gong Hyo-jin considers Producer opposite Cha Tae-hyun
- IU courted to reunite with Kim Soo-hyun in Producer
- Cha Tae-hyun to play veteran variety PD to Kim Soo-hyun’s rookie
Tags: Cha Tae-hyun, featured, Gong Hyo-jin, IU, Kim Soo-hyun, The Producers
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1 Sushi
May 22, 2015 at 8:22 PM
I don't really watch variety or know korean so don't understand a lot of the meta or puns when I watch, so your Recaps R awesome at pointing them out GF! I can't believe all culturally savvy you and JB are sometimes and the number of pop culture references you guys know, in korea and in america
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2 Clara
May 22, 2015 at 8:37 PM
I've already finished watching this drama till episode 3 now. But it is still boring. It is not that good than I expected.
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May 23, 2015 at 2:34 AM
Aside from the IU parts (her acting sleepy and bored makes the viewer sleepy and bored), this is a pretty well-written show w/ a good combination of plotline and relationship development, along w/ witty dialogue.
Agree w/ GF that the best relationship might be the awkward and forced one btwn the SR 2D1N PD and the maknae PD, tho love Ye-jin's bluster where the only one who seems to take that seriously is earnest Seung-chan.
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May 23, 2015 at 6:43 AM
I'm loving it! And finally liking KSH's acting. Granted Of his works, I have only completed YFAS :p. as someone who does watch quite a bit of variety when at a drama lull, I am loving all the references.
Characters, apart from IU's, seem believable and relatable. Hope they keep it up!
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May 23, 2015 at 11:53 AM
IU does real mighty fine for me. But not relatable as you said. But imo she is really doing good here. Kim Soo-hyun performed great in Will It Snow For Christmas and Giant... And he gave justice to the child personas of Go Soo and Park Sang-min. Oh he's such a moving actor. I am really rewatching GIANT now at all costs. A better way to wind myself, rather than watch PRODYUSA! Hahaha. But maybe I will return to it... But not likely
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May 23, 2015 at 11:48 AM
I am not here to hate. But please ALLOW ME to agree with CLARA. It is pretty boring, but have some good points. So let us focus on the good points.
1. JYP and Yoo Hee-yeol cameo. The only thing missing is Yang Hyun-suk lol.
2. Cha Tae-hyun's Ra Joon-mo. And Yejin loooooooving him without her knowing. Oh that's just a heavenly feeling! Flourish with those feelings Yejin! It is never a mistake with Joon-mo. Taejin couple though! It excites me a lot. ♥ (So Seung-chan better back off because my blood just boils you're not allowed to get intimate with Joon-mo's lover.)
But there are sooooooo many bad points about this drama that I dare not type (which I actually typed already, but decided NOT TO post it). I get the LOVE coming from some. HECK with those cast with marvelous followers and fanbases, who wouldn't support the hype... But (ok I will stop while I can)
Off to rewatch better dramas GIANT or MR GOODBYE. Or maybe BOTH! Haha! Ciao Producers. If u turn out to be good, maybe I will watch you. But I know this is FAREWELL because it is just not worth the time. To fans, enjoy it! Dont let anyone stop you. :-) Excited for you!
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3 Huey
May 22, 2015 at 8:52 PM
I am actually enjoying this a lot. It is a little slower and longer, a little more slice of life than other dramas, but it's peppered with so many funny beats. Like when Lee Joo-Seung's (Ahn Chan Soo, the police officer from Pinocchio) basically insinuated that he had a porn folder, and at the end, where they're recapping where everyone is at the end of the night, he's shown in front of his laptop.
Maybe it does rely a little too much on the meta-humour and inside jokes, but I hope that when the romance on everyone's ends starts swinging, there'll be more plot to digest. Ye-jin and Joon-mo are obviously endgame, but is anyone else hoping for a misunderstood love triangle, or quadrangle? lol.
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4 agoodheart
May 22, 2015 at 9:00 PM
I love this show. I was having Healer fever not long ago so now I'm very glad this comes around to save my misery. It's hilarious and adorable.
I personally thoroughly enjoy Cindy's scenes and IU's portrayal of her. This is such an interesting character, even more so with the contrast of how jaded and how young she is. She starts to be able to show more now with a bit more screentime, which is really nice. Her scenes are just so endearing. I gradually realize why IU accepted this role, it's similar with her in ways that people might not realize before. The time when she told the younger trainer to just save themselves the trouble and go home, the pain in her eyes felt real. It's one instance of many things that are subtle and soft, her scenes make me think and feel in a lot of ways.
I like to see what people think about other characters too, since there are ways to see things I didn't see, e.g. Ye Jin's personality and her relationship with Joon Mo. This relationship thing is interesting, all characters seem to be able to spark chemistry with each other it's amazing.
Really looking forward to new episodes.
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May 22, 2015 at 11:42 PM
I agree. i like the uniqueness of this drama.
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pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
May 24, 2015 at 4:36 AM
I actually agree here - IU's bitchy starlet persona appears put on, but that's because to the character, that's exactly what it is. A persona put on with some degree of success so she can keep functioning in the idol world.
So from that pov, it works pretty well especially when you're allowed a peek into the vulnerable girl she still is - I mean, she has to ask her anti-fan cafe of all people about whether the umbrella incident means Seung-chan likes her. Because there's no one in real life she can ask.
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May 24, 2015 at 3:40 PM
I thought something like that too!
She has no friends, no one to trust and turn to in real life, she can only ask advice and chat on a online forum. She's bored and tired because nothing in her celebrity life is fun (either tolerating/fighting with her manager, agent, other group member, trainees etc) and hopefully will "wake up" with the new season of the variety show.
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5 Habanero
May 22, 2015 at 9:07 PM
2Days1Night, Hello Counselor, Music Bank.. Now I wish they could do a cameo with the casts of Superman Returns! How adorable it would be seing Kim Soo-hyun with the kids, the triplets especially.. *daydreaming*
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May 22, 2015 at 9:34 PM
Kim Soo Hyun (and Ha Ji Won) did a CF with the Song Triplets. It'd be great if they do more meta on Superman Returns, and it'd be cuteness overload to have the triplets cameo, but it's notoriously difficult to shoot with small children.
I forgot all about this show, that it's on on weekends. This recap reminds me to watch.
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6 moosie
May 22, 2015 at 9:09 PM
I already liked this show, but I feel like episode 3 really cemented it as a solid show. KSH is killing it as the bumbling, naive, geeky rookie and I can't get over how adorable he is!
I also actually really like IU as Cindy, though my judgment could totally be clouded by how much I love IU. I do hope she gets more screen time to flesh out her character, because the little moments (listening to her manager read all those negative comments out loud, joining her own anti-cafe, overanalyzing the umbrella thing) she got in this episode were nice.
I mostly like Ye-Jin, though I'd probably like her less if anyone but GHJ was playing her. CTH is great as always. The scenes when they're together are definitely some of my favorites.
And thanks for the recap as always GF, you guys are angels for catching all the meta-commentary in this show!
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pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
May 24, 2015 at 4:43 AM
I don't have any particular love for IU but I think she did well here. She's the least experienced of the cast but I honestly think she's inhabiting her character well by most standards - she can hold my attention and doesn't fade in scenes with Kim Soo-hyun or Gong Hyo-jin, which is good on her.
And while the bored bitch act does lack a little oomph, I think it plays well with the idea that Cindy is really just going through the motions of her idol life, while she's actually still a vulnerable young woman (the scene with the manager and the online comments, and then having to ask her own anti-fan club whether a guy is interested in her. That scene is hilarious on one level and sad on another)
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7 KDnewfan
May 22, 2015 at 9:16 PM
Thank you again girlfriday for explaining all the meta references. I'm not a Korean and in my country, the only Korean variety show aired on our TV channel is Running Man, so without your explanation, I'm lost at the jokes.
Thanks so much.
I wonder how come the rating for last night episode went down so much because to me Episode 3 was hilarious!
Ooh.... the one scene that REALLY touched my heart is the one when Seung Chan was being confronted by CEO Byun (Cindy's mom) and Joon Mo burst in and grabbed Seung Chan's hand! Yes...! he actually GRABBED and pulled Seung Chan's an older brother saving his younger brother from a difficult situation... I mean, to see this caring brother-like gesture from a person who just the day before said 'not to speak.... not to appear before him...' to Seung Chan.... hahahaa....
So unpredictable! But it makes me beginning to like Joon Mo a bit... after seeing this softer caring side of him. And then, he actually treats him to dinner!....
If I were in Seung Chan's shoes, I would be very very confused.... like.... "didn't this sunbae want to kill me yesterday.. huhh..??"
Oooh.....can't wait for Episode 4.
Kim Soo are one brilliant actor. No other 'flower boy' can do a Baek Seung Chan. I love the way Seung Chan sucks his lips every time he feels embarrassed or blushed... hahahaa.... only a creative actor will think of developing a distinctive trait for a fictional character like that. Daebak..!
p/s: Can somebody tell me why Seung Chan's mother was angry at Ye Jin when she wanted to dumb the trash into the bin? I don't understand that part.
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May 22, 2015 at 9:33 PM
That was a man-wrist grab moment. Can't have a drama without a wrist grab!!
Seung-chan's mom was upset cause the eggshells were mixed in with the food waste. The food waste is recycled for making animal feed and she can't put things like eggs shells which are not edible. Mom wanted ye-Jin to separate her trash.
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May 22, 2015 at 9:36 PM
I guess the mother yelled at Ye Jin, because she was going to throw egg shells into the food waste bin. But according to the mother, who was bragging about her academic background, the food waste should include only waste which can be eaten - I am not sure, maybe by some animals - and egg shells do not count as such. I am not quite sure how it is differentiated, what is food rests and what is organic waste, for example cooked food counts differently as fresh vegetable peels. But my guess is the mother was referring to something like that.
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May 22, 2015 at 10:41 PM
According to the mother, the food waste should not include egg shells because they are turned into animal feed but I read somewhere that egg shells are a good source of calcium and they get mixed in with animal feed so the mother is wrong in her reasoning.
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May 23, 2015 at 12:28 AM
Thank you guys for your explanation. I guess in Korea, the local government also recycle the food waste for animal feed. In my country, we have to do it ourselves. Recycle centres only take plastic, glass, metal and paper.
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May 23, 2015 at 2:38 AM
Yes, eggshells are used as a source of calcium in animal feed and ironically, is most often used in chicken-feed.
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someone in MT
May 23, 2015 at 4:29 PM
Does anyone know if the actress actually said 'egg shells'? I was wondering if maybe the subber mistranslated it.
Angélina Eang
May 23, 2015 at 6:19 AM
"I wonder how come the rating for last night episode went down so much because to me Episode 3 was hilarious!"
Eer, episode 3 recorded 10.2%, it's not that much of a drop because episode 2 recorded 10.3% lol.
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pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
May 24, 2015 at 4:46 AM
I loved that scene with Seung-chan and Joon-mo too. It's ostensibly Joon-mo dragging him out to give the boy a dressing-down, but ends up playing out like a white knight rescue moment, complete with wrist-grab.
(I will love it if they become the reluctant bros they look like they'll be)
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8 Mandy
May 22, 2015 at 9:22 PM
I realized while watching this episode that I couldn’t care less for Joon-mo and Ye-jin’s romance – or their characters in general. Joon-mo is definitely more interesting than Ye-jin because unlike the latter who doesn't done much other than mope about waiting for a call, Joon-mo actually runs his own variety, goes through the struggles and we see a lot about the kind of person he is. Ye-jin already got on my nerves a bit last week with her constant rudeness, but here she had me tuning off completely on several occasions. I really don't feel anything for her character - not even dislike, tbh - and neither do I feel invested in her romance. Whether it be with Seung-chan or Joon-mo, it feels manufactured and boring. So much *Yawn*
In absolute contrast, I find Cindy's character quite interesting even if IU is as bad as GHJ is good. It's upsetting because if she were cast better, I’d be all over the possible romance between Cindy and Seung-chan. They are not only adorable together, they are also interesting individuals and the romance doesn’t feel like it is getting shoed-in for the sake of having one. Their umbrella and pancake banters really crack me up, and I feel they'd make such a fun and dynamic couple - one who hides her feelings and another who can't hide his at all.
Again, Seung-chan steals the show for me with his constant earnestness that is a little frustrating for everyone around him but makes me awww all the time. He’s so clueless but I can’t help but feel so much love and protectiveness for the character. Kim Soo-hyun has really had it best in my eyes - he’s playing a fun character and because he has the talent, he elevates Seung-chan to be so much more relatable and interesting. He's constantly my focus while watching. So I'm very excited to see who he’ll fall for - he’s the only character who’s yet to have a crush on someone. I can’t say I ship with a particular girl at this point, but whoever he chooses, I hope they give it time for development or... they could skip love lines for Seung-chan completely. The drama was great without any last week too.
Still utterly in love this show and all the hilarious cameos, even if some of the regular characters are such letdowns. JYP was undoubtedly the best but Jang Hyuk made me squeal as well. (But please, please do something about that hair!!) I am hoping Cindy perks up a little so IU can do better because the younger couple is beyond cute.
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May 22, 2015 at 10:28 PM
I am a little hestitant to blame GHJ for Ye Jin's increasingly insufferable behaviour. But I also know that the character was obviously given human traits so as to make her more relatable. It is difficult to like her because she hardly did anything useful in yesterday's episode. She does not see others' struggles and obviously care for none of it either. Though I agree that instead of hate, she doesn't make me feel anything for her.
I honestly thought her behaviour towards Seung Chan from the moment they met has been unacceptable. Apart from the seniority factor, I also get that sense that she feels the need to put down someone who's below her in rank or experience when she does not like them. She's ofcourse a member of the main cast, but she certainly feels antagonistic. If they pair up Seung Chan with her I'd be really disappointed.
Because honestly, he deserves better.
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May 23, 2015 at 12:55 AM
I think the worse part is how apparently her "humanness" is supposed to somehow make up for her flaws/make her endearing. That's clearly not working for many. Ye-jin is irritating, selfish and self centred and no amount of fake-fierceness or weakness will make her likeable to me. Even her more relatable side - like thinking she's tough - is triggered by her huge ego. It's what really sinks her, and when she's out of breath, she pulls others with her too. I hate those kind of people but I'm admittedly pretty indifferent to her antics. If this continues though, she'll be in my shit list real soon.
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May 23, 2015 at 12:34 AM
Hahahahaha JH's hair is hideous! I think he cut it recently (Thank God!)
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9 Adal
May 22, 2015 at 9:28 PM
KSH and GHJ are really nailing their roles, but of all the leads, IU as Cindy is the most endearing. I wonder at all this talk of her being the weakest link of the leads, because she is really selling her vulnerability, loneliness and isolation as Cindy and that is not easy an easy feat to do without overplaying it or becoming too wooden. For me, IU is selling her character just right and is making her lovable. You can see cracks of humor, empathy and interest, coming out of her cold facade, and I believe it won't be too long before we see a huge smile grace her face.
GHJ's Ye Jin is a trifle bitchy. It's a pet peeve of mine when people don't pay what they owe, so I take great offense at the way Ye Jin is paying for the damages to Seung Chan's dad's car. She pays him in bits but makes him spend all that money on food for her, so the net result is that she really isn't paying him back at all. Isn't that abusing their mentor-subordinate relationship? Between her shrewish, nagging, indirect ways, I'm hard pressed to find anything to like about her character.
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May 22, 2015 at 9:37 PM
"Between her shrewish, nagging, indirect ways, I’m hard pressed to find anything to like about her character."
Exactly. Ye-jin is so unlikeable right now and I just can't find a reason to care for her. In episode 2, instead of acting as a 10-year senior, she was out to 'kill' Seung-chan. Now she's finally ready to pay back her dues but instead of actually doing so, she's making him sun errands for her all the while taking away his time to actually learn something in his training. She's such a frustrating character and her supposed prideful outershell and weaknesses hardly makes her endearing to me. She just seems like a bratty teenager except she's not.
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May 22, 2015 at 10:17 PM
Actually, this is the first role played by Gong Hyo Jin that I'm not annoyed at her. lol. I guess I'm weird
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May 23, 2015 at 12:40 AM
I'm also beginning to see Cindy's character development (even though her screen time is still very limited compared to the other 3 leads). Before, I thought IU was a bit lifeless, but I guess Cindy was meant to be that way... I guess.
When Seung Chan was explaining about nim ma yii and siim ma yii... and he said though a PD has to be ruthless doesn't mean he should, he can also be soft-hearted. Aaah... at that point the camera focused on Cindy lifting her eyebrows... I saw her sudden interest in Seung Chan. I hope this is a spark for their future relationship.... (dreaming.... hahahaaa).
But the snippets for tonight's episode seem to indicate that Cindy is going to take advantage of Seung Chan's earnest heart.... huhuhu.... :(
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May 23, 2015 at 6:24 AM
I agree so much re: Cindy! I think she'd have been easier to like had she been more "typical" as the bitchy starlet, someone like "Little Sun" in Master's Sun for instance. But because she's not is why I think her character, as she is, is extremely believable for me, in that she's not deliberately made either bitchy or endearing, which I always feel are extremely manufactured traits in the character type, and the lack of those make me adore her. I like that she upends expectations. I love that her moments alone are so contemplative in a drama that otherwise has a lot more snappy scenes. I love that we get so many hints and instances of her loneliness without any fanfare or even grand moments of realisation.
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May 23, 2015 at 7:52 AM
"IU is selling her character just right and is making her lovable. You can see cracks of humor, empathy and interest, coming out of her cold facade"
Yes totally agree! I perked up every time Cindy got a scene because to me she's the most interesting character, and IU does a great job especially in those vulnerable moments. While she's supposed to be the unlikable starlet I already like her more than Ye-Jin's character, who's basically bullying Seung Chan.
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10 Celine
May 22, 2015 at 9:38 PM
Am i the only one who think it would be adorable if SC has one side puppy love crush with YJ? I dont mind who will win YJ over in the endgame, but i cant take SC with Cindy, wheather she would has character develop or not. I love IU as a singer and cute figure
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May 22, 2015 at 9:46 PM
no you're not the only one ^^ my heart fluttered when watching the last scene. i really hope that their relationship can develop further and looking forward to tomorrow's scene where BSC said "my yejin" while drunk.
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May 23, 2015 at 4:07 PM
Ye Jin needs a good soul to bring out the best in her. Just like any one of us. Whatever turned us into ugly monsters may still be turned around by pure love.
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May 23, 2015 at 12:38 AM
I really wouldn't find that adorable. Realistically, why would SC ever fall for someone like YJ? She not only abuses their relationship and her power, she’s also a crappy person. In the next episode’s preview, she does something that makes me hate her even more. The girl needs to get a grip and grow up. Such an irritating character. I really wish she doesn't get too much screen space because her scenes drive me nuts but that is unlike due to GHJ playing her.
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ha yuri zahard
May 23, 2015 at 2:52 AM
preach ! I don't find her character likeable if all ><
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May 24, 2015 at 3:52 PM
She is abrasive,
but she also was Seung-chan's first life-line in the company. When he didn't know who else to call on his PD team, he had her number. As fake as it is, Ye-jin said "call me if you need anything. I can help you." Of course, she was saying that to weasel out of paying or to get the cost down, but Seung-chan's first friendly and helpful face was hers.
Err...She does have a face that's mean and rude and frustrated, but she also does help him here and there. So I can see how Seung-chan can see her as a scary PD but nice to him.
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11 Kai0407
May 22, 2015 at 9:39 PM
This episode is so funny! Especially with during JYP frozen face part and CTH's Seoul university act. I died laughing! Hahaha that facial spasm, JYP should do more comedies!
Can't wait for the next episode!
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12 dongsaeng killer
May 22, 2015 at 9:47 PM
Toooooooo funny! I laughed out loud so many times.
Thanks for the recap!
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13 jenny
May 22, 2015 at 9:53 PM
Why is Iu's screen time is less? I am loving cindy more day by day
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May 23, 2015 at 1:48 AM
Hopefully they'll start increasing her screen time from tonight's episode onwards? Since she's appearing in 2D1N in producers.
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14 Aigoooo
May 22, 2015 at 9:57 PM
I was watching with a silly grin on my face throughout this whole episode. The segment with JYP and Hani was too hilarious! I was surprised that Kim Jong Kookie had more screen time since I thought he was only there as a cameo. Kim Soo Hyun's geeky/petty/earnest take on his character is just perfect. He looks like someone who doesn't belong anywhere near that line of work. IU's acting is okay but I really thought she could do better since out of all the cast, she has more of an inside track on her character (being a superstar idol herself).
The actress who is playing the writer with the earphones the same actress from Answer Me 1997? The one who was a dancer and eventually became a sportscaster? She kinda looks like her I think.
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May 22, 2015 at 10:15 PM
Thought I've seen her somewhere! Yeah, that's probably her.
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May 22, 2015 at 10:57 PM
Now that Answer Me 1997 is mentioned, JEJ would have made for a better Cindy.
(it would be the opposite of her image too, but she's far more talented than Cindy and is a superstar idol herself)
Or UEE. IU is okay but she can do better. She must... her costars are eating her up.
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May 22, 2015 at 10:58 PM
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May 22, 2015 at 11:54 PM
Finally there's someone who mentioned Eun Ji-A Pink! Yeah, she is suitable for ice queen role! And she has beautiful voice too! But i kindly wonder if she could stand with KSH, GHJ and CTH.
Imo the perfect cast for Cindy role is just Suzy.
In other hand, KSH is better set up with cool, charismatic and mature women look like JunJiHyun, HanGaIn, and Suzy (she has mature side beside her age) and of course GongHyoJin on the list. Over thought that reason i couldn't see KSH & IUpairing and too bad for me she only has cute side in my eyes.
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May 23, 2015 at 12:26 AM
Eun-ji would have been perfect for an Ice Princess because the girl relies on her talent rather than a dominant image. If Trot Lovers and Answer Me is anything to go by, she'd have definitely managed to hold her own even with the likes of KSH-GHJ-CTH. Poor casting choice indeed.
On the other hand, I completely disagree with Suzy being a better option. She'd have been convincing for 2 episodes max but once Cindy starts to open up, her terrible acting would really start to show. I would never exchange IU for her or Krystal - the latter is WAY worse. From the previews, it seems Cindy is going to start smiling more often so I'm confident IU will start improving too.
Also, when KSH was paired up with Suzy, she was barely 17 and still had a cute image but they looked great together. I personally think IU-KSH look adorable together.
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May 23, 2015 at 1:58 AM
actually i starts liking iu potrayal of cindy from episode 2.. she improve in this latter episode. at least she don't close her eye often anymore. she just need a fresh character development making cindy is more cheerful...
May 23, 2015 at 12:19 AM jong kok! i love his scene with admin lady. the tiger jong kok or sparta cannot win the admin lady crack me up. they have chemistry..
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15 ~Bluee Bubbles~
May 22, 2015 at 10:01 PM
I’m loving Producer mostly for KSH. He just too good right now. The news said there will be a love triangle b/w TYJ-BSC-Cindy but it does not look like BSC or TYJ likes each other that way or any way. Only 9 ep left. I really don't want a triangle! Cindy already likes BSC, now he just needs to like her back (:
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May 23, 2015 at 12:53 AM
I got the feeling the love triangle here could be due to a misunderstanding on Ye Jin part esp when Seung Chan was drunk, he had said ,"my Ye Jin" to her. The scenes which show Ye Jin walking alone under the Cherry Blossom while around her were couples, and then showing Seung Chan walking home, also in the same manner, I got the feeling that is like foreshadowing the story line ahead.
Maybe Ye Jin thought Seung Chan has feelings for her since the night before Seung Chan had asked if she has anybody she likes... hahahaa.... :D
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16 Klaus
May 22, 2015 at 10:07 PM
KSH is just doing it for me. There are very subtle acting expressions he does and it makes Seung Chan so much more distinct. Like in Hello Counsellor when he pulls the strings of the pillow while talking or the way he shyly smiles when being complimented. Its small touches such as those that brings a character to life. Good actors convinces me they are who they play but great actors convince me no one can play a certain character other than them. KSH is definitely doing that right now, so mad respect for him and his talent.
I am so happy Seung Chan's ideas are working for 2d1n and its already signals that he will most likely be a better PD in the future than Joon Mo. I love the lecture he gave to Cindy’s CEO. The kid has the principles and work ethics to succeed in this industry. Now he just needs to get a little more street smart and he’s gold.
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17 earthna
May 22, 2015 at 10:14 PM
I'm still laughing over Hello Counselor, omg. It was so real with the hosts acting as normal, the audience reacting, and even captions like those in the real variety show! Add Seung Chan's awkwardness in it and it's perfect! Laughed so hard when they showed Junmo and Yejin in the audience. It was too funny. My cheeks had a workout.
I wish the episodes are shorter though. It's taking a toll on me.
Thanks for the recaps, girlfriday!
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May 23, 2015 at 12:08 AM
Ha! I wish the episodes were even longer! The times flies by so quickly, tough I feel at times like I´m watching people peeling boiled eggs in front of a camera. There´s something going on all the time, but nothing stands out. Everything seems to be of equal importance, whether a conflict or a joke, but I can´t get enough of that egg-peeling somehow. I like the life-like flow in this show. I hope they stick to their guns, though. This ep already felt a lot softer than the previous one.
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18 Hmm
May 22, 2015 at 10:24 PM
It wonder if they had brought up the idea of IU playing a fictional version of herself. Rather than Cindy, she would be a fictional IU. It would of been kinda cool.
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May 23, 2015 at 1:54 AM
I think Cindy is indeed a fictional version of IU, with the dark side exaggerating but the rest is pretty much herself. It's very different with how people perceive her, she was advertised as this lively and cute girl-next-door but certainly she is human too with all other emotions, which is why it's difficult to even her fans to digest this new - or actually well-hidden - jaded image. It's also something rarely seen with other top star characters on screen, that's another reason for people to reject her because it's different with their perception. But I just think it could very well be the reality. IU's been in the industry as long as Cindy the character, and it does appear to me that she's tired, too, but it doesn't get as much attention as her usual image. I could see why IU chose this project, and it's a bit sad to see people's negative reaction to - in my opinion - this side of herself. I don't think the production team would explain things at this point, it's up to people's interpretation now. IU did explain about her character in the press conference though, that Cindy is not a bad person, she just has her own set of value - which explains a lot to me now when I think about it.
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May 23, 2015 at 7:25 AM
Seems like IU is playing more of a fictional version of Suzy than anything else. A superstar idol who overshadows her girl group (Pinky4/MissA). I thought IU would play her ice princess diva character more like a Lee Hyori, cool, confident, a bit full of herself, bossy.
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May 23, 2015 at 9:15 AM
The shade on miss A was pretty much everything else on this show, they brought reality pieces together, cook things up to create something new, but it isn't particularly true on broader sense apart from that instance.
I think it would be best to look at the girl in the drama instead of delving on perception of how it should be aka top star has to be this and that. It seems clear to me that since Cindy entered the industry at such a young age, she actually didn't know much about the world. But she thought she did, and she was exhausted to be in the industry and couldn't care less about what's going on anymore. She didn't throw tantrum or make a fuss, she just did her things. Until now. She was living in a bubble, and it's going to burst now that she finally starts having curiosity.
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May 23, 2015 at 9:16 AM
*pretty much like everything else
19 Marie
May 22, 2015 at 10:39 PM
Great recap!
I thought this episode was hilarious and I look forward to this show every week. I'd like to chime in with the others here re: IU and her portrayal of Cindy. I think she is doing a great job and it's somewhat refreshing to see a jaded idol rather than a bitchy, demanding one. The hints of vulnerability are a plus and only makes her more likable.
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20 mia
May 22, 2015 at 10:44 PM
I can't wait for Cindy's character to develop more! I'm really enjoying the show :)
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21 cookies'n'creme
May 22, 2015 at 10:49 PM
Too many funny scenes: pancakes, HC dream, umbrella, petty hate-filled looks. They were all courtesy KSH who I really didn't know had such great comedic chops. SC is simply delightful + precious.
I wish they gave KJK more to do. Its not a cameo but feels like one.
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22 Audiobooks
May 22, 2015 at 11:22 PM
I love this drama. The first two ep was different from other dramas and I like it. Even though it's different now starting from the 3rd episode, I still like it too. I'm opened-mined about the creative ways PDs have. But it's too bad the world isn't so fond of changes. I quiet like cameos very much. Seeing different faces here and there throughout the episode is awesome.
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23 crazy messy
May 22, 2015 at 11:27 PM
OH.MY.GOD!! I was literally rolling on floor while laughing out Loud.. Seriously the 'Seol Univ.' butt joke , Seung chan trying to erase the Tapes and JYP pretending to freeze while buffering.. It really stands out on its humour parts
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24 lucertola
May 22, 2015 at 11:38 PM
Thanks for recapping this drama.
But, as much as I like reading your recaps (that are always excellent!), if a show has this particular humor (I'm used to it from Japanese drama or manga. Still is rare to find it in the Korean production), I feel I can understand the humor and the story only by watching it. Otherwise I feel that I won't be able to grasp the meaning. :)
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25 Corrine
May 22, 2015 at 11:40 PM
So many LOL moments! Producers is really doing it for me.. It's been a while since I laughed so hard and enjoyed every single moment of an episode.
My fav character is Ra Joon Mo! Omg Cha Tae Hyun and his innate comedy sense.. His impersonation of JYP freezing on screen seriously killed me..
Also yay for cameos by Jang Hyuk and Hong Kyung Min! (Cha Tae Hyun & Kim Jong Kook's besties) 76 Dragon Club in one episode! ?
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26 wackycashew
May 22, 2015 at 11:41 PM
Thanks for the recap, GF!!
Too many LOL moments and it all started with Hello Counselor!! Seungchan is too precious in this series and KSH is doing an amazing job!! All my fave scenes are his scenes. XD I love his naive and sincere nature, and so innocent that others' sarcasm is interpreted as genuine praise by him.
The JYP buffering part and the subsequent reenactment by Ro PD was hilarious. Love the various cameos throughout the show, especially the epilogue. Looking forward to the next ep!!
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27 sci-fi fan
May 22, 2015 at 11:41 PM
How awesome is SC using his research and geeky side to thump everyone in the 1N2D’s experienced team? I have a soft spot for dorks and embarrassingly light up like a loony when his scenes are on. I was reading the translated k-netizen comments and amongst the most upvoted comment on article(s) said KSH is the one keeping the drama alive. Spot on! Not really a huge fan of anyone in the cast, but watched I was pulled by the hype. Now I’m staying for KSH’s BSC ~ the kid is too adorkable xD
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bbstl 🧹
May 23, 2015 at 3:53 PM
Yes. Every time his character says "well, I've been researching and...", I just crack up. Clearly some SNU grads have a reputation for book smarts and lacking common sense just like Ivy Leaguers in the U.S. ?
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28 blo
May 22, 2015 at 11:43 PM
haha Seung-chan was holding onto those pancakes as if his life depended on it. It's these subtle bits of humor that make this show so good and I hope that the drama does not stray from it. I laughed out loud when it started with him as a guest on Hello Counselor. Of course a PD for variety shows would dream about being on a variety show where he can vent out his problems. And then there is his obsession with that umbrella (although I somewhat do understand) and his non-confrontational personality (that scene from ep 2 would be me).
JYP's scene. ha I need a clip of that. Perhaps someone will upload it. I am looking forward to the next cameos.
As for Tak Ye-ji...
I know other people don't like her because of how harsh she is. Normally, I would not like a character that rude. I actually don't mind her and may even like her. Perhaps I have Gong Hyo-jin's portrayal to thank for that?
IU still looks sleepy/bored to me too but maybe once her personality starts to warm up, the role will be more natural for her.
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May 23, 2015 at 1:04 AM
"haha Seung-chan was holding onto those pancakes as if his life depended on it."
hahaha....LOL....! and when CEO Byun asked what he has in his hands, he said, "it's pancakes and you cannot have them." funny! I can't forget the look on CEO Byun when she hears Seung Chan's answer... gosh! This writer is sooo good!
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29 Ivy
May 22, 2015 at 11:47 PM
Aww, this show is wonderful! So funny and engaging! And I love the characters so!!
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30 Den
May 22, 2015 at 11:51 PM
I like this show. And I like IU's character (and portrayal too). If I had worked as long as her (and milked for money) in that awful company, I'd be bored and sleepy and not work up enthusiasm for anything at all. When it comes to Seung-chan and Joon-mo though, then she shows some interest and I hope little by little Cindy comes out of her shell. I have an idea of what a bitchy starlet should be (like UEE's character in You're Beautiful), but I like this Cindy. She comes off bitchy because she's bored and unenthusiastic when she's not really like that at all.
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31 panshel
May 22, 2015 at 11:58 PM
Is Seung Chan going to dream about guesting on a different KBS variety show every episode because that would be awesome? Happy Together (Yoo-nim cameo), Gag Concert (poor Brownie stuck in storage), Dream Team (shirtless obstacle course)...
My favorite scene by far is the JYP video conference. I cracked up so hard with the untimely buffering and even harder when we found out it was intentional. I love how Seung Chan's little sister is a Got7 fan.
Kudos to CP Kim for landing not one, not two, but three YG idols (Sandara Park, Kang Seung Yoon, and Kim Ji Soo) for 1N2D. It is once in a blue moon that YG idols do variety. Is Kim Min Jae from Persevere Gu Hae-ra an idol trainee since he was among the idol cast?
While variety shows can make a star overnight, it can also break them just as easily. Plenty of celebrities ruined their images by doing variety shows like Roommate.
Thanks for the recap, girlfriday!
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32 Daehoney
May 23, 2015 at 12:05 AM
Me likey this episode! Though I kinda hope they won't focus on hooking up the characters. The slice-of-life story is what makes it distinct. The amount of cameos are no joke, but I'm glad they don't fit them in the same scene with the main characters thus the pace is maintained (but I want CTH-KJK-JH in one scene +GHJ for a Thank You reunion but it seems too much to ask, no?)
Laughed the loudest when FaceTime with JYP always buffers whenever Suzy is mentioned. Also the scene about Hani in the police station. Hope they maintain the comedy.
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33 Nemo
May 23, 2015 at 12:06 AM
I love it! The good thing is I am a fan of 1N2D specially season 3 and I watched most of the KBS variety shows (because they uploaded most of them in youtube and the subs are great). So I enjoy this show more. But I hope the current/real 1N2D members will make a cameo here. That would be awesome.
Question: is Producer is still twice a week or one a week like Orange Marmalade?
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May 23, 2015 at 12:11 AM
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34 Lilly
May 23, 2015 at 12:11 AM
KSH is seriously killing it. LOL at the scene where he gave JM a dirty look and then two seconds later forced to take it back. His facial expressions are really great. I found it really cute when he went to look for YJ all the way in her house just to give the food. He’s just so nice, but I don’t like the BJY song playing in the background.
SC is too good for YJ, I wish she would stick with JM and SC would have a love line with Cindy. The younger couple is 100x better and more interesting to me.
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May 23, 2015 at 6:54 AM
I loved that 'stare' scene and how as soon as JM asks him why he's staring, his eyes quickly shifts up. Something so simple and little but effective and real in humor.
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35 alcoholicbubbletea
May 23, 2015 at 1:03 AM
Cha tae hyun!!! Omg him and gong hyo jin are so perf together. Theyre what i mean by not perfect looking but just great at acting. I love love love their chemistry not even romantically but just as friends.
Iu's acting still look convincing to me. Maybe bc i made myself believe that she was supposed to be half alive instead of bitchy.
Im a little worried that the romance part is gonna take too much from the show like how the shipping game sort of ruined a little of r94 for me. I hope they focus more on slice of life maybe not the way misaeng did bc i dont mind a little romance i just dont like that now its kinda hinting gong hyo jin and kim soo hyun could develop into something more hope im just reading too much into it.
My fav this ep wld be when gong hyo jins character told the mother that its also a mans duty to know about taking care of the household! My inner feminist just rejoiced.
All in all i enjoyed this ep more than the first two and thats saying a lot since ive already loved ep 1 and 2 but this ep i just grinned the whole time. Love love produsa hwiting!
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May 23, 2015 at 1:04 AM
Lol i guess when a drama has all star cast that i remember each actor by real name i dont even bother writing their characters name sorry
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36 tieuyeunu
May 23, 2015 at 1:05 AM
Does anyone else feel like the best friend thing is going to clash with the remake of in time with you?
Not really a fan of iu but I like Cindy so far.
Looking forward to Cindy and seung chan relationship starting. Both so young but one is jaded and one so naive but both so easily hurt.
I'm looking forward to both relationship playing out.
I wonder if Suzy will make a cameo, and get Woo young and teachyeon as well. It'll be dream high alternate universe.
And eunjung! Please bring in eunjung.
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ha yuri zahard
May 23, 2015 at 2:47 AM
with how eunjung's 'popularity' now in Korea... unlikely :(
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37 kayg
May 23, 2015 at 1:36 AM
GAHH love this show ! haha .. kudos to the team ! and more over i pretty much watch almost all variety in SK so i could relate and understand the meta and all loll .
i think that the 4 main are all nailing it for em ! while everyone might hate ye jin's character and all , i think i enjoy ittt ! it just give a fresh feeling to the show .. i even wonder how could i like that sort of character.. but , i .. just .. did ! HAHAHA
hope they will be forever keeping this pace , and not getting ruined/ slowered to the ends plss ! and turns out that the change of director as shown on the news doesn't affect the show that much ! <3
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38 rearis
May 23, 2015 at 2:00 AM
I prefer the males' personal journeys in this drama to the females. Ye-jin's character is going down the route of the typical female lead we see in movies and dramas, and IU is simply not doing it for me as Cindy.
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39 CrazyCandy
May 23, 2015 at 2:21 AM
Comment was deleted
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40 ha yuri zahard
May 23, 2015 at 2:43 AM
Hi Dramabeans family,
this is my first time commenting here, even if I am somewhat a frequent visitor. I rarely watch K-drama but my friends like it thus am lurking around here to at least keep up with what they are talking about. I can't seem to finish any K-drama tho haha. It's kind of formulaic and takes to long for the story to moves on. Just not my taste.
Par contre, I am a vivid fans of Korean reality show. A friend told me about this drama. I think somewhat this would be my first finished drama if the concept still continues.
You let out some references tho. Thank you for wonderful recap.
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41 youcallitwinter
May 23, 2015 at 2:46 AM
I am really getting :( about the lack of screentime for Cindy because she is definitely my favourite right along with Seung-chan now. She definitely toned down the tiredness, maybe because of all the criticism (which was an aspect that I loved though), and this episode I genuinely had no complaints with her acting. Every scene of hers was golden and I think "sleepy/bored" is an odd criticism for this particular episode (unlike the last two), because she just came off as extremely vulnerable to me. And as usual, it's when she's alone- joining her own anti-fan club, asking strangers on the internet what it means if a guy you thought was hitting on you is just interested in the umbrella he lent you. That was so endearing for some reason, because she was so anxious about the replies, and because it's such a young, teenage-girl thing to do, but she's twenty three, which makes it all the more clear how much she lost out on because of her idol life. And the Cindy/BSC dynamic is amazing because she's so jaded and used to thinking of people as predictable, that BSC completely throws her off, which is why she's the most animated in his presence. The scene with the pancakes was the first time we've seen her not be cool and collected in front of other people, unlike when TYJ was arguing with her about her dress. I think the expectations of Cindy are just misplaced, she doesn't have that oomph because inside she's an awkward, isolated young girl who hasn't been able to form any real relationships because of her career, so her sexy is limited to clothes, and she doesn't know how to do affection at all. And I think IU is perfect in this, even over other better actor-idols because I think she has a natural vulnerability (and awkwardness) and so she manages to get that across in just seconds of screentime. Eun-ji, for instance I can see much more easily in the TYJ role than as Cindy, or rather if Eun-ji were playing her, the interpretation of the character would be competely different and we'd get a much more fun character ala Song-yi, and a lot more snark and fire, but it's the Cindy that we are getting that I adore so I have no issues. I am really hoping she falls for BSC, so we get a lot more of her unable to react to him and his general 4D-ness, heh.
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May 23, 2015 at 2:59 AM
"Cindy are just misplaced, she doesn’t have that oomph because inside she’s an awkward, isolated young girl who hasn’t been able to form any real relationships because of her career, so her sexy is limited to clothes, and she doesn’t know how to do affection at all." ----> VERY WELL SAID!!! *slow clap*
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May 23, 2015 at 4:50 AM
I hope so too!! I know that the initial shipping was based on wanting KSH/GHJ or KSH/IU together, and most of it still is, but now, I really want BSC/Cindy together, because of the characters they are, rather than the actors. So much potential!
In fact, I was really surprised when Cindy didn't immediately think "ah, so that is why you lent me your umbrella" when Seung-chan came to her with the 1N2D offer since she's been waiting for the catch in the gesture, and it would be natural for her to think that that was it. It's kind of adorable that now she herself doesn't want to believe that he's only using her, even though it's in her nature to be wary of unexpected kindness.
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May 23, 2015 at 3:31 AM
Incredible. I love your writing about Cindy. So on point every single time. :)
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May 23, 2015 at 4:41 AM
Haha, thank you! Even though largely played for amusement, it was heartbreaking to see her try so hard to figure out what was the "price" she'd have to pay for even such a small kindness as someone lending her an umbrella. That really speaks volumes about her life. She's so obsessive about it because to have something not ask her for something in return, not "use" her, in her own language, is foreign to her. I wish she'd get equal time as the other three, her scenes are my favourites!
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May 24, 2015 at 6:57 AM
Agree everything you said about Cindy! I like IU acting as well...
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42 cerah
May 23, 2015 at 2:47 AM
The show is getting interesting now that lovelines are taking into play.
Ra Joon Mo & Tak Ye Jin's relationship is really more than friendship. The writer won't write scenes like the epilogue unexpected-stamp-kiss, she won't also spend time writing cherry blossoms flashbacks or show their 1989 kiddie versions and even Tak Ye Jin's ex-boyfriends' reaction to her relationship with Joon Mo for nothing. If they're not endgame, then what a waste, right? (Those scenes took a lot of minutes too!)
As Jang Hyuk said “I can take one look and see that Tak Ye-jin likes Ra Joon-mo. They seem to be the only two who don’t know."
So, maybe... Baek Seung Chan will also have some appeal to her but it's not going to be more than that. It's hard for to imagine Ye Jin & Joon Mo not ending up together. It'll be difficult for us to not root for Joon Mo unless the writer messes up and write his character as someone who's heartless BUT HEY, HE'S NOT.
As for Cindy & Baek Seung Chan, their love story is also interesting. These two aren't exactly looking for love but maybe they'll find it an unexpected place:) Love can change Cindy and Seung Chan may also end up realizing in the end that not all girls likes his senior, hehehe. Maybe this time, he'll finally have a girl who likes him for who he is.
I hope they won't confuse us but I'm sure they'll do. It just that we only have 8 episodes left and we just want their relationships, may it be love, friends or family to develop in a satisfying way.
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43 mizuki
May 23, 2015 at 2:54 AM
Really love this show. CTH and KSH are just gold!
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44 xilem
May 23, 2015 at 3:27 AM
i just keep coming here because i cannot wait for tonight episode...yahh.. time please fly faster!!
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45 Khule WY
May 23, 2015 at 5:30 AM
Wish I watched the show before reading the recap,that way I would be surprised by JYP buffer scene but it was still too funny.
Don't get the IU complaints,she's doing an awesome job and no I'm not biased,I don't know any song of hers but the person who is really making this show is Kim soo Hyun,his facial expressions are the best.
Joon kookie's acting is akward ish but he is really doing great for a first timer.
Don't really care for the love line,I'm just glad I saw Jang Hyuk.
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46 Khule WY
May 23, 2015 at 5:34 AM
Really appreciate this recap and all the ones she's done, you never miss out on details or skim over or assume something is an important. Kamsaminida
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47 Deren
May 23, 2015 at 5:51 AM
I'm so thrilled!!!
The dragon brothers were in the same freakin episode...Tae Hyun, Jong Kook, Kyung Min and even Jang Hyuk was here!!!
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48 peaches
May 23, 2015 at 6:00 AM
i don't understand all this hate toward ye jin. she's my favorite character by far, for all the reasons that girlfriday mentions in her recap- like how, despite her "meanness" and strong front, she's undermined consistently ex. the maknae writer disrespecting her, and she realizes this too, and tries to cover it up. i love how gong hyo jin is playing her.
i think it's obvious how the romantic relationships are going to play out in the end, but i personally think it'd be quite cute if cindy had a crush on sc, who develops a puppy crush on ye jin^^
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May 23, 2015 at 6:08 AM
also, even though i personally love ye jin's character and don't at all find her "unlikable":
"i firmly believe that characters do not have to be likable in order to be good characters. obviously, right? the golden of age of tv is defined by the flawed antiheroes who lead its dark dramas. “unlikable” has become a rather meaningless word in criticism. worse, it has become gendered. flawed women on tv are “unlikable,” and flawed men are antiheroes."
- Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya
i hate when people shit on female characters for being too "mean" or "selfish" and thus "unlikable". i love it actually, when they're "flawed" and not pure and virginal, a mere foil to the egotistic male lead whose heart eventually softens and changes his way because of true love, etc.
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May 23, 2015 at 7:22 AM
I don't want to put words in your mouth but you sound like you assume a female character needs to be either a. mean, selfish and unlikable or b. pure, virginal, a mere foil to male leads.
A female lead can be sassy and egoistic like Song Yi in MLFTS or courageous and sweet like Cho Rim in TGWSS. She can be bad ass like Kang Ja in Angry Mom or fierce-yet-sweet like Young Shin in Healer. The point is a female lead can very easily have a perfectly likeable and relatable personality without being a Candy. So the excuse that Ye Jin's selfishness is basically a flaw and therefore is so much better than the nicer female leads is something I completely disagree with.
A majority of people hate on male leads for being egoistic jerks yet whenever a female lead is acting the same, we revert to calling it "flawed"? Ye Jin's disgusting behaviour towards a co-worker who is not only much younger than her but one who also looks up to her as a teacher is just unacceptable. Saying she's flawed it completely ignoring how terrible of a personality she possess.
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May 23, 2015 at 7:56 AM
no, i was trying to say that it's always either/or. like, if a female character strays even the least bit from being "nice," than she's immediately deemed "unlikable".
male leads who are egoistic jerks get away with a lot more than female characters who aren't "nice". and i'm not just talking about korean dramas.
disgusting? terrible personality? how? where's that coming from?
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May 23, 2015 at 8:22 AM
- if a female character strays even the least bit from being “nice,” than she’s immediately deemed “unlikable”.
If that were the case, Cheon Song Yi would not be amongst the most loved female leads of all time. So what if we get more jerky male leads over female ones? Does that make it any right for female ones to be defended just because they are scarce? That logic makes no sense what so ever.
-disgusting? terrible personality? how? where’s that coming from?
Ok, I guess I'll have to spell it out.
a. She banged Seung Chan's car and owed him money. But instead of talking it out like an adult would, she played him into believing she was nice and caring only to backstab him moments later when she realized she's still have to pay.
b. She is his senior at work but instead of helping out a young rookie, she's out for blood (i.e. trying to get him kicked out of the station) because she is forced to open her wallet for her own fault.
c. She "pays" him back in instalments only to have the guy running around the area buying her snacks with said money. She screams at him for not getting what she wants and then sends him in endless loops just because she can.
d. She ridiculously rude even when Seung Chan tries his best to please her. He didn't need to push the car in front of hers, but she asked him to and he did so. He even asked if her wrist was ok but instead of giving a simple thank you, she brushes him off like a fly.
e. She accuses Joon Mo of being unable to confront others but it is her that constantly runs away from her own problems because her whale-sized ego comes in the way.
So... disgusting = unable to have empathy for a young rookie and instead abusing her authority to play around with him. Terrible personality = non confrontational and in an aggressive, defensive way.
May 23, 2015 at 9:10 AM
I think we're just used to seeing the female lead stay the course as far as personality goes and it's usually the male lead who has a big change in personality. How many dramas have we seen where the male lead starts off as a complete jerk but become likable as the drama goes on. We're just not used to female leads doing the same thing.
49 Karen
May 23, 2015 at 7:25 AM
What a fun episode. Love how we are slowly learning more about the characters. BSC is by far my favorite. KSH is doing such an amazing job as the earnest, innocent, socially clueless PD rookie.
I don't know anything about Korean variety show but can follow the storyline. Thanks everyone for explaining the show behind BSC's dream. I really enjoyed that segment. Also love the scene of the girl idol that was arrested and seeing her dancing in the jail cell. LOL.
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50 news
May 23, 2015 at 8:16 AM
I think Producer beat The Time I've Loved You, 7000 Days to the punch (and doing a wonderful job) about two longtime friends discovering that they love each other. Even the years is longer. In Producer, it's 25 years and TTILY is 20 years.
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