Kim Soo-hyun considers reteaming with You From Another Star writer
by javabeans
Considering how much of a mega-hit You From Another Star was for Kim Soo-hyun, it seems a no-brainer to consider coming back for another project with its writer, Park Ji-eun. He has received the offer to star in Park’s upcoming drama for KBS and is currently in the “favorably considering” stage, according to his management.
The new drama is titled Producer and is set in the world of variety television. Appropriately, its director comes from that world herself and is known as a star PD in the variety realm; Seo Soo-min was credited for reinvigorating Gag Concert during her tenure as director, following that as the CP in charge of programs such as 1 Night 2 Days in its third season, Superman Returns, and Yoo Hee-yeol’s Sketchbook. With her credits, and seeing other PDs successfully making the leap from variety to drama programming (the Answer Me franchise is the most obvious example), I don’t consider a lack of scripted drama experience to be too much of a detractor in her case.
According to a rep from the broadcast station, writer Park (whose other credits include successful comedic dramas You Who Rolled In Unexpectedly and Queen of Housewives) reached out to Kim Soo-hyun herself, since she felt they’d worked well together in You From Another Star. I’d call that an understatement, given the widespread fervor the drama sparked (which I totally think was deserved—it’s the strange case where I sorta-kinda see how the drama seems overrated, but also think it makes total sense for it to be that hyped because it swept me up in its hilarious, tongue-in-cheek, romantic thrall).
Pre-production is still in early stages, so KBS does not yet have a timeslot assigned to the show, but Producer is aiming to air in the latter half of the year.
Via IS Plus
- News bites: December 6, 2014
- Oh Snap! Happy birthday, Do Min-joon
- Kim Soo-hyun embarks on eight-city Asian tour
- You From Another Star: Episode 1
- Superpower meets superstar in You From Another Star
- Movie Review: The Thieves
- Poster and stills for Covertly, Grandly
- Kim Soo-hyun’s Paris shoot for Marie Claire
- Kim Soo-hyun piggybacks The Thieves’ 10 millionth moviegoer
Tags: Kim Soo-hyun
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1 fab
February 27, 2015 at 3:13 AM
Wow this could be great! A PD with that many successful television work could just be the one to produce a great drama about variety shows. KSY is of course always a win. Never thought YFAS was overrated. xD
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February 27, 2015 at 4:21 AM
Me too xD I don't think YFAS was overrated.
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February 27, 2015 at 4:31 AM
the drama was totally overrated
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February 27, 2015 at 4:42 AM
commence pointless argument... I think Healer was much more overrated *dodges tomatoes*
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February 27, 2015 at 6:16 AM
just to add to pointless arguments and flame the fire :D
most overrated drama for me would be
Secret garden
followed closely by Healer and then You from another star (though perhaps jun ji hyun alone could save the last from this list)
drama totally worth its hype and then some
Empress Ki!
yay I love that drama to bits
February 27, 2015 at 6:21 AM
You and myunwantedtwocents just got free plane tickets to La Tomatina in Spain. Don't wear white.
(Nah, everyone's entitled to their opinion - plus if I could afford that I'd put myself on a plane to Seoul.)
February 27, 2015 at 7:15 AM
My point exactly. I will be the first one to take the bullets for you, my chingu redfox. (Though YFAS was overrated imo, but not as much as Healer)
February 27, 2015 at 7:46 AM
I wouldn't call healer 'overrated' because other than getting hype internationally, it was hardly a hit in SK. It was always #3 in its slot and broke the 10% barrier, what 2 or so times in 10 episode?
If you compare that to Secret Garden (30%) or YFAS (25%) etc. there's ratings, product endorsement influences, CF deals to consider. Healer never even came close to that level. So is the 'overrated' just measured through the number of comments it got in DB? That's a little odd to me...
February 27, 2015 at 7:47 AM
*20 episodes, I meant.
February 27, 2015 at 9:53 AM
Hmmm.... Why Healer has to be bashed here??? I mean really !!!!! I know Healer is neither a great story nor flawless, still why I like Healer because of it's characterization and beautifully shot moments, I am sure if anyone watched the whole show, will never forget a single even minor character there... If anyone have not watched it, it's okay but don't bash... And it's rightly said it's not hyped, just because it got 4000-5000 comments from most probably only 300 persons
February 27, 2015 at 10:06 AM
scuse me, but saying that it was overrated is hardly bashing. it is just an opinion that it is overrated. and it is.
February 27, 2015 at 10:34 AM
We all will have dramas that we don't get the hype over. I liked YFAS and definitely understood it's hype while never really getting as into it myself. But then Healer was a case where I thought it deserved all the hype and then some! To each their own :)
February 27, 2015 at 10:50 AM
Umm, define 'bash' please. I think the online dictionary is lying. Or you possibly have a different one on hand that I'm not aware of. Because I don't see a single comment 'bashing' healer here. I was stating facts and others were giving opinions. Its a discussion and believe it or not, not everyone in DB loves healer. Even if I did, my comment still stands.
February 27, 2015 at 1:26 PM
Hi Redfox, DB is by and large a welcoming community where we are all guests to share our views - but not hate - about Kdramas. I have not been commenting much in the last few years though becoming a DB reader since 2007. Your initiating the Healer hate, say, from the OT comments two weeks ago and then this post (which has nothing to do with Healer whatsoever) is utterly disgusting.
This is in total contrast with your pride being a teacher and educated person. We all know you are a devoted KMHM fan and there are people who love both dramas. it does not have to be one or nothing. We all have a role to play in respecting different views and maintaining DB as a place for sharing KDrama love - than going into a childish war zone.
February 27, 2015 at 1:54 PM
way overreacting you. so you are allowed redfox-hate but I am not allowed a one-sentence, non-hating comment now? Show me the word that was hateful in that sentence. I might have been a little harsh in OT, for which I apologized 13 times, but seriously, here, now, I stated my opinion without ANY emotion whatsoever. and you are saying I am initiating hate? Um, sorry, but did you not notice self-irony in my comment? Why are you Putinizing my words (aka understanding them any way you like and blowing it out of proportion, thus justifying an attack?) If I compare how overrated some dramas are in my opinion, like Healer a bit more overrated than YFAS, is that hate? Not allowed to TALK now? Or is hate, in your words, people having any opinion differing from yourself? I really don´t get it now. so why are you allowed to start YOUR hating campaign? and why are you singling me out if many people have the same opinion?
February 27, 2015 at 4:31 PM
EXCUSED you :) ... Okay I take my word back , it was not "bashing" but you just unnecessary dragged Healer here !!!! Why you consider it a hyped drama despite of it's lowwwww rating , it's underrated actually :P
February 27, 2015 at 4:53 PM
Yaaa... I understand Healer was not loved by all in DB or outside DB, obviously that's not possible, I respect your likings , I just wanted to say it was unnecessary to bring Healer here
cosmic dance
February 27, 2015 at 4:56 PM
Here, I will give you the gold star you so ardently want for being such a dedicated anti-Healer k-drama watcher, and for seeing the truth that peasants can't see.
Disclaimer: I'm not a fan of Healer, just in case you wanna throw an ad-hominen at me.
February 27, 2015 at 5:29 PM
SG was definitely the WORST written that got huge ratings.
RTP's writing (aside from the early comedy) was also pretty bad, but wasn't that big of a hit.
YFAS's writing had the same cliche-filled moments/plot-line and stereotypical characters (just not as bad), but overall, was saved by JJH's performance.
February 27, 2015 at 5:32 PM
fantasy, it was also unnecessary to get so angry. and would it have been ok with any other random drama? hm? I dont "drag" anything into it. shouldnt we be able to mention any drama anywhere? gah.
no hard feelings.
February 27, 2015 at 5:46 PM
Okay .... It's my fault, I just wrote what I felt, and about other dramas , if I did like them, i would react like this only, it was not just because it was Healer...
And someone there giving you a gold star, for showing us "The Truth" !!!!! @cosmic dance what's that mighty "Truth" ????
February 27, 2015 at 6:36 PM
I dont think Healer was overrated. It has over 4700 votes on currently voted as their favorite drama. Those votes were not from 300 people only, i saw somebody saying 4000 comments were written by 300 people.
February 27, 2015 at 8:05 PM
Having watched Secret Garden, You From The Star and Healer, I think they all differed in what type of entertainment they provided but overall I felt that Healer was such a purposeful show where every scene where said character came on mattered. I didn't watch it when it initially aired as I didn't want to have to wait for subsequent episodes but when I watched it last weekend, I totally understood the addiction.
Just thinking quickly as an example, Moon Shik's secretary - every time he appeared on screen, the actor was so into his role that just looking at him would creep me out, especially when he did that pose...head tilted with his hand to mouth accompanied with that awful smirk. Shivers down my spine. It felt like every moment led to further the narration of the drama instead of it being just a random scene with fan service or filled with unnecessary characters present just to fill in the missing airtime. The longer I think about it now, the more I realise how amazingly written/acted it was, it's not a drama that you can fast forward at all.
The most surprising thing from Healer for me was that I didn't really have any favourites or bias in it at all going in (compared to the leads for SG and YFTS whom I adore). I went in just expecting it to be a good watch after the recommendations from the beanies, I came out with my expectations fully met and totally impressed with all of the casts. PMY and JCW were stellar in it together - never grabbed my attention in their previous projects but will go back to Empress Ki and finish it now since I didn't get beyond 10 last time.
March 1, 2015 at 7:17 PM
I have watched all three dramas and the only thing that I may would critize on Healer is the short coming ending (but that was due to the fact that they didn't have any cash anymore and it was not extented for one episode). There were some loose ends that I really wanted to be filled, BUT even that can be seen as a positive thing because it leaves things to imagination and we saw little shots from every character that let you excatly know how their future would be.
Healer had not the typical love triangle, there never was really a threat in the Reporter Moon Ho. The only love threat for Healer was Healer himself aka his alter ego Park Bong Soo. Unlike other dramas there were a lot of intimitate moments and the main leads had such great chemistry. The plot in my eyes was great and had everything I didn't know I would miss it (action, humour, romance, mystery).
And it is not overrated. In South Korea Healer wasn't that popular. We Western people, I agree, are mostly finding it a lot lot better than SK people and that's why it may seem overrated. But that differs from every view. People who really like it will tell other people to watch it and people who don't like it find that as overrating behaviour.
For me there was no flaw in Healer (besides the okay-ish ending) and I get other people see that in another way, but I don't bash your favourite dramas too and go around saying they are overrated, because if you like it, then you like it. For me Empress Ki is it. 1000 of people praise it, but for me it's just overrated. That's how it is. People like different things, otherwise the world would be boring.
Healer seems to be really popular here in Western culture, so there has to be at least something good about it?
February 27, 2015 at 7:51 AM
I think KSH is overrated.
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February 27, 2015 at 7:32 PM
Oh my god. You didn't just say that haha :P I love watching him act :)
February 27, 2015 at 11:51 PM
haha i think so too! after sam dong the only time I really enjoyed seeing him on screen was the cameo in Miss Granny :D
he was such a drag in moon that embraces the sun and overshadowed in YFAS
February 27, 2015 at 8:03 AM
Let me just say that to me its only saving grace was the darling uncle/attorney. Hated everything else about this annoying thing!
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February 27, 2015 at 1:50 PM
@DD: lol, now i can understand your feeling. you are just another jelly bitter LMH fan.
February 27, 2015 at 3:04 PM
What does me hating this piece of dodo because it was EXACTLY THAT a piece of dodo have anything to do with me being an LMH fan? GROW UP and GO AWAY!
I swear some posts on here make me reevaluate the level of sanity of those typing behind their monitors!
March 2, 2015 at 1:17 AM
I wonder what the f*ck your level of sanity is. Seems you were even gonna mad to the highest level.
Mama J
February 27, 2015 at 4:31 PM
I was going to ask my standard question which gently leads to the silliness of these blanket statements and their general inappropriateness of the negativity they carry with them...
...but I am so F***ING tired of this fake-ass 'I'm so much more discerning than the silly masses' BULL shit that I'm about ready to stop reading any comments at all, thereby following my own advice to avoid things I don't enjoy when they are completely unimportant in the scheme of things.
Not that I would expect THAT to matter in the scheme of things, because I'm fully aware of how unimportant this is.
Peace, Beanies.
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February 27, 2015 at 5:34 PM
if you mean me, I would like to see where I said I am more disc something something.
Mama J
February 27, 2015 at 6:55 PM
No, I didn't mean you. I didn't mean anyone in particular, just the habit people can fall into of reflexively putting down something every time it's mentioned; they make the mistake of thinking that because THEY didn't like it, it doesn't deserve the praise others give it.
Maybe it really doesn't deserve it, but so what? The point is that they enjoyed it, and enjoy talking about it with other people who liked it, and every time someone comes along to bash it (bash means put down, not lie, for whomever asked above) it puts a dent in their shiny happiness, and for no reason. Their opinion won't be changed.
I just always wonder why the naysayers bother. After a while it starts to look like mean-ness.
February 28, 2015 at 12:23 AM
ah I see, but I wasnt putting it down. I was just saying it was overrated cause it was out of proportions. it had a lot of flaws and it was very cheesy at some points. even the main star mentioned that, so I thought it was ok
but I get what you mean. thing is, it should be ok and no one should get this mad if we dont use any hateful expressions exactly. that is sort of undeserved, to react that way
Mama J
February 28, 2015 at 6:30 AM
When you say that something is over-rated you are disagreeing with the approval that it has received. By implication, you are saying it is not as good as people make it out to be. Thus, you also call into question the taste or discernment of people who praise it.
You may not mean it meanly. In fact, I don't think you mean it that way at all. I think you think you are being factual, but in that, at least, you are wrong.
It's still just your opinion, offered over and over again, in the middle of a community of people who don't feel like you do.
It's just a drama. If you were the lone voice fighting against injustice in some way, I would definitely defend your right to be in dissent. But when it is something as innocuous as a drama, I wonder why anyone would bother beating their head against that particular wall?
So I'm not saying you don't have the right - well, not you, since this didn't start out to be about you, but you brought it to me as a personal question - I'm not saying anyone doesn't have the right to do this. I'm just trying, still, to get one rational person to explain to me why they bother?
If I don't like something and I say that once, that's enough for me. I don't seek out further conversation about it, I don't find ways to put it into another conversation entirely, I don't think about it at all. I'm done with it. So it's difficult for me to understand behavior that is completely the opposite, and I can't help but think it's meant primarily to stir up drama.
Which I may be feeding, at this very moment. But I am really curious, and I have never heard an honest response that explains this behavior.
February 28, 2015 at 7:31 AM
JoAnne -
For some people, I think it's an overwhelming need to have everyone's eyes focused on them for the next amazing thing they will say. And it's easier to be nasty than it is to be considerate.
Sticking yourself on a pedestal only causes derision. Or pity. Or both. So no whining about people picking on you.
And you and I have 'occasionally' had dissenting opinions about stuff, but it has never degenerated in name-calling, putdowns, or a verbal sniff, and I respect you for that. [bows]
February 28, 2015 at 9:06 AM
I have to agree with Shuk on this one. I agree that everyone has the right to disagree, but I also wonder at the throwing of a stone here and then pretending to be a victim in the end. In the post that, once again, started the drama, redfox writes "commence pointless argument" and ends with "dodges tomatoes" both of which imply that he/she knows that the argument has no point and yet is willing to start it anyway (in a thread that has nothing to do with anyone in that show by the way) and that she knows people will be angry at it afterwards (hence the dodging of tomatoes). So why act all shocked and wounded afterwards? If you are going to bait a bull with a red flag, you can't go crying that you were gored later.
February 27, 2015 at 6:17 AM
Ha! Your name - love it !
No! YFAS was not overrated.
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February 27, 2015 at 4:15 PM
I love her name too! Made me LOL so much. ^______^
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February 27, 2015 at 1:18 PM
I though YFAS was over-rated but I'm super picky about what I'll spend time watching... I preferred Kim Soo Hyun's other dramas.
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February 27, 2015 at 2:39 PM
A big sigh @redfox! Your apologising 13 times at OT and yet starting another totally unnecessary repeat of what you initiated there - is exactly the point.
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February 27, 2015 at 5:36 PM
I said 1 sentence without hateful words whatsoever and got 6 long angry replies. who started what.
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February 27, 2015 at 6:48 PM
This is my perception of why so many people find your comment inflammatory.
You absolutely started the negativity. You said so yourself in the comment, "commence pointless argument" which indicates you knew that you were intentionally inciting if not soliciting negative responses. You cannot light a match and claim you didn't start the fire.
You have beat Healer to death until it is a pile of mush in OT alone, for a long time now. Week after week. Everyone here knows you did not think much of Healer. That's okay, to not like it, that's not the problem, personal preference and all that. But you only need to say it once, in your own comment. But you do not do that, you continued to comment on what you dislike during the run of the drama, and you sought out other people's comments and replies discussing Healer to interject your dislike. Many times. Your comment here would not have been so inflammatory but for that history.
That said however, it's also kind of thread hijacking and/or a bit troll like to randomly just bring up another drama in discussion about a specific drama. Again, you comment would have probably not been so inflammatory but for your history of so many negative comments about Healer.
Just for the record, I have my issues with Healer too.
I apologize to all Beanies for such a long post.
February 27, 2015 at 9:38 PM
Oh geez, everyone chill. Develop a sense of restraint. If you don't like a comment, move on. Stop with this blame game and ganging up on a person. Don't make it personal. If you have serious concerns, email JB and GF. It is their blog after all. Peace out.
Ajumma Jjang
February 28, 2015 at 1:44 AM
+1Thread hijacking always gives me *eyerolls*
February 28, 2015 at 6:17 AM
Mar, no need to apologize for a long post especially by comparing it to other Redfox's incessant, irrelevant babbling, yours isnt even considered long and atleast you have a great point and echoes a lot of beanies, Healiber or not, sentiments.
February 28, 2015 at 11:32 AM
Everyone treating healer as if it's the 11th commandment is also a bit concerning. Yes it's a drama well loved and enjoyed by many, but why can't anyone just see past the comments that judge it otherwise?
Everyone has the right to voice their opinions "as agreed by most", then why is it only favorable opinions that are "allowed" to be heard? (regardless of the number of times voiced! In comparison just count the number of times ppl said they loved it, but no one was bothered by that repetition)
Eh I am a fan of JCW but not healer, I won't waste my time or effort discussing it or commenting about what I don't like about it, I only discuss things I totally enjoy. But what I do not enjoy is the majority trumping the minority on these boards...It's like " it's a drama loved by us ALL so you either like it or shut it" attitude and that's very dictator-ish to say the least!
February 28, 2015 at 1:27 PM
I agree with you, a dissenting opinion should be okay! And I also agree with the importance of validity of the minority voice, and it does sometimes feel like a dissenting voice invites "attack." Especially regarding a drama that incites a fervor. It does get a bit scary just like with some of the kpop idols. I understand perfectly your point of view as I am OFTEN a dissenting voice. I rarely like the same dramas as most of my k drama peeps. However, the essence of fandom is the desire to squee with other fans lol, so I think it's natural for many people to think a topic thread would invite mostly positive comments.
The problem however with dissent spiraling into negativity in commenting lies in scope and context.
Let's use some hypothetical examples here to look at scope and context:
Scenario 1: Thread post about Actor A's newest magazine shoot. Fan A does not like Actor A and goes on the thread to say that, and maybe goes a step further to say, Actor B is so much better. Is that voicing minority opinion or is it trolling, or trying to hijack the thread to talk about their bias? Perhaps the qualifying question is- WHY would anyone read a post about someone they do not like?
Scenario 2: Drama A Recaps: Week after week, certain commenters have nothing good to say about Drama A, and/or talk about how much they dislike a cast member. Not just posting their comments, but also replying to others, with the same type of negative crit. Throughout the run of the drama. Is that simply voicing a minority opinion? My question is: If someone does not like the drama, and does not like the cast, WHY are they watching it? Or, if they have dropped the drama, WHY are they constantly commenting on it? Why are people spending so much time complaining? Drop that thing and find a happy making drama!
I think it's sometimes hard to find a balance in trying to figure out when a comment is communicating just a, hey, not feeling it, or it's something more involved. Just my 2 cents. Another long post, yikes. I'm cutting myself off lol
February 28, 2015 at 2:58 PM
Amazing! This refuses to die down. I am a newcomer here, but logically thinking I would assume that issues of these kind are brought up to the blog owners. Allow people to snark. Unless it devolves to name calling against other commenters. If you think someone is trolling, step away! This is not soompi and unless there are moderators I am unaware of, learn to live and let live. If you shout down dissenting voices, the community loses its vibrancy. As for negativity, calling out a drama for its plot holes and general cheesiness is not negativity in my opinion. And did someone just compare the fans to a raging bull? Time to stop commenting I guess.
Disclaimer: I am someone who enjoyed Healer but am cognizant of the fact that it is not the best drama in the history of dramas. Also redfox, I have no clue why Healer came up here.
March 1, 2015 at 1:00 AM
But you forget that this is not a "fan site" per se. It's a place where ppl watch and discuss dramas, their likes and dislikes and go on to rec or pan! So the discerning voice is as important as the squeeing one, if you will!
The thing with the "like it or shut it" attitude works the opposite way too. Say when a drama is panned by most on here and you go on to praise it or point out "great" things about it, it's as if you've suddenly grown 10 heads!! It's like how could you "see things differently" than the rest of us, you MUST BE a "so and so jealous bitter fan" lol just look at the comment that replied to me right above as an example!
(bad example since I was actually voicing critique, but you get what I mean I hope :) )
I am not sure why ppl feel the need to be passionate about their hate as much as others are passionate about their love, or why they feel it's important for them to repeatedly say the things they hated about a drama like those repeatedly saying the things they loved about it. That's impossible for me to figure out, but all I can think of is that "passion is passion" and ppl treat the things that concern them and matter to them equally whether it be things that moved them positively or negatively.
I'll give you an example from this very thread, I joined DB a couple of months ago, by pure accident as I was searching something and came across this site. One of the first things I've looked at - as a newbie drama watcher - was their rating system. Lo and behold YFAS was being top rated "squeed about" and praised to high sky. I figure OK this is THE ONE I must start with. So I watch and wait for it to impress me, which obviously it didn't if you noticed from my comments :P So I come back to say that hey, where is that greatness you spoke so much about? I want my time back, i want my investment back, it had soooooo many issues, it annoyed me, I was bored with it to tears...But I'll bet no one wants to hear that, cuz EVERYONE loved it (for some reason that I can't figure out yet). Therefore I stopped taking that rating system seriously at all, I feel it's a herd mentality that is guiding likes and dislikes on here, and thus I learned to stop trusting it.
Anyway, it's probably time to step back as well as I've said much more than I wanted to. And as I've said many times before I'll continue to watch works of ppl whom I enjoyed in certain projects and hope that I won't be too disappointed. Kdramas are a personal taste, and even in the greatest ones you'll always manage to find many irritants, so ppl need to take it easy with their stern opinions about dramas, they need to learn to accept the other without taking away from their joy of watching.
AND I'll end with that, cheers!
March 1, 2015 at 12:22 PM
@ DD
"But you forget that this is not a “fan site” per se. It’s a place where ppl watch and discuss dramas, their likes and dislikes and go on to rec or pan! So the discerning voice is as important as the squeeing one, if you will!"
Actually it's a personal blog in which the owner(s) and their 'minions' recap dramas and do news/interest posts, and allows a VERY liberal visitor comment function. We ALL seem to forget that sometimes. And I did agree with you that the dissenting voice has validity. Please note the "scope and context" of negativity reference in my previous reply to you. That was a kind of important point.
I think we can both agree that things go to extremes both ways.
I understand completely what you are saying, it has happened to all of us, there is always some drama that we don't feel, we say it, and we get a really, how can you not like that? Or conversely we love a drama a lot of people hate. But you are never alone as you think you are. Most people however can agree to disagree and move on. One thing I've learned about fandoms is that communities ebb and flow and change, both positive and negative. The last big change I was around for in this community was 2013.
I think you hit on a big huge key to k drama-approach reviews and ratings sideways, with caution! Two of the first things I learned when I was a newbie was NEVER believe the genre listings, and never believe any "best kiss ever" squee lol. Learning that most ratings are subjective is just part of the process. As you said, it really is personal taste. How good it is versus How much I liked/enjoyed it is an important distinction in looking at the ratings on DB, but the blog is a wonderful resource for newbies because it is a good starting point. I think the recaps are extremely helpful for newbies also. Another blogger Outside Seoul did a blog post on the difference between quality, enjoyment/like, and what you would actually recommend to someone, and how different those lists might be. That really made me think. I use that process in how I think about dramas, and also consider why (or why not) I would recommend a drama. I kind of break things down into categories on my recommendations. But again, it's all subjective.
Enjoy your dramas! Hope to "talk" to you in the future.
February 27, 2015 at 7:02 PM
Who is Kim Soo Hyun?
Oh wait, I don't care.
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February 28, 2015 at 1:00 PM
I agree with Mandy. I don't think Healer was overrated. It flew under the radar until about ep 10 for me and I tuned in by accident. I personally thought it deserved more hype than it got. The cast was great and it was such an awesome mix of action, romance, mystery, and drama.
I enjoyed Man From Another star, but it was definitely overrated because of it's leads. Still, it was good and I'd be interested in another drama by the writer. I'm definitely up for more Kin Soo Hyun! I'm currently watching Moon Embracing the Sun and he is an awesome king.
But Secret Garden is seriously overrated. I watched up to ep 3 when it aired and thought it was entertaining enough, but not all that great. I'm currently finishing on Netflix now and I still feel that way. It's enjoyable, but it aint all that. So out of the 3, this one wins.
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February 28, 2015 at 8:26 PM
Agree.. Lets hope and pray that KSH will grab this one. Im fed up watching DID dramas. This is something new for viewers. Ive read Chae Tae Hyun made a comeback here.. i think this gonna be a wacky one.
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2 Nancy
February 27, 2015 at 3:17 AM
Yes yes kim soo hyun please sy yes!
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3 Feliss
February 27, 2015 at 3:21 AM
yess..i hope he get younger LEAD female this time..
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February 27, 2015 at 6:18 AM
Was thinking about a younger female lead like Kang Sora.
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February 27, 2015 at 2:46 PM
haha they would be cute but I want her to do that one hong sisters drama with kim woo bin
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4 redfox
February 27, 2015 at 3:46 AM
*jumps up and down on a trampo...nope, that´s my sofa.*
I found him a little bland in the drama but it was certainly well-written with enjoyable side characters and great punchlines.
ahhh yessss *sofa falls over* crap.
maybe it will be too much exitement. when I watched YFAS in the middle of the night, I could have needed a Hannibal mask to keep myself from laughing manically and scaring my neighbors.
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February 27, 2015 at 4:58 AM
LOL :D Totally agreed !! YFAS is amazing !! ^^
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5 toni
February 27, 2015 at 3:56 AM
It's about time he accepts a new drama offer and star in one again but I'm not that feeling this kind of dramas.
Anyway I'm waaaaaay happy that he's considering this since I miss seeing him in dramas. Can't believe it's been a year since he's done one.
Good luck, Kim Soohyun!
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6 alpha
February 27, 2015 at 4:22 AM
Now the big decision is, who will be the actress? ITS ALL DOWN TO THAT.
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Shitty Healing Hunter
February 27, 2015 at 4:40 AM
Park Shin-hye.
It's written in the stars.
Jang Geun Suk
Lee Min Ho
Kim Woo Bin
Lee Jong Suk
Now... Kim Soo Hyun
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February 27, 2015 at 12:04 PM
????... Ditto...
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February 27, 2015 at 1:30 PM
LOL! I totally see that happening. But since I like Shin-hye a lot, I'm totally up for it!
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February 27, 2015 at 2:28 PM
She is extremely annoying in most shows I've seen her in.The only show I liked her in was 'flower boy next door'and I think It's because she had a lot of chemistry with yoon shi yoon,I didn't like his character on the show though.
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February 27, 2015 at 10:25 PM
Yes, please make the lead actress PSH. Totally love her acting.
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February 28, 2015 at 1:50 PM
Only if the character penned is a strong and multidimensional with a good script else I don't want her in it even if her costar is KSH
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February 28, 2015 at 10:58 PM
I agree with you my friend @maris and I think her plans this year to graduate .
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February 27, 2015 at 6:49 AM
Do we even know what the drama is about? More details please!
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February 27, 2015 at 6:59 AM
I want to know what the drama is about. Just "Producer" and "set in variety world" isn't enough to draw me in, KSH or no KSH. I think he's a good actor with more potential to grow, but his past drama choices are a mixed bag.
Also, "Producer" is the sort of job that makes me think "experience", i.e. someone older who has worked in the entertainment industry in a while. Another genius scenario would be yawn.
But who knows. Need details before I can decide whether this is something I'll give a try or not.
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February 27, 2015 at 8:01 AM
haha, another genius, Korean Josh Schwartz maybe?
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7 lucy
February 27, 2015 at 4:41 AM
well everybody has their own opinion. as for me YFAS really seems overrated. but u can't deny that show is enjoyable though.
i can't seem to understand why people treat YFAS like the best drama they ever watched. probably because there are no character like Do Min Joon. and maybe no one can play Do Min Joon like Kim Soo Hyun. Hah.
Whatever it is, i'm looking forward for this. say yes KSH!! and hopefully the female lead is not the actress in the same category as SSK. please
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8 PeepsLeAwesomePotato
February 27, 2015 at 4:44 AM
What's CP? Co-producer? Because, damn, whomever's responsible for that turn-over at 1N2D season 3 is working it well. Yu HoJin is doing magic, I tell you, through it's probably not ALL his credit. I don't think he's as cruel/sadistic as Na PD, but he's no Hamster PD either. And he has a sort of heodang personality too, haha.
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February 27, 2015 at 5:19 AM
Maybe a Content Producer? My husband works as one for a few formatted tv shows.
If drama most probably a Chief Producer.
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February 27, 2015 at 6:53 AM
Wait... season 3 of 1N2D got better? I dropped it and never looked back but it made me so sad! Should I check it out? Which episodes did it improve at?
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February 27, 2015 at 7:12 AM
I think all of the episodes were great though the funniest episode that i can remember was about the cooking competition with chef sam. I'm head over heels in love with 1n2d season 3 <3
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9 Heal-er
February 27, 2015 at 4:44 AM
I hope he will accept. Also Lee Min Ho said he will make a drama later this year. Hope to see them veeeeery soon hehe
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February 27, 2015 at 5:11 AM
Lee Min ho should play characters like Choi Young, it suits him to be serious.
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February 27, 2015 at 8:00 AM
It's funny you're saying that cuz in RL that boy is a total goofball...Anything but serious, all giggles and smiles like a little school girl lol which is something I completely adore about him. Being able to pull off characters totally opposite of who he really is, is a true testament to his talent :) My lovely LMH is a bag full of tricks!
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February 27, 2015 at 8:10 AM
but he is much hotter when serious
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February 27, 2015 at 8:16 AM
As his HUGE fan...You shouldn't ask me to chose cuz I think this boy IS SMOKING no matter what he does lol so I'm totally biased, but he sure does the smolder VERY VERY WELL!! :P
Who's Scruffy Looking
February 27, 2015 at 9:14 AM
Hi. What's RL?
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February 27, 2015 at 9:21 AM
I am guessing it is Real Life. You know, that thing outside dramabeans or something
Who's Scruffy Looking
February 27, 2015 at 9:30 AM
Ha ha. I answered someone's question exactly the same way last week and it didn't even occur to me today. I thought it might be a variety show or something. Duh.
February 27, 2015 at 7:04 PM
No it doesn't.
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10 news
February 27, 2015 at 4:55 AM
I think Kim Soo-hyun is overrated. What made YFAS a mega-hit was Jun Ji-hyun.
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Jon G.
February 27, 2015 at 5:02 AM
I'm not sure about that (the reason for being a mega-hit and all), but I agree that Jun Ji-hyun did all the work there. Then again, his role was to be boring and stiff, it's not like he could have done anything flashy anyway.
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February 27, 2015 at 5:25 AM
That is true.I haven't seen him in anything except MFAS,so I hope he plays a diff character completely in this one. Also heard that Greatly,secretly showcases his acting chops. I should check it out.
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February 27, 2015 at 5:26 AM
I meant completely diff character*
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Who's Scruffy Looking
February 27, 2015 at 9:26 AM
Hi. This is completely off your topic but considering your name I have a question. Have you seen the movie Gangnam Blues/Gangnam 1970 yet? It's not really my type of movie, I like the actors a lot but if the ending is sad I don't think I want to watch it. have you heard anything. :)
February 27, 2015 at 1:43 PM
I'd like to see him in something completely different. A drama where he is more lively and not some stoic prince or alien. I've only watched Moon Embracing the Sun, YFAS and Secretly, Greatly.
Who's Scruffy Looking
February 27, 2015 at 3:23 PM
If you want a drama, check out Dream High. It's his best drama IMO. Or if you want a movie, check out The Thieves. Its an ensemble cast so he's not in it a major lot but he's great in it. Also it is where he worked with Jun Ji Hyun from YFAS for the first time.
February 27, 2015 at 8:08 PM
@ bio
I agree! It'd be great to see more range from him.
Based on acting alone, I much prefer Yoo Seung-Ho and Song Joong-Ki and I've seen more Kim Soo-hyun dramas/films than either of the aforementioned actors.
February 27, 2015 at 7:15 AM
Please check it out :D I love him in it.
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February 27, 2015 at 4:17 PM
Oooooh oooooh watch Dream High please! :DDDDD
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February 27, 2015 at 8:15 PM
I love KRW too! I miss Punch so much. I don't know if I can watch Gagnam Blues though.
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February 27, 2015 at 5:49 AM
This is true. But she took the role because he personally asked, we should thank him for that much :)
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February 27, 2015 at 7:29 AM true.
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February 27, 2015 at 1:46 PM
Thanks god that he denied this rumor. I would wanna vomit if this drama makes him another male version of that psychotic and overacting chun song ji !!!
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11 Emmy
February 27, 2015 at 5:41 AM
Erm. YES please!!!!
Kim Soo hyun needs to come back to dramaland soon, I've been missing him, and if it is a new project with the YFAS writer, all the better!
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12 kanz
February 27, 2015 at 6:42 AM
I want this drama to be as hilarious and great as King of Dramas, the king of metas!!
It's possible right? Considering YFAS also full of metas and pokes fun on the live of celebrity :D
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13 jongyu
February 27, 2015 at 6:51 AM
I wish we got at least a character description though. Hopefully soon we'll get more info, if he confirms. I'm sure he's getting scripts left, right and centre, there's probably so much pressure to choose his next project. I hope he chooses well.
I'm probably in the minority, but I found the character Do Min-joon to be as dull as dishwater. There was nothing special about him. disregarding his lineage. Some of his reactions were funny though, and he was still likeable. But I didn't really care about him or connect with him emotionally. I loved JJH as Cheon Song-yi but I didn't get the hype of the entire show itself. Imo, if it were a 16 ep drama, I would've liked it better. It got draggy at the end.
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14 wackycashew
February 27, 2015 at 6:59 AM
I've been keeping an eye out for KSH's next project. So, it'd be great for him to have another drama lined up. I enjoyed YFAS tremendously and it's awesome for the writer to reach out to KSH. The PD's credentials are amazing as well. Would be fun if KSH accepts this role.
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15 Mandy
February 27, 2015 at 7:07 AM
YFAS was never overrated to me; it was so good and deserved all the love and recognition it got. Which is why this is just so exciting! Most likely, the reason KSH hasn't done a drama since is because he's looking for a script that could match that of YFAS. I can see why he's so careful because following up the success of something that huge is almost close to impossible.
Anyway, I think this will be great and can't wait to see who gets courted for the dense lead! Glad KSH is likely to pass on the vampire scholar drama. Especially after seeing what a mess Blood turned out to be...
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16 moon.
February 27, 2015 at 8:13 AM
I hope his character is an underdog type and not the usual typical cool lead. Up till now I think my fav char of his is Samdong from Dream High. haha
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17 Trinity 🍆
February 27, 2015 at 8:37 AM
I liked YFAS but feel KSH is overrated. He is certainly attractive but I haven't seen any performance by him that has wowed me yet. The only reason I liked YFAS so much was because of JJH.
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Big Head
February 27, 2015 at 8:46 AM
I totally agree!
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18 Peabody
February 27, 2015 at 8:38 AM
I love KSH in YFAS!!! Can't wait for his next drama. Hope he chooses a total different character from his past projects!
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19 Scarlet
February 27, 2015 at 9:48 AM
So hyun and woo bin are in talks for upcoming dramas. I heard Min Ho will come back to dramaland this year. I think Jong suk also will do a drama this year.
Battle of the hottest stars.
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20 Wakekke
February 27, 2015 at 9:54 AM
Kim soo hyun is a great actor, yes YFAS was overrated but only his character was bland on that, but when you watch him before YFAS he was really great. watch dream high and secretly greatly
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21 owl 🦉 🫰
February 27, 2015 at 11:18 AM
Can't have too much of a good thing if you ask me.
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22 Tiggie2
February 27, 2015 at 12:12 PM
YFAS was about beautiful scenery and expensive clothes. Initially it was interesting to start with but as the episodes continued it felt draggy. I suppose most K-drama have this set back.
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February 28, 2015 at 2:27 AM
I agree with you about some K-dramas getting draggy. Thanks to King of Dramas and On Air, I think I have a pretty decent understanding of how dramas are developed. It probably has something to do with how dramas are written, filmed, and aired almost all simultaneously. Drama writers don't have enough time or inspiration to come up with great ideas, so they write whatever they can think of. Only every once in a while, writers actually come up with something viewers like.
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23 ilikemangos
February 27, 2015 at 12:38 PM
Ah, so he has waited this long for just the right project. This could be a really interesting show given the variety angle. Drama meets variety? I don't know the whole story but that sounds like it could be either a huge hit for being different or a huge mess. I'm glad he didn't choose any multiple personality or vampire roles and following the trend. This writer is one of my favs for always bringing the entertainment factor with heart. Ksh is one of those actors that doesn't just grab any project that even looks the slightest appealing, he really tries to go for his gut feeling when it comes to a successful project which is probably why it took him so long after stars to return to dramaland. I wouldn't say its simply luck because since his debut into primetime with wisfc all his projects have been succesful commercial-wise. I hope other actors can learn from him. I guess he has the luxury to take his time and get offered the good roles, but it really is just a matter of quality over quantity. Can't wait to see him again!
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24 Sour Grapes
February 27, 2015 at 12:56 PM
Meh to this overratedness (YFAS, not KSH).
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25 saranga
February 27, 2015 at 1:26 PM
the writer definitely has a solid track record (i've liked everything she's penned minus queen of reversals, which i found i simply couldn't get into), and i love her light funny touch. this already sounds fun. i'd watch kim soo-hyun in anything, but this pairing just makes it a definite must watch.
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