Yoochun and Suzy sniff out new drama Girl Who Sees Smells
by girlfriday
Well it’s not exactly an appetizing title, but I guess it IS descriptive: Girl Who Sees Smells is a new drama headed to SBS on Wednesdays and Thursdays this spring, and offers are reportedly out to Park Yoochun (Three Days) and Bae Suzy (Gu Family Book) to headline. The drama is an adaptation of a webtoon (what isn’t these days?) about — you guessed it — a girl who sees smells. Way to be on the nose. Hur.
The drama is about two people connected through a violent crime, called the Barcode Murder Case. The hero loses his little sister and subsequently becomes a cop, while the heroine barely escapes the incident with her life, and loses her memory from the trauma. She somehow develops heightened senses through the ordeal, and in particular gains the ability to see smells. I had to look up images from the webtoon (below) to see just how literal the ability was, and yup, it looks like she sees smells floating around people.
I have no idea why this ability would be useful to anybody, but I’m sure it’ll become important to the case. More importantly, it sets up our hero and heroine as opposites, because dramaland doesn’t know any other way: The hero is described as completely unfeeling and numb (in this case I don’t actually know if he’s impervious to pain or just emotionally cold), while the heroine is hyper-feeling because she can’t block out her heightened senses.
The setup sounds a lot like Gap-dong in plot, though with the supernatural bent and focus on younger characters, I can see it being less dark. The adaptation will be penned by writer Lee Hee-myung of Rooftop Prince and Yawang, and helmed by PD Baek Su-chan of Pumpkin Flower Innocence and Dream. They’re not exactly credits that induce a wealth of confidence, but Yoochun was pretty fun in the silly supernatural rom-com Rooftop Prince, and maybe this time with good source material to rely on, the collaboration can only improve?
That’s the hope anyway, since I want Yoochun to be in good dramas. His last one, the action-thriller Three Days, left me pretty cold. He fared much better in his big screen debut last year, and earned numerous accolades and a host of praise for his acting in Sea Fog. I can’t say I’m excited about Suzy headlining another drama, because my feelings about her are pretty much the same as they’ve always been — I find her adorable and lovable, and not a very good actress. I’d love to be surprised by her someday, because she has such natural charm; she just still feels so green.
At least I can see them being cute together, since the drama is about their budding romance as the cop hero helps the smell-seeing girl to recover her memories and protects her from harm. The characters are ages 29 and 22, which makes the casting spot-on in that regard. I won’t hope for miracles, but maybe they’ll have really great chemistry and sell us on the romance. Hey, pheromones are smells, right? Still… kinda… icky…
Girl Who Sees Smells follows Hyde, Jekyll, Me on Wednesdays and Thursdays in April.
- Yoochun: The work itself is the prize
- Sea Fog to stir box office waters this week
- Ryu Seung-ryong and Suzy cast as teacher and student in sageuk film
- Three Days: Episode 1
- Yoochun headlines action drama Three Days
- Yoochun joins Kim Yoon-seok at sea
- Gu Family Book: Episode 1
- I Miss You: Episode 1
- Big: Episode 1
- Rooftop Prince: Episode 1
- Posters and teaser for Intro to Architecture
Tags: adaptations, Girl Who Sees Smells, Micky Yoochun, Suzy
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51 bjharm
January 20, 2015 at 5:40 PM
it a kind of remake of an older drama, where a woman can do the same thing, ie smell people and know what crimes they done and so on, can not remember its name off the top of my head, it wasnt a big name drama though...had a one of those rough solo i do things my way cops and I think the woman was either dumped or devoiced that how she get her 'powers' and her besty friend thinks of using her powers to make money and they of course end up over their head so the cop can safe them...nope can not think of its name or cast, and I seen it twice....sure sign I watch way too many korean dramas.
As for why suzy?, same reason as why she been cast before, big name idol with still a big fan base, though she not flavour of the month any more, she still has more than a big enough pull to get leading lady roles, for that alone....lol of course some would say certainly not for her acting, but hey she can only get better right?
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52 Erin
January 20, 2015 at 6:18 PM
Based on the Korean netizens' reaction, they're all against Suzy's casting offer and they think she's not a good actress.
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January 20, 2015 at 10:16 PM
Why :( I think she is a good actress and I don't understand why people are bashing her so much. Poor Suzy...I loved her in Gu Family Book.
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53 Alin
January 20, 2015 at 6:27 PM
who makes casting decisions btw? because if i was a scriptwriter, no way would i be choosing suzy to be the female lead for my precious script, all that hard work down the drain
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54 Chiaki
January 20, 2015 at 6:30 PM
That title though...
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55 pinktape
January 20, 2015 at 6:47 PM
I saw the webtoon caps featured here and tbh I'm more interested in reading the webtoon instead of watching the drama.
This is either a hit or a miss, I think. The theme is very unusual and making something unusual interesting without causing people to frown is hard. It could really good or really bad, so it really depends on the script, actors, and the promotion (but maybe choosing Yoochun and Suzy can be counted as promoting already)
I only watched Suzy in Dream High and Big (yeah, I know) and I must say that I quite enjoyed watching her. On the other hand, I never watched Yoochun in anything other than Sungkyunkwan, but I really loved him there. He made an everlasting impression so I'm going to have faith in him.
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January 20, 2015 at 10:14 PM
I don't know about anyone else, but I for one actually love Suzy. I first saw her in Gu Family Book and thought her acting was pretty good and believable. I got immersed in her character and I had no idea who she was nor even know that was an idol. I only watched that drama for Seunggi. So I was pretty surprised when people are saying that her acting was bad. Which I can now understand why when I look back at her very first acting debut - Dream High. I mean, okay she wasn't as skilled there but I believe she has made a huge progress in terms of acting. She's a good actor and I'm excited that she is partnered up with Yoochun. I loved him in Sungkyunkwan Scandal.
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57 anon
January 20, 2015 at 11:22 PM
Love Yoochun!!!
Not so much Suzy....
But what I'm more concerned about is how skeptical this drama is...... -___- I honestly don't sense much potential in the plot , sounds downright weird and with that that supernatural ability, I don't think it could be a serious police crime drama...so... sounds awkward.
Rather Yoochun pick up a better drama, but then I also want to see him in something ASAP!!
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58 Angeli
January 21, 2015 at 1:40 AM
This sounds so interesting and fun! I hope Yoochun does take the role. As for Suzy.. not too sure about her, acting-wise. I hope she improved.
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59 Queenbee
January 21, 2015 at 3:06 AM
PYC - No. He can find another actress better for him based on his diehard fans' standards.
"Rooftop prince" writer - No
Drama title - No
So Suzy is left for better chances with better actors, once she could be casted to play along with Ryu seung ryong in her movie earlier.
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60 Rayon
January 21, 2015 at 5:11 AM
First, The title of the drama.. Weird.
I have heard yoochun's movie 'Sea fog" was received well. If that's the case, he should have kept with that momentum and maybe finish the army and take it from there. As from the dramas i have seen of him, I think yoochun is decent even though didn't like his last two dramas, especially "Missing you". And feels playing a cold/numb person will be repetitive. I would like to see him in a rom-com.
As for suzy, I find her bland and bad at acting. Had enough with "Gu family book". But that was 2013. So i hope she would have worked on improving her skills. But the only thing worries me is that the title gives an impression that the drama is more of female lead oriented,, which i hope not..cause i definitely don't think suzy will be able to shoulder it. And i find yoochun and suzy to be an odd pairing.
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61 kpopchik
January 21, 2015 at 4:36 PM
This is going to be like I Hear Your Voice I just know it sounds like the same story just a bit different
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62 kpopchik
January 21, 2015 at 4:37 PM
This sounds like it'll be the same as I Hear Your Voice
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63 kiwichan
January 22, 2015 at 12:15 AM
I want Yoochun in new drama but I can wait if he couldnt find good script or interesting role yet..This going to be a HIT or MISS..I'm the one who always enjoy his works so I demand quality over popularity..Like 3Days, the drama may not too popular with no lovey dovey scenes but I respect how he dares to take the challenge & he did well! Same as Haemoo! people who always say he played same character, I force you to watch Haemoo coz you can't find Yoochun there but Dong Shik only..
So if he accepts this offer, all the best I wish..I hope at least it's fun enough to watch like how I enjoy Kill Me Heal Me..
Nothing against about Suzy, the girl should give a chance to improve if she takes this acting field seriously..
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64 Kaddict
January 28, 2015 at 11:59 PM
Dont be left out..if you love korean drama and would like to interact and gist about kdramas its not a scam just for intrested ones... Join this entertaining and interactive group and WE TALK ALL ABOUT KOREAN DRAMA! https://m.facebook.com/groups/1541633016075605?_e_pi_=7%2CPAGE_ID10%2C8289804497&refid=13
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65 David
March 25, 2015 at 11:10 PM
Watch this drama Engsub on KGag.net
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