Healer: Episode 3

Today gives us a pleasantly funny, lighthearted episode with just a tinge of a melancholy undercurrent—an undercurrent I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of as we delve deeper into the mystery that binds together our cast, and the key dates in the past that mark their connection. I’m really enjoying the spirit of tongue-in-cheek fun that marks the present day, because it’s a nice counterbalance to the moody flashbacks that hint at an ominous past.


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Moon-ho dreams. His childhood self runs through the hospital and comes upon Myung-hee noona cradling a newborn baby, looking happy. He smiles tentatively at the baby and offers a teddy bear—just as the baby blanket flies into the air, and suddenly the baby’s gone. Then, so is Myung-hee.

Adult Moon-ho struggles in his sleep while Child Moon-ho races through the streets… turning into Teenage Moon-ho, whose legs sink into the ground that’s turned to mud. He forces his feet onward until he arrives at home, finding it ransacked, and that teddy bear torn open.

With a jerk, Moon-ho wakes up in a cold sweat. He steps into the shower fully clothed, shaken. “My dream is to stop dreaming,” he tells us. “After that day, I keep dreaming that dream. It will be gone for months, but every time I think it might be forgotten, without fail it comes back to me. Because I have committed a sin.”

In the morning, Young-shin regales Dad with a recounting of her heroic rescue of the suicidal unni, whose name is Yeon-hee. She’s so busy with the re-enactment that she doesn’t notice the suspicious guy dressed in black who slips into her house—Jung-hoo’s arrived for more investigation.

She pauses momentarily when Dad asks what she said to make Yeon-hee listen to her, then glosses it over as some random nonsense she made up on the spot. Guess she doesn’t want him feeling bad about her sad history.

Jung-hoo darts for cover when Yeon-hee emerges from her room, but Young-shin doesn’t notice and keeps talking. She tells Dad to keep watch over their guest while she’s at work because they never know when a suicidal person might try again. Dad shushes her before she puts her foot in it (even more), and they ask Yeon-hee whether she has any family or friends she can go to.

She doesn’t, and is scared to return home because “they” will be waiting for her. She pleads to be allowed to stay here, asking Dad to take on her case. Despite their misgivings, dad and daughter can’t turn down someone in need.

Jung-hoo hides a recording device in Dad’s office, pausing to note the family photo, then takes a look in Young-shin’s room, taking note of her cell phone serial number. He has to duck under her bed when Young-shin enters, in a grumpy mood because Dad offered her room to share with unni.

She gripes that Dad knows how she can’t share a room, and casts a dramatic longing look around her precious space… and then starts singing an ode to her bed. The look of bafflement on Jung-hoo’s face is priceless as she dances around, flopping on the bed intermittently, and then drops trou right in front of him to change.

Given how cool and commanding he was in their last encounter with the nail clippers, it’s rather satisfying to see that the almighty Healer isn’t completely unflappable. And then Young-shin kicks her pajama pants under the bed, and they land on Healer’s head. LOL.

Moon-ho arrives at the station and is warned that the boss’s mood is ominous. He heads in to see Min-jae with his trademark charm dialed up to full, but she puts a damper on that by letting him know that his brother is in the building, meeting with the president. Interesting how little of her warnings faze him, but that one tidbit does.

Min-jae tells him to not push too far, then shows him a clip of a recent broadcast. It’s Moon-ho’s latest rogue-anchor antic, wherein he goes off-script to point out the hypocrisy of his station for investigating a story about a company, declining to air the report, and then airing plenty of commercials for said company.

So now, he’s being pulled from the live broadcast, and all of his stories will go through her. He protests (in his usual charmypants way), but Min-jae cuts through the glib talk and tells him to stop playing around now—he may be protected because of his brother’s stature as a media mogul, but the station that is his playground is her life’s work.

Moon-ho apologizes, and catches his brother on his way out of the building. During the ride home, Moon-shik informs Moon-ho of a meeting tomorrow that he’s set up with all the big media movers and shakers, telling Moon-ho that it’s time he “crossed the water” and joined him. Moon-ho’s expression sours when his brother says that he’s like a son to him; Moon-ho retorts that he’s not, and not-entirely-jokingly warns that he’ll rebel if hyung pushes too hard.

Young-shin arrives at the star’s apartment building for her daily stakeout/stalking attempt, only to find that today there’s a phalanx of reporters stationed outside. Oh, she’s been scooped. Her editor boss calls her in fits, reminding her that she’d refused other work in order to sniff out this story, only to be outmaneuvered. When she gets to the apartment, the entire hallway is full of reporters, and she gets taunted for being behind the curve.

She takes out her frustrations in her room that night with some air judo (and then silly dancing), and Jung-hoo, watching from across the way, shakes his head at her pitiful moves. He calls in to ajumma Min-ja, who scolds him for not going into hiding, now that he’s wanted for murder. Jung-hoo argues, though, trying to figure out the pieces that don’t fit. Isn’t it strange that after getting a job that requires the Healer to stick close to Young-shin’s side, he becomes a wanted suspect? Could she be bait to lure him in?

Min-ja counters with a different scenario, saying that he’s being framed for Go Sung-chul’s murder. Not only was their email address planted at the scene of death, the culprit also managed to get the receipt to the motel they hid in, which was found in Go’s pocket. As Jung-hoo paid with cash, that means the culprit knows more than they’d given him credit for.

They must have been tracked using CCTV footage around the motel, and Min-ja has a hunch as to one investigator who could be that fast.

Ah, that leads us to Investigator Yoon, the leader of the cyber crimes team whom we met when inspecting the dead body. He briefs his team at the police station, showing images of the Healer with now-dead Go Sung-chul. Autopsy findings inform him that Go Sung-chul died of poisoning, and that any wounds from the train fall came after he’d died.

The Healer is still the number one suspect, and Investigator Yoon is all the more determined to nab him for good.

Min-ja hacks in to see the autopsy report, and wonders who could have done it. Jung-hoo deduces that it has to be the person who contracted out the job in the first place, and recalls Go Sung-chul mentioning Jeil Newspaper. The question is, who at Jeil Newspaper?

Flashback to the motel. In response to Go Sung-chul’s plea for help fleeing the country, Jung-hoo puts in the call. They get the go-ahead to send him abroad by ship, and messenger/sidekick Dae-young does her part by picking up the new passport from a station locker and dropping it off to Go Sung-chul.

Jung-hoo recalls having felt a pinch of doubt, like he should have gotten on the train with the man to ensure his safety. Min-ja disagrees, saying that their job is to fulfill the client’s order and drop off the item, no more.

In any case, Jung-hoo’s in a bind and has to find the real killer in order to clear himself. He can’t trust the police to succeed, so he’ll find the killer and toss him over to the police.

Just then, a car drives up and Jung-hoo takes notice—it’s Moon-ho in the driver’s seat, and he parks just outside Young-shin’s place. Could this be the client? Jung-hoo takes note of the license plate and puts Min-ja on tracking him, grabbing a shot of his face to scan as well. But Min-ja doesn’t need that, since she recognizes his face from the news—and one look at his profile turns up the interesting tidbit that his brother runs Jeil Newspaper.

Moon-ho watches intently as Young-shin steps outside to clear the cafe tables for the night, thinking back to when she was a baby named Ji-an who’d grasped his finger with her tiny hand. He smiles tearfully and thinks that she’s grown up well, just as she notices him sitting in the car and looks up curiously at him.

She starts to approach, so Moon-ho quickly starts the ignition and drives off, and she heads inside thinking once again that she’s being watched these days.

Jung-hoo positions himself at a vantage point up above to watch Moon-ho as he drives off, and he keeps apace with the car while running from rooftop to rooftop. He scales walls, interrupts an al fresco dinner, and breaks through the glass windows of an abandoned building, his route guided by Min-ja’s tracking updates.

Jung-hoo arrives outside the subway station just as minion Dae-yong arrives on her bike. He claims the bike and speeds off, continuing the pursuit on the road.

Dad lays out his legal strategy for handling Yeon-hee’s case. Young-shin blusters that she’ll write all about it and blow up the story, but when Dad asks seriously, she backtracks and says weakly that she’s not on the news beat and actually only covers entertainment. But Dad has an angle, because Yeon-hee is showbiz-related—she’s a minor actress who’s had bit parts in several projects.

The case is against a certain President Hwang who collects young, struggling actresses and connects them with powerful men. At first he’d drug the women to force them into performing sexual favors, then keep them in line with threats of violence or exposure. Yeon-hee has already gone to the police, but was told there was no proof she was forced. Her pimp/boss threatened to “make her disappear,” saying that the only reason he kept her alive was because her sponsor liked her.

And who should that sponsor be but a powerful politician, Assemblyman Kim. Hearing that name has Young-shin gulping that she’s but a lowly internet reporter—a story like this is out of her league. But Dad has a plan, and he’ll be refiling the case on Yeon-hee’s behalf, going after President Hwang and Assemblyman Kim for forced prostitution. With the police uninterested in investigating, Dad argues that they need the media to pick up the story to pressure them—these days the netizens have a lot of influence.

I love that Dad is telling Young-shin to put her money where her mouth is—she was all big talk before about the kind of reporter she wanted to be—and also that she’s not just a crusading reporter with no fear. She complains and whimpers, ruing the day she made those bold claims; we know she’s gonna do it, but the girl has a right to whine a little.

Jung-hoo follows Moon-ho’s car all the way to his brother’s estate, noting the big gate, guardhouse, and security cameras mounted at the perimeter. He parks the bike and resumes on foot, leaping the fence easily (in a camera blind spot, I hope).

Myung-hee wheels herself out to greet Moon-ho, wondering at his appearance at such a late hour. He checks his watch and notes that it’s only an hour and forty minutes “between here and there.” Such cryptic words have her puzzled, and for a second I think he’s going to blurt it out right there—gah, I so want him to blurt it out right there—but he ushers her inside instead.

Young-shin tosses in bed a while before giving up, and seeing that Yeon-hee’s also awake, she joins her on the floor and cautions that she’s in for a rough time of it. She’s witnessed a lot through watching her father over the years, and says that the trial will be dirty, and she could be dragged through the mud and labeled all sorts of things. Yeon-hee is stoically determined, however, saying that it was wrong of her to think of dying alone on the roof the other day.

Young-shin starts to agree that dying was the wrong idea, but Yeon-hee adds, “If I died alone, it would be a shame. Not when there are other bastards who deserve to die.” She explains that the world is better off without certain people in it, and vows to take a few of them down with her: “I won’t go alone.” So she gives Young-shin the out, saying that if she’s scared to help, she should quit right now.

Young-shin thumps her chest, then grins up at Yeon-hee, telling her she was super cool just now. “I believe in things like fate and connection,” Young-shin says. “If they didn’t exist, why would those words have been made in the first place? So even if I wanted to run away, it’s too late now. We’ve already met, our connection has been formed, and our fate has begun.”

Jung-hoon notes the security guards roaming the estate and evades them as he climbs up a drainpipe to the roof of the house, dropping onto a balcony that lets him into a bedroom. He takes a cursory look through Myung-hee’s dresser, then pauses at something much more interesting: the family photos at her bedside.

They make him actually laugh in disbelief, and he remarks to Min-ja that all this time, he’d just been living for the sake of living, not finding anything interesting. “But now… things are starting to feel interesting,” he says, and takes a closer look at the picture.

He laughs as he regards the five friends from 1980, saying, “My heart… it tickles. It’s a first for me.”

A clandestine meeting takes place in an underground garage, where the agents/thugs of Double S Guards meet with Moon-shik’s secretary. They’re led Mr. Double S himself (the name derives from his own, Bae Sang-soo), who presents himself for the job.

But the secretary has a curious way of presenting the job: He calls his boss his “owner” and explains that he wants to acquire the company. Sang-soo blusters that he’s got a lot of people interested, but the secretary has done his research and doubles the amount of his previous (and only) offer. Sang-soo can run Double S exactly as he has—the only difference is that he’ll have an “owner.” When asked what that means, the secretary states, “You’d be selling your soul.” Oh, that’s all then?

Sang-soo hesitates for maybe ten seconds before agreeing to the deal with the devil. Into the car he goes, where he meets Moon-shik face to face.

In the morning, Young-shin takes a few moments to muster the nerve to head into work, then barrels into the office with apologies at the ready. I love the chipper way she announces to her boss, “I’m sorry, I made a mistake! I have no excuses to tell you! Please kill me!” A perfunctory bow, and then she launches into her pitch, saying that they can’t chase around celebrities forever. Hence her specially prepared exclusive.

She’s deep into her speech and the editor boss has to try several times to tell her to shut up so she can say hello… to her new co-worker. Omo, now it’s Reporter Healer?

Awww, Jung-hoo’s got his full Clark Kent on, all fumbly and hunchy shoulders, and introduces himself as Park Bong-soo. This is adorable.

Jung-hoo does his part by cowering nervously before her, and Young-shin tells him to call her sunbae and regard her with respect. Ha. She starts him off with a tour and rundown of the rules, like respecting the name labels on food in the fridge, which she points out while taking a big bite out of her co-worker’s lunch. HAHA.

She introduces him to everyone in the office, which is run by a team of eccentrics. Jung-hoo’s in-ear communication device gets noticed by one reporter, which he nervously explains as a hearing aid. Thankfully, all it does is incite sympathy, which he’ll take over suspicion.

Via the bug planted by the Healer, Moon-ho watches footage from Dad’s office, where he’s prodding Young-shin to help with the case by invoking her dreams to be more than a paparazzo and be like (Italian journalist) Oriana Fallaci. Well, that answers his question about what her hopes and dreams are.

Moon-ho drifts into another flashback, where his hyung sits in a funk on his way to see the happy new parents. He’s clearly not up to seeing them, but eventually makes his way to his friends’ room with Moon-ho, who meets the baby Ji-an for the first time.

Young-shin completes the introductory tour with Jung-hoo, who quakes nervously while she gives him the up-and-down and wonders if they’ve met before. I know the trembling is part of the act but it amuses me to see the Healer acting so scared—although you can guess that he’s scoffing inside as she puffs herself up, saying that there’s no way she’d have met him and not remember him, since reporters pride themselves on their memories.

It’s also hilarious how he has to bite back his incredulity when Young-shin looks at him with pity, assuming that he was an outcast in school for being so sad. She leads him out by the wrist (ha!) like a mother taking charge of a hopeless little boy—and that’s the curious sight witnessed by Moon-ho, who’s arrived outside the office.

He trails them from a distance, thinking once again of his own dream to stop being haunted by his dreams. “I’ve committed a sin,” he reminds us. “The name of my sin is silence.”

He watches from across the street as Young-shin chatters on to Jung-hoo, laughing good-naturedly as they wait for the light to change. He once again recalls first seeing her as a baby, when she grabbed his finger and was encouraged to give her a kiss. So Moon-ho had leaned forward and kissed her wee fist, and Ji-an had smiled.

It’s a powerful memory, and Moon-ho shakes it off as he comes back to the present, looking across the way at Young-shin.


Okay, yes now I’m fully onboard. I felt optimistic after last week, but now the main storyline is in full swing and the tone established, and it’s exactly the mix of action, humor, and melancholy that speaks to me—it’s reminiscent of the writer’s previous drama Story of a Man, which I loved and would consider a wonderful comparison point (if Healer can match it, I mean).

I could have guessed that the Healer would have to come up with a scheme to get closer to Young-shin that didn’t entail just following her around like a stalker, since we saw how effective that was. And I suppose the ol’ Clark Kent chestnut was just begging to be used, which perhaps some perceptive viewers already anticipated. I wasn’t thinking too hard about anticipating Jung-hoo’s moves, however, so I was totally surprised when he showed up as the rookie tabloid reporter, and I love the rapport between the two—mostly because Young-shin is so hilarious when she’s bluffing and talking the big talk, and you just know Jung-hoo’s rolling his eyes mentally every time she puffs herself up. But I love that he has to act timid and doe-eyed around her, and this whole dynamic just floats my boat like you wouldn’t believe. I hadn’t even given much thought to how I’d feel about the lovelines in this drama—I know, how weird, right? But it just didn’t strike me all that much—so I’m pleasantly surprised to suddenly care. I totally care, you guys!

And wouldn’t you know, it’s a two-for-one-deal because Moon-ho’s tortured gazes at the end (or always, really) just kill me, first of all because Yoo Ji-tae is fantastic and imbuing his characters with added solemnity and making their silences speak. In fact I find him the most perfect casting in this drama (and can see why the writer went for him first), because he plays the most pivotal role in tying past and present together, and completely inhabits his character’s sense of longing and oppressive guilt.

On top of all that, though, I love this idea of him feeling responsible for Young-shin in a way that he can’t explain to anybody. I don’t know if the show’s going to go for a real love triangle here (it’s a drama, so I pretty much expect it, but I do recall that Story of a Man didn’t really linger on romantic rivalries) but I think I’d be fine either way—I can absolutely see how his guilt soup of emotions could include transferred love for Myung-hee and protective oppa feelings (particularly because he failed her in that role twenty years ago). But if he never goes there, that’s perfectly fine as well, because I see him more as the emotional center of the show, and he has a greater mission than finding love.

In any case, I’m happy that I’m loving all three main characters, particularly our plucky heroine Young-shin. Given how many plucky heroines we’ve had dotting dramaland, I find Young-shin’s bravado and cheekiness really refreshing; we’ve seen Park Min-young being plucky before, but in a more generic way. This character feels more specific and eccentric, and I like the direction she’s taking with her—kind of smart but with huge blind spots, kind of full of herself, and kind of vulnerable and nervous, too. It’s a nice, human mix.


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Thank you for the recap! I am expecting some serious angst, sadness, and tears in this drama, based on what we saw today, in this ep. And the people that KMH, CYS and Healer will find themselves going against seem to be very powerful. KMS creeps me out at times, like when he told his brother that he was like a son to him and to MH (SMH). I am glad KMH does not the little defenseless brother with KMS.

I really LOVED that scene of KMH at the hospital, when CYS was born. KMH’s emotions at seeing the baby, him being introduced at the uncle (awwww), her taking a grip of his finger, and him very softly kissing her hand. A memory that has stayed with him until present time. I love seeing those guys back in the 80s, their haircuts, their outfits, etc… And it is so very telling how KMS always stays behind, not being able to bring himself to rejoice for CYS’s dad, and for CYS’s coming into the world.

I JH as a nerd guy, who gets easily flustered and maybe embarrassed. And JCW is playing him so well, I really enjoy watching him switching personalities in this drama. I LOLed when CYS stare at him up and down, without trying to be discreet, she is funny. And CYS’s female colleague was funny to me as well. She 1st seemed very interested in PBS when she met him (he IS cute), and after hearing that he uses a device to hear better (LOL), I wonder if she will still be as strongly interested in him romantically. And JH is CYS’s bedroom when she was dancing, and undressing, priceless! Does anyone know why JH reacted the way he did once CYS left? I thought he might have been frustrated (about what? What his job makes him do, maybe?) Yet I was not sure of how to read his reaction, when he made a fist with his hand.

I really love KMS in this drama, b/c he is very attractive, and he has that suave and trusting appearance that one (or maybe just I) want to believe, and yet, as we can gather he is cunning, calculating, sinister even, and that makes for a very good villain, imho. He could prove himself to be smart and creative in how he does bad things, which would make the drama more interesting, instead of a straight, black and white villain. That (older) actor has gravitas (and I know that he has been in other SJN’s dramas, like Sandglass and a one ep. appearance in Faith, I think). He is not on the screen a lot, yet I love seeing him, when he comes, b/c of how he interprets his role, and b/c of how he carries himself. I also hope that the writer will write him well (plot-wise), b/c a LOT can be done with his character. It will be hard (for us) to watch, and painful (I am thinking), as we find out things that happened in the past, and as he does all he can do cover his tracks, and outsmart his brother and maybe CYS and Healer, and others who might be in his way, however, that will make for a very interesting drama, the kind that keeps sucking you in (which is what I would love to have, tbh).


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I also personally love JH’s action scenes in the drama. JCW just looks cool and comfortable doing them (the ones he does anyway). I loved the flip he did on that table, and how he leaped from building to building. As cool as that looks, I know I could not try this at home, LOL.


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sorry, I had some typos and some words that I didn't realize were not there:
1-I am glad KMH does not "play" the little defenseless brother with KMS... 2-I "love" JH as a nerd guy... 3-Him being introduced "as" the uncle... 4-When CYS "stared" at him up and down... 5-And JH "in" CYS’s bedroom... 6-Others who might be in his way"." However,...


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Thanks javabeans!

Hi Ivoire!
I haven't read the recap yet on purpose as I've yet to watch the episode, but just had to say "Hi!".

I'll get down to watching sometime later tonight (now it's just on 1.31pm my time). I hope to catch you later in the Healer recaps and in email! :) Cheers!


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Hello GB, *Waves and smiles*

So good to see you here! How are you? Yes, the subs are not out yet, on many sites. And for those of us who would like to watch the drama on viki.com, there is a 2 weeks wait for the US audience. That means that we will not be able to watch ep.1 & 2 until Dec. 22 and Dec. 23, next week. I am assuming that it is also when Healer will be be broadcasted on KBS World (at least US side). I checked today, and NC is airing the last 2 epis. this week. And many of us are waiting for the subs to be (100%) out (for Healer, for this week).

Thank you for taking the time to say "Hi!" :-) That just made my day. And yes!!!! I do know that I owe you some emails :-( I will get to them, promise :-) (And I have a feeling they might be long :-) )

Have a good rest of the day, GB!


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Oh wait, you mean viki is working on getting a US license for the drama?


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Hello Chandler~

No! viki already has the US license for this drama, HOWEVER, the deal is that those watching the drama (through viki) have to deal with a two weeks delay per episode. So, since this drama started last Monday, December 8, those watching the episodes on viki will have access to the 1st ep. on Monday, Dec. 22nd. Viki had the same agreement when Wonderful Days/Wonderful Season (another KBS drama, by the way) was airing. The episodes were always delayed on viki by two weeks. So, when I go on viki, and I click on the ep., it takes me to that page, however I get a message saying that that video is not available in my region, and then I have many rectangles (or maybe squares?), with different dramas in (each one of) them. I hope that I am making sense. This is only for those living/watching Healer in the US. Other regions (like some European countries I am assuming), do not or might not have that restriction.

This is the same schedule KBS World has by the way, at least in the US, from what I have seen so far. And I have been watching KBS World since Summer of 2010. So when a drama starts in Korea, you can watch it subbed on KBS World, but you will be watching the (same) episodes two weeks later.


@ Chandler,

I would also like to add that I tend (as a whole), to prefer viki's subtitles, because as a linguist, I appreciate that they give more details, when they sub. It helps me have a better understanding of what was said in Korean, and a better appreciation (and idea) for how things are expressed in that language. Sometimes I have to think about what was said, or get a mental image to feel that I understood what I just read. I mentioned such an example in my comment on the thread on DB's award by the KCCA last week.

I like the quality of the image on KBS World (better than the one on viki for me, though I have the HD option. I would have to say that tvN dramas on viki for me usually are very clear, for some reason, but not always so for the other main 3 TV stations). And I appreciate KBS World's subs b/c they are different from the ones on viki (and thus I am exposed to a different translation), however, I have often noticed that KBS World does not translate with many details (at least compared to viki). It is interesting and worth noting how adding a word or two (or taking them away) can alter (sometimes greatly) one's understanding of what happened in a scene or in an episode.

That is why, even though I am grateful to have other sources that broadcast or show Korean TV content (or programs), I also like watching them on viki if that is possible, just to see what their take on the translation is.


Thanks, Iviore!

I thought it might possibly be something like that (I remember that happening w/Wonderful Days). But I never knew exactly why so I appreciate your in-depth explanation. I, too, prefer viki subs so I'm just happy to hear it'll be available there eventually :) Viki's the site I have a membership with so I always much prefer watching there. Also, I typically don't really like having timed comments on, but Healer is one of those rare cases where I feel like I might enjoy them.


You are very welcome Chandler!

I just checked, and the license is actually for North America, not just for the US. About this, "But I never knew exactly why so I appreciate your in-depth explanation." From what I have read, I think it depends on the kinds of agreement the TV station in Korea (or whoever sells those rights) makes with the streaming sites.

So for example, Dramafever invested in Heirs, and they co-produced that drama. Based on what I read, DF had the rights for streaming Heirs in the US (or maybe in North America, I am not sure). Viki could also stream Heirs, however they didn't have the rights for the US (or North America), so those viewing it in the US for example could not watched it on viki. There have been some discussions about those kinds of issues on DB, and some of those issues were also mentioned here, in the comments section (I think):


About this, "Also, I typically don’t really like having timed comments on, but Healer is one of those rare cases where I feel like I might enjoy them."
One of the things I have noticed about some of the commenters on viki, is that at times they would give an alternative translation, or they would correct the translation given. I know that on viki, the editors eventually proofread the subtitles, so the 1st translation is not always what will be the final one. I like reading the commenters' take on some of the translations, and some would explain the nuances in the different translations. Like you, when I really want to focus on an episode, I turn the comments off. However, it is sometimes nice to have the comments on.

I am glad my explanation was helpful.


Hey guys..Dramafire has this drama.


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@ coleen l.,
Thanks so much for the info. Are ep. 3 and 4 fully subbed though? I will check on that.


So far, Dramafire only has ep. 1 & 2. I just checked.


I would like to mention that I find Healer very hard to watch weekly, so one can fully participate in the discussions, if one wants to do so (that is, if you live in the US, imho). It is hard to find the raw episode, dramacool does not play for me, though they have multiple servers. Viki is not an option, that is until 2 weeks later. By that time, if I have questions about the episodes, how many beanies (really) would go back and read the comments on the recaps' pages, from two weeks prior, especially when ep. 19 and 20 will have aired?

From what I have read, Dramafever might have the subs on the episodes by Thursday, I have not checked there. The other sources I have checked also get the episodes subbed (wherever they get them from) late, such as SoompiTV, and other streaming sites. I personally feel that it makes it challenging (at least for me), to be able to enjoy watching the episodes and connecting here (on time) with commenters who are watching this drama.


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Dramafever is going to be one day late - posting on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. This episode is up now!


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@ 4D, really? Going to check now! Thanks for the info!


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You were right 4D, it was up.


Dramafire has healer episode 3 already up


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Oh good!!! Thanks for the info.


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You're welcome...I like dramafire they are fast to upload sometimes faster than drama fever and its free.. :)


@ Coleen l., Good to know, about Dramafire. I appreciate that.


This is written 2 months after your post and you'll probably read it another few weeks later! LOL! But nevermind.

You said, "Does anyone know why JH reacted the way he did once CYS left? I thought he might have been frustrated (about what? What his job makes him do, maybe?) Yet I was not sure of how to read his reaction, when he made a fist with his hand."

My take on this is that he'd been on tenterhooks lying under the bed, hoping that YS would not discover him, only to have her doing her funny dance/song and change clothes above him without a care, followed by kicking her pants onto his face!!! No Less!! and going out totally unaware that he was there to 'witness' all that.

But mainly, his reaction was because to have a person's just worn pants kicked into one's face is kinda humiliating and disgusting, right? LOLOL!


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It is an awesome drama. I love the storyline and acting of all 3 main cast. I can't wait to see the next episode.


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It's an awesome drama alright. I hope that it won't crap out on us like so many dramas have this past year.

Re Love the acting of the 3 main leads:
Yoo JT is splendid. How can one be so quiet, so still and express so much? How is it done? I don't recall anyone being this effective in recent dramas.
Ji JW has become very accomplished in his acting within a short time. How does that happen? Among so many cool dudes in the ind, he stands out as super cool. I can't take my eyes off him. That segment of him leaping over roofs just made my week.
PMY is the best in this role, of all the roles that I've seen her in. She brings out the quirkiness of this young girl, wanna-be serious reporter.

All the other current shows bore me. Please Healer, Please cont to be this good to the end!


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It's an awesome drama alright. I hope that it won't crap out on us like so many dramas have this past year.

Re Love the acting of the 3 main leads:
Yoo JT is splendid. How can one be so quiet, so still and express so much? How is it done? I don't recall anyone being this effective in recent dramas.
Ji JW has become very accomplished in his acting within a short time. How does that happen? Among so many cool dudes in the ind, he stands out as super cool. I can't take my eyes off him. That segment of him leaping over roofs just made my week.
PMY is the best in this role, of all the roles that I've seen her in. She brings out the quirkiness of this young girl, wanna-be serious reporter.

All the other current shows bore me. Please Healer, Please cont to be this good to the end! And everyone on the cast and staff, please stay safe!


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I can't believe episode 3 is out already, I just watched episode 1 & 2 and it's like a godsend that episode 3 & 4 are going to be out soon!! yayyy...


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Thanks so much! Nice to see you sticking with the drama, JB :)

I had literally just decided to break down and watch the raw when I saw your recap up already! Yay, now I can understand it a lot better. Can't wait to watch/read!


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Off topic

But will there be a recap for the SBS drama 'Punch'??


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Hahaha CYS’s tone-deaf singing and uncoordinated dancing was hilarious. What made the scene even more so was Healer’s priceless reaction, and his exasperated strangled scream(?) after CYS has gone. I already like the heroine after the first 2 eps, but now I’ve completely fallen in love with her, and her respect-your-co-workers’-food- while-biting-out-of-it-instruction is so hilarious and is so me.

Also, Healer’s alter Clark Kent persona is the best! He’s so bumbling and adorable, and I’m looking forward to future scenes of him deferring to her and acting all meek and scared despite his true character being the opposite.

Moon-ho is also another great character. I love the nostalgic mood of the opening scene (up until it became nightmarish) and now understand how he can be so attached to and feel responsible for CYS. This drama has super great characters all around, and now I’m all excited and itchy for the next episodes!


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@ hawoojinruinedme,

Hi! I find PBS so cute, and I love how JH can be so confident, so "don't compare the MLB players with the rookies" in the 1st ep., and for his cover act all coy, and shy and bumbling. I just LOVE JCW in this drama (so far). He was also cute in "Smile Donghae," a few years ago. And when he smiled, when he was in MH's room, he was so adorable, I just wanted to pinch his cheeks.

I am loving how the writer has been balancing the different genres so far: the comedy, the action, the thriller-mystery, and we know that we will have some romance down the road. I also find CYS (and PMY) to both be endearing.


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@ Ivoire

I loooove his PBS persona. He is ridiculously adorable and Healer is playing him to the hilt. I’ve said in the past recap that I’m looking forward to his future disguises after his nerdy, awkward, adorably-wigged, committedly-played character in Ep. 2, and NOW, we have PBS who is somewhat very similar to him! Aeeeei, this show.
This is my first JCW drama btw, so unlike you, I have no idea how he is in the past. But I love the Healer character so much, and aside from the way he’s written, I think it’s largely because of how JCW is portraying him.

He made a fan out of me because of this drama, and I actually looked him up over the weekend, fully intending to watch his past projects. Sadly, most of his past prominent dramas are either action sageuks (not my cup of tea at the moment) or long dailies (which I have no time for). Anyway, his Healer character is already giving me enough JCW-induced happiness, so I’m good. Plus, I might check him out in that one-off drama special he did with a KARA member, since I hear the whole production’s pretty good.

“I am loving how the writer has been balancing the different genres so far: the comedy, the action, the thriller-mystery, and we know that we will have some romance down the road.” – THIS. This is pretty reminiscent of City Hunter’s genre in general, and I know that I should stop now with the comparisons but (very) few certain elements of Healer are just somewhat similar to the past drama. But I think the similarities stop there. In fact, if you look at “Healer” and “City Hunter” together very closely, save for their adept, spy-ish killer set of skills, they’re completely opposites in some ways, but are both totally loveable just the same.

Anyway, this greatly executed genre mash-up is what made me love CH in the first place (among many, many others), and this is now what is giving me great hopes for this show (again, among many, many others).


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@ hawoojinruinedme, (Part 1)

About this, "I loooove his PBS persona. He is ridiculously adorable and Healer is playing him to the hilt. I’ve said in the past recap that I’m looking forward to his future disguises after his nerdy, awkward, adorably-wigged, committedly-played character in Ep. 2, and NOW, we have PBS who is somewhat very similar to him! Aeeeei, this show." I am TOTALLY with you on this one :-)

RE: this, "This is my first JCW drama btw, so unlike you, I have no idea how he is in the past." As I mentioned in one of my comments here, I 1st watched JCW in "Smile Dong Hae," in 2010, which was the year when I started watching Kdramas and other Korean TV programs. He was A LOT greener at the time, however looking back, I think it was a good thing for him to have been cast in that drama. From what I can tell about how often he has been acting, he has been working steadily (and diligently), and that is paying off. I know that actors and actresses usually work really hard in Korea, and they push themselves, however I love how his character (and his disguise characters) seem to be rolling off of him. So, what I mean is when I watch him, I don't feel like I am watching JCW act, I feel like I am actually watching whatever character he is portraying (whether it be JH, PBS, or Healer, the action hero). I hope I am making sense :-)

He looks equally good and comfortable wearing a suit as he does donning his black outfit for his actions stunts. And that is a very good trait for him to have, considering that he is with some very good actors and actresses in this drama (YJT, Kim Mi Kyung, Park Sang Won, Woo Hee Jin, etc... There is also Do Ji Won [who played his mom in Smile, Dong Hae. She had a mental disability in that drama, so it is interesting for me to see her being physically disabled in this one). Also, she was a lot thinner in SD, btw]). From what I can see, this drama is well cast (I buy the characters that each actor/actress is portraying), and that is usually one of the litmus tests for me. And when in such company, the younger actors/actresses need to bring their A game, otherwise, their flaws or limitations will be magnified, when playing with/opposite veteran actors. So far, I have no complaints.

"Smile, Dong Hae" was very long, and at times repetitive, but it is a daily drama, so that is to be expected. It is a good story however, and you can watch it with your finger on the FF button, however the last 8 episodes are worth watching in their entirety, imho. I did enjoy that drama, which introduced me to some of my favorite veteran actors and actresses. Also, I had started watching Kdramas that summer (2010), and so I was gobbling (or trying to watch) as many dramas as I could on KBS World (and on another Korean TV station) at the time. I would constantly alternate between the two, LOL. Here is some info about Smile, Dong Hae:


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@ Ivoire (re: part 1)

I think I understand what you mean. I also love JCW in this, because what I see is the Healer character first and foremost, and not just some role JCW is playing well. Plus, I’m the type of viewer that completely falls in love with a character regardless of which actor/actress is playing him/her, and after the drama is finished, usually my love lasts for the character, but not always for the player. They would make a fan out of me, but that doesn’t mean I would instantly and blindly pick up their next dramas. In this case, however, I think I am going to love both character and actor unconditionally, and that’s really a great thing to look forward to.


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@ hawoojinruinedme, PART 1

This, "I also love JCW in this, because what I see is the Healer character first and foremost, and not just some role JCW is playing well,"
shows me that you TOTALLY understood what I meant, b/c that was EXACTLY what I meant to say. So, we are on the same page.

And about this, " I think I am going to love both character and actor unconditionally, and that’s really a great thing to look forward to." I think that I already love Healer/JH/PBS, and I like JCW a lot. In the past, I have also fallen in love with characters, however that usually (almost always) makes me want to know more about the actor/actress behind the character, so I have usually researched them to find out more about them. What I find out about them can at times make me appreciate them more, or less, or feel somewhat neutral about them, though I would have to say that I am quite appreciative of Korean actors and actresses.

I know that the Korean entertainment world is not perfect (which entertainment world is?), however, I do love how many of them become like a family, when they work on a project together. The fact that they often eat meals together, the ones (actors/actresses) who can afford it (through their own money or through their sponsors) will gift the crew and staff with clothing (warm ones in the winter), beauty products (they are endorsing), etc... It does give them a good public image, however I can't help but also think that it would bring the whole production team (and all involved in the drama/movie) together.

Korean actors and actresses work in really hard conditions (compared to working conditions in the US and in China, from what I have read), and so I appreciate and admire their dedication, their drive, and also their sense of community, which they have (or try to have), even when working. I think it also helps the crew members and the staff, since they probably do not make as much money as the "stars" in the dramas or movies do. I love how they try to look out for each other, and help each other with acting tips, etc... I don't feel that I make too much of a difference as a person, however the reasons I mentioned (and other reasons), are why I personally want (and try) to support them by watching dramas, and buying OST CDs, if I really like most of the songs. I don't buy items related to the drama (I don't feel that I need them), however I always hope that my well wishes and prayers for the cast and crew make a difference. As one person, and as "little me," I feel that that is what I can do.


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@ hawoojinruinedme, PART 2:

I actually did something more this summer: a soompier wanted to make an international MV for Angel Eyes, and she asked who would want to contribute. Since I love to write, I ended up writing to the whole cast of AE, and she included most of it in the MV (my MS Word draft was 15 pages long when I finished it, it was 13 pages, when I sent it to her). The whole video is about 42 or 43mns long, and my text was about 20mns or so long (of the video). I was so nervous when I did it, b/c I had never done that before, and I felt very unsure of what I was doing. Still, I wrote from my heart (like I do here), and I had sth to say to every actor/actress in that drama (the ones listed, at least). Other soompiers sent in texts as well, and pix, etc... I could not believe what that lady ended up doing with what we had sent her: I burst out in tears when I saw it. It was so beautifully done, from the background, to the OST songs (and how she included them), to the pix in the MV, and how they were put together, etc... I was simply speechless. And she was kind enough to send me a CD of that video, which made my day.

The good news was that LSY and GHS got to see them, b/c she sent them to his agency (one CD for him, and one for her). And as if she knew, she had placed purple hearts as a background, for my (long) tribute to the cast, and the PD, and music director, etc... I don't think I will do sth like that again, b/c it was so time consumming. However, as someone who truly enjoys Kdramas and who LOVES to write, I was glad I had been given the opportunity to do that, and that had been another way for me to fangirl (in a way that I felt was appropriate).

So for me, finding out more about who and how they are BTS gives a better sense of who the person is, and I am always curious about that, b/c I tend to eventually come to care about the actor or actress, as a person. I just feel that at the end of the day, they are people too, who have to take their make-up off, go home, and face their reality, whatever that may be. And then I find myself wondering what life is like for them. It can't be too different from mine, can it? (fame aside, which I am not interested in, for myself). So yeah, for me, finding out who they are as a person helps me appreciate who they are as an actor or an actress. Again, I hope that I am making sense. Sometimes, when I write, I feel that I know what I am trying to say, and yet, when I read it, I am not sure that I was clear about what I said, or I worry that it might have come out weird.


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Hi Ivoire,

I only just read this, whilst looking through the comments. Since I was also a big fan of Angel Eyes, can I ask is it possible for me to watch this video? Is it on youtube or anywhere else that I can watch? Sorry for being off-topic - but I needed to ask. :)


@ hawoojinruinedme, PART 3:

I tend to also be cautious not to worship them (celebrities), b/c then it would make me think that they are better than me, which I don't think they are. I do think that many of them have a gift, and they have worked hard (and continue to work hard) at it, and over time, they have become known, and maybe become famous. That is fine, if that is what one wants. I also know that fame has a price, which I am not willing to pay. I also imagine that being in the limelight has its pressures, which again, I don't think I would want to experience (everyone paying attention to your life/business, your mistakes being magnified, the lack of privacy, etc...) If managed well, there can be some benefits to living like that, however, not everyone knows how to do that. And they can also use their fame for good causes (which I personally always appreciate). I also often wonder how much of that fame and attention would go to someone's head. After all, we are humans, and it can be tempting to start to believe your own press (even if you fake being humble, which again, based on what I have read, and my conversations with other Asians, seems to be an important trait in Asian cultures).

So I rambled on again, however, unlike you, I think that when I have loved a character, I can often come to love or like a lot the actor or actress behind said character. I have watched other projects after seeing an actor/actress in a drama I loved, and at times, I have been disappointed (sometimes very) about his/her performance in that project. That was when I learned that I might like an actor/actress in a project, and not like him/her in a previous one or in a future one. So now, like you, I don't feel compelled to watch all their projects (not enough time in the day, or in the year, for that matter). I enjoy the character I enjoy, and I leave it at that.


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@ hawoojinruinedme, (Part 2):

About this, "But I love the Healer character so much, and aside from the way he’s written, I think it’s largely because of how JCW is portraying him." I am TOTALLY with you on this one as well :-)

About this, "Anyway, his Healer character is already giving me enough JCW-induced happiness, so I’m good. Plus, I might check him out in that one-off drama special he did with a KARA member, since I hear the whole production’s pretty good."-I am good with his Healer character as well, since there is such a thing as real life, you know :-) Gotta attend to that, *Sigh* Also, here is a recap/review of his one-off drama special, I hope this will help.

I have not watched that drama, but the review makes me want to. JCW is like Choi Siwon of Super Junior, it seems to me that they make him take his clothes a lot (he did that in BVS, and that drama was shot when it was VERY cold in Korea. Talk about being a committed actor :-) ). I mean, in the 1st few mns of Healer, he was already strutting around, 1/2 naked, LOL. I so laugh at how Kdramas don't even try to hide or be subtle about doing that to male actors (well, considering the vierwership... L-) ).

They did the same thing with LSY in Goddess of Fire, ep. 12, and ep.13. I burst out LOL when I saw that. It was so blatant, with the camera starting on his head, and oh SO SLOWLY going down his body. He was also 1/2 naked, standing under a waterfall (I think). I know some of us women are easy, however I can never help it but LOL (literally) when I see such scenes. I guess they know their audience. And I know that Korean productions are not the only ones doing that, I have seen US TV series do the same (Desperate Housewives, The Bachelor, etc..,) however, it didn't get my attention until I started watching Kdramas, mostly b/c Kdramas made me curious about acting, and what it involves.

"This is pretty reminiscent of City Hunter’s genre in general, and I know that I should stop now with the comparisons but (very) few certain elements of Healer are just somewhat similar to the past drama. But I think the similarities stop there."-Yep, I agree with you, once again. I did think of CH when I started watching Healer, however it is mostly b/c of the action side of things. LMH's character in CH has a more social life, and he needs to be around people for his revenge plan. He needs to be around people at work, he needs to seduce women to get vital information, he needs to transform into a metrosexual guy, etc... and he had somewhat of a bromance with the prosecutor. Also, he talked to KNN's (interestingly, PMY :-) ) picture since he was a teenager. So far, Healer doesn't do that.


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@ Ivoire (re: part 2)

re: actors taking their clothes off. I am ALL for this seemingly requisite element of kdramas. I mean, I’m just a girl, who wants a half-naked boy, if not in person then at least on my laptop screen (because my life sucks like that hahaha *laughing while sobbing at sudden life realizations*). Still, I want my half-naked scenes to feel like hard-earned (for us I mean, I don’t know if I’m making sense haha), and not something the drama gives you ten seconds in. But this is not me complaining, no, not at all. I’ll never say no to the good things in life. I just hope that they don’t do this alllll the time because then, I feel like it will come off cheap and easy. It’s akin to seeing your idol biases strip down for the first time and you’re like “Hallelujah, praise the Lord!” And several repeat performances after, you’ll be like, “oh, this again.”

“They did the same thing with LSY in Goddess of Fire, ep. 12, and ep.13. I burst out LOL when I saw that. It was so blatant, with the camera starting on his head, and oh SO SLOWLY going down his body. He was also 1/2 naked, standing under a waterfall (I think).” – HAHAHA they did this??? On one hand, you have “ooooh, skin.” On the other, you have “omfg this is cringeworthy.” I feel bad for LSY because they just practically exploited him. BUT I may have to check this scene out, especially in light of Liar Game’s I-didn’t-see-a-thing-from-you-so-thanks-a-lot Ha Woo Jin.


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@ hawoojinruinedme, PART A:

About this, "re: actors taking their clothes off. I am ALL for this seemingly requisite element of kdramas. I mean, I’m just a girl, who wants a half-naked boy, if not in person then at least on my laptop screen (because my life sucks like that hahaha *laughing while sobbing at sudden life realizations*)."
That had me LOL (really) and I really, truly appreciate your honesty. You get points for that :-) I don't mind seeing them 1/2 naked, however for me, one time (or twice)is good enough. I feel that if I have seen it once, I have seen it. I don't feel the need to see it again, to be honest. So it was interesting to me that when Faith aired, many ladies were complaining about not seeing LMH 1/2 naked. I was (probably) the only one who was OK with it. I had seen him 1/2 naked in BOF (at least twice), in PT, and in CH. I felt that I knew what the guy looked like on top (and I had seen his legs in BOF, in the swimming pool scene. And I like the shape of his legs).

So I explained on Open Thread (here) to one of the ladies that he DID show his chest, when the Dr. did surgery on him, and when she had to check up on him (in Faith). I was told that THAT was not enough, LOL, which, to each her own, right? That gave me a good chuckle. Many of those guys are so much younger than me, I don't want to drool over them like that (that could just be me, :-) ). Also, I took care of a gentleman who was bedridden for 4 &1/2 years (until he passed away in my arms), so I am very familiar with the male anatomy (OK, maybe too familiar, LOL), since everything I had to do for him, had to be done in the bed (feeding, bathing, etc.. And though he was much older, he was in very good shape). If I see a guy 1/2 naked once or twice, after that, I feel like "OK, what's the big deal? Please give me a good plot," LOL!!!!!! You must know me by now (having been together on the LG's recaps). I want to be challenged or stimulated intellectually. I like fun and fluffy stuff (I am a big romantic too), but 1/2 naked guys cannot make a whole drama for me, sorry. Even fluffy stuff can be creative, which again, will stimulate me brain-wise.

Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate a man who is well built, I just don't feel that I necessarily need to see him naked, or 1/2 naked. Case in point: I LOVED the drama Three Days, though it left me with many questions, especially about how politics could affect a country's economy (by now, you do know that I love to dissect dramas, and understand every little thing, right? :-) ) In that drama though, though there were A LOT of eye candy (and they were seriously cute, and I was grateful for that), not a single guy was 1/2 naked, which I was totally fine with, b/c it truly was not needed in that drama. These days, I just LOL when I see a 1/2 naked guy in a drama or in a movie, and that tends to happen in dramas or movies for which the female viewership is rather expected.


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@ hawoojinruinedme, PART B:

Like you, I do feel that the guy going shirtless should be earned, otherwise, as you said, it feels cheap, easy and it looses its appeal (newness and thrill). That is why I still LOVE kisses in Kdramas: they are so few and in between episodes that I can still appreciate them, when they happen. However, if the plot doesn't call for a kiss (again, Three Days, or the US movie the Interpreter), I am fine with it as well. It was also the reason why many people were (nicely) surprised when Lee seung-gi went shirtless in TK2Hs. People didn't expect that, since (from I had read), he didn't do that often (unlike Choi Siwon of SuperJunior. It's become a recurring joke that if he is in a drama, he HAS to go shirtless. He did that in so many scenes in Oh, My Lady, one could have had a drinking game about it :-) ).

This, "It’s akin to seeing your idol biases strip down for the first time and you’re like “Hallelujah, praise the Lord!” And several repeat performances after, you’ll be like, “oh, this again.” " I agree with, LOL!

About your 2nd paragraph, I actually purposefully wrote that info about LSY and Goddess of Fire, b/c I THOUGHT you MIGHT be interested in that tidbit of info. I did imagine you rushing to find out those scenes. They are worth it, enjoy! :-)

About this, "On one hand, you have “ooooh, skin.” On the other, you have “omfg this is cringeworthy.” I feel bad for LSY because they just practically exploited him. " I didn't used to think anything of men being 1/2 naked in US movies and shows, until I read on blogs about Asian dramas that there is a purpose to it, so women (who mostly are the viewers) would drool, and come back to watch some more dramas. So, to an extent, I do feel that it is exploitative, however, the men doing it (and the teenagers doing it), are agreeing to it, so... Maybe that is part of how they build their appeal, and so become more marketable? (For some of them, at least).

Also, I LOVED this "(because my life sucks like that hahaha *laughing while sobbing at sudden life realizations*)." That was very funny. *Pats you on the back, hoping that life will get better for you* However, I TOTALLY understand you, and I relate. That is the reason why I LOVE seeing attractive men in Kdramas. Not just the good looking ones, but also those who have charisma and gravitas, even if they are not the best looking ones in the industry. Many veteran actors fall under that category, and I really appreciate many of them :-)


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@ hawoojinruinedme, (Part 3):

Healer works solo (with Ahjumma and KDY, the messenger girl), and he needs to. Both CH and Healer take on different personae to achieve a goal, if necessary. We also don’t know if Healer has dated, and if so, how often. Like you though, I do agree that the similarities stop quite early, since the plots for both dramas are not the same. Healer is not into revenge (yet... If he gets to that). He just wants to work a lot, so he can have enough money to retire to his island, which now that he has met CYS, makes me wonder if that will ever happen. Also, JCW and LMH on screen feel different to me, which is a good thing, methinks.

You said this, "they’re completely opposites in some ways." How so, do you think?
About this, "Anyway, this greatly executed genre mash-up is what made me love CH in the first place (among many, many others), and this is now what is giving me great hopes for this show (again, among many, many others)."
Again, I am with you there. How interesting that we are seeing eye to eye on so many things, when it comes to this drama :-) Happy reading! :-)


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@ hawoojinruinedme,

I have been watching gifs and reading commenters on Soompi, Healer's page, and I have realized that the other reason why I LOVE JCW in this drama is b/c of how he throws himself into his different personae and characters (he doesn't hold anything back, and he doesn't care about how he looks to others), and that is really working for him, imho.
And his smile, I really love his smile. It just seems so genuine, and it changes the whole countenance of his face. I melt when he smiles. (Again, I hope I am making sense).


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@ Ivoire (re: part 3)

re: CH and Healer differences. Well, first off, CH is someone who wants affection and just wants to live peacefully with his loved ones after his revenge plan is completed. He’s someone whose endgame is to be with others whereas Healer’s is the complete opposite of. It’s been established that Healer’s the loner type, a recluse, and not because of unfortunate circumstances, but because he chose to be one. I love that Healer’s dream is a totally simple one (if we’re not talking about how much money it would take to achieve that) and that is just to live and be with himself, completely isolated and cut-off from the world. I don’t find this sad at all, if anything it’s admirable, and this character trait of his is what actually connects me to him wholeheartedly, because I also do not want to be around people sometimes (or most of the time). There’s just an enticing and special sense of peacefulness that you get when you’re just with yourself. And really, let’s face it, who needs people and social life when you’ve got hundreds of drama episodes to catch up on. One barely has time for sleep.

Secondly, I think CH is more of a mature type of character in a sense that he’s more adult-like than Healer is. Maybe it also has something to do with the heavy burden (revenge plan) placed in CH’s shoulders and how most of his formative years are founded towards achieving that plan. As of now, we really still don’t know anything about Healer’s back-story to know why he’s become the way he is now, but I really love it whenever Healer gets whiny and childlike, especially with his interactions and bickering with Hacker Ajumma. I also get a kick out of his hilarious reactions to CYS’s antics, and from there I can surmise that he has a less serious disposition than CH.

Lastly, I’ve always thought that CH is your classic superhero type. He knows what good and bad, and has a black-and-white moral code, whereas Healer’s more on the shades of gray. I love that scene where Healer explained his morals, and why he does his jobs no matter how icky it sounds. I love that we’re given that because we can see the workings of his world in his point of view and I can understand, if not totally accept, why he’s doing what he’s doing.


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@ howoojinruinedme, PART 1:

Thank you so much for explaining those differences to me, b/c I now understand CH and Healer better. And you are right in your explanations of both characters. I assumed that sth might have caused Healer to be a loner (though I understood that it would help, considering the nature of his job. He can't take chances of being outed by a "friend" or angry girlfriend, etc...), b/c usually in Kdrama, when characters are loners, sth happened in their past. So, you could be right, or I could have a little bit of a point. I guess we will find out, as the drama progresses. However, as you say, he does look fine being alone, for now.

I too love being alone, and I have gotten so, as I have gotten older. I just LOVE my space, and this "There’s just an enticing and special sense of peacefulness that you get when you’re just with yourself. And really, let’s face it, who needs people and social life when you’ve got hundreds of drama episodes to catch up on. One barely has time for sleep," is so true. I TOTALLY relate to your 1st sentence, and about your 2nd sentence, I am there with you. When I watch a drama (or an ep.), I really go into that world, more so if I LOVE the drama (plot and characters). Some friends and I were talking about how sometimes, we would not answer the phone (call back later) if we are watching a drama.

I have often come home, and wanted to watch a good ep. of a drama, depending on the mood I am in. There is just something that can happen when you are watching something really good. It also has to do with the fact that I really LOVE the Korean language (listening to it, and how they express themselves), so I really love watching their dramas, and figure out how much I understand, if the subs are not out yet. I think I also become attached, b/c I appreciate (truly) how hard everyone involved in the drama works, regardless of the ratings. I can't influence things, as I said earlier, however, I feel that my contribution is to watch the dramas I like, and appreciate them.

I sometimes wish I could just have a week (or more) by myself, when I could just watch dramas, and comment on them, with fellow Kdramas lovers like yourself. I think I am addicted to the commenting and sharing our thoughts and feelings as well. It just enhances the Kdrama viewing experience so much more.

And about" who needs a social life?" Really! When you watch a drama, you don't need to dress up, you don't have to go anywhere, you can just be comfortable at home, in your PJs. I still like people though, and I appreciate a nice balance between being alone, and being with people. I feed off of both. I did like this a lot, "And really, let’s face it, who needs people and social life when you’ve got hundreds of drama episodes to catch up on. One barely has time for sleep." I think I am just so ever grateful for how Kdramas and Korean TV programs (in general) have opened my world.


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@ hawoojinruinedme, PART 2:

They are so creative with cute, fluff, romance, and I find many of their comedy funny (like the comedy in this drama makes me laugh or smile), which is usually not the case for me with US series. The subtlety is not usually there for me (with US series). I just love that though I don't (fully) understand the language (yet), I can actually get the situations. And RE: the emotions, Oh My, they do those SO. WELL!!! I always love it when I get into a character so much or a drama so much that I find myself crying at some scenes. The sincerity shines through at times, and I love it when that happens. I am glad that the language doesn't have to be an obstacle.

About this, "I really love it whenever Healer gets whiny and childlike, especially with his interactions and bickering with Hacker Ajumma. I also get a kick out of his hilarious reactions to CYS’s antics, and from there I can surmise that he has a less serious disposition than CH."
I too, love it when Healer gets whiny and childlike with Hacker Ajumma, those are some of my favorite scenes in this drama. And I too, love his reactions to CYS's antics, mostly b/c I feel that she disarms him. He is kind of lost, when he is around her. I mean, he plays that role (b/c he has to), but I also think that it does sth to him. I do love that his relationship with his mom seems healthy, however I wonder how well he knows women (not that well, is what I am thinking). I feel that he assumes things (about women), but CYS is an odd ball for him, and he is not always sure how to handle her.

I ABSOLUTELY LOVED that he let CYS hold on to his arm, and that he fell asleep that way. Man, did I love that scene, the pix when they were children, and how they both fell asleep. That was like a platonic bed scene, which is one of my favorite tropes in Kdramas. I would love it, if we get another one of those, possibly with them in the same bed. Sometimes, actors/actresses fall asleep (really) during the filming of such scenes, which I find cute (Hyun Bin in SeGa, Suzy and KSH in Dream High). There was a variation of that in Birth of Beauty, ep. 12 (I think), and that was so beautiful. JSW's sleepy voice is so soothing and so sexy, I melted :-) See what Kdramas do to us? There are so many reasons why I appreciate them, truly!

As for his disposition, I feel that Healer can be serious when it comes to his work, but in his personal life, he doesn't interact with people (except his mom, occasionally), so I am not sure how serious he might be. Do you think that as a character, he has dated? I am trying to read him on that, and I don't know. CYS seems too busy to me, to have time to date. She loves her dad, and her make-up family, and she is ambitious. She might not have had time to date.

And I also agree with your 3rd paragraph, by the way.


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@ hawoojinruinedme,

Also, I really enjoy discussing dramas with you. If you would be interested, we could also discuss more dramas and life by email (I have done it before). I have more questions about LG, by the way :-) So, just in case, my info: [email protected]


That scene was my favorite as well. It was so unexpected for me (because I still don't have a grasp on the tonality switches) and really got me smiling. It was the same when she danced with her dad in the previous episode.


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@ hawoojinruinedme,

I LOVED your long responses, thank you so much for those. I skimmed through your comments, and I will be back later to respond. I am going back to Healer, ep. 4 recap. I love reading your comments, you are soooo funny, insightful, and yet so right at times. As I was reading your comments, I found myself nodding in agreement with some of what you said. Interesting how Kdramas brings people together, and helps them realize what they might have in common (besides loving Kdramas, that is). I think it's a neat thing.


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I love it.cant wait for the next episode.I wish i can watch it everyday.Godbless to all the actors,staff.,members behind this amazing show.Healer :)


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I really love the otp!! I can already tell that their interactions with each other will bring my many many laughs!! JH makes the BEST faces when he is watching/with her. Like at the end being both awkward, perplexed, and exasperated all at once!

I know that the awkwardness is probably just part of his cover but I do think he is genuinely perplexed by her! Like he really can't tell what she will do next and thats probably not something he is used too.

Also I can't wait for more info on KMH and how and when he found out CYS was still alive and how they will interact with each other. She will be stars trucked and he will be wistful??? JH jealous?? So many possibilities of great scenes!!


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Hello Karen,

I loved what you said here, "I know that the awkwardness is probably just part of his cover but I do think he is genuinely perplexed by her! Like he really can’t tell what she will do next and thats probably not something he is used too." And I agree with you! I wrote something along the same lines on a forum:

"Also, RE: CYS, Healer might have lost some control (one commenter said he had, when he was with CYS), however I also think that he doesn't know how to read CYS. I think he excels when it comes to reading the people in his field (espionage, and getting things done, like the kinds of info he has to retrieve for his work, and anticipating his opponents' moves when it comes to espionage), but when it comes to reading CYS, I think Healer comes short. That is the impression I got, and JCW plays him beautifully.

That is also one of the arc-growth I am looking forward to seeing Healer go through. He is going to experience many (conflicting at times) and maybe frustrating emotions, b/c of CYS, and those will throw him off-kilter, and I might add that they will challenge him. I really look forward to JCW portraying those emotions as well. I get the feeling that Healer had his life well compartmentalized: work and home (and sports), and his privacy and secrecy are VERY important to him, and to the nature of his work. Those might be shaken (that has already happened), and he will be challenged in those areas, is what my guess is. We will see what happens, as the drama unfolds, I guess."


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Hi Ivoire!

I'm glad you agree!! I'm also really looking forward to his growth as well! And I am very happy with JCW's portrayal and can't wait to see how he expresses more complex emotions as well!

I wonder if they always go with the awkward character as his cover not only a guise for him to be spacey when he in fact is canvassing/watch places and people but also because of his lack of social interactions with "normal" people. I mean the guy want to live on a deserted island! Talk about being a recluse! What do you think?

And also do you think that the reason he is so cut off from society has something to do with his dad? Because I'm really curious to find out what happened to his family!

Sorry for rambling! This show just has me inthralled!


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I think his dad might be one of the five friends :D. They showed it very shortly but when he saw the photo he started laughing and then for a 3 seconds they showed the same photo in his apartment, I think, which makes me very curious :D.


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@ Karen, PART 2:

I do think some of the reasons why he is so cut off from society have to do with the nature of his job, as I have stated earlier. Also, he did say that he has been doing this job for 8 years, so... that is a long time. And him being cut off from society also has to do with his past, and with his family, not just with his dad (imho). I am curious about his family, and I look forward to finding that out, over time, as the drama unfolds. I also want to know what happened to him, when he was younger, that made him decide that he wanted to move to a (beautiful) island, and consciously disconnect from society on a personal level. I mean even for work, he doesn't hang out with his "colleagues," whom I am assuming would be safe, since they are in it together.

At 1st, through Healer, we were told that CYS was not abused, only to find out otherwise, when she talked Yeon-hee out of committing suicide. Did the same happen to Healer? Was he abandoned, abused? What traumas might he have experienced when he was younger, that impacted him to this day, whether he is willing to admit it or not? Maybe he has repressed those memories, and he simply does not remember? So many questions, that the drama will be answering over time (I hope).

I am glad the show has you enthralled, I feel the same way, so I totally understand. Isn't it wonderful, to experience a drama that way? Enjoy it! :-) It was great to read from you :-) Thank you for your response!


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Sorry Karen,
This response is supposed to be under the one following it. I am sure you get it :-)


Hi again Karen,

I am glad that you liked my comment. About this, "I wonder if they always go with the awkward character as his cover not only a guise for him to be spacey when he in fact is canvassing/watch places and people but also because of his lack of social interactions with “normal” people. I mean the guy want to live on a deserted island! Talk about being a recluse! What do you think?"

I think that you make a very good point, one I had not thought of. And I think that you are probably right. He was clear, in last week's episodes about him not needing to be around people, and about him NOT wanting to be around people. Because of the nature of his job, I can understand that, and I also wrote this (on that forum), which spoke to why I understood his great desire for privacy:

"Though I do think that Healer might be a little lonely (even if he doesn't acknowledge it), it makes sense to me that he is a loner, (and that to an extent) he enjoys being alone, considering his line of work. It is actually better for him to want to be alone, so nobody can ever tell on him. His job is dangerous, as we already see KMS wanting him dead, and the police looking for him. So his identity needs to remain private. He can't take chances. Imagine, if a friend or a girlfriend gets mad at him, and then reveals his identity? That would be really bad, and he would be out of a job. Does that mean that he has never had a girlfriend? Or maybe if he has had some, he just never took them to his place, and he concealed his identity?"

It personally totally makes sense to me why Healer would want extreme privacy because of his job. However, when it comes to his personal life, I don't know, I am not sure. I mean, he doesn't even hang out with ahjumma or with the messenger girl. I think that he has lived like that for so that he has grown comfortable living that way. You know, habits can become 2nd nature, and there are some benefits to being alone (and some people like it, more than others). However, I have a feeling that CYS might change all of that, over time.

About this, "And also do you think that the reason he is so cut off from society has something to do with his dad? Because I’m really curious to find out what happened to his family! Sorry for rambling! This show just has me enthralled!"

You seriously do not need to apologize to me about rambling, because you are communicating with a rambler. Just look at the response I wrote to "hawoohinruinedme," and you will see what I mean :-) I understand rambling, I LOVE rambling, so you are in good company.


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Sorry I was just now able to read all of your replies! I guess I didn't voice my thought of his dad being one of the friends did I? Can't wait to chat about ep 4 with you!!


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You are fine! I did understand and I did assume that his dad was one of the friends in that pix, as I think I have seen that comment made on Soompi (I think). However, I was still curious about his whole family, b/c I didn't know what had happened to them (both parents), and I was curious about that. At times, I feel like moms in Kdramas might not be that important, however, I am always curious as to where the missing parents (mother or father) might be.

I just watched ep.4, and I now have an answer for where his mom might be, which was a relief. And yes, now we will have to find out what happened to his dad. Your hunch on that was accurate. There are so many good things in ep.4, I am glad that so far, the plot is building up nicely, and that balance (comedy, thriller-mystery, romance and action) is still there and well balanced, which is great, b/c I am hoping that this drama is not going to go completely melo, AND stay there *Angel Eyes, I am looking at you.* I already cried in ep.4, so I am sure there will be more moving moments to come (moving for me, I am sure).

I too look forward to our conversations in the ep.4 recap :-)

Also, having just watched ep.4 (raw), I take back (kind of) what I said about Healer, b/c I was right (more than I realized): I saw him in his place in the beginning of ep.4, and I saw how he looked like eating alone, and I am sorry but that guy DOES NOT look HAPPY eating alone. So yeah, I was right (at least about that), he does feel lonely (I was not totally sure about that), when he is by himself. His world is about to be rocked (and it will not be calm any more), and he might not necessarily like it (having his personal life challenged by external events, and by a woman), but it might be something he needs, at the tender age of 28. Maybe he doesn't know it yet ***SPOILER***(that he needs someone by his side, besides mom), ***END OF SPOILER*** but the drama gods do, and they will give it to him.


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OMG LOVE!!!! Idk its kinda like City hunter, God's gift - 14 days, and fated to love you all rolled into one. YES!! Sign me onboard please!~


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off topic but javabeans, how was the finale of secret door? what happened, i'm just super super curious ...


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I don't know why but it feels like not a lot of people are watching healer. I haven't started it yet but after skimming through the recaps, and hearing JBs praises (also looking at JCW's screencaps, god that man is smokin'), I might really get into this.
After all the slugfest this year I really need something like City Hunter, or just anything fast paced and fun. This seems like a perfect one. SHOW, PLEASE DON'T DISAPPOINT ME. I have allowed myself to trust... here we go...
Off to episode 1!


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Goodness, I'm loving this show to bits and pieces. I get all giddy just thinking about it. (Which is so unhealthy lol. I can tell this will be my latest drama addiction).

Completely enamored with our 3 leads! OTP is fabulous. My shipper feels are all over the place, geez.

Thank you JB for recapping! Happy to know that you're onboard with Healer! :)


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I like your name buddy!


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Thanks. :)


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@ Omomo,

I really loved your comment. And it is also why it makes a difference to be around those who loves dramas when one is watching one (at least for me). I totally understood all that you said (like I felt it), and I agree with what you said. I too love this show so much, I almost want to live in that universe, and see our characters up close (or closer).

And I really loved this, "Completely enamored with our 3 leads! OTP is fabulous. My shipper feels are all over the place, geez."


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*high fives*

I too can't help but to completely immerse myself in a drama that I'm currently into. (Which really bites when things start to go sour. Hopefully this doesn't happen for Healer!) It's always great to meet fellow fans and rave together. Teehee.


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@ Omomo, *High fives you back*

I really LOVE your screen name, btw. Are you watching "Birth of Beauty?" In ep. 9 or 10 (I think), Sara, the female lead says that to JSW, the male lead (Han Tae-hee). She says it fast, and I love how she says it, especially since she is an ajumma in that drama. Every time I see your name, I think about Sara and about how she said, "Omomomomo," with indignation, and everything. It was endearing and funny at the same time.

This, "I too can’t help but to completely immerse myself in a drama that I’m currently into." See, there you go again saying things that I completely relate to. It's like you and I (and a few others), are OK kind of living through our characters, feeling what they are feeling, and rejoicing with them, when they are happy. It is always interesting to me how some dramas can suck you in, and make you want to pay attention to EVERYTHING that is going on, you know what I mean?

And yes, it can be painful, when things do go sour. Like you, I do hope that Healer will be able to deliver till the very end. And about this, "It’s always great to meet fellow fans and rave together. Teehee." Yes, it is wonderful to be among fangirls (and fanboys), because we understand each other.
Also, you said you get giddy thinking about the show. I LOL thinking of some of the funny scenes. I literally do, because the show stays with me, well after I have watched the episodes. I find myself thinking about the scenes, and what happened in the episodes.


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Sadly I haven't, but it is on my to-watch list. The thing is, I'm still waiting for BoTB to finish before I check it out. I like to savor dramas one at a time. Haha. It's my screen name because I say it a lot myself whenever I get excited while watching a drama "omomomomomo~"

Sometimes I think I get too attached to these fictional characters, it's crazy.

I do too, lol! I even write all these blurbs and random thoughts about an episode (which I never publish because they don't make a lot of sense anyway; they're mostly just ravings) right after I watch one. Whenever I encounter a familiar situation I've watched in a drama in real life, I get this sudden urge to blurt out "Hey, this happened in ____!" but of course I won't because no one will be able to relate to me anyway. Except for a couple of my friends who are also drama loving folks like me.

By the way, I absolutely appreciate the way you write long responses to the posts here! I've been reading your discussions with hawoojinruinedme and I find myself enjoying them a lot. :)


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*BoaB. My bad.


@ Omomo, PART 2:

About this, "By the way, I absolutely appreciate the way you write long responses to the posts here! I’ve been reading your discussions with hawoojinruinedme and I find myself enjoying them a lot. :) "
Thank you, I am glad that you appreciate the long responses. It makes it worth the time I take to write them, and the thought-process I put into them (I find myself thinking about dramas a lot, as I go through the day, and through my daily chores). That is one of the ways I experience dramas, because I also learn a lot while reading from others, and at times, their comments elicit more questions for me, which can further the conversation, which is great, I think.


Sorry, wrong order of posts for my responses. But I think you got it.


@ Omomo, PART 1:

So nice to read from you again! :-) About this, " I like to savor dramas one at a time. Haha. It’s my screen name because I say it a lot myself whenever I get excited while watching a drama “omomomomomo~”
Like you, I actually like savoring one drama at a time as well. I feel that I can go deeper into them better, trying to understand as much as I can, from the language (I always appreciate how Koreans express themselves, and at times differently than Western languages do), to the plot, to the characters, etc... And also, there is not enough time in the day, or in a week, so I don't want to take on too much. I very often find myself thinking about the episodes long after they have aired, which tells me that I am still processing whatever it was that I saw. I need to have time to mull that over, and see what transpires for me. So, I totally understand what you meant.

I loved this, "I say it a lot myself whenever I get excited while watching a drama “omomomomomo~” I don't say that word that often. I have other Korean words I like to say :-)

About this, "Sometimes I think I get too attached to these fictional characters, it’s crazy. " You and me both!!!! That is how I know that I am in love with a drama, or in love with literally dissecting it (Angel Eyes was my crack for dissecting it, and almost every Kdrama I have watched in the last 2 years. I didn't use to do that before). It is nice to meet and connect with kindred spirits, that way, one doesn't feel too weird or crazy. I sometimes write scenari or fanfictions in my head, if I didn't like a particular scene or how something was solved or handled. Do you do that?

When I can make the time, I actually take notes when I watch a drama, so I end up with pages of notes (and questions), that I often post, if the drama is being recapped, or I post them on Soompi, if the drama is not recapped on a blog I know of. So again, I TOTALLY relate to what you said. I have to say that I have also learned a lot that way, about a lot of things. I personally love it when I can connect the dots between dramas (like understand a new word or expression, because I learned what it meant in a previous drama, thus building my vocabulary). With each drama I have watched, I have always learned a few things (or a lot of things). Also sometimes I think to myself, "if this situation were a drama, this is how it would have gone," again, a little similar to what you do :-)


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Hello Iviore! Sorry for taking a while to respond.

Yes, that's what I do anyway. I usually try to binge-watch a lot of dramas which are all currently airing at the same time up to their 3rd episode, and then I choose the one that I like the most and stick with it. In this case, Healer caught my attention so much so it has become my pick of the season, and ended up dropping all the others. Like you, real life gets in the way of my drama-watching hobby so I can't afford to take on too much.

I make up scenarios in my head as well! I will even ponder about writing fanfiction at some point, but then give up because it seems like I don't have the talent or patience for writing. *laughs sheepishly*

Yes, totally! It was because of watching k-dramas that I learned quite a number of Korean words and even knew about their culture. It's like taking indirect lessons, but in an enjoyable way. :)

And thank you for always responding! You're really awesome. I applaud you for being to write so much in a short timespan. Will look forward to more of your engaging posts in the future!


@ Omomo, Part 1:

I am glad you responded, even if it was late. Better late than never as they say. Well, about your 1st paragraph, at least you watch a few dramas before settling on one. I don't do that, because even watching an ep. of a drama takes time for me. I replay my favorite scenes. I take notes (often), so an hour ep. can take me 2hrs or more to watch. Also, I am not very fast at ready the subs, so I tend to pause a lot when I am watching a drama. I usually check out a drama if I read about it on a blog, or if I have seen some previews, or if I really like the actor. So because of the actors, I can also eliminate some dramas right away. also because of what I do around drama watching like reading blogs, commenting, reading forum pages like Soompi, and researching the backgrounds of the actors/actresses, it takes a lot of time, so I don't want to add more dramas. I couldn't experience them the way I like to. So what would the point be?

What I have done, is check a few episodes (I watched 2 episodes of Pinocchio, for example), and if I like the drama, I make a mental note to eventually watch it. So far, I have not watched a drama I recommended to myself (yet), at least not the whole thing. And I am OK with it. I am actually trying to curb my addiction (to participating on blogs, etc...), so I need to become more disciplined. And I do go through periods of time when I am not watching dramas either, and I am OK with that.

About this, "I make up scenarios in my head as well! I will even ponder about writing fanfiction at some point, but then give up because it seems like I don’t have the talent or patience for writing. *laughs sheepishly*"
I wrote one fanfic for Angel Eyes that I posted on Soompi (people liked it). I wrote another one in my head. writing it in your head goes faster, b/c you don't have to give too many details (like describe the room, and other things that make a difference, to give a context), so I have given up actually writing fanfic (and posting them), but I still write them in my head. I hope I made sense.

This, "It’s like taking indirect lessons, but in an enjoyable way. :)" I totally agree with. I always feel like I am taking a class when I watch a Kdrama, b/c I usually have questions, and when people respond, the conversations/discussions are great! And those have allowed me to connect from people from all over the world.


@ Omomo, Part 2:

About this, "And thank you for always responding! You’re really awesome. I applaud you for being to write so much in a short timespan. Will look forward to more of your engaging posts in the future!"
You are welcome! I appreciate your compliment. I don't like to leave a discussion/conversation undone, or "pending." I usually (when I can), like to "finish" the conversation, meaning that I will comment, until we have nothing more to say on the topic. I feel better that way, and later on, if I ever come back to that thread and comments (to reread it), I would know that we had said all that we wish to say at the time. It's like coming full circle for me. I hope I made sense.


The first two episodes for North America are up on Dramafever with English Subs.

Awesome show!!


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Third is up now too.


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Right from the beginning I was optimistic about this drama and m glad that it didnt turn me down.
I just love when our lead actresses are spunky and does not exhibit merely a meek n damsel in distress kinda syndrome which is so damn prevalent in kdramas.
A show offering strong yet cute actress------M ONBOARD!

I have seen many people commenting about the actor paired opposite to pmy hez cool and hot at the same time!
Any recommendation on his previous works??


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Ji JW was fantastic in Empress Ki.
Yoo JT was great in A Star's Lover.


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JCW's past works:
Smile Donghae, Sons of Sol Pharmacy, Warrior Baek Dong Soo, Bachelor's Vegetable Store, Five fingers, Empress Ki

YJT's past works:
Movies: Ditto, Nightmare, Oldboy, One Fine Spring Day etc
Dramas: Star's Lover


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Hello charmcasy,

I have only seen him in "Smile Donghae" which is a daily drama (Shown Mond-Frid, and each ep. is around 25mns long). He was younger then, greener then (imho), but he was pretty good in it (and well cast for the role, I think). That show deals a lot with food (restaurants, hotels and inheritance are the setting for the main plot). He had great chemistry with the 2nd female lead (in the drama and in the stills. They looked very cute together. He was fine with the female lead, however I was kind of surprise at his great chemistry with the 2nd female lead as well). He also had to learn how to ice skate for that drama (he was a professional ice skater for the first few episodes of the drama), and he practiced intensely for that (for months), and he looked great, ice skating. He also acted with some great veteran actors (and actresses), whom I really like, and I think that helped his acting, I am sure.

I haven't seen him in anything else since, but I would like to check his one episode drama he did with a KARA member. You can read about it here:


I also read that he was good in Empress Ki, but I haven't seen it, so I can't comment on that. He was also on Bachelor's Vegetable Store, but I haven't seen that drama either. Here are some of his past projects:


Also, BVS (Bachelor's Vegetable Store) had episodes 1, 2 and 3 recapped here, and the drama was ultimately reviewed on DB (Dramabeans) as well. You can read about it here (in the comments' section for that series, a beanie posted a link to the last episode recap):


And here is some detailed info about YJT:


I hope the info helped.


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@ charmcasy,
I posted a comment with some links, so my comment is awaiting moderation. When my comment is checked out by the administrators, it will be posted and it will show. I just wanted to let you know.


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Random thought... don't know if anyone watched Sons of Sol's Pharmacy House, but remember the youngest son? He's basically Reporter Healer! HAHA no?


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Oh ya! You are right. That felt like ages ago, but was in fact just 3-4 years earlier. Ji JW's acting has certainly grown by leaps and bounds. It's amazing how he achieved so much in a short time.


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SOSP premiered on 11 April 2009, so it's been a bit longer than 3-4 years, but yes there has been much improvement with My Precious. 가장 좋은!!! :D


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Apologies for hijacking the thread, but if you're interested in finding out more biographical information on Our Healer, there's all kinds of yummy Ji Chang Wook goodies at jichangwookkitchen.com. Enjoy!


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Engsub still not available but this recap already out.. hoaaaaa so fast! thankyou for your hard work XD

and.. OMG.. im just read recap from this site and other forum that talking about this drama but i've totally like this drama more and more.. hope 'a good thing' like this can be continue in every week..

Park Bongsu, Healer, or Seo Junghoo really have 'their' charm.. and i love it..

once again.. nice recap and fighting for the next recap.. ^^


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Thanks for the recap! I'm so glad this has been picked up for recapping, because it is my favourite drama at the moment. In fact, I'm already addicted!

Al the three main actors are doing a marvellous job portraying their characters. This is myfirst time seeing Yoo Ji-tae, but damn, he's good!


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LMAO forever at Park Minyoung singing and dancing to DBSK's "Hug." Apparently she asked help from Jaejoong how to pull it off.

Her funny way of dancing is also eerily reminiscent of Jaejoong's dancing.


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Our lead couple is so beautiful to look at it hurts my eyes! *__*
Thank you for the recap!


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Totally agree! Their chemistry is off the charts! Love them both.

This is my first time watching Ji Chang Wook in a show. The guy is smokin' hot. Park Min Young as Young Shin is super adorable and refreshing. :)

Anyway, why is it that the subbing for this drama takes longer than the others? I had to watch raw and read this post to understand it.


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I'm so happy being in love w this. It's my Christmas present. Hyun Bin's new drama will come after this. That'll be my NY present!
Thank you, drama universe!


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its not subbed yet but i loved the first week! Yay please stay this awesome... fingers crossed


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omo, they taught jcw how to do parcour for this one :D

count me in for the trip! this'd better be well-thought through - or else!... :D


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@ shelly Hi,
About this, "omo, they taught jcw how to do parcour for this on." What does "parcour" mean, please?


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Parkour [pahr-koo r, -kawr, -kohr]; word origin French, Medieval Latin. Noun: the sport of moving along a route, typically in a city, trying to get around or through various obstacles in the quickest and most efficient manner possible, as by jumping, climbing, or running.

The production had mentioned well before filming that parkour-type elements would be a big part of Seo Jung Hu's character and Ji Chang Wook attended special training in order to perform some of these difficult stunts. So when he is shown running along the rooftops and at the end of Episode 3 jumping and flying off walls and doing flips off the railings... that's parkour.

Ji Chang Wook himself discusses the use of parkour and his character in interviews he gave on 4 December at the "Healer" press conference: http://tinyurl.com/ljv5c3b Granted, the more difficult stunts utilize specific stuntmen to perform (like the railing flips and climbing walls), but a good chunk are being performed by Changwook himself. And he has the bruises to show for it. *ouch*

Hope this helps!


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@ cherkell, Hello~

I remember you from the YT-Google-MBC Kpop concert we went to (together) in 2012 :-) That was a lot of fun! Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my question, and explain to me what a "parkour" is. I guess I knew of the sports (or of the movements, if I can call them that), since I had seen them in movies before. I just didn't know that it was a sport, and what the name of the sport was.

Your explanations totally helped, as well as some of the info you added, mentioned at the press conference by JCW. I did not follow the interviews and read the articles related to Healer (prior to the drama airing), so I am not well versed in the info related to the drama. I also appreciate you including the link to the blog, which I also saw on the Soompi-Healer thread, where I believe your co-blogger posts a lot (I have seen her posts there). I will bookmark your blog, so I can use it as a tool to find out more about JCW. Is that an evolution of the blog you had a few years ago? When I was active on OT, I remember reading your blog a few times.

Thank you for keeping us abreast of JCW's activities.


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Did anyone noticed something weird in the scene when "Healer" sees the photo and laugh? They showed it shortly but it seems that the Healer has the same photo in his apartment, which leaves me confused and in the same time excited!!! :D I wonder what kind of connection "Healer" has with 5 friends from the photo :D?


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I also noticed that Healer had the same photo in his apt, shown in Ep 1. Very interesting, like he said.
If SY is the right age to be the daughter of one of the 5 friends, then Healer is also of the right age to be the son of one of them. Qn is which one?

Looks like Moon Ho's brother did sthg horrible, like faked SY's (at that time called Ji An) death, or maybe even had a hand in killing her father, in order to get his long time one-sided love to marry him. Moon Ho somehow knew about it, but kept silent, and has been living in guilt ever since.


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The healer's dad is probably one of them.

I don't think Moon Ho intentionally killed his friend. I think it's going to be shown as an accident. Possibly, SY's mom was injured in this incident.


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Hi United, (you were in the Liar Game recaps commenting, weren't you? I think I remember you from there).
I think you meant Moon-ho's brother, didn't you? I don't think MH killed anybody. He however knows some things that have been eating up at him, b/c he has remained silent all this time (and he shouldn't have).


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Actually I had similar theory about it :D. I think that Moon Ho's brother is involved in the death of both her father and Healer's father. Moon Ho might witnessed this and feel guilty for not doing anything about it. I guess he was fighting with his own feelings. It's not easy to just report own brother to the police and in the same time he had to be silent for 12 years. I find his character very interesting but unfortunately with tragic faith.

I just hope he wont do the same thing as his brother, to kill someone because of the unrequited love.


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I loved this drama SO MUCH!!
thank you for the recap♥


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Hello all. New to this but a long time reader. Just wanted to mention that I'm enjoying this k-drama and thanks for recapping.


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Well welcome! This drama has been great so far, I agree. Glad you are enjoying it.


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Thanks Ivoire. I am and your comments are part of it.


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@ Eibhlin,
You are very welcome! I am also glad that my comments are helping you understand the drama better, and/or give you something more to think about. I left you a response in Healer 4th episode recap, by the way. I hope that my answer there made sense.


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I feel for JCW in Warrior Baek DongSoo and a good judge about acting but I know I fell for his smile. He has a killer smile.
I noticed a lot of people comparing this show to City hunter(which is the drama that got me addicted Kdramas'LEE MIN HO <3) and I agree. While CH used the confident playboy cover Healer is using shy bumbling idiot cover.


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Hello Tura,
I agree with all that you have said. I also do love JCW's smile, so lovely. And this, "While CH used the confident playboy cover Healer is using shy bumbling idiot cover." LOL, yet so true...


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I'm glad you'll continue writing these recaps! I really like this drama~


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Thanks for the recap. It helps to have others' perspectives. It did suddenly all kinda jell in this episode, didn't it?

I have a few quickies - Where has Yoo Ji-tae been all my life? I can't keep my eyes off him, and when he is gone, I want to see him again quick. Magnetism, right? It is interesting that he made his debut about the same time as Woo Hee Jin. They both look fabulous.

And who was that very pretty Go Soo-looking guy who is playing Ji-an's father? Holy cow he's beautiful. Have they given him a name yet?


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That's Oh Jong Hyuk as "Oh Gil Han" - former member of late 1990s boy band Click-B. Now musical stage star and (unfortunately) more known of today as the boyfriend of T-ara's Soyeon.

And he's working on his One Degree of Separation - he and Ji Chang Wook share the 'Muyeong' role in the currently-running musical "The Days." They also starred together in the musical "Thrill Me" back in 2009.

But it looks like his time here in "Healer" will be short-lived (no pun intended). I will shed tears when that happens. *sigh*


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I try to wait until I can watch an episode before reading the recap...and it was up so quickly!! But now I've seen episode three (it's on Dramafever for those interested) and I completely agree that I'm very sold on the three leads. I'm also loving the lighter more humorous moment even though there's a lot of darkness lurking in the background. I look forward to when the three all meet up (even though I'm sure they'll not all be aware of their relationships).

I'm not actually sure how I feel about the plot. It's not bad but I'm not that intrigued...and I'm a little concerned that the suicidal sexually abused woman is just going to basically be a plot device. However, it's early days yet and I like a lot of things about this but especially the cast right now. I do think they're pretty pitch perfect even if I can't be sure how they'll all come together tonality-wise. And it's not just the main three I like, the supporting cast is pretty good so far as well. Loving the ahjumma and the father.

Right now this show is mostly just fun for me which I'm in need of. I have a feeling this is going to get more melo and less humorous as it goes on and I will have to see if that bothers me or not.


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Hi ~ Can i know that actor name who play role Kim Moonshik ( Moonho brother) when he was young ?


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That'll be Son Seung Won. :)


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I've rarely been this excited to watch the next episode of a drama. I've been on pins and needles waiting for DF to release the next episode and I must say, it didn't disappoint. Love everything about the plot and leads. The chemistry between the leads is great so far, but the one that I find most mesmerizing is Park Min Young. She's really nailing her role. Yoo Ji tae is really solid as well. Love their performances. Still feeling that City Hunter vibe from Ji Chang wook and I'm excited to see where this goes.

It appears that the brothers don't get along, though Moon ho fakes pleasantries, because he knows his hyung is shady and involved in evil stuff, both personally and professionally. Hyung very likely caused the accident that killed off Myung hee's spouse and orphaned her daughter and crippled her, just so he could have his crush. He's a scary man who doesn't mind murdering to get what he wants. His brother knows and is silent and guilt-ridden. All this was easy to surmise from this episode, but the exact particulars of how Jian ended up in the orphanage has yet to be revealed. Either way, I am staying tuned.


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Can I just say that the young Myung-hee is a really pretty actress!

Also, Yoo Ji-tae is a very charming actor! I haven't seen anything that he's in before but when he's on screen, he become in demand! His character doesn't have much dialogue, but his eyes speaks so much!

I am totally on board!


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@ Yoori,
About this, "Can I just say that the young Myung-hee is a really pretty actress!" I think so too. She is really pretty.


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Aaahh I really like this drama !! I thought after Liar Game I would have to wait a long time to get interested in a drama, but this one wins hands down ^^
It also reminds me of City Hunter (one of my favorites), but with different feelings (I don't really know how to say this : the City Hunter was driven by revenge whereas here the Healer is just motivated by his dream of isolation, well for now).
Anyway, thanks for the recaps !! I always love to read them after watching an episode, because it helps with the understanding (culture points or references ^^).


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Does anybody know the name of the song/instrumental that plays when an action-filled scene is playing, or when Healer is fighting off bad dudes? I mean it's such a romantic instrumental for such an action-packed scene.


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Just caught up with this drama - totally digging it!! I've never come across any of the lead actors before so it's rather refreshing to see some new talent, well, new to me anyway.

Funny thing is, I can't quite put my finger on what it is that I'm loving about the show - it seems so versatile in tone, especially when the Healer starts his running missions - such a cool character. And his Ajhumma sidekick is equally cool, love her character!

I'm really looking forward to the next episodes, perhaps more than Pinocchio, which I thought would be my only drama crack from the current picks *gasps*

Thanks for recapping this one, ladies!


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Please ! Why there is no snapshot in the recaps anymore ? Once there were 4-5 snapshots for every recap.


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Was anyone else taken aback when Kang Dae-Yong appeared on screen wearing a bomber jacket emblazoned with the confederate flag...a controversial and official merchandise piece from Kanye West's Yeezus Tour?

Korean Dramas reach a global/international audience. So, I couldn't help but wonder if the people outside of the United States America are aware of/educated on the flag's symbolism & history? [i.e. hatred & bigotry, discrimination & racism, enforcement of & support for slavery, declaration for seccession during the American Civil War, southern pride, etc.]?


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Perhaps it just goes to show that for a number of people the world over, the world DOES NOT turn around the US?


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I've just re-watched Episode 3.

Among the many scenes that got me excited was the scene of Healer running across the rooftops, following Moon Ho's car, to the instrumental, "Highlight".

One scene that struck me, as odd: in the flash back to Moon Ho and Moon Shik's visit to see baby Ji An, the expession on Moon Shik 's face was incongruent with the happy occasion. He looked like he was going to a funeral.

The flowers he carried were bought on the behalf of Myung Hee's husband, Gil Han to be given to Myung Hee. Moon Shik may have been resentful about this? He only perked up when Myung Hee silently acknowledged thanks to him for the flowers although Gil Han claimed them as his gift. Such a gracious gesture on Myung Hee's part, without ruffling up the feathers of her husband. A tangled emotional situation that seems to unsettle little Moon Ho.


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Sorry late post for ep3 hihihi....

What i like about this ep is all about PBS, that lame but adorable BS! And i think this is also the turning point of this show when they introduced his character! BS added more color to the life of Healer, and this what draws more people to watch and like and eventually get addicted to Healer!
