Na PD baits Lee Seo-jin to headline new variety show
by girlfriday
girlfriday: Ooh, Na PD (Na Young-seok) is doing a new show! Okay, so technically he’s always doing a new show with Grandpas Over Flowers leading to Noonas and Youths and so forth, but apparently he’s switching gears with his next variety program and stepping away from the Over Flowers theme.
javabeans: Is it really switching gears, though, when he’s casting (possibly) Lee Seo-jin, aka Seo Genie, aka Seojinnie, and making it another outdoor variety show while courting other members as well? Is this really just 1 Night, 2 Days, 3 Luggage Boys?
girlfriday: Knowing Na PD, it’s entirely possible he’s lying through his teeth on purpose, just so he can trick Seojinnie into doing Cranky Oppas Over Flowers.
javabeans: Or is he making good on his joke-threat and actually planning King of Cooking where every episode Seo-jin fails?
girlfriday: That would be awesome. I guess the real genius is that he knows he can just stick Seojinnie in front of a camera and get something good, as long as there’s complaining involved.
javabeans: I love that he was actually surprised how good Seo-jin was in the first Grandpas Over Flowers, and now he just doesn’t want to let him go. Concept is irrelevant! Get Seo-jin! He knows gold when he sees it.
girlfriday: Seriously.
javabeans: It’s the birth of a new creator-muse power duo. You know, Woody Allen had Diane Keaton, Scorcese had DeNiro, Tim Burton has Johnny Depp…
girlfriday: And now Na PD has Seojinnie! Really, their bromance makes me genuinely happy, I don’t know why. Because it’s begrudging, maybe?
javabeans: There’s an added layer because Seo-jin is older and Na PD totally regards him as this older brother, and so it’s respect mixed with annoyance and pestering.
girlfriday: I also think Na PD isn’t often outsmarted by his stars, but Seo-jin is quick and it makes for a more balanced (and hilariously contentious) relationship.
javabeans: Taken at face value I can see how this untitled, undescribed variety show could be great, but when has Na PD ever announced something and then given us that? I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.
girlfriday: Yeah all we know so far is that it’s an outdoor variety show (meaning just that it’s not shot in a studio), it’s planning to air after Youths Over Flowers in mid-October, and they’re looking into other cast members, maybe. Way to be vague.
javabeans: I’m pretty sure suffering is a given.
girlfriday: Na PD wouldn’t have it any other way.
Via Osen
- Grandpas Over Flowers gets remade for American TV
- Youths Over Flowers: Episode 1
- Na PD’s next travel variety spin-off Youth Over Flowers sets sail
- Grandpas Over Flowers in Spain: Episode 1
- Na PD on grandpas, money, and Seo-jinnie the con artist
- Seo-jin gets cookin’ for Grandpas Over Flowers in Spain
- Noonas Over Flowers: Episode 1
- Grandpas Over Flowers (and Seo-jinnie) head to Taiwan next
- Grandpas Over Flowers: Episode 1
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1 Mieosa
September 5, 2014 at 8:10 AM
Excited! Although its only "plan" I really hope Na PD gets Seo Genie on board in whatever variety!
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September 5, 2014 at 6:58 PM
And add Lee Seung Gi as guest, Please!
3 of them together will be great fun!
Outdoor variety! Outdoor Cooking using Local Food will be great!
Seung Gi can bring his measuring cups/spoons and Timer + Internet Recipes along. Haha...
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September 6, 2014 at 1:17 AM
Oh my. Lee Seung Gi: the man who cooks chicken WRAPPED IN CLINGFILM.
I loved how tense the 1N2D boys got whenever Seung Gi stepped up for the cooking, as if to say, "There, there, Seung Gi. Now be a good boy and go play in the corner." Heh, it would be fun to see Seo Jin's wall of patience being broken down.
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2 gg
September 5, 2014 at 8:15 AM
Omo now I really really want to see Seojinnie in a new King of Cooking variety show! Now excuse me while I go dig out and rewatch the fake trailer they made from GOF ..
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September 5, 2014 at 11:31 AM
What I'd like to see is Outdoor King of Cooking. But not the glamping-ppl type of outdoor adventure. More like the you have to catch it, clean it and cook it kind of show. A cold and grubby Seo Jin would be a crabby Seo Jin who wants payback.
I'd give good money to see a show where Seojinie needs to do things like gather seafood on a freedive with the haenyo on Jeju (or the cast goes hungry). It would be hilarious to watch him try to maintain his image while digging out fish guts. I gotta believe he's the type that'd try to do it with flair.
In the end he'd have every woman in S. Korea wanting to wrestle him away from NaPD.
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September 5, 2014 at 11:37 AM
Link please! Cause I want to see that trailer :D. Seojinnie en Na PD are so great together. I can't wait!!
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3 mary
September 5, 2014 at 8:21 AM
The announcement + your commentary just made me giggle nonstop while reading this bit of news.
When is someone going to troll Na PD though? I want his staff to "kidnap" him and send him as a luggage boy to a group of noona actresses.
Please. T^T
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bbstl 🧹
September 5, 2014 at 10:31 AM
Or send him off with a group of Princess-y idol girls. Or maybe even as a roadie to a girl group?
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September 5, 2014 at 11:33 AM
Or princessey American actresses who aren't told who he is.
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4 tebz10
September 5, 2014 at 8:26 AM
Aww.. Who would've thought Seo-jinnie would be great for variety?
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5 Hipployta
September 5, 2014 at 8:32 AM
Art Schoool Hyung taking over variety
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6 Nina
September 5, 2014 at 8:36 AM
please cast Lee Juck!!! Can you imagine the king of complaints Seo Genie and the stubborn but really smart Lee Juck joining forces to trick Na PD? It wold be an epic battle ... I know that since Youth Over Flowers is still airing it would be impossible but a girl can dream since seems like the members will be around 30 - 40's just like Seo Jin T_T
Hee Yeol was the star of Youths but he's just too cute and adorable and good person ( & + ) ...... and I want waaaaaaaar ! And Juck and Seo Jin can make it happen .... variety gods , please .... chebal! T_T
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7 fab
September 5, 2014 at 8:39 AM
Na is smart, look at how adorable Lee Seo-jin is! *swoon*
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8 Thursdaynexxt
September 5, 2014 at 9:12 AM
I will follow those dimples anywhere. Oh, and Na PD.
"Outdoors" is the concept? What, is he gonna make Seojinnie travel through 4 seasons/countries in 1 week? Or re-enact the summer and winter Olympic games in different climates? Or will it be based in S Korea for a change?
(actually can't believe Seo-jin would keep coming back for more like this!)
Looking forward to seeing who his companions-in-suffering are... muahaha
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9 Tiffany
September 5, 2014 at 10:38 AM
Praying hard that Seo Jinnie would really appear on variety once again.. maybe cast seunggi, yoo hee yeol. I bet few of them would be a great combination.
Outdoor variety... I think it would be something interesting.. Smart PD...
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10 redfox
September 5, 2014 at 10:51 AM
I got a bad feeling about this.
what is Na PD up to now?
a trip to Mars with dinosaurs or something
temporary slavery on a rice field?
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September 5, 2014 at 10:53 AM
omo, and I cannot believe you compared them to TimandJohnny (among others)
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11 Sur
September 5, 2014 at 12:18 PM
I have not read the aricle yet but I guess I have to say "AGAIN" when I read the title
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12 thorn
September 5, 2014 at 8:42 PM
I hope nothing takes Lee Seo Jin away from making drama's.. especially historical ones. He's my favorite actor! To me everything he touches turns to gold!
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13 Pebbles
September 6, 2014 at 3:57 AM
Wishing seo jinnie will accept. It will b a joy seeing him in a variety show. What with NA PD evil mind..
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14 cg
September 6, 2014 at 7:08 AM
guys….just want to request something and I didn’t know where to do this so I’m posting it here….
please change the mobile version theme of Dramabeans…it really is annoying…whenever I click, some other page like faq or contacts opens up…and I’m not able to comment easily and properly either…kindly solve this issue…
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September 6, 2014 at 7:10 AM
it was really good when Heirs was airing and also when you wrote year end reviews...but from many months...the latest is simply not working properly...
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15 Eve
September 7, 2014 at 6:06 AM
This might be out of topic, but is there any link to watch Grandpa Over Flowers Eng sub? Been looking for it to no avail. Btw, I'm from Malaysia. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
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September 21, 2014 at 12:12 AM
Try or go to hulu's youtube or dailymotion channel.
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16 mia
September 7, 2014 at 9:50 AM
This bit of news makes my day!
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17 hohliu
September 9, 2014 at 10:30 AM
I love seeing him on telly. He only film about one drama a year in the recent years. I hope we will see him more on Variety shows too.
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18 darksilvercloud
September 11, 2014 at 9:28 PM
' ... King of Cooking ... '
' ... Concept is irrelevant! Get Seo-jin!... '
' ... suffering is a given ...'
Definitely looking forward to watching the evil genius at work :DDDD
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19 ruizhen
September 21, 2014 at 12:14 AM
Probably outdoor cooking with sunny of snsd, hyuna of 4 minute and cl of 2ne1. Ha,ha,ha. These 3 girls are his crushes. Then may han ji min. I really like them in Yi San.
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