Lee Jong-seok and Park Shin-hye courted for Pinocchio

Okay, this is one reunion I’m rooting for in dramaland: Lee Jong-seok is considering a reunion with the PD-writer team behind I Hear Your Voice, for their new fall drama Pinocchio. It might actually wash out the part of my brain that went mushy trying to hold onto some semblance of sanity while watching Doctor Stranger. Maybe. It’s too early to count any chickens since he’s just considering the offer, and I’d take the casting rumors with a huge grain of salt since an earlier round initially had Kim Woo-bin in contention for the role for about a minute. Is casting both of them out of the question?

I’m a little less excited about Park Shin-hye being courted to co-star, even though I like her fine in most things… it’s just that Heirs kind of tipped her over for me on the ratio of actress to number of sad Candy characters played, and bad associations linger (to be fair, they do for Lee Min-ho and Kim Woo-bin as well). On the upside, I do actually trust the I Hear Your Voice writer to come up with a heroine who stands up for herself and speaks her mind; on the downside, I’ll probably be sad that Lee Bo-young isn’t playing her.

Pinocchio is SBS’s late-fall Wednesday-Thursday drama from PD Jo Soo-won and writer Park Hye-ryun, that tells the story of young reporters who are on duty ’round the clock at the city news desk in search of the truth. I fully expect the show to do a late reveal that it’s about a hero who has the power to tell if people are lying or something, but maybe it’ll veer away from being a carbon copy of Voice’s setup.

The writer also scripted Dream High, which was an endearing youthful drama about banding together to chase your dreams. I can see Pinocchio melding the two, with reporters instead of laywers and twentysomething dreamers instead of teens. I basically felt like You’re All Surrounded was that setup for cops, so perhaps we can expect something similar for rookie reporters.

I’m sure casting will go through numerous rounds of Will they or won’t they since it’s still August; Pinocchio follows She’s So Lovable (after It’s Okay, It’s Love) in mid-November.

Via Osen


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I like park shin hye I really do,but I don't know about them together. I feel like park se young should be the lead instead I really liked her with Lee jong suk in 'school 2013' but they had to cut out the romance :( O well.

On the good news front though at least the female lead is not lee bo young,I have never liked her and the reason why i never finished "i hear your voice'.

Here's hoping that PSH is given a fierce and bold character to work with and has lots of chemistry with LJS!!!


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I just finished watching Harvest Villa, a dark comedy that features Lee Bo Young. It was much better than IHYV or God's Gift.


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Please no PSH! She's just so bland. I don't get why people love her. Then again, these are the same people that made Heirs popular, when it was just BoF pt2.
Can we please have an awesome young actress who actually has chemistry with LJS?


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PSH reminds me of Kirsten Stewart..


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Haaaaaa.... T_T PSH.... I like her as a person (from what ive seen in variety shows), as a singer, and as a dancer but... acting... not so much....

Ive watched nearly all her dramas and its just the same expressions and same personality over and over again. Im kind of sick of her characters and expressions plus she doesnt give much umph to her characters. Since so many has said basically what i wanted to say, ive kept it to the basics.

However, i do want her to take on different roles so that she can prove me wrong and i hope the writer wont make the candy characters shes been taking on for the last decade or that she at least makes up a different expression. That being said, ive always been wary of watching dramas shes in because more or less, i find her repetitive and flat which really annoys me no matter how good her co-actors/ the whole cast and writing is.

All in all... ill tune in for the first few episodes to give her a chance but... it might be a high chance to skip for me.


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oh! and i forgot her god forsaken kiss scenes... -_- Her expression is as if shes about to be kissed by a snail everytime. YSY somehow managed to make it a little better but that was it...


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LOL. Snail. Except after Fated to Love You, I can't see that in exactly the same way.

Your post got me thinking about what really bugs me about those scenes. Finally the analogy that came to mind is what they say about abused children/adolescents. When the abuse initially starts they don't know how to respond to their attacker. But based on insecurity, guilt and self-doubt, the child/adolsecent tensely endures what's being done to them. The attacker initiates them by telling them to endure, then they entrench them by telling them to enjoy.

That's a horrible thing to imagine, but it's what her kiss scenes evoke. Adult to adult it seems 'wooden' and weird. But there's something about it that's always struck me as sending a deeper, creepier message too. It implies that if you don't like or want physical contact you should still silently endure it.

Even if PSH and her handlers want her kiss scenes to seem innocent, they should come up with a better way to do it.


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Thanks for your spot on analysis. Her kiss scenes are not only wooden (that would be forgivable) they are also on so many levels, disturbing. Thanks for pointing out why. It bothered me, but I never figured out why until I read your post. It does remind one of watching an abuse scene.


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That was exactly what i thought! She seemed as if she was always scared and forced to do it that she made me uncomfortable as a viewer. It totally gave off the feeling of her being attacked (originally i was gonna say that she was about to be sexually harassed but found it inappropriate so i changed it into a more family friendly situation, hence the snail) and it never ever felt romantic or moving to me, but like you said, a little creepy instead.
I think it's because she tightly shuts her lips and makes a worried and unwilling, maybe even a little disgusted, face. But that may just be my opinion...


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To be fair, I think Park Shin-hye did the best she could with what she was given in Heirs. She wasn't at her best, but that could also be because of the writing. The only drama by that writer that I've actively enjoyed was A Gentleman's Dignity. Anyway, I do like Park Shin-hye and think she is one of the best actresses of her generation. She's not THE BEST, but she's one of them. I think she'd be good in this.

Lee Jong-seok.....I'm iffy on him. His last drama, Doctor Stranger, I didn't watch at all. ICHYV I got a few episodes in, then stopped watching. I do like him, so I hope he takes this drama.


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I've tried to like Park Shin-hye I really tried, but she disappointed me hugely in FBND so I'm not keen to watch anything new by her. I haven't seen a drama with Lee Jong-seok so I can't speak on him, the premise does seem interesting and if they change the female lead I would likely watch it.


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Me too! I like her in YAB but she was so bad in FBND that was shocking for me. Heirs pretty much sealed the deal.


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Weird, for me FBND has been her best role (even when I love YAB) , she was so vulnerable and gloomy, perfect just till we go to the kissing part xc


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yeah, for me FBND was her best drama role till date. Just that first dead fish kiss is the only bit I didn't like (she did much better with the second kiss though, shame YSY is off in the Marines now!)


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You are crazy because Dokmi is one of her best roles and she shines in the drama lol
I love FBND


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idk for me, as someone who suffer from social anxiety and has difficulty leaving my own house I found her portrayal very flat and she seemed to move past her issues quite quickly? for me anyway.


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then it's the script 's fault. How is it her fault? Also she portrait the emotion well with her eyes and face expressions without actually talking much.
That's not something many actresses in her generation could do.

You can hate her and her role all you want, but the girl can act


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The extent of the messiness of Dr Stranger can be measured by the speed with which the leads (the ones who can actually act, anyway) are moving on to their next projects - Kang Sora, Park Hae-jin and now Lee Jong-seok are all doing/considering new dramas as lead before the year is even out, I imagine they all want a better piece of work to their names in 2014 than DS.

I like Park Shin-hye, but Heirs was the worst I've ever seen from her. Wouldn't mind if she took this on as I've been curious about how she and LJS would be as a pair, but I wouldn't be sad if the role went to another talented young actress (not an idol) who could actually benefit from the break. It's high time Lee Yubi did a drama again, just saying....wouldn't hurt to see Kim Ji-won again either, wasn't she in the PD's last project?


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Pls no park shin hye i just don‘t like her acting


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I miss Lee JongSeok. He has chemistry with everyone (men, women, noonas, hyungs) so maybe he can bring it out of of Park Shinhye who has chemistry with no one.


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Actually, I personally found zero chemistry between him and JSY or him and LBY or even him and PBY. Whereas PSH had lots of chemistry with KWB, JGS, YSY, LSG and YSH to name a few.

So I'd actually say maybe she can bring something out of LJS. Other than the kiss obviously. But chemistry isn't defined only by kisses even if some make it seem like thats the be-all-end-all of every romantic drama.


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Really? And she has some of the post biggest shipping fandoms to date.
It's might not the fact that she has chemistry with no one. Because the girl does, just not that kind of hot passionate one.
It's just your opinion


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I used to say Heirs was the worst kdrama I'd ever seen and made no sense.

But after Dr Stranger, it suddenly started looking a LOT better in comparison.


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I take it you didn't watch Dr.Jin? XD


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No!! You made me remember the creepy freaky tiny human being! Lol!


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Eh, I like Park Shin-Hye well enough, but I wish she'd do something different. Also, she's cute and all, but I haven't really felt her chemistry with any of her co-stars aside from maybe You're Beautiful.

But... LEE JONG-SEOK. That's like an automatic yes from me, for any role ever, since I found out what a mess Doctor Stranger was before I had the chance to see him in it. D;


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It's surprising to see so many people actively disliking Park Shin-hye. She's never been my favorite, but I have a soft spot for her ever since You're Beautiful. And I actually thought her portrayal of her FBND character was spot on and wonderful. I stopped watching Heirs very early on, but it did, admittedly, make me think less of her. But to actually not watch a drama because she's in it? No way. Because in all of her well-written dramas she's been pretty good and given me heroines to root for. I also remember her being spunky and cool in Dating Agency Cyrano, so I guess I'm still holding out for her to get a role more like that in a drama.


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I agree with you. I was able to relate with her character in FBND. She did it so wonderfully. Talking about Heirs, it was a huge mess but it at least made her more popular in China (I just read that she has somewhat 6 mil followers on Weribo, which I guess is a big deal). She is still young and has a chance to improve herself. I remember everyone criticizing Goo Hye Sun before AE, but she was actually good!
I'm pretty sure that most of the people saying that they are going to skip the drama are going to try the first episode at least. Had she not been this popular, people would not have reacted this way.


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Im a fan of PSH and she was good in Heirs and I guess you cant please everyone. But please give her a chance rather than criticising her acting. I find her acting very natural and she's great in pulling off all her emotional scenes. But I do agree that her kissing scenes arent naturally done but i do see that in a lot of korean Actresses too. Most just stand there and dont even touch the male actor. But you got to ask why the filming directors and crew let such lifeless acting pass for their films. They spend so much time, effort and money in filming yet they never considered perfecting such (and most of the time important) scenes. I dont get it?? So cut the slack off these actresses I think the film crew should do something about it for change to occur in K dramas or movies.


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For some reason I like PSH too and yes she kisses like a dead fish just like most K actresses. The only good kisses I have seen is Yoon Eun-hye. Maybe she should coach hahaha


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PSH needs to evolve as an actress. She can't play Candy characters forever. And for Pete's sake, if there is such a thing as a Kissing Coach then please hire one. lol Maybe get a TvN drama with Seo In Guk. hehe


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No! She needs to stay away from my faves! I can't handle a drama with Seo In Guk, esp if this one goes ahead.


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And she had a drama with Yoon Si Yoon and still failed. She's a lost cause.


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Although from a practical stand point, that's just too much cute/aygeo for one show. LOVE Lee Jong Suk (even after Doctor Stranger cause that was the writer's fault). Meh, about Park Shin Hye. She has been type cast as the cute damsel in distress for so long (and then she stopped trying to act and just rode the fame) that she would kill any drama for me, but I think paired with the right male lead and not cast as a damsel, she could do a little better. But I just don't like this couple. You can't have "cute" on both sides of the relationship. Keep LJS, get someone to replace PSH.


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No more Park Shin Hye, for the love of God...anyone but her.

Heirs was such a horrendous, expensive car accident I'm still trying to forget, and only reaffirmed the fact that she keeps playing the same one-note character.

I'd happily cast any of the lovely ladies below:
Park Hee Von (The Master's Sun, Fated To Love You)
Nam Bo Ra (Shark, The Moon Embracing The Sun)
Kyung Soo Jin (That Winter The Wind Blows)
Kim Ga Eun (Inspiring Generation, I Hear Your Voice)


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only that they aren't big enough for the roles.
This is SBS's year end drama we are talking about.
Some people really just has wishful thinking without any logic.
Whatever keep hating.
She can definitely act and won't go anywhere anytime soon


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I hope that the writers/directors saw the editorials or whatever that LJS and PSH did together and that's what made them interested in offering them the roles... which gives me hope Shin Hye's role wont end up being candy-candy and is instead some sort of strong smoldering woman. Since its a union again from the same writer and director that did I hear your voice it makes me hopeful! The lead woman in that story was interesting and I enjoyed her quite a bit.

Please... please... I know Shin Hye can act, and can even kiss (GOONG S or Etude House CF with JGS) I dunno whats happened with her kisses tho' I feel like she's been scarred (esp after that closed fist lip lock at the end of heirs, I wonder if there might actually be a reason why her kisses are so stiff) If they take the roles, I just pray the heroine is written well. Heirs was... ugh.


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Yah you guys......if PSH turns this down then you forgot there is an even worse actress that SBS likes and cast with LJS before. PSH can at least make four expressions and cry convincingly, but this one cant even do that.

seriously, do any of you (apart from her fans who like to make attacks on ppl who criticize her lack of skill) think Jin Se Yun is a lead you want to see?


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I actually enjoy her acting. Of course she is still young and has her way to go, but every actor does that. Doctor Stranger didn't really give her the opportunity? And unlike others I actually think she did have other facial expression and really wondered if I saw a different drama than you, who think she only has one expression). I especially liked her in the Beginning of Doctor Stranger, where they were still teenagers.

Han Seung Hee didn't really give it away to have that much of changing expressions because her character wasn't really that explored. She was a lead but didn't appear very much? That had a lot to do with the Writing here. If she had the chance she could do it. I loved the Moment she stood before Hoons Computer and saw the video of hers and we see her eyes with tears, totally into that video, speaking Hoon's name.
She could cry, she could look really tough and angry and she has a wonderful smile. For me that was enough in the drama. Han Seung Hee didn't seem to be easy to play.

And no, I'm not bashing anyone, but her anti fans constantly go on about how she has one expression when she clearly has more. Do you know what even ONE expression is, yes ONE, SINGLE. I never watched anything from her before, but if she has the chance of a great drama, overall with Lee Jong Seok again, I would watch it. Please writers, give her character more depth and place then!

I am a fan of her now, and I would like to see her in another drama. Or with Kim Ji Won, I loved High Kick 3 with Lee Jong Seok and her :)


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not PSH pls...

but what the heck as if our whining will reach LJS or SBS...

I'll try the 1st episode simply because of the IHYV writer...


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After being had by LJS previous work..I don't think I'm going to watch his project anymore..because, it seems like either this guy have narcissistic personality disorder, prophet's complex, or the writer is actually the president of his fanclub, and doing their daily basis fangirling/fanboying job.

His drama always about him being the special ones, and it's actually quite irritating. At least in I Hear Your Voice, the second male lead and the main heroine compensates that. Still in that drama, he's not just being like super cool, genius, but he have special power too! It's like the second male lead doesn't stand the chance to win the girl..and this is why I prefer American shows like House because the genius not a super perfect genius, but a drug addict and have lots of flaws and he lost his girl because of that.

So far, Lee Jun Ki, So Ji Sub, Lee Kwang Soo(It's Okay,It's Love), and Park Si Hoo for his potrayal in Cheomdong Alice are my favorite korean actors because their characters are not like super perfect guy. Their roles felt real.


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I always find it strange as to how people give so much hate to casting of mediocre actors or actress (mediocre in their opinions). I mean how do you hate like that? It's so foreign to me. I see it more on other websites though. It's just a drama, it's just a casting, it's not going to do much to you especially if you don't care, so why get worked up about it? And also even if you think that an actor doesn't act well, I always feel there should be some tact when you say so instead of the usual she/he sucks etc etc. Would you really be able to say it to their faces?


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Wowwww! I'm so exited!


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for an actress so young, PSH is so full of bad habits...
I'm not sure what to think about this project yet. but I like the plot so I'm looking f/w to more news.


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Bad habits? the hell you are talking about
She just suck at picking projects or you could also consider her playing safe?

At least she can act and is good when is given good roles


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Wow LJS plus IHYV team let's hope this one take out the pain watching Doctor Stranger left inside me.

He's so good! for Park Shin Hye, well I'm not too excited about her seriously her character on Heirs was so annoying I arely ended watching that drama. She's basically just cried and that was it.

Anyways I hope as you said thy create an exciting character for her, I'm tired of watching her crying and acting weird on romantic scenes.


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Please let this happen. They look so great together especially during their modeling gig together!

And I would like for lee jong suk to wash off the Jin se yeon stenchy memory.

But really I just want lee jong suk in another drama because we don't know when he'll decide to leave to the army.


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PSH' earlier dramas are better... but I say her movies are a lot better than her dramas... she somehow acts better in them rather than dramas... as much as I love PSH I think her fans (as well as I) need to tone down their hype for her as she needs to know that there could be a lot of room for improvement. I didn't really get to Doctor Stranger but hearing how bad it is I am glad I dodge it!! excited for This one regardless if PSH is bad at kissing I just hope it's darker and that her character is stronger


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Oh God! plz No Park Shin Hye! As much as I love Lee Jong-seok and Also Kim Woo Bin; I really detested Park Shin Hye.she has no skills. she is actually silly and weak in acting. She is a cliche. Hopefully, an experienced qualified actress is chosen, Like Lee Bo-young to help him glowing!!


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