High School King of Savvy: Episode 15

Hey guys, I’m just filling in for an episode and dramallama and purplecow will be back to finish off the show. Luck tends to be on my side when I’m the ringer, and today’s episode is no exception—it’s probably the best hour of High School King of Savvy yet, full of emotional payoffs, climactic showdowns, amazing performances, and so much heart that it spills over.


Seo In-gook – “돌아오는 길” (The Road Back) for the High School King of Savvy OST
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Min-seok walks into the hotel suite alone to meet with Pavo’s CEO about the joint venture between their companies, and staring back at him is his absentee hyung Hyung-seok. He just sits there calmly like an older, cooler doppelganger, and Min-seok stammers, “H-hyung?”

The first thing he does is run and hug Hyung twice, only to follow it up with an exasperated rant (he notably skips calling him hyung when he’s mad), “Do you even… I mean… because of you… the things I… do you know?!”

Hyung-seok says he knows and that he’s sorry, but Min-seok’s still in shock and he just freaks out and utters incoherent syllables on repeat until his brain catches up. He finally wonders what the hell Hyung is doing here, and why he didn’t tell Min-seok that he’s Pavo’s CEO.

Hyung just orders Min-seok to keep this a secret from even Team Leader Kin, and return to the office like normal to report that the meeting went well and they should proceed with investments. Min-seok has no idea what’s going on and keeps asking for some kind of explanation, but Hyung is as cryptic and one-sided as ever. The only answer he gives is: “I’m your hyung. Trust me.”

He promises to explain the long version of the story at his officetel tonight, and cuts the conversation off there because he’s said what he has to say. How can you have the same face but be so different?

Min-seok swear-mutters at Hyung, but literally in the same breath he’s already walking over to hug him again. Oh, brother hate-love. It’s so cute.

Min-seok leaves feeling totally spun around, and though he says everything that Hyung told him to at the Comfo meeting, it doesn’t sit right with him. He doesn’t know what’s going on, but President Yoo’s insistence on barreling through the particulars to secure the deal makes everyone nervous.

President Yoo declares that on top of investing his personal stocks, he’s going to clean out the company’s reserve fund to raise the remaining capital. He’s rushing a stockholder vote early next week, to the worry of all the managers in the room.

Jin-woo confronts his father about his suspicions that Pavo isn’t on the up-and-up, but President Yoo is too far gone on his power trip to be the next big thing on the Asian market, and misses all the red flags. Jin-woo decides he has to do something to make sure his suspicions aren’t true, and rushes to the airport to fly to Germany and back before the board meeting takes place.

Min-seok tells Soo-young about Hyung’s return, and she asks all the obvious questions, for which he has no answers. He gets angry all over again at Hyung for just appearing like a goblin after torturous radio silence, and Soo-young advises him to try and listen to his brother instead of getting angry.

He calls her an adult, so she instantly brags that she’s very mature, only to have him clarify that he meant she’s super old ’cause she says the same stuff as Dad. Ha.

Min-seok does relent that if it weren’t for Hyung he never would’ve met her, and she argues cutely that they would’ve met somehow. He says goodbye by blowing her kisses as she walks away, trading off between calling her “elder” and “hey you.”

By the time he gets to Hyung’s officetel, Min-seok is back in his school uniform. He demands an explanation, and this time Hyung sits down to give him the whole story. He says all of this is because of their father, who was once business partners with President Yoo. President Yoo betrayed their father for money, which drove him to suicide (and Mom died from shock immediately after).

Min-seok can’t believe it, and then it dawns on him that Hyung might be thinking of revenge: “You’re not… could you… you aren’t…?” Hyung says that when their parents died that way, he studied abroad because that was the best way he could think of to become successful and secure enough to take responsibility for his little brother. But while he was studying, he realized he wanted power… for revenge.

Min-seok tries to process this crazy notion that his brother is masterminding some revenge plot, and then asks why on earth he sent Little Bro to Comfo instead of going there himself. Hyung says he came to Korea to work there as planned, but things went awry when he got shipped back to Germany as a murder suspect.

A colleague he’d been working with was murdered just before Hyung-seok left the country, making him the prime suspect in the investigation; he made the call to Min-seok about the switcheroo plan from the police car after he’d been sent back to Germany.

He was eventually released but the police continued to watch him closely, and he couldn’t contact anyone for fear of risking the paper company he set up for the revenge plan. Thankfully the real murderer was caught, and that’s when Hyung baited them with the Pavo deal, which President Yoo ate right up.

Min-seok’s mind is blown for the second time today, and he asks if Hyung is absolutely sure that he’s right about Dad’s death. Hyung just says that he needs his help: “Right now what I need is you.”

Soo-young finds Gramps waiting at the convenience store for Hyung-seok to arrive and take him to the aquarium, so she walks him home. Hyung-seok arrives as she’s leaving, and she naturally assumes it’s Min-seok… and pinches his cheeks. Omg, I’m so embarrassed for you.

She calls him her high-schooler and coos that she missed him already, not registering the stone-faced reaction from Hyung-seok. He pries her hands away from his face and says tersely that he’s the hyung, but she just mock-repeats him. I’m dying of laughter, but my insides are curling up from the mortification.

She digs her hole even deeper by accusing him of playing the hyung to get around their skinship rule, and it’s not until she grabs his cheeks a second time that she finally sees it in his eyes—this is not her boyfriend.

She gasps and steps away, but she doesn’t even have time to say anything before Tae-seok and Duk-hwan come running up to violate his personal space some more.

Soo-young tries to tell them they have the wrong brother but Hyung just pushes them away, and that’s when Duk-hwan notices that Min-seok’s mole is missing: “Did you get it removed?” Heh.

Min-seok walks up and asks what they’re doing, and the boys can’t compute it: “Why are there two of them?” I love how long it takes for them to get it together. Hyung just judges silently and tells Min-seok that he’s surrounded by a lot of weirdos. Soo-young is so out of sorts that Min-seok asks his buddies to escort her all the way home, and they carry her away like a spaced-out ragdoll.

Dad is stunned speechless when Hyung-seok walks through the door calling him ajusshi, and immediately starts to cry. Dad yells at Hyung-seok for being so terrible and not calling all this time, but just like Min-seok, he hugs him fiercely. Awww.

Hyung-seok hugs him back and tenderly calls him ajusshi, and Dad has to remind him that he’s still not calling him dad after all these years. Hyung-seok squeezes Grandpa’s hand while he sleeps and says that he’s finally here.

Dad is disappointed when he gets up to go right away (Urg, you withholding bastard—would it kill you to eat your father’s food to make him happy?) and Hyung-seok promises that it’ll all be over and he’ll be back soon.

Just as he’s about to leave, Gramps comes running out calling Hyung-seok’s name and runs over to hug him tearfully. In this one moment he seems like any other grandpa, as he cries, “My child! Why did you come now? Do you know how long I’ve waited?”

But then the moment breaks, and Gramps asks excitedly when Hyung-seok is going to take him to the aquarium to see the big fishes. Hyung-seok promises he’ll take him in two days, and they pinky-swear on it.

Gramps then takes out the chocolate bar he’s been saving, “For our Hyung-seokie, the world’s nicest boy! You have to be good, okay?” Thankfully it niggles at his conscience to make that promise to Gramps, and he can barely manage to nod in response. Min-seok watches the happy reunion with a smile and sneaks back out before they notice him.

The boys have brought Soo-young to Tae-seok’s restaurant, where they gasp after hearing about her Hyung-/Min-seok mix-up, and then rub salt in her wound by gloating that theirs wasn’t the most embarrassing mistake.

She finally breaks from her daze to shove some food in her mouth, and then complains that it tastes like trash to match her mood. They tell her belatedly that this is Tae-seok’s family restaurant, and she dies of mortification all over again.

The brothers meet and Hyung asks Min-seok to keep playing the part at work a few more days, just until the investment funds have cleared. Min-seok asks, “Then what about Comfo? Will it be ruined? Is this the revenge you talked about?”

Min-seok says that he’s angry at President Yoo too, but no matter which way he tries to think about it, he comes to the same conclusion—that this isn’t right—and begs for Hyung to stop.

But Hyung-seok snaps at him not to get weak, and reminds him that it’s President Yoo’s fault that it’s just the two of them in this world. Hyuuung, but what about Dad and Gramps? Min-seok goes home and digs out an old family photo and mulls over Hyung’s request.

At work the next morning, Min-seok can’t shake his guilt as he overhears the retail team members planning for their new jobs overseas. He tells Soo-young that he’s doing as Hyung told him, but it’s starting to weigh on him.

That night he runs into Gramps on his way out, dressed up in the spiffy new outfit he’s going to wear when he goes to the aquarium. Min-seok says he’s more stylin’ than G-Dragon, and Gramps proudly runs off to show Hyung, no matter how much Min-seok protests.

They sit in Hyung’s officetel waiting but he never shows, so Min-seok leaves a note reminding him about tomorrow’s aquarium date and takes a disappointed Gramps back home.

In the morning, Gramps is all dressed up and stuffing his backpack with snacks and Dad is even making kimbap for the big day. It kills me how excited Gramps is, because you just know Hyung’s going to be a flake. Because that’s what he does.

Gramps refuses to give him a chocolate bar and Min-seok whines that he always plays favorites, which feels doubly unfair today when I’m almost certain Min-seok’s about to clean up Hyung’s mess. (I love how quickly Dad cheers him up by shoving an entire roll of kimbap in his mouth, heh.)

Sure enough, hours later, Hyung is nowhere to be found and Gramps is lying on the couch in tears. Min-seok sits by his side and (once he’s done bad-mouthing Hyung for not keeping promises) offers to take Gramps himself. Gramps won’t have it—he’s not Hyung.

But Min-seok has an ace in his pocket, and offers to bring Pretty Unni along. Suddenly Gramps is up and smiling, ready to go. That’s adorable. I totally thought he was going to have to put on glasses and mousse his hair.

At the aquarium, Soo-young asks why Gramps is so fond of Hyung when he never spent much time living with them before going abroad. Min-seok explains that Dad was their parents’ chauffer and he and Gramps lived with them from the start.

He says that no matter how assy Hyung is to just about everyone else on the planet, he was always good to Gramps even as a child. Min-seok decides it’s perhaps a sliver of evidence that he’s not totally a bad person.

Then he spends the day jealously trailing along while Gramps gets to hold Soo-young’s hand, and they have fun looking at all the fishes and making him feel left out. Gramps even shows her where Min-seok is ticklish, and he cries that she can touch him anywhere but there. Her mind goes straight to a naughty place, and he teases her for having her mind in the gutter.

On their way home, Gramps says he had a great time and gives Min-seok a kiss on the cheek. What’s even cuter is how proud Min-seok is to get some love over Hyung. But then Gramps follows it up with an announcement that he’s going to marry Pretty Unni, and when Min-seok argues, Gramps calls him stingy unlike Hyung-seok.

Min-seok cries foul at the comparison, realizing now that the kiss had ulterior motives, heh. He insists that Gramps is his, and Soo-young is his, so they can’t marry each other. It’s the cutest fight ever.

Hyung finally calls later that night and says that the stockholder vote is D-day. Min-seok yells at him for skipping out on Gramps, but Hyung just keeps talking about the deal and tells him to stay the course. Min-seok asks what happens to all of Comfo’s employees then—will they be out of a job come Tuesday?

He begs Hyung to think of another way, and says outright that his way is just plain wrong. Min-seok argues that even if he were to forget everything and just do as he says, this is fraud and Hyung is putting himself in danger: “You expect a younger brother to watch his hyung ruin his life?!” Min-seok refuses to do it.

Hyung reminds him of their father’s unfair death, but Min-seok tells him to stop using that excuse and asks if this is what their father really would’ve wanted, and if getting revenge brings him back from the dead. He pleads with Hyung to stop now and just come live with them and make Gramps happy, but there’s no getting through to him.

Min-seok finally decides to play fire with fire, and tells him to do whatever he wants because he’s going to do the same: “If you don’t stop, I’m going to make you stop.” Oh, it’s ON.

Min-seok sits up that night watching Gramps sleep hugging the Nemo fish he bought for Hyung, and lets out a heavy sigh. Gramps doesn’t wake up when they call him to breakfast in the morning, and Dad and Min-seok have a moment of panic when his arm goes limp. But a moment later he wakes up like normal and they gasp in relief. Don’t scare me like that!

On Monday morning, it’s Hyung-seok who walks into Comfo; strange that he’s the real thing but it feels like he’s going undercover as his undercover brother. Soo-young runs up teasing, “Answer Me, high-schooler,” and tickles him, thinking it odd when he just stares back at her blankly. It isn’t until he leaves on the elevator that she realizes it’s Hyung.

The retail team gets the same cold reaction when they greet Hyung-seok, and wonder why it feels like he’s suddenly a different person. Soo-young calls Min-seok to be sure, and he confirms that he’s just leaving school now.

It turns out that Hyung really is the smarter brother, because he got the board meeting moved to Monday, and the vote is happening right now. Dammit, why is the evil one the smart one?

Jin-woo hears the same news as he drives back from the airport, and he frantically calls his father to leave futile voicemails about Pavo being a paper company. Min-seok and Jin-woo both race to work as the meeting gets underway.

Hyung-seok is tense throughout the meeting but the vote passes in his favor in the end. He gives President Yoo a congratulatory handshake, and then gets the word that the funds have been transferred—Comfo is now cleaned out, and Hyung-seok owns it all.

Min-seok arrives in the lobby just as Hyung is walking out, and President Yoo looks back and forth between them, confused. Min-seok screams, ” You didn’t… Did you really do it?!”

Jin-woo runs in just behind him and asks Hyung-seok if this was his plan from the start. President Yoo asks what the hell is going on, and Hyung-seok savors the moment as he says simply, “Yoo Jae-gook, you’re finished.”

He says that he came to Comfo because President Yoo stole his father’s life, and doesn’t think he needs much more explanation than that. Min-seok cries, “Hyung!” in disbelief, and Jin-woo runs to his father’s side when he staggers in shock.

The company’s rumor mill churns overtime, and the retail team members can’t believe that they’ve been working for a high-schooler director all this time, or that Jin-woo is President Yoo’s son, or that they’re now about to be out of jobs. And poor Team Leader Kim finally has a nervous breakdown when the secret identity comes out.

President Yoo ends up in the hospital, and Jin-woo pleads with Min-seok to talk to his brother and change his mind. Min-seok says that’s not something he has the power to do, but Jin-woo then gets on his knees.

He apologizes in his father’s stead, and begs him to convince his hyung to reconsider. Jin-woo doesn’t think his father will recover if the company he spent his life to build crumbles like this.

Min-seok calls Hyung and screams into the phone, asking if he really had to go this far and if he really thinks their father would be happy to see him ruin his life. Hyung says he doesn’t care what happens to him, and that it’s all over now. Min-seok demands to see him but Hyung just hangs up, and he isn’t at his officetel.

Gramps sleeps on the couch wearing his aquarium outfit complete with the angel wings that Soo-young bought him, and when Dad steps out, he wakes up and goes running out into the street calling out for Hyung-seok as if he’s a lost child.

Dad, Min-seok, and Soo-young all go running through the neighborhood to find him, but he’s not in any of the usual places. Min-seok suddenly has a thought and calls them to meet at Hyung’s officetel, and sure enough that’s where Gramps has been, stopping every person who enters the building to ask if they’ve seen Hyung-seokie.

By the time they get there, Gramps is asleep on the couch in the lobby, clutching the Nemo fish he bought for Hyung. They all sigh in relief and Min-seok says he must’ve come all the way here to give Hyung the fish. He goes to wake him, but when he does, Grandpa’s arm goes limp and the fish falls from his grasp. Ohgodohgod.

It stuns Min-seok for a second but then he gently tries to wake him again, and shakes him a little harder… “Halbae, halbae… halbae…”

Grandpa’s head tilts back and there’s no response. He’s gone.

Min-seok’s knees give out, but he persists, telling Gramps that he has to wake up so they can go home. Augh, the look in Min-seok’s eyes—it guts me. He shakes him over and over again, each time his voice growing more hesitant: “Halbae, wake up. You have to sleep at home.”

He tries to find a perfectly logical explanation for why Gramps is sleeping and won’t wake up—maybe he ate too many candy bars? Dad just rushes to Min-seok’s side and hugs him, and finally he’s out of reasons and the denial breaks.

He collapses in great, heaving sobs, and Soo-young goes running out to cry on her own. Dad struggles to contain his grief for Min-seok and tries to pry him away, but Min-seok just clings to Grandpa, wailing inconsolably and refusing to leave his side.


Ugh, you had to do it. You had to twist my heart and put it in a vice and pulverize it. I should have known that Gramps was getting too much screen time to walk away unscathed. But I was blinded by the cuteness, and just happy that I got an entire episode filled with Min-seok’s family interactions. Why, why did they have to take Gramps away from us? Hyung didn’t even have a chance to right his wrongs and come home! What about turning his life around and becoming a good person so that he deserves all the good-boy candy bars that Gramps bought for him? WaaaAAAAaaaah. Why are you so cruel?

I know that it’ll probably take something this severe to bring Hyung-seok back from the brink, because if he were going to be easily convinced by Little Bro to do the right thing, then he wouldn’t have enacted a revenge plot in the first place. But now it makes me madder at Hyung because Gramps had to die for him to regret his actions, as if it wasn’t bad enough that he was absent all those years. It struck me that Dad and Min-seok go chasing after Gramps like he’s a lost child, while Gramps goes running out to look for Hyung-seok as if he’s the lost one.

The family reunions actually highlighted how much Dad and Min-seok are alike, and that it’s because of Dad’s upbringing that Min-seok is warm in every way that Hyung-seok is cold. I’ve never loved Min-seok more than when he shows up for his family in Hyung’s place, and it made me realize he’s been playing that role his whole life—doing everything he could to love them because he knows that Hyung leaves a hole in their hearts. It’s so palpable how much the three men miss Hyung-seok and how much they all want his love. It makes me so angry that he’s been absent all this time, but they love him so much that I can’t help but love him too. I hate-love him, like an angry bitter begrudging love.

I can’t say it enough, but I truly, madly, deeply love Seo In-gook in this drama. The show itself falters and storylines haven’t developed exactly as I would’ve liked, but he’s so freaking good in this role that it feels like we get to just watch him play. It’s never more apparent than in this episode where he finally gets to be both Min-seok and Hyung-seok, and he embodies such totally different characters so well, as if Hyung has been a separate person living his life offscreen all this time.

It cracks me up that in the drama where Hyung-seok is the hero, it’s Bad Guy-meets-Shark, while Min-seok is over here making a secret identity rom-com. It’s naturally contentious when their worlds collide, but we love Min-seok precisely because he’s the one to ask what happens to the people at Comfo, and point out that Hyung ruining his life to ruin someone else’s life is senseless. And because he’s the one who spends his life loving Dad and Gramps who are alive, not wasting time trying to avenge their father who died.

But there’s hope for Hyung yet—there has to be, for the family’s sake. I really adore the dynamic between the brothers and wish we’d gotten to their reunion much sooner. I know part of it is the gimmick of having Seo In-gook play against himself in the same frame, but Hyung-seok is actually an interesting character and I care much more about his redemption than I do about Jin-woo’s, for instance. Sad, but true.

He’s just inextricably linked to our characters in a different way—Min-seok’s happiness could never be complete without resolving things with Hyung, and now that he’s made a mess of things, it’s even clearer that Min-seok has to save him. I find myself engaged with the story in a new way, and can’t help but wonder how great it would’ve been to have the brothers take center stage early on. I never expected Hyung’s homecoming to be so emotional, but it ended up being a heartbreaking mini-drama about unconditional paternal love for a prodigal son. It only makes me appreciate all the more that the hero of our story is the stalwart kid brother who shows up when it counts.


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thanks for the recap girlfriday. so good to hear your take on the show and this episode in particular.

i feel totally heartbroken because they went off and killed my favourite character in the show, that too while he's holding a fish in one hand, with angel wings attached to this back. symbolic much? gramps was like a one man show within the show. i'm sure the ajhusshi who played him had a ball doing the role. now can we have a spin-off please?


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My favorite scenes would have to be the aquarium selfie photoshoot with gramps, soo young and minsuk and then gramps bump minsuk out of the frame,lol. And then, probably the last talk with gramps where he gave minsuk two kisses on the cheek, that was sweet, in the purest sense of the word. It pulled on my heartstrings, it's like a sincere token of gratitude for minsuk for being such a good boy and for taking him to the aquarium with pretty unni, and for just being there always. I shed a tear or two, and in a way , gramps kisses is symbolic for me in a way, that , we as fans collectively, gave one of those kisses , as our own way of saying Seo In guk, we love you, you are doing your best and we are all here for you, basking in your light as you shine brighter. . . We are happy as long as We see you are happy,too. ???


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Now I know I can totally watch a whole show even if its just Seo In Gook here Seo In Gook there from start to fininsh :D Jesus, he plays two roles just too well!!!

And that ending scene *tears*


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Loved him in Answer Me, Master's Sun, and the movie No Breathing. He can act, sing, be goofy and hot! Oh my!


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i feel really sad that grandpa died and this drama is gonna be over soon..


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It is NOT cool they killed Halbae off for the sake of Hyung. I understand its significance within the story, but I am not okay with it.


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Wow. Tears. Loved grandpa, there was just something about his constant love. I am exited though to see how each character grows from this. Thanks for the recap.


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My fave of the current dramas. Seo In-Gook KILLS the dual roles. He's a fine actor, and completely pulls off the devoted high schooler teasing Pretty Unni and getting jealous of gramps. And as the chilly hyung -- it's easy to forget for a sec that they're the same actor. Pretty Unni has such great slouching posture, perfect for her childlike character. The actors have transformed a little story in a lovely way.


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I LOVE Seo In Gook so. much. so so so so much. I hope he receives some kind of end of year drama award for this role.


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Damn. This show gets me in the heart, from the romance (which is what got me hooked on this show in the first place), to Min-seok's family and friends. I was hoping so bad that it would be another fakeout and Gramps would wake up. And I'm so with you on the love for Seo In Guk, it's not even funny.
Two more episodes and this is over.... NOOOO.. I usually want next week to come faster so I can watch new episodes but damnn, I am not ready for this to end, not ready at all.
I will miss you, Min-Seok, you of the million cute face expressions.


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Oh and totally random, but I just found out Seo In Guk is actually older than Lee Soo Hyuk!!!???! Whoaaaa


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I felt like they kept putting in the food references to eat and grow taller than Lee Soo Hyuk when he "grew up" as a kind of inside joke. LOL (I found their ages around ep 6.)


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SIG makes it look so easy, I don't even notice he's doing it. For the last few dramas, I had been thinking of it as personal charm rather than acting chops, but this episode! He's is just nailing it and making it look like he's just hanging out, having a good old time.

I am so impressed.

I didn't notice till you pointed it out, but it's absolutely true that hyung's transformation is more compelling than Jin Woo's. As much as I like the actor, I feel like Jin Woo is a bit of a distraction from the story.


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I'm the same as you. I'd also thought that SIG might have been coasting a bit on his personal charm (to steal your words :) in his previous dramas, but this episode showed me that he really does have the acting chops. It doesn't feel like I'm watching 1 actor acting 2 different people, but rather like I'm in fact watching 2 completely different people. I happily eat my previous thoughts.


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A part of me wants to tell Jin Woo to not be so much of a Hyung to Min Suk, yet, because well, yeah that's supposed to be Hyung Seok's job. I'm like: Awwww the Jinwoo-MinSuk bromance should be mirrored by the MinSuk-HyungSeok bromance... and yet it's so unfortunate that it's the opposite for Hyung Seok.


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Girlfriday, thanks for filling in with your awesome recap! I'd been unsure about how I felt about this drama until this episode, which completely won me over. I do think it has to do with the focus on hyung's homecoming and Min-seok's relationship with hyung, and yes, I would also have loved to see Hyung return sooner so we could get more brotherly interactions since seeing two Seo In-guks acting opposite roles is so very delightful. I especially loved how everyone close to Min-seok was fooled into thinking hyung was Min-seok. Except his family. How much do I love that Dad immediately recognized Hyung as Hyung? How much do I love that Grandfather rejects Min-seok as a substitute for Hyung but is totally okay hanging out with Pretty Unni and making Min-seok a third wheel on their outing? I wish I could have seen more of Grandfather speaking with Hyung, though I suppose that's the point, to highlight how much Hyung, so focused on his revenge quest (and I was completely thinking about Bad Guy, too, as he so seriously came into the scene), yet ultimately Hyung is sorely missed by his brother, his adoptive father, his adoptive grandfather. I absolutely adore this family and wish that the Show didn't have kill off Angel Grandfather to redeem Hyung.


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Always look forward to recaps and yours in particular. I was in tears and I haven't even watched it yet. I've seen the first eleven episodes and Seo In-gook is totally amazing in this role. He is really believable as an eighteen year old pretending to be ten years older. The only other drama I have seen him in is Master's Sun and that was a two dimensional character.
Thanks for the recap and it's like frosting on a cake - I usually eat it first.


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Try watching Answer Me 1997 and Another Parting. He was also amazing in both shows!


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This is such a sad episode. I love Gramps so much. He's such a scene stealer and to watch him gone is really heartbreaking. You can see the emotion on Min Suk's eyes when he called Gramps but he didn't answer... then I started to cry along along with him and the Dad... Oh dear, thanks for all the memories, Gramps.

As for the two brothers, they are totally different. I am already Seo In Guk's fan before this show so I believe he can do the two roles really well but still, after finally watching it, he keep impressed me more and more with his talents (and that OST track by him, love it!). They have the same face but totally different aura. I can totally watch a drama when it's just Seo In Guk interacting to his many doppelgangers.

But the show still give us the funny scenes, especially when Sooyoung and Min Suk's besties manhandled Hyung Suk. LOL! I love his pissed-off face. I also think that Hyung Suk is a really interesting and intriguing character. I want more of him. And he's hot.

PS. girlfriday, I love how you put the link to Answer Me 1997 when Soo Young said it to Hyungsuk :D


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I love your statement about Hyung Suk and Min Suk having totally different auras. When it comes right down to it the only physical change is the hair and the glasses. If a different actor was playing this role we would probably have to suspend our disbelief and just roll with it. But here it does seem like they are two totally different people. He is such an amazing actor I promise to watch everything he does from now on.


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I wish i could say the same abt Kim Kang Woo in Golden Cross. He tried but i failed to feel it.


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Ik bur .... I feel weird ... I find Hyung Hotter but he is the same person soooooooo *head hurts* ?


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I think hyung is just holding onto the revenge plan because he believes that the plan is what made him into this shrewd powerful businessman he is. And like GF said Min Suk grew up in an environment surrounded by love, so he didn't really miss out on a healthy family relationship, whereas hyung chose to focus on the past instead. I think Gramps death would be the wake-up call he needs to realise not only how important he is to everyone around him but also how much everyone around him is important to him.


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I think he hangs onto the revenge plan too because it's been, well, his plan for so, so long. It would be hard to put in that much effort and then decide it was all a mistake and a waste of time, so I can understand why he clings to it even with Minseok's insistence that he quit. Gramps' death will definitely be his wake up call to join the world of the living and enjoy the family he still has, though.


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Thanks for the recap, GF, but I refuse to read about and talk about the last scene!

Min-seok: Grandpa your style is so cool, you almost slapped GDragon! Lol

Oh, could Popcorn sister look funnier after all that cheesy-ness with hyung? Spaced-out ragdoll indeed :D Is it possible to laugh and cringe at the same time?

And as if one SIG is not enough, show had to make him TWO. Tsk tsk. Have mercy on our squeeing souls please.

SIG, you're fast becoming one helluva actor!


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So Jin Woo is still getting no love, huh ? It's fine, I can love him on my own.

Just finished the 16th episode. If you don't like Jin Woo by then, you're just being unfair.

That said, I'm so proud of SIG oppa for pulling this off. I was genuinely worried that KoHS would be a failure and that it would kill his chances of getting cast as a lead ever again, but this was a true success (his performance, not the drama. I'll never forgive it for turning into a noona-romance when it could've given us the sweetest friendship). I really wanted him to be good, and he was ! Yay !

Back to Jin Woo. LSH oppa did a terrific job, portraying cold, wounded, manipulative and, as it turns out, friendly. I'd never seen him before KoHS, but I sure would like to see him again. It wouldn't hurt if he were given a lead role, with more shower scenes.


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Ah ! Where are my manners ? Thank you very kamsa for the recap ^_^


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I agree - I haven't seen him act before and I was really impressed by how he presented Jin Woo's character. He really did well showing all those different emotions in a realistic way!


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I only knew of LSH since he's good friends with T.O.P and G-Dragon plus he was in two of 2NE1's videos. I knew he acted but never saw his work until this show. I'm definitely a fan now!


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No worries. There are still quite a few of us around who loves him.

For me, this is the weakest episode so far. I'm no fan of killing of a wonderful character just to get someone to learn. But since the writers didn't have enough time and Hyung Suk needed a quick and drastic wake up call, it has to be done coupled with the miraculous saving of the company.

Which is why I'm more invested in Jin Woo because he had to go through hell to come out the other side. I really like Lee Soo Hyuk's acting. I hope to see more of him, hopefully soon as a main lead. :)


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Oh my. I do like Jin Woo's character though. I've never actually hated him, ever. I've been more than pissed a couple of times though, but that's in the past.

I've seen episode 16 and I love how much he's progressed in terms of respect and as a person. I was all 'thumbs up' at him throughout the episode! Haha.

As for your comment on the romance, I was aiming for the OTP from the beginning so I can't share your view but I think they still have the sweetest friendship, even if they're dating.

Hmm, I think if this drama had not gone down the romance road at all (and I mean AT ALL, meaning none of the main leads date each other), I would still have loved it (not as much as I do now but close enough) because everyone would have been besties with each other from the beginning!

There should just be spin-off with everyone hanging out together doing nothing and everything. Hyung can join in too and be the party pooper. Lol.

That wouldn't be a rom-com but it would be a really good comedy, haha!


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I'd love a special episode of nothing but the characters just hanging out lol.

Maybe hyung and Jinwoo can hook up.


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Omooo you just gave me chills >_< Amen to that !


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Yes, please, LSH as a leading man SOON, drama gods!!

Sorta sad but content that he's let SY go gracefully and is being such a good sport about it. Now, can we finish up by seeing him bumping into his ideal girl while carrying overflowing boxes of chicken and beer?

(Not to name any names - avoiding spoilers for those who haven't seen that particular drama :D)


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I love Jin Woo too. I'm glad he didn't get SY but I hope the show will have atleast one scene with a hint of a love interest (as long as it's not Yoo Ah)

Jin Woo, as a character, is not that great. He's bad in a very normal way. As in, he's not the chaebol arrogant guy that we see in every rom-com. He's no darcy - if you know what I mean. He's truly normal-bad - which is very difficult to get away with. He does normal-bad things, like be untrusting of and disrespectful to an elder. He's extremely polite even to people he can't stand. He's two faced, manipulative and cold. He calls SY "a lowly secretary" when trying to taunt MinSuk. He demeans he in front of her collegues. Not to mention the whole force-kiss fiasco. These aren't things many guys can get away with.

In this particular case, I think it's the actor who rose above the character. LSH played JW with a casual ease and grace that he gave layers to his most despicable actions.


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Exactly !

The actress played her role to perfection, which is exactly why I wouldn't waste any of the boys on her.

And yes, Jin Woo is not your typical evil chaebol. He seems more human than Kdrama-character-like, I find that refreshing.

SIG oppa is the star of the show, and rightfully so. But LSH is a very close second, because despite the disadvantage of playing a puppy's nemesis, he managed to deliver an excellent, well-rounded performance. We were actually compelled to see Jin Woo's character beyond his interaction with Min Suk. I call that a success.

Puppy-faced oppa, steamy cold oppa, thank you for making this journey truly enjoyable.


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Seo In Guk is amazing. I was so glad this show didn't go the "You're beautiful" route with the prodigal brother- there, the siblings never even talked to each other. Here, their connection is a huge part of the show. I guess it would have been hard to have more Hyung-Suk but I would have liked him to be in more episodes as well. Seriously, Seo In Guk has a kinda Tom Hanks "I can do everything well but you can't hate me because I'm super lovable" kinda vibe.


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That ending scene really just broke my heart. Seo in guk is just amazing in this drama, rather then thinking of him being an idol actor ,I think of him as an actor who can sing really well.


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Amazing recaps, as always!

I don't want to say much about this episode since I've already spazzed about my feelings in the previous recap. I cried my eyes out when I watched this episode on Monday but I've calmed down now, especially since I've already watched episode 16.

Oh, episode 16. You gave me smiles, laughter, tears and bonding all in one. Plus, the preview for episode 17 and some of the spoilers I've seen for the finale... They really helped calm my poor heart and make me giggle happily. Hee.

Anyway, I am so in love with Seo In Guk. He's just the right amount of adorable and manly for me :D I think I repeat myself every single recap. Damn it, me.

I pretty much adore both versions of him in this drama even though Hyung Suk is an arse half the time, hahaha! Playing two brothers who have completely different auras, that is just brilliant. I'm so happy and proud of him for making it this far and doing so well. He really does deserve an award for this drama :)

Well, to end this off:

Still loving you so much, In Guk <3 HAHA.


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As promised.. my worst case scenario was that they killed off Soo Young.. I really thought that. lol


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Oh my gosh, hahaha! I highly doubt they would have killed our lovable female lead when we still have 2 episodes to go!

But man, that would be a horror story right there. Actually, killing off any of the main characters would be a horror story. Ugh.


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You have clearly seen waaaay too many rom-com turned full on melo dramas.


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I blame Autumn in my Heart which I saw fairly recently. hehe


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The last scene felt so raw that it was absolutely heartwrenching to watch. I was a complete mess after this episode (the slideshow of Gramps during the credits did not help at all).

I think someone might've mentioned in another episode's thread (sorry I forgot which ep) how fascinating it is to watch the flipside of a revenge plot unfold: where the focus is on the ones who'd be affected by the revenge plan and not on the revenge-seeker. I'm glad this show chose to show the former as there are enough dramas out there with main protagonists who eat, sleep, breathe revenge. Having watched the story unfold through Min Suk's perspective, we got to see the Comfo world with all of its lovable side characters and their quirks, the banalities of office life, etc.--which made Min Suk's "What about Comfo?" line all the more poignant because to him, Comfo is more than just President Yoo's company.


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Ooops, that was supposed to be a "new reply," sorry to jump on your comment, Sonny! But yes, having also seen ep 16, I'm already anticipating yet dreading Monday as I'm anxious about the finale (I haven't seen ep 17 previews/spoilers) but I also don't want this show to end!


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Haha, it's alright!

I'm dreading the end of this drama too! It's going to leave a hole in my heart and make my Mondays & Tuesdays feel so empty...

Don't worry too much about episode 17. From the spoilers I know of from previews and elsewhere, it may get a little... 'Extravagant' to put it simply? ;) Hehe!


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oh i thought i was the only one that bawled my eyes out when halbae died.i was just on the couch sobbing for 5mins,i dont know which scene was more sad the scene where halbae was running around asking for hyung suk(i cant get the bloody scene out of my head) or when min suk was trying to wake him up with the hesitant hal...bae, it was just so sad.i really wish they didnt kill off halbae. the last time i cried for a character was probably 3/4years ago when shahrukh khan's character died in kal ho na ho


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It's okay :) You're not the only one!

I think a lot of us cried when gramps died, even those who expected it to happen. I knew he was going to die with all the foreshadowing they did in the episode, but it still hurt in the end.


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I just need to scold you for a minute for freaking me out like that last recap. For shame. I shake my finger at you!


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I'm sorry, OhSoEnthusiastic! :<

I was too worked up after watching it that night! It took a few days, but I've settled in.

Awww, don't shake the finger at me ):
I promise not to post comments when my emotions are on the high scale unless it's about something HAPPY. PROMISEEEEE.


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Okay. You are forgiven.

But I'm watching you. *squinty eyes*


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I hope you guys don't mind if I share my thoughts in a brief, numbered list!

1. What a showcase for Seo In Guk. In a display of versatility, he goes from desperate dongsaeng to scheming hyung (seriously, he looked pretty damn devious at certain parts) to comic relief to grieving grandson. For anyone still unconvinced by this man's acting ability, this episode should dispel those doubts.

2. The aquarium parts were so funny (I especially loved Min-suk's very unenthusiastic and rapid hana-dul-set) and the ending was heartbreaking (though the set up was pretty obvious).

3. While it was easy for me to buy into the idea of a high schooler impersonating his older brother as a director of a company (since, you know, that's the whole plot and watching this show required suspending one's disbelief from the very beginning), I couldn't help but shake my head at the "I got held up because I was the suspect in a murder" plot contrivance. That may have been the first instance of lazy writing this show has exhibited. Really? Murder suspect? And Min-suk accepted this bit of info with no follow up questions, such as, "Damn, hyung, what were you doing in the first place in order for you to even be considered a prime suspect?"

4. Can I be in the middle of that SIG sandwich? With a side of LSH? Thank you very kamsa!


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"Damn, hyung, what were you doing in the first place in order for you to even be considered a prime suspect?”

Same thing that was going through my head. I think HS said he was his business partner that helped him out...but didn't anyone think that was suspicious?


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I don't think Min-suk even reacted at all when Hyung talked a lit being a murder suspect. It was just so weird. I understand that being under arrest and then not being able to leave the country are plausible reasons that prevented him from working at Comfo, but did it have to be murder?

I am also curious as to what Hyung's plan would have been if he had successfully infiltrated the company rather than have Min-suk stand in for him. How would he have destroyed it from the inside? Would he still have taken the Pavo route?


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Oops, sorry for the typo; I am writing using my phone. I meant "talked about".


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The whole murder plot is actually making me think that Hyung Seok may very well be on a path to evil and if it were a racetrack with JinWoo and Yoo Jae Guk president as competitors, he would have been miles ahead of his competitors. I really feel like there's too much darkness in his character and perhaps the whole murder plot was an attempt by the writers to depict that. Even so, it lures me into curiosity about Hyung Seok's story. I really do wish we had more explanations because after all those theories, I was just a tad bit disappointed that that was all there is to it to the plot twist. Although I can live with it, the previous writing has built so much of the family mystery up and for all of it to just lay flatly. I felt like I wanted to know more. But hyeah, Hyung Seok is a man of few words and that drama would have been Makkjjang.


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Yes, I too wish that the show had explored his character more, but in a way, we learned more about his character and personality through his absence (as opposed to his presence), does that make sense? But on the other hand, this is Hyung-suk's return! He definitely should have gotten more screen time and more story time.


I was wondering why it has to be murder as well.. can't it be something corporate-y like fund mismanagement.


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I completely agree! I kept stewing over the whole murder thing throughout the episode. It didn't lessen my enjoyment of the show, but it was enough for me to keep picking at it.


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'Why did I need you to take my place? Oh, some dude I knew in Germany got murdered and they thought I did it. No biggie.'

No. Just no.


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Amazing, amazing actor, that Seo In Guk. Where does he get his energy level from? The thing I took away from this ep is that Hyung seems to have taken the pain overseas and held on to it while everyone else in Korea has moved on.

Thanks for the recap Girlfriday!


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This was a lovely episode. And by lovely I mean heart-wrenching and tubs-of-ice-cream-consuming sad.

This whole show has raised Seo In Guk to be one of my favorite male actors, Kdrama or not. I love how he plays both roles...but truth be told, this show made be love him as a Min-seok like character lol.

There were 2 things I don't really understand:

1. How did President Yoo drain their father's entire bank accounts?

2. Was that it to the murder? Like his partner was just randomly murdered and it acted as a plot device? I guess that can happen, but in dramaland, it feels odd to have a murder in the story without any reason given.


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1. I guess it'll be up to our imagination. I am thinking of a situation similar to what happened in The Social Network where Zuckerberg's shares flourished and his partner got shafted.

2. Well, the writer had to think of something that would be a good reason for Hyung to be away and unreachable. I'm guessing being in jail in Germany as a prime suspect to a murder would fit the bill.


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The first situation seems like a plausible one that can happen, especially in partnership businesses.

As for the murder thing? I guess it's one of the more convenient plot devices to use to explain 'being in the shadows' for 3/4 of the drama?

It doesn't make much sense that everyone just glosses over the murder thing but I guess it's just meant to be superficial information to move Hyung's revenge plot along, lol.


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Random murder and random plot device, indeed!

Sounds plausible on the surface, but as an excuse to cut off ties with your family for soooo many years, and set up your little bro as an accomplice to corporate fraud? Pah! Pfffft! Lame!

Totally second everyone here who's pointed out that Min-seok is the younger brother, but he was the one protecting the family by simply being there for them!

Do you think that anyone else other than Min-seok would have gone into this fake director biz with such unquestioning loyalty? Would Hyung-seok himself have done the same for MS? This is why MS is the BEST!!


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No really, Min Suk for President of Comfo, at least. KKKK


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I want Min Seok to take that job Team Leader offered to get for him. I think that would be far more suited to his personality and skill set.


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A mini drama in a drama indeed. So sad that gramps has to go. The show knows we will wail if he just go without warning and I'm glad they've kind of prepared us with some signs before the last scene.

And Soo Young, she has bring a new meaning to mortification, even my toe cringes.


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There was no reason for Grandpa to die! No reason at all!
...why did you do that show?Why? WHY? TT-TT


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Oh God.

I haven't seen the episode yet but that last part makes me cry so much :(

I'm gonna miss you Gramps.


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Absolutely impressed by the production quality. I am once again in awe at the level of depth added to each character, and how realistic the series can be. Thoroughly impresesed by how well Seo In-guk managed to pull off acting as two different characters. Well done, well done.


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I have never been one to question/dislike the romance in this show, coz to me it is totally believable (since something kinda-sorta similar even happened to someone I know....a story for another time), but I have to admit this show shines when it does familial relationships and/or work-place bonding. Those are the two storylines I usually skip in a romcom but here, that has added so much more to the drama that I refuse to acknowledge it as a romcom any more.

And I agree with everyone here. I can actually feel MIn Suk and Hyung being 2 different people brought up in 2 very different environments. I really hope SIG gets the accolades that he deserves, if not as awards then atleast as good projects with him in the lead.


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I don't think Lee Hana gets enough credit for what a great job she's doing as "pretty unni." She portrays a sincere awkwardness that isn't cutesy or even particularly endearing sometimes, but is very real. I appreciate how wholeheartedly she's thrown herself into it to the point where I am laughing and cringing at her actions. She's dedicated and she's good. She and Seo In Gook are doing amazingly well. The actor who portrays Grandpa also. And when "ahjussi" started crying at seeing Hyung and then seeing that his father had died, I really wept. This show for some of its inconsistencies has a great group of actors with great chemistry.


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Lee Hana is killing it. I have never seen her in anything else but like you said she is carrying the awkwardness of her role brilliantly.
Most of the time it is neither cute nor endearing. But it is SO real. Coz you know, it's only in dramas and movies where the dorks are adorable. In real life, they are usually strange and plain awkward. SIG is obviously shining in his role, but I would just like to spazz over Lee Hana. At the expense of her character coming across as cringe worthy and embarassing, she has given me one of the most lovable co-worker, unni/pretty unni, girl friend, human being to ever come out of dramaland.


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I love Lee Ha Na. She is such an awesome actress and Soo Young has turned out to be one of my favorite heroine. She really threw herself into the role. I always catch myself just watching her reaction when she's just in the background listening in on other people.


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yeah.. my bad! So here it is.. Lee Hana jjang!


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Gah, I'm too distracted by SIG all the time to comment on the other incredible actors/actresses. Forgive me!

But yes, Lee Hana's portrayal is amazing and I'm going to miss her once this drama ends. Hopefully, her next project will be great too!

PS: I think that Soo Young has the most amazing and hilarious cringe-worthy scenes ever. I feel like crying in pain and laughing at the same time.. It's painfully hilarious but so cute, haha!


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I think Lee Ha Na occasionally overdoes the comic physicality (for ex. as the spaced-out ragdoll) in a way that feels more appropriate for a stage performance~ however, in general, she's knocking my socks off. I enjoyed her a lot in both Merry Mary and Alone in Love, but her immense talent is more evident to me in this drama. Every muscle in her body is committed to being Soo Young. I could see her putting on a one-woman show, portraying several distinct characters (like the one Lily Tomlin did years back).


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Yes!! This show would be completely different without Lee Ha Na's Soo-young!

She makes such a flawed yet charming heroine. I can understand why Min-seok and Jin-woo - 2 very different men - both fell for her.

I agree, I feel like she overdoes the slouchy and clumsy poses just a tad, but I love her gruff, husky voice when she's hollering encouragement at people, or at herself!


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Holy shit, Seo in guk. That acting, his expressions I don't stand a chancee uffff n the dual roles I don't think that can be said enough times
This episode was so heartbreaking, from Hyungs coming home to jinwoos pleading waahhhhhh :'(

Thnx for the recap girlfriday!


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Thanks for the great recap GF!! Ok.. I kinda threw a tantrum after that podcast but we're all good now. lol

Oh Halbae! Why?! WHY?!

Man, when I started watching that episode I knew something big was going down and I braced myself for the worst. After seeing all the screen time Gramps was suddenly getting, I kinda figure he was gonna bite the dust by the end of the episode because in Kdramaland, too much screen time for a supporting character = KISS OF DEATH.

It was a truly sad ending but I wasn't too sad for me. Perhaps partly because I did see it coming and another part is that (this is just me), when an elder dies I feel sorrow and comfort at the same time. Sorrow because of the death but comfort because they had reached a ripe old age and had a full life. It's a weird rationalization on my part.

I missed Yoo Ah in this episode. They could have at least given her a minute of screen time. Maybe have her in that stair scene with Hyung and the besties instead of Soo Young. Hyung is such an aloof SOB. lol Still a great episode!

R.I.P. Halbae! I hear they have an endless supply of chocolate in heaven.


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I liked the episode but I am kind of on a strike now for giving me that scare with the sleeping grandpa. eff you, show, it was so mean of you.
a bit weirded out by the double role. but all the scenes with JUST Min Seok are ok and Soo Youngs´ frustration is hilarious


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*SOBBING* Waaaaaaah, I knew those darn angel wings were foreshadowing!!! *sniff* I will miss halbae so much, the drama just won't be as fun and special without him :(


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I got teary eyed reading this recap. Last night I was distracted because I was doing my nails. When I saw the angel wings I know that granpa will die. sniff sniff. I love it when he moves out Minseok from the picture using his hips.
I didn't expect for Minseok to be that sensible 1) what will happen to the employees 2) Dad will not comeback alive 3) Hyung can go to jail for fraud
Loving Seo In Guk more and more!
Thanks for the recap!


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Yeah, agree with you, gf. The brothers' conflict should have been drawn out a little longer, especially since SIG is very good in playing both characters.


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Halbae! I knew it was coming but .... that scene tore right through me. I had already realized Seo In Guk was good, but did he have to do so well to make me tear up! Major props to him also for making it seem like his hyung was really played by a twin.

Can't really say which was my fav scene; the aquarium, the mistaking of hyung (apparently you CAN cringe and laugh at the same time), the stomping foot on the Team Leader when he collapsed, family reunion, Halbae scenes..... it was just a roller coaster.

Thanks for the great recaps GirlFriday! I felt like I was reliving the pain and your comments were spot on. The pics and song choices were also excellent. Especially the last one. I'm off to find tissues.


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That foot stomping on team leader's stomach was amazing, had me lolling out loud.


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Must come out of my lurking to show my deep love and appreciation for Seo In Guk and this wonderful drama. The end tore my heart into a million pieces. When Min Seok, my sunshine boy, sobbed, I wailed right alongside him. Never thought anyone would cry as well as KSH, but SIG gutted me. I cannot praise him enough. Goodbye Gramps, best grandpa ever.


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Thanks for the recap, girlfriday. After listening to the recent podcast, I was wondering how you were feeling about the drama these last few episodes.

Great episode. Anticipating relationship turmoil, I was a bit hesitant about watching it. But not very far in it was clear the writers were going a different direction, and I wasn't that surprised at Grandpa's death--it's been hinted at a number of times, i.e. his excessive sleeping.

Frankly, I don't think of it as just a "plot device" but a very necessary development for Hyung. He had spent his adult life festering about his father's death and President Yoo's involvement, finally commencing with his grand scheme of infiltrating Comfo. Does anybody really think Min-Suk, or the father, could dissuade him from following through what he's been planning for most of his adult life?

Min-Suk said Hyung was rude from early on...except with Grandpa. Whatever that relationship was, it affected Hyung on a deep level, closing the distance he had with everyone else. While I loved Grandpa, and his relationship with the dad, Pretty Unni and Min-Suk, it was clear from the last couple episodes that he too felt this special connection with Hyung, even within his dementia. Though he was seeming healthy physically, perhaps it was the last thing that provided him the will to keep living.

I felt real empathy for Min- Suk this episode as the other shoe dropped. Yes, empathy. First losing his father and immediately afterwards his mother. A child experiencing such losses will most certainly have lowered expectations of life and the future.

How ironic it is for Hung's scheme to provide Min-Suk with the support he needs with this new loss--his relationship with Soo-Young, his new Comfo family are good examples.

I am really going to miss this drama – this has secured its place among my all-time favorites—especially for doing this is such an atypical KDrama fashion. Good job, show.


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I have to agree with everything you've said about Hyung. As much as I HATED gramps dying, he is the only one who can change Hyung's mind about taking revenge. His weakest link, you could say.

Even though Hyung can be such an arse, I could never hate him and his family still loves him very much. Awww.

As for Min Suk, I've always felt for him. He lost his parents at a young age and when his only remaining family member, his brother, decides to leave him alone as well, it's not surprising that he would grow up to be someone who couldn't expect much out of his life or the people in his life.

And it seems like he was always taken for granted by the people he loved most all his life. Even when his hyung deserted them or wasn't around, he was still treated as second best. Even though he was the one loving, caring for and taking care of their family... that's really depressing. Blah.


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Forgot to add how fine SIG was this episode. Those arm muscles--oh lawdy.


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Just want to give it up for Seo In Guk. This guy is a bonafide actor. If he decides to do acting full time and give up singing then it's fine by me. After this drama, I am absolutely certain that he is leading man material, no second lead. Best crier since Kim Soo Hyun.


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*Applause* yes!!! But I must say, I can't stop listening to his song off the OST.

Like Min-seok told Dad: "I could totally become an idol!"
Yes - he totally could! :D (or an ice hockey player)


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No....why did you had to kill off Gramps?????
Honestly...out of so many shows I've watched--Gramps was the first one to be my fav character in the show...
Arrgghhh...I would've been a lot happier if Gramps would've just had a small accident and was in the hospital.....waaahh....
Other than mourning----Seo In Guk looks so damn hot in specs....Even if hyung is evil,he is sexy.


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Me too trully madly deeply love SIG in this drama. I love to see his expressions as min seok, so lovable lol

But gramps gramps why? :"((


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I love your comments Girlfriday. I too feel like Hyung is a monster. I most definitely feel that he's worse off than Jin Woo. The entire episode, I was just sooooo curious about Hyung Seok and sooooo angry at him at the same time. In fact, I want to know more about what happened to him in Germany. For a guy like him to grow desires for revenge and even make connections with people who get murdered, one can't help but wonder about how awful his whole other life must be. What I find most remarkable about this drama is that I actually hunger to know more about Hyung Seok. For all the brief screen time he has, I still feel like he is a complete character with an entirely different dark, noir story with different people-----and it's the polar opposite of Min Suk's romantic-comedy life. Jin Woo may have been like the dark character since Episode 1 but he has nothing on Hyung Seok's coldness. Hyung Seok bothers me to the chills. In fact, without Gramps and Min Suk, and an Ahjussi that he only thinks of as an Ahjussi than a supportive foster dad, I'm pretty sure Hyung Seok has the propensity to turn into a madman. Min Suk and Team Leader Kim always kept repeating how Hyung Seok is just rude. And he's more than that, he's awful! It's sooo weird that I cherish Min Suk so much and yet I'm so scared of Hyung Seok at the same time when they're really actually both still Seo In Guk.

Without Episode 15, I would never have realized how gramps is my ultimate most favorite character in the drama. Losing him felt like I was there grieving at the funeral too. In fact, I grieved his loss all the way throughout Episode 16 just as well... TT


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I was reluctant about putting this up here, but I could instantly relate to the situation, so here goes. My grandpa passed away last December. He was terminally ill and during October time the doctors gave him only a few weeks. I was in the other corner of the world and the only way my company gave me time to meet him was a month off in December, so it was impossible for me to come in October. But nothing happened to him during that time. I came home in December, spent a month with him and 2 days before I was to leave he was hospitalised and passed away on the same day. I am the youngest and apparently favourite grandchild(so modest, I know) of his and my family members told me it was sheer will power to see me that got him to endure it till December.
He was 95 and lived a full life with a happy family, so this is not meant to be a sob story.
I just wanted to add this angle to the story(and I doubt if it was the writer's intention) that Halbae was probably holding on to dear life out of sheer willpower, just to see HS and when he finally did, he was ready to let go :')


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Although I'd rather not talk about deaths, I understand where you're coming from. I know what it's like to lose someone to death all too well, and I also personally know what it's like when they're waiting... I feel that gramps was most definitely waiting for Hyung Suk. In all those days that Hyung Suk was never there, he never forgot him. We can only assume that Halbae must have had a deep relationship with Hyung although I would still love to see it through flashbacks or whatever. I feel that if we were let into Hyung Seok's mind for a bit more, we would have grieved more. From Episode 15, we felt Gramps' death from the perspective of Min Suk, or the family who has been with him. I would have loved to see what Hyung Seok's perspective was like: what a separated loved one was really going through. Perhaps if the drama went ahead with the extension up to the eighteenth episode, I would have loved an entire episode----another mini drama within a drama---- all dedicated to fleshing out Hyung Seok's character.


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I understand this is not a sob story but I got teary eyed just the same .

It's been 3 years since my gramps died and this episode reminded me of him.
My heart became heavy and I was engulfed in his memories for the entire day !
I haven't thought about him in so looong ! And my life has been getting pretty down lately and even though am fighting, just reminder that he is watching over me gave me a real strong feeling !

Thank you show for that !

And you are so right about that will power, and being ready to let go! My gramps lived till 88 and he was suffering from stomach cancer. Which was sad because he has been a foodie all his life and the one thing he wanted to do always he had to stop doing it, eating.

He held on for months more than what doctors said just to see His great grand child being born into this world !


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So, am I the only one who felt, that this episode was strechted to fill the extra time they got?
To me it was the worst ep so far, it was so obvious, that the writer somehow needed to work off some screentime.

That said, the acting by SIG is fantastic. It is like two different actors are playing the parts. Very impressive.


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It's understandable and I forgive them for that. Extensions are always bad news especially if you have already planned everything out for a certain number of episodes. Calling this the worst episode is still a compliment because I'd put up this episode against Trot Lover's best episode and this would probably win. lol


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LOL. Trot Lovers. Oh dear.

I don't watch that drama but I do keep track of the recaps. Hahaha. It seems like a woozy.


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Let's just say that the writer for that show almost did a hat trick on the Holy Trinity of Kdrama Cliches... Amnesia, Cancer and Birth Secrets. hehe


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LOL, you're awesome.

"...hat trick on the Holy Trinity of Kdrama cliches..." Got that right!


What I read about Trot Lovers you might be right. Lol.

Extensions are awful news and I fear for Josen Gunman already.


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To be honest, I feel like the drama is ending too soon. I never really felt like any parts of the episodes were dragged senseless, except that time when Min Suk lost hockey from his life and they had to be at the Noraebang. If they took the Noraebang scenes out of the equation and left it at the dinner scene with Ahbujji, that episode would have been just fine.

Even after having seen Episode 16, I actually still feel glad about the extension. While that episode was slightly anti-climatic, it was very realistic for people who are dealing with the aftermath of the whole pretension saga with Halbae as its ultimate collateral damage. It's done realistically and I can feel the drama taking me from that make-believe sphere of Min Suk's director-life into the real sphere of his actual life minus all the lies.

I completely understand why Halbae had to die, since he is so seemingly important to Hyung Seok but I wish they would have used the extension to flesh out Hyung Seok's character more. I'm beginning to be very repetitive but I really feel that if we knew Hyung Seok a bit more, the emphasis on the significance of Halbae's death would have doubled over and the whole pretension would have felt more necessary.

As much as I hate to say it, Hyung Seok's back-story is the most shallowly-written portion of the drama. Despite Seo In Guk convincing us so well, that character still needs too justify why he put his brother through that much. His being outright rude and/or his desires for revenge is not enough for me. Surely, a person with such dark intentions must have gone through a lot more hell than that to have been written out as the definitively dark side to the light that Min Suk's character is. They killed off my favorite character for the redemption of a character that I don't know much about. I feel a bit left out in the cold. Or maybe I'm just going through stages of grief because the drama is ending, or because Halbae is gone...

I guess all I'm saying is that I want more. Hehehe. Sorry for being repetitive. (*peace sign)


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You point the finger on one aspect that annoyed me during ep 15. We saw lots interaction with grandpa (whom I loved like anyone else does), but I missed a real development in the plot. What exactly is Hyung Seok's story? Is he really so cold and revenge driven? Risking countless jobs to get his man?

So many things suddenly feel rushed and clumsy. Like, as I mentioned in a later comment, the unprofessional business behavior of the President or the re-scheduling of the oh so important meeting. Finding a new time slot for such busy people is not as easy as they wrote it. My business background is acting up, I just can't help it, although a High Schooler bluffing his way through such a job is unlikely to begin with. Lol.


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You have perfectly expressed all of my feelings about Hyung Seok. How did you read my mind?


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I've forgiven Hyung Suk's messy storyline because he looks too good...

Meh, I'm sorry everyone ):


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I definitely feel a certain ephemeral quality to hyung. It's good that he's there and we get to see levels of family: found, biological, adoptive, workplace. I liked how Soo Young's unfortunate nose-tweaking of hyung kicked her back into self-reproach mode and I also lked how Soo Young repeated Min Suk's words over and over in his conversation re his brother. It showed her quandary and her respect for her boyfriend's older brother. But i would've liked to see more of her interaction with hyung.

But yeah, hyung's story felt underwritten. But extensions aren't an easy thing. Especially when one discovers one has to add something to something already plotted out and already seen by the public. Anyone who has ever had to do this kind of after-the-fact story addition would probably tell us that it's a pretty hard thing to do convincingly.


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I loved the stretching; i kinda just accepted that this chapter was gonna be dedicated to "real life"...the little normal unimportant things of life hyung and the chairman should be enjoying. Life isn't about a purposeful plan to attain money or revenge...or even to pass an exam. There should be moments of serendipity and playfulness, life as kids and old old folks live it....enjoyng the fleeting moments.

Somewhere along the way while watching this drama, I realized I had to give the drama the freeom to do what it wants with genre-mixing. It's a little slice of life, a little makjang, a little revenge-thriller, a little business comedy, lots of high-concept stuff in an organic way.


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In addition to joining in the collective mourning of beloved Gramps, as well as singing SIG's praises, I want to give a shout out to Dad because he's friggin' awesome. Adopting your former employer's orphan boys and raising them as a single dad is pretty impressive as it is, but he loves them so fiercely and selflessly, it kills me. When he told the doctor he wanted to give his shoulder to Min Seok, I believed he would've if he could've~ and in this ep., the way he cried when he embraced Hyung Seok really got to me. He's one of those unsung heroes whose kindness makes the world go 'round.

It struck me that Dad and Min-seok go chasing after Gramps like he’s a lost child, while Gramps goes running out to look for Hyung-seok as if he’s the lost one. Great observation~ thanks for being the pinch-hitter!


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Through I appreciate the sentiment... maybe giving your arm to someone can work out in anime (and hats off to FMAB) but here it was ridiculous and super banal. It made me cringe.


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Thank you for the recap! :)


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Kudos to SIG, but am I the only one bothered by SY and MS relationship. I did watched I can hear your voice but the pairing there didn't bother me as much as SY and MS. Maybe because you could actually see MS as a child and feel somewhat protective of him and feel like SY is an adult acting like a child, even if you say they're are both emotionally equal, I can't get behind that, then what does it say about SY esp. she has a younger sister, I doubt she would be supportive if her sister dated WJ. I still love SIG though


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"Well, any ideas why Hyung would not be able to come and/or phone home?"
"Police Investigation!"
"Phone tapping!"
"Real murderer conviniently caught at the perfect time!"
"Genious! Let's use all of these!"

Is this what they call Makjang? Because Hyungs backstory is all sorts of crazy… and also not relatable at all. I can see why MS has trouble buying into this stupid revenge plan! (Culminating in Grandpas death ;___;)

On another note: I'm thinking the PD just tells the actors to be super-random in most scenes. That is why we get those cool organic interactions, which also feel reeeeeeally weird, but not in a bad way.

And also: I sooo missed the Ratail team for the first two thirds of this episode. Luckily they had some minor scenes at the end. I can't with these people! Team leader fainting and the one girl stepping on his stomach! LOL


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The business deal ruining Comfo is equally weird. The President is quite desperate to not check facts and ignore warnings although it is such an important deal. This reduces the viewing enjoyment, because it is utter nonsense. :/


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I think it was supposed to depict how Yoo Jae Gook Comfo President was supposed to have sent Lee Jong Su, Dad-to-the-Lee-brothers' company to ruins---- the president is rash and tends to be greedy for money when the opportunity presents itself failing to see all red lights even when they're glaring. The same greed must have pushed him to shove his foot down on the throat of the Lee dad. Lee Hyung Seok banked on that greed in plotting his revenge, knowing full well that it was the same greed that pushed his father to suicide. It would have been a glorious plan from Hyung Seok's side to use the same motivation as the most crucial element of enacting his revenge, if only it were emphasized a bit more. Sadly, it was not.


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Exactly. And hyung even knew the company wouldn't want to report the fraud for various reasons


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Perfect comment. I didn't question the president's decisions, only the lack of time spent on Hyung-suk's plan and its ramifications.


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Oh! The stepping on the stomach bit was hilarious. In the middle of chaos and tension, I love how the writers just put that random bit of hilarity. And who revives a person by stomping on thier chest with a highheeled shoe?


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Yes, that is what is called makjang. Although it's fairly toned down here.


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GF - love your recap! Thanks for pitching in to help the team. I have enjoyed the drama tremendously, sorry to see it come to an end.


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Thanks for the recap, Gilfriday!!! Love this drama so much. Missed Gramps, still missing him.


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Halbae *sniff* I'm still not over it T_T


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