Witch’s Romance: Episode 15

This episode really delivers on the kisses and cuddles, almost making it worth such a long wait! But although all the large obstacles in Dong-ha and Ji-yeon’s path to couplehood have been laid to rest, there’s still a lot of ground to cover when it comes to learning how to actually be a in a relationship on a day-to-day basis. It’s easy to say age doesn’t matter, but when life continually throws it in your face, we have to hope that their ability to communicate and be honest with each other is enough to overcome some new-relationship insecurity.


We see again Dong-ha’s confession and Ji-yeon’s acceptance, and their friends cheer their happiness. Walking home together later, Ji-yeon asks Dong-ha to forget their agreement for him to help her with the competition for the editor-in-chief position at Trouble Maker, saying she feels bad for “Geoje Island.”

Dong-ha is no fool, and he knows that she doesn’t want their relationship known at the office. He doesn’t take it personally though, and asks if she has confidence that she can get exclusive scoops with just Jae-woong and Young-sik to help.

The next morning while getting ready for work, Ji-yeon recalls Dong-ha’s confession and smiles in the mirror. At the same time, Dong-ha’s first thoughts on waking are of Ji-yeon’s acceptance, and he squees to himself and hugs his pillow. Ji-yeon waits for Dong-ha to come out and see her off like usual, but he doesn’t show.

She meets with her team and ouch, she’s in a grouchy mood. She snaps at each of her team members for not bringing good story ideas, and gives them two hours to come up with five more story items each, and stomps off.

She hears Dong-ha’s voice in the hallway and thinks she’s hearing things, but he’s there talking to Team Leader Byun. He brightly says that he’s been explaining their relationship to Byun, which horrifies Ji-yeon and she yanks him aside to talk privately.

Dong-ha is all innocence as he says everyone in the office knows about it anyway, but Ji-yeon is upset. Of course she’s happy that they’re dating, but she only just broke off her engagement and she doesn’t want everyone knowing her private life. Dong-ha says they’ll talk later and impishly whispers that her necklace is pretty before going back to talk to Byun.

Of course, Dong-ha had meant that he was telling Byun they aren’t connected anymore, since Byun left a part-time job request on his website for an assistant. And since Ji-yeon let him out of their agreement, he accepted the job. She storms back to her team fuming over Dong-ha’s betrayal, taking her frustration out on poor Young-sik’s head.

Na-rae and Min-goo prep for dinner service and figure Ji-yeon must be very happy today after such a cool confession by Dong-ha. They wonder to each other whether they’ll get married, since Ji-yeon is older but Dong-ha is young yet for marriage.

Ji-yeon’s mom visits them, and I love how she’s always bringing food to the couple who owns a restaurant. She brings extra for them to pass along to Ji-yeon, saying that she’s ashamed in front of her for dating someone when her daughter just broke an engagement. Min-goo slips up and says that Ji-yeon at least has Dong-ha now, which prompts Mom to loudly demand information.

Team Leader Byun holds a meeting with his team, and even Dong-ha facepalms over the badness of his story ideas. He takes a phone call and leaves the table, only to catch Ji-yeon skulking around wondering what he’s telling Byun. She calls him a traitor, but Dong-ha just laughs at how cute she is.

Walking home that night, Ji-yeon talks to Na-rae on the phone, making her squeal over how sweetly Dong-ha is treating her. Ji-yeon laments that all she can think of all day long is Dong-ha (honey, not one of us blames you).

When she walks in her front door, she finds Mom, Dong-ha, and Soo-chul all sitting down to a huge home-cooked meal. Ji-yeon snarls at Dong-ha for leaving the office without saying goodbye, and he just explains that Mom was cooking and he couldn’t refuse.

Mom barely tries to hide the reason for this meal, and launches right into questioning Dong-ha about his age, making him and Ji-yeon both stiffen when she assumes he’s in his early 30s. Dong-ha, honest to a fault, reveals that he’s 25, which brings dinner to a screeching halt as Mom does the math. Soo-chul can’t get out of there fast enough.

Mom asks how they can date when he’s so young and Ji-yeon will be 40 soon, since Ji-yeon should be looking for someone to marry, not just date. She works herself up to a lather, and Dong-ha starts to say that he’s serious about this. Mom asks him straight out if he’s thinking of marriage, but Ji-yeon assures her that she’ll handle things herself.

Soo-chul takes Eun-chae out, but he’s suspicious since she came so easily without protesting. She says she just wanted to, which flusters him (so cute) and she breaks the happy news that her mother agreed to come live with her. They’re joined unexpectedly by a girl who knows Soo-chul from the clubs, and she asks if he’s with his girlfriend. He says she’s just a “younger sister,” which gets a raised eyebrow from Eun-chae. Oh, might that have stung a bit?

The girl says he must be single then and asks him to call her, but he shoos her off quickly. Eun-chae inquires as to what style of women he likes, and he asks why she wants to know. Eun-chae plays it off like Rin-ji was curious, but she’s just fidgety enough to betray the lie.

Dong-ha and Ji-yeon walk home together, and he tries for some skinship but she grumpily brushes him off. He knows it’s because he’s working for Team Leader Byun and moans that she doesn’t understand his heart. She tells him he has no right to be upset, since he’s the one who stabbed her in the back.

Dong-ha seriously informs her that he only took the job so he could work near her again, AWWW. Ji-yeon pouts that if he wants to be any closer to her he’ll end up making Byun the editor-in-chief, so he assures her that she’s the only person for the job and tries to aegyo her out of her bad mood, but she’s not moved. She says that all her bravado and tough image and hard work is an act in order to be taken seriously and be the best reporter, but inside she still worries.

After all that, for Dong-ha to still go work for Team Leader Byun and claim she’s his girlfriend, makes him a traitor. Dong-ha just leans in and plants a big kiss on her, saying that she talks too much. He admits he was wrong to take the job and promises to quit.

Ji-yeon and Na-rae have another phone call all about Dong-ha and how much of a “pro” he is, to use physical affection to get on Ji-yeon’s good side. Na-rae rightly points out that Ji-yeon’s pretty affectionate when she drinks so it’s not just Dong-ha’s age making him that way. Ji-yeon sighs again about how all she can think of all day is Dong-ha. I honestly don’t see why this is a problem…

Dong-ha and Soo-chul have a beer and Soo-chul warns Dong-ha not to be manipulated by Ji-yeon’s innocent act. Dong-ha says it’s not an act, that what you see is what you get with her. Soo-chul whines that he’s totally besotted by an innocent face himself these days but won’t say who it is, which has Dong-ha suspicious. He tries to dramatically exit, and farts in Dong-ha’s face when he stops him. Boys. Gotta love ’em.

The next day at the Trouble Maker, Director Kwon tells Ji-yeon that she’s been nominated for the Global Change Reporter Exchange Program, but she takes it in stride as she’s been nominated before and never won. Kwon says that this year her stories were stronger, and she just reminds him to remember that when choosing an editor-in-chief.

Director Kwon takes Mom out to dinner and a movie, and proposes that they do this often. He spills food on his shirt and tries to clean it off but the stain stays, and he’s so bothered by it that he cancels the movie part of their date.

Dong-ha and Team Leader Byun work late, and Byun brags about how he’ll totally crush the Witch. Dong-ha asks why Byun hates her so much, but Byun just says vaguely that she gave him a “scar that won’t wash away.” He says that Dong-ha must know about it, since it happened to him too: the Witch’s Seduction and Curse.

Byun tells Dong-ha how he fell for Ji-yeon when she first started working at Trouble Maker. He claims that he was a hot reporter full of great ideas, but the flashback shows us that all of his ideas reminded Ji-yeon of being jilted, like stories about polar bears and women being jilted at the altar.

By the time he worked up the courage to confess during a drunken work outing, Ji-yeon hated his guts and let him know it in no uncertain terms. Her breakdown of how much he disgusts her is hilariously reminiscent of her doing the same thing to Soo-chul. She guessed that he’d never once had a girlfriend, which must be his embarrassing secret. She “cursed” him to remain alone forever, and he’s been single ever since.

Dong-ha wanders up to Ji-yeon’s work area, thinking about what Byun said about her “witch’s temptation,” and has the bad luck to walk in just as Young-sik brushes a stray hair off Ji-yeon’s face. He looks over to see Jae-woong appearing to ogle her legs (and she does have great legs) in her high heels and short skirt. He freaks out and yanks her out of there, taking her to a clothing store and grouching about all the short skirts she wears.

Ji-yeon hilariously doesn’t get angry, but takes him up on his offer to buy her some clothes and warns him not to regret it. He vetoes all her choices for being too sheer, too short, or too low-cut, but eventually they’re both laughing at how ridiculous he’s acting out of petty jealousy.

As Ji-yeon pays for the clothes they picked out, the cashier comments on what a handsome younger brother she has. She gets upset and takes her clothes to leave. When Dong-ha comes to the register the girl tells him his older sister left, but he says she’s not his sister and yells loudly as he chases after her, calling her just about every nickname for a girlfriend there is, including “yobo” for a wife.

He catches up to her and she asks what else they should do as long and they’re playing hooky. They go for ddukbokki and Dong-ha feeds Ji-yeon, even going in for a Lady and the Tramp kiss over a rice cake. Later he buys her about fifteen bracelets from a street vendor, declaring them the “handcuffs” binding her to him.

He takes a call from Soo-chul to find out that a high school friend got discharged from the army, and insists that Ji-yeon join them to catch up. Their old friend also brings a girl with him, who at 19 looks like an infant next to Ji-yeon, making her feel insecure.

Ji-yeon excuses herself to call Na-rae and complain that she feels out of place, and Dong-ha finds her and asks to leave since “the kids” are so immature. Sweet.

At home, they sit on their Bench of Honesty in the courtyard and Dong-ha gets quiet. He reminds Ji-yeon that she promised not to go anywhere even if he pushed her away. Ji-yeon asks if he’s worried she’ll go somewhere, and he says that when she left the store and the restaurant by herself today, it made him uneasy.

She says that she feels uneasy too, but Dong-ha assures her that his heart won’t change. She says that she knows hearts do change, referring to her own change of heart regarding him. He promises that if she gives him time, he’ll prove that his heart won’t waver from her, and pulls her into a hug.

In the morning, Dong-ha waits outside staring at Ji-yeon’s door, looking like the most lovestruck fool ever born. Soo-chul tells him to stop staring like that because it makes him jealous. They head out for the day and Soo-chul asks bluntly how far he and Ji-yeon have gone.

Dong-ha punishes him with two fingers up his nose (and I have flashbacks to my own father doing that exact thing to me, yuck) but admits that Ji-yeon is pretty busy lately so, well… they haven’t done much. Soo-chul calls that out as a lame excuse, and I have to agree with The Spinach.

Dong-ha eats with his father for the first time in three years, and tells him that he’s decided to go back to school. He also tells Dad that there’s a woman he likes and that she encouraged him to go back to school, and that he wants to be a person who deserves someone like her. All of this makes Dad very happy, and he tells Dong-ha to bring the woman to dinner next time.

Soo-chul surprises Eun-chae by showing up to help her mother move in. His impression of her mentioning her mother’s move is spot-on, haha. He charms the pants off her mom when they pick her up at the orphanage, and props to Eun-chae for not letting him do all the “man’s work” and doing her part. She offers to buy him jjajangmyun to thank him for his help, making him swoon.

Na-rae downs a mountain of food waiting at a restaurant for Ji-yeon to join her, and orders two more meals just for herself, ha. She notices that Ji-yeon looks tired and listless, and wonders if Dong-ha hasn’t “progressed” things any further than casual contact. Ji-yeon thinks it’s just been too long since she dated and she’s lost her dating mojo.

She admits that all she thinks of is Dong-ha and would text him all day like a stalker if she could, but Na-rae doesn’t see the problem since he would probably like it. She advises Ji-yeon to just knock him over if she has to, but stop putting off the romance! Have I mentioned before that she’s the best wingman ever?

Soo-chul still refuses to tell Dong-ha who his crush is, even as he’s chirping that she bought him jjajangmyeon, and that he’s thinking of hiring her to replace Dong-ha when he goes back to school. He changes the subject and literally shoves Dong-ha towards Ji-yeon’s door, telling him that he’d better get things going romantically if he wants her to keep seeing him as a man.

Dong-ha goes home and takes a shower instead, while Ji-yeon reads a self-help book about dating younger men. She makes sexy poses in front of a mirror (in her raggedy pajamas, which is hysterical) until Dong-ha walks in and scares the life out of her. She offers him a drink and he not-at-all subtly asks for a beer. I see what you’re doing there, sneaky boy.

He sits on the floor in exactly the same spot he was sitting for their first overflowing-beer kiss, and Ji-yeon carries in a whole twelve-pack. Someone’s a little overeager, and even Dong-ha looks shocked.

He asks her why she dislikes Team Leader Byun, and tells her again not to wear short skirts to work anymore. His jealousy is so cute. She tells him to just drink a beer and pops the top and wouldn’t you know, it overflows and they find themselves in a very familiar pose.

This time when she licks beer off his finger, he licks hers right back. RAWR. After a long tension-filled moment Dong-ha literally tackles Ji-yeon to the floor where they kiss and smile at each other and laugh. But just when things start to get serious, Mom lets herself in the front door. DAMMIT MOM.

By the time Mom makes it to the living room, they’re both vertical if a little disheveled, but Mom is too upset to notice. She plants herself on the floor between them and opens a beer which explodes in her face, and she asks who shook up the can, HAHAHA.

Mom starts ranting about younger men (as Ji-yeon fixes Dong-ha’s hair behind Mom’s head) and declares that her relationship with Director Kwon is finished because he’s so immature. Dong-ha tries to leave but Mom yells at him to sit himself down, asking if he likes causing trouble then leaving Ji-yeon alone to handle it. Poor Dong-ha looks equally terrified and confused, though he can’t resist sending Ji-yeon adorable grins over Mom’s head.

Ji-yeon puts an exhausted Mom to bed later, and Dong-ha heads home. Ji-yeon offers to walk him to the door, admitting that she’s disappointed. This clearly tickles him pink, and he makes silly kissyfaces at her. He gives her one last kiss and leaves, and Ji-yeon giddily collapses to the floor. So cute!

The next day, Ji-yeon frantically runs through the hospital looking for the EKG room. Mom is getting some test results from Dong-ha’s father who says she’s normal, but she asks why she’s having heart palpitations and feels depressed and feverish. He says that those can be symptoms of stress, and they both admit that they have a child who causes them stress sometimes.

Dong-ha finds Ji-yeon waiting in the hall, and she says that her mom wasn’t feeling well but she thinks it’s just lovesickness. She notices how handsome he looks in his white lab coat, and he tells her that he’s thinking of going back to school. He says he’ll be a lot busier but she says that’s okay, that he’ll make a great doctor someday.

As they leave the hospital, Ji-yeon asks her mom what she likes about Director Kwon. She says she likes his voice and his manners, though he’s too fussy. Mom asks her not to tell anyone at the office about her hospital visit.

Director Kwon calls Ji-yeon to the office to tell her that she was chosen as the Global Exchange Program Exchange Reporter, which means that she’ll be spending a year in England working for US Weekly. He says that he’ll appoint a temporary editor-in-chief until she gets back. She’s excited and proud of herself, but then she hears Dong-ha’s voice reminding her that she promised not to go anywhere.

She calls Na-rae as she’s walking home and catches her up on things with Dong-ha, and tells her that she ordered a bunch of new sexy lingerie. When she gets home, Dong-ha has already found her package and offers to carry it in for her. She goes to change out of her work clothes and he slips a couple of matching angelfish into her fish tank, which has been empty since her last fish died. He even makes up names and a meet-cute backstory for the fish.

He says he’s really curious about all these packages she gets and goes to peek in the box, but she grabs it and tells him it’s none of his business. That makes him even more curious and he chases her around the house and into the bedroom, finally cornering her on the bed and getting the box away from her. He holds it over his head and the box comes open, spilling lingerie all over his head, HAHA. His face is priceless.

Ji-yeon shoves everything back in the box, and Dong-ha sidles up next to her and asks if she didn’t buy all that to show him anyway. She denies it but he’s not buying what she’s selling, since there’s no one else she’d show those things to. He chases her around the bed, pouncing on her and kissing her, and the lights go out one by one until it’s completely dark.


Finally! The show feels like we’ve come full-circle back to the cute, fun, sexy, kissy Witch’s Romance we all fell in love with at first sight (or at least I know I did)! I’m so happy, because the magic in this drama has always been the ridiculous amount of chemistry between Dong-ha and Ji-yeon, and I think it’s gotten even stronger as the show progressed. You can practically see the energy pulling them towards each other when they’re onscreen together.

I’ve appreciated, for a long while, that the age gap between Ji-yeon and Dong-ha was not a huge issue in the bulk of the story. I think not making that a primary focus of conflict let the characters feel out their emotions and relationships without age concerns getting in the way and cluttering up the storytelling with too much background noise. But it’s interesting to see it start to creep back in now that the two are finally officially dating. Because let’s be honest…14 years is quite a large age gap for two people in a romantic relationship. Especially when the woman is older and possibly is ready to settle down (as Ji-yeon’s mom pointed out), and kids are something that need to happen sooner rather than later if they’re to happen at all, but the man still hasn’t even finished school yet. That’s not holding people up to ridiculous societal “rules,” that’s just facts of life. Add in Ji-yeon’s strong focus on her career, and we have a real conundrum. Can this relationship withstand the fact that it’s players are in very different stages of their lives?

Truthfully, I think it can. The show has made such a strong case for Dong-ha and Ji-yeon truly belonging together, age and careers be damned, that I think they can handle the fact that the relationship may not be their main focus for a while. They may not see each other much for a time, they may even have to be apart for a year while Ji-yeon takes advantage of the fantastic career opportunity she’s been offered, but I do think they can get through it and come out stronger. If that’s where the finale takes us, and I do think it will, I’m not dreading it like I usually dread a forced separation (one of my most-hated drama tropes). I trust that Dong-ha and Ji-yeon love each other enough to make it, no matter what.

Speaking of things I’ve really appreciated about the show, I also want to mention how skillfully I think the show has been able to subvert the drama tropes we’re all familiar with, which I’m guessing is a big reason we’ve all loved this show so much. Yes, it gave us a lot of the usual situations, but it also gave us characters who didn’t react to those situations in ways we expect. The biggest example of this is how, every time there’s been a misunderstanding or hurt feelings, Dong-ha and Ji-yeon sit down and talk it out. I think when you’ve seen enough dramas, you’re so used to watching characters sulk around each other for episodes at a time over the smallest misunderstanding, and it’s been such a breath of fresh air to see leads who just…talk! Wonder of wonders. Even situations in which you would normally brace yourself for a big fight, such as Dong-ha’s jealous fit over Ji-yeon’s clothes, instead become a source of fun for the couple as they laugh at how ridiculous they’re acting.

I’ve also enjoyed how, other than Polar Bear in a very vague sense, there really wasn’t a “villain” in the story. Shi-hoon walked a fine line, the way he was a little too controlling and a little too unconcerned with what Ji-yeon was going through, and he most definitely handled breaking up with her in just about the most insensitive way possible. But mostly I think he was less of a “bad guy” and more of a clueless guy. I was worried for a while there that Eun-chae would turn into the typical bitter jilted second lead, but she really took Dong-ha’s lack of attraction to her with grace and maturity. Soo-chul started out insensitive and mean, willing to publicly humiliate a stranger for money, but he’s really turned out to be a rock-solid friend to Dong-ha who actually gives pretty darn good advice.

Mostly, what’s made Witch’s Romance so special for me has been it’s characters. From the absolutely amazing leads, to the hilarious and wonderful best friends and parents, and even all of the Trouble Maker employees, there’s not one character I didn’t enjoy getting to know throughout the run of the show. I truly think that no matter what happened within the drama, and whatever story it chose to tell us, I would have watched these characters do just about anything and enjoyed it immensely. It’s rare to see a drama with characters that make us love each and every one of them so much, and I for one am going to miss them a lot.


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Thanks for recap! Cuteness overload!


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how do they come up with all those quirky moments both for romance and bromance and.
so friggin original. I wonder whose ideas those are, writer? actors? PD?
lovely and cute while being realistic about the worries and doubts.


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btw, I am ready to share my Latvian pumpkin-buckthorn marmalade with the first one who managed to actually count allll the kisses. seems like they heard you all complaining.

and I love that blue sweater on Dong Ha


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well, sorry, you are all too late. I finished the marmalade. Couldnt resist.


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*applause* Well said, LollyPip! The cute, sexy, and fun are back. I loved this series and although I've complained about not having more episodes, I think I'll be very satisfied with the finale. Plus, I can always revisit JY and DH!


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I LOVE THIS SHOW!! To pieces!


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awww.. Bench of Honesty. I was glad to see them sit there to talk and I know that they will have an honest conversation.
The bromance in this show will be tough one to beat in decades. I enjoyed them as much as I enjoy the leads.
Thanks for the recap... when I was downloading the last episode earlier it makes me sad...
I'll miss Mr. Yoon!


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I also liked how Mom was everyones mom really from the boys to Na Rae and Big & Bright and how she pronounced Mr YOON with this funny nasal tone


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Mom is definitely awesome. The actress who plays her deserves major kudos for doing such an awesome job. Some scenes, if they hadn't been played just right, Mom could have come off as overbearing, over-the-top, shrill, cartoonish, rude, brash, and/or annoying, but this actress has pulled it off well, and she has great chemistry with the lead (I can't remember her name at the moment).


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GAHHH!! They're so cute I can't even.

*back to watching episode 15 for the umpteenth time*


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but, my dear LolliPip, why are you speaking like the show is already over? ( in past tense) you made me do it too but there is still an episode. I refuse the end of cute! I object! there is no end!


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Thanks Lollypip great recaps. I'll always think of this drama when I see a can of beer! I loved the story & actors so much i agree everyone did a great job here.


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OMgggg... it's ended! The cute has ended! Can somebody tell me where to get my fix next?

I am lossstttt!!! Ah.. I suppose there's the replay button.

I can't wait to see these two in ANOTHER new drama! Specially Park Seo-Joon who's been a wonderful male lead despite being new.


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Thanks for your recaps, LollyPip!

I laughed so loudly I think I scared even myself when JY brought in the whole case of beer -- the look on DH's face was priceless.


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His glare at ji yeon after mom asked who shook the can, was even more hilarious. And her innocent face too.
These two are soooo good together. I love them to death!


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Jiyeon totally don't need the book. She already know how to seduce man breezily :D


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This episode really resemble the first episode especially with Dongha's & Jiyeon's chemistry which I really love but I don't want to accept the fact that this drama is ending T___T what am I going to do without my weekly dose of Yoon Dong Ha >_<


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Although this episode was fun & cute, I also thought it was purely filler – there wasn't any more narrative conflict left, so they just had conjure up tiny issues to have something to show. Like the age factor, which felt a bit like a recycle (particularly the scene with the army guy and his freshman girl). I didn't mind the jealous Dong-ha, but the "you can't wear short skirts" was *rolls eyes*. I know it was just supposed to be funny, but I don't even think it fits with Dong-ha's character, since he has always been proud of Ji-yeon and always confident enough to openly admit their relationship to anyone all along.

"That’s not holding people up to ridiculous societal “rules,” that’s just facts of life." I still think it is, esp. when this drama was pointing to that JY/DH should hold off marrying/kids until he finishes school. I think people and relationships come in so many different forms, and lives happen in ways we don't always plan. Some people have kids before they go to college, some in the middle, some after. (In fact, I have a friend who had two children while she became a doctor.) Of course, it's something to talk about and figure out how to make it work, but the drama gave us enough along the way to make clear that JY/DH can figure it out.

I also thought the scholarship was random and threat of 1-year separation unneeded, it didn't really add anything to the story or reveal anything new about the characters.

As for the villain, well, Shi-hoon wasn't an evil guy, but I still think he was a jerk, too controlling, insensitive to Ji-yeon's feelings and a lier from the beginning to the end. At his age, the 'clueless' doesn't fly, I just see red flags in his behaviour telling me that's someone you don't want to be in a relationship with.

But I do agree that at least some typical tropes were reversed, e.g. Dong-ha and Ji-yeon (mostly) talking it out and Eun-chae not being the typical second lead but simply falling for another guy after some time (which I think is what happens in real life!). More Soo-chul's and Eun-chae's would be a big improvement to many dramas in fact.


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I have a sore throat from all the squeeing and screaming I did while watching this episode, they are soo frigging cute and sweet that my teeth is shaking, seriously my teeth is shaking. What am I going to do without my Dong Ha I guess it's good that my exams are starting next week so that at least will distract me. I will miss this drama soooo much. Thanks to all the recappers Lollypip, Odillante, JoAnne and Kakashi for making my drama watching more meaningful and funny.


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the recap came early wooohooo thank you so much lolly! have some kisses :*


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I agree with the comment 'It’s rare to see a drama with characters that make us love each and every one of them so much,' As a matter of fact, I don't see any annoying characters (including villains) in most of all currently airing dramas, which is rare. Not related but if I have to pick, currently most annoying/frustrating character is JangBoRi.

I always wondered why people eat jjajangmyun on moving day (after the move) in Korea (and dramaland). They said because it is convenient (because you can just order, and don't have to worry about cooking, utensil, cleanup anything) and food has high calories.


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This is one of the best dramas I've ever watched. I'm sad to see it end.


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Btw, Park Seo Joon looks like Seulong when he smiles cheekily and Heo Gyeonghwan at some angles. Does anyone else see the same resemblance?


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I think he looks like jinwoon of 2pm :D hehe


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Btw, Park Seo Joon looks like Seulong when he smiles cheekily and Heo Gyeonghwan at some angles. Does anyone see the same resemblance?


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Jus luurvin' this show mooore!!


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Sooooooooooooooooooooo muuuuuuuuuuuuuuch cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! YAY. I will never get over how comfortable and genuine they look here. So, so, SO cute.

This episode was pretty much chock-full of what I've been asking for and I couldn't have been happier. It was wonderful to get a whole episode to just watch them be happy and silly and cute together and after everything that's happened and all of the angst, it felt earned. I love that we got things coming full circle with the beer kisses, haha.

Like Lolly, I'm also not dreading the forced separation coming up. I actually think it would be good for them. Jiyeon gets to go have an amazing experience in a foreign country (why England if she's working for US Weekly, I don't know but w/e) while DongHa gets a chance to settle back into medical school without the distraction of a sexy, new girlfriend who lives across the hall. Then when Jiyeon gets back, he'll be back in the groove of things and she'll be Editor-in-Chief and they can be awesome and successful and happy together~ But seriously, I don't see Dongha not supporting her in this. It's a fantastic opportunity and while I'm sure he'll be sad that she's leaving just when things are getting started, how can he ask her not to take it?

It makes me so happy to see Jiyeon doing so well at work. I don't even know why the Director is even pretending like he's considering Byun. If Jiyeon's the one who's always pulling in exclusives (and she's clearly his favourite), then shouldn't she be the obvious choice? Anyway, I loved her line at the beginning that she didn't need any help getting exclusive stories because she's got herself. That's the Jiyeon I know and love. :D

Also can we talk about Soochul and EunChae for a minute? Even though SooChul is STILL insinuating himself into her life, you can see that she's softening towards him and starting to let him in in her own way. Ha, I just love how she handles him. She won't let him treat her like a princess or a doll or hiding who she is to make him like her. YAY. Also I was surprisingly moved seeing EunChae's mother leaving the Love House to go live with her. It shows that she's finally moving forward with her life a little bit and letting go of some of the pain of YoungChae's death. It's nice to see her let go of the past and embrace spending time with the daughter she still has.

Also lol, I feel like Narae was the audience surrogate in this episode. Her squealing at everything that Dongha does certainly reminds me of my reactions anyway, ha. Also how nice and easygoing is Dongha's dad now that he's getting his life back together? He's like the opposite of every strict parent I've ever seen in a drama to date (especially a rich one!) I love these characters too - SO MUCH - and I'm going to miss them. :((( But hey, at least we've still got one episode left!

Thank you, LollyPip!


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Dong-ha's dad, as little airtime as he got, as a pretty great character. I felt like it was a visually atypical casting for a k-drama (yay!) but also the role itself was everything but the usual rich-dad-from-whom-son-is-estranged. He shines even more in ep 16 (no spoilers), in the mere two minutes he gets there.


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it is called advantage from experience.


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Totally agree. the apple doesn't fall far from the tree


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i like how DH dad is actually really kind hearted. not like typical rich dad who is strict and not loveable.. we can see that the saying a son reflect his father is true ( spoiler )..
i dont know how many time replayed this eps. so many scene to replay. haha


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Me too, I´ll miss those characters. Dong Ha's Dad is a sweetheart!


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Kya... this episode is so so so so cute!

Love the chemistry between the two leads!

And I am so effing love DongHa!!!

He is too cute, hot and Romantic!


I love each of episode of this drama except the episode which the Polar Bear is in it.

Seriously, if anyone know any guy like Dong Ha, please tell me! (Which I doubt exist, sigh)

Btw, thanks for the recap!. ^^


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yes, if anyone find dong ha in real life, please tell me. I will clone him for all the girls on the world. We all need a Dong ha of our own. He is seriously the perfect man. A guy who can communicate his feelings!! OMG he must not be from this earth


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The OTP chemistry in this drama was top notch but what I appreciate the most was the awesome support system they had. Soo Chul had Dong Ha's back, Na Rae had Ji Yeon's back and Mom had everyone's back. I really want to thank the writer for going on a different direction on a few things that would have made some parts of the show cliche. Not having Eun Chul complete the love square is one. It looked to me like the setup was there but the writer had a change of heart. Or having Dong Ha's dad fill in the mean parent quota but turns out he was a cool guy after all. Also loved the slapstick bromance in the show.

Thanks for the recap LollyPip!


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waaaaa..!!! i've already finished watching last eps.. cant believe it already ended... i want to see more of DH and JY. but...but...its okay i'll do fine. i wish i'll meet someone like DH..

and2.. that scene when dong ha asking for beer is just hillarious..


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how on earth did I miss the farting scene???


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Soo Chul's fart in the face moment was just pure genius!! Some of the BEST bromance moments I've seen from a drama in a long time! Loving it!


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this episode was so <3

thanks for the recap.


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As a woman who is in her mid 30's I can understand JY's character and reactions. This show really showcases the fantasy of how a younger man would love a woman of a certain age with a successful career and they do it so DAMN WELL. I have to admit that the two leads have incredible chemistry that is hard to fake. Park Seo Joon is adorable all the way through. Boy can certainly act - both manly and the cute boy his age. The Witch? Her reactions to his playfulness in all account looks so real that I'm pretty sure she truly laughed from within. Well who wouldn't when you got PSJ chasing you around in your bed??? His character will practically spoil all men, at least for a while. In summation, I simply enjoyed every second of every character that this show gave us. I will miss it truly.


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First time commenting on the recap of the 1st episode of the week without having watched the 2nd. Don't have to worry about accidental spoilers for once :)
This episode was adorable! I've lost track how many times i've watched the shopping scene, and I cracked up when the mum shouted about who shook all the cans XD
Lovesick DH is just too cute :')
I love TvN so much. They're the best at doing fun and realistic dramas that appeal to a younger audience.
Watching all the kiss scenes this episode, I just kept thinking how other actors and TV stations NEED to learn from these two. Fed up of seeing wide-eyed fishy kisses (awkward, and not cute to watch), rapey kisses (just makes me uncomfortable), or where the guy does all the work and the girl just stands there (hello! A hot guy is kissing you. Kiss back for god's sake!). Seeing a good kiss is so rare in Kdrama. Witch's Romance has really spoiled us viewers. Gotta love cable :)

Off to watch the last episode now. Pretty much know how this is going. I'm sad :( I want more cuteness and hot kisses. Great likable characters, amazing chemistry, humour, and I love they didn't have the typical Kdrama cliches of Eun Chae being a b*tch, and the leads never talking. The fact that they were always so honest with each other has been so refreshing and I love it! :)
This would have been a perfect drama for me, if they didn't drag out the Polar Bear drama. They were a waste of episodes. It might've been unrealistic, but I would've preferred her to find out the truth, and then still dump him. He waited 6 years. He isn't worth it. And then the rest of the drama be about DH and JY getting to know each other more and how they deal with the age gap.
But anyway, I still really enjoyed the drama. I hope PSJ's next project is just as good, and we don't have to wait too long to see him again. Only bad thing about it, is that more people know him now. More people to fight off LOL

And just out of curiousity, I'd love to know what everyone thinks is the best and worst Kdrama kisses? :) I certainly have a very long list for worst.


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I love the cutesy, but is it just me that wants a bit more steam? The beer can scene -- I wish it really was a continuation of ep 2 because the quick cute kisses sorta take the steam away for me. I'm not sure I like the "puppy growl" (is it supposed to be puppy dog or a mini tiger growl? I dunno) Dong ha keeps making at the bra scene.

My favourite scenes:
1) The beer can - not the actual kisses but the glances they keep throwing each other when Mom was there. The glance Dong ha throw her when he figures out she shook the can. Wicked!!
2) The bra falling out on dong ha. His face expression was awesome.
3) Soo chul asking Dong ha "how fare have you gone with Noonim?" Seriously who would have thought Soo chul would be the voice of reason in this drama?? Moldy spinach is actually awesome!
4) Na rae telling ji yeon to get some male energy huahahah you go girl! best friend ever!

ooof am sooo gonna miss this drama. Sigh I think am ruined for any future rom-com drama. Nothing will ever be this nice.


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I'm with you. The final episodes just went for quick, cute kisses, lots of teasing and playful growling, which all have their place of course, but I would expect more. Especially after what we got in episode 2. And especially in ep 16 [can't say since it would be a spoiler]. Maybe there were complaints after ep 2? (I really don't know why they'd turn the steam down otherwise?)

I think my favourite scene was mum squarely seating herself between the caught-in-the-act Ji-yeon and Dong-ha not realising at all what she just interrupted. Bwahahahaha.


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Did anyone catch that on Running Man, Park Seo Joon & Song Ji Hyo recently played the pepero game - the scene eating the ddeokbokki totally reminded me of it - especially when Ji Hyo is like "not big deal, we're actors" LOL



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Thanks LollyPip for articulating all the reasons why this show is so great. It's been a while since I've enjoyed a drama this much and I give full credit to how well written the characters are. Leads who are level headed and reasonable, supporting characters who are actually supportive and entertaining in their own right, and a plot that was familiar but not tired. Best of all, an OTP that made me swoon and squee every time they were together. It's everything that I want from a rom-com.


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gawd!! i cried right through episode 16!!
These two are just soo awesome!!
There is no other two actors just like these two, soo much chemistry and loving going on.....
i will miss this show...there is already such a big hole in my heart......sigh.....


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It took me three hours to finish episode 15 alone. I had to keep pausing and rewinding, because I was savoring every second of our OTP. Their chemistry just radiates and overflows the screen. I kept squealing and my heart was racing. LOL. They are just so natural and comfortable with each other, and yet, there is also ridiculous amount of sexual attraction between them. Sometimes you see an OTP having natural chemistry, but it lacks the sexual sparks. But this pairing has EVERYTHING. The entire episode fees like BTS or a real dating scenario taken by the hidden camera. I feel like I am falling in love together with them.

Plot-wise, this episode appears like a filler episode. And yet, this is my favorite episode so far!! It's like a slice-of-life piece that utilizes countless ad lib performances from the entire cast to make the audience connect to their "life" and "characters"!! There is no dramatic ups and downs, but only mundane and yet realistic gestures that register the flow of time and the interconnectedness in this wonderful drama universe of WS.

Speaking of our OTP. They will go down to my drama book as one of the unique pairing I have ever seen. These two have almost 20 years difference in age, but in this episode, they were just like two teenagers who are falling in love for the first time. Kudos to great acting from PSJ and UJH! Especially the ending scene...oh my goodness. The director probably just gave a cue, and these two had to improvise everything. They were clearly having fun!! How I appreciate an pairing who is not afraid of physical contact, but without crossing the delicate line of being salacious. He was touching her waist and leg, and he really bit her like a naughty "beast." I like DH being a perfect prince charming, but I think I prefer a 25 years old who has a real sexual drive!! LOL. And JY is so sexy with her short skirts, but she is cute as well. My impression of UJH has always been a glamourous diva, mature and sophisticated. Who would know that she has this side of her, being a shy and fun-loving girl? I also like the fact that she "responds" to his kiss by raising her head when they are on the floor. DH's ear is all red though..haha..I probably watched too many UJH's films and I was hoping that she would go on top of him. LOL. (sorry for my language...>.< )

I love this drama to pieces. It's not perfect, but as Lollypip puts it, I care about every character and their wellbeing, which is not a common viewing experience for me.


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I, for one, will be keeping an eye out for all of these actors. They each did a phenomenal job with their characters. I hope they choose equally adorable dramas in the future!

My heart is so not ready to let go.


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They were so freakin' adorable in this episode! Like seriously, where can I get my own Dong-ha?! The way he just kissed her all over was so cute! I love how they could have gone the "sexy" route like they did the first time around, but instead this time they were just playful and giddy and in love!

And how much do I love the beer moment where he licked her too! SO funny. I LOVE this couple and this drama! For once, a drama I was very excited for panned out exactly like I wanted!


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Probably my favorite part was when they were both laughing over his petty jealousy though! That is how jealousy should happen! Jealousy in dramas usually just brings forth an element of annoyance from whoever's feeling it, but he joked about it and essentially just made her feel good about herself and I love that.


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I love the chemistry between JY and DH and the way the sass flows so effortlessly between them. It's hilarious and wonderful to watch. Poor them, with her mom walking in on their first attempt at sexytimes. *smirks* Very glad the second attempt was more successful. I hope DH enjoyed the lingerie.

I would have liked the jealousy scene better if she'd shut it down in a more straightforward manner, making it clear that he had no business dictating what she wore and he was out of line, but the message in the end was that he was being ridiculous so, for that, I'm glad.


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I live in the U.S. and love this drama! Does anyone know how I can buy the dvd's of this drama, or knows when it comes out on dvd??


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This drama make me very like to dong ha,, he so cute, gentle, very nice, romantic, so perfect,, dong ha.........


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The reason I liked so much Witch's Romance and My Love from the Star and hate Heirs is because of the chemistry between the main couple. The chemistry of the rest of the cast has also a great point in it - depending on the time on screen. Sorry to fans of Park Shin Hye but in my opinion she was the worst partner for Lee Min Ho. I guess that the Director should do a test of chemistry before casting the main leads in a drama if they want to have good ratings (as an exception - Lie to Me). Maybe the logic within dramaverse should be kept on during the entire drama and not to be twisted in between. Doctor Stranger has also an issue of chemistry between the main leads.


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I was very disappoint too.. what? just another quick kiss...where the atmosphere we have in ep 2.... the hot schene... :-)...hahaha..


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I love the cutesy, but is it just me that wants a bit more steam? The beer can scene — I wish it really was a continuation of ep 2 because the quick cute kisses sorta take the steam away for me.

Agreed. I really enjoy the cute, funny moments between Dong-ha and Ji-yeon, but they're adults not teenagers. We've seen how passionate they are about each other, I wish we could see more of that but maybe it's a cultural thing? I remember how the main character in Manny, who is a divorcee and the mother of two children, got flustered at the sight of a man's bare shoulder. Come on people.


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