Answer Me’s team reunites for new drama

The wonder team that created tvN’s pop-culture sensation Answer Me 1997 and its follow-up Answer Me 1994 is reuniting to produce a new drama, so naturally the big question is: Will we be getting another Answer Me? That is to say, more youthful fervor seen through a nostalgic lens with insight and heart and lots of pop-culture references from the nineties?

PD Shin Won-ho has announced his intentions to prep a new show for early 2015, and has got his old team back, notably Answer Me (and Grandpas Over Flowers, Noonas Over Flowers, 1 Night 2 Days) head writer Lee Woo-jung. He hasn’t nailed down the details yet, but confirmed that it would be a drama rather than a variety program, and that he is busily discussing the possibilities with the writer. Crazy to think that they’d be great at either format, and that the excitement would greet whichever choice they went with.

Asked for details, PD Shin said, “From the producers’ standpoints, we’d like to work on a new project each time, but we are considering the requests from fans for another sequel and also the company’s stance. We’re deliberating over both possibilities—whether to leave behind the Answer Me brand or to continue with it.”

There must be something in the water over there at tvN/CJ, and with this particular cadre of producers, which includes Grandpas Over Flowers evil mastermind Na Young-seok (aka just Na PD). In recent months, tvN has been snapping up talent left and right in the producer/director ranks, with a number of names jumping ship from their Big Three jobs to the cable station. Seriously, I’d put my money on them as the next big broadcasting force.

Na PD recently confirmed that he is planning a new backpacking travel program (which won’t be part of the Flowers series) along with—who else?—another 1N2D alum who jumped to tvN, PD Shin Hyo-jung. I just hope writer Lee Woo-jung won’t have to write two shows at once (and while traveling abroad with one of them) as she did with Answer Me 1994 and Noonas Over Flowers; it’s a wonder she managed the workload, much less produced two really well-done programs. But the drama appetite waits for no one, apparently, not even exhausted creatives. Moar, moar, moar!

Via Star News, TV Report


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Thank you for the news. I didn't get into Reply 1994 (but it's on the list!) but this is cool news. I hope they do something different - with the same heart and fun as the Answer Me series but telling a different kind of story. You can only make so many sequels before the novelty starts to wear off.

Also very happy to hear that TvN is bringing aboard so many talented people. I really do love their programs for the most part and I love that they're carving out little niches in different genres while simultaneously trying new things. I appreciate the freedom they're able to have as a cable channel and I hope they continue to produce quality programs as their stable of talent grows. I just hope they continue to allow them to be creative and innovative and take risks. They do pay off.


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Second that. i wish for a different set up. I love the "husband guessing" the first time, but i can't watch it the second time with answer me 1994, it makes me stop watching it, even though i love the character so much. I hope for different set up and no more "husband guessing"please.


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Yes I agree the novelty starts to wear off if too many sequels from the answer me brand. For Answer me 1994, i got tired from the whole husband game. We all know oppa has a higher possibility to be thr husband (to me it is 95% since this is always how the game goes). I got a little weared from A1994, I almost dropped it halfway watching. If they make another drama, please, no more guessing the husband game. And please, no more Answer me sequels. I love that show. I rate A1997 a 10/10, but it is getting tiring. What matters is quality not quantity.

Also, I have always been wondering how korean dramaland works. How did many talents junped ship from the Big3 to tvn? I thought there is some contract agreement? Yup I am kinda naive in this drama politics game. I only know SBS, MBC and KBS are the oligopolies in dramaland (economics yeap). But why tvn has more freedom? And how do tv stations earn? How ratings affect their earnings?

Yup Tvn is more consistent in terms of quality of shows. The Big3 are rather inconsistent. Sometimes good sometimes very bad. Notably SBS now is enjoying a peak. Following The Heirs, Master Sun, YFAS high ratings, the current You are all surrounded is again enjoying high ratings although 3Days does not do so. I wonder which station will get the Hong sister drama. I always wonder how they choose which station to corporate with. Is it a contract based thing?


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I so agree with you TVN puts out amazing shows.

Also, you almost dropped Answer 1994 I actually did. I was hoping it was one husband and got tired of it.

I watched the last episode and was glad I quit the show I was defiantly on the wrong ship, he turned out not to be the husband. :-(

I was emotionally drained by it. So I really do hope that there will be no more of that if they continue the series.


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I was crossing my fingers for a twist! T_T but nope didn''t get it! Anyway, it was still a good watch for the non-romance scenes where the friendship is just as important!


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I'm very happy for TvN. Looks like the same thing that is happening in the US right now with Cables networks is happening in Korea. There is so much more quality in the cable shows that the public starts to shift and go to cable instead of big stations because the big stations only focus on money and dont care about the quality of their products, they also dont treat the creative force behind their shows well. I can see a lot of talented actors in Korea to go to the cable shows soon because the big stations dont value them. I'm so sick of seeing Idols in every drama and barely real actors around like Hyun Bin. I want him to do some cable shows because he is one actor who is never a sellout and he seems to prefer quality to money.


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Yes, moar, moar, moar! Superwoman Lee Woojung!

And oh yeah, cameos from our favourites Kim Daeju and Na Youngseok please!


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I had bittersweet memories of both Answer Me shows. 1997 was great at the beginning but it lagged towards the end, while 1994 was draggy at the beginning, great at the middle and dragged again at the end.

If they're planning on another series like Answer Me, just please ditched the husband mystery concept.


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If the one hour and a half episodes were reduced to an hour like the first season of Answer Me had, I think I would have enjoyed 1994 a lot more. Frankly the draggy pace was the reason I dropped at around ep 12.


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If they continue with AM series and DO ditch the husband game, I bet they will replace it with "the grandpa game" or something like that, kekeke. Evil Shin PD is... evil LOL.

Okay, another AM series or not, I will be on board anyway. Just hope that they will keep working with Sung Dong Il and Lee Il Hwa ^^


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The "A" to this "Q" of what's next can really only have one option..Coming this fall from the team that brought you Answer Me, 1997 (H.O.T Stuff), Answer Me 1994 (It's Shooting Season, Hoops that is)
Is now Answer me, Joseon. Complete with a soundtrack that's sure to take you way, way back, this focuses on one gisaeng's assistant, who must attempt to control her total fangirling over painter Shin Yun Bok. The laughs, da feelz, the assassination attempts.
Also special appearance of Song Dong Il and Lee Il Hwa who play... the exact same roles, this time in charge of gisaeng house. Let the hilarity and nicknames begin!


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Your comment...
It's like a combination of Answer Me series and Painter on the Wind...
I want MCW and MGY then as leads.


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OMG, I just laughed so hard. That is a BRILLIANT idea!


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OMG too good! Just too good! I can actually imagine the epicness of that. I need it right now.


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Answer Me 1812!!

Or Answer Me, Painter of The Wind!!


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OMG, that's actually kind of perfect! Yes, please! Now I want this to happen.


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Either Yoo Yeon-seok or Park Seo-joon in contention for the lead will be fiiiineeeee with me!!


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It just has to be either one of them


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The success of any business is the good treatment of its people. Tvn heads probably trust and give the producers and writers creative freedom in their projects. That said, the PD and writer team need to work well together and have a common objective or else you'll end up with PD or writer walking out in the middle of a drama as we've seen of late.
If the Answer Me team plans to do a third installment, my only request is to not troll us with Who's the Husband? plot. Answer Me 1994 left a bittersweet taste to me mainly because of the toxic environment of the shipping war, it was madness indeed!


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I hope they make something as fun as both the previous shows. AM'94 was good but I couldn't get myself to like it as much as it's predecessor. Of course not because my favorite ship sank (pfft, obviously)! Maybe because I tend to incline towards the first part of the series more or because they could have been done with 1994 by reducing it to 20 one-hour episodes instead of adding half-an-hour extra. I hope they eliminate the 'husband mystery' in their new show, I got sick of it after the 16th episode, felt like this was the only thing the show was centered around.

Also, it would be nice if they write the female lead like they had written Sung Shi-Won. She is my favorite female character along with Cheon Song-Yi. I won't mind idols acting this time either because JEJ, Dohee and Bora were really good in their respective roles. After looking at their previous cast ensemble, I'm pretty sure that the makers won't disappoint us with their choice of actors.


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For me Answer Me 1997 was 100 times better than Answer Me 1994.


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I don't have good memories of AM94, oy the ship wars, the dragged out plot and overly long episodes. My initial response is to hope it's not another Answer Me.

On the upside this team did create great characters and I loved the romance stories if I forget all the Who's The Husband crap that surrounded them.


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I hope it will something fresh and youthful ...totally loving tvN,my favorite station by far and it seems in the near future it will a big one and with quality people!


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I sincerely hope its another AM drama. I enjoyed both AM97 and AM94 to its maximum and loved all characters, especially Yoon Jae, Shi Won, Garbage oppa and Na Jeong. I hope there'd be cross overs. How awesome would it be if they show how the parents (SDI and LIH) met, and make that the main storyline?


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more answer me please. I could watch a million of those series even if they took place in the same years just with a different cast


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looking at the comments, it seems that many intl fans like r97 more than r94. but im the only one i guess for liking the sequel way way better than its predecessor. maybe it's because i watched 94 first? the bond between all the characters seem stronger to me and idk man i'm just emotionally connected to all of them and their story not to mention that the casts are hella awesome at playing their roles. eventho i have to agree that they kinda dragged it out especially on the latter.


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I loved R94 more too. However, I agree with the suggestion they ditch the husband game.


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Same here, although i watched 97 first, i never felt the emotional connection with the characters, the story was fresh fun and unique, but the last few episodes were a little disappointing for me.
I agree that 94 dragged a lot in the second half, but i loved the characters a lot, i felt they were treated with much more depth and their stories were more relatable.


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Maybe keep Answer Me, but ditch the who's-the-husband game and cut the episode length. 1994 was WAY too long. But this is a talented team and I will watch whatever they put out.


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I throughly enjoyed both Answer me 1997 and Answer me 1994 but if they plan on continuing with the series then i hope they handle the husband mystery properly this time around.It just felt too draggy and that the writers were just yanking the viewers around for heck of it.
And who can forget the S**tstorm that broke out among the kdrama fans in various forums when supporting trash oppa and chilbongie. haha. The emotions kdramas bring about. :)


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I'll be sitting this one out - 94 scarred me for life!


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Wow! That is so awesome for tvN!

I wish there was more coverage out there on the people behind the scenes such as Na PD and awesome writer Lee Woo-jung. I've been loving the Grandpa/Noona series and a part of the reason I tune in is because I enjoy seeing the snippets of Na PD interacting with the cast. He just seems like a really funny and awesome person! These people are the masterminds and superheros to some of our favorite shows, but (at least on American Google) it's hard to find any information about them at all! So thanks again Dramabeans for sharing this kind of news!


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I loved the AM shows, so I would enjoy another one. If they HAVE to do the spouse-guessing thing though, it would be an interesting twist to make a boy be the lead, and have his future wife be the question mark.


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I watched answer 1997 first and then answer 1994 after, and I prefer answer 1994, the characters I could connect more and the friendship felt stronger imo.

Answer 1997 is more loved maybe because fans are younger - and they can connect to fan culture, one thing I just can't.

Plus some dislike answer 1994 because they refused to see major hints that the lead female had only one person in my and heart and it wasn't Chilbong.


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Hmm, maybe this time around, can we return to the 30 min format? And for god's sakes, can we PLEASE just leave behind the first love fetish this writer seems to have? First loves are not some holy sacred thing that /have/ to work out every time.

I'm all for a Reply part three. I'm actually kind of interested in seeing a genderbend for this -- a male main character and a guess who's the wife. Then again, that might actually end with more fanwars than the previous two installments and I don't know if I can put up with that another time...


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Looking forward to their next project.


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I just finished marathoning Reply 1997/1994
i reeeeaaallllyyyyy hope there will be a third one i loved 1994 so so so so much (Garbage Oppa <3)


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Very much liked both 1997 and 1994, but overall, the story line and characters were better in 1994 (the whole crazy fandom thing in 1997 was just too much) along w/ more humor, while 1997 had the more heart-breaking emotional moments/scenes.

Loved dad & mom in both, but they had more to do/were more critical in 1994 (since they were parents of a high school kid, instead of a college kid) due to the storyline regarding health, etc.

Yeah, both had some pacing issues but pretty much every drama has that issue and the excellent writing/dialogue and acting more than made up for it.

Wouldn't mind seeing another round of AM, but maybe PD Shin should do something else 1st before coming back to that.

Not surprised that top talent are drawn to tvN; being a cable network, the PDs/writers have so much more freedom - which is why most of the best American TV shows of recent have also been cable shows (HBO, AMC, etc.).


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I think if they made another Answer Me show, they shouldn't continue the husband game. That gets old after a while, and it almost ruined AM 1994 for me.
Hopefully they put something fresh and interesting that won't bore the viewers, and they decided with a more reasonable timing for the show (AM 1997 had 30-minute episodes, while AM 1994 had 1hr30 minute episodes), I think it wouldn't be too short or too long if they had the show at exactly 1 hr.


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Usually, I would say no to another sequel, but the Answer Me series hold a special place in my heart, especially Answer Me 1997.
I would love it if they only made 16 eps, each 30-45 minutes in length. This time, I would like the husband game to be turned into the wife game, and not be super dragged out. I would watch the hell out of that.


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No more Answer Me series, please. They better make a brand new series. I love Answer Me 1997 because it was so fresh and unique when I watch it. And while I like Answer Me 1994, the whole who-is-the-husband thing is very tiring and they dragged it too long. Well then, if they still want to make the new Answer Me series (but I still think it's better if they make a new series), ditch the whole who-is-the-husband thing!


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I'd watch a million Answer Mes! Even at their draggiest they are better than 99% of what's out there. I don't even mind the guessing game, though i do agree that they did a lot of dumb stuff just for the "gotcha" factor and they dragged it out too long so we never got to see the "loser" get a satisfactory ending. But, all in all, I just don't let myself get all crazy about it; sit back and enjoy the ride.

I would love to see a role reversal, though. Just because I've seen a thousand KDramas with two viable male love interests but I've never seen one with two viable female love interests. It's always one good girl and one crazy girl. You don't even see this in Western TV. I guess it's because men are supposed to be doing the pursuing. Maybe a situation where there are two main couples and we have to figure out who ends up with who...


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Also, even if they don't make a new Answer Me, i hope they keep it in the Answer Me Universe.


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Personally I want one more Answer Me sequel starting with 2000 then I want them to move on to something else, then when we least expect it say 10/15 years from now I want them to come back with one final Answer Me sequel bringing all three families together.


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Never had any desire to watch Answer Me series.


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Daebak... Can't wait! They made me such fans so even if they filmed the cast reading phonebooks... I WILL WATCH! Hahaha...

And that aside... CAMEOS... Please... I need cameos of AM 1997 and AM 1994!


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Yay...I suppose. Answer me team is amazingly talented and I really do trust in their creative capabilities. But the question is, are they going to repeat the same mistakes as with AM1994? That show had so much potential but was ruined (for me) because of excessive product placement and dragged out love triangle. I loved AM1997 to bits, but the sequel left me feel cheated (and no, I was not a Chilbong shipper). I will definitely check this new drama out, but if I see one more round of “guess the husband” game I am out. Well, not out, but most likely I will not start watching before the last episode airs.


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tvN is just taking over. Lee Woo-jung is just awesome with what she's done as a writer. I bet the main networks want her bad but she has more freedom to be bold with her writing on a cable network.


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tVN has to be my favourite K-drama network. It's amazing and I feel it's breaking away from the cliche genres and dramas. I mean, if you watch Kdramas for a while, like a few months you you notice the trend in which the drama plays itself- which gets really annoying at time. I honestly feel that tVN dramas are the only dramas I can marathon back to back without taking a break. I can just go on watching them and be totally awed. tVN fighting!


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I wish this wonder team would work with stars such as Kim Soo Hyun..or IU. I bet that would be an awesome drama :) Great production + well-known korean stars! IT'LL BE CHALLENGING!!


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I know this post is super later, but if anyone sees this, I heard that the Answer Me franchise is getting an American remake (to be produced by FOX) called Answer me 1999 Can anyone confirm this??


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I enjoyed both series, i hope they cont. with reply series but they definetly have to drop the who's the husband angle and why the hell do all the main girls end up with a guy that they considered like a brother? That needs to be ditched. I suggest having a 13 yr old be the narrator and telling the story of how their parents got together and we have to guess who their parents are. By mid season it can be revealed and it can look at the years in which the child was raise comedic of course. I think that would be interesting it should star lee couple.


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