Witch’s Romance: Episode 8

It’s an emotional roller coaster as Ji-yeon finds out the truth of what happened six years ago, and why Shi-hoon never showed up to their wedding. She struggles with reconciling the pain of the past six years to the realization that Shi-hoon never stopped loving her, and it’s not an easy journey for anyone. There’s lots of tears, but there’s lots of awesomeness as Shi-hoon’s six-year disappearance is addressed, instead of just swept under the Dramaland rug of plot convenience. Dong-ha and Mom duke it out to be the favorite of the episode, for being both adorable and a voice of reason to help Ji-yeon navigate her confusion.


Prior to the press conference, Shi-hoon reveals the portrait of Ji-yeon to his assistant. He surprises his assistant even further when he admits that he decided to put it up because he felt like it would be the last time to confess, since he plans to go back to the U.S. after the exhibition. Even though Ji-yeon ripped up the invitation to the opening, he’s confident she’ll at least see the image in the newspapers.

But as Shi-hoon is making his grand confession during the press conference, the assistant recognizes Ji-yeon and hurries to the exhibit hall, furiously insisting the curators take down the collage before the reporters arrive.

But it’s too late: The reporters are here, and so is Ji-yeon. The cameras flash endless pictures as Ji-yeon stands frozen after Shi-hoon’s “Let’s start over.” Just as Dong-ha is rushing forward to save her from the situation, Shi-hoon grabs her hand and they run out of the exhibition room together, with the rest of the reporters in hot pursuit.

They hide out in the work room, where their breathless proximity unnerves Ji-yeon.

Meanwhile, the assistant is angry with Dong-ha because he allowed Ji-yeon to attend the exhibition. (Like anyone could “permit” Ji-yeon to do anything.) She says that Shi-hoon is leaving next week, so Dong-ha should make sure Ji-yeon doesn’t make a fool out of Shi-hoon, like she just did in front of all the reporters. Dong-ha points out that it was actually Shi-hoon who confessed — and besides, what kind of person does that when he knows he’s leaving in a week?

The assistant insists that this is better for everyone, because obviously a world-renowned photojournalist shouldn’t be pulled down by some tabloid reporter. Ji-yeon is a stumbling block to Shi-hoon, just like she was six years ago. The assistant is all crazy eyes as she insists that this was the reason why Shi-hoon never attended the wedding.

Dong-ha wonders if that’s really how Shi-hoon felt, or is it just the assistant’s biased interpretation. After all, why would Shi-hoon still have the ring Ji-yeon returned all those years ago? She awkwardly clutches the envelope she’s holding, and Dong-ha snatches it from her, revealing the contents to be the wedding rings and a photo of surgical instruments. On the back is written “Somalia” and the date: March 15, 2008.

Ji-yeon and Shi-hoon have managed to escape their sudden paparazzi onslaught, and she demands to know what the deal is with that picture of her — did he think she would be touched by it? She tells him that she only went into the exhibition hall to see exactly what it was that he deemed more important than her. For six years she wondered what it is she did wrong to cause him to abandon her. If she’d known, she could have fixed it.

Shi-hoon tells her that she didn’t do anything wrong, and that she’s perfect. Maybe so, but while he was off taking his super important photos, she had a very painful and difficult six years. She can never forgive him for that, which is why they won’t start over.

Meanwhile, the assistant continues to insist that she’s made Shi-hoon into the important, famous photographer that he is today, and that no one else cares as much as she does for him, not even Ji-yeon. Dong-ha is pained as he points out that she’s the direct cause of years-long suffering for both Ji-yeon and Shi-hoon.

She argues that if Ji-yeon and Shi-hoon resolve their misunderstanding, then Dong-ha loses his girlfriend, and she loses the only man in her life (not to mention the future she’s worked so hard for). Dong-ha, disgusted, says that he’s different from her, and walks away.

He shows up to where Ji-yeon and Shi-hoon are, and surprises Ji-yeon by showing her the old engagement rings. But since she doesn’t like Shi-hoon, they must not need them anymore — and Dong-ha chucks them into the pool.

As Ji-yeon reels from the knowledge that he’s kept the rings all this time, Shi-hoon angrily grabs Dong-ha’s collar before letting go, determined to fetch the rings out from the pool. Dong-ha lays down the truth about what really happened: The assistant lied to Ji-yeon when she said that Shi-hoon regretted ever getting engaged, and that Shi-hoon was shot in the leg and unable to attend the wedding due to the surgery.

Ji-yeon escorts Shi-hoon back to his office after he waded into the pool, concerned after learning about his getting shot and the fact that being the water could make his condition worse. She carefully tends to him, making sure he’s okay, while Dong-ha waits impatiently on a bench outside the apartment. He tries to shake off the thought that he’ll lose Ji-yeon now that they know the truth about Shi-hoon.

Shi-hoon explains why he never showed up for the wedding: He was sent on a last-minute assignment to Somalia, and was set to leave the day before the wedding, but war broke out. She tears up when he describes how was in a coma from his surgery for three months, and when he woke up, he saw she had returned her ring.

The next morning, Ji-yeon has a lot to think about as she sits outside on the same bench Dong-ha where had waited for her last night.

At the office, the Trouble Maker staff is pouring over news articles about Shi-hoon’s exhibition, in disbelief that the woman in the photo could be “the witch” Ji-yeon. Young-sik is the only one happy at the news as he fanboys that his two most respected sunbaes are actually a couple.

Director Kwon is delighted at the turn of events, gleefully plotting ways they can capitalize on this popularity. He suggests a tell-all article: “Phillip Noh and his Beloved Girl,” but Ji-yeon refuses. She isn’t even persuaded when he threatens to get Team Leader Byun to write the article and promises they’ll hide her face.

Ji-yeon ignores the multitude of calls that flood the office, even turning off her phone as good measure. She instead goes to visit with Na-rae for some girl-talk to try and figure out what she’s going to do. After all, Shi-hoon didn’t even try to contact her for six years, and Na-rae wonders why Dong-ha would have volunteered to tell them the truth about the misunderstanding, since it wouldn’t be to his benefit.

Watching a make-over show with her ahjumma workout friends, Ji-yeon’s mother is horrified at how painful it must be to go through so much plastic surgery. She thinks a person should just be happy with however they look naturally. But hearing the ahjummas talk about the benefits seems to change her mind and the next thing you know, she’s sitting nervously in a plastic surgeon’s office. HA. As he’s explaining some simple procedures to make her look ten years younger, she suddenly feels faint.

She’s taken to the hospital due to malnourishment for exercising on an empty stomach, but because Ji-yeon can’t be reached, Dong-ha is the one who rushes to the hospital to make sure everything is okay. All the other women in the ward are jealous of Dong-ha’s caring attentiveness (and pretty face), and Mom just lets them continue to think he’s her son-in-law. Dong-ha totally goes along with it. Aw.

Mom thinks he’s the perfect guy, except for the fact he’s just an assistant — until one of the doctors recognizes him as one of his hoobaes. Dong-ha admits that he was in medical school but hasn’t yet graduated, and Mom practically swoons at the thought that he’s a potential doctor.

When Ji-yeon rushes in to the hospital room, ready to kick up a fuss, Mom guilts her into seeing Dong-ha off.

They awkwardly stand side-by-side as they wait for the elevator. Dong-ha does an adorable and exaggerated lean to see her face and then smiles, glad to know that she’s not avoiding him any more. She tells him she was just troubled, and he snorts — it’s been hard for him, too, seeing her make the front page with “that polar bear.”

But apparently the polar bear is exactly who he wants to see, as Dong-ha visits Shi-hoon at his office. He’s there to return the wedding rings (Dong-ha fished them out of the pool instead).

Shi-hoon asks Dong-ha why he bothered to clear up the misunderstanding between him and Ji-yeon, and Dong-ha says that even though he may regret it a little, he did it because he hoped it would help Ji-yeon have some closure and free her so she can be with him without any regrets. After all, just because she now knows what really happened, that doesn’t negate the struggle of the past six years.

Shi-hoon admits those were six difficult years, but he and Ji-yeon also had ten wonderful years together, and that can’t be forgotten. Dong-ha says they’ll just have to wait and see who she’s with in ten years.

Back at the hospital, Ji-yeon is giving her mother grief for dieting instead of taking better care of herself at her age. Mom: “Do you think I was born your mother?”

She points out that a woman wants to look good at any age. Suspicious, Ji-yeon asks if she’s dating anyone, and Mom neatly dodges the question, turning the attention instead to Dong-ha. She mentions all the merits of “Mr. Yoon” and how, if he’d just finish medical school, he’d be the perfect guy. I love that Mom’s totally Team Dong-ha now.

Eun-chae, Dong-ha, and Rin-ji are cleaning up the Trouble Maker meeting room when Dong-ha gets a call from Soo-chul and rushes off. Eun-chae totally has puppy eyes as she watches him go, which does not go unnoticed by Rin-ji. She sits Eun-chae down to give her a little-heart-to-heart, telling her she should snap him up as soon as she can.

Particularly since it seems like there’s something fishy going on between him and “the witch.” Eun-chae’s eyes narrow at that news.

Director Kwon stops by the hospital to check on Ji-yeon’s mother, and she’s adorably flustered at his appearance. She tells him that it’s nothing serious — she just overworked herself by exercising too much because she gained some weight recently.

He surprises her by insisting she looks good just the way she is (since she thought he was only attracted to pretty models), and that more women should be beautiful by being healthy, like she is. Aw, I can’t blame Mom for finding him even more handsome after saying that.

The next day at the Trouble Maker office, Ji-yeon ponders the news articles about Shi-hoon and his “mysterious love” before going to the director and telling him she’ll write the article. Her only stipulation is they can’t use her photo at all, which Director Kwon agrees to.

Shi-hoon shows up unannounced at Ji-yeon’s mother’s house, and it’s like seeing a ghost. Voice shaking, she yells at him for daring to call her “mother” when he’s been gone for six years with no word. She spent months acting like a crazy woman, trying to track down any trace of him, but it was like he had disappeared into thin air.

He gets down on his knees as he informs her that he never once forgot Ji-yeon for a single day during those six years, and Ji-yeon’s mother once thought of him as her own son, so please give him another chance. Mom’s voice suddenly becomes much calmer as she agrees: Yes, she treated Shi-hoon better than she would her husband if he was still living — but Shi-hoon needs to “wake up” because Ji-yeon forgot about him years ago.

With that parting shot, she goes into the house — and collapses in shock after she closes the door. She weeps as she wonders how he could say that after being away for so long, her heart grieving for her daughter.

Suddenly wondering if Ji-yeon knows that Shi-hoon’s back, she hurries to Na-rae’s restaurant (where she thinks Ji-yeon has been staying). But Na-rae and Min-goo’s awkward attempts to cover for Ji-yeon lead to outing the fact that Ji-yeon is living at Dong-ha’s, and Mom rushes out.

Soo-chul preps for a night out clubbing when he goes to answer the door — and it’s Mom. She’s ready to storm in and yell at “Mr. Yoon” but is stopped by the sight of Soo-chul: “Who are you?”

Ji-yeon gives up on her attempt to hide (and also subtly makes it clear that Soo-chul should high-tail it out of there, ha). Mom yells at her for being an unmarried woman living with men, even wondering if she’s got more guys hidden around the apartment. Hahaha!

Dong-ha is on his way back to the apartment, but Soo-chul stops him, warning him that Ji-yeon’s mother is there, and it’s best he stay away. But that only prompts him to hurry up the stairs. He steels himself for the confrontation as he opens the door, but as soon he walks in, he hears them talking about Shi-hoon, and he stops in the entry way.

Mom is angry at the way Shi-hoon jilted Ji-yeon at the altar and then disappeared without a word for six years, but Ji-yeon explains the situation regarding his accident. Mom insists that he still could have contacted them.

Ji-yeon’s all fired up as she agrees: Even if it wasn’t six years ago, why not five? Or three? Or even last year? Good questions, all of them.

The two women take turns calling him names, and as Mom is ready to unleash more fury on Shi-hoon, she looks over to see Ji-yeon’s face crumpling as she starts to cry.

Ji-yeon sobs as she admits that her heart still hurts. Mom also tears up and pulls her daughter into a tight hug as Ji-yeon repeats over and over through her tears that her heart hurts so much. Having overheard everything, Dong-ha quietly slips unnoticed out of the apartment.

Team Leader Byun drags Young-sik into the Trouble Maker restroom (which is probably the coolest unisex bathroom I’ve ever seen), bribing him with promises of blind dates if he’ll take some pictures for him. At first Young-sik is adorably loyal to Ji-yeon, but is eventually persuaded.

Shi-hoon is at coffee shop, and when he sees a couple laughing as they huddle over a laptop, he remembers earlier days when he and Ji-yeon would spent their time in similar ways.

She was studying for an entrance exam for one of the newspapers so that she and Shi-hoon could fulfill a dream of traveling the world, sharing important stories — she would write them, and he would take the photos. I have to begrudgingly admit they made a pretty adorable couple back then, all smiles and playful banter. (It’s also super cute how she keeps protesting when he takes her picture, but she still poses anyway.)

Back in the current day, Ji-yeon arrives at his table, where he shows off that he not only remembers how she takes her coffee, but that she also doesn’t like cooked carrots, she squeezes the toothpaste tube from the middle, and she likes to kiss when she gets drunk. (Pretty sure Dong-ha knows that last one, too. Just sayin’.)

But this isn’t a friendly date — it’s an official interview. Ji-yeon tells him that with her article, she’ll bury all the other ones about the “Once Beloved” photograph.

Across the way from the coffee shop, Team Leader Byun and Young-sik have been taking photos of Ji-yeon and Shi-hoon (Team Leader Byun marveling that “the witch” is capable of smiling like that). It’s laughable the ridiculous way they’ve tried to hide themselves behind a newspaper and a magazine, so Ji-yeon notices them right away.

She walks straight over to them, and Team Leader Byun runs away, but at her command Young-sik stays and, with additional threats (and a smack upside the head), hands over the SD card of all the photos he took.

Soo-chul, Eun-chae, and Dong-ha meet up for their three-way date at Na-rae’s restaurant, and even though Soo-chul is at his charming best, Eun-chae only has eyes for Dong-ha.

Na-rae notices this right away, calling it an “ominous gaze” as she worries for poor Dong-ha. She also worries because he’s drinking more than usual. Dong-ha takes shot after shot of soju, until he eventually agrees that it’s time for him to head home, telling Soo-chul to take care of Eun-chae.

When Eun-chae says that they should go, too, Soo-chul tells her (out of concern) that it won’t work with Dong-ha — he can only ever be just an oppa she knows.

Dong-ha lies down on the benches outside the apartment, thinking back to when Ji-yeon cried about how her heart hurts, and laughs to himself as he says the polar bear is too strong.

Ji-yeon waits in the apartment with suitcase open, and any time she hears a noise she pretends to be focused on packing — but once she realizes that it isn’t Dong-ha, she sighs and takes out all her clothes. Aw, why so cute? But eventually she can’t figure out how to stall any longer, and she paces the apartment with her suitcase fully packed until Dong-ha finally arrives home.

She pretends that she just “happened” to catch him as she was on her way over to her apartment, glad she gets a chance to say “goodbye.” Dong-ha is slightly confused (and, y’know, still tipsy), because they’ll continue to live next-door to each other, not to mention see each other at work every day. But he still offers to carry her suitcase over.

Back in Ji-yeon’s newly renovated apartment, Dong-ha volunteers his services to help her unpack, and when she says she’ll take care of it later, he tells her she should use him while he’s here. She offers him a drink (beer? Maybe? Yes? Please?), but just then her phone rings and, sigh, of course it’s Shi-hoon.

Dong-ha’s face falls as she retreats to the kitchen to have a private conversation with Shi-hoon. He turns around to reveal the book he’s been hiding behind his back (Paulo Coelho’s The Magic Moment). Flipping through the pages, he reads one of the passages to himself:

True love sincerely wishes the other person to be happy. Life is short. So if there are any words you’ve been holding in your heart, consider this your last chance and try saying them today. The moment of magic you’ve been waiting for is, without delay, today.

On the title page of the book, Dong-ha has written: “Would you stay with me?”

He slides the book on the shelf as Ji-yeon returns with his drink (aw, just OJ), and when she turns towards the hallway, he hurries after. Pulling her into a back hug, he asks: “Can you not go back to him?”


Ahhhhhhh! Talk about your cliff-hanger. Even though I totally want her to say she’ll stay with Dong-ha (where they will of course drink beer as they set up her apartment, which would hopefully lead to — ahem — other things), I also can understand her confusion right now. I may not like it, but I understand it.

Honestly, this was a hard episode for me to recap, because so much of it was dwelling in Ji-yeon’s pain and confusion over what really happened with Shi-hoon, and trying to figure out she feels now that she knows the truth. I’m still totally on board with Shi-hoon sticking to his promise of leaving after his exhibition and never coming back, but Ji-yeon never really got to have the closure she needed from that relationship. There’s no doubt she loved him. She was going to marry him. He was an important, vital part of her life — and then suddenly he was gone.

She may have managed to move on and live her life, but that pain was somehow always there. She always expects, for example, that the anniversary of their non-wedding is going to be one of the worst days out of her year. The first item she was desperate to save from her apartment was the polar bear proposal photo. So to suddenly be confronted with the fact that he’s returned from out of the blue and still loves her as much as he ever did, her world has been turned upside down.

Which is why I think the most moving scene was when she and Mom were in the apartment, and Ji-yeon goes from calling Shi-hoon a bastard to bursting into tears. That was such a real moment — she knows that it’s ridiculous he’s spent all this time away without bothering to contact her even once, and she knows that it would be best to cut him out of her life, like she’s been used to for the past six years. But her heart is suddenly reeling from having what was thought to be a scarred-over wound now suddenly opened up fresh and new. It’s frustrating, of course, because we all want her to just be with Dong-ha (like, yesterday), but this is important because we need her to officially move on through her own free will, and not just because he’s suddenly no longer there.

As painful as it is, I really appreciate the writers for giving us a very real and accurate struggle of what it feels like to encounter an old ex that you thought you were over, and you know you should be over, but something still tugs at the heart, whether you like it or not. Which is why I (yet again) admire Dong-ha’s emotional maturity because he knows that this is a something Ji-yeon needs to work through, even if it means risking that he’ll lose her to Shi-hoon. But unlike that awful assistant (who Shi-hoon should seriously fire, because she’s crazy-pants), Dong-ha loves Ji-yeon to a point where he wants to make sure she’s happy, even if it’s without him. Even so, he’s not going to go down the path of noble idiocy and give up without a fight.

Even though I’m still worried that she’ll brush him off because she needs more time to figure out how she feels about Shi-hoon. Sigh.

But how about some happy thoughts? Like Mom — she totally gets MVP of the episode. How awesome is she? I love that we have a Dramaland mother who feels like a real mother and not just some two-dimensional character that just slides an envelope of money across the table so she can protect her chaebol son from some undesirable poor woman.

Yes, she wants Ji-yeon to get married and is totally willing to force her into going on blind dates, but mostly she wants to see Ji-yeon happy. She’s willing to fight for her daughter’s happiness, whether it’s spending her time and money trying to track down Shi-hoon when he first disappeared, or ordering him to get out when he reappears, knowing seeing him again will totally crush Ji-yeon. Not to mention how she saucily teases her daughter, pointing out just because she’s a mom, doesn’t mean she can’t have her own life and love (and aw, how cute a couple does she make with Director Kwon?).

When it comes right down to it, the reason I love Ji-yeon’s mother (and not just because she was totally the voice of reason) is that their mother-daughter relationship feels so real to me — I can see my own relationship with my mother reflected in it. I’ve mentioned before that Dong-ha and Ji-yeon impress me with how they are able to genuinely connect with one another, and this ability to connect is something I see spreading throughout the entire show. Characters that seemed to be plot devices at first glance are now given more depth and sincerity (not all of them, of course, but I find I keep becoming more and more surprised that there’s more to other characters than I originally gave them credit for).

A rom-com that gives me character growth also gives me hope, since now that we’re at the half-way point, I figure we’ll still be dealing with unpacking the rest of the emotional baggage that’s been sitting around for six years as Shi-hoon’s been off having surgeries and other adventures. While I would normally sigh at the promise of more angst, I’m actually hopeful that this means Ji-yeon will be able to move on and return to Dong-ha with clear heart.

And also some kisses. (Seriously, show. There needs to be more kisses.)


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This show is such a delightful surprise. I expected it to be a bubbly romcom, and it is, but it has so many unexpected wonderful elements to it that it's become the show I look forward to and can expect good things from, as opposed to a show I just check out when I have the time.

Thanks for the recap!


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I like DH's proposal with the book but it's a shame that she might not see it & there's really lack of kisses after that steamy kiss in episode 1 which disappoint me xP


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I do too but I kinda cringe at his method. I mean yes, it touched her when Shi Hoon gave her the photo with the "Would you marry me?" but is really using his method to ask her to stay good for her heart? I Feel that if she wants to start afresh he should do it in a different way.


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It's a nod to the original drama- in that he painted it on the wall in her apartment while it was being fixed up, then pushed a bookcase in front of it


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For some reason I thought that in ep 8 there was going to be a kiss between Jiyeon and Dongha - in most dramas the leads kiss at ep 8 so I was really disappointed... :(


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Thank you for the recap. I am not even following this drama. But am now going to wander over to viki and watch episode 8 after this.

Love that there are more shows being recapped on DB. I can now pop over at the appropriate episode to watch. And save myself the angst and suffering of actually following a show. Especially if the episodes are bad.

Thanks again.


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Thanks for recapping!!! Ugh I love how this show is breaking all sorts of k-drama tropes. Is it cos it's adapted from a Taiwanese serial? Dong-ha, I hope she stays with you. She has to!!! It's LOGIC. :((


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Wait, what? What exactly was he shot with that could result in a three month coma? This is the lamest disappearance exist I've ever heard. Never have I longed so earnestly for the good old days of Cancer abs Amnesia.

Also, Mom is pretty awesome, which makes me worried for her. We all know what happens to good parents in Dramaland.


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apparently the wound was infected or something, but it's still BS. they have phones in somalia. heck, she was probably his emergency contact.


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Yeah, that was a pretty lame excuse. They had been together for 10 years, was on the verge of getting married and all he did was accept the situation on the say so of his assistant or on the basis of a returned ring and a note? If it was the love of my life, the first thing I would have done as soon as I got out of that coma was to call or get back to that person. It's a dramaland excuse that would not fly in the real world for sure.


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I hate to say this but A conniving assistant + amnesia would have been a more plausible excuse. Either that or conniving assistant + 6 year coma.


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Yes. I can understand him not contacting her right away. He was sick and fell into a coma and during that time she returned his rings and didn't want anything to do with him anymore - according to the assistant, that is. He probably trusted his assistant in general and as he was weak and vulnerable, it's understandable he wouldn't have strength to question her or try to contact Ji-Yeon.

However, that only explains first few months. It does NOT explain ALMOST SIX YEARS OF ZERO CONTACT. It's possible, of course, that he's the type of guy who wants to run from his problems and as he was deeply hurt by Ji-Yeon's rejection (as he thought it was), he just kept running for all this time. However, in such a situation he's not a keeper. His avoidance of the problem caused Ji-Yeon immense pain for several years which is nearly unforgivable. Even if she had trusted him and had not believed the assistant, ball was in his court because she really had no chances to track him down.


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Him not contacting her... maybe... although... not contacting your fiancée?

That aside – when he was in a coma, she should have been contacted, not by the assistant but by a) his family (unless they are dead/hate him/hate her etc.) b) the embassy c) the professor because she was HIS FIANCÉE! and surely that would make her one of the first points of contact.

It's not just that he was a coma, but he was injured in a war zone – that's not a private injury, but one that will be reported in the news. Possibly without his name being mentioned but it's just the sort of things that makes it very unlikely that only one single person (the crazy assistant) would in control about all the information and able to manipulate and hide the truth from friends and family.

The zero contact once he awoke... no excuse for that in any way. He's a coward, but then he was one to begin with – you don't lie to your fiancée about going 'to Europe' when you are headed to a war zone a few weeks before your wedding.


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Wait what? What exactly was he shot in the LEG with that would result in a three month coma? This is the lamest disappearance excuse ever. Never have I longed so earnestly for the good old days of Cancer and Amnesia.

Also, Mom is pretty awesome, which makes me worried for her. We all know what happens to good parents in Dramaland.


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Not to mention, even I could've Googled him on the internet. It's called the www for a reason. He's a famous photographer. She's supposed to be in the media business. This plot would have made more sense fifty years ago.


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Except, they were looking in the wrong Country, on the wrong Continent, and for the wrong name. It seems to me that Shi-hoon had a whole life that she didn't know about. No wonder his assistant thought Ji Yeon was holding him back. (Not that she isn't certifiable crazy-cakes)


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He was a photographer in a war zone. The embassy would have gotten involved because countries are pretty sensitive when their nation's citizens are shot at in war situations. His identity would have been quickly revealed, even if (possibly) kept private, and family would have been contacted.


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In the episode, they said he acquired an infection in the gunshot wound which put him in the 3 month coma. I'm side eyeing that like crazy because I cannot even conceive of an infection in the leg that keeps you in a coma for 3 months instead of killing you or requiring an amputation.

Actually, I feel like it would have been more realistic if he'd had an amputation and spent 3 months in rehabilitation adjusting to a prosthetic leg than an infection induced coma.


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I don't know if I could handle another show with a super-clingy second-lead brooding over their prosthetic leg.


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LOL good observation! At least the guy doesn't act as bat sh!t crazy as Yeo Jin Gook but then again the drama is only half way over.


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My thoughts exactly!! I could KINDA understand if he'd just lost his leg and didn't contact her because he didn't feel like he was a whole man anymore. Or maybe it threw him in to some kind of 6-year depression that only the Power of His Art and the Memory of his Lost Love could drag him out of. I could maybe get on board with that.

Maybe that was the original plan, for him to lose his leg. But then that other second lead lost her leg so they decided to change it. If that's the case, they should have just run with and made 2014 The Year Of the Leg in Dramaland. It beats yet another year of Time Travel and Extra Sensory Powers.


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(I usually hate people who answer stuff like this with anecdotal information, so everybody is free to ignore it.) But- my mother in law got a Staph infection from surgery after her leg was broken, and went into a coma for over a year. She had a 30% chance of survival and amputating the leg would have increased it only slightly, so we didn't do it. Eventually she beat the infection and could walk again. So it is possible.


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And the shot is on the leg, at that. A comma from a shot on the leg. But there was an infection. Of course, that must be it, right? Very bad infection certainly can lead to a comma. Anyway, forget it…the question still remains: he coulda contacted her last year, 3 years ago, etc. But he didn't. Oh but her pain, so real isn't it? I think most of us could certainly relate.

What an awesome mom..played by the same awesome mom of IHYV. And since I was watching 3 dads, she also played a pretty awesome mom there too. I'm sooooo rooting for her with the Editor.


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Hello! Just wanted to say that the awesome mum from IHYV is another amazing actress called Kim Hae Sook ^^


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Is the mom the mom from prosecutor princess?


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If he hadn't tried to contact her for 6 years, he better had amnesia. And yes, the fact that he was in a coma for 3 months after being shot in the leg seems a little absurd. He didn't care to tell her anything within those 6 years, why bother to explain now


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And exactly why would stepping into a pool for a minute cause trouble for a 6 yr old wound?


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Oh don't even get me started on the water thing!! What is he, a Gremlin? Is he going to self replicate if he gets wet then turn into a monster when he eats after midnight? I'm not a doctor but I've studied a lot of biology and physiology in my day and I'm calling absolute shenanigans on this whole gunshot/infection/coma business!


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I cannot get over how much I love love love this couple and this drama!!

Kudos for Ji Yeon's Mom for putting Shi Hoon in his place. And for understanding Ji Yeon in every emotion and for being there for her in every emotion, whether it was cursing or crying her eyes out over Shi Hoon. And so glad that she is on Mr. Yoon's side now.

While Shi Hoon may not be the rat bastard for leaving the wedding for no good reason, he's still a bastard in my book for staying away for 6 years. While he questioned Ji Yeon for believing what the assistant told her, he's no better for just accepting that Ji Yeon would return the ring without a good reason.

Spinach! I hope he will continue to keep Eun Chae in check and keep her from doing anything that will cause misunderstanding between Dong Ha and Ji Yeon. If not, I hope Na Rae will use her slippers and eagle eyes to keep her at bay.

I love how easy it is for Ji Yeon & Dong Ha to communicate with each other. They flow so easily between being angry with each other, to explaining why they are angry, to joking and laughing with one another like nothing ever happened.

I completely understand Ji Yeon's pain and confusion, but I hope it doesn't go on for too long. I love that the show & Dong Ha is allowing her to get the emotional closure she never got. And Dong Ha!! I love that he knows exactly what he's up against and he's fighting a clean and honest fight to win Ji Yeon over.


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I'm totally devastated watching this episode . When Jiyeon said her heart hurts , my heart hurts more for Dong Ha . The back hug scene totally swoon me over . Show , please back to rom-com again . I can't stand watching Dong Ha like that .


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Han Jae Suk looks a lot like Won Bin. Is he WB's long lost older brother?


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I absolutely love this drama! How awesome is it that Solo Chul is once again a voice for reason when he advises Run Chase. Now whether Ms. Second lead will listen or not is something else...


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HAHA the auto correct in the names is funny.


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Lamest excuse ever! If he truly loves her..nothing could have stop him! But then,if he does..there would be no Dong Ha and that steamy kisses.

Love the show and the recap. About that back hug..i would love it more if he put one hand around her waist.. more romantic me think.


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The coma is a valid excuse for Shi-hoon not contacting Ji-yeon while he was in it. What I can't abide is him NOT bothering to come back to Korea when he woke up. Ji-yeon returning the ring isn't a reason to hide for 6 years. He is the one who put a professor's request before his wedding. He is the one who missed the wedding. He is the one who needed to go the extra mile and clear things up. If for no other reason than to apologize and wish Ji-yeon well.

I love Dong-ha. He is genuinely a respectable good guy. Clearing up misunderstandings because he wants to begin an honest relationship with Ji-yeon is admirable and smart. That way there won't be any unfinished business.

Love Mom and her crush. Hope she ends up with the director. <3


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I agree with everything you said


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it will get even better later lololol good thing i watched the tiawanese version so i already know whats going to happen eeeee yayyyy!!


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but I noticed that dong ha face look tired in the few scene in the drama..not enough rest probably.


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Thanks for the recap and I agree with your comments at the end, Odi. As much as I want Ji-yeon to be with Dong-ha, she needs a full closure with her relationship with Shi-hoon in order to start a new one and I'm even welcoming her emotional bursts which has been bottled up for the past six years. However, that packing scene is a pleasant addition to prove that she's starting to feel something to Dong-ha.

And how much more awesome can Dong-ha be? He reveals the truth that even Shi-hoon couldn't say even though it means he'll lose his chance and basically knocks that assistant to the ground and keep his distant with Ji-yeon when he knows she needs it but goes running to the hospital the moment he hears Ji-yeon's Mom is in there. He'd make a cute and great son and mother in law relationship with Ji-yeon's Mom.

I still can't warm up to Shi-hoon, his flashbacks with Ji-yeon is always cute but its mostly because of Ji-yeon. Now i just hope he can get out of the picture faster.


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the realism and relationships in this drama are wonderful. i haven't been driven to watch raws in a long time!

that said- soo chul is a scene stealer! need more of his immature man-boy tactics.


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Selective realism I would say.

Most things surrounding Shi-hoon are pretty non-sensical, though Dong-ha and Ji-yeon's interactions (they communicate!!!) and development of relationship are surprisingly realistic for a k-drama.


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Dong-ha is awesome. When I'm 39 ( & if I'm still single) I want a handsome & mature 25yr old like Dong-ha to pursue & confess to me. :D

I do find it interesting that Ji-yeon was waiting for Dong-ha before 'officially' moving back to her apartment.

I find Shi-hoon meh, not at all swoon-worthy.

While an infection can lead to sepsis, it a gradual thing. Why didn't his capable assistant get him transferred to a better hospital with better antibiotics 'cos i imagine that the way they would deal with a leg infection in a third world country would be amputation. Amputation I would have accept more readily 'cos then he's be lost in a downward spiral for a few months before accepting the loss of a limb. But infection & coma? Sigh. Seriously?


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I love this show to bits. I love that they're dealing honestly with Jiyeon's pain and unresolved feelings and giving her the opportunity to process everything that happened now that she knows the truth. It actually feels real and organic and not like ridiculous, trumped up angst. She needs to do that before she can move forward romantically with anyone, tbh and I love, LOVE, LOVE that Dong Ha understands that and respects it and is not being pushy or acting like his feelings are the most important thing. He's so sweet and considerate of her and it seriously warms my heart. Has there ever been such a swell guy in a drama before? Not any that I've seen. He's even surpassed Yoon Pil-Joo!

I completely agree that Mom was the MVP of this episode. That scene where she berates Shihoon for daring to show his face in front of her and then collapses when she's alone because she's so overwhelmed is so well done and well acted. I could see the love and protectiveness and hurt and anger there. And then we got the adorable scene with her and Dong Ha in the hospital (best potential son-in-law ever) and the scenes with her and Director Kwon. Love that Director Kwon complimented her and accepts her as she is.

That assistant girl is craaaaaaaazy. Wow, I hope she's gone for good. Thank you for the recap and great, insightful thoughts! I can't wait to see where the show takes us next.


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@ soprection - Are you referring to Yoon Pil Joo from Greatest Love?

I agree with you that Dong Ha surpasses Pil Joo! Yoon Pil Joo is almost perfect, except he can be quite boring and he's mama's boy. But he has a fine character. I love him too in that drama.

Yoon Pil Joo and Yoon Dong Ha... could they be related? Heehee! And they're in the medical field too!

I'm curious to know about Dong Ha's family background. But I'm not gonna read anything about My Queen! For dramas that I care about, I don't even watch the previews coz I don't want to be disappointed if my expectations are not met.


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Yes, mom is SO the MVP! Ji-yeon's hurt is so sad, but so relatable & I'm glad Dong-ha is maintaining his integrity & isn't playing games. Umm, why would you be into your sister's (worse, your deceased sister's) boyfriend? Okay, I realize Eun Chae was crushing on him before she knew who he was, but no...just no. I hope Spinach's words of advice clears her head.


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What a lovely recap! Truly enjoyed reading it. Your recaps were the reason I started watching this drama in the first place, wouldn't have checked it out otherwise, and missed a total gem. Keep up the great work. :)


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I watched "my queen" because i cant get enough of this show. Their acting here is superb compared to my queen (pls dont kill me my queen fans). I love how they changed some elements which made the show a little more sensible.
What impressed me most is dong ha's expression when she overheard ji yeon and her mom talking. When she said she's hurt, it seemed like dong ha was more hurt. Can we volunteer to take care of him?


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Purposely delayed myself from watching these 2 latest eps because I don't like watching this part where Dong ha's getting hurt on his own. At least Ji yeon's got her Na Rae and Mom. Soo chul sshi please be good to Dong ha..

I think what hurts Ji yeon the most is the fact that Shi hoon got injured while he was on his way to her. I want this part to be over with faster because it's a waste to have a scene where Ji yeon and Dong ha were not together =) But I understand that this part is vital for Ji yeon to have her closure.


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I can positively say that my heart will break into ten million pieces when Ji Yeon rejects Dong Ha next episode. A cliffhanger like that usually leads to disappointment of the viewer. Ji Yeon's still amazing. Dong Ha's still her adorable guardian angel. And Shi Hoon's still an ass. Btw, can we burn or drown his barbie doll assistant? She's testing my patience.


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The show is heating up nicely. Hard to believe anyone would go back an old flame that disappeared for 6 years...would u?


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Nope, but k-drama heroes and heroines are special cases. Happens ALL the time there and NEVER computes in my brain. Especially when they try to sell you that years of absence with zero contact have no impact at all and is evaporate in a second....


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I liked this drama at the beginning but ep 7&8 are a bit frustrating. I can't deal with the convoluted storyline. So you were in a coma before you were supposed to marry..can't you follow up within the 6 yrs????? Did he have amnesia it he was just torn up that the girl sent his rings back. And he also can't swim after surgery 6 years ago??? Because why? I'm just so lost.


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You and me both, @missy. Unlike Dong-Ha who immediately clears up misunderstandings, Shi-Hoon hems and haws.

He's finally right in front of the people he needs to explain to but he wastes valuable time by just hanging his head, sighing, or whatever he's done so far.

Hopefully, we get more specifics on his disappearance next ep because so far, I'm not buying it, and I can't feel sorry for him.


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How sweet was the hospital scene with Mom and Dong-Ha? He's the perfect son-in-law. :)

I haven't watched My Queen so I don't know what's going to happen next. Another commenter on here who's watched the Taiwanese version says we're in for something exciting though. Can't wait!!

(Tempted to watch My Queen but I'll just do that after this show ends.)


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I loved how Mom was immediately ready to sell her land to pay for Dong Ha's medical school tuition.


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The more I think about Shi Hoon's injury, the more annoyed I get at the writers. A little Google research would have been easy. Leg injuries are notorious for blood clots, which could lead typo stroke or heart attack, which tungsten could lead to coma. Infection not included. Swimming and water exercises are actually recommended for most leg injuries because it offers low resistance.

There is nothing, however, that makes the lack of contact for SIX freaking years make any sort of sense. He's a douche.


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Dong Ha saves Ji Yeon's name as Ban Daeng Ja in his phone. I know this is with reference to Ji Yeon & Na Rae's school story (from ep 2), but what does Daeng Ja mean?


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One of the few dramas where i watch the raw version first...can't wait for the subbed version.


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When i first saw this, I wasn't sure if I could get over the age-gap. It just seemed so unrealistic to me. BUT, i find myself completely forgetting the age-difference and just really empathizing with the characters as human beings.

Dong-ha seems so mature for his age, probably because he has been through so much heartbreak. Ji-yeon is loveable and so flawed. I just find them so freaking adorable together.


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Hi Odilettante!

Until the next update of the following weblink (http://www.dramabeans.com/about/staff/), my mind will keep picturing you being a publicist under Chantal Lauby's traits. Because, let's admit, your real name is Odile Deray.
*waving to fans of La Cité de la peur*

Funny how my memories from "My queen" felt different from the Korean version currently recapped. Watching their relationship develop before my eyes gave me the fizzles again, as Ethan Ruan and Cheryl Lang's awesome chemistry together once did too.


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i really do not like Shi Hoon.First of al, it took him 10 Years before he proposed.Seriously!! 10 years??!!??Then they have the honeymoon to Alaska, just so he can shoot pictures of polar bears. Alaska..not even Santa and Mrs Claus would honeymoon there.Final insult, he accepts an asignment a month before his wedding because "he couldn't say no to his professor, oh and ofc. if the old git tells him to go to Somalia,which we all know is a very stable,dependable safe country ,(ahum, yes that was sarcasm) he"leaves.Yes, pleasing some stodgy old professor is soo much more important then keeping your promise to the woman who has waited for you for 10 years.Shit hoon, as i now shall call him, is a selfish man who puts his career first, even above the woman he claims to love..getting shot in the ar..legg is not his biggest problem.He does not deserve our plucky Ji Yeon.Get lost..i hear Greenland is very nice this year, or antactica.


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I'm going to disagree with you on the proposing thing. I've got friends that are finally getting married after, uhhh, probably almost 15 years together and they are a great couple. (Not sure if there was any proposing involved though – I think they just decided they'd make it official.)

If 10 years is too long, then the other partner can propose too. If Ji-yeon didn't want to wait that long, she could have broken up with him or proposed herself – I find that whole 'men-must-propose-and-women-must-passively-wait-and-hope-for-that-moment' terribly outdated.

I'd go to Alaska on honeymoon, although I agree with you if it's just for him taking pictures of polar bears that's one-sided and selfish.

Lying about going to Somalia instead of Europe weeks before the wedding is completely indefensible though. I guess it just showed that their relationship wasn't all that they thought it was – if you don't have that kind of trust and communication with your spouse-to-be, I think your relationship is doomed.


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I guess that is what it all boils down to isn't it.Trust and communication. Shit Hoon was not honest about the Somalia thing, and then during these 6 years, he decided to brood and nurture his bruised ego, rather then communicate with Ji Yeon, because if he had, the whole thing would have been resolved in a matter of months. Dong Ha and Ji Yeon also have their share of misunderstandings but the line of communication between them is Always open. i have Always lived by the creed that "a broken heart can be healed in time, but a broken trust will Always show cracks and remain fragile" even if you still love someone, if you can't trust or rely on them, you will get heartbroken again.


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"a broken trust will Always show cracks and remain fragile"

Yup. Very much agree with you!


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I like how, in this version, she isn't immediately back with the SH character. in 'My Queen' they were immediately back together, and I was like, "It's been six years, and you're going to pretend like everything is peachy keen and hunky dory because he didn't actually mean to go back on his word (in MQ he didn't show to announce the engagement); it was all actually just a big misunderstanding caused by medding by his assistant? Hello, there were lots of hurt feelings and pain and people change in six years?"

I prefer this version in general. Less sexist and misogynistic.


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I wouldn´t mind a little back and forth and some angst for Dong Ha by thinking he lost her, he would still be her spoorting pillar. if only Shi Hoon wouldn´t be just annoying. Irritating. Not even interesting. Just, as annoying as a mosquito. Insignificant bug. Get lost. please write him out of this show FAST. I don´t want to see him at all. whether he steals Ji Hyun or not, just erase him.


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Ok, so I didn't really like what they did with Shi Hoon's character so here is my version.

When he got the ring back from Ji Yeon, it came with a very convincing message from his evil secretary that made him think that she knew about the gunshot wound and things were truly over between them.

Six years later he comes to Korea for his exhibition and does not act like a smug jack ass. He meets Ji Yeon and feels the same anger, betrayal and confusion as her. They both work our their misunderstanding thanks to Dong Ha. And, back to the original story.


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Ex Fiance is a stupid douche, no explanations whatsoever could save his ass. Went to Somalia just weeks before his wedding? Really? That's just mean his job weighed more than Ji Yeon and now he's back all hurt and sorry? Presenting a collage of pretty photo of Ji Yeon as if that erase her 6 years of grieving (not even close!). You do not have the right to feel wronged, sad nor sorry when you're the one who didn't bother to share about a dangerous job you took just weeks before d-day which finalized in not showing up on your wedding day. And why now? Ji Yeon and her awesome mom was right, why not last year or the year before that? What? You haven't finished that blasted lame collage yet? Man, just go back to where you were before, Somalia, Antartika, we don't care! As for Dong Ha, poor baby...I'm all ears, hugs and kisses if you ever need one or more.


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Park Seo Joon sings the OST! Can I share the link here?



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Thank you so much for the link! I put this in my blog review.

I can't believe our puppy can also sing! I hope we see more of him in future dramas!

It's great though that for his first big drama, he gets paired with such an awesome veteran actress.

Would you know the English translation to this OST?


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It's Come Into My Heart.


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@ TeamDongHa

I noticed that too and I want to know as well!

Anyone, what does Ban Daeng Ja mean?


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According to Viki sub ep 9, it means the lucky one....totally agree...ji yeon is one lucky gal...


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Ooohh, I see! Thanks, Nomoola!


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Since there is no preview of the next episode after ep8 - does anyone know if they are taking a break this week (5/19 + 5/20)?


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Ep 9 and Ep 10 are available already. Can't wait for dramabeans to publish their recaps so I can moan and groan along with everybody!!!

Aigooo! So painful yet so sweeeet. The feeelsies!!!


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