Witch’s Romance: Episode 11

The cute is back! Well mostly back, as we get an episode that reminds us of the fun, silly, lighthearted Witch’s Romance we fell in love with at the beginning. Our leads still have a lot of issues to work out, which isn’t helped by the fact that they aren’t having their trademark honest talks like they used to have. But some steps are taken that could lead them back together, if only they can begin to trust each other again like they used to do.


Ji-yeon sits on the bench with Dong-ha’s head in her lap as he sleeps off his night of drinking. She quietly wonders to herself if things would have been different between them had they met sooner. She finally is able to rouse him but when she tries to stand, he stops her, and leans in for a kiss.

Soo-chul drives Eun-chae back to Ji-yeon’s place to return her phone, but when she gets to the courtyard she sees Ji-yeon and Dong-ha mid-kiss, and freezes. Soo-chul finds her and pulls her away silently and they drive off.

In the car, Soo-chul reminds Eun-chae that he warned her before that she can’t have feelings for Dong-ha, being his first love’s younger sister. She says that she understands but she can’t help how she feels.

At the same time, Shi-hoon arrives to visit Ji-yeon, and sees her supporting a very drunk Dong-ha up to his place. She gets him to his door and he nods that he can get himself inside, but just crumples to the ground as soon as she lets go of him. Poor brokenhearted puppy.

Ji-yeon guides him the rest of the way inside and tucks him into bed. After she leaves Dong-ha opens his eyes, revealing that he wasn’t as incoherent as he was pretending to be.

Soo-chul shuffles over to Ji-yeon’s place to give her phone back and, judging by his face and entire-body language, it’s obvious she’s on his Hit List right now. She asks why he’s looking at her funny and he snaps that it’s because she kissed Dong-ha. He stomps out, kicking his slippers off and into the wall, HA.

Ji-yeon checks her messages to see five missed calls from Shi-hoon. It’s awfully telling that instead of calling him back, she sits and thinks about Dong-ha’s kiss instead.

In the morning Soo-chul is still in a snit, and gives the stink-eye to Dong-ha when he wakes up. He’s mad that Dong-ha doesn’t remember what happened last night, and refuses to tell him when he asks if he made a mistake at the party.

Meanwhile, Shi-hoon visits a jewelry store to pick up an engagement ring that he designed. Though after what he saw the previous night, he doesn’t look very happy either.

Ji-yeon heads out to work and stops to wistfully stare at Dong-ha’s door. She jumps like a startled cat and runs down the steps when the door suddenly opens, but it’s Soo-chul. He stops her with a loud “Noonim!” but just snubs her with a huff and a snarl when she asks where he’s going. I love him so much right now.

Ji-yeon steps out to find Shi-hoon waiting to take her on their date, only today his smile is gone and he can barely raise his eyes to hers. The car ride is quiet and awkward as they talk around the events of the previous night. Ji-yeon is honest about Dong-ha getting drunk and her losing her phone, though she leaves out the most interesting part of her night.

They see a musical performance of Bonnie and Clyde, and Shi-hoon relaxes to see Ji-yeon enjoying the show. In the lobby after the show, a man bumps into Shi-hoon hard, which sets off Ji-yeon as she yells at him to apologize.

Shi-hoon is inclined to let it go and is surprised at Ji-yeon’s aggressiveness, saying that the Ji-yeon he knew would have hidden in fear rather than yell at a stranger. Ji-yeon says she was just trying to look good in front of him which again, is a big hint that she wasn’t comfortable being herself around him in the past OR the present. Just sayin’.

Dong-ha runs into Ji-yeon’s mother on her way out of her daughter’s apartment, and she catches him with a bag of convenience store food for dinner. She takes the bag from him and leads him to Na-rae’s restaurant for a real dinner. Aw, I love Mom.

Mom asks after Na-rae’s pregnancy, and muses whether Ji-yeon will have “good news” soon when she gets married. Cue the crickets as Dong-ha’s, Na-rae’s, and Min-goo’s smiles all freeze at the uncomfortable conversation topic.

Dong-ha hesitantly asks Ji-yeon’s mom if Ji-yeon is really getting married, and she says that she is, and soon. She asks if Dong-ha has a girlfriend and says that if she had another daughter, she’d want him as a son-in-law. She admits that she really wanted him and Ji-yeon to get together and laughs, but the look on Dong-ha’s face as she talks is crushing.

Dong-ha blurts out that he actually does like Ji-yeon, shocking Mom. He talks mostly to himself as they listen, and wonders how things would have been different had he confessed sooner or Shi-hoon hadn’t come back. He says it’s too late now, and Mom and Na-rae both look like they want to cry.

Mom asks why he had to fall for Ji-yeon, who is older and bad-tempered, when there are so many pretty young girls to date. She takes his hand and apologetically says that she can’t think of anything to say, and he just sweetly smiles at her.

While that’s happening at the fishcake restaurant, Shi-hoon and Ji-yeon have coffee at his place and look at photos of homes he’s seen all over the world. She asks if his next art concept is architecture and he says yes, though I don’t think he’s talking about photography anymore.

Later that evening, Shi-hoon brings Ji-yeon a book he’s put together of all her favorite photos of homes and pets, to represent their future. He tells her that his dream is to make a life with her, and presents her with the ring he designed. (And again I notice that Ji-yeon’s reaction is really more of a non-reaction. If a romantic proposal and a ring don’t even make you smile and actually make you look kind of miserable, why are you here?!)

Dong-ha walks home alone, thinking of Ji-yeon’s mother’s words that he’s young and will meet someone else and forget Ji-yeon. He had responded that it’s possible that could never happen and he could never meet someone he cares about as much as he does Ji-yeon. He had asked Mom what he’s supposed to do if he can’t forget her.

There’s a meeting at the Trouble Maker office, and Director Kwon announces that due to an article written by Ji-yeon, they’ve had their highest magazine sales ever. He gives her a bonus and, ever the freeloader, Team Leader Byun asks if she’s going to use it to take them all out. I love how Ji-yeon is all, “Nope!”

Director Kwon also introduces Ji-yeon’s new assistant, Jae-woong. Young-sik shows him around the office and they have a hilarious back-and-forth when Young-sik tells him Ji-yeon’s coffee preferences and mispronounces “venti” to sound like “panty.” Ji-yeon’s eyeroll is priceless. She calls him simply Geoje Island (for his hometown) and snaps at him to follow her downstairs.

On his way out he talks to Ri-ji and Eun-chae, and Ri-ji sighs that he looks so boring after having Dong-ha around. Mention of Dong-ha makes Eun-chae look depressed, and Ri-ji asked if she confessed to him. Eun-chae denies it, and Ri-ji warns her not to go after Soo-chul just because she can’t have Dong-ha.

Jae-woong catches up to Ji-yeon outside, who gives him the rundown of how it’s going to be around here: She’s to be called Team Leader, he’s do to whatever she asks, he must be on standby at all times, and he has to ask before asking questions. Even Ji-yeon seems a bit surprised when he just agrees to everything.

Mom stands outside the Trouble Maker office calling Ji-yeon, who isn’t answering her phone. She muses that if this were a drama (ha), the object of her affections would show up right about… now. Which is when Director Kwon calls her name and scares the life out of her.

Director Kwon invites Ji-yeon’s mom to wait upstairs and sits with her in his office. She notices he still has the tomato plant that she gave him and he tells her a story he heard about how cherry tomatoes are also called the “fruit of love.” He gives her his phone number and when she goes to take the card from him, he takes the opportunity to pull her in close. RAWR.

Ji-yeon finds the two of them in full-on flirt mode, and practically manhandles her mom out of there. She gives Director Kwon a “don’t you dare date my mom” look, and he totally loses the stare-down.

Mom goes to the unisex bathroom and gets another fright when Team Leader Byun and Young-sik both walk in. Did one of them just fart? DYING.

Mom sits in a stall texting like a tween, and Ji-yeon yells at her to hurry up in there. Mom sends a text to Director Kwon so that he’ll have her phone number, and asks him out for the next night. He thinks, while looking directly into the camera, “I got her.” Why so cute, you two?

Dong-ha stops by his and Soo-chul’s place to change clothes for a part-time job, and catches Soo-chul dressed for clubbing instead of work. Soo-chul denies it and tells Dong-ha to work on their website while he’s gone. He leaves as Dong-ha wonders who he’s trying to impress.

Ji-yeon takes some fresh fruit to Na-rae, and orders a beer. When Min-goo asks if she didn’t quit drinking recently, she says she wants to celebrate and flashes the bling. She tries to look happy but admits that she mostly feels strange since Shi-hoon proposed.

Now we find out why Soo-chul got all gussied up as he walks Eun-chae home after work. She asks why he’s so nice to her, and he deflects by saying it’s because she’s Young-chae’s sister and he feels responsible.

Eun-chae’s mom comes out, and says that Soo-chul looks familiar to her. He tells her he was a classmate of Young-chae’s, and she asks how he knows Eun-chae. He says that he met her at his restaurant, and that it must be Fate that she’s Young-chae’s sister. After he leaves, Eun-chae’s mom notes that he’s cute and funny, and it doesn’t look like she believes Eun-chae’s denial that nothing is happening between them.

Ji-yeon tells Na-rae about Shi-hoon’s wooing of her, and by the number of empty bottles on the table, she’s got to be pretty drunk by now. I know I keep saying this but for a woman who is telling her best friend about the supposed love of her life returning to her, there’s an awful lot of sighing and sad-face-making. Na-rae is a great friend though, and lists all of Shi-hoon’s good qualities.

Ji-yeon half-passes-out on the table, and Na-rae shakes her awake. Na-rae asks Ji-yeon to take her home, but Ji-yeon just threatens him with bodily harm if he ever makes Na-rae cry. Na-rae offers to call Shi-hoon but Ji-yeon forbids it because she doesn’t want him seeing her drunk. So Na-rae drags her out to get a taxi as Ji-yeon and Min-goo yell, “I hate you!” “I hate you too!” at each other in English. Drunk Ji-yeon is just my most favorite thing ever.

She barely manages to stagger up the stairs to her building, but can’t get the door to unlock. She finally gets it to work and lets herself into… Dong-ha’s apartment. Whoops. It’s hilarious how she just talks to Dong-ha (who can only stand and stare) like she’s been living there this whole time. She kicks off her shoes, shuffles down the hall, and climbs into Dong-ha’s bed.

Dong-ha tucks her in and starts to brush her hair off her forehead, but stops just before he makes contact. You can feel how much he wants to touch her as his hand hovers, shaking, above her head. Instead he leaves her to sleep it off.

When Soo-chul gets home, he immediately notices the women’s shoes in the hallway and thinks Dong-ha has a girl in the house. He congratulates Dong-ha on getting over his heartbreak, but Dong-ha just sighs that the shoes belong to Ji-yeon.

In the morning Ji-yeon wakes to see Dong-ha in bed with her, and she asks why he’s there. He says she took his bed and that she should go to work. Instead, she just smiles and snuggles deeper into his arms.

DAMMIT, I knew it was a dream. Ji-yeon wakes up for real this time as Dong-ha hollers from the doorway for her to wake up. My goodness, isn’t she a pretty pretty princess when she’s hungover? She’s horrified to find herself in Dong-ha’s bed and rushes out, forgetting her purse.

Ji-yeon runs out of the house and right smack into Shi-hoon coming up the stairs. Dong-ha follows her and screeches to a halt when he sees Shi-hoon, who only glares at them both. Awkward.

Shi-hoon does give Ji-yeon a chance to explain when they get to her place, to give him credit. She says that she lived with him and Soo-chul while her place was being repaired which explains why she’s comfortable there. She tells him that she got drunk and was confused.

Dong-ha is in the middle of one of his self-pep-talks about what happened the night before, when Soo-chul runs up and flashes him point-blank. I guess to snap him out of it? Ah bromance, it’s a beautiful thing.

In the car on the way to work, Shi-hoon wonders out loud why Ji-yeon felt like she needed to get so drunk that she crashed in the wrong apartment. Meanwhile I have my first flattering thought about Shi-hoon’s ability to read a situation.

Ji-yeon gives Jae-woong some pointers as the new guy but slips into a memory of when Dong-ha was new at the Trouble Maker. She remembers how he used to nag her about putting herself in danger to get a story.

As the guys work out their part-time job schedule, Soo-chul worries that Dong-ha is taking on too much. He lends Dong-ha his car for a big job. On his way out, Dong-ha trues to walk past Shi-hoon on his way in, but Shi-hoon stops him.

Looking like he’d rather be anywhere but here, Dong-ha tells Shi-hoon to mind his own business, but Shi-hoon actually came to talk to him. He says that he understands that Ji-yeon got drunk and mistakenly went to his place since she was used to his helping her, just like Dong-ha got drunk a few days ago and she helped him.

He says that he’s going to marry Ji-yeon, and he came to warn Dong-ha: Don’t do anything else to make Ji-yeon worry about him. Dong-ha points out that Shi-hoon seems to be the one who’s worrying, and Shi-hoon owns it since she’s his to worry about now.

Ji-yeon and Na-rae have a girls’ day out of shopping and end up at a spa. Ji-yeon mentions that she has a working date with Shi-hoon for his photography book and Na-rae points out how she sounds more professional than personal about having dinner with him. That’s what I’m saying.

Dong-ha arrives to deliver some supplies to the spa, and runs into Ji-yeon in the hallway. Shi-hoon arrives to pick up Ji-yeon for dinner, and she grabs Dong-ha and shoves him into a storeroom. He protests that they didn’t do anything wrong to hide, but Ji-yeon doesn’t want two awkward confrontations in one day.

They hear Shi-hoon and Na-rae outside the door looking for Ji-yeon, and when they open the door, Ji-yeon yanks Dong-ha into a side-room this time. They end up nose-to-nose with Ji-yeon looking uncomfortable, and Dong-ha looking like he can’t think of anything else but kissing her.

Ji-yeon backs away and Dong-ha asks “Why? Are you afraid I’ll kiss you again?” She’s surprised he remembers kissing her when he was drunk, but he asks what man would forget kissing the woman he loves. She starts to leave but he gently pushes her back against the wall.

Starting to sound desperate, he says it’s not fair that he has to hide when he hasn’t done anything wrong. He asks if she feels guilty being with him, and in a flash his lips are an inch from hers. They stay that way for a long moment, looking right into each other’s eyes, then Dong-ha backs away. He tells her to stay for another minute, then leaves.

Na-rae sees Dong-ha leaving, and when she finds Ji-yeon she asks if she saw him. Ji-yeon tells her that she sees Dong-ha everywhere and hears his voice all the time. She fesses up that she hid with Dong-ha earlier and thinks she must be crazy, considering that Shi-hoon proposed to her.

Na-rae tells Ji-yeon that what’s important isn’t the proposal, but what’s in her heart. She says that Ji-yeon needs to figure out which man is in her heart. She begs off her date with Shi-hoon and goes home instead.

Young-sik calls her and asks to borrow a book, and while she’s looking for it she knocks the book that Dong-ha left her onto the floor. It doesn’t look familiar so she leafs through and finds his inscription: “Would you stay with me?” She remembers that night and how he awkwardly kept talking about her books, then hugged her and asked her not to go to Shi-hoon.

Meanwhile, Dong-ha comes home and sits outside, trying to get up the courage to talk to Ji-yeon.

Ji-yeon thinks over all the times that Dong-ha gave her support and encouragement, and how he said he would never abandon her. She turns to a page that’s bookmarked, and on the page are these words: “Life is short. If there’s something you’re holding in your heart, know that this is your last chance. Do it today.” Tears start to fall and she recalls Na-rae’s words that she needs to figure out where her heart lies.

More happy memories of time spent with Dong-ha flood her mind, and Ji-yeon can’t sit still anymore. She drops the book and runs to the door, hesitating only a moment before opening it… to see Dong-ha standing there.



First off, I know it seems like every week I’m fussing at someone, and I apologize but this week is going to be no different. I have some bones to pick with Ji-yeon. I love her, but how can someone be so utterly clueless when it comes to their own feelings? I know, there was a lot that was left unresolved when Shi-hoon left, and when he came back it was a shock and having him ask you to marry him again has got to sound like the perfect happy ending. But I’m angry that she’s just letting six years of nothing from him slide without even asking where the hell he’s been and why he never tried to contact her? We’ve already talked about how lame it is that he hasn’t even tried to explain why he never once tried to contact her, so today I’m focusing on Ji-yeon’s obvious disconnect between what she says and what she obviously feels.

I mean we can all see it, the dead look in her eyes when Shi-hoon comes up in conversation and the lack of any emotion whatsoever in her voice when she talks about him. Everyone sees it! Her mom has noticed, her best friend, even Shi-hoon lets slip that he knows something is wrong when he wonders why she drank so much that she slept in another man’s bed. She’s not even ambivalent about him…when Shi-hoon is the topic of conversation, Ji-yeon looks downright depressed. I know she’s having some sort of crisis over him returning and wanting her back, but the damage he caused by disappearing on her must be much deeper than I thought for her to agree to marry him when just talking about him looks like it makes her miserable.

And on top of that, there’s her obvious feelings for, and physical attraction to, Dong-ha. I don’t think I’ve seen two drama leads with so much chemistry in a very long time – whenever Dong-ha and Ji-yeon get within 5 feet of each other, the air between them practically snaps with energy and my heart pounds. That scene in the spa when he challenged whether she feels guilty being with him was so intense, it leaves me wondering how this woman can possibly not realize that she doesn’t want to be with Shi-hoon, and that everything in her is screaming to be with Dong-ha? I could understand it if her conflict was Dong-ha’s age and/or societal pressures, but that’s not really a point of contention anymore. Nearly everyone in Ji-yeon’s life has made it clear that they would support a relationship between Ji-yeon and Dong-ha. She just plain doesn’t seem to realize what they have between them, and I’m finding it hard to keep believing that, week after week, considering that she’s otherwise a very smart and self-aware woman. All I can say is, her responses to the two men are at such opposite extremes, it’s getting a bit difficult to suspend disbelief as a viewer that she doesn’t realize which man she really wants to be with.

That said, I’m so happy the cuteness is coming back! I’ve missed the light silly moments of the first few weeks of the drama, and there were a lot of times in this episode that I laughed out loud like I did in the beginning. Soo-chul flashing Dong-ha for no apparent reason, Mom and Director Kwon’s text-flirtation, Ji-yeon getting drunk and belligerent…give me more of that! If I could make some requests, I’d love to see Soo-chul stop pretending to be an Oppa to Eun-chae and start sweeping her off her feet. I know he can do it! I want some Mom/Director Kwon dating shenanigans. Most of all, I want Dong-ha and Ji-yeon laughing together as they bet who can eat the most, or play along with radio contests, or drink beer together and forget everything but loving each other. Can I have some of that soon, Show? Please?


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It is precious to hear about your many feelings regarding this drama and this episode.

In this episode, the drama seemed to show us on screen what the witch's marriage (and life after) with Mr. No might be like. And the drama seemed to say that it wouldn't be so bad to have a successful groom who agrees to wed her in public in front of all her catty girl friends, who will be left no doubt green with envy. After all, this is what she so wanted six years ago, and if it was good then, it is good now.

Of course, that is not the path the drama will take. But I realize why this is something so many (Korean) women want. And who am I to disparage it?


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"But I’m angry that she’s just letting six years of nothing from him slide without even asking where the hell he’s been and why he never tried to contact her?"

This has been bugging for the last few episodes. If there were any chance for Ji-yeon and Shi-hoon to work out (not that I want them to), this is something they NEED to talk about. It's bad he doesn't try to explain it (but he has something to lose if he talks about it), but I don't get how Ji-yeon doesn't raise the question at all. The whole 6 years have been totally swept under the rug, instead it's houses, puppies, kitties and wedding stuff that they talking about. I don't get it! But having seen ep 12 also, I have a feeling it's a question that will actually never get answered in this drama, strangely enough! (Leaving us with a plot hole and bad/lazy writing.)

I confess I'm starting to not care about Ji-yeon because I just can't relate to her, to her non-asking, her unawareness of her feelings, her passiveness, etc. Can't quite compute how she's still the total witch at work, but meek mousey around Shi-hoon – it's too much of a personality split but not one that the drama has managed to convince me about.

Dong-ha still rocks my world (thank for you saying "Why should I hide"!!!!), as does Soo-chul, Narae and her hubby and supermom.


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totes agree with everything u said!!!!!


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I really am trying hard but ugh, all I want to say to JiYeon during this week's eps is " GOD DAMN IT, WOMAN!!"


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I have to say...I actually see the character of JY quite realistic. At least, in both cultural contexts I live in (Taiwan and US), I see that many women are so successful and confident in their careers, and they totally flip their personality in front of their partners. Or, they completely suffer from a slightly abusive relationship but just accept it. I mean, isn't this always the case with the domestic abuse situation? Social workers want the victims out but somehow the victim and the abuser cultivate a kind of codependence pattern.

I am not saying that SH is abusive to JY, but he really has no respect to her (all the phone calls and not to mention 6 six years of absence), but JY just cannot get out of that pattern.

I remember that when my Taiwanese friend went out for a blind date, her mom told her to be more lady-like and hides her real personality (she is a CEO of a big company). But seriously, in MQ, Polar Bear doesn't have all these negative traits of SH. I think that's the major problem of WS who fails to make SH a believable lover contender.


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Totally agree.

I can seriously relate to Jiyeon and understand what she is going through.

Before Polar bear comes into the picture she was struggling w abandonment and self-love issue.
Dong-ha was just started to make her love herself, and don't Hv enough time to make her sure bout their relationship so she don't even Hv time to convinced herself that a true rship w Dong-ha is possible.

Now that polar bear is back, she is feeling more guilt than love towards him. Thinking that she abandon him during his trying time and that apparently her "rejection" makes him stay away for 6 years. (Not that I think it's totally stupid of her to think that way)

BUT now she has a supposedly "enviable" position as someone who is being loved and wanted PLUS a secure future with a stable guy that everyone (aside from her bestie and mom) thinks is THE IDEAL guy.

She need to throw that just to "try" having rship w a guy much much younger than her. Which in Asian culture is def gonna be raising eye brow to say the least.

So her hesitation makes a lot of sense to me.

Throwing a secured future to "gamble" it w a young guy which may or may not work is not exactly easy. Not at her age.

Sorry it's so long. I just find Jiyeon is super realistic and I'll hate to Hv ppl think she is just stupid.


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Totally agree with you Yukie. Couldn't say it any better.

We must take into consideration her age, Dong Ha's age and this is an Asian culture.

If she dumps Shi Hoon and her relationship with Dong Ha doesn't work out in the future she will be well into her forties. There are enough reasonable fears for her to decide on choosing her current course of action despite her heart telling her otherwise. Desiring stability, marriage and family can make a woman decide to bend a little too much.

But of course the other way can also happen. She loses both men too if her marriage to Shi Hoon doesn't last.

Not an easy situation to be in. Not in a drama and even harder in reality. She needs time to work it out and it doesn't help when her job is so demanding.

She really has to risk it all for love and trust that a 25 year old guy can truly love her all the way and face the multitude of challenges they will have to tackle together ranging from society's pressure, family planning(not sure she can even have children), aging etc.

Though I am pretty convinced that Dong Ha has shown that he can do it and has it to love her completely.

Fingers crossed! :)


I sec...I mean third that gurlies. Having real life experience I agree completely that she is what a lot of people (unfortunately, very unfortunate indeed) are, woman or man. The thing with Mr. polar bear is that he is used to be the leader in their relationship and again as I said in earlier episodes, Ji-yeon fall back into that safe place where she doesn't really need to risk another relationship. I mean in reality what Ji-yeon has with Dong-ha could fail further down the road, it might not be a forever happy ending. On the other hand Mr. polar bear is for sure going to marry her this time.

In Mr. polar bear's defense he is not forcing himself to Ji-yeon, he only mark his territory to Dong-ha which is reasonable and actually quite commendable. The usual egotistical ex are the one that usually also force the one they left to not hanging out with their "new rival" and to physically threat the rival not to approach their ex.

Ji-yeon is just is state of extreme denial, (sigh, I know how she feel exactly). So much feelings and sparks but could just be that, which could go stale with time.

Alua, she wasn't unaware, she just doesn't quite know that Dong-ha really really in love with her. She thinks it is just an infatuation, and then what will happen when that go away? She will ended up lonely again, and that will slowly kills her. I am also sure that when she is so driven at work started because she needed something to occupy her mind from that loneliness.

It doesn't help also that nobody around her experienced that abandonment. Nobody there could fully understand and assures her that what she and Dong-ha has is not just pure physical.


Why the heck she needs to feel guilty about what happened to him? It's not her fault that he got shot, and not her fault too that Polar Bear failed to contact her for 6 years. He chose to stay away from her all those years thinking that she rejected him, and never once confirmed with her whether she truly rejected him or why she did that. He listened to the story from his assistant only, and just believed the worst of his own fiancee, whom he dated for 10 years. Even now that he came back, he never explained his long absence.

She just accepts him back without question or doubt, letting six years of nothing from him slide without even asking where the hell he’s been and why he never tried to contact her. That's why we think she's foolish. It's not about Dong-ha and the age gap. Even if Dong-ha isn't in the picture, she shouldn't readily accept him. In real life, no woman would do that, unless they're silly or reckless, of course. But this is dramaland, so everything is possible. It would be better if Polar bear actually lost his memory during all those times, and just regain his memory when he decided to come back to her. If the writer wrote it that way, we would't resent him so much and wouldn't think that she's stupid.


@v (and others) "she just doesn’t quite know that Dong-ha really really in love with her."

I'm not doubting her hesitation about Dong-ha – they've know each other for a fairly short while, I wouldn't expect her to know he's "the one", in fact, I would find it unrealistic if she did (I really hope this drama won't end with her marrying Dong-ha within a couple of months – I'd rather have them date and then a time-jump to the happy-ever-after future perhaps). My comments relate to her feelings about Shi-hoon only (see also my comments on earlier episodes), taking Dong-ha out of the situation entirely.

I don't think she is necessarily unrealistic, but I wish there was more of her internal struggle displayed or we'd be given some attractive qualities on the part of Shi-hoon (including a reasonable explanation of the years of no-contact). I don’t know, something, that would show Ji-yeon at least has questions about the six years in her mind – she raised it once, with her mom, then it vanished. I find it strange because she has had to survive on her own for a long time, enough to time to run alternative scenarios through her mind and ask questions, including what she would do/ask if Shi-hoon reappeared. Instead, just like he returns bizarrely assuming they can pick up where they left off (after six years? Even if they had parted on good terms, there would have been changes!), she slips right back into the relationship without a question.

People can function on dual personalities, but unlike people in a domestic abuse situation, Ji-yeon has been outside the direct influence of Shi-hoon (which is entirely different from being in a relationship, sucked deeper and deeper and unable to get out, or too scared to let get of what is known/comfortable/convenient), developing an identity and personality independent of him. Even if she can put on a mask of pretense in front of him, it should still niggle at her when she’s on her own. I guess it does to an extent, because she’s passive and rarely smiling, but my expectations of her were higher than that because she came across as intelligent and inquisitive (part of her job) at the beginning.

There's no guarantee with the "perfect, stable life" working out with Shi-hoon either. She should know that – she was the one who was left standing at the altar and, frankly, her biggest fear right now should be “What if that happens again?”. Also note that she has also been going against her "Asian culture" for the last six years – if she was that traditional, she could have had an arranged marriage meeting within a couple of years of originally having been dumped. Instead, she set up a personality of “I’ll never marry”, challenging any- and everyone around her.

On the whole, I don't totally disagree with you guys, I just don't find it well-written enough (some holes) for it to convince me. But that's just my experience. :-)


Yeah well alua, if they going to display the internal struggle, it won't be 16 episodes unfortunately. LOLS. Although I would say she doesn't actually let the 6 years slide, if she is then she will be head over hills with polar bear again. She doesn't, she is thinking about another man when she's with him and when she's alone. She doesn't trust polar bear as she use to be anymore, thus she's having second thoughts about the proposal, no fireworks or butterflies and all. That is also why she's drinking her confusion away (not a good role model that is).

All in all, I think they spend too much on Ji-yeon inner struggle by herself instead of voicing it out, knowing the usual Ji-yeon would just blurt it out right? Hence the plot hole and random non-continuity in her personality like you say alua.

It is almost like we are forced to see the differences in her when she's with polar bear vs with Dong-ha. Also possibly to have Dong-ha swept her off her feet when polar bear having second thoughts about their marriage (align with the original T-drama where the ex left her in altar again for the second time, argh please do not do that to Ji-yeon, she's not suppose to be that gullible).


@alua & v

I watched MQ five years ago, and in fact, the part on the female lead's struggle lasts WAY MUCH longer. I was on the team of Polar Bear back then. Polar Bear as well as the male lead in MQ are equally flawed and yet wonderful in their own right. The swimming pool scene in MQ made me jump to the ship to PB, for instance. The execution of this scene in WS is just...MEH.. The actor who plays PB is wonderful as well and has a palpable chemistry with the female lead.

If we consider WS as an adaptation, the problem in writing is multifold. First, the writer of MQ uses very localized idioms to describe age gap. For example, the male lead belongs to "the strawberry Generation" born from in the 1980s. Strawberry is an expression to describe how this generation can be crushed easily and has no stamina. Also, there is one famous line where the female lead says that the number "8" (the age gap in MQ) written in Chinese is constituted by two strokes. These two strokes represent a mountain between them. I can keep writing on and on...Most importantly, the male lead in MQ is impulsive befitting for a 25 years old. In comparison, PB is composed in his behavior. So the age gap is also accentuated through the comparison between the male lead and PB.

In WS, at first, the age gap is brilliantly portrayed through their taste in music. (It resonates even more since UJH herself was a dancing queen in the late 90s). A lot of cultural references crucial in MQ are missing in translation. HOWEVER, I read from Korean news reporters call WS a romance where honorific term is used. LOL. So I guess for Korean audience, the nuance and the clue regarding age gap really exists in language.

I find it so ODD that up until now, DH still calls JY Team Leader. (In MQ, the male lead often shouts the name of the female lead directly). Similarly, JY STILL calls PB "Shi Hoon" sunbae, NOT EVEN OPPA. JY's fear of confronting SH manifests itself in the way she calls JY. The power dynamics between DH and JY, between JY and DH also contribute to the "deadlock" in the plot.

Speaking of the honorifics, I am waiting for DH to call JY "Ji-yeon ah" like JY calls DH. Can this day come sooner??



I also don't quite like DH to always be addressing JY as Team Leader.

It could be Korean culture. In other K-dramas that I've watched, husband and wife are still calling each other as XXX-Ssi, YYY-Ssi. Or wife calling the hubby Ajusshi.


Very, very good insight, you guys. That's why I love coming here.

I just happen to remember that there's a famous noona romance in real life, in Hollywood actually: Demi Moore & Ashton Kutcher. Ashton met Demi when he was 25 and she was 41. Two years later they got married.

Just to share this interesting article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jackie-pilossoph/ashton-kutcher-demi-moore_1_b_4371642.html

The key point is: There are no guarantees that a relationship is going to last forever even when the couple are close in age or the same age.

But unlike Demi & Ashton, I hope that if Ji Yeon chooses Dong Ha, their relationship will last forever and ever! And I sure hope there's a happy ever after! I'd be terribly pissed if there's an open ending (like Mirae's Choice...hmph!)


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Oops...I meant to say "the way JY addresses SH" not JY.

It might look like I prefer MQ than WS. Quite the contrary, I actually LOVE WS independently of MQ. The major reason is simple: the chemistry between the two leads and great acting across the board. The chemistry between DH and JY can be filled with sexual tension but it also feels so natural and realistic. They are like friends, colleagues, lovers, and siblings at the same time. It's rare to see such a wonderfully undefinable and yet palpable chemistry in Kdramaland.


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i think Jiyeong reaction is totally understandable and realistic.

before Polar bear come back she was struggling w rejection and abandonment. So Dong-ha love was just starting to help her to lover herself better and to make her believe that she is worthy of love and happiness.

She was on the verge of accepting Dong-ha love and to start loving herself, when the stupid Polar Bear decided to "start again"

BUT after knowing what happened w him especially e fact that he was injured and she 'throw' him away during his most trying time. She is feeling guilty and trying to go back in time to their happy moment. knowing that Polar bear is trying to make her happy and still loving her till this very moment.

Now she have a supposedly "enviable" position of being The Beloved, whereas before she was simply a witch, whom nobody wants. (of course the only ppl who knows which man is best for her is the ppl who knows her best, Bestie narae and mom)

Combine all that and you can understand why is she somehow feels trapped and lost.

Her heart know what she wants, but it is too big of a gamble in her mind to throw away that "stable" relationship and guaranteed future for possible bumpy relationship w younger boy who may or may not work.

She does not have the time and luxury to take that risks especially at her age now.

Sorry it's long, I just felt her character is so real that I'll hate for ppl to misunderstand her.


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Upz, sorry. double post.


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Okay. Thank u guys!! Now I understand.I was seriously getting frustrated by her behaviour. I couldn't understand why she was acting so clueless. So she knows, she just rather choses the safety road =mariage, although that makes her feel depressed and hope things will turn out well with Polar Bear.
I would like them (the writers) to make their characters a little bit more vocal about theses very important issues. Or maybe it just our own rationnal interpretation and they didn't think that far. Idk. Anyway,t hanks guys,I love the show as much as I enjoy reading your thoughts ^^


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My sentiments exactly. I hate it that the writer spoiled her character with this foolishness. Really loved her sassiness in the earlier episodes. Even if she couldn't accept Dong ha because of the age gap and societal pressures, she should never accept Shi Hoon back just because she's desperate to get married. I would love her better if she chose to be spinster instead. Haha


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@Leen Exactly! That's why I asked in earlier recaps that does JY really need a relationship? I also want JY to remain sassy--such a great wording you have here! What's wrong with an ending where JY just enjoys herself with or without a relationship ? It will be a far radical statement than pairing her with Mr. Perfect, whoever that person will be.


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Are there any K-dramas (rom-coms) that end without a relationship, and the hero/heroine being happily single?

It would be a radical turn indeed.


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Mirae's Choice aka Marry Him If You Dare, starring Yoon Eun Hye, Lee Dong Gun & Jung Yong Hwa.


@alua that's why I prefer her to remain a spinster than consider marrying that spineless fool..well ofa


I Am Legend, Suspicious Housekeeper, Queen's Classroom. And in Bright Girl, HE waits for HER to finish her military duty.


@fandomscape Haha i'm just saying. She better remains a spinster than marrying Shi-hoon.That man doesn't deserve her at all. That's why I'm pissed when she foolishly accepted his proposal. Well of course the viewers would be mad if she ends up alone. Actually SH is no competition at all. It's too easy to hate him that sometimes I pity with his character.


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I have the same misgivings with JY as you. I feel like she's just settling for Polar Bear - i wish we were explicitly shown her internal struggles for coming onto this decision. Alas the makers going for the "implied" route makes me super frustrated with JY who's been thus far (until PB's reappearance) pretty fearless and a straight shooter. :/

As for that spa scene!! I literally gasped when DH's all up in her personal space cause the chemistry was explosive!! *fans self* I literally want to shake JY to come out of this trance.


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*fan...fan* -oh yes, that spa scene was hot! If PSJ isn't leading man material, I don't know who is. His expressions and delivery when he is expressing his hurt and loss can be subtle or fill the scene. When Dong-ha confessed his feelings to mom, I was crying man! Even if things aren't moving fast enough in the direction I WANT, I'm enjoying PSJ, the humor and mom's budding romance.
I do wish we were privy to JH's choice to sit quietly and not participate in her life now or why she didn't risk a relationship with Dong-ha. Safe choice, maybe first adult love, guilt for the misunderstanding, denial that she and SH aren't able to continue as if no time has passed, she & Dong-ha are in different phases of their lives, she fears that he'll loose interest as they get older...yadda yadda. At least SH is noticing her complacency. Does anyone know how many total episodes are scheduled?


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Only 16 much to my sadness because it means there is so little left for all the hot kisses and adorable cuddles for the OTP *sob*


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16?!! No, not enough...I watched epi. 12 last night. only 4 to go. Dong-ha, I miss you already.

Thanks for answer.


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Did you spoil? >.<


No spoiler. Just meant I'll miss the character when the series ends.


YES!! I want her to come out of this crazy trance that she's in and put ALL of us (Dong ha included) out of our miseries. The spa scene encapsulates my feels for these two: I hurt with frustration that these two aren't together yet!! Am like --> http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ8LbcX_p0NKxhBW4EQyMhkKMuz_9CGimNLR0lFm21-iEdPuRJu


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I just love how honest Dong-ha is about his feelings. I thought he was going to cop out and just smile when Mom teased about having another daughter to marry him but he came straight out to confess his feelings to Mom.


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It is because he just can't contain himself anymore. I mean how much longer could he stand listening to all the wedding stuff about the woman he loved but she won't be in altar with him.


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Agree :) I thought it's incredibly brave of him to come right out and say how he feels even though he thought there's no hope. He looks so sad am suprised Mom didn't just tell ji yeon to come to her senses already and ditch polar bear.


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I was screeching at my screen KISS HER KISS HER arghhhhh


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Hee! I wanted more than a kiss! I was like "Dude, SHE'S ONLY WEARING A BATHROBE! PULL. THAT. TIE!!!!" O_O

Unf, these two are so sexy together. I do wish we could get some R-rated (or at least PG-13) skinship between them!


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I love Dong-ha's subtle expression of sadness and devastation. I love his character, he is a man with normal yet almost perfect personality with some minor flaws. I love the scene that Dong Ha and JY are attracted to each other like magnet. I do not know if JY actually waited for six years for her fiance to return. I do not think she did. It's just she could not get over him because there was no closure,,, he was gone and that is that. Once she found out the truth behind the mystery, she now has a closure. At first, she did not realized that she finally got over her fiance but I guess she now knows that. I personally would not start afresh with a guy who did not contact me for six years but when a woman reaches close to forty and everyone expect her to marry, anxiety would play a trick,,,.
This drama is a gem... with two amazing lead couple and lovable side characters( mom, her best friend and her hubby and his best friend) The only thing bothers me is Ji-yeon's ear shape as if her earlobes are cut. I just cannot help but stare at her ear(s). I wonder if she had done ear reshaping?


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I think I get why Ji Yeon is still 'with' Shi Hoon even though it's clear to everyone around her and probably herself that she no longer loves him and is not herself around him. She was willing to marry this guy all those years ago and I think the words of her mum where she was begging Ji Yeon to get married still affect her. She doesn't know if things will work out with Dong Ha. They haven't actually dated and they've only known each other for awhile. If she starts a relationship with him, she's taking a massive risk because it might not work out. Her relationship with Shi Hoon is the safe option; she'll get married and have the future she planned for all those years ago.

BUT in saying all this, I'm on team Dong Ha. If you're not happy getting married to a guy, being married to him is only going to get worse. Also, while you never know if a relationship will work out, that's why you go on one right? I hope Ji Yeon realises this soon and gives Dong Ha a chance because she'll be miserable for the rest of her life with Shi Hoon 1. Because he's kind of a dick and she's not her around him and 2. Eternal regret at not seeing what life is like with Dong Ha.


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Jiyeon seems to be refusing to acknowledge the six years because then she'll have to admit that her feelings have changed.

I'm just glad that the episode ending implies she's choosing her happiness.


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"I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS."...and now I have so many fangirling feelings for you, dear recapper. Thank you Lollipip for jumping on the DB team! *send you whatever kind of cookies you like!!!*

I really am trying hard to understand Ji Yeon as well but gah the writing is making it hard for me because it never manages to develop Polar Bear into a person whom we can understand why she would be willing to give a 2nd chance to after all the crap he put her through. It's really a credit to Uhm Jung Hwa's acting that I'm not throwing my towel in for Ji Yeon yet because she's playing her character with so much finesse, finesse that I don't think the writings actually have but bless her, she manages to do it somehow.

I continue to love all the relationship outside the main couple and Dong Ha's face but that's a given cause I'm shallow that way.

I'm really frustrated though at the fact that with only 4 eps left, they're still not wrapping up this Polar Bear thread. I really want Ji Yeon to be active in making a decision to be with Dong Ha (and she better rain kisses on him EVERYWHERE AND ANYWHERE AND ALL THE TIME!!) so I'm hoping this drama will not go the MQ route =/


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Yes. I love park seo-joon but I am aware that it is also because dong ha is such a perfect character.
However, despite how I become totally impatient with JY, I am in awe of uhm jung hwa's acting. Her character is not so favorable compared to DH, but she plays the role with so much heart and empathy that I can understand her situation. For me, JY is the one grounded character who doesn't make this drama into a pure fantasy for korean ajummas.
I also like that she doesn't overuse facial expressions or tears to portray the psychology of JY, but she is so lively in comedic situations. Her body language also is in sync with the scenes. Her role is not easy to play but she does it so effortlessly and naturally.
I don't know much about uhm jung hwa prior to witchs romance. I just googled her and found out that she is like an icon of Kpop and she is also one of the very few who makes a successful crossover to acting with accolade. Now I can understand why.
I am a fan of her now!


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Soochul is seriously the MVP of this episode. So fun and quirky and hysterical. Jiyeon and Mingoo's I Hate You exchange also deserves a shoutout. And Mom and Director Kwon flirting!

Thank you for the recap. I totally get what you're saying about Jiyeon. It makes me sad to see her so frozen and non-committal about everything. I mean, the man she pined for for SIX YEARS proposed to her (again!) and she can't even muster up a genuine smile. TELLING! That's why it was good to see her finally fess up to Narae at the end and tell her about her doubts and her feelings for DongHa. It's so frustrating. I know that she knows she cares about DongHa and things with Shihoon are obviously not right but she just keeps going along with it - why? Why did she say yes to his proposal? She could have said "Let's just date for now and see how things go." She's not doing ANYONE any favours by not being truthful about how she feels, especially not herself.

Also I'm glad that DongHa is still being honest with her even if it's about something negative. And being honest (for the most part) with everyone else too. Poor DongHa. His face when Jiyeon's mother was prattling on about wanting him as a son-in-law and Narae and Mingoo just looking on and not doing anything!!

Anyway the ending of this episode seemed to be hinting at a step in the right direction so that's good. More honesty! There are only a few episodes left though and they better be filled with cute, sexy scenes of these two together because I have had enough of emotionless Jiyeon and the tears and the angst. I just want more scenes like that dream or the flashback. Bickering, cuddling, joking around, kissing are all welcome. Polar bear is not.


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Actually, I love these two episodes, although it is indeed frustrating to see how JY fails to see her own feeling.

First and foremost, we got to know that JY was NEVER quite herself when she was with SH. When they went to see opera, someone bumped into SH and JY was all angry calling out that person. SH was surprised at JY's bluntness, since if it happened in the past, JY would be hiding behind SH. JY jokingly told SH that she has changed and now she doesn't have to do "image management."

This small incident is actually quite telling. I appreciate how this drama takes its time to tell us that the most significant relationship JY believes she has up until now is a completely dysfunctional one. She is faking and hiding herself in front of SH and pretends to be a meek and "decent" woman. I remember during the friends' gathering, all her friends look up to SH and see him like a prince charming. Probably it is due to a very ordinary sense of vanity that JY willingly submits herself to the demand (or rather, whim) of SH.

Another contrast is that when JY gets really drunk at NR's shop, she forbids NR and her husband to call SH. However, she can be feel at ease, almost like a second nature, enters DH's flat and greets him whether he has eaten even in her drunkenness. JY's "real" wake-up scene is hilarious, but it registers show precious her relationship with DH is. She can be drunk, feisty and a total mess, but DH as well as us love her for precisely the aspects she wants to hide from SH. See how SH is the only one in the drama who is surprised at and disapproves JY's drunkenness?

In the meantime, I really can't stand SH at all. I mean, isn't he a world renown photographer? He doesn't seem to have anything to do. All he does is control JY's whereabouts and threaten DH out of blue. He has no respect to JY's mental space and work where her passion is. He just keeps pushing JY. JY's confusion is largely due to the fact that SH hijacks her with the bonding from the past he broke 6 years ago.

I think what matters the most is NOT whether JY likes DH or not. She needs to see that the past she clings to is only perfect in imagination but ugly in reality. But since this drama is a rom-com, it will not go to the depth of woman's self-discovery. Oh well.

Also, as long as the drama shows us in every episode that JY is busy at Trouble Marker, I am content. I love how self-confident and ballsy when she interacts with her colleagues and the new part-timer. DH needs to get back to school soon so that his character arc can be more complete.

I can't wait for the next two episodes since finally SH is out of picture!!


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"I want some Mom/Director Kwon dating shenanigans." I adore them. They were so freaking cute this week!

Love the way Dong-ha called Ji-yeon out in the spa. She put him in a bad spot and then had the nerve to tell him she was leaving first. No. You made this mess Ji-yeon. You wait. Dong-ha gets to leave first.

I haven't seen the original T-Drama, couldn't get past the first few episodes. I have no idea how this will turn out. I want them to be together but I think Dong-ha could do better. He deserves someone who treats him with the respect, honesty, and consideration Dong-ha has shown Ji-yeon from day one.

Finally, Ji-yeon and Min-goo yelling “I hate you!” “I hate you too!” was awesome! You know Min-goo has kept that bottled up for years.


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" He deserves someone who treats him with the respect, honesty, and consideration Dong-ha has shown Ji-yeon from day one."..I do think she does treat him with all of the things you stated up there though. They always have a great channel of communication between them (thus honesty), he calls her out for her crap and vice versa and they resolve misunderstanding so quickly that it could positively give a regular kdrama watcher, who's used to the GREAT MISUNDERSTANDING of other dramas, whiplash. JY is considerate of DH, maybe not to the extent he's towards her but that guy is like an angel (he's just missing his halo). For example when he lashed out at her for cutting off his plant instead of throwing a fit about it, she recognized her mistake and apologized. Plus there's that ep with the Competition moolah. And despite their age gap and where they are professionally, JY always takes DH's advises when needed such as the case of the blind date.

JY just need to get over her emotion block because when she will, I think she will love the hell out of DH.


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I agree with you here. I mean, JY is frustrating. We all know that she is a lost child when it comes to love. Her vulnerability is what makers her endearing as we as infuriating. DH knows that part of her very well.

I do think that JY does treat DH with respect. The first thing she agrees with dating SH again is to talk to DH (the scene where they are on the bench in front of their apartments). DH accepts it with grace and says that JY doesn't have to feel sorry since he knows from the get-go that his love is one-sided.

Also, JY genuinely cares about DH instead of treating him like a "backup." In fact, we all see that she cares MUCH MORE about DH than SH. She is curious about what happens between him and his father. She inquires about DH while not once does she initiate a phone call to SJ. When DH was drunk, she takes him home and she always speaks to him with such a soft tender voice. (Frankly, I am falling love with UJH's voice acting in this drama...so is PSJ. When they appear in the same scene, even their voice acting generates so much chemistry to my ears!!

Anyway. JY is confused and that's about it. I will not go as far as to see her as a disrespectful and unthoughtful woman. And indeed, she is a woman capable of loving deeply. Just see how she loves NR, despite calling her a "traitor"? LOL.


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Damn it woman if you don't take the puppy, then i wil!! wait...i can't *sigh* at least Polarblah is out of the radar as per next week (hopefully). The spa scene with Dong Ha...combustive. That is all.


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I love this ep. Inspite of JY's frustrating denial, Uhm Jung Hwa manages to make her both strong and ...how should i say this...'soft?'.

For each ep, there is always one memorable scene for me, either be it Na Rae or JY coming up tops. That drunken monologue of JY when she was trying to get the door open was plain adorbs. "Why do you change the code so much? No one is going to kidnap you." lol

And the contrast between her imagined morning with Dong Ha versus the reality of him hollering from the doorway with this deadpan and slightly annoyed face. Priceless.


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There is so much I want to say, but a lot of it is tied to Ep 12, so I'm going to try and restrain myself.

I so love how protective Spinach is of Dong Ha, and I think the scene of Spinach flashing Dong Ha was probably the only scene where I wish PSJ's head wasn't on the screen ;)

I love Mama Ji Yeon and Na Rae for being there for Ji Yeon, as painfully slow as it is for her to realize that she doesn't actually love that polar bear, I'm glad they aren't pushing that on her even though they see it. That they are waiting for her to be ready to hear that it's ok to not be that person she was 6 years ago.

Ji Yeon, as painful as it is to watch in a drama, I think is acting out the way most people would. I mean maybe she hasn't asked because of fear, that maybe her hatred of him was actually justified, etc... blah blah blah and that she doesn't actually need to feel guilty for him being in a coma. I mean, the man said the whole reason for him getting shot was because of him trying to get to wedding, to get to her, which looking from Ji Yeon's point of view, puts some of the guilt on her like she was the reason he got hurt (as dumb as it sounds).

Shi Hoon!! My goodness, this guy, I just cannot get behind him in any which way other than to kick my foot far up his behind. This guy needs to man up in all levels. He see's the relationship between Ji Yeon and Dong Ha and he recognizes it, but he fails to recognize that neither he or Ji Yeon are the same people they were 6 years ago. And to tell Ji Yeon he understands her situation with the drunk nights and then to turn around and tell Dong Ha that it is his business & that he don't like his involvement with Ji Yeon is just bastardly in my eyes. He should be telling Ji Yeon this first, before backhandingly going to Dong Ha.

If I could just tell Ji Yeon one thing, it's if you can show your wildly awesomely wasted self to the man you love, is that really love?!


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Augh another heart breaking episode,, it's all because of Dong-ha. That scene with Ji-yeon's mom, that spa scene, I hate melo scenes but I let my heart breaks with him. I wish he and Ji-yeon get their happiness soon, not a few mins before the show ends.

Anyway, can I have more Soo-chul to appear on my screen in the next episodes? I just love him more and more these days.

And how can that evil minister from God's Gift become so hilarious here?? I'm so rooting for him and Ji-yeon's mom kkk~


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I can sort of understand that Ji-yeon would think that she should want this - to start again and marry Shi Hoon - as if the six years, now that the back story is somewhat straightened out, wouldn't mean anything if she didn't. And maybe it coulda woulda happened - but Shi Hoon was such a royal jerk after first taking the wedding pictures and then dumping his pent up emotions to make it be her fault. That last scene absolutely did it for me - Be Gone! Shi Hoon *!poof!*

Now let's continue the story with JY and DH.


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Big oops, Lolypip and beaniers. So sorry , just realized when I went to watch ep 12 that I watched it already and my comments are about ep 12, not 11. Sorry I didn't catch that in time!


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I have done that before.
hard to contain what a self-absorbed smug Shi Hoon is. he is selfish, and pushy, and really he has no right to demand anything or even speak up without Ji Yeons permission. How things SHOULD work is Shi Hoon should be on his knees all the time and wag his tail until Ji Yeon dominantly allows him to eat, sleep, sh*t and talk. he should be as humble as can be.

I want to put him in a blender and then mix some cayenne peppers into it


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and pour him in a thermos with his camera and mail off to Alaska


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where grolar bears will drink him and spit out saying he is totally tasteless


Oh mew gosh.

I am just...to laugh about wtf Spinach<? Nope WHAT???? Or cry about many things especially cause the stall with this shi hoon whose face I am now ff-ing.
Dong Ha and Mother scene was so.... rubbing salt and giving medicine at the same time then leaving a puppy to die . not knowing Dong Ha could never forget..... he who took care of a dead plant for 3 years. Now all his feelings have multiplied.
Ji Yeon wandering into DH´s room and dreaming of waking up next to him.... being half a person without him
Shi hoon I mean is it so wrong I wish for a traffic accident. Something. A falling cow from the sky. Kidnapped by a circus. Anything! ... to make him just go away sooner. It should have haoppened eons ago
But what it is all erased by Spinach. What was ....ad lib? Omg I am dyi....diey...dieting, no, dieing I cant even think. Why ...I mean WHY???
Ohhh dear I....such a serious episode and all.
I cant stop laughing
Jeebus and just wait for ep 12. Those punks, I cannot think straight. No spoiler, right. Just. I cant.


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oh, I like it how Na Rae is not some plastic barbie doll beauty but a normal woman, just as she is, and still cute, lovely and worshipped like a goddess. more of that in kdramas and less artificial beauty standards and broody, skinny, sick-looking femme fatales


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"A falling cow from the sky, kidknapped by a circus"..lol i like your way of thinking. You're a human version of the road runner, just like me. Meep Meep :) as for spinach..i would love to see Na-Rae and him in the same room complaining about their besties then conspiring to lock them both up in a sauna so they are forced to talk it out,while steadily getting more hot and naked .More shennanigans! More!!!


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I wish Ji-yeon could figure out her feelings already, it's dragging a little. Her chemistry with Dong Ha should be enough of a proof to set her in the right direction.
It doesn't help that Shi Hoon character it's a bit boring? like i feel annoyed by him but not scared that he might steal Dong Ha's shine or smth.

anyway, thank you for the recap.


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Yeah, I think one of the problems with this show and the character of Shi-hoon is the way he is written. It's a pretty flat character. There's very little appealing about him, so the conflict that's set up between the lead and the love rival is sort of pretty lame – it's too easy to hate SH.


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I loved this episode!!! For a romantic comedy to really grab me, it has to have equal doses of the comedy and the romance. I laughed out loud for most of this, and the ending had me squealing like a 12-year-old girl. And the romance? Smokin' hot.

And I love that the mom is an ajumma, complete with permed hair and convex waistline, and still has a loveline of her own going on. And Na Rae, also a healthy weight, is adored by her husband. So good (and unusual) to see this in entertainment.

I don't mind that JY seems like a different person around SH. It just sets off the JY-DH couple like a sparkly gem. Hopefully we'll see more of that soon!


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omona! I super like this episode and my goodness to Soo-chul! hahaha


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Ji-yeon's dilemma is very real. It's about the heart and ideals. I want to say more but its purely from episode 12. Great writing. Great acting. I can feel what everyone is feeling. We love this drama because it reflects us in many ways. The love story..the friendships..the mother-daughter relationship. It's a very touching drama. It has been a long while since I watch something that moved me in many ways.

Moving on to the OTP, JY and DH sizzle. Man do they sizzle. I haven't seen a Kdrama OTP with that chemistry for a long while. But I dont watch every single drama though. So if anyone can recommend me a drama with this chemistry.. please do so.

The Spa scene...when Dong Ha was close to JY and his jaw clenched and flexed..damn that was hot.

BUT..I dont really get why DongHa loves JY. Maybe i missed it?


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>> BUT..I dont really get why DongHa loves JY. Maybe i missed it?

Good question! Actually neither do I. In fact thought he's fallen for her quite fast. For someone who's pissed off at someone who stole the kid's bike and indirectly caused him to be kicked out by his landlady, he didn't mind kissing her (and quite a long, deep kiss too + a hug). By the 2nd ep, he enjoyed making out with her. By the 4th ep, he's gotten jealous and by the 6th ep, he's confessed to her. All in the span of 2 months or so.

Well, hmm, sometimes matters of the heart are just unexplainable!


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I rewatched the first few episodes (because I might have dozed off a few times before) and I realise that maybe: DongHa is a santa, who just can't see people in distress and will help anyway he can. He is by nature kind, and it hit him that JY is not a witch, but a vulnerable woman hidden beneath it all. He took pity I guess, and that turned to attraction. Maybe it started from the kiss. Who knows. Lol. We wonder sometimes why kind people love to love the bad guys. Some have the view that kind people believe that they could change the bad boys. Sometimes they can. In our OTP's case, I love the fact that they make each other grow and become the best that they can be. I agree, sometimes matters of the heart is really unexplainable.:)


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I agree with Dong ha is santa comment. He totally has hero complex - he keeps trying to help and save people. But I don't think he's trying to change or save ji yeon. I think after getting to know her, he realizes that she is actually a nice person even though sometimes she tries to hide that by being a bit pushy (assertive), and he actually admires her strength. I think they're really soulmates (gosh I sound cheesy) because deep down they're both v nice people who cares about people around them, they just express themselves differently. Dong ha is like sweet soft cotton candy, where ji yeon is like those hard-shelled candies with melting center. :)
I love these two.. polar bear just please go back to Alaska.


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He did save JY in at least 3 occasions:
1) saved her from embarrassment at the stage (1st kiss)
2) saved her from the actor (or rather his minion) who wanted to hurt her
3) saved her from her vicious school mates at the reunion

In any case, I'm glad he likes her for who she is :)

And I'm looking forward to how the arc on his father will turn out. I'm curious about his mother. Does he have one - living or dead? How about the My Queen counterpart guy?


Thanks for the recaps, and all other nitpicking.
Also enjoying all the insights bouncing in here.

I am also sooooo glad, the Kversion is progressing way faster than the original T-version, which dragged out the painful uncertainty for much longer, and the various incidences between the trio.
They have cut out a lot of the unnecessaries, which is thankful.

In agreement with the insights up there.

(1) Her conflict is understandable, even if aggravating to us the viewers.

= 6 yrs trapped/traumatized in that limbo - now that she has a chance to 'unfreeze' she's just going through the pragmatic motions of the logical natural progression.

= In a way, Shi-hoon is 'stable'. Established, acceptable age and all. Dong-ha (bless his thoughtful observant soul!) is a part-timer, younger, everything that is not quite acceptably compatible.

= Shi-hoon doesn't seem to have 'moved' at all. Does he really know her, listen to her and her current needs? He just steps in, presumptously thinking everything is the same.

He assumes she wants the house, the dogs and cats etc - but somehow that seems to be the Ji-yeon of yesterday, that he knew before. It's understandable her disinterest, outside of not feeling much for him.

Not to mention overwhelming.

(2)Thank God for Dong-ha's effective and direct communication. "I Like Your Daughter" - no tip toeing for 2 episodes, well done!

(3) Loving their chemistry - for me, this is one of the current dramas out there ranking tops in effective chemistry, pace and acting.

Sizzling spa scene.


YES please go back to Alaska!

I can see why DH fell for JY::
- Dong-ha is one of those rare gems that sees beyond. He is observant and perceptive, and has seen her vulnerabilities and weaknesses despite her surface toughbness

- He's also seen beyond to her inner core of kindness.

- He naturally likes to help - she doesn't rely on many people for help nor does she even ask for help; but it's like a natural gravitation that she accepts help from him, and is in many situations where he has to step in to help her (I think he enjoys that).

- Dong-ha is like the person behind the scenes. He's almost like the sensitive female in a relationship.
When she's working he's perceptive and detail-oriented enough to observe she skips b 'fast (so he has it on convenient ready to go bites). He slips in those cups of coffee without interruption when she is pulling an over-nights.


I think it's a combination of chemistry (both the physical and the emotional) and the fact that they're just really good people. DH's goodness is easy to see but JY is quite amazing as well. Despite working for a tabloid mag, she focuses her energy on exposing hypocrites in the political game because she refuse to see these people in office. She also works to oust the bank CEO who declared bankruptcy and yet still enjoy the finer things of life. Obviously our witch has a strong streak of civic duty. Plus with her interaction to her mom and Na Rae, you can see how caring she is despite her abrasive demeanor sometimes. Finally (and this is my favorite), I love how she mentors Eun Chae. Even when they first met and she made EC cried, she still imparted some very thoughtful wisdom on how to become a good reporter. Also I appreciate how

Their emotional chemistry range from sharing musical taste to letting the other one see them at all their lowest moments. Plus they have load of fun together

Their physical chemistry is well...*point to screen caps up there*


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argh the noona dramas has been killing me as of late. Secret Love Affair was the definition of perfection, and this one is just as well. They have completely differet approaches and style - of course the plot also cannot be anymore different!

Thank you for your recap once again~!


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in secret love affair the side characters make me feel depressed ... that drama has a much darker tone i feel


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I would love to see the BTS of Soo Chul's flashing scene! Heeheehee

I notice that the lower part of his body is pixellated, so I'm pretty sure he actually wore something...


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I think what fascinates me about this drama is that you see signs that BOTH JY and SH have had issues with communication in their relationship all along. I mean, the reason the wedding never happened in the first place was because SH couldn't tell JY the truth about where he was going before the wedding! If he had, she would have stood a chance of tracking him down when he didn't show up the week before like he'd planned and they probably wouldn't be in this predicament now.

So it isn't so unrealistic to see both of them continuing to sublimate their feelings 6 years later. In some ways it is easier to live in the past--no matter how dysfunctional--than to talk about what happened and how each person has changed and how that impacts the relationship. It is also, dare I say, more dramatic.

They are both nicely in contrast to DH who is so open with his emotions.

It is frustrating though. I was really hoping that they would have put an end to the whole JY/SH reunion by now and gotten back to building the relationship between JY and DH.


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All I can say for this series is ptl for alcohol. Most of the cute and revealing moments occur when the characters are drunk (or supposedly drunk).


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in vino veritas


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Some of the episodes made me wonder if there are a lot of alcoholics in South Korea....

Quite a bit of drinking for the sake of getting drunk. X_X


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I have so many questions ...
1) why did polar bear decide to come back for Ji yeon now? I don't remember an explanation was given. I mean why not 3 years ago? I can't help but think in typical crazy drama plot like he's suffering some sort of weird illness so he wants to marry ji yeon before he dies.
2) It's been mentioned a few times now the fact that Ji Yeon doesn't really show her true self around Polar bear. But they were together for 10 years?!! How does a girl/or anyone keep up image management for that long??!! A few dates I can understand, but 10 years??!!!

As to why Ji yeon decides to start over with polar bear, i think she just thinks that's what she should do. I mean polar bear is the "perfect on paper" boyfriend. He's successful, he's nice to the friends, he's nice to the Mom. I mean the only thing bad thing was he ditched her on the wedding 6 years ago which was technically evil assistant's doing, not his. Now that it's been cleared up that he never intentionally ditched her, I guess she feel she should go through with her original plan, like she feels obligated to go through with it. I wish there's a magical mirror that can show her how miserable she looks when she's with polar bear.

I'm crossing my fingers for a satisfying end for this show. So far this is the only show, aside from Reply 1997, that does not use the whole amnesia plot (ok he was in a coma, but you know he didn't loose his memory; I see this as a big improvement in drama plot). Even "I hear Your Voice" use the amnesia plot briefly. So com'n writers please write an awesome wrap up for Ji Yeon and Dong ha!


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Re 1) We all wonder....
Re 2) I have no idea, especially since she doesn't even want him to see her in her morning pyjamas. ?!?!?!

"I mean the only thing bad thing was he ditched her on the wedding 6 years ago which was technically evil assistant’s doing, not his. Now that it’s been cleared up that he never intentionally ditched her".

He lied to her before going on the trip to begin with. Serious red flag which would personally make me wonder what else he is willing to lie to her about.

He also still ditched her for multiple years after he woke from his coma, left her in limbo and decided to become a big name as war photographer. Maybe that's one bad thing, but going on for years that qualifies for more than one bad deed in my book.

Also ditched her mom along with her by doing that.

His manipulative and totally embarrassing public confession (including the photo of her*) to get her back isn't something I personally would put in the good book either, I'd be really pissed about that.

*which, strictly speaking, he would have needed a model release for.


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