Witch’s Romance: Episode 10

Dong-ha continues his dark descent into drunken depression (how’s that for some alliteration?), while Ji-yeon struggles to reconcile what it means to have Shi-hoon officially back in her life. Neither of our leads is very happy this episode, except for when they get to momentarily forget everything except each other, and then they practically glow brighter than the sun. Until Shi-hoon invariably shows his pretty face, and then we’re back to doom-and-gloom. On the plus side, our supporting characters get to experience buckets of ridiculous cuteness as just about everyone gets a love interest, and, oh yeah, there may — or may not be — some kissing.


The morning after Dong-ha and Ji-yeon’s emotional confrontation, Ji-yeon sees Shi-hoon waiting for her outside her apartment, having sacrificed his dislike of early mornings to give her a ride to work. Dong-ha is also on his way to work, and as he and his scooter pull up to the same stoplight, he looks over to see a smiling Ji-yeon as Shi-hoon’s passenger.

At their restaurant, Na-rae and Min-goo prep their fishcakes (and she thinks they’re spoiled, but Min-goo tells her that her sense of smell must be off). She tells him that Ji-yeon and Shi-hoon will be stopping by later, and threatens her husband with bodily harm if he lets on that she used to live with Dong-ha.

Ji-yeon tries to get Dong-ha’s attention as she’s looking for a file, but he pointedly ignores her. Rushing in, Young-sik informs Ji-yeon of a juicy news tip, and as they prepare to leave, she gets a text from Shi-hoon letting her know he’s waiting out front. Much to Young-sik’s astonishment, she tells him that he’ll have to go and take pictures on his own, since she has to leave.

Shi-hoon and Ji-yeon arrive at Na-rae’s restaurant (and aw, Ji-yeon says that Min-goo is a talented cook — even if his looks leave something to be desired, pffft). The two couples enjoy a meal together, and when Na-rae asks about Shi-hoon’s adventures in Africa, he admits that he really liked living there and would be happy to stay there the rest of his life.

Ji-yeon warns him if he keeps bringing up Africa, she won’t leave him alone. He teasingly admits his surprise that Ji-yeon never acted in that forceful way before with him, but he’s beginning to like it. (And Min-goo is fascinated with the idea that she wasn’t scary before, pfft.)

Noting something off about Na-rae, Ji-yeon asks after her health. But she shrugs it off, thinking it’s just because their restaurant has been so busy that she hasn’t had time to take care of herself properly. At the suggestion that they should hire a part-timer, Min-goo gets excited when he remembers that Dong-ha will be out of a job soon. Aw, Min-goo being on Team Dong-ha is just the cutest.

But he’s the only one at the table who’s happy at the thought of Dong-ha, and Na-rae gives him the “be quiet, my beloved idiot husband” look as she tries to cover the awkwardness.

Speak of the devil, Dong-ha is on his way to the restaurant to eat dinner with Soo-chul and Eun-chae (who just “happened” to show up at Soo-chul’s restaurant just as he was closing up, uh-huh, sure), but when he sees through the window a happy Ji-yeon with Shi-hoon, his face falls. He gets Soo-chul and Eun-chae to agree to go somewhere else, and they end up in a noisy, crowded club.

When Eun-chae excuses herself to go to the restroom (with Soo-chul shouting warnings about how all men are wolves), he asks why Dong-ha, of all people, would want to come to a club. Dong-ha says it’s the only place he could be sure he wouldn’t run into “those two.” Soo-chul cheerily admits that’s true, and encourages him to enjoy the nightclub atmosphere (especially the pretty young women dancing around them).

But Dong-ha is still in a somber mood when they leave, and when Soo-chul is busy retrieving his car, Eun-chae asks Dong-ha if he’s had his heart broken. He sighs that it’s something like that, but before she can press any further, two skeevy guys who had been hitting on her earlier show up. They continue to pester Eun-chae, and Dong-ha steps in, insisting that they should leave her alone and ordering them to get lost.

The skeevy guy grabs Dong-ha’s collar, and Dong-ha just smiles, saying he’s been waiting for someone to mess with him — and then punches the guy in the face. He’s ready to continue the fight with a few kicks to the defenseless dude on the ground, but Soo-chul arrives just then and pulls Dong-ha away.

As Shi-hoon walks Ji-yeon back to her apartment, he promises that he’ll take her to work again tomorrow morning, but she teasingly asks him how long that will last (knowing how much he hates early mornings). Her phone rings, and it’s Young-sik, excited to report that the embezzling businessman she had ordered him to track has just been arrested. The reporter in her is delighting in all the ways she’ll be able to reveal his scandal as Shi-hoon gives her a ride to the police station.

Young-sik meets her out front with confirmation that he got the photos, and she hurries inside to get the attention of a detective, who breaks free from the reporters surrounding him to meet privately with her. Clearly this isn’t the first time he’s been her anonymous inside source, and he agrees to give her access to photos of the evidence so she can get the scoop over the daily papers.

Inside that very same police station (oh how convenient!), Dong-ha sits stoically while Soo-chul argues that the nightclub guys were the ones who started the fight. But the police officer says Dong-ha is still responsible for an assault case, due to giving the guy injuries that will take at least three weeks to heal.

A distinguished older man walks in, declaring himself “this bastard’s father,” and hands over a business card (which says he’s the director of One Light Medical Center), informing the policeman that their lawyer will be in soon with a settlement agreement.

Dong-ha doesn’t acknowledge his father (or even blink!) when he angrily asks his son if, after quitting school and leaving home, all he can do now is fight. From the hallway of the police station, Ji-yeon looks on with concern, and when the detective returns with her evidence photo, she asks him to look into the situation with Dong-ha.

As they leave the police station, Dong-ha’s father asks him if he’s ever going to back to school, or just live his life like this. Dong-ha cuts him off, saying he doesn’t want to talk about it. Dad asks if he still resents him for “the incident,” but Dong-ha interrupts once more, saying that he never asked his father to worry about him, and that he’ll pay back the settlement fee as soon as he can.

In the police station, the detective informs Ji-yeon about the assault case, adding that the perpetrator is the son of the director of the hospital where the victim got his injuries checked out, and so the hospital lawyers managed to get a settlement within minutes. He marvels at the power of money as he asks Ji-yeon if it’s anyone she knows, but she denies it.

Papa Yoon gets into his car (chauffeured, of course) with one final remonstrance that Dong-ha is wasting his youth, but Dong-ha continues to stare straight ahead, not once looking at his father.

Ji-yeon follows after Dong-ha, calling out his name. She tells him she was at the station for an interview, asking if he’s on his way home.

He ignores her and continues walking, before spinning back around, wanting to know if she’s following him. She points out that they live in the same direction, so he turns and starts heading the opposite way. She continues to follow him, and this time when he turns around to ask her why, she says, “Just because.” Aw.

But he’s not too happy about it, and furiously demands to know if his words mean nothing to her, reminding her that he’d asked her to stop paying attention to him.

This time she’s the one who anxiously paces back and forth in the courtyard of their apartment complex as she waits for him to return — and then goes scurrying off to hide when he arrives. Soo-chul is also waiting for him like a mama hen, and when Dong-ha grabs a beer from the fridge, he snatches it away and gives him some water instead. Aw, true friendship.

He insists that he didn’t call Dong-ha’s father, and as he babbles on about how scary Papa Yoon is, Dong-ha retreats to his bedroom to brood.

The next day, Ji-yeon notes that Dong-ha isn’t at work, and asks Eun-chae if she’s seen him. Eun-chae bravely confronts Ji-yeon, asking if she’s being a little too hard on Dong-ha. He’s been going through so much lately, but Ji-yeon seems to not even care.

Troubled, she messages him, asking if he’s coming to work, then bombards him with a dozen other texts (“Are you sick? Did something happen to you?”). She’s like a nervous schoolgirl as she literally bites her nails, watching the texts be confirmed as read, but still receiving no reply.

Later, at the restaurant, Na-rae can’t believe that Dong-ha beat someone up, but Ji-yeon can’t believe he ignored the thirty text messages she sent him. Ha!

Na-rae points out that it makes sense — after all, Ji-yeon rejected him, and then he didn’t exactly show his best self at the police station. Ji-yeon is still worried that he continues to stay out late, drinking — but sighs as she says that he’s still young, so he’ll forget her soon and meet someone better.

A text message pops up on her phone and she frantically opens it, and then tosses her phone aside in disgust when it’s just an automated message (instead of the anticipated text from Dong-ha).

Since Na-rae found out earlier that her health issues were due to pregnancy, Ji-yeon leaps up to help Min-goo serve a few patrons (and tells them instead of asking for a refill on their soup, they should just order another item off the menu, ha). She defends her desire to help, saying that Na-rae has to be extra careful to not over-exert herself, and she argues with Min-goo that they should really consider hiring someone part-time to help out.

But Na-rae gets them to call a truce by pretending “the baby” needs peace and quiet, and Ji-yeon leaves after saying a sincere good-bye to “the baby.” Ji-yeon is totally going to be the cool aunt.

Returning home, she stops at Dong-ha’s door instead of going straight to her own. He tries to ignore her persistent ringing of the doorbell, until he finally calls through the intercom that he has nothing to say to her, so she should just leave.

Offended that he’s home and won’t speak to her face-to face, she pulls out the emergency alarm he gave her. He can’t ignore that high-pitched noise, even though he tries. She lets herself in the apartment, dangling the alarm in his face, saying she wouldn’t have had to use it if he’d answered the door in the first place.

She then asks why he wasn’t at work today and ignored all her texts. Even if he’s only working there for a few more days, she was still worried about him. She adds reluctantly that Eun-chae was worried about him, too, and trails off as she describes her as being pretty, with a good personality.

Dong-ha asks in disbelief if she’s trying to now hook him up with Eun-chae or push him towards any random person instead. Since she’s happy, he guesses she can’t care about how he feels.

Ji-yeon protests that she’s just concerned about him, since he’s been a walking time-bomb ever since Shi-hoon returned. She’s worried he’s headed in the wrong direction, but every time she tries to say something to him, he just gets angry and yells at her to get lost.

She starts to cry as she says she doesn’t want to be doing this with him, but what can she do — should she just move? After she storms out out of the apartment, Dong-ha says to himself that he never asked her to worry about him — she should just live happily with the polar bear.

Ji-yeon’s mother pays Na-rae a visit, having now learned about her pregnancy, and sighs, wondering when Ji-yeon will ever get married and give her a grandchild of her own. Na-rae assures her that it will probably be soon, and Mom admits that she thinks “Mr. Yoon” is a pretty good choice (and Na-rae and Min-goo exchange pained glances).

At the Trouble Maker office, Ji-yeon panics when she realizes she somehow lost the article she’d spent all day working on, and Young-sik isn’t there to fix it for her. But Dong-ha breaks his silence to go over and help her find it on her computer, and Ji-yeon is very, very aware of the way he leans over her, placing his hand over hers so he can move the mouse.

She’s totally focused on her work as the hours pass by, and Dong-ha silently hands her a necessary file and fresh cup of coffee as needed. Eventually she stops to stretch and realizes he’s still there. He gasps in mock horror at how late she’s made him stay on his last day of work, and tells her she at least owes him dinner.

They end up at a fancy restaurant, and Ji-yeon marvels at the array of dishes that fill their table, wondering how he can possibly eat it all. He says that since it’s the very last meal she’ll buy for him, he’ll eat until he explodes. Ji-yeon’s competitiveness rears its head as she says they should see who can eat the most. Dong-ha asks if she has to be the first in eating, too, and she reminds him that he’s never seen her lose.

Dong-ha suddenly says that the loser pays for the second round, and quickly digs in. Ji-yeon hurries to catch up, grumbling about his cheating head-start. They can’t help but laugh as they inelegantly stuff their faces and try to block the other from taking bites. Hahaha!

After a while, Dong-ha surrenders, and Ji-yeon cheers her victory. As they laugh at the ridiculousness of it all (and their overstuffed bellies), Dong-ha admits that the first time he saw her, he thought she was a witch with no blood or tears. She says that the first time she saw him, she thought he was a crazy Santa. Who would have thought that Santa would fight a suspicious thug to save an evil witch?

They head to a nearby bar for a second round of drinks, and Dong-ha wonders about their fate: If their phones hadn’t been switched, if she hadn’t been followed and attacked in her apartment, if he wasn’t the Master of Part-Time, if she wasn’t the witch — would they be standing here today? Internally, Dong-ha asks himself if that means he wouldn’t have ended up liking her, and she asks herself if that means their kiss would have never happened, either.

As they stare at each other over their wine glasses, the MC announces a surprise event — the most romantic couple in the bar will win a bottle of champagne. Remembering back to their first kiss, Dong-ha and Ji-yeon get the giggles (and I have to wonder if this couple-competition is super trendy, or if they need to start going to a new venue). The MC notices them smiling at each other, and pulls them out for special attention.

The bar patrons (and the rest of the viewing audience) start chanting “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” and Dong-ha pulls Ji-yeon in close as he repeats that every time he gets entangled with her, it seems to come to this. Then leans in for a kiss on the lips…

…before pulling back slightly to give her a gentle kiss on her forehead.

The bar patrons and MC (and the rest of the viewing audience) are disappointed with Dong-ha’s gentlemanly restraint. He takes the microphone to announce to Ji-yeon actually has a really great boyfriend, and that he hopes she’ll be happy with him from now on. But he sure doesn’t seem thrilled to be giving Shi-hoon his blessing.

Speaking of whom, Shi-hoon is lurking in the courtyard of their apartment, all ready to be a party-pooper to Dong-ha and Ji-yeon’s comfortable familiarity as they return home. Dong-ha excuses himself to go home first, and Ji-yeon invites Shi-hoon into her apartment.

She tells him he should have called first, and he says he did, but she didn’t answer. He admits he’s jealous that she and Dong-ha are so close, and she takes the safe route by teasing him, saying she didn’t know it was possible for him to be jealous.

Mom happily barges into the apartment, thinking that Dong-ha is there because she saw a pair of men’s shoes at the door — but is shocked to see that it’s Shi-hoon instead. She reminds him that she told him never to see Ji-yeon again, and he begs for her forgiveness. But she coldly tells him that she doesn’t like him: “I still hate that you never called during all that time, and you appeared only now.”

She then turns to Ji-yeon, fighting back tears as she reminds her daughter how much time she spent resenting and hating Shi-hoon — did she think those years would be so easily erased? Even though she would prefer it if they stopped seeing each other, she admits in defeat that they’re both adults who are capable of making their own choices. Her only request is that, if they really love each other, to get married by next year.

Shi-hoon immediately kneels in gratitude (and Mom still refuses to look at him), but Ji-yeon’s face seems awfully sad and pensive for someone who knows that she’s going to be marrying her first love.

The Trouble Maker office throws Dong-ha a farewell party at Na-rae’s restaurant, and he cheerfully helps out even though he’s the guest of honor. Ji-yeon tells him that he’s worked hard, and pauses a moment before adding, “I’m sorry.” When he asks about what, she vaguely replies, “For this, that, everything.” They toast each other, and her phone buzzes.

She walks away to answer it — it’s Shi-hoon, asking if she’s finished with the party yet, but she tells him she’ll be late and he can just go on home. Dong-ha watches her as he gulps down glass after glass of alcohol. The rest of the Trouble Maker staff are ready to continue their party at another establishment, but Dong-ha drunkenly passes out at the table.

Soo-chul drives them home (with Eun-chae tagging along, of course), and Ji-yeon tries to stagger her way to the apartment while supporting Dong-ha’s unconscious body. Eun-chae discovers that Ji-yeon left her phone in the car, and that her boyfriend is calling. Soo-chul deduces that it must be “the polar bear.”

In the courtyard, Dong-ha sleeps on one of the benches with his head in Ji-yeon’s lap, and she quietly muses that normally she’s the one who specializes in getting drunk, but today it’s Dong-ha. She wonders out loud what would have happened if they had met under different circumstances — would things have turned out differently?

Gently, she shakes him awake and he groggily sits up. Just as she’s getting up from the bench, he grabs her wrist to pull her back down, and then slowly leans in for a kiss — and this time, it’s on the lips.


So we finally get a kiss. Yay? Somehow, it’s not very satisfying. Not just because it’s a one of those “dead fish” kisses more suited to the main broadcast stations than for cable, but also there’s a sense of desperation from Dong-ha and emptiness from Ji-yeon. I want my kisses to sizzle, and this one just felt sad.

It doesn’t help that they had more chemistry earlier in the episode, from the sexual tension leading up to the forehead kiss (now that could have been an awesome kiss, particularly since you could see in Ji-yeon’s eyes that she was totally willing for it to happen), to the way he “accidentally” caressed her hand with his thumb as he fixed her computer.

Speaking of chemistry, how amazing is it that Ji-yeon goes through the entire episode declaring Shi-hoon as her boyfriend, and yet they hardly seem to touch each other. There’s always this barrier between them, be it a table or car or telephone or just three feet of air. I’m choosing to think this is a directorial choice, because it also emphasizes just how much Ji-yeon (whether knowingly or not) tries to separate Shi-hoon from the rest of her life. It’s like she’s giving him a second chance in theory, but not in reality.

She’s offended when he shows up, unannounced, to the Trouble Maker offices to try and become a part of the team; Mom only finds out they’re dating because she just happened to show up at the right time; she only introduces him to Na-rae who, yes, is her only friend, but is also the only person who really knew the Shi-hoon from ten years ago; whenever he calls, she slips away from whomever she’s with to quietly have a conversation with him. These are not the actions of a woman who is happy to have her first love back in her life.

Not only that, but Shi-hoon just seems to suck the joy out of her. Dong-ha may be a little distressed when he sees her smiling when she’s with Shi-hoon, but that’s nothing like those gloriously beaming goofy grins she has when she and Dong-ha are together. In fact, she seemed happier when she has the chance to track down breaking news about the embezzling business man than she did on her entire date with Shi-hoon (and, let’s face it: she had more chemistry in two minutes with her detective buddy than she has had with Shi-hoon so far).

If the show is trying to convince us that Shi-hoon is a viable threat, it’s failing spectacularly. I know LollyPip touched on a lot of issues surrounding Shi-hoon (and second leads) in the last recap, so I won’t repeat them here, except to say if he thinks rides to work and cups of coffee are enough to make up for the complete heartbreak and utter lack of communication for six years, well, he’s clearly delusional. Yes, they have “history” together, but Ji-yeon’s made her own history with Dong-ha, too, even it has only been for a few months. But those couple of months are just as important and viable because they are new and fresh, versus a longer history that has been dead for six years.

Speaking of history, I’m not sure how I feel about Papa Yoon making an appearance. For some reason, probably because of all the ties he has to the orphanage, I had it in my head that Dong-ha was an orphan himself. So I was a little thrown when I realized he’s yet another chaebol-type. I think I preferred him as the guy who worked like crazy to get into med school without any hint of assistance from a parent. Even though I’m sure “the incident” will be important (and probably has to do with Young-chae), it’s a backstory that seems unnecessary.

Because this story isn’t about the history the two of them have had independently of each other (which is why, again, Shi-hoon just doesn’t seem to fit). It’s about the two of them, today, figuring out a relationship that goes against societal norms and also challenges them on a personal level.

Although, thank goodness each episode seems to focus less and less on their age difference, because that’s never felt like a real stumbling block in the first place (especially since practically everyone in their world seems to approve of the two of them together; well everyone but Eun-chae and Shi-hoon). No; the only stumbling block right now is Ji-yeon’ s insecurity in figuring out how she truly feels about the men in her life.

But if the guy you’re trying very hard not to date manages to have more skinship (and shared laughter!) than the guy you supposedly will one day marry, well, that seems to be the answer right there.


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How right you are...the past is past and Jiyeon and Dongha are now


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Anyone else immediately think of pregnancy for nae ra when she thought the fish cakes smelt funny??!!


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i thought it was too obvious lol, there was no other point to the scene


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She had also mentioned in a previous episode that she wasn't hungry/her stomach was was feeling off.

TBH, I was pulling hard for pregnancy, because knowing k-drams, it was either that or cancer. D:


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For heaven's sake someone get rid of that pancake flopping in Shi Hoo's face. What 40 year old man goes around with that hair that looks like pancake? Is it a toupee???
He's annoying enough as it is. But that hair is driving me nuts.


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Thank you for saying that!!! It has been driving me bonkers as well LOL


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hey Korean need their own Mr. Trump...


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Now this guy is no match for Donald Trump! Trump's hair is museum worth..


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Well, that's not even a patch on the ridiculous do that Jang Hyuk was sporting till a few weeks back in Fated to Love You. I had a strong urge to reach into the screen and just yank it back in place with a hairclip. He has such nice features, specially cheekbones. Why on earth would you not show it off? Why do most of the actors either sport highly waxed, stiff looking do (case in point, Kim Woo Bin in The Heirs) or just a mop of unruly hair, which cover their forehead and sometimes a good portion of their eyes as well?


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I'm glad you brought up the fact that the age gap doesn't seem to be a stumbling block. I'd much rather that be the obstacle, and how the fact that Dong Ha is unmoored, without goals and living paycheck to paycheck, could be a source of friction in their relationship. I wish THAT was the conflict, and NOT THIS WEAKSAUCE SHI HOON LOVE TRIANGLE crap.


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Had the relationship between the two evolved into a public "we are dating" kind of thing the temp job assisting her would probably have become permanent. His desire to go back to school and return to medicine rekindled because his thoughts of his former girlfriends tragic demise would have been placed in the past. All of the mature things one would need to do to make a relationship solid would have been done by him because all that we have seen thus far indicates he is a responsible caring individual.


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ohoh lovely kiss :)


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Another sadness episode... I can't feel what Dong ha feels about his father... more improve act in that.. thanks for recaps.. I think they really need to be lock in the room together to realize how they really really feel each other.... :-)


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I was practically yelling 'Do eet' 'Do eeeet' at my screen and then he totally went in for the forehead kiss urgh (۳º̩̩́_º̩̩̀)۳
Dong ha really wears his shoes and footwears so well,he should totally be a 'Feet model' :D


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Omg guys I didn't realize until they showed that extra clip at the end of ep 10 that PSJ sang my favourite song from the ost!!

I love the song and always called it the 'I Knew It' song because that's the refrain repeated in the chorus. Can't believe PSJ's the voice behind it, like can he get anymore dreamy?? *swoons*

-fangirl moment over-


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-restarts fangirl moment-

Apparently he can dance too! Could he be any more perfect? He's gorgeous, is a very talented actor, can sing AND dance. And from the first two episodes, i'm betting he's a damn good kisser too. *swoons* I'm in love :D


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-continues fangirl moment. will never stop fangirl moment now!-

Wait he dances too?? *off to search youtube*

Sorry Imma need proof of him being a 'damn good kisser' please. Preferably in person. WITH ME.

*grabby hands*


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If you want to see him singing the OSt again, here is the Youtube link.


He's just... kyaaaaa!!!!


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Exactly! I didn't think it was him until they showed him singing. So I wondered if he debuted as an idol or something along the line. That's how I found out that he was actually in Dream High 2. I remember reading something those years ago, that he and the other guy (whose name I really don't need to remember) joined the casting auditions for one of the male leads and PSJ placed second. JYP decided to cast him too.

I'm currently rereading DH2 recaps because I seem to recall JB or GF saying that PSJ acts better than that other guy.


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Whenever Jiyeon is with Dongha, you can see that she's genuinely happy & comfortable around him which I really like because it kinda shows who she really is while with Shihoon she look "dead"


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"and, let’s face it: she had more chemistry in two minutes with her detective buddy than she has had with Shi-hoon so far" Thank You! Haha I had exactly the same thought. Thanks for the recap!


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Who's with me if ever Ji-yeon keeping Shi-soon in her side to leave him in the altar to go with Dong-ha. That will be the sweetest revenge. MUAHAHAHAHA!!!! Although Dong-ha don't deserve to wait like that...but hey...it's worth a shot.


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Yes! I was ROFLing so hard too, because it's so so true.

Thanks for the recap @odi!


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he was so hot, too! i would love some backstory on their relationship. now THAT would be a threatening second lead.


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I know! I was like "GURL, WUT ABOUT DIS GUY THO?!?!?" O_O


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anybody know who he is and what other dramas he's been in? he looks so familiar and it's driving me bonkers.


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His name is Han Jae-Suk and the last I remember seeing him was in Ohlala Couple where he was the first love of Kim Jung-Eun. In that drama, he also left her before coming back to claim Jung-Eun. Habit?


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I think The


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I think The Other Kay was asking for the name of the actor who played detective. Han Jae-suk is a veteran actor who's been in a lot of dramas although I would forever remember seeing him first in All About Eve


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i think every episode had its climax where everything gets a lot more exciting but for me the climax of this episode is exactly after. (PSJ singing) *swoon* *fangirl*


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At first I was really excited about this drama, it was so cute and fluffy. Chemistry was great too! And I really believed that things would become even more interesting when Shi Hoon came back yet I am bored to death. Now that Ji-yeon suddenly got back together with him it feels so forced. They don't hold hands, don't kiss, don't hug, probably don't even have sex. So wtf? Relationship?!!

Yes, she is conflicted, old wounds were reopened and she also feels bad about the past mistakes but for God's sake. Shi Hoon and Dong Ha should fight over her instead of this whiny boredom. She was supposed a strong career woman. Personally I don't think any drama needs 4 episode for crying and regretting for it to be deep enough. A few episodes to mop around should be enough. We all know how it's gonna end anyway.

That age gap excuse is getting old. Everything is getting old. Now when I see that new episode is out I don't even feel like watching. Hopefully something exciting will happen in the next episode or I might just drop this.


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Yeah, the drama lost some of its firepower and turned tepid this week. And the witch reverting to her old, boring, conventional self didn't help things.

On the other hand, I saw Dongha and his buddy spend more time together on screen. And that made it up for me. This kind of light but sincere and spontaneous male companionship is surprisingly rare in K-dramaland. I mean, it is so NOT bromance.

And the witch's Mom, who is stealing the show. I love her.


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This was my least favorite part of the twdrama too....but stay with it!!!! It should get better. I love the twdrama, for all it's faults :)


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Yeah, nobody likes to see our OTP apart and unhappy, but I also understand that it's a process.

JY was all set to marry SH before till he disappeared without a trace, and she was clueless and helpless for all those years. And then he suddenly reappears with a (sorta) viable reason. It's a lot to take in and assimilate.

I liked the previous comments that talked about how JY is caught up in what she thought she wanted and needed (her first real love), as opposed to what she has right now with Dong-Ha. Also about how she is such a mouse right now, and not the awesome witch at work that she used to be.

Right now, we just have to stick it through as the story unfolds.

It's a bit of a shame that the Shin-Hoo character isn't built up better. It's too one-dimensional for me, hence all bad vibes. It would have been great if it were more fleshed out - like we can love him and hate him at the same time.

Again, it's a process. JY will understand what's really important to her and DH will come to terms with his future (as a doctor or part-timer).

There's still a lot to hold my interest for the feels and cute moments so I'm still totally excited for each episode.


P.S. Drama Gods, can we have at least one scene of sizzling bed-rolling and kissing please before the drama ends???!!!


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I'll say drama gods have heard your (& our) plea as there's some bed action in the preview of E11 and it's definitely not a figment of DH's imagination. ^^


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i agree!!!!!!!
i came looking for recaps because i couldn't watch it drag on any more.
tbh i was rooting for SH just i like the way the look together.
but since the recap broke down the physicality of the show, especially that bit about the cop, it's obvious which way the wind is blowing.
ah well in 10 years dong ha will look less like a puppy (i hope) and it'll be fine...


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Am surprised nobody's mentioned Dong-ha's gut-wrenching sobs at the beginning of this episode. I watched both episodes back to back and oh man!... my face was all scrunched up ready to cry with him.

So many feels in this epi from DH helping JY out w/o being asked to the almost kiss!! When DH backs away with restraint and kisses her forehead I had a lump in my throat and got teary-eyed! He's a gentleman alright! <3


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I know right? Can you imagine if he had broken down like that in FRONT of her? The agony...


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I actually don't mind that Dong Ha is a rich kid because it pretty much explains his friendship with Spinach. I also really like the idea that the two of them are rich kids who are trying to make it on their own and don't have the sense of entitlement of taking papa's money for no reason, although Spinach is more comfortable accepting papa's help. But even though Dong Ha has a real father, it doesn't mean that he felt like he had a father. So I'm interested to see how it plays out.

I also like the fact that Dong Ha went to med school, that his father is ubber rich, that he passes out on the street, or gets into fights doesn't matter to Ji Yeon and we didn't waste any time with the "why did you keep it a secret" crap and went straight to Ji Yeon being genuinely concerned about Dong Ha.

I'm SO glad that we got a glimpse of the fierce "witch" Ji Yeon back at work once she got away from that polar bear and put her reporter skills to work with the detective and how vibrant she was while she was at it. It's just hammers down the point of how unhappy and unsure she is with that polar bear.

I think it's really sad that everyone thinks that Ji Yeon doesn't care about Dong Ha because she does. She's trying to protect him (to her his age is still a major thing even if it's not being said) and the fact that she's trying not to lean on him shows that she's trying not to hurt him anymore.

I don't think a lead has stepped back from his love more gracefully than Dong Ha has while at the same time continuing to try and fight for her.

There is such a huge contract between the almost kiss turned forehead kiss... which was just pure Dong Ha, with all his classy-ness and the last kiss which seemed so not Dong Ha. I love that they kissed, but the moment was not right at all and is Dong Ha playing un-fair. But at this point, I just don't care. Boy do what you gotta do!!!

I love how they slipped so easily into their own comfort with each other, even if they spent the time thinking about "what ifs" Shi Hoon is definitely the one that needs to be scared.

I also wish I had friends like Soo Chul and Na Rae with Min Goo. They are just so great in every way.

And last but not least, the acting!! It is just so super. The coldness and no blinking from Dong Ha at the police station with his father was just so well played. The hurting and crying from both UJH and PSJ is just amazing. Can't wait for next week.


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I loved that we got to see her in Lois Lane mode too! Brought some of her spark from the earlier eps back that's been sorely missing. That's her in her element, and it's awesome that that's a side Dong Ha knows of, whereas Polar Bear doesn't have a clue.


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If I'm not wrong Spinach had mentioned DH's father in a previous episode and then was cut-off by DH. That was indicative that DH was not on good terms with his father.

The forehead kiss had me squeeing as it was filled with so much tenderness and restraint that gahhhhhhh I was enveloped by the fuzzies.

In re to the kiss at the end it became clear to DH that JY was contemplating her relationship w/ him if PB had made his re-entry much later. There was no mention about the age-gap as well. While she's been putting on a front of being okay to DH he knows much better.


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I'm kinda interested to know what his father did to earn his hatred. It's probably something involving the dead ex-girlfriend or his mother?

I really thought his ex-girlfriend's younger sister would be playing a bigger part in the love square just to mix it up a bit, but there hasn't really been much progress there and we are already passed the halfway mark. Maybe the writer changed his/her mind on that? The setup was there but nothing happened.


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I don’t think a lead has stepped back from his love more gracefully than Dong Ha has while at the same time continuing to try and fight for her.

This is exactly the reason why I love this drama right now, and that I love this sad period. There is nothing better than the completely opposite reaction to our usual drama hero thanks to Dong Ha .

An the acting indeed, I always have a soft spot for this Queen Uhm Jung Hwa, but now I discovered this Cute Oppa Seo Joon! (that's how I decided to name him, because he's so cute lol).

Ia with you, entirely.


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Mr.Yooon and Mr. Yooong!!! Dun we just love YJ's omma?? She is hysterical!! i just love the mother but have anyone noticed how much of the same character she plays in almost every drama of pushing her kid to an arrange meeting??
gawd!! love this drama and am always itching for the next episode to come along alreadii!!!
i just hope the ending will be a good one coz i will be so disappointed otherwise!!!


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YES ! That Mr Yooooon and Mr Yoooog from the omma was hilarious!!!! MUAHAHA...The acting in this drama is top-notched!


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I'm hoping the introduction of Dong Ha's father means the current Shi Hoon arc isn't going to last much longer. It's like Ji Yeon is just going through the motions with him and I hate his smug, entitled face.

I wish more kdrama parents were like Ji Yeon's mother. She hates him for hurting her baby, isn't going to forgive him any time soon but is rational enough to realise that her daughter is a grown up and this isn't a situation she can control.

Somehow I doubt Dong Ha's father will have a similar attitude. .


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"and, let’s face it: she had more chemistry in two minutes with her detective buddy than she has had with Shi-hoon so far" YES! This! If I didn't love Dong Ha so much, and they didn't have so much chemistry, I would ship these two instead. Way more interesting and flirty banter than Shi Hoon. Plus, I found the guy quite attractive ;)

I agree, the Papa Yoon thing came out of nowhere. For a second I thought it was Soo Chul's dad. Why do they always have to be chaebol heirs?

Another depressing episode with not a lot happening. That's been 4 in a row now. I hope she finally dumps the douche next episode so we can have cute moments and more sexy time. The computer lean and the couple goodbye dinner were my highlights. I would've been happy just watching their adorable interactions for the whole episode. Getting sick of the return of the ex neverending drama.


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First, I'm really enjoying this show! I think DongHa and JiYeon are great together. I like the fact that he never once seemed intimidated by her and even enjoys her "crunchy" personality. I think it's realistic that JY would be concerned about their age difference. It really could've become an issue as their romance developed (marriage, kids, etc) if the ghost of the fiancé past, aka ShiHoon, had shown up.

I'm glad that they're digging deeper in DongHa's backstory. Aside from his past love and dropping out of Med school, we don't know that much else about him. SooChul made a few references to his family sitch so I'm glad they've introduced his father. Why is he on the outs with his Dad? Why is he CHOOSING to live paycheck to paycheck? Alas, my money is on Daddy-O being the one who disapproves of them being together aside from ShiHoon of course.

I love that Young-shik is so loyal to her and even though it's not stated, I think he is a friend to JiYeon, too. And I really like the fact that Mom and the Sexy CEO are slowly hooking up, lol

This kiss at the end... I think it's meant to be a sad and awkward. That's where they are relationally now. I think when we get back, we'll find her surrendering even if it's for a moment.


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My pet peeve about this episode surprisingly isn't the lack of hot kisses but that I don't like who Ji-yeon becomes when she's around the polar bear. She lets him make decisions for her, she becomes so passive. When the polar bear told Na-rae that they needed to leave because his Ji-yeon had work in the morning, she neither agreed nor disagreed with him. The polar bear's calls checking up on her when he knows she's out with her colleagues irked me, too.

I want strong, determined & independent Ji-yeon back from episode one who's motto is 'I won’t ever stop,' not this Ji-yeon who delegates a potential story lead because she has a date.


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Thanks for the recap!

For me, episode 10 is far better than episode 9. First and foremost, finally that bouncy and brassy JY is back--even if only partially. She regains some of witchy charm, not only in front of DH, but also with NR, with NR's customers, and with the police officer. i guess I really miss UJH's comic acting in earlier episodes so it's a relief to see the return of my beloved Witch!

I love how odilettante notices that JY has zero chemistry with SH. I will have to give a lot of credits to Uhm Jung Hwa's careful acting, because it is not the case in MY. That's why there is no shippers' war for this drama as for MY! LOL. In front of DH, JY laughs like a little girl, her eyes beaming with pure joy while with SH, all her sparks are gone.

(BTW, the chemistry between JY and Spinach in earlier episode is amazing as well. Both of them have perfect comic timing. )

I checked some Taiwanese/Chinese blogs and discussion forums and found that like me, they all appreciate very much the "awkward" kiss at the ending of episode 10. It's a brilliant addition to the original. First and foremost, it is the first "real" kiss of our OTP. JY's touching confession gives him a "pass" to kiss her, which he always wants to do but hesitates out of respect to her emotional boundary. It shouldn't be an intense deep kiss (although I will die in heaven if episode 11 shows us that it's indeed a deep kiss!), because JY is still in an ambivalent state. Nonetheless, ambivalence is better than a pure rejection. Our boy is adorable and sweet, but one thing I LOVE him the most is that he is ready to fight for his beloved one. Prior to JY's confession, he is willing to let go. But now, since he knows that JY is wavering, he is going to take every chance, including kissing her.

I know that age gap is such a cliche, but it is there in these two episodes. That's why JY tells NR that DH is only 25 and he can start afresh, why JY is trying to remind DH that EC is a good match for DH, and why she wonder they would fare better if they met in "different scenarios." I was struck in earlier episode when JY talks to EC (during the company outing) and realizes EC likes DH, she doesn't see EC as a love rival. Nor is she feel threatened. My take is that she does not even allow herself to even contemplate the possibility of her and DH getting together--although her actions and heart speak otherwise.

I know for some, these four episodes are dragging, but for it feels more draggy in the original. The introduction of DH's father should have come sooner, because DH cannot remain only one love puppy. He needs to go back to medical school or something. Let's not forget that JY's mom starts to see him differently after she knows that he used to be in med school..


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That kiss though, I hesitate to say it's their first 'real' kiss since we don't know what her response is since it cuts off midway. Everything hinges on how she reacts and if she reciprocates. This looks pretty one-sided to me and I like my real kisses to be reciprocal. Though I don't doubt that they both hv feelings for each other but this kiss comes frm a place of neediness and desperation, as Odilettante said. I think this show has a lot of drunken skinship that would be interesting to unpack to say the least!

And at the risk of sounding like an crazy stalker fangirl and embarassing myself, are you the blogger from otakuscape, and if you are, I love your writing and your ideas and pls pls write more! If not, erm, just ignore me


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DDee: Aww....you are so sweet. I am getting lazy, as usual, and in fact I prefer to check out your blog than updating my own. Thank you for your compliment and I will try to come out something substantial...haha.


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Thank you for the recap!

Super happy for Narae and Mingoo and I love how Jiyeon is stepping up to the plate and being nicer to Mingoo and being there for Narae.

Loved Mom's reaction to finding out that Jiyeon had gotten back together with Shihoon. She's upset and angry and raises serious concerns with them but she appreciates that they're adults and will make their own decisions. I love that despite her desire to have Jiyeon married, at the end of the day, she just wants to make sure that she's happy and she no longer really trusts Shihoon to fulfil that role.

I really dislike how much Shihoon controls Jiyeon's comings and goings and how he's always checking on her when she's out and how he's so smarmy and confident and doesn't seem to realize that Jiyeon is not really happy. For someone who has known her for so long, you would think he'd be able to recognize that she's conflicted and sad.

It was hard seeing DongHa break down and make such poor decisions. While a part of me really wanted Jiyeon to just give him some space, I also understand why she's worried and feels guilty. When DongHa is at his best, he's fun, polite, considerate and so kind. To see him self-destructing with the help of copious amounts of alcohol and to know that it's a direct result of what she did (granted she's completely within her rights to reject him), of course it's hard. I know she means well and thinks she's helping but by trying to encourage him to hook up with someone else so soon, it makes it seem like she doesn't understand the extent of his feelings (and I don't think she does). In that way, I understand Dongha's frustration at her too. It's a testament to how well I think this is playing out that I understand where they're both coming from.

While it was overall a bit of a downer, I loved seeing DongHa lighten up a bit and help Jiyeon at work and see feisty, excited reporter Jiyeon back in action (look at how excited she got about exposing injustice! Also hot cop alert!) and it was wonderful to see JY and DH laughing and talking together. Those moments are seriously SUCH a contrast to how she is with Shihoon - reserved and demure and submissive.

I also liked meeting Dongha's father. Finding out he's also a rich kid finally explained how he and Spinach became friends and answered some of my questions about what happened to his family. I also think that this is leading us into him deciding to go back to medical school. (I don't know what happened in the original - I'm just hoping he will because he needs to find something more concrete to expend his energies on and he certainly has the compassion to be a good doctor). I'm assuming the conflict between DH and his father has to do with EunChae (Papa Yoon probably was in charge of her surgery and when she didn't survive, DongHa blamed him) and if that's another piece of the Youngchae backstory that DongHa needs to deal with to move forward, then better we deal with it...


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does anyone know the name of the actor playing the detective that was working with jiyeon? I need to know...for totally legit reasons of science *cough*


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His name is Lee Moo-Saeng. http://asianwiki.com/Lee_Moo-Saeng

Got this tip from another awesome website that provides recap (or as they call it, squeecap) for this awesome drama. Click my name for the link.


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Thanks for thr info. Now i remember thus guy. As per the article, he was in heartless city.


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I sat up and said, "Well, hel-loww Detective Lee. Where did YOU come from?"

I want more Lee Moo-Saeng, and from the looks of it, so does Uhm Jung Hwa! I thought for a minute that she had dropped character, and was mentally just standing there with her tongue hanging out during their scene outside. Not that I blame her.

Writer needs to drop polar bear, hook her up for some high jinks with Detective Lee, just to give Dong Ha a real challenge. Then we'd get fireworks all over the place! And DH would have some growing up to do to compete with a mature police detective who knows and respects Ji-yeon. Writer are you listening?

Lee Moo-Saeng, Hwaiting!


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I cannot agree more with newgirl here. It almost like JY is seeing an oasis after suffering from the mental draught when being with SH.

In fact, Uhm Jung Hwa has great chemistry with everyone, except SH. She even has good chemistry with the grandma's boy, the guy she has a blind date with.

I want to see more JY at work. Even if she ends up to be the real "Queen of No Marriage," I don't mind it at all.


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Great commentary.

I liked the way the Director brought out the sizzling tension between Dong ha and her as opposed to her distance and very apparent lack of mind for Shi hoon who waited for her.

The past 2 eps were really good. My favorite moment was when she was walking off and he was trailing behind her with a mug in hand. She had stopped suddenly and he almost bumped into her. The sudden closeness was hot. Even though they didn't say anything about it. And it was like, 3 seconds long.

I don't know if the script writer had intended it but it's definitely more because the actors are so deeply in the moment rather than because the director framed it as such.

It's like there's this silent attraction going on and it builds up to this point where he hears her confession; That she'd actually wondered what would happened if he came earlier.

It's like she merely made a logical choice between Dong Ha and Shi hoon. A guy you met barely 2 months ago, or a guy you've had 10 years of history with.


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I love Uhm Jung Hwa in this drama! She seems lovable off-screen too. She's often seen laughing and smiling in the behind the scene vids, so it’s amazing that she’s able to pull off having the appropriate facial expressions in the episodes that were aired.

Most of the time, her leading men don't quite appeal to me. Coz I don't mind Oh Jiho, maybe I should try to catch Get Karl, Oh Soo Jung if I have the time. Should I? Should I?

She's really good at intimate scenes too. Check out Marriage Is a Crazy Thing and Changing Partners!

I've only seen Park Seo Joon in Warm Word before. I don't quite fancy his love interest there. Probably coz I don't follow that drama closely and so was not very invested. Did manage to catch his kissing scenes there though. Not as hot as in Witch's Romance, for sure. Oh, and I’ve seen him in certain episodes of Music Bank. He did sing and dance there. Check out the Christmas edition one.

I remember Happy Together sometimes will invite cast from popular cable dramas (Vampire Prosecutor & Reply Me). I so wish they’d invite Witch Romance’s cast too!


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Looking at the closeness between Spinach and Eun Chae, are they a couple already?

Club-fight scene: I'm so happy that when the thug asked Dong Ha if he’s Eun Chae’s boyfriend, he said he’s her older brother instead. And when he said ‘Get lost’ with that hand action, that certainly reminded me of Master’s Sun!

Emergency alarm scene: So happy too that he doesn’t have feelings for Eun Chae or any other women at this point at all! And oh dear, now he’s seen that he has made Ji Yeon cry.

Office document-lost scene: After that sexual tension, how on earth could Ji Yeon be so focused in her work?!! I admire her passion for her job then! So glad that their awkwardness is gone now. Dong Ha really can't take his eyes off Ji Yeon.

After dinner scene: Dong Ha held her hands again as they were walking to go to the bar! (Seems to me that this scene is not scripted but more like an ad lib by Park Seo Joon.)

Final scene: I just love the way Ji Yeon gently and lovingly called his name to wake him up. Dong Ha ya… kaja…


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Applecrumble. I couldnt agree more!


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I love this show for so many reasons - great acting that balances comedy and drama well, directing and script - but editing is really weak - episode 5 anyone?

Noona romances can be a lot of fun, but they have to have an element of believable, and this one just doesn't for me. Don't get me wrong, I love the actors Park Seo Joon and Uhm Jung Hwa, but the age difference is just too big to be believable for anything more than a fling/affair. I can not see a 39 year old woman and a 25 year old man building a life together. Still - it is really enjoyable the watch the interactions between the two. I think this drama will shoot Park Seo Joon to real stardom, and and Uhm Jung Hwa has confirmed why she has been so popular all these years!


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everything is going great from the start but its slowly getting boring...the concept of older women ending up with younger men triangle with former flame is getting old...i was hoping that this drama would somehow try to break the trend that its predecessors have started...but the way the storyline of each episode goes, it seems like its heading for the same path...i surely hope that there will be a twist in the upcoming episodes to make it interesting and worth remembering...


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