Casting in full swing for KBS melodrama Full Sun
by javabeans
“Casting spree” isn’t quite the right term for all the activity starting up around KBS’s upcoming melodrama Full Sun, in that nobody has actually been cast for certain. But the drama is certainly busily courting actors, and now we’re hearing a lot of names being floated as possibilities, starting earlier this week with Yoon Kye-sang for the lead.
Now for the co-star possibilities: First up is Han Ji-hye (I Summon You, Gold), who is considering the female lead role as the woman our hero (potentially Yoon Kye-sang) falls for… after he accidentally kills her first love. The death was unintentional but afterward the hero becomes a con man; it’s not quite clear whether he was a nice guy turned bad because of the incident or if he was a bad boy to begin with, but in any case: tragic love story unfolds.
Up for a different role is Kim Yuri, who will be known to me as Master’s Sun’s Little Sun for a while yet, given how she turned a snippy side character into a memorable comic performance. She’ll be the hero’s partner in literal crime, joining him on his con jobs. She grew up poor in the U.S., meets the hero while in Thailand, and then teams up with him. Angst ensues once she falls in love with the hero, who in turn falls for another woman, and along the way she also discovers “a secret she shouldn’t know.”
Another supporting role is currently being considered by Jo Jin-woong, who started out in dramaland as something of a buffoon (remember doofy Brutus in Sons of Sol Pharmacy?) but has been gradually transitioning into a serious performer and solid supporting actor (see: Tree With Deep Roots, Hwa-yi, Nameless Gangster). His (would-be) character is the man who makes our hero into a con man, who then pushes him to the edge of a cliff. He’ll love Kim Yuri’s character, setting up another love triangle.
The plot sounds both a little familiar and totally ripe for intense conflict, both of which can be assets, though we’ll have to wait to see how the Infamous Chil Sisters and Women In the Sun PD does working with the Dream High 2 writer. Full Sun will follow Prime Minister and I, and plans to begin filming as soon as it secures its cast. It’ll premiere in February.
Via No Cut News, My Daily, My daily
Tags: Han Ji-hye, Jo Jin-woong, Kim Yuri
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1 pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
December 21, 2013 at 4:06 AM
yeah, I know it's a melo, but...Little Sun! I've never been so happy to change my mind about a character/performance before, she was fantastic and hugely enjoyable in Master's Sun and I hope this drama gives her the scope to show a different side of her abilities.
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December 21, 2013 at 8:11 PM
After a point I watched Masters Sun mostly for her.
I hope there's a comic side to her character here too.
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December 22, 2013 at 3:15 AM
Word! Fingers crossed!
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2 ck1Oz
December 21, 2013 at 4:24 AM
Am I allowed to ask?
HJI- isn't she married to a Assistant DA in the US? I seem to see her in Korea all the time that's all. I know it's her personal life but she has been in long dramas a lot.
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December 21, 2013 at 6:10 AM
May be she is getting them in before any hiatus for babies.
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December 21, 2013 at 7:11 AM
*quietly raises hand and say "same thoughts"*
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3 mary
December 21, 2013 at 5:26 AM
Mu Yeol! *cries*
Love all the casting rumors so far. :)
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December 21, 2013 at 7:33 AM
I second that. Mu Yeol!!! Lol
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4 Chocobana
December 21, 2013 at 5:58 AM
Although it would be great to see Little Sun in a new role, the plot still feels a little makjang and too dramatic. So you kill someone by accident and think, "It's too late to go back"?
Haha I'm wondering how that would turn out.
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December 21, 2013 at 9:51 AM
Drama feels like a mix of so many dramas i.e. Secret (gender reversed), That Winter the Wind Blows, and countless love triangle Kdramas.
Also, Han Ji-hye seems to have regressed acting wise. Maybe it's too much fillers and botox, but her acting is very flat and I haven't been impressed with her latest outputs.
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5 Waiting
December 21, 2013 at 6:12 AM
Little Sun gave gig smiles in MS! I will forever remember the aquarium line! lol
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6 Waiting
December 21, 2013 at 6:12 AM
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7 Yoori
December 21, 2013 at 6:53 AM
I like Han Ji-hye, but I feel like I've seen a lot of her recently and in almost the same roles (besides the evil twin in ISYG). She's great and all but I'd love to see a different actress taking the female lead.
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8 Eddie
December 21, 2013 at 7:36 AM
Man, I really like YKS but Nice Guy and Secret are depressing enough already ><
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9 tokkioncrack
December 21, 2013 at 7:42 AM
Ahhh! Don't make little sun the typical second lead pleassseeee.
I loved two supporting frenemy second leads this year little sun and the prosecutor lee da hee from IHYV. Went and watched a bit of secret for her and Bam! I hated how she was every cliche of second lead rolled into one.
Don't bash me secret lovers I liked the drama in a way I'm sure all rubberneckers do but I wanted to erase her role from my mind.
Please don't ruin little sun for me at least not yet.
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10 rheapill
December 21, 2013 at 7:46 AM
Han Ji Hye AGAIN?? I'm okay with her taking any roles but she's been all over i believe. Can we take our eyes off a bit of her? I have been seeing her almost everywhere (to think i have never watched any of her drama except a glimpse of East of Eden, but I'm updated about her works - maybe there's nothing exceptional about it).
Again, she's ok. But can't we give it to another actress?
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December 21, 2013 at 8:19 AM
? Again ? Almost everywhere ?
I'm curious to know where else have you seen Han Jihye when her recent dramas, I Summon You, Gold and May Queen, ended in Sept and (exactly) a year ago respectively.
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11 Ace
December 21, 2013 at 7:58 AM
Dream High 2 writer? Noooo. Much as I like to see 3/4 cast I'll pass because of the writer.
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December 21, 2013 at 10:05 AM
You might want to give her a chance. She wrote the first half of DH2 and was then replaced by a troop of monkeys with a typewriter, evidenced by the insanity of the 2nd half of DH2...... wait. Did I say "monkeys"?!
I meant to say, JYP. The disastrous DH2 rests squarely on his doorstep.
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12 mel
December 21, 2013 at 8:26 AM
Im not a fan of hjh but this sounds good so hmmpph ... im starting to not like that the same actresses get used again and again right after they just ended a show when there are a million others that can be used
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13 Elise
December 21, 2013 at 9:27 AM
Not interesting enough tbh but could surprise us all like Secret did...
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14 Annie
December 21, 2013 at 9:29 AM
I wonder why we never see people saying, 'sheesh, enough of THAT actor already...'
Good for Han Ji Hye. Not my favorite actress but obviously there's a reason she's getting a ton of offers.
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15 Lalitah
December 21, 2013 at 5:15 PM
The premise sounds similar to 'Crazy for you' -- Yoon Kye sang was also the lead in that.
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16 soprection
December 21, 2013 at 5:29 PM
Ooh, Little Sun and Yoon Kye Sang! That's a combo I could get behind - unfortunately the story is not really my thing...I really don't care for melos. I'll wait and see what the feedback is like when it starts airing.
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17 Abbie
December 21, 2013 at 7:52 PM
Not loving the pick for female lead. I'd rather it be Little Sun. But that's just me.
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18 Quiet Thought
December 21, 2013 at 8:02 PM
This came up on Wiki . . .
"Director Lee Joon-ik cast Han in his period action film Blades of Blood without auditioning her — not for her talents, but for her Asian-looking eyes. Aside from finding her single eyelid unique and difficult to find in recent years . . ."
I've been watching Kdramas for about three years, and this issue still stumps me. What is the difference between a single eyelid and double eyelid? They all look like eyes to me, and I only freak out when they've been so cut up the actress obviously can't blink.
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19 sungballa
December 21, 2013 at 9:27 PM
oh no, han ji hye, no no no, i mean, she´s pretty but not really really pretty and i have watched her dramas and i don´t like her acting, it´s weird, i watched i summon you gold, may queen, and more, but i don´t know why people say she´s a good actress and lee yeon hee not? i like both, i just don´t want han ji hye make dramas where the male lead is an actor i like and i think that kim yuri will fall in love with the male lead while he will fall in live with a less pretty and adorable than kin yuri, han ji hye, i haven´t watch the drama but i´m in kim yuri side, she´s cool, pretty, cute and good actress, she really needs a lead role...
god, please make han ji hye drop this drama and make another... or make vampire prosecutor season 3 with the original cast hahaha
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20 aX
December 22, 2013 at 9:39 AM
Oh awesome! I APPROVE this pairing!!!
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21 goldeng
December 22, 2013 at 9:38 PM
oh no no no no .. I wont watch Nice Guy and/or that Winter again!! Those dramas left me with an eternal grudge against makjangs! I liked han Ji hye in ISYG both as Yoona and Monghee -before the writer went crazy and decided the main love story was an illusion after 30+ eps....- and Yoon kye sang will forever be Pil Joo for me but that plot... UGH!!
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