Yoochun headlines action drama Three Days
by girlfriday
Whoooo, it’s two good bits of news all rolled into one. I had wondered what happened to the 24-esque condensed-time action thriller drama Three Days, which had sounded like the best new drama in the upcoming crop, but missed its window on SBS’s fall schedule as originally planned. Never fear, because it’s back on the slate for a February 2014 broadcast, and has secured Yoochun (I Miss You) as its lead.
The new drama from writer Kim Eun-hee of Ghost and Sign and PD Shin Kyung-soo of Tree With Deep Roots touts itself as the Korean 24, which isn’t an essential comparison now that Two Weeks has happened and the condensed-time thriller isn’t so foreign a concept. Perhaps Two Weeks had something to do with Three Days wanting a little distance from such a similar drama (in format, not content), or perhaps they just needed more pre-production time.
The action thriller will naturally span the course of three days, and centers around the president and the Blue House secret service. Yoochun will star as the president’s bodyguard, an elite agent who is fastidious when it comes to his job. On a trip to the presidential villa, three mysterious gunshots will herald the president’s sudden disappearance, and the drama will follow the agents’ harrowing chase to recover him.
Sohn Hyun-joo, Jang Hyun-sung
Though Yoochun is the only one confirmed as of now, Sohn Hyun-joo (Covertly, Grandly) is being courted to play the kidnapped president. OMG. Yes, please. He’s so good. His reps say he’s considering it among many other projects so we’ll have to wait and see, but one thing we can glean from them trying to cast him is that the president will play a big role in the drama and not just be the princess you rescue at the end. Jang Hyun-sung (Who Are You) is being courted as well, to play the senior secret service agent and Yoochun’s boss.
Well, I’m excited. It’s obviously a show that’s going to be compared to Two Weeks for its structure, but while that drama was about the everyman fugitive, this is clearly being set up to be a more Jack Bauer-esque super-agent thriller. Maybe with 36 extra hours in this story, Yoochun can squeeze in a few normal human things, like food and bathroom breaks, which never seemed to fit into Jack Bauer’s day. I still prefer Yoochun in comedic and fusion roles, but this could certainly be the drama to tip the scales for me, since badass action hero is pretty up there on my highly scientific scale of swooniness.
Three Days is planning to pre-produce half of its 20-episode run, which explains the early casting. It’s preparing for a February broadcast on SBS.
- Three Days aims to be Korean “24”
- Jung Yumi courted for big screen romance with Yoochun
- Yoochun joins Kim Yoon-seok at sea
- Seung-gi vs. Yoochun vs. Hair (This post is totally relevant.)
- I Miss You: Episode 1
- Yoochun and Yoon Eun-hye’s poster shoot for I Miss You
- The untold love story: Rooftop Fashion King
- Rooftop Prince: Episode 1
Tags: Jang Hyun-sung, Micky Yoochun, Sohn Hyun-joo, Three Days
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1 Dy
November 3, 2013 at 8:08 PM
Yoochun has grown so much as an actor!
Looking forward to this.
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2 jwspazz
November 3, 2013 at 8:11 PM
anticipate ! ;D
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3 sparks121
November 3, 2013 at 8:12 PM
not crazy about his acting, but he seems to be improving and i like the writer, so i may be anticipating this. sign and ghost were great.
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4 jomo143
November 3, 2013 at 8:13 PM
I hope Jang Hyun-sung isn't an ass again.
After GOM, I hate this man. HATE.
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5 mary
November 3, 2013 at 8:16 PM
Oooh Yoochun in a non-wtf-ish melodrama.
Then those ahjusshis as co-stars. (I bet the President is the Real Baddie here.)
Then 24-like format with extra hours to eat (angsty ramen) and take a bath (abs alert!)
AND it's pre-produced. :)
Wow. Such amazed. Such happy!
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6 Mawiie
November 3, 2013 at 8:18 PM
Ha! Scale of Swooniness. Why do I feel like it's going to be your theme of this year's year-end review? ;)
But to go back on topic, this sounds really good. I still remember those days where people practically forced me to watch SKKS because I swore it off because I didn't like YooChun. So happy to be proven wrong ^^
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November 3, 2013 at 8:24 PM
haha, I was a DBSK fan, but after "Heading to the Ground"...which, unfortunately, did just that....
anyways, after the Drama that Shall Not Be named, I swore off watching my favorite boy band members fail to act. Luckily, I was talked into SKKS anyways. Cause IMO, he didn't fail to act at all :D
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November 4, 2013 at 3:19 AM
SKKS was the reason why i fell for yoochun...and i was even shocked when i found out he was a member of DBSK...i didn't really like them back then...they looked weird. hehe...but know i'm keeping the faith...haha
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November 4, 2013 at 9:06 AM
I actually became a fan from SKKS. I love Junsu and Jaejoong as singers, but Yoochun I prefer as an actor. Go figure.
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7 harukogirl
November 3, 2013 at 8:22 PM
tee hee "....my highly scientific scale of swooniness."
lol, I have one of those as well. Totally based irrefutable fact and unbiased observation.... XD
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8 snow_white
November 3, 2013 at 8:22 PM
Color me interested...
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9 Won
November 3, 2013 at 8:24 PM
This boy (man) has really diversified his drama selection. He has improved every time. I don't really like these types of drama, but i did like 2weeks. Too bad...no time for romance in this one?
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10 Annie
November 3, 2013 at 8:33 PM
Out of curiosity, where do you guys rank him as an actor? I personally think he's pretty darn lucky that he achieved so much fame as an idol. The news articles didn't even hide the fact that the foreign investors started calling SBS once they found out he was going to be cast.
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November 3, 2013 at 8:44 PM
I think he is pretty good, or at least fine as an actor. He may be as lucky as other idols, but he is better than most of them, if not all. Idols work their ass off too though, I don't think it is pure luck.
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November 3, 2013 at 8:47 PM
Lucky in the sense that he's famous for being part of a musical group and that fame is what's essentially underwriting his career as an actor.
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November 3, 2013 at 8:52 PM
Not certainly that essential.many idols from big groups are acting now as well. Not to mention he has not been that active for some years compared to other idols. I think his power mostly comes from his dramas. In the full news they said, his popularity came mostly from Rooftop Prince and I Miss You, they did not mention anything about him being in a group.
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November 3, 2013 at 9:00 PM
Yoochun was part of TVXQ who is probably the most successful foreign idol group in Japan. JYJ is still insanely popular, so I wouldn't say most of his popularity comes from dramas.
November 3, 2013 at 9:09 PM
I think he was lucky with sungkyunkwan scandal but luck can only take you so far. Rooftop prince made him even more popular
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Purple fairy
November 5, 2013 at 5:07 AM
Yup, admit he may not be the best actor but I was brought into kdramaland bcos of watching him in Rooftop Prince (nope, I was not aware of his TVXQ prior to that) and since then I started my k-craze with no return. So even if is bias, I am glad that he is coming back soon to dramaland this soon!
November 3, 2013 at 9:06 PM
He's a solid actor. Maybe not the best of his generation, but definitely good enough to hold his own without the idol fame tag qualifying everything he does.
He's had luck in his career but I think it's more luck about picking interesting projects than luck from being previously famous (which has not helped other idols one whit when they don't have the acting ability to capitalize on their platform). He picks a wide range of interesting characters and then does a good job immersing himself in the roles, so that even when the dramas themselves are not good (Miss Ripley, I Miss You), he has something to do with the material.
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November 3, 2013 at 9:11 PM
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November 3, 2013 at 9:12 PM
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November 3, 2013 at 9:14 PM
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November 3, 2013 at 9:46 PM
Words! Agree with Javabeans :)
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November 3, 2013 at 10:49 PM
Preach, Javabeans! As a fan of Yoochun since SKKS, I can see that he has improved a lot since 2010. He did indeed get the one of the lead roles in SKK because of his Hallyu idol status-- but that's show biz. But since then, he has proven in following projects that he is a good actor and is serious about honing his craft.
In every Yoochun article, I am tired of people questioning his ability and constantly insinuating that he's only getting these big roles because of his huge fanbase in Asia, especially in Japan. But he and his members worked their asses off in Japan starting at the bottom before achieving success after quite a few years.
So what if he's scoring these roles, at least he's good.
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November 3, 2013 at 11:09 PM
lol, even the same group :D
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November 3, 2013 at 11:51 PM
not same group anymore....
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November 4, 2013 at 7:18 AM
at the time of both of their drama debuts (and therefore reason for first parts) they were :)
November 3, 2013 at 11:40 PM
i also believe he's a solid actor. If i can compare it to another idol, he is like Eric, though not great actors but you can feel their depth in acting. They have complete understanding of their roles. I think that's what separate them from other idol turned actors.
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November 4, 2013 at 2:08 AM
Nice comparison. They even have the same pretty yet masculine vibe. I would love it if people could forget or at least not harp on the fact that Yoochun's an idol, like they do for Eric.
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November 3, 2013 at 11:46 PM
hear hear!!~ =)
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November 4, 2013 at 12:25 AM
Thanx JB...he definitely has something!
I couldn't explain how I love and respect his huge talents so much!
coz he is one of a kind...
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November 4, 2013 at 12:56 AM
Javabeans, I love you. :D
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November 4, 2013 at 1:51 AM
I agree with Javabeans.
Since I don't listen to either JYJ or TVXQ, I went into watching a show with him not expecting much because he was an idol and so famous (I don't listen to either group but I am aware of their large amounts of loyal-sometimes scary- fans). But, I was pleasantly surprised by him and think he is really good and a solid performer.
Actually, I even think he fits better as an actor. He has more charm on the screen while acting than from what I've seen of him in music videos and he is pretty swoony, too! And yeah, picking interesting projects helps as well. He creates range for himself and that helps to not box him in or get type cast. Which is to say, he doesn't get boring. So, while he may not be on my list of favorites, I like him a lot!
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November 3, 2013 at 9:58 PM
There are many idol actors but why only he and very few others among idols actor who stand out in acting?
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November 4, 2013 at 12:07 AM
Because he is in one of the most famous idol groups in the East Asian region, starting from years ago til now. So you could say he stands out for the instant power he brings for foreign investors and audience numbers etc.
And then as previous commenters have mentioned he is decent at acting and can carry his lines unlike many, MANY other idol actors.
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November 4, 2013 at 12:32 AM
He is good. And he got a certain je ne sais quoi factor. I know next to nothing about Kpop and my first encounter with Yoochun was in, I think, I Miss You. I hated the grown-up part of this drama with a vengance but Mickey had that something extra, that made me still watch the show. He's got a maturity, that transports via the screen, that I just love. Later I realized, that when I watch a drama with him in it I'm drawn to his performance. No idea why, because he still has room to grow, but he is like a magnet on screen to me.
He picked the perfect new projects (Sea Fog and Three Days) to prove, that he is more than an idol dabbling in acting. I wish him all the best and keep my fingers crossed, that this cast will be finalized. Something really to look forward to!
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11 korfan
November 3, 2013 at 8:34 PM
Oh, this sounds good. ..... Liking the cast very much.
I can totally see Sohn Hyun-joo as the president! Saw him in Chaser and Empire of Gold and he was excellent!
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November 3, 2013 at 9:23 PM
The great thing about casting Sohn Hyun Joo as the President is that....SBS can reuse those suits they had made for him in Empire of Gold ^.^
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12 Bownie!
November 3, 2013 at 8:37 PM
I love the idea that half of the drama is being pre-produce. Let's hope for better k-dramas future.
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November 3, 2013 at 10:01 PM
For me this is the best part of the news: 10 eps pre-production!!!
It's the chance that some of the live-shooting craziness is slowed down for the whole crew of the drama. Who am I kidding?! .... probably the requirements and needs of this action drama forces the per-production. Which would mean that the same intense workload as usual is necessary, but over a longer periode of time than normally needed for a 20 ep drama. Please correct me if I am wrong!
I just hope that something change for the better in k-drama production. I love them some much, but sometimes I feel bad and guilty watching them and knowing the bad conditions. There are times were you can actually see the exhaustion of actors. I read same actors are treated with IV on a regular basis just to be able to finish a drama. It's crazy... I wonder how the behind-the-scenes staff is coping with the workload.
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13 Mandy
November 3, 2013 at 8:38 PM
Hmm... Recently, action dramas haven't fared very well - Two weeks, IRIS 2 and Incarnation of money (being a weekender) did poorly ratings wise. Or am I missing a highly rated action drama in recent times?
Anyway, it seems interesting, although I didn't love Two weeks. Hopefully this one's better. Yoochun's really busy with his movie coming up and now a drama. Maybe after this, he's going to enlist because as far as I know he's an 86'er. And in 2014, I'm sure some of the 87'ers are going to gear up for MS.
Its that time of the year again where we get casting news for the winter/spring season. Time flies! I swear it feels like yesterday when GFB and JOJ were announced amongst many others!
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November 3, 2013 at 9:30 PM
I'm pretty sure he's exempt due to his asthma but I'm not sure if he can still enlist regardless if he wants to.
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November 3, 2013 at 10:06 PM
Asthma didn't exempt him from military service though. It just kept him from active duty. He'll be enlisting when his time comes but it will be for public service.
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14 readlead
November 3, 2013 at 8:41 PM
the first time saw the new thread in soompi, I was so surprise and happy to hear yochun will back soon to kdramaland tough not sure yet If I'll wacth it but this is the list that make me will watch this drama for sure.
1st : it's korean version of american show 24. 2nd : written by Kim Eun-hee, writer of Ghost and Sign). 3rd : The PD is Shin Kyung-soo of Tree With Deep Roots. 4th : the team is the same team which produced That Winter The Wind Blows!
OMG, that four points are truly DAEBAK!!!
Now, cant wait to see point 5th : The lead female. OMG... hope Kdramaland God can give us the talented and experienced actress, actually I dont minf if a young one as long as she is talented!
Who will be good for lead female? Lee Si Young? Jung Eun Ji? I cant remember much name right now...
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15 Jo
November 3, 2013 at 8:41 PM
Interesting. TBH, I tend to get quite excited for every PYC drama casting news, not because I'm a fan of his acting, more like my interest is piqued by the plot synopsis of the drama he chooses (SKKS, MIss Ripley, Rooftop Prince and even I Miss You). BUT, I always end up getting frustrated with how the story progresses and eventually haven't finished a single drama of his (nope, not even SKKS). I don't know why scriptwriters bail out on those potential storylines.
Well hopefully, this will be the first PYC drama that I'd be able to watch from start to finish. I haven't seen much of his acting but I can tell he's improving every project. Crossing my fingers on this one since Kim Eun Hee really kept me on the edge of my seat with Sign and Ghost.
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November 4, 2013 at 12:12 AM
I completely know what you mean, some of his dramas just get worse with each episode, in particular I Miss You. I had such high hopes for that one after the early episodes with great child actors and actresses.
Hopefully Kim Eun Hee will deliver with Three Days.
On another note I love how the format of the drama instantly requires the drama title to be a time period. Haha :)
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16 ohlalalove
November 3, 2013 at 8:57 PM
First I do not think there is female lead. There is no romance in Kim Eun Hee's drama.
Second, I hope it is a great drama and the rating is decent. Action dramas did not seem to do so well recently.
other than that, I am sooooooo excited for this. I loveeeeee 24 Hours.
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17 Nedz
November 3, 2013 at 9:04 PM
Sohn Hyun Joo! Yes please..
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18 Crystal
November 3, 2013 at 9:11 PM
Wonder who's the female lead. Hope it's Moon Geun Young since she did not have any project now after Goddess of Fire. The pairing of Yoochun n her will be fresh.
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19 lldre
November 3, 2013 at 9:16 PM
i like park yoochun but this drama will get low rating.
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November 3, 2013 at 9:51 PM
Not sure WHY you think so or WHERE you get this "conclusion" from? The drama is not even out yet! And looking at the names of the scriptwriter, PD and potential co-stars, it will definitly garner lots of attention (whether you like it or not it's already top of the HOT words and search engines).
After 2 years, Yuchun has chosen to do this drama and based on his choices of roles/production so far in his short drama career, he always managed to surprise me with the variety he picks. None of the roles he did so far are similar and he obviously doesn't pick based on whether the drama will get high ratings or not (he mentioned in his interviews previously that he chooses scripts/roles based on gut feel).
Can't wait to see him again on the small screen!
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November 4, 2013 at 11:41 AM
yoochun's dramas never end up in 3rd place tho, except sungkyunkwan scandal and that was a huge hit.
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November 4, 2013 at 12:07 PM
Giant was the hit drama during that time slot. Sungkyunkwan Scandal average around 10% and highest 14%. That was not considered a huge hit 4yrs ago.
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November 4, 2013 at 11:17 PM
SKKS did not compete with only Giant but also DongYi, which also got the highest rating in that time slot. Though SKKS was not ranked first in term of rating, the rating itself wasn't that bad. And it was really a huge hit.
Most of audiences were either watched the reruns or watched it online. From my first hand experience, the number of torrent downloads (yeah,.. it's illegal lol) were high and highest among the 3 competing dramas, in Korean torrent websites.
And SKKS DC Gall was populated with discussions and moving in high speed lol
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November 5, 2013 at 4:54 AM
Since when did the amount of illegal downloading determine a drama's success and whether it's a hit or not?
You are correct, Dong Yi got the highest rating during that time-slot (it aired a couple months earlier than the other 2) but in the end Giant hit the national drama status at 40%, Dong Yi's highest eps rating was around 32% and SKKS at 14%.
Ratings does not always determine the quality of a drama but it this case Giant was the best out of the 3, both in quality and ratings.
November 5, 2013 at 8:46 AM
but SKKS made all three male leads stars =)
it was crazy popular
November 6, 2013 at 6:29 AM
Being popular online doesn't contribute to the ratings. Song Joong Ki's break out performance was in Tree With Deep Roots and he wasn't a lead in it. Yoo Ah-In got more recognition but he has been acting (dramas/movies) for years before SKKS. Yoo Chun was brand new so he benefit most from it.
November 6, 2013 at 9:30 AM
lol, I guess you don't like Yoochun, huh)
I'm actually insulted as SKKS fan.. of course online popularity doesn’t contribute to the ratings, where we even suggested this, lol. it is just funny that you don't want to admit that it was crazy successful project.
since it totally was =)
November 6, 2013 at 3:05 PM
Never said I don't like Yoo Chun, he was brand new and that's the dang truth. There is no point discussing ratings with delusional fans. Have a nice day.
20 candycane
November 3, 2013 at 9:32 PM
looking forward to Yoochun's next drama. he is sure trying out different genres. good for him!
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21 cv
November 3, 2013 at 9:34 PM
Yey! I love Yoochun as an actor and singer. Can't wait.
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22 Changdola
November 3, 2013 at 9:38 PM
And here I'm still waiting for his album, or JYJ's.
Anyway, good luck Yoochun-ah....
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23 Honey
November 3, 2013 at 9:39 PM
so excited hearing Yuchun's new drama!!
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24 Jade
November 3, 2013 at 9:48 PM
I'm happy Yoochun back on drama land, and this time pre produced drama! Yeah! The plot sounds interesting, definitely will check it out
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25 ilikemangos
November 3, 2013 at 9:59 PM
I like yoochun.
He's one of the stronger idol-actors and surely can beat out some those that are solely actors in the industry. *cough* song seung hoon, who is so pretty to stare at but let's just leave it at that.
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26 Maymay
November 3, 2013 at 11:23 PM
Yoochun! That is all friends :D
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27 Beng
November 3, 2013 at 11:32 PM
i can feel your excitement GF, with the double underlined red words.
I'm also looking forward to this coz i love all the male casts so far. I hope the female casts will also be there to add in the bad-ass action rather than as a love story angle.
I wouldn't mind a female bad-ass VP controlling the Secret Service Agents/Bodyguards. But wouldn't it be nice if the villain is the female VP? Then this will become a battle of wits and brawn =)
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November 3, 2013 at 11:34 PM
o, how come the red doublelined words also appeared in my comment?
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November 3, 2013 at 11:35 PM
it's gone now...hahaha just something that appears that leads you to a link.
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28 jenniquack
November 3, 2013 at 11:47 PM
24...except 3 Days....
Realtime-esque dramas are intense....but move too slow
Still, will be checking yoochun out in this role
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29 lalala
November 4, 2013 at 12:05 AM
oh my...I thought he will only focus on Sea Fog..never imagine to get this surprise from him today..love this boy and his talents so much..and once again, nice role Park Yoochun..I'm in!
So this drama will compete with Empress Ki which doing good so far[ratings]..Good luck 3 Days team..
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November 4, 2013 at 11:49 AM
I thought this drama would come after kim soohyun's for the Wednesday-Thursday slot
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30 eny
November 4, 2013 at 12:36 AM
the story seems good, Son Hyun joo good too, but Yoo chun...........so far i see he always the same person every role
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November 4, 2013 at 2:18 AM
"so far i see he always the same person every role"
haha..as expected a funny/troll comment from eny about Yoochun..LOLOLOL!
r u kidding? Lee Seon Jun is same with Yoo Hyun/Yutaka? Yutaka is same with Lee Gak or Han Jung Woo? even Lee Gak and Tae Yong were two different people..don't let u blinded ur eyes becoz he is not ur favor to say something ridiculous dear..I know, we can't force people to like him but saying nonsense comment is a shame! coz so far I see he is one of a kind actor who knows how to pick a different roles!
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November 4, 2013 at 6:34 AM
@eny can u explain to me .. where is the same person who in every drama he played. ?
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November 4, 2013 at 6:53 AM
i see him in miss ripley, sunyunkwan scandal n rooftop prince, the charracter is same just different clothes or proffesion. My comment base on what i see in his drama, you could call me redicilous or whatever i just said what i thought about him, we could have diffirent opinion doesn't mean i'm hater
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November 4, 2013 at 6:59 AM
the good thing is he choose different genre, the only his drama that i like is miss ripley because the story is different non typical romance
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November 4, 2013 at 8:48 AM
eny - maybe you can try watching "i miss you". his role as HJW is certainly different from the others which are mostly chaebol-type characters. Interestingly enough, i dislike miss ripley as a drama, his acting was good, but story is just too ridiculous
November 4, 2013 at 3:19 PM
@blah blah
nahhh..eny even said he didn't trust this actor[Yoochun] in melodrama..that's why I said she comes here to troll Park Yoochun..and the reason why she watched Miss Ripley is because of Lee Da Hae..
Let her be..As long as we know who is Park Yoochun, why directors choose him, what he gonna give for his fans/viewers next..So if you think he is always same, it doesn't matter eny at least for me he is one of an idol actor who can beat the so called real actor at this moment..If you disagree, try asking me who is that real actor..
November 4, 2013 at 7:57 PM
@blah blah, @blue sky @anna
I noticed eny is fan of actor joowon (bd mask) and she likes to troll in articles of popular actors with many fans... lol
November 4, 2013 at 9:01 PM
what a good memory and observation! Yes, I went back to some old posts on Seung-gi & Yoochun and there was eny making the same comments about "same" this and "same" that... ha ha ha... this is so funny. The same person making the same comment on every drama and every role... ha ha ha... this makes my day!!!
November 4, 2013 at 9:14 PM
@kyuri & @blah blah
Yes..I noticed that too..TBH, I respect some of her taste regarding to which dramas/actors she likes to watch except the way she trolled some actors..eny, u should stop making trolls coz i can't take it anymore, it's too funny..hahaha...My stomach hurts so much from laughing reading the same comments here and there..
31 minh
November 4, 2013 at 1:33 AM
yoochun why this drama? action drama haven’t fared very well, bad choice.
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32 Requiem
November 4, 2013 at 1:35 AM
Anyone know if Yoochun has done another action role before? And really, how well he did it if he has done one?
This type of drama seems right down my alley, but if he's like Seung Gi at action.... *shudder*
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November 4, 2013 at 11:43 AM
no this is his first time
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33 canxi
November 4, 2013 at 1:58 AM
This sounds good! I like high-suspense things. I've never watched 24, though so this will be kind of shiny and new for me. I watched Two Weeks and loved it though.
I am curious of how the producers will cover three days in 20 episodes. It also may not have a love-line with such a tight deadline so that's probably something to be excited about, too, for many. Since many K-dramas involve romance, I find it a particular achievement if they can produce an interesting show without one. I love a good romance but it's not always needed (though oddly enough there are also cases where I feel it kinda is, LOL).
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34 Krystal Anne
November 4, 2013 at 2:22 AM
What i like about Yoochun is he improve in every drama he stars in. Compare his acting in SKKS to his acting in Missing You and you can definitely see the big improvement in his acting. And i like that he chooses diverse drama to star in, 1st, SKKS which is like a Joseon F4, it's under historical romance drama. 2nd is Miss Ripley which has a dark theme then 3rd he goes to Rom-Com fusion drama Rooftop Prince then 4th with Missing You which is a melodrama. And now he goes action drama, he chooses diff. genre of drama to star in. He isn't the type of actor or idol-actor that is type-casted in a certain type of drama or role in a drama.
Since i love 'Two Weeks' i will make sure to watch this, adding that the writer also has a good resume so definitely in.. I'll be anticipating for this, i just hope it won't disappoint.
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November 4, 2013 at 5:56 AM
agree with u ... he choose different genre .. He likes a challenge, no matter if it will make people be surprised and wonder why he took the role, and he is the one who is always willing to learn to give the best in his role.
that's Park Yuchun.
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35 PeepsLeAwesomePotato
November 4, 2013 at 2:55 AM
HAHAHAH, I like Jang Hyun-sung's pose in that picture. So cheeky and fully of schoolboy charm.
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36 Kristy
November 4, 2013 at 3:18 AM
Wow...I just loved the writers previous work Ghost....It was wonderful.....Hope this will be awesome....
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37 kakashi
November 4, 2013 at 4:13 AM
But: How many Jang Hyun-sungs are they? He is in almost EVERY drama I have ever seen .... @_@
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38 Anonymous
November 4, 2013 at 4:20 AM
Not going to lie, I'm here for Sohn Hyun-joo! I'm so happy to see him back--now if only he would get a starring role again.
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39 kDkiddo
November 4, 2013 at 5:22 AM
20 eps for three days ! Thats alot of elongation !
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40 Kiara
November 4, 2013 at 5:49 AM
Just say Sohn Hyun-joo and I'm there. He the amazing actor here.
I like Yoochun and I do love seeing him improve with every project.
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41 anna
November 4, 2013 at 6:24 AM
nteresting to read the comments here,
okay .. I also want to comment, Yoochun .. I know him through Miss.Ripleys, and I fell in love with that brought songyoohyun, how he's changed role of the cheerful person into a cool, after that I saw SKKS, which makes it increasingly interested in the way he acted ... in Rooftop Prince and I miss You, reinforces his acting. He proved to everyone that he isn't the only Idol who only rely on fame as Idol but also his acting skills which are increasingly better. ( he got the award in every drama that he starred, was also one of the proof ).
He always try to give his best that he can do in many things ( as singer or actor or else)
for this time, he choose different genre again ... i cant wait to see his acting in this drama.. besides his movie.
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42 candycane
November 4, 2013 at 8:42 AM
should i also add that he changes his hairstyles often as well. he is a very dynamic actor who is always trying out various things to keep us entertained. thank you Yoochun!
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yuka sato
November 4, 2013 at 6:02 PM
LOL, if only you follow his music resume too, in these past 10 years he probably change his hairstyle like 100 times already..
what you saw in his drama are the "most ordinary" hairstyle he ever had. he's the guinea pig of his hairstylish..
but i dig his "i miss u" hairstyle more, he looks hot like that gyahaha
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43 Shado
November 4, 2013 at 8:42 AM
Oh, action now is it? Now this should be interesting...
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44 cass
November 4, 2013 at 8:44 AM
I'm excited! I know Yoochun will do well
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45 Abbie
November 4, 2013 at 9:09 AM
I think I'm more excited about Jang Hyun-sung. I've admired him ever since Vampire Prosecutor where he played the Big Bad. He was so cool in that. I like Yoochun, but I've never been interested in any drama he's played in. More for the story, than because of him. Still, looking forward to this. Sounds really interesting.
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November 4, 2013 at 9:54 AM
Jang Hyun Sung has really played some jerks, though, lol. I think in everything I've seen of him he's been just an awful person. So, I wonder if he will be in this or if he'll actually be a good guy. I somehow doubt it, hahaha.
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November 4, 2013 at 6:17 PM
I think I like him because he plays jerks. He does it so well! Hahaha. But really, I hope he doesn't in this one.
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Purple fairy
November 5, 2013 at 4:59 AM
I remember him playing a cute ajusshi in "Big" (Kyung-joon’s uncle) who is secretly in love with Da-ran's mum and kept going back to see if the mum recognize him (esp the flashback) lol. Thou I really shiver when he's in his role in VP Big Bad and Who are you.
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46 Diana Hansen
November 4, 2013 at 9:19 AM
have no fear my lass! yuchun will not let you down! i can't wait for this drama cause i love this type of drama and i love yuchun! he is a natural born actor with a million faces to go with his roles.
"I still prefer Yoochun in comedic and fusion roles, but this could certainly be the drama to tip the scales for me, since badass action hero is pretty up there on my highly scientific scale of swooniness."
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47 Lilly
November 4, 2013 at 9:52 AM
I could go for another show with great chases like two weeks.
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48 astromantic
November 4, 2013 at 10:06 AM
Eagerly anticipating the next time-themed dramas, Five Minutes and Two Seconds.
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49 trendy
November 4, 2013 at 12:58 PM
flop drama for 2014
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50 kaka
November 4, 2013 at 4:11 PM
YC this boy alway make me curious about his drama, wonder what he will bring to us this time, so far he did good job :)
other drama with very good team , I am in :)
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