Pretty Man: Episode 1

New kid on the block Pretty Man premiered today on KBS, and it was exactly as advertised—a nice dose of bubbly, cute fun. It’s a manhwa adaptation, so you have to go in with the expectation that wacky hijinks and broad characterizations are in store, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that they’re anchored with just enough realism to make them more than caricatures, and despite the glossy excess (and highly questionable life choices from our hero), there’s a fun mystery to solve, and some heart at the core.


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In a fancy high-rise apartment overlooking the city, a woman dressed to the nines paws hungrily at a man who looks rather bored by the proceedings. This is our titular pretty man DOKKO MATTEI (Jang Geun-seok).

As she unbuttons his shirt, she offers to buy Mattei a car, and he brings the date to a screeching halt. He sighs that she sees him as all the others do—as someone who’ll do anything to get nice things from women.

She hurriedly apologizes for the mistake, but he heads toward the door anyway, and in a last-ditch effort she blurts that she’ll buy him an apartment just like this one. Suddenly he whirls around and gives her a kiss that literally melts her knees, and struts out with a smile on his face. So… you ARE that guy, yeah?

In a very different house across town, KIM BO-TONG (IU), whose name literally means “average,” sits in her very average room in her very average house, making a new desktop wallpaper out of Mattei’s face.

Her little brother comes busting in wearing his taekwondo uniform and sighs at noona’s taste in guys, arguing that real men ought to have muscles. She asks if he could have the body of Kim Jong-gook or Kang Dong-won, which he would choose, and he says duh, Kim Jong-kook. Naturally she chooses Kang Dong-won.

And then Mom comes busting in to complain that she took a part-time job at a samgyupsal restaurant, when she could be working at Mom’s BBQ place. Bo-tongie points out that the other job pays, but there’s no winning the argument once Mom launches into a what-will-you-do-with-your-life rant.

She sighs that her twenty-six-year-old daughter has a college degree but is still working part-time jobs, and asks if she doesn’t have a dream in life. Bo-tongie insists she does, and writes in big letters: “Mattei’s Wife.” Oh good grief. I suddenly understand why Mom is so shouty.

She gets sent out to buy groceries, and that’s when we see that the family actually lives inside Mom’s BBQ restaurant, named Botong Galbi. Ha. Do you even get customers when you call your place Average Ribs?

At the market, Bo-tongie gets hilariously hot and bothered by everything from the butcher unbuttoning his collar to the row of chickens lying on the counter looking nekkid. She blushes, everything reminding her of her crush on Mattei.

At the bus stop, she smiles at the “Dokko Mattei is Mine” heart carved into the bench, and touches it up for old times’ sake. She flashes back to the fateful bus ride where she first saw Mattei ten years ago, in all his windblown, backlit, shampoo commercial glory.

She leaps up to hover over his seat on the nearly empty bus, and stares at an uncomfortably close distance. Later that day she’s already fantasizing about the mysterious pretty boy who came out of nowhere, when she gets called out to greet Mom’s friend and her son. And wouldn’t you know it—that son is Mattei.

Bo-tongie trips over herself to serve them, and Mattei declares that he’s a vegetarian but he’ll taste the meat just to be polite… and then proceeds to gnaw every last bite off the bones. Heh. Late at night, Bo-tongie steals into the kitchen to pack a giant tub of beef to take to Mattei now that she knows what he likes.

At their modest home, Mattei asks his mother why he still can’t go find his father. She reminds him that it isn’t time yet, and promises that when things are right, she’ll give him the secret password he’ll use to prove that he’s his father’s son. But there are these things now called DNA tests…

Mom goes inside to make him a snack, and that’s when he notices a submarine scope looming over his wall. Bo-tongie thinks she’s being stealthy, but he catches her spying on him, and she sheepishly says she brought over some meat to try and convince him of the merits of being a carnivore. He dismisses her in his casual, aloof way, but makes sure she leaves the tub of meat. Ha.

At school, she skips class just to get a glimpse of him, and she isn’t alone. All the girls in his class and even his teacher (cameo by Kim Seul-gi) linger to stare at the pretty.

They nearly faint when he takes a sip of water, and Bo-tongie declares that her new goal in life is to be that water. Ha.

The swig of water takes us back to the present, where Mattei takes in the view from his brand new apartment. His sugar mama girlfriend suggests beautiful furniture for the beautiful Mattei, and he asks if he’s really so pretty. She fawns that that’s like asking if the earth is round or if triangle kimbap is triangular. Pfft.

She sighs that all she has is money, and that she gets nervous every time a young beautiful woman walks by. Mattei assures her that those things all pass, but to him, money is what’s beautiful. Er. I guess the one upside is that he’s upfront about it, but that’s a really small upside.

She swoons to hear that that makes her beautiful in his eyes, and after he pulls her in for a kiss, she hands him the keys to his new car. He heads down to the garage to meet his new baby and tells the car it should be honored to have an owner like him, and then does a fistpump of joy to confirm that his key unlocks the car.

As he takes it for a spin, he gets a call from yet another woman who says she misses him, but it turns out to be Mom. He tells her that he got a new house for them to move into, and says that he’ll come for her soon. She sends him a few selcas to ask which one he likes best, and he chooses the one where she looks prettiest.

She seems depressed or ill or both, and tries to tell him something, but loses her nerve. She takes out a box of pills and starts to cry (Is she sick or thinking of suicide?) and someone comes knocking. It’s Bo-tongie here to deliver more meat, like she always does. Mattei’s mom asks her to take her somewhere tomorrow, and Bo-tongie agrees sweetly.

While on the phone with his mom, Mattei happens to lock eyes with the woman who pulls up next to him at a red light, and they clearly recognize each other. He chases her down the street which she seems to enjoy, and he loses her at the next light.

This is HONG YU-RA (Han Chae-young), whom he calls wistfully, “the woman who appears and then disappears the moment I might forget her.” He recalls the first time he saw her at a coffee shop when he first came up to Seoul. He had come to Cheongdam-dong, land of the rich and beautiful, and for the first time HE fell over himself at the sight of a beautiful woman.

She noticed him smiling at her, and had a tall glass of water sent to his table with the note: “Drink this and wake up.” Ha, so basically she’s the only woman who ever bruised your ego?

Back in the present, Mattei meets a friend and yells at him for thinking of working at a host bar, asking if he really wants to spend the rest of his life pouring drinks for women. The friend wonders if Mattei is really any different. That’s what I’m sayin’.

The next day Bo-tongie heads out with Mattei’s mom, and she asks if they’re going to meet a friend. Mom says it’s someone she wishes were a friend, because at least then she’d be able to stay by that person’s side.

She meets with a man she calls Chairman, who speaks to her fondly and asks how Mattei has grown up. I’m assuming this is his father, though neither says anything explicitly about the matter.

Bo-tongie spends the time gathering fallen leaves in the yard, and later presents them to Mattei’s mom as a bouquet. Mom marvels that what looks like trash to one person could be turned into something so pretty in her hands, and Bo-tongie blushes, insisting that Oppa is the pretty one.

She admits freely to Mom about liking Mattei, which she clearly has known for years. Bo-tongie thinks that she’s got a long way to go before reaching Mattei’s level, assuming that he’s wildly successful because he lives in Gangnam.

Mom looks at her fondly and asks if there ever comes a time when she’s not around, that Bo-tongie will stay by Mattei’s side and look after him. She gladly promises, though she wonders belatedly if Mom is planning to go somewhere. Mom deflects that she’s just talking in hypotheticals.

Mattei gets trotted out to a reunion dinner with his girlfriend and her friends, and swallows every golddigger insult that comes his way. He’s prepared with retorts and acts like it doesn’t bother him, but he clearly hates every second of it.

Meanwhile Bo-tongie gets it into her head that she’s doomed to inherit her mother’s figure, and for some reason decides that wrapping herself in saran wrap is the way to prevent that from happening. Her idiot brother actually helps her do it, but Mom suddenly runs out in a panic and tells them that Mattei’s mom collapsed.

Mattei leaves the party early and tells his girlfriend never to call him out for things like that again, and then runs into Yu-ra outside the hotel. This time he stops her to ask who she is and why she keeps appearing and catching his eye.

She pretends not to know what he’s talking about, but he realizes that she’s here for the reunion party he just left, which makes her his girlfriend’s classmate. He’s interrupted with a call from Mom’s phone, but it’s Bo-tongie on the other end.

She can barely get the words out through her tears, but says that his mom is in the hospital, sick with cancer all this time without telling anyone.

When Yu-ra overhears what’s happening, she steps in close like she’s suddenly going to kiss him, but takes a whiff of his breath instead and says he can’t drive drunk. He’s even more stumped when she knows his hometown, but she points out that he has more pressing concerns, and offers him a ride.

She hands him a handkerchief to wipe the blood from his lip and tells him to just cry instead of biting his lip to hold it in. She sighs that he must have a story he can’t share with anyone, and a tear falls as he looks out the window.

Back at the hotel, his girlfriend comes out to find his car still parked there and hears from the valet that he left with another woman fitting Yu-ra’s description.

Her friends warn her that Yu-ra might be falling back into old habits (stealing friends’ boyfriends), but the girlfriend says rather unconvincingly that it won’t matter because Yu-ra has no money after her divorce, and money is what Mattei cares about.

At the hospital, Bo-tongie realizes that she’s still saran-wrapped and heads out to ask for a pair of scissors, only to run into Mattei as he’s arriving and get yelled at for looking so silly at a time like this. Aw. Don’t be mean to Bo-tongie.

He runs over to Mom and pleads with her to get up so they can go home, and demands that they go see his father this instant, not understanding her stubbornness when she should lean on someone when she’s sick.

The nurse warns her against straining to speak, and Yu-ra walks into the hospital room just as Mattei gets a call from his girlfriend. She tells him to take the call since she’ll be suspicious otherwise, and offers to watch over Mom.

But as soon as he leaves the room, Yu-ra’s gaze turns cold and she tells Mom it took her a very long time to find them because they hid so well. Well that’s creepy.

Mom’s eyes widen in panic, and Yu-ra says Mattei doesn’t seem to know whose son he is. She thinks it’s time he finds his rightful place, and she’s going to see to it that he gets there. Mom starts to struggle to breathe…

Mattei answers his phone and tells his girlfriend curtly not to call him for a while, when suddenly Bo-tongie’s voice echoes in the hallway, calling out to ajumma to wake up. He runs into the room and screams and wails at Mom to wake up, but he’s too late.

He sits numbly in the funeral room, refusing to change into his mourning clothes and stand in Mom’s funeral when he wasn’t enough of a son to know she was sick and take care of her when it mattered.

Bo-tongie comes with the only picture of his mom she could find, and he realizes that’s the photo he picked out for her the other night. Oof, it was her funeral photo?

He goes to put the photo up but can’t bear to let it go, and curls up on the floor, clutching it as he sobs. Bo-tongie cries to see him in such pain.

After the funeral he sits in Mom’s yard, sighing at the sight of her worn shoes still sitting out. Yu-ra shows up, again out of nowhere, and this time he doesn’t even seem shocked that she knows where his mother lived.

He tells her that he was once dying of curiosity about her, but he doesn’t have the mental space for that anymore, and says he’ll deal with it if he comes across her again. But Yu-ra says something else is about to pique his curiosity: “The password.”

She says he’ll need the password to meet his father, and she’s the one who heard it from his mother in the end. He asks who she is, but she just answers cryptically that she’s the one who has the password that’s so important to his life…

“It means, Dokko Mattei, you’re mine.”


I wasn’t expecting a mystery, so I found that to be a nice twist for Han Chae-young’s character, because I’d have been bored with her if she were just another rich woman Mattei goes after. But Yu-ra seems evil and cryptic enough to keep her interesting, because I can’t figure out what it is she wants—Mattei himself, what he is to inherit, or something else entirely? Inasmuch as it’s just a birth secret, I don’t care much about him being entitled to wealth (in fact I hope it’s not that simple), but her scheme seems revenge-driven and twisted in a fun way.

Dokko Mattei is an interesting character to set up as a hero because he seems designed to be disliked on first impression. He’s cold, full of himself, and uses women for material gain without qualms. Everything about what he’s doing feels wrong. And I think I really would hate him if Jang Geun-seok weren’t playing him with equal parts humor and depth. I dislike what Mattei has become, but I can see that there’s more to the story and more to the character, and that he’s pitiable in a way that his outward demeanor wouldn’t suggest.

Just when you think he’s maybe a gigolo by another name, we see that he has a boyish innocent side around Bo-tongie. And then he’s back to trading affection for lavish gifts, but then we see him cover up his wounded pride. He walks a fine line, and I do think this is a case where you thank your lucky stars you have an actor who can manage to play all sides. I don’t like who Mattei is now, but from what we’ve seen in the first episode, he doesn’t like himself very much either.

I’m glad that Bo-tongie isn’t made out to be ugly, because it’s already hard enough to believe that she’s supposed to be average. She’s less complex as a character, but I like her quirks—she’s got a dirty mind that turns everything into an innuendo, and she’s refreshingly forward. I think she’ll be a fun heroine to root for, because she’ll go after what she wants, and she’s likable from the start.

I’m not madly in love right off the bat, but I liked the first episode, which did a good job of introducing our core characters, setting up a fast-paced mystery, and surprising me with some depth that I didn’t know would be there. It’s pretty overt about its men-as-objects reversal, with every woman from Bo-tongie to the sugar mama girlfriend to Yu-ra declaring Mattei hers like a possession. And sure, slaying women with your pretty looks everywhere you go isn’t exactly what I’d call a problem, but it does open up a myriad of complications that mere mortals don’t have to deal with, which is part of the fun.


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JGS plays a jerky gigolo and I still end up rooting for him. How does he do it? Little moments like him chowing down on the spare ribs, or yelling at Bo-tongie because she encased herself in plastic wrap let us know there's more to the pretty than meets the eye. This episode had his convoluted charm, a surprisingly erotic but adorable IU, and a subtle but sinister undertone at the end. Not what I was expecting, but I like it. More, please. And more great recaps from JB and GF. Thanks, GF!


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lol i cracked up at all of botongie's pervy comments/thoughts. looks like she's going to be a fun character. fresh!


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She reminds me of us all when we fangirl!


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hahahaha so true! totally agree with u all the way! !!!!! SARANGHAE IUIUIUIUIU EONNIE!


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i want to be that water statement!


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She had me at the erotic chickens.

Although not the most complex character in the show as of now, she is probably the most fun to watch. IU is playing her with equal parts cute and hilarity.


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I'm sure, by now, this drama has been pretty much left in the dust by all the hype, excitement and gorgeous leading man of You Who Came From the Stars-but I've jus finished watching ep. 10 of Pretty Man, and it's so much more addicting and intriguing than I thought it would be! It took sticking with it for a couple of episodes, but so far, I love it. I thought it was too hectic for too long, and suddenly it slowed down for romance, like I wanted it to. Mysteries and twists and romance!!!


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Thanks for doing a recap of this, thinking about watching this too! You guys always making drama-watching more enjoyable !


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I was profoundly surprised to see that the Beanies recap this show. There has been such a long time since You Are Beautiful. It is no secret that Jang Keun Suk is not amongst the favorites around here. That's why to see a line like " I do think this is a case where you thank your lucky stars you have an actor who can manage to play all sides" left me amazed, happy and grateful. Yes, indeed he is a great and underrated actor. I stopped reading the comments from the posts preceding the show, too much venom poured.
Most people look for great kisses in dramas. (Well, he delivered this part previously. Being surrounded by older and experienced actresses, makes me expect one or two better than average kisses) What impressed me in this episode was his crying. It was one of the best crying scenes I have seen in dramas. No offense, but very few actors can cry believable. It broke my heart to see Ma Te curled on the floor, holding his mother picture so tight, pouring his heart out.
IU is as good as I expected her to be. She grew up with every single part she played and I wait to see the chemistry between the leads.
I hope the show keeps growing and deliver layered characters as it promised in this first episode. It was better than anyone could expect it to be, after reading the outrageous pre-show descriptions. It seems to be better and less cliche-filled as Heirs and I wish I kept me hooked till the end.


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Me, too i stopped reading negative posts against JGS as he is seen and perceived as not-so-lovable guy when he just tries to be himself and enjoy his life as he seems fit (for him). Obviously, there are so many netizens out there who are judging him by his actions. Let us give him the benefit of the doubt and enjoy his acting which is very remarkable when he was crying his heart out with the anguish that comes from his innermost being that any viewer could feel the regrets, loss and the "what ifs" he is feeling right there....


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One of the best crying scenes you have ever seen in a drama? Lol, wow. I have to disagree, it weren't that great. It weren't that good either.


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I've not seen much of JGS films/dramas but the few I've watched make me think highly of him as an actor. His comic timing is just perfect and his intense emotions are engrossing. How he manages to bring out the humor and hint of something deeper in this episode is so finely done. And I do concur with the statement you have quoted above.


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I agree his comic timing IS perfect!


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I think, that even tho I'd like IU to end up with David Choi-it's a a no-brainer that it will be JGS. There's no way in hell, at this stage of his career that JGS will play second lead.


I lubvvvvvvv soooooooo much lol I thgt it was goin 2 b full of fluff but it definitely surprised me ?I'm totally dropping Heirs now Srry LMH I still luv I 2 ?but JGS Wins !!!!;!;;;;;;;;;


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DITTO! I was really scared when I read in a previous post a little more about the plot, but the ep was such a pleasant surprise that my fangirl radar can't take it anymore.
***And IU really brought her A-Game ^_^


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Thanks for the recap! I am really looking forward to seeing this! I really love JGS and think he us an exceptional actor. I am glad that this drama seems to be a little more complicated than just about a guy who uses women. Here is hoping that it continues to be great!


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congrats to Heirs for reaching 20% Looks like JGS is still disliked by viewers rating below 10%


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Because this is a Heirs article. LOL
Please go back to your non-moving drama which everyone knows the ending to.
20% After Secrets is done, and already has 13-14 episodes worth of fans.
This drama is fun. No need to talk about that gloomy ass Heirs here. :)


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Haha, I agree...I just made this comment that heirs managed to reach 20% after secret ended at another site and it's here too....I hope people would really stop bragging abt heirs on a non-heirs thread...


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I watched Heirs and PM. I don't understand the need to talk about another drama in this article. Maybe i should start talking about Secret. lol


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Especially a drama that isn't worth talking about (Heirs).


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Except in horror.


LOL I still didn't watch PM and I don't know if I'll start it now cause I'm still recovering from my secret obsession but seriously "THE HERIS" fans and LMH fans are no fun! crazy fans!

Heirs got 20% after gotten it's ass beaten by secret! so why brag about it and you know really well it's because secret ended! I wish that Secret didn't have to end now so we don't have these kind of comments and you crazy Heirs fans have your mouth zipped cause you didn't deny how good secret was!

and to not misunderstand not all the fans are crazy! every fandom has crazy ones and rational ones! << cause people tend to generalize!


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good one!


The Heirs fanbase has to brag about something, certainly it isn't the quality of the drama.


Also every once in awhile we get a crazy fanbase for a show that isn't good. Happened with 'Lie to Me' and 'Mary Stayed out All Night', the fanbase for both those shows were really defensive, they couldn't handle criticism. Whenever this site wrote a not glaring review of those shows the fanbase would throw a fit.


yup! I hate this kind of fanbase! "Mary me marry" was a failure! I dropped it after 3 or 4 episodes I don't actually remember! and "lie to me" unfortunately it wasn't THAT good! I LOVE yoon eun hye! but the series dragged in the ending and felt like they have a good idea but didn't know how to execute it properly!
I hate that some fans can't accept that the drama they are supporting is very flawed! lets be open minded! I love many actors but if the drama sucked I would say that!


+1 *slow clap


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So amazing to beat MTT with its amazing 4.0% ratings and a brand new show. It couldn't be Secret while it was airing though. No competition means higher ratings, who'd have thunk it.


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First - this is not an Heirs thread. Second - a 20% rating is far from the best any drama has done in that time slot - even the more recent drama Master's Sun hit 24%+. Some have gotten over 30%.


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I really don't want to get drawn into this petty discussion, but I'm sorry, I just have to comment on this:

"First – this is not an Heirs thread."

Says the person who talked about "Secret" in pretty much every single "Heirs" episode thread, and who just brought up "Pretty Man" in this week's "Heirs!" discussion.

I actually agree that we should try and keep discussion of a drama largely to that drama, but at least be consistent about your principles before lecturing other people.


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Well, I think the one who lectured you is not the one who brought up Pretty Man in this week's or whatever Heirs discussion.


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Nobody lectured me here, because I wasn't the one who brought up "Heirs" in this thread -that was my first comment. But yes, if you go and read through the "Heirs" thread, the person I responded to did bring up "Pretty Man" there. I'm not saying I took the high road with my response, but there should be some kind of consistent standards in board "rules."


Guilty as charged. Sorry :(


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I am going to wait couple more episodes before watching..it was interesting but not super exciting...coming off from Secret doesn't help!!


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If you're into gloomy stuff. this is not for you. this is for people who wants to relax after a stressful day.


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I like the concept of this drama much more than Heirs. JSG is a great actor, good to see him back on screen.


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Yeah - this actually HAS a concept :D

I was actually surprised how much I liked the first episode, and I am always up for some erotic nekkid chickens :D

Kind of early to tell, but it seems to have more depth than I expected, and is not just pure fluff. Going to keep watching for now - it seems quirky as hell, and some of the over the top parodies are insane, yet it seems to have a serious side also.


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I really liked Pretty Man's crying scene. Hit me emotionally. To do that in only the first episode when we are still just meeting the characters says a lot about his acting skill.


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Glad people are acknowledging his acting skills.. Jang Geun Suk has always been a versatile actor.. ^_^


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I know JGS is a good actor, but why do I still see Kang Mu Gyul in his new role as Mattei?


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Lol cause of his awesome hair ??????????????


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it's the hair me think --- i don't mind JGS with long hair & i like it best in MSOAN, warts & all..


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He has cut his hair. So I am hell ready for Dokgo Mate with short hair


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I don't really like his new short hair.


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I get really confused when you guys talk about his "short" hair haha, it's either long in the back or long in the front. It's always long in a weird way.
I also like his hair best in Mary Stayed Out All Night. It's the least weird.


I might have to watch this after all just to see the gorgeous Han Chaeyoung being a twistedly fun might-be villainess. :D


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I know, right? I love her but haven't seen her in anything worth watching for a while. This looks like it could be a fun, breezy investment.


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Me too!

I was surprised at Chae Young's evilness! I like scheming, two-faced people. Err... in dramas.

In real life, not so much.


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wow thanks for the recap you're so fast!!!


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Will this drama has a better story line than Heirs? Looking to fill out the emptiness left by Secret.

Thanks for the recap, I'll give this one a try since you like the first episode.


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I miss secret ???????


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You can watch replays even to 1 million times.


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me too :(


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thank goodness Secret is over, we can have a normal Open Thread


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it was a fast paced intriguing and popular drama with no recaps. What did anyone expect?


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nothing against it, just it excluded all other subjects.


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If it has a story line, it will be better than Heirs :D.

I have not watched ep1 yet, waiting for ep2 so I can watch them back to back and then make a decision.


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I watched Ep 1. In fact, I originally started the recap first, realized the show sounded awesome, and so waited. I'm relieved. I frigging hate Heirs now and I really want something for Wednesday & Thursday.

This show is fun. It's not too subtle, in that I can see who Han Yu Ra might be to mattei, but all the characters are engaging.


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It's not like I'll take much to be better than Heirs story.


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Bongie at the market best scence of the whole entire show second is when Matti is layin down the law 2 his gf friend that's a housewife lol


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Oh n when her bro wrapping in plastic so she can have a killer body LOL


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I really like this show if u couldn't tell lol?????


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really want to watch but I am busy till 20pm.
sounds like just the kind of whacky stuff I enjoy though


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and yes, thank you for choosing this series because I am burning with curiosity what WILL come out of The Crazy Dude. I know everyone thinks he is cuckoo but I still want to route for him. and it seems a lot more layered and complicated than the first description based on the manhwa.


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Jang Keun Suk is not a cuckoo. he is very intelligent and smart and gifted. he draws well, high IQ, gift for languages - speaks read and write japanese and chinese in less than 6 months of learning.

He is not a "cuckoo" that's just your perception.


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seems you´re a fan. I wasnt saying I think that. pay attention.
I am sure he is very talented. but also quite flamboyant.


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I love his flamboyance. I love his courage! I love it when he swans around in his little heels and feather boas! He has talent and charisma oozing out of every pore!!!


He's also, apparently, conversational in English due to the time he spent studying there.


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Oh, drat. By there in mean the time he spent studying in New Zealand.


Hmm not what I was expecting.. mean that in a good way. I might actually tune in. Thanks for the recap!


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Han Chae Young has become prettier!! Love her~!


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Yeah, she's always been extraordinarily gorgeous, but more so in her 30s. I'm going to have fun paying attention at her hair & make up here.


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Did Han Chae-young get plastic surgery though? Her face is so strange to me, esp. her super pointy nose. I don't find her pretty at all. Actually, with her playing a mysterious and potentially evil character in PM, I find her (and her face) creepy.


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I thought the same thing-that she might have had plastic surgery-something's different.


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Thank you for choosing this one to be recapped GirlFriday.

I liked IU character. She is fun. I was not entirely sure about the acting by main lead but I like him enough in his previous dramas to wait.

I did not get bored of the episode and I will be watching.

It was interesting enough...


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Not being bored is key factor for me, and I am in love with IU anyway, so.. :)


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pretty man... more substance than expected. happily surprised about it, just because it seemed like it was going to be filled with one too many loopy shenanigans based on its PR/premise (not that loopy shenanigans are a bad thing per se...). thank you for the recap as always (:


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Jang Geun Suk is one of the finest Actors in kdramaland . No matter what people say...it's hard to deny that his acting is good. His facial expressions are fantastic.
I loved the Car unlocking scene and his emotional scene.


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OMG Hoon why the taekwondo uniform

Looks like I'll be watching this after all! Thank goodness there's [somewhat] understandable character depth. xD


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I know, when I first heard Hoon was going to be in this I was like I don't even care how small his part is...I'm a bit of a Kissme if you can't tell.

I liked what I've seen of the first episode too


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I also like the taekwondo guy. He's hilarious


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Yoon from U-kiss!


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why so thirsty botongie


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you are so fast, indeed!


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Thanks for the recap!I wanted to read it first to decide if i should watch it or not.I am going to give it a try.Off to watch.


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i really like it! it was so fun to watch.. Cant wait for more interactions of our 2 main leads.. Botongie s nuts over Mate! haha! Cant wait for ep 2.. Bel Ami Fighting!


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Watched it earlier today and was pleasantly surprised...
JGS overacts in some scenes but overall, he's doing a good job lol IU is so cute and don't care about HCY because she bores me to death


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Thank you very much for the recap.

would anyone please tell me where can i watch this drama?
thank you in advance :)


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but be patient because a lot are watching it now. just uploaded less than two hours ago. go for the 4th screen. the first 3 are slow because probably a lot are watching all at the same time.


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Also on Viki & Hulu.


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thank you very much both of you :)


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You know what i appreciate about all these characters? How blatantly honest and straightforward they are in all their shallow glory.
The premise on paper is already laughable, but you have a heroine who so shamelessly falls in love with a "pretty" oppa but doesn't care to admit it's because he's pretty..And that's about it.
You also have a hero that plays his sugar mama like no other(and they both know it). It's all about the money money money and the pretty. money = pretty. This show is kinda like a parody in of itself and i'm glad it doesn't take itself too seriously or pretend its something its not.


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Ooh, i cant wait to watch this. It sounds just like i hope it would. Very FBRS ish :). Please be good.


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The director of FBRS is one of the directors for this show! Thats probably why they have the same vibe :)


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Episode 1 ---- Excellent.

Entertaining. Refreshing. good acting even from IU who is so cute... and of course JKS delivers beyond expectations.

The one scene i like is when IU imagined herself swimming in Ma Te's collar bones. That's so unexpected. Even the wrapping...

and the Editor of the comics in FBND has a cameo in this role as the bewitched teacher.


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A good first ep. I thought it was just rom com but it is a good mixture a fun and depth. Really surprise and happy. A new drama that i can watch

I think IU is very refreshing in her role. She reminds me of a typical fan girl. And the scenes at the supermarket is so funny. She is a "perverted" girl. :p

The side characters are funny. So Yu Jin is so cute when she keep saying she can't give Mate anything because she only has money. haha. I wish i had her money.

JKS can play comedy well and he can nail emotional scenes. So i was a little disappointed that he overacted in the hospital scene. He was so much better during the funeral scene when he was quietly sitting and feeling upset.

HCY is also an interesting 2nd lead. She does not seem to want JKS, does she wants revenge? Guess Korea dramas is all about the secret. I was wondering what secret are they holding this time/

Overall, it exceeded my expectation


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I love it already just by reading the recaps. I wish this drama will be recapped here continuosly. I am not giving up on Jang Geun Suk, I hope this drama helps his career.


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First of all, when I saw that KBS was calling it Bel Ami (a reference to the novel of the same title by Guy de Maupassant), I did think we would be going a bit darker than what the teasers made it out to be. Which was daunting and refreshing at the same time. But I'm glad it's not totally dark and creepy. I like that they kept the fun and comic vibe. Jang Geun-suk is fantastic in that he can carry off comedy and drama so well. The same can be said for IU.

Knowing that this is being helmed by the same PD who directed Flower Boy Next Door and Flower Boy Ramyun Shop is keeping me interested. No doubt the crazy will continue to be crazy, but I'm hoping for a lot of emotional payoffs.


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Very good.

Episode 1 - introduction of characters well-presented. Conversation - excellent. Quirky and refreshing but with depth in a story.

Scriptwriter also did "Miracle in Cell 7", i think her first time in a drama. The scriptwriter has tremendous talent.

Jang Keun Suk - beyond expectations.

Highly recommended.


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Thanks for the recap GF. I will check the episode this weekend.

I love IU, she's natural in acting. She can go far. Love her.

And for JGS... Once a good actor will always be a good actor. Fighting.

I hope this show will not disappoint us till the end.


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At first i wasn't that interested in the drama when i first heard about it but after Episode 1 i was pretty much intrigued with it. And yes i like it with is surprising since i normally don't like guys who is all 'i am so pretty everyone loves me and falls all over me they will give everything i ask'. But after watching Ep. 1, i actually like Mattei. I understand that he was selling himself not just for himself but for his mother as well, he wanted to gave her a house they can live to and it broke my heart when he broke down and cry while hugging his mother's photo. I am so glad his character is not just another stuck up male lead who thinks he is way above everybody and is too good for everyone. I hope it gets more interesting in the upcoming episode.

Oh and by the way Jang Guen Suk really played Mattei well, he deserved to be credited for his good acting though i wanted him to please change that hairstyle.


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Jang Keun Suk: Excellent acting!

IU: I'm beginning to like you. Not bad at all. I am surprised that you can deliver too. and to think this is your second acting role. good job.

Scriptwriter: Well done

Director: Well done


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totally agree with that JKS has the acting chops to pull off all sides of Dokko Ma Te's character

and this is IU's 3rd acting role. Her first was Dream High, as far as I know :) well, that's how I knew of her to begin with. She's doing a good job here too! I feel like she's getting better with each drama she does!

looking forward to the rest of the story as the drama unfolds! :)

Thanks GF for the speedy recap!!


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It's IU's 3rd Acting Role actually, she become a cameo at 'Salamander Guru' before 'You're The Best Lee Soon Shin' :D


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You must not have watched her in You're the Best Lee Soon Shin, because though the drama was lacking in many ways, she delivered the goods acting wise. I was so pleasantly surprised.


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Funny, emotional, unpredictable..

Excellent job Pretty Man team!!


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And jus like GF said - When we have actors who can play any shade it's easy to differentiate and understand their characters and variations in etheir scenes. Jang Geun suk is deffo one of a kind when it comes to acting.....we are in jus episode 1 and we already have 5-6 shades of Dokgo mate perfectly portrayed by JGS :)

I read an article where he stated that he is willing to take up Acting more seriously. Finally he realised it phewwww.....Yes! Sukkie pretty please . I can already see he initiated on it with Dokgo Mate. The character looks more complex than itseems. Looking forward to the next episode .

It was fun watching the first episode....I don't have many complaints just yet lol....it was a decent start to story which sounded too cliche. But it came across as a "Pretty Surprise" .


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Confused me when they did the title change to Bel Ami (Good Friend).

Surprising fast pace considering the other slow drama competition. It was funny, breezy, slapstick, and poignant at the same time. Can't get the image out of my mind. Love the erotic chickens and IU wrapped up in saran wrap. LOL.

Jang Geun Suk was perfectly cast. A bit of crying over acting, but he is gorgeous in the blue velvet suit. Can't wait to see how IU complicates his future. Glad to see him back in drama land.


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like it for one good reason, its not 50 episode long and at last I can watch a drama with IU in it and it my fav theme comedy/romance. As for the male lead..heck i am a guy and even I find his smile appealing lol.


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That is so awesome lol!


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I just watched the first 15 mins and am so excited coz its really up my wacky alley. I hope itll be my next FBRS!


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I was afraid that with Secrets gone, I would have nothing left but that "other" drama. This one really surprised me, which shows again that the synopsis can be misleading.

What is refreshing about IU's character is that we have not seen the stupid fainting spells and panic attacks at the sight of male skin common in so many dramas - in fact quite the opposite. What is also refreshing is that it can go from totally insane to dead serious and still be believable - and sometimes both, like when IU all wrapped up in saran wrap is at his mothers side in the hospital.

Looking forward to more of this.


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thats why it reminds me so much of fbrs with its tonal shifts and stradling of comedy and drama.

also why i can totally see jung il woo rocking that role too!

ahh, i am getting too hopeful but i love the combo so much and the whole vibe of the drama.


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my christmas wish is for jang geun seuk to be offered only roles that will require him to cut his hair!


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Ah this sounds refreshingly cute as far as mahwa adaptations go! I think I'll wait for a few more episodes before tuning in, lest I go crazy for the week to go by - and that's just wrong. Thank you for the recap ladies x


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I am skipping the heck out of this drama...:p


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I guess internationally, the people have different taste to Knetizen..just look:-

From Netizenbuzz

1. [+5,003, -484] Sorry, I watched The Heirs instead

2. [+3,970, -408] Sorry, I was too busy watching The Heirs

3. [+3,629, -400] The Heirs is so fun

4. [+3,381, -379] Watched The Heirs... ㅋ

5. [+3,192, -404] It was the pilot episode so I decided to sacrifice The Heirs to watch it but... Sorry Tan~ I'm going back to watching you tomorrow ㅜㅜ


Article: 'Pretty Man' a dismal 6% viewer rating start, did not manage to catch the 'Secret' viewers

Source: Asia Econ via Naver

1. [+1,013, -95] It's only going to drop lower. Think of the cast combination... You have the nation's tryhard Jang Geun Suk who averaged 5% in viewer ratings with 'Mary Stayed Out All Night' and 'Love Rain', IU with her anchovy and plagiarism controversy, Han Chae Young whose 'Advertisement Genius Lee Tae Baek' recorded 3% in viewer ratings, and finally Lee Jang Woo, who put 'WGM' down the toilet... You couldn't have a worst cast combination than this.

2. [+628, -28] The cast combination is just all sorts of wrong

3. [+560, -64] Of course they couldn't catch the 'Secret' viewers, the viewerbase for that drama were mostly people in their 40s~60s while The Heirs are teens to 30s. Do you really expect older parents to watch a manhwa remake?

4. [+230, -12] I expect a heated battle between this drama and Medical Top Team

but people has the same opinion with JGS..hmm

Article: 'Pretty Man' Jang Geun Suk comes back fully prepared... praised for heartfelt acting

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+552, -73] Honestly, Jang Geun Suk is a good actor

2. [+469, -54] His acting has always been fine

3. [+223, -21] Jang Geun Suk's acting has never been a problem. The problem's always been his choice of dramas.. He always picks the same characters. When I saw him on Beethoven Virus, I really thought he'd become a great actor.


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that doesn´t mean Heirs is BETTER. Heirs is a bone too big to shew for the small dog writer.

This drama seems to not have taken on a bigger case than it can get through. focus on 3 characters the most and delivering comedy, angst, tragedy, romance, suspense all in one episode.

but I guess we´ll see.

Han Chae Young is not only beautiful she is intense - I would say with the power of some male veteran actors. what a woman. extraordinary


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I forgot to add chicken erotica and culinary pleasures.


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ah well, all it shows is that they fall for hype easily, that their parents and grandparents have better taste and that they are missing out on a potentially good show because they don't want to give it a chance. What's new? I hope the show isn't changed to attract more viewers.

Also, "heirs is so fun". That's all it takes now?


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You can get a pretty good idea of what the audience is for a show by looking at the type of comments on various sites. When Secrets was running the comments on Viki tended to be much longer and more thought out with a lot of discussion about the actual plot, same with Master's Sun. Those for Heirs were very much overwhelmed with short comments, very few ever mentioned the plot - it was nearly all about "I heart XX", and "any show with xx is great".

It is hard to compare comments here on DB to other sites, because most here I think tend to be fans of Asian dramas in general, have seen a lot more shows for comparison. It is more show oriented than actor/actress oriented.


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it's not that we have different taste than Knetizen, from what i read 5000 heirs fan logged in just to diss another drama that they HAVEN't watched is extremely childish and prejudicial,
Truth is Knetizens don't like JGS dramas because they feel that they're specially made for japan


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Since you mentioned Japan, is it just me or do you also find JGS more Japanese looking than Korean?


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That's not opinions on PM, that's trolling from Heirs fans. They can finally boast about ratings after 12 episodes. Hopefully they calm down.


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Agree. Some were funny though.
But most of them are probably just heirs fans trying to troll. Not a single comment about the story, characters, or acting skills about Pretty Man. Those just have no credibility imo.


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I don't expect this one to reach the ratings of Secrets, I do expect them to come up, perhaps to the 11-13% range.

But we have seen in the past that the netizen posts can be way off. Initially the general consensus was that it would be a race between MTT and Heirs. On it's first episode Secrets barely made the charts - in the under 5% range. Secrets was pretty much written off as the loser in the 3-way race.

I don't know that this is "better" than Heirs, but I find it far less annoying so far.


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It's fun and chirpy and the kind of thing to relax to after work. Heirs, on the other hand, disturbed me so much, I didn't sleep well. Pretty Man is the kind of show to enjoy for its humour and mystery. I'm glad it's started well.


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Like others here, I was surprised that this show would have depth. Initially, I was not planning on watching it, but I decided that I would give it a go. There were some awkward tonal shifts, but the first episode was pretty decent. I also hope that Botong's character will be given more depth and development. While I have no problem rooting for the main couple, I want there to be a lot more between them then a girl who worships the ground upon which her oppa walks. Maybe seeing how he really lives will help her remove her rose-tinted glasses. I believe (or hope) that there will be more. I appreciate that Mattei has many layers. Let's add a few to our heroine. Someone else above noticed that she isn't like a typical hysterical, fainting fan-girl. I guess that is one plus! :). This will be my first time watching a drama with JGS. I peered over my mom's shoulder when she watched You're Beautiful and Love Rain and I have seen him in a movie or two. I think he does have the acting chops. I hope that this show will continue to be pleasantly surprising. But let it not turn melo or completely makjang. Please!


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@T.TMe, thank you so much for posting Knetizen opinion in english. Yes you are right, different taste and interest; and also maybe different phase of story. Heirs is in episode 13 and PM is on its first. We never know how its gonna be after more episode later.

So, as international viewer, I want to say, good thing about PM:

1. Before I watch with eng sub, I could understand the main plot due to good visualization, especially presenting manhwa adaptation. I laugh a lot. Entertaining! Thumbs up for it!

2. After I watch with eng sub, its interesting how honesty showed in this drama; something about "I choose her because she loads of money"; its annoying statement but honest one. Or 'I m vegetarian' but then Matte eat a lot of meat (is it many of people like that? Say something differently with their act). I found it really interesting because the humor is rich, not something cheesy. And as far as I watch many korean drama, this one is out of typical one.

3. The scene of Bo Tong wrapped herself in plastic and meet Matte that was in panic is really really really hilarious. Unpredictable scene. I imagine If I were in that position, its soooo awkward. Matte reaction is proper one; although you are sad, how could you ignore something so weird about somebody in plastic wrap. Awkward, but its just show as if its something natural in this drama. Tumbs up for the writer!

Aaaaand many other interesting scenes in only 1st episode. I could sense creativity of writer, interesting visualization from the director, and off course, good acting from all casting. I m not a person who understand filming, but by watching PM, I could catch so many interesting detail. EXCELLENT!!


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@T.TMe, thank you so much for posting Knetizen opinion in english---> she/he just copied/pasted from another sit , should give credit


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I did.


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True many interesting scenes. Just saw the preview for next ep, my goodness I'm laughing again and this is without sub. This drama if will continue like this oh gosh i'll be very happy & that's enough for me, not really care about the viewers' rating or what k-netizens think, they don't know what they are missing.


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I know thts wat I lke about PM I can watch with or with subs n still understand wats goin on ?


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Jang Guen Suk, YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!! the sad scene was amazing. great job.


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Han Chae-young is so pretty. I dint imagine her character to be that. Last time I saw her was in "delightful girl.." She was so bubbly and sweet.
Kinda waiting for this drama to impress at least.


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