1N2D loses more members, recasts for Season 3

Speaking of variety shows that have gone on too long, there’s a large-scale shake-up in store for KBS’s once-flagship Sunday variety show 1 Night 2 Days. On the heels of losing its youngest member, Joo-won, the show is also losing its main MC, Lee Su-geun… and potentially (probably) three others.

My first reaction was that this already flagging show is now bleeding members, and that they should really just cancel the thing rather than dying off one member at a time. Even if Su-geun were the only one leaving, he would be a big loss to the show, as he’s really the only one left with that glib MC persona to fill in gaps and smooth along proceedings. Immediately after the initial news broke, there was a flurry of counter-announcements, “it’s not final” clarifications, and “We’re thinking of replacing the whole cast” additions. It’s been quite a day of announcements.

The show reportedly had been considering replacing three of its existing members and bringing in three new faces. While that hasn’t been yet finalized, the names up for departure are mat-hyung Yoo Hae-jin, food-obsessed Sung Shi-kyung, and class clown Kim Jong-min. (That leaves “Dog Feet” Uhm Tae-woong and Bad Luck Magnet Cha Tae-hyun as remaining members.) The producers were aiming to bring in the replacements by the end of November, where they’d do the metaphorical baton pass between the exiting cast and the incoming one and kick off Season 3. However, Su-geun’s decision to leave seems to have been a rather sudden late addition, which may explain why the news was all over the place these past 12 hours.

Kim Jong=min, Sung Shi-kyung, Yoo Hae-jin, Lee Su-geun

Furthermore, the turnover extends to the crew as well, with a new PD and CP being brought on to take over for Season 3. (Probably a good thing, as I never warmed to New PD, who managed to tank the show in a remarkably short period of time. He did improve, but he was never a good director for the show, and didn’t get anywhere close to the genius of Na PD or the awkward hilarity of Bird PD.)

Up for the new cast? Guitarist-vocalist Yook Joong-wan of the band Rose Motel, idol star Min-ho of SHINee, and singer John Park. Huh, maybe the new PD is a music fan?

I have a lot of affection for 1N2D, though I was never a die-hard fan of the original and therefore less invested in the outcome of this long-running series. Still, there’s something to be said for a shelf life of a concept, and over six years in, there are only so many ways you can make the same six or seven guys drink bitter tea or play rock-scissors-paper for dinner. If you’re going to basically get rid of your main producers and most of your cast (at this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if Tae-woong and Tae-hyun opted for a clean exit too), why not just reconceive the whole thing instead of trucking out a Season 3 that’ll be little like its predecessors anyway?

The last trip with the current lineup will be shot on November 8, and then… well, we’ll see.

Yook Joong-wan, Min-ho, John Park

Via Sports Chosun, No Cut News, Sports Seoul


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This show should just cancel now.


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as a die hard fan of the 1st season... they're just dragging the name down and giving me nightmares about how they made a 40+% rating program to a 5+% show. :( they should've just stopped after Bird left. i gave up after he left. i didn't have the heart to watch anymore. (even though i hear dog feet stepped up his game recently... i give him kudos for staying with the program. he must REALLY love 1N2D and i love him for that).

hopefully they either revamp this completely or just lose the concept. (but i doubt it...) any hopes for hodong to come back? LOL his barefoot friends just got axed recently...


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I would love for Ho dong to be back - it'll probably give me a reason to watch again. But I seriously don't want him to do it simply because if he can't bring back at least half its glory and ratings, many will assume he lost his touch, isn't doing enough etc.

This show needs to get axed as soon as the first season's cast left. KBS could've forever been proud of the fact that one of Korea's most successful variety show ever was in their channel and ended off in a high. With the current PD, even Ho-dong and Seung-gi wouldn't be able to do much. I really hope they end this already.

For heaven's sake, end this already - or change its name! With everyone leaving, nothing's the same other than the name anyway!


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THIS! I opt for this!
The 1st season is just that beautiful as they are family, and..name it, expect the unexpected in 1n2d. I love the show for their unpredictable craziness (give me MC MONG!!), the childish act (Choding, I love you), or the Yelling (Hodong-ah!!!)


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I agree. To me, Season 1 is irreplaceable. Give me the duo of Kim C and Seung Gi. I can watch them forever.


Agreed. Although I wasn't a big fan of the show, I still followed it until the end of the 1st batch and the first few episodes of the new one. I couldn't get on with the 2nd batch cause it wasn't as engaging as the first one.

1N2D should've stopped when it was still on top. Then they could've lived in its glory, not like now when people are wishing its end.


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I love John Park, but yea. I think they should just cancel it. Bring in some new fresh concepts (which, I understand, isn't as easy as demanding for it)...


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Totally agree.


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and how the world changed..

if the team didn't believe in the concept.. season 3 would not have come about


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This horse is WAY dead. They need to stop kicking it and just let it rest in peace. Canceling the show would be the kindest thing to do.


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i am amused..

what if they really listened to audience..season 3 would have never happened

and that makes me think of my own perceptions.. i keep saying Running Man should be axed but may be.. all they need is some new energy


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waa. it's true the show has lost some charm but how else am supposed to get my sung si kyung fix?!? although minho is also competitive and food-obsessed. still i needs my tall grumpy bear...
if the rumored replacements are the actual ones, i think it'll be a lot of fun. john park is hilarious in his own way. i still have hope that the show can be good again. it just needs to focus more on the cast and their [intended/manipulated] circumstances and less on guests/friendly ajhummas for tasks. but a wit like lee sugeun is going to be hard to replace!


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I've stopped watching 1n2d since a while ago and opted for Witch Hunt over at jTBC for my SSK fix. Being a 19+ talk show, it's both refreshing and at times hilarious. SSK also seems very comfortable in there. Sadly there are no subs available at the moment.


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no subs? T_T I just became a fan of his after watching 1N2D....this news is sad news for me indeed!


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Damn. 1N2D should seriously end rather than chugging along, trying to bring back the glory days [which, having picked up Season 1 and religiously watching every day, is irreplaceable]. It breaks my heart to see such a good thing continue on a downward spiral of doom.


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Where did you "pick up" season 1? I've been trying to watch, but can only find clips or a couple full episodes randomly.


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Omg @ LoveSilents! Thank you soo much for that link. Now I can watch season 1 of 1n2d, AND some eps of Infinity Challenge that I haven't yet :)


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I hope Cha Taehyun leaves 1N2D and joins the 2nd season of Appa Eodiga (if the 2nd season does indeed happen!). I think watching him play with Suchan is far more interesting than seeing him being unlucky over and over again. It's becoming boring.


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YES PLEASE!! I think Appa odiga would be right up Cha Tae Hyun's alley. Plus, his kids are super adorable and would be a great addition to the show. Uhm Tae Woong should take some time off to be with his wife and daughter. It seems he's been working none stop for years. Time for some rest.


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Agree, CTH & UTW should leave as well. at least for some loyalty between cast mate. they told their like families for each other, for good or worse families stay together so when most of your cast mate quit then you should quit too. If not, Shame on you...


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Shame on them?
Lee Seunggi didn't quit with the rest of the old cast members. Why should that be shameful?


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Ah, meant Lee Sugeun.


what the point for them to stay anyway, it not look like they main mc like seunggun or something. beside, they both always complain about how this show giving them hard times because the busy schedule. now them been given the opportunity to quit along with other member, why don't just take it then?


variety gods, please let 1 bak rest in peace. just launch a new show in its place instead of dragging 1n2d's name through the mud.



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Urgh. 1n2d. Common you're made of better stuff. I'm not saying the director is bad or anything, but you've gotta have a little bit more of the sadistic streak (Like Na PD, whoop!) if you wanna keep the show entertaining.

The problem is, even if I have a problem with the director and the way the show is going...I think Minho and John Park actually have potential in variety. But it needs that sadistic streak to bring it out! It's just so forced now it's sad.


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While I love 1n2d. I think with all these shifts, the show should be canceled. It's time to let go... Without Su Geun there will not be any magic... and the other cast members that are still there, althoug they are funny and cute, it wont work. The show was doing fine before the hamster PD came along, but I think the 6+ years is enough of the same.


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i am a big fan of the show. dont want it to end but shinees's minho? its a joke.


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,and I thought I was the only one against his supposed casting..hehe..
,why don't they just scrap ol together and bring in the entire shinhwa as cast instead?


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we share the same thought... it was sad joo won left.. but other members as well?!!! sigh>>>>


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Us 1n2d fans over at soompi were literally holding our breaths for the last 3 days ever since the first article got released. I don't want anymore members to leave. Joo Won's last ep was one of the saddest things I've ever watched. :(


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You can't "literally" hold your breath for three days.
That's called dying.


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Well, that's how we all felt after the news.


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Don't mean to be rude to Chane or to mock anyone, but your comment twotwo's made me laugh so hard!! And I needed to laugh so thx!

I started 1n2d for Joo won.the show was fun but after few months I lost my interest. There were nothing new or captivating. Too bad...


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A mess. I really wish they would have let this show end as intended after S1, but since they didn't just end it with S2 and let it die already.


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Wow - how can I be the only one that is still watching and liking this show? But I agree with 3 guys leaving (plus JooWonnie) it will be super different. It's been part of my weekly ritual for so long...I'm sad.


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You're not the only one! My parents and I still watch 1n2d!


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Me too. I'm a fan since season 1..
For me Family outing and 1n2d are the best variety show which can show us the beauty of S.Korea.. i'll miss the shoot of beautiful mountains and sea, the hospitality from the citizen, a historis place and stories...
*start to crying*


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Me too, I've been watching it for so long it's like comfort food on a Sunday. I'm really sad that 1N2D turned out like this now... :(


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You are not the only one. I love this show; both seasons. It will be sad for the other members to leave.


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horrible decisions

new cast seems like they will be either too silence or trying too hard.

Just bring back Kang Ho-Dong for a revival.

With the new people... I probably wont be watching...
I do not even watch running man anymore...
Only Gag Concert for me... :(


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agree agree. please bring back Kang Ho Dong. this show needs a leader. so sad to see lee so geun & kim min jong leaving...


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*kim jong min


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I watched one of the episode with Soo Ae and I didn't like the concept of 1N2D. It felt forced and unnatural. I actually like Family Outing Season 1 and Running Man. Both were really entertaining and amusing.


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been wondering when you ladies would be writing your thoughts on this. the show should've been cancelled when Bird PD left. it has been a completely different show since the change up. it's best to move on to a new concept than keep carrying the burden of being associated to its glory days. :(


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SM's pimping Minho out so much lately. Though he really shouldn't even bother signing on to this show 'cause this'll be axed in no time the rate things are going.

/Clings to memories of epic season 1.


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I agree. I don't know if I can watch this season. And its true Minho seems to be everywhere lately. With Shinee's new songs, and his drama, not to mention all the variety show guesting (is that a word? probably not. whatever). I wonder if he even sleeps...or anyone in SM for that matter. LOL.


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I stopped watching after new PD take over this show from Bird PD. The direction of the show is everywhere and as much as I sad that I had to stop watching, I not exactly regret it (based on bits of 1D2N I watched). I guess KBS really should just ended this show already.

And please, please, John Park, say no!!! I enjoy watching him on Cool Kidz. I think Miguk Church Oppa a.k.a John Park suit with Cool Kidz & his interactions with Changmin (hyung) are hilarious!


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gone are the days of 1n2d crazy 20+ ratings....season 1 should have ended well....with season 2 i barely watch every time i watch s2 i'm missing more season 1. they are ruining the show can they just totally replaced it with new show/ideas/concept...they can't totally bring back the old days because the shows focus is long gone....please just change the show...


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Sigh.. to this day, I'm still youtubing 1st season clips. The entire cast was totally on point basically every episode. Laughed my ass off every time.


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Augh. Su-geun is going to be a huge loss for 1N2D, and I am iffy on the replacements (though I think the Rose Motel guy might be funny, based on what little I've seen on "Immortal Songs 2"). I think I'll give it a shot, but in my heart of hearts I agree that KBS should just let it go and move on.

Also, Jong-min's name seems to have been flipped around in the caption under his picture. However, it goes with his topsy-turvy/bass-ackwards variety persona anyway :p


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John is funny and cute but Minho is errrrrrrrrrrr
he brings bad lucky to all his projects, they always don't do well and I think he is just bad.


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To be fair.. the show's rating is (very) slowly picking up.. the 24 hr campus tour episodes were really a good ones... it is sad that they are leaving.. Shi Kyung did improve tremendously over time so I am not really fine with leaving though with Hae Jin I can not really say I am sad since honestly I don't find him funny and spontaneous.. he s


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I really couldn't care less what they do with the show from here on out, it's just that my heart bleeds for the relationships. Show business is usually really transitory and even if you have great costars and cast/crew chemistry, etc., everyone is moving on to a different project soon. 1n2d is(was) unique in that it is built on a long term premise of a group of guys sticking together through thick and thin (mostly thin) and having fun together every single week. The charm of the show is that you come to believe in the genuineness of those bonds, even through the veneer of a variety show. Right now I'm thinking how the actors must be feeling and hoping that their friendships will remain just as strong far into the future, which I'm sure they will. But this particular group will never be together again in the same way, like your graduating class in high school.It may seem pretty ridiculous to presume that I have any idea of the real thoughts and feelings of people I've never met before, but that just goes to show how powerful 1n2d has been, to transcend the category of a tv show and become part of our emotional lives.
RIP 1n2d. Don't be sad Dog-feet and Jong-Minnie!


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I dun think minho can even commit himself for 1n2d. he didn't even last on mamma mia.. but I would definitely love to see more John Park in variety!! He's super cute and funny! and he could be with his nice partner Kang Ho Dong!!! awesome couple!!


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it wasn't because he didn't commit that he didn't last on mamma mia, it was because he was just so bad. go watch his episodes on youtube, everything he says and does is just really awkward. but i think he might fare better with an all male cast.


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Honestly they should stick to athletic programs for Minho. He's really good at sports and gets super competitive but he doesn't have a big personality and he's not really a 'character' so a more conventional, talk show style variety show doesn't suit him. He was awesome on Dream Team and if the company made better decisions, they would only cast him on sporty shows like that.


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Athletic programs are actually really tiring & stressful, have to jump up and down, fly like Superman, climb like Spiderman, and after all those hassles still appear cool like Batman, etc. One has to be fit & healthy at all times.

Artistes easily get injured, at times require surgeries and even take months before total recovery, have to withdraw from other events, sometimes scarred for life, ligaments torn/broken bones/spinal bones twisted. So much risks for athletic programs.

Safer option/comfort zone such as hosting program/MC/modeling is much preferred. Acting is a booster image for singers.

Source from Wiki, quoted:
In March 2010, Choi Minho was injured during a filming for KBS Dream Team Season 2. He had to withdraw from his activities while fellow Shinee member Taemin replaced him on the show during his absence.

After his recovery, Minho finally came back in August 2010 (5 months later) to continue his activities and promotions for SHINee's new album.


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+++ I dun think minho can even commit himself for 1n2d. he didn’t even last on mamma mia.. +++

I think the two female leches/hosts on the show were just too much for him. It was squirm-inducing. They went way overboard! Too bad Kyu-hyun is leaving. Even though he's cute, he didn't inspire the same kind of lust that Minho did. Either that or the two hosts got a good talking to.


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This is super late but Minho was never supposed to be a permanent MC for Mamma Mia. He was only meant to go on for about three episodes and then hand it off to Kyuhyun of SuJu. This was because SHINee was really busy with both Korean and Japanese promotions at the time.


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A lot of people give so much love to Na PD, but Myunghan PD will always be the best. Na PD was doing a show called "Are You Ready?" and Myunghan PD was doing "Love Letter" (the title of the music show before Sketchbook). Myunghan PD left Love Letter and took the helm to create 1N2D. The rest was history, as they say.


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Yes, let this show end already and stop dragging even more good names through this mess. Even KHD's moved on.


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I hope Tae Hyun and Tae Woong would leave the show too. They deserve better. I'm a fan of 1N2D, but the show pretty much died when New PD came on board. It's such a pity.


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i watch barefoot friends just for the ejw khd comb i miss from 1n2d season 1.. and now thats ending too.


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I thought they would cancel the show already, but recasting for Season 3? Come on KBS. I know 1N2D is your flagship Sunday variety show with 40+ ratings at one time but it's time to let go. I love Season 1 to bits and I watched Season 2 lately to see the boys separate every single time for missions. They were better together, but the bokbulboks are getting kinda disinteresting to watch (poem writing, etc). At some point even the editing and camera works were getting into my nerves. Variety shows are all about reactions, and if they don't highlight that it quickly becomes mundane and boring. At least that's my opinion.

Honestly, this show should have ended in February 2012. Su-geun is wasted in Season 2, imo.


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i've been a fan of this show since 2007 (ever since it's "are you ready" days) but stopped mid season 2.
it pains me so much to see this gem of a show deteriorate into a mess. they should've have stopped when kang hodong went into his "retirement".

everything changed when the original cast and crew left one by one. i still remember the crazy episodes with PD Na, Mc Mong and eun jiwon's childish antics, kim C's quiet but amusing way of doing things, kanari drinks, winter and summer camps. the old format was unbeatable in terms of ingenuity and fun.

whenever i catch new episodes on kbs world, all i do after is to look up on old episodes. /sigh


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I must say I miss Seung Gi's "heodangness" the most. Having been re-watching from episode 27 onwards.


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Watching 1N2D Season 2 makes me miss Season 1 soooo much..They never manages to revive Season 1 glory.
Lately, I started re watching Season 1. For the second season, it is more on friendship but in Season 1, we could see brotherhood. KBS should just axe the program instead of coming out with another season. Come on, the ship is already sinking.


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John Park is funny; he is like another Kwang Soo


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With Lee Suguen going out of the show I dont know what is left in it anymore...I never watched season 2 but season 1 was my favorite.....and will stay so...it was the king of variety shows......
Uh.....Now I wonder what will happen....I wished that Kang Ho Dong will comeback now that Barefoot friends is cancelled..same geos for Eun Ji Won....
But more than that the show needs Na Pd.....and maybe Seungi....
but Kang Ho Dong coming would be great for the show...
Well one can hope...


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Season 2 doesn't going well yet KBS want to start season 3??? What the...
Please, Just Give up the show!!!


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They should just axe this one. Inviting Minho and John Park as Hae-jin (too bad for him!), Shi-kyung, & Jong-min's replacements wouldn't do much actually.

And I'd rather John Park should guest one time at "Running Man". I'd love to see Meong-zzi's reaction upon seeing her long-lost sibling(/twin?) from another mother. :)


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John Park already did and he was partnered up with Gwang Soo then. And they were like the idiot brothers of some sort. He guested with Eun Ji Won (formerly 1N2D member)


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Eun Ji-won was a guest star during the Animal Kingdom episode with Jessica.


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Well, he should guest ONE MORE TIME. XD


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When all else fails, cast an idol. But then again, we all know what happened to Family Outing Season 2.


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Just stop already.
As a diehard fan of s1 (literally watched every episode from ep 27 onwards) it breaks my heart that 1n2d is prolly going to end its run on a bad rep.

Kbs, stop living in delulu land and focus on new variety shows instead. ...


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Suguen and jongmin is an original member, and now suguen left. How i miss season 1 badly.


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OH MY! the shows crumbling when Joo Won left. I missed the maknae :(


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i like the rose motel guy in immortal song & the recent infinity challenge episode.he is funny on & off stage. i think he would probably adapt well in variety.

but, i rather 2d1n take a bow and no more with season 3.. come on, let the fans remember the show of it's awesomeness, not because of "the show that sinked"..

i miss season1 cast... :(


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ah please stop, stop, stop.

if Bear Shi Kyung leaves too, where is the fun to watch this?
I must say my lousy appetite grew better when I watched him eat. I am probably gonna pretty much starve now.

ahh please just cancel this.


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To everybody who want to kill 2 days 1 night,you can shut up.I would rather runningman cancel the show(running boring and scripted as hell).This show is special because it really promote korea very well.Many broadcast like sbs and mbc will try to steal the idea when it ended.Even the show not so rich like sbs runningman,its still have sentimental value and not crappy.


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hahaha! While this is supposed to be a polite blog....I agree. I am surprised at all the people who want to see it canned. I love this show. I love how it promotes Korea, I love the challenges and games, and I love the male comraderie. Even if it goes on with just Tae-woong and Tae-hyun I would still watch it. I love just those two. I was surprised to see Jong-min on the list to go. I kind of had the impression his singing and dancing career wasn't doing too well and that 1D2N was his best paying gig.
1D2Ns Fighting!


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He might not have a choice in the matter.


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Ha! I'm not too smart: change 1D2Ns to 1N2D...


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minho of the all the people minho...especially when u want to elevate a show, MINHO..BLOODY SM trying to fit anywhere everywhere
KBS staff members have lost it,
I am sad that the members are leaving, sikyung mainly bcz of his album,jongmin bcz he will becum lonely, haejin must be getting replaced for someone funnier...i guess sugeun is leaving bcz he's fed up and against the idea himself
the point is that KBS has'nt allowed anyone neither the new casts or pd's to stabilize, adapt and then produce results....even though its been 2 years now for the 2nd season....so much movement has constantly broken down the gaining momentum
if the changes happen its RIP 1n2d for me, might aswell be RIP 1n2d in general


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John Park, well, he deserves a chance. Rose Motel's guy, I think he could be funny, I mean, just a look at his face, could bring a smile.
Minho? What are they thinking?? This show needs a cast with distinctive personality, not just a pretty face.
If you must *god forbid* bring an idol into the show, Kyuhyun would probably the better option.
But without Jongmin and Sikyung, my adorable Tom & Jerry, Sugeun the linch pin, the show is over for me.
I can't accept the idea of Kang Hodong back to the show though, I find him too obnoxious for this heart warming show, now.
I wonder how I could stand him in season 1.....


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Sorry to Shinee fans, but it's a NO! NO! for minho. I think he doesn't fit in the show and I also think he won't last long. They are just wasting their time.

There is actually a solution to bring back the glory days of 2D1N..... BRING BACK NA PD! Muahahahahaha...


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They're going as far down as to idol level to get someone? I know what I won't be watching at least.


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hi everyone ! can you please help me out to guess what episode was this?? it was aired in some May 2012 ... and i remember quiete few things about it since it was my very first 1n2d episode..
there were many k-actors but I remmember lee seung gi , kang Ho dong and Jong Min ... there was a guy or maybe fellow actor who was leaving the show ?(I'm not sure he was leaving the show or something else)... But they planned something to see him off well .. Often I saw that the celebrities used to mock him. And last thing I remember well is that they gifted him a collage of photos.. that made a big photo which resembled the face of the leaving guy.. can you tell me which episode number was this? I gotta download it once.


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Was it May 2012 or June 2010? From what you described, I think it's Kim C's farewell (school trip - episode 156), the production team gave him a huge mosaic picture as a farewell present.


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thank you glo !
So it was ep 156 :) ... actually I did watch it in May 2012 on KBSWORLD .. so probably it was a repeat telecast .... I think that was my first ever encounter with Korean entertainment. I was going through my tv channels and found this wonderful channel accidentally! and I'm stuck on it even today !


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Much better for KBS to let go 1n2d. there is a time to say goodbye

with no KJM and LSG >> i doubt season 3 will survive

why ? because both KJM and LSG are charm and funny element for 1n2d.

Minho >>> yeah right, he even can not elevate mamamia show >>> he even has any big role on mamamia. Just focus on singing and dancing > to : minho >> stop doing any variety show because it doesn't fit to yourself and it only bring disaster / unlucky to that variety show. just don't be greedy !!

John Park >> i love him and i saw his part on infinity challenge , he has the nature to made me laugh

but i prefer to cancelled 1n2d >> for a sake of good name, better let it go now


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sorry for typo : its should Yook Joong-wan who has been a guest star on infinity challenge > Its not John park

and to dramabeans >> please delete one of my posting. i am sorry to made double posting with same sentences and i don't have any desire to make spam in here.


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Much better for KBS to let go 1n2d. there is a time to say goodbye

with no KJM and LSG >> i doubt season 3 will survive

why ? because both KJM and LSG are charm and funny element for 1n2d.

Minho >>> yeah right, he even can not elevate mamamia show >>> he even has not any big role on mamamia. Just focus on singing and dancing > to : minho >> stop doing any variety show because it doesn't fit to yourself and it only bring disaster / unlucky to that variety show. just don't be greedy !!

John Park >> i love him and i saw his part on infinity challenge , he has the nature to made me laugh

but i prefer to cancelled 1n2d >> for a sake of good name, better let it go now


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