Heirs: Episode 1

Finally—and I mean FINALLY—we see the premiere of the most-hyped drama of the year, Heirs: He Who Wears the Crown, Endure Its Weight, which for purposes of efficiency and just plain sense we will be calling, simply, Heirs.

My biggest concern about Heirs would that it would be all hype, no follow-through. All talk, no action. All big names, no plotular significance. With the massive promo machine accompanying this drama—which got going about seven months in advance of its premiere, which is approximately six months more than the average other drama—you had to wonder if they were building it up to a fever pitch that no reasonable drama would be able to match in execution.

My reaction to the premiere: Measured optimism. I liked it. I know, I’m a little surprised that I did, but also relieved because I was pretty much going to watch this drama regardless. I see flashes of promise here and there, in between the parade of stars and starlets, poking its head out from behind the wall of embarrassing English. (I can NOT wait for the show to head back to Korea.) There are hints at emotional depth and layered characters—well, some of them, but as the ones I refer to are mainly the principal cast I think we’re fine on that score. And perhaps most importantly for a romantic comedy, I really like the leads together. There’s acting talent on both sides, individually, as well as character warmth and depth, and then you add in chemistry to the mix and I think we’re looking at a potential sensation. Just a hunch.

Okay, enough dithering. On to the show!


Lee Hong-ki – “말이야” from the Heirs OST. [ Download ]

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Southern California coastline. Our hero surfs the day away with his buddies, laughing it up and looking light-hearted. And then… a broody shower scene on the beach. HAHA. I dunno whatchoo got to be so angsty about, uber-rich teenager hero-manchild, but the music and mood tells us he is Very Serious On the Inside about something.

May as well introduce him off the bat: This is 18-year-old KIM TAN (pronounced tahn and not, say, like the English word tan. He’s played by Lee Min-ho, but you either knew that already or this is your first drama ever).

His narration tells us of the parting words with which his older brother sent him abroad to the States, so blunt and succinct: No need to get good grades, just have fun and live lightly. “People with money just eat and play—they don’t bother with dreams,” he’d said. “If possible, don’t even come back.”

And thus Tan realized that his study abroad was more like exile, and that his cold older brother was staking his claim on what he thought Tan might steal from him. Hyung’s name is KIM WON (Choi Jin-hyuk), and at 31 he’s the president of Jeguk (Empire) Group. Their father is the Jeguk chairman and Tan its future heir. But while there’s no literal throne at stake here, royalty seems an apt metaphor: There’s only one crown in this family, and Big Bro’s gonna wear it.

Tan sits at a cafe and is served by a waitress who speaks to him in Korean. (Why hello there, Yoon Jin-seo, what are you doing in Heirs?) Overacting American Friend asks how Tan feels about his family relationships, or rather his lack of them. Doesn’t it sting that nobody’s on his side? Tan just looks around idly and thinks, “I’m too lazy to hate anyone.”

Next we meet CHOI YOUNG-DO (Kim Woo-bin), hotel heir and Big Man on Campus back in Seoul. He bullies a hapless fellow student with a baseball while his lackeys snicker. Aw, why you gotta be an asshole, Woo-bin-ah? His good cheer makes his actions all the more chilling, because everything is laced with underlying menace.

But more than being hit by the ball or mocked, the sense of terror comes from Young-do’s icy reminder that no matter what the victim does, his fate is sealed: His life will continue to be this way forever, and one day these bullies will be his employers.

Young-do gives the guy props for standing up to him, then leaves with a pleasant “See ya after vacation.” Behind him, his sidekicks start the beating.

Young-do drops by a motorcycle shop, where our heroine drops in to deliver a food order. She’s CHA EUN-SANG (Park Shin-hye), a no-nonsense high school student who won’t take crap from anyone (yay for that), calling the cops right away when a couple of the shop ajusshis harass her for a date. The ajusshi hastily backs the hell off, and she marches out to make her next delivery. She catches Young-do’s eye, at least for a moment.

As though we weren’t sure she were a poor Candy girl, she’s got a whole string of part-time jobs. Her friend drops by the cafe where she works; he’s YOON CHAN-YOUNG (Kang Min-hyuk), a platonic childhood buddy who has a girlfriend and encourages Eun-sang to find herself a boyfriend. She scoffs that any time spent not earning money is a waste. Chan-young eyes her with pity, though I’d say Eun-sang has no use for his pity. I do like that about her.

Then, a shrill voice orders Chan-young to look elsewhere—ha, this is the girlfriend, and right away we can tell she’s the high-maintenance type. Her name’s LEE BO-NA (Krystal), she’s an heir (to Mega Entertainment), and she shoots Eun-sang a glare, ordering her to stop flirting with her boyfriend.

Eun-sang is used to Bo-na’s possessive nature and has perfected the way to disarm her fuse with wry nonpliments about how Bo-na’s plenty pretty and how Eun-sang is too busy for this. I get the sense that Bo-na knows she’s being mocked but isn’t quite smart enough to figure out how (it’s all in the tone). Haha. I’m liking Eun-sang more and more.

Bo-na drags Chan-young away, griping about how much she hates Eun-sang. He assures her that they’re buddies, and Bo-na snaps that guys and girls can’t be “just friends.”

Eun-sang launches into her own set of complaints about Bo-na on the phone, although her rant goes unheard by her unni. On the other end of the line, unni is having a fight with her boyfriend in English—ah, this is Yoon Jin-seo. Ignoring the terrrrible English (cringe cringe), unni calls the guy trash. The guy slaps her in the face and says, and I quote, “Bitch get out of my house.”

On her way home, Eun-sang gets caught in the rain and pauses under an awning, where the dreamcatchers in the storefront catch her eye and bring a smile to her face.

Chan-young is on good terms with his father, as we witness as they cook dinner together and chat about his upcoming plans to move to the States. Bo-na insists on following him there, but he hasn’t had a chance to tell Eun-sang yet, with her up to her neck in part-time jobs. As for Eun-sang’s mother, well, Dad refers to her as “the center of power for Jeguk Group”…

…in the sense that she is the Jeguk family housekeeper. She’s also mute, writing her responses on a notepad she carries with her. Mom is warned that the madam of the house is emotional tonight, given that her son (Tan) is ignoring her calls.

Madam Han is on rather rocky terms with stepson Won; when told he has arrived, she downs her wine before he can see her—for whatever reason, she’s not allowed to drink. Hm, so she’s the lady of the house but Won has power over her. That’s interesting, and rather sageuk-like.

Mom scrambles to hide the wineglass for her employer when Won appears. He barely spares a glance for his stepmother as he coldly orders his room cleaned again. Madam Han orders a replacement wine bottle sent to her room, forgoing dinner: “If I were able to swallow any food after suffering this indignity, I’d be a concubine.” So perhaps the sageuk allusions are intentional, then.

Mom wraps up the mistress’s dinner to take home to Eun-sang, telling her that eating and surviving is the most important thing so she should just take it without complaints. Eun-sang says with a bite to her voice, “Is it my fault we live like this?” Is that resentment I hear?

Eun-sang stomps to her tiny room and tearfully blames her sister for leaving them to live in comfort on her own (she’s supposedly going to college in California, though I have my doubts). Then Mom gives her a bankbook to send a large chunk of funds to America—unni is getting married.

Eun-sang is awash in curiosity over her sister’s impending marriage, while Mom is content to stay out of it. She won’t go to the States for the wedding lest they dampen unni’s image, either. Eun-sang says defiantly that they’re not blots on unni’s character, and a slip of the tongue reveals that Eun-sang carries resentment for her sister running away from home. Ah, the subtext is that Eun-sang was left behind in poverty while unni skipped off into the sunset. So rather than wiring that money overseas, Eun-sang says she’ll deliver it in person.

Marriage is also the issue for another of our rich folks, YOO RACHEL (Kim Ji-won), heir to RS International, whose mother announces that she’ll be getting remarried. Rachel balks but Mom breezily tells her to prepare to meet her new daddy.

Rachel is dragged along to lunch, as is the son of her stepfather-to-be, whom we’ve already met as the bullying badass Young-do. Both teenagers sulk in silence while their parents chat pleasantly, occasionally letting out a scoff or sneer. And then Young-do brings the conversation to a screeching halt with the comment, “My sister is exactly my style.” Ha. Oh no you di’n’t.

Young-do’s rudeness earns him a slap to the face (now we see where he got his violent streak) and he leaves the room. Rachel follows him out, though it’s not out of any warm and fuzzy feelings, as she informs Young-do that she’s as opposed to their parents marrying as he is. However, she notes that he probably hates it more, since she is engaged to Kim Tan. And if both weddings happen as planned, then Tan becomes Young-do’s bro-in-law. Aw, is that too much ego for one family?

She think she’s got him all sized up, but Young-do surprises her: “I never said I hated this marriage.” He calls marriage in their class a business merger and points out that her mother holds a number of shares in Jeguk Group: “Who will end up with those?” His words cast a shadow over her face—does he have a point?

Eun-sang works yet another job scrubbing dishes, a Sisyphean task that comes close to cracking her composure today. When her boss asks about her school vacation plans, she answers frankly that she’s going to the States and doesn’t plan to return: “Unni getting married means she doesn’t intend to return to Korea, and that means I’m stuck forever washing dishes and living with my mother.” Leaving is an escape plan she’s been dreaming of for the past ten years.

She packs her things, putting away some blank notebooks for Mom’s use. Eun-sang flips through one of the used ones on the shelf, and the messages weigh down her heart—it’s all stuff like “I’m sorry madam” and “Please don’t be angry, madam.” She cries silently while flipping through the pages, and writes a message in a fresh book: “I’m sorry, Mom. I’ll make something of myself and send for you. Wait just a little.”

Rachel plans a trip to California to see Tan, and while packing she and her mother bicker back and forth some more about Mom’s marriage. Basically her mother offers to cut her free (read: cut her off from her inheritance), and that gets Rachel to back down from her teenage rebelliousness.

Back in his beachfront estate, Tan ignores his calls from Rachel while narrating to us that at first, he’d thought of using his exile to rebel against his brother. But ultimately he ended up taking his advice and living easily, not thinking about too much.

Tan tells Overacting Surfer Bro-Dude that it’s his engagement anniversary, and the exceedingly uncomfortable English conversation at least provides us with one winner. Friend: “You look like none of that is a good thing.” Tan: “No, I always look this good.” (God, these California scenes make me cringe down to my soul. I’ll be so glad when they go back to Seoul.)

Eun-sang lands at LAX with a bit of wide-eyed little-girl-in-the-big-city nervousness. She clutches a page of carefully written notes as she makes her way outside, where she spots Rachel curbside answering a call in Korean. Rachel’s obviously lying (about Tan coming to pick her up and complimenting her about getting prettier), and Eun-sang smiles a bit to herself.

Rachel gets offended and calls her out on it, and after a failed attempted to pretend to be Japanese, Eun-sang apologizes. It wasn’t a mocking smile, though, she assures her—rather, she felt a sense of solidarity for not being the only one to land without a welcoming presence. That just rubs it in more for Rachel, whose mood darkens further.

More surfing. Eun-sang arrives on the pier and notices Tan briefly before continuing on her way. But when she arrives at the address, she’s puzzled at the rundown house and sketchy neighborhood. A sleazy duo answer the door, and Eun-sang fumbles for her English phrasebook. The guy hazards a guess and says her name—must’ve heard it from her sister at some point.

Eun-sang is let in and looks aghast at the frankly disgusting house. The floozy stomps out in a huff and Eun-sang asks the guy about her sister Stella. He laughs at the idea of them getting married and says unni doesn’t go to school, and Eun-sang demands to know where she is.

Tan turns down his friends’ invitation to party hardy, choosing instead to get introspective over his journal at his usual cafe. (“It’s when I’m writing that I think about the fact that I am thinking.”) It’s where Stella unni works, and she chats briefly with him before leaving him to write about how writing makes him think the thoughts that his brother told him not to think. Yeah, it’s all a bit meta, but everybody needs their phase of angsty adolescent journaling, right?

Back at Jeguk Group, Won heads a board meeting where he receives bad news about lower than expected sales for their premium shopping malls. In a nutshell, this scene tells us: (1) President Hyung is a hardass, (2) President Hyung has a tense relationship with Chairman Dad, who technically runs the company though he doesn’t come to work on a daily basis. Not that he needs to—he has eyes and ears in the company reporting to him, behind Won’s back. Hence the tension. Oh, and (3) Chan-young’s friendly dad is one of the board members and looks to be aligned with Chairman Kim, rather than Won.

Back on the beach, Tan looks up and notices Eun-sang on the boardwalk with her suitcase, looking out of place. She spots her sister inside the cafe as unni manages customer leers and accepts their tips. Gahhhh, this ain’t no strip club people. I know this is a Korean drama and not an American one, but aughhhh.

Tan clocks Eun-sang’s upset reaction as Stella flirts with another customer (who asks her to “work for me tonight, you know, work”). He stares at her intently, so intently that it’s actually rather moving, and that’s how Stella finally notices her sister standing there.

The sisters face off on the boardwalk and Eun-sang confronts unni with all the made-up stories of a good school and wonderful fiancé. Unni looks abashed to be caught in her lies, but that doesn’t stop her from opening up her sister’s suitcase right then and there to look for the money.

Eun-sang bursts out that unni was her last hope in this goddamned miserable world, and that she was just hanging in there with mom waiting for her to come back. Unni says sorry, but asks for a pass this time and goes rummaging for that cash.

Eun-sang warns her sister not to dare touch that cash, the money Mom worked so hard to collect, but unni wrests it away and tells her to hurry home. Eun-sang cries after her not to leave, but unni grabs the money and dashes. So Eun-sang is left sobbing over her suitcase crying for her sister to wait for her, and Tan watches sympathetically.

Cringeworthy Surfer Friend pops by to lure Tan away to a party (please make him stop talking, won’t somebody make him stop?). This is when I mute my screen and read the Korean subtitles, because goddamn is this bad. Surfer Brah sees Eun-sang crying and jumps to play wingman, helping her with her things. He calls her a fallen angel and fawns over her, then grabs one of her plastic bags from the suitcase and starts running. Wait, does he think those are drugs? Ha, I do enjoy Eun-sang’s reaction: “On top of everything else, am I being robbed?!”

She chases him onto the beach while he giggles and runs around like a little fiendish Rumplestiltskin, until he runs face-first into a volleyball net and goes down. You twat. Eun-sang tries to grab the plastic bag out of his hands, because it’s a grain powder her mother made for her sister, and the powder goes flying everywhere. And up Surfer Dude’s nose, from the looks of it, as he begins to gag and gurgle.

Tan rushes to his side and recognizes that his buddy’s in trouble. A trip to the emergency room assures them that he’ll be fine, despite his allergic reaction to the beans in the powder. Annoyed, Tan asks what the heck she was doing carrying around that powder, and Eun-sang gets indignant—she was the one robbed.

He stalks off in annoyance, leaving Eun-sang to confront a disapproving-looking cop on her own. In her broken English she tries to explain what her grain powder is, but the cop gives her the hardline—where does she live, are they drugs, is she underage, is she illegal? Ah, so many hot-button American political issues, boiled down into an embarrassing cliche soup of a character.

Then Tan comes strolling up and slings an arm around her shoulder, telling the cop she’s cool, she’s just his girlfriend. And of course Tan is on a first-name basis with the officer, who knows enough of Tan’s checkered history to say that they’ll definitely have to look into it with Tan involved. He confiscates Eun-sang’s passport to hold until they’ve investigated.

Of course Eun-sang doesn’t have a place to stay and no cell phone, though she considers calling her sister. Tan points out that it’s not likely that’ll happen given their huge blowup, and she asks for a ride and his phone, offering to pay for every imposition. He points out her money fixation: “Are you rich?” She mumbles, “It’s because I’m afraid you’ll leave.” Aw, that’s not the answer he was expecting, from his expression.

He drives her to unni’s ramshackle house and waits while she knocks on the door. No answer. She supposes she can wait here till unni shows, and he points out exasperatedly how very naive that is. Fine, do as she wants, he says, and drives off.

Eun-sang huddles on the stoop as a group of rowdy guys spot her and make a few catcalls before thankfully moving on. She decides she can’t stay here and starts to walk off nervously… and Tan’s car comes screeching back. YOU BIG SOFTIE.

“Want to go to my house?” he asks.


There are a lot of characters to get through, and we’ve only gotten through maybe half the main cast. So this first episode presents a lot of setup, and there are a lot of names and relationships to get straight. I do think Heirs does a pretty good job with the introductions, in that I wasn’t frantically flipping through character charts and writing notes to myself to keep everyone straight. (That could be helped by the fact that the setup is, despite all the frills, a very basic one.)

I do have reservations about this writer, but I don’t doubt her ability to create witty dialogue and compelling character relationships, and Heirs has that touch. It also has a nice stylistic moodiness woven in and out of scenes, which I like; we’re given glimpses into characters’ inner lives that belie their outer circumstances, and I like that. A lot. Like how Tan is on the surface a troublemaking rich kid who does nothing but party, but that there’s an internal pull to resist that shell that’s expected of him. More on that in a second.

One of my reservations about the writer is that while she is very good at making hit dramas that start with sparkling romantic banter and are later sprinkled in melo angst (or drowned, in some cases), sometimes I feel like her writing is of a different era. As in, an older, less narratively sophisticated one. Her dramas are all modern gloss, but the themes and conflicts sometimes feel like they belong a couple generations back. It’s actually for this reason that I hoped Heirs might offer something fresh, because by making her characters younger, it actually works with those limitations. In a drama about independent thirtysomething careerwomen, you wonder why they can’t just get over the angst and either make up or break up. But youthful passion mixed with the idea that you don’t quite know yourself yet, that you’re still struggling to make it in the Real World? I think it works.

Heirs actually works on a secondary level for me, and that’s in its invocation of the whole royalty theme. They could have played it as a one-off metaphor and left it there, but as the episode unfolded I felt like I was watching a modernized sageuk drama, and I really liked that.

Consider the family at the center: You have the older chairman on his way out, still in charge but leaving the day-to-day business dealings to his ambitious and competent older son. The drama proper hasn’t outlined the exact family relationships yet but the character descriptions tell us that older brother Won is the son of the first wife, who died when he was young. There was a second wife who has since divorced Dad, and now Madam Han is the young new mistress of the house. The concubine, if you will, who has the safety of a son-heir (Tan), but not eternal security for as long as Tan is not registered under her name in the official family registry. That keeps her as an outsider, and she’s putting all her hopes in Tan to grow up, take over the corporation, and change that registry. Taken on its own I might consider the conflict a bit simplistic (archaic even), but seen as a reimagined Joseon-esque power struggle, I actually dig it.

It also explains the brotherly strife, in having the elder son protecting his interests by keeping his younger brother out of the picture. Tan currently has little power, but he could choose to be a rival should he exert himself… so hyung makes sure to keep him far away and occupied with frivolous pursuits. Sound like a few sageuks you’ve seen? Quite a compelling setup.

As for our hero: Who else is glad he’s not the raving asshole (however entertaining) that this writer loves to make popular? I found the heroes of Secret Garden and A Gentleman’s Dignity lots of fun, but when I heard we were getting more chaebols I feared we’d be getting more of the same, and I’m tired of that. Granted, there’s plenty of room for Tan to show some snobbery, but I like that already he’s got some depths—which is particularly interesting because he’s been encouraged not to have them.

I like that his proclivity is to actually be studious and serious, and that the playboy persona seems put-upon, like it’s the only thing he can do with his life. It reminds me a bit of Hong Gil Dong or other stories of disenfranchised heroes who find their preferred paths barred to them by society… although I do suppose it’s a bit perverse in this scenario to have a man of such overwhelming privilege feeling shackled by it. Cry me a freakin’ river, right? Still, it’s a twist on the expected, and so I welcome it.

I am NOT a fan of making Eun-sang such a typical Candy character, because haven’t we hit the ceiling on what you can do with that same ole character? Please prove me wrong on this, but I don’t expect the show to do anything exceptional with her storyline. On the other hand, at least if it had to be done, you got an actress like Park Shin-hye who could make you care about her, who injects some sass into the role anyway.

Most of all, I’m excited about the romance, because there was something about the way Tan looks at Eun-sang that hooked me good. It got me invested right away, and while Lee Min-ho has had his ups and downs as an actor and romantic lead, I am SO READY to fall in love with him… and moreover, to fall in love with him falling in love. C’mon Heirs, be good. You can dooooo eeeeeet!


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well, I thank the recaps a hundred times cause I don´t have to HEARS the banglish when I read them. Just leave out the ugly white people as well.
I agree that Heirs aims to be emotionally layered and stuff. but it still feels so clumsy.

and what´s with koreans picking the stereotypical blond people to play non-koreans? people dont all look like that it would be more believable if they picked diverse and unusal appearances.

Um, did anyone else get a kick that the umbrella has a MARIMEKKO pattern? Which is a Finnish company also trying to be an "heir" to the original designer. and unlike the Nokia empire, Marimekko is still thriving.


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hey, I got the idea: what if the show uses big brand names to show no matter who you are, companies got a grip over you. be it a Candy or a prince.


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anyone have a thought about this? Coca Cola, that T shirt that created a fuss after the first stills? maybe it is not just sponsoring but has a meaning in the context of the story and the world within the drama? the empires.... we all belong to big companies...
oh dear, now I scare myself.


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and I feel like Heirs is going to be a secret guildt for many. publicly denying that you all kept watching, but staring slackjawed in the middle of a night under a blanket.

sorry, Ivoire, for taking advantage of your not-answered one-word first post. I have a little of that arrogant only-child-need-to-be-first-or-nothing in myself too. sorry. couldn´t resist, mate, as Jack Sparrow would say.


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@redfox - I thought you piggy-backing her inevitable *I'm first* post was very clever. ✔ (do it again)


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I know, right? Loved the trick. :-)


No apology needed, especially when the "piggy back" is a thoughtful, insightful comment/review rather than the "no-no" one word place holder.


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What doesn't make sense is that his only friend is a druggie blonde dude. Guys like Tan would either get a host of Korean hangers-on first, or the elite rich party crowd in LA.


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Ikr? I'm disappointed that they cant find any Korean actors in the US to use instead.


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Aside from that, Nolan Ross (from the TV show "Revenge") wants his house back! http://i43.tiny-pic.com/2rrapnk.jpg


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@ redfox @ sally_b @ TS @ Kris

I tried reporting this through official lines but since I got no feedback AND only further escalation of the issue, I'm just going to post this; this being my last post and visit to DB.

After DB's rules on list on how to be a continued member of DB through courteous commenting, Ivoire
felt very much singled out BUT I assured her she was being unnecessarily paranoid and that it hadn't been drafted just to get her banished from DB. Though nervous at being slighted, she duly complied and didn't post any further 1st post 'thank you' holders. Neither was this post going to be one. Have you not even missed her absence? Have you only judged her by your own standards your own low expectations, failing to see her sincerity, if not also naivety?

The above veiled and spiteful comments will do nothing but leave her feeling ostracised once more and to be honest I'm really disappointed that such rudeness is allowed to remain there because being Heirs, and the first post, a lot of people are going to read them. It just reeks so much of that pettiness of high school that I thought I had long since left behind.

I'm going to miss DB's and GF's insightful posts but truly I'd rather stand on the other side of this battle of politeness and etiquette in disagreement. Thankfully, you've only disgraced yourselves and hopefully people won't let your slander and backbiting affect their opinion of Ivoire.

Wishing DB and this site, and truly everyone, a better tomorrow than today. Sabah


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" Have you not even missed her absence?" That's what I've bee wondering? Where is Ivoire? Normally she would always be the first to comment. I haven't been on here regularly, but I did realize she was missing in action. I hope she doing good, she and a few (Maybe a lot) others was there for me last year when I asked for prayers for my sister who almost died.


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Hello True2U,

So good to hear from you! :-) I am doing OK, and I do remember you. I also remember when you asked for prayers for your sister. I think it was either during the recaps of I Do, I Do, or during the recaps of A Gentlemen's Dignity, and yes, it was last year.
Not only did I actually prayed for you (and your sister), but I remember asking you about your sister, the next time/next recap I saw your comment. I remember how relieved I was, when you told us that she was OK.

I believe that we come to blogs like this one because of our love of Kdramas, and because we want to understand them better (and yes, fangirl and rave, and rant). I also do think that in the process of being here, and of getting to know each other, some of us do make those connections, and some even become friends. That to me, is a (wonderful) bonus, and the icing on the cake.

I do hope that your sister continues to be well, and so are you and your family and all the people you care about.


I have perhaps not followed her posts that closely and I was totally not aware of the situation. how could I?

But your criticism is unfair, since I have said nothing spiteful about her. I was just talking about Heirs, and that I am fully aware that I hijacked a post but I couldn´t resist. a pirate is a pirate. sorry if you see that as attacking someone else. I have no idea where you get that from.

I feel like it is not fair to accuse us of what you are, cause how could I fully know the whole background. I will go back and try to find some posts and update myself, what more can I do. I had no idea.


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To be honest, I didn't feel your comment was spiteful and aimed at Ivoire - it sounded like a jumbled post full of random thoughts you needed to get off your chest before it bursts, like a lot of us did - but the commenters responding to your post made it seem like you had intended it as an attack at Ivoire instead (I hope I'm making sense).


Don't leave! I personally disagreed with the rules list banning first and thank u place holder posts. There are WAY more important things to be bothered/annoyed about in the world and I never understood why so many fellow Beanies felt so strongly about it. If you don't like it, just ignore and move on, or better yet hijack the post and make no apologies. Take it in stride please people because it in no way impeded or interfered with the flow or flow of dialogue, ideas, and other conversation going on. Can't we all just adopt a modicum of civility by overlooking the flaws of others (or at least our ideas of their flaws)? If they overlook ours and we overlook theirs, it'd be a little more peaceful.


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yeah once again, sorry if I, unknowingly, somehow just wanting to discuss a drama and had a burning thought on my mind, took advantage.

if I had been first post, I think everyone had grown a beard by the time they finished reading, I always write so much.

now I feel all bad and I dont even know what I have done wrong. gimme a break I had a 14 hour day at work.


@red fox, my comment was not directed to u at all! And I am sorry if u felt that way. I was just hoping the poster who said he/she was leaving would read it and not feel compelled to not come back to DBS. I personally don't like some things I see here but I never say anything. I try to adopt a to-each-his-own attitude in the spirit of maintaining peace on this community which I actually find to be the nicest and most civilized of online communities around in spite of a few spats here and there. But in an effort to facilitate the good spirit I was just trying to encourage more forbearance for everybody, myself included and that's how I felt about the first and thank you comment/placeholders for those who didn't like them.

Today I broke my rule of staying out in hopes of helping and perhaps I offended you and other readers. For that, I apologize.


no, I was not offended, I dont know how. dont worry.


I second that emotion! If I see any news relating Ha Ji Won I will most likely post a comment, otherwise, I'll just read the comments.

Regarding Viore, she seems like a very nice lady and I for one don't mind her being the first commenter or anybody for that matter. I'd rather see a post where people being appreciative of what GF/JB done for us. I don't know her personally. But I have read some of her post and Iviore she has no problem conversing with fellow Dramabeans and a beautiful mind to booth, if I may say so.


I feel like I should have said something like Sabah as well, because after reading the comments after redfox I did feel that it sounded like a united front being spiteful and mean to a single user.
I'm sorry, Ivoire, for not saying anything. I hope you don't feel too bad. I honestly felt your comment was just a nice acknowledgement of dramabeans's work, because most of us simply dived into the discussion about the episode and didn't leave any word of thanks to the recapper. I hope you won't be discouraged after this and I'd like to read more of your thoughts and feelings on shows in the future.


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second this, and I was trying to thank too! In fact I might just keep to recaps with Heirs until I am sure there is no banglish so I am extremely grateful to javabeans and girlfriday


at redfox: I fear we still have a while to wait for that to happen.... *cringe cringe* I'm so grateful to the subbers for "translating" the English speaking scenes so that I can just turn temporarily deaf until the scene is over...


Hello duskydawn and Redfox,

Thank you for your comments, as I appreciate them. duskydawn was right, I simply wanted to thank the recapper, as I didn't have any questions or comments in mind, when I wrote that line. Is saying "thank you! or Thanks!" a bad thing these days, on this blog? JB not only took the time to recap this ep., but she also wrote an extensive and thoughtful analysis, in her comment section, which I personally appreciated, and it gave me food for thought.

Redfox, I am getting ready to write a rather long comment (which I have not done in a long while) about the things that were misleading in your comment. I hope that it would explain why Sabah probably reacted the way she did. Thank you for apologizing, and for trying to understand what you might have done wrong. That means a lot to me, and I appreciate that.


ah please no. it has to stop at some point. I hope that time the recap starts with a huge title: NO MORE BANGLISH!


@ Redfox, I will write my comment below, so I can have more space, because I feel that I will be writing a lot, FYI.


"It's okay, redfox-baby." :P


umm, watching ep 2 and for now, at öeast while on minute 18 there has not been a single phrase in banglish


Knock on wood. *knock knock*
Where are you watching it? Viki isn't yet done subbing it and gooddrama doesn't have it either.


Ivoire is free to post (just no “First”s, which she isn’t doing), and as she has continued to comment I’ll ask that people not attack her or argue for her. I prefer not to step into commenter conversations but I’d really love to get the conversation back on track here and focus on the drama. Thanks everyone.


I am watching on Viki, there is enough....

ahh, at 25 minutes in, there you go. oh why I can´t take this any more...

how do I just get past this without having to mute the screen.

so embarrassing.


and dear Javabeans, there was never any intention from me to say anything against Ivoire. I WAS trying to discuss the drama.

sorry if I steeped over limits.
goodness how many sorry´s does it take to be clean...
sorry, that is not supposed to mean arrogant.


The comment is not directed at you specifically, redfox. It's pretty clear that the conversation under Comment #1 has gotten pretty off topic so I am just trying to steer it back. Thanks all.


'ugly white people'...couldn't help but smile, redfox. What would your neighbours say? Those ultra-blonde, ultra-white Scandinavians? : )


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omg! I feel like crying right now! this definitely wasn't the first episode that I was expecting... I mean, they didn't give us another BoF story (that's a relief) but to me this first episode was quite boooring!... although there were things that I really liked...
1. LMH character is great, I mean he's not an asshole, or a stupid rich guy, he has deep thoughts and reasoning... I loved that
2. Shi Hye character was also great, she is tough and I love that too... her acting was awesome to me.
BUT... My real problem with this 1st episode was that nothing really happened, they didn't tell us that much about the characters and although I believe the characters are great, they were very bland in this first episode, they could give us more about them, making them more complex... I really hope this to get better... :'(


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By the way the english and all the awkwardness with the american actors ahhhhgggg I really hated it!


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I agree! Their English are sucks! I was so dissappointed. They don't have a good command of English, they need to go back to Korea ASAP!...better to hear them speaking in their own native tongue...anyways, what do you expect they just learned it for almost a month??? Well, about the storyline I do hope it will gets better on the next episodes. As for LMH in this drama, there's more profound on his character. His acting is quite good but I hope he will give more of it. My rate for this episode is 5 out 10.?


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I actually thought the Engrish as spoken by LSH/Eun-Sang was very true to character - it acknowledged that her English sucked and she was struggling with it. All the others, and the English dialogue was (as expected) the pits.


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I can forgive Lee Min Ho, because of It´s ok baby!
but these terrible white rubber dummies floating around and speaking like... no, making sounds....moaning. that I just ....!

I can´t stop there, it is bat country.


I agree with you, JayJay! Actually, I had a deeper problem than that. I'm probably being over-sensitive, and it's true that America isn't CEOs and diamonds, but Oh. My. Goodness. Why is every single American guy a randy felon or a jerky lout??? We have an abusive, alcoholic, and disgusting boyfriend, a drug-addled party boy, and every single other male character (except the cop) is there to sexually harass the poor women.

Now, in terms of social responsibility, I suppose it's better to vilify a nationality with global power, but I think it's just objectively wrong and morally reprehensible to represent any race/ethnicity/nationality so terribly.

I enjoyed the show and will continue watching for the Korean parts, I just wanted to call out a small piece of it that truly disturbed me. Was anyone else bothered by this? Does this happen with other nationalities/ethnicities in Korean dramas? What do you think?


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now that you mentioned it. All the american characters here all have bad personalities hehe. It's like the Heirs show is telling us "tourists don't come to america or be careful" hehe. I guess they should have mixed in some good people to balance it out. maybe in ep.2 there will be good people.

about the cop, OMG, shouldn't he have tasted or smelled it first, just like in CSI or law & order.


The irony is that Hollywood is also very stereotypical about how they depict Asians.

However, rest assured that Americans actually have very good representation in Korea, since in the movie theaters, almost half the movies are Hollywood ones.

So Korea (and most of Asia) is actually quite fair in that regard. Whereas in the US, it's hard to see a foreign movie in major movie theater chains.


Yes, I just read the whole recap and literally said "boring!" but I am keeping a good faith. So, I will leave the drama until the middle run of its course and then comeback to see how the story develops. For the meantime, Unemployed Romance is my current watch.


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I think some of us feel "nothing happened in episode 1" because so much has already been given away in the Daily Heirs Promo Drop of the past few months. :D


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Actually I think the Heirs publicity bombardment has not only forced me to watch the show, but has already lulled me into a state of craze crack-like obsession after one episode: "you must like Heirs, you must! Think of the talent - you like Park Shin-hye, Lee Min-oh is like the genesis of your Kdrama story. You Will like Heirs, you DO like Heirs". Congrats Heirs PR team, the promo system works.


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omo, if you put it that way...imagine us all sitting swirly-eyed in front of the screens going "aiiiii.....laiiiiik ...Heiirrrs!"
hah. it is more like: "please, please no more promotion photos, day and night, if I do watch will you stop sening your creepy messages?

ah we shouldn´t underestimate the power of brainwashing, indeed.


thinking about i.....I think that might be true! there was just so much hype about it...and you cant help but like them because its LMH and PSH.....

On the other hand I do really think they did a great job on their acting...but the plot.....oh the plot.....I think without the famous casts sad to say this might have been a big mess.....


Hi guys
you know any website here in States where I can watch the show? Thks much!


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One more comment and then I'm going to stop contributing to the overwhelming comment numbers (@pogo, sorry if I missed you): why didn't Rachel call her mother out on her transferring shares to the Choi men? All Rachel has to do is get an agreement in writing to secure her own shares and inheritance in exchange for tolerating and smiling through the marriage. Here's mum threatening her with disinheritance, so then tell her to assure that inheritance in writing or else the threat is meaningless: Woobie's going to muscle in and then there's no incentive to play ball.


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P.S. Woobie, please muscle in on me....


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Hey TS - you didn't miss me at all, I'm going to be late to most of these recaps thanks to time differences, lol.

I find the Woobie/Rachel pair most interesting of all, at this point - they have an edge and unpredictability (incest jokes, power struggles, parent issues, mutual bitch factor and all) that the OTP kind of lacks.

That said, I like LMH well enough and adore PSH as an actress, but the second leads were the ones who had the sparks flying - I want to see how he looks in the drama proper, once he starts interacting with PSH. Because Woobie is giving off some serious business smoulder there, all right.


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Dear Ivoire,

What a surprise to disappear from Dramabeans for a week and return to find this thread here. Today as I was going to the market, and as the wind brushed against my face--it had just rained and everything was crystal clear, sparkling, lovely--I suddenly got to thinking about how much I love being part of Dramabeans. And how when I first started commenting here, and it took a lot of guts to become visible, the only comment I had to make was about how happy I was that JB and GF were doing what they were doing and how much gratitude I felt towards them.

And then of course, as time passed, the thanking began to diminish and my comments would mostly be made up of things, most of the times insincere even, that I would cook up just to sound cute or clever. I remember how the reason why I'd begun commenting in the first place was because I was bursting with a sincere urge to say something. If I may be honest, I feel like it's not always the case anymore.

The bottom line is that I do feel gratitude always. So then I remembered you and realised how you are always around saying thank you. And I am wowed at how you never forget it. After a while, I've begun to take it as a given that these beautiful folks will keep putting up post after beautiful post. And forget all the hard work and passion and compassion even that goes into making this site function.

So while initially it did irk me to see your thank you comments from time to time, because I like others felt like you were taking up space. But now I feel...space...but for what? You want to convey your emotions, and you feel thanks. Is this a problem?

I often forget to convey that. But I take solace in the thought that you are thanking these amazing people on my behalf as well. On everyone else's behalf actually. And now every time I see your comment, I smile and add an invisible +1 from my heart.

Dramabeans is so great because of the people who run it. And the people who comment on it. I have had fun, hilarious conversations with people here. I have had incredibly profound conversations too. And some of the insights that JB and GF have given on dramas have actually helped me look at issues in my life differently. And reading a 'Thank you' comment once in a while does not take away from my experience.

So thank you Ivoire for reminding me, and everyone else, that we are in fact thankful all the time, even if we do not mention it aloud ourselves.

And thank you JB and GF, for creating and maintaining an alternate universe where we get to live out our dreams. You guys rock and deserve to be thanked again and again and again.

Annnddd...now that my Oscar acceptance speech is over, have so much reading to do since my laptop fell and the screen cracked and I was without access to computers, which gave a fine opportunity for soul searching...and plenty of time to look out the window at the rains. But it's so so so good to back in this vibrant, crazy world again. You don't know how amazing all of you are.

Stay happy everyone!



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Hello jhu,
I LOVED your Oscar acceptance speech, I have posted a few of those here myself, so I can appreciate them. Thank you so much for your wonderful comment. I will be back later to respond, so please, check back on this thread, among these comments.

Thank you :-)...


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i think i'm gonna like this drama (fingers crossed). i like all the characters and the actors (though i only know 3 of them) so far. but i have one complain, Park Shin-hye in my opinion is the best actress in this drama (first time to see her) but she looks too old to be Lee Min-Ho's love interest. and as for the his American friend, i find it so natural to befriend with such character who is the opposite of his society in Korea, plus I guess he is too lezzy to sought friends and he let them pick him.


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oh no.....i think Kim Eun Suk drama before usually start out very strong ..
but this might be the worst 1st episode of her...
Lee Min Ho just like before, suck in acting and here not only he look awkward.,
but not interest at all...Park Shin Hye still in the bland actresss category...
it's sad how That Winter and IHYV set the par at how their debut episode was epic and TMS debut continue with class..
Heirs just more like a Visual drama..Face .,Place and even their make up looks like wtf.
Not too exciting for the story.,maybe bcoz of it stereotype plot..it's just a FUN episode,with nothing special.
no wonder last night anticipation poll on Nate top by Secret.,2nd Medical top Team..and Heir's last..
Medical Top Team's rating will increase tonight.,and Secret has come to the hot crazy part...
So Heirs need to stop bulshit with their overrate visual.,and focus on the acting more before turn to another Love Rain.


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I didn't think it was so bad. I actually enjoyed it. The English-speaking parts were the only blatantly obvious truly bad acting

I thought the character setups were quite nice. And though the story is stereotypical (like we didn't know that already from promo after promo). I think the main pair are starting out on a different foot than other main couples in similar set-ups.

Minho's character has more depth from the beginning than most of the blandly cold chaebols so I have hopes for characters in general.


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it's true....i maybe not an expert or anything,but didn't you see his acting...just watching his acting you can tell he accept this drama just bcoz of Kim Eun Suk's old record not bcoz of he's interest in the character at all....right?


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If you're criticizing LMH and PSH's acting, I have to disagree. Sure, the plot is a bit stereotypical, but I think those two make it all worth it.

Tan is supposed to appear uncaring and disinterested in everything at this stage in his life, so if LMH's character came off that way to you, he's probably doing a good job lol. Also I just love PSH because she just really pulls you to her. This is my own opinion. :)


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I laughed out loud at his at staring scene. Not sure why it's funny to me. His acting is so one dimensional it's amusing.


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They have so many leads in this drama and most of them have to be introduced in the first week so I think the episode just tried the introduce the leads & for park shin he and lee min ho to meet.
I see where you are getting at tho. Hopefully the drama just gets on better and better :))


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I don't think Lee Min Ho is a bad actor, but his English was soooooo bad. No Hollywood for him in the future.


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He can't act whole speaking English. I feel he is trying to hard on the English and not letting his acting look natural


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It was bad. Made even worse by how hard he was trying. I'm not sure if it moved past bad into comically bad, though. Just...yeah...*cringe*


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even the English speakers are bad and speak too deliberately


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LOL you wont see these terrible random people in any American series. You only see people like that on reality shows.

Why cant they hire some Korean Hollywood actors like Daniel Dae Kim, Will Yun Lee, Tim Kang etc to make a cameo appearance? That would have been so much better than these so call actors.


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Lol, got the money to pay for them? :-P


I said CAMEO appearance.


Add kim yoon jin(from lost) to that list! i would have loved to see her play the sister!


the english parts are terrible as are the stereotypical american characters theyre a nightmare to watch
the american parts are acted and written terribly
why are they even in the drama?
its on foxs "dads" level of stereotypical garbage
i hope the characters get back to korea asap!!
park shin hye can speak 4 languages i thought english was one of them ?
mandarin korean japanese and english?
lee min ho to my knowledge hasnt starred in a drama since city hunter so we shall see if he can deliver in another role


Yep, they picked up cheap actor-wannabes in LA...


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Seriously there are plenty of Korean or Asian American actors who are not famous at all and who are waiting for someone to give them a chance. They certainly won't demand a big paycheck for a kdrama. So the execs of Heirs had options.


i did not think this first epi was that great either. i really want to like heirs, and i found reason to hope i would in the very beginning--we didn't even have ot wait a full two minutes for a broody shirtless shower scene (*happy dance*).

but immediately thereafter, it fell flat to me. for example, the abrupt voice over that introduced the angst w/o an appropriate transtion seemed odd to me. then lee min ho is at a restaurant . . . in California . . . in the U.S.A. (i.e. an English speaking country) and the waitress is speaking Korean--this is a little odd but a plausible leap of logic could account for this. however, then LMH's friend randomly says a few lines about him not blaming his family--this line comes without any prior dialog or set up of how they got onto this subject. now i know the voice over was probably suppose to be the marker for this random line, but HUH?

then, the obvious stereotypes. not a fan but i can (try) to ignore that, but it is hard to ignore the terrible acting of the American actors. HELLO production team--you were in Hollywood, California. the place is teeming with unemployed actors who can actually act and nobody managed to find a single competent actor?

i'm not giving up yet, but this show is close to being on the chopping block for sure.


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That's what I thought too...couldn't they find better American actors? I mean that bro-actor of LMH was soooooo annoyingggg!!!!!


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call me evil witch, but I was hoping he would come near death or go into a coma. thta would have looked very bad for the heroine though.

what if the drama started with heroine ending up in jail hmm
and he would have to chooce to stick with his friend or protect a clueless fellow citizen with no one on her side.


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I wouldn't have minded killing him off. I hate useless characters.


Lol agreed. I honestly don't understand why they always hire Americans who have absolutely zero acting ability.

I thought if that guy opened his eyes and mouth any wider every time he said anything, he would pass out from the effort.


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I sooo agree with you!


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I agree with your opinion.

some transitions didn't go too well and it did feel awkward. "LMH's friend randomly says a few lines about him not blaming his family", yeah it totally felt out of place. and you could predict some scenes in advance (like the last part when Tan's car came back, and how Young-do got Rachel all sized up), quite typical so it was not surprising.

The directing wasn't too good, was it? I really really loved how Master's sun was directed (awesome camera angle, appropriate speed - when to slow-motion and when to not, etc), and then when i watched this drama, it felt flat (I feel they could have done a better job).

this episode left me with mixed feeling. Not that it was really bad (the Eunsang-Mom scene where Mom was in front of the fridge, making bean powder really touched me, reminding me of my own Mom), but wasn't compelling either (kind of a weak start). hope it gets better tomorrow.


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LMH/PSH is going to eat you alive. lol

But It seems that my fear might come true. As much as I love Kim Eun Suk (City Hall being her greatest work and my #1 drama) I was worried that they pick all this handsome men and beautiful women to carry the drama. I hope she doesn't rely too much on them to carry her script.

I'm even a bit turned off by how they stereotype Americans. That's why I prefer when the drama is not shot in the US or certain places. I hate seeing one nation stereotype another. They always seems to pick the worst American actors, wait.. sorry. More likely random people to act in dramas.


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LMH/PSH fans are going to eat you alive. lol***


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Yes, the stereotyping/ awkward English really took me out of the drama in this episode. Let's see, we have our surfer dude/ druggie, abusive white BF, sexy bikini ladies, random gangsters. . .


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They made me cringe, so embarrassing to see Americans portrayed this way.


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"Let’s see, we have our surfer dude/ druggie, abusive white BF, sexy bikini ladies, random gangsters"

Let's see, LOL!!! It was cringe worthy.


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I actually thought the gangsters did the best acting of all. But it was sooooo stereotypical I just laughed and laughed. "Yo, I didn't know there were cute Asians 'round here!" Oh man...man oh man.


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Oh gotta love how every white guy that crossed our paths ended up being rude/flirtatious. If not, a druggie.
Not saying there aren't guys out there like that, but there are decent guys out there too who will help a foreign girl all lost with her luggage & clothes strewn all over the sidewalk.

*My cringe-worthy moments were all LA related so i CANNOT wait until we get back to korea.


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Totally agree with the point about dramas being shot in other countries. Also, the fact that the dialogue in another language sounds really unnatural, even when it's a native speaker saying it - not sure if it's the script, or the actors, or both.


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And that's the reason why I couldn't watch boys over flower (J-Version). Saw a 10 min video, when the lead came to America, and couldn't understand English. So I was interested in watching to see what would happen next. -_- suddenly this African American guy out of nowhere and stole her bag -_- really? (and Another scene as well) The stereotyping was too suffocating I didn't even watch it till the end.

"dialogue in another language sounds really unnatural"
I realized that. Natives make it seems like their unsure if they're saying it right. Heck, some speak so. slloowww.that.you.wonder.if.English.was.their.native.language.


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That was season 2 though. You should watch season 1 of Hana Yori Dango, there's no English in it and it's really good.


Love Rain had good actors... the script writing is the main problem...

Then again the script writing is also mainly to blame for Heirs.

A drama has a lot of factors - acting, directing, script writing, etc... But if the script is the main problem, there is nothing much that can save it really...


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I do Love Rain as well, esp the young actors part


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I read in baidu there some criticsm in medical top team about the surgery scene and kwon sangwoo's mispronounced which related medical jargon, so that's why the rating is lower only achieved 7%.


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OMG Dari0 i think we should be best friends in all Park Shin Hye's dramas i've always found her to be for the most part unintresting and boring. if they made the main actress someone like Park Min Young or Shin Min Ha this drama would be way more intresting and attractive. I had sincerly hoped all my fears about Park Shin Hye in this drama would be unfounded but alas i'm right again!!!!!!!!!.


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Shin Min ah is too old for Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young is not a better actress than Park Shin Hye...also she and Min Ho are exes...awkward ;)


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How is Shin Minah too old for him!? She's only 29.


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Jael didn't say PSH is bad acting tho...I do kind understand her point.
Talking about acting skills, I think PSH is way better than other young casts here, but it's type of character she acts. She is rather quiet type of actress than bringing energy in the story. She shine only if she has energetic male lead opposite...and LMH is same type of actor as PSH so both looks bit bored if they are together.


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I'm not her fan either. I like that her character feels envy and is a bit harsh on people, but I don't enjoy Park ShinHye as an actress. Personal preference.
I wouldve loved shin Minah in this role. She just played a young girl in Arang, late 20s actors often play teenagers - & hardly anyone is a teenager in this cast - and she has a spice too her that I freaking love.


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I would be over-the-moon if Shin Min Ah were leading this drama. But she isn't. PSH is doing OK, she really carried this first episode, but the sparks, they will not fly.


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It's a relief to read what I've been thinking, too. Not a fan of Park Shin Hye, sorry to say. I find the underlying personality she projects for all her roles is faintly irritating, as well as her mannerisms. So I just can't see the 'chemistry' here with LMH that others speak of. His--amazing!--intense glances are directed often into & off-camera, and my impression is that he's working hard pretty much in a vacuum.


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Can't compare it to Love Rain, JKS & Yoona have awesome chemistry. International fans enjoyed it a lot.


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ew...I can't even swallow how JGS tryna kiss Yoona and Yoona was like -_-


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With just the cute & lovable scenes they had together, i have no doubt about their oozing chemistry, kissing scenes are like icing on the cake - additional tantalizing sweetness.


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You don't have to be beautiful
to turn me on~


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Just need your body baby from dusk till dawn. You don't have to be rich to be my girl, you don't have to be cool to rule my world... i just want your extra time with your kiss... lol.


after reading at Netizenbuzz...
i found that all Korean netizen comment there exactly have the same opinion with your point...wow Dari0..,your eyes must be sharp....they dissappointed with the plot and acting! at first i though this 1st episode was ok.,even if it's just for me.,but they agree with you more than mine...Lol.


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Love Rain was fail only in Korea , and mostly because it was in a same timeslot as a drama that already had built audience.

But internationally it was a hit, both in sales and ratings. And JGS and Yoona have visibly more chemistry than LMH and PSH.


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I did not think ep1 was especially bad, but neither was it all that good. I think the problem I have with this drama is that there are just too many characters to keep track of, and I fear that most will end up being just talking props with no real importance but to be a foil for the 5 or 6 man characters.


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I would guess for people who watch a lot of TV series/dramas, Heirs would be the last choice in the list of current shows since the story is not so new therefore it can't convince people to watch it right away, while other TV series seem to have many "unknown" to make people curious to watch them right away. Eventually, people still love to watch Heirs because of LMH or for their idols but it is something can wait.

I guess I'm the only one think that LMH can act really well? His eyes express all the feelings, he doesn't need to use too much body or face expression like many Korean actors. I didn't watch BOF but he did super well in Personal Preference and City Hunter. He didn't act super in Faith but he still acts well, it seems he doesn't like the role much. About the lead lady, I still can't find the image in Tree of Heaven. I hope she can play long family drama one day, may be she will stop the habit of acting innocent, just be real.


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I dont think PSH is being unreal and too innocent...I think she just really has little experience in the dating department that is why she doesnt have much to base it from....excepts from what she thinks and what she reads...so that is why she always appear like innocent ...its hard to portray something when you havent had any experience from it....so that limits her as an actress....I do think she has been typecasted to play such roles.....and it would be great to see her out of her safe zone and into more challenging roles.....


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I agree with you that Lee Min Ho is a good actor. I especially loved him in Faith. And even though BOF was his breakthrough role I found his acting very convincing


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Okay...I just wanna say go easy on the lip gloss...they are men...


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LOL it's so distracting. how come male or female, they're all wearing that fuchsia lipstick? they must be big sponsors.


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it's kdrama fuchsia, and I am thinking a kdrama line of cosmetics (k-osmetics) would sell really well...


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i haven't watched the show yet... but your comment made me LOL for a good 2 minutes. Thank you.


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LOL! Everyone has to look prettty here!


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Lols, and here I was about to blame my laptop screen or my eyes for that funky color...
