Krystal joins the cast of Heirs

We’ve got another casting addition to the trendy high school rom-com Heirs (He Who Wears the Crown, Endure Its Weight: Heirs) — f(x) idol Krystal has confirmed that she’s joining the cast, alongside Lee Min-ho, Park Shin-hye, Kim Woo-bin, and Choi Jin-hyuk.

The buzz project from writer Kim Eun-sook of Secret Garden and A Gentleman’s Dignity promises a glossy Gossip Girl-esque world of uber-rich high schoolers, and tells the story of their friendships and loves. So far there’s little else to describe the story, but I half expect that to BE the entire story, ’cause I sat through all of A Gentleman’s Dignity.

Krystal will be joining the set of upper crust high school students as a chaebol heiress. Her character is described as a girl who wants for nothing in the world, and is haughty and chic. Sounds like pretty standard second lead territory, but I hope there’s going to be more dimension there for her sake.

Krystal was last in the family sitcom High Kick 3: Counterattack of the Short Legs, and though I never loved her (perhaps because she was playing a pretty simple one-note character for most of the show’s run), I found her serviceable as the bratty younger sister. I don’t see a huge difference for her Heirs character, except maybe having the money to back the ‘tude, but she can be likable when she’s dialed down. I remember warming to some of her quieter moments in High Kick, though they were few.

Heirs is being planned for 20 episodes, as a Wednesday-Thursday drama set to premiere in early October on SBS.

Via TV Report


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Yeayyy for krystal !!!!!


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Man I so hope this drama is good!

I am not familiar with Krystal, but I really like (LOVE!) every other cast member so far, so it would be wonderful if the actual drama itself was awesome too....

The highscool thing is such a massive turnoff though but I am going to keep an open mind if I can.

Thanks for the casting update Girlfriday!! :)


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Heard this was an SM behind the scene push to cast Krystal. Since the announcement of the drama, they have been media playing about her joining the cast.

That is why unlike the other casting, where Kim Eun-Sook made an announcement about being involved in the casting, no such announcement was made about Krystal's casting.

So already, K-netizens are saying this was a producer addition, since they wanted rookie actors and not idols for this drama.


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I actually heard that she turned down the offer a couple of times so she could focus on fx's comeback which is coming soon. She finally accepted I after being bugged a couple of times.


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rightttt, lol


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They're coming back in like two weeks, so noooooooooooo


Krystal turned down the role multiple times, probably since this character sounds dull and f(x) is coming back /really/ soon. That's why it took so long to confirm because she kept turning it down.


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I have no idea who Krystal is. But, let's just hope Krystal is the only idol joining this drama.


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She is serviceable I guess, I have seen her in 2 sitcoms and she is okay. They usually have her for her ability to speak English, since she grew up in the States. There is something about her that just makes her bland, like she is missing the It factor.

This drama is gearing up for another Playful Kiss, all hype and no cigar. Really, High School?

WTF is Lee Min Ho thinking, going back to playing school roles, thought he finally moved into adult leading man roles. So unless they graduate them quickly and move them into college, this will be a very, very odd drama.


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agree. sounds like BoF all over again. if LMH is going to rehash something please it be dashing action hero/City Hunter ( I would SOOO watch City Hunter 2. little sister kidnapped, city hunter returns from the states to save her. he acquires a little adorable tech posse to bring some BROmance, maybe we could cast Gur-oh as his nerdy/hot sidekick....sigh....I've thought too much about this).

that said. there is no power on earth that will keep me from watching LMH in a drama. I watched all of Faith. ALL of it.


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We are assuming actors all get to pick and choose every one of their roles. I said the same thing, really why back to high school for LMH, and then I recall that it appears that a lot of Korean celebs have pretty tight management. We must remember that they mostly belong to agencies right? And the agencies seem to me are a bit like the old Hollywood studio system, and there are politics involved. I believe there was some info in a past post that indicated the writer wrote the lead male character with Lee Min Ho in mind. I guess I'm just saying who knows what goes on behind the scenes!


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My thoughts exactly.


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Wow, October? From how much press it's beem given, I was expecting a July or August premiere. They sure started advertising it early!


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for some reason I just feel like this drama will disappoint. only because of the hype surrounding it.


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Ditto. Writer-nim KES usually spells paranoia for me. Anyway, I'll keep my ears peeled on DB grounds.


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It will. Well for me at least because this writer's characters makes me cringe. I could just not even start watching this drama but I check out every drama just to give it a chance. I have a feeling I'll check it out, cringe, drop it, skim through recaps, cringe some more.


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am i the only one around here who really likes her style?
i usually have a somewhat upscale taste, and there isnt a single character she ever wrote which i dont like.
i dont know what went wrong there.

either way i am not too keen on this either, because i like epic plots with beginnings and ends and she seems to have totally jumped on the "about the characters relationships..." plot thing.
but will still have to watch it because of the stylish writing...uh.


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No you're not. I come for the writer here cause I know I will have a blast. I don't even care for the cast: I trust her ability to use each one of them at their full potential. Gimme funny, gimme swoon and a nice ost and that's enough for me. Half of the dramas are unable to do that, so...


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I agree 100% I'm here for the writer since all of her dramas are hilarious. Although, I can use a little Lee Min Ho on the way.


I'm down with the writer. I liked Secret Garden and City Hall. I also liked the movie she wrote, Fly High. I was not into A Gentlemen's Dignity. I haven't viewed her other work.

The director, I'm not sure about.


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Does anyone else feel that high school rom-com-melos full of overage flower boy actors has about burned itself out, or is it just me?


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No, it's not just you. I feel the same.


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If there's one idol out there who can play a character as mentioned above flawlessly, it would be Krystal for sure. Hands down. I'm not a big f(x) fan so I don't know her personality or attitude very well, what kind of a person she is like behinds the scenes etc. but she's got the natural image for it.

Sure, she's not the most talented idol actress out there but I doubt the sort of character she's going to play requires as much actual acting abilities than say, Park Shin Hye's character (which I'm sure PSH will own it damn hard, so much love for the girl).

Anyway, looking forward to this.

What's more, Kim Woo Bin and Choi Jin Hyuk as high schoolers? Count me in! No, I don't think I'll ever get sick of KWB in school uniform - ever.


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I thought Choi Jin Hyuk was playing Lee Min Ho's older CEO brother? Not a high schooler?

I agree with you about Park Shin Hye! I love the actress.


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Please tell me he will get an actress in his loveline and not an idol.

Or rather not fall for one of the high schoolers. * horrors *


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Oops, totally forgot about that, my bad! D:
Ahaha either way, student Choi Jin Hyuk or not, you can't go wrong with him ahaha.


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OoOoOo, that'd be interesting & I will look forward to this drama!! Adadacabacada!! ^o^


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Man...just when I was really warming up to the cast...I'm not a fan of idol-turned-actors, except for a very very select few. Sigh...here's hoping she holds up her end with the other actors.


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This is the best news I've heard all week Krystal FIGHTING!!


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NONE of them look like high schoolers. Why can't they make them college students instead? That would be much more believable.


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I suspect the HS part won't last for long & we'll deal with adults.
Since I'm often wrong in my predictions... ;)
We'll see.


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That was my prediction/wish too, and I hope we are right, Lee Min Ho didn't look like a high school kid in BOF and looks even less like one now.


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I'll third this-at least let's hope for it anyway. That is the only logic in casting LMH and PSH as high schoolers. Then again this is K drama so logic goes out the window!


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Is this ever going to start filming?? I swear I been hearing talks about Heirs since January...


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maybe it start filming early september


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I would assume a kim eun sook upcoming project will be in the spotlight even though the air date isn't even set to air until months and months later. Other projects just kind of sneak up on us once they start script readings/press conferences. There's so much hype for this project that even if it sucks in quality it better make up in for crack.
And pretty, which i'm sure we'll have plenty of.
It's been a while since we've had a "boys before flowers" or a "you're beautiful" show with alot of fandom. I'm going to admit they were quite enjoyable to watch even if you turn off your brain for so much of it.


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Don't know about Krystal as I haven't seen any of her shows....but Heirs is one of the dramas I'm eagerly waiting for :-)


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So is she second lead or is second lead not decided yet? Also if it's like gossip girl I hope her character is like Blair (and not Jenny) lol


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IKR? I'm not too hopeful, though. In general K-dramas don't really know how to pull off complex bitchy female characters.


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It would be so awesome if Krystal's character was like Blair, but if her character is like Blair then the writing will butcher her.


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haughty and chic = blair
jenny was always a wannabe blair.


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I have these Qns:
What percentage of the S Korean population belong in chaebol families?
What percentage of K dramas feature sb in chaebol families?
Do Koreans have a love-hate relationship w their chaebol families?
If not, why is it that drama heroines marry chaebol princes, but then chaebol families r always depicted as being made up of vampires?


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-Figuratively either 1% or .1%
-About 75-80% of dramas feature the usual chaebol-poor interactions (AKA rich guy-poor girl stories); BOF was the creme de la creme. "Hana Yori Dango" was much more fun (the original manga and the Japanese version with Arashi).
-Of course; some chaebols go way back to their ancestors' yangban aristocratic roots. Chaebols are the top of the socio-economic pyramid. Think of the world of Louis XIV's Versailles in modern-day South Korea.


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I heard it's because of product placement> You gotta have chaebols to use all those espensive items :P


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Yeah, without them the destitute poor girl without a Won to her name would not be able to get calls from the debt collectors on her Samsung S4 G4 phone...


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Haha, let's invoke the name of Anthony~! XD


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Krystal is the only member of the cast who could actually pass for a high school student (and she just entered college).

I'm torn about this casting. First of all, I think Krystal is way less stiff/forced & vacant than many idol actors I've seen - she acquitted herself well in HK3 although her character was one-note - and I'm confident she can pull off haughty, but the character description sounds so trite that I'm not sure if she's going to be allowed to grow as an actress if her character is just a rich bitch K-drama cliche utilized to make us feel sorry for PSH instead of a character in her own right (in which case Krystal's acting skills will barely matter).

I'm not familiar with Kim Eun-sook's work, but I'm getting the notion from what I've read that she's not one for layered characterizations.


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I agree - she's ok, as far as rookies/idol-actors go (I'd take her over,say, Suzy any day, esp. in this kind of role) but nothing we've learned about this drama so far inspires any confidence - writer who does not deal in subtleties, high school setting for actors who would do better to move past it, classic bitchy second lead and all.

But then, considering how many shows I was initially interested in this year fell absolutely flat and the fact that every single one of the shows I'm into right now basically sneaked up on me with unexpected awesomeness, I'll give this one a chance.


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I have that same feeling. Pretty much every show I was looking forward to I ended up dropping or extended fast-forwarding. The ones that surprised me - like IHYV - were not even on my radar, so at this point not filled with anticipation, but will give it a chance.


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A+ comment


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Honestly have no opinion on Krystal as an actress as I only know her in kpop and haven't watched any of her acting projects. But I do find it weird that every one they casted in this drama is mid to late 20s IRL and then they cast Krystal who is 18-19ish. Although she is definitely the only one who fits the high school image, I do wish they casted older just to match the rest of the catch because not only is Krystal young, she looks young, which will make it even less believable to see these 20 somethings play high schoolers next to her.

Also, will there ever be a kdrama without idol from here on out? I am starting to highly doubt it and that is sad....


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Why do I feel like she's the only one that could pass for a high school student. I could see this casting working out alright, actually, Krystal can be cool and intimidating when she wants (which is often according to knetizens eyeroll). Mostly I'm just excited because she's another link between Jongseok and Woobin ahem.


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omg YES!!! I've only seen one other person who's made the connection besides you lol

I think it's hilarious


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One can only hope that one day someone will think to put characters that could pass as adults in a college setting.
Aside from heartstrings/love story in harvard, is there any other show out there where we had actors in a show that actually went to college instead of high school? I realized there's a surplus of highschool dramas and just not enough of college ones.

Looking at our cast, who can actually pull it off? Park shin hye, maybe. Krystal, definitely.
Lee min ho? no. You kinda outgrow that when you've played a badass city hunter bent on revenge or an ancient warrior from the goryeo era.
He must be feeling nostalgic from the boys before flowers days because as of now that's the project that comes to mind when reading the rather vague description of this project.


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There was Heartstrings, PSH's last kdrama before Flower Boy Next Door.....but it did poorly in the ratings, iirc.

And also Love Rain, which was Jang Geun-seok's last drama but the college part proper lasted for only 4 episodes.


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I really want this drama to be great, but sadly it's not looking so good so far. I like Lee Min ho, and it'd be a shame if he chose another mediocre project after kickass drama that was City Hunter. :(


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Another good reason to skip the drama. Never been a fan of LMH nor PSH. I guess this year is a cable year for me.


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Agree....the only attraction to watch the drama only Kim Woo Bin.,Choi Jin Hyuk.,and writer-nim...Others.,only make a good reason to skip the drama..


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But she actually looks like a high schooler while everyone else looks like they've already been to uni.


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That's why I find her casting strange. The fact that she looks so young (and is young) will make it that much more unbelievable that the rest of the cast are high school students in comparison. The rest of the cast are not only in their 20s, they look in their 20s so I kind of wish they casted someone older .


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I just wish they kept the drama in college. If they were all in college the age gap between Krystal and Lee Min Ho could easily be believable.

If they try for high school, then everyone should roughly be the same age, so there's no comparison like 'Glee'.


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Heard that Yonghwa's role will be given to CNBlue's Kang Minhyuk that's whyyyyy the media aren't getting rid of FNC YET. Hence the false news about Lee Jonghyun getting casted. YONGHWA apparently is being casted in a new drama with YEH but not yet confirmed..


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are you talking about Yoon Eun Hye? where did you hear that rumor??


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that's a really random pairing.. lol

why does yoon eun hye's partners keep getting younger lol


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i'll watch this drama for Woo Bin and writer Kim Eun Sook, loved all her works so far


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Not familiar with Krystal, but I'm not so positive about her, either. I mean, if she's quite good in her previous projects, she would be quite famous by now. Not many idol-turn-to-actors truly qualify in their acting skill.
For me, it's a 99% drama to be skipped, but I'm keeping 1% for the writer.
So, I will check DB updates about this project.


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Actually the only reason Krystal isn't in more dramas is because of SM. They have quite terrible scheduling. Like right now, this drama clashes with f(x)'s second album and possible December EP.


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I still don't understand why they couldn't just set this drama in college? Krystal is probably the only one out of that cast who can still believably pull off a high schooler. Plus, as much as I enjoy high school dramas, it's not like drama-land needs /another/ one. College kdramas seem to be much rarer and here you have a great cast who are the PERFECT age for a college-centric drama and yet you decide to give them a high school setting? It's kind of a waste.


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Being in college is a privilege, and not all can afford to go through and continue to college; everyone's content to have a high school diploma since most jobs require a high school diploma.


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but since this high school setting is apparently all about the privileged kids anyway, I can't really see what they'd lose by shifting the setting to university.


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This is supposedly a chaebol level high school, so that would not fly as a reason. But I am getting a bit tired of flower boys and high school dramas anyway.


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You make a good point.
I think alot of the frustration about the high school setting is more with maturity level.
adults playing highschoolers just seem rather odd, and people generally prefer characters that act and talk like adults. But this is k-drama we're talking about, so regardless of highschool or not one can argue there's still some of that immaturity running amuck in our older heros/heroines. Makes for some bickering and teasing.


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Highschool setting for childish behaviours that wouldnt suit a college student maybe? But she made 40's guy acted like 14 so I'm not sure thats the reason.
Cant wait for this tho.


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