Dating Agency Cyrano: Episode 13

Despite a pretty expected progression into our final arc, the path to romance is populated with enough meddlers, interlopers, and busybodies to make the trip a fun one. What’s the point of being the brilliant boss-man when everyone’s out plotting behind your back? It’s a tangle of intercutting motives and motivations, but fun in a sweetly bumbling way.


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Min-young admits that she likes Byung-hoon, just moments before an ambulance pulls up to the curb, sirens on. Paramedics rush into the workshop, and they see that Yi-seol is clutching a bloody hand in a towel, looking shaken.

She says it was just an accident while sculpting, but there’s certainly more to it based on the way she loses her composure refusing to go to the hospital: “I don’t want to go there again!”

Byung-hoon must understand what her fear is, because he just cradles her comfortingly while she cries. He talks soothingly about the injury being no big deal, calming her down. There’s no space in the proceedings for Min-young, who leaves quietly.

Byung-hoon gets Yi-seol to the hospital, where the doctor informs him that it was caused by a flare-up of her neuritis. Byung-hoon understands that the threat is eventual paralysis of her hand, and that this condition was caused by the accident. Ack, more guilt to shoulder. The doc advises that Yi-seol ease the use of her right hand and quit sculpting altogether, lest she injure herself further.

As they leave the hospital, Yi-seol is much calmer and admits that although she’d pretended her hand was all better, that was mostly out of hope that it would heal. The doctor had advised her in the past to quit her work, but she says she has nothing without it. Plus, everyone’s so busy pitying her that she doesn’t have anyone to hang out with.

Byung-hoon says he’ll stay with her, “So don’t do any work that will hurt you.”

He returns to the agency, where Min-young is waiting to ask whether he intends to pretend he didn’t hear her confession earlier. Points to her for being straightforward about that—it drives me nuts when characters make the grand statement, then negate their actions immediately.

Byung-hoon dismisses her feelings as sentimentality spurred by the firefighter-nurse couple, which, boooo. She refuses to accept his patronizing words about how she’ll realize eventually that she’s confusing herself. She knows herself, and it’s Byung-hoon who’s fooling himself. His inability to admit his feelings is why Yi-seol chose his friend to begin with, she points out.

Min-young challenges him to be honest with himself, even if that leads him to Yi-seol instead of herself. She leaves, and just around the corner, we see that Moo-jin has heard the whole thing. Aw, is the robot genius going to meddle? Go forth and meddle!

Seung-pyo grows impatient at Byung-hoon’s lack of an answer about his case, and his muttering goes heard by his doofy sidekicks. Seung-pyo tells them not to go around behind his back doing pointless things, and the doofs grin that looking after hyungsoo-nim (hyungnim’s woman) doesn’t count as pointless. One glower from Seung-pyo is enough to shut them up, but the thought of Min-young being a hyungsoo-nim makes him smile.

Junior Goon takes Seung-pyo’s words at face value, but Senior Goon says that what he really meant by “don’t do anything stupid” was to continue to advance his suit with Min-young. I don’t actually know if that makes him dumber or smarter than he looks. Still, it’s sweet of them.

The next day, Moo-jin tells Arang that Min-young might not come in to work today because of the confession that got rejected. Arang’s disappointed, though not surprised, since both boys know that the boss regularly ignores his feelings.

True enough, Min-young waits at the bus station with suitcase in hand. Her absence has Byung-hoon fidgeting a bit, and when Moo-jin wonders if she’ll quit he shoots him a look.

But then, it’s time to meet (finally) our mysterious Hawaiian-shirted man, who puts in his first appearance at the agency. There is a distinctly creepy vibe to him, I’ve gotta say, from his vacant gaze to his vaguely menacing air. He pokes his nose around and Byung-hoon asks him to leave, calling him Hawaiian Shirt, and the guy gives his name as Jung Il-do. Is it pure coincidence that we have another Il-do in this show?

All he does is hover creepily and tell them to remember his name. Then he leaves with a random smile and Byung-hoon wonders, “What’s up with that unpleasant guy?”

Min-young doesn’t leave after all and ends up rolling her suitcase in to work. Let it be noted that a worried-looking Byung-hoon suddenly lightens up to see her, though he puts the gruff face back on. As explanation for the suitcase, Min-young says she’ll be living at the theater now, saying that she forgot to pay rent and she got kicked out.

Her cheerful face is back in place, so when Byung-hoon calls her out for lying about her apartment, she just says she wants to be closer to him. Did he forget her confession already? It’s rather hilarious how alien this whole process is to him of saying what you mean, and he wonders how she can be so shameless. Well, at least one of you is!

She tells him that she’s not shameless, she’s just honest: “So you get used to me.” Ha. I knew I liked her for a reason. Or he could just be clear, she adds—say, tell her distinctly that he wants her gone. She smiles at his non-response: “I see you can’t do that.”

It would be better if he just said he likes her, she says, and Byung-hoon is so taken aback he just looks at her in confusion.

Hye-ri calls Moo-jin out, and he gives her a snack with a little note, on which he’s written a quote from a book. Aw, you romantic robot you. The quote reads, “Life is a first time for everyone. The world contains hidden gifts of turning points. If we can turn those into opportunities, we can live a life without regrets.”

Hye-ri hears about Min-young moving into the theater, which she relays to Seung-pyo. That just reconfirms his suspicions that she likes Byung-hoon, which puts his frowny face on.

Min-young does some organizing of boxes and finds an old marionette. Byung-hoon grumps at her, per usual, though today she sighs that his annoying ways just look cute now. Then he shows her how to operate the puppet strings in romancelandia’s time-honored tradition of putting your arms around the girl when a simple hand gesture would suffice. Not that she’s about to complain.

Then as he turns to leave, Min-young purposely rocks the wall of boxes and exclaims in concern, and Byung-hoon goes rushing at her to take the brunt of the falling boxes. HA, did she purposely stack a bunch of empty ones to prove a point? She grins from ear to ear while he gapes that she did it on purpose. He can’t exactly be mad, though; she points out that she’s a perfect fit for this job and has taken to engineering situations herself. Lol.

Min-young tells him to stop just staring after Yi-seol and try seeing her appeal. He lashes out and says she can’t compare to Yi-seol, and that being this transparent about her feeling is both unattractive and the reason she keeps getting dumped. Ouch. That hurts, and is compounded by the fact that he then takes a call from Yi-seol.

Byung-hoon meets Yi-seol, and she muses that she once quite liked him—but before he could figure that out, she’d fallen for Do-il. She wonders, “If you’d recognized how I felt then, how would we have turned out?”

He answers that nothing would have changed—he hadn’t been unaware of his feelings. “But I pretended not to know, and didn’t act. It may have been because of Do-il. But we would have ended up as friends, like now.” He clarifies that when he promised to stay with her, he meant as friends.

She smiles and notes that he’s changed a bit—she’s never heard him be so open about his feelings.

Then he asks if she knows anything about Do-il’s younger brother, and Yi-seol guesses, “So you did know about Seung-pyo.” DUN DUN. Well he does now.

Min-young takes a jog by the river that night, feeling down about the Yi-seol comparison. The goons note her gloominess and decide to head into their next matchmaking phase, which consists of jumping into her path and offering her a soju juice box with sippy straw.

A short while later, they send Seung-pyo a text with a photo of Min-young drunk by the river, hinting at impending trouble. He mutters, “What have they gone and done now?” and heads to the river, where he finds the three of them singing loudly at the waterside.

The goons take off the minute Seung-pyo arrives, leaving him to play the gallant hero. She calls him cool and handsome, and he wonders why she won’t accept his feelings if she thinks so. She wonders the same thing, and laments liking the weird money-grubber instead.

Min-young falls asleep in his arms like that, and he resists the urge to kiss her anyway. Instead, he carries her on piggyback to the agency, where Byung-hoon bristles to see them thus.

Seung-pyo puts her to bed and heads out, just as Byung-hoon stops him by asking why he hid that he was Do-il’s brother. Seung-pyo lets his disgust show, calling Byung-hoon the cocky bastard who betrayed his friend for his personal fame, leaving him behind and in the lurch. “You all but killed hyung yourself,” he says.

Byung-hoon tells him to believe that if it’ll make him feel better, which just raises Seung-pyo’s hackles further. Fuming, he stalks out.

Byung-hoon checks on Min-young, clearly wanting to accept her feelings but feeling blocked. He says that being with him will only bring her trouble, which is either nobly idiotic or an excuse. I suppose it could be both.

Then he heads next door to continue the conversation with Seung-pyo. His question: Are Seung-pyo’s feelings for Min-young completely separate from their issues? And can he be responsible for those feelings through the end? “I want to make sure her feelings aren’t hurt,” he says.

Seung-pyo bristles at the line of questioning, but assures him that he doesn’t hide or fake his feelings. So Byung-hoon decides, “I’ll take your case.”

And so, Byung-hoon gathers the team sans Min-young and fills them in. Arang and Moo-jin immediately refuse, knowing Min-young’s feelings, but Byung-hoon declares that he’ll go forward without them. And to keep her out of their hair, he’s put her on a decoy case: a stakeout of a supermarket clerk. Ha. She stands there yawning, watching the endless tedium.

Byung-hoon sets the boys on the task of finding what’ll move Min-young’s feelings. Moo-jin mutters that he’s cold and asks straight out why Byung-hoon can’t accept Min-young himself. Byung-hoon says, “It’s for her own good. Master is much better for her than I am.” Oh, except for the part where feelings matter. But that’s a lesson for him to learn.

Arang and Moo-jin are both opposed to the mission, and tell each other they won’t be participating. Not when they know the couple likes each other. Moo-jin makes a suggestion: Byung-hoon will be working to get Master and Min-young together… so can’t they work to get Byung-hoon and Min-young instead?

Arang nods, and they agree: Their target will be Byung-hoon. Muahaha. “We’ll use his operation against him,” they decide.

So in the debriefing meeting where they report on Min-young’s background, the boys make hilariously dry (but straight-faced) comments about her at every turn. And Byung-hoon takes the bait, feeling appropriately outraged on her behalf for the bastard first love who used her feelings to hook up with her best friend instead. (“What a jerk,” he mutters.) Then there’s the boyfriend who cheated on her (“Why would she get hung up on a damned bastard like him?”) and spread some nasty rumors that dogged her till graduation.

Byung-hoon grumbles, “She really has no taste in men!” Moo-jin: “Not now, either.” Byung-hoon: *shoots glare*

Seung-pyo comes up to Min-young as she arrives outside the agency that night, and she thanks him for his help the night before.

Meanwhile, the boys chime in to talk up Min-young and shoot each other these cute knowing glances. Byung-hoon decides his plan of attack: create an awesome romance for her. Mission title: “The Best Romance of My Life.”


This episode’s plot moves probably come as a surprise to nobody, and some of the motivations for behavior are a little eye-rollingly predictable (“It’s for her own good” and “She’s better off without me”), it’s true. What keeps it interesting for me is the number of romance operations going on at once, which is like this big meta whirl of plotting and double-plotting and counter-plotting and maybe some more plotting on top of that. It’s like the rake gag—you step on a rake once, it’s mildly amusing. Twice, less so. But then you keep it going and going and going, and it becomes so ridiculous that it’s funny again.

So we’ve got the main operation: Byung-hoon engineers Seung-pyo’s romance with Min-young as the target. The two goons have their own blockheaded plot to get Master his girl. Min-young is working her own mini-gig to advance her suit with Byung-hoon. And unbeknownst to everyone is that Arang and Moo-jin are undermining Byung-hoon’s mission to change up the love triangle’s legs. C’mon, that’s funny, right?

I don’t buy the excuse that Byung-hoon doesn’t feel good enough for Min-young, but the secondary reason holds a little more water—that he’s indebted to Seung-pyo. I liked that he didn’t seem to believe the accusation that he’s responsible for killing Do-il, because that’s a whole level of misplaced blame I don’t want to see—I get it coming from the little bro, but would have little patience for Byung-hoon blaming himself. He’s doing as much as he can to live with himself in the aftermath by trying to revive the theater, and that’s enough for me. Still, his attitude changed upon finding out who Seung-pyo is and finally understanding the underlying source of his animosity; the butting heads and antagonism has faded and now it’s solely coming from one direction. I don’t think he’s fulfilling the request to make things up to Seung-pyo, but there’s got to be an element of that mixed in.

And it’s sweet that Byung-hoon’s driven to concoct this amazing romance to end all romances for Min-young, to create for her what she never had in real life. Misguided, yes, but also really sweet. I can see how he might feel that he’s being selfish taking it for himself when he could “do better” as the engineer, not the subject. It still drives me a little batty when grown people sacrifice (and make decisions for other people based on what they assume is better for them), but as a final-arc setup, I can roll with it. Especially since it basically amounts to everyone running around undermining Byung-hoon. He may be the genius director, but it’s everyone against you, buddy.


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I have a really bad case of second-lead love. Why does Chunderella have to be so adorable??? :(


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Agreed! Is there any chance Seung-pyo can get Min-young, and Byung-hoon can get another girl... or maybe a puppy?!!!


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I second the puppy! xD


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I have been in this ship from the beginning knowing that it'll sink, but somehow I can't change my mind.


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Finally the Cyrano part comes into play!


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He needs a panache.


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I have been a lurker and an avid reader of your and comrades' recaps since I found your site a few months ago. Besides the recaps, I have greatly enjoy your personal comments and sensibilities. Love it and thank you.


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I'm also having a case of second male lead shipping. I like Byung Hoon and Min Young individually, I just can't imagine them together...I guess I just can't get AGD out of my head and the fact that there's a big age gap even looks wise.


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Thanks so much for the recap~


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I am definitely rooting for the Cyrano and Roxanne of this show (Byung-hoon and Min-young) so a great part of me is happy, like Javabeans, with all the mini-plottings going on because some of it will bring conflicts and some it will hopefully lead to the resolution I want (basically, my favorite OTP). I was only a tad disappointed that the episode seemed slower than I thought it would be but I guess it needed to flesh out Byung-hoon's reasons for finally deciding on playing cupid for Master. The drama also finally showed more of that mysterious Il Do guy and I'm wondering what's up with him. I guess he likes the girl that Moo-jin likes and that's why he creepily stared at Moo-jin more and posturing a lot.


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I am completely with Byung hoon and Min young couple.....they are simply great together..... :-)

Thanks for the recap.....


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... IL DO & DO IL ...
Is it just me or is this just a weird as coincidence?
This Hawaiian Shirt guy is just beyond creepy tbh. The way he smiles projects an underlying sinister nature. Freaks me out everytime lol.


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And he has a relationship with Hye Ri. I don't know what its about but I have a feeling he went to Cyrano because of Moo Jin. He's totally testing waters. Somebody needs to make the creep step off cause I got a bad feeling he might hurt Moo Jin via motorcycle sabotage.


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Creepy Hawaiian Shirt Guy: my theories are either he's somewhat related to Do Il and could clear up what happened with the agency or he could be related to Hye Ri (her brother who was in the asylum? did he die there?). But with 2 episodes left I've no idea what he could serve to the plot.


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She clearly said he died when he was 27... Or was she lying??


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Because it's hard to tell on the internet, especially since I refuse to use emoticons, I'm just going to tell you the next sentence is filled with sarcasm, bitterness and perhaps a bit of venom. Oh, joy my favorite thing on earth is when grown men/women are so emotionally stunted that they decide that the person they like who also likes them is too good for them and make the brilliant decision to push them on someone else, oh boy.

In all honesty Byung Hoon is an idiot and I hope that in the last 10 minutes of episode 16 when he finally faces up to how he feels Min Young kicks him in the nuts and walks off telling him too little too late.

Also after all that setup of making us guess I hope Hawaiian shirt guy has some deeper purpose than that one threatening scene.


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"I hope that in the last 10 minutes of episode 16 when he finally faces up to how he feels Min Young kicks him in the nuts and walks off telling him too little too late." <--- BUAHAHAHA!!!


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I totally second that... oh wait "third" that... He deserves a kick in the nuts+ a flat down refusal.... Maybe then the noble idiots of dramaland will grow a spine.....


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Remember this plot line is somewhat like Moo Jin and the idol's love triangle... The same thing was excellantly executed in his case.... Even though he made a kind of a sacrifice..He also agreed he liked her and gave her the chance to choose.. Reallly writers who did that plot brilliantly why do they screw up here??? *sigh


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Thanks for the recap.
I like watching this show. Nothing is driving me forward, like a plot or anything, just how nice it feels to be in this world, listening and watching. Every time someone smiles, so do I.

I also like the soundtrack - very poppy and predictable - but they do a good job fitting each moment.

I don't like Hawaiian shirt. They showed him stalking someone or another over at the restaurant and he creeped me out.


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I hate love triangles. I hate noble idiocy. This episode has both. So it was mostly down for me. I realize that I can't avoid it but I don't understand why these plot points have to be employed so often. I mean why can't the girl just go for the guy and the guy just go for the girl? Why can't the complications come from something other than a third person? I think that's the reason why I liked QIHM so much. It didn't really have a love triangle yet it had conflict (sure the actor guy, but he was never in contention). Same thing for SUFBB. Dream High had a love triangle but it wasn't running the entire show. School 2013 didn't have much of a romance line at all. Dalja's Spring started off with a love triangle but then it disappeared and the guys became her friends! (I was so thrilled when that happened). I mean can't guys be friends with girls and care for girls and be nice for girls without being in love with them? Maybe it's just my experience but I've seen a lot of couples forming in RL and none had love triangles involved. And I see a lot of girl-boy friendships/I have a couple of friends who are boys without it becoming romantic. IDGI! /sorry for the rant but most dramas with an inkling of romance have noble idiocy or love triangles involved (or both) and I'm rather annoyed.

The ups of the episode are Min-young's straightforwardness (can I kidnap her and make her every show's heroine?), Arang and Moo-jin's plot to get Min-young and Seo together (inception!), and Moo-jin's dry and sarcastic comments towards Seo (you deserve it Seo, you really do).


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I'm just happy that despite the drama romance cliches hitting full steam, for once, the heroine acknowledges that her love interest makes absolutely no logical sense. Min-young actually tells Master outright that he'd probably be the better guy and fully recognizes that she's probably an idiot for latching onto Byung-hoon. Even then she supports her own love, and I find that quite admirable.

On the other hand, I'm still rolling my eyes at Byung-hoon's life decisions. Yay Noble idiocy! (*Sarcasm is rampant here*)


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i always feel like i'm the only one that ships seo byung & min young (even though seo byung has gone the aggravating noble idiocy route). i like master but i adore the otp more -shrugs- i'll be a happy camper next weeek. now it's just a matter of surviving until next week >__<


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You're not alone, I do too. And recently, I've wanted to punch Master whenever I see him. I mean if a girl rejects you, the way to her heart is not by using HER dating agency that is run by HER crush to manipulate her to like you. Not cool, man. He's hurting her even more like that. She's being honest and he's going behind her back. I feel really bad for MY.


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No....you are not the only one :-)
I have always shipped for seo byung and min young.....love their interactions....be it the bickering or the eye contacts :-)


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Min joo – best personality ever! So smart!So hot! I actually want to ship him and MY.

The 2 goofball second rate ex-gangstas’ plan was so bad it worked. Getting MY drunk on boxed soju and texting the pic to Master - haha! MY is absolutely adorable, too good for the way BH acts towards her. CDA should stand for Cynical Dating Agency to reflect BH’s over the top cynical personality. He’s the worst and drives me crazy, but then again he cares in an underhanded brooding manner. I think the acting in this show is above par all around, a big +

Oh, and I hate marionettes, they’re creepy.


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Yoops, Moo jin, that is ~


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I LOVED LOVED LOVED the stabs that Moo Jin and Arang kept making at Byung Hoon while they were going over Min Young's information. I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out! I'm also glad that BH has dealt with his own feelings about his friend's death, and can say "hey, whatever helps you sleep at night" when he knows that explaining wouldn't really help much when the other party is so incensed by him already.


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<3 everyone in this show


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Help im going crazy here just finish ep 14 and im literally trying to solve what's going on.*spoileralert*after watching this ep between moojin and hyeri. im second guessing her motive. she says something to moojin about if he liked her and he said he think so. then she makes this remark that is driving me crazy she says I don't want you to hate me no matter what I do later on and kisses him. like what is that suppose to mean is it about the kiss or foreshadowing something bad. my hunch is she might be master's little sister and they are somehow related but I mean there were no signs accept for that remark plus she could be the person exposing cyrano methods idk. I don't want to be suspicious about her cause im totally bias for the couple and I want moojin to be happy and she doesn't seem like she has a motive and she's just so nice. someone say something to give me a peace of mind I cant wait till next week. lol


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I'm thinking maybe that is about the taking revenge part.. In the movie there is a plot about how a guy who hired the cyrano agency cheated on his fiance.. Since that point is'nt covered yet in this drama.. So I think maybe just maybe hye-ri and hawaii shirt has something on that angle..Then again maybe not.. :D he he.. But I have always felt they both were a team....


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The creepy restaurant regular in the Hawaiian shirt is driving me nuts now. A few episodes ago, when it ended with Master leaving and creepy customer giving this sinister grin at being left alone with Hye-ri, I was worried she was about to be attacked. But then everything was normal for the next couple of episodes. Bizarre. Now he's back being creepy again. I can't help but wonder if he and Hye-ri are in cahoots over something. . . not sure what, or if it has to do with Master or the Cyrano Dating Agency.

Thanks for the recap. Bring on ep. 14 now! Only one week left Min-young together with Ah-rang ---oops! I mean with Byung-hoon. ;-)


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Thanks for the recap!

I was just half watching the show last night (was painting my nails), so I kinda feel that its dry. I totally missed that falling boxes. So thanks again for telling. One reason why reading recaps is important.

I can't wait to see the plot frenzy tomorrow (have to wait for the subs).


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OMG I do not like where the show is heading AT ALL! Anybody watch episode 14 and see the previews for 15? Ridiculous!

I so wanted Yi Seol to step in and set things right or something...anything other than what is happening!


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LIGHTBULB!!! I connected dots and I understand Hawaii and Hye Ri!!! It's all coming together. Head explosion!

I see the reason for ep 15 or at least to a point.


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I like the operations within the operations plan too! Arang and Moo Jin for the win XD I am fine with this arc as the lead is not giving up despite the setback. As long as there are no long boring scenes making the drama draggy. Seung Pyo is also an interesting character.


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looking forward to this... Byung-hoon is in soooo diverting his feeling in which i am sure he is going to regret.


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For the first time I'm feeling a little lull in the show... While Min young's straight-on confession rocked in the previous episode.. Byung-Hoon's hesitation is a big off... :P I'm tired of the whole noble-idiocy plot in dramas..and here its dampening even more.. Byung-Hoon looking out for his first love.. cliche... Seung-pyo misunderstanding Byung-Hoon for his brother's death(clearly it is I guess)..cliche.. I mean I know that there should be some block in their romance... Just that this show has been devoid of cliches uptil now( Well except the flashbacks.. then again I never really liked that either) that I feel let down by these cliches.. And about master and minyoung their friendship was cute but I didn't think that they were an item or they had any chemistry.. So the writers could have fished out a better plot... I'm also kindof letdown by Master's backstory.. Clearly I didn't think he was this hostile to Byung-Hoon in the beginning... And the story kindof unfolds like what some members here had predicted in the earlier episodes regarding master's background.... I myself had hoped for something different.. And Byung-Hoon...he already once gave up his first love for his best friend.. And now he is doing that for his brother.?????.. Arghhhh that is so dumb... I mean seriously...what is it with kdramas and noble idiots.?! I'm fed up!!!!!! *sigh..... * This drama is alryt uptill 12 eps and I'm not liking the way it goes from here.. And really.. the same exact thing happened with flower-boy next door. they screwed up the last four episodes.. Why do they ALWAYS screw the ending... Glad that I got that out of my system!!


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very gongminyoung:) love ur casting sooyoung ^^ & thanks share ^^


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BH (Seo Il Rok)'s I'm not worthy for love because everyone around me gets hurt needs to be expanded on *before* this point so I can believe him. (Yes, I know, writer stuff). 2 people isn't enough to make that argument.

I do like it that they showed that MY had several boyfriends before joining the agency, which bucks the usual trend that all these women never experienced love before. (Though it does create a bit of a plot hole, since BH said she's done all the chasing and got rejected every time... and she showed that it was true, but this shows it isn't the case... which is plothole land.)

They keep trying to list all these good traits about her in the show, but she still has very little bearing on the actual plot outcomes. >.<;; (From my POV, it's like they noticed the weakness I pointed out in episode 1 just now and are trying to fix it, but it's too late.) When you have a weak character that doesn't affect outcomes, you need to generate more events around them to get any sort of movement, which means to get anything done, you need to surround that character with other characters, but since they don't affect anything at all, it causes issues in your plot because the events don't seem flawless anymore. I'm seeing more of that as if they realized it, but it's too late to fix it. (At least they realized it for next time.) <-- You have no idea how many stories and critiques and author notes I've read to be able to spot these kinds of things.

I like the cute, but Min Yeong is still flat. They are trying to fix her, but at this point it's a bit late... or why Live shooting has issues. (At least Live writing).


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"since BH said she’s done all the chasing and got rejected every time…"

I don't think we can consider it as a plothole because Byung Hoon meant it as a generalization. Like she was rejected and dumped a lot and the number of those failed relationships outnumber them ? XD.

"why Live shooting has issues. (At least Live writing)."
tvN dramas are known not to do live shooting and writing. They work in preproduction (is that the right term ?) and have the full script before the filming.

People have different opinions so unlike some of you, I see the purpose of Min Young in the Agency other than being a female.


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The words by BH BTW, was the MY was the one to confess and the one to get rejected... which would mean she never dated. (Unless the translation was off).

TVN does do live shooting... Nine was live shot. The cracks showed a little towards the end. (Mostly in terms of endless amounts of phone calls--the script was definitely adjusted for being behind schedule. Plus a few previews were missing for being behind schedule. And there were reports about it being behind schedule).

That's fine, so then what is her role and how has it affected the plot outcomes within the agency's work?

So far she's been pretty much a romantic interest for BH.

And even though all those personality traits get listed out, they never get proven. It's fine to physically say it in the script, but if it doesn't play out, it's not proven. It's not played out so far. Everything everyone has listed has had very little bearing on the plot.

So what has had bearing on the event outcomes from her personality traits? I've been watching for it and can't find much other than romantic interest.

The script physically says, "She's more persistent"
But she's not the one that instigates keeping after the client. It's always someone else.

When they wanted to give up on the fire fighter, it wasn't MY that asked first, it was MJ. And it was MJ that convinced BH, only when all three chimed in with MY LAST did he cave.

BH doesn't give up, so this trait become moot in MY.

The script says, "She believes in love more than any other person."
But the thing is that's never leveraged in the story. They repeat it over and over again, but she's never argued with BH that HER plan will work better than his. If anything, the script has proven the BH is better than her in his loveless plans.

Even when she had her own plan and was made to do her own plan, BH was there holding her hand behind the scenes. (Which I hated to no end for lots of reasons.) And they cut that arc short.

The script says she's resilient because she's gone through love lost.

Yes, but it doesn't have any bearing on the outcomes. BH hasn't changed how he does things at all. The operations he does are exactly the same. She hasn't convinced him to change how he thinks about love one bit from the professional side. She hasn't argued him down once.

She also has never actually said once to him, "I think they'll make it." when he's disagreed.

And then in the one shot where she could have led, her own romance... she could have enlisted MJ and A to help her like in the movie... she never did. Rather, they are doing it on their own. (The one shot she does have, she doesn't take).

They keep saying she has these traits, but they never play out. They gut the character.... but in trying to say she has these things, they never really SHOW her making that leap.

If the show had put in the character arc where she learned to run her own agency, say... and she decided who would do what and what the plan would be, or she argued that the plan was faithless about love, I would be behind her... but she hasn't had that arc at all. The only bearing on the events she's had is that she's a woman. (which was useful in the chef arc).

So whatcha got? Not to shoot it down, but to say you got something without the mustard...


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BTW, also Nine was up for an extension... which means it was being live written too.


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I haven't read every post you've made so I might be jumping the gun here (in which case, I apologize), but the few posts I have seen of yours with your hypercritical criticisms of MY's character is starting to become really, REALLY problematic for me, especially when you've mentioned before that it's the feminist in you doing it. Because you're pretty much using BH as the standard of which to compare her to when her character should be judged BASED ON THE CHARACTER and not simply in comparison to her male counterpart, who also happens to be the main character in the whole series and will therefore be more fleshed out and more thoroughly thought-out than the characters that orbit him, which of course includes MY despite her main female lead status. That's not even mentioning the fact that, he's a completely different character from her and has a completely different use in the narrative. When you're the main character, mastermind and manipulator, one would expect that it's YOUR ideas that are most followed and your rules and decisions overriding everyone else's, not the other way around.

MY is the best point in the agency. I know you don't think that's a skill or talent (because you kept insisting she needs one), but she's the empathetic character who can get their targets to open up and provide information the agency needs in order to advance their game. When their entire plan relies on information-gathering, I don't understand why MY being the best at face-to-face spying is somehow not a talent, when MJ and AR offer the agency the same things, except more indirectly. That BH is better than her at coming up with plans to make use of that information is irrelevant because he's the mastermind, not her. That's HIS job, just like her job is being good at getting first-hand information by lying to the targets to their face.

More importantly, she's both a quick learner and quick enough on her feet that she doesn't need BH constantly feeding her lines. Being quick on their feet is shared by everyone in the agency of course, but when the series shows the others needing BH to provide direct lines, that's something that separates MY and something that the series is showing she excels at.

In the team, she is the balance needed in a company composed of a cynic, a robot and an inexperienced teenager, 2/3's of which are money-obsessed. Yes, she fulfills the "girl" role, but that doesn't mean she contributes nothing, especially when she provides interaction with everyone that are not solely job-related and which then leads to them discovering things about themselves. That AR was able to provide his own lines to the girl in love with him, that MJ finally realizes what the accelerated heartbeats mean -- these are things that interacting with MY contributed a hell of a lot on. Which means the AR, MJ, SP and even BH we see in the latest episodes are there because MY was part of their journey.

Min-Young embodies stereotypically feminine traits and excels in stereotypically feminine jobs - she is definitely "the girl" both in how she deals with their targets, and how she interacts with her teammates in the agency and just how she reacts to things in general... which is why I'm confused since you've mentioned it's the feminist in you being hypercritical of her. You don't see any of the traits that make her more well-rounded than everyone else apart from BH (who is the Main Character (tm)) which just makes me think that you think she's a weak lead and a weak character because, well, because being a girl is somehow a defect.

Where exactly is the feminism in that?


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Woohoo, I love that the pace is picking up. Can't wait to see how all the different simultaneous missions overlap and collide with each other.

Love the scene where MooJin and Arang debrief about MinYoung's love life xD


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Gong Min Young is seriously amazing. Everytime you expect her to act this way, she surprises you lol.
I love how honest she is toward her feelings. She isn't shy at all about loving Byung Hoon and I think she is exactly the person he needs.
I always loved their moments but really, since the confession, I can't help but giggle knowing that Min Young is trying so hard to seduce him and with his expressions, you can't help but fall in love. I love the scene where they are in Min Young's bedroom and after she told him that maybe he didn't respond because he liked her too, he is like "What should I do with you ?" (me : KISS HER RIGHT NOW !)
But yeah, I was so hurt when he told her "Do you think you are in the same league than her ?" Why does the male lead always have to be mean ? Like seriously, after watching tons of dramas, you gotta give credits to the girls. They are so forgiving after all the craps their lovers did before to them O.O

And yeah, it is refreshing to have main characters knowing and having experienced love before. In some dramas, I'm like WTF when people act like they didn't have any relationships before because it is way too obvious.
Anyway, Min Young is really amazing to be so bright and willing when it comes to romance when most of her romances ended up being disasters. In next episode, we gotta see more of her ex boyfriend so amazing.

I know that it would be too easy if he accepted her right away but the whole "he is a better man than I am" is pure BS to me especially when he knows deep deep inside that he loves her too. AAAAARGGGGH xD.


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At last, a daylight shot of Moo Jin's Rubik's Cube. I knew I knew it I knew it: it's all one color! Sometimes it looked like different shades of grey, then it looked like it was a shiny/dull silver combo,then shiny/dull white. It was maaaaddening.


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Hawaiian Shirt was creeping me out.

I laughed when Min Young was purposely failing at the marionette. The grandpa marionette bobbling was hilarious. I have never seen an accidental back hug with puppets before. Min Young is bold in engineering her own boxes falling damsel in distress, but Byung Hoon would have saved anyone in that situation, be it Moo Jin or Ah Rang.

Thanks for the recap, javabeans!


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I love her!! she is so outgoing, bravo for that!


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Binge-watching this for 2018 New Years.

Byung- hoon being emotionally constipated has been a character trait since episode 1, with flashbacks pushing the constipation back another 15(?) years perhaps. So at least he's consistent.
Poster comments that the lead is too old for the romance seems to be going through Byung-hoon's own mind. Having a *workplace crush* on a cute 25 year old employee is a dangerous game, whether she reciprocates your feelings or not.

My guess (soon to be resolved, since I'm binge-watching the series) is Hawaiian shirt guy is a straight-up psycho. The show's going to shift to a 'woman in jeopardy' thriller with the two antagonist love interests forced to team up to rescue her.


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