Rooftop Prince: Episode 20 (Final)
by javabeans
Well, wouldn’tcha know: Here’s a surprisingly satisfying ending for a series that was in danger of losing its way on multiple occasions. We finally get at the truth of the big Joseon mystery, and I was pleasantly surprised with how well it worked with the plot we’ve seen thus far, and the characterizations of our characters (in both time zones).
I’ve always wanted to go back to the Joseon times more, and missed the story that got left hanging after the first episode, so I was reminded of how I felt when beginning the show. It makes me think that it was a shame the show didn’t capitalize on the past storyline more, though I can see that the whole point was in making the future the key to the past.
In any case, if a flagging drama had to pull out one really strong episode amid a bunch of middling ones, the finale sure is the place to do it. It seems viewers agreed, since the finale pulled Rooftop Prince into first place after giving up that slot to Equator Man for weeks; it went out with a 14.8%, while Equator closed with a 14.1%. The King 2 Hearts ended on an 11.8% rating.
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Yi Gak disappears from the modern world, leaving Park-ha crying on her lonely rooftop. As for the other side of the wormhole? We find Yi Gak reappearing in his own era, still dressed in his wedding suit, sitting in a barn.
It’s a strange sight for the locals, and he attracts stares as they pass by the marketplace. Then a team of policemen barrel through the crowd right for him, yelling, “Stop! Capture him!” Who, me? turns into OhcrapRUN!
As he flees, he literally runs right into Chi-san, who’s also running, still dressed in the same shorts and flip-flops he was in when he disappeared from the 21st century. Wait, have you been running for two whole days? Or does the wormhole dump all travelers into the same time, despite staggered departures?
Lucky for them, these are incompetent officers who lose him in plain sight. Though I suppose since they’re Prince Yi Gak’s line of defense, maybe not so lucky after all.
The boys briefly split up in the chase, and when Yi Gak finds Chi-san, he’s unconscious in the street with blood smeared on his face. He moans in pain… and then licks the blood away—ketchup, his favorite trick—and asks, “They’re gone, right?” HA, and now it makes sense why Chi-san was eating a hamburger in the car when he vanished, because now he clutches a small foil ketchup packet. Handy, that.
They’re safe from the authorities, but now the problem is how to get back to the palace without being immediately cast away as crazies. Thankfully, Yi Gak spies something in the distance: two ordinary-looking Joseon men, drinking from beer cans. Haha.
Looks like Man-bo and Yong-sool’s ever-present backpacks saved their hides after all. They didn’t leap with Joseon money, but they were able to trade a pack of gum for a full meal; a little modern marvel goes a long way.
Thirsty Yi Gak reaches for a drink, but the can is empty and Yong-sool reminds him (a little defensively, heh) that they were responsible for their own belongings. (As in, If you wanted one, you should’ve packed one.) Fortunately, Man-bo thought to pack the prince’s royal garb, which eliminates their biggest concern.
Elsewhere, Minister Hong—Bu-yong and Hwa-yong’s father—is informed of the prince’s shocking reappearance at the palace, which he does not take as good news. If Dad’s reaction weren’t enough to tip us off that he’s secretly aligned against the prince, how about the fact that his partner (dun dun dun!) has Tae-mu’s face? (Apparently his name is Muchang-gun, but no need to introduce new names at this point, is there? Joseon Tae-mu it is.)
Minister Hong angrily tells Joseon Tae-mu that the prince was reportedly taken care of last night when he was chased through the forest. Ahh, so the boys have returned just one day after their initial time-leap, and Joseon Tae-mu did try to assassinate him. Heh, so his incompetence as a murderer spans time and space; good to know some things are consistent.
Lord Tae-mu gets up, takes his sword out, and slices down the two henchmen stationed outside: “It appears that the assassins made a mistake last night.”
The ducklings return to the palace to meet the prince after having some time to go home, see their families, and dress in their old clothing. They’re puzzled at the inconsistency of the time lapse as well, which resulted in one sisterly, “Ew, gross, get away,” when Man-bo gave his sister a bear hug in relief, since she’d just seen him the day before.
They wonder if it could have been a dream, and at Man-bo’s modern reply of, “No way, that’s crazy,” Yi Gak reminds them all to remember their Joseon mannerisms. Ha, now they’re fish out of water in their own time zones. Talk about monster jet lag.
Now that everyone’s back in their rightful places, it’s time to turn their attention to that mystery. The prince orders his team to set up a special division at the Euigeumbu (the Joseon department investigating crimes under the king’s decree), and to summon the princess’s family there.
Bu-yong’s mother can’t understand the summons, and she’s still grieving for her daughter. But Minister Hong understands the greater politics at play and declares that it’ll all be over soon: “Either I will die, or the Crown Prince will.”
Thus they are rounded up and brought before Yi Gak, who asks if they understand why they’re here and where Bu-yong is. Minister Hong claims complete innocence regarding Hwa-yong’s death, and his wife explains that Bu-yong is shut in her room, suffering from a contagious disease.
But Yi Gak isn’t here to find out answers, but to reveal them. He begins with the death seven days ago:
In flashback, we see Bu-yong looking wistfully at the prince, hidden around a corner as he walks through the courtyard. She trips and falls, dropping a cosmetics container with powder, which spills to the ground.
Yi Gak comes up behind her as she’s crouched on the ground and has a little fun teasing her. He offers his hand, tsk-tsks about her tripping yet again, and asks about the dropped container. Bu-yong identifies it as face powder sent to the princess by their older brother.
Yi Gak is delighted to hear that she hasn’t been able to figure out his puzzle—what dies though it lives, and lives though it dies?—and says that if she doesn’t produce the answer by tomorrow, he wins.
Bu-yong visits unni Hwa-yong in the palace and makes her deliveries: the powder from their brother, and a letter from their father. Bu-yong notes that the powder smells a little different, wondering if it’s because it’s from China, and asks to take a look. But Hwa-yong—who opened the letter looking disturbed—snaps at her not to touch it, rattled by whatever Daddy wrote her. To kill the prince, perhaps?
There’s one last thing, and Bu-yong hands over a new handkerchief she has embroidered for the prince. But Hwa-yong is so upset by the letter that she barks at Bu-yong to leave.
Bu-yong arrives home while Joseon Tae-mu is sitting with her father, and the two men clam up at the sight of her. Curious at their unfamiliar guest, Bu-yong asks her mother about him, and learns that he is Muchang-gun, the prince’s half-brother. He’s such an obscure prince that Bu-yong has never heard of him, but that’s because he was kicked out of the palace when he was three, when his mother was dethroned.
Bu-yong starts to wonder at the curious circumstances, especially when her mother dismisses her questions and says vaguely that it’s Dad’s business. The clues are too odd to ignore, and she muses that the powder didn’t smell like cosmetics. She remembers her father’s letter, which she was instructed to bring back after the princess had read, which she forgot to convey back to Dad.
Bu-yong takes it out and reads the ominous contents: “Your Highness, today is the day. Listen to your father’s words carefully, you must not make a mistake.”
Bu-yong understands that a plot is under way, just as Minister Hong remembers that he was supposed to get the letter from her. He sends his underling (brother? son?) to retrieve it, which is found in Bu-yong’s room, open and clearly read.
She’s gone, though, having raced away to the palace, desperate to interrupt the deadly plot. Joseon Tae-mu can’t have that and orders his men to capture her, killing her if necessary. His coup is on the line.
As Bu-yong runs, we hear the rest of the letter’s contents: That Hwa-yong is to handle the dried persimmons at their nightly tea, distracting the prince long enough to sprinkle the powder on top.
So Hwa-yong presents the prince with his new handkerchief, and while he admires it, she poisons the persimmon and serves him tea. He comments that he met her sister today, and that he saw her tripping and spilling that face powder. The longer he talks, the more nervous Hwa-yong gets, shaking in guilt and fear.
Just as he reaches for the persimmon, Bu-yong is announced. She has to explain her presence somehow, and Hwa-yong rebukes her for ignoring the rules, telling her to come back tomorrow. Both sisters distractedly eye the persimmons—one needs the prince to eat it, the other is relieved they’re yet untouched.
Yi Gak is in a generous mood, though, so he allows her to stay and asks what she has to say. Bu-yong replies that she has solved the puzzle, making him chuckle. He’d told her she had until tomorrow, so this is her way of winning the bet (he assumes).
She says, “The answer is… Bu-yong (lotus).” Hwa-yong smirks at the audacity of naming herself, but the prince asks for the explanation. Bu-yong explains how the lotus is a flower that grows in a pond, whose roots go deep below into the ground, where all living things die. In order to flower, the lotus takes in that which has died; even though it lives, the flower must die for its seeds to again fall to the ground to bring new life. Furthermore, in Buddhism the samsara is a concept of the birth-life-death cycle, which is represented by the lotus.
Yi Gak laughs at that, impressed, and concedes that he lost again. By now Hwa-yong is edgy and impatient, and dismisses her sister. But Bu-yong can’t just go, and asks for her reward: the persimmon.
Aww, that’s so sad. And a helluva lot more poignant a sacrifice than running in front of a car, because while the situations are paralleled, the actual mechanism of the conflict works much better in this intrigue-laden Joseon era, with treason and coups and betrayals galore. (She can’t reveal the truth without condemning her entire family to ruination and execution, so she’ll just eat the poison and save the prince.)
Hwa-yong looks troubled while the prince finds the request paltry, but Bu-yong entreats him to comply, saying that this is what she needs right now. With trembling hands, she takes them and eats, every last one. And Hwa-yong doesn’t say a thing.
When she’s done, the prince calls it a night, and Bu-yong asks him to live in peace. Hwa-yong hangs her head, blinking back her own tears. When Bu-yong leaves, she’s already feeling the effects and stumbles weakly. She asks the court lady that if the princess should look for her later, to meet her at the Lotus Pavilion.
Then, with difficulty, she staggers out to wait by the pond, breathing painfully, remembering all her times with the prince.
After the prince goes to sleep, Hwa-yong slips away with two court ladies, heading to the pavilion. She leaves them outside the building, then faces her dying sister inside. I’m going to give Hwa-yong a wee bit of credit in thinking that she is rightfully horrified that her sister is dying, even if her first words are to blame Bu-yong for “ruining everything.” But it’s very wee.
Hwa-yong points out that Bu-yong’s big sacrifice isn’t going to fix much, since once she’s dead it’ll be easily discovered that she was poisoned, and their whole family will be killed if it is linked to an attempt on the prince’s life. But Bu-yong pleads with her sister for one last request, to protect the prince.
To that end, she has a plan: Dress Bu-yong in the princess’s clothes and pass off her corpse for Hwa-yong’s. If her body is believed to be the princess’s, it’ll deflect the suspicion away from an assassination attempt on the prince (whereas, nobody has cause to murder a nobody like Bu-yong, so if her body were discovered, the inquest would continue). This means Hwa-yong will have to give up her identity as the princess, but it would spare the family’s life. Furthermore, without his connection to the princess, their father loses his position of power and therefore he can no longer be a threat to the prince, and therefore the coup against Yi Gak will stall.
Time is running out, and Bu-yong gasps in pain that they must hurry. The women trade clothing.
Outside, however, Joseon Tae-mu is on the prowl, dressed in dark assassin’s clothing. He spies the court ladies and approaches the Lotus Pavilion, and cuts them down—finally, a successful murder! Yay?
Hwa-yong, dressed in Bu-yong’s clothes and face mask, emerges from the pavilion alone and runs to her father’s house. Bu-yong, meanwhile, starts to cough up blood. She clutches a letter in one hand and rises with difficulty to hide it behind a screen.
Outside, she looks into the water for long moments, shaking in pain and fear as she prepares herself. Murmuring, “Your Highness,” Bu-yong closes her eyes and falls into the water to her death.
End of flashback. In the “present” day Joseon timeline, Yi Gak finishes relating this story to the Hong family with angry condemnation.
Minister Hong insists that it was the princess who died, and it seems like the parents really are surprised. Yi Gak challenges them, asking if they can be absolutely sure that the sickly daughter at home is Bu-yong. He orders his ducklings to search the household for Bu-yong, and accompanies his team of special investigators to scour the property.
She is discovered hiding, and Yi Gak reaches to uncover her face, just as they hear the approach of attackers. It’s Joseon Tae-mu and his team of rebels, leading to a skirmish in the courtyard. He seizes his bow and arrow and shoots at Yi Gak… getting him square in the chest. Oh noes!
Yong-sool corners Joseon Tae-mu, though, stopping him in his tracks with a sword to the throat. And curiously, Yi Gak doesn’t seem to be in pain as he pulls the arrow from his chest. Aw, did his marriage pendant save his life?
Now he turns back to Hwa-yong, ordering her to raise her head to face him. He pulls the mask from her face, and sees his wife. That confirms everything, and he looks at her with furious contempt. Hwa-yong grabs his legs and begs for mercy, crying that she knows nothing, pleading for her life. Yi Gak thunders, “How is it that a wicked thing like you could be the princess?! It is not me to whom you should beg for your life—you should beg it from Bu-yong!”
He orders everyone rounded up and taken to the Euigeumbu to be charged as traitors. His men rush to his side, and he reveals the pendant Park-ha gave him, now dented from the arrow. He tells them, “Park-ha saved my life once more. Dummy.”
Hour of judgment. Yi Gak charges Minister Hong for the attempt on his life, and orders father and son executed by beheading. He charges his half-brother, whom he’d thought of favorably despite their long estrangement, with the same crime and punishment. In memory of Bu-yong’s sacrifice, he spares Hwa-yong and her mother, but strips the princess of her crown and sends them into exile.
Some time later, Yi Gak walks along that bridge alone now, thinking of Park-ha. He makes his way into the Lotus Pavilion, his gaze settling on the screen against the wall. The painted butterfly glows briefly, bringing him closer, and that leads him to a discovery: the letter Bu-yong had slipped between the panels.
He rips the letter out of hiding and reads the words she’d written in her dying moments.
“Your Highness, if you are reading this letter it means you are alive, and that makes me, Bu-yong, happy. There is one thing that is good about dying. I am glad that I can now say the words I have long held in my heart. I loved you, Your Highness. I cared for you my entire life. That which lives despite dying, and dies though living—even hundreds of years later, I will love you.”
Yi Gak sheds tears, and then has an idea, scrambling to write a letter of his own, which starts, “Park-ha-ya, I arrived safely. How are you?” He rolls up the paper and slips it into a tube, then tucks that into the palace hiding place he’d once shown her, where he retrieved her jade wedding pendant.
Back to the present, where Park-ha returns to the palace. She finds the hiding spot and feels around, hoping for something. She does, and opens the tube with anticipation, finding the old, yellowed parchment.
The letter continues:
“If you are able to read this letter, three hundred years will have passed. And if this letter finds its ways into your hands, I take back my words calling you Dummy. Is your fruit juice business going well? I can only imagine how you are doing, unable to touch you. I miss you like crazy. I want to hear your voice, and touch you. If I could die and meet you, I would die right now.”
And then, a familiar face arrives to order an apple juice. She’s in such a daze that he has to call to her twice, and then she doesn’t even spare him a glance. It’s Tae-yong, or is it Yi Gak?, and he smiles pleasantly at her.
The letter goes on to say, “I should have said I love you more. Park-ha-ya, I love you. I miss your smiling face like crazy. You must be well.”
The customer pays and keeps looking at Park-ha expectantly, like he wants her to look at him. But she barely notices, and he leaves.
Back to Joseon, where our ducklings… have set up a food stand of their own, selling—what else?—omurice. They even make their own fresh ketchup, bickering like old friends, and Chi-san even plugs in his iPod to ignore Man-bo’s nagging. Ha. What’re you gonna do when those batteries die, huh?
The boys make their delivery to the prince, and then poof, instead of their Joseon hanboks they’re wearing those comfy newfangled tracksuits, so they can eat their omurice in comfort. HAHA. Okay, that’s pretty cute.
They wolf down their food like old times, but as he finishes, Yi Gak finds himself on the verge of tears and sad thoughts. He makes an excuse, but the boys know what troubles him, and offer him a park-ha peppermint as dessert. And today, Yong-sool gets the evil eye for crunching into his, hee.
2012. Park-ha arrives at work to find a postcard of the Seoul Tower stuck into her front door, with a note asking her to meet there tonight.
On the flipside is a new sketch of her, depicting her at her juice blender, with Tae-yong’s familiar initials in the corner. And THAT gets her attention, finally.
She arrives at the meeting point and waits for a while, masses of tourists passing by in a blur. When the crowd disperses, one person is left standing by her side, looking at her with an expectant gaze.
It’s Tae-yong (or is it?), and he asks, “Why are you so late? I’ve been waiting for a long time.” Park-ha asks where he’s been, because “I was here the whole time.”
He’s looking at her like he knows her, but it’s not entirely clear which incarnation this is. My brain says Tae-yong, but the heart hopes for Yi Gak…
Tae-yong holds out his hand to her, and she takes it. The moment she does, suddenly the man transforms right before her eyes, wearing prince’s robes.
They look at each other with tears running down their faces, both thinking to themselves, “Even after three hundred years pass, I will love you.”
I was holding out hope till the very last moment that Yi Gak had found a way back to Park-ha somehow, even if that would have flouted all narrative logic. (Hey, it’s not like the show has a lot of that left to lose.) But no, it’s Tae-yong standing there at the end, as the couple’s last words remind tell us that we’re looking at the three-hundred-years-later version, not the original.
And even though I balk at the idea of swapping out one Yoochun for another, reincarnated soul be damned, the show does manage to soften the blow by giving us the image of Yi Gak at the end to assure us that yes, he is the same person. (Kind of.) As in, this isn’t a cheap copy that we’re left to settle for, but as close a thing to the real deal as you can wrap your head around.
I confess to not being entirely sold on the reincarnated soul making up for the loss, but I appreciate the last scene’s depiction of the reunion—it isn’t the same pairing that we’ve been watching all series long, but because Park-ha sees Tae-yong dressed as Yi Gak (in her mind, it seems to be saying), it’s like their souls recognize each other. The material world and their current bodily trappings change from lifetime to lifetime, but the essence of their love is still there, and that recognition sweeps through them both.
It’s not a perfect happily ever after, but I’m strangely okay with it. Possibly because this show isn’t one that sticks with me emotionally in the first place so its flaws don’t upset me terribly either. I suspect that if the show had gone out on Tae-yong and Park-ha together, I would have been unhappy, but the swap to show Yi Gak standing there, reinforcing that it’s supposed to be the same soul, does go a long way toward getting me to accept it.
I do feel like Yi Gak sure got stuck with the short end of the stick, in that he loses both Bu-yong and Park-ha and has to live the rest of his life single. He’s got his sidekicks there, which helps, but he doesn’t get a consolation romance like Park-ha. I guess she’s the one who has to live knowing that Yi Gak is already dead, but somehow I think it’s worse to be him, either pining or grieving or in an existential state of “Well, I guess it all works out in the end, even if it’s not MY end.”
On the other hand, his Joseon storyline was always about bringing justice for the murder, not recovering a lost love. He starts out the drama grieving for his wife, and he never harbored illusions of being able to jump back in time to bring her back to life. So in that regard, he succeeds in what he set out to do: uncover the murderer, realize the truth, and punish the wrongdoers. If he hadn’t time-warped in the first place, he would still have had to deal with the grief of losing a loved one; at least in this case he knows he loved the right one?
I was satisfied with the wrap-up of the Joseon mystery in the final episode, and found Bu-yong’s sacrifice pretty heartbreaking. I understood it and felt for it, even though the very same action in 2012 had me scoffing and rolling my eyes. Her act had more emotional impact, and I felt the bittersweetness of Yi Gak’s discovery of what she’d done.
The finale also made me think that the seeds were planted well enough in advance to convince me that the writer DID know what he was doing. He clearly had the important beats worked out from the start, and the neatness of the resolution proves that this there was a decent amount of forethought given to the plot. The problem this drama had is the opposite of a lot of other live-shoot dramas, where you can sense the story unraveling at the seams and writers throwing whatever they can at the show to keep it going. Here, it feels like the show knew how it was going to end, but didn’t do a good job budgeting its plot in the middle portion and ended up whipping up whatever stories it could to keep the show treading water till it could dovetail with the planned part.
I do wish the plot mechanisms were more explained, though, since I’m still left wondering at the reason for the time-jump in the first place. We get a vague understanding that there’s a Fate-like power deciding when to move them forward and backward, and I think we’re safe in assuming that this Fate allowed Tae-yong to wake up after Yi Gak left his world. But it never quite addresses the Why of it all. Do random other people throughout history also get to visit their future selves, when something goes awry in their own worlds?
All in all, Rooftop Prince was a fluffy drama that I could watch easily without thinking too hard, especially when the show brought on the cute characters, fish-out-of-water jokes, hilarious sight gags and puns, and the sweet chemistry between Yoochun and Han Ji-min. It definitely is a show where the charm of the cast makes up for a lot.
Ultimately there wasn’t a whole lotta plot, which means that half the show was spent stretching out the same beats and repeating them with slight (but insufficient) variations on the same theme. Here’s a case of a show that should’ve been ten episodes at most, having to scrounge up stuff to fill twenty.
At least we had amusing interactions, with beautiful crying by Han Ji-min and an impressive leap in performance by Yoochun, who stretched himself a lot with this role. I’ll look forward to more things in both their futures—as well as the Joseon ducklings—though the production team is on notice.
- Rooftop Prince: Episode 19
- Rooftop Prince: Episode 18
- Rooftop Prince: Episode 17
- Thing vs. Thing: Time-traveling Heroes
- Rooftop Prince: Episode 16
- Rooftop Prince: Episode 15
- Rooftop Prince: Episode 14
- Rooftop Prince: Episode 13
- Rooftop Prince: Episode 12
- Rooftop Prince: Episode 11
- Rooftop Prince: Episode 10
- Rooftop Prince: Episode 9
- Rooftop Prince: Episode 8
- Rooftop Prince: Episode 7
- The untold love story: Rooftop Fashion King
- Rooftop Prince: Episode 6
- Rooftop Prince: Episode 5
- Rooftop Prince: Episode 4
- Rooftop Prince: Episode 3
- Rooftop Prince: Episode 2
- Rooftop Prince: Episode 1
Tags: featured, Han Ji-min, Jung Yumi (2), Lee Tae-sung, Micky Yoochun, Rooftop Prince
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201 Cliana
June 5, 2012 at 4:55 PM
I'm gonna miss Park Ha. Yeah I know she's Han Ji Min in real life ... but going along with the theme of the drama ... I'm gonna miss the Park Ha character. Thumbs up for Rooftop Prince as a drama. Definitely will check out Han Ji Min's other dramas.
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202 Sunshine
June 5, 2012 at 9:10 PM
this drama had so much potential yet it had so much loopholes, so much combined into one series, i really wanna give up halfway but kept up with the recaps instead, the only thing i enjoyed was our ducklings....they were so adorable
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203 danny
June 5, 2012 at 9:53 PM
woooo, i just finsih watching King to hearts ep 20 and read the recap here, i was so amazed the comments reach 1914 almost two thousand, then I checked the recap of RTP here, not even half, 432. I am a little sad, this drama started so good but there are many loopholes. I really vouched for this drama coz of Micky, i like him in SKK much, i am adding my comment here ,at least one comment more 433.
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204 addylovesbwood
June 5, 2012 at 11:29 PM
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205 thaifan
June 6, 2012 at 12:23 PM
2 weeks ago...hard to believe The Rooftop Prince is over.
The writer made me confuse. clear by the ending..please.
bring back my Lee Gak and 3 boys...!!!
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206 Emyjolie
June 6, 2012 at 1:12 PM
I personally LOVED this drama!! this is the second kdrama i watched and i really enjoyed it!! the first one I saw was Dream High 2 and it left a bad taste in my mouth it went from good to bad and then at the end it was hopeless! But Rooftop Prince was soooo good!!!! the acting the plot the drama the comedy...
I watched all the episodes back to back and it was great. For me in my mind it's Lee Gak holding Pak Ha's hand the way he was standing and the way he talked... it wasn't Taeyong he somehow went back to her and i'm very satisfied with the ending!
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207 Rizzy
June 10, 2012 at 7:42 PM
Good job Rooftop Prince! I had lots of crying fests especially in the last two episodes. I will start to revive my blog site soon and this will be one of my first entries. Thanks Javabeans!
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208 tohoshinki fan
June 11, 2012 at 8:37 PM
despite the flaws, I liked this drama bec. of the Joseon F4 and the plot. It didn't get to me emotionally till the last 2-3 episodes. I find it strange that I like Han Ji-Min better as Bu-Yong than as Park-ha. As Park-ha, her chemistry with Micky was very awkward or lacking. Am I the only one who thinks that the actress who played the role of Se-na and Micky have more chemistry? It's odd that despite how I despised Se-na, but every time I see her with Tae-yong/Lee Gak, I couldn't help rooting for them, wishing Yoo-mi was Park-ha? lol
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209 yvette
June 12, 2012 at 4:40 PM
thanks for your comments. They are very well written and insightful
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210 LovelyLindy
June 14, 2012 at 1:25 PM
Awesome recap! I just found this site while searching for recaps on this drama (I just finished watching it, I was late to the show). I think in the end, it’s clear that TY is actually YG. This isn't necessarily spelled out in the final scenes, but it is given to us throughout the entire drama. The butterfly in the beginning of the show found her soul throughout time. She was destined to be with him, but TM interfered, so YG was sent to the future to tie his soul to hers, which is inevitably preparing him for his reincarnated return.
This is why the crew wasn’t able to return to Joseon until he and Park Ha were married (hence, eternally tying their souls together). At the end, he clearly has YG’s mannerisms (hand behind his back). Then he says to her, ”Why are you so late? I’ve waited for you for so long”. I don’t think this meant, late TODAY, but late in eternal time. This gives the impression that he has possibly reincarnated before over the years waiting for her and he would have that knowledge of his past because he was able to tie his soul to hers through marriage–an eternal bond. So in the end when they hold hands and she sees YG, I don’t think it’s a figment of her imagination, but literally YG. It has to be him, because I don’t think TY would shed tears over meeting someone for the first time, but YG would shed tears over seeing his love he’s waited 300 years for.
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211 RB
June 15, 2012 at 10:41 AM
Your recaps make me chuckle. I just finished watching this drama series, and despite the hilarious levels of implausibility in the plot, I really enjoyed it. I do think it kind of dragged around the middle and probably would have been a lot better if it had been a couple of episodes shorter, and if it had remained more of an ensemble cast kind of thing like it was at the beginning. I found the overall story and parallels between the past/future compelling and interesting enough though that I can deal with the insane holes in logic, unintentional comedy and over-the-top melodrama. Actually, those things probably just make it even more entertaining for me.
Speaking of cheesy melodrama, I love how every character's RAGE is depicted by a close-up of them clenching their fists and shaking slightly. It starts out with Tae-mu, but eventually every single one of the leads does it. It cracks me up. And yeah, Tae-mu's face when he's about to run them over with the car. Priceless.
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212 flutteringlove
June 17, 2012 at 1:35 PM
Oh, I have come here so late …after reading the 5 pages here. Kudos to the so many clever people here, giving insightful explanation, highlighting hints, parallel, details etc. in this drama.
I managed to watch ep 19&20 2 days after the broadcasting. My heart sink when there were reviews that this drama ended with a sad ending (NO YG or TY?) and was a waste of time to watch. I feel relief when I see the end scene, although I am kind of confuse whether he is TY or YG. To me, TY is the one in the juice shop but I feel it’s YG more in the end. It’s confirm when I read YooChun’s interview that it is 100% TY. We should be glad, because in the original script, TY cannot remember BH. Thanks to Yoochun for a TY with memories, if not we will be regretted. Afterall, I don’t mind it’s YG or TY. BH suffers too much hardships in her younger days and I want her to have a man who fancy her for the rest of her life. In fact, I find BH/TY encounter in the fruitstall/bar(ep 1) is beautiful too. In my opinion, I feel YG also want BH to be with TY, since 1)he sounded so angrily to TM in the bar that the 2 couldn’t meet in NY and 2)YG initially refuse BH’s wedding proposal.
My love journey with RTP is exactly the same as how YG falls in love with BH. As much as YG only have the Crown Princess in his eyes only at the start, I am only addicted to Salaryman and tell myself I will not watch RTP despite seeing the frequent trailers on TV. Pardon me, I feel the two… just simply don’t look good to me at the start. After ‘accidentally’ watching some scenes, I am emotionally hook onto this drama, to the extent that I wish they are a true couple. Much has been say about Yoochun’s good acting skill. Jimin’s chemistry with Yoochun is so natural, whether YG is childlike, serious or loving, she seem to adjust herself to click with Yoochun.
Anyone find it odd that only the J3 go to work to earn money to get a shop for BH?
RTP has already ended for weeks, but my heart & soul still with the sweet Gak-Ha couple. I can’t fall in love with another drama.
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213 flutteringlove
June 17, 2012 at 1:44 PM
Some would like to know what BH read in the library:
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214 Mandy
July 3, 2012 at 11:13 AM
This was such an emotional roller coaster. I'm not completely satisfied with the ending at all. I found myself begging for Buyong to somehow become alive again so the king would have at least a part of Bakha like how Bakha has TaeYong. Poor king, he has to suffer alone. And I really wished Bakha and the King didnt get married .. I mean, seriously? I feel kind of bad for TaeYong ... and maybe the writers should have shown us a little more of him .. and maybe highlight that he and the King are basically the same person so I would feel more at ease ... instead of accusing Bakha of cheating. Ugh. If only BuYong was still alive, only then would I feel completely at least .. a bit happier.
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215 me1997
July 7, 2012 at 10:24 PM
rooftop prince is very romance and the back and happy ending i like too and i like park yoochun ...3 and han ji min
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216 Zoo
July 8, 2012 at 9:09 PM
love this show and love your recap.
nice jobs and photos :)
i'm very sad with thre ending but what else can we do?
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217 zoozoo
July 11, 2012 at 6:55 PM
Hi fans
I’m looking for a song in this series but could not find it, I’d purchased all 3 OST but still could not find it
It’s in Episode number 20, between min 55 to 57, when she was reading the letter and making juice, when the letter reads : Pa kar, I miss you….
It was an instrumental music with violin and piano… does anyone know where can I find that song?
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218 ellajune
July 25, 2012 at 10:08 AM
Ohmygod something just occured to me. At the end, Lee Gak/Tae Yong WASN'T WEARING THE GLASSES.
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219 zoozoo
July 26, 2012 at 1:13 AM
I found the songs but I cannot download.. I do not have the applications because I’m overseas.
Let me know if you found another way to dl thank you
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220 Regina
August 2, 2012 at 12:05 AM
awww... this drama makes me in love, smile, laugh, sad, surprise, cry, etc. I Love this drama!! Yoochun is a real actor. great acting.
honestly, Han Ji Min looks more beautiful when she wears hanbok and noooo bangs! even if the end is like that, atleast it gave me satisfaction. some drama ended with tragedy .and this drama made a real blend. Its just that whenever the villain think of an idea to be bad, it always fails. but still I Love this! recommendable drama to watch.
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221 Lila
August 9, 2012 at 11:53 PM
As far as endings to, this one was alright. I would have liked to see Park Ha and Yi Gak together somehow, and defy time/space continuum with her going back in time or him going back to the present, or who knows, both going into the future where they meet up again. I guess the drama had to try to be reasonable (ahem, the drama was about time travel...). An ending like in Gong 1 (Chinese version) would have been nice.
I'm still left wondering what exactly Park Ha read when she was in the library, they never showed that part...
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222 pinkita
August 14, 2012 at 5:00 AM
god im even more sad now
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223 Linh
September 1, 2012 at 2:23 PM
I think When Yi Gak visited his future self in the future, which left Yi Gak unconscious because the soul was shifted into Yi Gak instead of Tae Young right? So that in the end, Tae Young is shown standing there with his arms behind his back like what Yi Gak usually does shows that he may or may not have the memories that Yi Gak had during his stay in the modern times afterall.
Also, maybe Fate allowed him and his ducklings to meet Park-ha in the future so Yi Gak could figure out the murder and realize his love for Bu yong/Park-ha, instead of crying over his dead "crown princess".
Honestly, I feel like at the end, the scene where they showed both Tae Young and Yi Gak as one holding hands with Park-ha, kind of goes over the fact that over 300 years, they still loved each other. And maybe Tae Young retrieves those memories of Yi Gak.
Sometimes, I feel like the director intentionally does this to leave us dying. :'(
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224 Linh
September 1, 2012 at 2:27 PM
*And maybe Tae Young retrieved those memories of Yi Gak after Yi Gak's timetravelling experience.
Sorry fixing my post from up there^ lol
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225 vevz
September 2, 2012 at 1:53 AM
i really really like the drama...its so very kakilig kilig talaga yet sad...and unsatisfying...i wish prince taehong could live together with left me so many questions...but this drama impressed me very much...THE BEST DRAMA OF 2012....wish ABSCBN could air this wonderful show...i wish na sana ako nalang si pakha....hahaha:)
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226 will
September 22, 2012 at 4:45 PM
TY's lost soul (commatose state) summoned LG to the future to correct the wrongs done in both timelines. LG would've died by TM's arrow if he had not visited PH in the future. He has to travel to the future to find his love for PH, so he could understand BY's hidden love and sacrifice to save him.
When LG was chasing SeNa, he kept trying to get her to remember her past life as the crown princess. Memories are what separates them from their previous incarnations. The ending makes sense if TY's comatose state allowed him to bring forth LG's memories into the future making both LG and TY one and the same.
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227 Mary
November 13, 2012 at 9:08 AM
I guess someone else yes already posted this interpretation but fwiw, the man is neither tae yong nor lee gak in the last scene; he is both tae yong and lee gak.
The man is tae yong and not lee gak because lee gak doesn't draw. The man is lee gak and not tae yong because tae yong doesn't have the elegant habit of putting his hands at his back.
Remember tae yong? When he falls into the water he seems like he's remembering his past life. His past life is Lee gak, and he remembers everything lee gak goes through... how he grieved for his dead "wife", how he arrived in present time and fall in love with Park ha, and how he went back to his own life and pine for Park ha until his death.
Tae yong was a lucky, cheerful boy born into a rich family and has lots of love showered on him. He loves sketching, his granny, his Tae mu hyung even... but not much happened in his life. His far-more interesting past life certainly has a hold for him, and he's gonna love Park ha with an intensity he's never ever experienced in his life. With that said, he's still tae yong, not lee gak, he lived 27-2 years of his life as tae yong, and though some of lee gak's habits may creep in, he's not gonna to change overnight into lee gak.
In a way, tae yong is a very lucky boy. He slept and suddenly he matures. His life is suddenly more meaningful. He's got himself a beautiful wife he loves very much and whom loves him back.
Lee gak probably died young or lived his life pining for park ha while married to a wife (if he lived long enough to become a King and Kings can't ever stay single). and yeah, that's sad but none sadder than Boo young's fate. Although Lee gak is not to blame for her death, or her unrequited affections (i don't think he loves boo young, he treats her like a sister-in-law), but ultimately he is the cause of her death. After all, he is the one who told Boo young to eat the persimmons on the spot (how very full of delicious poisoned persimmons she must be) instead of doing the reasonable thing - let her pack away the persimmons. He should suffer in return for her love. In a way, it's Karma.
His reincarnation reaped what Lee gak sowed and got the easy life.
Boo young's reincarnation also reaped what she sowed and got the easier life. I guess she only lost lee gak for a couple of weeks (months) before she met tae yong (who is also lee gak) again.
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228 Bekki
December 4, 2012 at 10:31 PM
I think that it is not just the reincarnated version of him. In the program when he falls into the water it coincides in similarity with the moment his other self was knocked into the water before he ended up in a coma and during that episode he remembers his other selves memories and uses them to pretend to be him. I think this sets up a foreshadow of what happens at the end. I think when the modern version of him wakes from a coma he also has all the memories of his past life. It explains why he doesn't speak to her in the juice shop and simply smiles at her and leaves. He would not do that if he was the reincarnated YI GAK because he did not really know her yet. It can only be that he has woken with all of the past life YI GAKs memories. He knows she is thinking about him and he knows that he will not be letting her go. I mean, the reincarnated YI GAK would have been startled that she was there since he only ever saw her in NY..makes no sense unless he remembers all to well she is and how much she means to him. It just makes more sense considering his first words to her are about how long he has waited for her. Not only that.. They use the words that they BOTH wrote in the letters. "“Even after three hundred years pass, I will love you.” How can he say this unless he is also has the memories of the past YI GAK? Since the current one would not know these words.
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229 jonah
December 27, 2012 at 4:41 PM
Thank you for telling the last episode clearly. Love it!
I understood the story more and I am glad that the drama endwd happily and clearly... ♥
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230 Myka
December 30, 2012 at 12:11 AM
“If I could die and meet you, I would die right now.”
Right when Yi Gak finished narrating that from his yellow-parchment letter, Tae-yong came into the scene, right in front of Park Ha, to order an apple juice.
It suggests that Yi Gak DID die (duh), as he said in his letter, and so he met Park Ha.
It's still Tae-yong, though, but instead of only residual memories from his past life (the butterfly, as if he recognized it when it landed on Park Ha's shoulder in Episode 1), after being in comatose for two years, he regained his full memories from his past life.
In the first episode, Tae-yong wasn't really forward with Park Ha, in fact, he had Tae-mu urging him to go talk to the girl. It doesn't make sense that right after he woke up from comatose, he goes off being so forward with a stranger, Park Ha, when in the first place it was very out of character.
That can only mean that, given his PRINCELY STANCE aka the way Tae-yong held his hands in his back and the sort-of-slow-but-sure manner of speaking, the way he smiled when the camera spun to the fruit juice store the moment Tae-yong closed the door behind him and Park Ha staring off at something, Tae-yong IS Yi Gak.
In fact, when I watched the ending several times, it had me thinking that it was Yi Gak, knowing full well and expectant, that even after 300 years, as he had promised, he met Park Ha/Bu-yong.
All in all, the Yoochun version we saw in the very end, is Tae-yong, filled with every memory Yi Gak had with Park Ha, and how they were fated till the very end. Think of it as Yi Gak himself, only a little bit improved, what with his top-notch abilities of drawing/sketching.
One more thing, in Episode 8, when Se Na brought Tae-yong's sketchbook, the camera spun to a whole page of a sketch of butterflies and lotus flowers. If that's not proof enough that Yi Gak's soul is one and same with Tae-yong's and that after the whole hullabaloo of the Joseon Power Rangers' mission in 2012, Tae-yong regained his full memories as Yi Gak, then I don't know what is.
Given all that, I'll surely miss this show, as it's now very dear to my heart.
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231 Diana
January 2, 2013 at 11:35 PM
I read some of the comments and like most I feel like there were a lot of questions that still left unanswered and some new ones at for example the story suggest that the character of Tae-yong is a veggie after his accident and doesn't have a chance of regaining his old self and then suddenly in the ending we see him with Park-ha all well, walking and talking like he didn't went 2 years in a coma. Another thing that doesnt struck well is how did they managed to pulled off the reasoning of interchanging Bu-yong for the princess when Bu-yong supposed to have scarred her doesnt makes any sense. Lastly they could have shown at the end that Yi-gak and Bu-yong did find love at thhe end...300 years later to show that true love does wait...
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232 Amber
January 3, 2013 at 11:21 PM
its so sad that Yi Gak and Park Ha didn't get together. but for me it's okay, after all Teo-yoong and Yi Gak are just one. If Yi Gak would live in 2012 with Park Ha, what would happen to Tae Yoong, wish they could exchange places. But we discovered that Tae Yoong likes Park ha, he even said that she's pretty. History repeats its self.
Park ha did see in the end that yi gak is tea yoong (and viz versa.) I guess it's a happy ending.
But how about Yi Gak ??? Is he happy???
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233 zayniee
January 20, 2013 at 4:26 AM
Thank you for the review :)
I read this because I really don't get what happened to tae yong / lee gak . are they the same person . So, many questions are popping in my mind after watching the last episode . But after reading this , I fully understand , even though I'm just reading it , it makes me cry again . I'm now happy with the ending , it just tell me that Tae Yong is Lee Gak and they are the same person . :) Waahh .. I'm crying again ! T.T :'(
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234 shaoran193
January 21, 2013 at 9:00 PM
Hey this is the only time I watched the entire series. I love this kind of conflict in the drama and love stories.
Here is my own perception: Prince Yi Gak travel 300 years in the future because he 'missed' the time he is supposed to be with Bu Yong. As fate entwines, he is supposed to be married with Bu Yong and plus he is grieving with the wrong person.
I feel bad for him thus only realizing one truth after the death of the person meant for you. He is right on one thing. (That's episode 18 if I'm not mistaken) he traveled to the future to fall in love with Park Ha, (Bu Yong reincarnation) the fate is telling him and giving him the time he missed.
It's just sad as we alll say that after he returned to Jeoson era, he will realize that the time has passed and it was too late. ummm..
Although we have a good ending for Park Ha, well all know that Prince Yi Gak says otherwise.
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235 Jesheil
February 3, 2013 at 1:14 AM
I hope there is part 2 to explain everything and what exactly happen after that scene... :-)
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236 Maureen
February 6, 2013 at 9:45 AM
My interpretation is only this. Yi Gak and Tae Yong is the same person as in the same 'soul'. That's why both of them cannot be conscious at the same time in the present right? Tae Yong is Yi Gak's reincarnation because Yi Gak doesn't really draw.
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237 Jazmin Ha
March 14, 2013 at 8:40 PM
I Just Love It's Twists and EVERYTHING about ROOF TOP PRINCE ::)))
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238 Ashley
April 2, 2013 at 10:09 PM
Honestly I was happy with the ending. I just hated that in the end his character from Joseon ended up with no one. Remember when she went to the library and read that book about their past? then she look all shock right? Well I think she must have read something like the Crown Prince lived and died alone. It's just sad. But I feel that in the end that Tae Yong had Yi Gak's memory's because he was walking like him at the end (hands/arms way back) I also think their spirts came together. It was a very sweet ending and it couldn't have been better :) LOVE IT! Rooftop Prince is now one of my favorite kdrama of all time :) and Micky stayed strong (when his father died) R.I.P. Park Yoonchun's dad :) you made a beautiful son <3
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239 Ichabi
April 10, 2013 at 12:55 PM
Hemm,, the ending kinda reminds me of A Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux,,
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240 sanura
May 6, 2013 at 7:16 AM
Hi... I'm from Zanzibar, Tanzania i used to watch Korea dram series like Jumong, Jewel in the palace, Brilliant legacy and more series and i try to read recap of that dramas. but since i found this drama beans i like to follow the recaps that you used to show.
i had the chance to watch some Korea drama but even more i watch at it i found my self that there is more i need to know about you, YOU ARE VERY INTERESTING IN ACTING including the way of your Traditions and Cultures acting and also the Actors and Actress... i really like you all.
Even this drama of Rooftop Prince i just read it on recap but it happen like i watch on TV. i like the character of Yi gak, because i also had watch one of his drama called Sungkyunkwan scandal.
Thank you very much....for your contribution of the recaps .i like it and i love watching K-drama....
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241 criedlikeababy
May 12, 2013 at 9:19 AM
I think the reason why Yi Gak travelled was the Fate's/God's way of repaying Bu Yong's kindness. She selflessly ate poison all to save the man she loves. So as a gift to her by the universe/god they made Yi Gak travel to the future to realize Bu Yong who was there in front of him all this time was truly his soul mate. So then when Bu Yong is reincarnated she will finally get her true love. Somehow Tae Yoong this time around would see her, choose her and fall in love with her.
That's just my conclusion. Love this show. Sad for Yi Gak though esp at that part when he teared up after eating Omurice. Really cried like a baby statring from ep 18 to 20. sighhh...
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princess ann
June 6, 2013 at 6:19 PM
kaya nga... if after that episode, though kahit namatay din siya ng maaga, i knew he was very regretful dahil ni minsan, hindi niya napag-ukulan ng romantic love si Bu-yong dahil nga 'yong buong pagkatao niya nakaukol lang sa crown princess... mas malungkot pa siya dahil na-met niya si PH and fell in love with her, nandoon siya sa era na talagang para sa kanya. kasi si PH nag-appear din si TY sa harapan niya. though ilang beses pang sabihing si TY 'yon na nag-reincarnate si TG, still may kasama pa rin PH. si LG? eh wala...
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242 Love Silents
May 26, 2013 at 3:49 PM
Awww, it's over. I miss the rainbow ducklings! I watched all the episodes (multiple times) and agree that it started with a terrifically comedic genre and ended up with an unexpected other.
But I liked it and will miss it.
I wish they had covered how Tae Yong got rescued from the water (no hypothermia, brain damage...) and how the heck he ended up in Chicago?
Anyone notice that Bu Yong had black hair but they forgot to darken her eyebrows - still still had the lighter color that matched Park Ha's hair. Ha!
I liked the ending - thank God. So many KDrama endings are either absurd or just so wrong. And I was surprised - I didn't guess it at all.
Did Tae Yong remember her from NYC or was he just naturally attracted to her?
thanks all! So long chipmunk Chi San!
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243 princess ann
June 6, 2013 at 6:13 PM
i had really watched the ending at para akong sira sa kaiiyak. i already understood why had the prince was being sent to the future. kung posible nga bang ganoon ang buhay, eh, disin sana'y walang nagkakamaling tao at walang nasasaktan dahil maaari mong i-patch: either in the past or in the future just to make the present very okay..... naliwanagan na rin 'yong isip ko na parehong namatay sa Jeoson ang prinsipe at si Buyong. at kaya nga nagpuntang future ang prinsipe dahil nga hindi sila nabigyan ng pagkakataong magmahalan sa lugar at panahong dapat ay talagang para sa kanila.... hindi ako mahilig sa teleserye at kung nanonood man, pinipili 'yong may laman at mapag-aaralan talaga... like the forbidden love noon na naiwan ding mag-isa 'yong male character dahil sa bisig pa niya mismo namatay si shena... and though it's hurting, i like teleseryes like that. why? to get rid off the "fairy tale" sa isipan ng mga tao. dahil hindi lahat ng love stories ay happy ending... and that's fact....salamat sa lahat ng ng-comment at nanood sa teleseryeng 'yon...
actually, gusto kong ma-inlove uli dahil lang sa istoryang 'yon. pero ayoko. maraming beses na kaya akong nasaktan... at isinali pa ang personal na buhay...
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244 Christin
July 10, 2013 at 8:37 PM
Love, love, love this drama. Read all the recaps in one sitting. There are holes, but to me, the story is very captivating.
One thing I can draw from the story line is the riddle that YG asked BY... What dies despite living, and lives despite dying?
The answer BY gave was her own name... "Bu Young".
I would think the answer should be "Our love", meaning YG and BY's love.
They separately had to die because of love, and then to live because they loved. Sweet.
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245 Angel
July 24, 2013 at 11:57 AM
Wait, at the end is it Tae-yong or Yi-gak?!
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246 hyongsherain
August 22, 2013 at 1:01 PM
I am lil dissappointed that its not the Crown Prince himself at the end as I really wanted him to be back with Pak Ha, still okay that Both are played by Mickey and somehow share same soul. But the initial episodes were simply amazing as it made me ROFL and Thanks to Dramabean for the illustration as it makes me feel as if I am watching the show on TV.. Nomu Nomu Khamsahamnida Loved the series, after watching Faith, Queen In hyn's Man and Rooftop Prince somehow I am feeling that all Dramas must have Goryeo and Joseon medling in between LOL .... No matter what I love K Dramas and K Pop ... My love for them keeps growing more and more. ♥♥♥ .. Sarang Sarang Sarang ....
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247 Mel
September 30, 2013 at 3:09 AM
I just don't get why she has to eat the persimmons?? She could've taken them and dumped them somewhere else later.
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248 Rachel
February 27, 2014 at 11:46 PM
I just finished watching this drama (it took me about a week) and I appreciated your comments on the ending. I felt so bad for our Crown Prince because he had to live the rest of his life alone, while Bak Ha at least got the newly awake Tae Yong.
To be honest, it kind of annoyed me that they were so emotional and crying at Namsan. I'm willing to stretch my imagination to believe in the reincarnated souls, destined to fall in love forever (trust me, that's a big stretch). But I don't that that automatically makes Lee Gak and Tae Yong the same person, so that fact that he is talking about waiting for her forever and crying, and that she sees him as Lee Gak and is crying, is weak in my opinion. I would have much preferred if Bak Ha got to know and fall in love with Tae Yong as a separate entity from her love for Lee Gak. So the perfect ending for me would have been them meeting up at Namsan, as if it's their first date, the one they should have had in New York, and fade out on the flirting, leaving us with the assumption of a happy ending.
No drama can be perfect though, so I will try to just remember the parts of this one I love. And no ending is as bad as Big's, so there's that, too.
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249 Katherine
March 27, 2014 at 3:15 AM
To me, the ending is definitely Lee Gak and Park Ha. :-) TY wore glasses and Lee Gak didn't. Lee Gak was standing with his hand behind and crying. He waited so long because he needed to find his way back to future. At the same time, Lee Gak learnt to draw (as he had seen how TY's drawing before) and later managed to find his way back. This is the best ending !!!!!
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250 dilaus
April 16, 2014 at 12:47 PM
I think tae young wake up from coma and remember his previous life as a prince. So he remembers the memories with park ha. :) in the end there is one soul who remember whole past :))
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