Running Man: Episode 90
by gummimochi
Some badass hyungnims come to visit Running Man in this Fishing Special. They’re going to cast off their aegyo, bait you with their humor, and reel you in with their physical strength… or sometimes lack thereof.
EPISODE 90. Broadcast on April 15, 2012.
The cast shows up dressed in school uniforms and I’m getting serious Dream High vibes. Everyone looks so cute, especially Ji-hyo in her capelet (I wants), and she comments that the skirts seem to be shorter now than when she was in school.
Today’s episode is a Couple Race and look at those huge grins as they recall their previous Couple Race. Although that had a turn for the worse.
They declare their undying love for their guests and a MissA song introduces our first guest. Suzy perhaps? I wish I could better describe their frozen facial expressions but their smiles fall. Why is he here after a MissA intro?
Our first guest, actor Park Joon-gyu (Warrior Baek Dong-soo) expresses his displeasure as well – well, why are they here after a MissA intro? By the way, if you’ve been following RM since the start, you’ll remember him from Episode 8.
They accept him as a dud, and this time actor Park Sang-myun (Twelve Men in a Year, History of the Salaryman) dances in. He and Suk-jin have been friends for over 30 years? Woah. At the complete reversal of their own expectations, Haha asks: “Why are you doing this to us all of a sudden!”
Then there’s the mother hyungnim of them all: Lee Deok-hwa (History of the Salaryman) who enters with that epic ‘O Fortuna’ soundtrack. He strikes me as that mat-hyung you don’t wanna mess with, but if he accepts you, he turns into a puddle of goo.
He’s 60?! Uh, is he going to be able to keep up? HA and he’s already a riot, asking, “Why did you give me a hat? I’ve got two!” And he caresses his wig, adding that he takes it of when he runs. I also hear that it was a running gag in History of the Salaryman.
These guys are a hoot. They’ve got this mix of temper and aegyo (Sang-myun: “I said we’re friends! How many times do I have to tell you!” while Joon-gyu points to Ji-hyo’s uniform: “Give me one too!”) that seriously cracks me up.
It’s time to form our couples for today’s race and I love how much Jae-suk and Suk-jin whine that they can’t be grouped into the hyungnims and how Mr. PD tried to phrase it the best way as to not to cause offense: “The ones who are closest in age to our guests.”
And then when they hear that the dongsaengs can refuse them, Deok-hwa slices in: “They can decline, sure. Their entertainment life will be a lot harder.” Eeep!
Or what about Sang-myun’s wounded pride – will they take responsibility for it? HAHAHA. Dying. Seriously Dying.
Oh poor Haha. He’s caught in a rock and a hard place as Deok-hwa extends his hand… and mutters: “I’m sorry.” Famous last words. Teehee, and Joon-gyu wins over Jong-kook with a bit of aegyo. Sang-myun resolves that he’d rather partner up with someone he knows (aka Suk-jin) so much that he literally begs on his knees.
Kwang-soo yelps in excitement as Jae-suk chooses him and tells the ex-Monday Couple: “Enjoy your last trip together.” They might not be excited but I’M SO HAPPY.
Our teams cast off on their Fishing Race, with a golden float on the line (harhar). Apparently, this is what being friends for a significant portion of your life looks like – constant nagging.
Suk-jin complains (in banmal) that Sang-myun looks old despite their same age (He misinterprets that as ‘looks dirty’). Well, what about him then? Did Sang-myun have to beg on national television?
Cut to the nations MC with the Giraffe but as soon as Kwang-soo opens his mouth, we cut to the Monday Couple.
And it is awkward, as if it was like Day 1. They encourage each other that they can simply just return to their Monday Couple antics just like old times. Then, silence.
And you know it’s funny when your wig brings all the funny as Deok-hwa describes all its advantages: you can go diving, it stays still in the wind, and you’ll rip your skin off too ’cause the glue is so strong.
Here at an old-fashioned amusement park, the teams will choose from two rides: a midair bicycle ride or the Viking.
The instructions on the bicycle ride are simple – ride your bicycle (it looks like a paddleboat but on rails) once around without getting caught. Don’t let the burly sizes of those RM staff fool you – they’re judo and martial arts athletes. Um well, crap.
Deok-hwa and Haha readies themselves first (Deok-hwa: “I’m 60 but it’s my third time on a ride!” Why so cute?) and they roll out… and the staff are right behind their tail in no time.
AHAHAHAHAHA. These guys are no joke. A very peeved Deok-hwa orders the staff to push them back to the starting position: “Who ARE these guys?!”
Spartakooks looks pretty confident and they fire away… and they’ve barely made it 10 meters before *poke poke* you’re out. OMG I’m dying every time it happens.
It’s a speed quiz here and I’m getting this out now – I hate, repeat, I hate, the Viking ride. Both Jae-suk and Kwang-soo hates it as well and you can almost see their faces turn green as it gets higher and higher. So it’s a good thing that he’s a trivia king and Kwang-soo gives clear and short answers.
Yunno, in between all the yelling when they’re not focused on not throwing up. But I feel bad for the VJs and that guy holding up the clues. Not a fun job I’d imagine.
Back to the bicycle, Deok-hwa is seriously stealing the show. On their next run, he scolds the staff mid-track, even gaining a 10 second head-start. But it’s no use – they get caught right away anyway.
The Monday Couple succeed first reminding me that they’ve still got great rapport. Soon after, the Giraffe and Grasshopper pair swallow their fear to complete it. It’s definitely a lot easier than the bicycle go-around as the teams struggle to breathe after each turn. Solution? Make the same staff run the course again. Evil, but it works.
In the car, the Monday Couple seem far more comfortable now, even sharing food Gary’s VJ gave him. Their stomachs grumbling, they decide to grab a bite (uh, what about the mission?). Gary: “I’ll pay [for your food], so let’s start over!”
Maknae FD waits for them in the middle of the river dressed in full fishing gear. The choices here are canoe or piggyback to get their fishing lure via rock-paper-scissors. The canoe teams leisurely sail on the river, even poking a little fun at each other while Jong-kook trudges through knee-deep water.
Uh and I had no idea that fish liked raw meat. I don’t think fruit is in their diet either. But all that work paid off because Joon-gyu wins, grabbing the pail of worms. Sang-myun and Suk-jin make off with the paste bait (sticky rice cake bait?).
Jae-suk utilizes his Green Power to win and experienced angler Deok-hwa calls out: “Choose the fruit! They could eat it!” Realistically, the remaining choices are pretty bleak. The Grasshopper chooses grasshopper (is that like eating his own?) and worse yet, the Monday Couple picks up the fruit.
At the elementary school, it’s a classic game of name tag rippage while linked together. With arctic clothes as the big catch, Jae-suk stares at the large shark name tags: “We’re finished.”Omg, so ridiculous RM… hairtail? And stingrays?
Deok-hwa and Haha laughs in the hallway, thinking of ways how the mat-hyungnim can feign weakness to the others. They head up the stairs after spotting Jae-suk’s VJ, but while their backs are turned… Jae-suk slips out of the classroom and rips off Haha’s name tag.
Deok-hwa pulls rank to make them approach closer… which turns out to be a ruse and somehow he ends up kneeling on the ground. Oh Chairman Jin!
Haha informs him that he shouldn’t trust Kwang-soo because he’s a betrayer, but Deok-hwa’s got a sweet ol’ heart and can’t bring himself to eliminate the Giraffe. Haha plays up the dramatics again, grabbing at his neck, but Deok-hwa cuts in: “That’s what I’m supposed to do.”
Two heads are not better than one in the case of Sang-myun and Big Nose Hyung. Sticking their backs together is no use as Sang-myun is eliminated. And who knew that someone so badass like Deok-hwa has the daintiest of steps and unable to tear off name tags?
Meanwhile, it looks like Joon-gyu has taken the place of Kwang-soo with Jong-kook constantly berating him for his curiosity that throws off his animal-like instincts. Jong-kook: “Watch it on TV then!” Aww!
The others have been searching for the Monday Couple high and low. They’ve taken temporary retreat in an empty classroom. They get busted by Deok-hwa and Haha who offer to share their lure if they ally now.
Deok-hwa shows his name tag to display his trust, but be wary to do so in front of the Ace. She can take you down in a split second, good man.
With the noises growing louder outside and losing precious time, they settle to eliminate Gary.
All that noise is coming from the mookjjipa game outside where Jae-suk and Suk-jin are dueling it out. It’s a pretty long round, but Jae-suk ends up losing and he does what he does best – run.
Suk-jin and Sang-myun nearly fall into their booby trap (Jong-kook) and run for cover. I love it how all the hyungs can’t seem to comprehend the constant betrayal in their heads: “Is it always like this?!” Yes – which is why it makes it awesome.
Before long, the other teams have zeroed in on one target – Jae-suk. It’s pure chaos with Sang-myun pushing the door open and all the yelling. Basically, Deok-hwa suggests they eliminate Jong-kook whilst the cast members shout that both Jae-suk and Kwang-soo are notorious betrayers.
With his back turned for just a second, Jae-suk is taken out. And Kwang-soo ends up with a tailless name tag.
They all pursue Jong-kook and Joon-gyu down a large hallway (it looks like a fanboy crowd with all those VJs chasing them too). And not surprisingly, Kwang-soo tears off Deok-hwa’s name tag as he runs past.
Suk-jin and Sang-myun inch across the hallway until they’re face-to-face with Jong-kook and Joon-gyu. The four men get engaged in a hilarious silent battle, whispering while using all their strength to try and eliminate each other.
But Jae-suk and Kwang-soo’s sudden appearance throws everyone off guard and Jong-kook ends up separated from Joon-gyu. Easy peasy, they’re out.
In jail, Deok-hwa finally admits that Kwang-soo is a cold-blooded betrayer. Previously he gave Kwang-soo the benefit of the doubt, but now he understands how the anger can be so much that Choi Min-soo came out twice.
They practice what-could-have-been if they had run into each other, which pretty much would have ended with Deok-hwa faking a faint.
Kwang-soo informs the hyungs that they have to take out Ji-hyo. Sang-myun’s against the idea – she’s too pretty. He admits that he “loves her in his heart” as you would for your mother or as a fan.
The three teams circle each other, readying themselves for a final battle. After a head start, they soon end up in a tussle and Kwang-soo reaches for Suk-jin’s back to reveal the fish’s head in his hand and its tail in Ji-hyo’s hand. As they’re dragged away, Sang-myun renounces his love for Ji-hyo immediately.
Look at those faces. Those are the faces of the betrayers betrayed by none other than Ace Ji-hyo who secures the warmest jackets for her and Gary.
Night falls and it’s raining. They’ve got one hour to catch the biggest fish they can in order to win. They wait and wait. One hour passes, then two.
Gosh, THREE hours pass before Mr. PD blows the whistle, calling everyone in and declares no official winner for today’s race. Mr. PD, didn’t you know that fishing takes a loooonnngg time?
Deok-hwa declares that he’ll come back, be it in 3 or 6 months… and everyone says that it’s okay if he doesn’t.
More neck-grabbing.
Tags: featured, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kang Gary, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, Running Man, Song Ji-hyo, Yoo Jae-suk
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1 aramint
April 22, 2012 at 5:49 AM
First thing first, my Monday Couple is back!! Heh, sorry. My happiness is beyond words.
Anyway, I really love all the hyungnims, Deok-hwa being my favorite, with his temper, act and aegyo.
As for the couples:
Suk Jin - Sang Myun = whoa, now I realize that Suk Jin really looks young compared to his buddy. And it's hilarious how Sang Myun was so exhausted after just the first challenge..
Jong Kook - Joon Gyu = it's so cute when Joon Gyu tried his best to peek and peep, but got scolded repeatedly by Spartakooks instead, and how they thought they're gonna win.. ^^
Haha - Deok Hwa = as I said earlier, he is my favorite hyungnim, can be so cool one minute and childish the next..and not forget, how hilarious he is with his "hat".
Monday Couple = happy, happy, happy. One happy fangirl here. Call me delusional, but when Gary asked whether Ji Hyo has been to the park with "that person", it hurts a little. Their teamwork is one of the best, even Jae Suk acknowledges it.
Jae Suk - Kwang Soo = the priceless looks when the icons of betrayal got of my happiest moment..haha..
And Jae Suk just re-affirm his position as my favorite MC ever. His support for Monday Couple, his consideration for Kwang Soo, his great timing of jokes, and I can go on and on. Oh, and if given the whole Korean male actors, singers and MCs for me to choose from, Jae Suk will be my ultimate choice...hehe..
All in all, this is one of my favorite episode. I laughed so hard, enjoyed it very much. Hope they'll bring in more interesting guests like these adorable hyungnims... ^.^
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2 acejihyo
April 22, 2012 at 5:54 AM
the hyungs were a hoot. hilarious antics/pulling the seniority card wherever they go (as they should).
loling at MC awkwardness. i'm kind of glad jae-suk didn't really tip-toe around the subject and paired them up for this episode because they really need to get over this awkward stage and go back to being awesome and hilarious together.
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3 dls
April 22, 2012 at 5:54 AM
thanks for the recap!!
LOL the hyungs are super funny!
and love Jihyo-Garry repair here...
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4 jae
April 22, 2012 at 6:02 AM
unexpected funny guest! ^^
give you hard laugh from start to the end even you watch it raw...
thank you gummimochi !
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April 22, 2012 at 8:51 AM
LOL I did the same! I confess when I saw the ep promo of these hyungs that I am not familiar with... I was like...huuur? Ajusshis on RM?! How good can that be? Where is my eye candy? But turns out this was the only ep I watched RAW and even though I didn't understand most of it, but still made me LOL.
I dare say I found these guests more fun and entertaining than when say, Big Bang Part1 ep.
Thank you lots gummimochi! =D
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April 22, 2012 at 10:43 PM
Yep, a good bit more fun than Big Bang.
Often, the funniest parts are when the cast meets/finds out who the guest are, pick teams and the moments in the car - and this ep had plenty of that.
The awkwardness btwn Monday Couple was painful but all so funny.
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5 nova611
April 22, 2012 at 6:13 AM
GOSH... i luv haha
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6 danielkim90
April 22, 2012 at 6:20 AM
I loved all the interactions among the cast this episode! I loved how Deok Hwa showed Jong Kook what would've happen had they met during the Fish Name Tag Battle. The jail scene was probably my favorite!
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7 sjkwifey
April 22, 2012 at 7:05 AM
Thank you once again gummimochi for a delightful and entertaining recap.
I really liked this episode except for the fact that the ending was such a letdown but at least the previous missions were really funny to make up for it. I didn't expect the hyungnims to be that funny especially Mr Lee Deok Hwa, I like how he's so different from his mean and charismatic persona in dramas, here he's actually very adorable and has the cute ability to laugh at himself. I wish he was my grandfather because he seems like such a hoot :)
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8 Elise
April 22, 2012 at 7:12 AM
Maknae FD ; ) Don't know what i find funnier his awesome entrances or the road runner sound that accompanies them!
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April 22, 2012 at 12:07 PM
Or the fact that all the guests can't believe that for a guy his size, he's pretty fast. XD
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9 dee
April 22, 2012 at 7:15 AM
LOL... can't wait the next episode. thanx for the recaps ^_^
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10 holli
April 22, 2012 at 7:48 AM
Funny episode!! Those three Hyungnims were great. More guests like that than k-pop idols any day!
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11 LK
April 22, 2012 at 7:58 AM
This episode was so much fun! Last week's episode as well. RM is back everyone! I loved the guests this week. :D
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12 Rin
April 22, 2012 at 7:58 AM
Ji Hyo's uniform reminds me of her character in Goong!sooo cute!!
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13 ck1Oz
April 22, 2012 at 8:43 AM
Errr... I don't usually follow RM. I only read it because of Chairman Jin.
What happened to the Monday couple?
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April 23, 2012 at 12:21 AM
well they were a couple but 'broke up' after the news of Jihyo dating the C-Jes Entertainment's CEO came out. the fans have been dying to see the couple interaction again, that's why we're so glad to see they're back together in this episode. :D
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April 23, 2012 at 2:32 AM
Oh thanks.
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14 Daniella
April 22, 2012 at 8:44 AM
i think this was probably the worst episode yet. I loved the guest (Yay for Lee Deok Hwa) but....the end....and it feels like they were trying to force Monday Couple back together. I mean, I've already had closure from them being over, don't force them back together and it seems like they didn't like it anyway.
Song Ji Hyo is soo pwetty!
And Kim Jong Gook really looks hot in an uniform, haha
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15 shopgirl
April 22, 2012 at 9:19 AM
omo, ji hyo is so prettyyy,,love her with gary,,i wish all the rumour her leaving running man is not true, ji hyo unnie please confirm this as false rumour!
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April 23, 2012 at 1:35 AM
Good news! They denied the rumors of JiHyo leaving RM <3
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16 Ani
April 22, 2012 at 12:06 PM
Heck yes. This looks like it'll be a fun episode, minus that fishing bit in the end. *facepalm* Come on Running Man PD, you should know better. Anyways, glad to have our Monday Couple back, even if for one episode... of them being awkward. XD
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April 22, 2012 at 12:09 PM
P.S. I forgot to mention the burly Running Man staff with their pokey finger thing. I sure hope we get more of these two the way we have Maknae FD.They're just too funny. XD
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17 Cynthia
April 22, 2012 at 12:12 PM
This is the perfect example of what I've been whining about week after week.
The boys play a better RM game than the girls, sexist though it sounds.
This Hyung episode pulled out all the stops - craftiness, betrayal, innocence and the protection of the 'wig'.
Jae Suk did a great job in organizing the chaos, beginning with the last? Monday Couple pairing. Awkward, but sweet.
(There were rumours swirling that Ji-hyo was leaving RM, a statement that she denied yesterday in a announcement from her company. Whew! She may miss an ep or two if her new movie schedule interferes, but at least she's staying!)
Anyway, the Hyungs did a terrific and really funny job in this RM - would love to see them do a repeat visit. It's so funny to see the screen 'baddies' who are really all marshmallow inside.
Thanks for the recap, Gummimochi - it was great to see an ep that really made me laugh.
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April 22, 2012 at 1:33 PM
"There were rumours swirling that Ji-hyo was leaving RM"
I'm soooooo glad I didn't here about those rumors, because I would've had a heart attack long before our Mung/Ace Ji-hyo would've had the chance to deny it. Phew.
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April 22, 2012 at 3:08 PM
Rather than boys playing better than girls, I think it's just the fact that boys aren't afraid to get down and dirty. Girls (well, guys, too, but their images are different) usually have some sort of image to maintain, and running around and beating the guys isn't part of it. Usually. (Though how awesome would it be if it were?)
But yeah, I just wish more guests who didn't care about their images came here more...
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April 22, 2012 at 4:40 PM
Ordinarily, I wouldn't pass a comment like that, but RM simply isn't set up to accommodate the vast majority of Korean female celebs. RM is down and dirty with the best chases involving grabbing, throw-downs and outright wrestling. Ji-hyo is one of the few women I've ever seen who is willing to tackle her male counterpart - and even then, she pulls back when it's a guest. Just to point up the difference in cultures, here in the States, the women give as good as they get when competing with men on reality shows (which frankly, I don't see as something to be seen as necessarily complimentary).
I've mentioned in a past post that having women (or girls) on RM can have a successful outcome, but it's a whole different tone from start to finish. SNSD was delightful and funny, and Kim Sun Ah's guesting was really good (she's not overly hesitant to go after the men). But it's still apparent that we women are more comfortable using our brains and bringing the crafty slyness to achieve the win while the guys just go for the blood. That's why I thought Big Bang's 2nd ep was especially good - they were out for payback and were willing to be ridiculous (Power Rings!) to win. There's nothing like a bloodthirsty win to make me cheer!
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April 22, 2012 at 10:47 PM
One female celeb/guest who can play down and dirty (actually, she is the Queen of playing down and dirty - not to mention hair-pulling) is Hyori.
She really needs to guest on RM again (it would be nice if it Hyori, Yejin and Chunhee guest-starred together).
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April 23, 2012 at 1:38 AM
I would fear for Chunderella's life.... maybe even Gwangsoo's life too. XD
18 gg
April 22, 2012 at 1:20 PM
this episode was fun although initially i was hoping for some idol guests... but the hyungnims were great, especially Deok Hwa! I thought the fishing game at the very end was rather silly though - didn't seem very practical for the RM production team to include a fishing segment in, seeing as there's usually NO action involved when u're sitting around waiting for a fish to bite, no much dialogue since talking will scare away the fish, etc. Dunno what the PDs were thinking to have even wanted to include fishing in the game! And it made me feel sorry to see the poor RM sitting outside in the cold rain for 3 hours, shivering >.< but anyway it was still a fun episode!
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19 saiffy
April 22, 2012 at 2:38 PM
I missed the Monday Couple and this episode was a nice reminder of how much I loved this pairing.
Jihyo + Gary forever!
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20 Ginme
April 22, 2012 at 3:57 PM
I like this episode its funny but the end I must say is a dissapiotment and I dont even know if there is its confusing but the old guys are funny.Sometimes I like random celebrities rather that a popular super pretty actress who shdnt be there most of the time that episodes are boring.
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21 Ginme
April 22, 2012 at 4:02 PM
I love YoJaesuk but I feel he needed a long break he looks so tired and exhausted feel really bad for him. I saw ep 91 he looks really thin and cannot keep up with running. I wish they would do an especial episode that YJS will win and get a vacation and he will pick one member who will go with him. He sure deserve that.
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22 Barbie
April 22, 2012 at 4:55 PM
probably one of the top 5 episodes for me.
flawless. from jihyos capelet to the hyungs entrances to the casts' rxns to those entrances. the couple choosing, the monday couple... et al. especially the fish nametag reveals (LOL) & LGS's rxn to jihyos' betrayal... PRICELESS.
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23 Ondubu
April 22, 2012 at 10:17 PM
Twas a hilarious episode. XD I love it when you see actors break out of their own stereotypes. (Especially Deok Hwa, who plays scary guys a lot LOL)
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24 karulann
April 22, 2012 at 10:50 PM
Now this the the episode I am waiting for... Been so long since I laugh from the start of the opening till the end of an episode of running man. No offence but the previous last few episode where 'idols' are in it kinda bore me out.
Only disappointment is the heavy rain. Heck, the PD's are not God to be able to command the rain to stop.
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25 Anao
April 22, 2012 at 11:08 PM
Like most of the other comments say it was a funny episode.
I actually liked the ending, it was different from the usual.
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