Dream High 2: Episode 3

It’s time to set up rivalries all around, but to be honest, I found myself struggling to care in this episode, though it did pick up somewhat in the latter half. Most of the hour was spent rehashing conflicts we already knew about, though the rivalry between Hae-sung and Ri-an has hints of promise and might take an interesting turn. And we do get our first glimpse at one pair’s romantic sparks, which probably saved this episode for me.

Dream High 2 isn’t faring very well in the ratings, dropping with each episode from 10 to 9 down to 7.2% with this episode. Light and Shadow led the timeslot with 16.8%, and Salaryman came in at 14.6%.


JB says it’s annoying to have distractions in his practice studio, and Yoo-jin takes issue with that. Trying to break up the fight that’s brewing, Hae-sung pipes up that it is the agency’s school after all, and Yoo-jin’s squatting here, adding major insult to injury.

It’s enough to break up the standoff though, leaving Yoo-jin fuming at her. She chases him down outside, but he yells at her, asking if she doesn’t have any pride, if she’s just so nice that it doesn’t bother her that they took what was hers.

She hangs her head, and says that well, it’s not that they took, but that she lost her spot (from her own lack of talent). Yoo-jin asks what the difference is, or is it because they’re idols that she feels like it’s a given?

Meanwhile Ri-an confronts Kang-chul about his move to purposely out her from the movie. She asks to be allowed to act, and he tells her that she gains nothing from acting other than critics saying that she acts with her feet. Her retort: what idol doesn’t start out feet-acting? HA. No argument here.

But Ri-an asks what the lifespan is on her group – three years, at most? She muses that the other girls are good singers so they have roads to make it beyond their idol careers, but what about her? Should she just open an internet shopping mall and call it a day? He doesn’t even flinch as he tells her that it’s not a bad idea, since acting is not for her.

Later that night she moves into her dorm room, where Hae-sung and Soon-dong refuse to move out. She sees Hae-sung’s shrine to all things JB, and calls her a stalker-fan. As they fight, Hae-sung finds a picture of Ri-an with JB among her things.

Things escalate into a tiff about whose stuff goes where, and Hae-sung ends up sniffling on the floor amidst her broken trinkets, gluing the pieces back together. Yoo-jin’s words ring in her ear.

Jin-man gets called to unclog a toilet, now demoted to lowly handyman under Tae-yeon’s rule. He complains that she’s changed just because of the new agency, which she doesn’t see as a problem. Aw, it’s too bad ’cause I really did want her to stay nerdy and be one of the misfit teachers.

Jin-man drags his feet back to his attic room, more dejected than ever, and finds Yoo-jin waiting for him inside, with a whole basket of bananas as a housewarming gift. Jin-man can see straightaway that it’s a bribe to stay there, and starts to kick him out.

But Yoo-jin sees how frustrated he is over being the resident handyman, and offers to do all the fixing around here, in exchange for sharing a room. Jin-man considers it.

Hae-sung knocks hesitantly on JB’s door, and asks him out of the blue if he’s seen Dances With Wolves and Avatar. She explains that these two movies have something in common – interlopers come to a peaceful place and take over, stealing the residents’ homes and land. HA.

She says that the same thing always happens in those movies: a hero switches sides and joins the natives, and fights to protect the land and bring peace. He just stares blankly. She says that it’s the same thing that’s happening in the dorm, and hopes that JB will be that hero and take their side.

He just blinks and says it’s her problem and starts to close the door. But she sticks her foot in and looks at him in shock, “But… it’s because of you guys that we’re being kicked out…” He doesn’t think that’s his problem in the least, and shuts the door in her face.

Cut to: Kang-chul’s office, where he reads a report that basically looks like a third-grader’s scrapbook of Avatar, and peers over it to the dorm’s ousted students, standing there with blue feathers in their hair. Pffft.

He barely holds in his laughter as he attempts to understand the situation – so they’re the natives, and he’s the bad guy? He tells them to take it up with Principal Joo, but they already have, and got a big, “What do you want me to do about it?”

Hae-sung says it isn’t fair to compare them with idols, while Eui-bong asks to be given a fair shot against them. Kang-chul scoffs, asking if they really think they can beat them, and no one dares to accept the challenge. They shuffle back to class, defeated.

Kang-chul wonders if Principal Joo is really on his side or not, and decides to keep watch to figure out if he’s really a toothless tiger, or if he’s actually a hyena keeping his teeth hidden.

Tae-yeon gives the students a breathing test in singing class, by taping strips of tissue paper to their noses, and having them compete to see who can keep theirs afloat the longest. The idols win out, with Nana leading the pack.

She announces the upcoming midterm as a duet performance, and tells them to choose their partners and get to work.

Ri-an and Hae-sung bicker while heading into the bathroom at the same time, and then a group of girls comes in after them. Soon-dong is among them, and when her friends ask about her duet partner, she names Hae-sung right away, and then adds that Ri-an will lose some face this time around.

Her group’s got three members, which means there’s no way they’d include her. Ouch. It’s embarrassing enough to know that Hae-sung has heard all this, but then Ri-an is forced to acknowledge her presence when she drops her tissues into the stall next door.

Hae-sung is seconds from helping her out, when she acts like a brat about it, and Hae-sung happily leaves her hanging with the reminder, “You told me not to touch your stuff.” That’s karma for ya.

Kang-chul makes an announcement (though why he felt the need to film it like the five o’clock news I have no idea) that the upcoming midterm scores will determine the fate of the dorms, in response to the protest today. And to make it fair, the judge will be Principal Joo.

The students cheer and thank Hae-sung for her crazy idea, but as soon as talk turns to duet partners, everyone including Soon-dong disappears at the speed of light. Aw, poor Hae-sung. Soon-dong sets out to get on Yoo-jin’s good side to partner up with him.

Ri-an’s suspicions are confirmed when Ailee sidles up to Nana, and JB says he’ll partner up with Shi-woo, as expected. There is the problem of finding Shi-woo, because apparently he’s MIA and due for a rebellion of some sort, and JB sighs.

In the dorm, the bidding starts for Hong-joo as duet partner, and Hae-sung almost succeeds in out-bidding everyone, until Nana shows up and says she’ll bid her voice. They launch into a duet on the spot, as we montage into everyone practicing for the midterm.

Partners it is, and the Nana-Hong-joo pairing throws everyone for a loop – Ailee, who assumed she’d be partners with her bestie, and Hae-sung who’s lost out on her sure bet to score well.

Ri-an is busy watching her drama episode of Dream High where they’ve cut her in as Hye-mi in the Kirin audition scene with Baek-hee. Ha. She’s so terrible that even SHE cringes, watching herself. Yeah, it’s that bad.

She drowns in the online chatter about how awful she is and how it’d be better to make Baek-hee the lead. JB comes by to ask her about it, and she wonders if he still likes her. She cheekily tells him that dating is against the rules, as if challenging him, and he laughs.

Ri-an’s been fielding calls from her mother for days, and finally heads out to meet with mom and a new agency rep, who assures her that if she switches teams, he’ll take care of the back end and make sure that her image remains untarnished, while promising her that her primary career will be acting. But the meeting is discovered by a reporter, and is quickly called to an end.

Shi-woo heads out to a club where he drags one girl out from the crowd. She’s a has-been idol buried in scandals, and pretty much resigned to her fate. He tells her that it’s not the first time, but she says that her life is over at twenty-two, and that she never should’ve become a singer.

JB arrives at the club looking for him (with a tip from Nana) but misses him and ends up walking back alone. The sound of a guitar stops him. It’s Yoo-jin, playing out in the street with a sign advertising guitar lessons.

People applaud, take flyers for lessons, and leave him money, and when he stoops down to collect it, someone tosses in a 10 won coin. He looks up and it’s JB, musing that he hasn’t changed his repertory in years. He tosses in another coin and commands him to sing another.

Yoo-jin scoffs that he doesn’t sing for just anybody, and offers the crowd another song from the soul, not “imitating other people.” He starts, but then the crowd suddenly screams, “It’s JB!” nearly knocking Yoo-jin over to get to him. JB smirks and Yoo-jin is left gaping.

Shi-woo leads the girl to her car, but discovers a pair of guys playing paparazzi and snapping pictures of them. He gives chase into an alley and smashes their camera, which only makes them turn on him.

Yoo-jin and JB head back (though why the sworn enemies are walking home together beats me) and spot Shi-woo getting the crap kicked out of him. Yoo-jin makes a move to help him, but JB stops him with a hand to the shoulder, saying that Shi-woo’s always messing up.

Yoo-jin’s jaw drops, “Aren’t you friends? Members of the same group?” JB tells him to stay out of it. But they both end up heading over anyway, and JB actually pushes Yoo-jin aside to help Shi-woo himself.

One of the guys recognizes him and taunts the little idol boy, so JB gets all ragey and throws punches. Yoo-jin scoffs, “You’re the one who said to stay out of it,” and joins them in the fight anyway.

Hae-sung searches for someone to be her duet partner to no avail, while Ri-an gets presents and offers left and right. Wanting to be alone, Ri-an demands that Hae-sung get out, since she doesn’t deserve to be there anyway, and Hae-sung serves it right back, saying that if Ri-an’s an idol she at least ought to be better than her.

Ri-an tells her the story of her uncle who wasted his life away studying for the civil service exam that he could never pass, and tells her that what she needs is a great big dose of reality to make her give up.

It leads to a hair-pulling catfight, but Ri-an ends it with one big kick to the face, sending Hae-sung flying back onto the bed with a bloody nose. She and Soon-dong end up in Tae-yeon’s room, begging for one night’s refuge from their roommate from hell.

Hae-sung stays up late, solving math problems to relieve her stress (well that’s just loony tunes) and catches Yoo-jin sneaking into the dorms. He scares her half to death, and has to drag her into the kitchen just to keep from being discovered.

They share a pack of uncooked ramyun and she asks how his duet with Soon-dong is going. That’s news to him since he never agreed to be her partner, and Hae-sung perks up, “Do you want to be my partner?” He awkwardly coughs his way out of answering her directly.

She sees the cuts and bruises on his face, and takes some band-aids out of her pocket. She patches him up, covering his nose and cheek with little JB band-aids, which is sure to make him crazy later. Heh.

But the closeness stirs him, and he suddenly becomes shy and smiley at her touch. AW. Okay, first really cute moment of the show.

She gets up to go, but then turns back to say that he was right – she’s not going to let them take what’s hers, and she plans to fight for it. He smiles proudly.

They walk out into the hall together, and run right into JB and Ri-an (because he called her to let him inside the locked door). It’s just a silent stare-off, but Hae-sung’s clearly upset, and Yoo-jin clocks her reaction.

Yoo-jin wakes up the next morning to Jin-man staring at his face (or more accurately, his cutesy JB band-aids). Jin-man: “Do you like guys? But you can’t like me, okay? And put on some clothes around here.” Ha.

Yoo-jin pushes him aside and gets up, but one look in the mirror says it all. He screams bloody murder.

Principal Joo gets an unsettling visit in the morning from some cops, and then the school erupts with the announcement that Shi-woo and Yoo-jin have been suspended.

News breaks of yet another Shi-woo scandal and Kang-chul decides it’s time to cut him loose for good. He tells Ji-soo to leak the story and look for another school for his transfer.

Meanwhile Principal Joo helps smooth things over for Yoo-jin with the police, though he’s still on the hook while JB and Shi-woo have paid their way out with a settlement. He then notices the shiny new guitar Yoo-jin is carrying. He seizes it until he’s in the clear, mostly because having the guitar means he’s got access to perform in the street. But he looks like he’s enjoying it personally as well. Yoo-jin stews.

In the hospital, JB reads about Shi-woo possibly being cut from OZ (Ji-soo hospitalized both the boys to sway sympathy their way) and Shi-woo shows him the list of students to be cut.

He figures he was on his way out anyway, so he expected as much, but didn’t think it’d be so soon. JB wonders why he’s showing him the list, and says it’s totally logical that the agency would cut its underperforming artists.

He asks if Shi-woo expected him to fight on his behalf. Maybe not fight, but not being an ass about it would be nice. Shi-woo tells him he’s changed, and JB rips up the list and counters that he thinks it’s more pathetic when people refuse to change. Uh, okay then.

Ri-an frets over Shi-woo just being tossed to the curb that way, and Kang-chul uses the opportunity to make his point – that he knows more than she thinks, and that he’s got the power to make it so that Shi-woo (and she, by implication) can’t work in this industry ever again. He warns her not to make trouble.

Principal Joo tries to remind Kang-chul that this is a school not an agency, and that they should maybe try to protect the students and grow them, not just cut people at the first sign of trouble.

But Kang-chul declares that he’s going to make Kirin the best art school in the world, and the way you do that is by cutting those who don’t show promise. He says that giving endless amounts of false hope is just as bad, and that they ought to find what they’re good at if it isn’t this.

Principal Joo just asks for a fair chance for everyone, and Kang-chul says that’s what the exams are for. To make it interesting, he decides that out of each duet pair, only one will make it and the other will get cut. Just for kicks? That’s sadistic.

Yoo-jin chases JB down in the hall to confront him, and JB just tells him that he did warn him to stay out of it, and offers to loan him money if he needs it. He turns to go with a smirk, and Yoo-jin calls him a pathetic bastard. JB stops, and has some kind of reaction… I just couldn’t tell you what it is.

Ri-an finds Hae-sung and asks her to be her duet partner. Hae-sung starts to turn her down, but Ri-an guesses that she doesn’t exactly have a lot of choices right now. Hae-sung eyes her warily and starts to consider it…


Sigh. For most of the episode, I found myself hard-pressed to find a reason to care about this show, because none of the characters were really moving me. The setup has potential, but none of the execution is taking full advantage. It’s sadder knowing how full of spark Dream High was, because the reminders of its better, slicker predecessor aren’t doing this show any favors.

Yoo-jin is so far the only character worth following, and though Hae-sung and Ri-an show signs of promise, they’re still barely out of the gate. Perhaps this duet rivalry will bring something a little more interesting for that pair? We can only hope. I’m already really tired of the JB/Yoo-jin rivalry, only because it’s exactly the same in every single episode, and multiple times in each episode at that. I’m confused why they waste so much time repeating the exact same conversation between them, because, uh, we geddit.

At least give them dueling guitars or something to change it up; just something other than that same in-your-face stare-off for the umpteenth time. And it’s starting to feel like beating a dead horse, but man, if JB were played by someone who could act, I might not feel like all his scenes were sucking the joy out of this show. It kind of kills me that his role is just getting bigger.

The thing is, I remember caring a lot more about every little sing-off and dance-off in Dream High, but I’m perplexed as to why I don’t feel the same pull this time around. I think the answer is that the musical numbers aren’t rooted in narrative the same way — there’s no setup and motivation, just a detour for a song, with no stakes. I need stakes, otherwise I’ll just tune out, no matter what the song is.

The one moment between Yoo-jin and Hae-sung with the band-aids was the first time I saw a spark and a connection worth caring about – it was enough to make me wonder why we’re getting so very little of their interaction in favor of the lesser pairings. And I don’t even mean romantically, (though the cute sparks are a big plus) but these two as characters are a great pair. Their scenes together might be my only lifeline to the show, if things stay the way they are.

We’re still waiting for the show to get better and give us a reason to stick with it. We’ve been on the fence for recaps from the start, but now I’m beginning to wonder if maybe the plus side of that fence was all based on residual feelings from Big Brother Dream High. I’m still rooting for you, Dream High 2, but if you can’t stand on your own two legs, I might have to cut you loose.


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Love the show... yet they have a lil too much filling


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That's exactly what it is right there. FILLERS! That's the best way to explain it. It's why some anime have been known to be a pain, because of all of the damn fillers. Dream High 2 needs to just stop with the nonsense and start making people care.


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At least animes sometimes have the excuse of having fillers so that it doesn't go ahead of the ongoing manga. But not this show.


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I always felt that I either prefer the anime air after the manga is close to being completed or some such thing, or the anime just not bother with fillers and wait it out. The most useless fillers I can recall were the Naruto ones. Probably why I fell off that wagon.... Bleach too. Heh.


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i actually agree 100%
plus i don't know why but every time a dance number comes out now i just end up fast forwarding it because it's so boring :|


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Totally agree.. in Dream High i would absolutely love the musical numbers because they were always so cute and sincere but now it just seems like these musical numbers are to try to fancy up a weak plot... :/
Definitely fast forwarding majority of those.

FOCUS MORE ON HAESUNG AND YOOJIN. that's all i've got to say.. because amazingly.. the bandaid scene was also the first scene i really cared about.


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JB Bandaids heh


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i still love the setup. now, after the polish is gone from the first week's excitement, i can see the cracks. writing and acting being the large ones here.

honestly, i sort of just want the whole show to be about yoo jin and hae sung.


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Some emergency action should be taken. It wouldn't be the first show to do it. So they should, at least, change the writers a.s.a.p. Because, well, to change actors would be... Impossible. Otherwise this drama will slowly die into misery and it would be too much of a pity for Dream HIgh 1 to have such a poor relative.


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*sigh* I couldn't even finish reading the recap. Dream High 2 isn't drawing me in :( I found myself just scrolling down to see the eye candy instead of actually trying to focus on the story. Hopefully is gets better?


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I know.. I was looking forward to the drama because of kang sora and jin woon but the story just isnt developing.. ugh such a shame since I WANT to like this show..


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Same here! I kept on scrolling down n down to check if there is anythng interesting anywhere...but nope! Totally disappointed! :( Altho i dis pause at the yoojin n hae sung cute moment :P but that was it! There is hardly any dreaming or going higher here LoL. Its just a plain simple boring drama with music as d base, cant even try to compare it with DH1 >.<


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sad to say that i feel the same way... this drama does not excite me in any way... even the main leads are losing their touch with me in this episode... they were the only reason i watch ep 3 because i was totally bored with the first 2 episodes....oh my...i hope episode 4 is a better episode or i might just drop this altogether and not waste my time... sigh...


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OMG!!! This is what I was doing too. Didn't really bother reading the entire recap. I don't know if I will even tune in the next time.


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Gah...same here. I mean I read the recap and I love Girlfriday like nobodies business, but the story itself was so boring :(

When I watch I'll make sure to fast forward to the cute YooJin and HaeSung scene. They really need to just make the show about them. The idols are boring.


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I feel like I'm only watching this for Kang So Ra and Jinwoon. Which would be fine, I guess, if they were front and center most of the time. Sigh.


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Basically I agree. I started watching this because of Kang Sora... but her character... slow growth. Although I'm interested in how she'll turn out.

Yoojin is by far the most interesting character. Which is funny because I usually root for the cool guy more than the 'hot/rash' guy, but... <3 gyuh.

I'm sort of interested in Rian... and I like Nana. Shiwoo too is intriguing, if only to get me interested in what he meant by JB has changed and JB's huge reaction. I AM getting more interested in JB as a character... but not really because of -him- yet?

._. I feel sad hearing that DH is SEW MUCH BETTER from people... I mean, the ratings says it all, doesn't it? (Have not watched DH yet). But I'll continue to watch DH2 until it completely dashes my hope by either picking up in the wrong direction, or not picking up fast enough.

Please get better show T_T...


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I believe DH1 eventually made it as the leader of its time slot. the plot and characters were more defined and well written.

I finished watching both and can in all honesty say DH1 was much better.


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"JB stops, and has some kind of reaction… I just couldn’t tell you what it is."

Hahaha. That was epically hilarious. I have this feeling if things don't pick up tomorrow, than jb and girlfriday are going to stop recapping. So for all that is good and holy, pick up the pace Dream High 2. You're getting slaughtered out there. COME ON! I'm loving the little scenes we are getting of Yoojin and Haesung, but it's not enough. I need more! MOAR! I'm sad that we might be losing Dramabean recaps of DH2, but I'm going to hold on and keep watching. Why? Because Jung Jinwoon and Kang Sora make it a little less oainful to watch.


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Oh kerfuffle FINGERS! *hands desk* Followed by a *headdesk* Sigh


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dude, this is a bummer like none other.


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"I think the answer is that the musical numbers aren’t rooted in narrative the same way — there’s no setup and motivation, just a detour for a song, with no stakes. "

Agreeeeeeee. Last episode was friggin pop song overkill, I was bored to tears. And even in the 1st episode when BEG's abracadabra came on during the ritual scene, that was totally unnecessary.

Anyway, haven't watched this episode yet, skimmed through this recap and judging by your comments, I don't have to get my hopes up for this ep. I'm still rooting for this drama too but god it is hurting me.


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I dropped the show at the first episode T.T


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I hope you guys will still recap Dream High 2. It doesn't have to be you guys someone else could recap them. :)
Come on Dream High 2!


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Thanks for the recaps, I also don't see much potentials from other actors aside JW and KSR, and as I watch the episode, I only look forward to the scenes with them two together.


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"JB stops, and has some kind of reaction… I just couldn’t tell you what it is."

lolz, even Suzy wan't this bad. I can't believe anything this kid says. When he talks (or doesn't) I just get distracted by the vacant look in his eyes. I don't even know anything about his real-life idol career so that makes it doubly hard to care. Sigh. I had such high hopes for this season too. Hopefully tomorrow night is better.


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Instead of Suzy, I think of JB as the Taecyeon counter-part of DH2. Though Taec wasnt that impressive of an actor..he wasnt THIS bad and contributed SOMETHING to make the triangle and plot more compelling.

Also, while we are talking abt Dream High...
I LOVEE how Kim Soo Hyun/Sam Dong has his eyes closed. So. Cute. *_*


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So true. Suzy was semi-decent not really bad in the beginning of Dream High, but even than she improved. Not even at her worst was close to of JB's 'acting'. Heck even Taecyeon is better, not by much though, at least he tried to act.


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Sigh. Just watching for Jinwoon. I hope he makes it big, since I just love him *squeeee (love his rock and ballad songs. Weird to put them in the same sentence, I know.)
But really, this show...
needs to get a grip?
deliver right?
get a better actor?
less dancy/glam more plot?
stop referring to Dream High, cause it's making me want this show to be as good as the last?
I dunno. :/ This show is just...meh.


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The band-aid scene basically made the entire episode for me. So much so that I'm willing to stick around with this show just to see what happens with those two kids. It is so unfortunate that they have had so little scenes together because they're the highlight of every episode and I can't get over how much I am loving Jinwoon here. His face during that entire scene with the bandaids was just lovely.

I'm still hoping this show improves because I still see a lot of potential here and I do think episode 3 was a lot better than episode 2 but so far it's the Kang Sora and Jinwoon show.


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Hahahaha. i totally agree..

I was just watching this ep all bored-like..
And then the bandaid scene came and then all of a sudden i had some care in this dream-high"er" world.

Just love how jin woon was able to express that puppy love on his face.


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I get secondhand embarrassment watching JB act. It's just...really awkward and wooden and bad.

I'm actually really impressed with Jinwoon. For a rookie actor, he's doing a great job.

Sticking around for Hae Sung and Yoo Jin as of right now. They're also my lifeline to this show. Not to mention I love their chemistry. <3


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Yup. This show is definitely under the BIG shadow that dream high1. Thankfully Jinwoon can act?!

I still loves the songs remake, its cute but if its continue, maybe as JB/GF said last week, it'll just be on long music videos.


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I just realized when you compare the "stare off" caps above, JB and Ri-an kind of look like dead fish.


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to be brutally honest...watching dream high 2 only makes me miss the first one so much. :(

the reason why this season is so mediocre in comparison is because only one of the writers from dh1 stayed.


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Really, they only have one of the writers from the first season? Bummer. I was just thinking that the writing seems off because I can't seem to care about any of the characters. Oh well, I'm still holding on until the fifth episode because I remember DH1 really didn't get good until then. God, I hope it gets better.


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Thanks for the recap!

I have to wonder how the auditions will turn out, because how will they cut our main characters if they are partners? I feel like it's a competition with no stakes for that matter. I may not know exactly how it will turn out, but I have a decent idea that none of our main characters will get the can.

Also, I hope they don't drag that out either. I'm hoping for resolution on that plot line at least by the beginning of next week's episode. It is just seeming less like a story and more like random sing/dance time with moody teenagers staring at each other. =/


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The biggest problem is the writing! Because honestly, I've got problem with the acting. Everyone is adequate and Jinwoon is killing it + Shiwoo actually impressed me today.

But the writing, oh vey. There's NO STORY! There are no stakes, there is nothing pushing the plot forward. Right now we have random scenes strung together. They're trying to tell everyone's story, but there is no larger overarching conflict. Crossing my fingers that ep 4 saves this sinking ship, that I will probably not be getting off.


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Maybe I'm easy to please, but I don't really see anything wrong with this show...heh....


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I think this is going to be one of those dramas where I keep hoping for it to get better (because I really want to love it) but it never does. Already, three episodes in and I have absolutely no emotional connection with any of the characters. Basically, I don't know what is at stake and I don't know what exactly I'm rooting for. The set up definitely has potential but it seems like the producers just don't know how to execute it all. I'll probably watch it through to the end because I'm loving Jinwoon and I'm a fan of Kang Sora. There should definitely be more Haesung and Yoo-Jin interactions, because those are the few moments this show that has me caring.


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otherwise it will turn out to be the little engine that couldn't..
that would be sad

I am puzzled as to what we should think about the characters and why should we root for them. except for that of Jinwoon, he's actualy making something happen and we see that he has some kind of a dream and a purpose there. but even for Haesung.. I don't understand why I should think that she should be in that school, they haven't given us anything. here wanting it soverybad isn't enough .. basically I love her character (if you leave out the fact how she worships that fish-face-dude).. but step it up already!

aah.. and there's too much filling indeed. and why are people randomly in one place and then in the other without any plausible reason?

I still like it though - for Haesung and Yoojin.. More Haesung+Yoojin!!! 주세요!!


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I was hoping these idol stars would make me care...but now i'm confused as to why they were casted in the first place.

dream high at least chose people who had other "acting" gigs prior. The producers have their priorities out of wack! hoping the duet project will shed light on the real conflict as opposed to flipping between characters we dont give a rats butt about.

make us care already, spend the filler setting up the story!


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Agree with most of the people here... This show is definitely on the slow start. I'm hoping that it will pick up soon since the new problem-cutting those who don't have potentials out makes the idols against the regular students. Maybe this set up will bring out actings from most of the main actors that will make us care? and want to watch what happens to these characters in the end.
Cuz really, it's third episode and the show isn't pulling me in--- I feel blah...There's no zing! or life or anticipation of what's going to happen next.


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Hae-sung and Yoo-jin's interactions are my favorite part of the drama... Hope there would be more of them in the next episodes...


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