Movie Review: Sweet Lie (Lost and Found)
by javabeans
Next up is a movie from a few years ago that always gives me the warm fuzzies: Sweet Lie, a romantic comedy that released in the winter of 2008, which also goes by the title Lost and Found (Sweet Lie being the literal translation of the Korean title, 달콤한 거짓말).
The film wasn’t a box office success, and I can understand why — it’s a little too familiar and comfy an entry into the crowded rom-com field to be a standout performer. But it has an easy-going charm that makes it a fun selection to come back to every once in a while, and it never fails to put a smile on my face. Its appeal is in large part due to the utterly winning Park Jin-hee, who is the best thing about the film, though I did also enjoy the down-to-earth slacker turn by leading man Jo Han-seon.
Director Jung Jung-hwa went on to direct last year’s cable sensation Flower Boy Ramyun Shop, which can account for the reappearance of second lead (in both projects) Lee Ki-woo. Director Jung also co-wrote the screenplay and you can see his mark in Ramyun Shop (produced with PD Pyo Min-soo), which similarly explores the romantic-ideal-versus-reality dichotomy and utilizes the same style of undercutting earnest moments with comedy, although Sweet Lie is nowhere near as manhwa-esque as Ramyun Shop. I consider that a good thing, for both projects.
Brown Eyed Girls – “좋은날” (Good Day) from the Sweet Lie OST. [ Download ]
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Sweet Lie is a total fluff movie, but it’s a fluff movie done right. Centering around one of rom-com-land’s favorite tropes — heroine lies to engage a man’s interest, and the deception grows more unwieldy the longer it’s in motion — the movie gives us a story that is comfortingly familiar, but tweaks the narrative in just enough places to keep from being entirely predictable.
Sweet Lie uses the lie device to its best advantage; in spite of a setup that is silly and cliché-ridden, the story is elevated by a witty use of comic scenarios, outrageous antics, and yes, even physical gags. It’s what I wanted the drama Lie To Me to be, and the reason I was so disappointed in that show was because the premise was golden, and the execution just fell so flat.
In this case, though, Park Jin-hee is so comically gifted — the timing, the slapstick, the dialogue delivery — that it just flows. You believe her, and the absurd situation starts to feel not-quite-so-out-of-left-field after all, with Park driving the emotionally grounded character.
So, plot: Park Jin-hee plays HAN JI-HO, a lowly TV writer who’s about to lose her job when her human-interest-docu program tanks in the ratings and is cancelled.
Ji-ho has never been able to forget her first love from ten years ago, and the minute you get her drunk is the minute you’ve signed away the next half-dozen hours of your life listening her drone on and on about KANG MIN-WOO (Lee Ki-woo), the perfect boy from high school and subject of her desperate one-sided crush. He almost hit her with his bike one day, and thenceforth she was smitten. (The relationship of those two events is correlative, not causative, but sometimes you wonder.)
Min-woo never even knew she was alive, even though Ji-ho pined after him and spent months making an elephant stuffed animal (prompted by a trip to the zoo) to accompany her love confession. She couldn’t muster up the nerve to give it to him in person, so she sent him an anonymous note instead.
Currently, Ji-ho lives in a cramped apartment with her younger brother Ji-hoon (Coffee Prince’s Kim Dong-wook). Longtime school friend PARK DONG-SHIK (Jo Han-seon) lives in an adjacent building, where he makes women’s underwear. They’re all refreshingly ordinary people — they make do with what they’ve got, neither rich nor poor. Not too lazy, not too ambitious. Average.
Having gone to school together since their elementary years, Dong-shik and Ji-ho are so comfortable with each other that they’re practically like siblings — the kind who bicker and know about that birthmark on your butt and from whom you don’t bother hiding your porn stash.
Then comes the day when Ji-ho gets mugged on the street, and in chasing after her bag-snatcher, she’s hit by a car. It’s not a bad collision but she wakes up in the hospital to find herself labeled “Ms. No Name” and the other party named… Kang Min-woo.
Not about to let this opportunity slip through her fingers, Ji-ho thinks fast, and lands upon that crutch so beloved by fiction: memory loss. So when Min-woo drops by to check in on her, she schools her face into a puzzled expression and asks blankly, “Who… am I?” It’s the first of many times she adopts that hilariously vacant expression and uses that oft-repeated phrase (“And you are…?”) to deflect suspicion in a sticky situation.
Thanks to the mugger there’s no way to confirm her identity, and Min-woo is forced to take her home, to his dismay — and Ji-ho’s great delight. He puts up with the temporary inconvenience, while Ji-ho spends her days playing the part of perfect guest/future wife: She cooks for him (with the help of microwave meals), mends his shirts (accidentally sewing his sleeve to her pants), and performs her best impersonation of a sweet, demure lady.
It’s not too difficult keeping up the ruse because her brother’s not concerned about Ji-ho’s absence (and their parents are dead). Dong-shik is the only one who cares about finding her, but his attempts to report her missing are waved aside by the police, who tell him to wait longer, to his frustration.
Min-woo displays a bare minimum of interest in Ji-ho at first, just wanting to resolve this problem quickly. But the longer Ji-ho’s around the more they start to get comfortable around each other, and he gradually warms toward her.
Of course, this is all facilitated by Ji-ho’s diligent Mary Sue act; she asks about his preferred type (quite and feminine, like Mom) and then makes sure to act as though that’s exactly who she is. She’s not entirely without morals; she wrestles with her conscience several times, wanting to give up the ruse but also unable to pass up this golden opportunity to win the man of her dreams. And yet, Min-woo mentions that he prizes honesty above all else, having once dated a liar and now finding it difficult to trust people who deceive. Gulp.
But as it turns out, she needn’t rely on her conscience to interfere with the Grand Plan, because an external complication arises: Dong-shik finds her and identifies her, putting an end to her Mr.-Right-falls-for-amnesiac-houseguest hopes.
Ji-ho can’t cop to her lie in front of Mr. Right, and thankfully for her Dong-shik buys the amnesia explanation entirely. So does her brother, who is easily convinced and utters in horror, “Noona used jondaemal with me!” (These are not the brightest bulbs. But they are cute in their slackerly dimness.)
Too bad, however, that this occurs just when Min-woo starts to show a romantic interest; Ji-ho has no excuse to keep living with him, but she does contrive excuses to keep bumping into him.
Dong-shik decides it’s up to him to retrieve Ji-ho’s lost memory, so he drags her around the city to locations from their shared past, like the high school they attended. He even organizes a mini-reunion of their friends, which just disperses the lie even more.
One of my favorite recurring bits is how Dong-shik and her brother “remind” Ji-ho of past events… by painting themselves in flattering and totally false lights. For instance, Dong-shik describes always defending her in school against harassing boys, while Ji-ho grits her teeth, because she remembers perfectly well that he was always the one doing the harassing. But who is she to complain? She grimaces behind their backs and they puff themselves up proudly. Heh.
Dong-shik continues the totally futile Operation Get Ji-ho’s Memory Back, which gets in the way of her own Operation Pursue Min-woo. There’s also the job she doesn’t want to lose, so when she’s called in by the boss for a new project, she heads to the station ready to act as her normal self at work. Only, a curious Dong-shik follows her and wonders why she’s here, widening the lie’s orbit even further because she then has to include her co-workers in the amnesia routine.
It’s hilarious because she’s so frustrated, but has to keep all her balls in the air, even though pesky Dong-shik is just throwing more of them at her.
For the first half of the film, I think it’s safe to say that Dong-shik’s mostly a fly in the ointment, popping up to complicate Ji-ho’s life. But as things progress, we start to wonder whether there’s more driving his actions than a platonic concern for an old friend, even though he certainly doesn’t ever let on to an attraction to her.
This leads me to my absolute favorite part of the movie, when Ji-ho and Min-woo are finally clicking, and potentially headed toward romance town. Dong-shik is, as usual, on hand to ruin the mood, and then he drops the bomb to Min-woo: “I wasn’t going to say so until Ji-ho got her memory back, but actually… we’re dating. For two years. Buh-bye!” Ha!
Ji-ho protests, but since she’s trapped in her act she can’t actually contradict him, and thus Min-woo goes home confused. She knows Dong-shik’s lying out of his teeth, but how can she argue without revealing the truth? It cracks me up.
To explain how they got together, Dong-shik concocts an elaborate story full of dramatic twists, like Keyser Soze writing Love Actually. It’s totally absurd — but brother Ji-hoon walks in on the explanation and falls for it, engulfing Dong-shik in a bear hug, ecstatic to have his favorite hyung dating his noona. Supposedly. Ji-ho stews.
Ji-ho is later able to persuade Min-woo that Dong-shik was lying, and that they aren’t dating after all. In the ensuing days, she continues to see Min-woo, while Dong-shik tries to convince her that he loves her and is the right guy for her.
It’s around this point that we start to get a bit more emotional depth from the characters, particularly with Dong-shik. He’s been kind of a bumbling loser thus far, but when we get to see glimpses of the feelings he’s been harboring, we finally get a connection with him. While it’s funny to watch him latching on to Ji-ho, it’s better when we can see what lies underneath the joking, bickering, best-buddy facade.
Brother Ji-hoon wonders whether Dong-shik’s feelings for his sister are a result of hanging around for so long, like a habit gone awry, confused into a romance-like emotion. Dong-shik replies that it wasn’t being with Ji-ho for years that created the love, but that being in love led him to stick around.
What I like about the tone of the film is that it doesn’t get soggy with the dramatics, though; there’s always a quick wit to draw back from too much earnestness, like in the exchange that follows Dong-shik promising to stick with Ji-ho no matter what, ignoring the fact that she’d rather he un-stick himself from her side, thank you very much.
Dong-shik: “I’ll do whatever I can to get your memory back. I could even die.”
Ji-ho: “Then DIE!”
Dong-shik: “I love you, too.”
It’s worth noting that Min-woo is a dead bore, but it is — not to sound like an apologist — for good reason. Ji-ho has built him up in her mind for the past decade, and she never really knew him in the first place, so he has taken on epic proportions in her imagination. He is the embodiment of love at first sight, of a dream man made flesh and blood. So what if he’s kind of stuffy and conservative and reserved?
Ji-ho argues that love is like being hit by a bike — it’s not about looking at the familiar guy next you and deciding you’re actually in love with him. It doesn’t even occur to her that Min-woo’s personality indicates a mismatch; the answer, then, is to make herself fit his ideal so he’ll fall for her. (As a corollary, there’s an amusing bit when the two men face off challengingly, and Min-woo says he likes Ji-ho for who she is — you know, sweet and placid and womanly. Dong-shik blurts confusedly, “Wait, who are we talking about?”)
Even so, Ji-ho starts to wonder whether it’ll work out after all. The obvious worry is that he’ll be disappointed in the real Ji-ho once her memory is “back,” but there’s also a niggling worry that maybe he doesn’t quite do it for her, either. Does he? He should. Why wouldn’t he?
Meanwhile, the evolution of Dong-shik from loser sidekick to worthy leading man takes a nice gradual build, and there’s an unexpected bonus when we discover why Dong-shik loves Ji-ho, and how it all began for him. True, you do have to get past the question of why he never said anything till a rival showed up, and also why Ji-ho never looked at him romantically either. As with a lot of rom-coms, there’s a basic suspension of disbelief requirement in order to get past the initial premise, and those issues fall into that category. One supposes that he was afraid of losing their friendship, and that he’d rather be with her as a buddy than not be with her at all.
That setup is another thing that I appreciate about Sweet Lie, in that it’s something of a reversal of the norm to have the hero pining for the heroine. I know that’s not unheard of, but so many of these best-friend romances are all about the girl secretly in love with the boy who sees her as the sexless best friend that it’s nice to see the flipside of that scenario.
What I mean by calling this movie fluff is that it’s a story that doesn’t really go beyond the basic plot. There isn’t an underlying message or theme, and it’s not trying to Say Something. It’s just a simple story about a cute, funny couple finding love amidst lies and shenanigans. That it does this well, and with numerous laughs, a speedy flow, and entertaining plot makes it good fluff.
And the term fluff isn’t meant as a pejorative, by the way, nor does it mean that the movie lacks emotion or dramatic resonance. There are poignant beats as well, and thanks to Park Jin-hee’s ability to emote in any scenario, those moments provide balance to the funny.
Overall, though, it’s the comedy that prevails, which works to the movie’s benefit. The humor can be hilariously dry, which I love, because it retains a sense of realism instead of going broad and outrageous. Even when we’re dealt with a slapstick moment, Park Jin-hee plays it so deadpan that the effect is droll, rather than jokey. She can do pratfalls that are hilarious for the physicality without seeming exaggerated.
In one example, teenage Ji-ho listens to a tape of Min-woo’s voice on repeat, all youthful infatuation. The taped portion? “Hello? Uh, who is this? Hey, if you called me, you should say something! Mooom!” To Ji-ho, though, the message is all dulcet tones and swoonworthy charm.
When her brother gives her advice, the scene takes on a thoughtful tone because it’s a reversal of his normally carefree self. He explains dumping the girl he’d been chasing after for ages because it turned out that she wasn’t the girl he thought, that it was like a shoe that doesn’t fit right. It’s a moment that resonates with Ji-ho, who’s starting to feel stifled in her cage of lies, and it doesn’t help that the Gucci shoes Min-woo gave her have given her scraped heels. We take in the solemn message for a moment… before we see that Little Bro is reciting dialogue written for him by Dong-shik. You know, to buoy his suit. It’s reversal of a reversal, which keeps the plot from becoming too predictable, even though the nature of this story is essentially predictable.
To wit: Sweet Lie incorporates some well-worn clichés of the rom-com genre, like the study abroad complication and the grand airport dash. It’s to the movie’s credit, though, that it twists those scenes to undercut the obvious with a wry sense of humor.
The verdict: My romance-loving heart did clamor for more outright romance, and while I tell myself that the film gives me enough to fill in the blanks myself, I don’t think it would have hurt to deliver a punchier payoff. It’s not a perfect rom-com and it’s not even among the most memorable, but as I said earlier, it has charm and always makes me smile. So while the plot can be silly and some of the developments obvious, ultimately the movie makes me giggle and leaves me with a comfy warm glow. I’d probably rate it a strong 7/10 — solid comedy, light on romance, not quite unique enough to stand apart from the pack — but on a good day I might give it an 8.
(If you’re interested in purchasing the DVD, it’s currently selling at Yesasia for $14.99. It’s the Korea version and therefore Region 3, but it does have English subtitles.)
- Park Jin-hee’s autumn In Style shoot
- Flower Boy Ramyun Shop: Episode 1
- Song Il-kook and Park Jin-hee in Fermentation Family
- Park Jin-hee and Park Ji-yoon in Grape Candy
- Mother-daughter pair Park Jin-hee, Kim Hae-sook
- Park Jin-hee: Calling Shin-youngs everywhere!
- The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry: Episodes 1-2
- Everyone’s all smiles for Sweet Lies
- Park Jin-hee tells Sweet Lies
Tags: featured, Jo Han-seon, Lee Ki-woo, Park Jin-hee
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1 ninji
January 28, 2012 at 5:27 AM
Yay! More Lee Ki Woo.
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2 Christy
January 28, 2012 at 5:30 AM
Never heard of this one - but it sounds cute and fun. I've sort of sworn off Korean rom-com movies (been disappointed too many times) but I may give this one a chance (at least once I'm free of these pesky essays).
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January 28, 2012 at 2:18 PM
This one is really good. I dunno, it is said to be predictable but I did not see the ending coming! Love it!
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3 Christy
January 28, 2012 at 5:31 AM
Damn it, I knew I wasn't first
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4 flora
January 28, 2012 at 5:44 AM
i just re watched it yesterday.It's telepathy!!
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January 28, 2012 at 10:23 AM
Me too! *hums Twilight Zone theme song*
I was surprised to see Lee Ki Woo in this because I had thought that FBRS was the first thing I'd seen him in. I guess LKW didn't make much of an impression on me the first time I saw Sweet Lie because his character was "a dead bore". Loved him in FBRS though, and I'd love to see him play a leading man with a cute, quirky personality who actually gets the girl.
I was a bit disappointed in the anticlimactic way that Sweet Lie ended. (Spoiler ahead): The scrapbook that Dong Shik made for Ji Ho was a knock-your-socks-off kind of confession; I thought he deserved to find out about Ji Ho's change of heart in a more romantic way.
Thank, jb... dramabeans really is a gift that keeps on giving!
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5 Cruelsummer
January 28, 2012 at 5:54 AM
Looks cute! I shall add it to my list.
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6 Kender
January 28, 2012 at 5:57 AM
This is actually where I first saw Lee Ki-woo, and Park Jin-hee. I always thought it was pretty cute, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who will turn to it occasionally on a rainy day..
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7 flora
January 28, 2012 at 6:06 AM
i laughed so much thanks to the actors .There is a scene:it's the morning and she though that he went to his work place.She farted and he suddenly appeared behind her.It was hilarious
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8 Lady Seoul
January 28, 2012 at 6:20 AM
Can't wait to watch it. Hopefully I can find it online and download it. ^^
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9 MM
January 28, 2012 at 6:26 AM
didnt like it much tho....actually snoozed during it which is somenthing cause i dont easily sleep while watching movies
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10 stratosphere
January 28, 2012 at 7:50 AM
Wahh, I was just wondering yesterday whether I should give this movie a try. Thanks javabeans!
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11 alua
January 28, 2012 at 8:20 AM
Oh goody! They are screening this one at the KCCUK in London as part of their "Year of the 12 Directors"!
For anyone interested:
(I'm shamelessly posting a link to my own blog here, but the KCCUK has not made the programme available online yet, they only gave out leaflets with full programme details for the year at the recent screening of Duelist. I just typed it up because I'm so nice. ;-) )
Javabeans, did you see that Pierce Conran referenced your previous film review as "the longest review of Penny Pinchers that is ever likely to be written" in his most recent Weekly Review Round-Up? (
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January 28, 2012 at 8:26 AM
Ah... turns out I'm wrong... there are two Korean "Lost and Found" movies, I just double-checked. I knew there was a Japanese one, but not that there were two Korean ones. Ah well...
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12 chahaya
January 28, 2012 at 8:22 AM
owh, I remember this movie but forget the title. The lie is quite funny even though this is not one of my fav kmovie
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13 Maricel
January 28, 2012 at 8:42 AM
I wanna watch this too ...
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14 moza
January 28, 2012 at 8:59 AM
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January 28, 2012 at 1:58 PM
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January 28, 2012 at 7:55 PM
thankyou for the link ^^
i'm watching it right now!
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January 29, 2012 at 10:53 PM
Thanks for sharing, looked it up at dramacrazy but the link was already down. You guys are really awesome I love the cast. Thanks JB for the movie recaps I actually have a big box full of korean movies some of them are meeeh but there are real gems that I watch over and over again.
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15 Jini
January 28, 2012 at 9:06 AM
PJH practically stole this show!
Can't imagine any other actress who can fit in Ji-ho's character like she did! :)
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January 28, 2012 at 1:59 PM
Park Jinhee always blows life into her characters so naturally
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January 29, 2012 at 1:13 AM
Yeah so true, she just brings something that I can't explain.
You can see her personality in every role that she took up.
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16 Maki
January 28, 2012 at 9:45 AM
I remember watching this movie a few years ago despite the bad ratings and comments that I saw. A lot of people had a problem with the ending but I loved it! This movie is hilarious and heart warming.
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17 Miky
January 28, 2012 at 9:52 AM
O i just saw this movie a few days ago and i liked it,not that i loved it but it's was light,funny in some parts(for me) and like always i wanted her to get her first crush...I found so funny the interraction with her brother...Mmm what can i say about the lead guy,not much really,not my type,too crude for my style....
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18 aznxgirlie
January 28, 2012 at 10:09 AM
YAY! Movie review! I love it! :)
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19 Bengbeng
January 28, 2012 at 10:44 AM
Huh, this was a fluff movie? But i so love this movie! thanks for recapping it, JB =)
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20 Zain
January 28, 2012 at 10:54 AM
I loved the movie. Park Jin-hee was amazing. This movie lead me to watch women who still want to marry because I looked up her other work. She is an amazing actress because I enjoyed her in that drama too. It didn't hurt that Kim bum was also in it.
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21 Ani
January 28, 2012 at 12:30 PM
I remember always starting this one, but never finishing it due to being distracted or some other thing. But it may be time to revisit it.
Thank you for the review. "Ask and ye shall receive" really does work. XD
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22 doublen
January 28, 2012 at 1:13 PM
I watched, but didn't like it. The heroine didn't stand out for me. It's time for the director to give Lee Ki-woo a leading role!!!
I can't understand why young idols (who are BAD actors, not arguing about good ones) get leading roles, when handsome, mature and experienced actors like Lee Ki-woo keep wandering around second lead zone? Although, I don't find him as a very good actor, he is still pretty decent.
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23 ultramarineblue
January 28, 2012 at 2:05 PM
Just watched it! The part where she sees how long he has loved her hit me right in the heart. I really hope Lee Ki Woo can get the girl in the next drama he's in though. Thanks for the reccomendation!
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24 missbess
January 28, 2012 at 3:08 PM
I love Park Jin Hee. She is so winning in everything I've seen her in.
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25 Alvina
January 28, 2012 at 4:11 PM
"Dong-shik replies that it wasn’t being with Ji-ho for years that created the love, but that being in love led him to stick around."
That was my absolutely most favorite part of the movie. It was so simple, so matter of fact that it was perfect :D
Thanks for doing this review. It was the movie that made me fall in love with Jo Han-sun.
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January 28, 2012 at 4:15 PM
Also, the bromance=love.
It was just so random how the brother kept hugging Jo Han Sun's character lol.
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26 Midgee
January 28, 2012 at 4:14 PM
Thanks for all the movie reviews!! Yay! You guys are the bomb!
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27 Laeah
January 28, 2012 at 4:22 PM
I just watched it because of this review. I gotta say, it's not "Deep" but it's a really good movie and I loved loved loved Park Jin Hee and Jo Han Seon in this. The few moments were the emotions were revealed were simply so nice and poignant and just lovely. :) I loved this.
I'd give it an 8 for sure!
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28 ais
January 28, 2012 at 5:04 PM
Sounds like a fun movie to watch.. I'll definitely check this out. Jin-Hee is an adorable actress!
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29 Mari
January 28, 2012 at 5:17 PM
From the screencaps, why do I get the vibe that Jo Han-seon look like early Cha Seung-Won?
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30 WM
January 28, 2012 at 5:42 PM
And...there's another one on my list. :D Hey, I'm a sucker for "While You Were Sleeping"; sometimes I just need the fluffy comfort of rom/coms. Thank you so, so, so much for this review. I've never even heard of this one!
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31 Monch
January 28, 2012 at 7:02 PM
Just finish watching the movie is just really good it has something that makes you feel good thank you for the advice :D
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32 Amber
January 28, 2012 at 8:53 PM
yay reviews! more please! :D
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33 liz
January 28, 2012 at 8:59 PM
Thanks for the review! Love all three actors. Must check this one out:)
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34 donnapie
January 28, 2012 at 9:14 PM
I enjoyed this drama too. :) Kim Sun Ah as a bonus in a cameo was an added reason why i enjoyed it more. :)
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January 29, 2012 at 4:58 PM
AGREED!!!!! LOVED the bonus
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35 dls
January 28, 2012 at 9:43 PM
Waah I watched this years ago... runs to rewatch now
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36 seoulice
January 28, 2012 at 10:49 PM
I really liked this movie. The best of which I still remember to this day. It was that heart tugging scene between Jo Han-seon and Park Jin-hee when the latter randomly asked the former what her shoe size is. He went on to say the wrong size and she was briefly disappointed until he added that it was her size when she was still a kid. Then, he continued on telling her all the different sizes she had as she aged up to the size she is in now. Awwww!!!!
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37 StarRain
January 28, 2012 at 11:47 PM
Watching Lee Ki Woo go from Kid Gang and Rude Women to A Love to Kill was wonderful! I know there are more movies in between but these three stick out to me! I'm still patiently (not so patiently) waiting to see him in Story of Wine (I need subs) but Lee Ki Woo is truly a lead actor in every respect.
As you can tell, I'm a fan of LKW...if you watched any of his dramas/movies, you would be too!
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January 29, 2012 at 9:56 AM
Firstly, thanks JB, for reviving this movie! Loving the movie review goodies you're dishing our way.
Saw this movie a couple of years back, but definitely going to schedule for a re-watch this wk.
Don't kill me diehard fans, but I have always found some remote resemblance between Jo Han-seon + Lee KI-woo.
Lee Ki Woo + Kim Bum
Jang-hyuk + Jung Woo-sung.
I have been noticing LKW on and off too (yes watched all those you mentioned) and look forward to his drams/movies. Unfortunately for him, his character always seems to end up being limitedly 'side-tracked'.
Even if he were the leading man category - Ramyun Shop. He always gets to play the calm, bland do-gooder gentlemanly sort. The type who almost always gets nowhere and then fades away (I think my last recall before Ramyun Shop was his role in Star's Lover, with Yoo Ji-tae and Choi Jiwoo)
Actually one of the rarer moments where he could really strut his stuff was in Rude Women. Loved his role there, and he was also so uncannily like a big brother face to Kim Bum's. I recall going : whoa, LKW can be funny, petty, pout and can kiss! :)
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38 marj
January 29, 2012 at 3:18 AM
wooh!!thanx for the movie reviews!! you really did listen to the requests of most readers!!
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39 Cabbage
January 29, 2012 at 4:48 AM
!! Wait! How does it end? Now I have to watch it!?
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40 Leila Aloha
January 29, 2012 at 5:10 AM
I'm glad that I came across your review of this movie. I have just finished watching it and love it a lot. Thanks.
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41 girlatsea
January 29, 2012 at 8:29 AM
Thank you for this. I was looking for the perfect rom-com drama but it seems like I've already watched most of them. This isn't a drama but it's close enough. And I have loved Park Jin-hee in everything I have seen her in, she doesn't disappoint.
I went to our little Koreatown last night to find the dvd, no luck. I guess youtube will do. Thanks again!
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42 Amy
January 29, 2012 at 1:11 PM
Sounds like a cute romantic comedy movie! I shall check it out when I have time! :)
This movie reminds me of a really good Taiwanese drama called In Time With You where the two leads have been best friends for 14 years and the guy has loved her for about that long too. The catch is that they both swore they would never fall in love with each other. XD It also gives an interesting perspective on the way we think once we get into our 30s. The drama has lots of poignant moments with awesome quotes. :)
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43 Caitlyn
January 29, 2012 at 2:53 PM
Ah, this sounds like my kind of movie. Nice and fun and simple. I'll have to check it out.
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44 Dramalover
January 29, 2012 at 7:52 PM
Thanks for this review I just finish watching this and love it!! It wasnt perfect but it had some really good moments!!
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45 Carinne
January 30, 2012 at 8:29 AM
I haven't seen this one yet. Its trailer is over the board and unappealing in that sense, but like you said, if it wasn't for PJH than I may not get into this later.
I wonder if this movie was the last film LKW done before army duty? Meh! Army done him better~
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46 Eunyoung
January 30, 2012 at 4:34 PM
Javabeans, could you also do a movie recap on poongsan dog? I read about it a long time ago on dramabeans and I remember it sounded really interesting. Oh, and this recap was great! Thank you so much!
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47 Fannnn:)
February 1, 2012 at 2:18 AM
Have you watched "Antique" (Starring Joo Ji Hoon, Yoo Ah In, Kim Kae Wok, etc.. ) Please make a review/recap of it.. some of its parts esp. the ending is quite foggy for me.. :)
부탁해요.. :)
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48 mud
February 4, 2012 at 9:59 PM
Thank you for the review! I just finished watching it and thoroughly enjoyed it. Park Jin-hee is a gem!
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February 5, 2012 at 11:20 PM
She is, she really is! Though she's always underrated, but she's one of the best when it comes to comedy. a well rounded actress!
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49 bd
February 5, 2012 at 11:18 PM
It took me over a week to get thru "Sweet Lie" (esp. the 1st half) and there was good reason for it, the plot was full of cliches (and not done w/ any new/original twist), the dialogue wasn't particularly interesting and there wasn't much in the way of cute or funny/witty moments.
Even Park Jin-hee and her character rubbed me the wrong way.
Didn't see any reason for Min-woo to start falling for Ji-ho and Ji-ho's change in feelings for Min-woo due to a scrapbook was so not imaginative or believable.
But mostly, the dialogue was weak and I didn't find many of the moments witty, funny or cute.
The standard for Korean film romcoms is "Singles" w/ the totally loveable Jang Jin-young.
For a romcom that's also based on a lie, "Too Beautiful to Lie" is a funnier film (starring Kim Ha neul and Kang Dong won) even tho some of the humor is slapsticky.
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February 5, 2012 at 11:24 PM
it's not just your cup of tea, some may enjoy it some will not.
But PJH carries the movie, I am also surprised by her portrayal.
She just bring different flavor on this one.
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