Flower Boy Ramyun Shop: Episode 10

The theme for today is Desire. Someone’s got his pants on fire, and it’s not from lying, that’s for sure.

EPISODE 10: “A Streetcar Named Desire”

We wind back a little to see Chi-soo gingerly cleaning off the egg from his face (best prank ever), growling at the eggshells, “With this I’m sure. My feelings towards you are contempt!” Okay seriously, his dainty highness screeching over being dirty just never gets unfunny.

He drives over to the ramyun shop, ready to exact his revenge (it’d be funnier if he had a carton of eggs in the passenger seat), but finds Kang-hyuk and Eun-bi hanging in mid-kiss. The look of heartbreak on his face is crushing.

Kang-hyuk leans in close, eyes closed, and Eun-bi stares in shock, and then closes her eyes for a second… until she sneezes, right in his face. Ha. Oh honey, couldn’t you have held it in a few seconds more? Damn.

She’s mortified, but Kang-hyuk laughs at her adorably, and lets the moment go, suggesting that she go inside before she catches cold. And then he picks her up again (gah, swoon) and sets her back down from the railing.

Chi-soo slumps down in his seat, hiding from view, near tears.

Eun-bi goes inside and starts rummaging for medicine, the kind you take when you’re in shock that’s supposed to calm you down. I always think of that medicine as pre-smelling-salts, like what you take to prevent the fainting. But smellier. Way smellier.

Ba-wool helps her find it, and then wonders what’s up with her. Still swooning, she sighs that it’s in preparation because she thinks a tsunami is coming. At the same time, Hyun-woo finds Kang-hyuk doing push-ups in his room. (To work off the sexual tension? Rawr.)

He asks why the push-ups this late at night, and Kang-hyuk says that a tsunami is about to hit. I love that the tsunami they refer to is love, not realizing that the real tsunami headed their way is one very pissed off Cha Chi-soo.

He’s still stewing in the exact same position, until a parking attendant comes by to warn him that he can’t park there. Chi-soo ends up having a one-way conversation with him by picking up on his phrases, and speaking mostly to an imaginary Kang-hyuk.

Parking Guy: “You can’t park here.” Chi-soo: “You’re right. I shouldn’t have parked here.” Parking Guy: “Ajusshi, back out your car.” Chi-soo: “So you won’t back out, will you?” Parking Guy: “Do you want to get a ticket?” He finally turns to parking guy: “Not here. Give them a ticket over there!”

Inside, Eun-bi is giving herself tickets, by writing clues about Kang-hyuk’s feelings and sticking them on her face. Right cheek: “Special.” She flashes back to the moment on the beach, when he told her she was special. Left cheek: “Jealousy.” Flashback to him grumbling about being jealous of Chi-soo.

Forehead: “Hot.” Bathroom brawl, declaration that wifey is hot. She wonders if it could mean that Kang-hyuk… really… And then the final ticket: “Bingo,” which she sticks on her lips. Heh. She puts on her coat and decides that she will never get sick again.

Kang-hyuk whines that he can’t wait, can’t resist any longer… as he does the pee-pee dance in a line for the bathroom, behind Ba-wool and Hyun-woo. It’s morning, and Eun-bi takes her sweet time, not realizing the havoc she’s caused outside.

Embarrassed, she tries to run off, but Kang-hyuk stops to tell her that she’s unbelievably pretty, even in the morning. She scratches her chin and heads to the store, swooning to herself about how he didn’t have to say she was unbelievably pretty, not realizing that Chi-soo is standing right in front of her. He backs her up into a planter, saying he’s here to work on their recipe project.

At the Cha estate, Daddy’s secretary reports that after much research, data gathering, and complex algorithms, they have discovered that the commonality to all of Chi-soo’s ailments as of late is: “That Woman.” Cue whiteboard with flowchart. Pffft.

They don’t know exactly what to make of it, (What? You don’t have an algorithm for that?) but hearing that Chi-soo goes to his ramyun shop job every day even when he doesn’t go to school, Daddy says to let him keep going, both for the good PR, and the connection it’ll give him to Eun-bi when they’re ready to buy out the place.

Chi-soo and Eun-bi work on their ramyun recipe, or she tries to, while he takes jabs at her. Displeased, he wonders why she looks so tired. “What were you doing all night?” She says she was studying, which he takes as a euphemism for hanky panky, and growls, “You must’ve studied really hard.”

Eun-bi ignores him and says that she’s thinking of using cheese as a base for his ramyun dish. Chi-soo: “Cheese is good. You like stuff like that. Stuff that’s greasy.” Hahahaha. It’s extra hilarious because he’s way greasier than Kang-hyuk is, but he’s not the one who pulled moves on her last night.

She ignores him again, saying that to cut the greasiness, she’ll have to add green onions and chilis, which Chi-soo pointedly calls “Hot,” and then says she’ll finish it off with black pepper. Chi-soo: “No, no pepper won’t do. You might… SNEEZE.” Hahahaha.

That totally goads her, but she doesn’t know that he’s doing it on purpose, and wonders what’s got him so twisted around today. She calls him a twisty donut, and he does this really lame dance that consists of turning in a circle, as if trying to mock her. Mostly it makes him look ridiculous, and the whole thing leaves her confused.

Kang-hyuk pulls him aside to ask if he fought with Eun-bi again, calling him Jja Chi-soo, or Salty Chi-soo today. He says that it’d be nice if he stopped being mean to wifey. Chi-soo asks why it’s any concern of his, “Do you really like her or something?”

Kang-hyuk stares blankly, murmuring that if he asks such direct questions in the morning… And Chi-soo smirks, thinking he’s got him rattled… But then Kang-hyuk sighs and puts his hands on his face: “…then I’ll be embarrassed! Is my face red? Can you tell my face is red?” Hahaha!

It totally backfires on Chi-soo, as he has to stand there and watch Kang-hyuk go googly-eyed, not even trying to hide how much he likes Eun-bi. He wraps his sweater over his head and lies down, all giddy and embarrassed, and Chi-soo stalks off more annoyed than ever.

It gets even worse when he sits in his radish corner at work, and witnesses Kang-hyuk putting his hands all over Eun-bi to “fix” her apron, which was in no need of fixing. Swoooon. Eun-bi melts, while Chi-soo has a meltdown.

He storms up to her angrily, and picks up on her chin-scratching nervous tick, wondering if she didn’t wash her chin today, and why she’s scratching it and being dirty. He says he’s going to wash his hands and gets in his car and races down the street, blowing past Ba-wool and Hyun-woo who get flour in their faces, and note symbolically, “Did something just pass by?” “It was something… hot…”

Cut to Chi-soo on fire, trying to get a grip. He gets a text from Eun-bi: “Did you go to the Han River to wash your hands?” He buries his head in his hands, and then asks Hyun-woo what it means when someone and someone else are always stuck together, and then when you see them, your eyes get all fiery.

Hyun-woo asks if someone threw pepper in his eye. Heh. He says no, it’s a feeling, like when you see those two people together, and your eyes go ’round the back of your head, and your head gets all hot, and it’s like a train is running right through you. What’s that?

Hyun-woo thinks for a moment… “It’s jealousy!” Two points for the slightly more aware Hyun-woo. Chi-soo: “Jealousy?”

At the shop, Eun-bi is busy working on her Chi-soo ramyun, by making… a flowchart? Ha. This one has “Dog Chi-soo” at the center, and isn’t that different from Daddy’s chart, in that it lists different places and events where they had big fights. She wonders to herself what the commonality is. She knows there is one, but can’t see it…

So-yi comes by the shop, and Eun-bi sits down with her, asking who she’s here to see – Chi-soo or Ba-wool? So-yi answers in her typical way, “Whoever comes first.” Oy. Between that and her idea of eating as munching on the chives off the top of her ramyun (and nothing else), Eun-bi and I have the same reaction to her: eyeroll.

Eun-bi asks how long she’s known Chi-soo, and when she says about ten years, Eun-bi asks if she’s cried in front of him before. So-yi gasps, saying that you can’t cry in front of Chi-soo. If you do, from that day on, you’re poop.

Eun-bi asks what it means to be poop, and So-yi clarifies that it means you are on the outs with Chi-soo from that day on. Eun-bi’s reaction is telling, as her heart suddenly sinks, and she scratches out the section on her flowchart that reads: “Don’t cry > Hot.”

Ba-wool waits outside So-yi’s house with the giantest teddy bear ever, adorably excited to see her. But she walks up with yet another guy. Ba-wool comes up to confront him, declaring that he’s her boyfriend/husband/jagi/yeobo.

The other guy, “an oppa she knows,” calls him poop and leaves, and Ba-wool screams at So-yi, wondering how she’d like it if he went around meeting other girls. She says it wouldn’t make her very mad, she thinks, and beams at the teddy bear, “Is it for me?”

Ba-wool: “NO! It’s mine! Starting today, THIS is my girlfriend!” HAHAHA. Oh Chicken, you are so cute. So-yi just laughs and waves after him, totally unfazed.

Chi-soo waits for Eun-bi in the house, and jumps at the chance to sneak a peek at the dictionary lying on the table. Omg, he’s taken to looking up emotion-words now? He searches for “Jealousy,” reading that it means being angry at someone for being better than you.

Chi-soo yells at the dictionary, like it’s clearly mistaken, that there’s no possible way that Kang-hyuk is BETTER than him. Hmph. And then he continues to read, and finds a definition that says “Between husband or wife, or people who love…”

He gets interrupted by Eun-bi, asking what he’s doing. He drops the dictionary like he got caught looking at porn or something, and she suggests they go eat before working. He starts to follow her out, and then runs back in to reopen the dictionary… and rip out the page with “jealousy” on it. Pfffffft. You don’t have dictionaries at home, billionaire boy?

They sit down to eat, and Chi-soo stares and stares. Flashback to the rest of the conversation with Hyun-woo, where he had described his ailment: So, you see her everywhere, hate seeing her with someone else, and seeing her laugh with another person makes you angry with jealousy?

Chi-soo agrees that that’s exactly it: “So then… what you’re saying is, I hate Intern SO MUCH that I’m feeling this way?” Hahaha. Okay, this is veering on gag concert ridiculousness. I might be concerned that you’re actually just dumb, save for your rare moments of insight.

Hyun-woo laughs, “No, it’s the opposite.” He starts to wonder what it all means as he stares, and then he’s jolted back to reality at the sight of what she’s ordered: chicken feet. He involuntarily gathers his hands in the form of claws, asking how a girl could eat such things.

He sighs that this is why she breeds such contempt in him. He asks point-blank (such a refreshing trait, I have to say) what her relationship is to Kang-hyuk. She ponders it a moment, and replies, “Um… an oppa I know?”

Chi-soo: “O-o-oppa?” HEE. Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee.

Chi-soo scowls, asking how long she could have possibly known Kang-hyuk, for him to be an oppa to her. He scoffs that at this rate, she’ll be saying, “Let’s date, Oppa.” She agrees, sure why not.

He scoffs that she sure is cool and casual all of a sudden, reminding her of her words, that you can change phones, but you don’t change love. He puts his hand over his heart, “You said that love is something you do here, here!” AW.

She points at her heart (with the hand not currently holding a chicken foot, heh) and says that she WILL love, and with her heart too. Just differently this time. She’s not going to let her love boil alone anymore, and instead approach something that makes her heart bubble over.

Eun-bi: “I don’t want to eat cup ramyun at the convenience store anymore. Ramyun is supposed to be cooked together and shared with someone else for it to taste good.”

He grumbles that Kang-hyuk is the one she’s going to share her ramyun with. (This metaphor of ramyun as Eun-bi’s heart is so cute, but then it’s coupled with the hotter interpretation of sharing her ramyun as having The Sex.) She counters that Kang-hyuk is a real man who knows the heart, “not a fake who decides his emotions from a machine.” Oh, snap.

He stands up, declaring that she can share her ramyun with Kang-hyuk as much as she wants. He suddenly sticks out two fingers in the shape of an A. “I don’t know how much there’ll be to eat… A-cup.” Pwahahaha. Dying… need… to breathe…

Besides the insult to her cup-size, it’s freaking hilarious the way he twists the ramyun metaphor from her meaning (the heart place) to his desire and one-track mind (the other place).

Ba-wool sits outside the convenience store, sipping yogurt across from his new girlfriend the teddy bear, who has her own yogurt. So cute. He screams, “An oppa I know?! Raaaaaaaaaugh. You once only called me oppa! OPPA?!”

And then behind him appears Chi-soo, in the same frame, “What? An oppa I know?!” He pounds his heart. “You once called me oppa! OPPA?!” Love it. God, I love when the A and B stories converge like this.

Ba-wool sees Chi-soo pounding his chest, wondering what’s up with him. He muses that he looks familiar like that… who does he remind him of… “That’s me!” He crawls into the ramyun shop, complaining of chest pain, and goes looking for the medicine that he gave to Eun-bi earlier that day, causing him to crouch behind the counter.

Chi-soo comes in behind him, still pounding his chest. Kang-hyuk comes out from the back and asks what he’s doing here. Chi-soo offers him a warning: “Your wife. If you’re just taking at stab at her, give it up. She doesn’t know the difference between real and not, between poop and soybean paste, and just gives her heart first.”

Aw, that first part is so sweet. But then he twists it, of course, to say that he’s saying this for Kang-hyuk’s benefit, because he ought to know what poop he’s stepping in. And Kang-hyuk, the nice guy that he is, wonders if Chi-soo is worrying for him.

“Don’t worry. From now on, I’m going to become Wifey’s real pillar now.” Aw. Yay for silly nicknames becoming meaningful declarations. Chi-soo shouts in surprise, I guess not having anticipated that Kang-hyuk’s feelings could be real.

Kang-hyuk in turn asks Chi-soo to play nice with wifey from now on, “because I like you, as much as I like wifey.” I love it. The more Kang-hyuk loves Chi-soo, the more Chi-soo’s hatred and jealousy becomes infuriating and impotent. This is exactly the kind of relationship I wanted for them.

Kang-hyuk smiles after Chi-soo, totally moved at his concern (ha) while Ba-wool comes out of his hiding place scratching his head. He writes it out in his room, wondering what on earth is going on, to make Cha Chi-soo act… so unlike Cha Chi-soo. He suddenly turns to Hyun-woo: “Does Cha Chi-soo LIKE Eun-bi noona?!” Well I’m glad somebody‘s faster on the uptake around here. Hyun-woo denies it, of course.

Dad stops Chi-soo on his way in to ask if he likes Yang-yang, his nickname for Eun-bi that means “that Yang girl.” Chi-soo denies it, wondering why everyone’s asking him that lately. Dad sighs in relief, which makes Chi-soo stop to ask why he’s relieved. “Can’t I like her?”

Dad says no, because she smells of home-cooked rice. Chi-soo doesn’t understand what’s wrong with that (which speaks to the progress he’s made). Dad says that Chi-soo is caviar. “Do you know what happens when you mix caviar in rice? You become laughable, like me.”

Dad says heartbreakingly, “Women who smell of home-cooked rice do not like men who smell of money.” Aw, what starts out as a statement that you think comes from a snobby place is actually the opposite – he was clearly rejected by the love of his life for being caviar. Chi-soo says, “Don’t worry. I have no intention of eating caviar with chicken feet. I don’t like that kind of fusion.”

Eun-bi heads home mumbling to herself about this being Dog Chi-soo’s revenge on her, shouting out loud, “Do you know infuriating it is for an A-cup to be called an A-cup?!” Kang-hyuk: “Are you an A-cup?” Ha.

They sit at the kitchen table, and Eun-bi brings up the question of age. He evades at first, and she tries to breeze that sure, in this day and age, who cares… but then insists that she’s just that old-fashioned and has to know. Otherwise, how will she know what to call him?

He says that he’s the year of the chicken. Flashback to her first traumatic mistake with that dreaded astrological sign. She’s gotta be sure this time: “’81 Chicken, or ’93 Chicken?” Kang-hyuk: “’93 Chicken…” Eun-bi deflates.

“…do you think I look like one? Me? They say love is blind, but if you’re already like this, then what’s going to happen later?” Hahaha. She rattles off how you don’t know when people confuse you and say they’re one chicken when they’re another, and you don’t know hen from rooster…

Kang-hyuk gets up and leans in, hovering above her face, “Don’t worry. I’m a very healthy rooster.” LOL. How is “I’m a rooster” hot?? But it is, and she blinks nervously. He adds, “So I’m gonna go to bed now. Otherwise… I think it’ll be dangerous. Good night.” Goddamn, that’s hot. Auuuuuuggh.

Dong-joo squees at the news, and tells Eun-bi to seduce him at the movies later that night. Coach sticks his head in, having joined the girls for a hair treatment (heh) and asks Eun-bi if she knows who Dong-joo’s first love is. Eun-bi shakes her head nervously.

Chi-soo sits at home, rereading the dictionary entry for “Jealousy.” He slams it down, dissatisfied at its bald-faced answer that he likes someone who likes someone else. I don’t know what’s funnier about this scene – his reaction, “Who wrote this stupid dictionary?” or the row of cologne bottles stacked to high heaven on his desk.

He points to himself in disbelief. “I? Me? I’m jealous?” He scratches his chin. Aw, I love how he adopts all her gestures one by one.

He storms into the ramyun shop on a Sunday, demanding to see Intern. Ba-wool eyes him suspiciously, asking why. He gives the excuse that it’s for the recipe project, but Ba-wool presses it, asking what he wants with Eun-bi noona.

Hyun-woo arrives to see them arguing, and Chi-soo asks if he knows. Hyun-woo says she went to the movies with Kang-hyuk. Chi-soo screams, “the two of them?” What he means is, “ALONE?”

He runs to his car, but Ba-wool blocks his way, refusing to give him an inch where his precious noona is concerned. I’m really torn right now, because I love Ba-wool’s love for noona, and want Eun-bi to have a nice date, but damn if I don’t desperately want Chi-soo to run to her and make some kind of declaration.

He screams at Ba-wool to get out of his way because his “eyes are on fire,” which is his physical symptom to describe his jealousy. One of Chi-soo’s friends arrives on his motorcycle, and Chi-soo drives off with it. So-yi arrives just as he takes off. And then in a moment to top the earlier adorableness, Ba-wool gets on his ten-speed, and chases Chi-soo down on his bike.

Meanwhile Eun-bi and Kang-hyuk have an adorable date. He gets up in the middle of the movie to go to the bathroom, and then stops in the aisle. He takes her hand, “Now that I’ve grabbed your hand, I’ve grabbed your heart too.” Aw, it’s so cute, but Eun-bi’s reaction is telling. She’s not smiling.

It looks like she’s waiting for that feeling… that never comes. But she swoons when she thinks about it, and buries her face in her hands.

Kang-hyuk stops to buy the hairpin that he saw Eun-bi picking out before the movie. When the clerk asks who it’s for, he says shyly, “My girlfriend.” Aw. Chi-soo arrives, passing right behind him.

He runs into the theater with his helmet still on, and then stops when he finds her. She stares curiously at first, not realizing that it’s him, but he takes off the helmet and tells her they’re leaving. He grabs her wrist and drags her all the way back outside.

Ba-wool arrives and sees them leaving through the lobby, but then So-yi appears out of nowhere, having followed him there. Nice interference.

Eun-bi screams up and down, asking what he’s trying to do, if he thinks her so laughable. Without a word, he pulls her in for a kiss, as the bell chimes in the distance.



Am I supposed to say something coherent now? Because Cha Chi-soo’s lips pretty much made that an impossibility. *Takes cold shower, resumes recap.*

Today’s episode title, based on the Tennessee Williams play A Streetcar Named Desire is (of course) a pun on the original title. The Korean word for streetcar is jun-cha, but they’ve replaced cha with Chi-soo’s particular exaggerated pronunciation of his name, as chwa. So it’s more like a streetcar named Cha Chi-soo, who learns just how hot desire can burn.

I like where they’ve taken the idea of hotness, this time to become Chi-soo’s burning eyeballs of jealousy, and of course his desire for Eun-bi. It fits nicely with the whole ramyun boiling over metaphor, which is love for Eun-bi and sex for Chi-soo. I’d say it’s probably sex for Kang-hyuk as well, given his cheeky inclinations, but he seems to be the healthier well-rounded one, who can maybe see and feel both.

I love that everything boils a little hotter for Chi-soo, everything from love to hate to jealousy. It feels right for his age, where everything burns a little hotter and a little brighter, and scars a little deeper. The intensity of all these emotions, coupled with their newness (oh so entertaining) makes him such a great character. Jung Il-woo is really playing him to the hilt, as someone who feels more intensely because it’s his first time at everything, at life, and it comes through viscerally. It’s adorable how Chi-soo and Ba-wool run around with chest pain like it’s more physical for them than emotional, which I distinctly remember as a real thing. I love that Chi-soo is so readable to everyone but himself, and how much that encapsulates the experience of being young.

And yes, Pillar is swoonworthy and hot and perfect… but the whole thing about A Streetcar Named Desire is the opening of the heroine’s eyes to sexual desire. It’s all-consuming and even destructive, but it’s a force that cannot be contained. Sound like someone you know?


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The physical interactions between kang-hyuk and eun-bi feel so real..i mean, it doesn't look stiff....just swoon-worthy. SWOOOOOONNNNNNN!


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thanks so much for an awesome recap. Did anyone see the trailer for next week?!?! SQUEEEeeee ~


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i wonder what dad cha trying to imply to chi soo. about caviar & home cooked rice... the woman dad cha is talking about is it chi soo mother?
I really want to find out! I thinks it's related to what chi soo doesn't like to see woman cry...
where is chi soo mother? waahhh! i can't wait! hoping to have a very very nice ending....


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A five year difference between a guy and girl isn't that bad at all. I am older than my husband by 4.5 years. We met when he was 23 and I was 27 (I am 38 now). So this romance between Chi-soo and Eun-bi can happen, but CS needs to grow up a little bit beforehand. She also needs to get her preconceived notions about age and throw it out the window. Agonizing over it causes more grief than needed.

I think the time jump will also be necessary. And a plot device of her waiting for another two years for Chi-soo to come back would be interesting. Seeing how she waited two years for her other boyfriend.

I think there is more to Kang-hyuk than meets the eye. I think we will see that in the next few episodes. I had a feeling he was just being respectful of Eun-bi and his link to her father and such, but now all bets are off.


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I don't think it's the size of the gap, it's more where they are in life. I don't have a problem at all with a 5 year age difference no matter which one is younger or older, but they should both be ADULTS if they are in a relationship.

Yes, maybe she's a bit immature, but she's a grown up. He's a kid, and there's nothing about him that would appeal to an adult other than hotness. THAT'S the squik factor, I think. He is clearly a child in highschool, she is about to graduate from college. If he were in college and doing more adult things, even if he were in his first year of college, I wouldn't feel quite as sketchy about it if the maturity=actions, interests were addressed.

Sure, I can see some high school seniors being mature enough to appeal to a woman as a man...but he is not one of them. This is not a legal issue for me. His legality has been addressed ad nauseum. This is an appropriateness issue. Even if she's not his teacher, as a couple, what are they going to do? Hang out with her friends, who are starting families and homes? Or hang out with his, who are playing in school yards and primarily concerned with looking cool? It doesn't work.


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Really? To me his friends are not at all behaving like children any more than the cast of Gossip Girl, leaving sex out of it... they're hanging out at clubs, paying off debts, working at part time jobs and performing at concert gigs- activities that could all apply to 25 year olds. The most childish activity they've done onscreen is play basketball in school, and plenty of grown men do that for recreation long after their school days. Eun Bi's ex-roomie is engaged, but she seems to be the only one of the characters trying to settle down and there is an inference it may not go off since she's putting on an act to get a "good catch".


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Love ur recap, GF & JB !
btw, i really hope someday Kang Hyuk leaves the Ramyun Shop, and Eunbi will feel "there is something lost" or in other word "missing him". hahaha..just my imagination.
i'm so frustated, that 'till eps 10 there is no chemistry between them. :(
Well, i think KH had already liked/loved EB, when he was young kid ( do u here remember in eps 3 that he asked to EB's dad "is she STILL in her sexy temper?") CMIIW


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good job YEB.. for being able to control yourself from responding to such a kiss.... must have taken all your strength?! i bet a bunch of film was wasted due to NGs with the director saying don't move your lips LCA. haha


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is anyone else suspicious that maybe papa cha's former flame (the rice lady he talks about) is kanghyuk's mom?? don't know why, i was thinking that starting episode 7, when they had the bit about the song reminding eunbi of her dad, kanghyuk of his mom, and then when chisoo went home, it was his mom's favorite song too. anyone? anyone???


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Hi Luchboxthermos...lol love the nick :P

Trying to help you here, I think there is a connection btween KH, CCS and Daddy Cha. My theory is that both are brothers, and KH knows that he is CCS brother. I have a feeling that mom took KH with her since he was the older boy and left CCS behind as a baby, maybe Daddy Cha made a deal with her, you get one son I get the other. Hence, Daddy Cha overcompasated the abadoment by spoiling CCS through out his life.

In FBRS world anything is possible at this point. However, to me the major shocker down the stretch is going to be Daddy Cha trying to buy the shop and Eu Bi believing that CCS used her all along.


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That's what I think about CCS & KH relationship, too.
I understand why KH wants to take care of BW & HW. Both of them ran away from home and needed a place to stay. But why he also wants to take care of CCS? He once asked CCS if he was happy. He also protected CCS from getting hurt. When he commented about CCS's scent and CCS talked about "Cha" name, KH's facial reaction was a little weird to me. Also, I have seen so many times in Kdramas that the second male lead hit the first lead for the girl. But i don't remember seeing he later goes buy the medicine that won't leave a scar.It's just too much caring for a guy toward another guy who is his love rival. I think between these two guys, there must be some secret that both CCS and audiences(us) don't know about yet.


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And let's not forget in Episode 4, when Daddy Cha and his secretary were discussing a fusion restaurant to be run by a Cordon Bleu chef. Anyone think it might be coincidental that KH showed up about this time?

Just speculating that KH has been in contact with Daddy Cha prior to EB's dad's untimely demise and his ultimately taking over the ramyun shop.


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In ep 2, out of nowhere, KH shows up at the school that EB works and CS attends & later ends up sleeping in the hallway (haha). at that time, I just assumed that he was there to see EB. But now I think he might be there to see CS. Just speculation...It was never explained why he was there anyway.


Also, what I remember was KH saying that CCS scent is like one of without a mother.


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That is always a good plot twist.
You know in Korean dramas, anything can happen.
Kangkyuk could be EB's long lost half sibling or cousin! Or Chi-soo's older brother! Or they can all be related and fall in love ala Flowers in the Attic.



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that was some twisted book. I read it about 18 years ago. Gosh that makes me feel old!!!
In any case the story is truly perturbing.


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that is so feasible...


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So I'm not the only one with that feeling.
I thought it was my twisted mind that have watch too many novelas and dramas.
Since the episode of of the song I got the feeling that KH and CS are related, but I'm not sure if this drama would go that dark. So far it's been pretty light and fluffy.


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LOOOOL@Flowers in the Attic...YIKES! indeed...

They are many questions going around and very little clues, which is driving us a little bit crazy. I'm very surprise with the writers keeping the story fresh, young, zany, and adorable.


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am still team husband!
chi-soo is too much of a child for soething serious. I really disliked the dragging her out of the movietheatre scene. If it would have been me, I would have slapped him really hard. Who has a right to do something like this? I really dislike him in this episode. winning the girl is one thing, but the methods he uses is a whole other. and the way he wanted to put the helmet on her..so so unromantic. the kiss doesnt make up for me either


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Yay! Someone noticed the helmet thing too! I'm not alone. That was really harsh and painful... like physically painful. I would've kicked anyone who will every try to do that to me! I'm on the Chi Soo ship but that was understandably hate-worthy. I would've smashed the helmet right on Chi Soo's pretty face if I was Eun Bi.


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-doing push-ups in his room - DEFINITE RAWR~!!! I am liking this man already!
-doing the pee-pee dance - cute~! (even though no pics) more effective than the sun dance.
-all scenes - ymmuy and cute~!!! AISH, GOING CRAZY~!!!

...blowing past Ba-wool and Hyun-woo who get flour in their faces - YES, MOAR (b)ROMANCE~!! NYAHAHAHAHA~!!!

Ba-wool: “NO! (teddy bear)'s mine! Starting today, THIS is my girlfriend!” - OMG, I DIED~!!! Can't everyone be the teddy bear instead?!!!
follow-up: Ba-wool sits outside the convenience store, sipping yogurt across from his new girlfriend the teddy bear, who has her own yogurt. - I AM OFFICIALLY LIKING THIS SHOW~!!!! SHOW, IMPLODE ON ME, I WILL FUCKING HATE YOU~!!!


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thanks for the recap and also all the stimulating discussion!!

I have a feeling that the writer has already shown us both CCS and YEB are soulmates as they have the following characteristics:

1. they have warm and sincere hearts, most of their emotional responses reflecting their deep feelings/ desire etc

2. they share the feelings of LOSS and GRIEF and being deeply touched and connected (fr ep 2 & 3). YEB - cries at the ramen shop to go through the griefing process after her loss of dad. CCS - looks at YEB outside the shop and linked himself to a traumatic experience about her crying mum in the past. Ultimately, he no longer HATES and ESCAPE himself from a crying woman (YEB), instead, he CARES and SHARE her feelings of LOSS and GRIEF. He follows her trip to visit her dad indicating his strong desire to shares her PAIN and try his very best to comfort her and SAVE her life (He misunderstands YEB is going to end her life)

3. they know each other to a certain level. CCS talked to KH to warn him not to "keep close" to YEB.... from his understanding, YEB is lady who can't differentiate what is real or fate....., but already given her to heart a guy (e.g her EX BF). As a result, she is in pain and feels loss. CCS in fact is quite mature. YEB knows CCS's family background and upbringing (fr Her meeting with Daddy Cha, who urges her to go back to school to comfort his son by all means), and sincerely provides feedback to him(CCS) regarding the meaning of LOVE, casual dating, ......also why he was being hit twice . The way she explained to him indicating her awareness of his limited real life experience.....

Love is a dynamic learning process involving "GIVE and TAKE" between 2 parties. Love is also liked an art or an art of creation. people have to participate and contribute themselves with heart during the process. also, the ultimate artwork will be unique and meaningful......can be either good or bad memory BUT real life experience.


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This is really really good!

I never looked at CCS as a positive person, but you are right!


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Thanks jomo.

I think CCS's childish behaviours (his outside) is a result of his limited real life experience.....or say, lack of two-way and sincere interactions/ communication among people.

In fact, except his only best friend and YEB, it seems that there is no one care and ever provide any positive feedbacks to him regarding his behaviours (a spoiled child by his rich dad).


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Love your thoughts. And I totally agree! People don't give ChiSoo enough credit. I thought he showed some maturity and insight in the first couple of episodes. It was only when he was thrown for a curve by EunBi that he started going off the rails, which is kind of understandable for someone falling in love for the first time.


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Don't forget he told his friend (HW?) in episode 1 about his dad. When HW said he was mad at his dad for running away, CS told him to not be mad at his dad because if he is mad at his dad like other people, who his dad was going to live with. It shows us the first glance of how mature CS is and how forgiveful he is under all of his childish acts. I was impressed by CS when he said that.


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Thanks harlow.

i agreed CCS has lots of childish acts..... but with a good heart. remember, he shows his care and support to his best friend by helping him to repay his dad's debt (at least twice, one at ep 1& one at ep 8).


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Thanks cruelsummer.

In fact, I was deeply impressed by CCS's behaviours (or behavioural changes) when he is chasing YEB to visit her dad.
He is totally lost (or emotionally crazy) himself and we can tell from his eyes, he only sees & cares YEB........he did not care about his own appearance, clothing anymore (as usual he dresses smartly & stylishly and can't tolerate any dirt or dust etc..) .......BUT this time he is totally different as followings:

1. He is on his pajamas (or nightwear)

2. He just goes by humself without any belongings, e.g. mobile phone, cash etc.....

3. He brings his own heart to CARE and SAVE the life of YEB

4. He has put himself into YEB's shoes, totally understand her intensive feelings of LOSS (because the loss of dad, job, BF at the same time)

How nice a guy react like that? His true self (a caring guy) comes out......from a female perspectives, I was so impressed as it was too touching!!!!


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This kiss and the one one in me too flower.... absolute best CURRENT k-drama kisses because you can actually tell the characters want each other, they are not just cute little bows put on the drama package.... there's untold words in those kisses and are just as powerful as any dialogue. I'm 16 and haven't experienced those intense feelings for someone yet and I know that dramas of course dramatize, but I have seen enough of my friends get Chi Soo crazy over someone... honestly, it scares the crap out of me to be that vunerable and that honest toward someone, but if the life experiences I've seen are any testament, I feel that Eun Bi's rejection of him (which I'm almost positive will happen) is going to break his heart to pieces.... pulling out the tissues because things are about to get rough... I'm rooting for him though and I hope they have chance together... Time Jump? bring. it. on.


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1.. LOL at "get Chi Soo crazy over someone"


I hope you find the person who can melt your heart and lips like Jae Hee or a Chi Soo. It'll happen when you least expect it!


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Everyone has such interesting theories about what will happen next week! Ah, the wait is seriously going to drive me crazy this time.
For me, definitely a CCS and YEB fan, although it looks like a lot of people are for KH and YEB. Sure, KH is sweet to her and adorable and everything a girl can want in a guy... but with CCS, the chemistry is basically glaring in your face. Just the fact that they get mad at each other so often is an indicator :)
Certainly took him long enough to realize that though...
I do see a rejection in the next episode (ah, that's not going to be fun to watch...) and then the betrayal when she finds out about his dad wanting to get the ramyun shop and that. But hopefully there will be just as much fluff as there was in the first 10 episodes? -begs writers-
And I see the brother thing happening as well- KH's attitude toward CCS is like a hyung and I'm pretty sure that if they turn out to be brothers, he already knows at this point. Maybe he made two promises- one to YEB's dad about taking care of her and one to his own mom about taking care of CCS?


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omg, can this show PLEASE do what they did in queen of reversals and have the 2nd lead get the girl??? kang-hyuk.... i'm melting, he's hilarious, sweet, and respectful.

though i gotta say, jung il-woo looks like a pretty good kisser.


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holy SMOKES! What an awesome episode (and also recap)...I was dying in my seat laughing. Jung Il Woo is such an amazing actor, and I love seeing such a different range of emotions on him. I've never doubted for one second that he's Cha Chi Soo, because HE IS!

Also, given that preview we got...can it please be Monday already?!


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I have second-lead-syndrome :/ I mean i love chi-soo but kang-hyuk...sooo hot and super adorable. damn! I hate when this happens


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Are GF and JB Koreans also? Sorry I am new to this site... but i love the convos...


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They're Korean-American..
Isn't this site awesome??


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I watched at least 20 Korean dramas but I have to say, the kiss in this episode is one of the best kisses.
For me, until now there are 4 kisses in dramas I can't forget:
-First kiss between Kim Rae Won and Kim Tae Hee in Love Story in Harvard. (kiss at bathroom's door)
-First kiss between Jang Geun Suk and Park Shin Hye in You are beautiful (kiss with self surprise)
-Second kiss between Jang Geun Suk and Moon Geun Young in Mary Me Mary (kiss with happiness to realize they are both in love)
-And this kiss in Flower Boy Ramyun Shop (kiss to open hearts). First, Eunbi thinks she don't close eyes to open her heart in front of Chi Soo because she's afraid Chi Soo is just playing with her but Chi Soo then said he hasn't finished then continued to kiss until she can't resist and start to close her eyes. It means her heart starts to open for him.)
"-Chi Soo, do you think I'm funny?
Then Chi Soo kissed her to shut her up and because he can't hold back. He kind of answered he don't think she is funny even though he don't know why. And this is a kiss on lips where he also close his eyes (heart open), not a kiss on forehead with eyes open (just to play with her) (remmember his forehead kiss at first episodes?)

Eunbi kind of not believe and mocks "you think if you do this I will close my eyes (means "open my heart") but then she lost to herself by closing her eyes after all).

She lost to him this time.
Next episode, she will "recover" and try to see if he is playing with her and feel disappointed that he is just doing everything for himself, for his pride (meaning he is just playing with her). This means she is expecting from him to love her truely.
Can't wait for next episode!


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>>Next episode, she will “recover” and try to see if he is playing with her and feel disappointed that he is just doing everything for himself, for his pride (meaning he is just playing with her). This means she is expecting from him to love her truely.<<

The thing with ChiSoo is that, everything that he did, mostly is about himself. (not that I don't like Il-woo, I love him--but I'm talking about ChiSoo) So, I think, that's what bugs me about this EunBi-Chisoo relationship. Yes, ChiSoo can definitely grow up,--hopefully in a very good way--so that he can grow on me and I can finally accept EunBi-Chisoo pairing as the official pairing of the story.

But, till now, KANGHYUK TEAM! :D


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Please check out City Hall, Best Love for good Cha Seung Won kissing.

My Name is Kim Sam Soon for some Hyun Bin/Kim Sun Ah.

Personal Taste - hooo boy! - Lee Min Ho(t)

I think there was a good kiss in H.I.T.T. with my baby (Don't tell Thundie!) Ha Jung Woo.

Kisses that are part ofthe story telling are the best!


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Kang-hyuk is so hot... I'd do him!


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WHAT A HEATED EPISODE! LOVE KANGHYUK! I wish they end up together. An older man is perfect for Eunbi. ChiSoo needs to grow up a bit more.


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oh and no WONDER Eunbi's lips were swollen after. HAHA oh Ill Woo <3


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OMG! Aaaahahhhhhhh That kiss. That loin burning kiss! It was so hot. He just ate her up. Looks like they found their secret recipe ramyun after all.


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LOL Sunny - loved the comment!


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Loin (ha ha ha ha hahah) burning (ho ho ho ho ho) kiss (hee hee hee hee hee)



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I concur. Chi Soo has a lot of growing up to do but I see why he is the guy "who makes bells ring" for our confused heroine. All that raw, hormonal emotion. Mmm. But his age bothers me so much because of that. That he will never be good enough for her. That he can't be a pillar like Kang Hyuk can.

And I know the majority believe Kang Hyuk should turn the heat up more (I wish he would, what happened to being a genius chef?) but I think he's more the subtle type. The type that worms his way into your heart and BAM! You realize how much you love him.

Don't think the heroine loves him though. Ah well, I'll console him. ;D


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(Well said, Jubilantia and Melonhead!)

Am I the only viewer who thinks that Jung Il-woo, while a great actor, is just NOT very attractive? Lee Ki-woo is swoon-worthy... I wish some of Eunbi's "recollections" of him would include the towel scene. then maybe she'd feel more towards poor panda Kang-hyuk. ;)


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hahah lol i actually agree, although jun il woo looks some of the other pics i have found online, he doesn't look that great in this drama... kang hyuk on the other hand ... ;)


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omg, Lee Ki Woo is seriously hot as hell. i mean, hell isn't even that hot. if he were a fire, i'd burn myself to death. hahahaha..........that line "on that note, i'm going to bed. Otherwise, it'll get dangerous...." I would have jumped him. no questions asked. i would have jumped him and not regretted it at all. hahahahaha.........but the previews for next episode.............WHAT? man, Jung Il Woo is hot as well. for the first time ever, i don't know who to root for. In Boys over flower, it was Gu Jun Pyo all the way, but this time.........i don't care who she goes for. i just wish i was her. hahahahahaha...........can she be like Yoon So-Yi and just have both? lol. if only.


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Owww.... is it possoble to like the second lead so much and ship him for the main pairing, that knowing he won't get the girl makes you not want to see the drama?? I took my time to finally watch this ep just because I knew what was coming :( Doesn't mean I'm not watching it till the very end XD But it'll be rich boy falls in love with poor girl... Najaaa....
The kiss was hot but didn't move me, it made me sad xD
I guess KH is my type of man :D


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it is interesting.

what do you think about the kiss? although it didn't move you.

CCS kisses YEB firmly this time twice in an open area,

1. Is it an expression of LOVE? between a male and a female

2. or a male guy fullfills his own desire only? aggressive one-sided love?


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Me, option number 2.

2. or a male guy fullfills his own desire only? aggressive one-sided love?

I think, that's it.

I'm so so sorry il-woo. Your kissing technique is definitely passionate, with open mouth and tongue involved.... But .... I just think, the kiss is one sided. More of lust than love....


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Lust or not, that kiss was HOT! i mean, it was slow and intimate. i totally agree that it was one side feeling wise, but you have to admit, YEB wouldn't be normal if she said she didn't like it. and it's not like she was fighting it. i think both sides had tension that has been building up, and with this kiss, it was finally let out. but now that it's out, what next? i think now that they have the tension out of the way, they can see where they should go from here.


Kang Hyuk is so FINE!!!! lol. i know there is tension on that side too, so i can't WAIT til he lets that out. hahahahahaha...............YEB is the most envied girl right now in K-Dramas. aigoo, you lucky girl you. she must have been a fricken Savior in her past life to earn such a wonderful opportunity.


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I completely agree with you. When I saw that disheartened look at his face at the end of the kiss, my heart sank. He has been such a gentleman to our heroine. In reality, who doesn't love the kind of guy like him? I love him so much!


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Good question...

Can't speak for others, but I personally have dropped a couple dramas when the pairing I wanted didn't happen. Selfish, yes, but there was no reason for me to stick around the OTP got together in those cases.

Actually, what's rare is a drama where I actually like the OTP and root for them. Those don't come around very often for me.

I think this is another series in the ever growing list of dramas where I just don't like the main pairing.


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Lol...I've watched a drama twice because I hoped that with the second watch, the coupling would change to second male lead!


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Did it?
I'd like to give it a try on a coupla shows!


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Just had a random logic train derail in my head:

(1) In the first episode, Daddy Cha said he sent CCS to America to avoid military duty.

(2) In that same epi, YEB stated that is she has to pass the civil exam this year, because she's headed for three years of bad luck based on her astrological sign.

(3) She's already experienced waiting for her previous bf to complete army duty.

(4) I've seen What's Up, Fox, which has a few similarities to the FBRS plot.


What if they do a time skip like this: one yr to graduate, two years in army, true future can now start?

I don't know the minimum age for a Korean male to enter the armed forces though. Based on Lee Ki Woo's towel scene, it sure couldn't hurt!!


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In the first(?) episode where she evaluates CCS as they walk down the street, he tells her he doesn't have to go to the army because he is "made in the U.S.A." So I've been wondering if that was a mistake in the writing since earlier his dad said he sent him to avoid duty.


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I think he said that just to be witty. Since he left America because he couldn't learn the language, I'm pretty sure he's Korean born and bred.


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Loved this ep!!! Love the double "Opppa??" scene. Loved Cha chisoo discovering jealousy. Love the fact the ep is called streetcar named desire, couldn't tell that when I was watching it, but there are so many interesting illusions- i.e Chisoo being attracted to someone below his class but still having the airs and graces. Veryyy interesting...


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YEB's responses to CCS's aggressive behaviours gave me the following impressions:

1. the first nearly-kiss inside female toilet: she is extremely shock when CCS suddenly moved inside her comfort zone. however, she became calm and deeply touched by CCS's aggressive kiss (she closed her eyes means open her heart).....my understanding is "she falls in love at first sight" (may be that's why CCS impressed that YEB is a lady who can't differentiate true or fake, but given her heart to someone)

2. the second kiss: she knows she made an mistake, CCS is not born in 1981 and also a high school student. when CCS intends to give her a kiss again, YEB again, is ready by closing her eyes and seems to be enjoy herself during the process. (her behaviour is consistent with her inner feelings = she likes CCS with true feelings, no matter his age and status)

3. the third nearly-kiss: she knows CCS is playing around with her by manipulating her feelings. This time, she reacted differently by taking initiative pretending to kiss CCS and then told him she dislikes his smell...... here, there is a turning point, CCS the first time takes a passive role and feels his heartbeats when YEB keeps closing to his lip. His facial expressions tell us he is a bit shock and being touched. it is a new experience for him.

4. the fourth nearly-kiss: both YEB and CCS are emotional and deeply attracted by each other indicating they are at the same pace (inner self)- share the anger and pain (YEB is hurt again by his exBF) CCS cries because he feels her pain and anger from his heart. He likes to kiss her to comfort her with LOVE...... I feel extremely touching again. He is not selfish from my point of view, instead he is ready to share his love and pain with his soulmate. How nice is it??


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wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhat an awesomely hot-sexy, panty dropping kiss, umm yupp that second kiss!!!!, JIW (the actor) needs to give kissing classes to those other Kdrama actors/actresses!!!! Umm, I have seen others who can kiss but that's really some KISS!! ...will Eun Bi respond in kind sometime in the future to Chi Soo's future hot kisses? ...can't wait, are we going to see a similar performance fr Kang Hyuk? OHHH, I'd love to see that too.... it is cable TV, so it should be allowed and expected!!!!

Hmmmm, what a dilemma!!! Yes hot, and in my mind too, I don't 99% of the time mind the age difference but in this 25 vs 18-19ish youth it does 1%... Yes, Chi Soo is hot, raging hormones hot for Eun Bi and he doesn't have a clue as to what actually is going on yet... Luckily BFF is around to explain that to him!!! And Ba Wool--love him-- as well as Kang Hyuk are the brakes for him in his confused state of obsession for EB...

It's hard not to dwell on the age difference, but I'll do my best not to since this is just a drama and having this boy chase EB around is such fun to watch. Having 2 great eye candy males going after EB is such fun, with Ba Wool being the less restrained guardian.

Thanks JB and GF, love that you're both having as much fun as we the fans are... on to the anticipation of the runaway streetcar named Chi Soo since he is the runaway, our EB is confused and not yet a runaway streetcar... At this moment in time, EB is much, much more restrained and it is Chi Soo who's obsessed....

Will this make the planned resto take over sooner than
expected.. I mean CS's dad may become concerned that EB is "hurting" CS.... As for a time jump, I'm all for it so as to see CS grow up/evolve to understand what he is truly feeling for EB... or just for any girl he may care for.

Regarding the possibility of KH and CS being related, hmmm, I guess there's that huge possibility.. Is CS dad aware of this and hiding this fact? Another question to be answered in the future...

Soooo, am anticipating the next great kiss from our CS..
Thanks for the forum and the great love of this cutesy flower drama....


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Everyone keeps saying he's a '81 Rooster but I'm pretty sure the recap and the episode subtitles have him saying he's a '93 Rooster both guys are the same age.


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i don't think so, KH is born in 81.

remember, their dialogue, when he asks YEB if he is liked a guy born in 93? he is very happy that means he looks younger than his age (from YEB's point of view). Also, He said when someone is in love, she is blinded. (that implies, he guess, YEB is already fall for him and can't realise his real age)

He also told YEB not to worry as he physically is healthy and can take care of her.


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It's confusing I guess, because she looks kind of disappointed with his answer like, "Oh no he's 19 too." I know, I need to go rewatch the episode. *cough* Again. =D


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Okay you're right, I rewatched it and paid more attention to the tone and what he says right after answering '93, it isn't '93 as in that's his birth year but it's like '93...you really think I look that young?' That definitely explains why he's more mature acting. (aside from the falling asleep anywhere the urge hits him thing)


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Oh and when I married my husband I was 19, he was 25. So I don't have one bit of problem with the age difference especially now that they're no longer teacher/student.


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So love this show and praying that it doesn't become disappointing in the 3rd quarter like some other would have been awesome drama (PTB, I'm talking about you!).

I just want to say, I only know Jung Il Woo from My Fair Lady where he was bland and unimpressive. Plus, I don't find him really cute. Plus, I was initially bothered by how he didn't look like a high schooler. And I was rooting for KH b/c in real life that is the kind of guy I would want.

BUT... wow, JIW is killing it in this role and while he still looks older to me, he's convinced me that he is a 18 - 19 year old going through first time love angst.

AND... with the kiss, omg, I'm starting to root for CCS. But I love KH so much. What a dilema!

Thanks for the wonderful recaps.


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IKR? I dropped PTB on its 3rd quarter. I don't know what happened! It started really really good. I was laughing my heart out with each episode. But after the 6th or was it 8th, it just went downhill for me. I'll probably pick it up again when I have time, but I think I want to let the disappointment boil down a little. That was such a shame.


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Okay, now I have just really finished watching this episode with subs. And OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! Kang Hyuk!!!! How come you are so so SOOOOOO HANDSOME, ADORABLE, RESPECTFUL AND UNDERSTANDING!!!!!! You make me giddy all around. Really! Jung il woo, you really are good in playing an highschooler, which is good. But, Lee Ki Woo!!!!!!! Kyaaahhh!!! I don't know, maybe your true personality is like kang Hyuk or not, but, OH MY GOD! You are just so perfect! I never had this 2nd lead syndrome THIS BAD. (I was rooting for bidAm in QSD, and that was quite bad already, but not till the point of disliking the main lead pairing). But, reAlly, the date was so cute! KH is so handsome and nice! (I know, eunbi is kinda forcing herself a lil bit to enjoy the date) so, why is it that when this HOT KISS happen between eunbi chisoo, I was disliking it (not a normal thing!! I like chisoo eunbi chemistry in their almost kisses scene) but this one..... I just can't enjoy it that much. Because, I was now totally rooting for kanghyuk???!!!
Oh my, oh my! Kanghyuk! You. Really..!


(sorry to ramble here, but, I really need the help of the other fans of this show. Arrgghhhhh this feeling I can't control!)


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"(sorry to ramble here, but, I really need the help of the other fans of this show. Arrgghhhhh this feeling I can’t control!)"

It's okay we understand. Let it allllllll out. ^_^


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*hugs* thank you amber! *sob sob*

I rewatched this eps again, and I really can't help myself to fast forward all other parts to see just kanghyuk's part. Even ChiSoo is like starting to lose his charm on me. Oh!! How I really need some help! This show is really going to break my heart... Boo-hooooooo.... I mean, I understand that in this show, EunBi is showing much more responses toward ChiSoo. She returned the 2nd kiss at the end. Aaaahhhhhhhh, the face of KH at the end of the ep. It saddened me, dropped my heart. I want eps 11-12.....


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Yes Monday/Tuesday can not come fast enough! (well more like Tuesday/Wed since it takes about that long for subtitles to pop up, but still I'll watch them sooner lol)


I know what you mean about Kang Hyuk, he's so sweet, but I agree her reactions to him are telling and I just don't think she's THAT into him. :( I'd love to see her mental rating of him, whether he'd be a 100 like Chi Soo was. This has seriously been the first drama where I've had the inkling to develop 2nd Lead Syndrome lol. The practical part of me that's 29 and has experienced a lot already would say "Go with Kang Hyuk, he's more stable, and responsible, and there's a whole lot going for him." But my inner teenager, whom I haven't really been able to banish yet leans strongly towards Chi Soo and the passion that he brings to just about everything. ("As long as he undergoes a little more development and doesn't have any more tantrums," the more mature voice in my head says. lol)


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@girlfriday the song for this episode should have totally been 'An Oppa I Know' by Clover though that song is way more playful that CCS's burning desires *sigh*


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Hurrayyyyyyy, finally they kissed!!!

Their chemistry is so intense and sensual, it sets everything on fire!!!

I just love this pair to pieces!!

And their age gap doesn't bother me, I mean he's not 16 or 17, he's 19! In my opinion that's alright and I'm sure Cha Chi Soo will undergo a growing up process.

The pillar is cute, okay, but let's face it: He's not making her heart race the way Chi Soo does.

This feeling between Eun Bi and Chi Soo is so full of longing, desire and rawness, it just makes me so warm and fuzzy inside, I love them and I can't wait for the next episode!


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Second lead has already won me over and now I don't think I can jump ship to S.S. Chi Soo. :/


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I think she should just buck normal conventions and gave them both lol. But seriously I hope she ends up with chi-soo as much as I LOVE the other guy it has to be Chi-soo in the end even if its after a time jump.


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I had to rewatch that kiss a second time. OMG I felt my uterus contract LOL Is it hot in here? *fans self*

The age thing is no big deal to me. I was 30 and dated a 19 year old. He was legal and had the right to vote so w/e He was 6'6" and over 250 pounds. Didn't look like any 19 year old I'd ever seen before. lol

As for my ex.. He was 5 years younger than me. We were together for 10 years. And it wasn't age that broke us up.

Opinions are like ***holes. Everyone has one. I have only ever dated one guy who was older than me. He was a douche. Bring on the younguns. I'll take Jung Il Woo for 1000 Alex.


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Kang hyuk pats Eun Bi on the head. That pretty much sums up the character the writers have made for him. He is incapable of having any romantic feelings because the writers started him as the Eun Bi father figure. If Eun Bi actually kisses this guy, I will stop watching the show.


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I just love love love this drama. I would love it even if I wasn't crazy about Jung Il Woo! I watch it raw, again with subs, and then read the recaps, so I am enjoying it 130%. BTW, Il Woo also had an older woman/younger man, teacher/student relationship in Unstoppable High Kick. He was extremely good in expressing his adolescent feelings for his teacher there. I think he is going to develop into a really great actor.

I would have had a problem with this drama if it was a teacher/student relationship, so I am glad she resigned from his school. The age difference isn't a problem for me. Remember, when she first met him, she thought he was older that is why she called him "Oppa" She was attracted to him then, and knowing he is younger now hasn't changed anything. That mind-blowing kiss is going to make her first kiss with her first boyfriend seem like a peck on the cheek. Il Woo certainly knows how to kiss. If you want to see another hugely sexy kiss, check out "the kiss" in City Hall.

The recaps are AWESOME. You have a great writing style. Seriously, you should become a writer. Thanks so much for enhancing the drama, and extending my enjoyment of it.


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Just watched the episode on Hulu, and I love love love that Kang Hyuk DID HIS HAIR for the date. He looked like a fourteen year old on his first date. Too adorkable!

And Chi Soo's kiss after he said, "I'm not finished" was possibly the hottest thing I have ever seen. I need a shower. After I watch that about ten more times...


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My first time posting here but I've been a long-time reader. You guys have the best sense of humor and always have me laughing out loud. Love me some snark and you guys do it so well. Now, I'm not sure if it was in episode 9 or 10 but there's a scene with Eun-bi under the dryer which just totally got me! I was already loving this actress' skillz but when she did that little bit of with the conspiratorial knowing head tilt mixed with a bit of shyness and pride at being considered love material. It was all there. Oh, i can't describe it but wow! She nailed it! I'm Jamaican and I've seen that with Jamaican women. It just showed how utterly alike we women are. Loved, loved, loved it! And thanks so much for all your updates.


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can we all just pause and talk about how flipping HOT the preview for the next episode was? My stomach is still reeling. goddamn.


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I don't know if you noticed, but in the scene where Chi-soo "warns" Kang-hyuk of Eunbi while Ba-wool was crouching by the stove, they were all wearing the puffer vest. I'm not too sure what the meaning is, but it was funny.

At first, I thought it was funny that both Ba-wool and Chi-soo were wearing the vests because they had the same "Oppa" freak out. I suppose the vest is for people who have been called "oppa"?


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HELLO?!? So much discussion about the age gap while we should be talking about THAT KISS!! I haven't seen a kiss like that since Personal Taste! Although I think this one is far better!!


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I don't understand why everyone is talking about this kiss... Jung Il woo is just not hot enough to pull if off, in my opinion. The Personal Taste kiss is the best I've ever seen in Kdrama land, especially the "Game Over" comment that preceded it.

Lee Kiwoo (Kang Hyuk) all the way!!!

-from fellow Lee Minho-lover


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i feel like so many kdramas revolve around this...rich boy poor girl thing. its alot like boys over flowers, the rich guy tries to adjust to suit the spunky girl, and there is a perfect boyfriend who is caring and respectful but doesnt get the girl.
But aanywaay lets get to the point.
JUNG IL WOO IS SOOO HOT. i wish i was eun bi in that kiss, right then, right there. *swoons


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this drama is brilliant


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In my opinion this drama is way cooler than Boys before flowers!

Cha Chi Soo you rock!!


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does anyone knows the background music playing at 39:28 to 40:21 minutes? I'm trying to find out the title of that instrumental. Keeps playing throughout the drama but it's not in the OST! :(


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