Flower Boy Ramyun Shop: Episode 10

The theme for today is Desire. Someone’s got his pants on fire, and it’s not from lying, that’s for sure.

EPISODE 10: “A Streetcar Named Desire”

We wind back a little to see Chi-soo gingerly cleaning off the egg from his face (best prank ever), growling at the eggshells, “With this I’m sure. My feelings towards you are contempt!” Okay seriously, his dainty highness screeching over being dirty just never gets unfunny.

He drives over to the ramyun shop, ready to exact his revenge (it’d be funnier if he had a carton of eggs in the passenger seat), but finds Kang-hyuk and Eun-bi hanging in mid-kiss. The look of heartbreak on his face is crushing.

Kang-hyuk leans in close, eyes closed, and Eun-bi stares in shock, and then closes her eyes for a second… until she sneezes, right in his face. Ha. Oh honey, couldn’t you have held it in a few seconds more? Damn.

She’s mortified, but Kang-hyuk laughs at her adorably, and lets the moment go, suggesting that she go inside before she catches cold. And then he picks her up again (gah, swoon) and sets her back down from the railing.

Chi-soo slumps down in his seat, hiding from view, near tears.

Eun-bi goes inside and starts rummaging for medicine, the kind you take when you’re in shock that’s supposed to calm you down. I always think of that medicine as pre-smelling-salts, like what you take to prevent the fainting. But smellier. Way smellier.

Ba-wool helps her find it, and then wonders what’s up with her. Still swooning, she sighs that it’s in preparation because she thinks a tsunami is coming. At the same time, Hyun-woo finds Kang-hyuk doing push-ups in his room. (To work off the sexual tension? Rawr.)

He asks why the push-ups this late at night, and Kang-hyuk says that a tsunami is about to hit. I love that the tsunami they refer to is love, not realizing that the real tsunami headed their way is one very pissed off Cha Chi-soo.

He’s still stewing in the exact same position, until a parking attendant comes by to warn him that he can’t park there. Chi-soo ends up having a one-way conversation with him by picking up on his phrases, and speaking mostly to an imaginary Kang-hyuk.

Parking Guy: “You can’t park here.” Chi-soo: “You’re right. I shouldn’t have parked here.” Parking Guy: “Ajusshi, back out your car.” Chi-soo: “So you won’t back out, will you?” Parking Guy: “Do you want to get a ticket?” He finally turns to parking guy: “Not here. Give them a ticket over there!”

Inside, Eun-bi is giving herself tickets, by writing clues about Kang-hyuk’s feelings and sticking them on her face. Right cheek: “Special.” She flashes back to the moment on the beach, when he told her she was special. Left cheek: “Jealousy.” Flashback to him grumbling about being jealous of Chi-soo.

Forehead: “Hot.” Bathroom brawl, declaration that wifey is hot. She wonders if it could mean that Kang-hyuk… really… And then the final ticket: “Bingo,” which she sticks on her lips. Heh. She puts on her coat and decides that she will never get sick again.

Kang-hyuk whines that he can’t wait, can’t resist any longer… as he does the pee-pee dance in a line for the bathroom, behind Ba-wool and Hyun-woo. It’s morning, and Eun-bi takes her sweet time, not realizing the havoc she’s caused outside.

Embarrassed, she tries to run off, but Kang-hyuk stops to tell her that she’s unbelievably pretty, even in the morning. She scratches her chin and heads to the store, swooning to herself about how he didn’t have to say she was unbelievably pretty, not realizing that Chi-soo is standing right in front of her. He backs her up into a planter, saying he’s here to work on their recipe project.

At the Cha estate, Daddy’s secretary reports that after much research, data gathering, and complex algorithms, they have discovered that the commonality to all of Chi-soo’s ailments as of late is: “That Woman.” Cue whiteboard with flowchart. Pffft.

They don’t know exactly what to make of it, (What? You don’t have an algorithm for that?) but hearing that Chi-soo goes to his ramyun shop job every day even when he doesn’t go to school, Daddy says to let him keep going, both for the good PR, and the connection it’ll give him to Eun-bi when they’re ready to buy out the place.

Chi-soo and Eun-bi work on their ramyun recipe, or she tries to, while he takes jabs at her. Displeased, he wonders why she looks so tired. “What were you doing all night?” She says she was studying, which he takes as a euphemism for hanky panky, and growls, “You must’ve studied really hard.”

Eun-bi ignores him and says that she’s thinking of using cheese as a base for his ramyun dish. Chi-soo: “Cheese is good. You like stuff like that. Stuff that’s greasy.” Hahahaha. It’s extra hilarious because he’s way greasier than Kang-hyuk is, but he’s not the one who pulled moves on her last night.

She ignores him again, saying that to cut the greasiness, she’ll have to add green onions and chilis, which Chi-soo pointedly calls “Hot,” and then says she’ll finish it off with black pepper. Chi-soo: “No, no pepper won’t do. You might… SNEEZE.” Hahahaha.

That totally goads her, but she doesn’t know that he’s doing it on purpose, and wonders what’s got him so twisted around today. She calls him a twisty donut, and he does this really lame dance that consists of turning in a circle, as if trying to mock her. Mostly it makes him look ridiculous, and the whole thing leaves her confused.

Kang-hyuk pulls him aside to ask if he fought with Eun-bi again, calling him Jja Chi-soo, or Salty Chi-soo today. He says that it’d be nice if he stopped being mean to wifey. Chi-soo asks why it’s any concern of his, “Do you really like her or something?”

Kang-hyuk stares blankly, murmuring that if he asks such direct questions in the morning… And Chi-soo smirks, thinking he’s got him rattled… But then Kang-hyuk sighs and puts his hands on his face: “…then I’ll be embarrassed! Is my face red? Can you tell my face is red?” Hahaha!

It totally backfires on Chi-soo, as he has to stand there and watch Kang-hyuk go googly-eyed, not even trying to hide how much he likes Eun-bi. He wraps his sweater over his head and lies down, all giddy and embarrassed, and Chi-soo stalks off more annoyed than ever.

It gets even worse when he sits in his radish corner at work, and witnesses Kang-hyuk putting his hands all over Eun-bi to “fix” her apron, which was in no need of fixing. Swoooon. Eun-bi melts, while Chi-soo has a meltdown.

He storms up to her angrily, and picks up on her chin-scratching nervous tick, wondering if she didn’t wash her chin today, and why she’s scratching it and being dirty. He says he’s going to wash his hands and gets in his car and races down the street, blowing past Ba-wool and Hyun-woo who get flour in their faces, and note symbolically, “Did something just pass by?” “It was something… hot…”

Cut to Chi-soo on fire, trying to get a grip. He gets a text from Eun-bi: “Did you go to the Han River to wash your hands?” He buries his head in his hands, and then asks Hyun-woo what it means when someone and someone else are always stuck together, and then when you see them, your eyes get all fiery.

Hyun-woo asks if someone threw pepper in his eye. Heh. He says no, it’s a feeling, like when you see those two people together, and your eyes go ’round the back of your head, and your head gets all hot, and it’s like a train is running right through you. What’s that?

Hyun-woo thinks for a moment… “It’s jealousy!” Two points for the slightly more aware Hyun-woo. Chi-soo: “Jealousy?”

At the shop, Eun-bi is busy working on her Chi-soo ramyun, by making… a flowchart? Ha. This one has “Dog Chi-soo” at the center, and isn’t that different from Daddy’s chart, in that it lists different places and events where they had big fights. She wonders to herself what the commonality is. She knows there is one, but can’t see it…

So-yi comes by the shop, and Eun-bi sits down with her, asking who she’s here to see – Chi-soo or Ba-wool? So-yi answers in her typical way, “Whoever comes first.” Oy. Between that and her idea of eating as munching on the chives off the top of her ramyun (and nothing else), Eun-bi and I have the same reaction to her: eyeroll.

Eun-bi asks how long she’s known Chi-soo, and when she says about ten years, Eun-bi asks if she’s cried in front of him before. So-yi gasps, saying that you can’t cry in front of Chi-soo. If you do, from that day on, you’re poop.

Eun-bi asks what it means to be poop, and So-yi clarifies that it means you are on the outs with Chi-soo from that day on. Eun-bi’s reaction is telling, as her heart suddenly sinks, and she scratches out the section on her flowchart that reads: “Don’t cry > Hot.”

Ba-wool waits outside So-yi’s house with the giantest teddy bear ever, adorably excited to see her. But she walks up with yet another guy. Ba-wool comes up to confront him, declaring that he’s her boyfriend/husband/jagi/yeobo.

The other guy, “an oppa she knows,” calls him poop and leaves, and Ba-wool screams at So-yi, wondering how she’d like it if he went around meeting other girls. She says it wouldn’t make her very mad, she thinks, and beams at the teddy bear, “Is it for me?”

Ba-wool: “NO! It’s mine! Starting today, THIS is my girlfriend!” HAHAHA. Oh Chicken, you are so cute. So-yi just laughs and waves after him, totally unfazed.

Chi-soo waits for Eun-bi in the house, and jumps at the chance to sneak a peek at the dictionary lying on the table. Omg, he’s taken to looking up emotion-words now? He searches for “Jealousy,” reading that it means being angry at someone for being better than you.

Chi-soo yells at the dictionary, like it’s clearly mistaken, that there’s no possible way that Kang-hyuk is BETTER than him. Hmph. And then he continues to read, and finds a definition that says “Between husband or wife, or people who love…”

He gets interrupted by Eun-bi, asking what he’s doing. He drops the dictionary like he got caught looking at porn or something, and she suggests they go eat before working. He starts to follow her out, and then runs back in to reopen the dictionary… and rip out the page with “jealousy” on it. Pfffffft. You don’t have dictionaries at home, billionaire boy?

They sit down to eat, and Chi-soo stares and stares. Flashback to the rest of the conversation with Hyun-woo, where he had described his ailment: So, you see her everywhere, hate seeing her with someone else, and seeing her laugh with another person makes you angry with jealousy?

Chi-soo agrees that that’s exactly it: “So then… what you’re saying is, I hate Intern SO MUCH that I’m feeling this way?” Hahaha. Okay, this is veering on gag concert ridiculousness. I might be concerned that you’re actually just dumb, save for your rare moments of insight.

Hyun-woo laughs, “No, it’s the opposite.” He starts to wonder what it all means as he stares, and then he’s jolted back to reality at the sight of what she’s ordered: chicken feet. He involuntarily gathers his hands in the form of claws, asking how a girl could eat such things.

He sighs that this is why she breeds such contempt in him. He asks point-blank (such a refreshing trait, I have to say) what her relationship is to Kang-hyuk. She ponders it a moment, and replies, “Um… an oppa I know?”

Chi-soo: “O-o-oppa?” HEE. Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee.

Chi-soo scowls, asking how long she could have possibly known Kang-hyuk, for him to be an oppa to her. He scoffs that at this rate, she’ll be saying, “Let’s date, Oppa.” She agrees, sure why not.

He scoffs that she sure is cool and casual all of a sudden, reminding her of her words, that you can change phones, but you don’t change love. He puts his hand over his heart, “You said that love is something you do here, here!” AW.

She points at her heart (with the hand not currently holding a chicken foot, heh) and says that she WILL love, and with her heart too. Just differently this time. She’s not going to let her love boil alone anymore, and instead approach something that makes her heart bubble over.

Eun-bi: “I don’t want to eat cup ramyun at the convenience store anymore. Ramyun is supposed to be cooked together and shared with someone else for it to taste good.”

He grumbles that Kang-hyuk is the one she’s going to share her ramyun with. (This metaphor of ramyun as Eun-bi’s heart is so cute, but then it’s coupled with the hotter interpretation of sharing her ramyun as having The Sex.) She counters that Kang-hyuk is a real man who knows the heart, “not a fake who decides his emotions from a machine.” Oh, snap.

He stands up, declaring that she can share her ramyun with Kang-hyuk as much as she wants. He suddenly sticks out two fingers in the shape of an A. “I don’t know how much there’ll be to eat… A-cup.” Pwahahaha. Dying… need… to breathe…

Besides the insult to her cup-size, it’s freaking hilarious the way he twists the ramyun metaphor from her meaning (the heart place) to his desire and one-track mind (the other place).

Ba-wool sits outside the convenience store, sipping yogurt across from his new girlfriend the teddy bear, who has her own yogurt. So cute. He screams, “An oppa I know?! Raaaaaaaaaugh. You once only called me oppa! OPPA?!”

And then behind him appears Chi-soo, in the same frame, “What? An oppa I know?!” He pounds his heart. “You once called me oppa! OPPA?!” Love it. God, I love when the A and B stories converge like this.

Ba-wool sees Chi-soo pounding his chest, wondering what’s up with him. He muses that he looks familiar like that… who does he remind him of… “That’s me!” He crawls into the ramyun shop, complaining of chest pain, and goes looking for the medicine that he gave to Eun-bi earlier that day, causing him to crouch behind the counter.

Chi-soo comes in behind him, still pounding his chest. Kang-hyuk comes out from the back and asks what he’s doing here. Chi-soo offers him a warning: “Your wife. If you’re just taking at stab at her, give it up. She doesn’t know the difference between real and not, between poop and soybean paste, and just gives her heart first.”

Aw, that first part is so sweet. But then he twists it, of course, to say that he’s saying this for Kang-hyuk’s benefit, because he ought to know what poop he’s stepping in. And Kang-hyuk, the nice guy that he is, wonders if Chi-soo is worrying for him.

“Don’t worry. From now on, I’m going to become Wifey’s real pillar now.” Aw. Yay for silly nicknames becoming meaningful declarations. Chi-soo shouts in surprise, I guess not having anticipated that Kang-hyuk’s feelings could be real.

Kang-hyuk in turn asks Chi-soo to play nice with wifey from now on, “because I like you, as much as I like wifey.” I love it. The more Kang-hyuk loves Chi-soo, the more Chi-soo’s hatred and jealousy becomes infuriating and impotent. This is exactly the kind of relationship I wanted for them.

Kang-hyuk smiles after Chi-soo, totally moved at his concern (ha) while Ba-wool comes out of his hiding place scratching his head. He writes it out in his room, wondering what on earth is going on, to make Cha Chi-soo act… so unlike Cha Chi-soo. He suddenly turns to Hyun-woo: “Does Cha Chi-soo LIKE Eun-bi noona?!” Well I’m glad somebody‘s faster on the uptake around here. Hyun-woo denies it, of course.

Dad stops Chi-soo on his way in to ask if he likes Yang-yang, his nickname for Eun-bi that means “that Yang girl.” Chi-soo denies it, wondering why everyone’s asking him that lately. Dad sighs in relief, which makes Chi-soo stop to ask why he’s relieved. “Can’t I like her?”

Dad says no, because she smells of home-cooked rice. Chi-soo doesn’t understand what’s wrong with that (which speaks to the progress he’s made). Dad says that Chi-soo is caviar. “Do you know what happens when you mix caviar in rice? You become laughable, like me.”

Dad says heartbreakingly, “Women who smell of home-cooked rice do not like men who smell of money.” Aw, what starts out as a statement that you think comes from a snobby place is actually the opposite – he was clearly rejected by the love of his life for being caviar. Chi-soo says, “Don’t worry. I have no intention of eating caviar with chicken feet. I don’t like that kind of fusion.”

Eun-bi heads home mumbling to herself about this being Dog Chi-soo’s revenge on her, shouting out loud, “Do you know infuriating it is for an A-cup to be called an A-cup?!” Kang-hyuk: “Are you an A-cup?” Ha.

They sit at the kitchen table, and Eun-bi brings up the question of age. He evades at first, and she tries to breeze that sure, in this day and age, who cares… but then insists that she’s just that old-fashioned and has to know. Otherwise, how will she know what to call him?

He says that he’s the year of the chicken. Flashback to her first traumatic mistake with that dreaded astrological sign. She’s gotta be sure this time: “’81 Chicken, or ’93 Chicken?” Kang-hyuk: “’93 Chicken…” Eun-bi deflates.

“…do you think I look like one? Me? They say love is blind, but if you’re already like this, then what’s going to happen later?” Hahaha. She rattles off how you don’t know when people confuse you and say they’re one chicken when they’re another, and you don’t know hen from rooster…

Kang-hyuk gets up and leans in, hovering above her face, “Don’t worry. I’m a very healthy rooster.” LOL. How is “I’m a rooster” hot?? But it is, and she blinks nervously. He adds, “So I’m gonna go to bed now. Otherwise… I think it’ll be dangerous. Good night.” Goddamn, that’s hot. Auuuuuuggh.

Dong-joo squees at the news, and tells Eun-bi to seduce him at the movies later that night. Coach sticks his head in, having joined the girls for a hair treatment (heh) and asks Eun-bi if she knows who Dong-joo’s first love is. Eun-bi shakes her head nervously.

Chi-soo sits at home, rereading the dictionary entry for “Jealousy.” He slams it down, dissatisfied at its bald-faced answer that he likes someone who likes someone else. I don’t know what’s funnier about this scene – his reaction, “Who wrote this stupid dictionary?” or the row of cologne bottles stacked to high heaven on his desk.

He points to himself in disbelief. “I? Me? I’m jealous?” He scratches his chin. Aw, I love how he adopts all her gestures one by one.

He storms into the ramyun shop on a Sunday, demanding to see Intern. Ba-wool eyes him suspiciously, asking why. He gives the excuse that it’s for the recipe project, but Ba-wool presses it, asking what he wants with Eun-bi noona.

Hyun-woo arrives to see them arguing, and Chi-soo asks if he knows. Hyun-woo says she went to the movies with Kang-hyuk. Chi-soo screams, “the two of them?” What he means is, “ALONE?”

He runs to his car, but Ba-wool blocks his way, refusing to give him an inch where his precious noona is concerned. I’m really torn right now, because I love Ba-wool’s love for noona, and want Eun-bi to have a nice date, but damn if I don’t desperately want Chi-soo to run to her and make some kind of declaration.

He screams at Ba-wool to get out of his way because his “eyes are on fire,” which is his physical symptom to describe his jealousy. One of Chi-soo’s friends arrives on his motorcycle, and Chi-soo drives off with it. So-yi arrives just as he takes off. And then in a moment to top the earlier adorableness, Ba-wool gets on his ten-speed, and chases Chi-soo down on his bike.

Meanwhile Eun-bi and Kang-hyuk have an adorable date. He gets up in the middle of the movie to go to the bathroom, and then stops in the aisle. He takes her hand, “Now that I’ve grabbed your hand, I’ve grabbed your heart too.” Aw, it’s so cute, but Eun-bi’s reaction is telling. She’s not smiling.

It looks like she’s waiting for that feeling… that never comes. But she swoons when she thinks about it, and buries her face in her hands.

Kang-hyuk stops to buy the hairpin that he saw Eun-bi picking out before the movie. When the clerk asks who it’s for, he says shyly, “My girlfriend.” Aw. Chi-soo arrives, passing right behind him.

He runs into the theater with his helmet still on, and then stops when he finds her. She stares curiously at first, not realizing that it’s him, but he takes off the helmet and tells her they’re leaving. He grabs her wrist and drags her all the way back outside.

Ba-wool arrives and sees them leaving through the lobby, but then So-yi appears out of nowhere, having followed him there. Nice interference.

Eun-bi screams up and down, asking what he’s trying to do, if he thinks her so laughable. Without a word, he pulls her in for a kiss, as the bell chimes in the distance.



Am I supposed to say something coherent now? Because Cha Chi-soo’s lips pretty much made that an impossibility. *Takes cold shower, resumes recap.*

Today’s episode title, based on the Tennessee Williams play A Streetcar Named Desire is (of course) a pun on the original title. The Korean word for streetcar is jun-cha, but they’ve replaced cha with Chi-soo’s particular exaggerated pronunciation of his name, as chwa. So it’s more like a streetcar named Cha Chi-soo, who learns just how hot desire can burn.

I like where they’ve taken the idea of hotness, this time to become Chi-soo’s burning eyeballs of jealousy, and of course his desire for Eun-bi. It fits nicely with the whole ramyun boiling over metaphor, which is love for Eun-bi and sex for Chi-soo. I’d say it’s probably sex for Kang-hyuk as well, given his cheeky inclinations, but he seems to be the healthier well-rounded one, who can maybe see and feel both.

I love that everything boils a little hotter for Chi-soo, everything from love to hate to jealousy. It feels right for his age, where everything burns a little hotter and a little brighter, and scars a little deeper. The intensity of all these emotions, coupled with their newness (oh so entertaining) makes him such a great character. Jung Il-woo is really playing him to the hilt, as someone who feels more intensely because it’s his first time at everything, at life, and it comes through viscerally. It’s adorable how Chi-soo and Ba-wool run around with chest pain like it’s more physical for them than emotional, which I distinctly remember as a real thing. I love that Chi-soo is so readable to everyone but himself, and how much that encapsulates the experience of being young.

And yes, Pillar is swoonworthy and hot and perfect… but the whole thing about A Streetcar Named Desire is the opening of the heroine’s eyes to sexual desire. It’s all-consuming and even destructive, but it’s a force that cannot be contained. Sound like someone you know?


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Lol... sneezing..

I think Cha Chi's feelings for EunBi is so fiery because he has never experienced such emotions before. Unless, there is a past girlfriend who broke his heart etc in the past yet to be introduced.

For me, he has a lived life where he always got what he wanted and manipulated his way to get people. Then he meets EunBi, who is different. She is in many ways hot! Hot for being the flame of his affection, cause of his jealous rage, someone who could love just one man and not mess around.

She will also change ChaChi.

Is it wrong that at the same time...I was hoping for EunBi to love Kang. I hate how he will end up not getting the girl seeing as how the movie date did not set any sparks for him in EunBi's eyes.

BaWool and the bear scene was fantastic. I hope he doesn't fall for Soyi when she realizes she's an idiot and messing with hearts is not east or worth it.


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I think you have something there, but with a twist:
Unless, there is a past girlfriend who broke his heart etc in the past yet to be introduced.

Why does he think love can be fine on merry go round?
What made him think committment wasn't necessary for love?

Why would a girl be "Oush!" as Soyi says if she cries over another man in front of CCS?

It has to be his mother who broke his heart. Remember the very quick flashback of a woman crying over a picture at the beginning of Ep 2? His father also said he couldn't hold on to the poor rice woman who left to go back to where she was more comfortable. CCS thinks women are fickle; they will break your heart if you love them too much.

Poor CCS watched his parents marriage fall apart because his mother left for another man. Maybe the man in the photo was her first love afterall. Maybe she married UP and regretted it later. I don't know if that woman could also be KH's mom, because of the 12 year difference, but the other man could very well be KH's father. We haven't heard anything about him yet.

What life has taught CCS about love has to be unlearned.
I really wonder at this point how YEB can be the constant lover he needs to disprove his theory. It is more likely that KH will be that person.


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Totally on board with the Chi Soo Mommy issues.

My theory is that his Mom was married previously, had a child (KH) and abandoned both husband and child when Papa Cha showed interest. Ultimately, making KH and CS siblings. It would explain KH's affection for CS despite his obvious attempts to steal his "wife" away.

Of course, Ic ould be totally wrong (as I am frequently when it comes to dramas), but it's fun to speculate.


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The guessing is the best part; being right is so over-rated!

So what if she were crying over (OMG!) a baby picture of KH?
And she didn't leave Chairman Cha for a man, she left him because KH's father died and had to take care of KH?



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The plot is so thick, I'm worried that there aren't enough episodes left to do it justice.

Either she was crying over baby KH (aww wittle panda)or of the man she left behind.

Leaving the Chairman to take care of baby panda makes so much sense. And KH making a deathbed promise to his Mom to look after CS is really hitting home.

Gosh I can't wait to see how everything is going to play out.


Oooh! I like deathbed promise!


And that would be in line, besides the whole Protector angle, with Kang-hyuk holding back around Eun-bi, maybe being a little gun-shy.


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When you look at it that way it makes me a little more forgiving of his snails pace courting style.


i also agree with your speculation, Cruelsummer ! :)
what i'm still curious about is, "is that CS's dad now a biological father or only stepfather ?".
i thought he is a stepfather (because as you watched in last episodes, that CS's dad was really happy to be called "Dad" by Chi Soo), so it can mean CS & KH are real siblings directly !.
Maybe when KH's dad and CS's mom were divorced/separated, KH lived with his father and CS lived with his mother & his new father.

Probably again, KH still remembers 'till now that he ever had a little brother, but CS cann't remember it, that he has an older brother, because he was just too young ( their age difference is 12 years! ) at that moment.

So, when CS's mom heard news that his first husband was passed away, she was crying while hugging a photograph ( maybe that pic was little KH ) and CS doesn't know, who was in that frame 'till now. And maybe too, if KH didn't want to live with CS's new father (do u all here remember? that KH always doesn't want to call clan of "Cha"). So, it's possible if CS's mom asked help to EB's dad (maybe they are old schoolmates) to take care of young KH. Haha, just my assumption. CMIIW :p


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I enjoyed the recap very very MUCH!

"Ba-wool sits outside the convenience store, sipping yogurt across from his new girlfriend the teddy bear, who has her own yogurt. So cute"

SO CUTEEEEE..............!!

Can I have both Kang Hyuk as husband and Ba Wool as my boyfriend?? And Hyun Woo as my best buddy?
They are so cute!!!!


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ohhh sh-t!!!! (sorry i can't help it ) lord have mercyyyyy sooooo freak'n hotttt!!! oh yeah, thanks for the recap. :)


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I think CS needs more drastic changes in order to earn EB love and respect. All his feelings up till now were about him and satisfying his need. He has not actually done anything for EB or anybody else to prove that he is not complete ass. Besides, his interest towards EB is purely physical. He needs to embrass her as a person, and change himself because of her. KH is nice and helpful to EB, but as mentioned above he is not taking actions, or rather his actions not sparkling her heart.


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Such a refreshing drama! I've certaintly never seen something like it and I LOVE IT!

I also adore your recaps! Thanks so much for all your hard work though I doubt it's work at all for you :P

Ep 10 already wow, 6 more to go~ I'm gonna be so sad when this ends...no let's not talk about things like that. Right now I'm too busy swooning at their KISS, FINALLY!!


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Why is this happening at the END OF THE SEMESTER when I don't have time to watch this??? ~dies~


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but the bright side is that you can marathon once you're done!! :D In any case the subs for this show come out kinda late-ish!!


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I watch the Chinese subs and would rather risk sleep for more Jung Il Woo loving :O


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I admire your restraint. Even the graduate level, epic take-home statistics final couldn't tear me away from dramas. Still working on reining in the addiction. Good luck with your schoolwork!


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I would love to get a kiss from CCS too...~ swooning...but I think KH fits the best with Eun Bi...

Think about it, CCS is just a high schooler...dang, I don't want to commit a crime dating a minor...


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Eun-bi melts, while Chi-soo has a meltdown.

^Pretty much sums up he whole episode except for the last scene.

Oh, Kang Hyuk I don't wanna see you get a heartbreak:(


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thanks for the recap! what a hilarious episode!

The giant teddy bear girlfriend is so cute!!! I'm hoping to Ba wool would really go get a new girlfriend - even if it's a pretend one- to let that So yi know that she can't be taking him from granted.


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dude... I have trouble breathing just from reading the recap. I don't know if I can handle watching it... or maybe I'm imagining a LOT more from reading ... ahhaha!


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Is Chi Soo really jailbait in Korea at age 18/19? I was a sophomore in college at that age and dated guys 21-28; when I was 24 I would have had no problem with dating a 20 year old per se. Granted, I am assuming that someone 24 is dating and learning about life and not looking to settle down so early; especially someone who seems to be as naive about men as Eun Bi.


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I don't think that he's jailbait, per se. Javabeans or Girlfriday can probably clarify this. I think that he's at the age of consent, but not at the age of legal adulthood (which I believe is 20 in Korea, which correlates to 18/19 in the West). That's what squicks me out; the fact that he's not yet legally classified as an adult, AND also that he's still in high school. It's just too much ... or too little. Plus he's a boy and boys tend to mature more slowly.

TL;DR: Cha Chi-soo is not jailbait, but his legal classification and his level of schooling combine to give me the heebie-jeebies.


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Got it. I guess it doesn't squick me out because it is 19 and 24, not 14 and 20.


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Hahahaha, yeah, that would suck. Could you imagine? The forbidden love of The Intern and her five-year-old preschool student.


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*spits coffee laughing*


oh my! Don't say that. I'm a preschool teacher, and even though I must say that some of the kids are good looking, but it still ILLEGAL! ^^;
yes, 24-19 is better than 20-14. Even though 19 is still bordering on illegal in my mind. Once somebody is 20, I'm quite at ease with it.


Age of consent in European countries is around 15, age of majority usually 18. Thus no problem with 19/20 years old guy being in a relationship (despite his behavior of an 15yo one).

But don't want to know what I sometimes hear from my older friends with 13y old kids... what's the haste???


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Eun Bi looks so cute when she had all the pinky stickers on her face.


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OMFG JUST HOTTTTT PERIOD!!! that kiss is a REAL KISS about damn time!! and she heard the bells going off!!...

This episode was just AMAZING!!!!!.....


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This show is sooooo good. It never fails to keep me laughing. I love JIW...he's doing an excellent job.. his expressions... just crack me up. He is giving this character justice. Also this show could not be what it is without the awesome cast and chemistry that is oozing out every corner.

Thanks so much for the recap.... I just can't wait for next week episodes.


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First kiss, the bell rings....
EB: "Just because you do this, do you think I will close my eyes again?"
CS:"I am not done yet..."
then the second, deep, passionate and mind-blowing kiss...my heart stopped...


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*Sigh. I'm probably a minority here, but as much as I love Jung Il woo, I still can not and will not ever like the 'Cha Chisoo type' character. The wacky 'I don't get human emotions so I'm just going to act like a 5 year old' thing is just really off putting to me. Plus the multiple wrist grabs?? Gargh. I hate that forceful alpha-male "You must love me or else" attitude characters like that have. I feel it's pretty disrespectful actually, but dramas always portray the girl as being unable to resist it. It might be cute in a drama, but imagine living with someone like that. *shudder*

Another reason why I'll never be a drama heroine....But that's just my opinion anyway :) I'm enjoying this drama heaps still.


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usually I'm okay with the forceful alpha-male. But, in this case, I can't bring myself to agree upon EunBi-ChiSoo couple because, in my mind, this pairing is not going to work. For great sex? Maybe. But as a great couple? I really can't see it happening. Age disparity, level of maturity, way of thinking, they are just sooooo different.


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After you I should be divorced by now... (31 going on 32 versus his 27) How could I? The guy is the perfect husband even after 9 years togheter.

As much we all roll eyes when we see SoYi... in the same way I roll my eyes when I see some comments...


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I hate the lack of EDIT button .... I don't like my grammar mistakes. I think other people don't like them either.


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Yeah, amen to that. Another wonderful blogger once said that she wants her men fully actualized in real life, but is a sucker for the fix-er-ups in literature and visual media. It's mostly portrayed as fantasy, although it's not a realistic one. I was disappointed in Panda this episode, with his wrist grab. I also think that in media, the perception of the writers/directors is that things have to be big to be understood, be it actions or character development. Like when they take their cell phone battery out rather than just turning it off.

Granted, I find it annoying as well, and it is a setback for feminism, but I can kind of see how they feel the need to show extreme character growth because it is more dramatic. Here's hoping we start seeing changes and more imaginative writing, though. That emotional robot shit has gotten old fast.


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Well said, Jubilantia and Melonhead! Hear hear!

(I agree with the wonderful blogger too... no fixer uppers in real life, please... although in fantasy land, I wouldn't mind being wristgrabbed)


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There's a great breakdown of the Bad Boy Trope topic in her Twilight book thoughts- http://cleolinda.livejournal.com/602881.html

Like javabeans and girlfriday, she's got no problem with separating quality from degree of enjoyment when she's reviewing something. She'll call whatever it is out on its shit, but is still able to enjoy it and keep even critiques good-natured. She does amazing movie parodies, too.

/end non-Korean stuff


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What a great episode-- and what an awesome recap! This show just gets better and better. One thing, though, because it's been driving me nuts:

Is that artificial grass carpeting in Chi-Soo's dad's house? Because it looks just like that stuff you see people roll out in their screened porches.


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Oh my gggggggggoooooooooooooooood!!!!! Okay, chisoo is hot! Kyah!

Sniff sniff, how about kanghyuk!! Boohhooooo (-̩̩̩-͡ ̗--̩̩̩͡). But at least he gets a date in this episode and lots of courting.

Such a great show!


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Omg, what an episode. We have to wait one whole week. Lol


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there just has to be a year later or two years later bit in this drama. I can not see the power to be allow a guy under the age of 20 to have a 'real' relationship with an older woman, just as you never do a girl under the age of 20 in k-drama, there always a time out, long enough for the girl or in this case guy to be over 20 before things finally happen. Though that said the first episode did have him going to the lady on the planes apartment and I sure it wasn't just for coffee, so maybe indeed, there different rules for boy characters under 20 than girl ones, and considering how sexist Korea is, that may indeed be the case.


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ow right this is cable tv show right? then they may get away with the age thing. I am sure on main tv channel it would not be allowed, government watchdogs after all.


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Ah this all reminds me of another great movie... from the John Hughes collection.

"You should consider whether or not you can deliver the kiss that kills."


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thanks for the recap again!!!
i usually have your recap on one screen and the ep i'm watching so i'd stop and read and watch..

dang...every thing was great!!! what can i say! JungIlWoo is such a great kisser...and the second kiss shot was even better....

why can't they make this M-F? so we can have a whole week of pure hotness!!!???

now i can't wait for next week's ep!!!


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omg! just got done watching episode 10... and and and.....

Daymmmmmmm, that's one hot kiss!!!!!!!! :D

I can tell he's a good kisser in real life.


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Ba-wool i love your girlfriend.... lolz

chi-soo you dam kisser!!! (melty me)

Kang-hyuk can i sleep beside you heheheheh....



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Ahh! Kang-hyuk's making it soo hard for me to root for Chi-soo! But he's still in high school...is she going to wait for him? Or is that not an issue in Korean drama?


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The guys in Korean dramas are always....like, 30 when they get married. Is she going to wait 11 years for him?


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There was a KDrama in 2006 called "What's Up Fox". In that one, the female lead age was established as 33, with the male lead being 24. She knew him since he was born, and he liked her since puberty. Both families reacted negatively throughout the series, but ultimately, they did get together in the end.

So the whole Cake Eater plot line has been used before, although admittedly with older characters than FBRS.


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i don't know if this has ever been pointed out before in the recaps (or comments!) but has anyone noticed that eun-bi's name might have been selected/created in reference to those yellow ramen pots?

양은냄비 (the yellow pots written out in korean) = yang-eun-nem-bi (romanized)

양은비 (eun-bi's name in korean) = yang eun-bi (romanized)

haha i picked this up from episode 1 but forgot to ask if anyone else thought the same...


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I thought about that when Eun-bi's father want to have a pot of noodle when he was in the hospital before he die. Someone sub it as yang eun nem bi and I thought that was Eunbi's name came from.


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Thanks for the Recap!

OMGGGGGGGG Have you watched the preview as well?
from the kiss to the last scene... then separate lips for awhile and KISS again wwwwwooooooooooo!!


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omo the preview!
Lee Chung-Ah surely saved the whole world in a previous life :)


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Why is Cha Chi Soo's dad always at home in a robe or in the hot tub? Doesn't this man ever have to go work at his office? Will his dad disapprove of Eun Bi (Yang Yang) since he thinks she is rice and Chi Soo is caviar when their romance becomes known?

Love the actor who is playing Crazy Chicken. His face is so funny, cute and expressive.He is a definite scene stealer.

Finally, the HOT kiss! Hooray! The bells chimed! I hope they have more HOT kisses! Saw the preview. Dang! Have to wait another week to find out the outcome of the kiss.

I know that there will be a twist so we shouldn't count Kang Hyuk out yet.I think Cha Sung Corporation will play a part in trying to buy out the ramen shop in upcoming episodes.


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Daddy Cha is probably so important that he doesn't have to go to work - the work, if any, comes to him. So he gets to lounge about at home, in his robe, while his money pile just grows and grows. *sighs enviously*


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Thanks GF for the recap! I've been looking forward to it and as always, it does not disappoint. I love the "flaming eyeballs of jealousy" - the idea of it (in the context of the drama, of course) made me smile today! :)


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omg ... when he said it's not end yet . i was like o__0 woooiit u means MORE!! ... oh gosh my adrenalin was like up to high level .. phuih .... CCS why u so hooot!!

.. and my did she kissed him back? does this means she has feelings to CCS?? aigo .. pity our puppy Kang-Hyuk .. why they need to make him see eveything from far. It crush his hearts into thousand pieces ... ohh falling angel .. falling angel please heal this guy's heart .. T__T


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So both guys are born 93' year of the chicken? I love this drama, prob the funniest ever. How many eps? Make it 20 please.


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O_O!! please don't make both of them born in '93. It will really shatter my brain. Didn't KangHyuk says he is a healthy rooster? Gah, I really hope KangHyuk in this story is not a '93 rooster......


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he was just pulling her legs ^^


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The kissing scene = consider my mind blown and re-blown again. I wasn't expecting that at all..haha! It's like double dipping chili wingers (whatever that means). First dip, okay, cool...lock'nload! Second dip, you're devouring her face, man! Give the girl's lip a chance to move!lol! Sometimes it's awkward to watch kissing scenes in asian dramas/movies coz I'm not sure what to make of it. It's sort of in the middletown of cringeville and notre damn-that's-hot! Well, (w/out sounding like a perv and IMO) there are some who I think look quite natural in doing this kind of scenes, one of which is Kim Jae Wook (Il Woo is probably right behind and catching up) and some say, Yoon Eun Hye.


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Oooo... For some 'real' kissing, you should see Kim Sun Ah and Cha Seung Won in City Hall!!!

Besides those you've named, add in Gong Yoo, Kim Rae Won (esp in Love Story in Harvard with Kim Tae Hee), and of course KSA and CSW.


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Goodness gracious great balls of fire!

Simply the best, better than all the rest!

Thanks GF and FBRS people this was THE episode that has got me officially back in the car...he he.


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*sigh* am i the only one who doesn't like watching a kiss where only one party makes the moves and the other one just stands there...


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you're not the only one here...


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LOL. AGree.. but i think that was just the first kiss... if u watch the second kiss, a few seconds into it while she's thinking in wonder.... when she closed her eyes, she was into participating in the kiss too.


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That's got to be the hottest kiss of 2011.

Sorry, Cha Seung Won. (Hangs head).


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Are you referring to the kisses on Best Love? Loved GHJ to bits and I only saw her in 4 dramas, no movie yet, correct me if I'm wrong, preferably with links to prove it ^^, but she struck me as an actress that always held back in kissing scene.

But CSW still has a great kissing scene in this year in Athena. I don't watch Athena, but thanks for some wonderful ladies here in DB with all those links.


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I agree. I think GHJ is wonderful to watch on screen, but her kissing needs work. CSW was selling it so hard in Best Love's kisses and she was just... present.
I'm a firm CSW fan too, but unfortunately it takes two to make a good kiss. When he's acting opposite a female lead who participates the chemistry is perfect!


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Very sorry to contradict :)) but you should check the Me To Flower kiss on ep 6 : I think there must be a kind of secret contest or bet going on between drama teams lately.
I'll blame it on the cold : tight hugs and hot kisses are so much better than heaters to warm yourself.


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Enjoyed the recaps, fell in love with Jung Il Woo. Just started reading the recaps of 49 Days and Return of Iljimae and picking up this show to watch. So far it has been delightful and enjoyable, and I squee at how immature Cha Chi Soo is (belatedly) realizing his own feelings. Especially when he pronounce 'jealousy' like its some alien language that does not exist in his dictionary [oops, pun. XD] Sighs, as much as the kiss was hot, I worry that it will push Eun-bi away from him even more, especially since she is not a wishy-washy kind of person. And I also agree with comments that Eun Bi and Kang Hyuk have zero chemistry, so I don't really think they will be together. Yet I don't want to envision an ending where Eun-bi ends up with nobody D: Till next week.


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Okay, I admit that I've sort of been waiting for this kiss to happen. But even if it's extremely hot in a more-please kind of way, I still want something more from Chi Soo. I want him to feel that this kiss itself, the one thing that no woman can resist, is not enough to gain respect and love.

He's almost there, I think. But not quite. He is aware of it, but doesn't exactly know how to deal with it properly. So in the end, he's still incapable of showing Eun Bi his true intentions-- because he, himself, doesn't fully understand it.

When he saw KH's and EB's almost-kiss, it breaks his heart. But he deals with it through this hot kiss. Which, I hope, wouldn't move EB. I love how she has dealt with him for the past episodes. It doesn't happen all the time in kdramas. Mostly, the heroine falls madly in love with the lead actor by the 3rd episode. And all the faults, rudeness, and bad attitude becomes invisible. I don't want that here. I don't want EB to give in without CS first learning what it really takes to have someone.

And for that to happen, a time jump cannot be avoided. In fact, I think this is one of the few kdramas where a time jump becomes a necessity. Not a measly, weak plot device.

Ohmygod. *scrolls up the comment box* Did I just write all this? Haha. Looks like Chi Soo's character has really gotten into me. I analyze every little thing he does even when I'm at work (like right now!). Show, why are you doing this to me?!


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Novel writers of the Internet unite! Also, I totally agree. Given the past episodes, I have lots of hope for the character growth. In these cases, we pretty much know what's going down, but it's the how that gets us. This one has been doing a great job so far.



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I love all the funny details...

...like using the SPSS statistical package to analyze Chi Soo's situation

...like Ba Wool sitting with his new fluffy girlfriend and each has a yoghurt drink

...like the race bike versus... bike??? :-)


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This recap kills me in a beautiful way xp
Can't wait to watch it with my own eyes!!!
Thanks girlfriday! You made my Wednesday! (It rhymes, yay)


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OH GOD. Best. Episode/recap. EVAR. GF you rock! Also, I need a Delorean. Or the TARDIS. Why is it not next week yet?

IT HAS BEGUN. I've tried to resist it, but this was The Week that I finally broke down and downloaded raw episodes, watched them in their entirety, and then came and read the recaps.

I am so royally, wonderfully, giddily screwed.

---No, there is no algorithm for love, silly business guys: http://xkcd.com/55/
-->Also, if we could keep the business takeover angsty shit to, like, half of the next to last episode, and leave the last one for giddy wonderful happiness, that would be awesome, thank you verreh much. Business crap always gets used as a plot device, and it is so never what we're watching for, writers. Get with it.

---I watched Kang-hyuk's panda bear roll without knowing what was going on, and it was still freakin' adorable.

---It's also nice to see Eun-bi reacting to Kang-hyuk, even if it's superficial at the moment; I think right now she's in love (lust?) with his luvest (?) for her. Whatever, totally realistic.

---Man, Chi-soo would be lost in the hormone-ridden tempest of his own feelings without Hyun-woo. Good job, Prosper-woo! All the little relationships are so wonderful. Also also, did anyone else notice that Ba-wool and Hyun-woo's slippers are respectively chicks and mother hens? Yeah. That happened.

---So, I was really hoping that So-yi was going to start maturing, kidnapped by aliens and given a new brain, something, but it doesn't look like she is. I'ma have to invent a method to smack her away from Crazy Chicken at this point, unless some serious soul-searching goes down.

---(Eun-bi! Pssst! Go back! If Chi-soo is still around, that means you aren't poop! People can change, and also, So-yi has the emotional sensitivity of a poorly baked brick! you know this why are you listening to her ahhhh)

---oh my awesome I can't take it Kang-hyuuuuuuk. So sexy, and finally in an effective way for a second lead. I'm so glad that he's growing and asserting himself and communicating. Also, I love how they're portraying the difference in Eun-bi's feelings for the boys. Intellectually (and somewhat emotionally, let's face it) we prefer KH for her right now, even if age has now interestingly been removed as a factor between KH and CS (yay!) Still, I know I've definitely been in that situation where you've got a motorcycle and an SUV, and while one of them is safer and can even be pretty good-looking, sometimes you just can't stay away from the motorcycle...

---Sometimes I have nightmares that Il-woo has no acting talent, that he's conned me with his pretty face. And then I wake up and it's thankfully not true. Excellent summary of Chi-soo's inner turmoil, girlfriday! I know the socially-inept-almost-to-the-point-of-mental-illness hero is kind of an overdone trope in Korean dramas (<--understatement), and it's worse when someone should have already matured (ahem Dokko Jin). Here, though, they are weaving it into his growth as a teenager so it's not quite so glaring. Sure, there are ways to portray it that are more subtle and skillful, but that's not why we watch dramas, and this one is doing a great job with all the themes on top of puns wrapped in metaphors. Also, Eun-bi has finally resolved to participate in two-sided love, even if she's not sure who she feels for yet. Hooray for the awesome!

(Doctooooooooooooooooor! *cries*)


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You have a good point there about Dokko Jin. And here I am ready to vote that Best Love is the bestest drama this year. I love Hong Sisters (after Gumiho), I double-love CSW, and I triple-love Best Love, and what do you know? Came FBRS and Cha Chi-soo out of nowhere, maybe this what Best Love is supposed to be with LSG. Arrgggh...I still love CSW and Dokko Jin tho.


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(ahhhh why am I still on this blog at 2 in the morning? Drama, why are you so amazing and cracky?)

Oh, don't worry. I also love Dokko Jin and Best Love. Unabashedly and against all... no. Some reason. Against some reason. Yes. I think the ladies have made this point before, about ol' DJ, but it's simply a small tick in the strike column for me, not a deal breaker. If you are able to make the character grow realistically within the world of the show, he can start off as a raging asshole (oh wait! he did!), barring actual physical crimes, and I won't mind. It would be nice for a change, once in awhile, to have an actual story without such extreme elements, but that's K-dramas for you, and for now this trope is in vogue.

I rather like some of the Japanese dramas for non-chaebol heroes who are realistically rather than cartoonishly unsure about love. Along that vein, I would recommend Proposal Daisakusen, which has fantasy elements but uses normal high school kids. Also Nobuta wo Produce, where the guy is still sort of a jerk and the world itself is still a little exaggerated, but the characters have such wonderful stories and interactions, and growth is subtle and moving.

Um. Maybe that wasn't the most ringing endorsement, but you should still give them a shot :)

ahhhh zombieness. sleeeeep. make mind stop...


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On your comment, I went ahead and marathonned Nobuta Wo Produce (happily only ten episodes). The plot of the series was vastly different that FBRS, but I see your point of character development / emotional development experienced by the major characters. I hope the writers can smoothly transition the Man-Child into a caring and responsible adult (but still keep the kissing hot!).


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YAAAAAAY spreading the love! Part of the reason why I'm a bit more partial to Japanese dramas is that they are quite a bit shorter than Korean ones, with fewer "blah" periods because of the tighter editing

That one is actually pretty unconventional with the directing style and it's pretty offbeat, but it still gives me warm fuzzies.


I still think Best Love is one of the best drama this year... and FBRS is catching up...too.


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I need a TARDIS all the time, but if I had one now I could totally skip ahead to next week and not even have to wait for subs or the recap. Boom! I'd just be there. *sighs* If only...


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what a kiss... so hot!!! Thanks Girlfriday!!


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GAAAAHHHHH!!!! The extended kiss in the preview! JUNG IL-WOO is just TOOOOOOO HAWT to HANDLE! *Why is it so hot in here?*


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Love the recap as always! It's awesome! I know a little bit of Korean, but usually struggle to understand the episode without subs. But reading your recap makes it all worth doing without subs as I could really see their expression and study their facial expressions. Always enjoy seeing good performance, and this time I could do that and later test myself on how much I've understood the story by reading you recap! Thanks again for the great piece. ^^


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Can't thank you enough Girlfriday. That was one awesome recap, will be one of my favorite recap of yours. And pheww, so he's legal right. Thanks for clearing that too. I'm shipping Chisso and Eunbi but yeah the thing that he still wear a high school uniform kinda make it hard for me to daydream about him sharing something more than kissing with Eunbi :P but all is good now.


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I. Am suffering. From Jung Il Woo-ism.

This girl here has got it baaaad.

*watches episode 10 all over again*


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and still with no subtitle...hahaha...same here. Oh my Jung Il-woo...now I got it why his face on JB's twitter.


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Two words: THE BELLS!


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Thanks for the amazing recap girlfriday! I was not aware I was holding my breath when I started reading the "date scene till the epic kiss". Thanks again! For a mom of two this is my guilty pleasure.


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I love this show!!!
But I do have a problem with Chi-Soo being only a high school student..
If he is 21 yrs old, in uni, and EB being 27-29 yrs old, I will not have any conflict at all.


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I don't have a problem with the difference of their ages. He's of legal age in Korea and that's all that matters (and I'm Asian enough not to make a fuss about this issue).

Anyway, all I can do is squeal with delight while reading this recap. Can't wait to watch this episode once it completely downloads. I love Jung Il-woo in this role! More! More! More!


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please girlfriday explain to me, is kang hyuk a '93 or an '81??
Based on your recap as kang hyuk says, he's a '93. But I'm not sure, if he's a '93 then why doesn't he go to school and why he act as a dad to the boys?
Read all the comments about his age doesn't give me clarity. So please make me less confused by explain it?


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I think he's an '81, Momo, because after he gives her that ambiguous response and sees her reaction he laughs and reassures her that he's still healthy...which would be something an older man would need to say, but not a younger man. What puzzles me with that is how he said in an earlier episode he wasn't all that interested in sex, that it was too much of a bother. And now he's doing push ups because he's got so much tension built up? And feels that he can reassure her as to his 'health' - which I took to mean sexual prowess.

I know there are some who think he needs to step up his game in comparison to Chi-Soo but I'm ok with the pace of his pursuit, at this point. I think next episodes will see a change if he doesn't just give up. (Please don't give up.) Everyone is saying that they don't like the alpha-male grabbing and taking, but now that we have a man who is pulling back when he can't get a clear signal, and being respectful of the girl, we think he's too slow. I really think it's more about his promise to protect than any lack of desire or interest on his part. Now that he doesn't have to protect her, he feels free to pursue her.


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I actually love his slow paceness (if that's a word).


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Momo he is '81 I know cause I'm a rooster and a '81 LOOOOOL I love how KH plays with Eubin mind is sooo hilarious and plain adorable.


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