48th Grand Bell Awards
by javabeans
October 17 was the night of the 48th Grand Bell Awards (or, per its Korean name, Daejong Awards), and it was a big event for a few films in particular. And while the Joseon-era David-versus-Goliath action sageuk Bow: The Ultimate Weapon didn’t sweep the categories, it did take home a nice chunk of them.
But Best Picture (and a few others) went to the Korean War film The Front Line (which is probably a good thing, since it’s this year’s entry to the Academy Awards — not that I expect it’ll win or even make final cut. Korean films rarely — never? — do).
A couple of other notable winners: bright, touching comedy Sunny, and the moody, pensive Bleak Night. All are on my Must Watch ASAP list.
Best Picture: The Front Line
Actor Award: Park Hae-il (Bow: The Ultimate Weapon)
Actress Award: Kim Haneul (Blind)
Director Award: Kim Hyung-chul (Sunny)
Supporting Actor: Yellow Sea (Jo Sung-ha)
Supporting Actress: Shim Eun-kyung (Romantic Heaven)
New Actor: Lee Je-hoon (Bleak Night)
New Actress: Moon Chae-won (Bow: The Ultimate Weapon)
New Director: Yoon Sung-hyun (Bleak Night)
Screenplay: Choi Min-seok (Blind)
Costuming: Chae Kyung-hwa (Yellow Sea)
Art Direction: Chae Kyung-sun (Detective K: Secret of Virtuous Widow)
Visual Effects: Han Young-woo (Bow: The Ultimate Weapon)
Music: Jo Sung-woo, Choi Yong-rak (Late Autumn)
Sound Effects: Choi Tae-young (Bow: The Ultimate Weapon)
Planning: Lee Woo-jung (The Front Line)
Lighting: Kim Min-jae (The Front Line)
Editing: Nam Na-young (Sunny)
Cinematography: Kim Woo-hyung (The Front Line)
Popularity Award: Won Bin
Lifetime Achievement Award: Lee Dae-geun
As for the fashions: With a trend toward red, white, and black, it’s not perhaps as colorful as the recent Busan International Film Festival red carpet, and was sadly missing BIFF’s WTF quotient, but some pretty dresses were in the mix.
Kim Haneul grabbed one of a few awards not given to the dominant winners Bow or Front Line for her performance in Blind. Her You’re My Pet co-star greeted her onstage Jang Geun-seok and presented her award. Sure he’s rumply, and his suit doesn’t fit, and he’s wearing sneakers and a T-shirt…but with Jang Geun-seok, it could be a whole lot worse, no?
This is not my favorite red carpet look from Kim Haneul, and actually reminds me of a look she wore in the past, down to the makeup. Hm, was she feeling nostalgic? Forgetful? Or maybe decided to be economical and repurpose a two-year-old gown to commemorate her best actress win? Nah, I’m going with forgetful.
Park Hae-il took home the top acting award for the night’s biggest winner (Bow: The Ultimate Weapon), whose box office numbers are still climbing. Park has made some interesting, critically and commercially successful choices in his career (The Host, Memories of Murder), particularly with last year’s Moss and now Bow. Also: I’m a sucker for men wearing black-on-black. Even if it’s finished off with a Charlie Chaplin hat that looks a wee bit small.
Moon Chae-won is on a roll with Bow: The Ultimate Weapon and The Princess’s Man, and I’m betting this new actress award isn’t the last one she picks up this year.
She wore one of a couple red gowns at the event, but I think hers tops the list. The look is fresh and clean, without being severe.
Lee Je-hoon is going to be a huge star. At least, he should be. I’ve been hearing about him for a couple years, but he really broke through recently with two raved-about performances, both of which won multiple awards this night: The Front Line and Bleak Night. His new actor award came for the latter. He looks great in a crisp, clean tux.
Choi Kang-hee missed winning a best actress award for Petty Romance, but she looks happy anyway. Count on her (and her quirky fashion sense) to pair a flowy, floor-length gown with chunky leather boots. I kind of hate the gown (it’s like an overgrown bib, with a collar — to make it fancy!), but I like that soft-hard, light-heavy contrast.
Bae Jong-ok also missed an award in the same category, for The Most Beautiful Goodbye in the World. The woman knows how to mix classy and sexy.
Another nominee for the actress award was Kim Hye-soo for the comedy-thriller Villain & Widow.
Yoon Kye-sang! Lately I’m seeing him mostly as the adorable, smiley doctor in High Kick: Counterattack of the Short Legs and forgot how badass he was in Phungsan Dog, for which he was nominated in the best actor category.
Jo Sung-ha did win, in the supporting actor category. His movie might have been the violent thriller The Yellow Sea, but thanks to 1 Night 2 Days, I’ll forever see him as the ajusshi who nearly drowned a crew member for breakfast and then danced a victory dance.
Oh, Won Bin (Ajusshi). *weeps for your hair*
One of my favorites of the night. Alone, both Daniel Choi (Cyrano Dating Agency) and Seo Young-hee (Bedevilled) look great, but together, they’re just stunning. Love her dress, love the color, love her shoes. Love HIM.
Lee Min-jung was one of last year’s winners for Cyrano Dating Agency. She didn’t have a movie in the running this year, which must be why she skipped the statement gown and instead picked up something from the old matron widow next door. Hey, she may be a sexy widow, but still: widow.
Seems like there was a bit of a kerfuffle that Shim Eun-kyung wasn’t nominated in the actress category for Sunny, but as a consolation, she has her supporting actress award for Romantic Heaven. She didn’t come to the ceremony (she’s in the States studying) so her Sunny co-star Chun Woo-hee accepted the award for her. Instead, Shim tweeted her disappointment at missing the awards due to her schoolwork. As for Chun, she was one of a number of black gowns of the event, a popular color that was perhaps only to be outdone by white.
Like on Jang Young-nam (Hello Ghost), for instance…
…and Shin Hyun-bin, which is a name I think we’ll be hearing more of. The 25-year-old actress already picked up a Baeksang award for the comedy He’s On Duty, and was recently in sageuk drama Warrior Baek Dong-soo. She’s new, so she’s got time to work on that whole fashion thing. Maybe she’s starting medieval and working her way up to present-day.
But if you’re gonna do white, you can’t get cuter and flirtier than Sunny’s Kang So-ra, who looks so fresh and adorable. That dress is all sweet poofery in front, and then she turns and it’s all saucy corset in the back. It may be short veering on dangerous — why hellooo, big gust of wind — but she wears it with such confidence.
Kim Hye-jin (for a while known as “Kim Tae-hee’s friend” for her role in IRIS) does white too. It’s okay, I guess. I sort of think it would look better without the cutouts in the back — from the front, it’s classy, and the back it’s…not as classy.
Mr. Comedy Hitmaker himself, Cha Tae-hyun (Hello Ghost):
Shin Hyun-joon (Cain and Abel) and Jang Seo-hee (Wife’s Temptation) were the MCs for the night, and came in matching black.
More black for Lee Hwa-sun (Sex is Zero 2). Is it me or are her accessories unnaturally large? My ears hurt looking at her.
Kim Yoon-seok (The Chaser) with Park Hyo-joo (Girl K), who proves that red and high leg slits as trends are still going strong:
Song Sae-byuk (Sector 7, Meet the In-Laws) may be nearly 32, but his baby face makes him look like he’s 12-going-on-30.
How much do I love that Jung Soo-young (Coffee House) mixed things up with sparkly red shoes?
I’m trying to think of something nice to say about Yoon Ji-min‘s (Warrior Baek Dong-soo) dress. Um. As curtains, they’d be pretty? Okay, I may have to get back to you on that.
Jo Hee-bong (Blind) looks so happy, which is kind of jarring since I always see him playing losers or gangsters. I know, I know, movies are not reality.
Aw, Kim Ji-woo (Glory of Family 4) came to the awards despite having to Pretty In Pink her gown from two less fortunate gowns. Then again, maybe this is the most unfortunate gown of them all.
Teddy-bear ajussi Go Chang-seok (Quick, The Front Line):
In thumbnails, I thought to myself that there must be a younger Kim Sumi that I don’t know about. Turns out it’s the same Kim Sumi as ever (Hooray For Love), working a strapless gown. Rock on.
Via E Daily
Tags: awards, Bae Jong-ok, Cha Tae-hyun, Choi Kang-hee, Daniel Choi, Go Chang-seok, Jang Seo-hee, Jang Young-nam, Jo Hee-bong, Jo Sung-ha, Jung Soo-young, Kang So-ra, Kim Haneul, Kim Hye-soo, Kim Sumi, Lee Je-hoon, Lee Min-jung, Moon Chae-won, Park Hae-il, Park Hyo-joo, Seo Young-hee, Shin Hyun-bin, Shin Hyun-joon, Song Sae-byuk, Won Bin, Yoon Kye-sang
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1 polly
October 17, 2011 at 12:25 PM
Omo who's dat girl with Kim Ha NEul? :P Please dont hate me ppl...but that hair is bad, bad, bad!
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October 17, 2011 at 1:07 PM
In the banner picture he looks like "Mommy didn't give me cookies, so I burned the house".
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October 17, 2011 at 3:28 PM
LOL.. that's horrible. I am a huge Jang Keun Suk fan. We've been talking a lot about him lately on a fan blog and believe it or not its a miracle he wasn't wearing a white t-shirt and jeans since he was in school earlier that day and practising for his upcoming arena tour in Japan until late in the day. I don't know but I think he borrowed the clothes from someone.
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October 17, 2011 at 6:54 PM
Holy cow.
It's JGS, and not Go Hye-sun? You could have fooled me.
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October 17, 2011 at 8:45 PM
it saddens me that his new haircut is just as girly as the previous one
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October 17, 2011 at 11:03 PM
At least it's not the auburn red girly hair it was. We must be satisfied with small blessings. =____=
Diana Hansen
October 18, 2011 at 8:46 AM
me too. i was sure it was her til i started reading.lol. maybe he has a hidden gender issue a going? i do love him BUT..............
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October 18, 2011 at 4:13 AM
lmao :D
*borrowed the clothes* excuse me while I'm dying from laughter :D
But I kind of like him because of how he his that way..but the hair.. it has to go!!
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2 baekshi
October 17, 2011 at 12:25 PM
All Shin Hyun-bin did in WBDS was stare at the screen staring ! The end was frightening because she never changed, stare, stare stare, no expression at all
She was like :| and I was like :|
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October 17, 2011 at 12:32 PM
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October 17, 2011 at 4:07 PM
thanks for the laugh baekshi. (:
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October 17, 2011 at 5:49 PM
LOL SERIOUSLY! I had to google her to make sure it was the same person when I read that she won an AWARD! Mind is officially blown.
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October 17, 2011 at 6:43 PM
She actually won an AWARD??!!!!!
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October 17, 2011 at 6:17 PM
IKR!!! I thought why the PD bother to choose her as female lead? I mean her acting in WBDS is worst :|
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October 17, 2011 at 7:04 PM
I don't know about her. Just like her name without the"Shin".
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October 17, 2011 at 9:00 PM
You and me both!!
I hated her in WBDS!! Argh!
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3 kaedejun
October 17, 2011 at 12:30 PM
LOL - younger Kim Sumi. Actually I sometimes do think there are younger Kim Sumi's and get shocked when I see that the articles are talking about THIS oldie.
But the first pic of Jang Geun Suk? Win.
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October 17, 2011 at 3:03 PM
total WIN!!!! also...NEW HAIR!!! i'm so relieved for JGS
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October 17, 2011 at 3:04 PM
Epic win. Tee hee.
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4 jomo143
October 17, 2011 at 12:30 PM
Ooooh! I just saw Bow: The Ultimate Weapon in Toronto last week.
I have to agree on the special effects and sound. Very cool. Very very cool. They made arrows sound really scary.
It is funny to see MCW win best NEW actress...How big is that window of time?
And Jo Sung-ha won, too? The King? (He was sooo sexy as Sexy Loanshark in Romance Town. Best purchase and subsequent opening of wine seduction EVER!)
Can't see any of the photos from work. :(
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October 17, 2011 at 3:32 PM
oooh I love me some sexy-ungangster-loanshark too! He's my new ahjusshi crush ;)
and these 'NEW' awards? major LOL.. forever noob. tehee
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Jasmine Samimi
October 17, 2011 at 3:57 PM
I think it's because this is her first real movie role, so she is premiering as a new actress. I really hope she doesn't pick up anymore NEW ACTRESS AWARDS, but instead I hope she gets TOP ACTRESS or even BEST ACTRESS for the KBS DRAMA AWARDS, because after Princess Man she was AMAZING and deserves it.
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October 17, 2011 at 7:10 PM
You're right. I also think she got the NEW actress award because Arrow is her first movie :)
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October 17, 2011 at 6:25 PM
@Jomo~you made another trip up to Toronto?
Thanks for the info about Bow:The Ultimate Weapon playing at AMC Yonge-Dundas. I was not aware, but I will happen to be in Toronto on Friday and that will be a perfect opportunity to watch this movie with my son. He will love this! (Did you kids watch/ enjoy this movie?)
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October 17, 2011 at 7:48 PM
I should have taken the boy but it would have been a long drive for his short patience. He would have LOVED it - I'll get the video when it is out. It has the coolest archers ever on screen. Non-stop excitement, the costumes were gorgeous, the lady was awesome.
I have watched so many sageuks on the little screen. What a difference it is to see it LARGE and with LOUD sound.
I can't wait to hear what you and little birdscout think!
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October 17, 2011 at 9:37 PM
I'll be sure to reply after we see it. LOL, my "little birdscout" is 16y.o., almost 6 ft.tall and weighs in at 220 lbs:)
Where do you buy your k-movies?
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October 19, 2011 at 7:18 AM
Those I cannot find by other means, Yes Asia.
October 20, 2011 at 7:34 PM
@ Jomo
Well my son and I decided to go see Bow:The Ultimate Weapon, aka War of the Arrows, a day early and it was also the first time I have seen a sageuk (or any Korean movie for that matter) on the big screen. I agree with you that it was great to see it LARGE and LOUD! The first hour and 45 minutes, I was mesmerized and sitting on the edge of my seat with my hand over my mouth so that I wouldn't shout out or something, but I kinda got worn out the last 15 minutes or so. (Maybe my adrenaline just petered out or something.) I thought it veered just an eensy bit towards "too much". But I'm being picky. Overall, I really did enjoy the movie and I agree the award for sound effects was well-deserved. The visual effects were stunning, too (but the part with the tiger was a bit "forced", imho.)
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5 disfigurine
October 17, 2011 at 12:33 PM
The red dresses makes me think their stylists watched Baby Faced Beauty hahah :)
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6 mara barcel
October 17, 2011 at 12:36 PM
Could you please tell me if Daniel Choi and Seo Young-hee are dating? Thanks
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October 17, 2011 at 12:55 PM
I thought the same thing too when I saw their picture, holding hands. They seem so sweet though... :)
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Yer Vang
October 17, 2011 at 1:54 PM
I thought Seo Young-hee was married ._. No? Lol.
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October 17, 2011 at 2:07 PM
i'm wondering the same thing!! but the pictures of them look so sweet if they are :D
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October 17, 2011 at 1:54 PM
I thought the same thing but she is 6 years his senior and I found this
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October 17, 2011 at 2:21 PM
HAHAHA ohemgee i actually went ahead and googled cause i mean they totally looked like they were dating from the pictures and than i found articles stating that Seo Young Hee got married lol
what a relief....lol I am one of those few High Kick 2 fans who wishes the Shin Se Kyung and Daniel Choi couple actually happened instead of them dieing together lol
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7 alua
October 17, 2011 at 12:56 PM
Had to look twice to recognise JGS there.
Now I'm debating myself whether to get tickets for The Front Line and The Ultimate Weapon, both which will be screening at the London Korean Film Festival next month. Hmmmmmmm.
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October 17, 2011 at 2:59 PM
lucky you! I'd totally watch both!!!
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October 18, 2011 at 4:51 PM
The problem is time and money.
I have been watching insanely films lately (and the average movie ticket in the UK costs about £10/$14!) - 1 at the Raindance Film Festival, have 4 tickets for the BFI Film Festival this month (but got invited to another screening for free tomorrow night!!!), and have 2 tickets for the London Korean Film Festival already (1 luckily for free).
But I'm tempted..... maybe just one more...
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October 18, 2011 at 4:52 PM
Never mind! £10 apparently is US$15.7 now!!!!!
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October 17, 2011 at 3:05 PM
So jealous. I think I've said this before. I have yet to catch quite a few of these films. Please enjoy them for me!
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October 18, 2011 at 4:53 PM
Will do. (-:
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October 17, 2011 at 7:13 PM
Haven't seen The Ultimate Weapon, but I think The Front Line is worth seeing. I'm not a big fan of war movies, but I thought this one was really well done.
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October 18, 2011 at 4:03 AM
I think so too!! I didn't see Ko Soo in the parade of stars... Didn't he attend?
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October 18, 2011 at 4:54 PM
I'm not much of war movie fan either, which is why I was originally hesitating. But am seriously thinking about watching at least one of these.
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8 Pat
October 17, 2011 at 12:59 PM
won bin's hair scared me.
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October 17, 2011 at 3:05 PM
He is wearing a helmet. That's not hair. It's NOT.
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October 18, 2011 at 2:07 AM
seriously I think this hair is a better than the hippie hair cut but only by 1%.....
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October 20, 2011 at 11:09 AM
Maybe .5%
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9 Shiku
October 17, 2011 at 1:08 PM
Dayum, I honestly did not realize till JB said that it was JGS. Who wears an ill-fitting suit and t-shirt at an awards ceremony? And those shoes....
Doesn't he have a stylis........never mind.
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October 17, 2011 at 3:35 PM
Jang Keun Suk's hair is because of the role he is currently filming. I think him attending was a last minute decision cause I was following him on Twitter and between school and practising for his arena tour in Japan I don't think he was originally going. But sounded like he wrapped up his activities and picked up flowers on the way to the show. According to his twitter he didn't even have time for makeup just BB cream and some eyeliner he put on himself on the way there. LOL
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October 17, 2011 at 4:38 PM
So he borrowed someone's suit for the ceremony? LOL
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October 17, 2011 at 5:23 PM
LOL.. don't know but just look at it. The pants are too long and wide. The jacket sleeves are pulled up probably cause they are long. Monday was a busy busy day for him between school, health exam, practice for his arena tour, project meetings, etc. Only thing he DIDN'T do yesterday was film his drama (his hair is his characters hair). I'm just making an assumption that he borrowed the clothes.
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10 djeedjes
October 17, 2011 at 1:08 PM
Kim Sumi!! o.O She's just......great. Love her since WHIB, and love her more because 1N2D.
Kang Sora's dress is the best.. I love her overall appearance, her dress, her shoes, and her confidence!
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11 Anvesha
October 17, 2011 at 1:15 PM
I am also curious if Daniel choi and Young Hee frm A Thousand Kisses are dating or not.. They look good together.
Jang Geun Seok's fashion was so much less quirky than his other outfits (..costumes?). I don't mind sneakers with suits. But, I wish he would quickly go back to shorter hair.. And, what happened to Won Bin! His hair from Ahjussi turned to mop :(
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October 17, 2011 at 6:21 PM
they're not dating. Seo Young Hee is already married to someone, and he's not even actor.
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12 sakuranonamida
October 17, 2011 at 1:16 PM
lol, everyone is making fun of my baby Geun Seok's fashion sense, come here puppy I'll pet your weird hair :D
Congrats to Kim Ha Neul, love her!
Shin Hyun Bin was so bad in WBDS but I'll be nice and say that writing didn't help her and I'm even willing to try and watch the next thing she stars in, to see if she's really the pb or it was her character.
And damn Won Bin, the more he ages, the more he looks like Kimura Takuya, gorgeous beings both of them!
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October 17, 2011 at 1:32 PM
I know right?
I'd be more than glad to have Jang Geun-seok like this. We'll brush each other's hair everyday~
Same thing for Won Bin - hey, it's gonna grown out anyway!
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13 crzycpl
October 17, 2011 at 1:20 PM
Is Daniel Choi dating Seo Young-hee?
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October 17, 2011 at 1:55 PM
I thought the same thing but she is 6 years his senior and I found this. Wonder who the husband is?
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14 ssvip
October 17, 2011 at 1:25 PM
Awwww i squeeled like a little girl when i read "Teddy-bear ajussi Go Chang-seok" he is tooooo adorable for words!! hands down best dressed in my eyes, i just want to pinch his cheeks kyaaa~ can't stop spazing on how cute he looks, which i know i shouldn't coz im like 20 years younger than him :S but he. just. soooo. cute!!! ^____^
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15 Cam
October 17, 2011 at 1:37 PM
Oooh.....Omo, omo!! ^_____^
That's NIICCEE of this actors, Daniel Choi & Young Hee reaaally look VERY good-looking couples!! I am just wondering that if they would date each other, or just still friends.....mmm? I am just curious, that's all. :)
Goossh, Jang Geun Seok's looong hair is finally hair & dying his naturally black hair again, ofc. So.....I don't know what to say when I noticed that he's wearing w/ his styles like that.......it's no matter what, he's still handsome, yups. ^__^
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October 17, 2011 at 1:40 PM
OH! O_o My bad....I meant, Jang Geun Seok's looong hair is finally cut down....TO medium-short hair now & dye back to his naturally black hair, kekeke....... \^____^/
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16 mirabeau
October 17, 2011 at 1:42 PM
I met Kim Hyung-chul (Sunny's Director) last Tuesdaaaay ! I met an Grand Bell Award winneeeeer ! *merrily singing*
On the sidenote, why were Daniel Choi and Seo Young-hee together ? Did they recently co-start in a movie ?
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October 17, 2011 at 1:56 PM
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17 Bellamafia
October 17, 2011 at 1:50 PM
weird.. I'm quite disappointed there was no actress wearing controversial outfit..
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October 18, 2011 at 7:03 AM
I was so happy that they all had a top unlike that topless wonder at the BIFF.
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18 Cynthia
October 17, 2011 at 2:07 PM
Good coverage - thanks, JB!
Blow by blow:
Jang Guen-Seok - Better this girly cut than the lanky locks - and he IS dressed appropriately (for one of the few times) at these award shows (hello Bo-Ho look! Talking to you!)
Moon Chae-won - best red dress of the night - that bodice bow was done right, and the ruffles? Adorable!
Choi Kang-Hee? Awful. Just awful. In an odd way, it reminded me of Bijork's "dead swan" dress at the Oscars, years ago.
Kim Hye-Soo - gorgeous. She's got upper body for days and that black/greyblue was stunning on her.
Won Bin - Ajusshi needs a new barber, stat. That bowl cut looks like something landed on his head and decided to nest.
Yoon Ji-min has been rummaging in Cher's closet and found the Goodwill box castoffs. Yikes.
Kim Ji Woo? **sigh** A roll of elastic spandex mated with grandma's shiny curtains. Why KJW opted to wear the resulting spawn tells us she's in need of a stylist, pronto.
Kim Su Mi - she's just lovely and wearing bare shoulders/upper bodice at her age is terrific. Just wished the designer had left off the smiley face beneath the "girls".
Winner (by far!) of the night? Kang So Ra, rocking that piece of confection white shortie. Girl was perfect - matching shoes, limited jewelry, small, sparkly clutch and makeup and hair done right! This girl has a great grasp of style (it was apparent the second they showed her on WGM meeting Lee Tuek last week in that dress she wore - perfect!) This newbie is going to show her peer group how to do it in style.
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October 17, 2011 at 7:41 PM
Add velvet jacket to Won Bin. I love him, but velvet jacket?
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October 17, 2011 at 10:06 PM
Actually when I first saw CKH's dress, I was startled. But then, I like the way she touched her "bib" (really like a little kid) and her appearance with Chae Tae-hyon was the highlight of the ceremony when they awarded the Best Director They were so adorable, sincere and touching in their "fake" acceptance speeches.
I know javabeans never liked CKH anyway. So I kind of understand where she comes from. :D We all have our preference anyway. But I didn't see any negative remarks of CKH's appearance yesterday on Korean news today. :D
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October 17, 2011 at 10:41 PM
No offence but I find Kang So Ra's dress a bit of a 'show off' though. It was as short as a panty, sorry.
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19 peachys2sleep
October 17, 2011 at 2:15 PM
Lee Je-Hoon's performances in "Bleak Night" and "The Frontline" are totally worth checking out. He is so talented =D
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20 Jo sno
October 17, 2011 at 2:22 PM
Kim Hye-jin dress: the front is classy and the back is assy
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21 peanut butter
October 17, 2011 at 2:30 PM
I'm so glad Sunny got something because I adored that movie to bits! I haven't watched the others yet but when I get the chance I definitely will.
And...who styled Won Bin's hair? Love the man. Not the hair.
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22 mara barcel
October 17, 2011 at 2:48 PM
Seo Young-hee just got married this year. so, I dont think so. That would be a big scandal in korea.
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23 Iviih
October 17, 2011 at 2:48 PM
I will check this movie Shin Hyun-bin did because she was really, really bad in Warrior Baek Dong Soo.
She was a wood.
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24 Banu
October 17, 2011 at 2:56 PM
I miss The Man from Nowhere .. where did he go.. `Won Bin come back to yourself!! What's with that HAIR O__O...
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25 Barbara Starks
October 17, 2011 at 3:00 PM
I love Lee-Hwa-sun,Bae Jong-ok and Kim Hye-Jin dress and earrings stunning. I don't care for the slit in the dresses, I'm more of a short length kind of gal........
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