Kang Ho-dong takes break from showbiz, 1N2D to shoot farewell episode?
by girlfriday
Sigh. As if the man needed to take any more hits. MC Kang Ho-dong has been on the ropes this week for tax evasion, made very public of course by the Korean media. He’s currently under investigation for owing millions of won in back taxes, and the industry backlash has been pretty severe. After many days spent reportedly in a panic, he held a press conference on the 9th to announce his temporary retirement from the industry.
Aaaaaagh. I thought we just got past all the leaving / not-leaving drama and finally settled into a good place. There’s only six more months of 1 Night 2 Days left! It was going to be a happy, everyone-together-till-the-end kind of ending! That was the plan! I just barely got myself emotionally adjusted to that plan, and now this?
Kang Ho-dong is currently hosting 1 Night 2 Days, Star King, Strong Heart, and Knee Drop Guru, covering all three big networks, though he’s a fixed employee at KBS. At the press conference, he apologized publicly and expressed immense regret: “I have disappointed your love for me,” adding, “How can I laugh and talk on TV without shame?” He then announced his temporary retirement from the industry, shedding tears.
Na PD released a statement that Kang Ho-dong can’t and won’t be replaced, and they’ll carry on with five members. He said that many PDs gathered to comfort Kang Ho-dong, as he was in a state of panic for days. He expressed his regret at losing Kang Ho-dong from the industry, but the PDs chose to respect his decision. He added, “We were together for over four years, so as a PD, I just feel regret.” The final decisions have yet to be made, but they felt that his departure from 1N2D would need a proper send-off, and so a farewell trip for Kang Ho-dong is in the works. When and where the trip will take place hasn’t been finalized, but they felt that the viewers would need to say a proper goodbye.
I’d rather not say goodbye at all. But if he’s really leaving, then yes, I’m going to need a send-off rather than the norm, which is just: scandal… then POOF! Like they just disappear into thin air. I have abandonment issues with that. Is there any way we can ease into this, like lessen his screentime by five minutes every week until the six months run out? Sigh. I’m clearly going to have trouble accepting this.
Ho-dong oppa! Don’t go!
Via E Daily
Tags: 1N2D, Kang Ho-dong
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1 Aidan
September 9, 2011 at 1:38 PM
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September 10, 2011 at 5:56 PM
Please show your support for Kang Ho Dong-sshi by adding your name to this petition. I want this petition to reach 10000 signatures so please sign and make your friends sign it too!
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September 10, 2011 at 5:57 PM
Just realized I should add that you have to click on my name to get to the website. Thank you~
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September 18, 2011 at 3:47 PM
no thanks. he deserves no special treatment.
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charla molina
September 27, 2011 at 8:50 AM
WOW say it isnt so.KHD so very sad to see you go.
I am a viewer from California,my teen son I and I watch 2days together weeklY,we have laughed and cried with the cast. the show will not be the same.
Why? We would like to believe you did not know about this tax issue.
KHD there are many viewers who will wait for your return
im sure you will feel the love and support as well as prayers for healing.
Thanks to KBS for allowing us into SOUTH KOREAN entertainment .
PD Na we can see you love this group of men,sure this a difficult time for all.
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2 wonbinlover
September 9, 2011 at 1:42 PM
This sucks. I only watch 1n2d out of all the shows he hosts but he's such an integral part of the show. Even that one episode where Suguen and him could of went home and the hosting duties were left to Seungi and that felt awkward. He'll be missed a lot. I feel like crying :(
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3 Gdrocks
September 9, 2011 at 1:45 PM
Oh man. I really feel like crying, I have just started watching Strong Heart and 1N2D. Why!!!!????
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4 torrtis
September 9, 2011 at 1:45 PM
Respect that he took responsibility like a man, even though he could have shirk it on others such as his accountants. A break to concentrate on self rediscovery and family will do good. On a side note Lee Seung Gi should go complete his military service now, then join his mentor together in a comeback together.
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September 9, 2011 at 6:33 PM
I read somewhere Seunggi will complete his Masters degree next year March, so I believe he's not likely to join military until then. Sigh...still coming to terms with KHD's sudden decision. 2D1N is still the best variety show ever! It's only thing Korean that I've watched and followed.
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5 Y
September 9, 2011 at 1:47 PM
Sad to hear this, but I kinda expected this to happen :(
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6 Cynthia
September 9, 2011 at 1:56 PM
He's been a huge presence on Korean TV and he'll be sorely missed - but didn't he contract to join another network? And won't he still be going there?
I'm finding it rather puzzling about his non-payment of taxes. With the kind of money he's pulling in, isn't it taken for granted that he'd have professional people handling his finances? So, he's taking the fall for someone else's incompetence? Because if he's shouldering the blame then that's just admitting that he is responsible for non-payment of what he knew he owed.
This is what surprises me the most. He never, EVER came across as unethical.
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September 9, 2011 at 3:39 PM
I don't think that's the case of incompetent Accountant. we don't know how much involvement of his accountant in evading his taxes. (sort of reminds me of Arthur Andersen knew about Enron's scandal but chose to keep quiet). Regardless, it's his responsibility to report every income to his accountant, if he kept it from the accountant then it can't be the accountant's fault. It sounds like the accountant is not an accomplice.
To be honest, I feel disappointed in him because he's such a family, friendly man. But when it comes to money, a lot of people get greedy and become ethical. The richer you are, the higher incentive for you to cheat on taxes. I feel that he is taking an easy way out by taking an temporary retirement. He should continue finishing his contract and YES that means face his co-workers. I hope he learns from this
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September 9, 2011 at 3:40 PM
sorry typo. I meant , when it comes to money, a lot of people become UNethical
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September 9, 2011 at 9:01 PM
I worked for Arthur Andersen. AA was far more complicit than merely keeping quiet about Enron. What they did with Enron was a company-wide practice. Quite likely industry-wide practice of using audit clients to generate more lucrative consulting projects. Five months before Enron went down, I myself left after being asked to lie on a $2 million gig.
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September 9, 2011 at 9:37 PM
The things is a good accountant can usually sniff out a client fudging figures. The reverse isn't usually true. If Kang Hodong knowingly did this, his accountant certainly enabled it the way AA willingly enabled Enron.
Whenever we went on a project, everyone was always careful around the audit staff. Sometimes, the audit staff encountered much hostility from client personnel. People expected auditors to be sticklers for detail and accuracy, definitely killjoys.
I remember one particularly hostile environment at a company that was doing an insane number of M&As, as in something smelled very rotten, and oops! The very next year, charges were filed against that company for the very thing I suspected. I wasn't even on the audit team and could tell that something was seriously amiss from having only limited access to its books and having seen the extremely fine art collection that adorned even the dingiest walls.
A good accountant should have known.
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ar_arguably romantic
September 9, 2011 at 4:40 PM
I think even if your accountant does the work, once you sign your name on your taxes, you are the liable one for the govt taxes, so it really isn't "taking the fall" for someone. So it's your responsibility to look it over and make sure nothing looks suspicious.
This is an unfortunate situation all around. I hope his break from show-biz is only temporary and that he will be back soon.
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September 9, 2011 at 7:58 PM
I agree that once you sign the form, you're responsible for understanding the contents, but I think it's fairly unreasonable to expect that he's going to know what taxes he owes. I mean, isn't that why you hire an accountant?
Unless you're a financial wizard, how in the world could one expect a guy like Hodong to even know enough to BE suspicious? I like his public persona, but really, the guy doesn't come across as the sharpest knife in the drawer (if you get my drift).
This is, once again, the reason why so many celebrities get taken by their money managers - they trust the fox to guard the coop - and foxes are known to be greedy creatures.
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7 Abbie
September 9, 2011 at 2:00 PM
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Why? Tax evasion?! Seriously? That's so dumb. Why should he have to retire because of that? Wait, will he go to jail? NOOOOOOO! I'll miss you Kang Ho-Dong ahjussi! Come back soon!
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September 9, 2011 at 5:50 PM
no. he's going to pay the fines and that's it.
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September 10, 2011 at 9:03 PM
Oh good! But how long will he be gone from showbiz?
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8 HeadsNo2
September 9, 2011 at 2:02 PM
This is really sad. Do you think he knowingly evaded his taxes or this is another example of Korean netizens jumping the gun and crucifying someone over some misunderstandings?
I feel like Kang Ho Dong is a very good example of how even having some of the most IMMENSE fame in Korea can't save you from having your career ruined in the blink of an eye. I'm sad for 1N2D and for Kang Ho Dong. Hopefully he returns and doesn't disappear into nothing.
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September 9, 2011 at 3:44 PM
Of course he knowingly evaded tax! He issued an apology letter, so it's not a misunderstanding. In the U.S. tax evasion can be prosecuted. But, he probably won't go to jail of he makes restituion and back payments. The worst punishment for him would be his ruined image. Money, he has a lot he can pay the owed taxes back. But losing your good image is a career suicide in the entertainment industry. which explains why he chose to take a temporary retirement.
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September 9, 2011 at 4:11 PM
I don't think we can positively infer that he knowingly misfiled his taxes just because he apologized. From watching every episode of 1N2D and sussing out Korean culture from afar, Hodong may be remorseful for just being involved at all and allowing the tax evasion to take place with his oversight. He such an upstanding person that I don't believe without further evidence that he was greedy and purposefully obscured taxable income. If the scandal involved some other issue like violence or drunk driving, I would doubt his character much more, but for tax filing . . . it seems like a very easy thing to make mistakes on.
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peanut butter
September 9, 2011 at 6:05 PM
Well, that I know of, apparently he had gotten a lawyer and was working on paying the money that he owed the government before the news was even leaked. That makes me feel like he found out about and was trying to calmly pay the money that was due.
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9 jen
September 9, 2011 at 2:13 PM
but did he really do it?
i don't know about you, but if i was making millions, i wouldn't want to handle my taxes.
rather pay someone. i feel like he's just taking all the responsibilities and maybe he wasn't whole heartedly his fault
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10 MEK
September 9, 2011 at 2:19 PM
omg *panics...kang hodong oppa...dont leave! but you know the seungi going to the military and coming back with hodong is a cool idea...but i'm not sure im prepared to lose both of them at the same time...
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11 Myn-Zi
September 9, 2011 at 2:27 PM
.......no....*sigh* no.........
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12 Arhazivory
September 9, 2011 at 2:31 PM
He did have someone who was paid to do his taxes. When it came to light that there was money owing in the back, he started to making amends. I'm still shocked that its come to this. I'm glad they'll be doing a farewell episode...to just disappear from the screen is too distasteful and hurtful.
Ho Dong oppa. :(
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13 sleepysnail
September 9, 2011 at 2:40 PM
while i think he probably did know (it's his money, after all, and tax evasion is nothing new among the wealthy), i'm surprised by the fierceness of the reaction. i mean, i would be upset if some guy wasn't pulling his weight, but it's not as if people haven't done it before, and some of those crucifying him are probably also evading taxes (and i'm not talking about just the industry; netizens are among the worst hypocrites i've ever seen).
i'm not trying to justify his actions (daughter of an accountant... my father would turn over in his grave if he thought i supported tax evasion), but it's not as surprising as it could've been, and it certainly doesn't warrant the reaction that it's getting.
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September 9, 2011 at 3:46 PM
I agree with you the public reaction is a little harsh, but the reason is because KHD had been maintaining a pure , decent, ethical family man. So the public feels like he's a hypocrite.
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September 9, 2011 at 6:49 PM
I agree. I feel like in South Korea, if you're a celebrity, you have to be 100% perfect, you're not allowed to make any mistakes or else your career will be over. However in this case, I feel disappointed in him (if he knows about the tax thing) because no matter how famous he is , he is still a Korean citizen, and it's his responsibility to pay the taxes.
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14 abc123
September 9, 2011 at 2:45 PM
The sad thing (for me) is that my sister just told me that she is a Ho-dong's fan yesterday.She started watching 1N2D because of me.
I think he wanted a break even before all this tax evasion issues. Because he's one of the busiest MCs in SK and has too much on his plate. I'm not sure about him, but MC Yoo has voiced in an episode of IC that he has no time for himself.
And I think a temporary leave would do him good, case in point: Choi Min Soo.
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15 Lena S.
September 9, 2011 at 2:49 PM
omg i have no words
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16 tax man
September 9, 2011 at 2:53 PM
i don't know what the readers here do for a living but there's a huge difference when youre making 30, 40, 50 grand a year and 30+ million(what KHD is making)/year in terms of taxes. to say he didnt know what was going on is bs. that's why he's doing all this before it snowballs out of control. swallow the bitter pill now before more dirty laundry gets aired out. no one likes paying taxes period doesnt matter how much you make and he just effed up. the reason why ppl hire accounts is so that they pay least amount of taxes possible. and you have to remember KBS is a state run station and his salary is paid for with taxes from the every joe.
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September 9, 2011 at 4:03 PM
"KBS is a state run station and his salary is paid for with taxes from the every joe."
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Lena S.
September 9, 2011 at 4:52 PM
didn't know this D:
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September 9, 2011 at 4:57 PM
Amen sister. He gets little sympathy from me. I like watching him, but he basically ruined himself for the next couple of years. Maybe it's even better for him to take a break, take some time for himself and his family.
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September 9, 2011 at 5:49 PM
That was mere rumour and has been put to rest already - HE DOES NOT EARN $30M USD.
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17 Leona
September 9, 2011 at 2:56 PM
I think some Koreans are on crack ...and they are high as a kite or more
I don't get it why they feel the need to sink the very few ppl who can carry on the Hallyu wave - it's not like they have the best variety shows around, but there are a few which are viewed overseas too
a few days ago someone from SME's management said that Hallyu can keep up with the task 3 to 5 years... however if at home they shut down the biggest stars one by one ... I wonder HOW?
these are internal issues, therefore as a foreign viewer I don't care about their legal system, even more I condemn the fact they can't handle this kind of issue without so much noise
In a way I'm pissed off by this attitude (ermm I know it is the tradition and culture but it is too hard for me to understand, even though I have some accounting studies)
PPL you have only one small window to promote you culture, because NOW other ppl are interested in your showbiz - usually it is a very short time: see the Japan's culture in other countries: they had a boom, a slow down, another boom and now another slow down: it is easy!!! ppl love brand new items, after a while just forget about: this is the fate in showbiz
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September 9, 2011 at 3:40 PM
people like you are so annoying (especially the horrible grammar). this isn't like china where you can cover up and make the government censor anything negative about the county or its people jeez. now maybe you're not used to the freedom of the press but he ran anyway from his taxes and got caught. end of story. what's up with this hallyu BS
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September 9, 2011 at 10:59 PM
sorry about grammar ( self taught English)- it won't change anytime soon
I wasn't speaking about covering up - I want more transparency from their gov and to do their job properly- they should do Tax controls a bit more often but they came after a few years : HEY you tricked us because... insert here whatsoever reason...
The law is the law, but you can't make an accountant or a lawyer from a comedian or a sportsman no matter how hard you try, they just don't have the brain build for that .
I just blame it on the system - it should be changed - because these people bring money in the country : people like Kang HoDong sell even outside Korea
btw I'm from Eastern Europe, not China. I apologize that in school I learned only French and German as foreign languages. While I still understand French I can't write as I don't remember the vocabulary and German it is a lost cause for me.
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September 12, 2011 at 1:59 AM
lol @ you, your grammar isn't perfect either.
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September 9, 2011 at 9:51 PM
I think people are in denial because of their conflicting emotions.
I knew someone who was personally very nice, kind and generous. This did not stop him from being dishonest in his business affairs. He had to pay the price for his misdeeds and a lot of friends and family were hurt and confused for a long time.
I sometimes think that the kind of people who cheat like this somehow compartimentalize (sp?) their evil inclinations.
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September 9, 2011 at 11:31 PM
I don't think taxes don't worth to be payed, contrary this is the only mechanism to make a country work, my bet is that he is guilty, however I'm bothered by the way they handle these matters: it is a bit too late and they should gave him a warning sooner than this
Their FISC first yells woooolf! In some countries people are innocent until proven guilty
C'mon in my country even witches pay taxes or we pay taxes for the rain water (yep it is called tax for draining system). Romania is one of the countries with the highest amount of taxes in the world
However for tax evasion we pay fines rather than jail time.
My view against taxes and the way Koreans handle it with their stars is more another view from another culture.
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September 11, 2011 at 3:44 AM
You think he should have had a warning? "Hey, I noticed you're breaking the law here, you better not do it again or I'll arrest you!" Or, "We're going to investigate you now, you better be careful with your forms!" I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous. He knowingly committed a crime and he should pay the price for it, whether it happened once or over many years. And he shouldn't get off easy just because he's a celebrity.
I'm not necessarily advocating jailtime, but the backlash is warranted. He's supposed to be a positive influence and he shirked his duty to his country, which is a very big deal anywhere, but especially in Korea. Kang Ho Dong surely rakes in tons of cash, so this is just a case of greed. Which I have no sympathy for.
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18 KDrama Fan
September 9, 2011 at 2:59 PM
I saw this on another site and was shocked.
Yes, he did wrong but surely paying the money owed, giving a heartfelt apology and doing some charity work would be enough to make amends-how about make him work for no pay for a bit-sorry Kang but I don't want to lose you but still think you need to do something to show remorse.
With him 'retiring' whole programs will collapse, his colleagues will be left without work, and us viewers will be be left without the programs we love so much.
I know it was Kang's decision but think the industry has just stabbed itself in the back by forcing him to take this drastic step.
No one can replace Kang.
Hoping this all passes quickly and he returns to our screens soon.
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September 9, 2011 at 3:57 PM
I don't know in Korea, but in the U.S. tax evasion of "famous people" is considered a scandal. It can be considered a criminal case and can be prosecuted!. It is a SERIOUS felony!! Some of the readers here may not understand taxes and government. South Korea isn't like China or Indonesia that is full of corruption where the citizens often evade taxes, no big deal. This is South Korea! you don't just not pay taxes.
I don't buy that KHD didn't know he cheated on his taxes. Of course, he did know. He chose not to report ALL of his income or he Overstated his deductions. Since he works for a major TV network my guess is that it would be difficult to not report the income from the TV network. The TV also takes out some tax withholding every paycheck. The areas of people often cheat are "business expenses", "charitable deductions", and revenues that are difficult to track. In the entertainment industry, it's so easy to cheat on taxes. If you take a taxi to go to a studio, you can deduct that expense. If you have a meal with a client, it's considered a tax deduction. Do you see where I am going with this? you can easily overstate expenses. You can eat with your family and say that it's business related, no one really knows. You are supposed to keep every receipt, and invoices but many even fudge them.
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September 9, 2011 at 4:21 PM
You give plenty of examples of cheating with deductions, but it would be an assumption to apply them to this particular case without further information. As for Korean tax law, if it's anything like in the U.S., it can be incredibly complicated with a lot of gray area for what constitutes a deductible expense and what is not. When a celebrity starts making millions, travels a lot for business that is interwoven with pleasure, and is unsophisticated when it comes to tax law, a complicated tax system can be easy to misunderstand. I not saying that KHD doesn't have a duty to correctly file his taxes, but I wouldn't vilify him in the same way I would cast stones at the CEO of Enron.
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19 Simpli
September 9, 2011 at 3:07 PM
In Korea, there is no room for mistakes. Once you do one thing wrong, it's the end of your career. Such as Shin Jung Hwan, a comedian, gambled in some south eastern asian country and now his career's over. He used to be a very funny and entertaining guy, but once you mess up, you can't return. I only think there's a few exceptions like Hyesung, from Shinhwa, who was involved in gambling, too. But it seems that Shinhwa is coming back in 2012.
Anyway, back to Kang Hodong, It stinks he will be leaving the show when it is about to end in 6 months anyway. I feel like the whole korean media might be falling apart...
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September 9, 2011 at 3:30 PM
Gambling? Career ruined over gambling?
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September 9, 2011 at 4:34 PM
For a S.K. citizen, gambling is a serious crime both within the country and outside of it. There's only maybe 1 gambling casino somewhere deep in the mountains, where it's legal for a S.K. citizen. Any other casino you see in S.K. is meant for foreigners, not locals.
Don't forget, South Korea is a country in which adultery is a crime.
@ Simpli, I never understood how Hyesung came out of it relatively unscathed. (Thankfully!!) He put his activities on hold for over a year, but other than that, no huge repercussions. The genuine sincerity that people felt in his apology went a long way?
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September 9, 2011 at 9:17 PM
Tomo, thanks for the clarification. I appreciate it.
But ...
Not at Tomo, but at the hypocrisy of all this indignation -
Vomit. All the neighborhood ladies who play hwato should turn themselves in then.
And adultery, my arse. It's still not shocking to hear of Korean men having kept two separate families, who know about each other. I'd like to see those men be prosecuted.
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September 11, 2011 at 5:26 PM
@tomo I didn't understand how the news faded away too. I'm happy Shinhwa will be coming back, but the topic of gambling might be brought up again. You never know... people do like to bring up topics that happened years ago.
But I feel that even if they do apologize sincerely, the public disregards it, as what happened with other celebrities.
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September 9, 2011 at 5:57 PM
uhm, you can't really use shin junghwan as an example. first off, that was not the first time shin junghwan got caught gambling. he was caught a few years ago and was forgiven by the public. then he got caught again recently. what made it so much more serious this time was the fact that he ran off and refused to come back to the country.
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September 9, 2011 at 5:59 PM
also, the korean public are the same people who allow those who have killed someone while driving under the influence to appear on tv. i WISH that it was more on the line of "Once you do one thing wrong, it’s the end of your career" for those particular people but it's not really.
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20 Oh Ji's Ho
September 9, 2011 at 3:13 PM
Tax evasion? Are you serious? That seems like the easiest charge to avoid...just pay your taxes. We all hate it, but what can we do? I hope this is resolved quickly and he makes amends -- which I thoroughly believe he will do. Love me some Kang Ho Dong...hmmm - a thought that just formulated - maybe the earlier reports of him 'leaving' the show was him trying to avoid this scandal coming to light since he had already had some warning signs about it becoming public knowledge. It is all just so sudden and one after the other. What was the original source of the accusation?
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21 Alex
September 9, 2011 at 3:14 PM
Aren't there laws protecting people from having their tax information revealed by the media?
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22 Noelle
September 9, 2011 at 3:19 PM
Aww! I hope this doesn't effect him to much. I hope his fans stick with him. Heres to a quick and happy return! *clinks glass*
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23 stars4u
September 9, 2011 at 3:27 PM
It's just temporary, right? He'll be back, right? NNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!
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24 renzillag
September 9, 2011 at 3:31 PM
This is horrible! Why doea he have to leave.
Also, heres a link to a petition that wants to show its support for KHD:
ipetitions (dot) com / petition/ kanghodong
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25 reglest
September 9, 2011 at 3:32 PM
I'm so broken. This is hot topic for tonight, and I'm already in tears as well as all of my twitter friends.. *hugs GF dan JB* how can 1n2d running WITHOUT HIM? How the baby bear do without Papa Bear?
Seriously, K-netizen and media, you make victim everyday. But why must Ho Dong? Take blood from somebody else!! Oppa,please don't go!!! TT_____TT
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