Myung-wol the Spy unable to complete shoot, to air special
by javabeans
Oy vey. The reports are conflicting, the response is growing heated, and confusion abounds over the immediate fate of Myung-wol the Spy, which was thrown into chaos over the weekend when its star, Han Ye-seul, didn’t appear for her scheduled shoots.
The trouble began on Saturday the 14th when Han, who was scheduled for an early morning shoot, didn’t appear. Her side seemed as confused as everyone else, and stated that the shoots had gone so far into the night that she only had two hours after being released before her next day’s call time. Then stories emerged that Han and the PD, Hwang In-hyuk, have been at odds since the very start, which has only grown more contentious as filming went on. They’d fought fiercely on set earlier in the week, and Han had repeatedly requested a PD switch. A new PD was brought onboard but PD Hwang remained, which appears to have been a halfhearted non-attempt to appease her.
According to a production rep, Han expressed her problems with the schedule, and when those differences were not resolved, told the director that she wouldn’t make the Saturday shoot. The explanation was her ill health due to the shooting schedule, but apparently the crew still expected her, and the cast was in standby mode until shooting was eventually cancelled.
Han didn’t shoot on the 15th, either, and with the drama up to its neck in live shoots, that left the show with only 40% of its scenes shot for this coming week. KBS and the producers met on Sunday for emergency meetings to try to resolve the conflict, but ultimately the show was too far behind and they decided to go with the time-honored solution to many a last-minute broadcasting emergency: a special episode, whipped up to fill the timeslot.
That’s the plan for Monday; producers are still not sure what to do with Tuesday’s broadcast.
Okay, so those are the facts. To be honest, this story doesn’t add up for me, which is why I hesitate to make any declarations. I recall that Han had made the request before the drama began that the shoots adopt a less killer schedule, along the lines of a five-day workweek. Those rumors faded once the drama got under way, which suggests that she found a way to reconcile herself with the schedule. Or perhaps (and now I speculate) she was assured of a lighter load, only to be worked to the bone anyway.
I do think that Han’s behavior is clearly unprofessional, but because of the way this story has been reported and sensationalized in the past day, I’m not ready to condemn her yet. She would have to know how damaging to her image it would be to refuse to shoot — and she’s already getting lots of heat from netizens — so I wonder how bad it must be for her to risk it anyway. Then again, maybe she didn’t think. Who knows what the real story is?
As we know, the K-drama live-shoot system is hectic, possibly dangerous, and definitely crazy. It’s flawed, but as long as productions believe that the rewards (freedom to adjust on the fly, cater to ratings) outweigh the costs, they’ll keep doing it as long as they can get away with it. But one can’t help but wonder when the broadcasters will get sick enough of the madness to impose some rules from the top down to create some safety nets. In the case of Myung-wol the Spy, it’s one actress refusing to shoot, but in other cases, a delay of just a day or two from accidents and injuries can take a drama off the air (see: Boys Before Flowers, You’ve Fallen For Me). Surely we need more buffer time than that.
If Myung-wol fails to air this week, on the upside (glass half full!), perhaps they won’t need their two-episode extension after all. The story doesn’t need the extension, and it was more out of consideration for follow-up drama Poseidon than for Myung-wol anyway. If Myung-wol resumes broadcasting next week, it can end with Episode 16 and still let Poseidon premiere as scheduled.
There, I turned that frown upside-down. It’s sort of a twisted grimace, but hey, it’s not ALL bad news, right?
(Also: I say this because of the massive derail in the thread below, but let me just remind you to please, please keep things civil. Arguments fine, attacks not fine. Don’t make me come over there.)
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1 firsttimenewbie
August 14, 2011 at 7:51 PM
Sorry. I had to respond to that picture.
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Fasiris Fay
August 14, 2011 at 7:54 PM
Yeah I know a Ryu/MW pairing was not going to happen since the very beginning, even though I REALLY wanted to (its more of a compelling story than her and eric anyways) so that's why I stopped watching :(
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August 14, 2011 at 8:06 PM
Ditto to every word.
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August 14, 2011 at 8:19 PM
I guess you both haven't watched EP.10? :P
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August 14, 2011 at 8:57 PM
I did read the recap. :) Do I have hope and some kind of an inkling that it [i]might[/i] turn out in Ryu's favor? Yes. (Though after all this RL drama, who knows)
But that's always overtaken by the realistic expectation that he's NOT going to get her in the end.
But that being said, while watching the episodes I did watch and reading the last two recaps, there are serious inklings I've gotten that it might go in Ryu's favor. Which is not what I feel with other second leads.
But again, my realistic expectations of K Dramas comes back. So I call it hope against hope.
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August 14, 2011 at 8:33 PM
Same thing here: so much more interesting between MW/Ryu, huge potential there wasting away.
I gave up this show after the spoiled bratty star slapped her - no actually I gave up on the show the episode right after, when Show completely failed to make him pay for/or even addressed what he had done.
I'm not judging HYS...we've all taken sick days.
Plus working in a hostile environment all day, every day has its toll even when you are in the best of health.
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August 14, 2011 at 11:17 PM
Am I the only one who wants to see Ryu with In Ah ? I think it would be hilarious :p.
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August 14, 2011 at 11:46 PM
me too! They're complete opposites.
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August 15, 2011 at 4:59 AM
That would be cool
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August 15, 2011 at 9:55 AM
i like this pairing better than with eric
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August 14, 2011 at 8:26 PM
haha I wish Ryu and Myung-wol just ran away together!
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August 15, 2011 at 1:35 AM
Sry... can someone translate this....i must be reading it wrong?
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August 15, 2011 at 2:10 AM
see here:
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August 15, 2011 at 4:17 AM
What??? She went to the US??? Please let this be just gossip..
Has there ever been a time in kdrama when a lead actress was replaced while it was airing?
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Oh Ji's Ho
August 15, 2011 at 8:16 AM
Man, that site was frenetic, but it did give a little more info. I feel she isn't the type of person to just go off on a whim so selfishly without letting those around her know what is going on, but she is an actress and they are known for their acting. She could be a pawn between the station and her management company in a power struggle, but all the heat will fall on her.
I wish the netizens weren't so deregatory towards the Korean celebs because Korean celebs seem to have it rough (due in part to the netizens making it so) between the illogical and dangerous schedules, the contracts, the pressure on their looks, the scripting of interviews it seems, the 007 secrecy in which they have to date, the netizens and the anti-fans. Drama schedules are ridiculous and irresponsible to the cast and crew. No human can put up with that for very long regardless.
All that being said, I fall on the Han Ye-Seul side of this albeit maybe blindly, but she is just so damn likable and charming - on of my faves.
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August 15, 2011 at 8:46 AM
i agree so much with you!
who are we to say she's irresponsible or not?
geez, she is a professional actress, and it's not like this is her first drama..i doubt she'd be doing this on purpose to make her own drama go down.
there must be a reason for her to not show up..
as for the "the rest of the cast and crew showed up", well, may i mention that han ye seul gets a LOT more screentime than the others?
:D now that being said, i would love some more choi ryu and kangwoo time... <3
August 15, 2011 at 11:54 AM
Even though you take her side this is still irresponsible. We have all worked in hostile environments but we leave after we finish the projects we have to do. If she left like this, there is no excuse
Oh Ji's Ho
August 15, 2011 at 4:04 PM
I, like you, feel it is irresponsible to leave fellow co-worker's in a lurch, but HYS apparently had made her feelings clear to no avail. I would assume she was completely aware of how large of a risk she was taking when she left the country in regards to her career and her popularity. She may have tried other outlets prior to leaving her co-worker's and was unable to get through so she had to go to drastic measures to say enough is enough. Plus, the station's spin doctor's are speaking as one voice for many. If the conditions were so unbearable, other's of the cast and crew may/probably have felt the same way, but were unable to voice it due to many factors, not the least of which would be ingrained Confucian principles that are so apparent in Korean society. HYS appears to be well-educated and intelligent and well aware of the fallout her actions would cause having been highly active in the Korean entertainment industry for many years. She knows the netizens will come out with their blades sharpened and going for the jugular, so I don't think she (or anyone of her status) would make a drastic move so rashly.
August 15, 2011 at 5:02 PM
@Oh Ji Ho's
You maybe right but I don't know I still think something better could have been done or she should at the very least speak up. I am not biased on either side I was just giving my opinion
August 15, 2011 at 9:52 AM
Holy crap.
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August 15, 2011 at 10:21 AM
OMG - I just read this over at Playground!
Who woulda thunk this could happen?! I don't know whether to be impressed or appalled by her!
August 15, 2011 at 11:57 AM
I am apalled at her as a lot of jobs are on the line but on the other hand this is hilarious there should make a drama on this
August 15, 2011 at 11:47 AM
*Han Ye-seul v.s. Confucius*
While a woman is vilified by the media, and accused unjustly, the reality of cultural prejudice, and sexism rear their ugly head, and once again we see the ugly face of the Korea that locals do not want for the rest of the world to see.
Korea's final ending of their “slave” culture did not end until 1930's even when slavery was abolish with the Gabo Reform of 1894, what we have here is the cruel reality of what “Neo-Confucian Philosophy” has done for Korean society. Confucius promote woman not only as a second class citizen, but even lesser than that, while putting man up on a pedestal of authority.
To say that slavery has ended in Korea is an Oxymoron. While legally slavery was abolish in 1894, the traces of that culture are still very present in Korean society till this very day.
I am most fascinated again, about the reaction of woman when it comes to this issues, have we not come this far? Are “Woman's rights” so absent in the Korean culture, that a woman needs to be malign to the point of loosing her career, and reputation because she dare to stands against the establishment? Where are the voices of modern feminist woman? Why all the silence?
The reality is much darker and heinous that we will like to confront, while Koreans pride themselves of a “High Moral standard of work ethic,” they should also pride themselves about having one the highest percentages of “Suicide” among developing nations. As the old adage has confirm once again, “Koreans cannot have their cake and eat it too.”
At the end of the day something has to give, and in Korea the high mortality incidents due to suicide, is clear proof that there is something inherently wrong with their culture.
The saddest part about it is the amount of people that clothe themselves with a veil of Confucian self righteousness, and dare to cast the “First Stone,” or dare to pluck their neighbors stick of wood from their eyes while leaving the log in their own eyes.
What Koreans are doing to Han Ye-seul, as they try to portray her as the “Bad” girl, and destroying her career in the name of proprietress, and cultural submission. IMHO is nothing short of the fate that African-Americans, suffer in the American South.
Last but not the least, all I can say is this; “Shame on the people of Korea for allowing this kind of inhuman treatment to continue unpunished!!!!!!
P.S. All my love and support goes to Han Ye-seul, for standing for what is right, in a country where right has become wrong, due to a philosophy of life that is outdated, and make woman even lesser than a common slave. Shame on you Korea.....
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August 15, 2011 at 12:05 PM
Granted Korea has a high rate of suicides due to an unhealthy working conditions you shouldn't clear of blame in this. We all don't get along with our bosses and have kept insane working schedules but we don't choose to leave a job/project unfinished especially when other people will be affected.
Furthermore to compare people criticizing her actions with African Americans experiencing racism in the south is not right.
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August 15, 2011 at 12:22 PM
I think Amg1 was referring to the slavery abolishment in Korea, which happened in 1894. So there never was a comparison to African American slavery in the US. Although sometimes I feel that Amg1's POV completely pushes it a bit with a connection to the issue at hand, it is an opinion I find makes sense at times and is something to worth looking into. I give Amg1 props for always bringing important facts to the table.
Now, from what I hear with current developments with Han Ye-seul being in the LA right now, I wonder if their is more at play here than just a schedule problem. "Rumors" are that the PD did something to HYS (which is implied and opened expressed from being physical assault something of a sexual nature), which I hope I don't need to point out is slander and libel if it turns out to be false. I'm currently firmly on Han's side because I feel she hasn't given her part of the story yet. If the "rumors" are true I can understand her leaving Korea knowing how ass-backwards things are with blame falling on the woman even if she is the victim, but I wish didn't run and instead faced the problem. But once again, that's basically speculation from various sides that are pro-Han.
I think what we need to do is, well, wait and see what Han has to say. There's always more than one side of a story, and I want to hear hers before I make a full, well-rounded, and well-informed decision on where I stand in this whole, uh, fiasco.
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August 15, 2011 at 12:31 PM
And see, more rumors and speculations that add to the equation:
* Note: Sorry about my typos. Also, allkpop isn't the most accurate reporting site so read with a grain of salt.... I hope I used that correctly.
August 15, 2011 at 1:04 PM
One person assumed that he did something. There is no proof AT ALL.
She's not Jang Ja Yeon here, she's so ridiculously famous.
I hate when people automatically assume that the guy is wrong and the woman is in the right.
I'm all for equal rights, but this is ridiculous.
August 15, 2011 at 1:28 PM
It wasn't just one person who said it.
And don't get me wrong since I'm with you in not assuming the man is in the wrong. Although I am on Han's side for now, I never once put the blame anywhere. I just said everyone needs to be wary of all these conflicting reports until they've heard HYS's side of things.
P.S. I believe in equality too.
August 15, 2011 at 12:44 PM
@Shiku.... "Granted Korea has a high rate of suicides due to an unhealthy working conditions."
I think you just prove my point, Korea not only have a "High Rate," is one of the leading nations around the world when it comes to suicide per capita.
Again trying to equate "professionalism with maltreatment," is down right idiotic, and naive, maybe your response reflects your background, if you believed that what the Korean Industry does to their worker is the right thing to do, is fine with me, Just do not complain or sweep under the rug, the reality that hundreds of people are dying every year in Korea due to suicide, something that has been promoted by their out dated "Philosophy of life," otherwise. how do you justified the suicide rate in Korea. since South Korea is not a third world nation?
I do respect your opinion, but I feel that your facts may come short of a proper apology...Feel free to try again!
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August 15, 2011 at 12:51 PM
*Edit*.....By the way "Third World Nations," by enlarge have the least amount suicide per capita....I guess at the end "Money cannot buy love."
August 15, 2011 at 2:33 PM
Why do I need to apologize to you when I haven't said anything wrong?
"Again trying to equate “professionalism with maltreatment,” is down right idiotic, and naive, maybe your response reflects your background, if you believed that what the Korean Industry does to their worker is the right thing to do, is fine with me, Just do not complain or sweep under the rug, the reality that hundreds of people are dying every year in Korea due to suicide, something that has been promoted by their out dated “Philosophy of life,” otherwise. how do you justified the suicide rate in Korea. since South Korea is not a third world nation?"
Let me rephrase even though Korea has horrible working conditions, it would have been better if she would have finished the job and sued the company, KBS, PD for breach of contract, unsafe working conditions instead of leaving the country. I am coming from the perspective that her actions affect other people's livelihoods. I don't know why you think am justifying unsafe working conditions or high suicide rates. I am not I think it is sad that it make people think that suicide is their only hope.
Let me ask you, what have you done to rectify the situation? Have you boycotted the shows with toxic working conditions, lead protests, written to the KBS and the other companies to try and hold them accountable? I say all this because it only takes one person to lead the charge and just maybe things can change.
"What Koreans are doing to Han Ye-seul, as they try to portray her as the “Bad” girl, and destroying her career in the name of proprietress, and cultural submission. IMHO is nothing short of the fate that African-Americans, suffer in the American South."
I still do not agree with the above statement. Firstly they do not need to portray her as a bad girl as she is pretty damaging her own reputation through her own actions so far. Secondly I still do not see how the consequences of one's own actions is similar to what generations of hate or prejudice African Americans go through where you are hated just because of the amount of melanin you have in your body.
August 15, 2011 at 9:56 PM
all the best for HYS- if running away is the best option to be heard on your society, go for it.I salute you for your guts!!!!
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August 15, 2011 at 12:59 PM
So because we are women, we should blindly support any woman?
This is BS.
I'm so sick of feminist who instead of wanting equal rights want to vilify men.
Thanks for stereotyping Koreans once again. Not every woman has to go out into the work force to be happy and fulfilled. It's a different culture. If you don't like it, don't watch Kdramas or have anything to do with Korea.
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August 15, 2011 at 1:52 PM
@Laeah... By the way I am not a Girl, I am a guy to happens to like Koran dramas.
So seems that now you are the one who is vilifying me, for standing on the side of what I believe to be right, but that is cool with me : 0 }.
Unfortunately neither you nor Shiku, seems to understand that Korea is not perfect, and as a society like the rest of the world, have things that are not right at all.
As you can see my comments are made in the general sense base upon the data the neither you 2 girls can refute, but maybe at the end of the day you think that suicide is OK! So who am I to argue with you than?
As for the Han Ye-seul debacle you are full of "Bullsh*t,"
I can guarantee, that you where not in the same room nor you are privy to any inside information on this matter, even when you claim otherwise, what is know is what the Media Heads wants us to know, other than that all the comments that you have posted are just conjecture. So stop pretending that you know something that we do not know, since your insistence only make you look pathetic and idiotic.
I know, I know, people now are going to gimme me a hard time because since now you know I am I guy, it looks that now I am bullying you, and while is OK for the rest of you to bully Han Ye-seul In absentia, it is not cool for me as a guy to bully you.
I hope that you can see the "Double standard," I am glad and proud to stand for woman's rights even at the risk of being criticized by woman like you...Cheers....
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August 15, 2011 at 2:57 PM
Shouldn't everyone hold back on the name calling? Pointing out someone is being idiotic, naive and pathetic kind of takes the fire out of your argument and puts people off, and leads to further name calling. I've once called someone a moron on DB in the heat of the moment, and trust me, even I thought I was in the wrong. What happened to "refute the opponent's argument, don't attack the opponent"?
August 15, 2011 at 2:59 PM
I do not know why you think I think that Korea is perfect society. I never said that nor did Laeah say that. No have we ever said that suicide is okay. I honestly don't know why you equate women who disagree with you (on whether she bears some responsibility for this mess) to not standing for women's rights. I am not bullying her. To bully someone you have to be invested in their downfall and I am not. Again, I do not take suicide rates in Korea or anywhere in the world lightly. I never have and never will
August 15, 2011 at 3:37 PM
@Ani...You just prove my point.......All the people who come here, and the condemnation of the Korean public calling her a "Bitch," somehow is OK, but when I dare to call somebody, "Idiotic, naive and pathetic," than all of a sudden is not appropriated???????
Well I am glad that you are able to noticed your own double standard, and my name calling was done in purpose, and as you can see you lady's prove my point, we can hide behind a cyber-handle to malign other people but as soon as we are the ones being insulted, than all you little girls start crying foul!!!!!
OHHHHHH!!! The Humanityyyyyyyyy!!!!!!
August 15, 2011 at 4:00 PM
@Shiku...I will be the first to acknowledged, that as an individual I am not doing absolutely nothing, concerning deplorable working conditions in Korea, nor I am doing anything to change the Suicide Culture in Korea, or the bad treatment as a whole(domestic violence) why?
Firstly, because I do not live in that nation.
Secondly, I have work with violent offenders, trying to stop Domestic Violence, and I have also volunteer, working with homeless people, and those who are incarcerated, in places that I have lived, what about you?
Thirdly, The only thing that I can do is to try to raise awareness, in blog like this, and if I can reached one person, whit something I have wrote, than that is the least I can do.
Fourthly, I clearly understand your point of view, I just happened to disagree with 90% of what you have said, on the contrary seems that you are the one who have totally missed the bigger picture, of what i was trying to convey, but I forgive you for that!!!!!! : 0}
August 15, 2011 at 4:11 PM
I never said Korea was perfect. I know there is a lot wrong with it. But the issue here has nothing to do with her being a woman, so frankly, I think it's silly to bring that into play.
I don't believe Korea is treats women perfectly, but never does any country 100% give equality to all people, no matter what race, age, gender. So, I don't see the point of bashing Koreans when for the most part, as individuals are not anti-women. In fact, a lot of women from my generations get treated like princesses (in a good way). It's just not as obvious since the cultural rules are not the same.
I also ave the right to express my opinions of her and this situation and I can keep commenting until JB feels that I've said something that has crossed the line and then I will stop.
I never said anything more than opinions I share with others. Did I ever say that I knew everything? Not really.
My conjecture is just the same as everyone's on this post. Everyone is conjecturing. I just happen to voice an unpopular opinion here, but every post here is on equal level when it comes to conjecture.
People who say poor her and still just as out of the loop as people who say she's doing it selfishly.
Did I once call her a name? No. I only repeated the words I HEARD about her. I'm simply saying what I believe happened. That is not trying to bash her. If she turns out innocent, I will be the first one to stand up and say I was wrong, but her behavior and inconsistencies in her statements, in my eyes, don't match up to that.
August 15, 2011 at 5:52 PM
Bravo for the work you do helping incarcerated people, reducing domestic violence and helping in soup kitchens.
I haven't done anything as I have only recently realized the conditions they work in but am planning to but am not sure what. Petition maybe? The reason I asked this is because you seemed extremely invested in the situation.
Calling me “Idiotic, naive and pathetic" was pretty insulting but I did not reciprocate as I want to be the bigger person as I will gain nothing from insulting you.
I still don't understand why I need forgiveness as I understand your viewpoint.
Let's agree to disagree as we will have this back and forth till eternity.
August 15, 2011 at 6:28 PM
@Shiku, Leah, Ani ....Hey there is nothing that you need to apologized for, and I do owed you girls and apology for using offensive language..... So hereby I humbly apologize for my behavior, hopefully we can agree to disagree, and let this issue rest for now... I hope that there is no hard feelings!!
: 0 }.........
August 15, 2011 at 6:48 PM
Whooooooooooa! Amg1, I think anyone calling anyone names doesn't belong in a place where supposedly mature individuals can share opinions without attacking each other. I wasn't just ousting you, although in this particular thread I couldn't help but use your words as an example. I already pointed out that I was on Han's side. And I already knew that you were a guy, and yet I never treated you any different. I agreed with some of your views, but once you started name calling, I couldn't help but call you out on it. Way to use the person that's on your side and Han's side as an example, because not only does it invalidate your example and proves nothing, you just attacked someone that was in ways an ally. Know that as I am typing this I am scoffing out of disbelief. You totally missed the fact that this whole time I was advising everyone to stay cool until the whole story was out - or in other words, Han's side of the story is out.
I'm sorry that you feel the way you do, but you can take your apology and stuff it. Having firm beliefs is one thing, but not being able to distinguish "friends" from foes and insulting said friends is just sad.
August 15, 2011 at 9:28 PM
@Ani.......You do not have to accept my apology, all I can do is offer it, and move on, I have already take responsibility, for being disrespectful on purpose to make a point, the sad part is that other people unlike you, dismissed my original post, when the reality of things is closer to what I wrote in the general sense, but that is neither here nor there.
So once again I offer my apology, and apart from that there is nothing else I can do, since it is clear from your last post that you rather I do some infilling with my prior apology, at least I have the character to acknowledged when I have done wrong, and offer my apologies, out side of that there is nothing else that I can do to apace your mind.....
August 15, 2011 at 9:33 PM
*edit* "a peace your mind,"
August 15, 2011 at 10:12 PM
Nah. All's forgotten. Nothing like a good 3 mile jog to get it out of my system (okay, truthfully that's just a daily routine, but it did the job anyways). I think with Han's latest statement about "dropping everything" this issue is about to be over very soon.... Or at least we can only hope.
August 15, 2011 at 10:48 PM
I'm not sure if everything you've stated is fact, but your argument sounds plausible. It makes me feel guilty and wonder if I should continue consuming Korean culture, which aids in the poor treatment of its celebrities. And here I thought Japan was bad...
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August 15, 2011 at 5:43 PM
so apparently Han Ye-Seul unni is not even in Korea anymore.
She left for LA
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2 Fasiris Fay
August 14, 2011 at 7:53 PM
Hmmm. Not sure what I believe. But I'm not watching this anyway (gave up ages ago), even though I really wish they changed the system.
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3 Uca
August 14, 2011 at 7:55 PM
At least she has the reason why......
Ah Han Ye Seul.... I just............ can't hate her
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August 14, 2011 at 9:32 PM
*waves hands around and points to self* Same here. Same here. I don't know why. Maybe it's my love for Fantasy Couple or maybe it's because I just don't feel like I know the facts of the situation enough and the woman enough to hate her. For all we know this could be a case of Goo Ae-jung where she's a decent person to the bone, just stuck with a shit ton of misunderstandings.
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August 14, 2011 at 10:43 PM
I admit to being biased in so many ways.
Biased in favor of Han Ye Seul because of Fantasy Couple.
Biased against the live shoot system, which I think is dangerously maddening.
And Ani, what a way to work in Goo Ae Jung. Nicely done.
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August 15, 2011 at 6:09 PM
i fell its unfair to hate her too; it's like kicking a dog who's down, since korean netizens are probably giving her hell already.
i really wish we could get more news about the trouble between the PD and HYS. that seems to be the meat of the problem, since a schedule problem couldnt be THAT big.
all that said, i wish she just aired her problems with MW to the public, because she's almost self-scapegoating by suddenly leaving korea like that.
btw, does anyone think she has a chance of salvaging her career after this?
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August 15, 2011 at 6:53 PM
does anyone think she has a chance of salvaging her career after this?
Truthfully? It's hard to tell at this point. I hope she releases a personal statement soon. Perhaps only then will we be able to predict if her career in the Korean entertainment industry can be saved.
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YY Chats with Toast Between Bites
August 14, 2011 at 10:54 PM
Me three...can't hate her cos I love her....hope everything works out for her.
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August 15, 2011 at 7:11 AM
yeah, I hope so :)
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August 15, 2011 at 5:23 AM
me four! I know this isnt professionalism and the rest of the cast/crew have to suffer because of that, but you never know what really goes on, and if i remind myself of that BOF girl who died.. i'm generally on favor of actresses first. I still wish they go on with filming for everyone's sake.
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4 Yee
August 14, 2011 at 7:55 PM
Basing my opinion on that 1. she repeatedly ask for a lighter schedule, 2. wasn't given one, and 3. her health was deteriorating because of it, and 4. she outright said she was going to miss the shoot - she was absolutely justified in her actions. A person's health is more important than the entertainment of others.
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Kasie J.
August 14, 2011 at 10:13 PM
Yes, that is how I see it as well. It's amazing what actors have to go through in order to shoot a drama.
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Trolling the TROLLOLOLO
August 15, 2011 at 1:12 AM
I'm not saying her health is not important, but still.. a little sad since the whole crew & cast waited for her for hours. She might have problem with PD & the schedule, but others suffered because of it =/
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August 15, 2011 at 1:13 AM
Opps I forgot to change my Name XD
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August 15, 2011 at 1:05 PM
HAHAHA your name XD
But on a more serious note, if she said that she wasn't coming, then the PD & cast shouldn't have come. It was either a miscommunication or the PD/staff refused to give in and make a lighter schedule. Maybe they didn't take her seriously and thought she'd come anyway.
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5 cecilia
August 14, 2011 at 7:55 PM
iv'e been praying since yseterday
please let this drama carry on
i'm goign to go crazy
this is really a 'kiga makhyo' (cant type korean on this keyboard) timing for such a thing to happen esp after the cliffhanger at the end of ep 10
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6 mskololia
August 14, 2011 at 7:56 PM
"(Also: I say this because of the massive derail in the thread below, but let me just remind you to please, please keep things civil. Arguments fine, attacks not fine. Don’t make me come over there.)"
LOL. This is funny.
I'm not even watching this drama or reading the recaps but the fights re this are entertaining :)
Good luck with keeping the peace. ;)
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7 Stardust
August 14, 2011 at 7:58 PM
To be honest, if she was protesting the live shoot system, kudos I say! How many more illnesses, terrible accidents do we need? The agencies will push the stars, the broadcasters will push the crew, in the end who will be the ones to suffer? And who will stand up for their own rights?
We love to watch dramas, and we love our weekly doses, but if we love the people making the dramas, we should support a better system of delivery. I am sure she will get alot of heat for her actions from her agency, the studio so let's give her support if she was daring enough to do protest this horrid system!
Thanks javabeans for the update, I readily agree that this drama does not need an extension. Much as I really like watching Eric, and HYS, and now even that delicious Ryu, the storyline has been draggy for some episodes.
Let's pray that some good will come of this!
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August 14, 2011 at 9:08 PM
amen to that
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August 14, 2011 at 9:29 PM
Same. It's only a matter of time before an actor dies in one of those accidents.
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August 15, 2011 at 3:05 AM
If that's the case, that I stand by her!
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8 snow
August 14, 2011 at 7:59 PM
such a mess. i really hope things get resolved amicably and that something be done about the hectic live shoot system - it's clearly done a lot of damage with actors getting injured, being sick etc and still struggling to continue filming, shows not being aired and so on. filming well in advance with a proper schedule allows for better quality overall and happier/healthier cast and crew - surely the top brass would have to acknowledge the benefits of that now?
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9 DramaQueen
August 14, 2011 at 8:00 PM
I didn't even realise that the shoot was "troubled". But yeah, I'm not a big supporter of the live shoot system, what with the strain it places on actors, and can put the entire production at risk if anything bad happens. Which happens often because of the crazy schedule. Surely they should try change things?
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10 The Real CZ
August 14, 2011 at 8:00 PM
I agree with Yee. Plus she knows how much it could ruin her status as a CF Queen and such so I doubt she did this on a whim.
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11 flimsy
August 14, 2011 at 8:01 PM
uckh. i wish i'd waited 'til it'd finished to start this one but i got suckered in. dammit. poor beleaguered show, poor beleaguered viewers.
can i ask, how come han yeseul's getting heat from netizens (as mentioned in the article)???
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August 14, 2011 at 8:46 PM
From what I understand of the situation,
Most of what has been stated in the form of actual "official statements" is from the PD and the drama production company. The things they have stated go a bit like...
"We have been waiting since 7 AM August 14th to shoot, everyone of the main leads is here, only Han hasn't come." (Which sounds like everyone is doing there job and waiting for her, who is not doing her job.)
They also mentioned she didn't show up on set for another day before the 14th (Again, doesn't look too good.)
And then, because she didn't arrive on the 15th, the company are threatening to sue her for contract violation.
When her company did release a statement they said something along the lines of: That she is tired, the shoot went two hours later then planned, she only had two hours of sleep, and health is more important.
Naturally, this doesn't look too good from the perspective of "netizens" who read right below that statement that their beloved Eric, the other two leads, and the whole drama production is already gathered and have been waiting for her for five some hours. In other words, 'If they are all making it through with their bad healthy and tiredness, why is she being the prima-donna and feeling herself exempt.'
I'm not taking a stance on whose right or wrong in this situation. I'm simply trying to answer the question of "Why Han Ye-seul is getting heat from netizens?" using the information I have read.
If I had to take a stance it would be this: If she is truly protesting the accident causing live-shoot system I would be completely for it, though I do believe, if that is indeed her intent, she should make that intent a bit more clear before the possibility of law suit becomes all too real, for her own sake.
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August 15, 2011 at 1:24 AM
Very true. Though, her agency's statement did not help, it talks about her health but it doesn't cleared up all the misunderstandings, and never mentions her stance against live-shoot system, it could've help her cause and get her message across the public.
Seriously, I'm confused to whom I should side with, both parties's claims don't add up, therefore I'll try to stay neutral as possible =/
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August 15, 2011 at 4:05 AM
Eric isn't in 90% of the scenes like she is, he can sleep or at least stand by, while she is still filming
if you watch the drama you can see that after ep 4 she is all over the places and he's not
the crew doesn't have to be on screen after a white night, while she is
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August 15, 2011 at 9:17 AM
I totally agree! So many people were doing even more HYS-bashing after Eric's statement was put up on
but he's not even in as many scenes!
People are making judgments before having the full story.
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August 15, 2011 at 12:16 PM
I understand your point. She is in most of the scenes in the drama. On the other hand I didn't write the above info because it's what I consider fact, rather, I am trying to reply to the original posters question as to "Why she is getting heat from netizens?" Those we're a summary of some articles I had read on the more popular K-entertainment new forums.
My own stance remains the same even in light of the more recent news (aka. That she has left filming all together to go to LA, that the work environment on set was rather tense, and she is off to get married to rich fiance - once again - unreliable, yet popular, news outlets, NOT facts or my personal opinions)
Once again, I simply think if "protesting the live shoot system" and "unreasonable actor/actress schedules" is what Han Ye Seul's intent is, she could have most likely made this intent a bit more clearer (for her own sake) and handled her protest in a way that wasn't quite so harmful (Perhaps she could have created a twitter and explained the situation more clearly from her side, or finished the drama and then began to talk about the hardships and negatives about the industry and their expectations etc.)
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12 Carinne
August 14, 2011 at 8:01 PM
Wow, I'm glad I didn't start this series, what if I gotten hooked addicted to it and read such headliners, well, I'll let that Heartstrings' special slide, a total waste of air time, I think, and well, I empathize how fans of this show may react.
Maybe a better cover up like a car accident or faint spell is better than a no show burning some production money stalling everyone else's time. However, I have to applaud HES for her bravery being true to herself.
Well, I hope she finds better time management for her health's sake.
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13 janyx
August 14, 2011 at 8:01 PM
awww..such a bad news..let's just all hope for the best for both sides..after all,they're just doing their jobs...
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14 Truffle
August 14, 2011 at 8:02 PM
The live shooting is definitely unfair to the actors. How can they think that it is okay to have that kind of packed schedule and expect the actors to perform at their best. It was ignorant on their part to think that actors would not speak up and try to fight it because it is absolutely ridiculous. I understand the benefits of live shooting but I think the health of the actors is more important.
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15 Yer Vang
August 14, 2011 at 8:05 PM
What, I was looking forward to it :(
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16 v
August 14, 2011 at 8:06 PM
Why would the PD force the whole cast to wait for HYS if she said in advance she couldn't come in to shoot, clearly some guilt tripping at work here.. It's unfair to breach the contract and force her to shoot endlessly (she seems to appear in almost every scene!), but HYS not showing up is pretty serious stuff. Hope she explains her actions soon cos KBS is really sensationalizing this to turn the public against her.
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17 paperhearts
August 14, 2011 at 8:12 PM
to answer the question of what netizens are upset about they feel she handled this unprofessionally, like a "diva"
if she's complaining of health issues, what about everyone else? I know Eric and the entire cast/crew have been slaving away as mucha she has. But the strange part is she didn't even call anyone to notify that she wasn't coming/was ill. she made everyone else come out and wait there for hours and hours for no reason.
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August 14, 2011 at 8:20 PM
sorry but what part of "she called the director to notify that she wasn't coming" did you not read? LOL the more nonsensical part for me is that they kept everyone else there...
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August 14, 2011 at 8:38 PM
good point, but i've seen different reports. allkpop is saying she didnt call. haha like anything the details are all fuzzy. but one thing remains, what about everyone else that worked so hard?
but youre right about kbs' sketchy shooting practices. its not good for anyone really.
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August 14, 2011 at 8:51 PM
allkpop, while a brilliant website for the casual K-ent fan, if known for throwing a bit of turmoil in whenever there is a hot article.
Translations are fuzzy at best so it's better to check a second [translated] source.
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August 14, 2011 at 9:15 PM
She didn't call in sick. She called and basically said she quit. It's a little different.
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August 14, 2011 at 8:25 PM
THANK YOU! She is not the only one working herself to the bone here. She, at least, gets to rest, in between shots, when she is not on screen, whereas the production people (i.e. wardrobe, make-up, lighting, sound, etc...) have to always be there. They could claim WORSE treatment then her!
Also, she signed the contract, she knew what she was getting into. No one pushed her. She didn't have to take the role. PLUS if she had a problem with the PD she should have backed out from the beginning.
The statement from the production company is very interesting:" A representative of the drama’s production company revealed, “Han Ye Seul and KBS are on completely different tracks, and it does not seem that the problem will be resolved any time soon.”
He continued, “Before debating who’s at fault, the broadcast is of the utmost priority here. It’s absolutely ridiculous that an emotional conflict between an actress and a producer is affecting the broadcast. If Han does not show up at the film set today, we will be charging her for obstruction of business.”
AN EMOTIONAL conflict has broken out and who has to pay? The people from the production company who just want to feed their families - forget the fans. But still, she is doing herself NO FAVORS. She has just made mad one of the bigger fandoms in KPop history - Shinhwa. That was a BAD, BAD thing to do. Very bad. I feel sorry for her.
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August 14, 2011 at 8:38 PM
Firstly, HYS is in almost every scene in the drama, more so than Eric is so I would expect her to be very worn out from all the live shooting. It doesn't give her an excuse to skip shooting, but if she does it must be something serious since she knows her reputation is at stake.
Secondly, it seems when she signed the contract one of the clauses was that she would only film 5 days a week and not past midnight. Expecting her to film everyday and/or till 5.30am and then be back and ready to film again at 7.30am is pushing it a bit eh?
Lastly, I think the production company/KBS are trying to sensationalize the whole issue. Who in the right mind would force the staff/crew to wait when the PD already knows HYS wouldn't be able to make it?!
For god's sake let the girl rest at least so she can at least give her best for filming.
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August 14, 2011 at 8:41 PM
Thank you. So miffed at everyone just badmouthing her. Obviously both parties are at fault but the way the media plays it out is that everything is HER fault. Poor girl.
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August 14, 2011 at 9:06 PM
She didn't film everyday til 5:30 am. She was late the previous day and had to shoot overtime. Her own reps said that she was supposed to film until 2am that day.
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August 14, 2011 at 9:25 PM
@V, I'm sorry but in the response to the media from Sidus the rep said this: As reports said, it is true that she was also late for filming on August 12th. Yesterday, however, filming was scheduled to end at 2 AM but it ended at 5 AM instead If her schedule suppose to end at midnight, why would she go for the pre-scheduled 2AM ending that day? I am just confuse as where you all get HYS's not past midnight schedule from.
you can see Sidus' response here
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August 14, 2011 at 9:27 PM
heh, not sure how the whole thing got bold, I don't mean to make it stands out LOL sorry.....
August 14, 2011 at 11:09 PM
If she did sign a contract that stipulated that she work only 5 days a week and NOT past midnight, and this contract was breached, the professional thing would be to contact KBS and call for a lawyer to sue the production/broadcast for a breach of contract. Why didn't she do this? This would prove to both the public that she was living up to her contractual obligations while the production/broadcasting company was NOT and she could have had the courts ensure the production/broadcast companies live up to their contractual obligations. And if that was really the major reason, why hasn't she made any public statements about why she opted out of going to the shoot? Regardless of what her reasons are, she should at least attempt to be professional in which a MAJORITY of actresses work under similar, if not worse conditions. I'm NOT saying that the current working conditions for actors/actresses is a good one. HOWEVER, while it's the only system in place for the 3 major networks, all the other actors/actresses work under the same conditions as HYS. They are equally tired, overworked, stressed, in poor health and rushed for time IN ADDITION to going off to shoot CFs and pose for fashion magazines. And what makes this even more interesting is that she's not a GREAT actress. Yes, she's OK - but we're not talking Jeon Ji Yeon category here. If we were, I might be tempted to be a little more sympathetic but I'm unconvinced that she's so great of an actress that she can start making unprofessional demands and get away with it. I assume that many Korean netizens feel the same way. Notice I didn't say it was FAIR. But perceptions usually come in when negative things start to happen and HYS did NOT handle this well - for herself or others around her.
In addition, there ARE more professional ways to protest what she considered "unjust treatment" than to just opt out of shooting. She is NOT the only actor involved and has put the rest of her cast and staff who are NOT involved in the so-called "spat" in limbo. Sorry, whichever way you look at it, NOT PROFESSIONAL, Han Ye Sul - not professional at all.
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August 14, 2011 at 8:42 PM
hah? shinhwa fandom ain't all that. i like eric and minwoo, but jeez, let's not be high and mighty here. if han ye seul is doing this to protest the live shoot system and that changes for the better, is the shinhwa fandom going to love her instead of bashing her?
han ye seul is in pretty much every scene in myung-wol the spy, so i wouldn't say she's had a lot of time to rest anyway. besides, she's repeatedly asked for a lighter schedule even before filming for the drama began, but that obviously didn't work out. sure, the other actors are working just as hard - no doubt about that - but would you be happy only if han ye seul ends up another victim of the live shoot system like hong soo hyun? would you then laud her for her professionalism?
i don't disagree that han ye seul should have communicated her displeasure better and perhaps gone for a more conciliatory approach. but we don't really know the real ins and outs of the situation, so let's not be too quick to condemn her, and especially not just cuz your beloved eric is involved. ain't everything about shinhwa, duh.
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August 15, 2011 at 12:29 AM
The thing about a corporation is if it's making money and cuts cost what else do you want. If you want things to change and you want it to happen now there is no conciliatory way to do it. You say what you want and you stick to it damn the consequences. Not saying that it is her intention to do so but if you want change the way filming is done, show how much it costs when one lead ends the productions and understand that the next idol can do the same. When these stations see how much the potential cost of a derailed drama is, they will change their practice. The thing is that her career is over. No other station is going to take a chance on her, but hey if she's doing it for the greater good all power to her.
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August 15, 2011 at 4:21 AM
Haha, I don't know why but this response suddenly made me think of the whole Charlie Sheen ordeal. I think his case was similar to Han Ye Seul's...just wanted to mention that.
August 15, 2011 at 4:02 AM
Honestly, she's going about this all wrong. Rather than coming across as a huge selfish, spoiled diva, who's willing to upset fans and broadcasters alike . . . she should've just gone in to do the stupid shoots.
. . .And then proceeded to faint dramatically.
Once safely in the hospital, her doctor could've explained that the live shoots were literally killing her, and that her poor, overworked body must rest before being re-released into the drama-making world.
Then she would've made her point without being viewed as an unprofessional whiny primadonna. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but a *true* actress could've faked it if necessary (ie, see 1N2D). ;)
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18 Aime
August 14, 2011 at 8:12 PM
I don't like the live shooting system either but there is no other way to voice concern other than stopping the whole broadcast, disrupting the schedule of all her fellow cast & crew?
I heard KBS will take legal action if she won't show up for filming. If she has her case, she'll prevail but in the mean time I guess we won't see any SMW for a while? I really hope both side can work together rather than taking each other to court.
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August 14, 2011 at 8:27 PM
I hope so
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19 D:
August 14, 2011 at 8:12 PM
Wasnt the schedules mismatched because she delayed the shoot by 9 hours the previous day
I heard Han Ye Seul has a diva reputation is it true
I dont blame LDH for her EOE incident so i'm on the fence with Han Ye Seul to hear her reasoning.
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20 amg01
August 14, 2011 at 8:17 PM
IMHO, Han Ye-seul has made the right choice, I am loving this drama, but at the end of the day if in her contract she stipulated, that she will work only five days a week, and no more than 10 hour days, and no over night shoots, than why is she being blame for the production team stupidity, I think if that is the case, than legally she has the upper hand, and the production team and the TV station are at fault.
I am bum about it, but if that is what she needs to do, for her own benefit I cannot blame her, on the other hand I am glad that she is standing for what is right in this case!!!
Han Ye-seul FTW.... Fighting!!!!!!!
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August 14, 2011 at 8:38 PM
Maybe you missed the whole story about her being late six hours one day for a shoot.
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August 15, 2011 at 1:37 AM
I'm not going to side with anyone since there isn't enough facts. But if this about her schedule in her contract, then SHE should be the one calling her lawyer and threaten to sue for breach of contract, and from what I gather she didn't. She just refused to show up, which puts her in disadvantage in legal terms, as they can sue her for her breach of contract... She could've handled this situation a little better?
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21 Arhazivory
August 14, 2011 at 8:17 PM
Do they need anymore reasons to re-assess the live-shoot thing? -_-'
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22 ck1Oz
August 14, 2011 at 8:18 PM
Sigh.I am still watching but not vested enough to get that upset.
I am here because I loved the actor who was in Powerful Opponents.
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23 tomo
August 14, 2011 at 8:19 PM
I guess it's a good thing I stopped watching this only a few episodes in?
But even if I loved it and was avidly following it, news of this sort would seriously mar enjoyment of the remaining episodes of the drama.
I think it would be most difficult for Eric, as the main romantic male lead. Despite how professional the remaining cast may attempt to be, I can't see how future shootings can possibly be pleasant.
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August 14, 2011 at 8:27 PM
well, eric and han ye seul seemed to have good rapport off-screen (it helps that they both speak english). so hopefully that'll help ease the awkwardness if and when shooting resumes.
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August 14, 2011 at 10:19 PM
But this is Eric's first comeback project post-military.. :( it's bad enough that that the ratings have been low, and now this..
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August 15, 2011 at 12:35 AM
yup..i feel you concern goes to eric..i mean how is he dealing with this? and so what is the conclusion of the drama then? will be stopped immediately or they just shoot with whatever left? haishh!!! this news drive me even crazier than watching the ending of epi 10!!!!!
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24 Bloated
August 14, 2011 at 8:20 PM
KBS should just release the controversial lesbian episode/drama in place of the delay and empty time slot! :p
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August 14, 2011 at 8:28 PM
Amen!!!!! Sister!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahah....
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August 14, 2011 at 8:51 PM
Yay! Well said!
(Though I hear that they cancelled all reruns of that episode - dam the influence-of-public-opinion.)
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25 abc123
August 14, 2011 at 8:20 PM
Can we get a special full of NGs and BTS not a summary of the episodes like Heartstrings' special?
p/s: too lazy to comment on all the hullabaloo
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KDrama Fan
August 14, 2011 at 9:02 PM
If we have to have a special I would like to see NGs too. Anything to lighten the atmosphere.
Wishing the series well.
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August 15, 2011 at 3:23 AM
Agree. If i wanted a summary I would just rewind the best bits (ala ep 10, where I have seen the last 7 mins for about 20 times) so its a complete waste of time. wouldn't mind tuning in with bts though. I would love to see interactions between hys and eric.
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26 jossy
August 14, 2011 at 8:21 PM
oh man that was such a fantabulous ending we had last week! anyway, I have my opinions on the live-shoot system and they're mostly, well not great. But they have produced some remarkable Dramas this way, and most likely on the expense of cast and crew involved's Physical and Mental health.. not cool but it's done that way. As far as not honoring conracts go and M.I.A'n the shoot, Be it Diva 'Tude or legit reasons it remains to be seen. let's say I'm sitting purrrdy in the neutral fence.
p.s the last post about the Ron sisters turned into a little minefield of it's own regarding this topic, telepathic readers we have here. lol
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27 Noemi
August 14, 2011 at 8:23 PM
Oh man, this is why I should seriously learn to wait until a drama has aired all its episodes to start watching! I become attached to a show with the first few episodes and then even if the drama turns into a train wreck, I have to muddle through and finish it. :(
On one hand, this seems really unprofessional of HYS, but on the other hand, we probably don't know the whole story.
I think you have a good point when you say that if they delay this week's episodes to next week, it would resolve the unneeded extension issue. I hadn't thought it that way.
Anyways, thanks for the update! :)
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28 lois
August 14, 2011 at 8:24 PM
I was going to say this in the other thread that got really really off-topic but refrained considering that it was already too off-topic:
People kept mentioning: oh, people get back to shooting with broken bones and dire conditions, why can't she? This is SO unprofessional.
Isn't this like saying "Oh, some people will jump off cliffs to save their girlfriends. You're too logical? Ohkay, I guess you don't love me"
Netizens can't make jeopardizing one's health permanently the norm for "professionalism." Professionalism should be limited to carrying out the tenets of the contract well. Anything more than that, kudos to the actress, but others shouldn't be criticized for not going beyond what's stipulated.
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August 14, 2011 at 8:41 PM
well said!
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August 14, 2011 at 8:51 PM
It's how HYS handling the situation here. Kudo to her for does what she think is right BUT you can't stop people from making the comparison to other actresses & actors, like most recently PSH return to Heartstring filming before she completely healed from her car accident. Yes, HYS is tired but she's not sick being hospitalized to stop the entire production & broadcast like this. So I understand the unprofessional comparison.
KBS had changed the PD on her request to accommodate her, she is tired with long hours and so are the PDs, cast & crew members. She's not newbie in K-biz, she's aware of the crazy filming system when she signs up for it. I wish she handled it in a better way rather than this. She has the gut to pull this I guess she kinda expects the heat is coming her way.
I really hope both KBS, the production & HYS can come to a solution, although it's going to be awkward returning to the set if everything work out.
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August 14, 2011 at 10:08 PM
Well said. This is exactly what I think about this brouhaha.
I don't fault HYS for standing up for her rights at all but she should have handled it better. She's been in the business for years so it's not that she doesn't know how the system works. She can, of course, state her objections but not at the expense of everyone else who's been working their asses off for this too. She's a big star and I'm sure she has some kind of clout to at least have a word with the biggies at KBS without having to jeopardize the entire production.
The way it is happening now, if the reports are to be believed, people will view HYS is being all about ME ME ME and this is totally not acceptable in the Korean society.
Keeping my fingers crossed but it's not gonna be pretty if the filming resumed and all parties involved will be in for a very uncomfortable shooting environment. I just pity all the other actors who's as invested as anyone else to be dragged into this situation.
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August 14, 2011 at 10:41 PM
you know, reading more how the things unfold, I think scheduling isn't the real problem but the clash between HYS & PD Hwang is the cause of the problem.
I'm elaborating here: if scheduling is the real issue, she can easily stick to her gun and tell the production that they had agreed to this schedule so she'll only film during these hours and come to work at the agreed time frame. That way instead of NOT showing at all, she can still keep her stand on scheduling and avoiding all the backlash
That is why I'm guessing the real reason for the no show is she just can't work with PD Hwang any more instead of long hours or scheduling issue. So the question is to replace HYS or PD Hwang? hell, I wish I have the answer
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August 15, 2011 at 4:18 AM
OK, if that's the case, this really wouldn't put her in a good light at all. At least to me, it wouldn't.
Firstly, if she's got beef with the PD, they're old enough to know that they have to work things out between themselves without having to drag the entire production down with them. By backing out like that when the production has already been broadcasted half way through, to me, it looks like a petulant child threatening her parents. That is simply unforgivable because she IS the star of the production and this is not a new drama that hasn't been on air yet and could be pulled off at any time. It's not like her role was a 2nd- string or 3rd-string character that can be written off just like that. So that is simply unforgivable.
Secondly, I think she really should stand up and state her case personally. She, at least, owe her cast mates, the production team and the audience that much.
And apparently, not sure if it's true or mere rumour, she flew off to the States today... So is she really abandoning ship? I am hoping not because there's no way to redeem that.
August 15, 2011 at 7:37 AM
Nope. KBS did not change the PD. They brought in an assistant PD, which is actually the norm for the live shoot drama system.
And also, they did not agree to her request exactly, what they did was like putting a bandaid to a broken arm.
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29 mud
August 14, 2011 at 8:25 PM
I've kinda half-checked out of this drama aroung ep4 or so, but I still hope it makes it through to completion at least. It would really suck to have it just hanging there... though maybe that's the sort of example broadcasters need to eliminate the live-shoot system? If that's the case, then Myung-wol the Lamb may be the first since nothing can go on without the lead.
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30 biankoy
August 14, 2011 at 8:26 PM
Hahaha! now I'm glad I stopped watching at episode 2! Not that I didn't like it but because my work can't stand another kdrama addiction (i.e Best Love, my weeks starrts and end with it) so I decided to wait for it to finish before I devour it completely.
oh but I hope they can resolve this soon!
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August 14, 2011 at 8:44 PM
Congrats for not having to be on the cliff-hanging spot like me.. >___< last week's episode was the best!
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31 Laeah
August 14, 2011 at 8:32 PM
I also dislike the live-shoot system, so please don't get me wrong.
My close friend's mother works in the Korean entertainment industry. She has heard so many stories about how rude Han Ye Seul is. She has a terrible reputation amongst the staff. And yes, I totally believe her. There is no way so many people could believe something that was not true to some extent.
That said, there are many things that seem fishy from Han Ye Seul's side.
A) If her health is *really* so bad, why hasn't she gone to a hospital?
B) She was continuously late over and over again and would leave the set without telling anyone. This is what caused her shoots to go overtime. Why is this the producer's fault?
C) The staff, the same film directors, producers, etc all stayed up the same amount of time as her. Why aren't they complaining as well? Why were they there on time?
D) Again, if her health is bad, why not call and say so? Why not go to the media about it beforehand? Why wait until AFTER being called out?
E) If they filmed 40% without her, that means she's not in as many scenes as people are claiming.
F) Why did she make them wait 9 hours and THEN show up if she was, after all, feeling so terribly?
It just doesn't add up.
I'm not saying that the producer's side is all good. But it seems like Han Ye Seul was tired or felt other schedules were more important and decided to skip out and sleep in. "Health" can cover anything, but if she really was sick, you'd think they'd be more specific as to seem more credible. Maybe her management just sucks, but that seems the obvious thing to do.
My problem with this is not whether she is ill or not (which is questionable), but how she handled it. Those people who are around her need her in order to feed their families and to pursue their own careers. Just because she's famous doesn't mean that she doesn't owe it to the team to be there.
If you are sick from your job, you don't call your boss and say "Sorry, I'm not coming anymore from now on". Which is why I think the health reason is a lie or not the whole truth of it.
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August 14, 2011 at 8:34 PM
A few clarifications:
She told the PD she would miss the shoot.
They shot 40% of this week's episodes WITH her, prior to the canceled shoots.
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August 14, 2011 at 8:37 PM
I know she told the PD she would miss the shoot (not come). But she didn't tell them previously when she was late several times. I read the article.
As for the 40%, okay.
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August 14, 2011 at 8:38 PM
Also some other points:
If her contract was THAT unfair - why didn't she take action against it or lodge a complaint?
Anyway now KBS says they will sue her if she doesn't show up.
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August 14, 2011 at 8:45 PM
lol and you bring up your "insider connections" again
As far as I know (without my insider connections, of course) the contract stated that filming would end at midnight and there were specific time limitations; thus, the production violated the contract first.
As for the "showing up after 9 hours" I think that was unintentional as she said that she accidentally fell asleep after a late-night shoot. I think everyone's had a day when they were so tired and exhausted we just crash.
Also, actresses, unlike other staffers, need to look pretty in front of the camera or else netizens will criticize her too. Add in the time that they need to prepare for the shoots (2 hours approx) and she gets almost no time to herself... it's worth mentioning that her work is more physically demanding than many of the staffers like the makeup artists..
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August 14, 2011 at 8:58 PM
Most people in Korea know at least one person who works within the entertainment business. It's not that special.
Han Ye Seul's management said the shoot was supposed to end at 2. So whether or not it was supposed to end at midnight each day is questionable. If that was the case, why didn't she take legal action against them to begin with for violating the contract if she was so offended/over worked.
"That late night shoot" was filming for the same drama. She was late before and pushed back the filming time, so of she had to work overtime for the time that she missed.
And where did you get the information about her oversleeping? I've never read an article that said that. Either way, she would have had to purposely turn off her phone to not be contacted by her management if that was the case, because I'm sure they'd have been calling her like crazy. Again, if her health is that bad, why isn't she in a hospital? They are on almost every street corner in Korea.
"Need to look pretty"? Really, is that *hard work*?
Staffers such as mic holders, directors, cameramen, supporting actors, etc are on their feet the whole time doing physical work, it's not just about the makeup artists. That's who I'm talking about. She's not the only one who has it hard.
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August 14, 2011 at 8:59 PM
Edit: replace Korea with Seoul
August 14, 2011 at 9:18 PM
lol last comment since I have other things to do but...
yes I know, I actually know a KBS PD ;) but I don't reference him for rumors. I'm not saying that she should have overslept or that she was justified - but it was a mistake and it should be left at that. It may bring consequences that she has to accept but people need to stop treating it like an intentional move like she wanted to shut down her own drama or something.
Also, for oversleeping (my area of expertise) I remember in college we had a performance at Carnegie Hall and as the principal cellist, even though I had a horrible headache and dizziness as if the music was swirling in front of my eyes, I had to take 3 Tylenol since "the show must go on." However, when I got back to the hotel, I fell into such a deep sleep I slept through multiple alarms, phone calls and my roommate even put her finger under my nose to check that I wasn't dead. Exhaustion isn't something that can be simply treated in a hospital - they can give you ringers but the best long-term solution is rest.
And the "looking pretty" and "hard work" weren't supposed to be linked -_-. I meant the exhaustion is going to take a toll on her appearance - her skin, her dark circles, etc... and for the hard work I meant multiple retakes of action scenes...