UEE and Joo-won cast in weekend drama
by javabeans
Though I’m still not sure what will eventually become of Birdie Buddy, it looks like we’ll be able to see UEE in a different drama first, as she’s just been cast in KBS’s upcoming weekend series Golden Pond, alongside Baker King Kim Tak-gu‘s fresh face Joo-won.
UEE plays a young woman whose father has disappeared, who struggles to reclaim the farm he’s lost. Joo-won plays the third son of four, in a family that lives on a farm on the outskirts of Seoul. He’s a police officer who falls for the woman who suddenly shows up in his family’s lives one day, and their storyline is described as a “lively romance.”
On the upside, I think PD Kim Min-soo has done some pretty good work in the past; there was the sweet fluffball of a romance in Accidental Couple in 2009, and the thoughtful drama Goodbye Solo in 2006. Writer Lee Jung-sun has had a few successes as well, with the long 2005 series Be Strong Geum-soon and 2007’s medical relationship drama Surgeon Bong Dal-hee.
On the downside, this is a family drama airing in the early timeslot on Saturdays and Sundays, a space usually occupied by family-friendly, longer-running fare. I haven’t seen an official episode count for Golden Pond yet, but the drama it’s replacing, Believe in Love, is 62 episodes long. Eep! With so many dramas on the air already, it’s pretty daunting to choose one long one when you could choose three to four shorter ones in its stead.
There are definitely good dramas in that episode-count range (Sons of Sol Pharmacy, Life Is Beautiful, and Do You Hear My Heart come to mind), but those shows do tend to be divided into numerous plotlines and tons of characters — meaning that if you’re going to watch this solely for UEE and/or Joo-won, you may have to sit through a lot of stuff that doesn’t involve them directly.
But we’ll see for sure when it hits the air. The drama premieres on August 6.
Via Sports Chosun
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1 Ace
June 15, 2011 at 1:03 PM
I like UEE (since YB) and was sad that Birdie Buddy was not aired. Hope this has a lower number of episodes. I like family dramas but there's too much to do and to see during the weekends.
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June 15, 2011 at 9:13 PM
Oh........Yea Yea (nods) =/
.........but I am very happy to hear about this incoming drama will be finally out on August, woot woot! =D
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June 15, 2011 at 9:22 PM
TvN will air BIRDIE BUDDY!!!!
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June 15, 2011 at 9:24 PM
http://www.allkpop.com/2011/06/uees-birdie-buddy-to-finally-start-airing-through-tvn-this-august cre to allkpop
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June 16, 2011 at 1:42 AM
lol. I was just about to post this link.
2 Shotokan
June 15, 2011 at 1:03 PM
Whoo yeah. Kim Tak Gu's brotha!!!!
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June 15, 2011 at 2:57 PM
I liked him being kind of evil. It'll be weird seeing him be good. I hope it's good!!
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June 15, 2011 at 3:44 PM
Really? That's why he looks so familiar. But, imho, he looks better here than in that drama.
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June 15, 2011 at 9:17 PM
Yes Yes! ^________^ THAT IS THE GUY FROM THAT BEST DRAMA "King Baker Tak Goo"!!!!!
JOO WON --- I am very relieved to see him sooo finally back on TV drama since last year! But......that's TRUE for us to be weird seeing him who act like "so-so GOOD" and warming guy --- and it's different from his acting so evil in King Baker drama, of course. ^________^
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June 15, 2011 at 9:18 PM
OH RIGHHHHT!!! I am glad to hear about UEE, tooo!!!!
^_________^ FIGHTING!
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muhammad adnan khattak form iksan korea
June 17, 2011 at 1:25 AM
relly i m happy to see whoo yeah kim in drama very soon.she is the best actoress in korea .
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3 theedie
June 15, 2011 at 1:06 PM
Awww, too bad this isn't a mini-series. If it were it'd be the first one in who knows how long where the guy isn't some chaebol and the girl isn't tangling herself in such affairs. Plus farmboy antics, I'm sure that'd be a riot. Ah well.
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4 GrandmaFran
June 15, 2011 at 1:08 PM
finally something to look forward to after believe in love ends. that drama just wasn't interesting enough for me. javabeans, are you watching CYHMH?
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5 Kender
June 15, 2011 at 1:25 PM
Ahhhhhhhhhh Joo Won my puppyyyyyyyyyyyyy~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥
Yeah, I'm shallow, so I'll totally be checking this show out. I hope it's decent. :3
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6 Arhazivory
June 15, 2011 at 1:26 PM
Hmmm...CYHMH will wrap up in four weeks. It was fun tuning in for a weekend drama and this plot doesn't sound too bad so maybe this'll be my next weekend drama to tune into. :D
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June 16, 2011 at 12:37 AM
Currently crazy for Kim Jae-won, Do you hear my heartttt? Oppaaaaaaaa!
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7 Sayuri!
June 15, 2011 at 1:41 PM
Oh my god he's so cute when he smiles! Nothing like Ma Jun in Kim Tak Gu. Two ex drama vilains. Me likes!
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8 supah
June 15, 2011 at 1:53 PM
OK, I kinda fell in love with the title a while back and have been curious about it for a while.
And... PD of Goodbye Solo, Writer of Surgeon Bong Dal-hui!? Yay!
UEE!! Triple-yay! Hopefully this'll take away the sting of the dumped (?) Birdie Buddy. She's kind of the only idol actress I'm really rooting for, she shows a lot of potential as an actress. UEE, hwaiting!
Like you, javabeans, I'm also a bit eeep about the looong weekend family drama format, probably less about the episode count, more about the style it will adopt and y'know... that fact it's taking up Believe in Love's place (barf) I mean, that's enough to give me pause. But...
Joo Won - blah!
Kim Gab-soo - hurrah!
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9 ujsid
June 15, 2011 at 1:57 PM
oh my god i loved joo won frm baker king! I was actually more into his and eugene's love line thn tak gu or the drama itself fr that matters..since he was previously a stage actor i wasnt able to find much abt him so yeaa fr the new drama! Just hope its a mini drama or it would turn into another "new tale of gisaeng" fr me :( evil bro with a complex fighting! :D
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June 15, 2011 at 4:17 PM
Same here. He was the only reason I stuck with Baker King. I fast forwarded til his scenes with Eugene. I just love that couple!
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10 sb
June 15, 2011 at 2:02 PM
Oh man, all my crushes from past dramas are surfacing simultaneously! Whee!
Even though he was a baddie in Baker King, there's was something so attractive (namely his looks, but also voice) about him. I must have had the song he sang for the OST on repeat for weeks on end.
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11 schreber
June 15, 2011 at 2:43 PM
Are we looking at a cross between The Vineyard Man and Paradise Ranch or are we to expect something fresh/unique rather that the tried and true storyline?
As for the length I kind of wish that they'd stop with these overly long dramas since they seem directionless more time than not and tend to ruin the overall feeling we come to enjoy early in the series.
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12 Alyssia
June 15, 2011 at 3:44 PM
UEE!!!!!!!! Damn i was hoping she would be pair up with the other son. Lee Jang Woo, who's currently Eunjung's husband in "We got married". But anyhow, this one will do. He does got acting chops...
I love UEE To bits. She's not a great singer but i love her persona outside. Hopefully she'll be better in acting. Yea, i wouldn't mind it to be long. I love seeing more of her.
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13 Net-chan
June 15, 2011 at 3:46 PM
That's too bad... I can't stand UEE's face. But I really liked Joo Won in Baker King KTG. If this drama's going to be very long, I'll skip it. :( And I was looking forward to seeing JW in a new production :(...
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June 15, 2011 at 4:17 PM
Same here. I was so excited when I heard that Joo Woon was going to be in a new drama but when I heard UEE was going to be the lead actress...big fat UGH! My interest plummeted...
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June 15, 2011 at 4:18 PM
* I meant Joo-won..whoops
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June 15, 2011 at 9:24 PM
HEY!!!! O_o
Aigoo.......I am sure that you seem like you reaaaaally hate UEE because it's a reason why you called her a "big fat" --- Ouch......that hurts. (shook my head) Tsk tsk......Oh well, if you still don't like her and you should NOT read this article about UEE's new drama -- but why did you typing the comment that it's possible to make UEE upset to see your harsh comment. You'd better be careful and you don't have to type this comment -- JUST read the article -- next time, that's all!
(Ooh, don't be jealous of UEE's beautiful face, okay-okay!) ^____^
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June 16, 2011 at 1:54 AM
I think she means her "ugh" was a big fat one... not that UEE is big and fat.
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June 16, 2011 at 2:24 AM
Eve is right. It's the UGH that is big and fat, not UEE XD.
June 15, 2011 at 9:37 PM
Oh.......Oh.........Oh really? Did you two (Net-Chan and RunLolaRun) think that UEE is tooooooo BAD for her acting and her ugly face but she's NOT beautiful? Hmm?
For goodness's sake............GEEZ! Just leave her ALONE and you two should have to get the scissors and CUT their naughty-naughty, disgusting, bad-breathing blabbering mouths FELL OFF of their naughty faces!
STOP blabbering soooo horrible because you two are very IMMATURE and JUST ignore and act like "no big deal" better than bad-breathing blabbermouth. Thank so much. >=)
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June 16, 2011 at 2:22 AM
OK Maria you'd better calm down because I never said she was ugly (where did you read that)??? I'm just on the same mind as hearts3: she's a bad actress who tries hard and who hit it because she's beautiful. That's all. Just like CNBlue leader Jung Yong Hwa, Gu Ha Ra (who's bad in City Hunter, though she does little), and Kim Hyun Joong (thanks hearts3 for mentioning him!).
You're the one who's being immature here. Why are you getting all upset by that? Everyone has their own opinion.
I'm an "international" viewer (I'm French) and I think you should know that not everyone likes her here.
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14 Laeah
June 15, 2011 at 3:50 PM
UEE is not meant to be an actress. She needs to realize that she's not talented in that area.... and not many other areas beside that. I wish I could stop seeing her face once in a while because it's getting ridiculous how overrated she is in almost everything. I didn't realize that having a decent pair of legs was all it took to get famous and make money. I should sign up, if it's that easy in Korea.
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June 15, 2011 at 4:03 PM
If you don't like her why don't you avoid anything that have her name in it. Easy enough! The international fans just think she's talentless and just gets famous for nothing. She was in alot of variety shows and that's how she shot to fame and among other things.
I admit, she's lacking in alot. But can't blame a girl for trying. She didn't just stand there showing her legs and become famous. Geez! Most idols are overrated. She works hard and because of her alot of people know more about AS. If you want to list a bunch of idols that can't act, i'll gladly list them for you. Gu hara, kim huyn Joong. Yuho. Why don't you go complain about them!
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June 15, 2011 at 9:27 PM
#14.1 Hearts3 - FEEL YOU!
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June 15, 2011 at 9:45 PM
kim hyun joong? *CLAP CLAP* someone FINALLY agrees with me.
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June 15, 2011 at 10:55 PM
I complain about all of them but this isn't about them.
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June 15, 2011 at 11:32 PM
i totally feel u leah. how she got so overrated is beyond me. people talking about her dance, while her dance is so awkward. honey thigh? i hate the fact that she is so overrated, kahi who is million times prettier not to mention the best dancer didnt as many attention as she is getting.
in night after night, i watched a few episodes, and she barely speaking in it. she is not contributing anything to the show, other than laughing and smiling.
i kinda ok with her i your beautiful, but shes not that great of an actress.
pardon me if i insulted any of UEE's fans, but please, enlighten me as i dont get it. how did she got so .. *famous*? (is that the word?)= *talk about*
p/s: i kinda dont like her in running man when she says she a fan when she didnt even recognize Jaesuk's vj, and FD maknae,, but in the end pointed out that she the set director did look familiar, when he practically not that recognizable.he didnt really get screen time, imo
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June 16, 2011 at 4:09 AM
Totally agree with you all! What really shocked me is that I heard on arirang TV (the only free "Korean" channel I have here :P) that people referred to her as the new Han Chae Young!!!
15 snooziit
June 15, 2011 at 4:04 PM
wow just from that picture, he looks startlingly like Kang Dong Won doesn't he??
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June 15, 2011 at 11:17 PM
Yeah, people have said that he looks like KDW and TOP ever since Baker King aired.
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June 16, 2011 at 12:46 AM
there will be one kang dong won and one kang dong won only!
sorry little protective over my man
...but i admit i do see where you are coming from
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16 danna
June 15, 2011 at 4:08 PM
wow....this does sound kinda prominsing with the PD and writer behind it and it totally helps that UEE and Joo Won are both actors who I have been wanting to get lead characters instead of second lead ones for a while now
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17 Pavella
June 15, 2011 at 4:35 PM
I like Joo Won from Kim Tak Goo and I just think when I listen to Kim tak Goo song that when Joo Won wil have a new drama.
And now he is a lead in new drama. Good !
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18 natalie
June 15, 2011 at 4:37 PM
UEE!!! yay!!! I love her!
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19 diy
June 15, 2011 at 5:31 PM
yay for ma jun!!!
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20 altins
June 15, 2011 at 5:46 PM
Yayyy..looking forward for "Ma Jun" to star in his own drama....
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21 ar_arguably romantic
June 15, 2011 at 7:00 PM
yay he's not rich! =P I hope this one gets aired!
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22 hmm
June 15, 2011 at 9:20 PM
Birdie Buddy is finally getting a airdate on TvN.
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23 jheart
June 15, 2011 at 9:42 PM
They look good together <3
Joo Won <3 Love him in Baker King
Conragtulations Uee! Birdie Buddy” to finally start airing through tvN this August :D Yes!.
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24 ripgal
June 15, 2011 at 10:52 PM
Yay, I get to see this on KBS World!
I don't think UEE's that bad, have you guys seen her play goodie girl? Or even in something else other than You're Beautiful? I wouldn't judge until I see her.
And Joo Won, he has massive potential. His Ma Jun's one of the most layered antagonist I've seen last year. I'd want to see him play goody goody boy hehehe..
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25 dramaville
June 15, 2011 at 11:12 PM
birdie buddy couldn't be that bad. hope they show it.
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