Lee Jia is married to (and divorcing)… Seo Taiji

What in the WHAT?

This is the big story breaking right now, with all the headlines blaring the words “SHOCKER!” Because, well, it is: Actress Lee Jia, who just a month ago confirmed a romance with A-list movie star and Athena co-star Jung Woo-sung, is married. To groundbreaking rocker Seo Taiji, who practically reinvented the landscape of K-pop back in the ’90s. And now they’re divorcing.

Currently both stars are unreachable by their agencies, who have been trying to contact their cell phones without success; no doubt they’re lying low till this media maelstrom quiets. Given the nature (and secrecy!) of the news, and the star statuses of the two, it’s unlikely to calm down for a while. Even Yang Hyun-seok, head of YG Entertainment and Seo Taiji’s former bandmate (when they were Seo Taiji & the Boys) said upon hearing the news, “It can’t be true. It’s really a shock.”

The news has just leaked that the two were married, legally and in secret, and are currently in the process of suing for divorce. A second hearing was held on April 18 at the Seoul Family Court (a previous hearing took place in March), wherein Lee made various requests for alimony and separation of assets. Very few other details have come out yet.

Well, I can say that this finally clears up a few questions — like how in the world an unknown shot to stardom so instantly, landing a huge leading role in a high-budget blockbuster for her acting debut (2007’s Legend, with Bae Yong-joon), seemingly without connections. I’d always wondered who she knew; I suppose when you’re married to one of the most famous rock stars around, it gives you a leg up.

Lee was seen just this week, on April 21, in a noodle restaurant in Kangnam on a date with new boyfriend Jung Woo-sung.

Via Chosun


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OMG!! I mean Seo Taiji and JWS in one single life. incredible INCREDIBLE! she is lucky girl.


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I am not shock at the fact that two “celebrities” are getting a divorce, but rather at the fact at how many woman, not only in this blog, but in Korea at large are ostracizing, and condemning Lee Jia, and calling her every bad name in the book, except a “child of God.”

It does not say anything about Lee Jia, but speaks volumes at the “Hypocrisy” of Korean culture and media concerning gender inequality, it reminds me the story in the “New Testament” were people wanted to stoned a woman in front of the Prophet Jesus, for the charge of adultery, and he ask the crowd where was the male culprit only to be no where to be found, so the prophet ask “he who is clean of all wrong doing to cast the first stone.”

Why are we condemning Lee Jia alone, and using the term “adulterer.”? Neither you nor I know the real situation, but the fact is that not only Korean culture, but Asian cultures at large, while they expect for woman to portray, a “puritanical, and virginal” facade in public and in private, while man can go an behave like “whore-monger’s,” and the world is cool with it.

Shame, shame, shame. Like I say this situation shows how prejudicial people still are concerning gender roles in society, and as always woman will always be view as “Whores or Loose” woman if the do not follow convention, and as for Seo Taiji, and Jung Woo-sung all I can say is, take it like a man, and stop “bitching” about it!!!!!!


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I think people are so hard on her because Jung Woo Sung's management company said he didn't know of her past marriage.
She shouldn't have kept her marriage a secret from the guys she's been dating. Since they have a right to know and determine if they want to continue dating her.
On the other hand, she was also unlucky that she had to go through a secret marriage and divorce. That's a little sad. I wouldn't like to be in her shoes.


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I have to agree. If you're still married and decide to date; then you owe it to that person.

I do wonder however if JWS' agency was the only one that did not know the details. It could be that JWS actually did know, but thought that it was not his agency's business what her marital status was. After all, his agency had previously stated that they could not announce whether or not he was in a relationship with her because it was his personal business.


I agree too.
If JWS is no one (ordinary) than she is ok with keeping it to herself. Their relationship is the beginning, if she's not that serious yet she can keep her private life low.
However JWS is a public figure and if the marriage/divorce thing leak out (like now) he would be in disadvantage. However she should have not said anything so he went open about their relationship.
I think she should tell him at that time.
Now we don't know who is lying or at fault. LJA is at fault for not telling JWS. Or JWS is lying about not hearing anything.
I just laid out everything. I like JWS and selfishly I don't like the pairing (aka JA-WS) but I want to be fair.


@ Amg1

Oh please, it's not just "Asian culture" that does this but just about all "cultures."

Even in the good ol' USA women are still called sluts if we have too many partners.

So while I agree with your general point, please leave the stereotypical racism out of it.


Well said!! as for the comment about the guy not knowing, k-drama in particular is the best written "BULLSHI*" in the world, but this is no drama. I'm sure he knew like I know there his side, her side and the truth.


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I don't know, I feel if it was Seo Taiji who was dating when all this happened, and Lee Jia wasn't, people would've called him the adulterer (at least I would've called him that). Lee Jia is just unlucky to be the one dating, not that it matters since they divorced years back and that this lawsuit is for monetary purposes. All in all, no adultery was committed.


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The issue is she lies. Even Keyeast admits that she is a liar!! LJA is a person with no integrity!! She lies about her age, her marital status and her divorce status. May be covering up for child custody.

The same applies to her yet to be divorced or former husband!!

BTW, Keyeast's statement is full of loopholes. (1) met her former husband in 1993 (age 16); (2) married in 1997 (age 20), separated in 2000 (age 23). But a divorce only took place in 2006 or 2009? Who are they kidding. (4) LJA was spotted in her former husband concert in 2009.

Keyeast is trying to do damage control, but a lousy one. That BYJ is just an accomplice to all these lies!! He should be TOOT!!


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This bitch is obviously coming on here with a chip on her shoulder. Tell you what, next time why don't you reply to the post you're actually replying to, or better yet, get your OWN BLOG and write opinion peices no one gives a shit about.

Get your fake liberal ass out here.


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How about this :

1. LJA met STJ and got married 3 years later and lived in US.
2. In 2000: STJ went back to Korea. From 2000-2004: STJ went back and forth between Korea and US (?). LJA was in US only.
3. In 2004: LJA went back to Korea briefly. Filmed in a brief CF. Met with KeyEast and convinced to become a celebrity (at that time she was wife of STJ)
4. In 2005: LJA moved back permanently to Korea.
5. In 2006: LJA filed for divorce (where? In Korea ? US?). The question is why she kept silent about everything when the relationship got sore and she was the one in the dark?
Anyway, the same year she got the role in Legend and trained for the role (news about casting of Legend appeared from January - July and shooting began in May/June). Note: this time, she's wife of STJ and filed for divorce one-sided.
6. LJA shot to fame and got role in Beethoven Virus (2008) against Kim Myung Min, in Style (2009) against Ruy Shi Won. BYJ, KMM, RSW are all big names, top 5 stars in Korea.
7. In 2009: finally the divorce went through (the question is why it took 3 years?
8. In 2010: LJA got a role in Athena, again, against another big name: Jung Woo Sung. Filming until end of February 2011.
9. In 2010- early 2011: she sued STJ to court for alimony, 1st hearing in jan 2011. 2nd hearing: april 2011.
10. March 2011: LJA and JWS got caught in Paris. JWS confirmed the relationship. Note: she's in the middle of two hearings at this point. She can't postpone the hearing or do anything about it.
11. April 21: the news leaked out. Why it did not leak from the 1st hearing but 2nd hearing? why it did not leak after LJA got caught with JWS? why it did not leak when she filed for divorce the first time, when she's no one, in 2006?


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My speculation:

1. LJA came back to Korea in 2004 because she's depressed with the distance relationship. Or maybe the relationship already got sore.
Met with Key East and convinced to become a celebrity through connections. Not anyone can meet with CEO of KeyEast. We all know Bae Young Joon and Seo Taeji are friends. they were born on the same year.

2. LJA came back to Korea in 2005 and became public figure in 2006. Filed for divorce the same year. Kept a 3 year divorce a silent (because she's a public figure already and it's a dead career if she's found out ex-wife of STJ as well). For STJ, it's sure that he did not want divorce because if he wanted, it did not last 3 years for the divorce to go through.

It's not because of alimony that the divorce did not go through, because the alimony sue happpened recently.

Looking at Seo Taiji http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seo_Taiji I found one thing interesting: he was extremely popular in 2004 after the 3rd album, but from 2005-2008 he disappeared for the 2nd time. He returned in 2008.

So the time LJA came back to Korea and actively preparing for and becoming an actress, STJ disappeared from Korea.

If they have 2 kids I really believe it.


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One more thing I think of.

She came back in 2005 because she really thought seriuosly about living in Korea with her husband. But STJ did not want to be open about it. This is time he's on top of popularity.

Then husband just disappeared from public light. Who knows what happened, because of what and how much discussion, argument they had in between. She pursued her career instead. In 2006 filed for divorce. These 3 years in Korea is Hard time for Ji Ah but hard time for Tai Ji too.

2008 husband came back to lime light and succeed again. She's also on top of success (her first and only awards for Legend in April 2008). They finally got divorced. Good for both sides.

Serioulsy I don't see any thing wrong with the marriage (they had the right to keep it for themselves) or the divorce or her relationship with JWS. I don't like a lot of lies but it does not seem we don't know they the celebrities all have been lying.


Thinking again and looking at every time line:

I have to agree with JV beans. There's no way that she did not use the connections. Every thing came with a reason.

She came back to Korea in 2004 when STJ was extremely famous. She was convinced to be a celebrity (this is safe choice for STJ and win-win situation for her).

STJ disappeared in 2005 and she filed divorced in 2006 (I feel for the girl, she must be depressed). However she kept everything silent. At the same time, she got a big role in Legend right away and shot to fame. She signed with KeyEast in 2007.

STJ came back in 2008. She got a role in Beethoven Virus
in 2008. Shot to fame again.

I don't mean LJA did not have talent. But look at other artist in Key East. Did any actress get the drama roles like Lee Ji Ah? Even Lee Na young who is with Key East for long time and as an established actress. The deal she got compared to LJA a newbie is like less important. Being with Bae Young Joon and Kim Myung Min in a drama is no joke. I have to say I believe in there's some big name behind LJA.


It is simple, she used her former husband's connection and trying to rip him for us$3 million for divorce settlement, which I think is very little.


i kno right??? thats lyk..unfair~~~ what are we supposed to do? i luv lee jea..but i wnt a man too!! i dnt blame her..its her life..and no proof that she was'cheating'..and how does every1 kno that JWS didnt kno??


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I know, right? & The fact that they have two kids together.


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What pique my interest more aside from this whole married-divorce shenanigans is the fact that this news was leaked just after the announcement of the president misuse of power. If it is true, then this is an epic conspiracy in the making, using LJA and Seo Taiji as scapegoats.


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i LOVE this conspiracy! (and i wouldn't be surprised if it was, in fact, not a conspiracy at all!!!)


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Lee Ji Ah does not come out looking well at all from this. The disputed divorce date (whether she's telling the truth or not), the questions surrounding her age (was she really only 16 when they got married or did she lie? either way, not so flattering), etc.

Also, if they divorced several years ago, why sue for alimony now? Shouldn't that have been handled at the time of the divorce? It's not as if his income changed significantly in the interim. If anything, her income would have changed, since she only debuted either after their divorce (according to his account) or just before it (according to her).

Wow. What a mess. At least Jung Woo Sung didn't end up breaking up a marriage.


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Oh boy, I am torn on feeling horrible or upset for LJ, and reading the updates that JWS will breakup w/ her if all allegations are true is saddening. There needs to be a man by her side to lean on through such awkward times.


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She doesn't need a man by her side to lean on through awkward times.


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Same here!


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1.They have no children.
2. They already divorced years ago.
There are so many unfortunately misunderstandings going on here. There are too much hates for Lee Ji Ah. They are calling her gold digger, a cheater, a betrayer, a liar. In my opinion, she is a woman who wants to live as a normal wife, she must feel too tired of hiding the truth all the past years. Have u ever imagined how her life has been in the past? hiding all the time , unable to do anything as a normal person, feel like she can't breathe properly, gosh it must feel like living in hell T.T
And she did all these for whose benefits? Of course , it's Seo Taji. Who did all the that to someone you don't love right? She must love him so much.
And the timing of this breaking new is so fishy indeed. I believe there is a conspiracy here. The government simply used this new to distract the attentions coughs coughs. And some reporters are being paid to blow off the new out of proportion sighs. This is just insane how people immediately believe in everything media said and attacked and bad mouth Lee Ji Ah
I actually feel bad for Lee Ji Ah.
They attacked and blamed everything on her, jumped in the conclusion. Wake up, crazy netizens and the media!!
To marry in such a early age , 20, to a legend of kpop and keep a secret marriage for 14 years . If you were her, how do you feel?
Okay she started her career in Legend and became famous in 2007. She might got the role through connection or talents. I won't argue about it but you all have to agree that no one sure 100% about it right? But yeah, her first role was quite good as a newbie. I'm not a fan of her acting though but I think she got potential to go further.
And something I feel a bit off
Seo TaiJi said they divorced in 2006 and Lee Ji Ah said 2009. I don't believe that he is telling the truth. If they indeed divorced in 2006, Lee Ji Ah would never able to join Key East. I think Bae Yong Jun knew the truth all along. He is very close friend of STJ . He seemly just try to clean up the mess so he denied the fact that he knew about their marriage. It's business after all. Cruel reality.
I guess there are some problems about their marriage which hasn't been revealed yet. That's the reason why there is a lawsuit now .
I don't know much about Seo Taiji . He is indeed a legend of kpop which has a big influence in the entertainment industry. But he is a human too, he is no god. Everyone has secrets. Everyone made mistakes. Who knows? It's just like watching a real korean drama with so many unbelievable secrets. In the drama, he might be actually a villain here. He might be the one behind all of this. He might be the one who bought the reporters to stalk Jung Woo Sung and Lee Ji Ah, to write this breaking new in order to ruin Lee Ji Ah's life and her new love life. He might feel too jealous of her happy life. Or may be he is really innocent .The truth will come out eventually .
And a comment about Jung Woo Sung. What can I say? At first, when I heard the new , my reaction was "Poor Jung Woo Sung. He must feel heart broken". But after reading the news and all the different comments, I start to realise that haizzz I might be so naive to believe that he doesn't know the truth and in shock. It might be that what the agency want to do some damage control here. He actually knew everything .To save his career, he will decide to dump her immediately. If it is true , I will feel very disappointed in you, Jung Woo Sung . He seems ignorant and coward if he dump her now in this situation without listening to the truth. How I wish his reaction was different. I know it's hard decision, really tough indeed. If he is really love Lee Ji Ah, he should stay by her side no matter what other said. Find her and talk to her. She must feel very scared and lonely to face this hellish storm on her own. At least being her friend if he is really care for her. I'll wait for his press conference to hear what he's gonna say.
And year, I don't 100% believe in Lee Ji Ah . I'm sure there are still some hidden secrets around and soon to be revealed. There might be few more lies . But I still pity her.

All I hope for is all the people involved will not get hurt . Actually it's gonna be hurt , damn hurt but I hope they stay strong , find the best solution to end this scandal in peace. I hope that Lee Ji Ah 's career won't be ruined by this scandal because it's just seem unfair you know.


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what you realize about JWS is your thought, not the truth. Same goes with what you thought about LJA side. I am sympathizing with her because i am a woman but I have no comment on anything because i dont know the truth


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I know , it's only my thought. I did say I'm waiting for his upcoming press conference. I want hear what he said, not what his agency said. And the main point I want to say is that I only hope his reaction was different. Even if he didn't know the truth about her marriage, I wish he could stay by her side, listen to her as a friend.
And yeah only STJ, LIA and god knows what's the real truth.
But I'm sure some of the truths will eventually reveal and we will know the answer for our questions.


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Well, because I'm a woman so I feel bad for her. But to be fair, she's been asking for 5 million dollars compensation from her husband for divorcing him . This made things more complicate even though he is rich . Still, we don't know much of the story. The truth is she and her husband hide their marriage. The public feel betrayed now, then she has to bear the effect of it .


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Ar first I was kind of shock to hear about their hidden marriage. For 14 years? But I don't feel betray or anything. They are celebrities that doesn't mean they have to show everything for the public. They have private life too and they choose to hide that.
Asking for 5 million dollar compensation from her husband ? I thought it's normal. I mean they married for that long and all the things she suffered and sacrificed for all that years. Married when she was only 19 years old and have to live a abnormal life, long distance relation for years, etc .
If the lawsuit is in USA, he might have to pay much much more than 5 millions, at least half of his property.
The timing is just so bad , really ...
The price for being a celebrity !!


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Her agency stated that they have no children already!!!
But yeah there are too many reports from different sources so we don't know who is telling the truth.
At the moment they confirmed that they have no children.
I don't see any reason why the agencies have to tell another lie now. It's only make things worse if they lie now.
And if it found out that they did have children, then things will turn to the worst. If that happened, I feel really bad for the kids , what kind of life they were living?
But now just believe that they have no children according to all the latest reports.


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That's from news prior to LJA's agency "clarifying" that they had no kids.

What's funny is that they got married in Clark County, Nevada, i.e., Las Vegas. Really? This story is just getting more and more laughable.


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as a woman, i sympathize with her....however, she is already and adult and knows what she was into....

she got married at the age of 20...it was not a young age coz she already passed the teen age plus she knows who she got married to...also, she know why things should be kept in secret...but i think it is not only LJA who loves STJ but both of them do love each other and the reason they have to keep it in secret is to protect one another and their relationship as well...but i think she wants more than a secret relationship so she divorced STJ...and she wants to have him more to her side but she cant have him for herself....that is why most celebs prefer to marry someone who is more understanding because of the nature of their job...

but the fact for suing money is too much...money cant repair the damages done in a relationship...that made her look bad...she was the one who sued for money which made her nature look bad in public...she could've settled it with STJ not in court but she was irresponsible doing that coz she wanted more....greed plays a big picture here....

i feel bad for STJ as well....i dont think he likes going into divorce....he maybe a rocker but i think he values relationships more than anyone else. that is why it took him this long...i also have a brother who had a divorce and he was trying to save the relationship eventhough his ex-wife was the one who cheated...not everyone likes divorce...they have shared so many good times together and all of a sudden they will be bidding farewell to those good memories....

in a divorce both parties are at fault because they were not able to keep the vow until the end...so let us not judge who is good or bad but let us just give them their privacy to reflect on this...both of them are like living in hell right now so lets just give them their own space to breathe....


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Ugh. OF COURSE the man has to be the bad one right? You are such a dumb feminist. She knew what she was getting into when she married him. Do you really think she would have kept it a secret if he suddenly sprang that on her after they got married? If she didn't like it that much, she would have divorced him after a year or two. Not everyone needs to have a close open marriage in order to be happy. No one knows the reason they divorced.

By the way, she joined KeyEast before the drama was created. Just because the drama didn't come out til later doesn't mean there wasn't any planning before that. She could have just as easily moved to Korea, got connected with Key East and then filed for divorce.

Anyway, she owed it to JWS to as least say she was married. She didn't even need to tell with who, but she could have at least been honest with someone she supposedly cares about.

Also, wtf should he have to get up his hard earned money when she had been living off of it doing nothing equal to it during the marriage? Why should she get 5 million?

Also, just because the family registry is clear doesn't mean the kids don't exist. My ex and I's daughter is not on his registry because of his stupid parents who wouldn't accept her. Plus they obviously are very private people, so it makes sense they wouldn't have wrote it. Who knows if they have kids or not really.

Anyway, I'm so sick of women giving her the scape goat when if a man pulled this shit and two women were involved, people would be jumping down his throat. It's such sexist bs.


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I she lies about her background (marriage, age, etc…) at the beginning to become the actress. When she lies one thing, she can continue to lie other thing. The divorce lasts from 2006 to 2009, such a very long time to get agreement about assets, money, spouse support (alimony). Near 3 years later,one more time, she sues her ex-husband for the additional money, she wants her ex-husband to support her about the money (alimony) and she wants to have her part in his assets. During the period she married him, he has been rich & she is a no-name. She starts her career somewhere in 2007. My part, I feel sorry for anyone who will marry her.


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The price people pay for being famous :(. Makes me feel sad for them.


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I know... The media frenzy is going to be quite the sh**storm to weather. I kind of feel bad for all of them.

As an American, this boggles the mind. How could no one know such gigantic stars are married? That would be like, I don't know, Billy Joel and Scarlet Johansson having a secret marriage. How does a fact like that actually stay secret?

The only time a scandal/rumor like this would be reported in Hollywood is in tabloids like the National Enquirer, and it wouldn't actually be true. So crazy!


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Wait a minute, you didn't know about Billy and Scarlet already?


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Lol I must not be keeping up with my National Enquirer subscription ;-)

I also heard that Oprah had an alien baby implant.


"WOW" is MTE.

My brain can't even take in all of this....

And here we laughed at how Korea calls even the smallest of things a scandal... then what do you call this!?

You even have the President involved?


President+Love affair with A-list+2 hidden children + 14 years secret + Marriage to a super duper legendary rocker = ???

Someone needs to be on Oprah before her show ends...


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er wow...


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lee ji ah is sooo talented and beautiful :D
Seo Taiji,Jung Woo-sung, and probably many other handsome guys have fallen for her, but i'm not surprised and that's because she is a true goddess ;)


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I don't want to comment on their personal life because I don't really know what the true story behind all this. But my God the woman manage to snag these two HOT Guys. She really know her way to a man's heart ! WOW! You go GIRL!


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So... she was having an affair?


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Wait, isn't that illegal in Korea?


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yes it is but i think her husband would have to formally charge her but i think she would only face jail time if she can't pay the jail fine which i'm sure she has enough $ to cover


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Please dont jump to any conclusion. I am not a Lee JIa fan but their relationship could be frosty for awhile already. But I just wonder why she only choose to divorce now and how did she explain her marital status to Jung Woo Sung...


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I don't think I'm jumping into any conclusions..

If this is true, then Lee Jia is dating Jung Woo Sung while still married, ergo having an affair.


I agree with Julia (@ Even if they are seperated, she's still technically married to Seo Taiji. So if she's still married in the eyes of the law but is dating someone else, it's still an affair.


Yes, I heard it is illegal.


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That's called adultery!!


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Dating is cheating, sleeping with the person is adultery and dating and sleping with that person is a affair.


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Well she did none of those things, as she was officially a single woman when she started dating him.


they already got divorced a couple years ago lol. this is just a money thing.


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Reading this story makes me feel physically sick...Not because of their situation, but because of the ensuing media mania and ugly judgement surely to be thrown their way.

I feel so much for all three of them right now...My sincere hope is that they have their family and friends who love them and know them as people (as opposed to stars) to support them throughout this difficult time.

I'm going to do my best to avoid this story like the plague. All it can do is feed the gossip beast inside all of us and that makes for ugly insides.


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Totally agreed. People are idiots and jump to equally idiotic conclusions and assumptions. I feel bad for these three haha.


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It is sickening to see the lynch mob coming out. We do not have the actual facts from all sides and even if we do, we do not have the right to judge. This whole saga is exactly why they kept their private lives private and hidden.


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According to Soompi 'On April 18th at the Seoul Family Courts, there was a second trial and this fact has been revealed carefully. This past january Lee Ji Ah had filed a lawsuit for alimony and division of posessions, both sides have two trials in March and in April. There are three to four lawyers representing each side.'

Maybe they were already secretly going about divorce proceedings before her relationship with JWS.

As I said... the gossips and speculations begin....


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Hello people??! How can it be adultery when they’ve already finalized the divorce in 2009, meaning they.are.divorced! As stated in the statement from keyeast “we would like to clearly state that the lawsuit they’re in right now is not a divorce lawsuit.” Please READ everything before you start accusing people of adultery!


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I wonder how long they were married for?

For people who follow HK entertainment, the story kinda reminds me of Charlene Choi and Ronald Cheng. They were married for 4 years and the relationship didn't get disclosed until they got divorced.


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yea...but that one they had rumours about them dating.

this thing just came out of nowhere. for real. would you ever believe someone if they said Seo Taiji is married? let alone, married to Lee Ji Ah? Seo Taiji getting married is already a WTF moment. him getting married to none other than Lee Ji Ah is a bigger WTF. and them getting a divorce is the biggest WTF ever. rofl.


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Hear! Hear!

Seriously... I'm still O_O-ing.
I mean come on! It's Seo Taiji!!


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Well this ought to do wonders to their careers....


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...and her being in a relationship with Joo Woo Sung while still being married is also WTF-worthy.


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Yapppppp definitely a WTF Moment in K Entertainment Industry.... This sound like a K drama. This should have been Athena storyline. It would have done way better.

Now i can't help wondering Who's who is in the same situation aka, secretly married.

My heartfelt condolence to Joo Woo Sung. Damn, he choose a tough road in Love.


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And plus they have two kids together after bring married for 14 yrs. DOUBLE WTF


How the hell did she keep 2 kids a secret??!


As the posts above have said, this is probably the single most WTF moment in Korean music and drama. Seriously, though, how did SEO TAIJI keep the fact that he had a WIFE and TWO KIDS secret from the press?? Did those kids never have a PARENT-TEACHER conference or something? Or have they been living in boarding schools for the past two years? Seriously, WTF???


Evidence extracted from the Korean courts speak the true nature about their relationship!!


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Now it is a FACT that they are legally married and filing for a divorce!!


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What about having 2 kids?..WTF?!


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I know. Media is probably frothing at the mouth right now. I told this to my mum (who was a journalist) and she was like "That is one lucky reporter" haha.

I feel bad for them though; being a celeb means that you're always in the public view. And this is such a sensative issue even without the public frenzy :(


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Yep you are right!! Amazed that they managed to keep it secret for so long!


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they were married since 1997. Do the math.


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They have two children!!


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yup. i instantly thought:


hmm....so it wasn't that big of a shocker. i guess its still kinda new for korean entertainment though.


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Even though their marriage is of past tense, I am bothered to question, "Did the two of them elope?"

Two youngsters... in the US... maybe headed to Vegas? No family nor friends witnessed their ceremony.


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Ah-ha! My inquiry has met expectation.

LJA released an updated official statement, and so they did get married in Nevada [NV = Las Vegas], and reside in Georgia and Arizona.

I think the guy brainwashed the girl into eloping, and now, if he truly and sincerely loved her in his lifetime then fork over the compensation. Men should not be petty.


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Why do you automatically assume it was him that did wrong? He was only a couple years older than her. She lied about her age.


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I'm so freaking shocked right now. Wow. WOWWWW.


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OMG!! I always wondered too how a nobody with VERY little acting talent or good looks managed to shoot to stardom.

I feel sorry Jung Woo Sung. He's the rebound guy.


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We don't even know what the real deal is.
I just don't think it's wise to speculate.


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This redefines "Scandal!" WOW! What a shock alright! Blow me over with a feather!


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"What in the WHAT?"

Took the words right out of my mouth!

I read the headlines and thought...HUH? They're doing a drama together?

And then I read the post and I'm like O_O

Agree with you on everything JB!
I feel sorry for Jung Woo-sung getting caught up in all this too.


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My brain, it hurts. o.o


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One question. Does her current boyfriend (JWS) know about this ?


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KeyEast (LJA's agency) said they knew nothing about the lawsuit or the marriage and Jung Woo-sung's representatives said they same too.


And some commenter on AKP said that JWS reps said that if it's true he'll stop seeing her?

So she's 33 and and they've been married for 14 years?

All this is crazy news. Just wow.

Next thing we know, they're gonna make a drama based on this in 5-10 years. >.>


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Current headlines:
"Jung Woo-sung: 'I had no idea Lee Jia was married to Seo Taiji'"
"Jung Woo-sung incredibly shocked at news"
"Jung Woo-sung's agency in panic mode, planning press conference soon"


HOWEVER, this comes from the mouths of agency reps. There's always a chance it's a PR move. Though if it's not, that suuuuucks.

Seo Taiji's agency, on the other hand, is saying they knew the two had dated, just not that they were married.


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Wow that is incredible stuff. Even Seo Taiji's agency didn't know.


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Sorry to Seo Taiji's fans... but seriously, as a woman - i sympathise with Lee. If I were in her shoes, i will divorce this guy. Being married with two kids and summore in the eyes of the world, your husband is a single desirable eligible bachelor.. it's like living as his mistress! A husband or a man who truly values marriage will declare to the "World" that he is no longer available... he doesn't need to show off his wife.. at least mention he is married, unless he still wants to play the dating game..

I'm hope Lee won suing his pants off... and I hope women out there give her a break! darn...

As to Jung Woo Sung not knowing... i'd say, "my foot!" :P


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I don't feel as if that is the case. No one knew of their relationship so there was no way for LJA to be seen as a mistress. It's very common knowledge how private Seo Taiji keeps his personal life and it was their right not to tell anyone. I wish people wouldn't pass judgement on how a couple handles their affairs. Maybe privacy and a normal life was more important to this couple than 'declaring it to the world'. There have also been no report of Seo playing the dating game either and LJA only did after she seperated from her husband.


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Seo Taiji is an insanely personal man who keeps many things secret and I don't think he's this player you're thinking of and he's not one to show off anything in his personal life. She obviously didn't want to reveal things either since she never told anyone she was married and is now dating someone else. I don't think it's fair to pass judgement on either until the full details are known. Also the children are just a rumor at this point, Lee Ji-ah denied having any children with Taiji in her official statement.


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Good reply! After reading loads of fan bashing on Lee Ji A alone, it seems that she need to open an analog diary to report all her happenings in detail to the public for their satisfaction.

How about her blog turn into hourly confession?


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errr, so she had no choice in her future? after how many years? oh please, she made her bed...


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I wonder if JWS really did or didn't know. His agency of-course would want to make sure he had no part in this, but I wonder if he knew. If he didn't - poor guy. Of all scandals to be stuck in :/


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Got this information from the other site, but I don't know whether it's true or not : Lee Ji Ah and Seo Teiji has been married for 14 years and Lee Ji Ah's real age is 33.


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I look forward to the kdrama version of this!!


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movie version! lol....



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movie version?! lol....



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haha. i know!! i am not a fan nor am i following lee and JWS reationship news. but a drama or a movie vesion of this is not a bad idea. lol


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Hmm i'm thinking something along the lines of On Air perphaps? But more about the lives of actors not the drama productions...ahhh that would be a great drama!


Oooops sorry, you beat me Bluefyre :)


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Haha. No prob!
We're all going heywire over this. It's crazy.


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omg Lee ji ah she is such * speechless*.

from age and her background??..
i feel she lying so much about her background..

JWS.. i feel bad about him


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Wow...married??? Didn't expect this but supposedly they got married in 97-98 so thats a whopping 13-14 years to keep this a secret.


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I don't know what to say.
I can't believe I skip your 49 days recap, because I must read this first.
And after that, I still don't have anything to say.
Congratulation? Sorry to hear that? Good luck? Which one is suitable for this news?


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Haha...I think I spent a good hour (or 2) reading all the comments and clicking on the links.


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OMG..... I'm shock.....


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Wow....thats insane.

Wasnt there a scandal about her lying about her age too?

Makes you wonder who she "really" is...lol

And poor jung woo sung. I bet he had no idea.. Bc technically if shes not legally divorced, shes having an affair, no??


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Please dont jump to any conclusion. Why do you think he doesnt know?


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Idk. Because JWS's agency and KeyEast also announced that they both didnt know anything about her marriage with STJ.


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I understand where you're coming from about people jumping to conclusions, but this being a major "What the Hell" moment, there's going to be a shit ton of speculations going on. If the parties involved do not clarify, speculations are REALLY going to run wild. SO, it's admirable that you're asking everyone to not jump to conclusions, but like it or not, that's what's going to happen. Might as well sit back and watch the fireworks. It's all you can ever do without running yourself ragged.


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And by the way jung woo sungs agency is saying that he had no ida. And if he did know...do you think he wouldve announced that they were dating before the divorce was finalized??



Yeah, I've seen those articles. jb has also already commented on them. But I still think it's interesting to watch how this is going to unravel. This might also raise trust issues between fans and their celebrities. AGAIN. Something along the lines of "We TRUSTED you! Rain, how could you lie for so long about your height!" Yeah, this ain't gonna be pretty.


Everyone will make jump into conclusion directly anyway.. It's an extremely shocking news for everyone. We've been speculating which is the truth. So if you're saying that we should stop this. We just CAN'T. Face it.


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Hey Oh well...
I hope you're referring to Qwenli, because I already know speculations are a natural part of this process. It doesn't really affect me, so I don't really care. But I always find the ensuing conversations that come out of it interesting - some pretty good, and some laugh out loud funny.


Basically, I was telling Qwenli to not bother about telling people to stop jumping conclusions because it'll happen anyway.


Oops sorry!! yeah I'm referring for Qwenli, I accidentally click the wrong button XD My mistake.


This already sounds like something they can base to create a movie or drama...


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holy SHIT>>>> FORREALLL??????????


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I get the feeling that Lee Ji a is not very popular in Korea and this ruckus is probably going to cause her popularity to drop further.

But I still think she and Jung Woo Sung is a good match. But she should have got herself divorce long ago if her marriage have been on the rocks.


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"I get the feeling that Lee Ji a is not very popular in Korea"

I think Lee Ji Ah's career just died overnight. Forget about Jung Woo Sung . . . she was MARRIED TO SEO TAJI?!?!?!?!? This would be like learning Michael Jackson was married to Miley Cyrus!


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"I think Lee Ji Ah’s career just died overnight."

That pretty much sums it up.

I wonder how long if ever it will take for her career to recover because regardless of who is at fault, because unless your one hell of an actress divorce is pretty much a career killer.


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and i heard she;s not even a good actor anyway. she got her debut role cause of seo taiji.. she should totally say goodbye to her career..


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Yeap...unless Lee Ji Ah is in the same level as Go Hyun Jung. Too bad..she's not.

Gosh....at first, I have no feelings for her, either hate or love. But right now, I can say my hate level for her is about 45 %.


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