Secret Garden: Episode 20 (Final)

It’s the bow-tied, triple-knotted kind of ending for this cast of characters, as we say our final goodbyes to Secret Garden. I’d personally like to say farewell to omo-queen Secretary Kim. Thanks for the laughs. And of course to my new favorite idol-oppa, Oska. Yoon Sang-hyun, I was never on your bus before, but I’m totally on it now. Oska, fighting!


Joo-won tells Mom that he’s going to live the rest of his life as Ra-im’s husband, despite knowing that it’s going to be near impossible for her to accept. She reels, spitting out that this is nothing but a momentary feeling—it’s something that happens once in everyone’s life. He looks at her curiously.

She means Joo-won’s father, of course, who we’ve never heard mention of until now. She says with bitterness shaking in her voice that “they” are always the ones to grow tired and leave first, while “we” are always the ones left behind. Hm. So she’s lumping Ra-im in with her husband, for a myriad of reasons including class. Well that explains a lot, but did it really require us to wait twenty episodes for that explanation? Is anyone going to be sympathetic for you after all that shrill shouting, for all those episodes?

Joo-won tells her that it doesn’t matter—even if it ends up that way, he’s never going to leave her. He tells Mom that someday he’ll walk her down the aisle with Mom’s blessing. She replies that she’ll roll over in her grave before that happens, and Joo-won takes his leave with a heavy sigh.

Meanwhile, Ra-im heads to the bus stop, trailed behind oh-so-conspicuously by Mom’s secretary. She decides to confront him, and hands him a coffee, saying he must be tired following her around in this cold weather. He looks at her sweetly and says he’s secretly on her side (aw) and offers to drive her where she’s going, since he’s going to follow anyway. Hahaha. Awesome.

She goes to meet Ji-hyun, who’s been going over Ra-im’s charts looking for the reason that she woke up from her brain-dead coma. Ra-im tells her that she’s not going to find the answer in medicine. She adds that the time she visited Ji-hyun wasn’t her; it was Joo-won. Way to advertise to a shrink that you’re batshit crazy.

Ra-im just explains obliquely that it was a miracle, and that she and Joo-won have experienced a miracle that can’t be explained by science and medicine. Or logic. You forgot logic.

At the same time, Joo-won sits down in a café with Jong-soo, who’s called him out for his concession speech. He tells Joo-won that this is normally the kind of conversation they’d have over drinks, but he’s already seen Joo-won’s drinking habits. Heh.

Jong-soo tells Joo-won that he’s always wanted to be a father, an oppa, and a man to Ra-im. But now Joo-won has to be all of those things to her. Joo-won just answers, “What if I don’t wanna?”

Joo-won: “I’m only going to be a man to Ra-im. A father, an oppa…you be those things. Don’t leave her an orphan. That’s MY request.”

AW. Seriously, aw. Can you…hug it out? No? Come on!

The next day Joo-won drives Ra-im somewhere, as he confirms that Oska and Seul have arrived. She wonders if they’re all eating together, but he doesn’t answer. He takes her inside, asking pointedly that if she wants to run away, it’s her last chance.

She halts in her tracks. Are we…? He just smiles, asking if there’s anything she wants to do in her last ten minutes before becoming a married woman. Buh…way to be romantic, dude.

She calls him a jerk for deciding this on his own, without so much as an “I love you,” even if he doesn’t mean it.

Joo-won: Why would I say something like that? You really aren’t very bright, are you? It’s not because I love you. It’s because I love ONLY you. I have no other choice in the matter, you amazing woman.

Pffft. Okay, I know it’s meant to be romantic, but um…it sounds like you’re saying this is your only option in life…which is just not the way you intended it to sound, methinks. He puts out his hand, as he says that there isn’t going to be any flowers, or candles, or even a ring…but will she still become his wife?

She puts her hand in his, and says, “Of course.”

They head inside to register their marriage, with Oska and Seul as witnesses. Joo-won peers over as Ra-im is writing, complaining that she’s writing awfully slowly, when he was totally fast. Heh. They sign with matching heart-signatures, the way Ra-im had signed Joo-won’s name when she was in his body.

Oska and Seul gag at the hearts, and Oska retaliates by signing the document like an autograph. Ha.

They head to Joo-won’s house first, to decorate his room for the newlyweds. Oska tells Seul that he’s learned something by watching Joo-won and Ra-im: that all memories, even bad ones, can be wiped clean with time and love. He promises to remember everything, even the bad stuff, and turn it all into happy memories of how they met, fell in love, broke up, and then got back together.

He gets her to agree to do his music video, and hugs her in delight. Joo-won and Ra-im walk in, asking what they’re doing here. Oska: “We’re here to do all this.” (Pointing to the decorations.) Joo-won: “You were doing OTHER stuff!” Ha.

They thank Seul and Oska, and Joo-won can’t help but take another jab. He turns to Seul: “If we had met when we were 21…” Ra-im and Oska scowl, and they all laugh, as Joo-won kicks them out. “We have…stuff to do…”


He chases her around the bedroom for a while, and then lands on the bed alone. She tells him to freeze, and then climbs on top of him for a kiss. Finally, the Ra-im of yesteryear, pre-wrist-grabs and buckets of tears.

We get a montage of their happy first days as a married couple, taking walks together and staying in together. As they laze around and read (Is it sick that this is the thing I’m most jealous of—that these people have time to laze around and READ?) Joo-won shows her the rewritten ending to The Little Mermaid.

She calls him Secretary Kim (cute) and tells him that his ending sucks, as he chases her around the room in circles. I suppose it works out nicely that they’re both immature in the same ways.

They go to ask Grandpa for his blessings, but he sides with Mom, saying that they’ll have to get her permission first. Easier said than done, Gramps.

Joo-won notifies Mom of the marriage registration, and she ends up in the hospital. Joo-won goes to see her, and she admits defeat. She disowns him as her son, and though she lets him keep his job, she takes back everything else, and tells him to cough up money for the land that his house is on. Well that’s actually way nicer than I thought she’d be. All those dramatics, and you get to keep your job AND your house? What the hell was on the line, then?

Director Park is lamenting his lost job when Joo-won calls, re-hiring him and taking him under his wing. It’s a win-win, as Joo-won earns an ally and loses an enemy, and Director Park gets to keep the job he loves.

Ra-im announces her married status to the action school, and the guys stare agape, some of them even crying (heh). Jong-soo congratulates her and gives her a script to a new project: Sector 7 (another shout-out to a Ha Ji-won vehicle).

Jung-hwan thinks she’s a genius for taking care of the paperwork first (since he’s never been shy about thinking that Joo-won was a catch) and wonders if maybe she’s pregnant. She glares him down, and he decides it’s time to pay Joo-won a little visit…

He shows up at LOEL with backup (and bats! Ha.) to make it clear that Ra-im’s got a bunch of oppas, and that the day Joo-won makes her cry is the day he dies. Aw, this is the cutest thing EVAR.

Joo-won says he already spoke to Jong-soo, but Jung-hwan’s like, I’m the director now! Why are you talking to him!? Hehe. Joo-won accepts the warning this time, but says the next time, he’s gonna tell on them to Ra-im. The guys look around nervously.

Oska handwrites invitations for his concert to his fanclub, and Tae-sun worries that he doesn’t have any time to waste if he’s going to do a decent performance. He makes Oska practice over and over, concerned that his vocal skills aren’t going to top the charts.

Oska tells him that he doesn’t care about those things anymore—now, every moment, all this, is what matters to him. He tells Tae-sun to use this studio from now on and make the music that he wants.

He goes to film his music video, and finds that the story is his first meeting with Seul. Aw. What’s hilarious is that they cast someone to play the younger her, but Oska plays himself. Ha. Oska winks at her as she watches from the monitor, and she smiles.

Joo-won and Ra-im each do well at work, and enjoy the sleepy exhaustion of being newlyweds. Ra-im: “You have to let me sleep sometimes!” Heh…heh. Heh. Heh.

Oska gets ready for his big concert, and everyone watches happily as he sings. Tae-sun is the only one who looks on with a heavy heart, as he sighs wistfully, slings a bag over his shoulder, and walks away.

Seul sees him, and chases him down backstage. She asks if he’s really leaving this way. He answers that it’s because he doesn’t like her (still calling her ajumma). She realizes that he genuinely loved Oska, and asks if he can’t stay and be his friend.

Tae-sun: “You mean you get to be his lover while I have to be his friend?” Well, when you put it that way…

He tells her not to lose Oska to some other girl, and says that the song “Tears” is his gift to her, as he walks away. She tells him that if he ever needs something, to call her. I do really love these two as frenemies fighting over one man. Too bad he has to leave.

On stage, Oska sings his 7th album title track, “Tears.” Seul returns to her seat holds up a sign that says, “Sun said that this song is about me. Do I have that right? With the excuse that I was hurt, I hurt you so much. I’m really sorry. Truthfully, the roasted chestnuts is me. But the cheesecake is some other bitch. I still love you anyway, Choi Woo-young.”

Hahaha. I do love her sassiness. Oska makes a big heart over his head as he sings, signaling to her that he loves her too, and she cries, holding up her sign in the middle of the audience.

As we watch Ra-im do sit-ups while Joo-won holds her legs (an excuse for him to kiss her, of course) he narrates in voiceover that they spend their days finding out just how immature a man and a woman who are in love can be. Heh. Accurate description if I’ve ever heard of one.

They wear MATCHING SPARKLY TRACKSUITS as they play and run around in the snow, and they continue to fight and make up like always. This time he follows her into the elevator for a makeout session, only to be awkwardly interrupted by his entire executive staff. As everyone else gawks and averts their eyes, Secretary Kim takes out his camera….LOL.

Five years later, they have three kids, and Ah-young’s dream comes true, as the couple takes the kids to Grandma’s house for a visit. There, outside the big gate, the kids cry that Mom won’t get them some new toy. Ra-im remembers the dream, and laughs that it really did come true.

Grandma comes out to greet the kids warmly, but coldly ignores Joo-won and Ra-im, making sure the gate shuts firmly behind her. Joo-won says in voiceover that his mother really was true to her word. They expected that time would change her, but she’s remained as firm as ever.

I rather like that her character stayed consistent. No easy answers in life. You know, except for coma-killing-body-swapping miracles. Except for those.

Ra-im becomes an action school director herself, echoing Jong-soo’s lines from the first episode to her team of stuntmen.

Oska proposes to Seul with a chestnut and then the ring he’s kept for all those years, and tells her that fifteen years have gone by since the beginning, and he plans to never grow up, and remain like this with her forever. Well, it’s good that you set realistic goals. She cries, overwhelmed (and probably exhausted, what with fifteen years of dating).

Ah-young and Secretary Kim walk along the river, and happen to find the message in a bottle that he had thrown into the ocean on Jeju Island after they had first met. She takes it as a sign and hugs him in delight.

Jong-soo goes to meet a casting director for a project, only to come face to face with Sohn Ye-jin. Dude, he gets Sohn Ye-jin as a consolation prize? No need to feel sorry for this guy!

She tells him that she happened upon his script that’s been stuck in development hell for the better part of a year, and asks what he thinks of her. He’s like, whaaa? Sohn Ye-jin: “What, were you thinking of casting Angelina Jolie?” He literally OMGs to her face. Haha.

Joo-won and Ra-im put all the kids to sleep and sneak out, thinking they’re home free…only one of them wakes up and announces that he’s going to sleep with mommy tonight. Joo-won: “Who says?” Kid: “Moooommy, I don’t like Daddy.” Ra-im: “I don’t like YOU right now.” Hahaha.

Joo-won puts the kid back to sleep with one finger to the forehead (That’s exactly what MY dad used to do! Why do all Korean dads do that? Where do they learn this stuff?)

They finally get the kids to sleep, and Joo-won carries her out. They go for a walk, as Ra-im says in voiceover:

Ra-im: We still don’t have a single wedding photo. But we live every day, loving and being loved, living a magical life. Maybe being in love is a lot like swapping souls. May your soul have flowers that bloom, a cool breeze, a shining sun, and…once in a while, a magical rain that falls.

It starts to snow as she says those last words, and they snuggle as they watch the snow come down. Still in voiceover, Ra-im asks Joo-won if he’s really not going to tell her…what he meant when he said he tried to deliver her father’s message sooner. Well you sure did ask soon. Five years and three kids later, you finally want to know?

We flashback to thirteen years ago, when Joo-won had gone to the funeral in his hospital gown, and seen Ra-im for the first time. He cried outside and watched over her all day and night, but couldn’t bring himself to go in.

Finally in the middle of the night, when she had fallen asleep on the ground, he came in and repeated, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” over and over to her. He collapsed next to her, and in a stupor, he watched her sleep. She started having a nightmare, and he put his finger on her forehead.

He then fell asleep with his hand over hers. They had met that way, in the wake of her father’s death, only to repeat the same actions over and over again.


What’s fated is fated. That’s pretty much the moral of the story.

As a final episode it didn’t exactly wow me, since including yesterday’s, that’s two full episodes of denouement. All the dramatic payoffs actually happened last week, and this week was mostly a happy send-off for all the characters, one by one. On the upside, it wrapped everything up neatly with bows and all, and we got an entire episode of future bliss for all involved. On the downside, no dramatic tension to be had whatsoever.

On the whole this series was kind of Frankenstein’s monster, what with all the piecing together of disparate genres and picking and choosing elements that don’t really bind together…but it walked and talked like a drama. I think this writer’s strengths are in the moments—her dialogue is crisp and witty, and all the butting of heads crackles with humor and dramatic possibilities. I especially loved the rampant immaturity in all the adult characters. It was aggravating at times, but always entertaining. Her sense of humor is dry and immature, which totally jives with mine. Heh.

What I find lacking (besides a satisfying use of the body swap element, grrr) is a true connection to her characters. I just never fell in love with Joo-won or Ra-im. I know lots of people did, and I’m happy for your beautiful and fulfilling love. I just didn’t, and well, it’s impossible to fall in love with a drama when you’re not in love with the main characters.

I found Joo-won’s character very compelling at first, because he was so damaged and flawed and curiously new…but he ended up being SO socially abrasive that he lost me. Ra-im seemed like she was going to be all spunk, but ended up quite the lackluster heroine, for all the badassery that was initially advertised. That’s not to say that they were wholly unsympathetic, but my heart didn’t expand and contract along with theirs; I didn’t cry when they cried; I didn’t hold my breath when they declared their love….and I really really wanted to. I just didn’t.

I don’t think I’ll ever get past the utter waste that was the body swap plot (oh, the potential, what could have been…I bleed, I cry…) and wielding the fantasy element with such disregard for narrative satisfaction. In the end I think the show courted the audience a lot like Joo-won courted Ra-im: it wore a bunch of shiny things and then expected us to come running, impressed at all the awesome. Hand-stitched in Italy is impressive, yes, but I think I’ll stick to machine-washable: earnest, and full of heart. But that’s just me.


First off, the finale itself. What a weird, uneven cobbling together of epilogue-type scenes. You can really feel the rush job with the awkward cuts between scenes, changing threads without a proper sense of build and flow. I thought it felt like the finale episode of a drama that has been given a last-minute extension—lots of padding to provide fanservice and fill out the time.

I have to admit that the latter half of the episode felt like a copy of My Name Is Kim Sam-soon to me, but without the emotional resonance—I LOVE the finale episode of Sam-soon and felt it was a beautiful fit to the drama, but here, it feels tacked-on. I wish the writer had found a way to make a finale that was more organic to THIS show, that felt like it flowed out of the 19 episodes preceding it, but I think she’d run out of steam (and perhaps more importantly, time).

As for the drama as a whole: Secret Garden is like Gourmet to me—the loveliness of the packaging totally obscures the ordinariness of the story and the hackneyed plot. That’s totally not an insult (and I really enjoyed Gourmet), although I know there will be those who take it as one. But let’s take a look at the drama first before jumping that gun—it’s a show built entirely around the premise of two lovers being held apart by social class, fantasy body-switching shenanigans notwithstanding. And with regards to that central conceit of She’s Just Not Good Enough, there’s nothing really new about how it’s addressed: Hero struggles with self, eventually gets over it. Hero’s mom struggles with it, causes a shitstorm of trouble to keep them apart, never gets over it.

Nothing wrong with a simple plot, and certainly, Secret Garden is buoyed by enough other aspects to make it a fun watch. The acting, for sure, and the chemistry between Ha Ji-won and Hyun Bin, which I think was fabulous despite never fully warming to either character. The depictions were great—the characters, meh. Ra-im was a shell of a character, never given much development or complexity; the writer chose to pour all her energies into Joo-won, at Ra-im’s expense. (This is not exclusive to Secret Garden, since it happens in a number of dramas, but the prevalence of this particular flaw doesn’t negate its weakness.) Thankfully Ha Ji-won’s performance was enough to gloss over that insufficiency for most viewers, although I wished I could have felt something for her character or connected with her even a little.

The magical element frustrates me the most because one of the biggest issues in the drama’s plot IS the body-swapping, and yet the drama never defines its magical rules, never explains the purpose, and just leaves us hanging. I don’t mean that everything has to be explained in minute detail, but when you create a huge conflict and then resolve it with absolutely no explanation, I’m going to feel cheated. I don’t need a logical explanation about how this works in real-life physics, but hell yeah I’m going to want to know why and how it happened within the context of the show itself. Instead, I’m left wondering, What was the point?

It’s clear that Dad initiated the swap to save Ra-im from a horrible stunt accident, based on his comments at the Mysterious Garden restaurant and after she misses her audition. Joo-won effects his so-called miracle to get her the role anyway, circumventing Dad’s intentions, which I can accept as one of those hand-of-fate motifs that kdramas so love to incorporate. But as we see, after she’s in her coma and pronounced very likely brain-dead, Dad still has the magical wherewithal to restore her body, healthy and whole. So why did he ever initiate the swap in the first place, if his mojo could revive the brain-dead?

I don’t buy that they needed to be swapped for Dad to save Ra-im, or that her body needed Joo-won’s soul to heal, because her own soul was perfectly intact—it awakened fine in Joo-won’s body. The only thing damaged was Ra-im’s body, and it was revived just fine.

The same goes for the amnesia—it happens for no reason, then goes away just as easily at a convenient moment. The 21-year-old Joo-won gave me some of my favorite bits of hilarity so I’m fine with the drama taking us there, if only to provide some bubbly fun. But couldn’t the drama have cobbled together a reason, any reason, no matter how flimsy, to explain it? Instead it just waves its figurative wand o’ hoodoo and makes the inconvenient questions disappear into bubbles with that narrative cure-all, magic.

So I am left to conclude that that magic was utterly pointless, and that makes me feel like Drama jerked me around and toyed with my feelings. And it’s too bad, because it’s such a well-made drama that had they tried just a WEE bit harder to connect its dots, it could have been more than a very prettily wrapped box… of air.

I know I know, people will always tell me to shut up and just enjoy it already. I’ve gotten the emails. But that’s not how it works for me— if a drama simply ceases to make sense, then I can’t enjoy it, because I like stories to not make my brain hurt. Or rather, let’s put it this way: I can fall in love with a crazy, messy ball of contradictions, flaws and all (which I’m sure you already know if you’ve been reading this site for any length of time). But I’m not going to try to convince myself that it’s not actually a crazy, messy ball of contradictions. In fact, I enjoyed Secret Garden despite much of its absurdity, shed a few tears, and laughed out loud at its wackier moments. It was fun, and often entertaining and zippy with the comedy. It didn’t rock my world, but not everything has to.


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Thank you Javabeans and Girlfriday for your quick and entertaining recaps....I thoroughly enjoyed this drama even though some things didn't add up and were left unexplained. Nonetheless, I loved Hyun Bin and Ha Ji Won and their great chemistry. I wish Hyun Bin the best as he enters the military soon. Seul and Oska ended up being an adorable second couple, but dude 15 years?

BTW, did anybody else wonder if in the end if the kid's room was in another house? Huh? maybe they built a second home next to Jw's bachelor pad.


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My hands are up. *sigh* No matter how I'd rant about it, my questions about this show will never be answered.

The entire show is just a wonderful dream: it will do what it wants with no explanation and toy with the mind. It takes you to a place, and then another place, and then another, and then shifts from one story to another - and you only realize what happened when you wake up and think about it. It is Secret Garden not because there is an obscure garden where magical things happen, but because the show is a garden of secrets. Unfortunately, some of the secrets will remain unknown. And that's one way the show is going to be remembered.

I'd like to think of SG as my Chucks: I love to wear them everyday, they look nice, but they don't really do my feet good (in terms of health). Although I wonder why after years of existence, the design of the inner sole never improved to give proper support to the feet, I still love them. ;)


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As always, izzie! You are spot on! Love how you say it - "garden of secrets"! I'm nodding with you on this, sistah.

Just too crazy for words but we still adore the sparkly blue tracksuit :-) and want our very own pair, hehehe, for posterity's sake.


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LOL! okay, I could agree to having the sparkly blue, but not the leopard print or the lacy ahjumma. :D if i come across one in my SK trip, I'd scream like crazy. :P


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Thanks for your recap.
It's make me cry a lots, cause SG is end....... Hope there is another K-drama like that. Make me smile, laugh, cry, and sometimes want to kick Joo Won or Hug Joo Won in the same time..... What a drama.... Love you Joo Won and Ra- im.... And I think I gonna miss them so much.........


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Wow, so much time was spent on JW and RI sweet moment. Instead of spending that much time on their sweet moments, shouldn't the writer spend more time developing the characters? For instance, RI and JW's sister. Why create JW's sister when Jung Soo is given to Sohn Ye Jin? Had the writer forgotten her?

Another issue which I don't understand is the funeral scene? It seems that JW still remembers the accident at that time. So when did he start becoming traumatized and forgot about the accident?

The ending was quite disappointing, for a person who expects actions and emotions in a final episode. I watch hong kong dramas since young and am new to kdramas. Are most kdramas endings this... This... Boring?


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I have the same question about JW's sister. Why did she just disappear without any explanation. But Sohn Ye Jin looks very very pretty there, I wish she would star in a new drama soon.


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Actually, most k-dramas leave their dramatic climax until the last two episodes, where all hell breaks loose and revelations are made, leaving bout 5 minutes or less of the couple happily in love with each other. To me, this drama was above all a comedy, and it was smart to give us almost two full episodes of "happily ever after" cuteness.


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"Another issue which I don’t understand is the funeral scene? It seems that JW still remembers the accident at that time. So when did he start becoming traumatized and forgot about the accident?"

STory, you posed a very valid question here. This is part of this kdrama's big gaping hole - as you implied, during the funeral we expect JWoon to be just fresh from the accident and so this memory of the accident should've been relegated to the back of his mind as part of his amnesia/coping mechanism. But instead we find him still in his hospital garb going directly to the funeral and also fully aware of the accident. Maybe he lost this memory by choice after he met Ra Im in the funeral?


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Hi, this is what I took from the funeral scene. Like everyone else here, I'm not the writer, so please take this with a grain of salt and as my interpretation...which could be completely wrong.

Just before pushing Joo-won completely away from the elevator doors(and before the elevator plummeted down to a fiery crash), Ra-im's dad asked Joo-won to apologize to his daughter(on his behalf) for not being able to come home early as he had promised her...and to tell her that her dad loves her very much.

I can't speak with any expertise about Korean hospitals and rooms/chapels for funeral services, but here in America most hospitals have rooms or chapels for funeral services. I'm guessing that this was the case, here, that the hospital that Joo-won was being treated at also had the room that Ra-im's dad's service was being held at. Joo-won found out where the service was and simply walked there from his hospital room, still in his hospital gown.

Now, as far as how/when/where Joo-won's amnesia kicked in(as a coping mechanism for unbearable pain and/or guilt)...my take is that Joo-won was wrought with a sense of profound guilt, because the fireman's death was a result of having climbed down into the elevator to rescue Joo-won, and because Joo-won was not able to help lift the fireman back up out of the elevator. Joo-won held on as long as he could, because he had promised the fireman that he would convey his last words to his daughter. Overwhelmed with guilt and sadness upon seeing how much pain the daughter was in, Joo-won couldn't bear to enter the room where the daughter(Ra-im, of course) was, until she had finally cried herself to sleep. He barely manages to walk up to her, and profusely apologizes to her, even though she's asleep. He eventually touches her face between her eyes to alleviate her furrowed brow...and then faints or collapses down beside her, his hand resting upon hers. I think he collapsed because he couldn't bear his guilt any longer, and I believe that's probably when his memories of the accident and of seeing Ra-im were probably buried way down deep into his subconscious mind. A hospital attendant most likely found him lying on the floor unconscious next to Ra-im, and helped get him back to his room. He never saw Ra-im again, until 13 years later(the present).

So, actually, I don't believe there was a gaping hole in the amnesia story. If you follow the steps, it becomes(to me, at least) plausible.


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that could be it, sukispop! thanks for laying it down for all of us...


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I also was trying to find a connection with the main characters but it just was not there. At first I enjoy the drama and was excited about the element of the body switching in the story but it came to nothing JW and Ra-im remain the same. I also agree that the character of Raim was sacrificed and the cool tough stunt woman that appear in the first episodes was forgotten. The show did not know what it wanted to be comedy, a fantasy or a melodrama. The acting was good but the story had a lot of holes. Thanks for all the recaps since I stopped watching the drama and I followed it here to see how it would end.


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Though RI is a 'cool, tough stunt woman', right at the very beginning, the writer shows a vulnerable, soft side of her.............. her girlish interaction with her cute room mate, the way she taps her toes whenever she's praised/pleased, her little stash of make-up in her locker, her sad eyes, her fangirling over Oska like any other girls over kpop idol, her obvious respect and admiration for her boss.

So let's not pretend we're cheated out of this spirited cool, tough heroine. All the signs are littered along the way, right from episode 1 that she has a very soft side to her and her v v humble background too contributes to her acceptance of her 'station' in life. But she rises to the occasions whenever warranted, e.g, 'give me your son' when she confronted meanie old mom-in-law.

And HJW did a great job inspite of the glory all going to Hyun Bin who admittedly did a fantastic job, without him i don't think SG will be what it is today.


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Hi mimosa,

I agree with you about Ra-im's character and about what a great job Ha Ji-won did with it. While it's true that the writer could have developed her character more, I think that the writer wanted Ra-im to stay consistent with her somewhat submissive and apologetic nature...at least, until she and Joo-won met with her father at that banquet table somewhere in the astral plane. There, he told Ra-im that he wanted her to love and be loved...and to be happy. And that was key for Ra-im to no longer feel like she had to continue through life always kowtowing to others, and that it was okay for her to go out and get what(and whom) she needed in order to be happy. She became more assertive and more open and demonstrative of her feelings and affection.


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Hi there Sukispop,

haha.....like the way you see it, about RI getting the msg from her dad to go get it ! No more sorry-sorry-sorry ( SuperJunior ha ! )

yeah, one could see it this way..... after a near-death experience, there's usually some character change, priorities are re-arranged and one comes to a realisation that life is short and v v precious.


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Thanks for the recaps GF and JB. It's been a pleasure reading them. I still can't figure out why they use "Secret Garden" as the title of this drama, anybody knows?


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it was the name of the restaurant in Jeju Island where they met that strange woman (RI's dad) and he gave them the alcohol to drink and that switched their bodies


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Thank you, GF & JB, for 20 wonderful recaps of this addictive crack drama! Although it had its faults and some massive leaps in logic, the show never failed to make me giggle and snerk with glee (especially at the Tae Sun/Oska scenes). That said, here's my list of characters I'll miss the most:

1. Oska--You have secured a permanent place in my heart, Idol Oppa! Although you're the most clueless "player" I've ever seen, you were often the only voice of reason in this wacky Secret Garden. Thank you for letting me keep my sanity...while giggling at all your funky hairdos.

2. Secretary Kim--Your passive-aggressive quirkiness and undying devotion to your whack job of a boss won me over instantly. I loved how you were unafraid to cry like a baby when you assumed your woman was cheating on you with abovementioned whack job. But, most importantly, you were the poster boy for realism, failing EVERY SINGLE TIME you tried to pull a Joo-won on Ah-young...and yet you still got the girl. Bravo, good sir, bravo!

3. Tae-sun--Just so you know, my fangirl heart was rooting for you the whole time! Why did you have to be the one to turn into bubbles and disappear? WHY? Your smoldering hate-you-but-I-love-you glares at Oska forced this Noona into a state of brain death until your angelic puppy-love smile brought her back to life--no hoodoo necessary.

4. Ah-Young--You are living (K-drama) proof that not all pretty, fashionable girls in dramas have to be B-words...ever. You were nice, adorable, and hilarious from beginning to end and I love that you didn't let your man go all arrogant K-drama hero on you...keep up the class, lady.


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Yay I've found another TaeSun and Oska fan!!!!!!!!!!!!! TaeSun was my number one all the way through (I fell in love with him) and I tended to skip straight to the TaeSun Oska interactions hehe.
What bugged me though was that his fate was just left to imagination. I wanted Oska to chase after him during the concert or something. Or at least during the epilogue show some sign of still remembering him, you know?


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i loved the ending... everything was all wrap up nicely.. Because I hate them stupid cliff hangers endings, that lets you wonder what the hell happened.


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i enjoyed this series a ton up until this last episode. it just felt like a bunch of filler and obvious stuff, tbh.
maybe i watched it too late in the day but i was falling asleep a lot. :(
no dramatic tension at all, stuff draggin on forever because they clearly didn't leave enough time to shoot or edit the episode.

i mean the oska concert was fun, taesun left, then it went on for ages afterwords. i'd compare it to coffee prince; most of the show was fun and engaging and exciting, but the last few episodes are a bit sleepy.

really enjoyed sg as a whole but this last episode is just too lighthearted and safe and happy and boring for someone like me.

thanks for the recaps+opinions as usual!


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I loveee Secret Garden all the way til the end!
I really love the ending so much.
The kids are so adorable! I wish they all had the matching blue sparkly tracksuits at the end though.
My favorite scene was when all the kids were crying because Ra-Im wouldn't buy them the toy. HAHAHA, one of them is like his daddy!
I also loved the scene where they were trying to put the kids to sleep.
"MOMMY, I don't like daddy."
"Well, I don't like YOU right now."


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Thanks for your comments GF & JB - as you well know you are on the minority.

As for me, Secret Garden was something to look forward to, and definitely not a time waster. Neither was it just a weekend filler.

I do love it and I'm not even Korean.

I'll continue reading your recaps and hope that you'll eventually find a drama that you'd both like.


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Javabeans , thanks for your recap. I really really enjoy SG ,is perfect for me. Is my type of drama.I guess every of us has different likings, I do not need to make sense of every happenings in a drama, so I totally in love with the drama and chracters especially JooWoo. It has been a great journey with SG, for that I am thankful to the whole cast, the writer ,the director , is awesome job. Kamsahamida!


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will definitely miss the oska/seul and tae-sun exchanges, too....they were so funny


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I really did love this ending. I'm often disappointed with dramas that wrap up all the issues in the last 20 minutes of the last episode. I've always wished for a little time to see them happy without the problems that made the storyline move. That's why I thought this was so perfect. Mom ended up being pretty consistent until the bitter end, but our hero and heroine both still got to live their happily ever after. And we got to see it.


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Totally agreed here..... hate those endings where the boy pasted a kiss on the girl's lips and the credits start crawling up and ' Thank you for watching our drama'.

This ending in SG might be tension-free but it is a far sight more satisfying than those wrapping- all- loose ends- in- 20- mins kind.


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Couldn't agree more. There were a few misses here and there but this was the best drama ever. I just hope we are lucky enough to see another drama as good as SG in 2011


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I love this drama like an idiot loves her ex.
It's so stupid, with an overload of plot devices. A lack of depth and connection with characters. And A LOT. of plot holes.

yet. i still find this drama highly intriguing and amusing to watch. and i still like it. despite the massive massive let down and 'umph' it had in the final few episodes.


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i havent watched secret garden..but from what i read here, the ending is similar to the city hall (starring kim sun ah and cha seung won), where both leads have conversed through a phonecall 8 years back..drunk CSW thought he called his dad but ended up calling KSA and cried his heart out~ huhu


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there was one moment during a bed scene where i was a little urked to see how much it looked like Hyun Bin was making out with Ha Ji Won's bro! hahaha! i got no issues with a little bromance, tho--- just not when you're expecting it to be Ha Ji Won! hehehe


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i felt kim joo won character have a lot similarities with hyun bin character in My name is kim sam soon. Have trauma,arrogant,etc,even have 3 twins.lol.Does anyone notice joo won sister didn't appear when his brother got accident?where is she?


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Indeed there are a lot of things I have let slide myself with this drama but overall I enjoyed it.

At the end I felt as if I was friends with Joo-won and Ra-im and seeing them married with kids was cool.


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I have been reading your blog for a while now but I have never left you a comment mainly because I had no idea of what to write, but today you wrote something that captured me in a big way. When you wrote "That’s exactly what MY dad used to do! Why do all Korean dads do that? Where do they learn this stuff?" I saw my dad too! My dad is not Korean but he did the same thing to me as a child. Maybe because he met my mom in Japan and I think it is a thing that Asian dads do and he kind of adopted it!
As it is thanks for the recap! Thank you for all you hard work, and thank you for keeping this blog! All is greatly and sincerely app recited!


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Anyone know the name of the actor who played Jung-hwan? I tried searching wikiaddicts but I didn't find him.


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Goodbye Gil Ra Im. Goodbye Kim Joo Won. Goodbye Oska. Goodbye Ajumma Yoon Seul. Goodbye my favorite couple full of cuteness or hilarity - Ah Young and Secretary Kim. Goodbye Tae Sun (but gosh, couldn't they have given you a happier ending? Maybe when Korea's less conservative...). Goodbye Director-nim. Goodbye Joo Won's sister - I'm sorry you lost the director to an actress. Goodbye Crazy Umma. Goodbye Grandfather, 4th wife, her greedy brother, her greedy brother's Secretary Kim, and Oska's mom. Goodbye stunt team, especially that young lad who lost Ra Im's hand to Hyun Bin. Goodbye minor roles from the couple's stalker to that girl who got groped. Goodbye extras. Goodbye the actual stuntpeople who filled in for our actors. Goodbye all the people behind scenes from the script writers to the lighting crew. Thank you all for your hard work.

I will miss you all. But I sure am glad I can finally concentrate in school again.


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Oh, I almost forgot - goodbye Sparkly Blue Tracksuit. You will be remembered of fondly.


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Lol "goodbye the actual stunt team that filled in for these actors". Good one hehehe. And I totally agree on the TaeSun point. WHY COULDN'T HE HAVE A HAPPY ENDING!!!???? I wanted him to be with Oska :(


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isit just me or has anyone else noticed the background noise during "oska's concert"?


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It happened multiple times throughout the last few episodes.. ><
I know it's something really petty to be so pernickety about... but it's just so... D8


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LOL. ikr. oh well, for binnie, i'll close an eye.

oh, gf & jv. i am not sadistic or anything. but i fell in love with joowon's socially abrasive character. he had that energy flowing in him when he was all mean & arrogant. he was sexier then. still sexy now, but a bit of a softie. :P


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At first i loved his complex neurotic character, and while his social abrasiveness wasn't really a turn on, it wasn't necessarily a turn off either.


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Omg i thought that noise was part of it! Like how in the Victoria's Secret fashion show where we hear the producers and backstage managers talking! My bad!


Totally agree with you GF & JB, I didnt take this drama seriously when they started 'switching/body swapping'. I enjoyed the ride but never fell in love with the characters. I felt the same way too, in regards to the flow & logic (lack of logic). This just didnt make me totally absorbed and totally in love with the characters like coffee prince. I would recommend as a nice drama to watch for 2010 though but not my all time favourites.


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I have to agree. I loved Secret Garden a lot but I didn't cry when they did or anything. It was fun and I enjoyed watching it so much but it wasn't the best thing ever for me.

I will miss Secret Garden though.


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I beg to differ. I cried plenty when Joo Won wrote that last letter in his chair, crying.... and going soon to swap his soul with RI. I cried with him.... buckets full.

I cried too when he had the unconscious RI next to him in the white sports car, planting a last kiss on her head before driving into the storm.

I think too many things happened in this drama, so much so that a lot of people tend to forget what they saw ?

Honestly, how many kdrama this year (or rather 2010) really stood head over shoulder like SG, flaws and illogical whatever notwithstanding ?


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hmm..it was fun reading all the comments here..but I want to add one more thing, did anyone notice that they both have the same hairstyle be it 13 years back or 5 years later from the present time...its not a big thing of course but still, its weird no??I mean the whole plot is already weird I know maybe this sort of development or changes are lacking too perhaps??hahaha...anyhow, despite all the flaws, I still do LOVE the drama...Hyun Bin and Ha Ji WOn we all gonna miss you two!!awwwwwwww!!Thanks javabeans!!


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yes, and JW would have been nearly forty and didn't look one day older! He was right when he said he had a "baby face".


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hahaha! I noticed that they kept the same hairstyles too! So crucial in kdramas that when there is a time jump/flashback that you change the hairstyles.
I wonder if they were so pressed for time that the hair and makeup dept couldn't spare any time to make them look different. I thought they did a good a job with past-Seul and past-Oska earlier in the series


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there might be slight fashion changes 13 to 18 years ago considering she's in school uniform and he's in a hospital garb... the fashion is not the focus here... but the hairstyle? they should have at least made them wore a wig ;-)


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i agree! and it negates Joo-Won in his 21-yr-old mind, fresh from waking up, being at awe at how well he looked at age 34 when in the flashbacks (elevator scene and final scene), he looked just about the same.


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hey guys
SG was good but funny
i didn't read into too much of the story
it was funny and light hearted and good comedy since there weren't much too watch at the end of the year
ra im and joo won were okay
watched worlds within with hyun bin and he looked alright, different in this and his expressions worked well when they were switched
ha ji won is always exeptional

story wise
the body swap was good, but they never got into too much details about the rules of the swap
i was happy with the swap but having some rules could do the story well

joo won sister or is it osca sister
where was she
ui thought she would have a romantice line with the director of fighting school which was shown in the early ep but instead, he got son ye jin
poor actress

allkpop made mention that the last ep would include the concert footage and as soon as osca was singing, i fastforward it, why cos i wanted baek ji young to sing instead of him

im not too sure if other felt the same but i felt like ep 19 had concluded the series where as ep 20 were really fillers, they just added some fairt fairy stuff to the end

oh and son ye jin to cameo
what a luck
wish there were more cameo
someone was telling me the other day that baek ji young cameod but couldn't find the footage
must have fast forward some paerts

anyway good show
now on to watch my princess with kim tae hee


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I totally agree with girlfriday, I didn't feel the emotional pull I was supposed to feel watching the characters. I didn't feel their love, I didn't feel their pain and I simply didn't care. I did care about the Oska-Seul story line though, and I am glad they got a happy ending.


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For me, the OTP's love came through loud and clear and we feel it so deeply when Joo Won was holding RI close to him and appeared to be sleeping and RI just inches away, gazing into his face..... wow,,, this sort of love that's all there, only the very inpervious is totallly oblivious to such vibe.

This picture is like forever engraved into our minds and reinforced by the many MV that abounds in You-Tube with such unforgettable OST in the background..... wow !


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There were some really really cute moments in this finale episode, and the very last scene was a good closure to the drama. But other than that, these last two episodes really felt like they were there just to fill up two more episodes. Just a whole lot of kissing and fan service. I mean, I'm not complaining. It's just plot wise, the drama itself could have ended a lot earlier and it wouldn't have made a difference. It makes me wonder whether or not Secret Garden would have been better had it been 16 episodes instead of 20. Overall, fun and addicting watch. The casting makes secret garden so much more amazing than it really is.


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I really love this drama from the bottom of my heart, but truthfully speaking it wad very much of a huge letdown and full of fanservice....I was waiting for some more dramatic tension, like the explanation of the magic realism stuff or something. It felt like a normal drama's last 15 minutes stretched to an hour and 15 mins, or to put it more nicely secret garden's gazillion different scenarios all put together into the last episode. If it wasn't for my dedication to hyun bin and ha ji won and the rest of the cast I love so much, I wouldn't have watched this final episode.
Regardless, I really loved this drama a ton lot and their simple storyline with all the cliche dramatic plots makes it a perfect drama. After all, what could be better than all your dramas, in one?



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I came in the show knowing the premise of the whole body-swapping thing and so I expected the magic-fantasy will explain the hard to explain. BUT MAN DO I FEEL CHEATED!

You know this, I know this, but I feel like I have to reiterate but I won't. I know it'll just be word vomit and I'll save your eyesight from having to read them and having to remember them and having to feel frustrated all over again.

So yes! I love the romance and cutie-pie moments, especially the Oska-Seul (you, Seul, just became the bad ass chick of the show) and even Secretary Kim-Ah Young's plot. But when I do the whole "not-listening-in-class-i'll-just-reflect-on-the-kdrama-I-watched," I get so sad that I expected so much from this show! BOONESS. I really wanted to love this drama. I really did.

Btw, whatever happened to Joo Won's sister? Didn't she have a think for the Director? Oh writers....


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yeah!!! I was wondering the same thing about JW's sister? I was waiting for that to be the director's ending... So messy!!!!!


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She really just disappeared! But I'm not complaining her look kinda scared me. It was like mestiza-korean that just didn't work.

So.. what to do now! SG's done.. what to watch when there's no My Princess!


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I wondered that too...but I think it will just be too much angst on Joo Won's evil mother that she might drop dead....having a son marrying a stuntwoman and a daughter going after the stunt director...lol

The writer probably was thinking along that line BUT at the last minute didn't go thru with it. I just want to think that Joo Won's sister went to study abroad....same thing as all kdrama daughters do...lol


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I wonder if she was studying abroad in america and had winter break. Then when school break was over somewhere in the middle of the series, she left? Man I was really looking forward to having a Jong-soo x Hee-won couple!


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I really like GF's final analogy about Joo-Won's tracksuit and the drama itself at the end. I wholeheartedly agree with that.

On a funnier note: "As everyone else gawks and averts their eyes, Secretary Kim takes out his camera….LOL." When I watched it I laughed. When I read I laughed harder. Maaaan, every drama needs a guy like Secretary Kim. LOVE HIM. xD


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The summary is missing the scene with the going to the hospital and Ra Im complaining that her waist kind of hurts. And then the doctor saying, I would think your husbands would hurt more... *grins* I love that scene.

I wouldn't say that Joo-Won lacked any character development at all. It just wasn't sweeping changes. Nor that the magic lacked reason, it's just that the writer didn't pace the series properly to spend time where she needed to put in the right explanations (The explanations were subtle, integrated rather than plain outright stated). She should have put more time into figuring out what to land where. There is a rhyme in it, she just didn't spend time developing and thinking it out. I wouldn't say it to the extreme there were *no* rules at all. It happened when it rained. They only found the restaurant when it rained. The posters for the show make that pretty clear it was going to be a theme. They also sprinkled flowers throughout the show and the feeling of time revolving with scenery. All of the above is due to pacing issues. If she'd taken some of the content from Episode 20, cut it down, given room for Episode 17 and 18 with one more episode, developed some of the themes in the magic system, I think it could have filled out nicely and gotten around some of the Dues ex Machina. I think, also, that the character development was supposed to be subtle.

Pacing is forever a problem with Korean dramas because of the way the production works. I think that was the main issue. If the writer knew the production would not have to be adjusted, she probably would have evenly paced it and then what should have been developed would have been. Adding episode and cutting them is the enemy of a writer.

I can forgive unlikable characters if they are interesting and I enjoyed the acting and the adapting to each other's acting. Ha Ji Won did a lot to make Gil Ra Im more girly to adapt to Hyun Bin's acting. Characters don't have to be your best friends, nor should you have to fall in love with the male lead for it to be a good romance.

But, I do have to say the last great drama for me was Hong Sisters' My Girlfriend is a Gumiho and Dong Yi. Great acting and writing all around.

(You're Beautiful was better than My Girlfriend is a Gumiho by a slim margin. Worst mother in a drama, ever goes to that drama. You really hate her guts.)


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In the first episodes he was in denial of his love for her

She was a wall for me without any feelings other than anger him and his actions

I did not feel her love 4 him because he actually does not do it, but insulting her!

In addition to this exchange of bodies ... Is her father is God? Does he have magical powers of Harry Potter redundant? Or whether he read all this information from the Internet? Give us any hint of this capacity!

I enjoyed all of these summaries thx
See you in the new drama


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I have decide to post souls Rebel review of this drama, she said exactly what I want to say and did it so eloquently that I feel my ranting would not do justice to such a good drama and then best ending I ever since in my 7 years of watching "drama" All credit go to Souls Rebel in after reading this I see why she call Souls Rebel because she seen right through me.

"I wonder if I will ever be able to watch these last episodes without crying again – there was so much heartache in their love story. Now I get why SG had to be 20 episodes- 16 would not have been enough. I will forever be grateful that we got quality and quantity with this drama- every episode was filled with touching moments and comedy.
OMG this is hard – translating these last scenes are killing me – when I am done – it will all be over.
I want to take my time and make it last a little bit longer…."

"I just saw how people were freaking out about the ending – I thought it was kind of sweet.
The writer wanted us to know how they were destined to meet and fall in love – it ended just as quietly as when it began. We all knew his mom would never come around – if she had - it would have been more unrealistic. I have to admit I wanted closure for JL’s character with JW’s sister, but I guess that would have just driven jwm over the edge having both her children fall in love with stunt actors- can you imagine how the poor woman would have reacted to that. They just didn’t have time to fit in that extra drama.
Is everyone happy with how it turned out?
well I am starting my last translation for SG now so see you in a few hours"

"With every episode, I wondered how they could keep this up – “the drama has to falter at some point” – “at least one or two episodes have to be boring” – “they are bound to screw up the ending”- but every time it rose up and met those challenges head on- and not only did it prove it was worth watching – it shattered any plans naysayers had to try to find fault with it. The sheer brilliance of this drama made people go mute in dumbfound belief that a drama could get THIS good. I have to admit, after MSOAN, I did not dare to hold out hope for E17-19. I wanted to give SG the benefit of the doubt, but a little part of me was scared. I even went so far as to plan how to phrase the truth so it wouldn’t devastate readers on the night it aired. Lo and behold, euphemisms were not necessary cuz SG carried its own weight and went out of its way to prove that when a drama gets it right, this is how good it can get".

"Everything about SG from the cast to the writer seemed preordained for greatness. It’s too bad I didn’t see that from the very beginning when rumors of the cast began to surface. SG was nowhere near my radar – though I adore Binnie – I had zero interest in this drama. Both Crazynyt and Betchay had to keep encouraging me to give it a try. SG made it too easy to love from day one. I am a huge sucker for cinematography and soundtracks and the first scene had both in spades. Once it lured me into this world, it was hard to leave. Even now I am trying to take baby steps away from it and move on, but I am finding that my feet are glued to this spot. Who knew a drama I once said I would never in a million years translate would end up making me shed more tears than I thought was humanly possible for 3 episodes in a row. I don’t regret for a second picking up this drama, the only thing I look back on and wish I had done differently is not miss the first two episodes. Maybe I can fill that void with the NG special for SG that is set to air next weekend. If there are any interesting parts to translate, I will make sure I post it."

"Here is were she nail it: Note from translator:
This drama was a joy to transcribe – I didn’t care how much time went by – I even stopped complaining about how hard it was after a point. I went with the flow and found my cadence.
The intimidation this drama gave me in the beginning gave way to sheer bliss. Every line was a joy and an honor to translate. It made me wonder just how much of the dialogue was mapped out and how much just flowed out of her. Most days, it made me appreciate the Korean language and I realized other writers had not fully taken advantage of using certain words to create lines of dialogue that are burned into our memories now. The writer did a wonderful job and she is making it very hard for other dramas to measure up to her caliber. In my book, I doubt anyone will."


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why am i having tears reading this? gosh i missed kim joo won & oska already!


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...now, this want me to visit Rebel Souls once again... totally adore her site.


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When I read Souls Rebels review it made me feel nostalgic and agree 100% with what she wrote. I don't know if she will continue doing transcaps, but if she does, I hope she does not lose the freshness and enjoyment she currently has for the dramas she watches and writes about.
I remember when I was in college and my music teacher once told us that he loves music very much, but sometimes he could not help pint point faults in some songs no matter how popular or good they were since he studied music for so long and knew what to expect as far a tuning and other stuff, and some time that took away the excitement that probably others felt listening to the same song. So I gues once you become an expert at something you can't help but notice the errors and try to find explanations on the unexplainable. In that sense I am kind of happy I am not and expert in k-dramas, because that gives me the oportunity to enjoy this wonderful drama and others with all its fauls and wackiness.
I also feel that if this drama had more time to develop we would have seen better resolutions. I heard stories of the leads only sleeping very little and shooting for hours, I assume the Director and its crew had even less time to sleep so as far as I know lack of sleep does give you repercussions.
I would also like to thank GF and JB for their recaps, news and insights, they are a life saver to many(me included) that don't know the wonderfull Korean Language. Do I personaly agree 100% with what they write? of course not. Will I ever stop reading their recaps because of it? heck not, I love this site very much, and will always have a special place in my hearts just like Secret Garden.


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How do i get into SoulsRebel website ? Seems worthwhile exploring ......... thanks in advance !!!!


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I think she currently is doing transcap for My Princess only, but boy this website was a life saver since she was kind enough to do Live Transcaps for SG and she did it wonderfully.


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Kamsahamnida !! Just loove it that people do read the comments and RESPOND :)

One more reason to love this site, yay )))


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All's well that ends well. One of the best k-dramas ever.


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Thank s for thee recap I will miss the monday morning stalking, this drama was my crack and am sad to see it come to an end thanks again guys

I feel a sense of nostalgia........


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Best drama (I've watched) of 2010 HANDS DOWN.


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all i can say is what happened to joo won's sister? i thought SHE liked the director? wtf? LOL. anyways, son yeh jin cameooo~~~~

this was a fun drama. will miss.


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OFF-TOPIC. Javabeans, I have a suggestion for your site how about limit the number of words ppl can comment bc I see essays here.

Ppl, you can share your opinion but again it's her blog. You not gonna change her mind and she won't be able to change yours. How about keep things sweet short and simple when commenting.


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I don't have a problem with the length of someone else's comment. You can always just skip over the lengthy ones if you don't feel like reading their opinions. And besides, if JB limits the number of words per rant/rave you'll probably just see continuations of their opinions on the next comment. I imagine that will be even more annoying.


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actually, imo the comments section is the strength of dramabeans. it's like an exchange in a coffee shop, where you nurse your drink and deliberate over grand issues. i really appreciate the essays in the comments, as they often give different perspectives and clarify not a few things for me. JB wasn't kidding when she said that the blog's a place "to discuss something popular that went beyond surface discussion of the plot or its hot cast."
so, let's discuss!


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i agree ;-)


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Are you kinda me? so early in the morning to read negative comments by narrow minded person. The down arrow on your computer can eliminate any issue you may have regarding how someone post.... The world is a mess and you are upset because you have to read more...Aigooooooooooooooooooo


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if joowon reads this recap, i‘m sure he will say his famous lines

anyway, i love SG so damn much.
my sweet wonderful addiction.,..


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im a little disappointed at the ending for some reason. i guess i wanted mom to forgave them and attended their wedding after seeing the grandchildren. or that the director would like joo won's sister and ended up being his brother in law. the last few minutes of the episode was touching but i wanted it to be like half an hour before the actual ending (seeing how sweet they were even before they officially met and the story telling begins). i wanted it to end with the scene of the whole family including grandpa, mom, joo won, ra im, & 3 kids to spend the day together or something to that extend or that they got marry and lived happily ever after. the actual ending was just so unsatisfying! aah! >.> nevertheless that doesnt mean i dont like the actual drama as a matter of fact i loved it...


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Secret Garden, especially Hyun Bin, I'm going to miss you so much! ^_^ What will I do while I'm waiting for you to come back from military service?


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JB and GF...Thanks for your recaps and critiques. I was let down a bit by the last two episodes and appreciate your honest analysis. You are the pros and that's why you make the big bucks. Keep up the good work!


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JB and GF, joining the others to thank you for your hard work. You often made my day. And you often made me laugh.

Secret Garden always remains special for me as it was the first k-drama I followed so closely and while being aired (watching raw, reading recaps, watching again with the subtitles)

I love SG despite its imperfections (I expected better use of the bodyswap and some characters didn't get enough space to shine). I loved the dialogues, supporting characters and small details. I didn't mind the slow pace (who changes dramatically anyway) and I didn't mind the stuntwoman fragility (well, she lost her mother and then her father and had to bow since her 17, I guess).
I'm also glad I could enjoy a long happy finale (just had enough of those last minute ones).

I'm not saying this is the best k-drama I have ever seen, but it came at the right time, was intelligent enough and gave me a lot of laugh.


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It was my first on air kdrama too. I went through the raws, recaps, subs...etc. It was great.

SG wasn't perfect but it was fun and memorable.


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waaa...finally happily ever after,,,i love this drama,, good acting between Ha Ji Won and Hyun Bin,,, Thanks dramabeans for the recap,,^^


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I love episode 20. Yes it's fan service but I enjoyed it. I won't say this is a perfect drama. It has it's flaws but it's crack. Like someone commented previously, what the writer writes well, she likes really well. What I don't like is the writer's tendency to cycle the same theme and jokes over and over again. Like JW forever talking about his mermaid theory, the mom repeatedly trying to break up the couple etc. I may be the only that is not in love with the sparkly tracksuit. It's funny at first but after some time I just got sick of the tracksuit jokes.

HB and YSH both did very well in this drama. HB shines in this drama. He's given the spotlight and he knocked the role out of the park. Oska as a character I thought was funny but a caricature at first but then as the series progresses, he grows in complexity and depth. I appreciate YSH performance and he once again proves to be a charismatic actor.

The biggest discovery for me in this drama will be HJW as Ra-Im. I've known the male leads from their previous dramas (HB in MNIKSS, YSH in My Fair Lady and Phillips Lee in Legend) but this is the first time I've seen HJW. Love her kick-ass action scenes and she can pull off the emotional scenes as well. She impresses me so much that I search for her other dramas and movies to watch and is even more impressed. It's true that her character is under-developed, especially in the middle part where Ra-Im dissolves into a weepy mess but I am glad anyway that she takes up this role because otherwise I will not have gotten to know and love this actress. She brought a lot to the role, doing the best she can with the limited amount of material that she can work with and was a great counter-foil to HB. At the end of the day, I really can't think of any other actress who can play this role half as well. Her chemistry with HB makes the show for me.


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SUCH AN ADORABLE ENDING!!!!! love love love Hyun Bin & Ha Ji Won great chemistry <3


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This was cute drama

you know whawt makes me laugh
is people comments about the writer

look at it she is the one who has this awesome imagination and the actors carried off her story

hyun Bin was awesome

the story was a story but it was a rollercoast ride from the first moment to the end

what a nice way to end my addiction

i will still watch but it has to be more controlled now

thanks for the recaps

they make feel like i watched it some time i rather read the recaps

one questions are all korean concerts to mellow?


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HANDS DOWN to JB AND GF.. You Rocks....

And ALSO to SG totally ROCKS, and RULE..


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