Mary Stayed Out All Night: Episode 9

Oh, Cute. You sure do go a long way with these two. I wish your sister Conflict could visit with as much regularity. And we won’t even talk about your third cousin Logic. There’s just no sense in crying over him. Then in the meantime, could we… maybe… get those handcuffs back?


We open on the alley of smooches, as Mary and Mu-gyul pull away post-kiss. A tear falls as Mary looks up at him. Just then, her phone rings. It’s Jung-in, and he’s waiting for her outside of Mu-gyul’s place. Well that’s what happens when you promise to marry one guy and then kiss another. Things get sticky.

Seo-jun can’t believe that Jung-in is going to be engaged to Mary of all people, and didn’t tell her. Oh, because his marriage is somehow all about YOU, isn’t it?

Mary and Mu-gyul show up not only handcuffed, but holding hands. Aw. They look at each other and brace themselves for the onslaught. Seo-jun: “Are those…handcuffs?” She can’t take this double whammy from both men all at once, and leaves.

As soon as she’s gone, Cop Rock arrives with the handcuff key. Jung-in takes it and frees Mary, taking her away for their engagement. She stops him, saying that she can’t go, and he drags her away anyway. Mu-gyul intervenes, shouting that she said she wasn’t going.

Face off!

Uh…awkward conversation instead? Okay, then. Inside, Mary tells Jung-in that she needs to follow her heart. She falters at Jung-in’s disappointment, but Mu-gyul puts his hand on hers silently, in a show of solidarity.

Jung-in sighs and agrees to call off the engagement, but asks what they plan to do from here on out. Mu-gyul says that it’s their problem now, but Jung-in reminds him that it’s all three of them still in this, since legally, HE’s her husband. Oh, right. Eep!

Jung-in reminds Mary that she’s the one who said that loyalty was most important, and tells her that it’s the time for her to be loyal to him and their deal, concerning their fathers. He asks her to keep the contract, giving their fathers and his business time to stabilize.

With that, he walks out, and only outside does he let the disappointment show on his face. Perhaps if you tried more romantic words than “business deal” and “contract” regarding your relationship, you might have a flying chance in hell. Just a thought.

He shows up to the engagement dinner alone, and tells the fathers that Mary was too distraught after visiting her mother’s grave today, so he was the one who called off the engagement. Aw, points for deflecting.

Mary’s dad jumps to the conclusion that there’s something about Mary (keh) that Jung-in doesn’t like, and announces that he’ll fix her right away. Guh. And Worst Dad of the Year goes to…!

Jung-in insists it was his idea, and his own father’s health starts to weaken at the shock. Jung-in hangs his head as he watches his father leave, disappointed in him yet again.

At home, Mary tells her dad that she can’t go through with a loveless marriage. He pinpoints right away that this is about Mu-gyul, and he can’t understand why she’d fall for such a bad seed. Mary: “He’s not like that!” Dad: “What, do guys like that wear a sign on their foreheads? How do you know?” Pffft. Now I’m getting all sorts of ideas. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if people walked around with their most dominant personality trait stamped on their foreheads? Dating would be SO much easier.

Dad cries that his biggest regret in life was watching Mary’s mother go, without having been able to provide her with anything. His one wish is to have his daughter not repeat her mistake. And yet, she married YOU for love, didn’t she? So you’re the Mu-gyul to Mary’s mom, and still you have not an ounce of understanding for Mary in this situation? Gah, parents. Do as I say, not as I do.

He grounds her and takes away her phone. Uh, aren’t you like, 24 or something?

Jung-in has the doctor check on his father, who tells him to just fold now instead of dragging out a losing battle. Jung-in tells him that he may have started this for his father, but he’s going to see the contract through for himself—he wants Mary to be his wife now.

Mu-gyul sits at home, folding paper airplanes and sending them flying all over the room, as his mom prances around trying on different outfits to take to Paris. She’s all aflutter for the big move, while he sulks that she seems to be so pleased to leave. She notes that he used to fold paper airplanes when he was little and missed her. Well then can’t you take a hint that he doesn’t want you to go? Also, adorable that he’s doing it now as a sign of missing Mary.

He flashes back, and we see little Mu-gyul flying paper airplanes at his mom’s window, where she’s shacking up with her boyfriend-du-jour. She sends him home with a wave from her window, and little Mu-gyul walks home alone. “My Precious” plays, and now we see that the song was probably written about his mom, not a girl. Aw, Kang Mu-gyul, you’re kinda breakin’ my heart.

Mary angsts over the two men in her life, when she hears something at her window. She opens it to find Mu-gyul flying paper airplanes from below, in an explosion of cuteness. She sneak out past Dad, who’s camped out in front of the door like a sleeping guard dog.

She takes Mu-gyul to look at the moon over the Han River, and yells out, “I’m ruined!” Yeah, we all felt that way the day Jang Geun-seok fell onto our radars. Whadduya gonna do?

She tells him that they hurt so many people with their relationship’s beginning, and wants to do well from here on out. Mu-gyul promises to be good this time. Mary says she wants to see the ocean, so they decide to go right then, on a whim. Love it. They set off to see the sunrise.

Jung-in arrives early the next morning to see Mary, but he and her dad discover that she’s gone.

The sun’s already up, but Mary and Mu-gyul are still driving, wondering if maybe they left too late to catch the sunrise. They wonder why they didn’t see the sun come up, only to realize that they’re heading to the Western coast because it’s the closest, without realizing that duh…you can’t see the sunrise from there. Heh.

They decide to turn back, only the car decides to conveniently die, so they wait while a mechanic fixes it. Mary calls her friend to have her explain to Dad (why can’t you call him yourself?) and gets a call from Jung-in. He asks to speak to them both, but Mu-gyul takes the phone and tells him to stop calling, and hangs up.

He asks Mary how long she plans on living under her father’s thumb, since clearly, he’s never going to approve of their relationship. She can’t believe he just thinks it’s that easy, and they fight over their respective parents’ meddling.

Seo-jun calls Jung-in and asks to see him, and he takes her to his version of an arboretum—the bookstore. He sees her eyeing a copy of Walden, which Mary had done just the other day when he gave her that library. He asks if it’s a book she likes, and she says that she came to like it because of Mu-gyul. Well, it’s pretty spot-on that of all things, Mu-gyul would spread his love of individualism to each girl he dates. But I don’t think you’re as happy being self-reliant as you’d like to believe.

Mary and Mu-gyul sleep while the car gets fixed, and wake up apologizing for their fight. Mu-gyul offers to go see her dad to convince him, making Mary beam. They decide to take a day trip somewhere, since they’re facing some separation time once they return.

Meanwhile, Dad hears from Mary’s friends that she and Mu-gyul went to the ocean to watch the sunrise, so he takes the girls with him in search of Mary. Only they head to the East coast, of course, since that’s where they should be, logically.

Mary and Mu-gyul arrive at a campsite in the woods, and lie down in the cabin, dead tired from the long night. They get cozy and Mu-gyul moves in for some smoochies, only Mary finds the situation a little TOO cozy for comfort. She pulls away and awkwardly suggests they go outside, while Mu-gyul just snuggles up closer and wants to stay in. Rawr.

To his dismay, she drags him out.

Jung-in takes Seo-jun to the market next, basically retracing his steps from his last date with Mary. Despite both being upset over Mu-gyul and Mary, they do have a spark with each other.

Mary and Mu-gyul go bike riding and build a campfire, noting the happy nuclear family camping one cabin over. Mary asks if Mu-gyul has ever wanted to build a family like that, and he says that he’s never really considered it as a realistic possibility. He grew up essentially without either parent, so he didn’t ever think he could be a good father or husband.

Mary muses that that must be the reason why he’s such a serial dater. He admits that it’s freeing to only date casually—he can come and go as he pleases. She notes that it’s really only one-sided then, since he basically only dates girls when it suits him.

He adds that girls all tend to be the same though—they start out all “you’re so cool,” and then end up nagging him to death. Kyah, the eternal male-female struggle. Mary assures him that she won’t be a nag, and he beams, saying that a musician’s ideal woman is someone who doesn’t nag.

She asks him to teach her how to play the guitar, since she’s a rocker’s girlfriend now. Gah, could they be any cuter?

Back in the city, Seo-jun plays guitar for Jung-in, as she tells him that her family wanted her to marry someone like him, but she refused because she wanted to live her life for herself. She thought that Mu-gyul felt the same way, that marriage was just an institution meant to shackle love. But she realizes now that it was just an idealistic fantasy.

Mary and Mu-gyul sit by the campfire and watch as an old couple walks by, both envious of such long-lasting love.

Mu-gyul: How many moons do you think it takes to live half a lifetime together?
Mary: It’s probably not possible with just love.
Mu-gyul: Then…loyalty?
Mary: Yeah…with loyalty, it might be possible. It’d be nice if we could last a long time with loyalty.
Mu-gyul: With you, somehow I can paint that picture in my mind…

They lie down for a quick nap with plans to watch the sunset this time (heh), and Mu-gyul falls asleep watching over Mary. But when he wakes up, he’s in for a rude awakening as Dad looms over him and announces Mary’s permanent exit from his life.

Mu-gyul and Mary end up on their knees in front of Dad back at home, and ask for his permission. He doesn’t budge, of course, and keeps Mary from leaving with him. Mu-gyul does find out that Dad married Mary’s mom in opposition to her parents, and announces that he’ll be back.

Jung-in comes by to ask Mary to go somewhere with him. She doesn’t want to, but then he tells her that his father isn’t well. Oh, that old ploy?

Mary’s dad doesn’t realize that she’s gone off with Jung-in, and heads over to Mu-gyul’s place to find her. He runs into his mother instead, and the two have another yell-a-thon at each other, that strangely devolves into a mutual sympathy session at their difficulty single-parenting.

Mu-gyul hears his mom crying and goes outside to get her to stop (’cause it’s embarrassing) and Mary’s dad softens a little bit in light of his mom. He finds out that Mary isn’t there and leaves.

She arrives to meet Jung-in’s father, and Jung-in asks her if she’s given any thought to their contract. She doesn’t reply, and he takes her silence to mean that she won’t go through with it. He asks her for one favor: to keep up appearances for his father’s sake, since his condition is aggravated by stress. She doesn’t want to lie anymore, but Jung-in reminds her that she’s the one his dad adores, and asks her again. Sad that he feels like he can’t be a source of joy for his own father.

She does as he asks, and smiles for Jung-in’s father, though with a heavy heart.

Mu-gyul has a drink with his bandmates, as they discuss the trials and tribulations of mixing rock and love. Haha. They don’t come up with any answers of course, since Mu-gyul’s life isn’t exactly one that screams “I am stable husband and son-in-law material.”

Interestingly, I find that this is one of the first times that the drama is being realistic about its world—that a young man who has worked his whole life to keep from having attachments and responsibilities is now scared in the wake of signing up for the whole horse-and-cart, so to speak. If this is going to be the main conflict from here on out, I MUCH prefer this to the earlier wedding-vs-wedding shenanigans.

He texts Mom with an “I miss you,” and asks her how the Paris-prep is going. He wonders why she doesn’t marry. She laughs at the thought, and says that she doesn’t want to be tied down, and she doesn’t have the confidence to make it work, but she IS going to give Paris a try. She adds that it might be her age talking, but that she does get really lonely, especially when she thinks of what she’ll be like when she’s an old grandma. Mu-gyul reminds her that he’s always here. She smiles at that and then wonders, “But what about you?” He sighs, lost in thought.

Mary comes home and Dad goes another round with her, refusing to budge on Mu-gyul. She begs for him to understand—this is the first guy she’s ever loved, so can’t he cut her some slack? Dad says that he’ll never approve of Mu-gyul: “You have to receive love in order to give love. He’s surrounded by darkness.” Whoa. That sounds eerily close to words out of my own father’s mouth. Why are all dads the same?

Mary insists that Mu-gyul is adorable and full of love. Aw.

Dad says that first love isn’t meant to be. Mary reminds him that he and Mom were first loves, and he says that’s why she was unhappy—because first love blinded her from reality. He insists he wants Mary to be happy, but it’s clear that he’s more interested in making sure she doesn’t repeat her mother’s “mistake” than in her opinion on her own happiness.

Mary tells him that being with Mu-gyul is the happiest she’s ever been. She’s lived so long with so much on her shoulders; she begs him for the chance to dream and be happy.

Jung-in tells Seo-jun that he plans to keep Mu-gyul on as the music producer (or get him back, I suppose) and asks if he’s okay with it. She says that she’s fine and that she’s just going to focus on work for the foreseeable future.

Jung-in goes to meet Mu-gyul, to discuss work but also Mary, and the two have another face-off. I’m pretty! No, I’m prettier! Oh, is that not what they’re fighting over?

Jung-in reminds Mu-gyul that he’s Mary’s legal husband, so if anyone’s going to end this love triangle, it’s him. Well, you’re the one who insists on staying in the game, so I suppose it’s your own grave you’re digging. He asks if Mu-gyul is ready to marry, since he is. Are you proposing? Oh, you mean to Mary. Got confused. Mu-gyul scoffs at Jung-in’s “marriage preparation,” which amounts to money, and nothing else. But it does give him pause.

He heads home lost in thought, and finds Seo-jun waiting for him outside his place. She returns the necklace he made for her, which he tells her to throw away. Her armor begins to crack at that, and she tosses it on the ground.

She tells him that she’s done pretending to be friends. He tells her to stop coming by unannounced then, and she agrees, declaring that she’ll leave with one last goodbye…

…and she kisses him. Mu-gyul doesn’t kiss back, but he doesn’t pull away either.

Mary rounds the corner with groceries for dinner in hand, and comes upon the exes in liplock, and stands there, frozen.


Gah, I’m so not in the mood for a second lead like Seo-jun right now. She’s all about the idealism and the love-is-free-from-shackles (made funnier by the use of handcuffs to bring our couple together, heh), but then in practice she’s just as bound by love as anyone, if not worse, since she refuses to face the giant pink elephant in the room: he’s just not that into you.

Now that we’re getting to the heart of the realistic conflict that Mary and Mu-gyul face as a couple, I really wish this drama could go back in time and skip the double-contract-marriage plot, and just go straight for the Hongdae indie rock-n-roll vs. the Making of a Cheongdam-dong Daughter-in-Law. So much more interesting, especially since the contract wasn’t really used to its full potential.

At least that seems to be where we’re headed from here on out: the battle of First Love vs. Arranged Marriage. One guess as to who wins.


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ugh! Seo jun frikin killed it!!!! Im so mad!! >:[


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And for the fun of it episode 8 and 9 with the cute couple. Not the hot guy couple that would be so much more riveting. :)



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"He asks if Mu-gyul is ready to marry, since he is. Are you proposing? Oh, you mean to Mary."

Thank you for the best laugh of the day.

As with you, I love MR and MG together. And, I am so turned off by the two fathers' shenanigans and SJ's sour-faced attitude that I'm always tempted to ff through their parts.

And, there's too much screen time for MR's father. Even if he is our cute couple's foil.

The storyline for this drama is just too thin.

Thank you for the recap.


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thanks girfriday.

Whoa !!
MG open his mouth for SJ's last goodbye kiss for MR to witnessed and as the story goes : the cute cople will patch up in the coming episodes and live ever after - kind of fairytale story in reality ?.


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hi.. i really love your recaps.. if only i can like every sentence u make here hihihih ^_^


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You know...looking at the pictures of Kim Jae Wook really reminds me of Lee Min Ho from BBF. And that really makes me want to see KJW play a bad-boy LEAD role. He's a killer as the second lead...he'd be the devil as the leading character: bewitching.

But switching to Jang Geun Seuk...he's been paying similar roles recently (in this drama and in You're Beautiful)...wish he would change it up a bit. He caught my eye in Hong Gil Dong in which he had sexy long hair...not girly long hair.


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totally agree with you........JGS needs more great role....and for KJW, i think he have an amazing talent,...please let him be lead actor...

and I think MR-JI moments more romantic than MR-MG moments... JI need someone like MR..


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Was the last scene kiss really necessary?? I'm just not in the mood for a character like Seo Jun. Don't Mary and MG have enough to deal with?! MG make up your mind!! You know you like Mary!! I tend to feel a little sympathy for Jung In now and then but he really needs to show some emotion...

However, the Cute factor in the drama is what is keeping going. The two (Mary and MG) are soooo cute!!! I wish I could enjoy the other characters as much as I enjoy watching those two together


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Hmm used to kinda like SJ but she has been getting annoying with her clinging and unrighteous indignation but saying that it's her coping mechanism it seems to get angry and blame someone else. She does the exact opposite to MG's cut and run strategy she grabs on like a leech, she doesn't realise that in her ideological shackleless love instead of institution being the shackle she's become it herself. Mary's dad also said to give love you need to receive it, well if Marys not giving MG love then what is she giving him? potato chips?


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the reason why this drama has such poor rating is because we need to constantly fast-forward to weed out the unbearables. Other than the cutie JKS and MGY, all other storylines should be deleted before final airing. What a shame! JKS and MGY should take on better project than this drama... as a couple I mean...


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The plot is getting to be very frustrating but i vow to watch the drama until the end. JKS and MGY look so devastatingly cute together. ;)


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agreed, :O im afraid the drama's gonna be boring,
the drama is pretty well off, on and off, on and off,
excitement, boredom, excite...anyways, i totally loove JUNGIN :D <3


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this might just be me talking out my ass but you know...Mu Gyul is not THAT bad of marriage material. Ok think about it he is a half way decent Musician able to make fast money giving music lessons, he looks awesome on stage, he writes and produces his own music. The guy has talent out the wazoo and the only reason he hasn't made it big is loyalty to his 'crew'.

That aside, don't forget he is also an Engineering student on absence with only one semester left to graduate. I doubt he took nearly 4 years of engineering because 'it seemed cool but I dont really care for it' obviously the guy actually likes it because he takes the same mentality over into music production.

But somehow I dont see our lovely Boho Miss graduating, joining a firm and wearing a suit every day. Or GASP a blue collar shirt with a POCKET PROTECTOR! Imagine Hyun bin in SG with his pocket protector as an accessory.

no but again, when mary said in the last episode that MG is not unlucky she was sayin the truth. The guy can play and is talented, He has great looks (even tho I cant tell is he is boho, metro, or pseudometa. I just thought of a new word besides supercalifragilisticexpicalidoscious, it would be Pseudobohometametromega. ) And the guy can fix toasters. Do you know how important that is? im a 26 yr old woman living alone and I can barely hang a picture...do you know how freakin important it is to know how to fix a toaster?! DO YOU?! You know you think everything is fine and dandy till that poptart falls sideways and melts to the side and then you tried to fish it out with a fork and end up tearing things up and then GOD now you dont have a toaster or poptarts and your roomie who loves toast more then her own life or yours BTW glares at you every timeyou enter a room.....Or that time when your taking a bath and because you have no heat you have the space heater going and then suddenly it goes POP and catches on fire and you have this heart beat of a moment where you say "FIRE! DUMP IT IN THE BATHTUB!"
With hot boho men around who fix things you never have to make that hard decision of whether to stop a small fire or electrocute yourself.

It just makes sense people!!


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@ krickitat

marry a man just to fix your things, in this world now it is the other way round my dear !.


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sadly this is so true...sigh. imagine me who cant even hang a picture frame has moved twice in the last three years on my own with no help.
Painting, spackling, caulking, moving, hauling.....

Did you know that when you attach a trailer to the hitch on your car its supposed to make a definite clicking sound? If you have ever heard the sound you difintely know "wow that trailer is hitched tight" but for some lame ass girl who has never needed to do that....well lets just say when I was going across the train tracks and the post fell off the hitch I was also going down hill dragging a trailer full of junk by chains. Not only that when I jumped out to check the dog got out of the car and started playing in traffic while I had my hands stuck trying to prevent a trailer from rolling down the rest of the hill on its own...

My parents punishment for voluntarily moving out of the state and away from them was the refusal to help me with anything. Jokes on my dad tho cause it was his trailer.

NEVER underestimate a handy man


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i didn't know that mg was studying engineering (i guess i just wasn't paying attention and assumed he was studying music), but at this point he doesn't seemed motivated to go back. maybe being with mary and the expectations that come with it will make him more motivated, responsible, and ultimately what mary's dad can even consider "husband material." he doesn't really have a choice because jung in is soooo read to wed mary, snuggle together with matching socks in tow, and make more mary babies (to the delight of pervy devil daddy).


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Pervy devil Daddy needs to get a clue and BTFO. Spineless helpless daddy needs to grow a pair.

And Mu Gyul needs to come on like "NO one puts Baby in a corner"

AND THEN EVERYONE NEEDS TO DANCE. Devil daddy with Manager Big Bang, Spineless Dad with Feckless Mom, You name it. Cause I had the time of my life.

Recent episodes lack piggy back rides. And I dont count flash back piggy back rides, to me piggy back rides only get counted once. Either stop doing them all together or do many many more of them and just GO THERE. Yes go to that really weird and uncomfortable place and roll around in it and get filthy for a while.


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lol haha you should write to the writer. the next episode will be devoted entirely to piggybacking.


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LOL thanks girlfriday for the recap,

I have to admit I usually don't read yours but javabeans', but JUST THIS:“I’m ruined!” Yeah, we all felt that way the day Jang Geun-seok fell onto our radars. Whadduya gonna do?" made my day! hahahaha

And great recap! It's time for MR/Mg to get real...


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Why should men who apparently hate the guts of the women they don't like never pull out when kiss-raped by them? I always hate it when they do this in drama (with the exception from the male lead in Wish Upon A Star) If someone kiss-raped me, I'll make sure that person at least have this ringings in his ears! *bitchslap him silly*


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oh, they do pull away... but always too late to not be witnessed by a particular someone that's not supposed to witness it..

don't get me wrong, i too hate it... but i guess it's a source of conflict that will always be exploited by writers one time or another.


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Ohhh..how I love it if the scriptwriter does it in a different approach and not exploiting the same stale-conflict kiss-raped context. Like, when the other party tries to kiss you and you duck for cover and harshly reprimands the person and while you're at it, your honey witnesses the whole scene! That will be quite refreshing to watch. Oh well, tv drama rarely connects with reality. There are created to make us frustrated and to satisfy our happily ever after. I hope the next episode will not disappoint us.


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ahem, i mean 'they' not there..


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"She takes Mu-gyul to look at the moon over the Han River, and yells out, “I’m ruined!” Yeah, we all felt that way the day Jang Geun-seok fell onto our radars. Whadduya gonna do?"

I have to tell hubby about this and LOL!!!


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boring ...boring ...boring


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hmmmm ... second leads aren't really love or hate material...seojoon makes you feel a bit sorry for her, and so does jungin. they don't have evil intentions, but they can't seem to resolve their own problems either. they are sort of just in the way, but not really. the storyline is pretty boring, since the couple in love has already been established, and the second leads have already accepted it. seojun wanted one last kiss before concentrating on work, and jungin wants mary to pretend in front of his father until he can figure some way out of his dilemma (he's not in love with her), but there's no battle to win someone's heart or desire to ruin the other person's life, and the biggest conflict is just how to get mary's dad to accept mugyul, which doesn't take more than an episode to resolve.


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This is the WORST drama ever!!


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no, there's been way worse. I'm sure...


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I like this drama. Its so extremely cute I'm about to get a nosebleed. Mary is the cutest actress I've ever seen and this is me who is known around my friends for loving and collecting all things cute! When she gave her giant puppy eyes with the envelope of money and Mu-gyul said "You look like the cat from shrek!" I nearly died laughing from the cuteness.

What I love about this drama despite its lack of logic is that even though there are many cliches I'm glad I'm spared of some...haha "Omg, Mary paid my deposit I'm so frustrated that I can't man up enough to pay it myself that I'm going to ignore her for a while and get odd jobs to pay her back," that they didn't instantly fall in love after one meeting and everything here seems pretty gradual and natural, there doesn't seem to be any strings attached between Mu-gyul and Seo-joon and I'm glad for his clean cut from past loves, that they didn't have sex on their first time out together overnight. :P I'uno I like to look at the brightside b/c this is a light hearted drama. I never thought of loyalty so strongly, like gave it any actual thought except that I know it is important, until now. Is it really that much more than love, honesty, trust, hope?

Seo Jun's role seems pretty insignificance, enough for me to want to cut her out of the drama entirely and it wouldn't affect the drama. They could have just replaced her with a fan running up to kiss him and Mary could misunderstand from that as well. :P Jung-in on the other hand...I like him. :) I always root for the underdog except in some special cases like Playful Kiss, ISWAK, Dong Yi...I was so torn! JJH, BSB! I'uno!! O_O! Ok...before I give myself more of a headache I'd like to thank you for the recap. :D


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whoa those jung-in recaps are...! nice...

maybe because it looks more manly than the mu-gyul ones? hehe but jgs is always "hyung-nim" in ma heart :)


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I feel that one of the best scenes this episode was the one by JKS..

when he was reminscing abt how as a child, he was rejected by his mom when he tried to look for her at her lover's house by throwing paper aeroplanes..

the reddening of the eyes, the sadness and the hurt on his face.. just perfectly acted by JKS.. thumbs up !!


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this show keeps getting better! I love the complexity of the characters and how Mary is innocent yet tempting.


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I wish I could have the hour back that I spent watching this last episode. It was so boring and pointless. Episode 8 made me think that maybe things were picking up and then this episode just took a terrible nose dive. I almost feel bad for the 3 very watchable and talented actors that are trying to make something of this nonsensical and annoying drama. I loved KJW in "Bad Guy" and was looking forward to his next project but I feel second hand embarrassment for him having to play this wet noodle of a character. Poor MGY. She really deserves to be in a better drama. I love you JGS but you lost me with that ajumma bun at the end of this episode. I hope in your next drama you ditch the hair and the guyliner and play a bad ass leading character.


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sorry jks and mgy!I wanna stop watching this drama..I should choose another,geuss Athena!...Sorry!


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lol we could always go for the My Love Patzzi ending and then you could all really have something to squeal about.
The two husband bit seems to me to be the 'this is a bit different from all the other comdey/romance drama" that all the new drama seem to try, but with little effect, they always go back to the tried and true in the end..why..because it works, simple as that. I say it again Tv drama are made for the masses not for the few that care about if the music fit the drama or the directing lighting effect and so on. Long as it fun, who cares about all that, certainly not me. I watch these drama for fun and amusement.


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Why they didn't use Teddy bears they are cute too!!!


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Thanks GF...your screencaps for this recap...major distraction.How cute are those 2?I keep going 'awwww...' instead of reading.It took me like 15 mins instead :-)

If the writer throws SJ's character by the wayside...she won't be missed.She is not even a worthy 2nd lead female.She is plain old irritating.Even the girl from PK was a better role to play than SJ.Blech.


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I used to think sj was pretty but as the drama progresses she looks more and more unattractive.
It's pretty to have big eyes (in some instances) but her eyes are way too big for her face.


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I just have to say, I hate Seo-jun. She thinks everything is about her. But in reality none of it is about her and she is just getting in the middle of all of it.


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how awesome would it be if Mary's reaction to the kiss wouldn't be of the 'oh noes, once a player always a player, I'm crushed' variety but instead she'd throw down her grociery bags and charge at whatshername with an 'ya, bitch! lips off of MY MAN!'?

sigh, a girl can dream.


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LOL! I kinda hoping of the same but before watching the preview (i've never watched a single episodes of the drama except reading the recaps) I cld already guess the mary's reaction!


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thanks for the recap! i personally think reading your and javabean's recap is more entertaining than actually watching the show...I've been getting bored watching the actual show but i'll be keeping up with the story through your recaps :) ddank u!


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...nice recap..this drama is getting more interesting ....love jang geun suk ...so handsome but also beautiful...thanks GF...


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Aiiish. I really don't feel Seo-Jun's presence until today. I hate her. LOL *completely affected*

Poor Mae Ri. :( This is her first shot on love and I'm sure seeing that bitch and his Mu Gyul kissing will totally hurt. I hate it too that he didn't even try to pull away.


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i'm all for that second lead girl kissing mu-gyul. go kiss him for all you've got! it'll be your last kiss anyway. and if mary did believe in loyalty and trust and if she were as fair as the first eps showed she was, then she'd hear mugyul out and they'd pass this hurdle all the stronger and more passionate about each other. i swear if she runs away like a wounded puppy crying over a broken heart or worse if she runs to jung-in seeking comfort and protection, imma slap a b*tch cuz that would be SOOOOOO out of character for mary. i'm standing by you SHOW! don't disappoint me anymore than you already have.

and another thing.... can we not have the second lead girl (yeah i know her name... just can't be bothered with it) wrap herself all around jung-in?! it might be bound to happen but jung-in should not be throwing himself around with any girl if he really wanted to marry mary. whatever happened to their fated childhood love?! will SHOW not play it out to it's full potential?!

and although i'm not rooting for jung-in here, i can't say i don't feel for him. my mom is exactly like jung-in's dad and i've acted EXACTLY the way jung-in has been acting around his father. i've been like that MY ENTIRE 22 YEARS of existence and i can tell you life like that is almost as horrible as SHOW makes it out to be. It's real. and just like me, Jung-in will probably be like that for the rest of the show's entirety cuz it's not easy to break the mold when you see your parent as a god. yeah it sucks but i totally get him.

i hope mu-gyul and mary show the same strength they have in the other eps and not let the other characters walk all over them as they've been doing the past eps. roadkills aren't nice to look at. just saying.

thanks so much for the recap gf!^^ much love <3 <3 <3


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yeah, if mary goes back to Jung In after MG and SJ's kiss, Jung In better reject her. Jung In shouldn't be on the rebound.
but i'm for Seo Joon and Jung In. I don't think that she's just any girl. He did especially choose her for the drama role, indicating that he's got some interest in her (even if it's not a love interest).
I do hope they play the childhood love or whatever it is between Jung In and Mary to the full, but i feel it's too late for that now. shucks....


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thanks girlfriday.

oh ! we know this IS just a gimmick for us to talk and rant about the kiss, but when episode 10 is shown it will be a totally different acting not to our usual imagination.

For all you know she will tell MG, you are going to be my hubby so from now on do behave yourself and don't give free kisses to those who needs it but only to me

If not, I'll GROUND you to clean the house for one week and do your own cooking and groceries, wash your own hair too and I'm , not going to provide the hair conditioner for you ARA ?. !.


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Thanks for the recaps GF. I am enjoying your witty recaps rather than the drama itself as of the moment. Hopefully there will be another development soon rather than the same thing from Ep 1...


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I looooove this episode, i was just smiling and being happy all along!!!! :D
best drama of the year
thank you so much for the recap

m3 fighting!!!!


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i know this story is full of cliches, an the latest is this stupid kiss from seo jun. what the hell girl???!!!! get over him, for god's sake!
anyway, JGS and MGY have the best onscreen chemistry i've seen in a looooong time! i love KJW and KHR was fine till this annoying actitude. now, i'm happy the writer is trying to make this story sort of real taking the point of view of maturity to get into a relationship because even do you can love and be loyal, you also need to be responsible for your part in a relationship. MG has to take a commitment (and i don't mean marriage) to change his attitude of leaving when things get difficult.
oh, an i also hate both fathers, but i can see the point of mae-ri's dad when he says he doesn't want her to live his and her mother's hardships because of eloping.
wanna see the next episode :)
thank you girlfriday! now my family is starting to think i'm losing it because i laugh a lot alone in my bedroom :).


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The only thing going for this drama is the cuteness of the main characters. After a few episodes of it, I am only relying on the recaps because the recaps have a lot more sparks and entertainment. But maybe that is why this is geared towards teens.

yet I have too much of a hard time with the age of the characters and how their personalities don't really match with it.

I guess it is time to re-watch secret garden until the new episodes are up. GOD I am in love with that drama.


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i <3 JGS and MuGyul but i want Jung In to properly fight for Mary now!!!

we(i) need some Jung In / Mary cuteness!!


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yes! yes! yes!!!!! :D


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I am also struggling to watch thru the episodes.. the beginning on how the characters met were interesting but definitely not the contract part... seemed like they dunnid to wrk animore.. MaeRi's talent for drama script?? Seemed like standstill...? Same as this drama... disappointing..


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So who thinks the ending marriage will be MuGyul's mom and Mae Ri's dad? LOL


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Serious, right? The first time I saw them together I was like, really? Them two? Ok, lets make it work show


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I'm going to be very critical, I actually think Mary Stayed Out All Night deserved such low ratings. It is way below my expectations. I was thrilled when this drama was going to happen with a great cast, but its everything is so cliche about it. I don't dislike MGY as an actress but her "Mary" character is annoying the crap out of me, especially with the whole "honey" ordeal. I just find her so unlikable here, unlike Cinderella sister. Finally got that off my chest. And the whole cuteness thing between JGS and MGY, I don't feel any of it. Don't even get me started with Mary's hair. LOL. Unlike You're beautiful, I enjoyed the chemistry between JGS and PSH. As for KJW, I am very disappointed in his performance. He was good in Bad Guy, but is terrible in Mary Stayed Out All Night. His character is so wooden, no facial expressions, little/no reaction, and just feels like a standing mannequin with good looks/clothes. I'm already half way through the drama, so I would finish it, but there seems to be no/little improvement to make me take everything back. At least the whole "chagiya" thing is gone. JGS seems to be the only character that doesn't annoy me all that much. But the plot is too ridiculous on many levels (I suppose that's the beauty of most kdrama romantic comedies), but honestly, even MGY and JGS getting married seemed unbelievable, and the whole issue with KJW's father wanting his son to get married to MGY is more ridiculous. Sorry for all the hard-core fans of this drama. Rate this drama 5/10, but still hoping that some miracle will save this drama from being a complete flop. Cross fingers.


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I don't think I will watch this drama anymore, but I will definitely read your caps. they are wonderful!!


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logic, zilch.
plot, so-so.

but that's not tearing me away from the cuteness exploding from JGS and MGY! way too cute, the drama wouldn't have been watchable without them both. gotta love that paper aeroplane throwing scene at Mae Ri's window, i was squealing all the way!


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Once Mary stayed out all night, she shouldn't have come back.


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I like Mae-ri and Mu-gyul together but am i the only one who would like to see something unexpected in kdramas...like...the second lead winning for once. Maybe I'm still bitter about Sungkyunkwan and how much i loooooooved Guh-ro and I'm just displacing my sympathy towards Jung-in but it would be interesting to see the conflict of Mae-ri (or any lead!) actually liking more than one person.


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Oh, yeah...I forgot...I really, really, really don't like Seo Jun. At first I was like ok, maybe she's not that bad, but then again we didn't know anything about her. Now that her character is developing I'm just like, ok, that's why Mu-gyul broke up with you...because you're F-ing annoying. Talk about nag and misplaced self-righteousness.

It was kind of sad to see her being talked about by other people but the whole shower scene i was sympathetic for like a minute and moved on.

I don't know what they were thinking with her character but i don't like her and Jung-in together b/c he seems like a genuinely nice person and she's annoying (I know I already said that but just ahev to hammer it home).


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JKS and MGY are undeniably the cutest couple ever. However not even the cutest actors can save a weak, confusing plot. So help me God.

The pacing needs to be energized as it is supposedly a manwha adaptation drama. I'm expecting more edgy, fast paced, jolt me out of my seat action and less of the overdone trying hard grunge/boho/hobo fashion which has gone extinct decades ago. It looks like Mary has wandered out from a woodstock concert into Lollapalooza. Oh at least get the rock n' roll context right!! And JKS is too sweet faced and pretty to be an indie rocker. Somewhat fix that dilemma with some sexy guyliner please (just like in YB). And the hair? We can write a 100 page thesis about that.

If only the OST of this drama can wake me out of my stupor. It is too predictable I would know exactly what music is going to be cued in for a particular scene.

I have this alternative scenario playing in my mind--KJW as Mu-gyul and JKS as Jung-in. I just couldn't get KJW's seductive bad boy vibes in Antique Bakery out of my mind. That's the kind of energy we need to get Mary spinning on her heels.


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I’m so vex that Mary’s seem too not understand the kind of person her father is, Mu-gul should not be spending time begging her father for approval, he not worth it. Mary needs to be a woman and stop be the substitute wife for her father.

Mu-gul focus should be on just loving Mary and Mary need to just love Mu-gul for the person he is. He a Rocker, that his lifestyle you either all in or just get out, because I don’t’ want to see another drama base on the only acceptable man is a rich, 9-5. I would be so upset to have Mu-gul continue to get abuse by Mar’s father to get approval for a grown woman. I do hope they go into more detail with Mu-gul mother; I would like to see him confront her lack of the simplest maternity instincts. She needs to understand she has never put him first and that she did not raise him, she was too busy raising her LEGS. Mu-gul life has been so hard but he still turns out to be a decent person and I don’t think choosing music as a way to make a living is something to look down on, especially since Mu-gul good. There nothing wrong with Mary get a job and contribute to the household, what the point of going to college if you don’t plan on using what you learn throughout your life…..


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