Mary Stayed Out All Night: Episode 14

Well, it finally happened. You knew it was coming. The episode in which girlfriday’s sanity gets kidnapped and sold on the black market. What’s the going rate for what’s left of my marbles?


So…Mu-gyul gets KIDNAPPED. No, really. I was hoping that maybe I just had too much to drink and imagined that part last night, but then I realized I would just be angry at myself for imagining such a ridiculous scenario…and lo and behold, it’s actually happening. Sigh, Drama. Sigh.

Mary manages to conveniently find a pair of cops to hop a ride with, as they chase down the kidnappers. Gracious kidnappers that they are, they lower their window so that Mu-gyul can see Mary hanging her head outside the cop car as they drive alongside. Aw, they’re fans of romance, the kidnappers. That’s sweet.

Meanwhile, Jung-in does what he can to delay the showcase, and calls Mary’s phone. Dad picks up, and when Jung-in says that he’s looking for Mu-gyul, Dad lets it slip that he’s busy getting himself served. Jung-in’s ears perk up, but he gets no other information.

Then, for no apparent reason other than the fact that they’ve caused enough dramatic tension for Mu-gyul, the kidnappers decide to pitch him (AND his guitar—hey, thanks! He’s gonna need that!) out of the moving car. The cops ditch Mary just as handily, with no recourse or explanation. This drama is So. Weird.

Mary worries about Mu-gyul’s injury, but he insists on going to the concert, of course. Because rockers don’t need medical attention. They only need Rock.

Jung-in tries to stall as best as he can, but they’re out of time, and Absolute Mu-gyul takes to the stage…without Mu-gyul. Jung-in persuades Seo-jun to front the band in Mu-gyul’s place, but the crowd starts chanting Mu-gyul’s name, backing them into a corner.

They stand there, frozen, not knowing what to do…

…which is when Mu-gyul makes his way through the crowd of screaming fans, Mary in tow. The awesome part about this is, none of the enthusiasm of the fans is faked in any way. They really are this excited to see Jang Geun-seok perform.

He takes to the stage, still cringing in pain from his hand injury. He starts to say his big declaration to Mary, that this song is for the girl who warmed his cold heart…but then breaks into laughter at his own cheesiness. Heh.

He pauses, and then shouts into the mic: “Mary Christmas…I love you!” Mary pretty much dies right there, among the screaming fans.

Seo-jun’s jaw drops at the unabashed declaration of love: SO not the Mu-gyul that she used to know. Jung-in just breathes a sigh of relief that the concert didn’t go down in flames.

Mu-gyul sings “Hello, Hello” and the concert is a roaring success. Then, all of a sudden, we cut to Mu-gyul tied and gagged, back in the trunk of the kidnappers’ car. What the…if the concert was all a dream, I’m going to rip some heads off, starting with this writer…

Oh, it wasn’t. The re-kidnapping is the dream. Mary wakes him up, asking if he’s having a nightmare, and Mu-gyul opens his eyes to find that he’s in Jung-in’s house but doesn’t remember getting there. It turns out he collapsed right after the concert, and they brought him here.

Mary asks if he can think of any reason someone would want to kidnap him (Oh, let’s see….) but he can’t. Jung-in has an inkling, and says he’ll look into it. Does he not know that his father has a yakuza background, or is he just in massive denial?

Speaking of denial, Seo-jun has a drink with Lee Ahn, and decides that Mu-gyul doesn’t love Mary. Listen, if you don’t know the meaning of words, then I can’t help you. I’m pretty certain “I love you” is quite rudimentary grade-school level stuff.

Dad meanwhile calls Jung-in’s father to very loudly ask if he took care of Mu-gyul…right in front of Mu-gyul’s mom. He then decides to go see Jung-in, where the three kids are sitting there, discussing their next plan of action.

Dad has a fit, of course, and this time they don’t try to run away or hide. Jung-in tells him that it’s all his doing, and they pretty much tell him everything. Dad can’t believe that Jung-in would lie and use Mary to secure investments for his company, with no real intention of marrying her.

Jung-in is clear about one thing: he does want Mary to be happy, and will do anything to help her have the life that she wants. Aw. But Dad is just ridiculously, irreparably against Mu-gyul, and will not listen to reason. Gawd. I’m getting REALLY tired of shrill papa, who has NO RIGHT to call anyone out for being a ne’er do well.

Mu-gyul and Mary both plead, with Jung-in even chiming in, but Dad continues to be a frustrating, stupid block of wood. He declares that it’ll never happen, and leaves in a huff. He goes straight to Jung-in’s father and tells him everything, which is frankly a relief, since the repetition of lies was getting quite tiresome. Jung Seok is peeved that the kids dared to fool him, and plans to do something about it. Does it involve more kidnapping? Please, no more third-rate kidnapping attempts.

Back at Mu-gyul’s place, Mary tends to his wounds, where he takes full advantage of her tender loving care, much like he did when they first met. He tells her to blow on his shoulder, then his forehead, and his lips…

And Mary, instead of kissing him, decides to smack his lips for puckering up. Listen, I’m concerned there’s something wrong with you. Can someone please explain to me what she is doing pushing Jang-Geun-seok-lips away from her person? Does not compute. Does not compute.

Mary remembers that his birthday is on Christmas Eve, and asks what he wants as a present. He thinks for a while, then decides there IS something he wants…to get rid of that curtain dividing their bed. Rawr!

He makes his best come-hither look at her, while she cluelessly wonders why he’d want to get rid of a curtain in perfectly good condition. Oh, Mary.

Jung-in has some bed drama of his own, but in the form of a nightmare/memory, where he recalls a fight between his parents, with that picture of Mary’s mom as the catalyst. He wakes up crying, and we finally get to see a glimpse of Kim Jae-wook‘s acting chops, which have heretofore been sorely underutilized in this drama.

His father calls him over to give him the wedding invitations. So I guess we’re barreling through with the faux wedding after all, eh? The Denial…it is strong with these people. Jung-in has finally had enough (Thank God) and stands up to his father for the first time. He calls him out for kidnapping Mu-gyul, and asks what he thinks Mary will say when she finds out.

He adds that he’s always followed his father’s wishes because he thought it was the right thing to do, but he’s not going to play that game anymore. He tells Dad not to use him and Mary as pawns anymore. That gets Jung-in slapped across the face for his defiance.

Mu-gyul’s mom gets to brag to a couple of Mu-gyul fans about being his mom, which Mary’s dad eyes with some curiosity, although he won’t acknowledge it. Mom rushes over to Mu-gyul to fawn over his newfound success, while he brushes her off coldly, still upset with her for Paris, the ring, and let’s face it—her general flightiness.

She tells him that she’s working at Mary’s dad’s restaurant to repay her debt for the ring, and adds that she overheard Dad talking about Mu-gyul, asking his hyung if he took care of him. It dawns on Mu-gyul that Jung-in’s dad is the culprit.

He goes to confirm it with Jung-in, who doesn’t deny his father’s wrongdoing. He apologizes on his father’s behalf, but Mu-gyul isn’t here for an apology. He doesn’t understand why Jung-in’s father thinks he has the right to decide Mary’s fate, and decides that it makes no sense. Join the club, friend.

Jung-in tells him that his dad’s got some fixation with Mary (yeah…don’t you two think that’s, say, weird?) and that he’s doing all this with the misguided notion that it’s what’s best for her. Mu-gyul tells him that he’ll show them who the right man for Mary is, the one who will make her truly happy in the end.

Jung-in even encourages him to do well with the drama OST so that he can succeed. Well, if you’re not even going to put up a fight, it’s no fun, is it? So, now there’s zero romantic tension, and ramped up Daddy tension instead? That’s the name of the game? Really, Show?

To that end, Jung-in books Mu-gyul’s schedule solid, as his popularity grows, idol-size. He goes on a radio show, which Mary listens to, and talks about writing the song for Mary Christmas, only the radio host twists his words to make it sound like it’s a nickname for Seo-jun. Mary happens to hear it while she’s shopping for treatment for Mu-gyul’s hair, making it sting even more.

Dad calls her home with a fakeout that he’s sick, and gives her money to get a hanbok for the wedding. She tells him that they can do all the planning they want, but ain’t gonna be a wedding without a bride. What…is that…logic? What are you doing here?

Dad lets it slip AGAIN that Jung-seok will force her to marry if he has to, just like he did with Mu-gyul. Mary’s jaw drops, as she tries to get Dad to tell her if he really had anything to do with Mu-gyul’s kidnapping. He refuses to say anymore, so Mary runs off to confirm it for herself.

She happens to walk in on Mu-gyul and Jung-in arguing over doing a photo shoot with Seo-jun, and catches them just as Mu-gyul shouts, “What, are you going to drag me there by force, like your father?” He turns to storm out, and sees Mary standing in the doorway.

Mary’s eyes widen as she looks at Jung-in. She asks if his father really ordered Mu-gyul kidnapped, and decides to go confront him to put an end to the madness. Yes, please.

She tells Jung-seok that she and Jung-in lied to him because of his investment in the drama production, and tells him that she’ll take whatever punishment is necessary herself, so to stop hurting Mu-gyul. He doesn’t even deny kidnapping him or admit that it was wrong; he justifies it, in fact, by saying that it was necessary to keep her from living a lifetime of regret because of a mistake.

She tries to tell him that it’s no mistake and that she’s happy with Mu-gyul, but he cuts her off and reminds her that he’s a man of his word, and that she made a promise with him. What, now? Doesn’t your act of violence negate that stupid promise? How about just “I love him, so shove off”?

Mu-gyul ends up doing the couple-themed photo shoot with Seo-jun, who marvels at how much Mary has changed him. She seems to be purposely trying to jab at him, implying that Mary’s tamed him like a housecat, but he doesn’t seem to care.

Mary falls asleep waiting up for him, and wakes up to find him crouching by the bed, watching her sleep. He just came home for a moment to see her face, and she tells him that she told Jung-seok the truth, and that she no longer has to stay at Jung-in’s house. I don’t remember you saying that. Anyway, they make a date for Christmas Eve.

Mu-gyul stops by a jewelry shop to pick up a little kitty necklace for his kitten Mary. He smiles thinking about her giant Shrek-cat eyes. He goes on interview after interview, gaining popularity by the minute, and even gets Manager Bang re-orbiting him to sign with her again. Why, because he has amnesia?

Jung-in comes home that night to an empty house, and sighs when he looks for Mary but she’s nowhere to be found. See, you didn’t actually tell anyone that you weren’t living here anymore, did you?

He calls and she braces herself as she answers the phone. He asks, voice shaking, if she’s going to be late tonight, and when she’ll be home, so that he can take her to the bookstore. Oh my god, heartbreaking. He closes his eyes, knowing what’s about to come, but not wanting to hear it.

Mary tells him that she went to see his father and told him the truth, so she’ll no longer be coming by the house. Jung-in, grasping at straws, tells her that the contract isn’t over yet. She tells him that it seems meaningless at this point, so she’s calling it off. She hangs up, and his heart sinks.

It kills me that he’s so unable to just admit that he likes her, and has to use the dreaded contract as an excuse to be near her. Also, I really wish this revelation had come waaaaaay earlier. Like centuries ago.

It’s Christmas Eve and Mary preps for her birthday date with Mu-gyul. She makes a cake and pulls their bed-dividing curtain back, tying it with a heart. Aw. Her phone rings and she races to pick it up thinking it’s Mu-gyul, and asks when he’s coming home.

But it’s Jung-in, calling her to come over one last time…because he has something to say that he never got to tell her. He’s sitting in the kitchen with fruit and cupcakes, wearing a reindeer sweater…aw, somebody give this guy a hug.

She apologizes and tells him that it’s Mu-gyul’s birthday today, and she can’t come over. He asks her for just a moment of her time, but she turns him down.

Aw, it kills me, the holiday party where Mary waits for Mu-gyul alone, and the holiday party where Jung-in waits for Mary alone.

She waits and waits, and finally gets through to Mu-gyul’s phone. He just arrived close by, but pretends to be stuck in traffic, and tells her to go ahead and sleep because he’s going to be a while. Her face falls in disappointment.

Meanwhile, Jung-in texts her to say that he’s going to keep waiting until she comes to hear what he has to say. Oh Noes! Don’t go now!

Mu-gyul picks up the engagement ring from the pawnshop (thus freeing them from the contract and any ties to Jung-in) and heads home.

Jung-in sits alone at the world’s saddest Christmas party, until Mary arrives. He tells her that he has to have cake, otherwise it doesn’t feel like Christmas; Mary says she knows what that feels like, since after her mom died and Dad was busy being chased by debt collectors, she spent Christmases with candles stuck in Choco Pies. Oh my god, that’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. He’s officially the worst dad ever.

Jung-in: “It’s nice…spending Christmas with someone else. It’s warm.” Mary, with tears in her eyes, asks him for a divorce. She knows she’s breaking his heart, but says it’s what’s best for everyone involved.

Mu-gyul rounds the corner, and we see that he’s not in Hongdae, but in Cheongdam, on his way to Jung-in’s house to return the ring. Crap.

Mary gets up to leave, but Jung-in backhugs her, asking her to stay like this for just a minute longer. Tears fall, as she lets him hold her like that…

…which is when Mu-gyul walks in.

Double crap.


Now THAT’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout, Show! Why the hell did it take us so long to get here? Why did we spend so many episodes with Jung-in denying his feelings, when clearly he’s not just some benevolent cupid for Mary and Mu-gyul?

What a crazy episode. The last ten minutes were great—some actual conflict in the love triangle, with pent-up feelings and all. But the rest of it was like blowing hot air. I hate this one writing tick in particular, which happened to be ALL OVER this episode like cheap perfume: it’s that circular thing where characters say words to each other, which in the moment are delivered like big declarations…and then the other person DOES NOT HEAR the words that are coming out of their mouths.

All episode long, people were shouting things, for no reason it turns out, because there was zero plot advancement that followed. Usually, let’s say: I know something you don’t know, so then I tell you, and then that awareness changes something in our dynamic. You learn, you reply, we go forward with new knowledge. That’s how human beings interact. Even if it isn’t, that’s how narrative information propels a story forward.

But we just spent an hour with people declaring things, like “I love her,” or “I don’t want to marry him,” with no effect, no change, no ripple. It’s like they’re all shouting into a vacuum, and not at each other. It’s confusing, at the most basic level of conversation, because what on earth is EVER going to make these people listen to each other? What is the point of words in this drama? Will they suddenly be hit with lightning bolts in the eleventh hour, or drink some magic listening tonic?

The problem you set yourself up for when you do this, is that when characters all of a sudden DO listen, when you’ve been saying the same damn thing for a bazillion episodes—”Dad, I really, really, really don’t want to marry that guy”—then what is the impact of those words suddenly taking on meaning in the end?

Yes, this is a strange obsession, I know. But just once I’d like for someone to say something in this drama, and for the other person to hear the words, compute their meaning, and reply like a functional human being.

Okay, rant over.

On the upside, lots of pretty Mu-gyul-onstage this episode.


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Hey guys! What about Seo-jun? I wonder what will happen to her in the end. She's like a dementor --sucks the life out of everyone.


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I resent being likened to a bloodsucker....I am cool and beautiful. I will be just fine. Maybe I will go latch onto Jung In's rich daddy. he he *smiles slyly*


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Hey, I originally liked you, but you turned out different than what i expected.
I think your best option is to end up with Lee Ahn, then I'll support you two :)


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@Sheng Her

Psssst I'll tell you a secret.....I'm actually in love with Jung In but I'm pretending to be in love with MG to make Jung In jealous. And I think Jung In's dad is kind of hot too!


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stick with lee an! he totally loves you as much as jung in loves mary....

omo! stay away from papa jung seok. i'm planning to be papa jung's adopted daughter the moment he kicks jung in out of the house.XD


"Can someone please explain to me what she is doing pushing Jang-Geun-seok-lips away from her person? Does not compute. Does not compute."

Hahaha I loved that! I hear ya sister! I hear ya!!


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Do you guys thing the show will end with Jung In and Mae Ri together? That would really make the show unforgettable! I tried really hard to root for MG and Mae Ri but Jung In was just so charming and charismatic I fell for him. But he's portrayed as being weak as far as his father is concerned, so I doubt they'll have him end up with the girl. MG is the stronger character by far. But why do I love Jung In so much? He just melts my heart.....


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I'm in the same boat as you.
I originally rooted for MG because I did think that Jung In was a polite jerk, as Mary had first thought. But KJW is super handdsome, charming and charismatic. I fell for him in this drama, I decided to watch Bad Guy and Coffee Prince (though I never finished CP, it lacked excitement for me) just for him.
I think the show could end up with Jung In and Mary being together. If it doesn't, I'd consider it a total flop. No excitement, no drama, no real storyline... I think that's the only way to make it up haha (and get some more viewers for the end?). If could end that way, but I think this will be a total flop, with Mookyul ending up with Mary in the end.

I don't know why I love Jung In so much either. Maybe it's because I can sympathize, maybe even empathize a little, with his character. I loved KJW's character in "Bad Guy" (Hong Tae Sung) a lot too. I was so mad that the girl didn't choose him in the end (because his character was so love deprived and neglected but so cute and sweet too, it's hard not to love and feel for him~ just like Jung In ToT), I was like "yeah, that's what you get for not choosing him!"........ which was kinda evil on my part, but whatever HAHAHAHA

so, I'm hoping for a miracle here. Go Team Jung In!!!!!!


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@Sheng Her

Yeah in Bad Guy he won me over as well with his cool Jap charm. The stint in Japan between her and him was sooo romantic. If they had made him the lead here, I would have loved this show so much. Really hope he'll get lead role soon. He's got everything....are the korean producers sleeping or what? Take notice of this guy, he's hot!


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HAHA YEAH! Knowing how to speak Japanese AND Korean?!?! WIN!!! I like the Japanese culture a lot and learned the language for 3 years in school. It's such a bonus for KJW to know Japanese (for me and for him, being able to communicate with Japanese fans). I just wished his Japanese was used more in this drama tho. Him speaking Japanese is sexy xD
He is so cute in Bad Guy. He reminded me of Domyouji Tsukasa (aka Goo Jun Pyo). Rich, conceited, but love deprived and neglected. All they want is just love and some attention. It's so sad, but they get so sweet and cute when they finally find that someone to love.

Kim Jae Wook was practically wasted in this drama. WHAT. A SHAME.
There's some smart PD out there who will cast this guy as lead. Just when will that be? I hope soon!!!
I'm itching for him to get the girl haha (and get a real script. It would be a shame if he was lead in a plotless story like this drama >.>)


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Sheng Her, you're so cool! You speak Japanese???? Gosh, that is so cool! So happy you posted replies to my random postings. Happy Boxing Day to you and your family!!!! Jae Wook FOREVER!!!!!

btw read a preview of ep 15.....they're going to make poor Jung In roll down a hlll????!!!!! Is that crazy or what?????? If they kill him, I'm gonna go shoot the writer! What kind of mad drama is this????? If not for Jung In, I would have quit watching long ago!


a plea to jb and gf - please continue with recaps of ep 15 and 16, even tho' some people seem to want both of u to stop her recaps. i need closure for this drama!! :D

BUT i wonder if it cd be done in one post (both ep 15 and 16 at one go) rather than 2 separate posts? why? - i envisage lots of ranting/bashing next wk since the plot is driving practically everyone bonkers. and there's the great reveal of the story behind the fixation of jung in's father regarding mary's mother - sure to incite extreme feelings!!

so if there's one great final post, let there be one great big bonfire of ranting and raving, in time for the end-of-year party!! a great finale for the drama/year!

for me, i'll just huddle in my little living room and savour the ending (whatever will be, will be), far from the madding crowd!

(actually, i'm afraid if recap of ep 15 is released on its own, this site might crash with all the ranting and raving and i won't be able to read recap of 16 till 2011!! selfish me! :D)

Merry christmas, everyone!


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That's not a bad idea...


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thank you girlfriday .

Some pondering for the coming episodes :-

Jung In will get a punch from MG and he shoved the ring to his face, grab MR and run for their life.

The obsessive 30 years secret of Jung In's dad,
what will the screenwriter going to reveal to us?.

later his daddy passsed away. Jung In go on with his life, most probably went back to Japan

Jung In, cant forget your :
first encounter with MR,
the piggyback ride and scar,
the morning after door message,
the bookstore,
your first date with MR - eating/drinking at sidewalk
the umbrella scene plus gift
the snowy walk,
the whispering whisper,
preparing her welcome room,
the morning breakfast preparation
the morning after stares at each other
and the last thing from MR, asking for the divorce paper !
and the unintended hug !.
Oh ! the arrow pierced right through your heart Jung In !

Hwaiting Jung In (Kim Jae Wook )


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"Jung In will get a punch from MG and he shoved the ring to his face, grab MR and run for their life."
SIGH. I hope that doesn't happen. I get super frustrated and annoyed when MG gets jealous. It totally ruins the mood for me.
Please, no more coincidental walk ins, no more punches (for Jung In. Jung In > Mookyul, ok! haha).

There's no excitement if MG and MR end up together. They were pretty much already together by the 2nd or 3rd episode, everything else in between would've been just filler stuff. If they let MR end up with JI, now that would be something different. Although, nothing lead to that conclusion, and you would kinda be like ".... what?" in the end. Nevertheless, Team Jung In FTW!


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@ Sheng Her

MG had walk-in to JI house in the last episode so what else do you think he will do to get his "wife", as he never like Jung In, his rival, as he thinks he is better then JI !,

so it could be that Jung In will give him that punch and as usual MR will say :-

I know this dialogue pretty well by now -
MG AH!!! is it painful ? are you alright - kenchana ?

come lets go, we don't need to stay in this house, I asked him for divorce, so we will wait for the paper -kaja !

and my dialogue will be :-
"we are now successful, we can do it on our own" !!
ha! ha ! ha!


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agree with you Sheng Her again! There's no excitement, nothing between the two. Mae Ri and MG leave me cold no matter how many lovey-dovey scenes they put in, no matter how much I try. I think it's just a case of when Jung In walks in, he just changes the atmosphere and charges it with electricity. What a charismatic actor and such a fine one too.


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LOL so true!!! I can watch MG and MR the first time watching the episodes (raw) but when watching them with subs, as long as I read the recap, I'm skipping their parts.
Even without subs, I'm starting to skip their parts, unless if there's some sort of argument or conflict.
KJW is definitely a charismatic guy. He's interesting to watch ;)


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(like they did in Dal-ja's Spring...)


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kinda sad seeing how this drama turned out...(sigh. YAB was way much better) but like some of us here, as long as i get my jgs fix, i think i can still put up with the crazy and the illogical.

hope things will be looking up after this ep though. thanks once again girlfriday and javabeans for never giving up :)


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i am just so disappointed with the drama. :( i watched until about, episode 7 when it was just too ridiculous to watch anymore. and what makes it even harder is there are all those sweet scenes between MG and MR - and i know they are totally called for since they are the main couple but. ARGH. i just cannot stand MG's hair!!!! was rooting for JI all the way from the beginning already. and although i persevered 7 episodes, it's not only MG's hair that's putting me off. this drama really has no plot.

and KJW is SO. UNDERUSED. i actually watched antique bakery (yoo ah in!! lol) and i had no idea kim jae wook was in that movie too but he played a gay guy and his acting was pretty solid. it's such a pity really - as mentioned over and over again - that they are not making full use of this stellar cast.

such. a. waste.


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THE AHJUMMA BUN!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree with you. KJW is SO underused, such a shame. BOO!


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Sheng Her you're a girl after my heart. I agree with you that he's underused. I love it when he smiles ever so slowly with a kind of quirk at the corner of his mouth. I think he's great at whatever roles he plays - he slips in so effortlessly! His voice is also soooo warm and low and ooooooh I'm Team Jae Wook for life.


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I'll tell you guys a secret. I don't care much for this show but I love Jung In. So solution? I fastforward to all the Jung In parts. he he I just get so bored when MG, MaRi, MG's mother, the two dads talk and talk and bicker and bicker.....YAWN! But Jung In? He can just sit on the toilet bowl and stare into space for the whole ep, and I'll be riveted to the screen. LOL


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LOL same here!!!!!! If it's KJW just doing his everyday routine, I'd watch that over the other characters haha. He's so charismatic, I'm drawn to him. Yeah~ Team Jae Wook forever!


*raises hand* i'll hug him! ^.^


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After all said and done...

(back to episode 1)

Mary has hit her head against the steering wheel in the car accident with Moo Gyul, raises her eyes and says: "Oh, Mighty Athena, was I dreaming all this time and I've lost Jung Woo Sung's first two episodes?"

I really, really, chincha chincha want Jung In and Mary to get a divorce and then... start dating.*

*Real dates, not like > you're my boyfriend I go through fire and water for you but I don't even kiss you! Why is THAT? NO! don't even start... I know...


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oh gosh!!! MG is sooo sweet!!! but I can't take Jung-in charm!!

btw...do anyone know what mobile phone that they're using in this drama?? especially the one that Mae-ri used. Is that Samsung Galaxy S??


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where is Jung-In ? i'm missing his comment already :P


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Fanser I am here. I am sader. I read review for ep 15. Maybe they are going to killer me. They maker me fall down hiller. Is one crazy show. Is not enough they make long haired guy getter Mae Ri. Now they wanter to killer me. So I am sader. Bye bye. Merry Christmahs and Appy New Year.


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The old writer she don't liker me. The new writer she don't liker me. Mae Ri she don't liker me. Long-haired guy he puncher me. He don't liker me. My father he don't liker me. Nobody liker me. I am so sader, fanser. Pls somebody liker me. Or I will go backer to North Pole. Maybe eskimo liker me.


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I like you T.T
Should I go punch the old & new writer, Mookyul, Mary and your dad, to make them all like you????


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"What the…if the concert was all a dream, I’m going to rip some heads off, starting with this writer…" exactly what I thought too XD Well said.

& Thank you guys for the hard work. Even tho Mary isn't the best drama I still enjoy it. Since I am watching it without english subtitiels, the recaps really helped tons. <3 to you all!


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aaah this is why i come here every day, all the zany-ness. serious zany-ness takes a lot of serious effort, so i applaud you all for a commendable job.

onward, team jung in!!


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i forgot to tell jung in this:

if you dance really sexily in the pubs, guys and girls will give you money and clothing. i know you can do it. i'm actually sure you can! *wink* XD XD XD


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Fanser, I am shy. I only dancer sexy sexy for Mae Ri. But she don't liker me when I am shy. Do you think she liker me when I dancer sexy sexy? Maybe I will try to dancer sexy sexy for Mae Ri. But if they killer me I cannot dancer sexy sexy for her. I am so sader.


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If JB & GF have the right give their opinions on this drama, how bad and insane it’s, then why ain’t the readers have the right to express their feedback on how bad/lame their recaps are? One obvious point is that their recaps are very witty & hilarious.

“Yeah drop it! There are better reviews than yours anyways. MMM lovers, let’s just go to the playground and have fun there”

What’s so rude about is statement? Why can’t Heather compare recappers reviews/writing? What’s can’t she compare, it’s like comparing dramas. Viewers say MSOAN is bad & SG is good, so fetch SG & drop MSOAN.

“Why not spent those long precious hours in recapping the last two episodes going to the gym to improve your health & achieve an ideal Body Mass Index (it might takes some time & big effort to get there though”

About Kelly suggesting them to lose weight to be healthy, how can this be a seen as a childish & immature insult? Is it not good to be healthy and fit? Who knows Kelly might have given some motivation for them to lose weight. And if they succeed in a few months time then JB & GF will need to thank Kelly.

Also, what give readers/guests here have the right to kick other readers out of this blog, after all it’s not your blog. Everyone is entitle to his or her own opinions.

Finally a note on the acting. KJW is eye-candy, cute, he’s a nice & okay actor but definitely not a good & versatile actor. Regarding JGS & MGY they’re promising actors comparing to others from their generation.


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How would you feel if a visitor of yours looked at the interiors of your home and said, "Why do you bother to decorate? There are better homes than yours, anyway!"

Isn't it rude?

heather's statement had an unpleasant underlying tone to it. She wasn't trying to compare (she didn't mention another blog for comparison, anyway), but aiming to insult, or at the very least, annoy. She had a sarcastic tone.

Kelly's statement was not an immature and childish insult. It is an immature and childish ATTEMPT to insult. Apparently, she wasn't successful, because she didn't get a reply from the recappers - whom she was targeting - but from fellow visitors like you and me. And what gives her the right to advise the recappers what's good for them? She only knows their handles and have read (has she, really? or is she JUST ANOTHER AVID FAN FROM ANOTHER FORUM WHO BARGES IN HERE AND DOESN'T BOTHER TO UNDERSTAND THE SITUATION BEFORE REACTING?) their posts.

The BMI/weight issue is not related to the drama, reviews/recaps, nor to any comment here. So why did she suddenly have the "concern" about the recappers' health? It's not concern, but again, sarcasm.

The thing is, she ran out of valid points to raise to defend the qualities of MSOAN, and was out of good arguments to use, so she tried to hit on a presumed - no - IMAGINED insecurity that she thought the recappers might have. That's very childish of her. How do we all know how javabeans and girlfriday (or anyone here) look like, or the state of their health? Which book of good manners does it say proper to give unsolicited advice to a problem that you don't even know exists? That's very rude and immature of her.

And would kelly say such a thing to a full-figured girl in person? Would you? Would you dare say, "Girl, you blabber nonsense. It must be because you're fat! Lose some weight!" to a girl who is not even your friend, in person? You wouldn't right? Unless you're looking for a dizzying slap on the face - at the very least.

Would you appreciate people having assumptions on your physical appearance and health condition and having those pointed out as your insecurities - in a debate where they're not even remotely related?

What is kelly implying in her statement? (And if you're defending her, what are you implying as well?) Let's say that JB and GF does not have the ideal BMI, then what does that have to do with the quality of their writings?

Let's assume that the recappers' work is not good enough, does it mean they're fat or too skinny or unhealthy? Or vice-versa? Are you correlating a woman's figure to her intellectual capacity? Do you know how wrong that assumption is on so many levels?

It is never wrong to have concern for another's well-being, but we won't and can't be fooled that THAT was kelly's intention for bringing up the weight/BMI issue. That shot was below the belt - even if we have no idea what the real physical condition of the recappers are.

If you can't see her intentions, (solidified by her saying "it might take some time & big effort to get there though") then you have to learn to read between the lines. (This is the reason why our teachers made us read hundreds of literary works and make reactions papers about them - they were aiming to assess and improve our reading comprehension at the very least - and you can put that learned skills from it to good use anywhere, even at a venue like this.)

And yes, no one has the right to kick any visitor out from this site. Just like none of the avid fans have the right to tell the disgruntled viewers to shut their traps.

But can you blame the other visitors from reprimanding the rude ones who spark flames in here? People were actually getting along just fine, debating and agreeing to disagree, oftentimes sarcastic - but criticisms were generally aimed at the drama, and not towards each other. But lo and behold! Here come the avid fans who seem to have one-track minds and spew judgmental statements here without even learning about what's really going on. It's very difficult to tolerate or ignore childishness. (Try spending time with a constantly-squealing brat, and you'll know what I mean.)

These avid fans... how do we reason with these people?

Everyone is indeed, entitled to his/her opinion. That includes the recappers, (and us, your fellow commenters) whom heather and kelly slyly advised to "drop it" and spend their time to get the ideal BMI.


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Queen of Reversals, bravo!! ;)

i agree with you on every single point that you brought up and i have to say i am really impressed because i couldn't have said it any better.. ;)

thank you so much for voicing what was on my mind after reading the post by 'fair' above and i am sure what was also on the minds of the other commentors who commented on kelly's and heather's rude and totally uncalled for comments..

thank you so much once again and God bless you... ;)


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ooopss!! a typo!!! should have typed "Queen of Rehearsals" instead of "Queen of Reversals"... ;)

my sincere apologies, Queen of Rehearsals.. ;)


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Dear Queen O Rehearasals,

First of all, I do agree with most ppl here that the writing is the weakest link & I'm still on the bus becasue of the casts.

Okay I’ve been re-thinking about my comments and after reading your insightful & thoughtful comments. I’ve come to realize there are many faults in my comments & thoughts.

Wow, you’re a very deep thinker, a very intelligent person. I’m so wrong in my view toward Kelly comments, to think of it, it’s true that you said she was attempting to insult GF & JB with her immature, childish & cruel comment on the weight factor. 100% nodding my head to your comment that Kelly was not certainly concerning with GF & JB health but it was merely an unsuccessful attempt to insult.

“Let’s assume that the recappers’ work is not good enough, does it mean they’re fat or too skinny or unhealthy? Or vice-versa? Are you correlating a woman’s figure to her intellectual capacity? Do you know how wrong that assumption is on so many levels?”

100% agree here a person body size is not certainly a measure for an individual intelligence, no correlation at all means, just NONSENSE.

Regarding Heather:

“Yeah drop it" ---- was rude.

“There’re better reviews than yours anyways. MMM lovers, let’s just go to the playground and have fun there” ---- I’ll stay neutral here, I think comparing ppl writing/recap is not rude. I think she’s comparing JB recap to Koala's PLAYGROUND recaps, see below


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A question for you. Have you ACTUALLY seen Kim Jae Wook in his other projects (Bad Guy, Antique Bakery, etc)????? And if you have, you still don't think he's a good and versatile actor? I beg to differ. I dunno about you, but I think acting well as a gay guy in Antique Bakery definitely shows versatility.

He's practically wasted in this drama. Rate him on his past projects as well, not just this plotless, wacky drama.


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@Sheng Her

Agree with you on all counts. I've only watched him in Coffee Prince and Bad Guy and I'm a fan for life. It's not his good looks that stand out. Looks can only do so much. If you can't act, good looks won't get you far. Bad acting will start to grate on viewers' nerves after a while.

For me, it's Jae Wook's charisma that stands out. There's something about him that sets him apart from other actors. He reminds me of Rain in A Love to Kill. The young charismatic Rain sizzled in every scene he was in. Jae Wook has that special sizzle to me.

He was so riveting in Bad Guy that he held his own against the lead who was very good as well. That's why I like Bad Guy. It stands out among the dramas I've seen this year, for all its crappy ending. For those of you who haven't seen it, go see it. It's special.


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Yea it's unfair to judge an actor performance by base on one drama. How shallow I was, sorry about my unjust remark regarding KJW nice acting. In MSOAN, he was a bit stiff but after ep10 he has improved and lately has show his acting chops, esp the lovely hot but sad & heartfelt back hug. Conclusively, it must be the writer to blame. Come to think of it, KJW was under-utilized by the former writer and to a lesser extent by the new writer.

His solid & realistic acting as a gay guy in Antique Bakery, if it’s true then I will and must eat my ‘versatile’ word up. Thanks for recommending Bad Guy, as “Jo” said the two leads showed awesome acting, thus I’ll give it a try. I’ve heard so many raves about him in BG, therefore after BG I might see a new light in KJW acting… grin!!!
OH, lastly in MSOAN KJW onscreen charisma was outstanding.


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it is truly ironic that whoever you are who posted this post used the moniker 'fair', when you did not come across as being fair at all...

i suspect that either you are the same person who used the moniker 'kelly' or 'heather' and are just pretending to be someone else who seems to be defending the 2 commentors...or you are someone who just wants to get your 2 cents' worth across...

whoever you are, i strongly suggest you read the reply by Queen of Reversals to this post of yours and spend some time reflecting on your thoughts and feelings abt the whole matter...

i strongly suspect that you are either a very young person, who needs to do a lot of growing up before you can hope to fully grasp the meaning behind the outstanding reply by Queen of Reversals...

or you are someone who is not young anymore, but who does not seem to have grown up yet...which is something that needs to be looked into urgently...or i fear that you will never become a better person...

i have seen it in so many of my pupils that if you, or kelly or heather were to be my pupils, i would not hesitate to take you in hand and TEACH YOU A LESSON YOU WILL NOT FORGET!

if you really cannot/do not want to see how LUDICROUS your words in defense of kelly and heather really are, then you seriously need professional help, or be prepared to go down a very steep hill of decline in your path in life...


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Dear koreandramalover/kdl,

Firstly, I’m not defending Heather nor Kelly, I was just expressing my own opinions & I'm still on the bus for the fun & cute ride with JGS & MGY. Please refer to my reply to Queen of Rehearsals.

I’m definitely not Healther nor Kelly, I’m happy for Javabean to justify this by checking my computer IP address.

What happened to human manners? Do you have to cross the borderline? Even those avid fans of MSOAN have so far kept their writings & comments civil.

“i fear that you will never become a better person…”

“be prepared to go down a very steep hill of decline in your path in life…”

Oh, OMG I can’t believe! This is a personal attack!!!! These statements are very harsh, do you have to take it personal and be unpleasant in wishing me a terrible & miserable life? And commenting that I’m a low/sleazy person and can never & ever improve? This is depressing on my part. Do you know that I’ve one lovely baby to take care for & if my life become dreadful that mean I can’t feed her and raise my daughter up well. This is tremendously disheartening & discouraging on my part/family. If I did offended you in anyway and if you believe that I have a very bad manner through my comments, then here I deeply & sincerely apologize for all my writing.


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oh, i am getting so tired of people misunderstanding things when if they had bothered to CAREFULLY read what WAS written, they would not have easily reacted in the way that they had...

have you even read my post carefully?

for every sentence that i wrote, i was careful to use WORDS OF CAUTION because i have seen enough examples of people who have not heeded the caution and warning in their lives that they have made a mess of their lives and dragged others along with them...

"or you are someone who is not young anymore, but who does not seem to have grown up yet…which is something that needs to be looked into urgently…or i FEAR that you WILL NEVER become a better person…"

"IF you really cannot/do not want to see how LUDICROUS your words in defense of kelly and heather really are, then you seriously need professional help, or BE PREPARED to go down a very steep hill of decline in your path in life…"

"Fair", if you had bothered to examine the words that i had used (which i had capitalised above), then i really cannot understand why you reacted in the way that you had...

I NEVER said that you WILL NEVER BECOME a better person...

I NEVER said that you WILL go down a steep hill of decline...

What I DID say was a caution and warning that you CAN become all that, but you can choose to heed or ignore because, once again, i have witnessed from numerous examples in my life of people who just shoot their mouths off and behave in the most inappropriate, immoral and even criminal ways but THINK that they are NOT doing HARM to themselves and others around them!!

especially because, as you said, you have a baby to bring up...

i have children to bring up too, which is why i am so concerned with people who think it is alright to treat others so rudely or think lightly of those who are rude to others...

as mothers, we have to be all the more intolerant of outrightly inappropriate behaviour because it can be a harbinger of worse things to come...

once and for all, "fair", i have never and never will wish anyone the worst fate because it is against my religion, my beliefs and my personal philosophy...

you've already given your reply to Queen of Rehearsals' post and so i think its best we just end this round of bantering because frankly it is leaving a bitter taste in the mouth because you have completely misunderstood me...

you need to take a deep breath and think calmly...

if you react so strongly, you are not going to benefit from it at all...

you need not apologise to me because I did not see your comment as a personal attack to me at all...

and my comment was not meant to be a personal attack to you but once again, as a CAUTION and WARNING...

although it was not a personal attack and it was not meant to offend, if my words have deeply wounded your feelings/pride, I sincerely apologise...from one mother to another...

My comments have always been about defending others who I think deserve to be defended...

because i have ZERO tolerance when it comes to treating others with disrespect and if i have come across as treating you/family with disrespect, then once again, i sincerely apologise...


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fair and kdl, please do not take things and comments on blogs/forums SO SERIOUSLY. it's really tiring to read long long quarrels and arguments.

exchanges of opinions are enjoyable and enriching, but angry/bitter comments are so unpleasant.

and pl, do not respond to my post. mine are just merely comments.



"it is tiring to read long quarrels and arguments"
"angry/bitter comments are so unpleasant"

with those feelings, i wonder why you even bothered reading the posts that were not even addressed to you in the first place...

if you take just one look at the name of the commentor my posts were addressed to and the lengths of each post, you should not have wasted your time, energy on reading them, especially because they have nothing to do with you...

btw, if you choose to comment on something that has nothing to do with you but addressing your comment to me personally, i have the right to comment on your comment, don't you think?

you should not have entered into this exchange in the first place...


:: to girlfriday ::

You are awesome!! LOL
I LOVE reading your reviews...informative and humorous...LOVE IT!!
It's like you're reading my freakin mind!
Keep it up!!


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Anyone knows when the OST will be officially out? I really loved Seo Joon's version of My Precious! [:


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It's out on music downloading sites already, like Soribada ;)


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hi guys,

help me out here. very curious: is Jang Geun Suk doing all the actual vocals in the band here?

i love his speaking voice as it is; it would be awesome to hear that he's actually doing all the singing. :)


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I think so.Jang Geun Suk can sing really well.


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I agree JGS sings very well, which is more than I can say for Kim Beom. Just watched "The Woman Who Still Wants To Marry" & Kim Beom shouldn't even try.


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hi there, missy! ;)

as far as i know, JGS sang for some of the songs while other singers sang for the other songs because if you search for the websites containing the OST (which i have attached herewith), you will find the names of the singers for the other songs :



i also give you some links from YouTube on some of the songs in the drama (they are so lovely) :



Enjoy!! ;)


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thanks kdl for the clips! :)

amanda & deedee, JGS is a natural onstage, every inch an indie rocker. :p


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you are most welcome, missy! ;)


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what is the title of the song played during the 'kidnapping' scene?


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JUNG IN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really want to hug u!


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Dream High looks amazing (fingers crossed). A Korean Fame? Lets wrap up MSOAN and put a bow on it. Only thing it had going for it was the pretty cast. Too bad, so much potential. & can I say, that turtleneck Mu-gyul is wearing in the last scene would have been perfect w/my "ugly" Xmas sweater. Keep up the great work.


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I think that Mary is Jung In's step sister!


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This drama reminds me of Twilight. So shud Belle choose Edward or Jake? And us, avid fans, are declaring a war; dividing ourselves into two: Team Jung-in or Team MooGyul?
So shud Mary choose Jung-in or MooGyul?
Wad sets this drama apart from Twilight?
Well, there's that little character who may juz end up wif that other little character. Wads their names again?


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I really don't like Mary. I've watched her step over Jung In's heart for too long. And for what? Kang Moo Kyul? That childish little thing? Enough is enough! I can't take this anymore! Jung In broke my heart in this episode. Don't cry honey! She doesn't deserve you! Come to Canada! I'll be waiting for you!!!


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bring in the finals baby~


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~ sigh ~ You know, this kind of plot made me not really liking Korean Drama in the first place. I'm enduring it for Jang Geun Suk and Moon Geun Yong. ~ sigh ~


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i am disappointed in a lot of people who are very superficial. didn't u notice that JGS is actually portraying a 2nd lead role in MOST Kdramas. (imagine Shin Woo winning MiNam/Mi Nyu instead of taeKyung or JiHoo getting JanDi instead of JunPyo of boys over flowers.)
JungIn is the perfect guy. he is wealthy. he is polished, the smart one and arrogant. JungIn has the role of the LEAD STAR in most Kdramas.
SeoJun role is also not the typical 2nd lead where she makes the female lead suffer. she has a heart. in fact, Mary understands and helps her a lot. although this has been a long drama for just the same plot over and over, i'd say that their roles are perfectly fine.
it seems to me that this drama has a different angle that people fails to see.


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Is it just me, or did ALL three of them suffer the experience of getting kidnapped and the after-effects of nightmares about the experience? o___O;;
Talk about a messed up trio...


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You know what I think?? Jung In, Mary, and Mu-gyul should've stayed living together in Jung In's place. 'Cause seriously? The show's subtle undertones between the three of them keep giving me the idea that they're gonna be a menage a trois at the end or something. At least it'd be something no one would expect. ^_^


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I had to read this cus i could never get to see the last part of the episode with subs.... but i dont need to when i got this :D


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Thanks, JB & GF for this site!! I know I am very late to the bandwagon, but I have joined it at last, and only recently discovered your site.
You'll not believe me, but some days, your recaps and the comments that follow are the only bright spot in my day.
And this recap+comments really made my day. I don't know when last I have laughed this much, this loud...and that too in public!!!
So thank you. JB, GF and all the lovely commentators....?


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Hey, did you know that Mary doesn't want an arranged marriage but wants to marry somebody she loves?

I know, it's a revelation. It took 14 episodes to get us here but now we know.


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I think someone needs more wine.


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I'll raise a glass to how the cops ditched Mary LOL


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They didn't enjoy her screeching either.


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I just rewatched this episode (and loved it even more). Why didn't they take Mu Gyul to the hospital? Instead they put him in bed wearing a heavy choker necklace and what I assume are his sweaty stage clothes? Why didn't my sweet/tsundere hero deserve an IV?


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