Mary Stayed Out All Night: Episode 14

Well, it finally happened. You knew it was coming. The episode in which girlfriday’s sanity gets kidnapped and sold on the black market. What’s the going rate for what’s left of my marbles?


So…Mu-gyul gets KIDNAPPED. No, really. I was hoping that maybe I just had too much to drink and imagined that part last night, but then I realized I would just be angry at myself for imagining such a ridiculous scenario…and lo and behold, it’s actually happening. Sigh, Drama. Sigh.

Mary manages to conveniently find a pair of cops to hop a ride with, as they chase down the kidnappers. Gracious kidnappers that they are, they lower their window so that Mu-gyul can see Mary hanging her head outside the cop car as they drive alongside. Aw, they’re fans of romance, the kidnappers. That’s sweet.

Meanwhile, Jung-in does what he can to delay the showcase, and calls Mary’s phone. Dad picks up, and when Jung-in says that he’s looking for Mu-gyul, Dad lets it slip that he’s busy getting himself served. Jung-in’s ears perk up, but he gets no other information.

Then, for no apparent reason other than the fact that they’ve caused enough dramatic tension for Mu-gyul, the kidnappers decide to pitch him (AND his guitar—hey, thanks! He’s gonna need that!) out of the moving car. The cops ditch Mary just as handily, with no recourse or explanation. This drama is So. Weird.

Mary worries about Mu-gyul’s injury, but he insists on going to the concert, of course. Because rockers don’t need medical attention. They only need Rock.

Jung-in tries to stall as best as he can, but they’re out of time, and Absolute Mu-gyul takes to the stage…without Mu-gyul. Jung-in persuades Seo-jun to front the band in Mu-gyul’s place, but the crowd starts chanting Mu-gyul’s name, backing them into a corner.

They stand there, frozen, not knowing what to do…

…which is when Mu-gyul makes his way through the crowd of screaming fans, Mary in tow. The awesome part about this is, none of the enthusiasm of the fans is faked in any way. They really are this excited to see Jang Geun-seok perform.

He takes to the stage, still cringing in pain from his hand injury. He starts to say his big declaration to Mary, that this song is for the girl who warmed his cold heart…but then breaks into laughter at his own cheesiness. Heh.

He pauses, and then shouts into the mic: “Mary Christmas…I love you!” Mary pretty much dies right there, among the screaming fans.

Seo-jun’s jaw drops at the unabashed declaration of love: SO not the Mu-gyul that she used to know. Jung-in just breathes a sigh of relief that the concert didn’t go down in flames.

Mu-gyul sings “Hello, Hello” and the concert is a roaring success. Then, all of a sudden, we cut to Mu-gyul tied and gagged, back in the trunk of the kidnappers’ car. What the…if the concert was all a dream, I’m going to rip some heads off, starting with this writer…

Oh, it wasn’t. The re-kidnapping is the dream. Mary wakes him up, asking if he’s having a nightmare, and Mu-gyul opens his eyes to find that he’s in Jung-in’s house but doesn’t remember getting there. It turns out he collapsed right after the concert, and they brought him here.

Mary asks if he can think of any reason someone would want to kidnap him (Oh, let’s see….) but he can’t. Jung-in has an inkling, and says he’ll look into it. Does he not know that his father has a yakuza background, or is he just in massive denial?

Speaking of denial, Seo-jun has a drink with Lee Ahn, and decides that Mu-gyul doesn’t love Mary. Listen, if you don’t know the meaning of words, then I can’t help you. I’m pretty certain “I love you” is quite rudimentary grade-school level stuff.

Dad meanwhile calls Jung-in’s father to very loudly ask if he took care of Mu-gyul…right in front of Mu-gyul’s mom. He then decides to go see Jung-in, where the three kids are sitting there, discussing their next plan of action.

Dad has a fit, of course, and this time they don’t try to run away or hide. Jung-in tells him that it’s all his doing, and they pretty much tell him everything. Dad can’t believe that Jung-in would lie and use Mary to secure investments for his company, with no real intention of marrying her.

Jung-in is clear about one thing: he does want Mary to be happy, and will do anything to help her have the life that she wants. Aw. But Dad is just ridiculously, irreparably against Mu-gyul, and will not listen to reason. Gawd. I’m getting REALLY tired of shrill papa, who has NO RIGHT to call anyone out for being a ne’er do well.

Mu-gyul and Mary both plead, with Jung-in even chiming in, but Dad continues to be a frustrating, stupid block of wood. He declares that it’ll never happen, and leaves in a huff. He goes straight to Jung-in’s father and tells him everything, which is frankly a relief, since the repetition of lies was getting quite tiresome. Jung Seok is peeved that the kids dared to fool him, and plans to do something about it. Does it involve more kidnapping? Please, no more third-rate kidnapping attempts.

Back at Mu-gyul’s place, Mary tends to his wounds, where he takes full advantage of her tender loving care, much like he did when they first met. He tells her to blow on his shoulder, then his forehead, and his lips…

And Mary, instead of kissing him, decides to smack his lips for puckering up. Listen, I’m concerned there’s something wrong with you. Can someone please explain to me what she is doing pushing Jang-Geun-seok-lips away from her person? Does not compute. Does not compute.

Mary remembers that his birthday is on Christmas Eve, and asks what he wants as a present. He thinks for a while, then decides there IS something he wants…to get rid of that curtain dividing their bed. Rawr!

He makes his best come-hither look at her, while she cluelessly wonders why he’d want to get rid of a curtain in perfectly good condition. Oh, Mary.

Jung-in has some bed drama of his own, but in the form of a nightmare/memory, where he recalls a fight between his parents, with that picture of Mary’s mom as the catalyst. He wakes up crying, and we finally get to see a glimpse of Kim Jae-wook‘s acting chops, which have heretofore been sorely underutilized in this drama.

His father calls him over to give him the wedding invitations. So I guess we’re barreling through with the faux wedding after all, eh? The Denial…it is strong with these people. Jung-in has finally had enough (Thank God) and stands up to his father for the first time. He calls him out for kidnapping Mu-gyul, and asks what he thinks Mary will say when she finds out.

He adds that he’s always followed his father’s wishes because he thought it was the right thing to do, but he’s not going to play that game anymore. He tells Dad not to use him and Mary as pawns anymore. That gets Jung-in slapped across the face for his defiance.

Mu-gyul’s mom gets to brag to a couple of Mu-gyul fans about being his mom, which Mary’s dad eyes with some curiosity, although he won’t acknowledge it. Mom rushes over to Mu-gyul to fawn over his newfound success, while he brushes her off coldly, still upset with her for Paris, the ring, and let’s face it—her general flightiness.

She tells him that she’s working at Mary’s dad’s restaurant to repay her debt for the ring, and adds that she overheard Dad talking about Mu-gyul, asking his hyung if he took care of him. It dawns on Mu-gyul that Jung-in’s dad is the culprit.

He goes to confirm it with Jung-in, who doesn’t deny his father’s wrongdoing. He apologizes on his father’s behalf, but Mu-gyul isn’t here for an apology. He doesn’t understand why Jung-in’s father thinks he has the right to decide Mary’s fate, and decides that it makes no sense. Join the club, friend.

Jung-in tells him that his dad’s got some fixation with Mary (yeah…don’t you two think that’s, say, weird?) and that he’s doing all this with the misguided notion that it’s what’s best for her. Mu-gyul tells him that he’ll show them who the right man for Mary is, the one who will make her truly happy in the end.

Jung-in even encourages him to do well with the drama OST so that he can succeed. Well, if you’re not even going to put up a fight, it’s no fun, is it? So, now there’s zero romantic tension, and ramped up Daddy tension instead? That’s the name of the game? Really, Show?

To that end, Jung-in books Mu-gyul’s schedule solid, as his popularity grows, idol-size. He goes on a radio show, which Mary listens to, and talks about writing the song for Mary Christmas, only the radio host twists his words to make it sound like it’s a nickname for Seo-jun. Mary happens to hear it while she’s shopping for treatment for Mu-gyul’s hair, making it sting even more.

Dad calls her home with a fakeout that he’s sick, and gives her money to get a hanbok for the wedding. She tells him that they can do all the planning they want, but ain’t gonna be a wedding without a bride. What…is that…logic? What are you doing here?

Dad lets it slip AGAIN that Jung-seok will force her to marry if he has to, just like he did with Mu-gyul. Mary’s jaw drops, as she tries to get Dad to tell her if he really had anything to do with Mu-gyul’s kidnapping. He refuses to say anymore, so Mary runs off to confirm it for herself.

She happens to walk in on Mu-gyul and Jung-in arguing over doing a photo shoot with Seo-jun, and catches them just as Mu-gyul shouts, “What, are you going to drag me there by force, like your father?” He turns to storm out, and sees Mary standing in the doorway.

Mary’s eyes widen as she looks at Jung-in. She asks if his father really ordered Mu-gyul kidnapped, and decides to go confront him to put an end to the madness. Yes, please.

She tells Jung-seok that she and Jung-in lied to him because of his investment in the drama production, and tells him that she’ll take whatever punishment is necessary herself, so to stop hurting Mu-gyul. He doesn’t even deny kidnapping him or admit that it was wrong; he justifies it, in fact, by saying that it was necessary to keep her from living a lifetime of regret because of a mistake.

She tries to tell him that it’s no mistake and that she’s happy with Mu-gyul, but he cuts her off and reminds her that he’s a man of his word, and that she made a promise with him. What, now? Doesn’t your act of violence negate that stupid promise? How about just “I love him, so shove off”?

Mu-gyul ends up doing the couple-themed photo shoot with Seo-jun, who marvels at how much Mary has changed him. She seems to be purposely trying to jab at him, implying that Mary’s tamed him like a housecat, but he doesn’t seem to care.

Mary falls asleep waiting up for him, and wakes up to find him crouching by the bed, watching her sleep. He just came home for a moment to see her face, and she tells him that she told Jung-seok the truth, and that she no longer has to stay at Jung-in’s house. I don’t remember you saying that. Anyway, they make a date for Christmas Eve.

Mu-gyul stops by a jewelry shop to pick up a little kitty necklace for his kitten Mary. He smiles thinking about her giant Shrek-cat eyes. He goes on interview after interview, gaining popularity by the minute, and even gets Manager Bang re-orbiting him to sign with her again. Why, because he has amnesia?

Jung-in comes home that night to an empty house, and sighs when he looks for Mary but she’s nowhere to be found. See, you didn’t actually tell anyone that you weren’t living here anymore, did you?

He calls and she braces herself as she answers the phone. He asks, voice shaking, if she’s going to be late tonight, and when she’ll be home, so that he can take her to the bookstore. Oh my god, heartbreaking. He closes his eyes, knowing what’s about to come, but not wanting to hear it.

Mary tells him that she went to see his father and told him the truth, so she’ll no longer be coming by the house. Jung-in, grasping at straws, tells her that the contract isn’t over yet. She tells him that it seems meaningless at this point, so she’s calling it off. She hangs up, and his heart sinks.

It kills me that he’s so unable to just admit that he likes her, and has to use the dreaded contract as an excuse to be near her. Also, I really wish this revelation had come waaaaaay earlier. Like centuries ago.

It’s Christmas Eve and Mary preps for her birthday date with Mu-gyul. She makes a cake and pulls their bed-dividing curtain back, tying it with a heart. Aw. Her phone rings and she races to pick it up thinking it’s Mu-gyul, and asks when he’s coming home.

But it’s Jung-in, calling her to come over one last time…because he has something to say that he never got to tell her. He’s sitting in the kitchen with fruit and cupcakes, wearing a reindeer sweater…aw, somebody give this guy a hug.

She apologizes and tells him that it’s Mu-gyul’s birthday today, and she can’t come over. He asks her for just a moment of her time, but she turns him down.

Aw, it kills me, the holiday party where Mary waits for Mu-gyul alone, and the holiday party where Jung-in waits for Mary alone.

She waits and waits, and finally gets through to Mu-gyul’s phone. He just arrived close by, but pretends to be stuck in traffic, and tells her to go ahead and sleep because he’s going to be a while. Her face falls in disappointment.

Meanwhile, Jung-in texts her to say that he’s going to keep waiting until she comes to hear what he has to say. Oh Noes! Don’t go now!

Mu-gyul picks up the engagement ring from the pawnshop (thus freeing them from the contract and any ties to Jung-in) and heads home.

Jung-in sits alone at the world’s saddest Christmas party, until Mary arrives. He tells her that he has to have cake, otherwise it doesn’t feel like Christmas; Mary says she knows what that feels like, since after her mom died and Dad was busy being chased by debt collectors, she spent Christmases with candles stuck in Choco Pies. Oh my god, that’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. He’s officially the worst dad ever.

Jung-in: “It’s nice…spending Christmas with someone else. It’s warm.” Mary, with tears in her eyes, asks him for a divorce. She knows she’s breaking his heart, but says it’s what’s best for everyone involved.

Mu-gyul rounds the corner, and we see that he’s not in Hongdae, but in Cheongdam, on his way to Jung-in’s house to return the ring. Crap.

Mary gets up to leave, but Jung-in backhugs her, asking her to stay like this for just a minute longer. Tears fall, as she lets him hold her like that…

…which is when Mu-gyul walks in.

Double crap.


Now THAT’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout, Show! Why the hell did it take us so long to get here? Why did we spend so many episodes with Jung-in denying his feelings, when clearly he’s not just some benevolent cupid for Mary and Mu-gyul?

What a crazy episode. The last ten minutes were great—some actual conflict in the love triangle, with pent-up feelings and all. But the rest of it was like blowing hot air. I hate this one writing tick in particular, which happened to be ALL OVER this episode like cheap perfume: it’s that circular thing where characters say words to each other, which in the moment are delivered like big declarations…and then the other person DOES NOT HEAR the words that are coming out of their mouths.

All episode long, people were shouting things, for no reason it turns out, because there was zero plot advancement that followed. Usually, let’s say: I know something you don’t know, so then I tell you, and then that awareness changes something in our dynamic. You learn, you reply, we go forward with new knowledge. That’s how human beings interact. Even if it isn’t, that’s how narrative information propels a story forward.

But we just spent an hour with people declaring things, like “I love her,” or “I don’t want to marry him,” with no effect, no change, no ripple. It’s like they’re all shouting into a vacuum, and not at each other. It’s confusing, at the most basic level of conversation, because what on earth is EVER going to make these people listen to each other? What is the point of words in this drama? Will they suddenly be hit with lightning bolts in the eleventh hour, or drink some magic listening tonic?

The problem you set yourself up for when you do this, is that when characters all of a sudden DO listen, when you’ve been saying the same damn thing for a bazillion episodes—”Dad, I really, really, really don’t want to marry that guy”—then what is the impact of those words suddenly taking on meaning in the end?

Yes, this is a strange obsession, I know. But just once I’d like for someone to say something in this drama, and for the other person to hear the words, compute their meaning, and reply like a functional human being.

Okay, rant over.

On the upside, lots of pretty Mu-gyul-onstage this episode.


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LOL poor Jung In.....you just can't win!


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Omg, I can't take Jung-in's heartache! So sad.


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So It makes you sader...


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Jung In I'll follow you to the North Pole anytime you want


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Jung In, if you are sad, I am sader, all your fanser will be saddeder together-ther


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Oh mannn....you're so funny..


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Many say this drama is boring. How come it has the most # of comments when everyone seems interested?


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bçuz the comments are most interesting part of this drama !


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yes, i agree with you


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Oh my, poor GF and JB and the comments you guys made had me literally crying, LOL.

I stop watching the show on episode 8, and still read the recap, not commenting though. But I just couldn’t bring myself to even read the previous episode recap and that got me thinking, “Wow, this drama is suck big time, even JB’s saucy review couldn’t interest me". So glad I find the energy to read this recap today. Made my day :)

I mean we all entitle to our own opinion, agree to disagree etc etc. Some may still watch the show for different reasons, and I know a lot of people who love this drama still want to read DB’s recap and hear JB’s and GF’s opinion. A lot of people who dislike this drama want a place to spill out their frustration, the way I see it, they doing it because they care and frustrated, what else they bother to rant.

But, my heart goes for JB and GF, if you dislike a drama so much, why don’t you drop the recap on certain episode, like you did before, and write a review when the drama is finished (we still have a place to rant) I know a lot of people screaming NO!, because they’re having so much fun reading this recap, either the drama is good or suck or suck big time but try to put yourself in their shoes guys. I want to save what’s left of GF’s marble for recapping MNKSS instead, I definitely will read that.

DB wouldn't complete without MNKSS' recap/review.


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Yeah drop it! There are better reviews than yours anyways. MMM lovers, let's just go to the playground and have fun there :)


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Namaste..the light in me honors the light in you :)


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"there are better reviews than yours anyways"

how harsh your words are, heather...

does it make u feel good saying such harsh words simply because u want to/think you have the right to?

what goes around, comes around...

it takes one to know one...

how could you attack JB and GF so?

kindly take your leave and never come here again
because your mean words just sully the wonderful atmosphere here in Dramabeans!!


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You are so rude


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I think it's not rude. He/She's just telling the truth. I used to like it here but the side comments are way too nasty. I also agree that the drama was poorly written but people are not ranting about the drama anymore instead, they're bashing the actors and actresses. This is just a drama. Don't be mean.


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I don't think the original comment was a personal attack, more like a brush off the shoulder, but fans of DB and the drama are both getting nastier. I like DB's recaps too, they're indeed witty and funny, but there are some DB fans who are so far up their butts it's embarrassing to have come across some of their comments.

And fans of the drama needn't take these recaps so personally, it's all in the name of entertainment and having a laugh at the bad writing, which can't be argued in the first place. I understand it can be misleading when a recap can be either objective or subjective, it's never been DB's style to stay objective, it'd be to boring that way.


"I think it's not rude."

i don't know how you were brought up, but i was brought up to know that using words like :

"There are better reviews than yours anyways"

would qualify AS BEING RUDE,
especially because it was directed
at the OWNER of this blog
where those words were posted!!


"He/she's telling the truth"?

"but people are not ranting about the drama anymore instead, they’re bashing the actors and actresses. This is just a drama. Don’t be mean."

I am sure you know very well what you said but i find it the height of irony that you talk about TRUTH when you fail to notice that not ALL of the commentors here are bashing the actors/actresses...

and i find it truly ironic also that you said :

"Don't be mean"

when WHO it is that STARTED being MEAN with his/her words posted here, that caused the replies to his/her post, including yours??

i strongly suggest you think twice, thrice or countless times before you post any comments that would just be a reflection of how UNFAIR you are...



"fans of DB and the drama are both getting nastier."

how do you judge the level of nasty, i wonder?
what kind of barometer do you use?
have you even READ some the comments made by those who positively loathe MSOAN?


"I like DB’s recaps too, they’re indeed witty and funny, but there are some DB fans who are so far up their butts it’s embarrassing to have come across some of their comments."

don't you think that YOU are the one being OUTRIGHT NASTY here?
and uncouth, crass, crude, childish??

(and I am choosing nice words here because i don't wish to go down to YOUR lowest of the low level with your words)


tamtam and koreandramalover...

I see where you mistunderstood one another. tamtam was pointing out that the comment of curiouser!curiouser! wasn't an attack on anyone. She's right. It isn't. However, it is not that particular comment that started the heated replies.

It was heather's subsequent comment that ignited the flame. I have to agree with koreandramalover on this one that it is indeed rude. If anything else, it is not considerate of the efforts of the recappers (who labor for the sake of drama fans), and by not understanding the contents of the recaps and the commenters' points, it is also not well-thought of.

To everyone, as we all exchange minds here, expressing admiration and/or disappointment, it is very difficult to avoid rubbing on them our passion and pride. Oftentimes, we forget that at the middle of this all is just a fictional story. However, we must admit that the drama is not merely the point of contention here, but bruised egos - for although it's not our real name that's published here, the comments are ours.

To fans, it may seem that criticisms on the drama meant questioning their tastes. (As for the hardcore hallyu star fans out there who misunderstand every criticism on the show where their idols work on, they really need to refocus on their studies to improve their reading comprehension and overall judgment. I worry about them.) To non-fans, or former fans, it is not pleasing for them to be told to suck it in and shut up after being had by a show.

Guys, let's think things over and try to understand one another. Let's not put to waste the thousands of years of civilization that brought us here, nor put to shame the schools that we've come from, or the family that raised us with the best values that they can provide - even if we interact behind handles/nicknames. Having masks on is not excuse for losing good manners. Being rude behind pen-names, if done so often, can rub on to our real characters. You never know when your attitude here will cross over to your real life personality, especially if you get used to it. One day, we might wake up as real-life bitches without realizing it. So, easy on the words, shall we?

Can we raise our tolerance for one another, and at the same time, be on watch for ourselves? There are ways to point out other people's lackings without bringing on insult. I, myself, was told that I suck - on page 1 of these comments. But I opted to deflect it, and reorient the issue on the lacking of the drama. Nonetheless, let me express my gratitude to those who sided with me.

I came here in the name of fun, but I couldn't help but drop a serious note on this issue because we're all starting to lose the fun in here (unless in the twisted minds of some people, hurling insults towards others is fun).

Think about this before replying to heated comments: if we think we are the ones with the better sense of things, what would a person of better sense say? And bear in mind where these all are really about.

Now, if you'll excuse me. I'm going back to 'zany.' ;)


@ Queen of Rehearsals

God bless your heart, Queen of Rehearsals... ;)

how do i begin to thank you for your kind, heartfelt, insightful and compassionate take on what transpired here? ;)

please accept my humblest and sincerest appreciation for your comforting, encouraging and supportive words for both tamtam and myself... ;)

and i agree totally with every single wonderful word in your post...i can't have said it any better... ;)

i feel so blessed to get to know so many fine individuals here in Dramabeans like yourself, Queen of Rehearsals... ;)

heartfelt thanks again, Queen of Rehearsals ;)

and let's continue with the zany cos i am just one of the many zany noonas in DB (the other zany noonas are my soul zany sistahs samgetang, izzie, sumee and pastmidnite, just to name a few) ;)



Since you believe yourself as a person of a higher level than I am, I feel oblige to answer your questions with a humble reply.

Firstly, I'm guessing I struck a nerve because I'm not as enamored with DB as you are. Bless your heart, you need not to be so aggressive, I was merely making a general observation. It's not you, it's me, and people who can see both sides of the coin. Just because I'm not siding against one side with you doesn't mean I'm making a personal attack on you.

Secondly, you need not "mean" words to make a demeaning remark as you have demonstrated to us so clearly. If you reread all of your nice replies just in this one recap, you'd feel embarrassed about writing them in the first place. Hence, my definition of "nasty", not literally, of course. Figure of speech, if you will. The fact that you've been so offensive and rude to me proves my point. I don't know about you, but I find there are more pleasant ways to go about one's day than childishly arguing back and forth. (It's not even about the show, but about who's "better". Come, now, let's grow past this.)

Thirdly, I'm not going to argue with you nor insult you. Instead, I will compliment you on your efforts as a true DB fan, blind-sighted as it were. But, if anything it must be extremely flattering for them. From the way you've written, you seem a passionate and dedicated person. It seems you'll very be successful in the endeavors you're committed to if your determination here is anything to go by. I wish you well, have a good day. Should we cross paths again on DB, I have nothing, if not, good words for you.


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'Kay guys, lets end the personal attacks here. Getting into a heated debated about the drama is fine, but let's not attack the personal other. Doesn't matter who is right or wrong--it just makes both parties look bad.


Indeed. Apologies if anything I've written seems to be a personal attack, though to be clear, I'm not in either camp :)



" I wish you well, have a good day. Should we cross paths again on DB, I have nothing, if not, good words for you."

after 3 paragraphs of bashing me, you ended with the above statement...

how am i supposed to believe the sincerity of your words?

well, if you wish to believe what you want to believe, then what can i say?

if you believe that i was rude and offensive, while you WERE NOT, then what can i say?

what i CAN say is :

we agree to disagree and leave it at that...

i have never wished any harm to anyone in my whole life, and i am not going to start now, or ever...

so, i echo your statement above...whether you believe it or not...its up to you...


@ JD

thank you for your kind words... ;)

much appreciated ;)



if i did offend you, my sincere apologies ;)


tamtam you are rude. R u heather's alter ego?



tamtam was rude. She should be apologising to you. But you are big-hearted enough to apologise to her. Beware those who mask sarcasm with deceptively soft and humble language.


If stating that you were rude and offensive to me is considered bashing, the I'm guilty.

I agree, my comment can be seen as offensive, just like how some people can see DB's remarks on MOSAN can be seen as offensive. I can understand that, but is not a personal attack on you. I listed no names, pointed no fingers, yet you took it one step further to belittle me. Well, whatever the case, I no longer mind it. Let this be a lesson to me, then. Thank you.


@ tamatama

God bless your heart, tamatama, for your kind words ;)

i hope you know how grateful i am to you for the time and effort you put in to give me words of such comfort and support, especially because it is so unexpected... ;)

please accept my humblest and sincerest thanks once again ;)


@ tamtam

i really did not mean to belittle you...

if you remember, you used the following words to refer to some of DB's fans :

"but there are some DB fans who are so far up their butts it’s embarrassing to have come across some of their comments."

i was shocked especially with : "who are so far up THEIR BUTTS"...

i have never been interested in personally attacking any commentors here because if you HAVE read my comments in any of the posts i have put up in DB so far, you will see that i have always said : we can agree to disagree without coming to blows.

and you said that what you said was not a personal attack even though you did not name names but
when you used the words above to refer to DB's fans, don't you think that qualifies as a personal attack because you did IDENTIFY the people you are talking about as DB'S FANS...

but, please understand that everything ive said is not meant to bash you but simply to clarify what i believe needs clarification...

and i sincerely apologised because i believe that even though i did not have the intention of offending anyone with my words, if i DID offend you, i have to apologise because that is only the right thing to do... ;)

and for these words : "Let this be a lesson to me, then."
i wish to say that you have a big heart too...
so please do not bash yourself up, ok ;)

and because of your big heart, i reiterate that i wish you only the best as you did for me... ;)

so, let's put what transpired here behind us and move on with our exciting adventure into Kdramaland with peaceful hearts and minds... ;)

thank you and my sincere apologies again ;)


If you don't like it here feel free to scram


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Seriously, we don't need your ungratefulness here.


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Yes, Dear Heather... come. Play with me. ;)


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hahaha good one!!!


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@Jb and GF
I hope both of you have a wonderful holiday! :) Thank you for all you do for the drama addicts out there. *hugs* Fighting! :P


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You... off my planet. You do not get to play here anymore.

I like MSOAN, but I'm not crying 'cause people here disagree with me. I'm not hating on GF and JB 'cause they don't like it. I'm okay with people thinking differently than I do.

I do gotta say though, if we were together in real life, Heather, I would have punched you in the mouth for saying that. JB and GF spend way too much time doing a fanservice for us for you to be saying that on their own site. Go play with all the happy little people who think exactly like you do. Sounds like a boring place to me, but whatever. You can feed them whatever script you think necessary for them to be your friends.


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hear, hear, brookeeve!!! ;)

you said it perfectly!!! thanks so much!!! ;)


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and take tamtam with you! Chao!


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Wow, rude. They put up recaps as a service for us fans of their site who want to read them. If you don't like their comments, don't read their recaps. I don't understand why people come here to partake in JB and GF and the other recappers efforts only to then insult them. This is their site, you don't have to be here if you don't like what they have to say. In fact, their we DB-family members don't want you wet towels around either.

Everyone has their own opinions, why are you dogging on theirs?


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Okie Dokie, where is the love button when you need it.

:D :D :D :D

@Javabeans and Girlfriday : I stopped watching Mary a while back ( for me that was a shocker because I NEVER give up on a drama, but this one was such a waste of talent) Thank you for your wonderful recaps. (That was the only good thing about MMM)
Javabeans and Girlfriday Fighting!!!!!!!
Sending over a latte...... you get a milk mustache.... you get kissed by your MINES..... Secret Garden Style.....

:D :D :D :D

Hope that made you SMILE......


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hear hear!


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@ Okie Dokie

thanks so much for your apt and sincere comments!! ;)

i echo every word ;)


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So long! Hope the door doesn't hit you on your way out!


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Oops! Too late! It hit her square in the face! ke ke


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she looks like rudolph now (the reindeer)


Hello, everybody, my name is Jung In. I am sader again. I am sader becos funny people comer here and say bader things about my fanser. Pls forgive. I no maker you mader. But I so sader. Becos my fanser all happy happy. People come and say not happy stuff. Maker me sader. Maker my fanser sader. Pls if you don't liker don't come. Pls forgive. I bow to you. Bye bye.



LOL!!! tamatama, that was funnnyyy!!! ;)

thanks for making laugh...;)



ooopss! it should be :

thanks for making *ME* laugh... ;)


Thank kiuuu, all my fanser. I am so happy you all liker me. So I am not sader anymore. I was sader cos Mae Ri whom I liker did not liker me. She liker the long haired duder...why? I not know (pls forgive...my English not so gooder...the North Pole no lighter so cannot reader English bookser clearly)I will try to get her lover that is why I gaver her a backer hugger. But you all liker me so I am happy. I bow to you. Merry Christmahs and Appy New Year.


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oh Jung In, you'll always be the "gooder" of the 2 in all our hearts ! make sure to eat your cake and find another boo of your own ;)


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Dear Jung In who carer that silly girl ! you are morer handesome than Long haired guy;You can find smarter and taller girl...


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rofl at taller...XD i'm as short as mary....XD XD XD


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So what's your point? Comments here used to be articulate and interesting. It seems it became a haven for anti fans who have nothing better to do.


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Get lost


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Yeah go roast a turkey or something


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your mean words speak more of the kind of person you are more than you even realise...you need to do a lot of growing up before that were to happen, i guess...

you and your mean words are NOT welcomed here so you should not waste your time, money or effort by posting any further comments


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Heather get lost!! or just go to the playground with Jung Seok he invited you anyways,LOL!!


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heather, why are you starting a fight on this site. We're here to enjoy the fanservice not to fight. Obviously, we're not going to let people insult JB and GF, so why are you continuing to add fuel to the fire? Do you not have anything better to do?


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go make kimchi soup heather


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Jung In, if you need intensive English classes, pls feel free to contact me. Free. One to one. Time unlimited.


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Are you smarter and taller than Mae Ri? Maybe you buy me a lighter, I can read my books. My dad closed my bank account (and made me even sader) so my money is low.

I give you backer hugger to pay for lighter. Or my short long pants.


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Good Deal..backer hug but you shouldn't do it just for 1 minute Ok!and off course i'm taller than her(170cm)...but my english is bader..sader!!!!!!!!!


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Taller is gooder! Your English not bader than mine. I am shy, 1 minute hugger is my maximum. But I also have fish from North Pole. Okay? To get a lighter for my books.

Speaking honestly, I still dream of Mae Ri. Either I liker her or maybe it is a nightmare from her socks. My short long pants not longer enough, so I wear her socks for warm ankles and I dream EVERY night. Scarer.


I also still dream of Mae-Ri. And I've been looking for those socks.


I'm definitely taller than Mae Ri and have an IQ of 300. I'd love for you to backer hugger me again, omggg! In fact, you can backer hugger me anytime!

Don't be sader, I'll buy you a lighter though honestly, I don't think that reading your bookser is going to help you improve your English, no offence.

Take my advice, dude, lose the short long pants. They make you look a bit...um...strange, no offence.

And there's a rumour going around that MG's a serial farter....is that true? Seeing you're living with him, you'd know rite?


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@Adeline..he is mine !you're a boys stealerrrr


You are a kind girl. But I am shock that my books cannot improve my English. Is that true? I read them when I went to North Pole becos my housemaid put them in my bag.

If I lose my short long pants, I have no pants. It will make me sader, becos my legs will be cold and I am shy to have no pants.

Long haired guy? Oh, that one time he slept in my bed, I throw the sheets away. Smells bad. Then after he slept on my couch, I throw it away too.


Girlser, girlser, pls dont fighter over me....I am a gentleman and a gentleman never tells on his friendser. So I will just say that I, Jung In, am not farter. All that comeser outa my butter is a softer whoosher sounder....it is more like how you say it a sigh. Like a little winder. But no sounder. Thank kiuuu. I bow to you. Merry Christmahs and Appy New Year.


ROTFL thank guys for the free laughter therapy :D You all made my day :D


hahahaha hilariouser!


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Jung In, shyer is gooder! I lover shyer men. I adorer scarer men. I will backer hugger you if you haver bader dreamer. I will buy you new sockers to keep your ankles warmer. You backer hugger me, I backer hugger you, we backer hugger forever and ever, how about thater?


Jung In we can cooker your fish from the North Pole and have that with turkey and cheeser for Xmas dinner


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HAHAHAHA u guys are so crazy funny


See why I never thought highly of this kid? Bad investment... tch!


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yeah Jung In don't mean to hurt your feelings but I seriously think you need to ..um...go for more English classes


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Come on HATERS stop making fun of this drama, please please please have some respect to the hard working production team & the talented 3 leads showing their acting chops & doing their best.

Dear JV & Girlfriday I beg you two to stop torturing yourself, stop hurting ppl feelings by stop recapping. Why not spent those long precious hours in recapping the last two episodes going to the gym to improve your health & achieve an ideal Body Mass Index (it might takes some time & big effort to get there though).

Million thanks!!!

I haven’t read this recap + comments but I know they’re just purely bashing...


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its ironic that you said you haven't read the recaps/comments and just assumed that "they're just purely bashing" and you bothered to come here to post your scathing comment!!!

what goes around, comes around…

it takes one to know one…

how could you attack JB and GF so?

kindly take your leave and never come here again
because your mean words just sully the wonderful atmosphere here in Dramabeans!!


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JB and GF are hurting people's feelings by recapping the series? Wow. And you didn't even bother to read what she said. Plus you insulted them by insinuating that they need to lose weight. Get a life.


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who are you to come here just to act all high and mighty?!

if you're not here to read the recaps, then leave this page.

go and take your chilsidh insults with you.


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This comment is unbelievable absurd. You can't critique something until you actually read the fine print.

If you've actually read the recaps, you'd know that JB and GF love and appreciate the actors. It's what actually kept them going with recapping and watching the series. Here's a taste of logic: no one does something unless they thoroughly enjoy doing it. Unless you're saying JB and GF that they're masochists.


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and I thought I WAS the crazy one!

whew! such a relief! :D


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"Nice shot!"


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oska oppa!^^ *spazz spazz spazz*

chonun pen-i-eyo!XD XD XD


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What would Mrs. Klaus say about this?


Jung Seok, that was Mrs. Klaus. She forgot to change my user name to hers.

Stop trying to sully my name. Your son already knows he's my son.


Why is your name "Santa?" isn't that a girl's name?


Umm..purely bashing? And you know this by NOT reading the recaps? Try reading them before you speak up.


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My mama always said..... If you don't have anything nice to say...... don't say anything at all. Please don't be insulting.


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Yo! JB I think you guys should set up a sign that says:

This site is unsuitable for reader under the age of 15.


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Number 2 on my list, right behind Heather.


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Dude did you just call JB anf GF fat?!!!!!! And to add insult to injury, you did in such a pretentious, pseudo intellectual way too. *sigh* I suppose you needed to prove your worth and intelligence to the cruel cruel world in some ways.

"Why not spent those long precious hours in recapping the last two episodes going to the gym to improve your health & achieve an ideal Body Mass Index (it might takes some time & big effort to get there though). "

Oh wow, I am utterly impressed by your grasp of sarcasm couched in such cleverness! Is that the validation you needed for your life? And now that you received it, will you please disappear like the little mermaid from this site? Thank you.


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hear, hear, Viola!! haha!!! ;)

you said it perfectly!! ;)


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@ Kelly, again. Do you know the meaning of respect? Before you request it from us, why don't you try to learn what it is and show some respect to JB and GF.

oh, and grow up child, your comment on their weight is neither here nor there and completely stupid and immature.


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Here are two options:
1.Kelly is a stupid brat that has nothing else to do, and does not recognize the diference between criticising a drama or their actors,because as far as I read most comments are commenting how bad the "DRAMA" is and how is wasting the talent of the "ACTORS" in it.

2.kelly is just a bitter lonely soul that has nothing better to do than to provoke us by making stupid comments,thus knowing we will defend Jb and gf.

Lets just ignore her(maybe His?) venomous comments and keep on having fun,not with the drama of course but with the amazing comment that are making me laugh like crazy(^^).


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hear, hear!! ;)

you said it perfectly, DRAMADDICT4ever! ;)

thank you!! ;)


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hear, hear, Okie Dokie!!! ;)


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My dear kelly... what a talent you have! Not needing to read but knowing what's written? Spectacular! I am a fan!

You must be number 1 in your class? Such talent, such intellect! Makes me think why I even bothered with someone as dumb as Mae-Ri when there are young girls like you who can do better. You belong to my clan!

Come, let's lower that BMI of yours further in my gym. Heather awaits us there. Oh, you lovely, lovely fans of Mae-Ri.


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Jung Seok Ahjusshi, I think you need a p.r. rep. :) I am afraid the drama has unfairly blackened your image, because I find myself inexplicably drawn by your kindness to Heather and Kelly.

Ah if only I was a few years older and not married to Siwon....


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Dear Viola,

Has age ever been an issue to me? ... ?

And I can 'take care' of Siwon, no problem. I hired a new set of goons to replace those incompetent fart-inhalers. I have a new goon-car too - it's equipped with state-of-the-art exhaust fans.

I appreciate your kindness towards my person.

Send me your resume with your 2x2 photo, and I'll consider your proposal.


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*face averted* *hand on forehead* Go! Go from me and do not ask me to sin against my vows! I am weak, I don't think I can withstand the mad passion you have exhibited for me!!

*trembling voice* My re..resume?! AND a 2 x2 photo?! *gasp* No man before you has been so bold!!

It breaks my heart but I must decline. Ours is a love not meant to be. I will stay with Siwon and mourn your absence for the rest of my days.

Farewell my Jung Seok. You shall never see me again. *Picks up dress and runs off sobbing*


That's mister goon-car to you, bad daddy! Jeez show some respect! I may be a goon and a car, but I got my rights too!


That is my wife you are speaking of so lightly. I will appreciate you not taking such liberties again.

You think you can 'take care' of me? I got twelve guys at my back who think that you can try. I mean, have you seen my abs?


Dear Viola... I was merely considering you for a PR rep, and you talked about 'love.' You confuse me.

I usually hire employees of certain age for their experience, but for your sake I was re-considering that standard. And I am very well aware that husbands do not take kindly on their wives' PR jobs, hence my brewing plans for Siwon.

You need not run away. I can't and will not chase you. I've been winded since playing and running around with Heather and Kelly, those wonderful young girls. I have too much in my hands already.

But if you're so fixated on me, I can offer my long-short-panted son, Jung-In as an alternative. But I'm afraid he only knows to hug from the back, so if you want to get a hug and kiss from him at the same time, you must have excellent yogic abilities.

So wipe your tears and think about my employment offer. (You are not, in any way, related to Manager Bang, are you?)



Goon-car, goon-car, goon-car....

This is not what I asked for when I ordered a Knight Rider car. You should be at least thankful to me for having you equipped with exhaust fans that would suck out lethal farts from disturbed passengers.

If you continue blabbering with your rights-schmights... I'm going to have you flattened at the junkyard, just like the one that came before you. I am that spankin' rich, and you are very much dispensable.

Silence or junkyard? Your choice.


Choi Siwon... young man, I have goons for that purpose. If you have twelve, I have twelve-hundred of them. I am that spankin' rich.

It is your wife that misunderstood me and talked about 'love.' I was simply looking on employing her for her loyalty. You two need some talking to do. I can refer you to my former marriage counselor if you want.

And abs... I have lots of those too. Eight-pack abs, tenderly protected over by my love handles.

Do you have love handles? No? That explains your wife's wavering love. Talk to her.


Jung Seok Ahjussi, you really do need a p.r. rep, as demonstrated by the misunderstanding with Tracy!

Forgive the melodramatics earlier, I was writing a scene called " how to be a die away heroine" and I was so caught up that I wrote my application to be your p.r. person in that mode. I shall be more careful when applying for future jobs.

I suppose my husband got caught up in it too. He is rather hot headed, especially when it comes to me. Again my apologies. :)


creepy *shivers*


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tracy... I am lovely that way. ;)


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did you say spanking? *shudders* creepy


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Why do I have the feeling that if I reply to the 'spankin' issue (I was again, misunderstood.) I will be forever banned from DB? :(


no no no, no hater herer, just sader girlers who wanna backerhugger from jung in oppa...


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One man's garbage is another man's treasure. If Mary doesn't want Jung-in, I'd love to take him off her hands. I'm still waiting for my Christmas present ;)

Dude..wtf...the last part is dramatic but do people ever lock their damn doors!? EVER!?


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that pple sleeping with their shoes so they don't need lock their damn doors!


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hahaha :D this made me laugh.


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Holey potatoes, this drama brings out the crazy in absolutely ALL directions - the lovers, the haters, the apathetic and the poor recappers stuck in the middle of it all.

Reading the recaps, you can feel the exasperation quickly reaching the point of mental collapse, and reading the comments... well.. PHEW. It's like the comments section of youtube and some cosplay site had a baby and dramabeans adopted it.

I mean no disrespect, mind you. It really suits my experience with this drama.

Merry Christmas (or whatever holiday you are celebrating), you fruitloops. =]


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Thank you so much for the recap, I love the comments , I kept laughing that people came to see if I was ok. Some are exagerated though.

I think this drama is so weird. You mentionned earlier that the writers had changed like at episode 10 or so . Then there are two possibilities:
1/This drama is really supposed to be like a melo romantic drama but the second team of writer decided to quickly 'spice' things up with cliche 'kidnapping' , the last scene too much cliche also etc... The effect it looks really 'patched up drama' and I expect the end boring .Happy ever after . Then no wonders the ratings!!

2/They really want us to think it is cliche but they know where they are going,In that case the end we can be very surprising ==>ending why not Jung in+Mary , Mary alone flying with MG mother to Paris , Jung in and Mary brother and sisters???

What do you think??You must be used to see how a drama evoluates generally .
But frankly when I heard the change in writers I expected more stuff to happen it is still so slow...it is episode 14 at this rate we expect tensions in episode 175...well the problem it is planned for 16 or max 20 episode, no?

Just started to watch it on KBS World (ep 1-4) and I really cannot make my mind if I like it or not or if I will continue to watch it at all .


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I'm rooting for a MSOAN season 2 which will called M"ARY STAYED HOME ALL NIGHT"
end of season 1: MR can't choose because she is so loyal and doesn't want to hurt anyone
sesaon 2: after flying alone to Paris and study Arts, she comes back to choose but struggling.
MR still love MG (because he was her 1st love) who becomes a superstar but her feelings for JI growing up since he joined her in the City of Lights and LOooove ( litterature, painting...)
She is an adult now & have to make a decision....
ahaaaaa I'm going a little bit crazy of this drama!!
KBS, if you need a new fresh writer, I'm HERE!!!


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season 2 kidding? right?...you mean more fun comments..extermly agree.


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Hey! I actually like that idea!!!
Mary's dad and Jung In's dad sends Mary off. She does some growing up. She comes back all grown up and more sophisticated. She develops feelings for JI and still has some for MG. She ends up with JI in the end! YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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at last, some sense to the story... well, the last few minutes anyway... just had a bad feeling about the ending of last episode that nothing about the following episodes would make anymore sense but the last few minutes somehow made up for it. (somehow...) hopefully the last two episodes would at least try to keep up with the ending of this one... (crossing fingers)

thanks again for this wonderfully done recap. ^_^


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I guess I should thank JB and GF and also all the commenters for making this show much more enjoyable to be read than to be watched XD


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wow, the vibe here is positively scary.. do not say a wrong word here or be damned.....

To those who are still trying to be nice, err, Happy holidays ? :P


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It's just a little hostile because people are disrespecting and insulting JB and GF and the JB family won't stand for that.


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Happy Holidays to you too! *hugs* This is NOT how it normally is. :P Come to one of the Open Threads, you will see how full of light and joy not to mention the zany ( the nicer cousin of crazy :P) we are capable of here! :)


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I agree with zach. The comments are very enjoyable and of course girlfriday's recaps. I'm laughing my head off right now just reminiscing the comments above and the exchange of dialogues between rocker boy, kidnappers, maeri, jung seok and even kidnapper's car. Its so hilarious. I also believe that this drama has driven most of us if not all of us to the edge and reason is now on a holida. Damn you're cuteness Geun Young, you're wonderful singing and stage presence (and everything else) Geun Seok and and you too Jae wook you! Can't you be a little less damn hot?! It doesn't go well with my Ramyun...

More power to the recappers in spite of the crazy story please continue for two more episodes..

I know it is unlikely but what what if they decided to add four more episodes?!! Just a thought. Ke ke


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Hello everybody, my name is Jung In. I write again becos I want to ask favours of fanser, or any kind people. My father closed my bank account after I did not make Mae Ri sshi my lover, so my money is low. So now, I have no house in Korea and I need some things to live well:

1) Lighter
2) Long pants
3) Mineral water in a bottle. A few bottles is gooder.
4) Warm food that is not fish
5) Hair tonic to make my hair longer

I can give you some things if you like:

1) Short long pants
2) One book. I have 10 books but I want to keep some to read so I can improve my English. I studied every day, now I can write and speak. But not so good (pls forgive).
3) Wonderful Day script
4) Mary Stayed Out All Night script. I highlight my lines, you can see why I wanter to laugh if you read.
6) Fish from North Pole. They are very fresh.
5) One of my 2 sweaters. It has reindeer, hand-stitched in Italy. My precious, from an old friend who wears bright sports suit.

I do not know what else I can give. Some people wanter my backer hugger but I am shy. But speaking honestly, I am looking to be roomer, not live in the street. If you can accept 10,000 won for empty room, I am grateful. Becos that is all my money now. Merry Christmahs and Appy New Year.


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sader..No backer huger....but thank God we still have yor highlighting liners...


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Jung In, it is gooder that you are still alive. Beyond that, I can only pray for you. Backer huggers! Merry Xmas!


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Duhh if you can fart as loud as guitar-boy-girl duhh I can give you a ride duhh to the Salvation Army duhh you can get them to make duhh fish stew for you duhh


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What, car? You're addicted now? To the fart?!


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duhh bad daddy duhh I'm mister car to you duhh I may be a car duhh but I got a heart duhh more heart than you duhh bad daddy


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Okay, that's it! I'm sending you to the junkyard!


Junkyard junkyard....getting duhhh real sick of your threats duhhh big bad daddy duhhh me and my new bud goon-car duhh we not scared of ya duhh got my voice back duhhh drove past guitar-boy-girl 10 times up down duhh sure enough he farted duhh real big one duhh enough to keep me going duhh another day duhh


Hey dude, it's not so bad.....look at me, stuck in this freezing igloo! Almost got mauled by a polar bear on my way to fish. Come to think of it, I remember you vaguely. You were catching some fish on the other bank. I remember you cos of your short long pants. Can you get your mama to buy you some new pants? You look strange, dude,hem in an extra layer or something.


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Hey mister eskimo dude, show a little respect will ya? I'm mister polar bear to you! And I wasn't going to maul you.....I had a real bad tummyache....some strange guy in short long pants left a whole bunch of rotten fish by the bank. I ate them all up...jeez wait till I get a hold of that guy!


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Duhh that's what I was saying....what's a car to do to get some respect around here duhh.....running out of voice duhhh.....someone get the guitar girl-guy duhh.....I need a fart fast duhhh


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What can I say....at least you have your short long pants!


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are you sure those fish are still fresh??


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They were rescued from the throats of polar bears. That fresh.


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ROFL I'm laughing so hard I'm gonna burst!


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Mu gyul + Mary = a lot of cheesiness

wish that jung-in will end up with Mary


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i guess you probably have never experienced the kind of giddy first love like the one between Mary and Mu-Gyul, which to me came across as being extraordinarily SWEET, adorable, heartwarming, honest and full of warmth... ;)

i know the feeling because i have been there... ;)

but i guess what is sweet for one person
is cheesy to another... ;)

seek and you shall find...

seek the good, and the good will come to us...

see the glass as half-full or half-empty - it's a choice...


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oh my god! Jung In is such a sad kitty! I'll take care of him!!!! sorry MG!
BTW, Mary Christmas to all of you!!!!! huhuuu


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just got december issue of asta tv magazine brought as souvenir from korea.. basically contains 10 pages of JGS, half of them with MGY ... hahaha


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Wow it is absolutely important news...Thank you so much for calling us..my Poor Jun_In it will break his hearter..Don't rad it @Jung_In ;it make you sader;sader and sader.........


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Auwww... reading this is so much fun than watching it.. XD

But really it's now 2 ep. left right.. why the hell took it soooo long for Jung-in to finally confess to her...?.. I mean... the writers are crazy.. it's total 16 ep.. so they had to at least made him madly in love with her in ep 6 or something.. don't get it why they waited for couple last episodes .. It would be more fun.. also about the poor ratings..

thanks for written EP.. XD


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Thanks girlfriday

Jung In, it is never to late to confess your love for MR.
You tolerate your dad's bad hehaviour - an abuser so,

Do take control of your life and for once be SELFISH for your happiness and get hold of MR if you truly loved her.

Like the saying goes:-

There are two kinds of Man .

The want who make history and

the one who endure it !. Which one will you chose ?.


Hwaiting Kim Jae Wook , you're so fine !!.


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thank you so much.i dont know if GF makes the recap i am interested..please let just GF makes recap for marry and secret garden..

sorry to say for others..


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i'm rolling in laughter in this craziness...hehehe--- just tuned in MSOAN and stumbled into JB's whacky comedy central. it's been a long time since i laughed this hard. complements to MSOAN for bringing this top of the line humorous insanity...hahaha


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I don't see any wronging doing in this drama. Sometime, we deny what is really happen to us because it is very dificult to accept it. I understand when I first broke up with my boyfriend. I keep texting him like nothing heppen and hopefully he would change his mind which similar to JI's feeling. We all must have some time get crap from our parents. They seems non sense in our eyes. However, I understand Mary's dad why he insists his decission about Mary's marriage. If I were him, I would do the same with my daugther. MG doesn't have anything, no money, home, and good job. The solution to make him accept MG as son-in-law is MG has to success as MG said to MR. "I hope that my situation will get better and your dad will accept me," Mg said. "You are better do well with the ost and success," JI said. These three kids have their ways and are growing up. MG who has never care about success, now he is after he falls in love with Mary. This drama makes sense and all heppen reasonablely.


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i am leaving for Athena. Goodbye show....


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fanser, pls do not leaver me....this show so crazy I needer lotsa fanser so I don't go cuckoo.Pls I begga you


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Son, that's just pathetic. I must admit, I'm getting bored playing baddie and creepy, while I could play charismatic instead. Besides, no matter what we do, Mu-Gyul's gonna get Mae-Ri, so what's the use?

Come on, let's watch Athena too.


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I'm here for you Jung In. I will always be here for you. this is because....


He wanted a Christmas present and I didn't have any to give because I had no money. This was one year after you were born and I was broke because I didn't know how expensive it would be to raise a child. So I gave you up because he actually wanted an HEIR for a present. He gave me lots of money in return so I could give gifts to children all over the world. He's still one of my main financial supporters to this very day.

I'm sorry I gave you away to Jung Seok. But I'm proud of you because you care so much for Mary, Seojoon and Mu-Gyul (but don't you think you care for Seojoon and Mu-Gyul too much?!). Caring for others is the Klaus trademark. *ho ho ho!!!!*

Come and visit me some time. It's Christmas so I'll give you all the things you want (as long as Jung Seok won't cut my funding). You don't even have to give me a back hug. If you come, you can also take the conditioner gift basket I was planning to send out to Mu-Gyul.



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p.s. this is the birth secret everyone's been waiting for! this is also why jung in speaks german now!

ho ho ho ho ho!


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Hello Papa Klaus. I am your son Jung In Klaus.

Papa Klaus, I am so sader. They gonna kill me next ep. They gonna make me roll down hiller! Papa Klaus, I am scarer!!!!

That bad daddy you sell me to he one bad daddy. He maker me wear short long pants. My ankles they freezer now they blacker in colour. That bad daddy he never backer hugger me. I so sadder.

Mae Ri she don't liker me. She liker that bad long-haired guy. I backer hugger her but she don't liker me. My fanser say I dancer sexy sexy for Mae Ri she will liker me. But if they killer me, I cannot dancer sexy sexy anymore! I am so sader. The long-haired guy he puncher my face, Papa Klaus. My face is blacker colour now just like my ankles. I am so sader.

Maybe I will run away to North Pole to be with you Papa Klaus. I want to backer hugger you. But you are fatter. So I will backer hugger half half. I so sadder I cannot backer hugger full full. But backer hugger half half is better than no better hugger. I want to backer hugger elves. I want to rider Rudolph and backer hugger his red nose.

So I will say HE HE HE to you Papa Klaus. I so sadder so I cannot say HO HO HO.


Your son,
Jung In Klaus


My Dearest Jung-In,

Don't fret dear boy. you will survive the roll down hill. You will not die. The moment you finish rolling down, stand up and head to the North Pole. I will ask Rudolf to meet you at the Incheon airport and he will back hug you when you meet. He also prepared warm socks for you so your ankles will no longer be black.

You can dance for my elves. I'm sure they will love it and will give you a life-size Mae Ri doll in return. We will give that long haired guy a conditioner with black hair-dye for punching your gaunt face.

Come join me in the North Pole. Mrs. Klaus is happy and prepared a lot of food. I brought Oska to sing for her this Christmas.

I will wait for you and your back hug here in our home in the North Pole. When you return, I'll try to talk to Jung Seok and see if he also likes a life size imitation Wi Mae Ri.

Don't be sad my little Klaus.

Until next episode... Ho ho ho!

All my love,
Papa Klaus


If mary sleeps with mugyul and jung in it would save the drama in 2 last scenes. i think they should be allowed to have some hot bed scene since they are 24 yrs old. i love this drama it makes me happy and toasty. for the haters watch different drama ,why hurt countless millions of fans all over the world to feel dissapointed. this mabe flop in korea but it is a huge success in throughout asia. some european countries and usa.So if you are korean you should be proud to have produced such a cute offsprings like Moon geun young and Jang geun suk . They are totally representing your country and fans are loving it


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i think they should be allowed to have some hot bed scene since they are 24 yrs old"""you're +18..but your idea will save the drama


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Frankly, I'm so glad this go-nowhere drama is ending soon, even though I love the interaction between MR and MG.

Seriously, one has to wonder who are the adults and who are the kids in this drama.

It's too bad that the talents of MGY, JGS and KJW were wasted in this drama.


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I agree. This may not be popular in Korea but this drama is popular overseas. Take for instance Philippines. Its largest network already brought the rights for this drama.

Have you also visited this drama's fan-pages in facebook? It's like United Nations out there, I still have to use google translate to understand their comments.


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"The Denial…it is strong with these people."



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Are you Yoda?


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Yoda I am. This show I like not. Crazy it is. Crossed over to the Dark Side it has.


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i love you! train me to be a jedi warrior master jedi!XD


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The force....it is strong with you young xOmiO7. Be Jedi you can. Name you must change. xObiO7 you will be. Love you I cannot. Train you I can.


Master Luke told me I'd find a message from you here Master Yoda.

I accept the change Master. xObiO7 i will be. I feel the force.... but of my dark side i fear... for a mother like Jung In's father I have.


"But just once I’d like for someone to say something in this drama, and for the other person to hear the words, compute their meaning, and reply like a functional human being."

GF, you hit the nail on the head with that statement!!
it basically sums up the major handicap of this drama...


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I just want Mary to make a "I do not want to marry Jung-In, I love Mu Gyul" mp3, set it on repeat, and make her dad listen until he gets it in his thick croonie head. His worst dad status is worse that Mu Gyul's mom's worst mom status. It's a competition between them to get the worst parent crown now.

At least with Jung-seok, we know he has this creepy fixation on Mary's mom, he can blame it on insanity, and, oh yea, he's a organized crime syndicate, not one for logical reasoning when one does not get what one wants. Even the yakuza is more honorable than him, Ninkyo Helper, man, get educated.


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I don't think it about her saying she love Mu-gul she has to show in her actions. The cuteness is only shown to Mu-gul she never shown in front of any one else. Mu-gul the one that always hugging her and saying cute thing in front of Jung In and Seo Jun. Mary is a word girl she need to start backing those powerful words with serious actions.

Mary ends up in predicament that I find questionable that not how you protect your love. I have seen to many kissing on the forehead, hand holding, piggyback rides and gift giving with Jung In that I don't find Mary and Mu-gul interaction to be truly sincere or should I say special. She a coward and a hypocrite, she tell Mu-gul he hasn't broken ties with Seo Jun, which we all know that not true, he barely give that girl the time of day, and never gave her hope, which I can't say the same for Mary.

I don't find Mary to be the forever, she lack what it takes to be a rocker girl which is strengh and confidence. She very similar to her father she don't see when she does wrong only know how to point or should I say pout about her misunderstanding of what is wrong. I think she a better fit for Jung In not because Jung in is better Mary just not good enough for Mu-gul!


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I agree with some of what you're saying about Mary. Though, she did show her "loyalty" somewhat when she saw SJ kissing MG goodbye. A lot of girls would think he's cheating right away, but she trusts him enough to not blow up in his face about it. Also, that Mary puts up with MG's mom shows me she's backing up what she's saying. She's already got her hands full with her dad, she didn't need another irresponsible adult mucking up her love life.

I agree there are moments when Mary's loyalty falters like indirectly leading Jung-In on by being so oblivious and nice because she feels obligated to him and his dad... and her trust in MG falters, but it's realistic in a relationship. There can't be absolute trust all the time, especially when SJ is still clinging onto MG.

I think we all want Mary to be stronger than she is right now. To stand up for her love in more ways than one. But in this episode, she's made her stand against crazy uncle, so like GF wrote, at least it's some progress.


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"I think she a better fit for Jung In not because Jung in is better Mary just not good enough for Mu-gul!"
I read this as "Mary isn't good enough for Mookyul, and Mookyul is better than Jung In." OUCH (for Jung In)!!!!!!
Other than that, I agree with the rest of what you said.


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I just want Jung In to be happy, Kim Jae Wook really needs to be the male lead in his next drama. I can't take it if he's gonna be the second-i-will-never-get-the-girl-lead again!

Let's just hope for a twist, it will be a better ending at least.


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I was so desperately wanna see Kim Jae Wook, I youtubed the last scene of this epi. aw. Haven't seen Bad Guy, kinda tempted to see it but haven't decide. Was it only suck or suck big time?

It would be nice to see Kim Jae Wook as the male lead and give us some red-hot kissing, wait, he did that and wore nothing but his undershort...in Antique Bakery. I mean kiss a girl..still enjoy "Antique" kiss though :)


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Bad Guy's ending didn't suck that much. The girl chose the main guy in the end, and then they don't even end up together. So I was like "HAAA! IN YOUR FACE!!!! You don't deserve one bit of Hong Tae Sung!!!!"
But, I think Hong Tae Sung/KJW had a happy ending, despite not getting the girl and leaving the family... like a weight has finally been lifted off of his shoulders, after the truth was revealed. So actually, I like the ending. Hong Tae Sung was happy, the girl ended up alone (the main guy wasn't bad. it just got a little weird towards the end, cuz it seemed like he had a double personality~ one normal, one scary and all about revenge), so I'm all good.
(Never cared for or liked the main girl Jae In, because she was like a gold digger and seemed fake with her actions towards Tae Sung)


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I would like to wish all the Beaners and OT'es, our Goddesses and the rest of the Dramabeans team Happy Holidays!!!!! *HUGS* :D :D :D :D


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Me, too! And to our cappers, a special "God bless you" for doing all this for .... nothing but the love/hate of drama!

I've said it before, but it's been a while, time to say it again:


(Did they hear that?? I was using my drunk party voice, I've been practicing for Christmas Eve.)


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I still love this drama, love JGS.
I haven't seen anybody(even professional singers) who has such a charming stage presence like Jang Geun Seok.His eyes, his voice,his body movements...... melt my heart, take my breath away.
Two more eps and I already miss him.


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I totally agree, if he decided to forego the dramas and movies for a singing career ......

He's just got IT in full caps, no stop, oozing out of every pore.


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Jung-in FIGHTING!!!!!!!!! Is it strange that I like him waaayyy better than Mu-gyul??????


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this is the type of emotion that was needed EARLIER
also, that back hug made me die <3
thanks for the recap ^^
the kidnapping was SO unneeded -__-
but at this point, i'm afraid (partly because we're nearing the end) that the conflict will last for 15 minutes of the next episode and not a whole episode to build tension....


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I definitely won't miss this drama when it ends.

But I sure will miss Jung In. He's the best part of this drama. sigh.


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I will miss him too. JKS is so cute but it's really Jung In who captured my heart in this drama. Looking forward to seeing him as main lead soon. :)


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@ JB and GF
Lots and lots of love to you both. I hope you have a wonderful holiday! :) *hugs*


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@ people who are offended

I think if you read carefully, Gf isn't bashing any actors at all. She is poking fun at the illogical parts of the story.

Also, The people who are commenting here aren't saying anything bad about the actors themselves, just about the characters they are portraying. It's a huge difference. :P
Please keep this important distinction in mind before you comment. Happy Holidays! :)


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I saw the same actors in different roles and absolutely loved them. In this drama I just felt that they were underutilized. I was not the only one that felt that way. Why do you think that the writers were switched half way. It was an attempt to salvage the show. But, unfortunately I think that the damage was already done.


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hear, hear, viola!! you've put it perfectly!! ;)

thanks so much, viola! ;)


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butthurt fans will be butthurt fans. it's the drama that sucks not the actors. i think they're playing their parts incredibly well.=)

jb and gf rock!^^ beaners are awesome!^^

i want jung in, jung seok, mu-gyul, seojoon, and mary commenting in the next recaps too!!!! those are soooo much fun to read!XD


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Forgotten me you have young jedi


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hahaha, i'm having fun just reading this threads comments!

i don't think i'm going to finish watching the drama because after this episode? Show, we are so over.

ps. I initially trailed this drama for JGS, but once it began, I am totally for JI!


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So this is what happens with dramabeans after Girlfridays sanity marbles are kidnapped.
Can't say I didn't enjoy it, but I do feel bad for Girlfriday, so I'll help you look for it. And then maybe you can return to how you used to be...


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Wow . A whole bunch of fans too afraid to go to MSOAN rehab! but afraid for OUR SANITY if we don't..........So we come to GROUP THERAPY here. Thanks, Drs GF and JB.


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I'm also in Team Jung In..


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thanks girlfriday!

WHOA !! What a charisma from KJW
with that unexpected hugged ! from Jung In !

released all his pent up emotions to do just the natural thing for a person to be in love,

some real love emotions atlas !! YES ! from this drama.


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Gawd, that back hug scene is my favorite scene in this drama so far! That scene just kills me..that soulful look, the heartbreaking introspection. That made me cry.

Well it's official in my book. KJW is way hotter than JKS!!


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yes,me too im in love with jung in


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I love Jung In too. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened to the ratings if Jung In were the lead instead. Sigh


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Yeah me too. I love Jung In. If he had been the lead, I would have watched this show ardently.


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Jung In always makes me want to cry. He's such a lonely soul. That back hug was heartbreaking. And she's going to reject him again and go chasing after MG? That is so sad. Remember when he kissed her in the rain? It was such a lovely kiss. Then he got punched. So I guess it's going to be a repeat letdown again. I really doubt he's going to end up with her. They wouldn't have put in so many lovey-dovey scenes between Mae Ri and MG otherwise. Still, I hope I'm wrong.


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Yeah, I kept re-watching the kiss in the rain. I was all giddy that he kissed her but sad because she'll probably reject him in the end. The kiss scene, the scene where he dreamed of his parents fighting, and the back hug scene were the best scenes for KJW. His acting is very good, but sadly there's barely any scenes to let him really act. BOO!

such a lonely lonely soul. Makes me wanna hug him. Makes me frustrated that Mary probably won't choose him in the end. Mookyul makes me frustrated with his jealousy, always breaking up the Jung In and Mary moments, even if it was just a friendly moment.


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Thank you girlfriday.

Jung In you broke my heart to pieces, I cried too with that hugged scene (K J W ! ). Hope Jung In will find a way out to be happy .

How will the screenwriter do with this scene that he had written ?? Better be logic from now on with 2 episodes left ....

Noticed it, both (m & s) having the same hairstyle, tying a bun on top of their head !!.


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