2010 Editors’ Picks [Year in Review, Part 5]
by javabeans
Here we are, Part 5!
As girlfriday said in her review, I’d also like to thank guest bloggers Dahee Fanel and thunderbolt for participating in this year’s year-in-review roundup. A particular thank-you goes out to GF herself for being so game to jump into this whole world of crazy with me, and I think you’ll all agree when I say that Dramabeans is better for her addition to it. I never fail to get a huge kick out of her wicked humor, or for Dahee’s frank and bold insights, or thundie’s thoughtful eloquence. We don’t always agree, but that’s exactly why I love hearing the differing points of views.
Most of all, thanks to the DB readership — that means you! — who have been so supportive, vibrant, and often laugh-out-loud funny. We don’t take you guys for granted, rest assured, and are honored by the community you’ve built here. It’s like a second home, which sounds like a metaphor but actually isn’t because with all the hours I spend here, it really IS one.
So here’s the last of the reviews! With that, we bid adieu to the past year and look forward to lots more laughs, craziness, and yes, head-pounding-WTF-ery in the new year. Bring it on, 2011.
Standing Egg – “First Christmas.” The song’s a day or two late, but no matter: Hope your Christmas (or other seasonal holiday) was merry! [ Download ]
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2010 Editors’ Picks
Joseon X-Files
javabeans: On its own, Joseon X-Files is a standout, weaving together story, direction, ambiance, and emotional threads while also succeeding at being a kick-ass sci-fi mystery thriller. But when you step back and compare it against the rest of the dramas this year (as we did when compiling this here list), it’s all the more noteworthy for standing so far ahead of the pack. It was exciting and driven by heart-pounding suspense, but had a brain behind all the stylish camera work and smart editing. As a whole package, it’s a gem of a near-perfect product. The k-drama landscape is better for counting Joseon X-Files among its ranks.
Honorable Mention: Jejoongwon, My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho
Jang Hyuk, Chuno
Dahee Fanel: There are always those actors whom you watch in a few shows and think, “Huh. He’s decent,” and then you immediately forget about them once they’re not actually in front of you. Jang Hyuk was one of those actors for me. He’s been around for years, and has always shown good performances and potential, but he’s never really tapped into it…until now. His performance in Chuno was a tour de force of passion and power, the kind of acting that left me breathless and in shock at what he had become. Here he holds nothing back, and BECAME Dae-gil, a human being whom you couldn’t always like, but who always felt real. His emotions were so raw and viscerable that I felt they were reaching out of the screen to dig into my chest and clutch at my heart. His performance elevated Chuno to make it become an even better drama than it was. How many actors can boast of that?
Rain, Runaway Plan B
javabeans: Most acting awards — Western, Asian, or otherwise — tend to use dramatic acting as the default, but I credit Rain’s performance in Runaway Plan B to his comedic skills as much as his dramatic ones. While I didn’t always love his character’s cheesetastic flirt mode, I really believed in Ji-woo’s integrity as a person underneath the frivolous jokester exterior, even when his partner, Lee Na-young, wasn’t so sure. Playing a cocky lothario who uses laughter as a coping mechanism, Rain managed to weave together Ji-woo’s glib humor and serious intensity into an intricate net, then switched back and forth between the two with ease and, more importantly, emotional credibility. Also? Dude can fight.
Honorable Mention: Hyun Bin (Secret Garden), Park Yong-woo (Jejoongwon)
Moon Geun-young, Cinderella’s Sister
girlfriday: Moon Geun-young had a hell of a year. I can’t say that either of her dramas didn’t each drive me crazy in their own sadistic way, but through no fault of hers, that’s for sure. The Nation’s Little Sister transformed herself in her most memorable role to date, the one that really made me stand up and take notice of her for the first time. Gone was the sweet and innocent young ingenue, and in her place stood a heartbreakingly wounded, feral animal, otherwise known as Eun-jo the friendly neighborhood porcupine. Moon called forth a darkness and an angst from the depths of her soul, and she exuded the raw emotion in every fiber of her being. She was utterly mesmerizing, and the fact that she followed it with Mary and made that character equally believable is a testament to her phenomenal range.
Shin Eun-kyung, Flames of Desire
thunderbolt: In a 50-episode drama, you expect the lead actress to take her time easing into her role, so that her character can be unpeeled like the skin of an onion. You certainly do not expect her to knock your jaw to the floor in the very first episode and to trample on said jaw until it’s a bloody mess. This is a leading performance like no other in the last few years; I tried to think of another actress who could match Shin Eun-kyung in sheer mesmerizing power, but no, she made even Go Hyun-jung in last year’s Queen Seondeok look like a lamb. Whether you love or loathe Flames of Desire, there’s no question about its lead actress’s performance. She simply has no equal this year. Is her Yoon Na-young just vastly misunderstood as a wife and mother, or is she shaping up to be the villain of all time? There’s no telling at this point because this is one character you can’t pin down.
Honorable Mention: Kim Ji-hyun (My Sister’s March)
Kim Gab-soo, Cinderella’s Sister, Jejoongwon, Sungkyunkwan Scandal, Joseon X-Files, Home Sweet Home, and every drama ever
Dahee Fanel: This has really been Kim Gab-soo’s year. Not only did he act in a billion and a half dramas (as well as a movie and a sitcom), he also acted in many of them simultaneously, often portraying completely different characters. Which isn’t that rare for a veteran actor used to playing supporting roles to do. But he managed to be memorable in every single role, and also upped his popularity considerably, which is something that not everyone can claim. Whether it was as the slimy villain in Merchant Kim Mandeok, the stern father in Sungkyunkwan Scandal, the World’s Best Stepdad in Cinderella’s Sister, or the mystery man with the pipe in Joseon X-Files, he gave depth and charisma to every character he took on, and lit up the screen with his very presence. It also helps that he has the sexiest eyes of a K-drama ahjusshi evaaaaah. And yes, in case you were wondering: He’s MINE.
Lee Mi-sook, Cinderella’s Sister
javabeans: Lee Mi-sook’s character was based on the familiar archetype of Cinderella’s Evil Stepmother, but she made Kang-sook into so much more than that. Hard, calculating, and selfish up the wazoo, she’s a character you’d expect to hate as a stereotypical stand-in for the kdrama villain… if only Lee Mi-sook hadn’t given her such dimension. While you could hardly admire her, you had to admire her resourcefulness and deftness at self-preservation, which sometimes yielded devilishly funny moments (her feigned hysteria at a funeral? Hilarious). Underneath her cold, manipulative shell (albeit one thick and impenetrable enough to rival the Great Wall of China), there was a woman who felt self-loathing, guilt, and love. Though she’d sell her daughter before admitting it to anyone else. Lee Mi-sook was commanding and fascinating, and above all entertaining.
Eom Ji-won, The Woman Who Still Wants To Marry
girlfriday: She had her whole wedding planned, right down to who would catch the bouquet…all she needed was a man. Jung Da-jung is that friend we all have, whose single-minded obsession with marriage lands her in the wackiest of situations, but Eom Ji-won also managed to imbue her with such empathy, and loneliness, and love. It’s hard to be emotionally vulnerable, and even harder to be funny while doing it; Eom was pitch-perfect as the Chanel-wearing, guru-chasing girl on a marriage mission who wore her heart on her designer sleeve.
Honorable Mention: Sung Hyun-ah (Flames of Desire)
thunderbolt: How many actors acted their hearts out in this war drama? I started counting and gave up after I ran out of fingers and toes. In a cast of hundreds, so many stood out in Comrades it’s unfair to single out just a few for special mention. Whether playing a general or just an unnamed soldier, an old village elder or a child, everyone delivered in this heart-wringer of a drama. In a year of exceptional ensembles (because this was such a great year for kdramas!), you can’t watch this ensemble and not be moved or changed. The group camaraderie is the best this year, as though these actors have worked together all their lives. When a character in Squad One goes missing or is killed, the sense of loss is so palpable it’s like losing a piece of one’s body. It’s no wonder fans of the drama can’t listen to the lyrics of the theme song and not experience an onrush of tears. “O friend, my dear friend. I will never forget you until the day we meet again.”
The Woman Who Still Wants To Marry
thunderbolt: This was my favorite ensemble until Comrades came along, but it is still tops for giving me the most toasty-warm-from-head-to-toe feelings. Everyone jelled in this drama that repeatedly made me burst out in raucous laughter. Their individual comic timing was perfect but as a whole they brought the house down. But I love this perfect rom-com not just because it made me light-headed with joy, I adore it for the chemistry between the cast members. Be they playing best friends, housemates or soul mates, they obviously had so much fun together. Each role was expertly cast, with Park Jin-hee and Eom Ji-won as standouts. This is one drama to watch over and over, its ebullience carrying you along on its heady and heartfelt way.
Honorable Mention: Sungkyunkwan Scandal
Joseon X-Files
Dahee Fanel: Here’s a fact: Joseon X-Files would not have been the amazing drama it was without the brilliant directing. With this kind of story, with a mixing of the sageuk and sci-fi genres, execution is everything. And JXF got execution down to an art. From the fascinating camerawork to the gorgeous lighting to the tight editing, it made the already wonderful script seem even more genius, and captured the actors’ best moments. It’s enough to make you count down the days until Kim Heung-dong announces his next drama.
Honorable Mention: Bad Guy, Chuno
Joseon X-Files
javabeans: Sometimes cryptic, sometimes elusive, Joseon X-Files doesn’t hand you the easy answer or dumb its story down. It assumes its viewership is smart, and therefore makes you feel smart when you start to put together the clues, seeing how the pieces fit together in the world they’ve created. No, it doesn’t wrap up everything in a neat bow, but for a show whose premise is all about the unknowability of absolute Truth, we could hardly expect the key to the universe. Instead, the drama raised questions and showed us the path to various different possible answers, allowing us to determine what Truth meant to us, just as its main character does over the course of his journey into the world of the supernatural. Sharp, mysterious, fascinating.
Honorable Mention: My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho
Sungkyunkwan Scandal
javabeans: Stately, uplifting, dignified on one hand. Cheery, playful, animated on the other. A drama that combines the giddy schooltime antics of energetic, hormone-driven young scholars (and a crossdressing girl) with the gravitas of court politics and government intrigue needs a score/soundtrack to encompass all extremes of its material, and somehow Sungkyunkwan Scandal’s music does it. Whether we’re talking lush, delicate instrumentals or even the occasional modern pop song, the music enhanced the drama of the moment while refraining (mostly) from being overbearing (I admit to finding a few modern selections a bit jarring). Just as a particular scent can take you back to a specific childhood memory, listening to the soundtrack now calls to mind particular scenes and fills me with corresponding feelings of youthful optimism, idealism, and/or giddiness. I’d say it’s done its job.
Honorable Mention: Flames of Desire, Bad Guy, Jejoongwon
My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho
javabeans: You know what makes a good comedy great? When it makes me cry as heartily as it makes me laugh. Granted, the ratio of laughs to tears was (thankfully) skewed much more heavily in favor of laughs with My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho, as it should be. Furthermore, the humor was often rooted in fundamental themes that drove the drama, tying the comedy thematically into the mythology of the narrative. Double bonus points. Scenarios included Mi-ho’s adorable explorations of what it means to be human, whether it’s eating her face cream (“Yum!”) or using cows as a barometer of all that is good in the world. Add to that a wimpy hero and an assertive heroine who was unashamed to want love (and skinship!); Gumiho spun common tropes on their heads to give us comic beats that were as refreshing as Mi-ho’s favorite bubbly-fizz water.
Harvest Villa
Dahee Fanel: Comedy is one of the most difficult of art forms, so when one succeeds at it, the taste of it is that much sweeter. Harvest Villa is one of those comedies that comes along only every once in a long while. It’s a riotously funny show, but it also has a dark side, as the best comedies do. It’ll use a moment of extreme tension and then turn it around at the last minute to force a surprised laugh out of you. It’s smart, never too over-the-top, and has great timing. True, the comedy petered off in the second half in favour of more suspense and darkness, but ultimately it was a show that really understood the strength of laughter, and the humour in little moments.
Honorable Mention: The Woman Who Still Wants To Marry
thunderbolt: Set during the twilight years of the Joseon dynasty, during an era of tumultuous change, this drama is unwavering in its vision: a faithful retelling of a historical event that many people aren’t aware of. The writing stays focused through the 20-year span of the drama’s story, beginning and ending with one man’s astonishing journey from butcher in a despised caste to surgeon in Korea’s first Western-style hospital. Interwoven with that central story are other stories that will grip and move you. The directing is splendid and always sensitive, with cinematography that is achingly beautiful but never self-engrossed. Straddling both the ancient and the modern, the sets and costumes are reinvented with grace and boldness. Yoo Seok-ran’s (Han Hye-jin) hanboks are a visual feast in themselves, so much so you want to steal both her clothes and her dad!
Joseon X-Files
thunderbolt: Unidentified flying objects and otherworldly occurrences in 17th-century Joseon? This is the basic premise of this masterpiece of a drama. Fabulously written, directed and acted, and also barrels of fun, Joseon X-Files is both awe-inspiring and humbling. (No drama will make you feel smaller this year.) It tells multiple stories, each one beguiling in itself, but its message is singular: the Truth is out there and it’s stranger than anything we can imagine. Helmed by a small but fantastic cast, and imbued with a pulsating energy that will suck you in and leave you breathless, this cable drama has done what no other period drama has managed to do before: make ancient Joseon suddenly hip and happening. We demand a sequel or two, Station!
Honorable Mention: Sungkyunkwan Scandal, King Geunchogo
Dahee Fanel: My heart still beats a little faster when I remember all those scenes of chaser versus chased, the gorgeous fight sequences that emphasized every straining muscle in the actors’ gleaming bodies, and the sharp editing and exciting music that heightened the tension that much more. The scenes were also very creative, using different tools to make them feel fresh each time, such as the three-on-three fight, or the fight on the beach with emphasis on the rippling of water. And best of all, the action ultimately had an emotional throughline – you sat on the edge of your seat while watching Dae-gil chasing Tae-ha because you wondered if THIS would be the time he would finally encounter the love of his life, Un-nyun. How could it possibly get any better than that?
Runaway Plan B
javabeans: It comes as no surprise, then, that the same writer-director-production team that did Chuno also brought us Runaway Plan B. Runaway’s action sequences were plentiful and creative, and to make up for their excess (lots of running without enough plot movement made for some repetitive episodes early on), the drama gave us a cornucopia of innovative fighting methods and backdrops — in cars, on high-rises, onto trains, among crowds, underwater. Initially played for slick entertainment, we soon got to see the emotional undercurrent driving the best fight scenes, which revolved around a wrongly accused Ji-woo struggling to prove his innocence, against the cop who was at first convinced of his guilt and then came around as grudging ally. Then the goofiness stepped aside to up the stakes and allow real danger to befall our underdog Casanova, making for a fun, sometimes silly, sometimes intense thrill ride.
Jung Bo-seok as Jo Pil-yeon, Giant
thunderbolt: In one of the most chilling scenes of the year, a father bashes his grown-up son with such viciousness it causes his unflinchingly loyal lackey to scream out, “Stop! You’re going to kill him!” But nothing stops Jo Pil-yeon, least of all blood ties. This man will do everything to get what he wants. See how his eyes gleam, with nefarious intents, as he gazes upon a little boy; it’s enough to make our blood curdle. In this 60-episode drama, no one laughs as much as this villain, but it is laughter that terrifies rather than titillates. So frightening is Jo Pil-yeon, it’s the first time that I do not care for a Jung Bo-seok character. The times that I watched this veteran actor previously, he played flawed humans who possessed a certain charm that made you waffle between dislike and grudging admiration. But not this time. I watched transfixed as usual, because this actor is gold, but I couldn’t wait for his character’s comeuppance and eventual downfall. For making Jo Pil-yeon this year’s most unforgettable villain, thanks and no thanks, Jung Bo-seok.
Kim Hye-ok as Madam Shin, Bad Guy
girlfriday: You better watch out/ You better not cry/ You better not pout/ I’m telling you why/ Santa Claus is coming to town/ He knows when you’ve been killing/ He knows when you’re a snake/ He knows if you’ve been bad or good/ So be good for goodness sake/ You better not gloat/ You better not lie/ You better go choke/ I’m telling you why/ Santa Claus is coming to town
Lee Seung-gi & Shin Mina, My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho
girlfriday: Dimples, Ahoy! What these two lacked in maturity, they made up for in sweet, unadorned, bask-in-the-sun sincerity. They made us cry when it rained, swoon when they they touched, and die of laughter when Mi-ho wanted some lovin’… which was all the time. Of the twenty(!) dramas I watched this year, this was the only couple who moved my stone-cold tear ducts to let loose the floodgates. For that alone, they deserve a prize. One giant chicken leg, coming up. I felt just like Woong on that fateful first day: as soon as this couple entered my life, they stuck to me like superglue. They defied the laws of the universe to be together. What could possibly be more romantic than that?
Kang Ji-hwan & Park Shi-yeon, Coffee House
javabeans: Coffee House had its uneven spots, and there were probably bubblier, cuter romance dramas this year. But the relationship between Kang Ji-hwan and Park Shi-yeon is one that stands out for skirting clichés, as well as being mature and passionate rather than being the cute puppy-love dynamic that characterizes so many trendies. These two are best friends before they’re lovers, and carry relationship baggage into their romance, lending it a dash of realism. She’s strong, feisty, and utterly winning, while he uses his eccentricity as a defense mechanism. But when you cut through facades and comic gags, the love between them is palpable and imbued with emotion.
Honorable Mention: Lee Seon-kyun & Gong Hyo-jin (Pasta), Park Yong-woo & Han Hye-jin (Jejoongwon)
Yoo Ah-in & Park Min-young, Sungkyunkwan Scandal
thunderbolt: We knew where Yoon-hee’s heart lay, but that did not stop us from wishing fervently for a miracle: a Yoon-hee twin or clone. What we would do for Jae-shin’s happiness! From the instant he saw and saved her, his curiosity grew, even if he professed otherwise. He asked her never to appear before him again, but when she did, his heart skipped a beat and soon gave him away; he could not help the hiccups. The first to discover her true identity, that she was a woman in disguise, he protected her in a way that made us swoon and giggle. She in turn adored him as she would a brother or best friend; he was the one she sought when she was beset with doubts or just needed someone to talk to. They were two puppies at play, bantering with such ease it made a certain someone jealous and confused. Jae-shin had never smiled so gleefully on the Sungkyunkwan campus until Yoon-hee came along, nor hurt so deeply. In an alternate universe, they would be the perfect couple. Hear our prayers, ye drama gods!
Honorable Mention: Lee Tae-ran & Kim Myung-soo (Comrades), Jung So-min & Lee Tae-sung (Playful Kiss)
Yoo Ah-in & Song Joong-ki, Sungkyunkwan Scandal
girlfriday: It’s the bromance that spawned the fanfic boom of the century. And Lawd have mercy, for some of those youtube videos were just, um, Idon’tknowbecauseIdidn’twatchanyofthem-onrepeatIswear. Now we know what the REAL scandal at Sungkyunkwan was all about. Ahem. But beyond the subtext was a friendship that was as grounded as it was noble and heroic. Yong-ha’s unparalleled affection for his tough-guy bestie was the sweetest surprise of the year. Who says your BFF can’t be the love of your life? Relationships come and go, but a true blue friend is for keeps. It should be the highest compliment you could pay to a friend: You’re the Jae-shin to my Yong-ha. Or vice versa depending on who’s the bigger badass.
Gu Mi-ho (Shin Mina), My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho
girlfriday: I was ready to throw down on this one. **waves fists ineffectually** This category had a four-way tie, but I bullied everyone for the win. Because, HELLO, gumiho totally trumps human! Mi-ho was a revelation. Two parts Anya (centuries old being who takes everything literally) and one part newborn (wide-eyed with wonder), she brought a whole new kind of heroine to the k-drama landscape. The most impressive thing about her wasn’t even her super-strength or her ability to eat her weight in cow, but her unflinching open heart for her one and only Woong-ah. She made love look easy, and life seem precious. Best. Character. Ever. **finger guns**
Honorable Mention: Seo Eun-young (Park Shi-yeon) in Coffee House, Park Il-kwon (Kim Roe-ha) in Comrades, Hwang Jung (Park Yong-woo) in Jejoongwon
Yoo Ah-in, Sungkyunkwan Scandal
thunderbolt: If you poll Sungkyunkwan Scandal viewers, you’ll likely find that some think Micky Yoochun acquitted himself well, while some others want him to stick to singing. Try finding such a divide where Yoo Ah-in is concerned. Everyone, and I mean practically everyone, loves our Guh-ro. As far as I can remember, there has never been a breakout performance like this one, where the second male lead in a drama is loved so universally and fiercely. The moment Yoo Ah-in’s Moon Jae-shin appeared in the marketplace in Episode 1, a bidding war broke out among viewers. “Mine, mine!” chants rang out; by the end of the drama, new YAI-dedicated blogs had sprung up and reams of fanfiction penned in his honor. Those who had watched him before marvelled at the newfound fervor even as they themselves were swept along; they always knew he could act, but holy cow, the Yoo Ah-in in SKKS was startlingly different. He nailed every scene and broke our hearts in tandem with how his own broke, he acted with such strength and also gentleness. Never has scruffy been this gorgeous.
Honorable Mention: Jung So-min (Playful Kiss)
Road No. 1
Dahee Fanel: I will never forgive MBC for ruining a potentially good (or even great) drama by pushing the brilliant Kim Jin-min out of the main director’s chair, and replacing him with that sorry excuse for a PD named Lee Jang-soo. Road No. 1 should not have become the mess that it did, and my heart bleeds to this day at the thought of what it could have been. I mean, sure, Han Ji-hoon is a very flawed writer, but he worked with Kim Jin-min in Time Between Dog and Wolf too, and that drama was simply cracktastic. No, I have to blame it all on Lee Jang-soo, who insisted on emphasizing the romantic storylines, and made it painfully obvious every time he directed a scene. It is him I blame for the bad acting, him I blame for the incredibly schizophrenic mood, and him I blame for what is my biggest disappointment of the year.
Mary Stayed Out All Night
girlfriday: You take Jang Geun-seok, Moon Geun-young, and Kim Jae-wook, put them in a trendy rom com, and THIS is what you get? How is that even mathematically possible? By all accounts this should have been Full-House-meets-You’re-Beautiful. Instead it’s a cautionary tale for drama writers: knowing that they’re cliches does not make it subversive. If there’s ever a drama that wasted its talent, it’s Mary, bar none.
Honorable Mention: Personal Taste
Sohn Ye-jin, Personal Taste
Dahee Fanel: Sohn Ye-jin is one of the most talented young actresses working in Korea today. End of story. So why did she agree to star in something like Personal Taste, which wasted her immense talents so? It is true that it has been a very bad year for K-actresses in Chungmuro, with few meaty roles for them to choose from. So it’s understandable if she figured that this was a good time to flex her romcom acting muscles a little more, and widen her audience. But couldn’t she have chosen a romcom that at least understood what kind of talent it was working with? Couldn’t she have chosen to play a character that actually widened her scope as an actress? Oh well. I’m just going to pretend Personal Taste never happened, and wait eagerly for her to choose her next (hopefully better) project.
Honorable Mention: So Ji-sub (Road No. 1)
Baker King Kim Tak-gu
Dahee Fanel: Baker King is a perfect example of makjang, the kind of show that throws all integrity to the winds and opts to do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, for the sake of ratings and money. Each episode I watched had me rolling my eyes and laughing out loud at parts it clearly meant to be serious. It is predictable and brainless, and yet it garnered over 50% in ratings in Korea. That’s good news for the cast and crew, but it was annoying for everyone not caught up in the hype to be faced with it wherever they went. With this show’s success, it signals to broadcasters that makjang works, and makes them keep dishing out the same old tripe, over and over again, in hopes of repeating the previous dramas’ successes. I can’t wait for this trend to be over. (It will end eventually…right? Please say yes!)
thunderbolt: It began with a bang, pulling in 23% ratings (4th in the nation) and then took off like a speed demon from Episode 5, never once relinquishing its lead in the Wednesday-Thursday primetime slot. It even saved the best for last; the night it aired its final episode, 36% of households were tuned in. If only it were deserving of that sort of following. This was a drama eagerly anticipated for months before its airing, as it teased and excited with its seductive stills and trailers. It lured us in with its opening desert scene, so jaw-dropping in its beauty. And then it slowly dawned on us, with disconcerting clarity, that our expectations of greatness were just a mirage in the making. The plot meandered along, losing its bearings in pursuit of style rather than a solid story. Its characters, most of them, left us cold and eventually disinterested. It was never really bad a drama, with masterful directing that got carried away, but it could have been so good.
Honorable Mention: Sungkyunkwan Scandal
The Woman Who Still Wants To Marry
girlfriday: It came and went quietly on the drama landscape, but this funny, true-to-life, heartfelt comedy about the friendship between three thirtysomething women is definitely this year’s diamond in the rough. It takes three very different friends on a journey through harsh, side-splitting, and heartbreaking moments in life and love, to help them discover that age is just a number, life never goes the way you plan it, and family is the friend who scrapes you off the asphalt when life gets you down. Literally.
Honorable Mention: Jejoongwon, My Sister’s March, Freedom Fighter Lee Heo Young
Micky Yoochun, Sungkyunkwan Scandal
javabeans: There were a LOT of idol stars in the drama world this year. With this trend comes a stigma that has become attached to idol-actors (Korea even coined a new word, the 연기돌, akin to saying the act-dol, or id-act — yeah, it doesn’t translate well). While that fear/skepticism is often proven true, a number of idols held their own. Micky Yoochun was one of the idol-actors under the most scrutiny — to be tackling a debut in a lead role and a historical piece — and surprised many by being…well, not bad at all. To be honest I can’t say he was revelatory, but he gave Sun-joon a fitting noble, principled air. Was it good acting or good casting? Probably a bit of both; ultimately what mattered to me was that I bought him as Sun-joon and thoroughly enjoyed his and Yoon-hee’s nerdy romance without once thinking, “If only he weren’t an idol-actor, we could have had a better Sun-joon…”
Honorable Mention: Taecyeon (Cinderella’s Sister)
Kim Hyun-joong, Playful Kiss
javabeans: You write this blurb!
girlfriday: No, YOU do it!
javabeans: I can’t. You saw the uproar when I called him a bad actor.
girlfriday: But do you disagree with that?
javabeans: Um… is this mic on? *tap tap*
girlfriday: I be scared of hate mail.
javabeans: I get WAY more hate mail than you do!
girlfriday: Because you’ve been running the site for four years. That’s bound to add up.
javabeans: He’s back to having straight hair. I have nothing positive to say.
girlfriday: But…fangirls are scary.
javabeans: YEAH they are.
Yoo Ah-in, Sungkyunkwan Scandal
girlfriday: Is it just me, or was it the Year of Hair? I’ve watched k-dramas pretty much my whole life, but never have I noticed such an emphasis placed on hair: from idol oppa perms to 80s rock mullets, hair took on a life of its own this year, and went beyond just the latest fashion craze. In some cases it was the make-or-break IT factor that turned actors into characters, became dominant character traits themselves, and even became plot devices to chart characters’ emotional changes. The honor of Most Glorious Mane of Glory goes to Yoo Ah-in, whose transformation from cutie pie into Badass Messenger Hottie was ALL ABOUT THE HAIR. Honorable Mentions include: Jang Geun-seok (Mary Stayed Out All Night) for Most Glorious Mane of Androgyny, Moon Geun-young (Cinderella’s Sister) for Most Glorious Mane of Angst, Kim Bum (The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry) for Most Glorious Mane As Grand Gesture, and Noh Min-woo (Rock Rock Rock) for Most Glorious Mane of Rock.
Annnnnd…. that’s it! Onward to the new year!
- 2010 Year in Review, Part 4: Objects in mirror are closer than they appear (girlfriday’s review)
- 2010 Year In Review, Part 3: Heady with a chance of ho hum (thunderbolt’s review)
- 2010 Year In Review, Part 2: Finding the gems among the stones (Dahee Fanel’s review)
- 2010 Year In Review, Part 1: A year of surprises and disappointments (javabeans’ review)
- 2010 Beanie Awards: Vote for your favorite dramas of the year
- 2009 Editors’ Picks [Year In Review, Part 6]
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Baker King Kim Tak-gu, Cinderella's Sister, Coffee House, Editors' Picks, Eom Ji-won, featured, Giant, Jang Hyuk, Jejoongwon, Joseon X-Files, Jung Bo-seok, Kim Gab-soo, Kim Hyun-joong, Lee Mi-sook, Micky Yoochun, Moon Geun-young, My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho, Personal Taste, Rain, Runaway Plan B, Shin Mina, Sohn Ye-jin, Sungkyunkwan Scandal, The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry, year in review, year in review 2010, Yoo Ah-in
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December 26, 2010 at 8:25 PM
YES! thanks so much! ive been waiting for this :)
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December 27, 2010 at 8:28 AM
Where is secret garden? I am a little sad that my most love drama of 2010 did not get mentioned at all, where some that did not even got recapped her got mentioned. Am I the only one who thinks this drama is one of the best dramas of 2010?
But either way I love this review and agree with most of it (where is secret garden?) and LOL the "WORST USE OF AN IDOL STAR" is hilarious!!!!
Can SG at least be included in best hot kiss ever!!!
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December 27, 2010 at 11:15 AM
SG's not over yet. The writers still have six episodes left to screw up...
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December 27, 2010 at 11:17 AM
to be fair...secret garden is still airing...
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December 27, 2010 at 1:04 PM
Is MSOAN still airing or has it finished? :)
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December 27, 2010 at 1:03 PM
haha~i was thinking the same thing! (yes...i LOVE this drama! my fav of 2010/2011!) but i guess like what others said, its not over yet....hopefully it'll make it on next year! :D
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December 27, 2010 at 10:25 PM
SG is my favorite drama of 2010 too!
I love HyunBin&HaJiWon <3
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December 28, 2010 at 2:13 AM
me too..LOL non stop 'WORST USE OF AN IDOL STAR' hahahahaha...
SG would be included next year maybe...aahh..i kinda agree with all ur choices! ^^
best drama : BAKER KING...but maybe cuz i haven't watched joseon - x files...
but well thanks all..
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April 22, 2011 at 12:59 AM
for me, secret garden started off with a bang. i loved ha ji won's character in the beginning because, i'll admit it, she was hot and she when got on her bike to chase after that guy, well, she'd already won me over. as the drama went on, i felt like her character's presence just disappeared. it was a heart breaking moment for me when i realized she wasn't going to return to that character but would become, gasp, that damsel in distress. the drama kind of ended half way through for me but i endured until the end just to see the end.
i feel like secret garden should replace chuno as most overrated. it started off with a bang but when the characters did the switch, hyun bin did not do a good job with playing what's-her-name. i also felt like there was no point to the switch at all. the drama would have continued on had there been no body-switching. of course, this is just my personal opinion. my niece adored it for some reason. lol.
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December 28, 2010 at 11:03 AM
nice save javabeans on worst use of an idol lol. but i strongly agree with u.
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February 15, 2011 at 5:28 PM
I agree about Miho in My Girlfriend is a Gumiho as the most favorite character. :)
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2 Lady Seoul
December 26, 2010 at 8:25 PM
Awesome first time to be first! haha. <3
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Lady Seoul
December 26, 2010 at 8:27 PM
Close, haha. Thanks so much for all the reviews! Read everyone one of them. Am now watching some dramas I didn't because of the review. Seems like I missed a few good ones. <3
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Lady Seoul
December 26, 2010 at 8:47 PM
Oh! Man! GF you seriously make me LOL!
**Finger Guns** haha!
Hands Down Best Year & Review<3
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3 fanny
December 26, 2010 at 8:30 PM
LOL at JB and GF's debate on worst use of an idol star... you're the best and funniest recappers... thank you for all your hard works
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December 26, 2010 at 9:08 PM
LOL! Best review EVER!!
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December 27, 2010 at 5:08 PM
I would've agreed whole-heartedly that this is the best year-end REVIEW.......
...but can't you just stop the KHJ-bashing already? It sure leaves a sour taste in the mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!
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December 26, 2010 at 9:10 PM
Best review EVER!!! couldn't agree enough anymore LMAOL
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December 26, 2010 at 9:16 PM
hilarious! yes, fangirls are scary!! their idols do not have clay feet! :D
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December 27, 2010 at 12:55 AM
That's what I'm saying.
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4 hunterbear
December 26, 2010 at 8:32 PM
Lmao! Love it. Thanks you guys!! Now I want to watch Gumiho all over again.
Shin Min-ah+ Lee Seung-gi = love, love, love
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5 teali
December 26, 2010 at 8:33 PM
hoihoi couple!<33
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6 VanillaSalt
December 26, 2010 at 8:37 PM
woohoo first comment! lol. loved the part about Kim Hyun joong, its so true though. He IS the worst use of idol star!i think he either, needs more acting practice or goes back to being a pretty boy singer.
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December 26, 2010 at 8:38 PM
just kidding, im not first. I was when i was reading it.... :(
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December 27, 2010 at 6:42 PM
Why? are you a better actor than him? can you even act?
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December 27, 2010 at 11:01 PM
You don't have to know how to act to be able to judge how good someone's acting is..
Sorry fangirls, KHJ needs to work harder in his acting..or just stay in SS501 yup.
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December 27, 2010 at 11:33 PM
of course you have to...it takes one to know one...nd if you're not better than him...better shut your mouth up...ok?!!!
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December 31, 2010 at 12:07 PM
Do I need to be a baker to be allowed to judge if a piece of bread tastes good?
June 27, 2011 at 7:42 PM
oppa, i will support you although I've become scary fangirl, gosh......
you're acting always great for me, i've fallen in love with your new hair oppa,
sample of delusional fangirl, and why did you bothered to red dramabeans, please go to your idol forum
it make me afraid to judge bread now, cause ayala tell me i need to be good baker to judge taste of bread
December 27, 2010 at 11:35 PM
i don't think you don't need to be an actor to judge if someones good or not...
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December 27, 2010 at 11:44 PM
and you are not God to judge other people's capabilities...
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December 29, 2010 at 2:37 AM
you just proved that fangirls are scary..
December 27, 2010 at 10:46 PM
Haters are confused admirers who cant understand why everybody loves you. -Paulo Coelho
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December 28, 2010 at 12:10 AM
hey! vanillasalt who do you think you are saying KIM HYUN JOONG is the worst idol? definitely, KHJ is the BEST IDOL among the BEST. his acting career is not the topic here, but the effort his trying to give to all his supporters worldwide happy. you know what, maybe KHJ is not a good actor but definitely there's an OUNCE of GOODNESS in HIS HEART & HIS being HUMBLE that makes HIM so SPECIAL & LOVE by MANY worldwide. you better stop saying ungood things about KHJ. anyway you're not a fan of him so just ZIPPER YOUR STINGY MOUTH, okay....... or if you want, you can join with us, don't hesitate to ask if you want to be one of KHJ fans. you're always welcome with an open Heart. we, fans of KHJ love all those uneducated people like you . we pampered them with lots of LOVE & attention. sorry if i'm being rude but you're the one who started it....
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December 28, 2010 at 8:26 PM
See?!! hehehehe.. ROLF!!!! You GF and JB. The predictions is right!! Your mails will flood. Nothing against the idol, its just a comment.
But honestly, I dropped the Playful kiss at the middle part episodes, its boring! ** Peace you all the fans***
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December 29, 2010 at 2:43 AM
There is a difference between "the worst idol" and "the worst USE of an idol" I believe vanillasalt used the latter. Read more carefully next time...
Being a fan, you don't have to like everything about a celebrity. I love KHJ as an idol and as a person (i fell in love with him in We Got Married) but not as an actor. At least not until he proves himself.
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December 28, 2010 at 12:19 AM
vanillasalt what are you waiting for, join with us & be one of KHJ fans so that the BAD air you breath may change to Good air........
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December 30, 2010 at 11:19 PM
LOL oh my goodness. reading this post and the comments has thoroughly amused me.
my night has been made.
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April 21, 2011 at 5:31 AM
wow how old are you, five?
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7 yay
December 26, 2010 at 8:37 PM
This was great review! Thanks JB, GF, and all the guest bloggers. and you will def. not be getting any hate mail from me for calling Kim Hyun Joong the worst idol star actor. Lets hope our mind changes in the future :)
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8 monocot
December 26, 2010 at 8:38 PM
Thanks and here's to the new year!
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9 Jane
December 26, 2010 at 8:39 PM
Definitely agree on Park Si Yeon and Kang Ji Hwan :)
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10 langdon813
December 26, 2010 at 8:39 PM
I lub you guys so much. Wish I had more time to post like I used to, but rest assured I'm still hanging on every single word, every single day!
2010 was a such a great year for dramas and a wonderful year for DB with the addition of girlfriday. Can't wait for the rants and snarks of 2011 with you guys!
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11 Anon106
December 26, 2010 at 8:41 PM
I had a ton of fun with Gumiho. Nice that it makes your best comedy series. (:
Thank you guys for your fantastic work on this site. I love this place. Happy New Year!
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12 miss unknown
December 26, 2010 at 8:43 PM
LOL @ the comments on worst use of idol star/actor! LOL...it's so true though! He's good as an eye candY! I seriously only watches Playful Kiss for his goodlooks!! LOL...
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December 26, 2010 at 8:45 PM
omo.LOL..I love the conversation with the subject of worst use of an idol star. thank you for the review.
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14 danna
December 26, 2010 at 8:46 PM
Thank you sooooooooooo much!!!....i'm surprised JB didnt mention Kin Hyun Joong's hair in the mane of glory category which by the way is the best category ever.....LMAO.....and speaking of Kim Hyun Joong that biton him as the worst use of an idol was hilarious.....u girls are the best (all 4)...thank you so much and a Happy New Year to y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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15 indigowine
December 26, 2010 at 8:46 PM
No one would bash you both for allegedly trying to make Kim Hyun Joong as the worst used of idol this year.. cause he IS.
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16 Jinsight
December 26, 2010 at 8:48 PM
Personally don't think MGIAG was deserving of that many awards- it was cute, but bored me by episode 9. I tried forcing myself through the later episodes and ended up having to settle with reading the recaps and watching the few comic scenes (I was fast forwarding through nearly every minute). I guess if you buy the connection between the leads it'd be passable, but was a giant Meh in terms of story and acting for me.
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December 26, 2010 at 10:28 PM
I agree. MGIAG was amusing at first but it started boring me to where I lost interest entirely and I had to force myself to finish watching it. I fastfowarded through a lot of parts also and found myself rolling my eyes at the 'comedic' scenes because they were so lame and UN-funny to me. And I found both the story and acting to be rather weak and didn't care for it all.
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December 27, 2010 at 2:48 AM
Well, that's how you see it.
But still, as a romantic comedy genre, it really deserves to get the award, since you've mentioned that it was amusing and comedic.
However, it appeared to be boring on the next episodes since they need to resolve the conflict.
It is something that is not funny anymore, how should they rely on comedy just to solve their issue?
Come on, romantic comedy isn't just about being amused and not bored. True comedy should let us feel the emotions that we should feel at the moment. And I think what makes MGIAG a strong contender here.
It would take a lifetime (I think) to replace Delightful Girl Choon Hyang in our hearts but MGIAG was another Hong creation that I'm very proud of.
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December 27, 2010 at 2:48 AM
I agree too .
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December 27, 2010 at 2:52 AM
I am sorry , I agree to JJ and Jen : MGIAG was so boring after the first episode that I stopped and the recaps I read ( thanks to you all recapers ) did not give me the desire of watching the next .
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December 27, 2010 at 3:14 AM
I agree too, was surprised to see guniho in so many of the awards. Its a decent show to me vut it bore me too in its sexond hhalf.m though I'm also a lil surprised that SS was mentioned in overrated drama- I always thought it was too underrated!
Enjoyed this plenty though, thanks a lot you 4!
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December 27, 2010 at 4:27 AM
I usually love Hong sisters' dramas, but I agree with this.
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December 28, 2010 at 11:45 PM
100% agree...me also fast forwarding nearly every minute... but still want to know the ending...
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December 30, 2010 at 11:22 PM
I'm not going to lie, I really really wanted to like this drama. MGIAG is one of those shows that makes you want to love it because it's premises are so adorable and likeable!
But to be honest, I was only watching for Shin Mina after the third episode. She's beautiful and hilarious, I loved her as the gumiho!
Everything else seriously bored me.
But no worries, it was a good drama.
There was no good romcoms this year other than SKK Skandal so no hard feelings, esp because SKK is kind of straddling 4 different genres.
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17 Nano
December 26, 2010 at 8:51 PM
OH! It's out!
Thanks so much, JB and GF for the wonderful year, the wonderful posts, and the wonderful reviews. There's no doubt that your wonderful and incredible writing skills blow me away EVERY SINGLE TIME.
새해 복 많이 받으세요~!
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18 ly
December 26, 2010 at 8:52 PM
Well, i really think "Baker King, Kim Tak Gu" is the king of drama and rating of the year. Tak Gu's acting is very persuasive. The storyline is addicting and the setting is beautiful. I couldn't stop watching after episode 5.
I don't know why nobody mentioned "Life is Beautiful"...but it is one of the year greatest drama. The rating is very respectable and it was one of talk of the town dramas of the year. It also gained alot more K-drama fans oversea as well. Some of my friends here in Texas that never interested in K-drama before told me that they started to watch and love K-drama after seeing "Life is Beautiful"...
Anyway, other than that I agree with the rest of the editor-picks.
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December 26, 2010 at 9:06 PM
Call me a sucker but I loved Baker King, too. Just great acting and while cliched, a great plot. A feel good drama. Nothing wrong with makjang as long a it is done well, I say.
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December 26, 2010 at 9:15 PM
Agreed with both of you!
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December 27, 2010 at 12:00 AM
Agreed! I am no fan of makjang, but I loved King of Baking, Kim Takgu. It sort of started out like a trashy revenge melodrama, but turned out to be a beautiful story about wisdom and forgiveness, grappling with the big themes of life that romcoms rarely touch and portraying complex characters. I especially liked that no one was good or evil in the end -- the last conversation between the antagonist father and son was one of the most poignant k-drama scenes I've ever seen. Despite some obvious audience emotional manipulation and over-the-top yelling and crying scenes, I found this drama to have substance.
Maybe my tastes are changing. I loved You're Beautiful last year, but this year I couldn't get into Gumiho, Mary, Sungkyunkwan, Prosecutor, Champ, or any of the romcoms this year except Secret Garden and My Country Calls. I'm thinking of going back and starting Life is Beautiful, Giant, and some of the other more dramatic series.
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December 27, 2010 at 7:34 AM
i agree about baker king being a great drama. even though some may not like it because they think it's predictable because it's makjang and you sort of know where it's going, i think the predictability is part of its strength. why? because you know certain things/ending will happen and the gripping journey towards that expected ending makes it even more worth it when it finally comes. some dramas you think are great when they are open-ended or make you feel intelligent with it's not so straight-forward approach. But if you're given a heart and soul performance from a straight-forward drama, then even average people, or not-so-smart or whatever can appreciate it. that's why it appeals to a larger crowd. Sometimes, people just want a moving, simple, easy to understand drama with a heart. And that doesn't make it overrated.
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December 29, 2010 at 6:42 AM
I guess I'll join the sucker clan because I loved Baker King as well....though I love my share of highly intellectual and thematic dramas, I do love a little melodrama in my life and Baker King did a fantastic job!!! I was literally hooked from episode 1, yes it did have some over-acting and the plot could have been less "dramatic" however I think this is what the category "melodrama" is and Baker King did a fantastic job of bringing out different themes with the story.
I certainly don't think its the "best" drama of the year however I also think it should get its fair share of credit (and not in the form of being the most overrated lol). And I gotta add, this drama had the best break out actors....Yoon Shi Soon was phenomenal
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December 30, 2010 at 11:25 PM
I'm not going to lie, I thought Baker King was really interesting too. But unfortunately, especially near the end, I found that the plot started getting really wacky and the antics in the show were boring me.
I watched up to episode 18 ish and from then on fast forwarded through everything. I honestly didn't even need to watch the ending since it was kind of obvious what was going to happen (which it did, everyone lives happily ever after.)
I did think it was rather well thought out though, and I loved all the actors and actresses.
Makjang, but nonetheless it deserves at least some of its fanbase!
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January 12, 2011 at 10:52 PM
i second that!
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December 27, 2010 at 7:47 AM
give me yoon~ give me shi~ give me yoon~ give me YOON SHI YOON! xD
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19 Biankoy
December 26, 2010 at 8:54 PM
I sooo totally agree with most of your reviews!!!
The best actors and actresses awardees are really deeserving. and i couldn't help but laugh my guts off with your review of Kim Gab Soo! He was in everything that i watched this year! hahaha.
Thanks Dramabeans for this wonderful year!
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20 chriskk
December 26, 2010 at 8:57 PM
So so so so funny, yet so so so so true.
Girlfriday, you did good by being the last one standing in the fight for favourite character. Shin Mina rocks Gumiho!!
Love javabeans & girlfriday's "little chat" regarding worst use of an idol star! hands down the funniest part ever in this review.
2nd place goes to the various Glorious Mane Awards....spot on all of them, you did ^^
ah....this makes me wanna go re-watch all the dramas again
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21 Mel
December 26, 2010 at 8:58 PM
JB, GF, DF, Thundie...thanks for all your work, that makes us Kdrama addicts more addicted to dramas that are great and awesome and the non awesome, average and the so, so ones. All of you make me me glued to all kinds of dramas but it can't be helped there may be statements that can be unacceptable. But always, it's great to have this site to share a laugh, sad moments and just simply be entertained. My addiction is just growing worse and worse to any kind of drama that I take to and your recaps always bring enlightenment and "oh yeah... I didn't see that or naaa, that couldn't be.." I'm learning to talk to myself and it's amazing I really can hold long conversations with myself by just reading all your recaps!!!
Fighting to the Dramabeans crew, hope that you guys hold a convention since I don't think you can hold a concert. You know just have you guys talk and have us your faithful audience be there to ask questions afterwards. Really, how about a seminar on Kdramas, I'd be willing to pay just to meet you all. I mean, I am already aware that this addiction to Kdramas is incurable and have accepted.
Again, thanks to all of you for just making my Kdrama addiction get worse and worse!!! It's okey, I'm just loving all your points of view even when we don't agree...
... but really best use of mane category (?) Yoo Ah In--has been fascinating to me since Chil Woo--he was great there. I did love Chuno a lot, got me glued to the TV every week--those bare muscles and skin exposures didn't hurt at all and Dae Gil's devotion to Onion--one of the most heart wrenching love stories, though I didn't mind Onion ending up with Tae Ha... Coffee House--loved PSY's character--no self sacrificing heroine but someone strong and that the 2 female leads did not antoganize each other!!! What a breath of fresh air in Kdrama... if I could go on and on...
Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...simply happy holidays to all Dramabeans followers.
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December 26, 2010 at 9:08 PM
... I really liked Baker King... I cheated and watched it from Ep 24 on, still I understood the story and ended up liking it.. it's okey to cheat to get my daily kdrama fix (that's my stand)... of course my love for this year has to be Oh! My Lady, yeah I'm not the only one who did a lot of fangurling for Si Won--all you OML Angels out there join me!!! I loved Chae Rim for taking the role to let him shine, yeah it should have been called Oh! My Daddy... really, I could go on and on... thanks for this great forum ... I may be back later on to add more.... Oh yeah, there was My Country Calls/Call of the Country with Lee So Kyung and Ryu Jin--who stole the show... again thanks JB, GF, DF and Thundie...
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December 26, 2010 at 9:18 PM
"Oh yeah, there was My Country Calls/Call of the Country with Lee So Kyung and Ryu Jin–who stole the show..."
YES! I undoubtedly agree with you. Call of the Country has probably got to be the most underrated drama this year. It's a shame it got such low viewer ratings. Hana and DoHoon? Love them. Hahah, if only... ;P
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December 26, 2010 at 9:37 PM
"Ryu Jin–who stole the show…"
He was hilarious. I was watching it in the library during breaks between classes and got dirty looks when I snorted with laughter during his scenes (yes, hello run-on sentence). I tried watching the drama, but ended up just fast forwarding to his scenes. So funny!
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December 26, 2010 at 10:33 PM
his scenes were seriously the funniest of all dramas this year. i loved his character hahaha
December 27, 2010 at 12:09 AM
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who fell for Ryu Jin's Dohoon!
December 27, 2010 at 12:17 PM
Hahahah. Agreed! I usually don't fall for male characters that much in dramas... but DoHoon was definitely another story. He's so dorky... how can you NOT love him?
December 26, 2010 at 9:41 PM
you know, with a little bit of planning, we could totally make a Dramabeans convention HAPPEN... i'm positive. whaddya say??? :P
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December 26, 2010 at 9:42 PM
i think the site is popular enough to get a little bit of support, huh? and a couple acts, maybe? :P :P :P
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22 LL
December 26, 2010 at 8:59 PM
A wonderful read - thank you, and happy holidays!
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23 rayray
December 26, 2010 at 9:03 PM
hehe I m so happy Mi-ho won as fav character.
also must say, am glad to see am not the only one who has an inappropriate crush on Kim Gab-soo.:B
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December 27, 2010 at 7:03 AM
he's my fav ahjusshi ever.. but have you read this?
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December 27, 2010 at 8:14 AM
oohhhhh my goodness!!!
hahahahahaha!!*hugs D* I m having such a bad morning but this just cheered me up on so many levels!
hes too funny and cool!
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December 27, 2010 at 8:38 AM
Gee, this is hilarious! :D :D
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24 Mawiie
December 26, 2010 at 9:06 PM
Thanks a lot! Before the year ends I just want to say a big THANK YOU for all the hard (and awesome!) work JB and GF (as well as the guest recappers) have done this year. I'm sure that you hear it often, but we fans truly appreciate the heart and soul that you always pour into this website.
I wish you all a very Happy New Year, and may 2011 be a good drama year :D
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25 stars4u
December 26, 2010 at 9:07 PM
while reading this:
Best. Character. Ever. **finger guns**
I was doing the finger guns myself! LOL!!
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December 26, 2010 at 9:22 PM
me too! hoi-hoi!
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December 30, 2010 at 11:25 PM
me too! why is shin mina so cute!? LOL
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