Playful Kiss: Episode 14

Lordy, I didn’t think we’d EVER get here. But here we are, and what a breath of fresh air it is to see Robot Boy stepping up to own his feelings. What’s even better is what he does afterwards, because as awesome as the kissing is, it’s much more satisfying to see them steer each other towards growth, and maturity, and a sense of self that doesn’t make me want to lose my lunch.


Seung-jo’s jealousy-fueled, rain-soaked, you-can’t-love-anyone-but-me kiss leaves Ha-ni (and everyone else) a puddle of goo. At home, Dad is announcing their departure from the house, throwing everyone up in arms.

Just then, Seung-jo and Ha-ni arrive home, sopping wet. Mom sends them upstairs, but Eun-jo rushes up to his brother: “Oh Ha-ni is leaving!”

At that, Seung-jo does the unimaginable. He takes Ha-ni by the hand, sweetly interlocking their fingers, and announces that they have something to say. Omo! So soon?

Seung-jo: I want to marry Ha-ni.

Cue trumpets, dancing pandas, and stockpile of confetti. I seriously thought we’d be in for some more roundabout angst before he actually admitted the consequences of the Big Kiss, but hey, I’m all for forward movement. Bring back the Cute!

Mom squeals louder than twenty fangirls on speed, hugging Ha-ni and jumping up and down. Her statement to her son cracks me up: “Baek Seung-jo, why are you so awesome right now?” Hahaha.

Upstairs, Seung-jo says goodnight and Ha-ni stops him for a moment, scared that when they wake up, he’ll go back to being cold Robot Boy. He backhugs her (Who are you?) and casually tosses out, “Should we sleep together then?” Kyah! She buries her face in his chest, saying how much she likes him and that she never even imagined he’d like her back. Seung-jo: “Neither did I.” Heh, it’s dense, but totally honest.

Back at the restaurant, Duckie laments his stupid pushy move on Ha-ni earlier. Yeah, that was your downfall, buddy. He packs a lunch for Ha-ni and heads to campus to apologize…only to find a poster announcing Ha-ni and Seung-jo’s promise to marry.

Okay, what is with the convenient announcements all over school, all the time? I get that it’s cutesy, but as a plot device, (as in, a way for people to find out important things) it’s lame.

Elsewhere on campus, Seung-jo breaks the news to He-ra, who shows her disappointment, but basically acknowledges that everyone knew he liked Ha-ni, but him. She even understands exactly why it was so hard for him to realize it—because Ha-ni was the first problem he’s faced that he couldn’t solve easily, unlike everything else he’s ever encountered.

Seung-jo admits to having a really hard time with it, but now that he’s surrendered completely to Ha-ni, he’s happy. And it shows on his face. I’ve never seen him smiling so much, in all of the previous thirteen episodes combined.

He apologizes to He-ra, and admits that he really did think they were a good match, and that he felt comfortable around her. He-ra puts two and two together: he ran away from the discomfort of his feelings for Ha-ni, and took shelter with her, where he felt comfortable. Ouch. He doesn’t deny it, and she plays it cool, congratulating him even while her heart is breaking, which makes me respect her all the more.

Ha-ni laments not being able to tell Duckie herself, but he’s hurting too much to take her calls. He-ra takes out her heartache on a few hundred tennis balls, and Kyung-soo steps up at just the right time, as a shoulder to cry on.

Duckie takes to the river for his bout of angst, complete with beer and a song. Ha-ni’s heart weighs heavy all day too, knowing how Duckie must feel. She comes to Dad’s restaurant after closing, and when she appears, Duckie braces himself for impact. He tries so hard to put on a brave face, to keep her from saying the words out loud…it breaks my heart.

Just then, Seung-jo walks in, declaring that he likes Ha-ni, and asking for Duckie to let her go. That just raises Duckie’s ire, knowing how badly Seung-jo has treated her for four years, but then Ha-ni finally speaks up, and puts the nail in the coffin. Ha-ni: “Joon-gu-ya, I’m sorry. I’m sorry and I’m grateful.”

She starts to say the rest, but Duckie turns around, telling her to stop. He gets it. He knows. He’s always known, of course. With his back turned, he says, trying to lighten the mood, that Ha-ni has horrible taste in men, and that even if she regrets it later, he won’t go back to her. Aw, your stiff upper lip is killing me, Duckie.

He turns around with these words: “Baek Seung-jo, don’t forget that I’ll be watching you. If you make Ha-ni cry, I’ll make you cry blood.” Seung-jo takes the warning to heart, and Ha-ni looks up at Duckie, so sorry to cause him this much pain.

Dad returns to the restaurant to find Duckie a mess, and comforts him with soju. Duckie finally lets himself cry, saying that he wanted so much to call Ha-ni’s dad “Father.” What a great dad, to be at Duckie’s side through all this.

He-ra’s grandfather is about as happy for the couple as you’d expect, and he decides to pull out of the investment without any qualms. But Seung-jo shows up at his office to convince him otherwise. And then…he decides to invest and save the company. Gee, sap all of the dramatic tension, will ya? Is it too much to ask for Robot Boy to have a hard time at anything? Sigh.

At home, Dad announces that it’s time for Seung-jo to leave the company…and go pre-med. As his last duty for the company, he launches the new game. As He-ra and Duckie watch in the wings, He-ra is reminded of his awesomeness and Duckie is spurred on to become just as impressive a man.

Ha-ni receives her grades, and it’s bad news all around. She whines to Seung-jo that she thought she had brought her scores up enough to get better final grades, and he just replies that she must’ve miscalculated. Haha.

She looks to him for answers, and he just tells her that she got herself into this mess, and she has to work to get out of it. Defeated, she asks if maybe she should drop out.

WHAT? I’m seriously reaching into my screen to slap you upside the head right now.

Seung-jo nips her pity party in the bud, pointing out that while other students poured their sweat and tears into studying, she’s wasted all of her time in fruitless pursuits. He asks pointedly what she’ll do if she doesn’t go to school…have more time to follow him around? Damn. Straight shooter. He basically tells her to get off her ass and work hard at something, otherwise she’ll have nothing.


Baek Seung-jo, I have never loved you so much until now. LOVE. Fluffy bunny love.

Such a relief, because I really didn’t want to end this series hating where they took the characters. I know y’all think I’m hating on Ha-ni because she’s not going to be a high-powered doctor or lawyer instead of a stay-at-home mom or something, but that’s not why I’m angry with her. It’s because of this, right here, that Seung-jo is pointing out—that to her, it doesn’t matter what she does. And THAT is upsetting. If her dream in life was to be the best mom in the world, that’s an admirable dream. But it’s not—it’s to be whatever, whenever, as long as it’s with Seung-jo. It’s her lack of self that makes me angry, because I love her, I adore her…I want her to love herself.

If her goal in life was to be a golf caddy, I wouldn’t care. But the fact that she thinks there’s no difference to her, whether she’s a golf caddy or a nurse…is why I was so reviled at her so-called “dream.” Because that’s not a dream. It’s a lack of one.

Love is sacrifice and devotion, sure. I don’t discount that. But to me, true love? Is what Seung-jo is doing here—making her BETTER, the best version of herself. Because that’s what he wants for her. Because that’s what she should want for herself.

But Ha-ni, stubborn girl that she is, just gets mad at Seung-jo for pointing out her faults, and threatens to move out. He does the exact wrong thing, laughing that she’s got nowhere to go. That just fuels her defiance, and she leaves, declaring that she’ll go to another man. Mom worries, but Seung-jo tells her that it’ll be good for her, to be away from him for a while, and to focus on herself. Amen. To quote Mom, how come you’re so awesome all of a sudden?

Ha-ni heads over to her girlfriends, who give her the best kind of support—beer and girltalk. She stays at Min-ah’s house, and although she misses Seung-jo like crazy, the second she spies on him at school and sees him smiling without a care in the world, she decides to stand her ground and not return home. Look at you, growing a spine.

Mom frets over Ha-ni, but Seung-jo insists that they let Ha-ni deal with this on her own.

Ha-ni wanders the streets for a while, having been kicked out of Min-ah’s house because of visiting family. She walks and walks, finally letting the anger subside, and coming to a conclusion. Perhaps what Seung-jo said was right: she’s always lived for him, and never thought about what she wanted for her own future. She decides that she can’t return like this, and that she wants to marry Seung-jo as someone who is equally impressive and worthy.


You did it, Show! See, people—ask and you shall receive. I think my fight with Show mirrors Seung-jo’s fight with Ha-ni. I had to push, for it to struggle and come back around.

Ha-ni takes a job a local restaurant, and after finding out where she works from Min-ah and Juri, Seung-jo shows up for lunch. Ha-ni tells him that she’s thought long and hard about what to do with her life, and what she wants to be. She’s come to the conclusion that she wants to help Seung-jo and be by his side, so she’s decided to become a nurse. Well, that’s no surprise to any of us, but it’s still a mighty step up from freshman college dropout and professional stalker. I approve. Loving Seung-jo has helped you find your dream, which is very different from loving Seung-jo being your dream.

Seung-jo smiles and holds her tight, telling her to return home now. She sighs in relief, saying that she truthfully missed him like crazy. He knows, and makes it all okay with his embrace.

Once home, the family is back to its usual bustling chitchat, until Mom declares that everyone needs to clear their schedules for next Wednesday. What’s next Wednesday, you ask?

Why Seung-jo and Ha-ni’s wedding of course.



The turnaround in this episode couldn’t have come any later. I would’ve broken up with you, Show. You guys know my patience is oh-so-thin for the kind of crap that went on in 12. Thankfully, Ye Drama Gods are whimsical but benevolent, and I was allowed to keep all the hair on my head this week.

I would like very much to thank Robot Boy for taking Ha-ni to task, and for turning out to be a rather excellent boyfriend, especially considering how much of a jerk you were for the entirety of your emotionally-stunted adolescence. I really thought that at the end I would just have to concede that you never truly earned her love and won her anyway, but sweetie pie, you TOTALLY earned her love this week. Bravo. Your gold star is in the mail.

I was rather impressed at Duckie and He-ra as well, despite their conflict being a little too easily swept under. But this isn’t their story, so I didn’t expect to even get the kinds of moments that we did, and I appreciated that they didn’t just disappear as characters the second that Ha-ni and Seung-jo stopped needing them as romantic obstacles.

Well I wasn’t expecting a wedding so soon, but I guess that’s where we’re headed in the last week. Not the most exciting cliffhanger to get us to the final stretch, but I’m sure there’ll be plenty of shenanigans before they make it to the altar.


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I just love your way with words :] i pretty much get all my recaps from Dramabean & just love love love love them :] Thanks!


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Dunno why but Baek Seung Jo going all adorable husband-to-be with Hani makes me feel less anxious for the next episodes. Why? Why? LOL

I guess I've loved the rude Baek Seung Jo for too long that I'm missing him right now. Seung Jo-ya.. please be your regular cold self and come back to haunt us again ~


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I don't know, I miss cold BSJ too...but...I thought cold BSJ showed up in this episode a few times.

When they were walking to his car, he was walking in front leaving her to trail behind... and...he didn't open the car door for her like he did for He Ra. What?

When she asked him if they can take the car for a drive...he refused. Mean boy.

When she was upset about her grades, she was clearly tugging on his arm in desperate need of comforting. He lectures her...not that she didn't deserve the lecture...but hug first lecture later?

I dunno...reading the written preview previously posted, I would say that cold BSJ will show up. I sense cold feet...or a teeny bit of rebellion against his Mom's machinations. :)


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*rebellion against his Mom’s machinations.*

Who wouldn't? Even when I was watching the anime, I was throwing daggers at Naoki Irie for agreeing to the early marriage. I just can't understand why he doesn't want to refuse and goes along with it anyway.


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Er.. for the same reason he didn't completely throw out all her previous less than subtle manipulations ( eg musical tix date) , his resistance is merely token. Mama Baek for all her overbearing interference, still knows her son best.


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OMOOOO <3 i'm so glad they FINALLY got to this point. i was waiting for this moment!
eeeek i can't wait until they develop & work their relationship! HEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEEHEHE!


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Just visited the YouTube's new ytkiss's channel. Absolutely amazing to see the dimension of international PK and KHJ fans. The drama and KHJ popularity extends from Asia, Australia, New Zealand, US, Chile, Portugal, Mexico, Peru, Canada, Argentina, Columbia, France, Sweden and other countries all over the world. Fans were questioning MBC's decision of cutting PK to 16 episodes. Now they came up with 7 special episodes which all fans applaud but why only 10 minutes per episode?? Don't they realize the craving for more PK?? Hopefully, Part 2 Playful Kiss will come soon....


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i'm so glad you visited the site.. we have to show them our support... i rarely subscribe to any channel but i wanted to subscribe to ytkiss just because they need love... especially when i heard that the pd is in trouble because of the low ratings (that's just a rumour though).
and i'm so glad that they added subs to 5 of their vids... looks like they really want to let international fans get the experience as well.
and yes, 7 special episodes are too short... i sure hope they won't do special episodes like they do with japanese dramas where they just replay old footages and add a mere new scene or two or it would really suck.


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Call me traditional, but I was kinda annoyed that he just announced to the room that he was gonna marry Hani w/o a proper proposal to her first b/c i really think she deserves it. oh well, that's the BSJ character for ya!


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BSJ's ep 13 diary

ALL CREDITS TO sabby25@soompi

"Hi people!

I would like to share the last part of BSJ diary 13, i know what it feels to wait for the next ep~ so BSJ diary kind of kills off the time naturally

Some things to note~
1. I only translated the last few parts of the diary..
2. This is base on my knowledge of Chinese, translation might differ but its 90% accurate according to the Chinese translation
3. Chinese Translation credits to http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=914251861 from Baidu


Tennis Court Scene:

“Heard that today she is going to reply to Joon Gu’s proposal!” Joo Ri and Min Ah followed behind my back, they said in a volume I could hear. I really cannot believe it. Oh Ha Ni getting married? Just having the thought of her smiling to Bong Joon Gu, kissing him, already make my heart rose like a burst of anger ready to explode. Immediate loss of all feelings and rather abruptly sense of abandon which I am unable to accept it. Why do I feel the sense of being abandoned? I never do anything for her, did I not? We can’t even smile and talk about the future together. How I hope she will always stay by my side, what to do with this endless selfishness of mine. Don’t tell me I can only ignore my inner feelings, I feel like I am drown in the deep sea, unable to breathe, I kept struggling, I close my eyes and kept on struggling. Finally I understand that Oh Ha Ni is like my air I need to survive; only if you are with me then I can breathe. What to do? Baek Seung Jo, what should you do? My heart is at a loss...

Seating on the bench with an umbrella scene:

Why am I here? Something I need to tell her? If I am going to wait till Ha Ni comes, what am I going to do then? Or is it because I need to confirm something? Or is it because I wanted to hear from her personally that she accepted Bong Joon Gu’s proposal, Baek Seung Jo? Waiting for you who was walking under the rain heading towards my direction, waiting for you whom I am suppose to let go, waiting for you whom I want to hold on to, waiting for you whom I want to ask not to leave.
“Do you love him, Bong Joon Gu?” “Of course, I like him, he liked only me for almost 4 years!” Ha Ni blurted out these words similar to a knife cutting through my heart, looking at the fresh blood flowing out of my heart, I finally understand my heart/feelings. “If someone says they like you, then you just like them like that too?” “You like me, you can’t like anyone but me, am I not right?” I shouted. Originally thought that the little affection towards Ha Ni could be forgotten easily, but yet my arrogant heart was so sure of the fact that if I were to lose Ha Ni, I am unable to live on. Once more it also confirm the fact that if..only if I were to lose her, I would live in regret for the rest of my life.

“Yes, you are right! I only like you. So what am I supposed to do? You don’t even see me!” Okay, hearing these sentences from you is sufficient, I just need to hear you say you like me…Similar to the wind in this rain which swept my love towards you. No matter how many times I shout you belong to me, it is insufficient, I move towards you, my lips found yours, ever since the moment we share our first kiss I have not forgotten the feel of your lips, the lips that often call out my name…just then I realize that ever since the moment I swore to forget you till now, I never forget you at all.

You, similar to the rain water already infiltrate through my body, missing you like this storm brought me closer towards you. From now on, I will never let you go again. I could not bring myself to enter this darkness of hell ever again. I knew this would happen. Ever since that day, looking at you studying so hard- triggered my curiosity towards you/ made me think you are kind of special; ever since you shouted saying you wanted to forget me which made me fume with anger; ever since in the forest bench where you fallen asleep soundly, the beautiful look on your face…

***end of diary 13***

Please don kill me if some parts are wrong~

Love you alls~ and love this thread! JangKi! "


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v you're my PK BFF! This obsession with PK has hit me hard---really BIG time. Thanks for translating BSJ's diary. You're awesome! Reading SJ's hellish struggle with his emotions for Ha Ni translated the intensity of that passionate KISS!

Haha...I was at this thread before I went to bed, as you can see I'm back at it again! Am I crazy or what???


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oh.. don't thank me.. i'm NOT translating BSJ diary... merely posting translations...
but yes, i love reading the diaries.. sometimes, they make me cringe a bit but overall, it's satisfying to know what our robot boy is thinking (and that hani totally has him in the palm of her hands).
and yes, i'm always stalking pk blogs as well...
it's fun to be crazy together..


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You're absolutely right! I'm loving every moment of this craziness.

Being part of this site feels like being a member of a friendship club. I will sorely miss it and all of you PK fans after it wraps up.


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yes... parting with all of PKissers after this ends will be sad...
i wonder if JB would post a post up about the special 7 episodes like she did with BOF 5yrs later thingy...


V wish u'r infront of me , would have given you a tight hug :)


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i love hugs!
*virtual cyberspace hug*


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yes I'm sending a huuuge tight one virtually :D


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thanks v!!!!!!!!!!!

your really awesome!!!
now the big grin in my face is here again!
you made my night!!!


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awww shooooo shweet :)


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Another Part of BSJ's diary episode 13

ALL CREDITS to cutestrobery@soompi

"thank u sabby25, u're great
i try it but it's sooo harrrd.

just random trying while practising my chinese as well

First Part
Hae Ra wishes us to try dating...trying??
to me, do i still have the ability to start anew with other person?
my heart is already put on another person ..all i need right now is a small corner,
other than that i don't have any other wishes. All right, just let me be like this pretending that i don't know anything, then keep persisting till the end.
The staffs' salary for this month have all been used for the sake of the game. So living is so hard. It's too scary, but i can only close my eyes

Why don't you go to your room and cry hard?i can hear your crying voice from my room,
hearing it just like my heart is being crushed..it hurts so much
Doing things that makes you hate me hurt like death already,
why are you still crying so badly?!

you make me don't know what to do...
i can't even be like you crying, and i can't be like you letting out my anger
because all of these are the path that i chose
Fool, if i can just hate myself, and fill all inside with the same hurt .
What must i do...

Received Hae Ra message, "Don't forget to eat, acting like a girlfriedn Yoon Hae Ra"
but i just remember you...
how do you wish me to introduce you as my girlfriend to other people. When i just start thingking about that, things developed till this state that i hate so much
"Wu Hani(Do you feel unwell somewhere?)deduct your salary for this month (eat well, don't be upset anymore)""where is Wu Hani?"

getting up this morning, unconsiously all i want to see is you.
"going for a date already" a date? i just went to a marriage interview a few days, you alrerady went for a date?! what kind of person is this time.
Why have i never thought of Hani going towards other person.
That bright smile, kind heart, there will be a fact that all those are going to belong to someone else?
Why?! "siuuu..", a sound pass by.A cold wind called Hani, from this hole goes out
No one is going to prepare when i'm going for work, no one is going to say " come home early!" anymore
No one is saying "have you bring your wallet? how about the key?"
Entering my world like this, and throwing me away like this

"you both really match well" saying opposite what inside my heart makes be boil inside. Am i not always treating Wu Hani like this? I can't let you find out what inside my heart.
Can't confess my heart to you.
Looking BJG with you, my heart is not upset at all, deep inside my heart is angry till i want to break that rascal hand which keeps holding you. (dunno how translate this part)

Please don't open this door and burst inside,you said that you are happy with BJG, while i reall want to say i like you. Please do not open this door that i'm holding tightly, it's my only wish.
Must hold this door handle tightly, must hold my heart tightly... Just like a foolm living while pretending not knowing anything.
Wrapping all the things with you ant let it go, then becoming a person who doesn't know you and keeps living on

Lol, i'm just curious and try translating it...
sorry for the mistakes and the parts that i can't translate like what it should be
just wait for someone to translate it correctly later... "


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I am NOT the one translating those diaries... there seem to be some misunderstanding (which already happened before in some other diaries as well)...
You do not need to thank me... I'm greatly embarrassed... I wished I was the one doing the translation but frankly, my hangul and chinese is only enough to understand the gist of the diaries when i read them so if I translated, it would lack a whole lot and be nowhere near as amazing as the other translators (but i can tell you that ep 14 diary is absolutely melting, even i could catch that with my bad korean). i certainly can't take credit for their work.
kk... i'm just trying to prevent any misunderstanding.
that said, enjoy the diaries!


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u rockkkkkkk v , already finding the translations and posting them is awwww , thanks so much dear friend :)


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v!!!! your such a spoiler!!! and i love it!
you really know us, PKissers!!!

hope you wont be tired of spoiling us!!!


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nah.. me tired about PK? not going to happen.
ive stucked with it for years... not going to let go any time soon. XD


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then lets all be stuck together!!!

PKissers really rocks!


Unbelievable... Ive just seen that on viikii, PK is the most subscribed AND most viewed channel of all time.. it's also the most popular drama right now on viikii, mysoju, soompi... also, from the chinese and vietnamese forums i've been roaming about, pk is definitely uber popular.
why, why can't koreans in korea share our taste? we would have gotten a chance at a second season or extension then... TT
It's not that i'm blind to PK's fault, nor do I not know the reason for it's failure in korea but if I and so many others around the world can forgive its shortcomings and learn to love it's charms, why not korea?
Sigh... and sorry for the rant.. i know there is no use for what ifs.... but i had to get it out somewhere.


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I cn understand u frustration v , I also so wished we were able to watch the marital life of OHN-BSJ , in the manga and anime it was really really interresting , watching that and especially the part of keita ( in the anime ) the nurse who fell in love with her and made naoiki confesses his love for kotoko and his jealousy of Keita .
OK dunno if it's considered as SPOILER but anyway it may be SPOILER what I wrote


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well yes... that's such a shame because there is SO much potential in the postmarriage part of the story and we get to see seungjo's deep love for hani and her growing up to become a respectable caring nurse (but still a klutz... haha)
if i was millionaire, i would definitely pay them to do the second season... ratings be damned. unfortunately, i'm just a college student.


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im sharing same sentiments regarding how korea havent been appreciative for Playful Kiss.

for what i see it, they think Playful Kiss is just fluffy, light and sweet love story. but i say they dont know what they are missing. its not perfectly done but its done with touch of reality.

how we wish they could see PK the way we see it.
then we can have our season part of playful kiss.

anyways, i promise to enjoy PK to the fullest til the end.


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well said! :)


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thanks v!

and thanks for the diaries of BSJ! its kinda help to ease my excitement for this week's episode!


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i know right... after watching (more like zapping) through all the shows i'm watching each week, my routine is to watch new PK fanvids, search chinese/vietnamese/english blogs for news of PK, check the PK official website for previews, and rewatch PK episodes, or read PK diaries...
hani have BSJ... i have PK.. it's kinda sad in a way but i'm happy...


lucky for you v, you can search all over the place coz you can read korean, chinese, vietnamese and english sites for info of PK but me, im limited to english sites only.

as much as possible i dont want to be sad, coz it would just make my wait for next PK episode seem longer.

i want to make the most out of it.


well.. i can only read english, french, and vietnamse...
the other languages, i'm just taking classes in college or self-learning them because i'm a language fanatic and i got sick of not understanding the raws... so im still struggling.. i'ts not like i can understand everything... more like putting words together that i know and trying to make some sense out of it...


KHJperfect just uploaded a new fancam...
i think it is a SPOILER somewhat...
there's nothing much going on in the vid about PK itself but we can see their matching outfits (so cute) and jung so min jumping around KHJ and him laughing..

is it me or kimhyunjoongperfect loves justin bieber... i think this is like the 6th fancam of hers with justin bieber as bgm... XD


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oooh, they're wearing matching clothes again! luvit!

and does any else notice that even their hair colors match? similar shades and highlights -- noticed it during the balcony back hug scene (probably bec i've replayed it a gazillion times already :P).


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oh... i didn't noticed but now that you said, it's true!!

hehe... this couple looks SO good together...
and if jung so min is anything like adorable hani in real life (minus the dumbness), i don't get how KHJ wouldn't fall for her... haha. i'm a girl and even i find her cute.
kk... i'm dreaming here... but that's a good sign because if i find them cute together in real life, it means that their on-screen chemistry is rocking..


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was thinking the same about KHJ-JSM fall for each other , they look adooorable together , really sweet , this is the second couple I wish they were together in real life , the first is Rain and the actress of full house ( never was able to remember her name eventhough I love her ) those two were also perfect together and shared a cute and great chemestry in that drama .


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song hye gyo/ song hye kyo is the actresses name.
for me, i had plenty of actor/actresses i wanted to be a real couple...
of recent memories, i would say... of course, those in WGM, then kim bum and kim so eun the soeulmate couple, then park shi hoo and kim so yeon from PP, khj jung so min, jhj ryeo won, khj hwang bo.. haha.


i meant khj ryeo won, not jhj ryeo won.
also jang geun suk, park shin hye...
and i just realized that the majority of my couples were young... hmm.. funny.


yeahhhhh forgot about park shi hoo and kim so yeon , ahhhhhhh they also were perfect together too ( ahh park shi hoo is some months older than me and that's what made me love him more and more , LOOOL all others were way younger than me and it was kind of weird and depressing LOOOOL )


lol... i'm still young but even now, there are occasional actors/singers that are younger than i am...
before, liking someone younger than me was a no no...
now, even though i still "force" myself not to like someone younger or my age, i find myself increasingly less picky regarding those things....
hmm... somehow, it's still seems unimaginable that i might become attracted to someone younger than me but i think my mindset might change soon if my change in attitude is of any indication...
aging is scary but i'm learning to accept it... XD


SPOILER (rumours)

someone one soompi noticed that a staff was holding a kid at the end of the vid and was speculating about whether or not the kid was... well. u know.
i thought i might share it for those who didn't notice but honestly, i don't believe that. for one, the kid is a boy. and also, i just have the feeling that it's not what people would want to think most likely, just the son of someone in the staff who had to bring him to work or something.


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Another version of BSJ diary ep 13 (aka with second part of sabby25's first part posted above)... completed this time



"BSJ Diary 13 Complete -My version~

1. This is base on my knowledge of Chinese, translation might differ but its 90% accurate according to the Chinese translation, don't kill me~
2. Please pardon my English too, its not my forte~ I learn Singaporean English~so please understand hehe ^.^
3. Chinese Translation credits to http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=914251861 from Baidu

Hae Ra said to try out and start dating. Start? Talking about start…in my opinion am I even capable to start anew with someone else? This heart of mine have already completely placed somewhere else…at the present state I just require a little corner, besides this I have no other requests. Alright, just allow me to pretend ignorant, then stick to the end. This month’s employee’s wages are also used instead for the game’s development costs. Now I realize how difficult it is to live on, it is too scary/ horrible, the timid me just have to close both my eyes…

After the scene where Ha Ni asks whether Seung Jo went for Blind date~:

Why aren’t you going back to your room to cry? Your soft cries reached through the door and into my room, hearing this pains/hurts me felt as if my heart have been cut out into pieces. Doing things to let you hate me already hurt me bad enough, like I’m dying in pain, yet why are you there crying so sadly!?

What do you want me to do?...I can’t cry out like you, I also can’t be angry like you, because everything and everything was my choice. I could only hate a fool like myself, and then experience the same pain as of many thorns piercing my whole body. What can I do…

Seung Jo @ office:

Received a message “Not matter how busy you are, don’t forget to eat! Acting like your girlfriend Hae Ra”, but this led me to think of you. You are always so hopeful that I would introduce you as my girlfriend in front of others, just when I have a thought of doing so as you wish, things have developed and make a sudden turn which I actually come to hate. Although I can’t convey my feelings to you but i can convey my message right?

“Absence without reason!-( Are you not feeling well?)
Cut from your month’s wage!-(Please eat well, don’t be sad anymore)”

Morning breakfast table scene:

“Where is Oh Ha Ni?” Now every morning after I wake up, unconsciously all I want is to see you. Went for a date? Date? I just went on a blind date a few days ago, you are already going for a date? Who is it this time round? The guy with a unique interest! Why didn’t I ever gave a thought of the fact that Ha Ni may go towards another, that brilliant smile, that overly kind-heart, the fact that these can also belong to someone else, why? At that moment my heart went “Bang(peng)”*sound* and was penetrated, a sudden swept of wind from the hole created carried a soft whistle of the name Ha Ni. No one to do preparation before I set off to work, also no one nags at me saying “Have you remembered your wallet? What about keys?” Entering my world/life just like this and also abandoning me just like this…

Met Ha Ni and Joon Gu dating:

“You two really match well!” regarding saying opposite of how I feel inside is what I do best. Yes, do what I do best, regards to Oh Ha Ni, am I not always behaving like that? Mind as well continues to do so today. Cannot let you understand/know my feelings, cannot convey my feelings towards you. Looking at you together with Bong Joon Gu, I am not even upset, no matter how much anger I feel inside till I want to break that arm of that fellow who keeps on holding you. But in order to hide my hidden feelings, to me this is really easy.

After slamming the door at Ha Ni:

I must never run out of this door, no matter how happy you say you are when you are with Bong Joon Gu, no matter how much I want to say aloud to tell you that I like you. I must never open, now clutching onto the door bar is my only hope. Must ensure that this door is tightly locked, must ensure that my heart is tightly locked too. Like a fool, pretending not to know anything and live on, then become a person who don’t know you at all and live on.

On a Date with Hae Ra:

Even though now I am together with Hae Ra, you are always in my eyes. Your looks when you are joking, your looks when you are angry, all these should be sent out of my thoughts… that time when we ate together, that time when we studied together but fall asleep head to head, that time when we spend the night together, that time when we shared our sweet kiss. Just pretend all is forgotten, even if we pass by each other by coincidence, just act like all is forgotten and live on. Then similar like today even if sudden thoughts of you came up just let it be sudden thoughts only.

Eun Jo asking SJ does he like Hae Ra:

Hae Ra is really compatible with me, very pretty, slim and thin, play tennis really well, very smart, we can communicate very well with one another, also read a lot of books, everything will turn for the better. Eun Jo ah~ Just let it be. I will also slowly fall in love with Hae Ra. Just act like a fool who can forget everything all of a sudden.

I kept hesitating but still decide to head towards the choice of leaving you. You who left me, you who can never turn back still make me can’t help but look around, even if it is the sound of the slightest wind I would pay sudden attention to it. Thinking that maybe you will come back, searching within the reach of my sight…it will be alright just give some time, I can forget, falling for Hae Ra is also just a matter of time.

Tennis Court scene:

“Heard that today she is going to reply to Joon Gu’s proposal!” Joo Ri and Min Ah followed behind my back, they said in a volume I could hear. I really cannot believe it. Oh Ha Ni getting married? Just having the thought of her smiling to Bong Joon Gu, kissing him, already make my heart rose like a burst of anger ready to explode. Immediate loss of all feelings and rather abruptly sense of abandon which I am unable to accept. Why do I feel the sense of being abandoned? I never do anything for her, did I not? We can’t even smile and talk about the future together. How I hope she will always stay by my side, what to do with this endless selfishness of mine. Don’t tell me I can only ignore my inner feelings, I feel like I am drown in the deep sea, unable to breathe, I kept struggling, I close my eyes and kept on struggling. Finally I understand that Oh Ha Ni is like my air I need to survive; only if you are with me then I can breathe. What to do? Baek Seung Jo, what should you do? My heart is at a loss...

Seating on the bench with an umbrella scene:

Why am I here? Something I need to tell her? If I am going to wait till Ha Ni comes, what am I going to do then? Or is it because I need to confirm something? Or is it because I wanted to hear from her personally that she accepted Bong Joon Gu’s proposal, Baek Seung Jo? Waiting for you who was walking under the rain heading towards my direction, waiting for you whom I am suppose to let go, waiting for you whom I want to hold on to, waiting for you whom I want to ask not to leave.
“Do you love him, Bong Joon Gu?” “Of course, I like him, he liked only me for almost 4 years!” Ha Ni blurted out these words similar to a knife cutting through my heart, looking at the fresh blood flowing out of my heart, I finally understand my heart/feelings. “If someone says they like you, then you just like them like that too?” “You like me, you can’t like anyone but me, am I not right?” I shouted. Originally thought that the little affection towards Ha Ni could be forgotten easily, but yet my arrogant heart was so sure of the fact that if I were to lose Ha Ni, I am unable to live on. Once more it also confirm the fact that if..only if I were to lose her, I would live in regret for the rest of my life.

“Yes, you are right! I only like you. So what am I supposed to do? You don’t even see me!” Okay, hearing these sentences from you is sufficient, I just need to hear you say you like me…Similar to the wind in this rain which swept my love towards you. No matter how many times I shout you belong to me, it is insufficient, I move towards you, my lips found yours, ever since the moment we share our first kiss I have not forgotten the feel of your lips, the lips that often call out my name…just then I realize that ever since the moment I swore to forget you till now, I never forget you at all.

You, similar to the rain water already infiltrate through my body, missing you like this storm brought me closer towards you. From now on, I will never let you go again. I could not bring myself to enter this darkness of hell ever again. I knew this would happen. Ever since that day, looking at you studying so hard- triggered my curiosity towards you/ made me think you are kind of special; ever since you shouted saying you wanted to forget me which made me fume with anger; ever since in the forest bench where you fallen asleep soundly, the beautiful look on your face…

***end of diary 13*** "


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usually, i don't post pictures here, just vids and diaries because i'm afraid of posting too much but i figured why not... it's almost the end, might as well have a PK feast...

it's both of them in jeju, in a restaurant? hotel?
anyways, they don't seem very happy so i assume that's part of the filming.
what a lucky waitress.



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sabby25@soompi .... kkk ... she's on a roll today.

EP 14 diary of BSJ


to sabby25@soompi

"BSJ Diary 14 part 1

1.Credits to http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=915148724 from Baidu
2. This is my own personal translation so it might differ but i tried very hard to translate them to Eng from Chinese translation @.@
3. I might do the rest tmr or not~ cause the diary 14 is superbly long!

So here is part 1:

Don’t ever say you like another guy besides me, up till now then I was able to speak out what has been buried in my heart. Personally hearing from you, saying you like another guy, to me, it really is a very painful thing. Now my earnest wish is for you to see me, you can see only me, thinking about this led me on. Me hugging your nodding head, now all the wandering has come to an end, my unsure feelings have come to settle down, the feelings of what to do with you have also calm down. As the rain falls down to the ground like shooting stars, it seems like millions of stars, how beautiful…

“Hyung, Oh Ha Ni is moving out!” Please do not go anywhere else now, because I’m holding onto Ha Ni’s hand, because I’ll never let your daughter go. “ I have something to say to you, I would like to marry Oh Ha Ni, please give your permission father!” Hearing me calling him father, uncle’s (Ha Ni’s dad) eyes suddenly widen, looks like he got a shock. This is also right, such a cold hearted fellow suddenly ask for the hand of marriage. The sound/noise of shock and surprised have calm down, “You are sincere about this?” “Yes!” Yes, I am sincere! Just like what you are seeing, our tightly held hands represents all my sincerity, please give your permission!
“You know our Ha Ni cannot do anything right.” “I know.” (When entering school, I wanted to help her tie beautiful hair plaints like other children, but can’t due to these rough hands. But this lovely child is always so happy to see those crooked and twisted plaints and said it looks very pretty, so Seung Jo ah, Please continue to love and care for her on my behalf!)

“Her head is not considered smart, cooking is also bad!” (Last time when she went to a spring excursion with the school, I helped her pack kimbap, all her classmates complimented her mum’s handy work. Our Ha Ni cannot tell her classmates that her mum is gone but instead she went home and cried, Seung Jo ah, can you also include her mum’s part to care for her on her behalf and give her more love? )

“She is careless, sometimes accident prone.” (Girls also have some things which are inconvenience to share with their father, many things happens before I could come to know about it, because of this I always feel apologetic towards Ha Ni. Seung Jo ah, please do care for her a bit more. Sorry, falling in love with our not so capable Ha Ni; Thank you, for accepting the lacking of our Ha Ni.

Father’s tears touched me, allowed me to feel his fatherly love. Enduring his life alone, even bare the burdens of his passed away wife’s responsibilities as a mother in order to bring up his daughter, but always worried that he did not put more effort, all these emotions/feelings I was able to feel it at that moment. “Even so, she’s bright and is very good about doing the right thing. She has a cute side to her. I agree, since Ha Ni like you very much!” Thank you for allowing us to be together. It might seem that Ha Ni has only this little bit, but that little bit equals to all my shortcomings. Therefore Ha Ni who has that little bit I do not have, to me it is 100 marks. So, I’ll do my best. Although I don’t know what a father like you is lacking in but I’ll give it my all and love her. Thank you once again for giving Ha Ni to me.

“Ah, Ha Ni ah, this is great, this is great, Baek Seung Jo why are you so cool.” Mother sure is mother, can always tell the lies I said from my mouth, and always doing as you pleases according your understanding from what other people say. All these are because of you; mum, because of you I cannot easily let others see through my inner feelings. You always interrupt my life. But today I will forgive you in everything. Reason is that because of you, then I can be acquainted with Ha Ni, also because of you I am able to face my true feelings towards Ha Ni, want to hold on dearly to her feelings.

>>>To be continued

Super late now! need my beauty sleep~~~ "


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v yah why are you so cool ( like mama BSJ said )

Thankuuuuuuuu :)


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lol... thanks... i love mamma's baek reacton.
did u check ockoala's yet.. i believe it'll give u a shock... kk


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went to ockoala a soon as I read ur post , OMGGGGGG , don't think will be able to watch at least not with my eyes fully open , * bluuuuuushhhhhhhh *


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honestly, i don't think it's going to happen... but i'm glad ockoala posted it anyways... it made the wait a bit less torturous having something to speculate about until wednesday...
and look at me... today, i went to bestbuy and asked the helper at what time they closed... the conversation went pretty much like:
"on sunday, it closes at 8pm"
"yes but today, at what time does it closes?"
"today, it closes at 8pm today"
"today, sunday, it closes at 8pm"
"wait,.... " embarrassed like mad... "i... thought we were monday today... so we're sunday??"
*looks at me weirdly*
"yes, we're sunday today"
"er... thank you... have a good day..."
*me goes off half-running.*

that was EMBARRASSING... see, even subconsciously, i'm willing for time to go faster so we get to wednesday...


wanted to add... in my defense, i don't have class on monday either... but i don't know how i thought, the WHOLE day that we were sunday and NO one, not my roomates, not my floormates said anything to me...


LOOOL v that's funny , I'm hating my mondays since I'm having meetings with my boss and return back late at home , but then I console myself by thinking that when monday ends it means that will have to wait only 1 day and a half for the next epi of PK :)


guys... go to ockoala.wordpress.com for some SPOILER rumours about the wedding night...
it's mostly rumours though


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I just wanted to make a formal apology for the wayward discussions in page 3.

Diverging tangent conversations/posts will be held in OT next time.


Thank you for your good graces.


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I wonder... did my comment make you feel bad??
I'm so sorry if that's the case...
Just to let you know, I enjoyed our conversation even though it got out of topic...


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LOL I was already feeling like I was trolling >_<

I just wanted to make a formal apology because trolling is rude XD Although, we did get back on tagent in most conversations :P


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i know right...
i commented so much on this thread i feel like spamming whenever i add one more comment, even if it's to update about diaries and stuff...
and when i don't answer a thank you, it nags me so much i want to go back and comment.. but then, i feel like spamming again.. -_-"
but yes, we went back onto PK-related stuff each time...


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oy, pressed enter too soon... -_-

Yes, i enjoyed our topics too! I don't feel as lonely because it's my first time actually spazzing for a k-drama and it's gotten me some cool internet acquaintances. :D


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I'm throughly enjoying the ongoing chitchats and exchanges amongst the PKissers. Reflects a spectrum of colorful points of views from cute, funny, serious... Most of all the camaraderie is awesome! It feels like having a PK pajama party with your kindred spirit friends!!!


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the PKissers are really awesome!!!!
you guys are awesome! its so fun reading it and having chitchats with you all!

pajama party? thats a cute way of seeing it.


@ Teacup Jeankaycee and V

:bows deep: PK is indeed awesome and you guys are awesome. :) thank you for welcoming and joining me in this experience. <3<3<3

We should slate a rewatch!!! I'm getting my funds together to get the DVD asap, even if it's in Japanese XD (a la Joongbo).

Btw, i hope you guys can catch me on ssangcho or ockoala I'm J.J. if you guys haven't seen me yet. (Oh and please re-introduce yourselves to me if you've got a different handle. Mental faculties are slowed this week)

To finish,

Atta boy Baek Seungjo!


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Hey J.J! *waves*

Read your FB status/letter to HJ over at the previous comment page and I totally feel the same way. I hope you won't mind that I wrote something similar (credits to you, of course) and might post it over at PK soompi thread. In between WGM re-watching and PK-spazzing over ep. 15 preview, my brain is gone, gone, gone.

Now 2 of HJ's incarnations will collide in Jeju. I can't decided which one I love the most --- his mosquito-swatting-hair-clip-wearing shillang in a pink shirt or his robot-boy-turned-besotted-soon-to-be-groom in striped pajamas. Okay, who am I kidding? I know which one holds the top spot in my heart. But the ex-robot is coming a *very, very* close second. ;)


Yeisha, I'll contact you at ssancho~ :)


Yeah !!! I love this drama. I watched the series non stop last night since I get more and more excited with it. This is what I hope, the twist is different from ISWAK or the old ITAZURA NA KISS (INK). Although all Naoki is cold but they have their own character. I feel even the drama has the same story line but I feel that I watch different drama.
I love KHJ a lot, I love him since BBF, I love his sweet tender smile. In this series he smiled so rare but it reminds me of his character at the beginning of BBF when he is cold, strange Hanazawa Rui.
Only for this series, I am a little disappointed that unlike Ariel Lin, Hani is not fainted. The fainted thing in ISWAK is my favorite part since after Xiang Shing wakes up, he saw Jang Che Xu looks at her tenderly. And they end up sleep together that night...Too bad for PK, they delete my favorite scene.
But the best part with PK, BSJ didn't change easily, he is still cold, remind me of Jo Cheng in Iswak.
I am happy that PK has deleted some annoying scenes in ISWAK and change them with something that we can only see in PK.
I love the recap, thanks girlsday. it is awesome !


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Finished ep 14 and I'm enjoying this drama very much.

I found Hani's co-dependent character REALLY annoying and frustrating. Finally she showed some real confidence and sense of self. Hani's maturing. Yeah!

I like SJ's character development. Hyun Joong is doing a good job. He doesn't seem as flat and wooden. I enjoy his quiet and subtle acting. I think he has potential.


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the really short NG footage posted above is now subbed by JangKiss subs



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about the fanvid posted above, with the matching outfits and walking in the forest...

thanks to Lavender@lovekimhyunjoong 's fan account, i found out that the reason that she was jumping around KHJ was because she found out that their honeymoon was in Jeju...


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Awww it's my heart who's jumping now , I mean eventhough OHN is a fictional charctere but I'm feeling so happy for her that finally she got the man she loves the most , I wish it was the same case with me :(


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And so that scene issupposed to be before the wedding , wonder why SJ was showing his Phone to HN .


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still no video preview yet ?


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maybe they are waiting for the confirmation from his mom!LOL!

and dont worry rainy rain, your own baek seung jo will come! just be patient like oh ha ni!


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LOL I wated for 2 years but then I got fed up and stopped and that was the most rational decision I took in my life ;)


I mean waited for him to do a move for 2 years then got fed up and decided to give up and that was the most rational decision I took since I was able to see his negative side the same why I was seeing his positive side when I was in love .


@rainy... i got a little bit confused. are you talking about your real life?


LOL yes v that's my real life ;)


wow! i think we were in the same boat. hehehehe!


lol... for me, in terms of relationship... i'm totally not experienced... i guess i kinda live vicariously through hani in this drama... kk


guys the episode 15 teaser is out!!!


is so cute!!!!!! im so excited!!!!!

im dying of its cuteness!!!


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just scroll down and you will see the entry for the preview of episode 15.


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hehe... i was about to post the same... thank you so much! isn't it the most lovely preview ever!!! squeeee


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OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG , omg , I want to jump , to screaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmm , I'm happy , howz cold SJ became such a tender cutypie to his OHN , shhhooooo awwwwwwww , OMG I'm at work and I can't express my joy loudly , when is wednesday ? I can't wait anymore , I'm happyyyyyyyyyy :)


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hehe... aren't we all hyped up???
i just can't help but smile like crazy even when i'm doing totally non-pk stuff... this preview is killing me in a good way...
and i just thought... omo, what would we get in our diary for this episode???!!


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ditto!!! im grinning like crazy here in the office.
saying OMG at least dozens of time already.

please wednesday come early!!!


I watched the preview more than 50 times na and I'm melting each time , awwwwww :)))))))


Second part of BSJ diary 14 episode...

ALL CREDITS TO kpopfanz@soompi


"Continued from sabby25's post (thanks sabby25)
Credits: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=915148724

Page 3

I carefully put you in my arms. Your smile is like a bright light that lights up my heart. As a lover, warm as the spring, would you be there by my side to warm me up with your smile anytime? ‘What’s the matter?’ ‘ I’m just worried that you would turn into that emotionless Baek Seunjo tomorrow!’ ‘Then, do you want to sleep together?’ Do you need me to confirm it for you, confirm my heart, confirm that everything is an un-wakeable dream? ‘I can’t believe that you would actually like me!’ ‘Me too!’ Actually long before me or you knew, love has already ignited like an ember about to billow. I am like you.. a silly person who doesn’t understand love… Your words tonight, printed your smile into my heart. It’s the first time you looked right into my heart, it is also the first time I met love.

Alright, I understand your insecurity. All these are too sudden. Up until yesterday I was still so cold to you, but today I said I like you. But you silly girl, you just need to look at me quietly, put down your inferiority, eyes open wide and take a good look at me, you can feel it straight away. You will find that, I’m doing what you wished for, I’m really trying hard to fill up the blanks in your life. Silly girl, even though I’m also smiling myself silly. Thankful for love, thankful for your patience, and thankful for never giving up on me.

Thank you Yoon Haera. I do not wish to apologize to you though, even if I know you are really similar to me - Our common traits really made me feel comfortable together. But this kind of comfort cannot fill up the blanks in my life. I keep telling myself how suitable you are for me, but when I think of you I always get the feeling that I look at the mirror; being alone - reaching out only to touch a cold piece of glass.

Page 4

Sorry, Bong Joongu. I know you put a lot of effort into love. But I just cannot leave Hani. She makes me mad, makes me laugh, sometimes flustered, she sometimes makes me feel absurd too, but only because of all these, I feel that I’m actually living. Maybe to others it is nothing, but to me, all these feelings are hidden away in me too deep, too long, until to a point I cannot feel its existence, till Hani woke them up. Taking away Hani, who is the most precious thing to you, I apologize, but I will care for her, protect her as much as you do.

‘What should I do? My credits are lacking! I really don’t seem like the kind to study, should I just quit here?’ Looking at Hani’s frowned face saying she wants to quit studying, I’m a little disappointed. ‘When the others are studying hard for their grades, what were you doing? Have you thought about your future? Because you forget to bring your brain to school , that’s why you calculated wrongly, now lacking in your credits!’ What happened to ‘never-give-up’ Hani? Could be just a slip of her mouth due to a panicky moment… ‘ So… because of this you want to quit studying? As a matter of fact, besides your determination, there is nothing else to your charm!’ I just wanted to say, strive harder… You said loudly ‘I could always go find another man!’(to spend the night) What…? Another man? I thought I told you never to speak about liking another guy, you forget so quickly? Suddenly, a gush of anger overwhelmed me, ‘You still have the courage? To find who, Bong JoonGu? Songgook senior?’ If you really can fall into another man’s arms, could we have progressed till today? Isn’t it that you have no other man in your eyes that we could progress till now, now that we have came this far, you say these things so easily… ‘Whatever...’ I coldly muttered against the will of my heart, and left.

Page 5

Last night, Hani didn’t return home, there used to be a saying that if you love someone you have to give up half of yourself, but I selfishly wanted to keep what was of me and told you off indifferently. Why can’t I express my true self properly in front of you? My heart now only has regret and anxiety. I’m sure it’s okay, she must have went to her friend’s house, it must be it, I can only comfort myself this way. I can’t call her because she didn’t bring her phone, and I subconsciously keep fiddling with my own phone. I keep having this image of you out alone, in the cold. (Which is why I kept looking out of the window.)

‘Because you don’t want to find Hani, even I want to leave home!’‘But it already came to this, let us solve it on our own, it’s for the best, for Hani.’ ‘But, do you know? A human’s heart isn’t like a math question- which only has an answer, although I don’t really know the right answer too.’ Yes, mother, I don’t know the answer too. I think Hani doesn’t know it too, that’s why she’s wandering about, but we have to find it ourselves isn’t it? If I have to find it myself, I have to work hard, never quit no matter the difficulty, not escaping even when tired, this is what Hani does best, her merit. But recently she keeps depending on me, which makes me really worried. I hope not to pull her nose and walk but to walk side by side together. I think… wait a little longer for Hani to find her answer? We shouldn’t be in a state of me being strong, you being weak, but to compensate each other’s weakness, and strive forward with encouragement from each other. Therefore, please, Hani, please be stronger, love yourself more, and be more independent!

Didn’t translate the rest because they felt like fanfiction, i.e. never appeared in the episode.
This is translated based on my knowledge of the Chinese language which was already 3 years in the shelf, it isnt perfect translation..yea.. "


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Episode 14 diary completed by sabby25@soompi (she did the first part)

ALL CREDITS to sabby25@soompi

Thank you Kpopfanz for translating the rest of the parts~<3

Anyway, below is my "version" of English translation

BSJ Diary 14 -Complete!

I've been trying to analysis each sentence to give you all the full details~
1. Once again pardon my English or any mistake done when translating~
2. This is my own translation so it might differ from others
3. Direct translated from Chinese Translation Credit http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=915148724 Baidu
4.I only translated the Whole Diary 14, but in the Chinese translation there is some alternative scripts of the ending scene (kind of like a fanfiction) which i did not translate that occur after this whole Diary=D


Don’t ever say you like another guy besides me, up till now then I was able to speak out what has been buried in my heart. Personally hearing from you, saying you like another guy, to me, it really is a very painful thing. Now my earnest wish is for you to see me, you can see only me, thinking about this led me on. Me hugging your nodded head, now all the wandering has come to an end, my uncertain feelings have come to settle down, the feelings of what to do with you have also calm down. As the rain falls down to the ground like shooting stars, it seems like millions of stars, how beautiful…

“Hyung, Oh Ha Ni is moving out!” Please do not go anywhere else now, because I’m holding onto Ha Ni’s hand, because I’ll never let your daughter go. “I have something to say to you, I would like to marry Oh Ha Ni, please give your permission father!” Hearing me calling him father, uncle’s (Ha Ni’s dad) eyes suddenly widen, looks like he got a shock. This is also right, such a cold hearted fellow suddenly ask for the hand of marriage. The sound/noise of shock and surprised have calm down, “You are sincere about this?” “Yes!” Yes, I am sincere! Just like what you are seeing, our tightly held hands represents all my sincerity, please give your permission!

“You know our Ha Ni cannot do anything right.” “I know.” (When entering school, I wanted to help her tie beautiful hair plaits like other children, but can’t due to these rough hands. But this lovely child is always so happy to see those crooked and twisted plaits and said it looks very pretty, so Seung Jo ah, Please continue to love and care for her on my behalf!)

“Her head is not considered smart, cooking is also bad!” (Last time when she went to a spring excursion with the school, I helped her pack kimbap, all her classmates complimented her mum’s handy work. Our Ha Ni cannot tell her classmates that her mum is gone but instead she went home and cried, Seung Jo ah, can you also include her mum’s part to care for her on her behalf and give her more love? )

“She is careless, sometimes accident prone.” (Girls also have some things which are inconvenience to share with their father, many things happens before I could come to know about it, because of this I always feel apologetic towards Ha Ni. Seung Jo ah, please do care for her a bit more. Sorry, falling in love with our not so capable Ha Ni; Thank you, for accepting the lacking of our Ha Ni.

Father’s tears touched me, allowed me to feel his fatherly love. Enduring his life alone, even bare the burdens of his passed away wife’s responsibilities as a mother in order to bring up his daughter, but always worried that he did not put more effort, all these emotions/feelings I was able to feel it at that moment. “Even so, she’s bright and is very good about doing the right thing. She has a cute side to her. I agree, since Ha Ni like you very much!” Thank you for allowing us to be together. It might seem that Ha Ni has only this little bit, but that little bit equals to all my shortcomings. Therefore Ha Ni who has that little bit I do not have, to me it is 100 marks. So, I’ll do my best. Although I don’t know what a father like you is lacking in but I’ll give it my all and love her. Thank you once again for giving Ha Ni to me.

“Ah, Ha Ni ah, this is great, this is great, Baek Seung Jo why are you so cool.” Mother sure is mother, can always tell the lies I said from my mouth, and always doing as you pleases according to your understanding from what other people say. All these are because of you; mum, because of you I cannot easily let others see through my inner feelings. You always interrupt my life. But today I will forgive you in everything. Reason is that because of you, I can be acquainted with Ha Ni, also because of you I am able to face my true feelings towards Ha Ni, want to hold on dearly to her feelings.

Carefully I envelop you in my arms. “What is it?” You kept on smiling, your smile as though a bright light lit up my heart. As warm as spring day my love, do promise me no matter when just stay by side, use your smile to bring warmth to me. “What?” “I’m just worried if you go to sleep like this, once it’s morning. What if you go back being the cold Baek Seung Jo!” “Then, do you want us to sleep together tonight?” Do you want me to show you, show you my true heart, show you that this is like an endless dream that will never wake. “I couldn’t even imagine it, that you will come to like me!” “Me too” Actually don’t know when was it that I have unknowingly come to love, like a spark that lighted up a prairie fire. You the fool who was unaware of love, I the fool who was unaware of love…Your words tonight, made happiness seared into my heart forever. This is the first time I confront my inner feelings, this is also the day that I first encountered love.

It’s okay, I can understand your uneasiness inside. All is too sudden. I was cold towards you up till yesterday, and suddenly today I said I like you. But you this fool ah, you just kept looking at me quietly, put away all your inferiority complex, open your eyes wide and look carefully at me, I bet you will be able to feel it immediately. You will realize that I’m doing everything you wish for; I’m trying my hardest to fill up the emptiness of your life. Fool, although I am also smiling like a fool. Thank you for your love, thank you for your perseverance of waiting, thank you for not abandoning me.

Thank you, Hae Ra. I don’t want to feel apologetic towards you. Because I know how similar you are compared to me, reckless woman. All of our common traits made me feel comfortable. However this comfort can’t fill up the emptiness of my life. I kept comforting myself to believe how compatible you and I are, but whenever I thought of you it is like looking at my own reflection through a mirror, reflection of loneliness, reaching out all I can feel is a piece of cold glass.

Sorry, Bong Joon Gu. I knew how much effort you have put into this long relationship. However, I cannot let Ha Ni go. She made me angry, made me smile, she also made me panic, she sometimes even made me absurd, but it is because of these things which really made me feel alive. These feelings may be easy for others to feel, yet to me these feelings have been buried too deep in my heart, to a depth that I don’t even know it existed, until Ha Ni came along and arouse these feelings. Took your precious Ha Ni away from you, I’m really remorseful. I promise u that I will include along with your part together to treasure her, cherish her.

“What should I do, my credits are lacking! I really don’t seem like the kind to study, should I just give up here?” Looking at Ha Ni’s frowned face, saying she does not want to study any longer, I really felt a little disappointed. “What about when everyone around you was studying like crazy to get good grades so they could get a job? What were you doing? Have you thought about your future career? You don’t think things through enough and that’s why your calculations are wrong and your credits don’t add up.” What happen to the child today, who always gave all her best in everything no matter what? Maybe due to feelings of anxiety is the reason why I said such indifferent things to her. “So… because of this you want to quit studying? If you didn’t have perseverance what would be left of you? Then you…don’t have any charm.” Actually all I wanted to say is just put in a bit more effort then it will be alright, strive a little harder it will be fine. You exclaimed: ”I might just go to a different guy!” What, another guy? I thought I told you not to ever say you like another guy besides me, you have already forgotten about it? Felt a sudden rush of anger. “So you have that kind of courage? Bong Joon Gu, or Kyung Su Sunbae?” If you were able to fell for another guy, would we even progress up till today? Isn’t it because no matter how hard we tried we have only eyes for each other which lead us to progress up till now, going back and forth finally we have came this far, yet you say all these things so easily…”Do as you wish!” I muttered coldly against the will of my heart, and left.

In the end, Ha Ni did not return home yesterday. There is a saying that if you love somebody you will have to give up at least half of yourself. But I selfishly wanted to protect myself and said those indifferent things. Why in front of you I always cannot converse good words to covey my thoughts? Regret and worry made me distraught. I’m sure it is okay, you have friends who always stay by your side to support you, you must have gone to one of their home to stay. It must be it, I can only comfort my languishing heart. You did not call, I cannot call too, I can only fiddle around with my hand phone. The image of you cold and out alone somewhere keep appearing in my mind, which is why I kept stealing glances out the window.

“It is because you would not look for Ha Ni, I want to leave home too!” ’‘But it already came to this, let us solve it on our own, it’s for the best, for Hani.’ ‘But, do you know? A human’s heart isn’t like a math question- which only has an answer, although I don’t really know the right answer.” Yes, mother. I’ve no idea what the answer is as well. I think Ha Ni also doesn’t know the answer that is the reason why she is wandering too. Nevertheless, we need to find the answer on our own isn’t it? If we want to know the answer we would have to put some effort in return, no matter how difficult it may be we must not give up, no matter how tired we must not run away from it, this is what Ha Ni do best, it’s her merit. Recently Ha Ni have come to be dependent on me, which worries me. I hope I will not the one pulling her forward instead what I hope is for us to move forward together with her. I think if I wait a little longer for Ha Ni I will find the answer? We shouldn’t be in the situation where me being strong and you being weak in comparison, alternatively we should complement/compensate each other’s strengths and weaknesses, then encourage each other as it progresses. Thus, please Ha Ni, please be stronger, please love yourself more, please be more independent!

***end of Diary 14***


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TRanslation of preview


to sabby25@soompi

Not too sure about the translation=X
Credit from http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=915621441 Baidu
I translated from there~ but it is a rough Chinese translation~

Preview 15 translation:

Eun Jo: Hyung, to be honest I think you should marry Ha Ni, you’ll be very happy/ it'll be great, congratulations!

Seung Jo: *(smiling)*

Foreign Girl: I like these noodles, delicious. Very appetizing (not too sure~)

Joon Gu: *nodded*

Ha Ni: I will try my best, although there are some this or that that I’m lacking, will always strive to be a qualified wife.

Seung Jo: Oh Ha Ni, is very cute, there are times where she is beautiful too.
Why do I only like you?
I will care for you forever

Ha Ni: Seung Jo ah….wait…


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ockoala has also made translations of the preview on her own... go check it out at her wordpress.. kk


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she also has a new post about the tag line of youtube episodes and what it might mean....


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and... another translation:
aren't PKissers awesome???

ALL CREDITS to LolliDoALittle@soompi

Episode 15 45 Second preview Translation

EunJo: "Hyung, I honestly think that you need to marry someone exactly like Oh HaNi. You're doing the right thing. Congratulations!"

Scene with Christine...

Christine: "I want to eat some noodles. Can I have some kalgooksue? This is delicious!!! It's KILLER!"


HaNi: "There are many things that I lack, but I'll try my best to be a good wife. AAAHHH! That tickles!!!"

SeungJo's voice over: "Oh HaNi is very cute. There are times when she is pretty too. But why do I like you? I wonder why I always miss you."

Bed Scene...

HaNi: "Wait a sec..."


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i love this episode! SJ n Hani is so so cute!!! I am sad that this drama is coming to an end... To be honest, this drama started off badly, the storyline sucks, but gradually it became better and better. Hani acting skills is consistently good, Seung Jo acting skills improved a lot and it shows in this episode..
The only thing is that Hani character is not as stupid or as clumsy as the manga and the other versions. Which i wonder why? Maybe they intend to make this into a short drama, thus they did not show how hani mess up with things as much as the taiwan version..
Korean version is the cutest version of them all.. !!! It is a pity that the ratings is low in korean.. If not, maybe they will extend the drama into 20 episode.. which is the best.. :)


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i love this episode! SJ n Hani is so so cute!!! I am sad that this drama is coming to an end... Hani acting skills is consistently good, Seung Jo acting skills improved a lot and it shows in this episode..


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OMG preview epi 15 is like a g-force! like i was in the moon, but my mind is still spazzing...

I dont know if I can recover from this giddiness...
PD-nim you killed me ...


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Preview epi 15...
Warning! May cause u seizure or minor epilepsy or nose bleed or jaw dropping or eye popping



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LOOOOOOL love ur warning but it's true :)
u should have added : may make u scream and jump while u'r at office ;)


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@CHshe, your warning is so funny!

its could also cause excessive grinning due to too much giddiness!


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lol... i just had a seizure... but not for the reason you would think....
someone said on soompi that the bed scene might be a fantasy sequence...


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just breezing by... i'm in class right now.. TT

anyways, for those who wants the diaries in image form, while waiting for reena29shadow's, sabby25@soompi made her own.



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thanks v!!! now go back to class! hehehehe!
this is fun!!! too many PK goodies!!!
glad to have a bit of distraction while waiting for the episode 15!

PKissers are really the best!


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lol... don't worry... as long as my academics don't hurt too much, i can afford to get distracted in class a little


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a little picture uploaded from lee tae sung (aka duckie) twitter

how cute. they look good together.




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i'm just copying/pasting what i wrote on ockoala cuz i'm lazy like that Xp so bare with me if it's confusing

anyways, here’s the message that went with picture for those who can read korean from lee tae sung's twitter.
그동안 트윗이 뜸했죠~제 여자친구를 용기내어 드디어 공개합니다…많이 놀라시겠지만….응원해주세요~^^. 봉준구의 큐피트~|~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~*기대하시라~ 미수다의 아비가일 ㅋ
looks like he’s quite cheerful and glad he knows there’s support out there… he also called her abigail

kk… for those curious about chris…
her name is abigail alderete (so THAT’s what abigail was referring to in lee tae sung’s tweet… i was wondering if they changed her name from chris to abigail or if my korean was failing me… this makes it so much clearer.. kk)
and she’s from paraguay.
she’s an MC on airang
and also on the show chit chat of beautiful ladies so you might recognize her from it… i watched the show several times but i don’t remember her.. now i know i will.


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lol... this is typical me.. i post something and then seconds later... i discover a new thing.

anyways, for those who CAN'T read korean...
here's the translation to lee tae sung's tweet...
all credits to blissfulwishes@soompi

My Twitter has been inactive for a while ~ But I've finally mustered up the courage to introduce my girlfriend... many of you will be surprised... but please support us~^^. Bong JoonGu's cupid~|~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~*Please look forward to it ~ Chitchat of Beauties's Abigail~


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yeah... like pictures or fancams... i usually don't post bts vids here but what the heck...
it's our last week with PK...

kk... i think it's not an exaggeration to say that overloaded DB's recap with comments... sorry JB. -_-"


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Hi V
Sorry I've been too busy lately to post here but I certainly enjoyed all the links you shared here.

A big thank you to you and all those sharing information of PK here.

I think I'm converting myself from PK blogs stalker to KHJ blogs stalker. Watched WGM for the 1st time & had the sudden urge to quit my job & stay home to finish watching WGM.

I think we should form a post Pk rehab forum.


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By the way, where to watch WGM in eng or chinese subs? Can't find full episode in eng subs in youtube...


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thanks, v! u're sweeeeeet! And i just love PK, BSJ to bits......how i wish wed and thurs come faster. On the other hand, i don't PK to end so soon......Argh...


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lol... what happened?? 3 comments of thanks? i'm not going to complain.. keke.
i know right... i want wednesday to come SO fast... but then i dont' want thursday to come... in a way, i dread it...


thanks, v! u're sweeeeeet! And i just love PK and BSJ to bits......how i wish wed and thurs come faster. On the other hand, i don't PK to end so soon......Argh...


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thanks, v! u're sweeeeeet! And i just love PK and BSJ to bits......how i wish wed and thurs come faster. On the other hand, i don't want PK to end so soon......Argh...


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aw... you're sweet. don't worry, although i appreciate all the thank you comments, i don't mind if no one replies at all... it makes the thread seems less mess and spammish in a way. kk

lol... u know he has more shows with ss501 members than just WGM right?
but i have to say WGM is still my favourite...
and yes... we need a support group.


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honestly I don't know much abt ss501 only know KHJ fm BOF...I only started watching kdrama in recent months.


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lol... honestly, i'm not the best person to ask about ss501 since i'm not their fan... nor am i a fan of hyun joong but i'm quite fond of them so you wouldn't know that i'm not their fan from the amount of stuff i look up or watch about them.
i think you already saw the links i posted on page 3 right?
other than those... here are some links on top of my head..
another blog on WGM:http://shigellavirus.wordpress.com/
this one is awesome but you need to join their community:http://community.livejournal.com/superstarsubs/
they also have a youtube channel:http://www.youtube.com/user/superstarsubs#

yeah.. i'm totally not a fan... XD
no seriously, i'm a fan of another group.. kk


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btw... you only started k drama recently? oh my... you've got quite a lot to catch up sis...
i've got into kdramas in the 90's...


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oopss didn't finish my sentence.. pressed submit too early.

... and even i didn't watch everything that should be watched.

you've got a lot on your plate... not only do you have k dramas but you just added kim hyun joong to your list.. kk


Thanks V for the links, I know I've lots to catch up, so maybe I'll stay focus on KHJ. I've also short-listed few interesting actors.


yeah... take your time. you've got the rest of your life to explore or stalk depending on how you view it whomever you like...
hope you enjoy it!!


juz went to liezle.blogspot. Youtube special edition has 9 epsiodes instead of 7....


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oh... nevermind.. so you went to liezle heh... it's an awesome blog.
and yes, i've just read the news about 9 episode...i dunno if it's true or not though... i would happy if it was real.


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yes, ive just read the original article and it seems true... kk
who knows, in a day or two, we'll get news that it's going to be 11 episodes... or better yet, longer episodes...
haha... i'm delirious with joy if you haven't noticed.. XD


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It seems MBC is actually listening to the PKissers demand for more episodes. Maybe they're now realizing the extend of PK's global popularity. Hope they would also lengthen the timeframe per episode - 10 minutes is too short to do justice to a storyline. Hope MBC should reconsider this as well. Huh, maybe I should post this in the ytkiss's channel.


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as you know... it's Group 8 that is behind PK's production... MBC is merely buying the right to broadcast PK...
The company behind the Youtube thing is actually Group8.
They'll be the one who benefits from international supoort... not MBC. For MBC, the dismal ratings are extremely disadvantageous because that's less money from commercials for them. They couldn't care less if PK was popular outside....
But yeah, Group8 should reconsider about the 10 minutes thingy.


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the youtube thing, i think is a great idea but they should at least lengthen the time, coz its only 10 mins which is too short in my opinion.

maybe if they saw that they got many hits in youtube maybe they could consider to extend a bit more?


yep....that's what we're all hoping but realistically, i don't think it's going to happen... unless we bombard them with comments about it and have massive subscription...
and with popular sites like viikii, i think they should post a special thread about the youtube channel because it's been out for weeks and some PKissers are still surprised to know about it.


v, thanks for the clarification!Not giving up hope yet, the extension from 7 to now 9 eps was a pleasant sweet surprise for the PKissers so who knows they might rethink extending the 10 minutes as well. Miracles could still happen!!


kk. you're welcome.
yeah, i'm not giving up either, but not hoping for too much as well... but i love PK too much to prevent myself from hoping.


A third Eunjo's diary has been out today and someone on soompi partially translated it...

ALL CREDITS to jechoi1@soompi

EunJo's Diary - Part 1

I came to the pension where hyung (SeungJo) works. Stupid Oh HaNi kept pestering me to comewith her. However, I wanted to see hyung too, so I pretended like she was making me come. Because I'm an expensive guy (this is exactly what he says, but I'm not very good with slang so I'm not sure exactly what it means to be "expensive").

The other hyung (tennis sunbae) told us to play a game. We have to get stamps that are hidden in the moutnain. I got paired with stupid Oh HaNi. Psht! I wanted to be with the pretty nuna (HaeRa).

We got lost while trying to find our way in the dark mountain. Stupid Oh HaNi is trembling in fear becasue we can hear animal sounds. I can't even say that I'm scared as I try to protec Oh HaNi. She's the adult and she's even taller than me! Stupid Oh HaNi!

Oh HaNi is shivering as it's getting darker and colder. Stupid Oh HaNi didn't prepare any supplies, but I brought along a blanket, snacks, and something to eat, just as I learned in the Boy Scouts. Oh HaNi was really very grateful.

But these days, I think I've been getting weird too. I actually wanted to protect Oh HaNi. Even though she can't do anything, the voice telling me to give her a hard time is getting softer.

Is our entire family slowly falling under Oh HaNi's spell? (this last sentence is more of an interpretation than a literal translation)


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was it in chinese language previously? If yes, do you have the link to the chinese version! Thanks!


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sorry... i think the person just translated directly from korean... and i don't think the chinese version is out yet cuz the korean diary just came out not so many hours ago...
sorry. but if the chinese version is out, since i regularly check baidu, ill tell you.


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omo... i've just seen pics of a wedding hall, which could be the one used for the wedding... and it's SO pretty... kk.
wow. if they make it there, it's going to be the most gorgeous wedding ever...


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Gosh....any links?


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hi, i am from s'pore. Is there anyone who can tell me how to watch playful kiss live from the internet this wednesday? So far, i can only watch it via viikii on thursday for the episode aired on wednesday....many thanks.


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if you wanted to watch it wednesday itself you can watch in dramastyle.com but its raw.


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i mean you can watch it LIVE, not raw with the solutions posted above...
not all of them will work for everybody (but works great for others) so i recommend you trying out first...
Also, do not tune in just minutes ahead of time or you most likely won't be able to because of all the traffic... tune in early... preferably using at least 2 methods if your computer can handle it in case one gives way last minute (trust me, it happens frequently during the time PK is aired)... also, sometimes, the buffering is terrible... Livestation has the least buffering for ME, but it's also the hardest to connect...
also, you can connect to any kind of local MBC, aka Gwangju, Ulsan, etc. and still watch PK.
here's the link to friall link as well


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sorry... what i mean is it's LIVE... which of course means that it's also raw...
hehe.. it's almost 6am here so i'm quite lightheaded right now


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the long preview for episode 15 is here!!!

chekc on the page of hyunniespexers!


i stumbled upon it when i was lurking around for PK godies!


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kooriyuki@soompi speculated on what it all means... kk
i caught words like, rings, during their quarrel. Seems like HN is upset about SJ not bothering about wedding prep? And in the car while still being in the upset mode, I caught words like, regret? SJ said it.
After visiting HN's Mom's and Grandma's grave, the two were strolling in a park, where I think they were discussing about the wedding, and HN asked if they can go honeymoon. SJ said they don't have time, but HN really wanted to go, so SJ asked her where she wants to go. She said Italy and Rome. I don't know what SJ said, and HN said if not overseas, she wants to go somewhere (I'm guessing beach) within Korea. He mentioned some places which she pulled a long face at, and in the end I think SJ used his handphone to decide (something like jackpot) and it was Jeju. That's where HN was jumping up and down around him as seen during the fanvid. (Judging from SJ's face, I think he deliberately let the handphone "choose" Jeju. He's so sweet! )


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Also Episode 15 teaser subbed by Jangkiss subs

and go check ockoala for some new spoilers/rumours on ep 16.


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ok... so you can got to hyuniversal0606@twitter for updates on the wedding filming (which is currently filming now)... i'm not sure how true all this is but it sounds quite genuine if you ask me...

here's some quote from the tweets (in reverse order of appearance):
O Ha ni just went up the elevator, wahhhhh soooo pretty ^^
Il y a environ 2 heures via web
Répondre Retweeter
he's taking an elevator upstair ^^
Il y a environ 2 heures via web
hyun joong's put his black tux on, i supposed ^^ eiei
Il y a environ 2 heures via web
Hyun joong's arrived at the wedding scene wearing black pants, white shirt, carrying computer around, seeming like looking for wireless sig.

pictures of supposed wedding hall:http://twitpic.com/2ywz1m


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oops.. sorry... i didn't read the copy and paste before submitting my comment...

here's the "clean version of the tweets" in the right order this time.. I guess will find out if all this is true (i mean the pictures, it's not like you can verify the tweets) in about 24 hours...

Hyun joong’s arrived at the wedding scene wearing black pants, white shirt, carrying computer around, seeming like looking for wireless sig.
hyun joong’s put his black tux on, i supposed ^^ eiei
he’s taking an elevator upstair ^^
O Ha ni just went up the elevator, wahhhhh soooo pretty ^^


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silly me... i was so caught up with ep 15 long preview that i forgot to post....

ockoala had once again done it... she has posted new SPOILERS, well more like rumours about dialogues in ep 16 on her wordpress...


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I'm not able to watch the long preview , poor me :(


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I LOVE PKissers!!!

ok... so here's the translation to long preview ep 15

ALL CREDITS to sabby25@soompi


Long Preview Ep 15 Eng translation:

To those who wanna know what is said in the long preview~

Credit Chinese translation: 彭彭@百度韩版恶作剧之吻吧
English translation by me^.^


SJ’s Mom: Everybody,I’ve something to say,make sure to cancel all planned activities this coming Wednesday!

SJ’s Dad: Wednesday,I’ve an appointment with Director Yoon for Golf!

HN’s Dad: I have promise to go on an excursion with my shop’s staffs!

EJ: Me too,I’ve been invited to my friend’s birthday party!

SJ: Me too!!

SJ’s Mom: Okay,Please cancel all of them!

ALL: Why?

SJ: What special is it?

SJ’s Mom: Your wedding!

ALL: Wedding?

SJ: Please control yourself,don’t always manipulate me according to your wish.

SJ’s Mom: Who manipulate you? You, yourself said you wanted to get married!

SJ: Didn’t I said after graduation!?~

SJ’s Mom: That have to wait till when ,by that time you’ll need to go for army,don’t keep delaying,take the opportunity when you’re still young and get married!

SJ’s Dad: That’s true!

EJ: My birthday party...

SJ’s Mom: STOP!~ End of story,no more arguments!You know how tired I was trying to find the wedding hall!?~ Everybody make that day available, and then from tomorrow onwards everyone have to actively cooperate with me!

(Along the road)

SJ: Wedding photos? Alright! Groom please look this way,bride please smile happier! You ask me to do something so ridiculous, I definitely refuse!

HN:You’re too much, don’t want to buy rings,also don’t want to take photos, then why do you even come out for!?~

SJ: Am I the one that came up with this? The reason I came out is all because I can’t stand it at home!

HN:Anyways now you’re already out, can’t you just cooperate? Kept saying that you’re upset, don’t want, can’t you just calm down?

SJ: What’s wrong with you, we’re at the street, it’s humiliating!

HN: Humiliating? Hey, I also feel humiliated! That is how the staffs at the jewelry store might look at me, why do I have to look at your expression and accommodate you!?

SJ: In that case don’t accommodate!

HN:Don’t accommodate, if even I can’t bear it too...

SJ: Now I know the reason behind why so many couples break up because of marriage!

HN: What?

(In the Car)

SJ: You listen carefully, marriage does not involve only one person, I’ll never cooperate with you.

HN: When did you ever accommodate me?

SJ: Really, doing this because of my mom?

HN: Aren’t we doing this because of mom? If that’s the case, then why did you even say you wanted to get married in the first place!?

SJ: Yes, I’m also contemplating why I said that in the beginning, I’m regretting it now! Even now it is not too late to reconsider.

(In the Car again)

HN: Where are we going?!

SJ: You will know when we get there!

(At the Cemetery)

HN’s Dad: Seung Jo said he wanted to pay grandma and mom a visit, I neglected due to the fact I was too busy.

SJ: First time meeting you, mom, grandma. Son-in-law has come to visit you, met up to your expectation? Oh Ha Ni is really a trouble maker, but don’t worry, I’ll take good care of Ha Ni from now on.
Ha Ni: Tsk, abominable!

SJ: Abominable?
HN: I like, Thank you. Mom, grandma, I’m getting married!

(On the pathway)

SJ: Kyung Su Sunbae would help out in the wedding ceremony, regarding the witnesses, just exclude that! And...

HN: What about our Honeymoon? Where should we go for our honeymoon?

SJ: Must we go? Do we even have time?

HN: There you go again!

SJ: Alright, alright, alright, where? Do you have places you want to go?

HN: Italy, or Rome?

SJ: Rome, Don’t even think about it!

HN: I was kidding, if we don’t go overseas, what about going to the beach or to some island?

SJ: Island? Alright, let’s go Yeoui-do! (Just beside Han River)

HN: Yeoui-do!?

SJ: What’s wrong? Yeoui-do is also an island! Then what about XXX island ah! XXX island!

HN: Why go such small island!?

SJ: Ah, irritating, let’s just use this to decide, give it a shake, if all 3 pictures are the same, then you will make the decision, we go will go where you want to go!

HN: Alright I know, but will the probability be very slim?

SJ: No, it will not!

HN: Jeju-do, Jeju-do, Jeju-do!

SJ: Yeoui-do!

HN: It’s Jeju-do!! AH!~~~That’s great, great, Best!~~~


JR: What’s the feeling? It’s tomorrow.

HN: I don’t know, I still cannot believe it!

MA: Have you done your preparation?

HN: Almost finish. What’s this?!

JR & MA: Take a look!!!

JR: Quickly open up!

HN: Alright, eh!

JR: Eh, what, eh? ~~ We both understand that the most important thing on the honeymoon wedding night is lingerie and pajamas!

MA: Even prepared perfume.

JR: Look here, when you take a shower, la~la~, Seung Jo Oppa~, thenwear this sexy lingerie lke this , after that put on the perfume like this, phiss~, phiss~!

MA: After then put on some light make up!

JR: Important thing to take note when you shower!

HN: What?

JR: Never create humming sounds

HN: Why?

MA: Men don’t like that!

(Seung Jo’s room)
EJ: Hyung, you asleep?

SJ: Not yet!

EJ: In the end, still got together with Ha Ni!

SJ: Yeah, why, dislike it?

EJ: Also have no choice! Oh Ha Ni is not smart, she is also slow, she look like a fool no matter how I look at it. Obviously can’t swim still dare to rescue me, still continue to like you no matter how Hyung bullied her. Compared to Ha Ni, I prefer to marry a smart & pretty girl!

SJ: Yeah!

EJ: But, I’m in favor of the idea of Hyung & Ha Ni getting married! I really admire Hyung, however, I still feel that Hyung’s character have some problem, that is why I feel that it is very suitable for Hyung to be marrying Ha Ni, both of you will be happy, Congratulations!


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thankuuuuu , I think in that scene fo the honey BSJ did something to the hand phone so it chooses jiju just o make OHN happy and that was sweet


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i hope that... honestly, i watched the scene several times but i couldn't get whether or not it was on purpose...
maybe i have a slow eye but i couldn't catch it...
oh well... we all know seungjo heart melts like poodle for hani behind is steel mask.


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I mean he was already planning to take her to jiju but was just teasing her as always :)


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ok from the written translation , the scene of the honeymoon , seems SJ knows laready that his phone will always show 3 same pictures whatever time he shake it and that's why he suggested that they will go to jiju if the same 3 pictures show up on his phone ;)


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thanks for the explanation... XD


thanks v!!! your an angel PKissers!!!!

Pkissers are really awesome!!!!


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lol... old pics to share about PK...
honestly, the english teacher irritated me quite a lot...
but now that ive seen these pics, i'm liking him a lot more... haha
credit: hyunjoongchina


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more pics... of wedding... looks like the hall is real... kk.. all the better

all the pics are of eunjo. looking mighty fine i might add...
with his manager... how cute:http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_V_fjUvjSUtc/TL2KxIoU8AI/AAAAAAAAERY/MyG-o7irlzw/s1600/2ew17621304.jpg



he's SO cute... he kinda reminds me of majun (jo won) in baker king... but cuter... kk


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Eun jo's pics are so cute, i hope a lot of wedding pics come out

i love this drama to the core

so excited for episode 15, so sad that it will end so soon


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this is not too pertinent to PK but wth, it's our last week... (last 3 days... me: "ANNDWAEEE!!!") so what the heck... let's indulge ourselves....
kim hyun joong's many faces... for your enjoyment.


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