Ok Joo-hyun in Aida
by girlfriday
Singer, actress Ok Joo-hyun, of k-pop group FinKL and the upcoming drama The Musical, has been cast as the lead in a production of Aida to hit the stage this winter season.
Here she is sporting her look for Aida, as well as a trip down memory lane, for those of us to whom FinKL is the soundtrack to our youth, not our birth.
Ok Joo-hyun was cast in the play without having to audition, since she made a name for herself as a musical theater actress with this very role in 2005’s production of Aida. She’s reprising the role as the show hopes to regain its sellout success and the popularity of its initial run.
Ok Joo-hyun stated, “In the first run I was so busy concentrating on my own acting, but now I want to find a connection with the other actors and the audience and be in tune with them.”
Aida also stars Lee Suk-jun, Lee Gun-myung, Bae Hye-sun, Sung Ki-yoon, and Kim Ho-young, and will run from December 18 to March 27 of next year.
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That’s Fin.K.L‘s song “Fortune” from the fourth album. Ok Joo-hyun is the one who can sing.
[ Download ]
And in case you’re unfamiliar with Fine Killing Liberty, here’s a trip down memory lane. Ok Joo-hyun was the lead singer of the 1998-2002 k-pop group FinKL, also with Lee Hyori, Sung Yuri, and Lee Jin. She’s on the far right in the first picture, and second from the left in the bottom one.
Flashbacks to your own bad highlights and that boy you used to crush on? Yup. Right there with you.
Via Joy News
Tags: Ok Joo-hyun, The Musical
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1 Ally
August 6, 2010 at 8:05 PM
All I saw is Lee hyori :P
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2 chocomilk
August 6, 2010 at 8:13 PM
what is lee jin up to? is she still acting?
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3 Sushi
August 6, 2010 at 8:18 PM
i wonder if they're still friends! i use to love them back in the day when ses, hot, and finkl use to rule the scene
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4 Namispop
August 6, 2010 at 8:46 PM
I had not heard of Ok Joo-hyun prior to watching Coffee House...but fell in love with her singing in that drama's OST. What a beautiful voice.
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5 Mel
August 6, 2010 at 9:03 PM
Very, very talented---good luck
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6 birdscout
August 6, 2010 at 9:50 PM
For real?!? Fin.K.L is the acronym for Fine Killing Liberty? But, what does that mean? lol
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7 rant
August 6, 2010 at 10:04 PM
@birsdcout . was thinking the same? wth does that mean?
Most Kgroups have the weirdest names. i forgive suju and big bang and beast. but U-kiss? ss501? and here comes Fin.K.L.. I don't get it.
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August 8, 2010 at 1:02 AM
G.O.D = groove overdose
H.O.T = high five of teenagers
Nope. Not surprising.
But FinKL was much much earlier than U-Kiss and H.A.M. So it was FinKL before U-Kiss and whatever else. Group names have hardly fail to amuse me really.
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8 ruthie
August 6, 2010 at 10:07 PM
i always remember that ojh has that great voice. im so in love with her song catch before lolz! good for her at least she can finally showcase her talent!
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9 Namispop
August 6, 2010 at 10:09 PM
@#6 birdscout and #7 rant-
Here's an explanation for their name, Fin.K.L, courtesy of Wikipedia:
Fin.K.L (핑클) was a K-pop girl group that debuted in 1998. Their name stands for Fine Killing Liberty, and was intended to mean that the group stood against "the oppression of all freedom" (fin means "ending" in French). The group's name was selected by a poll of young people by the record company before the group's inception. This is the reason for the lack of clear meaning in Fin.K.L's English name, for the Korean name (핑클) was selected first.
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10 rant
August 6, 2010 at 10:26 PM
@Sukispop i do appreciate the effort to at least explained that one, but still it doesnt make sense to me. Whether or not the name bear meaning, doesnt matter. thanks anyway.
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11 rant
August 6, 2010 at 10:49 PM
omo. jeon ji hyun solo banner?!? oh how i miss her.
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12 Daktari
August 6, 2010 at 10:55 PM
I think FinKL stands for 'Stop Killing Liberty'. I always assumed 'Fin' to mean 'Stop'
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13 rant
August 6, 2010 at 11:14 PM
now that made sense.
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14 ivy_factiva
August 6, 2010 at 11:28 PM
@2: no idea what Lee Jin has been up to.. But she has a regular spot on the all girls variety show Heroes. I think it's pretty awesome. So far I've watched two episodes of it and I love it.
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15 peachys2sleep
August 6, 2010 at 11:28 PM
"Here she is sporting her look for Aida, as well as a trip down memory lane, for those of us to whom FinKL is the soundtrack to our youth, not our birth."
OH MAN... I totally burst out laughing at the last bit because I totally feel you.
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16 gbo
August 6, 2010 at 11:41 PM
those old photos: daebak!!
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17 Simmy
August 6, 2010 at 11:43 PM
I know this is random, but I am so tired of the Korean plastic surgery. these ppl are so beautiful WHY do they do it? sorry for the random rant, I'm excited for this drama, just drunk and fed up lol. carry on.
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18 kit
August 6, 2010 at 11:43 PM
ohmygosh. finkl. my sister used to have their albums. along with buzz, god, DBSK, shinhwa ...
i think if i rummage hard enough to some deep unknown space in our garage i'll find some finkl notepads AHAHAHAHA.
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19 birdscout
August 6, 2010 at 11:44 PM
@9 Sukispop
Thanks for the background information on Fin.K.L. I *think* I get it now...lol
Off topic: I just finished reading your comments on the final episode of Coffee House, and I couldn't agree more. I really enjoyed this drama! The scene in the last episode where SY cries as she realizes that JS will never love her as a woman brought bittersweet tears to my eyes.
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20 tamu
August 7, 2010 at 12:16 AM
started, knew & loved finkl when they sang "All About Eve" OST..."True Love"
yeap only Ms. Ok who can sing...
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