Why are there so many false casting rumors?
by javabeans
Park Bo-young, Park Shin-hye, and Sulli were all rumored for Playful Kiss
If you’ve been following Korean dramas for a while, you probably have noticed a tendency for productions to make casting announcements before things are entirely finalized. Sometimes those initial reports will go on to be confirmed, and sometimes the reports will be followed by a mad flurry of denials, retractions, and internet drama.
Case in point: Playful Kiss, the manga adaptation in the works for this fall. I don’t know what it is about this particular drama that has spurred such madness — maybe it’s a sign of anticipation, or because it is such a potential idol-magnet and we’ve got a number of idols champing at the bit to make their crossovers. Whatever the rationale, the drama has been a breeding ground for false or exaggerated casting news.
Why the flood of groundless reports in casting?
Kim Hyun-joong, Lee Min-ho, Park Bo-young, Park Shin-hye, Jung So-min, Han Seung-yeon, Sulli, Park Eun-bin… It’s endless. They’re the entertainers who have been reported to be cast in MBC’s Playful Kiss, which airs following Road No. 1 beginning in September.
However, none were final decisions. And that’s not all. SBS’s Secret Garden had a stream of news about the casting of actors who hadn’t even met the director or writer.
Lately, there have been a number of reports swirling about dramas in pre-production, which give wrong information or groundless statements about casting.
What’s the reason for these unfounded rumors running so rampant? There are three reasons for the sudden increase in these cases. The biggest reason is when an entertainer goes on an audition or meets with producers and wants to be cast in the project. The agency then releases these kinds of reports in order to create a receptive atmosphere for themselves.
One source with an agency said, “Sometimes there are cases where an agency will overestimate their actor’s chances of getting cast or exaggerate the situation in hopes to get them cast in a particular drama.”
Another reason is when a drama’s producers have met with an actor or auditioned them, and want the star to accept the role. In that case, they might release a variety of reports. There are quite a number of instances when they will circulate news that the casting is a fait accompli when the contracts haven’t even been formalized or official seals put to paper.
A third reason involves media outlets facing tough competition to get the first scoop, who end up putting out articles containing baseless casting information using mere guesswork.
Finally, the drama cast Jung So-min and Kim Hyun-joong
This article is pretty obvious in outlining the causes, but at least it takes the slant that jumping the gun and reporting falsities are undesirable practices. Recall the Runaway rumors surrounding Jeon Ji-hyun, which the actress’s management was swift to counter. In cases when the name in question is a big star, it’s likely that the production is trying to use the press and public opinion to sway a hesitant actor into accepting.
In the case of Playful Kiss, I think we’ve got a mix of all three of the above reasons, which may explain why there was such a clusterfuck of random reporting coming out in swift succession. It seems as though the Park Shin-hye and Lee Min-ho rumors were wishful thinking on the production’s part, since I can’t see those two accepting in the first place. (I’m going to speculate that neither was seriously considering the drama. They’ve both taken very similar roles recently, and probably want to move on.)
As for the other names, I suspect management was trying to drum up public support for their stars until the final decision was made. And of course, there were also a number of reporters who jumped the gun to get the scoop. Hence you had one story announcing one actress as a frontrunner just as another outlet put out a story that a different name was almost-maybe-just-about-to-be cast. In reporting any and every possibility, it just heightened the confusion.
I suspect there’s also a fourth reason: the production trying to keep their drama in the minds of the public by periodically releasing news about it, no matter how flimsy the basis for such news.
Basically, this article is a big ol’ reminder to take everything with a grain of salt until reports are declarative and final, rather than operating on speculation.
Via My Daily
Tags: drama production, Jung So-min, Kim Hyun-joong, Lee Min-ho, Park Bo-young, Park Shin-hye, Playful Kiss, Sulli
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1 lynx
July 18, 2010 at 9:13 AM
The anime looked really great. I hope Hyun Joong pulls this off... though his stoic acting.. might be what they want... :P
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2 Om
July 18, 2010 at 9:24 AM
"though his stoic acting.. might be what they want"
Yeah right, its his fanbase they want.
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3 sophia
July 18, 2010 at 9:37 AM
i also think they do this so that they can see how the public reacts to the casting of the leads, aka if they like the coupling, if they think the actor fits the role...etc...
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4 nynaeve
July 18, 2010 at 9:41 AM
They should've cast Lee Min Ho and Park Bo Young as the lead characters...
It would've made a world of difference... T_T
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5 Lola
July 18, 2010 at 9:44 AM
Hope jang geum suk n moon geum young play dis drama .. It will be awsome :-)
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6 pengork
July 18, 2010 at 9:50 AM
it's frustrating, because you can't DO anything about these rumours. you hear them, and you anticipate, (as was the case with me and jeon ji hyun), and then you're let down. :\
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7 iWANTcereal
July 18, 2010 at 9:52 AM
I'm gonna have to add " clusterfuck " to my vocabulary.
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8 sallynally
July 18, 2010 at 10:03 AM
I was going to say exactly what #3 (sophia) said above, but she beat me to it... =)
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9 samoa
July 18, 2010 at 10:17 AM
so next time when we read news '..has been offered/considered....'then we know part of it is just that actors/actresess agencies trying to drum up their stars. To me it is not too ugly or clusterfuck (not sure if I'm using it correctly here), compared to the actors/actresses indirectly forced to quit after they have been casted as main lead, even uglier they have to be replaced by second lead.
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10 Ahjummoni
July 18, 2010 at 10:57 AM
a lil reminder all this fandom started with an article declaring that Kim Hyun Joong was voted by fans as number 1 to play Naori and in that list were also Jang Geun Suk, Choi Si Won and Kim Bum (after me this was producer's list)
I kinda bet that Lee Min Ho or Park Shin Hye's agencies just enjoyed the advertising
the rest of the drumming indeed in my books was done by management agencies and this time producers enjoyed the advertising but on the other hand this was done on regular basis so they had smth to do with it
for me was a total surprise Jung So Min as Kotoko, ohh well this girl can act... so let's hope that most annoying things at Kotoko this time will be just cute
jap Naori was really stoic but his acting didn't impressed me much so this time Kim Hyun Joong won't be compared with Oguri Shun who is an amazing actor
after me Kim Hyun Joong(24) looks better than Kashiwabara Takashi(33 now) in Naoki's role(however his wikipedia pic is way better than his 19 years old image)
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11 chahaya
July 18, 2010 at 11:07 AM
I also had the same idea about why LMH and PSH will not accept those roles.They already acted in that kind of drama. After they had huge popularity, it's better for them to pick serious/different roles to improve their acting
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12 Alixana
July 18, 2010 at 11:28 AM
I wanted Lee Minho. He's a really good actor! I didn't like BOF nor PP, but I liked how he pulled off his characters.
But I gues KHJ will do. At least he's pretty - that's got to count for something.
But I'm totally unhappy about the girl. yeah, she's good in Bad Guy - but I just don't see her fit for this role. She's too pretty. And I find her mouth disturbing. But that's beside the point.
I hoped for PSH. Hwang Bora would have been a nice choice too.
Argh. But Ariel Lin was awesome in ISWAK! ^^ I loved her!
Anyway, I hope all goes well. But I'm more curious about Sunkyukwang Scandal. Joong Ki ftw!
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13 pengork
July 18, 2010 at 11:49 AM
@ 12 alixana: IA about hwang bora; i'd like to see her around more. i'm on a my girl rewatch and she's great! Goddamn i love this drama still. no one has managed poor and plucky as three (four?)-dimensionally as lee da hae. <3
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14 gia
July 18, 2010 at 11:57 AM
i know that the lead is confirmed but i still want Seo Woo. she is so cheerful and naive.
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15 absothe
July 18, 2010 at 1:19 PM
They do look adorable together, I just hope KHJ's acting won't be too painfull to look at.
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16 yoyo
July 18, 2010 at 2:21 PM
kim hyun joon only wanted because of his famous idol status which can help pull in ratings. im sorry his acting is stiff and sucks. i dont buy it. Gosh i hope he doesnt ruin this drama. i dont know much about teh girl so i cant say
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17 yellow
July 18, 2010 at 3:33 PM
you know what they say any publicity is good publicity! still lookin forward for this kdrama! and the recaps hope GF likes this one,,......
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18 okitokki
July 18, 2010 at 4:31 PM
@7 iWANTcereal
I’m gonna have to add ” clusterfuck ” to my vocabulary.
bahahah. meee tooo.
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19 jenn
July 18, 2010 at 5:15 PM
your right Margaux even though im a big fan of kim hyun joong
lee min ho would fit the role of the guy wayyy better
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20 Cam
July 18, 2010 at 6:48 PM
Oh boooyyyyyyyyyyy.....................(dull glares)
Is something wrong with these actors and actresses, eh? Oh jeez, they seem like they had decide to choose 2 of them = Kim Hyun Joong and Jung So Min into fit the role for this drama "Playful Kiss".
I think it'd be BEEETTTTTEEERRR for Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye OR Jang Geun Seok and Moon Geun Young in this drama ---- I can't imagine that this drama would be AWESOME! haha! =)
Oh well..........THIS?? Ooo...........I hope they will work with thing so well, mm. (awkward grins)
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21 Alexis
July 18, 2010 at 6:52 PM
Oh jeez.
I am so glad for Jung So Min to join in this drama "Playful Kiss" but Kim Hyun Joong...........um, I did notice about these comments from people who always negative about him, ouch. Well.............I hope he will try his best and improve his acting................=/
...........Aigoo, I felt like I want to see Park Shin Hye to get together with Lee Min Ho nor Jang Geun Seok, that'd be great!
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22 Carinne
July 18, 2010 at 7:55 PM
Interesting duo... I hope this series will offer to spread some genuine laughs and good spirit.
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23 your conscience
July 18, 2010 at 8:29 PM
at least JHW can naturally act
KHJ is stiff as a steel
he has no dynamics
just wish it was jang gun sook and the current female lead
anyone but KHJ
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24 Gita
July 18, 2010 at 8:45 PM
I'll pass! I was a big fan of Itazura Na Kiss and I don't want to ruin the memory by watching Kim Hyun Joong expressionless acting. I know I'm being judgmental, but life's tough, when you watch something you would want to be entertained. I could only be entertained by a drama if the actor is either (verrrry) good looking or has stellar acting skill. For me Hyun Joong is neither pretty nor a good actor, I never find a feminine guy attractive. Too bad... I wish lots of luck for the drama though.
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25 Apple a day
July 18, 2010 at 8:47 PM
Sorry to all KHJ fans, but he's really a bad actor. He totally killed the Hanazawa Rui character when he was in Boys over flowers.
I hope this time he steps up his game and hire a better acting coach! hahaha!
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