Playful Kiss + Lee Tae-sung = confirmed
by javabeans
They didn’t make us wait on this one long, did they? Lee Tae-sung, recently announced as frontrunner, is onboard with Playful Kiss.
He’ll be Kim Hyun-joong‘s rival for the girl (played by Jung So-min), showing unfailing devotion whereas the hero, well, doesn’t. Lee’s character Jun-gu is based on the manga’s Kinnosuke, and hails from Gyeongsang-do in the south. (Historically, there has been prejudice against southerners by Seoulites, who consider themselves more urbane than the countrified masses. This Jun-gu character seems cast in that mold as “a character with the energy of a Gyeongsang youth and a tough appeal.”)
Playful Kiss is set for a September 1 premiere.
Via Asia Economy
Tags: Lee Tae-sung, Playful Kiss
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1 Kathy
July 20, 2010 at 5:54 PM
One word: YAYYYY!!!!!!!
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2 danna
July 20, 2010 at 6:05 PM
ok love him and kinnosuke??.....huh.....guess i'll just take wat i can get...on second thought, this drama seems like its going to be the second lead syndrome haven
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3 blabber45
July 20, 2010 at 6:07 PM
Awesome! I love Lee Tae-Sung and Kim Hyun-Joong! I hope this drama will be great. Can't wait!!
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4 aoikarin
July 20, 2010 at 6:09 PM
Yippppeee!!! So many Kdrama I want to watch!
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5 lookit
July 20, 2010 at 6:18 PM
I don't know if it is just me, but doesn't Onew from Shinee and Lee Tae Sung look alike? especially in 9 end 2 outs?
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September 6, 2010 at 5:26 AM
dont you mean Minho??
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6 Nina
July 20, 2010 at 6:19 PM
@ 1 : me too : YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Tae Sung oppa! ♥
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7 Quaggy
July 20, 2010 at 6:22 PM
Oh, they are just begging us to all to suffer from Secondary Lead Syndrome, aren't they?! (But here's hoping that the "Christine" character makes an appearance too.)
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8 joeydragonlady
July 20, 2010 at 6:39 PM
Finally an actor who can act in the cast of Playful Kiss! I wasn't going to watch coz Park Shin Hye wasn't in it but with Tae-Sung I finally have a reason.
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9 Scarlett
July 20, 2010 at 6:46 PM
I think he actually matches well with Kinnosouke's role (wrong spelling?). Let's see whether he does better than Jiro Wang or not. But, this has made me happy, if KHJ can play his part well, than I might like this drama better than the Taiwanese version. But, Joe Cheng maybe be unsurpassable tho'
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10 dramafreak19
July 20, 2010 at 7:20 PM
Now, no matter how painful this drama'll be, I HAVE to watch it because Lee Tae Sung's in it.
please be good.
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11 chichaloca
July 20, 2010 at 7:22 PM
yeah...finally not same cast again from u ur beautiful..
thanx mr producer,,love tae-sung oppa :)
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12 Rosyiris
July 20, 2010 at 7:38 PM
@7: I really like the Christine character in the Taiwanese drama too...they're funny couple! Without her, I would feel really bad for his character, especially in the first part. He has such unrequited love for the female lead, very different from the main lead. This remake is looking better and better! I can't wait :)
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13 rainerust
July 20, 2010 at 7:39 PM
I feel a strange longing for Ikuta Toma to take this role LOL probably because he played something similar in HanaKimi and actually made me like a character I originally detested.
That said, can't wait to watch LTS in this. I almost couldn't recognise him, he looks a bit different from his days in 9E2O.
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14 Hazel
July 20, 2010 at 7:40 PM
(Historically, there has been prejudice against southerners by Seoulites, who consider themselves more urbane than the countrified masses.)
Sounds like...America. Yankees v. Southerners. I remember a few Korean celebs claiming on variety shows that they try to mask their "unsophisticated" accents once they move to the big city, which mirrors our situation as well. :-(
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15 Arivle
July 20, 2010 at 7:45 PM
OMGGGGGGGGGG I LOVE HIM...but isn't he too old for that part?...I mean the drama starts when they are in High School all the way to College and his character is very quirky, honest, and lovable.....I wonder how the writers are going to keep the essence of all be honest I love the TWDrama version caused Ariel Lin and Joe Cheng have superb chemistry and that what drives the drama forward.....I hope this doesn't turn in a huge disaster of epic proportions, cause I really would hate to see such great story line go to waste.........**keeping fingers cross**.....
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16 cille
July 20, 2010 at 8:20 PM
love that he's on board this drama. i really also like his smile. i enjoyed him in 9 ends 2 out, time between dog and wolf, romance zero and the woman next door. i think he has great potential as an actor too!
and here's probably another case where i'll love the sub-man more than the lead. hehe
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17 carmz
July 20, 2010 at 8:29 PM
I really like him in 9 ends 2 out, and he was such a badass in TBDW. I think he's got great comic timing.
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18 coollady
July 20, 2010 at 9:31 PM
dang, now i HAVE to check out this drama because Lee Tae Sung is in it! he's the only cast member i approve of....sigh, if only the leads were different. i agree with you all that this drama is definitely gonna be a case of loving the second lead more the main...i mean, come on! it's Lee Tae Sung vs. Kim Hyun Joong...that's not even fair competition.
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19 okitokki
July 20, 2010 at 9:33 PM
oh, poo.
i feel second-lead syndrome coming on already :/ :]
@19 Lee Tae Sung v Kim Hyun Joong really ISNT fair ahahah.
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20 anna
July 20, 2010 at 9:45 PM
Such a serious picture of him, I can't even imagine.
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21 Barbara
July 20, 2010 at 9:51 PM
Seems like 2010 is the year the main cast members of 9 Ends 2 Outs are all back.
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22 nikkyp28
July 20, 2010 at 9:54 PM
They are really gearing up, making a lot of publicity and noise on this drama. KHJ better deliver or this drama will be buried by its other counterpart in september namely: Runaway (Rain) and Secret Garden (Ha Ji Won). looking forward to the latter 2 already,
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23 ar_arguably romantic
July 20, 2010 at 10:51 PM
this is THE best news so far! A part of me believes that Lee Tae-sung is way too good for the sort of idol/idol-generating drama Playful Kiss will be, but I'm really glad he's in it. Jiro Wang's goofiness is probably impossible to capture (i think it has something to do with that smile of his), but i think Lee Tae-sung will give his own spin on it that will charm the audience and make us lol like crazy.
@15 Arivle
Lee Taesung is only a year older (25) than the male lead, KHJ (24). and I think Joe Cheng was 23-ish when he did ISWAK. Lee Tae-sung only seems old because he's a more seasoned actor than the two leads and he has played a few older roles. I'm surprised that he's only 25. Close to my age! Maybe in a couple of years, we can get married =D
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24 qldgal
July 20, 2010 at 11:01 PM
i'm actually pretty excited for playful kiss. it started with a kiss [Taiwanese version] was my first asian drama. i did really like it, but i hope this one is better, although i really shouldn't put my hopes too high.
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25 danna
July 20, 2010 at 11:35 PM
@24...really?...only 25?? that makes him the same age as Song Joong he looks so much older...i thought he was 30 something all through romance zero
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