Kim Hyun-joong offered role in Athena

Producers have offered a role to idol singer Kim Hyun-joong of boy band SS501 (who made his acting debut in 2009’s Boys Before Flowers) in the upcoming IRIS spinoff Athena: Goddess of War. Kim has met several times with a senior exec of Taewon Entertainment, the production company behind IRIS and its related projects, to discuss joining the production and possible character details.

This suggests that Taewon is following the casting formula of the original — that is, one big-name Hallyu movie star (Jung Woo-sung), a few solid stars with proven acting chops (Cha Seung-won, Su Ae), a controversial pick (Lee Jia), and an idol to attract the young generation.

But Kim Hyun-joong — really, Athena? (I know I’m opening myself up for hate, so I’ll give you Kim fans fair warning and a minute to leave this post, so you don’t feel you have been unfairly subjected to the opinions of a stupid silly poopyhead who sees nothing positive in this news whatsoever.)

Oh Athena, you started off so well, even if you did have to mar that by adding Lee Jia. But I could live with that. Yet it’s like they saw all the complaints about TOP’s acting deficiencies and decided they wanted to outdo themselves for the spinoff. At least TOP looked entirely at home in a spy action thriller; imagining Kim as a spy makes me cringe. Because Kim Hyun-joong is not a good actor, not close by a mile. And I’m not slamming his real-life personality or his variety show persona — both of which seem fun and entertaining — but purely his acting abilities. He took one of the easiest characters to like in Boys Before Flowers, nay, in all of kdramas — the very archetype of the likable second lead — and made him a joke. I don’t even get the sense (from interviews) that he WANTS to be an actor.

A source with Kim’s management stated on the 11th that he would be working on SS501 activities through the end of the month so he has not made a decision. However, after getting the offer for Athena, he has been seriously considering the role.

Via OSEN, Hankook Ilbo


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@39, yes, and Yoona won the Best Actress award. xD


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I'm a huge Hyunjoong fan, but PLEASE god, don't let him be near high profile acting anytime in the near future!


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no thank you!


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i've been lurking for a while now but this news just forces me out of that mode. really? no, really? LOL! my excitement was slightly marred by Lee Jia's addition but this one, i'm just shaking my head...i'm speechless. i also read somewhere that one of the SNSD girls is being considered for a role. i don't know if that's just a rumor but it will be Athena in kpopland LOL!

KHJ, i hope you'll prove us all wrong tsk, tsk, tsk...


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I love Kim Hyun Joong too... But he is not suitable for an acting career. He simply can't act. He's gonna get a lot of hate for this role... *facepalm*


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Great...As one of his fans (SS501), I clearly love to see me taking this challenge. So who knows he might pull this through... Go for it Oppa......I have faith in you...

Thanks JB...to me everyone is a critic...


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@ Butterfly:

Don't think BYJ has any acting talent either. Winter Sonata is his one and only accomplishment. Subsequent attempts to prove his acting talent failed spectacularly.


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hmmm it might work out
if he DOESN'T talk

he's got that cold indifferent attitude going on
maybe he could play it off of facial expressions if they keep his character as nonchalance

and yes he cannot act at all, but i'll give him the benefit of being a rookie
hopefully he got some acting classes going on

but its better if they choose a different person
personally i like jung il woo. he's remarkable!


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How on earth did he win the 'Best Actor' award (someone said above)?!

I excited Cha Seung Won is in but why do they have to put him in too! He should just stick to his music for everyone sake!


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Hyunjoonggggg.. I love you lots but I'm not sure when it comes to acting. Hmmm Athena - I am so looking forward to this cuz of Woo Sung and Seung Won. Just wondering what kinda role would be given to him? Somehow I just can't find the fit.


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off topic... just heard CNBlue's new song Love Light. thought you might like it. I have to look up the lyrics and read it very slowly so that I can understand what they are singing about (lol) but the song itself is easy breezy!


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Yup, totally agree, big NO.

Thanks for sharing. I 'll check it out. Love CNBlue 'I'm a loner' (heard of the problem, still love the song).


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lol seriously i feel like he doesn't like being an actor at all. and like you said he seems like such an awesome person on variety shows (JOONBO LETTUCE COUPLE ANYONE?) but......................... his acting :|


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Hmmm... nerdy computer hacker? It could work. *ducks away from things
being thrown at her*

I do hope he considers long and hard before he embarasses himself again.

About TOP...He looks like a Killer so it doesn't matter if he wasn't that good in the acting department.


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Thanks for the update, and that's ridiculous if fangirls attack you because of your (very correct) opinion. KHJ is best left as a singer and should advance his career by doing more variety shows or MC duties since his personality is what made WGM so watchable. The only way that boy is going to emote aka "act" is if Hwangbo is cast opposite him, and that's not going to happen.


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I, too, am delurking just for this. Haha!
I wonder what role he was offered. It's probably a goofy spy with a 4D personality who just happens to be good at assassinating people or some such. LOL.
But still...be careful T.Ent. First, the name (Athena?! What?! Ugh!! Why do I have to be such a Greek mythology geek >_<), then LJ...and now...I cringe what else they'll announce about it next.


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i dun think it's a bad idea actually..
coz looking at the SS501 previous album, the solo collection where they had episode kind-of mv, he played the bad role quite well.. so i think it would be quite fine with him acting in Athena..

but if his role is like TOP in IRIS, i think that would be stupid.. (no offence! )


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OMG! Not this guy o____0 I'm sure he's a great guy, entertainer and singer but his acting skills are really below zero! And I agree, I don't think he himself is much interested in acting (that's the impression I got) so that's hardly going to help... Bleh, if he does end up with a role I hope it's a very small one >_____<

But really, if they want an idol to boost the show why not go with someone like Choi Siwon instead? Now that's a guy who knows how to act! Though I guess we can't expect to see so him in another drama so quickly after "Oh My Lady"~


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wa i'm glad to see that i ain't the only one finding that this guy absolutely CAN'T ACT!!! too bad they're ruining dramas with such lame actors, while there are many excellent ones, who are more handsome too( if that's what they're looking for because apparently they aren't searching for talent)


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ugh, so disappointed with the news. had been hyped up over Athena because of Jung Woo Sung, but now it's just too bad. Kim Hyun Joong was so stiff in BOF, i cringe whenever i recall his bland expressions. i really hope they pick another actor - yes, someone who can actually act.



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He is a really bad actor.I remember watching BOF and all of his wooden acting.If he really wants to be an actor then he will have to work really hard to improve


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i do like KHJ but as a singer and dancer... but if he really wants to pursue acting.. well, i guess he just have to work harder... I agree, as much as i love watching bof.. he was not that good in portraying jihoo... im still excited about Athena though..


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Bad decision..No!...Crazy idea...!! Jung Woo Sung and Cha SeungWon are not FlowerBoys for Heaven's Sake!!


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I love me some Hyun Joong i really do but can they pick a better role for him to develop as an actor if that is what he wants to pursue? Try a romantic comedy or something else more in his realm in his early stages as an actor. He still needs to be trained and study his acting skills a little more. I still loved him as Ji Hoo in BBF though. Was it a hard role not really? Was he still adorable playing him absolutely. I love his music and i think he has a great personality and charisma but this role just doesn't really suit him. If he's smart he'll look into another role in the future and decline this one. Until then i still love Hyun Joong as a solo and love SS501. <3


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My two cents: from Ep 1 of BBF, I fast-forwarded through all his solo bits and bits with GHS. And I did so with no compunction and much glee.


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well, KHJ hardly shows any facial expressions....stoic, which is a good thing for a spy....am not sure about the pretty boy look though...but maybe they can do something about that......



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i was never a fan of KHJ's acting. perhaps, the only believable acting i saw him in was in gummy's mv! up to now, his acting in BOF (particularly where he was walking like a zombie when he was supposed to look like shocked and dismayed) plays clearly in my head. total disaster, i would say. but i love him still, i just don't think that he's cut-out for acting :)


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Go away. Just sing.


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I LOVE HYUN JOONG! But yeah... I hope people stop offering acting gigs for him because it's obvious they're casting him just because of his popularity and not because of his acting skills. And Hyun Joong doesn't even seem to want to be an actor.

Like javabeans said, Hyun Joong got the easiest role to play on 'Boys Over Flowers' and he ruined it. His week portrayel of Rui helped that for the first time in all Boys Over Flowers adaptations to the character of Rui don't be the fav among the F4:( And Hyun Joong doesn't seem to want to be an actor at all, I'm a fan of his and I always watch his interviews and variety shows and his real passion is music and not acting. I'm sure if he had for acting the same passion he has for music, he would work very hard to improve his acting skills. But Hyun Joong doesn't have the motivation, he doesn't seem to like acting at all, he only accepted the role on 'Boys Over Flowers' because his company almost forced him too.

At least his looks suited the Rui character, but I can't imagine Hyun Joong as a spy. :/ He would be totally miscasted. I know some people complained about TOP's acting, but I think he did a good job for a newbie (his acting didn't bother me at all and he didn't ruined the character), besides that, he looked very fierce and badass so looked very suited for the role as a spy.

I love Hyun Joong and because I love him, I say this.


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lol he is not even pretty look at his hair and makeup but I do not care about this athena anyway


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I'm not a KHJ fan but I think most of you guys are being unfair to this dude. BOF was his first acting job so as a rookie give him a little leeway from your harsh critique. You can't expect him to win a best actor award on his first acting stint right? And oh please don't compare him to LMH and Kim Bum, they've been on a couple of dramas already before BOF so definitely they have more experience than him. I guess u can't judge a person with just one bad acting and branded him as the worst actor of all.


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It's so funny you guys hate his acting in BOF but in reality this was the role that made him rose to stardom all over Asia. Ji hoo sunbae became a household name all throughout Asia. Remember how he won all the popularity awards during that time? Not only in Korea, but in taiwan, japan, Malaysia as well. Oh well knowing his personality, he will definitely take all the harsh comments in a positive way. He will use this to challenge himself and become a better actor in the near future. To all the fans, wherever which way KHJ is heading, as long as his happy, please support him 100%


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hey guys, anybody has seen Gummy's video As A Man lately? HJ and RW are the main actors here....in my opinion, KHJ definitely improved his acting skills. He is way much better here compared to BOF.. Lol... So I agree with some of you guys, I'll give him a chance and watch him in Athena if he's given a role...maybe he really has some potential for the role.. Why would the company choose him among all other actors anyway... I'll give him a chance!!!!!!!!!!


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Maybe they just want him to run around in the background holiday a gun and looking pretty! admittedly i do agree with the BOF acting, the general lack of acting skills comments........ ahhh... buh he so preeeedddddiiiiiiii.......


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I have no desire to see him in a drama I have been especially looking forward to. Cha Seung Won is one of my favorite actors, but not even that will compel me to watch it if Kim Hyun Joong is going to be in it.


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And to the people defending him for being a rookie, I feel like he shouldn't even be offered in a huge drama like this that really has the momentum to shine. This should be a drama that would be in his later acting career. He doesn't have enough experience to take on such a big role like this.


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For me who can't even finish BOF (still traumatized with it, actually), every time I see this kind of news on acting offer for KHJ, I just cringe... No offence, I like KHJ, like SS501, like him on MVs (even the psycho hitman MV looks good). But the thing is in MV, he doesn't need to talk, not like in drama.... On the other hand, maybe he's improving? So, I'm not going to shun him 100% from drama...


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'I don’t even get the sense (from interviews) that he WANTS to be an actor.'

I couldn't agree more. KHJ is pretty sensible in reality. even HE thinks he butchered Rui in BOF (which is saying a lot since in his female co-star didn't seem to mind or realize how she butchered Makino). He also always is pretty confused as to way he's always been lead to acting, when it's clearly not his calling.

Honestly though, I didn't find IRIS that stellar. It was pretty lame with its laughable faux-spy plot-lines and ridiculous fight scenes. The little that I managed to watch of it was TOP's parts (and I don't even know him) so it may not be a bad idea to cast him.

I feel him sorry; he's just managed to shake off the hounds of kimi wa petto and now he's got spies chasing him down. Poor guy.


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It is mind-boggling to me that out of all the kpop idols out there who would definitely be a MUCH better pick for this role, idiot producers continue to make blatantly commercial-minded decisions!!! Whatever happened to subtlety in casting choices?!??
I know he's very pretty! But his face can only carry him so far!

Whatevs, he was the vain of my existence in BBF and if he doesn't spend at least a few years immersing himself in acting classes, I will...lose a lot of faith in kdramas. I feel like if he takes this role, he's totally asking for it!

PLEASE choose someone else! Pleaseeee!!!!!!!!!!


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i am so afraid for cha seung won.... when athena was announced, the cityhallers are so excited for our jo guk and his rising popularity and big projects.... but now what are they thinking???? are they destroying athena? and they have been coming out with news clarifying that athena is not iris 2 but they are following the iris formula. this guy who destroyed rui hanazawa for all of us! if they want idol materials, how about lee hong ki (comic relief computer geek... ) or how about taecyon from cinderella's sister - at least this guy has the body to be a spy... please save athena!


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Cut it out people. Some of you are overreacting that you would not watch Athena because of KHJ. What if the story is really nice? What if the main actors are really good? Do u still want to skip the drama because of him? They did not say they would give KHJ a big lead role.. maybe it's just a supporting role...So what's the commotion? As long as the main plot and the MAIN actors of the drama are awesome, I wouldn't miss or skip this drama at all.


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i'm sure he CAN act..it's just about time when he can show us his best acting skill..we still dunno..maybe he would meet a great director who can help him in acting...
c'mon..when sung yu ri acted in prince's 1st love,many ppls said she couldn't act!! but then she came with her 'hong gil dong' and that was really good..more than enough...so stop saying someone can't act..maybe they just haven't act well yet..


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I think Lee Jia will surprise everyone with some great acting in this drama. I have faith in her!

But Kim Hyun-joon? Don't get me wrong, I adoooore him since his "We Got Married" days. I think he's great as a person and singer. Buuuut his acting makes me cringe. He's beautiful to look at, but doesn't express emotions too well.

Unless they cast him as a robot? You know, Night in "Zettai Kareshi" would be the work of his life! XD


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loveholic, that award won by KHJ is popularity award, not best new actor award. it has been interpreted wrongly by some media and voted by netizens...if he has won the best new actor award, it's an insult to the other nominees..

Lee Jia inclusion to the cast is ok, but once i read KHJ name appeared, i totally lost interest.

He should stick to his singing career. if he is interested in acting, he should take cameo or supporting roles will do.. don't go into main lead or 2nd lead role, it will be disaster..


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erm. no. no. no. no. no.

i'm sorry. but no. i like to be optimistic, but no. if lee jia is gonna be eaten alive by the three, he will be bulldozed over. unless he has a simple role. or bring his offscreen character into onscreen. or be a singer. :P i'm not hating him but i don't think it will work. to be in this, u need to be at least quite intense in ur eyes, don't you think?

if they want to pull in the young audience, i think jang geun seok would be quite suitable too. only if he was not tied up with the other drama (which ironically was offered to KHJ?)


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kiongna - omgosh! loved your post and agree with it 100%. I'll be praying hard too! i suspect we are in the same generation - I am def. not fan girl age ... more ahjumma age, but vow to never actually BE one!

KHJ is wonderful in SS501 - it's one of my fave kpop groups and has been since it debuted - and as a singer/personality on variety shows. As much as I enjoyed BOF, yes, his "acting" had a long way to go - it was hard to watch at first sometimes, but he really did show improvement over the course of the series. I got the feeling he was kind of thrown to the wolves in that one, without much help and direction.

But give the boy a chance :-) If for nothing else than he is *beautiful* and seems like a nice person who will try hard and learn, if given the opportunity. It would be good, if he had a smaller part to learn with, until he improves his skills. But, I sure do admire his bravery in going for it when so many are out to blow him out of the water and blast him for his lack of training/skills in acting.

And at least one person mentioned Kim Bum ... tell ya what, I think that boy literally *sparkles* on screen. His presence is incredible for someone so young. His minor plot romance in BOF was charming and delightful. His lead in The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry was mesmerizing. I marathoned that drama in about 3 days because I could not stop watching him (for me that is REALLY fast, as my real life is so busy I rarely have time to watch more than an hour or so of TV a day).

Anyway, back to KHJ - you go guy ... I hope the man upstairs will be listening to the prayers of kiongna and I for your success ... LOL! And for those of you who think it would take a miracle for KHJ to be a good actor ... well, nothing is impossible with God ;-) hee hee.

Love reading all the comments. It would be fun to be in a room with all of you, discussing various kdramas and actors/actresses! Have a great day everyone!


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I usually agree with javabeans 99.9% of the time.
And also with "a group of names" of people who frequently
post comments here. You evil people know who you are. :)

But I have a different take with this article about Kim Hyun-joong.

I bought the 2 volume DVD set ( my first ) for "Boys Over Flowers."
(Mainly because I can't afford the fourteen thousand dollars needed
to buy the complete sets of "The Immortal Admiral Yi Soon Shin" and
"Dae Jo Young" which got me hooked on Korean TV in the first place.)

So watching BOF whenever I want to, a few things prooved themselves.
Lee Min-ho is a walking fireworks factory. He held his own in every scene
against his evil witch mom, Lee Hye Young. Like mother, like son? :)
So anybody else in that cast would have looked pale by comparison.

I....AM.....NOT.....a fangirl = LMH is hot, KHJ is beautiful, Kim Bum's smile,
blah, blah. Although Kim Joon did a respectable job with his small role.

I think that "the alleged scriptwriter" of BOF graduated from the "Plot Holes
'R' Us School of Scriptwriting" and the director of BOF only said to the actors:
"Stand in front of the camera and say your lines." They should both be shot.

Kin Hyun-joong took a hell of a beating for his part in BOF.
Post #42 ~ pencils, suggested he stick to his day job, sing, make money,
and avoid the hassle of screams of outrage from the fans. But maybe KHJ
is willing to stick his neck out because he knows he can do better than BOF.

I see the alleged BOF director telling him, "this guy never had any love in
his life after his parents died, so play him as a robot." The robot warmed
up a lot as BOF rumbled on, but I think that people never saw the subtle
change emerge in KHJ's character. Dare I call it........ACTING?

I watched "We got married" and saw what people were raving about.
A subtle personality, quiet, and a weird sense of humor. I think if KHJ
ever gets the right role, with a competant director, he may surprise us all.

I hope so...................



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I hope he accepts. His acting has improved, I'm really happy about these news.
And I think he fits the image well.


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You know, I kind of agree with people who says his acting has improved, and I have scientific proof to back it up.

My girlfriends and I started watching BOF for Kim Hyun Joong--we'd seen We Got Married and we thought he was too precious for words. We were all really excited. However, by episode three of Boys Over Flowers, we were Girls So Over Flowers, and were driven to drink. Seriously. We would all take swigs of alcoholic beverages every time Kim Hyun Joong tried--and failed--to emote without looking psychotic. It became a game for us, to the point where we looked forward to his appearances on screen because it gave us an excuse to drink. During the first half of the BOF, we were always hammered. Like, using-our-shoes-as-telephones-and-laughing-at-inanimate-objects hammered. By the end of the BOF, we were just wickedly buzzed.

Lee Min Ho-My-God, on the other hand, got himself five new rabid fangirls.

Disclaimer: In the latter half of the BOF-watching experience, we may have just been sick and tired of being drunk, thereby giving Kim Hyun Joong credit so we could stop drinking so much, but I do believe he improved marginally, at least enough to make us not die from alcohol poisoning. Therefore, I declare our scientific experiment a success!

Maybe in Athena he'll leave us stone cold sober. That would be something, ne?


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Thanks ~ #97 p3rk3le ~ for posting that music video. If it wasn't already
a music video, it could easily pass for the role that this article is suggesting
for Kim Hyun-joong. "Not too shabby none."

PS....I've known people who qualify as beyond humanly beautiful.
Sometimes they coast along on their looks, but have unused, empty brains.
But sometimes....there's a real person inside all that beauty, trying to get out.
I think that Kim Hyun-joong is one of those "beautiful inside, too" people.



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