Cinderella’s Sister: Episode 5

Better and better, I say. I still miss the teenage years and, like girlfriday, felt I could have been perfectly content to have them mine that territory longer. But I can see the point about moving them forward to explore how things have shaped up in the intervening years to land us in the adult stages.

Also: OH. MY. GOD, people. If I get one more email about how recaps are too slow, I’m going to cut a bitch. Friendly warning!


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We backtrack a little from Episode 4’s ending to see from Hyo-sun’s perspective how she came to be in the art gallery. She sees Eun-jo walking up the stairs to the exhibit, so she hurries inside and pretends that she has been here all along.

After announcing that she and Ki-hoon are dating (and despite some confusion, yes the meaning is very clear about them dating romantically), Hyo-sun looks closely at Eun-jo for a reaction. Eun-jo is hit hard by this news, but won’t give Hyo-sun the satisfaction of rattling her and keeps her face stoic.

Hyo-sun asks whether Eun-jo thinks she’s lying, but Eun-jo turns to ask the curator a question, ignoring Hyo-sun, who looks at her in petulance. This short scene goes a long way in demonstrating the dynamics between these adult sisters — there is no love lost, and both know how to push each other’s buttons.

In the car, Hyo-sun presses the topic again, saying (rubbing in) that Eun-jo must not be in contact with Ki-hoon if she doesn’t know they’re dating. Now the narration is in Hyo-sun’s voice, who thinks in dissatisfaction, “She should be dying to ask me, but this hateful sister just pretends to sleep. If she just asked, I would answer.”

But that’s exactly the point — Eun-jo will not ask, because she will not give Hyo-sun the upper hand, especially when it’s so clear that Hyo-sun is goading her. Finally, Hyo-sun screeches to a halt, rousing Eun-jo from her fake-sleep. She has something important to tell her before they arrive at home. Dae-sung is furious with Hyo-sun for racking up a mountain of credit card bills, so Hyo-sun asks her sister to talk to him about it. She doesn’t even know how much she spent — “just a whole lot.”

It’s not hard to surmise that Hyo-sun, the spoiled sister who likes spending money on fripperies, has often disappointed their father, who looks favorably upon his hard-working, competent elder stepdaughter.

Eun-jo has no desire to enable Hyo-sun to continue her foolish spending without consequence (Hyo-sun defends her shopping because “There are so many beautiful things in the world”). Hyo-sun asks why her sister is always so righteous about everything, thinking she’s better.

Eun-jo gets out of the car to walk, and Hyo-sun follows her out to continue this argument. Is Eun-jo really going to let Hyo-sun get hurt? (By “hurt” she means punished with a stick, aka held accountable for her irresponsible behavior.) Note that now Hyo-sun talks in language that is just as rude as Eun-jo’s as a teenager.

Eun-jo challenges Hyo-sun: “What’s your dream? How are you planning to live in the future? Do you have any plans?” Hyo-sun defends herself — she goes on ballet auditions all the time! Eun-jo points out that Hyo-sun’s feet are clean and pretty, which indicate how little she actually practices, which explains why Hyo-sun is always failing her auditions.

Eun-jo: “You don’t practice, do you? You don’t even want to do ballet that much, do you? You have no dream, do you? You have no plan or goals — you have no thoughts.”

If Hyo-sun admits that she has no dreams, Eun-jo offers to consider her someone to be pitied and will help her. (You push my buttons? I’ll push yours back.) But this is too great a price, and Hyo-sun won’t give her sister the satisfaction, either.

There’s an additional family member now, as Dae-sung and Kang-sook now have a son named Jun-su. We don’t dwell on him very much except to establish a couple points, one here and one later: (1) he is very cute, and (2) he’s got the beginnings of a mean streak.

Dae-sung brings out the trusty punishment stick and whacks Hyo-sun on the back of her legs, and she falls to her knees, yelping and begging for mercy. But he’s not going to let her off so easy this time and orders her back up. However, Kang-sook swoops in to the rescue and urges Hyo-sun to flee (who is more than happy to oblige), then pleads with her husband to calm down. She argues that this is the province of a mother, and promises to talk to Hyo-sun appropriately.

The clever woman sees that he’s close to giving in and just needs a little push, so she asks in a wounded tone, “Do you even think I have the right to be Hyo-sun’s mother?” If he punishes Hyo-sun, it feels like he isn’t acknowledging her as a mother with the right to discipline her daughter.

Lest you think Dae-sung’s a fool to fall for Kang-sook’s manipulations, he IS aware that she is crafty, but he has a soft spot for her and often relents. This time, he asks with affection, “How many tails do you have?” She answers, “I only have nine.” (He’s referring to the gumiho, or the nine-tailed fox, but in addition to the mythical allusion, any mention of a fox also carries with it the connotation of a sly woman who manipulates men.)

In the privacy of her own room, Eun-jo lets her unhappiness show as she recalls Hyo-sun’s declaration that she’s dating Ki-hoon. Opening her armoire, she sees at the bottom a duffel bag, which spins her back into a flashback to the last time she’d used it.

It was soon after Ki-hoon’s departure that she decided to run away. In stark contrast to the last time she tried to run — dashing away frantically, chased by Ki-hoon — this time her steps are heavy and her eyes tear-filled, like she doesn’t really want to run but has little choice. She sends a lingering look at the pavilion where she had heard Ki-hoon singing.

Dae-sung comes up to her and says that he had the feeling she’d try to leave after Ki-hoon had gone; he understands that his home wasn’t enough of a consolation to keep her here: “When he left, I worried most about you.”

Eun-jo asks him in a shaking voice to let her go, and she looks like such a young child in this moment that it breaks your heart just a little.

Gently, Dae-sung shakes his head no. She counters that she’ll find a way to go anyway, and he’s well aware that she may try. So he promises that he will let her go when the day comes that he won’t feel the need to worry over her departure. He’s a man of his word and asks her to believe him, and takes the bag from her.

Every episode has had at least one standout scene, and this is my favorite in this episode. Eun-jo looks so lost even as she’s trying to be defiant, and Moon Geun-young plays her tears with so much complexity of emotion. There’s fear there, and sadness, and abandonment — but there’s also a kernel of hope, like she’s just dying for somebody to stop her and despairing that nobody loves her enough to do that. It’s also a striking similarity to Ki-hoon’s departure when he’d been hoping that Eun-jo would stop him from going. And just as she was the only one who could hold him back, Dae-sung is the only one who can hold her back now.

Back to the future. The family lines are even more clearly drawn at dinnertime, at which Eun-jo talks business with Dae-sung while Hyo-sun pouts in the background. Eun-jo wants to hire someone to handle the company’s marketing, while Dae-sung is hesitant because he doesn’t harbor the ambition to grow that big.

Eun-jo challenges him, “Then what is there for me to do?” Is he just going to waste her and her microbio education? What’s the point of her working there if he’s not going to cultivate the company’s growth?

Eun-jo’s strong words are not quite disrespectful but they’re certainly pushing the boundary. Rather than being affronted, Dae-sung chuckles. She’s got a point.

Just as father and stepdaughter have developed their relationship, Hyo-sun and Kang-sook have also formed a unit, bound together with their love of pretty material goods. Kang-sook wants to see all of Hyo-sun’s cute purchases — the very ones that Dad is so mad about — and delights over the bag Hyo-sun bought her. But she also turns her eye to the massive stack that Hyo-sun has bought herself, and claims another by saying it’s too old for her.

Mom starts to try all the handbags on, and we can be assured she’ll come out of this with a lot more than Hyo-sun intended to give her. But there’s a hint of sadness here, too, when we see that Hyo-sun IS very aware of her stepmother’s manipulation but is eager to give her what she wants, rather than incur her displeasure. She still feels the need to buy her love; how interesting that the pampered princess feels just as bereft of affection as the neglected child. If only these sisters could bring out the best in each other rather than the worst… but I suppose we’d have no drama then.

I know we’re all dying to get to the burning question: What’s the deal with Ki-hoon and Hyo-sun??? And it’s becoming slowly evident — to the viewer, but not to Eun-jo — that perhaps it was all a lie after all, one Hyo-sun couldn’t resist.

That evening, Eun-jo finds herself distracted as she studies, and overhears Hyo-sun talking on the phone. She’s being pestered by one of her discarded suitors and dashes off to talk to him at the gate, facing him with annoyance. The poor nerdy-looking fellow is smitten with Hyo-sun and hurt by her coolness toward him as she sends him off.

He calls immediately to tell Hyo-sun that his car has a flat tire, so Hyo-sun directs him to the mechanic’s shop at the train station. She calls him “oppa” — and to Eun-jo’s ears, this is confirmation that she is in fact dating Ki-hoon.

Now Eun-jo rushes out on her bicycle, thinking of Ki-hoon all the way to the train station. But when she arrives, there’s nobody there, and she thinks she has missed him for the second time. She returns home in disappointment.

So what has actually happened with Ki-hoon? Finally we see him fly in to Korea from the States, and he is taken to see his father. The mood is cold between the two men, and Ki-hoon faces him with cool reserve.

President Hong has called Ki-hoon here for the first time in eight years, and fills him in on the company’s status. Eldest brother Ki-jung is competently running things now — he runs a tight ship and is on top of every detail. He knows the smallest details of his employees, not out of personal concern but to ensure that he has everyone on his side. He has stolen everyone to his side, leaving President Hong bereft of support.

Ki-hoon delivers a document to his father, but President Hong puts that aside to address a more important matter. We don’t hear what it is, but it must be a doozy, because Ki-hoon reacts with intense emotion — anger, frustration, loathing.

Alone in his hotel room, Ki-hoon sees a magazine feature of Dae-sung’s company, which also features Eun-jo as one of the directors. The article is about how Dae-sung’s company has been rising sharply in sales in the past year, encroaching upon Hong Ju (Ki-hoon’s family biz), which has ruled the market for a long time.

Ki-hoon reaches to touch the phone, wanting to call, but pulls back. Then reaches again. Pulls back again. And when he does call, his smile finally comes out as he greets Dae-sung.

(The lack of music in these scenes is a fantastic choice to add to the spareness of the scenes. It gives Ki-hoon a starkness and a sharpness that he didn’t have before.)

Now for the entrance of grown-up Jung-woo, who comes to Dae-sung’s winery (still carrying his old baseball bat in his bag). Finding Hyo-sun’s uncle, he salutes him in the military style, which indicates that they served in a similar unit.

(Serving in the army builds something of an alumni network, and one can sometimes use those connections in real life in the way that one makes use of college alumni networks. As the age difference between the uncle and Jung-woo is obviously too great for them have served together, I presume Jung-woo is utilizing this connection to get a job working at the company.)

Taecyeon doesn’t have too much to do in this episode, so I can’t make any definitive statements on his acting debut just yet. We’ll get to that when he has shown more range. But my initial impression is positive, and I found him downright adorable in one part where he gives his enthusiastic military-style greetings. I think his thick regional accent may slip in and out from time to time, but overall he manages the dialect competently. (It’s a pretty tough dialect to master.)

Jung-woo catches a glimpse of Eun-jo and is immediately captivated, gazing after her with yearning. He follows the group of businessmen to whom she is giving a tour, joining them in the makgulli cellar.

Eun-jo asks the men for a moment of silence to hear the sound of the wine fermenting. For a moment, Eun-jo gets lost in her own memory, listening to the bubbles. Dae-sung notices and takes over the tour until Eun-jo recovers.

Hyo-sun performs at a ballet audition, where she falls on a turn. She’s immediately cut, but she ignores the judge’s dismissal and insists on starting over, only to stumble again.

Maybe on any other day she would be able to shrug this off, but today puts proof to Eun-jo’s words that she lives an aimless, goal-less life. Breaking down, Hyo-sun cries, “Then I can plan from here on!” This outburst has the judges eyeing her in disdain, murmuring that she lacks even the basic skills.

Dae-sung has a candidate for the marketing position, but Eun-jo has plans to interview two of her own candidates tomorrow. Dae-sung adds his candidate to the interview list, though he doesn’t give the name (one guess who!).

He feels that Eun-jo is pushing herself too hard; he didn’t mean for her to give up her youth to help him. Surprisingly, she answers that she’s not here just to help him: “I’m waiting.” (One guess who for!)

Eun-jo reminds Dae-sung of his promise to let her go when the time was right, and informs him that once she has succeeded in her goals here, she will leave. Upon that event, she will consider that her debt has been repaid. And despite the fact that he has grown used to her clipped way of speaking, he’s stunned to hear her call this a debt, hurt at this coldness.

Jung-woo has begun working as a menial laborer, and runs into Eun-jo in the courtyard. She pays him no heed, but he grabs this chance and asks, “Don’t you know me?”

She looks at him indifferently, not recognizing such a drastically transformed Jung-woo, and brushes him off. Frustrated, he follows her out to say, “I’m Jung-woo!” The name doesn’t ring an immediate bell, so she tells him he has mistaken her for someone else. Since he was hired through Hyo-sun’s uncle, she assumes he’s here looking for Hyo-sun — yet another admirer, perhaps.

And then, Ki-hoon makes his appearance for the first time in eight years, and Hyo-sun is the first to see him. (Curses!) Shocked, she greets him emotionally, running to hug him tightly, proving (just in case there was still a doubt) that she has not, in fact, kept in touch over the years. (It’s the fact that she knew nothing of Ki-hoon that gave her the nerve to lie to Eun-jo, I believe, because it was unlikely that Eun-jo would know enough to contradict her lie.)

Eun-jo dismisses Jung-woo, so he identifies himself more specifically — he’s the Jung-woo who used to live with Jang ajusshi.

But alas, she has not heard one word of his explanation, because just as he speaks, she glimpses a horrible sight: Ki-hoon arriving arm in arm with Hyo-sun. As she already believes they are dating, this is a particularly harsh blow, and she puts up that wall again to keep from betraying how painful this moment is.

As ever, Ki-hoon and Eun-jo only have eyes for each other, while the others look on curiously. Eun-jo’s non-reaction is a disappointment for Ki-hoon, who tests the waters by saying, “A face I recognize. You’re Hyo-sun’s sister, aren’t you? Do you remember me?”

Eun-jo keeps looking at Ki-hoon with an accusatory stare, as if to ask how he could do this. Not knowing the source of her anger, he looks uneasily back at her while Hyo-sun asks curiously how she doesn’t remember Ki-hoon oppa.

Finally, after a long moment, Eun-jo says, “Hello,” as though speaking to a stranger she has just met. And Ki-hoon, bitterly disappointed at her reception, returns the cool greeting in a daze. Oh, squeeze the life out of my heart why don’t you!

The next day, Jung-woo sees Ki-hoon hanging around outside. Recognizing him from the day before (and having clocked the tension between Ki-hoon and Eun-jo), Jung-woo speaks informally and a little rudely to Ki-hoon as he asks where he completed his army service. (His fixation on the military suggests to me that he has just gotten out of service himself, as the army is his first way of relating to other men.)

At first Jung-woo speaks as though challenging Ki-hoon, but as soon as he hears that Ki-hoon served in the Marines (considered particularly tough), he swallows that attitude and immediately salutes to his senior, as he was also in the Marine corps. I believe the Marines are particularly tight and have their own, close-knit sense of camaraderie.

As Eun-jo’s two interviewees are no-shows (one got another job offer), it’s time for the third, and boy is this an awkward moment. Eun-jo treats Ki-hoon like a stranger as she goes through the interview questions.

But the underlying meaning isn’t lost on Ki-hoon when she asks why he’d want to work here in a dinky rural setting — is he just going to take off when something better comes along?

He answers, also with extra meaning, “I’ll work hard, and you won’t want to let me go. If it seems like I may leave, you’ll treat me even better. I’ve lived here, and I like it here. Having lived here is my biggest asset.”

She can’t resist asking a few questions to sate her curiosity, although of course she frames it as interview questions: Did he leave for the States right after his army discharge? (Yes.) Since he lived there for five and a half years, did it take him that long to earn his degree? (He worked at a marketing firm in New York after school.) All this she asks while keeping her gaze averted; he answers looking directly at her.

And then, she finally looks up at him to ask a question that has extra importance: Did he ever come back during that time? She holds her breath. He answers that he came back every vacation.

At this, Dae-sung speaks up to scold him for never calling. Ki-hoon apologizes — he was busy every time he was here. No doubt Eun-jo hears that as “I was too busy for you” — and she takes a shaky breath.

Hyo-sun receives the results of her audition — another failure — and hears Eun-jo’s words ringing in her ear. Ki-hoon finds her here by the water and guesses that she’s upset to have been cut again. He comforts her, saying that she’ll pass one day — and if not, well, it’s not so horrible when the world is full of fun and interesting things.

Hyo-sun asks where he’s been. Verging on tears, she sighs that she has no dream and no goals. “Is someone like me able to live an interesting life?” (Implication: Do I deserve it?) She asks him to tell her the moon is a square, like he used to.

Ki-hoon tells her that she can gain those things gradually, as she goes through life. At his kind, gentle words, Hyo-sun lays her head on his shoulder and says, “You’re mine, oppa.” Tearily, she adds, “Why did you come now? Jerk.”

They sit there by the water — and as timing would have it (per our Rule of Melodramas), this is the tableau seen by Eun-jo, who drives by at just this moment. Her face hardens.

As a result, Eun-jo is particularly aloof when she, Dae-sung, and Ki-hoon meet to discuss marketing strategies. Ki-hoon presents his idea for TV advertising. Eun-jo asks for detailed calculations on the cost of television ads, then excuses herself for a meeting.

Trying her own idea out, Eun-jo photographs a mock ad with Hyo-sun as her model. She gets her shot, and though she says it with no pleasure, she has to give her props to Hyo-sun: “You’re quite pretty.”

Hyo-sun is dumbstruck, then asks her sister to repeat her words. Eun-jo points out that this is hardly the first time she’s heard that she’s pretty.

Even so, Hyo-sun smiles at this unexpected validation. I’ve got to believe that as much as Hyo-sun thrives off of demanding people’s attentions and basking in pretty words, she understands the difference between flattery and sincerity, and this means a lot to her.

When Ki-hoon presents Eun-jo with a breakdown of advertising fees, she rejects the numbers, going down the list to strike things they don’t need. A model, for example (she’ll probably use Hyo-sun), nor a outside ad agency. She instructs him to redo the numbers with the barebones costs.

Ki-hoon can’t understand why Eun-jo is treating him so coldly, and asks, “Do you have anything else to say?” She betrays nothing, so he leaves.

That evening, Dae-sung decrees that he will be putting Hyo-sun to work, which is an idea that pleases neither sister. He will not be swayed by his wife this time and instructs Eun-jo to find some work for her to do.

Interestingly, Kang-sook is still making regular visits with Jang, who is still in love with her and suggests that they get back together. She puts him back in his place immediately, saying that she’s not meeting him because she loves him, but because she needs an outlet for expressing herself once a month — otherwise, she’d die of frustration from keeping up the perfect wife facade. With Jang, she can be as vulgar and drunken as she pleases.

She still has to be wary of Dae-sung at home, as she comes home late that night and possibly smelling of liquor. Thankfully for her, he is preoccupied with graver worries, as they received a call from Hyo-sun’s friend saying that she is passed out drunk. Eun-jo and Ki-joon have gone to pick her up.

On the drive, Ki-hoon tries to make conversation, and asks if Eun-jo remembers anything. She feigns sleep to avoid talking to him, and they drive on in silence.

On their return, Ki-hoon carries Hyo-sun to her room, and after he leaves, Eun-jo tucks her sister into bed. She may not be willing to show affection to her sister in the light of day, but there are little moments like this (and the “you’re pretty” exchange) that show that their relationship is not all hate and jealousy. I appreciate that.

As she leaves the room, she finds Ki-hoon in the courtyard, standing still like he was so lost in thought that he just forgot to keep walking. He looks up at her and they meet eyes, but she breaks the stare.

Looking intently at her, Ki-hoon asks again, “Do you really have nothing to say to me?”

Till now he has asked this question in polite (i.e., stranger-to-stranger) speech, but now he takes the familiar speech, like he’s not going to just accept her distance this time.

He grabs her wrist and she glares. He pulls her out to the front gates, where he confronts her openly, all pretense dropped now.

Ki-hoon: “Do you really have nothing to say to me, you awful girl?”
Eun-jo: “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Ki-hoon: “Awful girl. You’re pretending not to know me?”

She looks straight at him now, her sneer back:

Eun-jo: “Do I have to act like I do?”
Ki-hoon: “Do you know how much I—”
Eun-jo: “Shut your mouth.”
Ki-hoon: “What?”
Eun-jo: “Crazy bastard.”
Ki-hoon: “What?”
Eun-jo: “What’s Hyo-sun, and what am I? I didn’t know this, but you’re a son of a bitch.”

Suddenly he understands, and looks stricken as he insists, “That’s not it.” She doesn’t believe him, so he presses on, “Hyo-sun isn’t the one. She’s not. That’s not true.”

Eun-jo challenges, “Does Hyo-sun also think it’s not true?” He answers, “I’m telling you it’s not true!”

Not moved at all, she retorts, “And who are you? You’re fired. Don’t step one foot inside this house.”

And she walks away, ignoring him as he calls after her, “Hey, hey!”

But then he calls out “Eun-jo ya,” stopping her in her tracks, against her will. And again, “Eun-jo ya.” Her eyes brim with tears and she stands frozen. He keeps calling out after her.

Eun-jo ya.

Eun-jo ya.


First off, a few leftover threads from the time-skip period:

I love that Ki-hoon’s parting letter was in Spanish, which hammers home the point that Hyo-sun can interfere, she can thwart the natural order of things for eight whole years, and she can try to claim Ki-hoon — but she still can’t understand the letter. She’ll never comprehend the stuff at the core of their connection, because twoo wuv transcends, or some such.

I find Hyo-sun infinitely more interesting as a character in these grown-up years, because she’s not really Cinderella anymore, is she? I had always considered the traditional Cinderella to be the good girl beset with unjust and cruel treatment by outside forces — namely, the stepmother and evil stepsisters. That’s generally how she is framed in the straightforward interpretations of the fairy tale. She’s a worthy heroine who is made to suffer indignity.

But Hyo-sun makes me ponder the situation from a different angle — is the very experience of triumphing over unjust treatment what makes Cinderella worthy? Is a Cinderella without adversity, who is spoiled and indulged of her every whim, just as likely to end up a spoiled brat? We saw the good nature in young Hyo-sun, although the potential for her to be a spiteful person was always there. She didn’t rise above her challenges (bad Cinderella!) and instead went the other way.

So is Cinderella an inherently good person who happens to overcome adversity, or is the suffering what shapes her into worthiness? I’m just asking for my own amusement, as this gets us into Lockean vs. Rousseauian arguments of the nature of man and I’m sure there is no real answer.

I also mourn the loss of Eun-jo’s glorious waterfall of hair, but on a thematic level it makes sense. Eun-jo’s hair is a metaphor in this reworked Cinderella tale, as it was the catalyst that made Ki-hoon see through her shell and to her true self. We had him pulling the pencil out of her hair accidentally — stripping away her facade? — and replacing it with the glass slipper equivalent, the glass hairpin. That trinket was lost in the place where they lost communication for the last time, as she sobbed on the beach a few feet from the dropped hairpin. So in the intervening years she has cut her hair, just as they have disrupted their rapport.


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rofl. I agree, cut them ingrates who don't realize that you're doing this all for their benefit. The plot is thickening and each respective characters' facades are dropping and for once we can see the true, if not abhorrently ugly, character underneath. It's kind of refreshing knowing that there's not a single fairytale-esque pure character (pardon the irony).


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YES!!! I love this drama. I haven't even watched an episode, but I love how you do recaps that I don't mind not watching the actual eps. Maybe later, when you've finished the recaps I'll want to see the drama. Thanks so much! :)


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So good yet so sad! I'm so helpless with this drama lol.


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@40. Yes. Absolutely. Of course. Tears, they started streaming. The emotion in Ki Hoon's eyes -- too much for my weak, fangirl heart.

@37. I agree with you on Eun Jo and her consistency in character from adolescence to adult. I feel like we've seem other kdrama characters that "rise above their humble beginnings" as they join a new family and turn into these perfect adults, and I'm not sure it even rings true. There is always a sense that Eun Jo (or any such character) all too well remembers everything they endured. She in particular can't shake the need to be guarded because she's seen too much.

Eun Jo still see herself as indebted to Dae Sung, which while hurtful to him, is so very interesting to me. Perhaps when she feels like she's paid off her debt she can not only leave the house but also be free to embrace him as family? At this point, she's using the education that he promised her to pay him back for what he's given her. I feel like Eun Jo believes that she cannot express her gratitude and love for him in any other way because then it may be construed as less than genuine...does that make sense? Ala Kang Sook. Her affection is false, and Eun Jo (while loving her mother) may seek to separate her actions so they cannot be mistaken as being of the same mould...maybe?

I feel like we're due for a flashback scene with Eun Jo cutting her hair. Don't you think she cut it off as a symbolic gesture of moving forward in her life? Maybe long hair makes her think of Ki Hoon and that's just unbearable...

I like Taecyeon. Yeah, he hasn't shown much as yet, but he's at least trying to emote with his eyes. I say well-played, Taec. CJM he ain't, but who is?

I think I have to go rewatch the last half of this episode and brood over it some more. SO GOOD.

Thank you, javabeans. Love your recap/analyses/waxings/musings. Amazing.


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I know you're probably tied of hearing this but... you TOTALLY rock. I LIVE for your wit and humor. You're like my inspiration


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thank you for another wonderful, thoughtful and very insightful recap...like you said this drama is really a heart breaker...i can literally feel the chemistry between Moon and Chun's characters..its very intense..you know they love each other so much, but of course they don't know it yet or maybe they do but they haven't acknowledged it yet; but, it's just waiting to come out...i just cannot wait to see them develop..thanks again..


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Postscript. Oh! Forgot to offer commentary on Cinderella archetype as affected by nature. I think Hyo Sun as the Cinderella character is simply meant to be more complex than the ones that came before her. If you want to compare her to another Cinderella character that grew up with plenty of love and affection, I refer you to Han Hyo Joo's character in Brilliant Legacy. She ostensibly grew up with a surfeit of love from her wealthy-enough father and brother. Yes, she faced adversity later, which makes her long-suffering character even more perfect for being able to rise above it all. Having said that, she is by all indications, a good-natured person even before she loses everything.

It actually raises another question for me: is not our Cinderella meant to be a better person for not having to face adversity? Because she was spoiled, she should have grown up knowing better and learning the good lessons, not the bad. Or is this years of listening to my parents drill that lesson into my head affecting my thoughts?


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Thanks JB for the wonderful recap, yet again.

#38 Biscuit - yes I noticed Daesung's eyes when EunJo interviewed Ki Hoon! He knows about their relationship, and I'm sure he's curious to see what's going to happen between them after 8 years. I like that the dad understand their dynamic.

And if I were Eunjo, I'd be shattered too to know the one I waited all this while actually came back every holiday, but was 'too busy to see me'. Ouch. That got to hurt.

Maybe it's just me, but I'm sure it's not the first time Hyo Sun lied to Eun Jo that she dates Ki Hoon. She may have said that all the times, to pick on her - (it's been 8 years, so surely she'd play the Ki Hoon card on Eun Jo before right). So with this perception, I thought the part where Eunjo eavesdropping over Hyo Sun's phonecall with her 'oppa' looks more like a routine. She, eavesdropping over Hyo Sun's conversation, and even there's the slightest possibility of the oppa being Ki Hoon, she'd take that in a heartbeat. She trusts ki hoon's words more right, than hyo sun's.

So when they meet again, with Ki Hoon's arm linked with Hyo Sun, oh boy that ought to shatter everything she believed in him. And for him to first greet her as 'hyo sun's sister' must have hurt Eun Jo even more. I was like screaming to the screen "CALL HER EUN JO YA YOU STUPID!"

And when he did call her at the end, I was like.. FINALLY. ..but it's too late. you fool oppa!


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Thank you for your recaps i love cinderella's sister and personal taste but can u plz do ur recaps WAAAAAAAAAY FASTR!??!?!


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"OH. MY. GOD, people. If I get one more email about how recaps are too slow, I’m going to cut a bitch. Friendly warning!"

LOL you go tell them girl! (Also, I wonder if it's thanks to the influence of Omona that I've started noticing things like 'cut a bitch' a lot....HM...) People seriously need to start respecting bloggers who put up recaps, which are really time-consuming, and quality recaps like yours and all your guest bloggers are worth every second of the wait.

LOVE your recap of Episode 5, 'tis brilliant as usual JB!

Hyo-sun is really growing on me as a character; even if we don't like what she does, we can't deny that she does it because she feels bereft of love and affection.

While her father dotes on her, she's never gained his respect because he doesn't quite connect with her. She's not interested in the business, and he obviously doesn't understand dance so although the love is there, it's a distant sort of love, and Hyo-sun dislikes being left out when she sees Eun-jo and Daesung connecting on a level she can never get. (Same with Ki-hoon / Eun-jo)

And with Kang-sook...by now, it's looked like she's figured out that Kang-sook (read: the scene where she's standing outside the door of her parents' room listening to Kang-sook lie to Daesung about Hyo-sun bringing men overnight and drinking to waste...or at least I think it's a lie...) doesn't really love her either, but by giving her things away to her, she hopes to buy her affections.

The family dynamics alone are enough to keep me hooked on this drama...and while Taecyeon doesn't add anything to the drama, at least he doesn't detract from it to me, and that's pretty decent considering it's his debut role in such a talent-studded cast. Love this and can't wait for girlfriday's Episode 6 recap! (Also can't wait for this week's episodes which are just going to be daebak. I KNOW IT!!)


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THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! You are so appreciated! and luved by me!


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I love how your analysis is poignant yet simple. Thanks for your recaps of pretty much every drama that I adore.


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Ooohh. I'm really disliking Hyo-Sun. She's driven by jealousy and her view of the world is so self-centered: "My new little brother took my father's attention away from me. My step-sister took away Ki-Hoon oppa's attention from me" --But wait, didn't she like another boy in high school at the same time? Oh yeah, it's Hyo-Sun. That's right. Everything belongs to her and she's the CENTER.
Hasn't she given one tiny thought to how Eun-Jo felt all those years having her mother dote on her all the time, leaving her own flesh-and-blood in the dust??

...I can't believe how much of a villian she's becoming... even more so in the next episode...


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hey, willy wonka--- just popping in to shout--nay, SPAZZ-- out a little



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I felt real pity for Hyo-sun in this episode - especially when you see Kang-sook draw her in a not so pleasant light ("She has tons of boys!") to the father, and Hyo-sun's outside listening to every word. It's like a little girl who has grown up believing that the world is all pink only to find out that it's pink because people pretended it was, all to fool her. It's really brown.

The thing that interests me the most is that there is a (faint) connection between the two sisters that can actually evolve into something more positive than hatred. I have a feeling that as much as Hyo-sun resents Eun-jo, Eun-jo's approval is the one she craves the most. And Eun-jo knows that Hyo-sun is not a bad person, and her words of seeming belittlement are in some weird twisted way also encouragement. Like reverse psychology.

And who also has this horrid, horrid feeling that little Jun-su will end up conflicted and selfish and with no substantial morals?

(Am not happy with Ki-hoon in this episode or episode 6, so no comment on him.)


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Thank you JB!!! I will always wait patiently to hear your 2 cents on dramas! *hearts*

MGY, amazing. I recall how we were jocking her in PITW, and now I'm just in love with her again, but as a girl!

YAY, its almost Wednesday again. I'm happy.


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What? You have a life outside of writing recaps and updating this website?! You're kidding right! I thought that's all you did...!


I guess people have become so addicted to reading your thoughts and your personal take on each episode that they keep coming for more recaps and seem to have forgotten that maybe you have a life outside of kdrama land too! haha

I'm sure each recap takes time and effort, way more time and effort than just watching the episode and recording initial thoughts and I love reading them...sometimes as much as the shows themselves. They're totally worth the wait!

And the last scene was heartbreaking...I didn't expect to love this drama, but I totally am.


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#38: Biscuit- Remember the scene about the duffle bag? During that time, Daesung said that he knew that they liked each other. That's why he was so worried that she would try to leave after he left.

^^ Cheers!


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OK, I'm not watching this series and I'm not reading these recaps (b/c I will watch this series eventually) but I HAVE to comment:

"Also: OH. MY. GOD, people. If I get one more email about how recaps are too slow, I’m going to cut a bitch. Friendly warning!"

I have never heard this pithy expression before, but oh my, it works! LOL! I'm definitely filing this one away for future use (as I've also heard you say). I can't wait to trot it out. I'll credit you, of course.

Thanks again (for the recaps I am reading, the ones I've read, and the ones I will read)! Ignore the whiners. The rest of us will take those recaps whenever they come, just please don't stop dishing them out.


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I'm pretty sure Cinderella's Sister is trying to dig my heart out with a spoon.

And I'm loving every single moment of it. Oh. The. Agony.


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Javabeans, sometimes I think your side remarks are just too brilliant.

"If I get one more email about how recaps are too slow, I’m going to cut a bitch. Friendly warning!" **dies laughing**

I was also wondering what your take is on the significance of Eun-jo being moved by Ki-Hoon calling her "Eun-jo ya". When watching that scene, I kept feeling like there is something more to it, something that they aren't showing the viewers yet. Does anyone else get that feeling? Like it's more than it just being Ki-Hoon?


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Thank you so much Javabeans! I'm learning so much about the Korean culture, eg. gumiho, from this site. I really cannot understand everything without your recaps. Also, about the metaphor of the hair, I never thought of that. Such an in-depth analysis. You're brilliant!


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reading your recaps and others' comments here is like sitting through an english class!! but a fun one!!!

love it. and i am a shameless taekyeon fan and am glad you found him cute. he doesn't have much more in episode 6, but there are a couple more cute scenes :333


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I guess the ones who sent you emails asking you to recap faster are not the ones who bothered to comment here.
So, you're taking Javabeans for granted and you don't even thank her? SHHH.

Thanks for the recap. I'm slowing down watching CS because I need to have proper subtitle ( thanks to WithS2's team ) to really savor the story.


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two things:

1) eunjo seriously needs the stereotypical friend who is a total blabber mouth to help voice out her thoughts because her cold front is simply too strong for anyone to see through....and her unwillingness or reluctance to ask for people's opinions also makes it 10000X(infinity) harder for her to find out how ki hoon really feels about her. just like in the beginning how hyo sun was going to tell her the truth...if only eun jo asked for it.

2) THANK YOUUUUUU for explaining why ki hoon was being such a jerk when he first greeted eunjo. i was so confused to see how he greeted her so coldly when he said "you're hyo sun's sister, aren't you?" but i guess i failed to consider the difference in how hyo sun greeted him warmly with a hug while eunjo gave him such a cold glare that he could have died from frost bites...
oh eun jo....i <3 her glares


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i would appreciate taecyeon's character and the 'military' background if i didn't know about how he is trying to skirt military duty in real life.

instead of serving in the army, taecyeon will be doing PUBLIC SERVICE.

its hard to take his lines seriously with this point floating around.


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Your recaps and everything else you write are my "food of relaxation" after a long, tiring, stressful work day. I appreciate you, sincerely. :)


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Taecyeon is an able bodied young man. Military should be a cinch for him. Don't know why he's opting for public service.


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I try to write in my free time - but the way you guys write just blows me away. Thanks so much for the recap, I am not watching the drama but only following yours.


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@justina where'd you here this from? he's still very young though, not even 25 yet.


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as always, an awesome recap from the wonderful JB! kamsahamnida (sp?)!! oh how this drama tugs at your heartstrings!! their eyes are so telling of their lurrve for each other...praying to the drama gods that the ending will be happily ever after!


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@59 "Thank you for your recaps i love cinderella’s sister and personal taste but can u plz do ur recaps WAAAAAAAAAY FASTR!??!?!"

What part of " If I get one more email about how recaps are too slow, I’m going to cut a bitch. Friendly warning!" that JB wrote that you don't understand? Can't you be patient.

JB, here's the bi*** for you to cut, so you can still go on recapping this series :)

Good recap. The scene where DS stopped EJ from leaving is my favorite scene too. Tq for your time and efforts in managing this blog.


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People who keep bothering for faster recaps:

Why don't you try to recap more than one drama and see how easy that comes out?


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Thanks for the recaps JB!!!! You and girlfriday are both so insightful - i love reading your commentary and take on certain scenes. Don't pay attention to the impatient ones - we all know you're more than worth the wait and appreciate all your work more than we can express.

Can i just say... that the last scene of this eppie was just heartwrenching. EJ's scathing remarks to KH who was like...sooo oblivious to why she's so angry. And the way he just mournfully repeats her name over and over again as she walks away from him... *gasp* my heart really did stop then.

I usually am really not into super angsty dramas because they take so much out of me. But I cannot stop watching this and am even WELCOMING the angst because in the end it will all be worth it when it ends in happiness!! I am determined for it to end in happiness haha.


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i really enjoyed to read your recap. i already addicted to this drama....
i already watch this ep 5 3times but nvr feel bored. i really looking forward to see how will they created this drama because more interesting.... >_<


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I know that this is drama but I just want Eun Jo and Ki Hoon to get their happy ending soon!
Ugh! When is Eun jo going to find that letter and when will they know again that they still love each other????
I'm such a girl but I can't help it.



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Thank-You! really! wubb you! ^^


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I've always been a silent reader but I absolutely LOVE your recaps and thought I'd just put in my opinion today, haha :D

I don't think Taecyeon necessarily "slips in and out" of dialect. I noticed (in the very few scenes he's had so far) that Jung Woo only speaks with an accent when he speaks to Eun Jo about who he is. After he lost all the weight and grew up, he can only rely on his accent and their shared experiences growing up in the same house to get her to remember him. I'd have to watch more to see if this is right, though.

Also, I loved the scene where Kang Sook yells at Jang about how she lives in a house where she'll never be kicked out a lot like the scene in an earlier episode when she cried after getting the marriage certified. Her overly-defensive response gave a lot of insight as to her character and her insecurities about being poor.


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first off love this drama..but for some reason this episode didnt really have me..ep 6 got much better though..maybe it was the lack of much use of soundtrack...and i wanna see more of taecyeon...(not just for eyecandy though..lol...bt to actually see his acting)...let me get this off my chest: I LOVE EUNJO (AND MGY)!!...i mean yeah she's flawed but for the first time in a long time i actually love a character like a real person..i seriously feel for that girl...and someone mentioned that no one in this drama comes of entirely bad or good and I couldnt agree more..they try to make that point in so many kdramas where the second lead is a bitch all through and then at the very end we get a180 degree flip...bt here we get the sense of ppl's weaknesses and yet their good points right from the beginning...o and my heart did stop at EUNJO-YAHHH!!

P.S Im so mad that people are demanding recaps from you JB..im just off sites where ppl are complaining abt late subs and pisses me off so much to see hw ungratful ppl can be.
thanx a load JB..Saranghaeyo!!


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im starting to really wonder..who is the real cinderella here? could eun jo possibly be the actual cinderella? with ki hoon being the " prince charming " ..and the whole thing about the lost glass hair piece etc..etc..anyways..i can't wait..till i get to see more..thanks java bean!!


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Javabeans, i love your friendly warning...HAHAHHAHa..

OMG! i love this drama..and i love the song even though i have no idea wht the guy is saying..

thanks for the recap.....


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I must be an emotional fool or work is getting the better of me... did anyone cried reading the recaps?

Thanks JB for the awesome recaps... emotional and thoughtful all at the right places... I just need to arm myself with either an extra thick hanky or boxes of Kleenex to get thru this drama when I watch it sometime later... Saving up for a marathon...


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^ *raises hand shamefully*
and it wasn't my first time either.. i cried in the ep 4 one too. i are pathetic.


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thank you very much for this very insightful recap. i must say that i miss eunjo's long hair. :) i can't wait for the next episode, which means more interactions with kihoon and eunjo. :)

take your time in writing the recaps. i'll be waiting patiently. :)


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Thanks Javabeans for the recap. This drama cured me of my Chuno widrawal. I thought it will be a long time to recover...lol I am so addicted to this that I keep on refreshing but patiently waiting for your recaps. I don't know how many times I visited your website in a day's time..lol. It is worth the wait. Thanks again....


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Wow. Your recap was so insightful. I knew that the hair was an important aspect of the drama, but I never thought of it so deeply on a metaphorical sense. Thanks for the great recap! :)

and also, don't mind the people who say recaps are too slow! I really appreciate that even though you're busy, you still upload recaps quickly :o Those people are crazy x)


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thank you again for the wonderful recaps! It's my first time posting despite having followed you blog for years now. I just felt bad that some people are pressuring you for recaps where they can just be thankful that you are devoting all your time writing and share them to us.

Thank you again and more power. I love korean dramas but reading your recaps makes me love them even more. :)


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Each time I wait for your blog / deconstruction, because there's something missing in translation (literally) and reading your take / interpretation / description helps me understand the development better.

Example: I like how you pointed out the change in speech pattern - between KH and EJ - how he asked about whether she has anything to say to him and at the last scene - he used informal speech. (Initially when I read / watched the ep, I was like .. how bothersome he keeps asking that. But when you re-played the scenes between them in this ep - suddenly it all made sense)

And you made me ponder over the significance of EJ's haircut. I watched and re-watched the ep again this week - just so I could be certain that KH really could have still liked EJ even after 8 years...

Thanks again.

Will wait for ep 6 recap. Just as I'm sure all are waiting for ep 7 and 8.
*oh let it be great*


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This is one of the better dramas in the past few years.

I have loved MGY since Painter of the Wind and had always thought she as amazing at blurring the lines of her character's sexuality in that drama. MGY is quite a breath-taking actress, especially still at such a young.

The reason I love this drama is how the writers have blurred the lines between good and bad. In typical k-dramas of late, we just see characters who are really good or really mean, but who also lack the emotional/mental depth to be in between. We really, really love the good guy, and hate the bad guy but never find out how they would act that way.

The writers aren't making EJ this all-around good person. Girlfriend is clearly very flawed, which makes HS and EJ's mind games more real. I can see how HS can misunderstand some of EJ's action because of the way EJ has always represented herself, so I am not surprised by HS's resentment at times. But the best part is that the writers always hints that although both EJ and HS outwardly dislike each other, each trying to have the upper hand over the other... we see traces of admiration and love. The complexities in these two characters are just relatable and on point.


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I was all like "email"? I wasn't aware I could email you and then I noticed the contact button on the upper right hand corner. Just disable the damn thing. Funny how in the 2 plus years I've been coming here that I never noticed those buttons.

Though I love CU and I have no plans on giving it up given the morsels like the step-dad/Eun ju interactions I feel like it is getting very angsty. Maybe more than I bargained for. I would prefer more quiet subtler scenes like Eunjo taking care of Hyosun. or the father/daughter interactions. If I die of a broken heart you know what did me in.

Hyosun is totally the standout character for me in Ep 5 & 6. I had no doubt Seowoo could act but the combination of her acting and the character development through the time jump was just so interesting that I'm sure my eyes were large as a saucers when I watched the episodes as I tried to absorb every tidbit about her character--I felt like I was watching the daughter of a neighbor or my parent's friend grow up to be a woman. But instead of seeing the development in a linear fashion, its like I get to see her again after I've gone off to college, graduated, lived on my own and went back home for a family visit and got to know the grown up version of the girl who turned out differently than expected. You can see how hyosun's collective experience shaped her into someone recognizable but alien at the same time and you wonder if things would have turned out differently perhaps if she never met Eunjo and her mom. Instead of being defined by Eunjo she would have had a chance to shape herself as the only child and not the middle child. The seeds that make her childish and self centered would still be there but less obvious. She is not a dumb girl and I find her quite shrewd. She may have given up the whole dance thing a lot earlier without a step-mom encouraging her for her own motives and without Eunjo acting as a constant contrast. In this way I really do feel sorry for her. I think Eunjo and her mom's destiny was brightened by the marriage but Hyosun's got a lot more bleak.

I also noticed the guys are being setup as more supporting characters or catalyst for the interactions between the sisters. The real meat and battleground will be fought by the ladies. I both like and dislike this movement in the story arc. I like it because its a new concept for me to shift the story focus from leading lady/leading man to the two women but because I find Kihoon and his background story to be interesting in itself and also because its CJM damn it I don't want him to be relegated to the supporting role.


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