Cinderella’s Sister: Episode 4

It’s a popular opinion, I know, but it has to be said: Moon Geun-young blows me away. She isn’t afraid to take Eun-jo to the darkest places, and doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to her misplaced anger. She gets ugly and mean, and human, but then when she’s light, she becomes young, fragile, and incandescent. Eun-jo is by far the most complex character we’ve encountered in a long time, and Moon Geun-young makes us feel every shift in her character, from the heights of her first love to the depths of her loss.


Hyo-sun calls Eun-jo a beggar and tells her to get out of HER house. Eun-jo actually looks rather pleased that she was right about Hyo-sun all along. I think that Hyo-sun wasn’t really faking her fondness for Eun-jo; she’s just not used to not getting what she wants—she’s the ultimate princess. She’s spent her whole life being cooed over and adored; even her very stern father bends to her all-powerful pout-and-shake. So this is as much a revelation for her as it is for Eun-jo, that she could hate this much. Eun-jo’s actually taught her to get in touch with her anger (kind of like therapy in reverse).

Eun-jo turns right back at her and tells HER to get out. Ki-hoon comes in to witness. She says that even though she may hate it here, she’ll never leave just because Hyo-sun wants her to. She’ll only ever leave of her own accord. It’s like watching two dogs fight over territory, although we know it’s not so much the house as its inhabitants that they’re fighting over. Hyo-sun is taken aback at the response. Eun-jo walks out, and Hyo-sun runs after her. Heh, even in her anger, she still chases after her unni.

Ki-hoon sees the note from Dong-soo, and mutters, “Those little things, not studying when they should…” but then finds himself annoyed: who is this Dong-soo kid? He’s jealous! Of a high-schooler. It’s adorable.

Linchpin Dong-soo is down by the river, trying to work up the courage to talk to Eun-jo, but he hides when he sees Hyo-sun coming, and witnesses the sisters’ continued fight. Hyo-sun catches up to Eun-jo and screams if this is what she wanted, pulling out a handful of Eun-jo’s hair. Hyo-sun looks more surprised by what she’s done, but it’s too late…a hair-pulling, knock-down, drag-out fight ensues.

They roll around, yelling insults, yanking hair, and at one point Hyo-sun stops, noticing Eun-jo’s bleeding lip. Pausing out of genuine concern, she goes, “unni ya, you’re bleeding!” Eun-jo looks even more annoyed by Hyo-sun’s concern, and she tosses her aside and walks away.

Hyo-sun comes home crying at the top of her lungs, and this is why Eun-jo hates her—because she commands sole attention without even thinking about it. It’s just her way of life, to be the doted-on princess. It’s imbued in her upbringing, so it isn’t necessarily Hyo-sun’s fault, but it’s understandable why Eun-jo can’t roof with her sweetness. As I would say, she ain’t on my bus.

Kang-sook is in the middle of a phone call (from the drunken ajusshi, presumably) and she hangs up and rushes over to Hyo-sun, consoling her. Hyo-sun cries out, “I wish you never had Eun-jo!” Eun-jo, who hears this from her room, says to herself, “That’s what I’M saying.” Ha. And heartbreaking, all at the same time.

Dad comes in, angry and fired up about the commotion. He drags Hyo-sun to another room to punish her, yelling out for sticks. Mom goes straight to Eun-jo, asking her what she did this time to make Hyo-sun so upset, and yeah, is anyone confused about why Eun-jo is so angry? If your only family in the world, the one person who’s supposed to be on your side, repeatedly blamed you for Cinderella’s poor-me tears, you’d have a permanent scowl on your face too. Kang-sook can’t believe Eun-jo can’t handle (read: manipulate) such a simple little thing like Hyo-sun, while Eun-jo is angry at mom for only caring that the princess is crying.

Dad’s got them both kneeling in his office, old Korean style, as he says that until they get along, he’s not going to let them use separate rooms. The girls are NOT happy to hear this news. Ki-hoon brings in the requested sticks, and lingers, so Dad asks if he wants to be hit too. Ki-hoon gallantly asks if he can’t just try to talk to the girls himself, so Dad says, okay, you can be hit too; just wait over there. Heh. No one messes with Dae-sung when he’s on a righteous anger streak.

He brings out Hyo-sun first. He tells her to say she was wrong if she was wrong, and hits her once. She immediately cries uncle and yelps in pain, saying she was wrong, so very very wrong. Dae-sung sends her back to her spot. Next he calls out Eun-jo, who pulls down her socks and prepares for the coming pain. Dae-sung repeats the same option to Eun-jo to admit fault, and this time he hesitates, perhaps not wanting to inflict any more pain on this damaged girl. But he rules his house with an iron fist and must be fair, so he hits her.

We’ve come to expect Eun-jo’s reaction. She steels herself through the pain and doesn’t budge. Dad is startled, and doesn’t know whether to keep hitting her, but he continues, as Ki-hoon and Hyo-sun watch in pain, trying to intervene on her behalf.

Meanwhile Kang-sook is on the phone again with the drunk ajusshi. He’s singing to her, and I’m assuming she’s already tried hanging up on him. Jung-woo comes to the rescue yet again, this time with a frying pan to the head. He advises Kang-sook to change her phone number. I like this kid. I wish his grown-up version would stay pudgy and twangy, but I know that’s not going to be the case.

We go back to the caning session, and by the stacks of broken sticks and the gashes on Eun-jo’s legs, it seems they’ve been at it for quite some time now. Dae-sung is bewildered by the steeliness of this girl, but strangely, I wouldn’t want her any other way, even if it’s painful to watch her be so stubborn. Ki-hoon finally can’t take it anymore (aw for the loving oppa), and stops Dae-sung and does the patented manly wrist grab, taking Eun-jo out of the room.

Kang-sook comes in and finds Dae-sung defeated and exhausted, and Hyo-sun about to faint. What are you fainting over? Being pain-adjacent?

Ki-hoon brings Eun-jo to their wine cellar and paces around her going, “You…what kind of kid…your head is a rock, isn’t it? Stubborn fool. All it takes is just saying you were wrong, and you can’t even…” But he trails off as he looks down at her gashed legs. He tries to tend to her wound, but she doesn’t budge, and just sits there in silence. Ki-hoon gets frustrated, saying that if she were the type of person to listen to him, she wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place.

He calls her “saek-gi” and “nohm” here, which are technically bad words, but also what guys who are really close call each other in jest. The only equivalent I can think of is girls today calling each other “bitch,” but in a non-hateful way, like “hey bitch!” or “love ya, bitch!” He’s sort of yelling at her, but he’s not calling her names out of spite; he’s more like a frustrated oppa.

Ki-hoon leaves to go get her medicine, and when she’s alone, Eun-jo hears a faint bubbling noise. She leans onto a large makgulli jar and presses her ear against it, listening to the rising bubbles. For whatever reason, for just a moment, the gurgling bubbles popping on the surface soothes her, and she leans in intently, as if listening for a secret message trapped inside. It’s as if her own anger and hatred has bubbled over and dissipated in the same way, rising to the top and then bursting at the surface.

She’s so enraptured that she doesn’t even notice that Ki-hoon has returned, using this opportunity to tend to her wounds. He tells her that it’s the sound the makgulli makes when it’s fermenting. He says that next time she should just run away instead of getting hit, since she’s such a pro at running away. He adds, “If you ever get hit again, you’re dead.” Aw, you’re cute when you’re trying to be tough.

Ki-hoon calls to her: “Eun-jo ya,” and when she doesn’t respond, again: “Eun-jo ya…you could give me a response…Eun-jo ya” And finally, she answers, uttering out a small “uh” as if speaking for the very first time. Ki-hoon: “Does is hurt?” Eun-jo: “uh.” (“Uh” is the Korean version of “yeah.”) Ki-hoon lights up at her responsiveness, having finally broken through a major wall.

Then in a little bit of the show’s patented whimsy, Eun-jo imagines herself and Ki-hoon floating away in a giant makgulli bubble, headed for the moon. Her voiceover shows the fundamental change in her: “My legs don’t hurt. They bleed, but they don’t hurt. Why, I don’t know. It’s just…my heart is soaring to the edge of the sky. I can even reach the moon.” The literal ride to the moon is a little cheesy, but the sentiment is innocent and beautiful.

Later that night Dae-sung feels terrible for the extent to which he punished Eun-jo, and comes into her room while she’s sleeping to tend to her wounds. Eun-jo is awake though, and she realizes his remorse and his care for her.

The next morning Eun-jo waits outside for Ki-hoon, and she launches right into an inquest. Who was the girl at the river, huh? Ki-hoon is taken aback. She asks again, fiercely, but almost too fiercely, as it gives her away. Ki-hoon breaks out in a smile as he realizes this is Eun-jo…being jealous!

He beams from ear to ear, even trying to contain his laughter when she death-rays him with her eyes, but he can’t help but find her adorable. He teases, “Did you come find me first thing in the morning to ask me that? Were you so curious that you couldn’t sleep a wink? Is that it?”

He goes into his room to grab the package that he received yesterday from the woman in question. He shows Eun-jo the contents, essentially a collection of his favorite albums and books. He excitedly starts to tell her about each one, but she’s not interested. He snaps at her to listen, and she snaps right back, “Who was the girl?” He answers that she’s the younger sister of a friend who was storing his stuff for him. Satisfied with that response, she gets up and walks out, leaving Ki-hoon flustered. He shouts after her, “Hey, what about you? Are you…are you really going to date that Dong-soo jerk?” HAHAHAHAHA.

She doesn’t even turn around to see his puppy face, all you’re-not-going-to-pass-me-up-for-that-pre-pubescent-kid-are-you? It slays me, the oppa-knows-best attitude followed by the 180-turn into “but…but…I’m cooler than Dong-soo, right?” It’s beyond cute.

The girls get ready for school, and Hyo-sun asks Eun-jo to pretend that they’re getting along in front of the parents in order to get their separate rooms. Eun-jo reluctantly agrees to do so. Hyo-sun sees Eun-jo’s scars on her legs, and even in their cold war, Hyo-sun gives her a pair of her new socks and runs off. Eun-jo, who’s so angry that she doesn’t even know why, can’t even accept the tiny gesture, and throws them on the ground.

Ki-hoon drives Kang-sook to the temple, while Dad eats breakfast with the girls. Hyo-sun uses this as an opportunity to apologize in front of Dad (making her much more like Kang-sook and speaks to their mutual kinship), and she has to prod Eun-jo to play along, kicking her under the table. Eun-jo concedes, and mutters out a half-hearted “No, I was wrong,” pleasing Hyo-sun and Dad very much.

Dae-sung sees Ki-hoon and wonders why he’s back at home so soon. Ki-hoon tells him that Kang-sook wouldn’t let him take her all the way to the temple, insisting on taking the train there herself. Dae-sung calls the priest on business, and asks him to send something by way of his wife, but finds out that she’s not there. We see that Kang-sook is on the train to somewhere, but it ain’t to pray.

Ki-hoon is busy studying Spanish, talking aloud to his computer that his student is such a quick study that he has to study extra hard just to keep up.

Later that day he has a visitor, and it turns out that the thug from the second episode really IS his half-brother. I know Ki-hoon called him hyung-nim the first time, but I just didn’t think he was from the same family as the oldest brother. How come one brother looks like a Kennedy and the other brother looks like a Kardashian?

Second brother, Hong Ki-tae, drives Ki-hoon somewhere, and recounts going with Dad to visit Ki-hoon and his mom at their house when they were kids. So we know they grew up in separate houses, for at least their childhoods, explaining the vast difference in, well, everything. It’s interesting though, that all three brothers, Ki-jung, Ki-tae, and Ki-hoon are named thusly, as most illegitimate children are not named in succession to their “rightful heir” siblings. At least that’s how it is in my family. But that’s a whole other can of worms.

Kang-sook returns home late that night, from nobody knows where, and Dae-sung is out waiting for her, hoping that she’ll explain herself. He asks where she was, but when she says “temple,” she can see it’s not the answer he wants. Ever quick on the uptake, Kang-sook immediately starts with the tears, making up an elaborate story about wanting to get Eun-jo some medicine for her injuries, so going to see her old herbalist, and not wanting Dae-sung to know because he’d feel guilty. Man, she should start an improv group.

Ki-tae drops off Ki-hoon at an office complex, where his evil stepmother and her lawyer are waiting for him with the contract to sign over his inheritance (including the all-important shares of the family company). She asks what his demands are, and he calmly replies that he wants half…of the company.

She scoffs, and offers to add another zero to the end of the sum (that they’re offering in exchange, I gather). That just makes Ki-hoon sneer. She even insults his dead mother, saying that she may have given birth to him with the intention of taking half the company, but he can’t have it.

That riles him up but good. They start a shouting match, as much as Korean WASPy types shout. Then Ki-hoon offers to bring his lawyer next time, as he has no intention of signing over his inheritance under duress, referring to the army of suits waiting outside. What are they, expecting a battle royale? There’s enough minions out there to take on Batman. He makes threats of his own, saying that unless they plan on making sure he’s dead, they shouldn’t bother laying a finger on him. He leaves and calls his father right away, asking how he can help. Time to take down the evil stepmonster.

One other tidbit that we learn here is that the Hong company has the suffix “Ju” which means alcohol. So I’m assuming that the family company also deals in liquor, and that his brothers’ distaste for Ki-hoon’s place of employment is not about the backwoods country, but about his working for a competitor in their market.

At Dae-sung’s makgulli company, it’s the season for a new batch to be made, and I’m totally enraptured by the procedure of making rice cakes and preparing them for the wine-making process. I feel like I’ve stumbled upon the Food Network or the History Channel; I could watch this for hours. Dae-sung leads a prayer ceremony to get things off on the right foot, and all are present for the big event.

Ki-hoon and Eun-jo use the opportunity to make eyes at each other, but this time Ki-hoon looks at her sadly and longingly. Hyo-sun notices their mutual attraction yet again, and her face falls.

At school Eun-jo is presented with the First Place Academic award, while at the same time Hyo-sun has just completed her dance competition and done very poorly. Mom and Dad are present for Hyo-sun’s performance, and console her, as she is very upset not to have won first place. See what I mean? It’s her basic sense of entitlement that irks the likes of Eun-jo.

Eun-jo practically runs home with her award on her back, excited to show her family, or perhaps at least Dad, who despite his sternness has always supported her academically. But she arrives home to find the entire household a rapt audience for Hyo-sun, performing a repeat dance recital (no doubt orchestrated by her enabling parents to fulfill her need for acceptance).

In voiceover, Eun-jo says, “It doesn’t matter. I only wanted to be praised by one person.”

She taps Ki-hoon on the arm and tells him to meet her “there.” He finds her in their wine cellar, where she silently presents her award to him. She contains her excitement in her Eun-jo-esque way, but her eyes reveal her anticipation of Ki-hoon’s approval. He opens it, and beams with pride: “You did well. You did really really well!” He calls her Eun-jo ya, and tousles her hair and pats her on the head affectionately. She basks in his praise and warm affection, to the soundtrack of fermenting wine, bubbling over like the love in her heart.

Ki-hoon wants to give her a present for the good job she’s done, so he brings her to his room and gives her one of the contents from his favorite stuff collection. He gives her an old fountain pen, wrapped in a cloth case. He says it’s probably older than her, and that he’s broken it in over the years. He tells her, “Use it to write letters, and journals, and whenever you hold it in your hand…think of me.” Well, there goes my heart, floating away on a cloud.

And then…she SMILES at him. Not, you know, a full-on bleeding heart smile, mind you. This is Eun-jo we’re talking about. Just a glint in her eye, but that’s all it takes. She’s come miles, and he knows it.

Eun-jo gets up to leave, and when she opens the door, Hyo-sun is looming just outside, sulking. She demands angrily why she doesn’t get one, why she went out on a dance competition, and Eun-jo’s the only one to get a present. She cries, “Did you forget? Don’t you know who you belong to?” Both Ki-hoon and Eun-jo just look back at her silently. Eun-jo may have yielded her mother’s love, and everyone’s undivided attention to Hyo-sun’s inherent selfishness, but she’s not about to give up Ki-hoon.

That night Hyo-sun sulks in bed, while Eun-jo stays up and takes out her fountain pen. She carefully fills it up with ink, and on a blank page, writes: “Eun-jo ya” as we hear Ki-hoon’s voice calling her in her memory.

The next morning, Dae-sung greets Eun-jo outside, and she tells him that one of the jars of makgulli in the cellar is ruined. Surprised, he asks how she would know such a thing. She replies that there’s no sound coming from that one. Dae-sung is impressed, and promises to check it out.

Just then, Hyo-sun comes back, dejected and dragging her feet. Dad asks, “Did Ki-hoon leave okay?” Startled, Eun-jo turns around, wondering what that meant. She follows Hyo-sun back into their room and demands to know where Ki-hoon went. At first Hyo-sun refuses to answer out of spite, but once their shouting brings Dad into the room, she yields, and drops the bomb…Ki-hoon has left for the army.

Eun-jo runs to his room, their wine cellar, the yard, finding all of them empty. She races down to the river, but there’s no sign of him. At home, Hyo-sun cries, and pulls out a letter. We see in flashback that Ki-hoon gave her the letter, asking her to give it to Eun-jo. Stupid, stupid man! Were you born yesterday? Doth ye not own a television? Or read any Shakespeare?

She opens the letter, but it’s written in Spanish, so she can’t decipher it. From the few words that I can see, and from my very limited vocabulary, I can make out the following words: “Dear Eun-jo…I go because I think my father needs me…Now I go alone. Later I will take you…to the moon and the stars…..Wait for me at home…” I can’t make out the rest or the words or phrases in between (maybe a native speaker can do a better job?) but that’s a little of what Ki-hoon wanted to say to her.

Eun-jo rushes to the bus station, where the soldiers are leaving for the army. But Ki-hoon isn’t there, you see, because he’s not going to the army. He’s got a family turf war, and his vote’s the one to tip the scales.

He looks back before boarding the train, as he thinks, “Will you…stop me? Even when blood gushes from your knee, you’re unable to cry, just like stupid Hong-Ki-hoon. Eun-jo ya. If you hold me, I think I could stop here. Before I get on the train, stop me. Eun-jo ya.” But she doesn’t come, and he slowly lifts his foot off the platform with one last look, and leaves on the train.

Eun-jo goes down to the sandy bank, and crumples to the ground. Her tears come crashing down in a wave, as she lets all the years of pain and anger flow out of her like an endless ocean held in by a tiny dam. The tears pour out of her small, fragile body, and she clutches her heart, as if knowing it was there for the first time. She cries out, “Eun-jo ya…Eun-jo ya” over and over again, searching for the sounds, as she has been silent for so long. She cries from the depths of her soul, letting go of her tough façade and being, for one brief moment, just a young girl in love with a boy.

It is achingly beautiful and although a heartrending moment for Eun-jo, it is, in fact her breakthrough as a person. As she cries, we hear in voiceover: “That person…I’ve never called him anything before. So, just like a cuckoo bird cries, ‘cuckoo, cuckoo,’ like a bird, I called out my own name as I cried.” The camera pans down and we see that Ki-hoon’s glass hairpin is lying in the sand just behind her; the gift thwarted for the love thwarted.

And then we pick up…eight years later. If you mess this up, we will have words, Show. Don’t do me wrong now. Not after that last scene.

We’re in Seoul, and GU Eun-jo, as her nametag reads, is giving a presentation for her makgulli company, outlining new trends and ways to market their product, as well as their all-natural approach to production, as a way to differentiate themselves from the competition. Basically she’s confident, smiling, well-spoken, and no longer the bottled-up young girl of old.

Outside the office building, she looks across the street and sees a sign for an art exhibit, featuring Ki-hoon’s favorite artist, which he mentioned for a split second when showing her his favorite things. She can’t help but feel drawn to it, so she goes inside.

She looks at the paintings, and Hyo-sun appears next to her, having come to the exhibit after hearing about it from Ki-hoon. Eun-jo asks what she means, and Hyo-sun baits her, “Didn’t you know? Ki-hoon oppa and I are dating.”

NO! Take it back!

I guarantee she’s lying. Okay, I’m 99% sure she has to be lying. Right? Someone pat me on the head and reassure me, right now!

I wanted to spend longer in the teenage phase, and honestly, I could have done with the entire drama being set in that stage of the girls’ lives, but I’m not the conductor of this train, so I’ll just sit back and see where this takes us. While it’s satisfying to see Eun-jo take on her stepfather’s surname and work for the company as a successful and confident young woman, the journey of how she got there interests me more than how great she turned out. I’m sure there will be much more conflict and hard times ahead, so I know we’re not out of the woods yet, but I already miss the wounded, misunderstood teenager who was experiencing love for the first time.

I don’t know the actresses’ respective ages, but I have to say, Seo Woo is far better suited as the older version of Hyo-sun, while Moon Geun-young seems better suited for the younger Eun-jo. Both actresses are amazing, of course, so I have no doubt we’ll be enraptured by their dynamics at any age, even if they’re still fighting over Ki-hoon at 80.

What I love about this drama so far is that it’s epic, not in scope, but in making the tiny moments monumental. It makes mountains out of molehills, essentially drawing us into quiet character moments that become increasingly significant the longer we spend with them. Eun-jo’s anger, her quiet resolve, and finally her cascade of tears become revelations that plant her firmly in our hearts. Now we are with her, and there’s no turning back.


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I'd like to say something witty or profound, but this is the ep that killed me dead, and made me realize that I am owned by a drama, body and soul, yet again.

I love it. :-D

Most excellent recap girlfriday, as always!


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Sigh. Glad I'm watching this now rather when it's all done, else I wouldn't get any sleep for 2 or 3 days, haha. Thanks for the recap!


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Thanks so much girlfriday for making my day with the recap!

First of all, at your word "How come one brother looks like a Kennedy and the other brother looks like a Kardashian?" - I basically had to stop reading and LOL to tears for about 5 min before continuing on! You're one epic recapper! :P

I love how they incorporate the whimsical bits into the drama - it has the whole fairytale feel to it (though the moon scene is super cheesy). I'm hoping they'd continue on with the whimsy bits on next eps, and not simply banking on the melodrama and angsts alone.


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thank you, I love this drama and of course recaps is excellent. this is one of the best k-drama this year for me and the recaps help me understard it better. How I wish that this drama is aired everyday.


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AHAHAHAHA THIS SHOW JUST GETS MORE AND MORE AMAZING. (And KH is a total noob for giving that letter to HS instead of to EJ directly. Way to be dumb, KH.)

I think a couple of other people might have said this already, but just in case somebody missed it:

The MV has NOTHING AT ALL to do with the actual drama. The scenes filmed for it are most likely not going to be in the drama, and it follows a completely different storyline. So. Yeah.

@NoyPi - OMG WHAT IS THAT?? *freaking out in anticipation*


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thanks for the recap!! =)


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her crying scene is literally - and genuinely - one of the best scenes Of All Time that i've watched. it's heartrenching and heartbreaking, but in its own complexity, so beautiful.

and for the first time, i see MGY as... one hell of an actress.


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Thanks so much, girlfriday!

I wonder if Kang-sook went to see the drunken ajusshi on that train trip to cut off all ties, perhaps? hopefully?

"Both actresses are amazing, of course, so I have no doubt we’ll be enraptured by their dynamics at any age, even if they’re still fighting over Ki-hoon at 80. "


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Wonderfully eloquent and witty recap, as always, girlfriday :)

I've been really enjoying this drama, but that scene at the end where Eunjo breaks down completely was the one to finally bring me to tears. This girl can ACT.

I'm also greedy for more teenage episodes, but how much I'll regret their shortness will depend on what happens from here on out (please don't disappoint us, CU!).


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i watched this episode without sub.. and i cried buckets.

and now i'm reading your caps, especially of my most favourite scene (beginning from when EunJo found out that KiHoo had left)... and i almost cried.

it's crazy how good the drama has been so far. there's just so much to dissect from one episode, when one episode of other dramas only has 10minutes of actual story. i guess fast forward, the focus will be on the rivalry between these two companies and the unresolved question as to why KiHoo suddenly left (since EunJo never got to read the letter). and then, the love triangle. i hope the triangle is layered with depth, although i suspect no matter what happens, my love for the main pairing will never falter.


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Wednesday could not come soon enough! There have to be more glimpses in between their age gap. I remember the previews with Moon running from some bad guys, her long hair flowing in the wind. Then it cuts to her yielding a broken bottle as a weapon.

I'm loving the entire cast! This writer and director team is made of WIN.


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@Kender someone posted it on Youtube. Supposedly that person got a tip on Soompi about a website with these clips. I have no idea what site this is but when i saw it, it made me wanna see CS more. I just cant wait!


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lov ur recap!! I really lov eu joo crying scene.. at the riverside!! it totally touch me!! so beautifully.. film.. the way she shows her emotion in there just perfect~~

the 8 yrs gap it's just too long.. for myopinion..how old would they be now?
i had to agree with u...that "Seo Woo is far better suited as the older version of Hyo-sun, while Moon Geun-young seems better suited for the younger Eun-jo. "
i 'm not used to seeing moon geun young being in such a adult character yet.. hehe.. but i totallly lov this drama...i hope that with the apperance of taec.. it won't spoil any interest of mine in this drama!!
i'm totally a EJ&KH shipper hehe...


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i get that Hyosun's kind of selfish. but in the scene when Daesung was punishing the girls, it wasn't only Eunjo that got blamed for everything right away. while Eunjo got blamed by her mom, Hyosun immediately was pulled in for punishment by her dad, too. and i can understand Hyosun a little, there's only so much one can take. not everyone is like Kihoon or Daesung, who can continue being nice after getting rejected, it's kinda normal that Hyosun would get tired of being nice when they're treated like crap. i'm pretty sure that most people irl would have stopped being nice to Eunjo after the first few glares lol.
anyways, Eunjo was so much prettier with the longer hair! ): it's too bad they cut itttt. im really curious as how she'll go from this successful(?) woman to that angry&crazy looking girl in the preview o_o


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Nooooo! That ending just killed me. It looks like a reversal of Eun-jo and Hyo-sun's actions back in their teen years, and now Hyo-sun's the one who's (hopefully) playing the joke. I can't fathom how Eun-jo would react to his, since I haven't actually seen the drama and am just basing my thoughts off your recaps, but I would assume that the grown Eun-jo still has elements of the younger one.

I too wish that the writers hadn't skipped ahead so much. Eight years?! That's too much unrequited love, and what you said about wanting to see how the characters change is true. Hopefully they'll give us a flashback this week.

Thanks so much for the great recap, girlfriday!


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I want to have a makguli girls' nite out w/ u, girlfriday. Awesome, whimsical magical recap, as good as this ep.

I've been blown away by MGY many times before, same w/ CJM. LMS and KGS are always great, and I really would like to give SW a good pat on a very good job done holding up to this excess of talented people. And although I was expecting all sorts of amazing w/ MGY + CJM, I REALLY didnt expect this explosive level of chemistry. They r the OTP to end all OTPs

I'm very intrigued w/ HS, the character. I appreciate she's not portrayed as just a manipulating princess fakey, but we saw some genuine ability to care and be sensitive to others, but those r quickly swept up by her self-centeredness, nth to blame considering her upbringing. And how she spites compared to EJ, it's a newb who doesnt know the boundaries and have no practice in consideration of the hurt that can possibly inflict, vs a big softie who scowls but really spot on how not to be the culpit of unnec pain and would feel worse herself if she's done so not by design.

KiHoon and that line in his letter of bringing her 'to Ushuaia, to the moon and to the stars.' (Thanks Ise and others for the Spanish translations!) Be kind to a fangirl's heart, drama.... he can't be more dreamy.

Yes, it needs suspension of belief to think it's logical for KH to give the letter to HS of all people and not just sneak it in her Spanish txtbk or just leave it in that wine cellar... to name a few. But I also feel he doesnt see thro HS as we did, many scenes thro out the eps, he's encapsulated in his and EJ's world, ambivalent to HS' presence even when she's directly vying for his attention. It's natural when u r smitten, for a guy or a girl, to only have eyes and pay attention for one person only and he hasnt been apt to pick up on HS' 'transformation'. So his opinion of HS is still that little princess that can be bratty, but harmless.


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wow. MGY just amazes me. I didn't even need subs to feel and understand this episode. and really Ki-Hoon, you're really going to entrust a letter to the girl who became enraged when u gave her stepsister a pen!? REALLY? le sigh.

I think i'm with the majority when i say i wish they stayed in their youth a bit more. i wonder if they'll do flashbacks to show how they grew up cuz an 8 year time jump is kinda a lot...and the last part of this ep, when hyosun says 'didn't you kno? ki-hoon oppa and i are dating' makes me wonder - do people live in a cave for 8 years?! i know the sisters don't get along, but they're still family of a sort and it's obvious that eunjo is working in the family - shouldn't she be aware of who hyosun is 'dating' or what not? and if ki-hoon was supposed to be in the army, wouldn't eunjo have wondered where he was after 2 years? i dono. maybe im just jumping ahead of myself here and they'll explain it in the upcoming episodes. but i want answers!!! haha :)

anyway, thanks so much girlfriday for your awesome recaps. they made me giggle :)


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BTW didn't the Kardashian brother come out as the cop friend in Resurrection?


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Great recap girlfriday. I didn't catch the last name on the name tag so I appreciate you're pointing that out.

Let me start off by saying that I don't hate HS and I don't think she's a "bad" person. I just think she's one of those people that have to be liked and accepted by everyone and this is the motivation behind her overtures to EJ, and not a genuine liking for her new unni. She thinks she's being sincere, and that she likes EJ, but really it's more that she wants EJ to like her. It's that inherent selfishness you mentioned.This is, not the only but definitely one of, the reasons why EJ never warms up to her. Like a lot of people who've built up defensive emotional walls, she's quick to spot insincerity when she sees it.

This is one of the reasons this show is so compelling so far, none of the characters are all good, or all bad. They're real and human and flawed, and this is what we can all relate to, and why after only 4 episodes some of us are already heavily invested emotionally in what happens to these characters.

I really didn't want to watch another melodrama after feeling I got yanked around by the last few episodes of WISFC, crying my way through Every. Single. Episode. of OB-GYN, and getting my heart broken by Chuno. But the recaps sucked me in, I just couldn't help myself. So far it has exceeded my expectations. I hope the writers keep it up.


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When I think of this drama, my heart thumps. I don't remember the last time a drama has made me feel this way. She's such an amazing actress and is gonna own it this year! Go MGY. YAY! Tomorrow is Wednesday.


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Beauitfully done recap. I'm so captivated by this drama mainly because of Moon's performance, but the writing is just so deep. I end of drawn to each character's story, and I just love that this drama sinks itself into our hearts and doesn't leave. It's cool being able to watch it live in Seoul, even though I understand like 5% of what they are saying.

It's been a while since a character has really captured me the way Eun-Jo does. I just hope that at the end of this journey she gets "her" happy ending, whatever that might be. (It better have Ki-hoon there:)!!


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That cat fight scene cracked me up.. the way they showed Hyo-sun's eyes swelling up and Eun-jo pushes her down right away not wanting to see her cry again.. so cute! I really love the directing.. except when it's over done like the bubble-scene.. the moment the bubble enwrapped them I was like.. what the..!! How could they ruin that scene like that!! I was really looking forward to seeing two of them in the camera angle shot from above as shown in the preview.. it had looked almost erotic!! (maybe that's why they chose not to use that cut lol)

The 8 year leap... and the last scene was quite shocking.. thank God she lied.. as much as I'm always mesmerized by CJM's charm, I wasn't quite satisfied with his acting (while he was excellent in those monumental scenes--that's why I can't stop loving him!!) I'm thrilled that we'll be seeing more cold/wretched side of him in the upcoming episodes.. the more he suffers, the deeper his eyes get keke. yeah i'm sadist like that. Argh can't wait till tomorrow. wish I didn't have to work so i could watch the next episode as soon as it comes out. Thanks girlfriday for yet another great recap.


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You mean I've been thinking this whole week that Ki-hoon went to the army (making the "8 years later" somewhat distressing) and that his voiceover as he was leaving was just what was written in the letter? So, in the letter he WASN'T asking her to stop him? So I was totally (well, even more than I would have been originally) depressed at the misunderstanding for no reason?!

OMG!! This is what I get for not being fluent in Korean, not knowing Spanish, and having to watch on Vikii (no offense to Vikii, but I do sometimes miss things because of the quality. For example, I didn't even realize the letter was in Spanish).

You've said it all girlfriday, so can I just add: Only 4 eps in and I ALREADY can't wait to rewatch. I'm dying to watch the next episode!! And yes, MGY truly is a goddess of acting. I even rented POTW just to enjoy her in something else while I wait for new eps of CS.

And seriously, CHUN JUNG MYUNG! The newest member of my imaginary Man Harem. Along with Kim Nam Gil of course.


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THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU..i've been checking here all day waiting for your recap..i don't write much on here but i am an avid reader and follower of this site..I AM IN LOVE WITH KI HOON!!! his smiles really melt my heart..this episode was so moving it made my heart hurts for them not being able to be with each other..this drama will be my obsession for the next few months..i can't stop thinking about it day and night..its been a while since a worth wild drama came out and this is it right here..but 8 years is a really long jump..i do hope they do a lot of flashbacks so we know what's been happening with our leads since the 8 years have past..can't wait for this week's episodes..


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@ 37 lynx

"btw… does anyone else think that KH chose to stay – and fight – not just because of what happened with the evil stepmom being a complete b**** but with what EJ said about – she will leave when she decides to and not because HS told her to??"

Me too. He is in the same situation with his family. If a little slip of a girl can stand and fight, he can too. Then when he was intimidated by his stepmom to sign that contract saying he's letting go of his right, I bet Eun Jo words make him stood against her and fight. That's when I know that he's going to leave. I'm not surprise when he called his father asking how he can help him. And then when he gave Eun Jo the pen, it's really goodbye.


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@ #68 nycgirl: yeah he's Detective Jang.. I didn't recognize him until someone pointed it out. I think he looks much better than how he was in resurrection. He's skinnier, but I dunno.. he seems to have more charisma than his detective Jang days


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I love this drama and am totally addicted.

But why, WHY did they cut off her hair!!!!


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@nabi it was totally bothering me but yes Detective Jang. The hair threw me off.

Here is the preview for ep 5. CJM so so hot!!!



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(pats girlfriday in the head and whispers) she's lying... ^_^

thank you so much for the recap! i'm a huge fan of this drama and i'm anticipating every week for the new episode! teehee!


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am i the only one who wants jungwoo and eunjo together???
yeah... i thought so
well... i cant wait for him to come out tmrw...well today


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LOL.. Girlfriday, you always successfully made me LOL with your comments..

"How come one brother looks like a Kennedy and the other brother looks like a Kardashian?"

Awww, SNAP....!!!!!


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Thanks for the recap Javabeans. I am so waiting for this and I am inlove with the main character esp Kihoon...he just look so adorable and cute. Thanks again...


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this drama just sparkles, like water droplets in the sun. it wrings your heart, lets it go, then squeeze it again and again to make sure that it is alive.

and for the first time in a while, I don't know where the writers and the actors will take me. I don't know them yet, and in a drama, that is a good thing, because we can then keep building on to the foundations of the characters from what we have seen so far. This also stops us from making assumptions about each character.

I lovelovelovelovelove the character developments, because they are natural and real. Hey other dramas, learn from this one! haha.


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Thank for the amazing recap, girlfriday!

Its interesting to see your take on a melodrama, when the other series you have been recapping have been rom coms. I know that we are in for some major angst in this one, and I am looking forward to your take on those moments.

This drama is amazing in all of the little moments that are collected and presented. The actors just kill it here, and they are just so impressive! MGY and CJM are both excellent in their roles, but put them together and its just magic. Her crying scene was just so riveting and heartbreaking. Her moment at that beach just brought back my memories of the first time I felt disappointed by love. Your first heartbreak can be tough, and you usually don't know how to interpret what you are feeling, but usually, you have a support system in friends and family who can help you deal. With Eun Jo, she really has no one at this point, as the one person who was actually cracking through that tough wall of hers was also the person who caused the heartbreak.

I wonder how things will play out with Taecyeon finally appearing this week.


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Me too, the hair..... :( why can't one of the lead female have long hair dammit. Seem like lately in most of the drama the lead female have short hair.

You said it.. Please show don't do me wrong now. Thanks for recap. Found my new drama after Smile,You.


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thank you thank you thank you girlfriday
great recap
i didnt understand many things when watching so thank you for making all of them clear
1) the letter in spanish
2) that ki hoon's family has some alcohol related business
3) (most importantly) in the version i watched, hyo sun didnt say 'dating' she said 'meeting', so i was all like, "sure sure, but when he meets eun jo his heart will melt all over again and they are only meeting, why is she so gloaty"
i so hope she is lying, and i think she is, cause i think this episode proved her ability to be a bitch when things dont go her way
but if they are dating, i think that warrants us to exclaim why???? because he totally loved eun jo
and she opened up so much, with the scene where he asked if it hurt and she said yeah, it is like they first time she has answered a question that made her vulnerable or seem weak
similarly her need for his praise was so so sweet
and i agree with all the sentiments of how the hell could they cut off her hair
also, i agree with you that staying in the teenage years would be awesome, but this drama has shown incredible quality and potential so far, so i too hope they dont screw it up
and mgy is amazing, first time i have seen her in anything and she is so so fantastic
thank you!!


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"If you mess this up, we will have words, Show"

I literally gave out a loud, hearty chuckle at this, because it was EXACTLY what i thought after the fast forward.

I'm a little wary for future episodes simply because I loved the first four SO much! But of course, we have to trust that they'll continue the brilliance!

I loved this episode. I love this drama. It might be one of my favorites, ever, (well I know it's too soon to really tell... but...) simply because of what it does. Like you said, they make the minute details monumental, and that's what captures us, I think. Plus, all of the actors and actresses are brilliant. MGY and CJM's chemistry is absolute love!!! Let's all just hope Taecyeon doesn't come in and ruin it for us...


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I miss her long hair too(( thats sad, but as someone has said earlier maybe she chupped it off cause she was angry at him for leaving without saying anything (we viewers all know that the fake girl hid the note), and unfortunatly it may be true that HS is dating the prince, cause he was angry cause she didnt write to him or something((


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I've been watching both Personal Taste and Cinderella Sisters and while I find both dramas interesting, CS's complex, multi-layered plot is definitely grabbing my interest more at this point. Wednesday can't come faster!! :)

We know Eun-jo is following in the footsteps of her step-dad with the makgulli company and Ki-hoon might possibly have triumphed over the evil step-mom and step-brothers and inherit his share of the company (or even the entire company). What if we get the whole "forbidden lovers" plot since the two companies might well be rivals? Anyone else thought of this? I really hope they sidetrack this very typical k-drama plot line... Either way, can't wait for the rest of the drama!! :) :)


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The hairpin

Anyone is wondering what is the significance of the hairpin?

I was thinking it is like the glass slipper in the original Cinderella story? What do you all think?


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wow girl friday thank you so much for the recap..i mean I'm fluent in korean but i totally would've missed out on bunch of details if it wasn't for your recap!! you are so awesome..!! ..and thanks to all those who translated spanish for us all..you guys are awesome too!!..

i started to like MGY after i started watching this drama but after her performance in this episode....she totally blew my mind..she's so good!!....and yes..i too am sad they chopped off her hair!!...sigh..but good thing she is pretty and she could pull it off... :)


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AMEN sister AMEN to your first sentence. it may be popular opinion and something everyone already knows but i feel like one can never say it enough: MOON GEUN YOUNG IS FREAKING AWESOME. i find myself being repeatedly wow-ed during every single episode. i'm constantly reminded of what a great actress she is...especially so in this episode. no matter how i think about it, this drama is so well-made and like you said, it's the little things that get you. i find myself crying or feeling a pang in my heart at things that aren't said [but should be] or the looks the characters give one another. i'm not sure of where this drama is going after the time leap because i had pictured a COMPLETELY different story line. i had imagined eun-jo running away from her mom after graduating from high school [or something like that] and then roaming the streets and trying to make it on her own [hence all the teasers of her encounters with gangsters and blahblahblah]...but i was completely wrong [or the earlier teasers were just hella misleading]. regardless, i'm not sure of where this drama is going and while it worries me just a little bit, i'm freaking excited. can't wait to watch episode 5 tomorrow :]

thanks for the recap :]]]


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THANK GOD IT'S WEDNESDAY! More to drool over! See you all on the Soompi thread! I love CJM!


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Thanks to all the Spanish speakers for your pinch-hitting! My translation would've made my high school Spanish teacher cringe.

@ mookie: Makgulli girls' night out?! **puttin on my dancin shoes**


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Thanks for Great Recap! Omg kihoons family works in the "ju" akA alcohol business?? How'd you guys catch that?! Awesome- cant wait to see how that storyline develops! Omg MGY's hair!! Why'd they have to chop it all off? They could have done something else with it! Her stepsis got to keep her locks. I do suppose short hair makes her look older :/ Its still weird though. Cant get her 'Koreas Little Sister' look out of my head~ But gosh yeah its shocking to see her all mature and professional! How old is she supposed to be anyway? And 8 years have gone by?? Thats a little ridiculous- Everyone would have moved on with their lives and forgotten about Kihoon. Like maybe 4-6 years would have made more sense. Like Really? I dunno some parts of this drama are iffy. I hope they dont screw it up......


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Sure hope that Taecyeon fits right into story well. I'm so excited for Kihoon and Eun yo reunited! ugh, i'm already tired of waiting for the next episode...he he he.

Thanks for the recap, gave me a lot of perspective on the drama, as well as many details that I missed!


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This episode cause my blood pressure rising !!! This drama is getting better ;)
Good job to girlfriday for re-capping this episode. Kudos!


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girlfriend the last word confuse me!..

Dating or meet??..
some subs translate it as meet some as dating?


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Hi, girlfriday. :]] This is my first time commenting on one of your recaps. Let me just say that you are doing a wonderful job!

I'm so glad that you're sharing the recapping of this drama with Javabeans because it's a delight to read both of your opinions. I'm very happy that you are a frequent writer for this site and I hope to see you again soon recapping other of my favorite dramas. Thanks for the work! :]]


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Mwah mwah mwah .... kisses to you and JB for the wonderful recaps. I am soooooo loving this drama and can't wait for tonight's episode.

Thanks to the native Spanish speakers for the translation of the letter. Why did they cover it up??!! Argh!

Yes, the hair, the hair ... why the hair? But I guess it goes with the cool business chick image. But blah, I liked the hair.

Oh the crying scene at the beach got to me bad. It was like her heart was aching so bad and when a pain, such as this is so foreign to you, you just have no idea what to do. And for her to cry out her own name, because she doesn't have a name for him .... argh, that got me bad.

If we're going to have a complete 180 role reversal of all the characters, whilst interesting, I think it would ruin the tone of the drama. But who knows, I might be proven wrong.

Only 3 hours to go ....


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