Oh Ji-ho’s new CF offers huge payday

Oh Ji-ho is seeing the fruits of his labor in the currently running smash series Chuno, as he has landed a CF deal that comes with a startlingly large paycheck: 200 million won (approximately $175,000) for six months as brand model.

The deal is to represent Nong Shim and Ojingeo Jjamppong ramyun products. Oh shot the ad on February 1 in Ilsan (eating ten servings of noodles — yum! and also, ugh!), which will hit TV airwaves mid-February. According to Oh’s management, the ramyun market boasts some pretty heavy promotion, featuring endorsements from top celebrities like soccer star Park Ji-sung. A Nong Shim representative explained that they were looking for a “big card” name for the new contract when they decided on Oh, who is attracting a lot of attention for his escaped-slave role in Chuno.

Via Chosun


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Good for him. For some reason I really like this guy. gorgeous/goofy is a rare combination.


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Such a gorgeous man! Those dimples are just lethal...I bet he has a lot more lucrative offers to look forward to.


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Nong Shim = soothes the soul, hurts the body. hehe.

I like Ichiban ramen myself. Ichiban = #1 in my heart and wallet.

However, I use only 1/2 of the powder packet, to reduce the sodium. 1 bag or bowl of ramen is usually rated as being 2 servings worth (incredibly sneaky, since nobody shares a bowl of ramen after age 6), and each serving has around 1,000 mg of sodium. So, a single bowl of nong shim (2,000+ mg of sodium) is going to be over a day's worth of sodium. If, on some day, you have 2 bowls of nong shim, you might be looking at almost 3 days worth of sodium in two meals.

Hence, use 1/2 a packet - the taste is not watered down that much anyway. Mrs. Samsooki doesn't listen to me though and goes 100% packet every time (but, she doesn't drink all of the liquid), so that's the other way of doing it... not drinking all of the ramen broth.


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I think we are going to have another bout of "white vine vs red wine/Almond Joy vs Reese's" debate.

Nong Shim Shin Ramen is the best dude. My family ate Ichiban in the 70s only because there were no other alternative and we heavily added kimchi and additional stuff to spice it up. When Neoguri and Shin Ramen came out we never looked back.

(I don't drink the liquid either since I always get sick from the MSG overload.)


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Nong Shim ramen = yummy! I've heard that what Korea has is different from what we get overseas though.


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I love Nong Shim! ( and Oh Ji Ho too :) )
I always wonder if Korean's Nong Shim tastes different with what we get here in Indonesia?
My housemate and I love ramen, we try to eat everytime we're too lazy to cook, but always get scolded by other housemate, the one who loves to cook.

Mmm, I wish I can share a bowl of ramen with you, Oh Ji Ho-ssi!


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Maruchan. But only because our grocery store doesn't carry Ichiban anymore since they were bought out by another chain. The other brand they carry is ick. So it's either haul over to the Asian grocery to get Ichiban or take Maruchan.

BUT, they also make a Yakisoba - which is ok in the sense that's better than no yakisoba at all.

Oh, and OJH....handsome handsome handsome....


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Nong Shim's my go-to brand. There's some other good ones, but I like Nong Shim. I don't really think of ramen as being affected by star recognition, but I guess I could be wrong.
Maruchan makes "macaroni and cheese yakisoba" which is enough to banish them permanently from my diet.


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I'm NOT saying that Nong Shim isn't good. My wife swears by it, and I'd be lying if I said we don't buy it. Yes, I eat it.


1. Nong Shim Shin (Big Cup or the granddaddy, the Big Bowl) ramen generally has more sodium and MSG than Ichiban ramen. Plus, if you get the Big Bowl, you're really eating for like 3 people. hehe!

2. The Shin ramen also tends to be extremely spicy and makes you sweat while you eat.

Sometimes, you just want blander foods? Foods that will fill you up, be acceptably yummy, and won't kill your bowels or your blood pressure...?


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>Maruchan makes “macaroni and cheese yakisoba”

That is just wrong. ::shakes head in disgust:: Thank goodness I hadn't spotted that.


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"2. The Shin ramen also tends to be extremely spicy and makes you sweat while you eat."

I actually wish it was spicier to tell you the truth. I'm not sure if I'm making this up but I feel it has lost some heat over time. Cup ramen is no go for me. You have to eat the one you prepare in a pot.

If I want real japanese ramen I got to Misuwa in edgewater or Ippudo in NYC.


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wow with $175,000 I can pay down my mortgage by more than half.. I want that money!

Anyone likes soya bean sprouts? Shin or Samyang Ramyun with soya bean sprouts with red pepper powders/crashed garlic/onions tossed in: yum...


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Nong Shim is most definitely the best brand, imho.

I wonder if they really need to spend that much money on promotions since they're such a food staple. Oh well, fun ad for us soon to come, I'm sure.


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yay for oh jiho!
yay for oh-ssis!!


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Oh Jiho is so handsome! what a hottie! Yes, i'm happy he's getting more attention....handsome handsome man..


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Good for Oh Ji-HOT. :)

Ichiban (original flavor) - classic ramen

Nong Shim - that's the spicy stuff, right?
We only use half the packet for that one. :(


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I grew up on Ichiban, but now it's too salty and bland.

I used to swear by Shin and Neoguri, but I'm convinced they've changed their soup base formulas because they're not as tasty. Shin is spicy but bland (oddly?), and Neoguri is weaker? Now I'm rotating among other brands, and they're much better.

And I use all the spice packets and drink all the soup! Yum.


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I always like these debates :)

I use to get Shin, but JB's right the taste has changed over time. I didn't like Samyung ramyun originally, but now I like it a lot (I wonder if their soup base changed?). It's not as spicy, but the taste is pretty good imho. Haven't had Ichiban in awhile, but have to say I'm not a big fan of Maruchan.


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Don't know what's happening on Oh Ji-ho news thread... Ramen noodles debates???

@10 momosan

>Maruchan makes “macaroni and cheese yakisoba”

You are just kidding us, right? It can't be true.

@16 hjkomo

Ichiban (original flavor) – classic ramen

Like you and JB, I grew up on this one and some other Japanese brands since I was there. I suspect they must have added some sort of something in them as they were so good(back then) and addictive. Now that I've been vegetarian, I get this organic ramen noodles in Sydney's Chinatown and make broth myself with seaweeds, soy source and other condiments. I noticed when arriving in Japan, Lots of Koreans are carrying a big box of Korean instant noodles, I guess they are asked to bring them by their relatives or friends? They must be the super spicy ones?


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@celestialorigin: My guess is that the Koreans brought it for themselves. Almost like how when my family goes on a trip, my mom has to bring something Korean to eat by the end of the day.

When it comes to Ramen, I think of a Japanese family that owned a small Japanese restaurant for years. They made the best bowls of Ramen, although I never liked having pork slices added. Around two years ago there was a sudden boom of Japanese restaurants in that area, but were all "Americanized". It's a pity that the "real" Japanese restaurant had to close, as more people went to the more bigger, advertised "Japanese" restaurants.

For regular Ramen, I just use Maruchan and dump in Kimchi to make Kimchi Ramen :/
If not that, I just add green onions, squash slices, and small slices of green jalapenos to the Maruchan Ramen packages.

The cup Ramens have lost their taste and Neoguri noodles are becoming too thin.


That aside, that picture is awkward o.o
Handsome face, but look below and there's an arrow and he's smiling... heh.


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I used to eat this Nissin brand instant noodles and didn't discover Shin ramyun until junior year of college.

I hadn't notice the "2-servings" part of the shin ramyun nutritional facts until last year. I was totally upset that they would be so sneaky about it...but not enough to stop eating it. But then I guess I'm safe with the sodium because I don't drink the broth.

Man the Fantasy Couple and their noodles. First Han Ye Seul with the jajangmyun and now Oh Ji Ho with the ramyun.


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OJH is yum and he goes well with anything... with ramen... yumyum!

I grew up on the Japanese nissin original flavor ramen, that tiny sesame oil packet is <3

I loved Shin in college... but I agree the flavor (and the texture) is not the same anymore. But when I eat Shin, I use very little of the cooking liquid, pour in half a packet of the soupbase, I need a fried egg and I put gojujang in and mix it into a gooey mess. I know it's not authentic, but I can't get enough of it.

For the best texture in instant noodles, Myojo Chukazanimai hands down ...but I don't care for the soup base that much, had to add my own flavorings...and I love sesame oil in ramen. it's the closest to noodles at authentic ramen places.


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Oh, ye of little faith, I present to you: The Horror Of Cheddar Yakisoba. So it's not officially macaroni and cheese flavor, but let's face it - it's macaroni and cheese flavor. *shudder* There's also tomato-basil yakisoba, which is better theoretically but so very, very wrong.

The sodium's not a big deal unless you have high blood pressure. Most people can handle well over the daily "recommended" amount with no problems. (And not all blood pressures can be reduced with reducing the sodium.)

Samsooki, you must live somewhere where spicy food is on the menu more of the time than it is in my hometown. Bland but tasty is practically the culinary slogan here, so I eat spicy where I can get it.


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Love ramen noodles. LOVE OJH even more!!! :)


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@ 23 Dav

'The sodium’s not a big deal unless you have high blood pressure. Most people can handle well over the daily “recommended” amount with no problems.'

It depends on how u regard as 'no problems' it's still taxing your heart to work extra loads (it has to work harder to expel the salt (with the fluid it's retaining in the blood along the way) and your kidney has to work harder as well.


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