Chuno writer apologizes to Lee Da-hae
by javabeans
Chun Sung-il, the scriptwriter for action-thriller drama Chuno, has expressed his apologies in a recent interview toward one of the drama’s stars, Lee Da-hae.
Nearly as loud as the enthusiasm for the drama has been the dissatisfaction with one of its lead characters, Un-nyun (also Hye-won), played by Lee. Some of the criticisms have been downright silly (she looks too pretty!), but others are rooted in more reasonable logic, such as the weakness of her character and her role as constant damsel in distress. Lee Da-hae has admitted that she agrees with criticism calling her character a nuisance, in response to the new nickname that viewers have used up to describe her: Minpae Un-nyun, which roughly translates to “Public Menace Un-nyun.”
Writer Chun said, “Seeing all this criticism about Un-nyun as a character who is a public menace, I felt extremely apologetic toward Lee Da-hae. However, if you watch the drama through the end, you will be able to understand Un-nyun.” Among the complaints are that she, unlike the male characters who take charge of their fates, is a reckless, passive character. It has led viewers to comment that the writer “doesn’t have any interest in female characters” and that “Un-nyun just puts everyone around her in danger.”
Chun added, “I think Un-nyun stands out even more because of recent historical dramas like Queen Seon-deok and Iron Empress where the female leads drive their own fates. But Un-nyun will continue to change, because she is a character who keeps developing until the end.”
“I wanted to draw her character as someone who starts out as an ordinary woman and finds herself as she goes through turbulent times. Un-nyun is inherently passionate, but doesn’t know how to express that. She had the courage to run away from an unwanted marriage, but afterward she doesn’t know what to do. But that’s a natural thing. There was nothing women could do in the Joseon era. Aside from cooking and bearing children, there was nothing they could do. Un-nyun is searching for that right now.”
The other women characters, Seol-hwa and Cho-bok, are in the same boat as Un-nyun.
“Seol-hwa was once a member of a traveling actors’ troupe, but after running away she travels with Dae-gil’s group. If Dae-gil tosses her out, she has nowhere to go. Cho-bok entered an underground organization of slaves, but there’s no place for her there. Un-nyun isn’t the only one causing harm to others. However, Un-nyun overcomes those circumstances and changes.”
Chun also expressed disappointment that the antipathy toward Un-nyun was aggravated by the complaints about Lee’s makeup, excessive exposure, and screen blurring, which hadn’t been his intention.
“It must be frustrating to watch Un-nyun before her change, because she’s not particularly special and doesn’t do anything particularly important, but if you keep watching, things will change.”
I think the problem is a little more complex than Chun explains — and I will agree that he seems to be less interested in making women compelling, rounded characters. The entire drama seems to revolve around the glorification of male beauty, but that just makes the imbalance more stark because the women (as characters, not actors) feel like afterthoughts.
However, on top of all that, Lee Da-hae has been something of an easy target in recent years. I think it’s a combination of some unfortunate career moves and a certain je ne sais quoi that tends to attract negative response. Some stars just make particular connections to the public, which are not necessarily always logical — which is why you’ll have some actors with virtually no anti-fans while the anti’s for another may even outnumber his/her own fanbase.
I hope the character changes come soon; I don’t really buy Chun’s excuses, because you can certainly make flawed characters who are still interesting, without making them useless. (Case in point: most of the men in Chuno!) Also, women may not have had a lot of options historically, but honestly, that’s going to be your defense for giving your women nothing to do? Plenty of sageuks have managed ways to make women interesting, and not just queens and empresses.
Via Yonhap News, Review Star, Sports Chosun
Tags: Chuno, Lee Da-hae
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1 Cam
February 14, 2010 at 6:56 PM
.......I AM IN THE FIRST COMMENT -- so finally!
** Oh, it's true, I am sure that it will develop slowly to changes to character's personality toward to end of this drama, mm. I think that Lee Da Hae is still beautiful young actress without makeup AND with makeup either! (grins) **
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2 samsooki
February 14, 2010 at 7:07 PM
Despite early misteps (bringing out the character of Un-Nyun / Hye-Won too early, then making her passive and utterly helpless), I think there are enough episodes left to bring Un-Nyun to life.
But, if they bring Un-Nyun to life, will they constrast that development by making Seol-Hwa and Cho-Bok more static?
Right now, Seol-Hwa and Cho-Bok are like flood-lights in terms of their expressive and effervescent personalities, while Un-Nyun is more like a birthday candle.
If they change Un-Nyun to be more expressive, will they deaden SH and CB at the same time? I hope not...
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3 melica
February 14, 2010 at 7:13 PM
I don't really feeling like Seol-hwa is in the same boat and Lee Da Hae's character. I find her character enjoyable, interesting. She is scrappy and resourceful and an entertainer. I appreciate the realism of the constraints of her ending up an entertainer/whore without some sort of male protection unlike Lee Da Hae's character who is like some dreamy blank slate of ideal beauty.
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4 Lina
February 14, 2010 at 7:23 PM
To be honest, I find Lee Da-hae fascinating in her role as Un-nyun. As the drama progresses, Un-nyun is developing as a character evident in her relationship with Song Tae-ha, in what I believe is an attempt to move on from the past. Simultaneous to this growth, Lee Da-hae is also growing as an actress. At the beginning, she seemed uncomfortable (understandable since Chuno is her first sageuk). However, that awkwardness is dissipating, and she is easing into her character. She still has 12 more episodes to fully reach her potential, and until the finale, I will give my final verdict (please don't disappoint).
If the drama shows the backstory of Un-nyun, of what occurred in those 10 years between her enslavement and recent-storyline, the criticism may be stunted; it might explain Un-nyun's passiveness (I hope).
I am somewhat ambivalent with Chun's excuses and javabean's argument; both sides have their points (I'm slightly siding with javabean). Personally, I believe a major theme of the drama is the relationship between men and women. Instead of dismissing the role of women as weak and submissive, wouldn't you agree that the women are the support system of the men in the drama (and especially vice-versa)? This is emphasized in the relationship between Eop-bok and Cho-bok, Dae-gil and Seol-Hwa, Dae-gil and Un-nyun, and of course Un-nyun and Song Tae-ha.
If you want a strong woman in the drama, look at what I believe is a manipulating/evil kisang who is seen with our resident evil politician. Can't wait to see what happens with her.
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5 deeta
February 14, 2010 at 7:26 PM
Un Nyun/Hyewon is such a wet blanket. She's a pitiable character, but not a likable one. She grates on your nerves. She reminds me of Kim Ahjoong's character in That Fool, who halfway through the series, underwent changes because there were a lot of complaints.
But I don't know, unlike Kim Ahjoong, I actually do think that Lee Dahae is making the best out of this blah character. She conveys UN/HW's desperation and passiveness really well, she's hard to read because she's weak most of the time, but then one or two moments make me think that there's something fiercer lying beneath.
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6 Bunde
February 14, 2010 at 7:42 PM
Choices. I didn't find LDH's character too weak. I find her weak because her of time and it's a very doggy dog world (for lack of term here). And, this world is brutal and interesting. Slaves and all, and at times a little too excessive (too many people die). And, how many times do we have to have the episodes end with Lee Jong Hyuk running in slow mo with his fierce eyes, but I digress.
LDh made some crappy choices by being in a drama that is essentially the same drama (Hello! Miss) as the one she previously starred in (My Girl) and by being East of Eden as a throwaway character (was the big production a lure for her?).
She came across a little too dolled up in Robbers. Not naturally beautiful looking but like she came out of Cosmos. Then, in Chuno.... YIKES!!! She is running away for cyring out loud and in Joseon era! She looks too Glamour.
That's no fault of the writer.
People can't stand snooty glamour girl.
She could have just said "excuse me PD and writers, but isn't it strange that I have to show so much gratuotious cleavage in some scene? Hello makeup people, why am I so made up like a model of Cosmos? I am not at one of my modeling or CFs!"
I can understand if she is naive and don't know how to speak up, but some level of conscience in her could have made stand up and say "excuse me" or "hey!". But, maybe she is really that fatuous and that's why she made those choices.
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7 deca
February 14, 2010 at 7:47 PM
Some of the complaints netizens are making are so ridiculous.. First they complain that her nails are too perfect, then that her makeup is too perfect. Please. If her nails were chipped and nasty with dirt and her skin was dirty, they would complain. At least they're not dissing on her acting..
Right now, her character's blandness fits w/ the story. And like samsooki said, there're enough episodes that bring her character to life. Like the scenes of her and Jang-hyuk back in the day. She's obviously bland because she never got over him. But there are moments where you see her character start to develop, so let's not worry too much :P
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8 haikuwarrior
February 14, 2010 at 7:54 PM
I was heartened to hear in this post (and in the comments of a post previous) that the writer acknowledged that Un-nyeon is a flat character at the moment but that she will evolve throughout the course of the drama.
I agree with #5 in that LDH is making the best out of what she has been given. In all of the flak thrown at LDH I haven't seen any commendations for the emotional scenes she has had so far (few, but still there.) In particular I thought the scene where she is crying out for Dae-gil while being dragged away was well done, and was an important memory/story point for a future interaction with Seol-hwa.
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9 lsk4020
February 14, 2010 at 7:55 PM
I would only blame LDH for her perfect makeup and gratuitous cleavage if it were HER CHOICE and HER INSISTENCE that it be that way. How can you blame LDH for being so well-made-up if you don't blame the makeup people and the PD for not bringing up the issue as well? She can't be blamed because she's simply DOING HER JOB as an actress. I would definitely be able to blame her if her character was written to have smudged makeup and unwashed hair and she insisted on looking pristine, but that might not be how it is. Then again, I will gladly eat my words if you can prove to me that it's LDH's own doing that she has to look perfect in every scene.
I almost feel bad for her because of all the criticism she gets. I mean, you'll never hear me say that LDH is a good actress, but she doesn't deserve NEARLY as much criticism as she's getting with this show. I hope she chooses something better for her career as her next acting project; she's been on a downhill slide recently.
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10 Snikki
February 14, 2010 at 8:00 PM
Re: LDH's je ne sais quoi that tends to attract negative response.
It could also be a classic case of schadenfreude.
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November 18, 2013 at 6:44 AM
Absolutely correct. I think the comments are from a lot of jealous bitches who couldn't look like LDH no matter how much makeup was applied. It's odd these same people have no problem with the constant loving closeups of the male body and resulting sexualization.
Frankly, I thought if anyone was a dead, listless actor it was Oh Ji-Ho.
To be honest, the ridiculous depiction of women to the point of ridiculousness in some Kdramas is quite amusing. I laughed during Queen Seon-Deok when Mishil was swinging 5 kg swords like they were paper and easily defeating multiple seasoned male warriors with a single swing of the blade. I doubt if the actress could even swing a real Joseon era sword.
My brother practices martial arts and has a reproduction Japanese 17th century sword that I can barely lift with both hands. And I'm far from the average weakling female. For these reasons, I found Lee Da Hae's performance as Unyun one of the few realistic female driven performances in recent Kdrama.
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11 Ladymoonstone143
February 14, 2010 at 8:02 PM
LDH character still has room for improvement and you can see it on each episode. Torn between being a noble lady and her past as a slave, she is in a struggle within herself. But each situation, you can sense that there is more to her than just looking pretty.
One thing for sure...she has great chemistry with Oh Ji Ho and JH and that is one of the most important thing. Every scene LDH with Oh Ji Ho...I don't want it to be over....there is a spark between them...:) same goes with JH in the flashback...
I love Chuno no matter what the criticisms are. Like LDH, this is my first time to watch historical drama and I am enjoying it to the hilt.
Thanks Javabeans.
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12 Javabeans
February 14, 2010 at 8:04 PM
It could also be a classic case of schadenfreude.
It could be, but my point is that there's more to it than that. Mere schadenfreude would suggest that every successful actor/actress/star receives the same level of negativity, but that's not the case. Some attract far more, whether the reasons seem fair or not. Personally, I never think the "you're just jealous" response is adequate to explain the response, and it tends to lead to disintegration of valid discussion.
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13 Biscuit
February 14, 2010 at 8:05 PM
My only complaint (so far) is that she IS too pretty. Her hair, her clothes, etc.
You just don't get the feeling that she's a (former) slave on the run. She's been in the wilderness, and there's not even a bit of dirt on her. At least make her hair messy!
She's been gone for a while since she ran away from her marriage, but you can't really tell if she's led a hard life because.... she's just so neat and clean.
I won't go into the "perhaps she did/didn't tell the make-up artists that her make up was etc etc" because we have no clue what goes on behind the scenes.
This isn't directed toward LDH herself, but I wish the people in charge of her wardrobe and make up would do something about this.......
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14 Grace
February 14, 2010 at 8:09 PM
I sometimes do not understand why Korean public is so criticizing toward Lee Da Hee. I mean I love her, not just because she is really really pretty but she is an outstanding actress.
You know, there are plenty of actresses like Kim Tae Hee or Jung Rye Won who cannot really act but famous for their look. But Lee Da Hee, she CAN act, not just but really WELL.
I am getting frustrated here because people are too criticizing her.
I really hope that she will not be too stressed about this issue and show the public what really she is capable of!!!
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15 moochi
February 14, 2010 at 8:13 PM
i think it's true that her cleaniness has attracted a lot of criticism, but ppl have to move past that stage...we already heard about it from the news, and if they don't want to make her dirty then so be it
i find it funny that the author apologizes to lee da hae, if he thinks that he did nothing wrong, there really is no point in apologizing. if let's say the author was going to change the plot a bit or speed up the character's development..then alright. but i feel like he's apologizing because he just wants to defend his own story and tell ppl "hey, it's not LDH'S fault, but it shouldn't be mine either, you guys are just too impatient to see her development. and seriously all women acted that way during that time, so you guys should be more understanding."
so in a way i do agree with dramabeans that this shouldn't be the excuse for such a dull character. anyways i think the drama has lived up to a lot of my expectations, and you know how people are they love finding flaws in everything and it just so happens that LDH is a good target for something like this. btw i think her acting is pretty good.
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16 amg01
February 14, 2010 at 8:16 PM
For the writer to have to apologize for LDH's characters show only two things; 1. LDH indeed is a bad actress so the guy is covering for her to save face. 2. The writer and director have indeed screw up her character a la " Yoon Eun Hye" in Lady Castle, I lean towards #2, and the reasons way maybe that in Chuno Tae-Ha is the actual Protagonist of the story while Dae-Gil is the Antagonist, leaving really no room for Un-Nyun to really be the heroine of the story so she is actually relegated to a third rate character of sorts, the story highlights not her struggle but the conflict between the two man that at one point were her benefactors, the two strong man trying to save the damsel in distress fighting against each other while the damsel looks from above the Castles Tower!!!
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17 Bunde
February 14, 2010 at 8:24 PM
I don't want to be one of the netizen. Being in America, I expected more responsibility from her. At least, I expect the star to handle their handlers a little more. I haven't find anything bad with LDH in real life. So, why does she look so annoying in the last few dramas? Her manager, make-up artists and PR people needs to do a better job. I can't blame that on some people's jealousy or perception. Perception is crafted.
I was trying more to explain why it's not really the writer's fault, and why I can understand why people dislike her character, as well as her.
Actually, I don't find any problems with her acting. I am a guy and sorta fell in love with her character in first few episodes. And, only if she dressed sloppily when she is running away with the the ex general, it would not have been a distraction and a real comic eye sore to a really great show.
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18 Sakura
February 14, 2010 at 8:30 PM
I think Un Nyun character is the most difficult to portray because of her fatally grieved past and her life not being able to lead a normal girl/woman life because of her "bi" or "na" (female) slave. I would rather say that her development is a little bit slow that viewers are not patient enough to wait for the character growth in her because the other characters have a fast pace in every episode.
What sort of change do we want to see in Un Nyun?. drastic?.
Will the change be suddenly or eh !! how come she change so fast !! not realistic enough , another criticism.
We hope the scriptwriter will try to blend her character well - more appealing or astounding then it is right now. I still think the wardrobe dept did botched on Un Nyun look even if the actor voice their concern, we don't know behind the scene right?..
Yes I do remembered Un Nyun hardships that was good acting, and hope to see more then she can deliver.
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19 more
February 14, 2010 at 8:33 PM
In most K dramas the women are just like LEE DA HAE character in CHUNO.
So why is everyone complaining. I can give a a LONG list of women in Kdramas that do absolutely NOTHING to move the story forward.
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20 bjharm
February 14, 2010 at 8:40 PM
well as I have yet to watch this drama, waiting for more episodes to get sub treatment. It is true that woman of that time had little or no freedom, unless they belong to someone, either a man or family. Without that they just victims waiting to happen, if they are unfortunate enough to be attractive. So in that the writer has a point, but then again this is not really a 100% historical correct drama, so its more the writer trying to make some point than anything else. The complaints may mean he not getting that across very well.
I can not comment of either her acting or the character Lee Da-hae plays but Javabeans is totally correct in for some reason certain actors/celebrities do get more negative response than they can 'logically' deserve.
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21 quantumvis
February 14, 2010 at 8:53 PM
Since there's been so much criticism, I wonder why the makeup artists/costume directors do not change the "pristine" look immediately--I mean, this is something that actually can be altered, unlike the characterization, which is supposed to have been in development for the past episodes.
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22 mimi
February 14, 2010 at 9:10 PM
My biggest complaint about the drama isn't Lee Da Hee (although it would be more realistic for a former slave to display some survival skills. I mean, really. she totally has none.) but the storyline. At the rate the drama is going, it seems the climax will come at the very end. How many more hours do we need to see DaeGil running at the end with that beady glare, holding his dagger and made to believe he'll meet UnNyun but never doing so? It's been 12 long hours with no real character or story development.
It just seems like the writers are stringing us along and I feel so deceived with each episode. I had to skip a couple episodes b/c never-meeting-UnNyun fatigue is setting in on this viewer.
I think the other mistake of this storyline is that they've made the 2nd male lead Tae Ha essentially the lead -- in terms of screen time, capturing the female lead's affections (so soon), making him so virtuous compared to DaeGil's hot-tempered ways, and basically causing the audience to like him better than the lead.
I am rooting for DaeGil and his acting is superb, but with all that's stacked against him by the writers, how can he ever take his place?? I wouldn't be surprised by the way things are going if they made him die at the end and had TaeHa end up with Un-Nyun.
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23 whatever
February 14, 2010 at 9:16 PM
Beside what Chun expressed, the problem in writing her character and along certain directing/stlyist issues, I found out after almost 10 episode, that Dahee failed to bring more dimension and soul towards her acting. Her eyes is deep and expressive but her other body language is stoic and numb. The way she scared, startled, jumped, is so funny. On the raft, they way she pretend to be boy, she runs and screamed was laughable and unbelievable.
We can write one dimension character but still a brilliant actor/ess can bring it more depth and play it magnificently. In this case, Dahee failed to amaze me.
Other than cried, moved and think about the past which I think she did great , she disappointed me in her others potrayal.
I just screamed on the screen!
Just acting it convincingly even it is not interesting/one dimension character! Let me buy your acting!
Ouch, ohww, and put a finger on your mouth only you can do?. I can still bear it-the not so interesting character they gave you- if you make it believable but sad to say, it come out laughable to me.
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24 whatever
February 14, 2010 at 9:16 PM
Beside what Chun expressed, the problem in writing her character and along certain directing/stlyist issues, I found out after almost 10 episode, that Dahee failed to bring more dimension and soul towards her acting. Her eyes is deep and expressive but her other body language is static and numb. The way she scared, startled, jumped, is so funny. On the raft and they way she pretend to be boy was laughable and unbelievable.
We can write one dimension character but still a brilliant actor/ess can bring it more depth and play it magnificently. In this case, Dahee failed to amaze me.
Other than cried, moved and think about the past which I think she did great , she disappointed me in others.
I just screamed on the screen!
Just acting it convincingly even it is not interesting/one dimension character! Let me buy your acting!
Ouch, ohww, and put a finger on your mouth only you can do?. I can still bear it if you make it believable but sad to say, it come out laughable to me.
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25 Firewife5
February 14, 2010 at 9:18 PM
Just a quick comment re: the makeup issue. UN isn't the only one looking good all the time. SH is roughing it out on the road with the Chuno boys and yet her makeup is also always perfect. Since this is the case, I think it's safe to assume that this is something decided by the PD and/or production crew, and not really something the actresses themselves deserve criticism for.
As for the character of UN, I've never had an issue with her. She may not always be the most compelling character, but I feel the characterization has been consistent considering the events that have taken place in her life and the times in which she's living. In the flashback scenes we can see that she wasn't always so lifeless. Take a look at what she's been through; watching the man she loves "die" before her eyes and at the hand of her own brother; and then living a lie for the next 10 years, pretending to be something she's not. It seems natural that she would "close herself off", so to speak. I do appreciate that we are beginning to see the "real" UN beginning to come out in her interactions with TH, I think that relationship is bringing her back to life, and I look forward to seeing the character develop more as the story progresses.
As for LDH herself, I think she's doing an OK job. I think she's a good actress, not great, but good. She definitely seems more comfortable with the more romantic aspects of the story, and as someone already pointed out, she does have great chemistry with both leading men. That makes the love stories between UN and TH, and also UN and DG, believable at least.
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