God of Study emerges as leader on Mondays & Tuesdays
by javabeans
Week 2 has yielded more of a disparity between the new Monday-Tuesday shows — while Week 1 was pretty close between all the contenders, it seems the viewers have by now selected their favorites, and the numbers reflect those choices. AGB Nielsen numbers put KBS’s school drama God of Study firmly ahead of the competition with a 21.2% rating for its third episode, leaving its rivals, SBS’s historical medical show Jejoongwon and MBC’s trendy series Pasta, duking it out for second place with a respective 13.1% and 12.8%.
I’m not terribly surprised and I don’t begrudge any one series success over the others, because quality-wise I think all three are solid. They’ve all got their charms and flaws, so this probably boils down to a matter of taste (and buzz, and casting). I suppose in a business sense this is more of a disappointment for Jejoongwon (which went in with more buzz and anticipation than Pasta). The question is whether the numbers will level off here, or if the latter two will fall further.
As for me, I’m sticking with Pasta, and keeping an eye on God of Study. Sorry, Jejoongwon, you’ll have to take a backseat for now, since I’m swamped and I’ve got another sageuk on my plate at the mo’. But what a promising drama season it’s shaping up to be; there’s a nice variety of offerings and a good number of prospects, depending on your preference.
Tags: drama ratings, God of Study, Jejoongwon, Pasta
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1 samsooki
January 11, 2010 at 3:41 PM
woohoo! goooooooo GoS!!!
mayhaps.... parents of young children seek to learn ways to get their kids to study harder....
it might be the only drama where parents force their kids to watch with them... saying, "see, don't be like that guy. see what happens if you study hard? see what happens if you don't?"
oh, those clever drama writers, successfully tapping into the family demographics to pull in viewership...
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2 daisytwenties
January 11, 2010 at 3:44 PM
woww. really?
after hearing all the praise for pasta [more than the other two], im surprised at this news a tad bit.
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3 1critic
January 11, 2010 at 3:56 PM
Personally I prefer Pasta. The chemistry is electric!
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4 Thu
January 11, 2010 at 3:57 PM
I guess it is on who it appeals to. I was drawn to God of Study first but after watching the first few episodes, Pasta stole my interest. Let's see how these 2 shows progress.
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5 Juls
January 11, 2010 at 4:00 PM
So what sageuk would that be? ;) Wink, wink...lol
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6 anjell
January 11, 2010 at 4:54 PM
i knew it! ;) i hope GOS lives up to the expectations of the viewers...
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7 sam
January 11, 2010 at 5:05 PM
Not watching any at the moment. But I think @1 samsookie got it spot on. watching and getting good tips to study. satisfying all the family demographic do get better rating.
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8 mimim
January 11, 2010 at 5:25 PM
pasta pasta!!
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9 freshies
January 11, 2010 at 5:46 PM
this was the agb ratings but the tns ratings were 23.1.... I love God of study and hope that the ratings keep going up. I love both yoo seung hoo and lee hyun woo there both hot.
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10 whatsupalisa
January 11, 2010 at 6:22 PM
I love this drama because it's pretty light and being a high schooler, I just went through similar experience- well maybe not as intense studying haha.
also yoo seung ho seriously makes me drool
even if he's a younger guy
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11 Flo
January 11, 2010 at 6:25 PM
I love GOS and Pasta....aja aja fighting
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12 more
January 11, 2010 at 6:42 PM
NOOOOOO i wanted PASTA!!!
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13 Sere
January 11, 2010 at 7:27 PM
Well, huh. This drama was the one I decided not to watch (even though I was tempted for Lee Hyun Woo who was such a cutie in RoI) for I have too many on my plate, but lol I'll add it now.
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14 c_gunawan541
January 11, 2010 at 8:04 PM
To be honest, at first i love PASTA the most among the 3 but after one week of waiting, i'm actually missing and eager to watch GOS the most... it's kinda weird since i think Pasta is better in terms of its storyline but after watching ep 3 of GOS without sub, i think it's my fangirl mode that's been on again...
Pasta is the best in terms of drama but GOS made me anticipates monday and tuesday the most. =p It may change again after watching Pasta's ep 3....
I'm not complaining though and i'm pleasantly surprised by the rating of GOS. It's not very hyped up in forums unlike BOF, YB but it got ratings..
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15 Sharon
January 11, 2010 at 8:49 PM
my choice still rests with Jejoongwon and Pasta. still not in the mood to watch "God of Study", don't know why.
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16 dkykmom
January 11, 2010 at 10:14 PM
Good thing bc pasta this week bore me to tears.
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17 pabo ceo reom
January 11, 2010 at 11:32 PM
Not gonna lie...I'm liking God of Study the most. Pasta is cool when I want a change or am a little bored. :)
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18 Larissa
January 11, 2010 at 11:48 PM
I don't remember when was the last time I had so many choices on what to watch. It's gonna be Pasta for me, though I think I will watch God of Study as well. I saw the first episode of Wish upon a Star yesterday, and it was a bit meh, but I think I'll see what the second episode is like, as you said it was better.
I'm not really into sageuks but I think I'll give Chuno a try... The year is really off to a good start...
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19 mayadee
January 12, 2010 at 1:06 AM
I haven't watched PASTA yet, but I'm watching GOS. IMHO the original version is a lot better than this one (heck I still love this version either), but then again who am I kidding? GOS has its own solid fanbase (with T-ara's Jiyeon and that little So Ji Sub boy as the main eye candy, I bet there are a lot of fanboys and fangirls watching this drama)
Yeah @samsooki you're right. If GOS was airing in my country at the moment, I bet my parents would force me to watch it either.
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20 anonymous
January 12, 2010 at 4:44 AM
I love this drama, it's very inspiring. Also the actors are very good.
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