Chuno fends off continued criticism
by javabeans
The bigger they are, the louder the criticism. That’s why I’d take the following with a teeny grain of salt, although it cannot be denied that KBS’s blockbuster hit drama Chuno is garnering a lot of criticism, much of it directed toward its lead star Lee Da-hae.
When the drama first aired, there was a little talk of Lee Da-hae looking “too pretty” — note that she plays a slave, and then a runaway, all while maintaining a pristine appearance even when the men around her are shown in their grimy, masculine glory. But that first wave of commentary faded after a few days, even if most fans seemed to feel she ought to have looked a little dirtier.
Then came the much-maligned cleavage shots when her character was attacked and her outer top removed, showing off her bustline. Some viewers thought it was gratuitous, but again, those comments mostly trailed off after a few more days. The controversy probably would have died down if the drama didn’t follow with more scenes of that ilk, and now it’s like every other article about Chuno is one pointing out the growing criticism.
The producers probably overreacted by trying to pre-empt complaints; anticipating the public’s reaction, they blurred out Lee’s bustline for a following broadcast. (In that episode, Oh Ji-ho’s character treats Lee’s character for an injury and removes her top.) Of course, this was even worse because viewers complained that the effect was unnecessary, and the obvious blurring actually made the scene seem more suggestive that it would have been.
After that wave of criticism, producers announced that they would not blur out any more scenes. They defended their use thus far, saying, “This isn’t a movie but a public television network, so the blurring was unavoidable. We wanted to preserve the quality of the drama, but we had to make this choice. Please be understanding.” They added, “In order to preserve the drama’s level of quality, we will not use the blurring anymore. We will be mindful of the public broadcast guidelines, and not do anything to impede the visual quality.” As a prime-time broadcast series, Chuno bears a 15-and-up age label, meaning that there’s some latitude for mature content, but there’s still an expectation that producers will curb excessive violence, language, or sexual suggestiveness.
And yet, that’s not the end of things. Lee Da-hae’s face makeup is another source of dissatisfaction; fans complain that it takes away from the believability of the storyline to have her perfectly made up. And then, there’s her manicure — surely out of place in Joseon Korea — which the actress defended as a necessity to keep her nails from weakening. Lee expressed her frustration at the comments on the January 30 episode of Entertainment Weekly, where she said that an actress’s life is a difficult one.
One article points out, “Of course, criticism is another expression of interest. However, why is Chuno singled out for such constant criticism?”
For one, viewers tend to have certain expectations when dealing with historical pieces, and this isn’t the first time this issue has been raised; actresses have in the past been accused of putting vanity before accuracy. This reminds me of Gu Hye-sun being singled out while shooting King and I for wearing circle lenses (cosmetic contact lenses designed to make the iris look larger, giving them an anime-like quality).
In the drama’s defense, it’s not a conventional sageuk but more of a fusion piece that takes liberties with reality. The drama places more of a premium on visual flair and filming style than it does on sticking with historical convention.
I agree with aspects on both sides of the argument, because the biggest reason for all this attention may just be because of Chuno‘s popularity, and popular targets always attract heated responses. On the other hand, Chuno has stirred a lot more criticism than similarly big dramas like Seon-deok or IRIS. And although these issues didn’t bother me too much while watching the drama, I did think, “Gee, Lee Da-hae looks really pretty, but her cleanliness takes me out of the drama.”
As for the matter of the cleavage shots, the first time I heard about it, I laughed because it seemed like such a petty complaint. I think the producers would have been better off not bothering to blur out the subsequent scenes, because that called attention to it and made it look a lot worse. One article points out the inconsistency of the public’s response, because after an episode aired with blurring, there were complaints. The next day, the episode contained unblurred scenes, and yet viewers complained more.
However, I’ll argue that it may not be that viewers are just being inconsistent; they’re just tired of seeing the same shot over and over. Lee has by now been seen baring her cleavage on numerous occasions — near-rape, injury, undressing — which has viewers weary of the excess. (For instance, I joke that the male shower scene is fanservice I can live with and not annoyingly gratuitous, but if you gave me a shower scene in every episode, you bet I’d find it pointless.) As a result, some viewers have called Lee’s character weak and inactive, and “only good for baring skin.”
On the whole, these seem like minor quibbles, but perhaps they’re indicative of more than just a matter of makeup or prettiness. I don’t see why they couldn’t dirty Lee up a little; the dirt certainly doesn’t make her male co-stars look any less attractive (and in fact may add to their appeal). I can understand viewers who are dissatisfied to see her looking pristine, wearing lipgloss and modern makeup, and showing off a modern manicure; it has nothing to do with disliking Lee herself, and is more about the drama putting vanity ahead of credibility. It feels a little self-indulgent.
But it’s not stopping viewers from watching, either. Chuno continues with ratings in the low- to mid-30% range.
Via TV Report, My Daily, Joy News, Now News, Consumer News, OSEN, Asia Economy, My Daily, Mediaus, Segye, Newsen
Tags: Chuno, controversies, Lee Da-hae
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1 Sora
January 31, 2010 at 3:11 PM
still having watched Chuno, but now i can't wait to ^_^
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2 tina
January 31, 2010 at 3:16 PM
i laughed when i read about those complaints of her bustline, but damn! i didn't realize it was shown that much (i haven't watched the show yet). i guess i would be wary of it too. makes me wonder if viewers will complain if they make lee da hae ~dirty~ because she ain't looking perfect haha.
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3 cuteleedahae
January 31, 2010 at 3:18 PM
Actually, I'm dissapointed that LDH apologized to the public bcos of this critictisms, she should ignore it-it is fusion sageuk, if you look at the action scenes, rock music used and many illogical things, u know this is more for entertainment-and I love seeing beautiful things, even in Chinese drama, the heroin alwyas look very2 pretty even in the midlle of fighting.
I love her acting also-her character needs diff level of acting, and she's doing just fine..yeah some viewers love the character of second actress, cute and bubbly, but that charcter is soooo common in kdrama, and I WILL never want LDH to act like that in her role.
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4 s
January 31, 2010 at 3:18 PM
I do feel bad for her but not bad enough to diagree with criticisms. Fusion or not, things like looking pretty should not take away from the storyline or the sense of reality within the scope of the show. It may just be the director's fault but it does make her seem a little vain and unwilling to bend for the sake of character integrity.
ah well..
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5 me
January 31, 2010 at 3:19 PM
i seriously think lee da hae's the problem. she apparently wants to keep her image so she has her crew do her make-up, nails, and squeeze her non-existent boobs together (she always does this for all cleavage bearing dresses, like at award ceremonies and stuff). if it was a more serious. less vain actress, she would not do all that.
and her character un nyun / hye won seriously is useless and frustrating. she's always seeking help and causing trouble to the heroes (but i guess the plot calls for the drama). she always makes the stupidest, irresponsible decisions (why go through a wedding if you're just going to run away?).
seriously, her scenes are such a bore. the ones with sulhwa are so much more fun and kim ha eun is a better actress.
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6 lsk4020
January 31, 2010 at 3:22 PM
I'm slowly coming to terms with trying to ignore minor quibbles with the drama; I've seen too many k-dramas to love Chuno for the sake of loving it, yet I realize that it only hurts ME more by disliking it based on minor things like how pristine LDH looks in every single scene. I'd rather just focus on enjoying the good parts.
However, I've also come to realize that as a whole, Chuno seems to have very weak female characters...the only one with (a potential for) depth is that Qing (or was it Ming?) assassin. Besides the slave girl in the side plot about the uprising, she's the only female in the drama whom I don't intensely dislike.
All in all, I agree that because this drama is such a huge blockbuster, the criticism it garners is harsher than it maybe deserves. I say, people should just give it a chance and maybe with less scrutiny it can fully grow into its potential.
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7 Chuck
January 31, 2010 at 3:27 PM
I've never understood that type of criticism. I'm speaking of the relative cleanliness of LDH's character. It is a non-essential aspect of a drama, and strikes me as pettiness. It's not like they made no attempt to show that she was a servant/slave. Her clothes in the begining were in fact ragged, with holes in them. Her shoes were the same.
How many Korean men in those days looked as physically fit and muscular as the main actors in this drama? Not one, I dare say. No one complains about that, however. How many had perfect teeth? All of them? It would seem so, if this and every other drama is any indication. I'm not at all bothered by the men being muscular and having shiny white teeth, and neither am I bothered by LDH being clean with nice, shiny hair. It's a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
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8 CrimemasterGogo
January 31, 2010 at 3:28 PM
Go complain to the Director and make up people. As long as her acting isn't being criticised it should be fine. Korean netizens tend to be over the top in their criticsms, or is it that broadcasters take their views far too seriously and give them too much weight?
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9 Angela
January 31, 2010 at 3:32 PM
It's kind of funny how they're trying to be historically accurate by showing her cleavage and half-dressed state... but can't seem to be bothered to throw some dirt on her, and chip some nails, lol.
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10 Beatrice
January 31, 2010 at 3:32 PM
I'm inclined to agree with a lot of these complaints, especially since her character strikes me as pretty weak to begin with. I wouldn't mind her magical cleanliness, perpetually manicured nails, and expensive-looking hair so much if only her character were a little bit more interesting. but so far it seems to me like LDH just gets saved a LOT in this drama. She does look beautiful, but that striking image is 95% of what makes up her character. In light of that, I can see why these complaints seem to persist.
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11 pabo ceo reom
January 31, 2010 at 3:36 PM
It's like nitpicking just to nitpick. Is this slight backlash from East of Eden thing?
And hey, apparently besides fangirls, fanboys watch dramas too. :P (ok kidding..)
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12 the indian girl
January 31, 2010 at 3:37 PM
why does this whole issue just leave me with a big fat bleh...if its a good drama then just watch it and enjoy it for whats it drama is prefect and all of them come with their own unique set of flaws tht make them more endearing...lets not get into over analyzing everything...its entertainment pure and simple..every1 is entitled to their opinion abt the entertainment industry, but lets not fuss abt it pls...its not joke being in front/behind the camera and putting yourself other....its takes a certain kind of guts to do tht..lets respect tht!
tht said LDH is this wht u get for taking my Jun Kiiii away from me for even 2 years...damn u woman damn we all know why he was soo into you :( cant compete with tht sigh sigh
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13 hjkomo
January 31, 2010 at 3:38 PM
It's funny and sad that netizens have nothing better to do than hone in on one actress with their criticism. It's the PD (director) who's in charge of how a character looks. Un-nyun's ragged, dry, and chapped hands were clearly shown in the flashback scenes. And as far as I've seen, no one is criticizing Kim Ha Eun's (Seol-hwa) lipgloss, blush, and EYELINER.
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14 cuteleedahae
January 31, 2010 at 3:45 PM
and for sure the critictisms come from female viewers-usually men will never complaints on manicure, cleavage and beautiful faces. Well maybe I'm wrong, or men in Korea are different. Howver, based on my survey and what I read in Naver, men are going gaga over her pure white skin, they love her.
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15 Amber
January 31, 2010 at 3:46 PM
I've never lliked LDH after My Girl. She's always seemed very stiff to me, like a beautiful porcelain doll - not natural in her acting or screen presence at all. Perhaps viewers are finally getting tired of her and that's where these complaints are coming from?
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16 ditto
January 31, 2010 at 3:48 PM
seriously.. Kim Ha Eun doesnt look the least bit dirty either.
wat about HER makeup.. GEEZ
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17 midnight
January 31, 2010 at 3:49 PM
OMG.. YAAaaA.. Kim Ha Eun is also too clean for her role.. why isnt anyone criticizing HER.
the knetizens have nothing better to do but nitpick little details that are simply obsurd and ridiculous
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18 selena
January 31, 2010 at 3:50 PM
HAHA.. i bet people are just JEALOUS of ldh, thats why they are picking on her
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19 ldhforever
January 31, 2010 at 3:52 PM
awww... poor ldh.
the criticisms are realli misplaced.
ldh fighting!!!
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20 zzzzzzzz
January 31, 2010 at 3:53 PM
ldh is a good actress AND shes simply stunning :]
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21 Beatrice
January 31, 2010 at 3:53 PM
Well, like I said, I think the criticism is targeting LDH's character as opposed to KHE's because the former has comparatively little in the way of personality to make up for these details. And as details they WOULD be insignificant if only Un-Nyun/Hye Won were likeable enough to make people not care about the technicality of her presentation. But if that's the most salient aspect of her character then that's what people are going to hone in on.
I don't think this is a problem with the actress so much as with the direction and writing. It just seems like aesthetics and visual presentation is more of a priority in this production that character development, and that's what bothers me.
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22 mimi
January 31, 2010 at 3:59 PM
Kind of funny but I'll agree with those who thought they showed too much bustline. I mean if you look at her white make-shift bra, it really could have been placed higher to show less cleavage. In the first of the scenes to show her unclothed, a tad lower and we would have seen her nipples. Really. C'mon.
Park Shin Hye wore the same wrap bra for You're Beautiful and they did it in good taste.
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23 faridah2201
January 31, 2010 at 4:04 PM
People need to stop picking on these little details, if this is the only thing people can find wrong with the show then it most be amazing. I haven't watched it yet, prefer to marathon sageuk dramas, so now I am even more excited to watch it
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24 Sere
January 31, 2010 at 4:07 PM
This is what netizen complain about? Sheesh! I love Chuno, but if I should say something negative about it, and more specifically about Un-nyu, I'd go with how underdeveloped and flat LDH's character is. True, her pristine clothes don't help, but they don't bother me as much as how her character is written.
Maybe it's just me, but I love Seol-hwa a lot more than Un-nyu and if I'm more fond of a secondary lead -wait, is she even a secondary lead?- or hell, rooting for her more than the main lead, doesn't that mean there's something wrong? That said, I really really love Chuno.
I'm with lsk4020. I choose to focus on the main picture and just enjoy the parts I like.
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25 haikuwarrior
January 31, 2010 at 4:13 PM
I've watched only a few episodes of Chuno so far. I want to wait until most of the drama is over because I know I'll snarf the whole drama in one or two days once I start again.
I agree with Chuck in his statement. Chuno, if anything, seeks to portray a stylized version of each part of its story. Chiseled heroes a la "The 300", pristine heroine, rock music action, gorgeous environment. That is part of the reason why it is able to be a blockbuster and that is the reason why it brings it 30% ratings.
If overzealous netizens want more realism from their television they can watch the Discovery Channel.
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