Chuno breaks 30% in its second week
by javabeans
Looks like it’s going to be a huge sensation: KBS’s Chuno just aired its fourth episode, and already it has passed the 30% ratings threshold. According to TNS Media numbers, Chuno pulled in a 30.8%, up against Will It Snow For Christmas, which has returned to its IRIS-era numbers with a 11.5%. MBC’s finale episode of Hero went out quietly with a 4.7%.
(Ever greedy, the press is now expecting Chuno to break the 40% mark as the story really gets going. Not that it’s an impossible task, but these days, a drama can’t even enjoy its current achievement without everything jumping to the next expectation.)
A new contender will join the fray next week when MBC’s The Woman Who Still Wants To Marry will premiere. One factor working in its favor is that it’s a completely different genre, centering around three modern career women, but it’ll be hard to make a dent in Chuno‘s stronghold if it keeps up its level of visual quality, acting, and quick-paced storytelling.
Tags: Chuno, drama ratings
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January 14, 2010 at 3:10 PM
it's good for Lee Da Hae since her last drama fiasco east of eden
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2 Molly
January 14, 2010 at 3:11 PM
Noooooo! Come on, Will it Snow, you can get back up there!
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3 Quidam
January 14, 2010 at 3:19 PM
YEAH! Episode 4 was sooooo good. What a cliffhanger! I can't wait until next week.
I agree w/'s amazing where LDH is now compared to where she was this time last year. I do believe in karma. Oh yes I do.
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4 randomfan
January 14, 2010 at 3:24 PM
It's a good show. It's great seeing people are actually responding to QUALITY this time. It may not be for everyone's taste but you cannot deny that it has a great story, great acting, and amazing direction. PD Kwak should be very proud.
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5 tisyamey
January 14, 2010 at 3:24 PM
I never really thought I'd touch this drama at all.. I'm not really
into action-packed dramas but thanks for your recaps, I got
interested enough to give it a try---- and thank heavens I did.
I am now a shipper for this drama, though my first love is [and
will remain] WISFC, I will definitely be following this drama.
Thanks for your introduction of this drama, as well as the recaps,
without it I wouldn't have given this drama a chance.
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6 robotmatsuri
January 14, 2010 at 3:48 PM
Amazing! I skimmed through raws 1-2 yesterday and am loving what I saw. Hope to watch it with subs soon... in the mean time, Chuno fighting! :)
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7 mcjayjay
January 14, 2010 at 3:56 PM
i will not watch this drama, no matter how many people recommend it and the high ratings it gets, for some reason every lee dae hee drama ends up getting dropped or being hated by me, so sorry oh ji hoo and jang hyuk, i will not be able to watch it.
Will it snow for xmas is <3 and thats what ill keep watching. and i can't wait for the woman who still wants to marry!!!
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8 RD
January 14, 2010 at 4:00 PM
That's great for Chuno but I'm sticking with WISFC! Honestly saeguks I don't find interesting. Just not in my taste. I tried watching Return of Illjimae but yeah didn't work. I gave up after episode 4. Not saying anything about its quality but yeah I don't think I'll give saeguks another try.
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9 okdubu
January 14, 2010 at 4:11 PM
what is chuno's expected run in # of episodes? i'm wary of starting if it's gonna be... like anything more than 30 episodes
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10 ockoala
January 14, 2010 at 4:14 PM
Congrats to Chuno, wow, that some start at the beginning of the year. I actually felt like the pre-premiere marketing was really effective, the way it released trailers and stills and heightened the anticipation.
@ okdubu
Nope, 24 satisfying yet brisk episodes!
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11 me
January 14, 2010 at 4:24 PM
great for chuno. but not my taste.besides not fans of the actors and actress in chuno.
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12 D
January 14, 2010 at 4:27 PM
good job! good job!
i decided to stick with JB's recaps for the time being and catch Chuno on kbsworld later so I can savour WISFC (or what's left of it)...
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13 mie
January 14, 2010 at 4:36 PM
Aw, poor Christmas.
It's a bit strange. I think Chuno is fun and wonderfully shot, but something about the plot and the huge number of characters bothers me. I'm not liking LDH much either, though I'm pleasantly surprised with both JH and OJH. I'm really, really surprised it passed the 30 percent mark so quickly.
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14 Pully
January 14, 2010 at 4:43 PM
Too bad, I gonna hide away from all the spoilers, caps until eps 10 or sth like that. Subs come out too slow to feed my appetite.
The best bet is not getting addicted in the first place. But I keep my expectation high.
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15 Sonam
January 14, 2010 at 4:58 PM
I love Asian swashbucklers. The way they handle their swords, how they sheath and unsheath beautiful to watch. So much better than hollywood stuff.
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16 A.
January 14, 2010 at 5:02 PM
Wow. Hopefully it doesn't die out though... but I have a feeling Chuno's going to carry on the good ratings. I really really hope to God an UNNECESSARY extension to carry on the high ratings happens - I seriously hate when that happens because almost always, the extension ends up happening with lackluster, unplanned storyline and repetition after repetition of plotlines already used. It's just plain annoying.
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17 hjkomo
January 14, 2010 at 6:01 PM
Congratulations, Kwak Jung Hwan and the entire cast & crew of Chuno!!! :D
This is fanastic and utterly well-deserved.
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18 Sharon
January 14, 2010 at 6:08 PM
This drama deserves high rating. I found it very interesting, even though I have watched up to episode 3 so far.
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19 Kender
January 14, 2010 at 6:11 PM
Oh look, a gratuitous man-nipple! :D
I'm not watching Chuno, because it's not really my type of story (I like my modern-era Kdramas, thanks), but I'm glad it's enjoying such success. I just hope it can keep up the pace and not disappoint everyone who's watching it and/or rooting for it. :)
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20 loveydovey
January 14, 2010 at 6:19 PM
waiting to watch this on viikii is tortureeee
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21 lidge_fan
January 14, 2010 at 6:29 PM
Wish I live in Korea so I can watch WISFC and help boost up its ratings. Not that I'll be able to make much of a difference but still........
Oh who am I kidding?
If I'm in Korea, I'll be too busy stalking Go Soo to do any TV watching! :P
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22 Anh Nguyen
January 14, 2010 at 6:33 PM
I still cannot get into Chuno. Guess that the genre is not my cup of tea. :)
@lidge_fan: lol. GS is too yummy, isn't he?
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23 ripgal
January 14, 2010 at 7:05 PM
PD Kwak, you finally have the ratings that you've been deprived of for SO LONG! I'm happy for him, as well as the writer and the rest of the filming crew. Their hard work has certainly paid off..
Chuno fighting!
I think it's a good drama, but lately I just can't seem to get into it anymore. Part of me feels that Writer Lee has lost her golden touch... but again, that's just me. And each to its own right? ^^
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24 bjharm
January 14, 2010 at 7:18 PM
is it just me or do others think Koreans seem suckers for promotion and hype? I am not saying Chuno is bad or anything but after only 2 episodes it seems a bit early to start calling it the new best thing in TV Drama land. Just look at Isis incredible amount of hype, but when it was done..was it really that good at all, I do not think so. There seem this attitude that if it costs a huge amount of money then it has to good also, while frankly many of the smaller budget, less hyped shows are the ones you end up watching again and again.
Kind of reminds me of those boy/girl bands having huge fan base without even releasing a single note of music or song. But just based on promotion and hype.
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25 Brendel
January 14, 2010 at 7:18 PM
With Chuno's ratings this high, I'm almost afraid for The Woman Who Still wants To Marry. Not that I'm not happy for Chuno's cast and crew. The drama certainly deserves the high ratings.
By the way, are the Chuno subs out?
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