Han Ye-seul a possibility for Twilight sequel?

It is being reported (strategically leaked?) that Han Ye-seul, who is currently acting in the new SBS melodrama series Will It Snow For Christmas?, recently took a secret meeting with Mark Morgan, CEO of Imprint Entertainment, the production company behind Twilight and New Moon. Naturally, this has given rise to speculation that Han Ye-seul’s Hollywood debut may come in the third film of the Twilight saga, Eclipse.

News of the meeting was confirmed by a source related to the “Phone Hollywood remake project,” which is also under Imprint’s purview. Han quietly met with Morgan and film producer Michael Becker on December 5 at an undisclosed location in Seoul. (They were in the country to announce the Phone remake at a press conference on the 3rd.)

I’d take the possibility of a Twilight appearance with a huge grain of salt — I think it’s more likely she’d be cast for Phone — but apparently it’s not out of the question. The source avoided the direct question of Han’s casting potential for Eclipse, but when Chosun Ilbo’s reporter asked whether one could “take an optimistic outlook” about it, the answer was “Yes.” Meanwhile, Phone‘s director had said at the recent press conference that he’d like to cast a Korean actress. The horror remake will use a Korean crew and director, but plans to cast American actors.

In general, this isn’t surprising news, since Han has been keeping an eye out for Hollywood opportunities since last year. I think her acting ranges from merely passable (Tazza) to bright and cute (Fantasy Couple, Miss Gold Digger), and on the whole it’s much improved from her early days. Furthermore, she’s one of few Korean actresses whose English is fluent without an accent and she grew up in California, so unlike some other stars attempting the crossover, language isn’t an issue. Language fluency also opens the door for her to take on roles outside the role of the stereotypical Asian Other — e.g., the ubiquitous assassin or martial artist a la Jeon Ji-hyun, Lee Byung-heon, or Rain.

Via Newsen, Chosun


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Hollywood..more money...

Living here so long already. I can say that it's hard for asians to gain success in Hollywood. With the exception of Lucy Liu and Zhang. The general audience is intriged when "crouching tiger" came out. So Zhang became a breakout star. But after that there hasn't been any films that caught their interest again. They got bore after being amuse with all the flying swordmans.

But i love to see that day ...whenever it will come.


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errmmm... Han YeSeul in another Twilight movie??? not interested... :P
as a non-twilight fans, i watched New Moon twice just to see Jacob Black, it was quite something on the first time i watched (chanting "he's not legal, he's not legal", Quoted from langdon813 on open thread), but when i saw the second time, i don't know, i just don't find him quite as interesting as the first time (gets bricked!!), hey, even the chanting has gone...


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I guess it could be good for her *is doubtful* but god I hope not. Twilight. Ick.


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Let's say she gets casted for Twilight sequel, which character would she play? Can't think of any characters that would fit her. And I think it would be odd to see her in that movie. I don't know, I just don't see her in it. So I guess this is just another publicity stunt or whatever. Wish her luck for Phone and other hollywood projects.


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But her English is accented. It's just not as bad as other Koreans.


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If they're doing a remake for Phone why cast a Korean as the lead again?
It'll be cool to see her in the sequels. As an advocate Twilight fan (the books & not so much of the movies - so don't diss without have had experienced it<3) I have no idea which character she'll play.. Would be great to see another Korean in the series though :)


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^ I always thought her English was perfectly fine. It's just that when she speaks English in a Korean drama, the enunciation gets drawn out a little funny -- like how my English gets wonky when I've been speaking Korean for too long. Even the Caucasian actors with no accents tend to overemphasize their lines in kdramas, perhaps for the benefit of a Korean audience.


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If she is going to be in a Hollywood film, I would definitely watch it. Because I know she can speak English well from watching Fantasy Couple.


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It can't be for Eclipse since the filming for that was already finished/post production stage already since it's comin out this summer. So maybe for Breaking Dawn, maybe as one of the nomad friends who comes to fight against the Volturi? But more than likely she might be in Phone.


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Oi the troubles of bilingualism....once I start using one too long, the other starts to disappear.


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she definately pretty enough to be a vampire lol


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@ 5

Same here. I thought she has an accent, too. I watched an interview of her for Reebok, she was speaking English fluently but her accent was pretty evident. Regardless, she is gorgeous and speaks English well so good luck to her and hoping for her success.


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oooh, that's interesting.....! but i too think that it can not be Eclipse... It's practically half way through filming.... i think...
Possibly BK....

And she's got perfectly understandable English...it doesn't really matter if she's got a bit of accent... i'm happy for her.....


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Good for her! I think it's really hard for asians to break into the Hollywood scene. As an anti-twilighter, I'm thinking "Bleh.....Eeeew" but since it has such a HUGE fan base (and might I add annoying, lol) she'll probably get better exposure.


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i think for her sake and career she should not do eclipse because it is a terrible terrible series.


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@ 8- I was thinking the same thing, that it's probably Breaking Dawn. It would seem to make sense b/c they have vampires from all over the world in that one.

I have a love/hate (mostly hate at this point) relationship with the Twilight series so i'm not sure why i'm posting....I think it's to distract me from the paper i'm writing that's due in 7 hours.


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JB, I found her English in Tazza was more than just drawn-out enunciation. It was heavily accented, although better than most. But I don't think her accent is the most concerning aspect of a Hollywood crossover. The most important thing determining her success or failure in Hollywood should be her acting. ;)


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I think that if she makes it in a twilight sequel it will be in breaking dawn,not eclipse. Reason being that they already filmed eclipse and if this news is like yesterday or this week recent, iits too late. And also breaking dawn has tons of new important vampires, so she could be one of them. Hopefully she's on the good side *^_^*


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HYS actually sounds like a girl who grew up in so Cal but hung around Koreans. Didn't she live in Cerritos which has a huge Korean population? All I know is that she has that certain LA Korean accent that I notice among these Korean Americans... not that there is anything wrong with it.


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They've already finished Eclipse, so the most she can hope for is to be either an anonymous vampire extra, or lunch meat for the vamps (WHO SPARKLE IN THE SUN WTFROFLMAOOMGWTH!!!)

"Didn’t she live in Cerritos which has a huge Korean population?"

Yup. She has a stereotypical SoCal K-Am accent (though yes staying in Korea has drawn it out a bit more, and she doesn't talk as fast as one normally would.)

You take a Chinese accent, throw a Mexican accent on top of it, and every other line throw in some valley speak. There ya go. ;)

*disappears behind tree*


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