You’re Beautiful: Episode 10

(It’s Lee Hong-ki’s uncertain “Uhhhh…..” face that makes this shot for me.)

As for the episode, I kinda hate myself for doing this, but:



Lyn – “Love U, I Love U” [ Download ]

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Heyi accuses Mi-nam of liking Tae-kyung, and notes that she doesn’t deny it. Mi-nyeo is in such shock that she’s speechless, and when Heyi announces her intention to tell Tae-kyung, Mi-nyeo drops to her knees and shakes her head frantically as the guys start to approach. Reading her panic, Heyi says, “You don’t want me to? Then shut up when I do things my way.”

Heyi turns to the guys and says with fake worry that Mi-nam is ill. They recall that she had the beginnings of a cold and don’t question her, not seeing that Heyi mouths to Mi-nyeo, “Talk and you die.”

Sung-chan is sympathetic and sends Mi-nyeo home, saying she can make up the shoot later. He gives Heyi a ride back as well and answers her questions cheerfully, not aware of how Heyi is pointedly directing the comments at Mi-nyeo. For instance, she drives home that Mi-nam’s facing an important role in the band: “If a problem arises with Mi-nam, President Ahn, you and A.N.JELL will both be in a lot of trouble.”

Sung-chan agrees with her assessment, so Heyi turns to Mi-nyeo: “You heard, right? You’ll have to do a good job so things aren’t ruined for Tae-kyung oppa. And you can’t tell anyone the secret conversation we had. If you tell, I can’t keep my end of the secret either. Understand?”

In the safety of her own room (since Mi-ja is out at the moment), Mi-nyeo cries over her dilemma. She feels the burden of responsibility for A.N.JELL’s continued success in the wake of Heyi’s blackmailing.

She looks at the childhood photo of her with her brother and says, “Oppa, I’m so scared. What if he’s hurt because of me?” To clear up any ambiguity over who she’s talking about, she looks over at a photo of Tae-kyung. “He’s someone who shouldn’t be liked by a thing like me. I can’t ruin him.”

As the shoot wraps, Tae-kyung wonders how Mi-nyeo’s doing and asks to take some limes home with him. He doesn’t see Shin-woo asking the prop guy for some limes, too, nor Jeremy. When the guys arrive home, they find that she’s in bed and feverish. Tae-kyung starts to speak in concern, but stops himself and instead says gruffly, “If you were sick, you should have said so. Because of you, today’s shoot was ruined.”

Mi-nyeo apologizes and promises not to ruin anything in the future, but her weak response has him dissatisfied. He wonders if she’s gotten used to his (brusque) way of speaking, or whether she’s just out of energy. He turns his glare to Pig-Rabbit to scold, “If you droop like that, it takes the fun out of picking on her.” He grabs the ears to perk them upright, then wonders how to feed Mi-nyeo the limes.

All three guys have thought of the nutrition value of limes with the intent of giving them to Mi-nam, so Tae-kyung has to hide his surprise to find Shin-woo and Jeremy in the kitchen with theirs. In keeping with their previously shown preferences, Shin-woo suggests making hot tea with his limes, but Jeremy would rather make juice.

Tae-kyung feels stupid now, so he has to play off his intent, saying he liked eating the limes so much he brought them home for his own enjoyment. He takes a bite nonchalantly, pretending it’s tasty. (I apologize for the crudeness of the gif; I’ve never made one before so I had to figure out how to do it, but the moment was just begging for an animated gif.)


Tae-kyung shoots a glare at Pig-Rabbit, then figures, “Since everyone else is taking care of Mi-nam, I guess I don’t need to step in.”

Shin-woo brings her tea, but since she’s asleep he sets it aside, although it’ll be cold when she wakes. (The point being: his timing is bad.) Seeing Mi-nyeo shivering in her sleep, he says, “Don’t be sick, Mi-nam, because then I can’t stand by and not do something.”

Later that night, Tae-kyung heads to the kitchen because he can’t sleep. (He blames it on eating so many limes, rather than entertaining the possibility that it could be any other reason.) As he closes the fridge door, he starts at the sight of a haggard Mi-nyeo standing there looking like death. She groans, “I need… water…” (Symbolism! After all, Shin-woo = tea, Jeremy = juice, Tae-kyung = water.)

She collapses against him, and he rushes her to the hospital. As he drives, he berates himself for letting her illness get this bad. They should have called for help earlier.

He pulls up to the emergency room, but Mi-nyeo resists when he tries to usher her inside. Knowing that entering the hospital will put an end to her masquerade as Mi-nam, she refuses and staggers away.

His concern making him angry, Tae-kyung grabs her — her fever is too high and being discovered is the lesser of her worries (in his eyes). But Mi-nyeo bursts out, “I won’t go! Aren’t you afraid? What happens if I’m found out? If a thing like me — I’m so afraid you’ll be hurt because of a thing like me.”

Tae-kyung: “It’s not time for you to be worried about me. And I’ve been prepared for it ever since I promised to accept you. I’ll handle it, so let’s go to the hospital.”
Mi-nyeo: “I also made a promise not to be discovered. So I cannot go to the hospital.”

In frustration, Tae-kyung has to let her have her way. In the car, he covers her with his jacket and tells her more gently, “It’s okay if you cry or throw up, so you don’t have to clench your teeth and hold back.”

At home, Tae-kyung prepares supplies and tells Shin-woo that Mi-nam is really sick. This time, however, it’s Tae-kyung’s turn to hold Shin-woo back. He says, “I’ll look after her. You don’t have to worry about it.” Shin-woo clenches his fist, but stands by as Tae-kyung takes his tray to Mi-nyeo.

Throughout the night, Tae-kyung applies a cold compress and monitors Mi-nyeo’s progress as her fever runs its course. Finally, at 5am, she wakes up, still weak but better now. He anticipates her comments, guessing that she’s about to thank him and apologize before she actually says the words.

Tae-kyung: “Seeing how you worried about me even though you were that sick, you seem to have some loyalty. Seeing you enduring through it, you’ve also got some spirit. I haven’t wanted to accept you and wanted to reject you, but because of this, I’m accepting you. I’m on the same team as you now, so I feel a duty to look after you, and I’ll take responsibility for your affairs, too.”
Mi-nyeo: “I’m truly sorry. I’ll think carefully about what to do from now. And thank you for saying that.”
Tae-kyung: “In the future, don’t do things to be sorry for. Just think and live with a grateful spirit.”

Now that she’s better, he heads off to get some sleep. Mi-nyeo decides, “I can’t let things go any further. To make sure I’m not caught, and that he’s not hurt, Go Mi-nam has to disappear.”

From the hallway, Shin-woo watches Tae-kyung leave Mi-nam’s room, figuring that she must be better now. I suppose this means he was there all night, and he decides, “I’ll stay just a while longer” until she’s better.

Meanwhile, Hoon-yi has been busy creating Mi-nam pogs and hadn’t even known Mi-nam was sick until the stylist tells him. He enthuses about Mi-nam’s success and thinks of an appropriate “legend” to add to the A.N.JELL history.

First, he thinks of making Mi-nam a descendant of Bruce Lee, but the stylist shoots him down. Then what if he pairs her with a princess? Since Jeremy has England covered, they could pair Mi-nam with an Indian princess.

The stylist shoots down that idea, too (there are no Indian princesses anymore), so Hoon-yi settles on Old Faithful: a birth secret. They could paint Mi-nam’s mother as a mysterious, grand woman. In Hoon-yi’s fantasy, she is the tough woman who stands up to an invading Japanese samurai and dies for her beliefs. Of course, the stylist vetoes this as well, calling Hoon-yi childish.

Next, we have a few more Mi-nam fantasies, but this time they come from Tae-kyung’s mind. He goes shopping for women’s clothing — something to make Mi-nyeo look “definitely like a girl” in order to “disguise” her.

He rejects the sexy black and the flirty pink lace because they’re not his style. But a classic Jackie O outfit catches his eye, and he thinks, “Yeah, I’d like her to dress like that.”

Then he catches himself: “What do I care about liking it? This is just for an emergency escape. Any women’s clothes will do.”

The shopgirl is excited at his purchase, assuming they’re for Heyi. (Heyi had declined their offer to “sponsor” her with clothes — i.e., she would wear their brand to heighten their profile — but now she would since Tae-kyung is buying them for her.)

Another brand happy to “sponsor” the celebrities is the couple ring purveyor, who had supplied the rings in the MV worn by Heyi and Tae-kyung. Since they’re a real couple, they offer the rings for the idol stars to keep, and Heyi guesses, “If I ask him to wear it for real, he wouldn’t, would he? But I’d like to.” She pouts, “He bought a hairclip for a thing like Go Mi-nam. I really hate her!”

Jeremy and Shin-woo are eager to take care of Mi-nyeo, offering her some lime juice and a blanket. When Heyi drops by, I love how the guys look dismayed to have Heyi ruin the party. She explains that she’s here to drop by on the sick Mi-nam and see Tae-kyung, who isn’t home yet.

However, she has another agenda, and starts out by getting rid of the guys first. She asks Shin-woo to retrieve fruit from the car, then asks Jeremy for a drink. Both leave reluctantly, uncertain about leaving Mi-nam with Heyi.

They head to Mi-nam’s room for a word in private, and Heyi says, “I thought you’d get scared and run away, but surprisingly you’re hanging in there.” Mi-nyeo answers, “I won’t run away like this.”

Heyi enjoys seeing Mi-nyeo squirm, so she says that Shin-woo and Jeremy, who are so good to her, are bound to change if they knew the truth. She threatens to tell them: “You should be begging me.”

But Mi-nyeo startles her by answering seriously, “I will tell them. I’ll tell Shin-woo hyung and Jeremy. They probably won’t forgive me, but I will tell them the truth and leave.” Heyi adds, “Then can you tell them that you like Hwang Tae-kyung, too?”

Mi-nyeo’s face falls at that: “Do I have to say that too?” Sensing weakness, Heyi asserts, “Of course. That’s why you got caught by me, because you didn’t know your place and fell for him.”

Mi-nyeo gathers her nerves, then says, “Then I will say that, too.”

Heyi doesn’t like this, because it removes her power. All along, she’s been trying to be the puppetmaster and constantly finds herself thwarted, so by now she’s tired of being outsmarted. She says spitefully, “Fine, tell them everything! When oppa gets home, gather them together and tell them all! I’ll see with my eyes what becomes of you.”

In a bratty tantrum, Heyi knocks the glass out of Mi-nyeo’s hand, sending it crashing to the ground.

At the noise, Shin-woo walks in with concern. Immediately, Heyi switches on the act and says in a wounded tone, “Mi-nam, why are you doing this? It’s really mean of you to act like this just because I touched your things.”

She’s been outplayed, so Mi-nyeo just apologizes and crouches to pick up the pieces. When Shin-woo helps, Mi-nyeo asks him to get the vacuum. Heyi follows Shin-woo out and says with false concern, “Mi-nam is acting strange. I think he’s hiding something. Does he have something I’m not supposed to see?” She insinuates that Mi-nam’s overreaction suggests that he’s hiding something from Shin-woo.

Shin-woo doesn’t know the extent of her fakeness but he’s sharp enough to know Heyi’s no saint, so he doesn’t take her bait. He’s not interested in digging into people’s secrets. When Heyi asks if such a secret would make him feel bad, Shin-woo replies, “I’m sure there’s a reason for it. If it’s a reason I can understand, then no, I don’t feel bad.” Confused and frustrated, Heyi next tests Jeremy:

Heyi: “If Mi-nam does something wrong, do you just put up with it?”
Jeremy: “But he doesn’t do anything wrong.”
Heyi: “There could be a big thing that you don’t know about. What would you do then?”
Jeremy: “I’d put up with it. I really like Go Mi-nam, so everything is fine with me.”

Heyi has heard from one of her staffers that Tae-kyung bought clothes, ostensibly for her, and sees the shopping bag when he arrives home. When he walks past her, she deduces that the clothes aren’t for her — which mean they must be for Mi-nam.

Heyi has something to give him “because I need proof you’re mine,” then holds up her hand with the two couple rings on it. Tae-kyung takes the man’s ring and comments, “It’s pretty.” Then he puts it back on her hand, “Looks good on you. Wear them both.” He adds, “I’m saying this in case you get confused, but let’s make this clear. I’m not yours.”

Mi-nam requests a meeting with all the A.N.JELL guys, ready to tell them something. They all wait for her to speak, as she works up the nerve to tell them the whole truth.

Meanwhile, Heyi worries, “What happens if Go Mi-nam reveals everything and Shin-woo and Jeremy are still okay with it?” Then, a worse thought strikes her: “What happens when Tae-kyung finds out Mi-nam likes him? I can’t let her tell him!”

Therefore, Heyi races back inside the house, determined to put a stop to Mi-nam’s confession, arriving just as Mi-nyeo says, “What I want to tell you… Actually, I…”

Heyi makes a grunting noise to get the others’ attention. As the guys turn toward her, she says, “Tae-kyung oppa, I have something to say to you” — and gags again.

The implication is clear (she’s pregnant!) and everyone gapes in surprise, most of all Tae-kyung, since he knows this is clearly not possible. Jeremy connects the dots: “If she gags, does that mean… that thing that happens often in the dramas…?”

Heyi manages to say, “Oppa I’m sorr—” just as she gags again and rushes for the bathroom.

I LOVE JEREMY — even if I didn’t love him already, I’d love him for his next line as he says hesitantly, “Then do we have to have a congratulations party?”

Shin-woo prods Tae-kyung to take care of his girl. Tae-kyung knows Heyi’s playing around but denying it won’t get the others to believe him. He gripes, “She’s so dead!”

Heyi is pleased with her performance — she stopped Mi-nam from talking AND gave Tae-kyung a shock. Two birds, one stone. From the bathroom, Heyi calls Mi-nyeo to instruct, “Don’t tell them now. Revealing the truth won’t help Tae-kyung at all. Reveal it and take responsibility somewhere else, when there are a lot of people gathered. You don’t want those people [A.N.JELL] dragged in and hurt too, do you?”

Heyi brings up Mi-nam’s press preview for her music video: “End it there.”

Tae-kyung confronts Heyi about her stunt, but she airily tells him to be cool and refuses to tell the others it was faked. Understanding how her mind works, Tae-kyung follows her out and indicates the rings she’s wearing: “You were mad about that?” She answers, “You should have listened. Don’t piss me off.”

Taking her phone, Tae-kyung sees that he’s not #1 in her speed dial. (Her father is #1.) She’s flattered and asks, “Why, do you want to be #1?”

He asks, “Is your father scary?” Thinking to give Tae-kyung a good warning, Heyi says that her father is so scary that if he were to piss him off, he’d rip out all Tae-kyung’s hair.

This setup recalls the shoe scene at the lake, so we know to expect something as Tae-kyung punches in a few keys, and says, “Good thing you’re afraid of him.” He shows her the message he has typed: “Dad I’m pregnant.”

Heyi panics and tries to wrest the phone away from him, warning him not to do it — but he pushes SEND and off it goes. He asks, “What’ll you do? Looks like you’re getting a haircut today.” (Immediately, her phone rings. Tae-kyung leaves Heyi assuring Daddy that it’s not true.)

Tae-kyung explains to his bandmates that Heyi was merely feeling ill and warns them, “Don’t imagine anything more.” Now they recall that Mi-nam had something to tell them, but now that she’s been blackmailed by Heyi, she can’t come clean. Mi-nyeo apologizes for causing so much trouble, and they respond true to form: Shin-woo understands, Jeremy says it’s okay, and Tae-kyung says it’s hardly the first time.

Mi-nyeo is touched at their response, and prays, “Mother Superior, I have received such good care that I don’t deserve. Please give me courage to do what I have to so they are not hurt.”

Smelling pay dirt, Aunt Mi-ja had told Hwa-ran that she doesn’t know where the twins are. They may have even been adopted. Since she’s the sole blood relation to songwriter Go Jae-hyun, Hwa-ran can just hand over the money (for the remake) to Mi-ja…

She then toasts her impending riches with some friends, bragging about her encounter with Hwa-ran and gossipping about a hunch — she’s certain that Hwa-ran had something going on with her brother. She wonders if Hwa-ran knows who the twins’ mother is, but a friend wonders if Hwa-ran herself is the mother. Mi-ja pooh-poohs that suggestion, because an unmarried and pregnant Hwa-ran would have caused a lot of rumors. But then, she remembers that Hwa-ran had briefly retired, some twenty years ago.

Hearing that the twins are out of reach comes as a blow to Hwa-ran, who drowns her sorrows listening to the song. She asks, “You wrote this song asking me to come back to you, didn’t you? You made it for me. You only loved me.”

Tae-kyung also listens to the song and thinks, “Did you beg for him to return and abandon me?” He asks Pig-Rabbit, “She wants to remake a song like this — can you understand that woman?” He sighs that when he’s feeling down like this, he’d prefer Mi-nam to the Pig-Rabbit, since “the real Go Mi-nam has some use.”

So, next he finds Mi-nyeo outside, gazing at the sky. She can’t make out the stars, though, because the lights are too bright. Tae-kyung advises that she turn off the light, so they stand in the dark for a while.

Tae-kyung asks if she’s worried about her press conference tomorrow. She’ll have to go alone, because Sung-chan thinks it’s better to focus attention on Mi-nam rather than the other A.N.JELL guys.

Mi-nyeo says, “Later, when I think of this place, I’ll feel like it was a dream. You, Shin-woo hyung, and Jeremy are far-away people like those stars in the sky, and I will have been among you. Because the stars can be seen from anywhere, I’ll always be able to see you even if I’m not here.”

Tae-kyung squints to look at Mi-nyeo’s face — blurry in the dark — and reminds her, “I can’t see you very well. Not being able to see you is frustrating. So don’t be somewhere I can’t see you.”

Mi-nyeo points out, “You can’t see me very well even though I am here.” She waves a hand in front of his face, but he grabs it.

Tae-kyung: “I can see. I can see you enough to know you’re there.”
Mi-nyeo: “Do you really see me?”
Tae-kyung: “Yes. I can see you. So when it’s dark, stay at this distance so I can see you.”
Mi-nyeo: “I understand. But I have a request. When I quit being Go Mi-nam and return to being a girl, even if you see me well, please act like you don’t see me. I’ll pretend not to see you, too.”
Tae-kyung: “You want us to act like we don’t know each other?”
Mi-nyeo: “Yes. Please promise me that you won’t act like you know me as a girl.”

Tae-kyung is surprised at her request, and he looks at her in confusion, but bravado forces him to say, “Of course, that’s how it should be. I’ll promise. Let’s not act like we know each other.”

She thanks him with tears in her eyes and heads back to her room. Tae-kyung remains in the dark — both literally and figuratively — as he frowns over her words.

In her room, Mi-nyeo finds the clothes he’d bought. He texts her the message: “Those are clothes for you to wear when you have to leave quickly. Keep it out of sight. When you’re dressed in these like a girl, I won’t act like I know you at all.”

The next day, Mi-nyeo prepares for her preview event and is wished well by the guys as she heads off with Hoon-yi.

However, at some point she slips away, meaning that by the time she is supposed to take the stage, she’s nowhere to be found. Hoon-yi races around looking for her, and Sung-chan nervously barks at him to find Mi-nam asap. Heyi anticipates the show to come and calls Mi-nyeo to make sure she’s ready.

The A.N.JELL guys hear about Mi-nam’s disappearance, and Tae-kyung suggests that they go to the preview. If Mi-nam doesn’t show up, at least they’ll be able to manage the press.

When Tae-kyung changes his clothes, his eyes land on Pig-Rabbit sitting in his chair, like normal — but missing its hair clip. This is odd, so he heads into Mi-nam’s room, where he finds the shopping bag empty.

He thinks of her words last night. Now they have an ominous reading, and he guesses what she’s about to do. He leaves her a voicemail: “Go Mi-nam, run away instead. If you show up in that outfit, you’ll be in big trouble! I’ll take responsibility and handle this, so you can’t come here.”

All the while, Mi-nam heads toward the event, having gone elsewhere to change into her female garb. Mustering her courage, she tells herself, “I have to take responsibility. I can’t push it off to other people.”

The three guys cause a stir, but their worries are focused on Mi-nam, who is still missing by the time they arrive at the screening hall. In an effort to buy time, Sung-chan orders the video to begin, causing the lights to flick off — meaning, Tae-kyung can’t see.

Tersely, he tells Shin-woo and Jeremy, “I can’t see a thing, so I can’t look for him. Find Go Mi-nam.” They have to find Mi-nam before anyone else does, and knowing that time is ticking, he gives them one last, key bit of info: “Look for a girl.”

Shocker! Shin-woo is not surprised, but Jeremy is stunned. Baffled, he protests, “But you said to search for Go Mi-nam.”

Tae-kyung tells him quietly, “Go Mi-nam is that girl.” He has no time to explain, so he tells them to find her quickly and take her away. He heads back outside to the lit lobby to continue the search, almost missing Mi-nyeo as she walks right by the fans, unnoticed, and heads into the theater.

Tae-kyung chases as Mi-nyeo makes her way slowly down the aisle, walking toward the front. Tae-kyung is standing behind her, but everything appears blurry.

Fighting his desperation, he tries to make out her form in the dark as he mutters, “I can’t see anything. I can’t see Go Mi-nam.”

Frustrated, Tae-kyung yells out into the quiet room, “I told you not to be where I can’t see you!”

That causes a stir, as everyone looks around for the source of the outburst. Mi-nyeo stops in her tracks, recognizing Tae-kyung’s voice, and turns back around to face him. Knowing he can’t see her, she thinks, “Please don’t see me here. It’s no good if you see me.”

Just then, the lights turn on.

Girls squeal as they recognize Tae-kyung, but his eyes land on Mi-nyeo and focus sharply on her, just as the music kicks in — rather perfectly — “I shouldn’t have done that, I should’ve acted like I didn’t know, like I didn’t see you, like I couldn’t see you…

The crowd is starting to stir, sensing a big moment, but they haven’t recognized Mi-nyeo yet…

…and at just that moment, Shin-woo whirls her around — to hide her face — and holds her to him.

Shin-woo trades looks with Tae-kyung, then Jeremy, before he turns to the reporters to announce, “She’s my girlfriend. She’s the girlfriend I couldn’t reveal before.”


Finally, Shin-woo’s timing works out! Earlier when she was sick, he had told Mi-nyeo that she should be well, otherwise he’d feel forced to act. I’m sure he recognizes that Mi-nyeo doesn’t feel the same way about him as he does for her, and I think that’s why he’s taking a voluntary backseat. He’s too much a gentleman to play the part of the stereotypical overbearing Kdrama Second Lead who forces his affections on a woman who doesn’t reciprocate. So the only thing that would actually force him to step up and assert himself is if she actually needed him to — ergo, the ending scene.

I’ll admit that the last shot, of Shin-woo holding Mi-nam to hide her face, didn’t have the same punch for that it probably was supposed to have because a similar moment was so fantastic in Last Scandal of My Life, but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate it anyway. I’m often iffy about secondary romances swooping in to impede the main romance at this point in the story, but this is a case where it’s done right.

This moment of Shin-woo stepping in and pushing Tae-kyung aside (metaphorically) isn’t just a contrived plot twist; it works because it’s a confluence of factors that have been built up and layered in over the course of the whole series. The song is layered over Tae-kyung’s blindness — and subsequent sight — which is layered over the star-moon conversation, layered over Shin-woo’s desire to help but only when he must, layered over Heyi’s manipulations, et cetera… It’s a great build-up to an important moment and therefore I digs it. Furthermore, this happens just as Tae-kyung is getting to the point where I think he’s ready to admit his feelings for Mi-nyeo, having gotten past most of the initial denial, only to have that snatched away from him. Angst!

I’ve raved about the Hong sisters plenty, both regarding this drama and in the past, but I’m not blind to their faults and I’m still going to point out when something is dissatisfying. Therefore I have to say that I find Heyi as the big evil pretty funny for the first stretch, but thought it started feeling like “Give me a break” stuff by this episode. The Heyi thing definitely starts to feel like too much, but thankfully, with this episode she’s been totally de-fanged and stripped of her venom. Hopefully this means that the remaining conflict is more about the people at the core of the relationship, rather than a spiteful third party messing things up for our main characters.

(The Hong sisters have definitely improved on their plotting and angst development over the years, because I know a big complaint about Delightful Girl Chun-hyang was the overclingy second leads. That improved in My Girl but there was still a little bit of contrived “Get over it already” obstacles keeping our couple apart. Hong Gil Dong was lucky (in one sense) to have the politics acting as another conflict, to take the burden off the romantic conflict from carrying the story through its latter stages. So I think that with You’re Beautiful, they’re continuing to improve.)


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@299 thank you and @301 reluctantbutaddicted

Yes! That would be great!! Words would not be necessary with that pin under the veil.


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Hmm...what about another airport scene? We might be due for one :)
GMN disappeared, and is on her way to Italy as she was in the first episode, then TK searches for her, again, but this time he knows who he is looking for...she loses her ticket, again, and he finds it, keeps it, and then finds her...OR

after a year or so (I hate those!), TK and GMN accidently meet at the airport after TK has been searching for her all over...he's back from some promotion abroad, she is on her way to Italy..and then Bam!, it's love again! I really liked how in My Girl they met again and the way SGC was "pestering" JYR from the airport to the karaoke bar...maybe something along those lines?


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I really don't know what to expect for Episode 11 anymore.

And now that we are drawing nearer and nearer to the end, I'm feeling very sad that YB is coming to an end soon. It so fantastic that I can't help wanting more. 16 episodes are too little, 20 will be prefect! *Sigh*


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The ending scene was just absolute <3. He is one of the few actors that I know that can act with their eyes. That super glare at the ending scene? That could lieterally melt you into a puddle.

What I reallly want to see now, is a double date between SW and Mi-nam and TK and He-yi. :) Espically now since TK seems to be getting more and more in touch with his feelings and espically since SW now has his chance (hopefully he doesn't let this one go like all the other ones) to express his feelings :)

I'm still rooting for TK and Mi-nam though. Them together is like ice cream and cake :) They can truly show their true side to one another and Mi-nam really does bring out many sides of TK. He needs her. She, in a way, needs his bluntness and he's downright honesty to push her. I saw it when they were telling her goodbye:

SW: Dont be nervous, Mi-nam
TK: Be nervous, Mi-nam.

He tells her what's the truth yet he puts it in the way in which its okay. SW is great and nice and sweet and kind, though he's more like "a guy you can talk to." Mi-nam doesn't need "nice and sweet" - she's had enough of that in the convent, lol. She needs someone whos going to pick her up and show her that its alright to be downright angry.

Thanks for the re-cap!


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“I told you not to be where I can’t see you!” OMG! i just love that line! i cant wait for episode 11 !!!!!!! wahhhh .. Have to wait next week! ;) omg i just!!!!!!!! cant !!!!!!! wait!! . I wanna know what happens!!! waaah! OH and i heard there was gonna b a kiss! :D
TK & MN! weeee~ yay!! i cant wait for that! i hope they do kiss!!!! : D


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Hmmmm... I don't like how GMN was so blackmailed by YHY that her "I don't want everyone else to get hurt" leads her to walking into the press conference in girl outfit, which was the only SURE-FIRE way to get everyone hurt.... Really annoyed with that. I don't buy her naivety and nun-upbringing stuff because come on, the girl can think, she's not supposed to be that stupid........

Well, if that allows the last scene though, I guess it's ok.

Thanks for your awesome recaps, Dramabeans! You rock, and the crack rocks!


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MN was so sick before and she has been stressed out coz of TK & HY's thing, so I just take it that she's still sick and not in a state where she can think clearly. MN still thinks HY is TK's gf, she doesn't know their relationship is fake, so to MN, she thinks HY is just concerned about TK and the boys. HY just had to do her thing during when MN doesn't feel well, even the smartest people make criminally stupid mistake when they're sick.

I agree with some posters here, I think TK will agree to remake the song. I didn't know what's the song about before until ep 10. But I'm pretty sure MN will leave at some point, TK will use the song to call her back to him. The song is about a guy asking his love to come back to him right? It's oh so perfect. Although I don't really like when the female lead leaves the male lead but I want MN to leave here. TK turns to music when he's sad, he likes to express his feelings through music so it's a great way to show his love for MN =D It might also help mend his relationship with his mother. Though I cannot understand that lady, how can someone abandon their own child and only think of her first love? That lady sure is creature.


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These two eps were borderline for me, they were great until Yoohi showed her face, first of all your an actress don't you have to do promotions rather than stalking Go minam all day?

Also the evil role reminds me too much of the tacky side villains in T dramas and I find them cringeworthy, it wasn't too much here but it was close to that, the drama has been refreshing and great but these developments have kind of taken the drama a step back. Less tackyness and more realistic scenes, Yoohi's characters turning in to a pantomime villian, lets have some emotion rather than just being stupid and evil.


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so i totally freaked out during the ending scene....it was just way intense! i cannot wait to find out how everything goes down!

also...the gif you made is PERFECT. that was one of the parts where i laughed out loud (which was bad because i was watching it in the library hehe) omg love tae-kyung!

pleeeeease let them end up together soon Hong sisters!!!! thanks JB!


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thanks jb for the recaps! they sure left us with a huge cliff hanger there.

just a question- minam spoke of her promise to taekyung... earlier there was a scene when tk "threw" her ring that she gave him to seal the pact... what happened to that ring? is it with her or taekyung after she 'found' it again and gave him that cute hug?

is it just me.. but i'm waiting for those rings to make their appearance again soon.. since the real minam has one too and all the parental doubt floating around....


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i have a question. when taekyung was talking to her after she woke up from her fever, about accepting her, he said he would "take full responsibility for her." in other k-dramas, i've learned that that usually means marriage or some type of romantic relationship. is that what they meant here, as a subtle (or maybe not-so-subtle?) way of foreshadowing their relationship? or does "take responsibility of" just mean what it says?


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it's Shin Woo's time......nice...


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why couldn't she just tell the guys that she was a girl and she liked tk after heyi left? that would leave heyi powerless, because her power was coming from the secret info, and it would have been much better than revealing at a press conference. wtf. i don't get it. and wouldn't revealing at a press conference hurt the guys even more? it doesn't even make sense.


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@312 jackie-

"i have a question. when taekyung was talking to her after she woke up from her fever, about accepting her, he said he would “take full responsibility for her.” in other k-dramas, i’ve learned that that usually means marriage or some type of romantic relationship. is that what they meant here, as a subtle (or maybe not-so-subtle?) way of foreshadowing their relationship? or does “take responsibility of” just mean what it says?"

Hi, my take on this(and I could be incorrect), is that this is Tae Kyung's attempt at expressing his feelings for Mi Nyeo. He frames it this way, because he doesn't yet fully realize that he's simply and completely in love with her, that he cares deeply for her, and that he wants to protect her. And, because Mi Nyeo just can't believe that a guy like Tae Kyung could possibly be in love with a girl like her, she's just not picking up on it.

Anyway, this is just my interpretation, if it makes any sense.

Just curious-300+ comments to this episode recap! Is this level of feedback normal for a drama episode recap? Or is this YAB mania?!? =)


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"I'll shield you so that nobody will find you" - Shin Hwo (End of Episode 7)


Did anyone else notice the parallel in the endings?!!!!!

I'm really excited for Episode 11. TK might have been protecting MN as a guy but now that she's a girl, and now that he's been tricked into promising (by his ego) that he will never recognise her as a girl. Will it be SH's turn to protect MN.

An emotionally high-strung but fantastical episode.

Btw, I loooooooooooooove Jeremy totally in this episode. He's just so fun! Like a bright sun beside our two other emo stars.


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"I'll shield you so that nobody will find you" - Shin Hwo (End of Episode 7)


Did anyone else notice the parallel in the endings?!!!!!

I'm really excited for Episode 11. TK might have been protecting MN as a guy but now that she's a girl, and now that he's been tricked into promising (by his ego) that he will never recognise her as a girl. Will it be SH's turn to protect MN.

An emotionally high-strung but fantastical episode.

Btw, I loooooooooooooove Jeremy totally in this episode. He's just so fun! Like a bright sun beside our two other emo stars.


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@ Serendipity
Sorry i think dramabeans' webserver cannot handle the volume of comments coming into the blog :p It logged me in under your name the first round. Really wierd.


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thank JB for another excellent recap, your take & the GIF - CUTE!

i nearly had a heart attack at the end of the ep - seriously... i think Prez Ahn with facial hair looks hot - :P (more credible, less slimey, somehow)

@ 315 sukispop

"Just curious-300+ comments to this episode recap! Is this level of feedback normal for a drama episode recap? Or is this YAB mania?!? =)"

definitely the latter :-)

all i can say is - start counting down for the next eps, fellow addicts! hopefuly along the week there'll be some cracks trickling in to satisfy us

(no pressure JB, we love you very much - best dealer ever!!!)


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I love reading all the comments! Have to chuckle because after getting all worked up with CITY HALL and the adult story line.....I got totally derailed when I caught up with BOYS OVER FLOWERS....and now YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL is something else! I tell ya.....these dramas are totally mind boggling! I will say one thing though.....Go Minam would have been excellent as Jan Di!!!!

HOOOOray for EXCELLENT acting in the younger set! Gosh...you'd think I was watching a soccer game!!!!


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Just finished watching Ep 10 and even though I'm going to be #308 in this post, I still want to say that I'm sooo impressed with this show so far. Its definitely under-rated (10% viewership only??).

I've always either sided with the main love interest or the underdog but never ALL 3 of them! LOL! And the last bit where Shin-woo whirls Mi-nam around to hide her face, he was pretty cool. I haven't seen Last Scandal of My Life and so can't compare the similar moment. Shin-woo does a much better Hanazawa Rui type role than KHJ in BOF. Nothing is cheesy so far and Jeremy always manage to crack me up with whatever he does or say. I really like this show. :D


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@305 Anonymous

SW: Dont be nervous, Mi-nam
TK: Be nervous, Mi-nam.

There is no doubt TK and MN needs each other. She needs him to be straight-forward and give her the ‘push’ she needs. He needs her for the innocent and pure love that he has never received.

@307 not quite satisfied

MN is simple-minded and does not think evil of anyone. She assumes HY and TK are in love and she being in love with TK, would do anything to protect him from hurt. While she’s sick, HY keeps stressing that MN will get TK hurt because he will have to protect her and it will ruin him. MN, again, so innocently believes HY. She really should listen to TK but her breaking heart drowned all sensibility.

@315 sukispop

I think maybe the YB cast and crew should be alerted to JB’s blog and the response to each episode’s recap. If they read this, they will know the low rating is insignificant compared to the love and support from the YB fans.

JB, you rock!!


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i love eps 10 i cant wait eps 11
i love you Shin-woo


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That's a great observation! You just made me think that TK promised to not acknowledge her as a girl, but that doesn't mean he can't acknowledge her as a "woman" right? Ah, I feel better already, there is hope!


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First I wanted to say thank you for your recaps, JB. They are amazing and we, the readers, are really lucky that you continue to share your passion with us! I was in tears when I read your recap and insights of Episode 10. I’ve only now been able to think of ep10 without getting teary-eyed since my first simple comment (#1!), although I don’t think this will last very long. The last scene emotionally overwhelmed me because (as you’ve mentioned) it was a confluence of so many factors, including Jeremy’s being aware of her secret—finally!!! (loved his reaction, btw. Hongki is quite good) And I loved Shinwoo’s (JYH) role in that scene. And don't get me started on JGS and PSH!! Love them all!

I feel like I can write a dissertation about my addiction to “You’re Beautiful.” I think it’ll help later with my withdrawal symptoms. I am already anxious about ep16.

Although it’s futile to try to anticipate what’s going to happen next week, I’ve been considering TK’s reaction after seeing MN in SW’s arms (again!) and hearing SW’s declaration. Would he think somewhere along the line of “Good save, Shinwoo! Way to think fast on your feet! (MN, don’t do anything like that ever again!)” or would he feel deceived/betrayed/played? I think the latter is more likely, but like I said, it’s pointless to even guess. Sorry, I couldn’t help it!

One thing is for sure—Wednesday doesn’t come soon enough.
Thanks again!!


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THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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UGH what to do - I have seen the last scene in ep 10 xxxx times!!! I can't get over what TK shouted out in the dark - and can't get over his intense glare when he finally saw MN. My heart just sinks every time I see that.

This is nuts, I'm definitely no longer the teenie-bopper age but I'm going nuts over a teen idol drama!!

Only a FEW more days till Wed...


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is it just me that since what he saw of He-yi harassing MN on their filming site of the MV that Jeremy don't seem to bother much about her presence whenever she's around

so....it looks like he's a fan of hers no more?

I think he's a bit upset but will get over it quickly and be his usual happy-go-lucky aura self again
he usually accepts when the other two does so now that he knows he can join them two and the MN's manger to protect her ID
I'm not so sure about the stylist cos she's so friendly with He-yi


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i just rewatched some parts of this ep - i think UEE as a (young) actress she did well.. the character is written as such, i find her delivery interesting...

i hope in future she can be given a chance to prove herself in other type of roles

(i know this is quite random but on observation, she has chubby face but her fingers are quite thin/bony .. i find it just a bit odd, or is it normal?)


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@ 326

Actually what I've been wondering about her brother too... Hasn't it been more than a month already?!


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I've just rewatched ep 7 and noticed the parallelism to SW words too!!!. Great observation again!

And for some reasons I think all the previous eps give some hints of what's coming! I'm so excited that I rewatched all the eps and trying to get some more clues! This is one of the reasons why I think it's a good drama, the writers really think about the details, and it made us think a lot too! And who cares if we over analysed them LOL coz it's just fun!

In reference to all the water, tea n juice analogy, i just noticed that in ep 6, Minam was advised to drink a lot of water (due to the electricity thingy!) by the manager:

"Drink a lot of water, Minam. Keep drinking water," he said.
And Minam said " I should drink a lot of water. [she drinks] and then said: Could it be because of the electricity? The water tastes better.

Woohoo! Is that a hint?


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@ 303 : Another airport scene would be nice... but I also hate the storylines where there's a gap of a few years and then the lead get back together. Feels too contrived (though, of course, perhaps more like real life? but then, I'm not watching dramas b/c I need more real life).

I'll take responsibility for you: it sounded like a k-drama proposal to me.

I think -- on the question of MN's stupidity/gullibility -- that she's led a very sheltered life. I don't think she's ever come across anyone like HY before and she can't grasp just how nasty HY is. No one has ever behaved like that with her before. She can't see HY's self-centredness -- if she could, would she love TK? He was pretty nasty to start with, too. But she can't see nastiness for just that; with TK there was something beyond it, but HY's case there isn't. In HY's case, MN does think that TK and HY are really dating, and that HY therefore has more of a right to decide what's best for TK. And, as others have pointed out, she's sick and she's emotionally exhausted and she just want to take blame on herself.

There was a moment after the false-pregnancy scene where TK comes back (having sent the text to Daddy) and says don't imagine anything, I wished he had said then that he wasn't really dating HY, but that HY knew a secret which he wanted to protect and pretending to date HY was the only way to protect it. Then at least MN might have figured out that she was the secret and that she should listen harder to what TK says to her. But then again, if everyone were honest about their motivations and tell the truth about their actions, the plot would only manage about 4 episodes.


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Oh. I think the disclosure of MN being a girl to SW and Jeremy would bring more conflict to TK and his ego. Previously I think he feels all powerful and in control of MN coz he's the only one who knows Mn is a girl, so in a way he's the only one who could protect her. But now SW and jeremy knows, this means that his position as MN sole protector is no longer valid. Wonder how he would react?


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Ok, we have here the "mutual mistake" situation between 2 lead actors where they both think that the other party does have feelings for sb else other than himself/herself.
Honestly, I did refrain myself from reading JB's screen craptures prior to watching the episodes online so as to enjoy the drama to the fullest point that it deserves :D

I have to say that for the first time since watching K-drama, do I find a main actor who has so many flaws yet at the same time shows that such flaws are reasonably (bold, underlined) understandable and adorable like TK :D even when he acts as a nice man, I KNOW and RECOGNIZE that he IS him. - Let me illustrate it with the time when he looked after a sick GMN with skillful and, to some points, "intellectual "methods! :)) and when he made the pig-rabbit for GMN, he did it with all the "maniac", "obssessive" manners like picking them with two fingers or wearing mask to "operate" them! :))

I mean, this charater is attractive as himself, encompassing the bad and the good - both of them are indispensible to build up a loveable Hwan Tae-kyung. Sometimes while watching other dramas, I found the "bad guy" suddenly turns soft or totally turns into a "perfect man" without showing the "aura" that initially caught my attention to hang on there with the show ....

I also love the fact that the symbols are everywhere! Though lime is sour (i.e. TK is "sour" :P ), when Mi-nam is in need of help, lime is the best choice, which is all agreed by the three guys! :D (i.e., ehm, who Mi-nam needs is Tae-kyung! :D:D )

wonder if the scriptwriter will handle this situation well enough :-S (no, don't make me as disappointed as I felf when the ep.10 of "Look After My Agashi" was continued with "a series of disappointing events" +_+ opps, I should not say such bad luck words +_+ my bad +_+ )
Yes, I have the very same sense of caution when watching Coffee Prince :")

One more sentence left to say after this ep: desperately looking forward to the next one (though exam is closer +_+ ) and next confession of a "mutual assent" in , spell it, l-o-v-e... :P


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I've got a question about a very minor, non plot related item:

In this episode, Mi Nam is wearing a grey t-shirt with graphics on the front.

Why is a nun-in-training wearing a shirt that states, "If You Ain't Cowboy, You Ain't Sh*t"??? It's funny, but what the heck??? LOL


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This is my second comment for this dramabeans’s episode re-cap (usually just comment once for a re-cap). Dramabeans, the quality of the ‘crack’ certainly gets better.......

Like many other people pointed out, HTK may have indirectly (and maybe intentionally) confessed his feelings for GMN when he said that he would take full responsibility. Poor GMN, she probably thought he meant like an older brother-like fashion. After all, he has fake fairy and he has told her that she has been useful in the past (including replenishing water, changing light, bringing hot coffee, "please continue to abuse until less angry", etc). So she missed the deeper meaning of this and when he asked her to stay close and not go anywhere he can’t see. It is convenient to have ‘useful’ people close by and I am interpreting that GMN thinks of this that way.

Very eager to see in next episode if GMN catches on to KSW’s feelings. I feel that KSW indirectly confessed (like HTK) to GMN about his feelings. I agree it could be interpreted by other viewers (and the other drama characters) as protecting GMN from exposure however it’s almost like the unsaid is still there. KSW says “this is my girl” (deeper meaning.... “the girl that I love” rather than just ‘girlfriend’), “could not reveal before” (also indirectly to GMN “could not reveal my love to you before”), repeating “my girl” (essentially alluding to “you are the girl I love”, re-emphasizing to GMN (and also declaring to HTK) his feelings). Hopefully GMN will understand his love, realise that his bumbling girl stories / girl with secret stories are about her.

Of an interesting note, following the ‘see person more often and increase chances of successful pairing’, it seems to me (please correct me if I am wrong), excluding all GMN appearances in nun habit, to date, HTK has seen GMN in 3 female outfits, KSW seen her in 2 female outfits and Jeremy is seeing her for the first time (1 female outfit)...... the odds at in favour of HTK!!! =) Thanks dramabeans (and also to other fans of this great drama......)


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@333 atsirk

Haha…Crap is right. What are we all going to do in three weeks??

I agree with everyone about that last scene in Episode 10. I’ve watched it several times too and every time it still makes my heart constrict. And TK’s line has to be the best line so far in YB. It conveyed so much TK’s feelings for MN: I am responsible for you, I will protect you, Don’t ever leave my side.

I do wonder what MN really meant when she turned and said: You can’t see me here. Is she referring to her own feelings, probably real fragile now, that if she sees him, her resolve would weaken and she won’t be able to leave?

@331 and 334 alert

Thank you for that water analogy. That was definitely clever of the Hong sisters. Water is what caused her to be all tingly inside and water is what she needs to sooth that tingly feeling.

What you said about TK’s conflict and ego brought something to my mind. It’s true he felt powerful and in control because he thought he was the only one that knew MN was a girl. When he chose to tell them to look for a girl that was a complete revelation of how much he cares for MN. Finding her was so much more important than preserving his ego. In his mind, he cannot let her reveal herself because that would mean losing her forever (the conversation they had on the rooftop).

@335 zuru

I think you’ve nailed why I love TK’s character so much. He is unique from all other ‘bad guy’ than turns soft we see so often in K-dramas, which of course is unrealistic (though we are still suckers for those men). TK’s character is refreshing. He maintains his flaws even when his underlying soft character comes to the surface.

@337 LongLive!

“It is convenient to have ‘useful’ people close by and I am interpreting that GMN thinks of this that way.”

TK, we know has always had some problems expressing his affections because of his past and his defensive shell. So really, it is his fault that MN really thinks ‘useful’ means useful instead of something deeper like ‘I need you’, ‘thank you’.

When SW said, “this is my girl…the one I could not reveal before,” I think he was directing it to MN and TK. I hope MN is not going to be so naïve to take that as SW just trying to protect her again. As for TK, I think he’s going to see it as ‘I see it’s now out in the open. So the two of you have feelings for each other.” It’ll be interesting to see what TK would do next. I really would like him to dig deep and understand that everything MN has said (moon/star etc., fear of him getting hurt) and done means she loves him not SW. I really hope so.


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LOVE LOVE LOVE HTK character soooo much!!! His intense glare is just too much...the ending of this ep was awesome i never scream before at the end of an ep and i did with this one!!!!!!!!! LOVE this drama soooo much...wed is soo long way to go!!!! It's awesome to know im not the only addict that is obsessing over this drama!!!


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@338 yvhsien

Nice analysis!

"Finding her was so much more important than preserving his ego. In his mind, he cannot let her reveal herself because that would mean losing her forever (the conversation they had on the rooftop)."

I think I would go even further and say that he wasn't thinking about himself at all, not even about whether he was going to lose her (he didn't mean what he said on the rooftop, anyway). I think he was motivated solely by a desire to save her from destroying herself. He realises that she is going to sacrifice herself for the boys' happiness and punish herself for her own happiness - this is what HY has planted in her, in her twisted genius way. HY misunderstands MN in many ways, but here she has hit on MN's guilt and feelings of unworthiness. The point of exposing herself at the press conference is so that complete responsibility falls on MN (the boys are not even there to protest "but we don't mind; we don't feel betrayed!"); HY planted the idea that if she merely confessed to the band, they would be implicated in the scandal, perhaps feel obliged to help her, and get hurt in the process. And HY enforces MN's guilty feeling that she has come by her friendships and comforts by dishonest means, and so deserves maximum pain by maximum public humiliation. (There's a big logic fail here, in that this also inflicts maximum damage on her twin - but we'll just let this pass, and assume she has been in no state to be logical.)

Anyway, back to TK. He is quite well-crafted as a character, for a boy-bander. In small ways, he is rather selfish. His "house rules", his annoyance (at first) at being inconvenienced or soiled by a bumbling but well-meaning newcomer, his inability to admit mistakes or suffer wounds to his pride (and it's so cute the way MN has caught on to this and is adept at mollifying him). But in the big things, he acts unselfishly. Getting into a distasteful fake relationship for her (AFTER checking with her that she needed to stay - important to note that he didn't just assume what would be best for her), saving her from death-by-truck and drowning, driving her to her hometown, and now doing whatever it takes to stop her from sacrificing herself.


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Dramabeans, I love that taekyung gif you have! x)haha

do you mind if i use it for my facebook group for this drama? ^^
i'll make sure to credit you!


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picking up from Serendipity's (#340) insights. .. .

kudos to SW, for thinking fast on his feet to save both TK and MN from committing, what SW supposes to be, unecessary sacrifices (MN revealing her true identity, TK being put in a bad light, etc.). The way TK was giving dagger-looks at SW at the end of ep10 makes it obvious that he doesn't appreciate what SW is doing for all of them at that moment, but I do hope that he would understand how meaningful his gesture was in the next episodes.


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I think I read somewhere on your site that PSH is going to play the brother as well? I'd actually prefer it if another actor played her brother, but then they wouldn't be twins anymore. :(


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and another thought occured to me: GMN is on keyboards, Jeremy is on skins and TK and SW are both on guitars right? (I'm just not sure who is on rhythm and who is on lead). It's curious that their band doesn't have anyone on bass -- not even a sessionist.

Would the real GMN, once he makes his appearance, end up being the bassist for the band?


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:D I just want to say that I can always count on your recaps for each episode.

i really honestly enjoy them - mainly because they come out before english subtitling and when i'm watching the raws i can actually keep up with the story.

they're honestly flawless and really bring out the best parts of the drama.

thanks for all your hard work and I can't wait until the next one!

i'm sure there's a lot of people who apprecate this blog!

<3 Colleen


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@340 Serenpidity

I'm with you on the topic of MN's motivation to follow HY's directions! Thanks for pointing it out...

I guess HY is basically blackmailing MN the same way she’s blackmailing TK.

She's told MN many times that MN is a drag to TK's life she doesn't appreciate.

In a rather illogical manner (though MN didn't pick up on it), HY is threatening to expose MN in the worse way possible (for the AN Jells, not just MN herself)- remember she implied that much when in the car with the President around how AN Jell can suffer if MN isn't careful?

But she'd hold back as long as MN does as HY tells her to and exposes herself first, in a way that doesn’t implicate the other AN Jells.

Looking at it from MN’s p.o.v.:
•TK and HY are an item
•MN doesn’t want to tangle TK anymore in her tangled web of deception
•MN’s been a nuisance to TK, and yet he’s been very kind to her in his off-handed way
•MN‘s affection would be most unwelcomed by TK
•HY doesn’t like MN’s role in TK’s life and HY is important to TK
•If TK feigns not knowing MN as a girl, then MN can take the full wrath of everyone for deceiving them, with TK being just one more victim and they can go back to being the AN Jells that their fans love, and she can take whatever comes her way for lying to everyone

Hence MN’s request of TK, and her compliance with HY’s demands.

Like you said, big logic hole but MN's been sick with a high fever and worry over TK and touchingly desperate in in her plea to Mother Superior that she will live to be worthy of the love and care she's gotten from all the AN Jells, so I think we should forgive her her logic lapse.

On that note, I must say I found it one of the most touching AN Jell bonding moment when she pretended that she'd gathered all the AN Jells to apologize for the shot, and Jeremy said

"It's okay, everything is ok!" and nods and smiles and looks so reassuring (I almost believed him myself... what could go wrong in a world with such a sweet soul like Jeremy around?!)

SW's quiet understanding "You were sick!"

TK's usual grummpy "Humph, not the first time!"

And then Jeremy teasing and ribbing TK into being in a better mood...

"C'mon, you're not really angry!" ;)

And laughing and MN almost in tears because of how touched she was.

It was a great band-bonding scene!


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Thanks for all the comments and explanations on MN's gullibility, I think I can accept her point of view now, although when I was watching I was really gutted by HY's bullying and telling her to basically self-destruct. Her fake pregnancy scare was really funny though.

I love reading all these comments too, quite effective when waiting for my next crack fix. You guys are awesome in over-analysing things. Keep it coming. I think this drama is really something else. Besides it's exam period for many of us and this is just the perfect fix for depressing study sessions haha. I checked Coffee Prince's last episode recap and the comments just managed to go past 300 (310ish?) But here YAB is at episode 10 and we're going to 350 comments now. What would it be like in the last episode?


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omg. this ep is just amazing. i don't know how many times i've rewatched this. hah. currently there's 344 replies but i guess once i post my comment, it would have reached more than 350? haha. anws,


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I suppose that Shin Woo has to shield MN in the final scene of episode 10- in order to avoid a scandal that will hurt everyone. TK might understand that but I expect he will experience major jealousy in the coming episode. Without a rival in his effection for MN, TK might not even wake up to his feelings for MN. Cute Jeremy, I'm sure will soon get use to MN being a girl and treat her even better and more delicately.

I wonder if MN is going back to the house in episode 11? I suppose she will have to stop rooming with TK and explain to her aunt that she is the female twin. I have enough of conniving Heyi. I hope TK will deal with her (in his nasty ways) when he finds out she is behind MN's pre-mature attempt to leave A.N.JELL before her bro is back. Wish he will come up with something to counter blackmail Heyi.

Thanks JB for the great recap. I must also thank all fans of YAB for their comments and analysis for each episode as they make good reading before the next episode is out.


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@346 Fan

I hadn’t really thought about her motivation for asking TK not to acknowledge her when she’s back to being a girl. I kind of assumed that it arose from feelings of unworthiness and a vague desire not to burden him with an unwelcome association. But you’re right — it’s probably more specifically a desire to protect him and not drag him down with her as she “pays for her sins”.

And, yes, Jeremy is adorable. He skates dangerously close to being a comic caricature, sometimes. But I think we have come to know him well enough to know that he really is a sweet soul, and he’s not going to throw a hissy fit but will come round and support MN once he’s gotten over his shock, because he’s just truly sweet-natured.

And, I have ABSOLUTELY no idea where we are going next! Maybe in ep. 11 everyone will just have a nice calm cup of tea and rationally work out the next move. I picture everyone sitting in the Boy Band Den when the excitement and shock has died down, assuring that MN that they will not let her destroy herself, and will deal with HY together. SW quietly and gently, Jeremy in a reassuringly friendly way, and TK imperiously (but kindly, we know). Hey, not impossible. We’re only at ep 11, but we still have the TK/HY/SW love confusion to sort out and the parental conflict to work through, so still plenty of fodder even if we move on from the MN Masquerade problem, right?

Or maybe there will be major hysterics. SW stakes his territory by declaring that since TK is unable to protect MN (being committed to HY, supposedly), HE will, so there. HY can still threaten to expose MN to the press if TK doesn’t toe her line and stick to her. TK storms and glowers because he can’t say he’s really on Team MN and not Team HY. Jeremy goes into tailspin (”Jolie! Jolie! What just happened? Oh, why do my heart and my head hurt!”). MN sinks into a decline — She can’t even succeed in sacrificing herself to save her friends, and now she’s brought division to the band as SW and TK circle and glare at each other; what could she possibly be of use for?

Which will it be? No idea. Probably, neither!


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#346 fan
I totally agree with you on why MN chose to do what she did. I also think she got too scared of her feelings towards TK being exposed to HY and as pure as she is (a nun to be after all), hence the guilt and self-worth feeling. She doesnt think she deserved to love someone else's bf so that may come across as a sin to her.

#350 Serendipity
What to expect for ep 11? Have no idea either! But I can guess there will be awkwardness around, for sure. HY would be furious because her plan was thwarted, yet again, and probably plan to go for a kill next time - meaning she may be more dangerous (as do other Hong sisters antagonists). I'm hoping there will still be some funny scenes, but by 11 episode, surely the melodrama part will kick in.

If there is any better timing for SW to make his move, this is it. Coz in previous eps he keeps on hinting how can't make move on MN, thinking of the situation at hand (ref: ep 9 after MN gives TK a birthday hug and SW watches from afar and said that) Even the staring game at the end of ep 10 could also imply that SW in a way is giving TK a direct confession of his love for MN, and he's now stepping in to help too.They've exchanged stared in previous eps too, so I;m sure at least TK would have the hunch that something is going on with SW, they just don't talk about it openly. I hope TH would recognise that as a threat to win MN. Or at least recognise that SW knows all along MN is a girl.

TK would probably be stuck still in his ego, but perhaps it's going to be toned down now, for more than ever before, as by now he should have realised MN's importance in his life.

As for our sweet, adorable Jeremy who's always satisfied being in the 2nd place, he'd surely have the shock of his life. But he'll come around, I supposed, coz his other 2 hyungs have decided to protect MN as a girl. He would follow suit.

And I'm hoping that MN's aunt will still be clueless about MN's gender, coz it would be more fun to see how the 3 angels would cover for her in the house.

I've enjoyed reading and discussing each episodes with all of you too! It sure help control the addiction until we get out next dose. It's been 10 great episodes so far, and with only 6 to go, let us fully enjoy the ride!


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